#biker hongjoong
orshii · 29 days
Highway to Cloud Nine
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🏍️ Pairing: biker! Kim Hongjoong x mechanic! female reader 🏍️ Word count: 12,8 k 🏍️ Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol use, smoking, shotgun, cheating (not by Hongjoong), angst, suggestive 🏍️Trope: Brother's best friend
🏍️ Summary: The car service you run with your brother, Jongho, is rather challenging, especially in his absence when you must manage everything on your own. Kim Hongjoong, your brother’s best friend, needs urgent repairs for his bike only complicating everything more for you, however, some tension also arises between the two of you as you notice a shift in your dynamic.
San, who is your ex, only makes everything more complicated when he reappears in your life. You’re faced with two choices now: you navigate your life the way you want it or you let the fear of disappointing your brother consume you.
🏍️ A/N: Hello there! Here I am again because suddenly I became obsessed with biker Hongjoong and I can't get over it. Nice! And I just love the brother's best friend trope. This story popped up in my mind in like 15 minutes and I don't know when I was able to write this much only in two days, lol. So yeah, I hope I managed to convert what I wanted, (sorry Sannie), and I hope you enjoy hehet! (this Hongjoong is so HOT I want to be the MC.) Byee! (divider)
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The loud banging on the door coming from the garage under our flat disturbed my evening as I watched a TV show, tired of the day full of chaos. I stood up annoyed, thinking who was coming at this hour when we were closed for the day. I went to the stairs that led down to the car service we ran with my brother Jongho, who was away for a trip with his girlfriend. We named our service, Limitless and it has been almost ten years since we led this business. I grew up with cars and bikes and fell in love with fixing the machines and just admiring some expensive collections that some rich people owned. I already finished college and until I found what I wanted to do for a living, I decided I was going to help my brother out for a while as he was capable of overworking himself. I convinced him to get some rest because he needed a little break from the nonstop work in the garage. Our parents were long gone out of our lives. Our mom died and our dad was nowhere to be seen since then. We remained alone and Jongho took care of me since then. And I couldn't be more grateful for him, so this is why I told him I could manage the garage for a few days and he didn't need to worry about a thing. It was hard managing alone but I needed to do this for my beloved brother because he deserved a break.
I went downstairs as it led to the garage, the familiar smell of oil and steel hit my nose and the banging on the garage door did not stop.
"Coming!" I said annoyed by the loud noise.
I unlocked the door and saw a frustrated Kim Hongjoong standing in front of the garage. His biker helmet in his hands, his dark red hair falling onto his forehead a little wet from sweating, his undercut barely in sight. He was wearing his black leather jacket a white T-shirt under it, his pumped-up chest on the sight, paired with black skinny jeans that were ripped on the knees. As I saw it was him, I rolled my eyes annoyed, because I hated this guy. He was a walking red flag with his red hair that screamed he was a bad guy from far away. He was Jongho's best friend and he was a daily guest in our service. He always annoyed the shit out of me and he seemed he did not like me as much as I didn't like him.
"We are closed Hongjoong, what do you want?" I asked still holding the door, ready to slam it into his face.
"Where is Jongho? He didn't answer my calls." He asked running his fingers through his wet hair.
"He is on a trip with his girlfriend so don't disturb him." I deadpanned as I was ready to slam the door. But Hongjoong's hands prevented it.
"When is he coming back?" He seemed desperate.
"Tomorrow night."
"Fuck!" He shouted out loud stressed as he buried his face into his hands.
I sighed annoyed. I did not start to pity him; I was just curious. "Why?"
"Something happened with my bike and I have an important race tonight. I pushed my bike all the way here because it won't start no matter what I do. But now I'm fucked." His gaze bored into mine as he sighed.
I looked behind him, where his big dark red motorbike was standing waiting for a hand to repair it. "It doesn't get fuel?"
"I don’t know, I'm not a mechanic." He said looking over his shoulders at his beloved bike. "But I really need it for tonight."
I sighed for the thousandth time this evening. "Bring it in. I can fix it." I mumbled annoyed. Yes, I might have pitied Hongjoong, because he seemed so desperate and it seemed it was really important for him. Fixing cars—and bikes apparently—was my job and I just couldn't resist my passion, which helped me through tough times. Fixing cars helped me organize my thoughts and to even not think at all. So, I offered my help.
Hongjoong seemed quite surprised at that as he raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?"
"Come before I change my mind."
Hongjoong did as told and pushed the bike into the garage as I lifted the door up. His bike was a shade of dark red, with some black colors appearing on the sharp features, the lamp on the front was sharp and it looked like sharp eyes, which reminded me of Hongjoong’s eyes.  I prepared some tools I needed to fix the bike. As I analyzed it a little and tried to start the engine, I already knew what was the problem and it wasn't that big of a deal. The fuel just couldn't reach the engine, because a part of the engine was slacked and it didn't let the fuel flow into the engine. I felt Hongjoong's gaze on me the whole time as I crouched down next to the bike so I could repair it.
"Can I help you with something?" He asked a little embarrassed as he scratched the back of his nape.
"No, just sit and let me work." I deadpanned as I looked up at him as he was standing next to me.
So, he sat down and silence fell over us. I was curious so I asked. "So, again those illegal races? I thought you stopped."
"I need money." He stated.
"For what?"
"It's none of your business."
I scoffed as I tried to screw a clamp into its place. "Okay, big boy."
"Can you just do your work?" His voice came out frustrated.
I stopped, as I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe this guy. "I'm making a favor for you, so shut the fuck up!" I started to get angry.
He laughed. "Oh sorry, princess for disturbing you." His voice sounded sarcastic and annoyed.
I really tried to stay calm, it was in both of our favor. "Don't call me a princess!"
"Don't be mad, princess." He always did this, to annoy my shit out and today was not the day when I let him do it.
So, I stopped what I did and stood up with a scoff. "You know what? Go fuck yourself and your bike. It's not my business as you told me. The door is that way." I pointed towards the door as I dropped the spanner on the dusty concrete floor and turned away to leave him there. I just lost my patience and was under pressure the whole day, he needed to step over it, because he didn’t care.
Then he grabbed my wrist and whirled me around to look into his eyes. He was hovering over me with a deadly stare, his lips in a thin line, his red hair messy. "No, you fucking get that spanner and fix my bike, because I need it!" His face was close to mine, I felt his heavy breathing on my cheeks.
"Fix it yourself, the tools are there." I pointed at the ground towards his bike.
"Stop this shitty attitude of yours, Y/N! I really need to win this race tonight, please!" He seemed like he was near dropping to his knees and begging for me.
"Oh, you can say such things as well like, please? I'm surprised" I said as I pushed him away from my face, with my hands on his chest. I needed to show him, that he couldn't just control me and to be unrespectable with me. I couldn’t let that, I fixed his beloved bike so he was going to disappear as quickly as I wanted because I did not want to see his face.
And when I finished his bike and started the engine, it lighted up and it was ready to race for whatever reason it needed to. When Hongjoong left he mumbled something that sounded like a thank you and that he was going to arrange the price with Jongho. Like my brother fixed it…
Then I went upstairs, the quiet of our flat reminding me of how tired I was from working all day. So, after a short shower, I collapsed into my bed, trying to compose myself for another tiring day without Jongho as I fell asleep finally, an annoying face with red hair popped up in my dream that turned out to be a nightmare.
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It was the middle of the night when I got a call. I groaned in frustration as I hated it when I couldn't get my well-deserved beauty sleep. It was still dark outside as my room was in complete darkness, my phone on the nightstand the only light in it. I reached for my phone; I just couldn't imagine what was so important that couldn't wait until the morning. When I grabbed my phone, it lit my face and I squinted my eyes from the sudden brightness, couldn't even read who was calling me, I just answered.
"Y/N! Thank God you picked up!" Comes a familiar and annoying voice from the phone.
I looked at my phone to check the time and I grew more annoyed when I saw that Hongjoong's name was looking back at me. "Hongjoong, it's 3 in the morning what the hell do you want?"
"I know, I'm sorry. But I think I need a little help." His voice seemed a little sheepish. Like he was embarrassed for calling me—as he should be.
"What the hell happened now?"
"I crashed with my bike…I need help in carrying it away…Please, I swear I'mma pay you back, but the police can't find me, I'mma be in big trouble if they do."
I squeezed the bridge of my nose in frustration as I shot my eyes closed. "Where are you?"
He mumbled something about being next to a factory on the edge of the city and thanked me at least a thousand times. I sat up with a groan, I couldn't believe myself, why couldn't I just say no to him? I was even surprised by myself. Then I sat up in the black Jeep we bought with Jongho together, the trailer hanging from behind as I was on the way to save Hongjoong's ass, the second time in like 10 hours—he was going to pay for this for the rest of his life I'm going to make sure about it.
When I was reaching Hongjoong's location my eyes averted around the surroundings, trying to find him. It seemed it rained a few hours before because the asphalt was wet and slippery. Then suddenly he appeared in front of my car and I almost hit him, I stepped on the brakes quickly and cursed. The sight in front of me was like in the movies. Hongjoong was standing on the road, the car's lights illuminating his face, some shadows lurking on it, making his features sharper, where some blood was flowing down from his temple. His red hair was damp I assumed from the rain, it was sticking to his forehead, some red wet drops flowing down his face that came from the red dye, mixing with his blood. He was wearing blue jeans that were ripped but not intentionally as his knees were bloody as well. On top, he was wearing a colorful shirt unbuttoned and a white T-shirt under it. I saw his bike which was lying on the ground crushed. It was a miracle it didn't catch on fire.
"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I stepped out of my car.
"What the hell happened Joong?" I walked towards him, as his expression told me nothing.
"The road was a little slippery from the rain and the police came after the race ended. I needed to get away from there quickly. And this happened." He pointed at his motorbike which was nothing like a few hours before.
"Oh my God Joong…" I ran my hands through my face frustrated, the sleepiness long gone from my eyes.
"Let's just get this shit away from here." He walked towards his bike in pieces, almost mourning his beloved bike.
Then we somehow managed to lift the bike to the trailer, collecting the broken pieces from the ground, and with that I drove back to our car service with Hongjoong sitting on the passenger seat.
“Did you at least win the race?” I broke the deafening silence in the car as I looked at the road ahead.
“Of course I did.” He leaned back against the headboard and looked out the window looking sad.  
When I parked in the garage, it was already 5 in the morning. Hongjoong sighed as we both stepped out of the car and he sat on the old couch that was pushed against the wall, serving perfectly when we needed a little break from work. I closed the garage door and sat next to him, my head on the back of the couch as I closed my eyes with a sigh.
"Don't tell anything to your brother, please." I heard Hongjoong's tired voice from my side. "He is going to fucking kill me."
"I bet," I said with my eyes still closed. Then silence and I opened my eyes to look at Hongjoong whose eyes were already on me. His eyes were sharp and looked at me a little angry.
"Okay, I won't tell him anything." I lifted my hands giving up. "But what about the bike?"
He sighed as he leaned forward supporting his head on his arms. "I have no fucking idea." He buried his face into his hands, he seemed a little panicked. I just looked at his figure that seemed lost and little now, and there it was again. The feeling I hated so much. I just wanted to help him again, and I truly hated this feeling.
"I can't believe myself," I mumbled to myself as I sighed. Hongjoong looked up at me with a confused look. "Jongho is coming back tomorrow night…I guess we can fix that shit until he arrives."
I had never seen Hongjoong this surprised as his eyebrows disappeared from how high they were. "Seriously?"
"Yes, but I'm gonna need your help too."
He set up straight as he turned towards me on the couch. "I'm here, whatever you need, princess." He smirked as he leaned closer to me. I rolled my eyes and stood up waking to a cabinet where we held the first-aid kit.
"But first put yourself together, because you look like shit." I threw the box towards him and he caught it immediately, looking down at it with a frown as he opened it. He looked up at me with child-like eyes. Then I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.
"You are seriously like a child," I stated as I sat next to him growing more annoyed as he just didn't know what to do with the thing, I just gave him.
Kim Hongjoong then pouted—I say it again pouted at me—as I grabbed the box from his hands and took the cotton from it with the alcoholic liquid—at least this is going to hurt. His face was full of blood strings that flew from the wound on his temple, his lips were also cut somehow just like his right cheek. I reached the cotton with the liquid towards his temple, where a serious-looking wound was. "Did you drive without your helmet or how did you manage to do this?" He hissed when the cotton touched his temple.
"Nah, the visor of my helmet broke when I crashed and it cut me. I didn't even notice…" He mumbled as he grabbed my wrist, trying to prevent me from touching the cotton to his skin again.
"Stop, it's going to infect you if you won't let me do it," I stated as Hongjoong was looking at my concentrating face from close. Then his lips were the next, the bottom of it cut as the blood was already dry. He parted his thin lips when I traced the cotton slowly on his lips. He hissed at that again but grabbed my waist squeezing it as the liquid stung his lip. I looked up into his eyes and I saw something unusual of Hongjoong. It was something like caring and something I couldn't recognize. I couldn’t read much into it, because he came back to his senses and let my waist as he took the cotton from my hand and started to trace the cotton on his face looking at the little mirror from the box. I was stunned for a moment; I couldn’t process what just happened but I just let it go. It was Kim Hongjoong after all, and he made my next day miserable.
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We didn't even sleep as we worked from there, trying to put the puzzles of the motorbike together. It seemed like a mission impossible; the bike was almost a dead duck. But there wasn't something I couldn’t fix, at least if it came to fixing machines. Fixing my problems, however, was beyond my capability. Just as the next problem came in line. We managed to put the pieces of the bike together somehow, working on it without stopping, only when we were too hungry to even lift something. But the engine was completely gone. And it needed a replacement. Was there anywhere you could find a brand-new engine in just a few hours? 
Sadly, there was. And it was my ex-boyfriend's workshop, where he sold parts of motorbikes and cars. He was my only way of finding a new engine in a few hours, for this specific motorbike and it sounded like the worst of my nightmares. Asking for a favor from my ex whom I broke up with six months ago was shit. I didn’t want to do it, but it was already midday and Jongho was coming back at night.
My ex-boyfriend was Choi San. We were in a happy relationship, we really did. I thought we were going to be together for good. I already imagined my life with him, marrying him and having kids. I loved him, truly. But six months ago, it turned out he cheated on me. And it hurt. It broke me, I didn't even recognize myself back then. My worst nightmare came to life, which was not knowing San by my side anymore. He was the pillar I needed in my life to keep going. But when that pillar collapses into ashes, what was the reason to keep going with life?
I even considered letting it go and just forgetting about what happened and letting San come back to me because I didn't want him out of my life. But my brother was by my side the whole time and helped me through it, he hit some sanity into me—not literally—and talked me off of going back to him. San was Jongho's best friend. It was difficult for him too, having to choose between us, but he chose me. I knew Jongho was hurt by losing a friend, especially since he had warned me from the start that he didn't want to be forced to pick sides if we ever fought. In the end, he had to, and I felt guilty about it. I never imagined that San and I might break up one day. 
He didn't even have a normal explanation. He just said it happened he was drunk and he can't go back in time to undo it. It was so disappointing hearing those words from him and more heartbreaking when I broke up with him but still loved him. It was already six months ago but I couldn't state that I didn't love him anymore. So, this was the reason it was hard for me to call him. But it needed to be done.
"It's Choi San's workshop, what can I do for you?" I heard his voice and I hoped it wouldn't make me feel anything, but it certainly made my heart beat faster. I was leaning against the receptionist's table in the garage, and Hongjoong sitting on the couch as he was smoking a cigarette.
"Hey, San. I'm Y/N. I need a favor from you." I said to the phone without any emotions.
"Oh, Y/N, hi. It's a surprise hearing from you." His voice was low and sweet like the San I knew from the beginning. "How are you?"
"I'm fine, I just need a favor it's important."
"Okay…what can I help you with?"
"I need a Honda CBR engine as soon as possible," I stated.
"How much is as soon as possible?"
"Like…right now?"
"Mhmm…" He hummed at that. "I don't know babe, what are you going to give me in exchange?"
My heart was beating faster as I grew angrier. "Money? What else could I give you San? Please don't make it harder, I just want to do business with you nothing else."
I saw as Hongjoong snapped his head up as he was still smoking his cigarette. I just averted my gaze from him as I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, okay relax babe. I'mma need at least an hour to bring it to you." San said through the phone as I ignored him calling me like that on purpose, I just wanted to get over it as soon as possible but I felt a little scared because of seeing him again after a long time.
"Thank you," I said before ending the call abruptly.
"The new engine is gonna be here in an hour. I think we can fix it until Jongho arrives." I said looking at Hongjoong a little frustrated from the call.
Hongjoong just nodded and he just stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray, but I saw on his face something was bothering him.
One hour later as promised San came into the garage with the engine on his blue truck. "It's good to see you, Y/N." He welcomed me sweetly as he walked to the rear of the car and opened the door so we could lift the engine off. I hated seeing him but it made my stomach twist without me wanting it. He hadn't really changed since I last saw him, his hair was still black, his muscles were still pumped, and he was wearing a black sleeveless top paired with beige oversized pants and his working black gloves. He was the same yet, everything changed between us.
Hongjoong helped him lift the engine out of the car, and together they carried it into the garage. As they stood next to the bike, Hongjoong and San made small talk about what had happened to it. They knew each other well—we were all part of the same friend group—but San had stopped showing up when we invited him, for obvious reasons. Hongjoong was the only one who still kept in touch with him. Watching them chat, I couldn’t help but think, What the hell? We don’t have time for chit-chat. 
"Okay, we don't have time for chatting, thank you San I'm going to send you the money." I stood in front of them folding my arms as they both looked at me surprised, I was there.
"Chill, babe I was just curious about what happened to Hongjoong." San walked closer to me and placed his hands on my waist, leaving a sweet kiss on my cheeks. I hated him so much; I could've punched him in the face. "You look good, Y/N, I hope to see you again." He whispered into my ears as goosebumps ran through my body, but it was because of the disgust I felt towards him. Yet, I couldn't do anything just stand there and let him kiss me and brush my cheeks after. I wanted to throw up. Then for my luck, he disappeared after shaking hands with Hongjoong.
I was just standing there a little stunned. I hated myself for letting him crawl into my head again. I hated him for behaving like nothing bad happened between us. And I hated Hongjoong for witnessing all of that.
"Is he still bothering you?" Hongjoong asked sheepishly as he looked at me.
"It's none of your business, yeah? Let's finish this up, 'cause I'm tired." I started without any emotions. Hongjoong was the last person I wanted to talk to about my feelings towards San. Everyone knew the story of ours, but the details were a mystery for everyone. He had secrets. So, did I.
With that, we worked all day to somehow put that engine in its place, without saying any words to each other, because I just wanted to finish this and be alone a little. I started to feel overwhelmed and the only solution for this was being alone on my own and somehow organizing my thoughts, or letting them drown me. It was whatever.
Then we finally finished and I collapsed on the couch when we heard the bike's engine fire alive. I was kind of proud of myself, I never really fixed motorbikes, my knowledge stopped at cars but I assumed they were similar so I had no problem in doing it.
"Thank you so much Y/N," Hongjoong said as he was sitting on his bike the helmet on already, a few strings of his red hair falling onto his forehead. "I really own you one…or two. I'mma pay you back I promise." He said as he closed the visor on his helmet. I just couldn’t say anything as I just watched him rolling out of the garage, the sound of the bike hearable even when he was long gone. The tiredness hit me at that moment as I was barely capable of going upstairs after closing the garage and collapsed into my soft bed like somebody just knocked me out.
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Jongho returned and I was so glad to know him by my side again. Managing Limitless without him was tough but I knew I would do it again if it meant him resting a little. And I thought it was time for a little partying for myself as well after this tiring week. My best friend called me and told me her boyfriend, Seonghwa was holding a party at his house, as the end of summer was near. So, I accepted the invitation gladly because I really needed a break from everything.
I quickly got ready for the party, dressed up in my black leather jacket a white top under it, with a black skirt and black boots, along with some silver accessories and I made a black eyeshadow as makeup. I was quite satisfied with my appearance when I heard a honk coming from my best friend's car, as he said she was going to pick me up so I could drink.
When we arrived at Seonghwa's house, it was already full of people that I knew from college or from Limitless as the majority of the city came to us to repair their machines. It was great for our finances, which we definitely needed. We were heading straight to the drinks as we walked through the people somehow the music throbbing loudly in my heart, almost deafening. The living room was lit with different colors, making the dancing people disappear into the mixture of colors.
After pouring some drinks for ourselves we walked back to the backyard, where our friends were sitting. They were sitting next to a table with only a few seats available. Everyone was there, my brother, and his girlfriend who was sitting next to him leaning on his shoulder. Seonghwa, my best friend's boyfriend as she sat straight into his lap without thinking. And there was Wooyoung, my other best friend who was a goofy person, we always bickered or made fun of the others together. Then there was Mingi and Yunho, the boyfriends as they had been together for almost five years. I always envied their relationship because it was so honest and just looking at them made my heart beat with happiness. They beamed happiness all the time. And there was Hongjoong, wearing his usual biker jacket, his red hair now pulled back a few strings on his forehead only. Our eyes met and I quickly averted my eyes off him as I sat next to Wooyoung hugging him comfortably.
We haven’t met with Hongjoong since I fixed his bike, he just sent me the money for the service and the engine and that was all. I wondered if he told Jongho what happened.
Then lastly San was the only one who was missing from our friend circle and yes it was my fault, I did feel guilty, but it wasn't only my fault. He played a part in it as well, everyone started to hate him after what he did with me. They wanted to apologize to San, and they waited for an apology from him as well, but he simply never showed up when they invited him and slowly, they just let him go.
As the night got deeper and chillier, a lot of drinks came to our table as well, and we just chatted with the others, not bothering to dance inside. The host was with us the whole time as well, not even caring what was happening inside his house. It was a habit of ours as we went to house parties. We just needed a table to sit at and a few drinks and the night was gone with us having fun and bickering around. The alcohol slowly started to get up into my mind and I started to feel a little drunk, but it was a good drunk. I just felt happy being around my friends.
When we got bored of sitting in one place everyone seemed to disappear. The couples needed their own time as well—disgusting—and I found myself on the backyard bench alone as I looked up at the sky, where the moon was shining back at me in its full form in a shade of light blue. It was mesmerizing, I could look up at it for hours as I sipped from my drink occasionally, my legs pulled up to my chest. I didn't even notice how much time passed by as I was wandering around my thoughts when someone sat next to me. I looked to my side when I saw Hongjoong sitting next to me, the last person I was thinking about. Then I just ignored him and sipped from my drink looking up at the sky again. His gaze followed mine.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He started looking up at the sky.
"I know," I mumbled a little annoyed.
Then he didn't say anything and just pulled out his cigarette from his pocket and lit one up. He reached the pack towards me offering me one as I shook my head. He just shrugged and pocketed the rest of the cigarettes with the lighter. He leaned back on the bench and sighed as I looked at him, his eyes were closed facing the sky. The moon lit up his features, the shadows lurking on his face, making it look more intimidating, sharper. His eyelashes touched his face, the cigarette between his thin lips as he inhaled it, then exhaled it and it into the chilly air, as it flew up towards the blue moon.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He broke the silence as he opened his eyes and met mine that were already on him. I quickly narrowed my gaze away from him as I got caught.
I just shrugged. "Drinking, thinking about life."
"What are you drinking?" He asked taking the alcohol from my hands as he sipped from it without my permission. He squinted at the taste of it as I watched him struggle. "Ew, how can you drink this?" He handed back the glass.
"It's like water for me, dude," I said sipping from it again.
I saw as he furrowed his brows. "Dude?" He gasped as he acted surprised his hands on his heart.
"So, we are friends now?" He asked.
"No, dude, we are not."
"What a shame, you have no idea what you're missing out on," he said with a slight giggle. He seemed drunk too. 
"Trust me I do know." I looked at him with a knowing smile. "Is your bike working still?" I asked him curious.
"Yes, it's better than before. I won already a few races with it." He said proudly. It was obvious how passionate he was about his bike and racing.
 "Why do you race?” I asked suddenly.
"I fell in love with bikes a long time ago, and when I discovered racing, I just couldn’t stop. Also, I need the money too.” He said his gaze on his hands.
"Will you tell me why? Or it’s still not my business?” I looked at him tilting my head.
His gaze remained averted as he said sincerely, “My mom needs it. The company she worked for let her go due to having too many employees. I want to support her until she finds a new job."
"That's really kind of you," I said sincerely. I would never have guessed that he needed the money for such reasons, rather than trouble with the law or something like that.
He just nodded as a comfortable silence fell on us. That I would've never imagined besides Kim Hongjoong.
"Do you want to shotgun?" He broke the silence again as I looked at him frowning. He seemed serious with his unserious question.
"Yeah, why not?" I answered and it surprised the both of us. I was just drunk and I was curious how his lips felt against mine.
Hongjoong chuckled at that, not waiting for agreement as an answer. He studied me thoughtfully, as if unsure whether I was serious. "Are you scared or something?" I teased, raising my eyebrows. 
"Not at all." Then I watched as he reached the cigarette between his fingers to his lips that slightly parted and inhaled the toxic smoke deeply, as it went straight into his lungs. Then he quickly leaned forward and cupped one side of my face under my jaw as his lips were almost touching mine. My heart rate was as high as the sky as I looked straight into his eyes when the smoke came out from his lips as he exhaled it straight into my parted mouth, his lips brushing against mine slightly.
At that moment I felt like my heart might just stop. Might just say “Hello I'm moving out because I can't handle this guy.” Something was weird in my chest, something that I couldn't name, couldn't compare. The smoke was long gone as I inhaled it deeply into my lungs as it disappeared there. But Hongjoong did not pull away and neither did I. We were just frozen as we were still looking into each other's eyes like we were locked there into a framed picture. Then Hongjoong's eyes narrowed from my eyes to my still parted lips as I breathed out, a barely visible smoke coming out. I saw in his eyes he was thinking about his next move a lot as he tried to close the distance between our lips and I just couldn't insist. Just until this weird bubble of ours exploded.
"Hongjoong." I heard a familiar voice coming from Hongjoong's side. It was my brother and I just wanted to dig myself deep into the soil. I wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment. Jongho approached us with a smile, his focus solely on Hongjoong. "Oh, you're not alone—sorry for interrupting," he said, lifting his hands in a gesture of apology. But as he took in the scene, he noticed me sitting next to Hongjoong. His expression shifted as he recognized me, his sister who had already played this game with him. I felt ashamed. Embarrassed. Jongho's smile just vanished, like it was never there. "You've got to be kidding me." He scoffed and then turned away from us walking towards the house madly.
"Fuck," I said standing up from the bench, where a frustrated Hongjoong was still sitting like he didn't know what to do.
"Go tell him that there's nothing between us and nothing ever will be," Hongjoong said his voice going quiet at the end. I won't say it didn't hurt. It did, but it was nothing compared to what I felt because of Jongho. Because he was disappointed in me again. My plan was not to make his life harder than it is. But I always failed and failed.
I chased after him, stumbling through a sea of unfamiliar and familiar faces, desperately trying to locate Jongho in the crowd. I felt like I was in a dark and all-the-time-changing maze. Then I went out the front door and I just saw Jongho heading towards his car.
"Jongho!" I screamed his name to stop. He did not stop.
"Jongho, please hear me out! It's not what it looks like!" I shouted after him, my voice breaking slightly.
Then he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me with a furious expression his brows furrowed. "Don't tell me it's nothing when you just can't do other things than fucking with my best friends. So, when they are going to break your heart, I have to fucking choose between you or them. I'm sick. I'm sick of your games, Y/N.
I thought after San you learned your lesson, but I guess you are just into this shit of getting together with my best friends so in the end they are going to fucking disappear from my life for good after breaking your heart. I had enough of this shit. I won't repeat this scenario again…" Meanwhile, he spoke I was just frozen in place as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to say a lot of things to him, to scream at him, Hongjoong meant nothing to me. But words just couldn't leave my mouth they were stuck in there, almost not letting me breathe.
"There's…there's nothing between Hongjoong and I, Jongho. I swear to God there's nothing." My voice came out weak as I somehow managed to let those words out that hurt like hell but history simply just couldn’t repeat itself.
He just looked at me like he couldn't believe me anymore but seemed like he accepted it for now. "Let's just go home." He sighed as he said.
I just nodded and sat in the back seat of his car as Jongho went back to get his girlfriend as well. The way home was silent as the only noise was the night radio that was playing some romantic melodies and my eyes averted in front where Jongho was holding his girlfriend's hands on the gear stick as they looked at each other sweetly for a moment. A few tears just flew down my cheeks because I thought I was never going to experience love that is not only one-sided. Love that is on the same level as mine. A partner in crime who calms you down in this cruel world. Love, love, love. I couldn't believe in experiencing true love for the rest of my life. I just simply gave up and signed up for the dark side.
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            Since that night, Jongho's behavior wasn’t the same. He was cold and barely talked to me. I couldn't blame him, because I truly deserved the silent treatment. Hongjoong did the same. He hadn't even come to Limitless since then and pretended like he wasn't about to kiss me that night. It was shit and I just wanted to forget it. Everything was good a few weeks ago. But Hongjoong needed to appear at my door to help him, then I needed to call my ex-boyfriend.
It seemed he took it as a sign that I might let him back. Because he was constantly annoying me, calling me at night drunk and telling me he was still loving me and shit. If he would've said this four months ago, I would've let him come back to me without any thought. But now it was different and I didn't even want to hear from him. Yes, I was scared a few weeks ago when I called him, because I was terrified, I might feel something for him still. I have to admit perhaps a part of me will always love him, it's the curse of a first love. But talking to him and even meeting with him, kind of led me to the conclusion that I was ready to let him go for good. It was for the better.
I was in the garage, sweeping the dusty concrete floor, ready to close Limitless for the night, when I heard a car's engine sound that stopped, then a knock on the garage door. I sighed again as I was the only one home for the night. I opened the door and I saw Choi San standing in the door with a flower bucket in his hands.
"San?" I was so confused, what the hell did he want from me?
"Hey, babe, brought you some flowers." He said casually leaving the flowers in my hands, as he stepped closer to me pecking my cheeks and letting himself inside. I was just too stunned by his actions; I scoffed in disbelief turning towards him where he plopped down on the couch.
"San what are you doing?"
"I came to see you. Is that a problem?" He asked like there wasn't a single problem with it.
"Yes! It is, what the hell are you thinking right now? I called you to do me a favor and now we are back together? Are you delusional?" I asked him getting more and more angry as I threw the flowers from my hands at the floor.
He looked down at the flowers and he seemed hurt at that. He stood up and started to walk slowly towards me. His expression changed entirely; it became serious like no one was allowed to speak to him like that. "I know you still love me, Y/N." His fingertips traced through my cheeks, looking almost psychotically at me.
"No, I don't love you anymore! Just get the fuck out of here I don't want to see you San!" My voice raised as I pointed towards the door putting a little distance between us.
He tilted his head to the side still looking at me. He looked like a tiger that was going to hunt you down in a blink of an eye. He started to step closer to me as I stepped back. We played this game until I was pushed against the wall, his broad figure hovering over me. That was the moment I felt terrified. I was caged in between his arms; I had no way out of there.
"Stop lying to yourself and come back to me, babe." His fingertips were tracing down my neck, then up to my lips, my cheeks, like I was an art in a museum and I was allowed to be touched. My body started to tremble.
"San, please just go away!" I sounded desperate like I would've done anything for him to leave.
"What if I don’t want to, my love?" He smiled at me with an evil smile I just couldn't think anymore.
"Get your hands off her, San!" A familiar voice came from behind San when all I saw was him being dragged away from me, as I finally was able to breathe. I saw Hongjoong's figure as he held San by the collar of his shirt. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Hongjoong hissed through his teeth.
"It's none of your fucking business, Hongjoong. What? Did you two fuck? Does Jongho know?" San sneered his only intent to provoke. The words struck a nerve in Hongjoong, and before I knew it, he landed a punch squarely on San's face, nearly knocking him to the ground.
"Fuck you, San. You're a fucking nobody. Why can't you just leave Y/N alone? Hasn't she suffered enough because of you?" Hongjoong spat, pointing at me as if I were just an object, devoid of emotions. But his words hit home, and I was taken aback by how much he seemed to understand my feelings. 
San just spat blood on the floor as he lurked forward and sent Hongjoong to the floor and he started to punch him. But Hongjoong was quick and prevented San from hitting him more in the face and quickly turned them around, so now Hongjoong was on top, hitting San in the face with his full power. "You fucking bastard, Jongho trusted you but you betrayed him. What is wrong with you? I don't recognize you anymore." Hongjoong mumbled in between hitting San, then he just held down San's arms strongly and looked down at him with a furious expression. Then San taking advantage of this, tried to hit Hongjoong again, but he dodged quickly.
"You guys left me alone, I knew I wasn't welcomed there, so I didn't go." San gritted through his bloody teeth as he dodged one of Hongjoong's hits.
 I knew the fight wasn't just about me. They were friends as well, but San became so arrogant everyone started to leave him.
Along the way, everything happened so quickly I couldn't react in time. When I realized what was happening, I went next to them and yelled as much as I could. "Stop fighting for fuck's sake!" I pleaded. "Please, Hongjoong…" My voice became softer as I placed a hand on his shoulder. His fist hung in the air, but he froze, glancing up at me. The skin around his left eye was already reddening, a cut had opened on his right brow, and blood began to trickle down, matching the wound on his lower lip. I just couldn’t look at San's face because I knew he was covered in blood just like Hongjoong's fist that was full of San's blood.
Hongjoong stood up and lifted San. "Get the fuck out of here and I don't want to hear from you again!" Hongjoong stated to his once best friend as San just left without any words, but I saw in his face a burning desire for revenge in his eyes. And I knew it wasn't the last time we saw him.
"Are you okay?" Hongjoong then suddenly cupped my face, his sweet scent embracing me. My body was still shaking, I just couldn't believe that was the man I loved so deeply. San showed a new side of him and I just couldn't recognize him anymore.
I breathed out slowly as I closed my eyes for a second, taking in the warmth of Hongjoong's hands. "Yeah…" I whispered as I held his hands to push him away. I walked to the closet again, like we were at the beginning, and took the first aid kit. Hongjoong was just looking at me the whole time and when I signaled him to sit down on the couch, he obeyed without a word. He leaned down on the way to take his black cap from the ground that he lost between fighting with San, he wore the cap backward, pushing his red hair back from his forehead. He was wearing a black and white T-shirt with grey sweatpants and white sneakers. He sat down and I followed him as I opened the box. History repeats itself.
We were quiet the whole time as I traced the cotton with the liquid on his eyebrows as he just stared into my eyes the whole time not even hissing from the pain. Then I went down to his thin rosy lips the blood already dried.
"You always take such good care of me..." Hongjoong whispered, his gaze locked on mine, his red hair damp and clinging to his forehead.
"Because you need to be taken care of. You're like a child," I teased, a small smile forming on my lips as he pouted slightly in response. 
Then I looked down at his hands and lifted it between us as I traced the cotton on his bloody knuckles as well. The air between us was thick and the tension was growing higher and higher.      
Hongjoong looked down at our hands and without any thought he took the cotton from my hands, putting it down, then his hands traveled to my waist and lifted me to straddle his lap. My body felt hot and as I looked into his eyes, I felt woozy like I was drunk suddenly. I couldn't think clearly, my hands were on his shoulders and the eye contact was so deep I found myself in Hongjoong's mind and him in mine. Then I bit my lips because I felt so nervous I felt like it was the first time someone ever touched me. His eyes averted to my lips then his hands on my waist that pulled me closer to him left burning flames behind, making my body catch on fire from the sudden desire I felt. Then he leaned his forehead against mine as we both breathed heavily. Both our desires were blocked by an important reason. We both closed our eyes taking the other's presence in.
"We can't do this Joong," I whispered as my lips almost brushed his.
"I know," His lips were even closer as he almost whispered it into my mouth.
We breathed heavily against each other's lips, our chests moving in synchrony, our eyes taking in the other as we both saw the burning desire in each other's eyes. I fought so hard against this feeling, and so did Hongjoong. But…
"Fuck it!" He said as his lips crashed against mine suddenly and the air from my lungs was suddenly knocked out as I started to move my lips against his. It was rushed, harsh, teeth and tongue tangling with each other, as his hands traveled down my thighs, tracing them slowly as they went back to my ass, as he pushed me closer to himself.
My breath caught in my throat as he groaned, sinking his teeth into my already bruised lips from the rough kisses. My sanity just left my body and I gave in to the desire I felt towards him. But then…something hit me in the gut a feeling that was called guilt. And I pushed Hongjoong away my hands on his chest.
"Let's stop, please. I can't do this." Suddenly my eyes watered from the emotions that were bombarding my already breaking walls. I knew I wanted him, but I just couldn’t. The thought of seeing the disappointment in Jongho's eyes again held me back.
"Y/N…" He whispered as he leaned his head against mine.
"No, Hongjoong. I don't want to run through the same road once again…" I said as I stood up from his lap, it felt like I left a part of me with him.
He stood up too and took my hands into his. "I want you, Y/N. You have no idea how much..." His voice seemed desperate and honest.
"You were the one who told me to tell Jongho that there's nothing between us and never will be," I said, pulling my hands away from his. "And you were right—there is nothing, and there never will be. We both knew it; we just didn’t want to admit it." 
"Jongho would understand it." Hongjoong seemed hopeful, but I long lost my hope along the way.
"No, he wouldn't. He is just afraid he might lose another friend because of me. And he is right. It might be that just desire speaks from you…" I looked down at my hands, not daring to look into his sharp eyes that changed all of a sudden.
"How the hell do you know what I feel when I didn't even have the chance to tell you?" Hongjoong stepped closer to me and lifted my head holding my chin. "Look at me and tell me you don't feel anything towards me and I'm walking out of that door." He stated as my eyes locked with his. I wanted to cry so bad, he couldn't say that, he couldn't just tell me to choose between him and my brother. I just looked at him as my eyes watered.
"Or do you still love that fucker who hurt you?" His expression turned furious as his fingers around my chin tightened.
I simply couldn't say anything, I tried, I tried to say anything, to say no I hated San with my whole heart, and yes, I felt something whenever I looked at him. I felt my stomach twist and like my heart wanted to stop all the time. But I just couldn't say anything, I went silent as he read my eyes that probably didn't say the things that I wanted to tell him, because he scoffed, his eyes dark with fury as he looked into mine one last time. "You're a fucking coward." Then, he turned and slammed the door shut.
Those words pierced right into my heart, reopening the cracks that had just begun to heal. My heart shattered again into pieces of hopelessness because he was right. I was a coward.
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I felt like I was a robot that was programmed to do some things. My feelings were long gone and I wasn't myself these past days. Jongho was still kind of ignoring me, we were working together but the communication was shallow between us. Hongjoong was in the garage a lot recently. It turned out he was working in the garage, helping for Jongho, so I didn't have to help that much. It seemed like they both wanted to close me out and it hurt. So much I couldn't even think. Hongjoong didn't even look at me whenever I was in the garage like I didn't even exist. So, I just let it go, I figured they didn't need me in their life as their friendship was so much more important than me. I accepted it, I let them be and I started to deal with my own problems. For example, studying. My dream was always to be a doctor after my mother died from a cruel disease. But as our father left us, Limitless was left for us to handle. So, I left my dreams behind and started to work in the garage. Working on cars is a lot like being a doctor. As a car mechanic, I diagnose and fix problems with vehicles, much like a doctor diagnosing and treating diseases. It's about diagnosing the issue, repairing the damage, and putting everything back together. 
I started to go to a class that trained nurses. I had to start somewhere and I liked it. Jongho didn't even know about it. I started to question his behavior. We didn't even speak with Hongjoong yet he still closed me out like I wasn't even his beloved sister.
Weeks later I had enough of Jongho ignoring me so I had to speak with him. I went downstairs on a Friday night when I saw Jongho and Hongjoong fixing a black Maserati, that was lifted to the air.
I approached them. "Jongho, can we talk?" He looked surprised by the voice coming from behind. He was wearing a blue overall, his chubby cheeks a little smashed with oil. Then I narrowed my eyes at Hongjoong who was wearing the same blue overall with a black T-shirt, his face full of black patches, the usual black cap on his head turned backward.
"Yeah, give me five minutes." His hands were behind the car's tire as he was searching for something behind.
I just nodded and sat on the couch to wait for him. I just wanted to tell him that to stop this childish behavior because I won't steal his best friend, and it was supposed to be clear for now.
As I was sitting on the couch lost in my thoughts, I felt as if someone had come into the garage. I lifted my head and it was San. My heart started to beat fast as my body shivered remembering the last time I saw San. His face seemed normal; it didn't seem like he came to get some revenge because of what happened. His face screamed that he felt guilty about it.
"Y/N, can we talk?" He asked as he didn't even dare to come close to me.
Two heads peeped out under the car hearing the voice of someone. When Hongjoong saw who was it, he quickly swooped forward and pushed San against the wall grabbing the collar of his shirt. "How the fuck do you dare to come back here?" He hissed through his teeth his face close to San's.
"Fuck off you dog!" San pushed him away by the chest. Then I quickly slipped between them facing San.
"What do you want San?" My voice came out straightforward not even trembling for a second.
"I want to talk to you and apologize, please Y/N." His eyes were soft and he seemed desperate.
"What the hell is happening here?" Jongho's voice came from behind as he wiped his hands with a used cloth.
San's gaze locked with Jongho's. The once best friends were now at the same place and I felt like I shouldn't be there. "I just want to talk with Y/N, that's all," San said his voice low and determined as his gaze never left Jongho's.
"She’s not going with you!" Jongho stated firmly.
"That’s not up to you," San retorted flatly.
"She won’t go with you," Hongjoong’s voice cut in sharply.
"Stop talking like I'm not fucking here," I snapped, glaring at the three of them. "You all need to sort this out because you're acting like children. It's pathetic." I pointed at them, my frustration growing. "Let’s go, San!" I grabbed his hands and tugged him away.
"Y/N! Don't you fucking dare to go with him!" To my surprise, it was Hongjoong's voice. I stopped in my tracks at that.
"Or what? What are you going to do?" I looked at him questioningly. "Are you going to beat him again?" Jongho's brows furrowed at that.
Hongjoong looked speechless. "That is what I thought," Then I turned to leave him there with Jongho so he could explain what he did.
I sat in San's car and told him to take me away from there. I was just so mad at my brother, at Hongjoong, I couldn't even look at their faces anymore.
San took me to a random park, we didn't even have any connection with the place. He could've taken me to the place that was our favorite to go together, but he didn't. The reason was because we both sought closure and it needed a new place. So, we sat down on a bench and we talked about how we felt. He asked for an apology from me and I accepted it because there was no point in tiring the other out. We both needed to move on and this talk helped us go through it. It wasn't good when we broke up and it affected our friends too. I wanted San back in our friend group because he deserved to be there. And I knew the others wanted him to come back as well. Lastly, I hugged San and we both agreed on a distanced friendship. As I prepared to step out of his car, parked in front of Limitless, I noted that it was already late into the night. I suggested to San to talk with Jongho and even Hongjoong because their friendship needed fixing—these guys could fix any cars and bikes but they couldn't fix their friendship…
After talking with San, I headed upstairs, passing by a concerned Hongjoong who scanned me with his eyes, checking for any signs of injury. Then I encountered a furious Jongho, who I assumed was aware of the confrontation between San and Hongjoong. I chose to ignore both of them, closing the door behind me with a weary sigh. 
After speaking with San my head was a little clearer as I finally felt like I could think clearly and analyze the emotions I felt. My feelings towards San were deep but I could find the bottom of it, it was clear to me now that it had an ending. We just weren't meant to be and it had to happen like this. We can learn even from the heartbreaks; it makes us stronger and more experienced if we get into a new relationship.
Then Hongjoong came into my mind and I wanted to face the fact I did feel something for him, I couldn't deny that. It's hard to say but these emotions towards Hongjoong were deeper than what I felt for San, it almost felt endless, like it had no bottom. And I would've never imagined one day I'm going to say something like this.
But I might have fallen for Kim Hongjoong.
After what felt like an eternity, being drowned in my thoughts, I heard a low knock on my door as I was sitting in my bed and Jongho's head peeped into my room.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," He sat down on my bed and started to adjust the sheets carefully avoiding my eyes.
"Hongjoong told me some things…" He started. "Why didn't you tell me about San?" His brown eyes met mine.
"There was no point, Hongjoong was there at the right time, it happened and that's all. You ignored me anyway so…" I shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was just so frustrated at the thought we have to go through the same road as half a month ago." His eyes were sincere and emotional.
"I get it, seriously. But after you saw we didn't even talk with Hongjoong you still ignored me. Why?"
He just shrugged. "I still thought something was happening behind my back…even though you didn't show it in front of me, I just felt it."
Guilt crept up my body. "Actually—" I wanted to tell him. No more secrets.
"I know. Hongjoong told me everything." He didn’t let me say anything.
My heart started to race I analyzed his face, searching for some signs of anger. But there was none. "Aren't you like…mad?"
He sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair. "No, I—Look I'm not mad, Y/N, I never was. I just wanted to protect you from another heartbreak. I just wanted to act like your big brother who protects you from anything…" He looked down at his hands, he looked so small like this.
"Jongho…" I reached for his hands and took it into mine. "I know you want to protect me; you really did our whole life and I am so grateful for that. But…you can't save me from the feelings I feel and the heartbreaks that are written for me. And I know that your friends are in this story and that is also a sensitive topic. But I didn't mean to fall in love with both of your best friends." Tears welled up in my eyes as this sentence sounded too deep and fragile. "I—I never said you had to choose between me and your friends and I would never ask you that. I would be glad if San would come back to our friend group like in the old days. It would be weird but it's not like I can't be in the same place with him.
"Okay, not anymore…but we talked and we are fine now. At least we can tolerate each other."
Jongho seemed like he was proud of me for being so collected.
"I'm going to talk with San, I promise," he said earnestly. "And about Hongjoong… I won’t get in your way. If you two have feelings for each other, then I shouldn’t stop you just because I’m afraid of losing you and my friends." Jongho spoke with a vulnerability that made his eyes well up, revealing his emotional struggle. 
"You won't lose us. We are always going to be by your side, this way or another but you can't get rid of us." I pulled him closer as I hugged him strongly.
"I would never want to. I love you!" Jongho whispered as the room slowly embraced in darkness.
"I love you too, and thank you!"
"You should talk to him."
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He has an important race and he was so stressed when he left. I didn't want to admit it but I think he needs you." Jongho said as his lips curved up a little as I stood up. I quickly walked towards my closet to get my black leather jacket as I was wearing black ripped jeans with a black top.
I hugged Jongho one last time before I stepped out of my room to run to my car and get to Hongjoong before he started the race.     
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When I arrived at the location Jongho told me the race was going to be held, it was full of people. It was at the top of a huge parking lot in the heart of the city, where they could easily run speeding races. I was amused by how they held something illegal in this part of the city. We were late into the night already as the city lights were shining from up above. Colorful and upgraded cars were parked, and people looking at them like they were a work of art as I passed by them. Then there was a part where only motorbikes were and after parking my car, I walked towards it as I took my surroundings in. The music was beating through my heart as I walked past a car that had installed subwoofers. Everything was strange for me but I always wanted to come to races like these, it had a quite good atmosphere, and everyone seemed excited for the upcoming race.
I reached the motorbikes, there were a few types of bikes standing. They were so beautifully shaped and the colors highlighted its sharp features. I was searching for Hongjoong's red Honda in the eternity of bikes. I looked around, my eyes narrowing through the people who passed by me when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I saw Hongjoong in front of me as he led us to a quieter place, which was the end of the parking lot.
He stopped and turned to face me. "What are you doing here?" He looked stressed like he didn't know where his head was. "You have to get away from here, it's dangerous here Y/N!" He snapped his head from the crowd back to me, looking like a maniac with his wide pupils and eyes nearly completely black. He wore ripped blue jeans and a leather jacket, his red hair disheveled from frequent, stressed attempts to comb it through.
"I came to watch you race and I wanted to talk to you." I stepped closer to him. I needed to calm him down.
He froze at that. "About what?"
"About us."
The crowd was cheering loudly when he said. "I have to go." He looked behind me at the crowd and then back at me like he didn't know what to do.
"Then go!" I nudged him.
He still wasn't himself as he just nodded his lips in a thin line. I stepped closer to him and looked up at him my eyes beaming sincerity. I brushed a red hair string away from his forehead as I whispered close to his lips. "Win this for me." Then I leaned closer to his face and left a sealing kiss on his parted lips. This seemed to bring back Hongjoong to the real world because his eyes were now full of sincere emotions and the burning desire that almost lit his eyes up.
"I will." Then he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to his body, his other hand cupping one side of my face as he crushed our lips into a quick chaste kiss, as he kissed me passionately telling me everything, he couldn't with it. Then he slightly pulled away leaving one little peck on my lips as he leaned his forehead against mine.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N…the things I said…" He whispered against my lips.
"Go, Hongjoong!" I chuckled and pushed him by his chest as he didn't want to release me.
"Okay," He left one last kiss on my mouth. "Wait for me, I have a race to win for my princess." He smiled at me, and there was the Hongjoong that finally didn't seem lost. He was full of life and that made my heart full with fuel that is never going to run out.
I stood beside the starting line, watching as Hongjoong pulled up on his dark red bike. His black helmet was on, but I could still feel his intense gaze piercing through it as he twisted the throttle, preparing to race against the competitor beside him. Then the guy in the middle counted back and all I saw was smoke that came from their tires. Whoever was faster won. It seemed like the guy was faster than Hongjoong at first and my heart was racing along with Hongjoong as I prayed for him to win this. Then it seemed this was all the guy could pull out from his bike because Hongjoong flew through the finish line in a blink of an eye.
 I saw as he stopped and bumped his fist into the air. I smiled he looked so cool from far away. As Hongjoong turned to come back to me on his bike, red and blue lights started to blind the people who were standing on the roof of a parking lot. The police were here.
I started to look around because I lost Hongjoong as the crowd started to run haphazardly panicking not to be caught by the police. Then a familiar bike pulled next to me and I felt relieved as Hongjoong offered his hand with a helmet. I saw his sharp eyes as he lifted the visor of his helmet, the red and blue lights dancing on his face.
"Come on, princess," He mumbled through his helmet. I accepted his inviting hand and took the helmet as I settled behind him on the bike. Hongjoong took my hand and pulled me close to his back as I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. I smiled even though we probably needed to get away from there as soon as we could. But it was an adventure just as everything with Hongjoong. I knew if he was there with me, life just couldn't be boring.
Hongjoong rolled through the people carefully and when we managed to get out of the parking lot where I saw the police caught a few people, we finally speeded through the highway. The city lights faded into one thin line as we passed by the big buildings. I never felt this free, I suddenly understood why was Hongjoong so passionate about biking. It gave you the free will, the power to just disappear between the city lights. As we speeded through the highway, I raised one of my hands into the chilly air and chuckled. I just felt so happy the world just stopped for a moment and it was just only us; Hongjoong, the bike, and me. I looked up at the sky, where one side of it was black as the night and the other side was a shade of orange as the sun just started to rise. It was so beautiful.
When Hongjoong stopped at a parking lot as we passed some mountains and drove through some windings the view was more beautiful. Mesmerizing if I may say so. It's hard to describe something like this. We were in the middle of a mountain and at the edge of it all I could see were clouds. The city was covered in white clouds, the sky still painted bright yellow and orange, with a little hint of red that reminded me of Hongjoong's hair. It was like we were three meters above the sky.
We were still sitting on Hongjoong's bike both of us were just mesmerized by the view, only bothered to take off the helmet as we switched places and Hongjoong hugged me from behind, his head on top of mine as I leaned against his chest, his legs were balancing the both of us on the bike. We were sitting there in a comfortable silence as we took in the view in from of us, melting into each other’s presence. Hongjoong nudged me to get off the bike, helping me dismount before stepping off himself. He took my hands in his, lifting them to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on my knuckles. 
"Forgive me for being an asshole. I just—after our kiss…but to be honest way before that…I just couldn't get you out of my mind." He stated sincerely as his eyes sparkled with hope. "When I saw, what San was doing to you, I could have killed him right there. But even after everything, you still went with him yesterday. I'm not going to pretend it didn’t hurt, but I guess I deserved it..." He looked down at our hands, gently tracing my knuckles with his fingers.
"I needed closure, Joong. I couldn’t move on until everything with San was cleared up. That’s why I needed to talk with him. It’s done now." Hongjoong lifted his head, a sense of relief evident on his face. "And about Jongho…" 
"I talked with him, I told everything to him, about the fight with San, about our kiss afterward, that I have feelings for you, I told everything and he understood it." He seemed desperate, afraid of me stepping back again because of my brother.
"I talked with him too. He told me to go to your race because you needed me." I smiled sheepishly looking at our hands. Suddenly I felt as my cheeks started to blush.
 "He was right. My mind was a mess. I wasn’t sure if I could win this." He admitted.
"Did you like it?" He asked with a beaming smile, his perfect-white teeth showing. 
"Very much," I said feeling excited as I smiled. "But it was better riding with you through the city."
"Yeah?" He stepped closer to me as he hovered over me, his hands on my waist as he turned me to lean against his bike that was standing still. "Do you want to repeat it?" He asked as he leaned down his lips brushing slightly against mine.
"Definitely," I started looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
"Anything for my princess." His lips curled up as I rolled my eyes at the nickname, but I didn't have the time to complain as his lips were on mine in no time. It felt so good and so right. The passion I felt towards Hongjoong was beyond the universe. His lips moved against mine as I wrapped my hands around his neck, my fingers traveling up on his nape into his red strings as I brushed my fingers through it. He deepened the kiss by cupping one side of my face into his hand and lifting my head so he had better access. Sudden fireworks erupted in my chest, the burning desire igniting and exploding within my heart. Then his hands traveled down to my thighs as he traced his hands through them, then to the back of my thighs as he slowly lifted me to his bike so I was at the same height level as him. I wrapped my legs around his torso as his lips still moved against mine. I couldn't breathe anymore but I just couldn't stop because it was addicting kissing him, I felt like I never wanted to stop because if I did, I might disappear. It didn't feel real. He groaned lowly when his tongue got free access into my mouth, discovering every inch of my mouth. His hands were on my waist holding me still, afraid of falling off his bike. When he finally pulled away, after what felt like an eternity but still wasn’t long enough, he rested his forehead against mine and whispered. 
"Let me take care of you now. Let me give you what you deserve."             
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(Ateez masterlist)
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[fic rec mlist] member x reader | hyung line
main mlist | prev (ot8) | next (member-specific cont)
only general themes and tags are listed - please read through the author's specific tags and warnings
both sfw and nsfw fics are included. minors please dni with nsfw fics and respect the age restrictions put into place by the writers (suggestive, smut, and trigger warnings are highlighted in red)
🩶 favourites
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white love | @sorryimananti-romantic
genre: iceprince!hongjoong x fireprincess!reader, fantasy, fluff, angst
length: oneshot - 24k
there seems to be an eternal winter set in wonderland caused by the ice prince hongjoong, and you- the fire princess who has been laying low for a while- set out to end it. what you don’t expect is to find him freezing to death trapped in a tower, and as you save him, you find out that the mages in wonderland are uprising to end the original bloodline- titled prince and princesses. creating a small team with your childhood friend seonghwa and a water mage yunho, you and hongjoong fight against the threat to your life while uncovering secrets and finding unexpected friends and love.
horizon | @pxedpiper
genre: pirate!au, fluff, angst, trigger warnings
length: 22/22 chapters [completed] - 79.0k
once a princess of a kingdom you loathed to call yours, you have somehow found yourself aboard a pirate ship, stuck on the ocean waves. now you try to figure out how to escape them, but as you continue to journey with them, you find yourself wondering if you even want to.
feverish | @hwaightme
genre: fluff, sickfic
length: oneshot - 2.4k
as you come down with a cold, hongjoong is right there to lift you back up again, be it with soup, song, presence, or all at once.
nighthawks | @the7thcrow
genre: designer!hongjoong x writer!reader, angst, fluff, meet-cute
length: 5.9k
you share a night, a cigarette, and a sobering conversation with a beautiful stranger. a glimpse of normality for you troubled nighthawks.
marigold | @yoongiseesawmp3
genre: fratboy!hongjoong, fluff, smut
length: oneshot - 12.7k
your best friend and the bane of your existence is probably the love of your life, and you’re not sure how to tell him. your mutual friend seonghwa knows about your true feelings for hongjoong, and he does everything in his power to get you two together. one halloween party, one rainy car ride and one emotional rollercoaster later, you finally get a taste of what you’ve been waiting so long for. 
project d | @setsugekka
pairing: hongjoong x reader, yunho x reader
genre: street racing au, ex!hongjoong, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: oneshot - 20.5k
with a nice enough guy who’s just a little too rough around the edges for your parents liking, and a best friend who put you up to him (albeit a tad unknowingly), surely things can’t possibly get more complicated for the local illegal street racing squad. except, between racing for pink slips and bragging rights, there’s emperors leader, jeong yunho.
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daisies | @the7thcrow
genre: summer camp au, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst
length: oneshot - 11.0k
one last trip. that was what you wanted. to let yourself dream of your childhood sweetheart one final time, before closing that chapter of your life forever. however, the last thing you expected was for him to actually be there.
bodyguard | @baekhvuns
genre: mafia!au, romcom, angst, smut
length: oneshot - 37.8k
in which his task is to be your bodyguard, his mob-boss’s daughter. where he not only guards you but also guards your body.
one day at a time | @sorryimananti-romantic 🩶
pairing: seonghwa x reader, yunho x reader
genre: soldier!au, fluff, angst, suggestive, trigger warnings
loving seonghwa was like loving the moon. loving yunho was like loving the sun. the story of how you fell in love with seonghwa, one of the king’s trusted agent, married him, had a daughter and then lost him forever- and how you fell in love with yunho- also the king’s trusted agent, seonghwa’s best friend, a loving father to your daughter, and a husband who gave you enough space to grieve seonghwa, and enough time to make you fall in love with him.
length: oneshot - 18.5k
pov: you're a stereotype in an 80s classic | @atozfic 🩶
genre: strangers/enemies to lovers, highschool!au, badboy!au, angst, fluff
length: oneshot - 22.2k
a look into the life of six students who find themselves stuck in detention… for the entire school year.
this world | @hwaightme 🩶
genre: biker!seonghwa, fluff, romance, strangers to lovers, action, smut
length: oneshot - 16.2k
caught between the past and present, you search for a new beginning in night city as a mechanic at outlaw customs. how will a fateful encounter with seonghwa, the leader of the blue birds, help you feel alive?
sleazy seonghwa who sneezes | @chaseatinydream
genre: badboy!au, fluff
length: twoshot - 9.8k
by the intervention of fate (namely choi san), you see a different side to the school’s resident bad boy that you weren’t aware existed.
pirate!seonghwa | @ateezmakemeweep
genre: angst, fluff
length: oneshot - 13k
nil author synopsis
i'll be with you | @cheollipop
genre: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
length: oneshot - 1.6k
a long, dreadful day at work calls for a hot shower and sleep, perhaps a few hours of crying as well. what you don't account for, however, is the man who wouldn't let you go through that alone.
royal library | @nczennie
genre: royalty!au, angst, fluff, smut
length: oneshot - 10.1k
you turn to look at seonghwa, “thank you for keeping my secret,” you smile at him and he returns it, quickly standing to bow, “of course, your highness. your secret is safe with me”.
addicting kitten | @tenelkadjowrites
genre: smut
length: 6/6 chapters [completed] - 34.3k
when your car breaks down and your phone is dead, you are stranded alone on the way home. however, when seonghwa, the intimidating figure you see at the club often, comes by and offers you a ride, you cannot help but feel as if you might be walking into the lion’s den.
playing with fire | @ateezmakemeweep 🩶
genre: sugardaddy!hwa, fluff, angst, smut
length: 5/5 chapters [completed] - 121k
when your scholarship falls through during the last semester of your college career, you were, admittedly, on edge.  overwhelmed by the prospect of delaying your graduation to save up thousands of dollars or work a second job or, per the suggestion of your roommate, sell pictures of your feet.  you first met park eunbi during your first year of college, when she walked through your dorm room with a smile on her face and her parents by her side - or, more notably to you, her incredibly handsome father.  that’s all he ever was to you though - your friend’s hot dad who you only ever saw a few times a year.  but when you find yourself around him more and more often, your attraction growing and his eyes lingering, you suddenly find yourself in a situation you know is wrong but can’t seem to pull yourself out of. 
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lights out | @ateezmakemeweep
genre: neighbour!yunho, angst, fluff
length: oneshot - 7k
nil author synopsis
promise | @sorryimananti-romantic
genre: prince!yunho x princess!reader, arranged marriage, fluff, angst, suggestive
length: oneshot - 23k
‘i’ll be a friend to you, if nothing more’ is the promise yunho, prince of wonderland makes when you, the princess of eden find yourself in an arranged marriage with him to avoid war. however, war approaches and eden sides with the enemy. will you and yunho stick with each other? will you find love in this arranged marriage?
one day at a time | @sorryimananti-romantic 🩶
pairing: seonghwa x reader, yunho x reader
genre: soldier!au, fluff, angst, suggestive, trigger warnings
length: oneshot - 18.5k
loving seonghwa was like loving the moon. loving yunho was like loving the sun. the story of how you fell in love with seonghwa, one of the king’s trusted agent, married him, had a daughter and then lost him forever- and how you fell in love with yunho- also the king’s trusted agent, seonghwa’s best friend, a loving father to your daughter, and a husband who gave you enough space to grieve seonghwa, and enough time to make you fall in love with him.
come fly with me | @hwaightme
genre: pilot!yunho, fluff, angst, slice of life
length: oneshot - 9.0k
aerophobia - the fear of flying. and clearly, something that your boss has no idea exists. while you curse the universe and the metal bird, your handsome seatmate ponders if it is possible to redirect this flight, from gwangju, to your heart.
convenience store chances | @ohmyamor
genre: exbf!yunho, fluff, comfort, trigger warnings
length: oneshot - 2.5k
it’s the typical story of right person, wrong time. but maybe an unfortunate situation might turn the wrong time into the right time.
you're enough | @cheollipop
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst
length: oneshot - 2.0k
with the soft scent of baby wipes following him, yunho helped you stand back up to face the storm within your mind.
out of the woods | @sluttywoozi
genre: rom com, friends to lovers, fluff, smut
length: 3/3 chapters [completed] - 9.2k
you’ve been driving yunho nuts lately and he just can’t figure out why. he hates being annoyed with his friends, so he’s been avoiding you. it’s difficult to stay away when you’re locked together in a cabin with seven of your closest friends, though.
complete relaxation package | @beahae
genre: massage therapist!yunho, smut
length: oneshot - 4.8k
you’ve been neglecting your self-care for a while now so you decide to treat yourself to a massage. you deserve it! you didn’t realize the guy you booked would be so attractive though.
lovers in the night | @atzfilm
genre: sugar daddy!yunho, exes to lovers, fluff, angst, smut
length: oneshot - 11.3k
just out of your college with a freshly printed degree, you set out for a job that would fit your somewhat high standards. after a brief scroll through a sugar daddy website and a meeting set-up, you sit across from the one man you didn't expect to see — jeong yunho, your ex-boyfriend and apparently, a millionaire looking for someone to spoil.
[newly added] your hand | @smileysuh
genre: tattooist!yunho, smut
length: oneshot - 6.6k
it’s a classic parlor love story: big tattoo man finds new receptionist cute, but he can’t talk to her until something totally avoidable happens that brings them together out of his own sheer stupidity- that kind of shindig ;) 
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prince!yeosang x servant!reader | @ateezmakemeweep
genre: angst, fluff
length: oneshot - 4k
nil author synopsis
badboy!yeosang | @ateezmakemeweep
genre: angst, fluff, smut
length: oneshot - 18k
nil author synopsis
ideal woman | @the7thcrow
genre: gang!au, romance, angst, suggestive
length: oneshot - 10.5k
at the only bar in town where the lines drawn between different gangs becomes blurry, you spot your intellectual rival involved in one of the biggest underground organizations the city has to offer. responsible for the recent heist on your warehouse, as well as the death of multiple of your gang’s own members, he’s understandably considered someone that you should not be talking to. you buy him a drink.
the most lonely creature | @atzfilm
genre: serpent!yeosang, fantasy, fluff, angst, smut
length: oneshot - 35.9k
finding a yeouiju in the forest brings terrors unlike you've ever seen– in the shape of a water god
siren | @sorryimananti-romantic
genre: siren!yeosang, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
length: oneshot - 27.8k
yeosang is a siren and you're a siren-hunter. he may have lost his voice and you may be immune to a siren's call, but he has you bewitched anyway. on your journey together to find the sirens who killed your parents and took his voice, you make new friends, find yourself cursed and turning into a siren, and fall for yeosang. he proves time and time again that he's not the monster you thought all sirens to be as he helps you come to terms with yourself and find the person who cursed you.
last updated: 24 march 2024
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kiestrokes · 1 year
This week, can we hear more about Hwa & Yeosang's friendship?
🥺 https://www.tiktok.com/@yeosang.mp3/video/7248794084125642030?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7221718547289900586
(because tumblr said no more link attempts for me)
Tell me Hwa has a kink for being called "hyung" without telling me.
Sooo the SeongSang dynamic, they have been friends since they were kids. Yeosang was smaller and being bullied, so Seonghwa and Hongjoong "saved" him. It is also why Yeo is so fit now and has taken multiple different martial arts classes. He wants to be able to protect them. and he does, Yeosang has opened a successful business that caters to Seonghwa's racing career. Both of the Kang siblings aren't close to their parents, they love them and provide for them. But their group of friends has truly become their chosen family. Yeosang hasn't pursued many relationships...he dedicates his time to Hwa's career and Yeosol. So Seonghwa and the rest of their group like to tease him that they're a couple. Yeosang acts like he hates, cringing at Seonghwa's excessive affection. But he leans into every hug, lingers on the couch when Hwa falls asleep on him and makes sure Hwa has food first. A lot of Yeosang's stoic demeanor really slips when they drink together, he's verbally and physically affectionate with Hwa, which Hwa finds adorable. Hongjoong on the other hand cautions Seonghwa not to play into it too much, seeing something the others haven't quite caught just yet.
👀 I'm also wondering how much I can say without giving too much away...
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minkiverse · 2 months
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Kim Hongjoong - Park Seonghwa - Jeong Yunho - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
PRETTY PRETTY YEOSANG!!!!! I think there is a reason that so many fics on this list are fluffy and its because Yeosang is the most precious person in existence!!!!!! n e ways everyone send me more Yeosang fic recs i NEED more!~
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please read all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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Oddeleny - @songmingisthighs ⛈️🍑 Ghost AU ✧ SMAU
the twists are twisting and the turns... oh they are turning 👏👏 this series is basically a mystery of how yeosang got trapped in the mc's phone and basically everytime there is a lore drop on either mc, yeo, or woo i go a little bit more crazy 🤪🤪
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winter blossom - @atzfilm 🔥⛈️ Alien AU
Stretch you out - @pyramid-of-starrs 🔥 Gym AU
quiet - @nebulousbrainsoup 🔥💗
Relax - @moonhoures 🔥💗
masturbation - @kitten4sannie 🔥 College AU
gemini - @ncteez 🔥💗 Virgin!Yeosang
untitled - @bandgie 🔥
kang yeosang as your boyfriend - @mybelovedwoo 🔥💗
untitled - @kittyyeo 🔥
lessons in intimacy - @honeyhotteoks ✨🔥Camboy AU ✧ Barista AU
i revisit this fic once a month AT LEAST! this author's way of writing blows me away every single time 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the smut is toe curling and so intimate (hence the title) its just how kind and genuine both yeosang and the mc are written and how they communicate and the smut that constantly bring me back 🥹🥹
Only text me when you need me - @pyramid-of-starrs 🔥💗⛈️ FWB AU
pretty in pink - @byuntrash101 🔥
sensitive - @puddingyun ✨🔥
i just love how atiny tend to write yeosang so softly and intimately because he is just so precious and needs a "handle with care" sticker on him at all times and this fic epitomizes that feeling 🤤🤤 like how gently the mc treats him is just 🤌🤌
hungry yeoyeo - @ateezscupid 🔥
Longing - @sxcret-garden 🔥💗
vanilla and cream - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥
operation: passenger princess - @sungbeam 💗⛈️ College AU
fortune teller - @seonghwaddict 💗
A Small Adjustment - @kitten4sannie 🔥Personal Trainer AU
yeosang & a situationship - @yunhoszn 🍑
[7:29 PM] - @edenesth 💗
boyfriend texts w/ yeosang - @beenbaanbuun 🍑
Stay - @sorryimananti-romantic 💗⛈️ Royalty AU ✧ Archer!Yeosang
untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥
untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥Dragon AU
Muse - @desirehorizon 🔥💗Royalty AU ✧ Prince!Yeosang
Wash It All Away - @ja3hwa 🔥💗⛈️ Idol AU
Evolve - @nebulousbrainsoup ✨🔥💗⛈️ Ateez Lore ✧ Biker!Yeosang
even though i can't say i fully understand ateez's lore, i love any fic that is based around it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what i do know of it is so compelling and interesting im shocked that i dont see or at least have not found yet more lore based fics 😭😭 BUT THIS ONE☝️☝️ is sooooo good!!!! i love how yeosang is still yeosang even in his situation, i love how the mc is like immediately intrigued by this faceless biker guy who can blame her 😩😩, i love how they get to know each other and THE SMUT 😮‍💨😮‍💨
untitled - @sxcret-garden 🔥
untitled - @everyonewooeverywhere 🔥
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ja3hwa · 1 year
☜𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑☞
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October is finally here. The month where Fanfic writers run wild with their ideas and fantasies. This is my first time writing this event, and I was honestly so stressed but very excited about it. So, without further ado, let's get started. ♥︎
All works are mature, viewers be advised.
Masterlist | Navigation
Day 1: Car Sex - [Gloomy Days]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : A trip turned sour due to a storm. But, luckily, Yunho knows just the thing in turning this gloomy day into a more steamy one.
Day 2: Voyeurism - [Eyes On Me]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Biker Gang Leader doesn't like sharing unless it's to do with his best friend.
Day 3: Shower Sex - [Just One Moment]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : When Jongho comes from a long and stressful day, he only wants one thing... You bent over.
Day 4: Food Play - [The Sweetness Of You]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : It all started with a simple dinner and a movie. But when Seonghwa asked if you wanted dessert, you knew your sugar was about to spike from more than just the sweetness of the fruits and chocolate.
Day 5: Exhibitionism - [Dimly Lit Bathroom]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Wooyoung couldn't keep his hands off you on a regular basis. But when he sees you in such a sexy outfit, he has no choice but to drag you to the nearest bathroom.
Day 6: Rough/Possessive sex - [Whoops]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You wanted to show your hot-headed lover that you could protect yourself. And what better way than to go looking for his number on rival....
Day 7: Thigh riding/dry humping - [Dedicated To You]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You sweet producer boyfriend wanted to share something with you. But your neediness had other plans.
Day 8: Sensory Deprivation - [He Has Control]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were his work of art, and he loved to watch you squirm under him.
Day 9: Cock Warning - [Pure Relaxation]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Jongho kept losing over and over again. Becoming increasingly more frustrated as time passes, it's a good thing you are here to help him cool off.
Day 10: Bondage - [Pretty Boy]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : It's Yeosangs turn to know what it feels like to have rope pull and tug on his beautiful skin, and he can't help my whimper at the sheer idea of it.
Day 11: Bike Sex/Edging - [A Ride That To Last A Lifetime]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Yeosang had begged for weeks for you to go for a ride with him... Cavinging in, you finally realize how pleasurable it is to ride his bike.
Day 12: Size Kink/Size Difference - [Why So Tense?]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your two professors want nothing more than to help you with your studies. Personally gifting you some private lessons...
Day 13: Breath Play - [Make You Mine]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : San can't help but send death glares to any man that tried to have your attention for too long. Too bad you dont belong to him...yet.
Day 14: Marking/Biting - [Intoxicated]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your friend needed your help with trying out one of her experiments and let's just say Mingi was about to never let you leave the bedroom ever again because of it.
Day 15: Corruption - [God isn't here]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bad Boy Hongjoong wanted to change for you. Be the better man you deserved, but what if you ended up changing more than him?
Day 16: Spit Play - [Love, Lust Has No Bounds]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were in love with the enemy, and oh, how it was it exciting.
Day 17: Fingering/Squirting - [Move]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You needed him, any part of him. But Seonghwa wanted to see you squirm. To see you cry and beg for him to satisfy you.
Day 18: Toys/Mirror sex - [The Perfect Gift]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong couldn't decide what gift to buy you while we was traveling. So he bought them all and now wants you to try them out. Every. Single. One.
Day 19: Dacryphillia/Clit Play - [Prove It]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Late night conversations aren't suppose to end in sex... right?
Day 20: Sex pollen - [Out Of This World]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were gifted an alien plant from one of your friends that lived off the planet since you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.
Day 21: Temperature Play - [Cold To The Touch]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your undead lover had finally come back from a late night hunt, finding you shivering from the winter weather. But do not fret, as he was...skilled in keeping others warm-ish.
Day 22: Double Penetration - [New Member]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You're the newest member to join one of the most famous rock bands. And luckily for you they are all hot...and fuckable.
Day 23: Praise/Body Worship - [Goddess Amongst Commoners]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Overhearing for so called friends make fun about your "failures" in life made your loving mobboss boyfriend very unhappy. No one makes his Honey cry.
Day 24: Cum Play/overstim - [Milk Me Dry]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Wooyoung couldn't help it. Every time he saw you, he felt himself grow heavy in his slacks. You were everything he needed. And he needed you now.
Day 25: Caught in the act - [Leave Or Join]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You wanted to help your boyfriend relax. It just so happened that some poor soul decided to interrupt.
Day 26: Power Play/Mafia - [Black Card]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were hiding a big secret from your two loving boyfriends. What happens when they finally find out?
Day 27: Succubus/incubus - [You Make Me, Make Sense]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Halloween is filled with spooky ghost stories and haunted places. But what if you end up walking right into a nightmare that was hiding a dream?
Day 28: Tentacles - [Planet 3564AB]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were a mercenary, searching for your next job in the galaxy. Little did you know, being stuck on a wateland planet was about to gift you more than just galactic credits.
Day 29: Monster Fuckers - [My Everything]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Rain was pouring, and your heart was aching. You didn't care what the villagers nor that priest thought about him. You loved him, and you were going to prove it.
Day 30: Werewolf On Heat/Breeding - [Let Me Help]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You didn't know what it meant to be on heat let alone know you could have one since you weren't a wolf... but here you were and Yunho was going to help you through it.
Day 31: Trick or Treat - [Eternally Ours]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The night was cold, the manor even colder. Until a fire of pure lust was lit.
© Ja3honey. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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potatomountain · 5 days
CIY- CH 22
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Chapter Twenty-Two
📍Pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader 📍Summary: "Belonging" 📍WC: 3.6k 📍AU: detective/mafia 📍Genre: action, dark themes, poly romance 📍Warning(s): 18+ rating, some angst, mentions of emotional neglect? slight misogyny 📍Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society 📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer , @skteezcursed and edited(usually) by the amazing: @daemour 📍dividers made by: @cafekitsune
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“What do you mean talk?” You mumbled out, crossing your arms over your chest. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck which reminded you of the tattoos he had there. You swallowed, reminding yourself that it wasn’t uncommon for cops and detectives to have tattoos, you had some yourself. “I mean just that. We need to talk. I’m… well aware of how close you’re getting to everyone. Well, mostly everyone.” You still didn’t relax, instead you were bristling now. “If this is another warning to mind my business I-” “No no, it’s not that. It's pointless to try and keep you out of this now. But that isn’t going to stop me from worrying. Can I take you out to lunch? Have just a normal conversation about this? I’ll drop you off downtown today instead of Wooyoung.” He didn’t appear ready to tear you a new one or threaten you with a wad of cash to disappear like you half expected… the tea you’ve been hearing at the club was starting to get to you. This isn’t a k-drama.
“Okay.” You reluctantly obliged, letting your arms drop and reaching for your heels. Seonghwa reached out and grabbed a pair of leather boots instead. “You’re going to need these instead.” Skeptical, but not going to ask questions, you took the boots and pulled them on. Thankfully they still went with your outfit but you didn’t understand why the boots-
Until you were standing before a motorcycle and Seonghwa was holding out a helmet to you. Taking it, you watched with new appreciation as he pulled a leather jacket on. Somehow biker was not on the list of hobbies you thought he would have. In fact you hadn’t thought too much about Seonghwa in ways you liked to acknowledge, more often than not just admiring how fucking gorgeous he was. 
But that had changed since last week, when you were sure he had gotten off to what Wooyoung had done to you. He hadn’t shown interest before then, so it had sent your mind in a downward spiral any time you did think of him. Once more you were marveling at this new information about him as you pulled the helmet on, climbing onto the bike behind him once he motioned for you to do so. Where to put your hands was another thing.
Seonghwa didn’t hesitate, grabbing your hands and wrapping them around his waist, your mouth suddenly going dry as you realized how small his waist was.  You could hear his chuckle through the helmet, your body getting pulled with his as he leaned forward a bit to start the bike. Your chest was pressed firmly against his back, breathing hitched as you tried to just focus on anything else but him. Then you two were moving through the streets with ease, the heat and hum of the bike beneath you was as exhilarating as the wind on your bare legs and the ripple of his muscles under your hands. You wanted to feel it more, releasing your grip to sit up straighter, just to have his hand cover one of yours. He didn’t tug you back in place, but fingers entwined to keep you from going too far.
It was almost romantic, and you hated how it had your heart racing for a whole other reason than the adrenaline pumping through your veins. 
In an attempt to get your bearings about you, you shut your eyes and just took in the moment, debating on just how much you could trust the man before you. His icy welcome, his attempts to control Hongjoong’s flirting, the way he refused to kiss you when Hongjoong did… But there was also the way he scolded Yunho the one time you had been late, telling him to be nice to you, when you knew he didn’t have to. His attempts at a truce, at keeping the peace, managing you and the others. But then there had been the gym, the practicing, his praise and encouragement when they first started opening up their work to you.
Could you confidently say that Seonghwa hated you? That he disliked you? Or had he just been trying to be protective over his friends? Tried to manage the hostility from the beginning and it just came off… wrong?
Lost in your head, the sudden stop had you hitting Seonghwa’s back with a surprised gasp, blushing under the helmet as his body shook with laughter. In an attempt to save face, you pulled your hands away and looked around. You were more uptown, still center city, but were outside a cute mom and pop cafe that seemed to have quite a bit of business despite the starbucks a few buildings down and a few other chain mainstream stores around. Stepping off the bike you took off your helmet, keeping your back to him since you still felt quite flustered. “This is where we’re eating?” “Yeah, this would be my favorite place to go.” Seonghwa hummed, taking off his helmet, not a hair out of place as he set both on the bike and secured them. “Do you like sweets?” You shrugged, watching him with as cool of an expression as you could muster. “On occasion, yes. I got my favorites. You like strawberry things right?” His eyes widened, lighting up with pure joy as he stepped closer. “So you pay attention to us too?” The charming smile on his lips disarmed you, finding yourself even more flustered. “Has anyone told you that you’re just unbelievably too pretty?” He laughed while you were gawking, a hand now covering your mouth at your outburst. Oh this felt dangerous. “Maybe. I could say the same about you though Angel.” He brought a hand to the small of your back, guiding you inside. Oh hell, you were speechless. It took every ounce of brain function to take in your surroundings, what you thought was a simple cafe was a bakery of sorts, but there were tables filled with all sorts of people eating lunch and sweets or just enjoying a coffee. Simple things like sandwiches, cakes, melon bread and more. Despite the busyness, it still had a homey feel to it with the decor, the staff, and just the general vibe. There was nothing you could give your full focus to that would keep you distracted from Seonghwa standing next to you, his hand on your back a constant reminder as well. This felt too cozy, he felt too comfortable with you. And after what had happened the last time you saw him? After what happened yesterday? You felt too charged up and vulnerable and he was just seeping into you through the cracks.
“What would you like?” He dipped into your field of view, expression friendly, almost innocent with the wide glossy eyes and sweet smile, a stark contrast to the outfit he wore that oozed sexiness. It caught you off guard, you had never seen him with such an… open expression in your presence before. “Um… surprise me?” As if you could focus on food anyways. Your nerves lit up in all sorts of ways.
He whistled appreciatively, nodding with enthusiasm as he quickly rattled an order off that, to your own ears, sounded like something you would order. His earlier words came rushing back: So you pay attention to us too?
The breakfast order that had been on your desk before. The notice when you had been late. You had chalked it all up to San but didn’t Yeosang scold Wooyoung to get you food you liked? Why did what you like to eat matter to these men? That wasn’t something you needed to pay attention to if you distrusted someone, if you wanted to keep them at bay.
But didn’t you also know Seonghwa liked strawberry things? That he admired his Captain and that it was probably more than a work relationship? You knew how San took his coffee, knew Yeosang was a genius with computers and that he had a cute lisp that always brought a smile to your face.
The more and more you thought of it, the more your face dropped, eyes widening. Seonghwa’s hold suddenly tightened on you, his free hand coming up to cup your jaw and force you to face him. “You know, sometimes it’s easy to read you like an open book. Does it frighten you that we pay such close attention to you?” You shook your head slowly, answering without even thinking about it. It was true, you weren’t scared at all by the attention: but by how much you liked it.
What if this ends up like S.K all over? You fall for one or a few of them, and then once you no longer fit their way of things, they would just toss you aside like Chan did? Panic swiftly washed over Seonghwa’s visage as he began to dab at the tears gathering in your lashes. “Angel. Angel, it's okay. This isn’t a bad talk. I’m not chasing you away or putting down boundaries. Not trying to scare you.” How soft he was being just had your throat tight with the need to sob. “I’m going to… find a seat.” You mumbled under your breath, afraid to speak up more as you turned and searched for a table. There were really only two, both right next to each other, and you sat at the one against the wall, facing the wall so that the rest of the crowd would not be able to see it if you broke. What the fuck was wrong with you? Had the week away from the others fucked with your brain? Deteriorated your walls to keep them at bay? You couldn’t trust them.
Or was it just the fear that if you did, you would get hurt again?
You couldn’t believe yourself. You weren’t afraid to get shot, stabbed, run over by a car if you had to do so for your goals. Your career had always been the focus of your life, following in your father’s footsteps. He was forced to retire after getting severely injured stopping a serial killer, now a retired detective who climbed up the ranks before recently retiring. Detective work had been his life, and by extension, yours. That was who you were, who you pride yourself on being. A damned good detective, an enforcer of justice and protecting the innocent at the cost of your own life. So why the fuck were you about to sob in the middle of a lunch rush in an unfamiliar cafe just because you realized this unit was worming their way into your heart, and it was beginning to seem mutual. Why the fuck did it scare you to get close? Chan couldn’t have fucked you up this badly? Was it the betrayal of them all? Your loyalty should be to the job, not the unit. But did that make you like Chan? Loyal to the job, not your emotions.
Everything was so messed up. The tray of food and drinks getting set down in front of you startled you, gaze flashing up to meet Seonghwa’s concern. His brow scrunched together further at the look on your face. “We have a lot to talk about it seems.” “I- Vice what is this talk about?” Work. Just focus on work. “Well, you mostly. How you’re adjusting to the unit. To everything that’s happened. I know a lot of what happened is not… normal. And we haven’t been treating you right either.” He handed you the drink and sandwich, then set his in front of him. Immediately he started sipping on the strawberry drink, some of the whipped cream smearing on his upper lip. Once more you were thrown for a loop. “I don’t- fuck is this a wellness check? Does my well-being really matter here?” Seonghwa nodded without hesitation, long tongue flicking out to clean up the cream, the glint of the piercing short-circuiting your thoughts. Oh fuck, him too? “It does matter. And not just because of the job. You want to be a part of this unit right? You want the respect, the trust, the bond we have?” His lips curved into a wry smile, watching you for a moment before he leaned forward, reaching out to cup your cheek. Your emotions, your desire for what he said must be so obvious on your features. “Angel… has anyone made you feel like you belong before?” It shattered you, his words.
There were times you thought you had it, but did you? Chan? No, he chose the unit, the rules. Minho had even scolded you many times, backing up Chan, becoming a second voice to him as opposed to as your best friend. Hyunjin might have that spot, and truthfully he felt like the only one who loved you as you were. Unconditionally. But even he had said that he wasn’t right to be by your side, saying you belong elsewhere, somewhere more. Seonghwa swiped your tears away. “We’ve been so cruel to you haven’t we? And yet you’ve been fighting tooth and nail to prove yourself to us. You fit well in your undercover work, you fit well with us. Wooyoung sings your praises daily, and Yeosang’s reports only have good things to say about your work. You work so hard Angel.”
His words felt like a warm, comforting blanket that encompassed you but also shook you to your core. You could remember so clearly getting accepted into the police academy, graduating at the top of your class and immediately rising through the ranks as a uniform. And in all of those moments had your father been proud? No, he just expected you to do these things. Your mother harking you whenever you had troubles “If you had been a boy, you’d be better at your job. You’d be more like your father.” Had you ever made them proud? You had blossomed under the praise Chan gave you when you first started, doing everything to seek it out. Until you realized how unjust some of the cases were. Then most. And his praise usually was followed with a scolding. And it resonated with you. Those kids, those cases, facing unjust rules that they couldn’t do anything about. Like you. Hadn’t Yeosang said that before? You had everything to prove, and nothing to lose. “Seonghwa…” Your voice croaked as you leaned into his hand, staring up at him with a new found vulnerability that seemed mirror in his sweet brown eyes. “I want to be an equal. I do want to belong.” He smiled softly, stood up, and leaned over to press a kiss to your temple. “Alright Angel, I hear you loud and clear. Now, tell me honestly how you feel.” He sat back down and pushed the sandwich closer. “After you eat and catch a breath. The questions are mostly about the… sexual encounters and tension so I want you prepared.” Heat flooded your cheeks, but you nodded and listened. You had, for the most part, been going with the flow of things, refusing to talk about the underlying emotions because, as he just pointed out, you had been too busy trying to prove something. To prove your worth. Was it actually possible that they really did see it? That some of them did at least, and that the others might?
Were you actually seen, accepted, and equal? He was nice enough to let you sit with your thoughts as you ate, focusing on his own food and watching for your reaction to your first bite. You saw the relief flood his features when you clearly liked it, swallowing and smiling softly. Seonghwa seemed as eager to please as you were, it seemed. The meal quickly calmed your nerves, getting comfortable with the realizations he had come to, and making more as you did. That’s why Yunho’s vulnerability had meant so much to you, while Wooyoung’s honest desire slipped past your walls so easily, and why you could understand their apprehension of you so well.
Even, you dare say, sympathizing with Jongho. He had his reasons, you were sure, and you knew just how hard it was to trust after being hurt.
Now the sex- that was the topic of discussion once you swallowed the last bite and Seonghwa was now returning with a second strawberry drink, with impossibly more whipped cream. It was cute, until his tongue flicked out and scooped up a generous amount. His tongue was long, and considering what was about to be discussed, had you thinking some questionable thoughts about it.
“So, let me make sure I know everything that has happened so far- and please, do not get upset that I know about these things, I’ll explain that alright?” You nodded as he squared up his shoulders, the professional aura surrounding him showing how serious this conversation was, but there was no judgment, nothing alarming about his posture either. You mirrored his posture, knowing that yes, this is a serious thing. It was sex in the workplace, and, if you were being honest, it was more than that. “It started with the club, which technically you did amazing with, but I can’t say that your shared kisses with Yunho and Mingi were just a part of your cover. They don’t see it as just a kiss, which I’m sure you’re aware of by now considering what happened with Mingi. There is also, from my understanding, what happened in the gym? Which… San should’ve been honest that we have security cameras in there that Yeosang has access to.” Your cheeks burned at the idea that Yeosang had seen what San did to you, but it also was relaxing to know it wasn’t San who spilled. That did bring up the urge to talk to Yeosang about it, apparently he really liked to watch you get off? That didn’t necessarily upset you either. “When was it brought up? What happened in the gym?” “When Mingi came in sporting hickies. He didn’t have any targets scheduled for the weekend so we had to question. As you know, any connections have to be known to the rest of us. And it’s not just because of our work. Wooyoung’s hinted at it, you’ve had a few glimpses as well… We have something that… that a majority of people would consider wrong or disgusting, but I don’t think you would. This isn’t like an offer for you either, but so you can understand what you might be getting into.” He continued, brow furrowed as he seemed to search for the right words. Especially since you were now smiling at it seemed to throw him off. “It’s a polycule right? Or well, of sorts. I sort of figured it out, though I had never known about it beforehand. Yunho sort of explained last night but I learned the term from some of Haru’s girl’s. They like to yap my ear off since I apparently have Haru’s approval.” He sighed with relief. “Yes, that’s pretty much it. Sex is a casual thing between us, though not all of us sleep with all the rest. I think Wooyoung would be the only one?” You laughed at that. “Oh I can see that. I swear he didn’t turn the camera off on purpose.” You pointed out and Seonghwa’s smile turned pained. “Yeah, probably not. He enjoys being watched, and you… well he wants you to be one of us. Has been set on it since the beginning. And no matter how much of a little shit he can be, he’s got the best damn judge of character, and we all trust it wholeheartedly. Plus…” Now it was his turn to get flustered, the tips of his ears red. “He knows us well.” With a tilt of your head, you urged him to continue. “What do you mean by that?”
“Well… he left the camera on not just for himself, but because he knew we wanted you. We want you. The only one I can’t speak for is Jongho but, Angel, being equal and part of our bond would mean being a part of what we have, and while most of us want that, we would never force it on you. It can be just sex and work for now, or whatever you need it to be. Just on one condition?” For the most part, you were shell shocked. He said it wasn’t an offer but it was clearly there, to an extent. But he was also emphasizing that there was no pressure to be a part of it. “What’s the catch?” “No matter how deep you get, I need you to talk to me about things. If it ends up being too much, if you have doubts, if you’re struggling with others. My job in the unit and in the polycule, is to take care of everyone else. To keep the peace, and help resolve conflict. Can you do that for me? Can you trust me enough for that?” You mulled over his words, staring him down as he now fidgeted with his hands, barely noticeable if you weren’t looking for some tell that this was a lie- but that tell was simply that he was nervous, maybe even a little scared. Scared you wouldn’t trust him.
“I trust you Seonghwa. And I agree to your terms. Thank you for trusting me with this.” You reached over and placed a comforting hand over his, watching him visibly relax. Mentally, you were cursing yourself, scared this was going to end just like it did last time: trusting people, thinking you belong. It was too late to turn back though, wasn’t it?
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Taglist (Capped): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse
| @philijack | @lelaleleb | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames
| @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630
| @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @iwishiwasrichasfuck
| @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe | @alextheweeb7 | @ddaeing
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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kpop-stories-21 · 3 months
Gunsmoke and Leather | Collab Masterpost
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Paring: ATEEZ x Reader
Summary: Eight online friends meet in person for the first time and plan to have a wild weekend. However, things quickly go awry when they are kidnapped by a notorious biker gang. Hilarity, misadventures, and perhaps even feelings ensue.
A/N: This is a collab between myself and seven other members of @cultofdionysusnet . It stemmed from a dream I had (as most of my ideas do) and I thought it would be fun to make a collab out of it. Also, this is my first time hosting a collab, so I'm extra excited!! The deadline for this collab is the end of the year, so make sure you check back often to see when a new entry is posted.
WARNING: All stories in this collab will be 18+, so minors please DO NOT INTERACT with any of the stories listed below
MDNI banner courtesy of @cafekitsune || Collab banner made by me
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Prologue || Written by
1. Hongjoong x Reader || Written by @pyeonghongrie || Read it here
2. Seonghwa x Reader || Written by @sanjoongie || Read it here
3. Wooyoung x Reader || Written by @nebulousbrainsoup || Read it here
4. Mingi x Reader || Written by @kpop-stories-21 || Read it here
5. Jongho x Reader || Written by @stardragongalaxy || Read it here
6. Yeosang x Reader || Written by @anyamaris || Read it here
7. Yunho x Reader || Written by @mint-yooxgi || Read it here
8. San x Reader || Written by @yoonguurt || Read it here
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kitten4sannie · 2 months
♪ 5k followers event: pick a song ♪
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i really never thought i would make it to a milestone like this when i first made this blog ;^; thank you all for making me feel at home in the atiny community :3 and ofc thank you so very much for the love, support, and feedback i’ve received thus far!! it means the entire world to me <3333 and without further ado, let’s get the event started, shall we? as someone who injects music into their veins on the daily, i thought this would be really fun hehe the possibilities are endlessssss,, i will be doing multiple fics for my bias line + my wreckers bc i am insane and if i receive more requests after the slots are filled i will do my best to incorporate some of the details of your requests into the fics i’ll be working on ✨
send me a song and the member of your choice:
example: “hey i wanted to request possessive/jealous bf! san + “please, please, please” by sabrina carpenter :) i would love for there to be some light angst and fluff. as for kinks can there be spit/cum play and lots of praise? <3”
↓ requests now closed ↓
✮ san (3/3)
♪ possessive/toxic san + bloodsport by sleep token + demon au ♪
♪ mean dom san + judas by lady gaga ♪
♪ psychopath san + psycho by muse ♪
✮ yunho (2/2)
♪ soft bf yunho + stupid in love by max feat. yujin ♪
♪ soft dom yunho + after hours by kehlani ♪
✮ wooyoung (2/2)
♪ rich husband wooyoung + would you mind by janet jackson ♪
♪ jealous mean dom wooyoung + agora hills by doja cat + idol/manager au ♪
✮ mingi (2/2)
♪ toxic dom mingi + lethal woman by dove cameron ♪
♪ lovestruck bf mingi + wanna be yours by arctic monkeys ♪
✮ seonghwa (2/2)
♪ dom hwa + soulmates au + vore by sleep token ♪
♪ possessive toxic seonghwa + but daddy i love him by taylor swift + biker au ♪
✮ hongjoong (2/2)
♪ cowboy joong + miles on it by marshmallow feat. kane ♪
♪ love drunk simp joong + ruby by woozi ♪
✮ yeosang (2/2)
♪ soft bf yeosang + desire by ateez ♪
♪ yeosang + cruel summer by taylor swift + childhood friends to strangers to lovers ♪
✮ jongho (2/2)
♪ dilf jongho + (song tba) + mafia au ♪
♪ needy jongho + nerdy by purple kiss + college au ♪
✮ woosan (1/1)
♪ dom woosan + please me by bruno mars feat. cardi b ♪
✮ yungi (1/1)
♪ love crazed yungi + eclipse by josh makazo + love triangle au ♪
✮ seongjoong (1/1)
♪ possessive dom seongjoong + house of balloons by the weekend ♪
✮ yeojong (1/1)
♪ dilf athletes yeojong + woo by rihanna + stripper au ♪
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jeon-ify · 6 months
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hi pretties :3 i’m participating in KINKTOBER 2024! i’m preparing way ahead of time because i know i wont have 31 smuts written in the span of a month. i’ll write out my masterlist in order and i hope you’re all looking forward to them !! :) all of these smuts are going to be female reader! if you have any requests, leave them under this post and i’ll definitely add them to the list for the month of october!
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please be aware that all of these are NSFW— meaning that all of these works will not be suitable for audiences under the age of 18. trigger warnings include sexual content, mentions of r!pe, su!c!de, smoking, vi0lence, drug use, criminal activity, swearing, etc.
1. CRY FOR ME - CHOI SAN (dacryphilia | hard!dom san)
2. YOUR EYES - JEONG YUNHO (soft!dom fairy yunho)
3. INTO IT - SONG MINGI (toxic-ex!mingi)
4. TOO MUCH - KANG YEOSANG (mean!yeosang)
5. IN YOUR MOUTH - JUNG WOOYOUNG (throat fucking/dom!wy)
7. INMATE 1117 - SONG MINGI (prisoner mingi x psychiatric reader)
8. SLOW DOWN - CHOI JONGHO (masked biker!jongho)
9. I DARE YOU - CHOI JONGHO (mafia leader!jongho)
10. RUN BABY, RUN - PARK SEONGHWA (stalker!seonghwa : based on HAUNTING ADELINE by H.D. CARLTON)
11. CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? - KANG YEOSANG (dom!reader x sub!yeosang)
12. PACKAGE DEAL - WOOSANGI (mean!dom wy, san, mingi x reader)
13. LIKE YOU’VE SEEN A GHOST - JUNG WOOYOUNG (masked dom!wooyoung x reader)
14. TWIN BITCHES - JEONG YUNHO X SONG MINGI X READER (dom!yungi x sub!reader | CNC)
15. MASK ON, MASK OFF - CHOI SAN (psycho!san x it girl reader)
16. DIFFERENCES - KANG YEOSANG (vampire!yeosang x witch!reader)
17. THERE IT IS - CHOI JONGHO (sub!jongho x dom!femreader)
18. SILVER LIGHT - JUNG WOOYOUNG (dom!wooyoung x sub!san x sub!reader)
19. UNTIL THE BREAK OF DAWN - MINGI X SEONGHWA X YUNHO (dom!seonghwa, dom!mingi, dom!yunho x switch!vampire reader)
20. TWIN SEATER - KIM HONGJOONG (dom!sugardaddy hj x streetracer reader)
21. SHAKE SOME - MATZ (stripper reader x mean!dom matz)
22. LIKE CANDY - PARK SEONGHWA (switch!hwa x switch!reader)
23. MIDNIGHT PSYCHO - KANG YEOSANG (inmate!yeosang x therapist reader)
24. BE THE LIGHT - PARK SEONGHWA (dom!ghost hwa x sub reader)
25. FACELESS - KIM HONGJOONG (faceless man in a dream becomes a reality / dom!hongjoong)
26. I LUV THIS SHIT - SONG MINGI (public sex w/ mingi at a halloween party! x dom!mingi)
27. DADDY LONG LEGS - JEONG YUNHO (dom!reader x spellcaster!yunho)
28. TOKYO DRIFT - CHOI SAN (drag racer!san x schoolgirl reader)
29. SPREAD OUT - OT8 (gang!ateez x pharmacist!reader)
30. PULL ON IT - OT8 (ateez hosts a halloween frat party!)
31. SEX AINT THE ONLY THING ON MY MIND - OT8 (stripper!reader x rich ceos atz)
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atinycafe · 1 year
COMMON MASTERLIST — ateez blurbs
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collection of my blurbs under the cut ٩(๑ `︿´๑)۶
multiple members
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- longing for your owners!ot8!ateez, who had left hybrid!you alone at home, you reach for the phone seeking comfort. - hyungline!ateez headcanons about the first time u meet them - atz headcanons about reader being unusually silent when drunk - atz headcanons about reader hugging a pillow 2 sleep - atz headcanons about making out with them on a chase atlantic beat - atz headcanons on them using "tiny" during sex [nsfw]
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- biker!seonghwa vs bimbo!reader [suggestive] - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help)
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- a long-awaited reunion in hongjoong's creative studio leads to soft moment - hurt 2 comfort with hongjoong [light angst] - hongjoong and your first subdrop [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - primal play with predator!joong [nsfw] - soft sex w joong [nsfw]
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- during a late-night math session, you're visited by spiderman!yunho - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help) - yunho fucks your nightmare away [nsfw] - choking kink w yunho [nsfw] - some boxer!yunho timestamps
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- you admit something to vampire!yeosang [suggestive] - prince!yeosang rubs oil in your hair (cuz he loves brown girls) - yeosang and his oral fixation aka he loves boobies [nsfw]
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- babying and doing san's eyebrows - ceo!san leaves u alone in ur bed 4 a meeting - sangi taking care of sick you - phone sex with daddy!san [nsfw] - pregnant reader faints [slight angst] - emperor!san x empress!reader
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- mingi taking care of drunk you - sangi taking care of sick you (i have a thing 4 mingi taking care of me and i think it shows) - roommate!mingi is a big pervert [nsfw]
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- wooyoung playfully interrupts your asmr session, expressing his jealousy in a dramatic yet affectionate manner. - hybrid!wooyo plays a little game with you in your bathtub [nsfw] - overstimulation w meandom!woo [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - zombie au - zombie au pt 2
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- exbf!jongho misses u but u... miss him too? - jongho teases u
other groups
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orshii · 6 months
🔥 Ateez as sports 🔥
Hongjoong - Boxing 🥊
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He is just so HOT and a little spoiler: in my next ff he is going to box as a hobby 🫠🔥
Seonghwa - Motor racing 🏍️
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Biker Hwa lives in my head rent free since Bouncy came out soo… 🫠🙇🏻‍♀️
Yunho - Baseball ⚾️
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There is just something so hot in Yunho being a baseball player, like his tall figure and his big hands just fits so well to this sport 🥵
Yeosang - Golf ⛳️
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I know Yeosang IS archery, but I think golf fits him as well, it’s elegant and it needs consistency ✨
San - Hockey 🏒
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Well omfg, this was the reason I started this… like bro was made to be a hockey player with those broad shoulders that could do anything he wants with me tyvm 🙃 Now I’m VERY tempted to write a hockey player San ff 😭🥵 (and I will)
Mingi - Surf 🏄
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Okay but this?! I didn’t know I needed Surfer Mingi until I made this 👄 Like are you kidding me?! 🥵
Wooyoung - Soccer ⚽️
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I want to see Wooyoung playing football pls 😭 And the fact that he likes it and wears a lot of football jerseys that fits him soo well, it’s giving 🫠
Jongho - Basketball 🏀
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Now we all know John is a basketball player like their lore refers a lot of times to that he was a successful player but he needed to stop because of his injury 🥲 I think it really fits him 🤩
A/N: Anyways that’s all 😂 ty if you got here to read my renting LMAO. Let me know what do you think about these.
My favorite is obviously San’s 🫠 Which one is yours? ✨
✨ Masterlist ✨
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hwaightme · 1 year
This world
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THIS IS 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI FOR BIKER!HWA'S SAKE (nsfw tags under the cut) (masterlist) (join taglist)
🏍️ pairing: biker!seonghwa x f!reader 🏍️ genre: romance, fluff, action, smut, strangers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers, smidgen of angst, sprinkles of comedy 🏍️ summary: caught between the past and present, you search for a new beginning in night city as a mechanic at outlaw customs. how will a fateful encounter with seonghwa, the leader of the blue birds, help you feel alive? 🏍️ wordcount: 16.2k 🏍️ warnings/tags: biker!hwa, quick edit, likely inaccuracies in mechanics and motorcycles, mechanic!yunho, businessman!jongho, biker!yeosang, mechanic!reader, tattooed!reader, gang life/activity, misuse of lore terminology, language, food, wounds/injuries, pain, bike chases and dangerous tricks, talk of death/rebirth, identity searching, imagery and setting inspired by outlaw trailers, lmk if anything else 🏍️ a/n: i gave myself a one day break, listened to a dream i had... and this happened. totally was not spooked today and rushed to edit in a feverish state... always, any notes, reblogs and comments are appreciated, much love~
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🏍️ a/n pt2: biker!hwa supremacy also spreads to the exchange event hosted by @kflixnet for @qqtxt (and thank you @alohajun for organising!) - hope you enjoy!!
🏍️ perma-taglist: @doom-fics @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @cheollipop @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @nebulousbookshelf @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @ssaboala @jaehunnyy @kitten4sannie @maddkitt @yunbug
🏍️ cannot be tagged: @mystar1024
🏍️ nsfw tags: condom used, slow, a dom!leaning reader with a soft!hwa, handjob, slight edging, praise, save a bike - ride a biker, focus on intimacy and emotional experience, some mutual masturbation, f!masturbation, literally just two people in love with each other, cuddling and implied aftercare
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The artificial suns of Night City shone bright in a palette of neon hues, so vivid and vibrant that one could almost forget that there had ever been a real star in the first place. Kids wished on blinking lightbulbs and travellers followed endless expanses of darkness, more accustomed to uncertainty than the belief that there was a veritable ally in the form of a celestial sign or a constellation. Everyone wore the same perfume: an acrid concoction of smog, grease and disgust that lingered whenever a visitor from another district came by, blending to form a hatred for all things that existed outside of the palace of neon. This was the palace that you had willingly made your home, and found that if you were to shut your eyes and then dare to peek through your lashes at the kaleidoscopic landscape, it took on the shape of an eloquent illusion of divinity. A rudimentary vision, a utopia carved out in impermanence, commanded by wishful thinking and a desire for anything except what you had known. This was your new home, and you were going to try as you might to cling to it, and find peace amidst the suffocating starless expanse.
You had arrived without a particular plan in mind, with only a rucksack and the tattoos decorating your skin to keep you company on your journey. The only persistent parasite that gnawed at your flesh and jolted you awake like a scalding whip when the roads seemed to be endless, was a burning desire to erase anything, everything that served as a reminder. While you were a believer in growing from the past, and reflecting on it, treating each memory and learned skill as a stepping stone towards a better future, the weight of each step was overwhelming, the gaps between them unbearable, and soon enough, you found yourself to be stretched too thin over your own existence, to the point where you had gained an alarming transparency, one tiny step away from disappearing into the lack of self that you had wholly succumbed to until your sudden evaporation and accidental escape to Night City. 
At the same time, you were not entirely ungrateful for the ‘you’ you had become. The miscellaneous arsenal of know-how and street smarts landed you a job, had you settled into a group of people who did not seem too bad and most importantly did not ask too many questions, gave you a roof over your head and had you working long hours in the garage from the get-go. That, from your experience, was the best way to forget and to start anew. So long as you did not speak to your clients more than necessary, instead focusing on their priceless metal steeds that you had the pleasure of tinkering with for hours on end. In this way, you got to see your clients at their most vulnerable, scrutinising you but so helpless that it nearly made you laugh, comparing the scene to a child watching their mother patch up a toy that they had torn after playing a little too roughly.
This approach turned out to be the one that won the big bucks in the city. Less talk, more trust. And resulted in the previously sceptical owners of the mechanic shop you had strolled into on your first day in town, passively protecting the shell of the self that you carried, uncaring for what fate had in store, to finally begin to warm up to you and treat you less like a pest, and more like a colleague. Only took them a couple of months. Though it would be foolish to hope for anything else, so you had simply settled into the rhythm of waking up, heading downstairs from the crammed studio that they had offered you - a stuffy dark corner, definitely the humblest abode but more than enough to crash in and more than generous for a person who had been a total stranger, and going to a different open cave in the garage and workshop, this time one dedicated to all things motorcycle. Since Outlaw Customs, a name which you had found incredibly comedic and ironic considering a high percentage of the clientele fit the shop description, was primarily for automobiles, there was not much dedicated to the untameable beauties that you loved so much. The head of the shop, a young man by the name of Jeong Yunho who you swore spent more time under cars than under those neon lights outside, did motorcycle repairs mainly out of necessity, following the recipes for replacement, so to speak. The locals knew that to see his craftsmanship, mastery and artistry at work, they needed to let him get his hands on a car. Of course, it did not mean that he could not fix bikes, far from that, in fact, over the years and especially after another mechanic shop was busted by the forces and forced to close for something or other - no one could ever guess what new crime was added to the list on any given day, Yunho was proud to say that he did not need to consult his hefty stack of manuals for when the most regular clients came by. But it did still mean that when he found out that he could pass off the task to a new hire, he did it in a split second, without sparing it a single thought.
As such, it was you, your beloved corner in the workshop, and a tranquillity under those buzzing fluorescent bulbs lined up on the ceiling. Not talking much, mainly business, occasionally sharing a laugh with your coworkers. They were easy to like, that much you had gathered over the months of being paid in shelter, food, water, and whatever else you needed so long as you kept on working to keep the brutes of Night City happy and the engines roaring. While the other guy in charge, Choi Jongho, an initially unreadable, unpredictable man who appeared in the store at random and mainly handled the ‘financials’, whatever it meant and you sure as all things bad were not about to get your nose in that side of the business, was somewhat less cordial with you, your nonchalance when it came to social interaction had put him at ease, along with, how he had it, your hands that told your story. Interesting what he could spot under the machine grease and fading ink.
It was another timeless day where Jongho was out for what he called ‘negotiations’ - again you did not need to know what it meant so long as the parts kept coming, Yunho was messing about with an old mustang that the customer said could be changed according to the mechanic’s own tastes, and you were idle, having just completed a re-flash of an engine control unit for a rider who apparently had nothing to lose and let you fully reconfigure his precious in the hopes of improving rideability. Same old for you, but nevertheless exciting when a new person gets so vulnerable so as to give their bike up with only faith in their hands, and in yours.
Wheeling the bike away from the main platform, you parked it right at the empty section by the brick wall lining the inner part of the garage, the aftermath of a miniature spring clean you had carried out to prep the workspace for a higher volume of bikes coming through. After patting the seat, as if lulling the machine into a slumber, you covered it with a tarp to protect it from any other dust or sparks - and subconsciously, from curious eyes if there were any that would peek into the shop. You stood up straight, taking the towel from your shoulder and attempting to wipe off the remains of your work, though much like your boss, who was now humming some random tune that he probably heard at one of the underground clubs, took pride in each stain, each streak of dirt. It was a reminder that you were here, you were present and alive, and that you were doing what others could never do exactly like you could. If anything, it was a breath of fresh air, the only one that could be ever taken in any Sector, in any City that existed in this nation, and you were almost convinced that this spread to the whole world.
Finding the stool on wheels that apparently used to belong to a nearby barbershop until that closed down, you sat down and sighed, rocking side to side by repeatedly pushing yourself with your feet before getting tired of the motion and rolling across to a workbench that you and Yunho had managed to craft out of a multi-shelved storage unit abandoned on the street, clearly another Sector’s kind donation to the local community, and you were not too proud nor picky. Picking up a brake pedal - a part off a ruined Kawasaki Ninja 2H/R that the universe threw into your arms after the wreck and helped you salvage, somewhat out of respect for the beast that it had been in its heyday, somewhat because you wondered if you could make it work on a horrific Frankenstein’s monster hybrid someday, or another bike of the same make, you twisted it, metal glinting white. The weight of memories, the feeling of it pressing against the foot despite the thick layers of rubber on the boot. Everything about that bike was as hypnotising as a dancing open flame, stunning, an engineering masterpiece, and one that you were praying to revisit, re-experience even if it was the last thing you were to ever do. Perhaps in a distant dream. Replacing the component in a top drawer of the bench, you got to work on signing off on the work completed, not that anyone even had a legal signature anymore, it was more of a quick doodle to hint at the work completed, just in case if the rider were to find themselves too far away, and had no method of fixing faults and could not recall the mods made. As if that would ever happen; you exhaled sharply, finishing the swift sketch and folding the paper in half, then into quarters and dropping the pen to let it hit the back wall. It was suspiciously peaceful at the OC, you concluded, unsettling. Only Yunho going about his business, the artificial cylindrical suns, and the neon climbing from the outside and coating the front entrance to the garage in shades of blue, purple and magenta. 
You waited in suspense, having caught the echoes of an engine in the far distance - still a few too many blocks away from you to determine what the source of it was exactly, but nevertheless, your instincts and the obvious approach of the sound was telling you that you were soon going to find out. Shutting your eyes, you made out an odd stuttering, reminiscent of a coughing fit in a human, as if the air system was out of tune, totally whack on the poor vehicle. The heart ached. Who could possibly mistreat a bike in such a way? Clutching onto the fabric of your black cargo trousers that you had decided would be something of a uniform for you, you listened on, confused. The rumble was familiar, albeit torn up and in need of a fix. Nonetheless, this was a powerful steed, a respectable monster that you could not wait to dissect and reassemble. Hands beginning to burn with excitement, heart starting to race, you stared off into the wall, waiting for the customer to arrive and made your guesses as to what the motorcycle could be like any mechanic in need of a fun pastime would. If you guessed correctly, you were in for an exhilarating time. 
Soon enough, you heard the bike grind to a halt outside of the shop, and the thump of feet hitting the concrete. Not yet looking up, you waited for the figure to approach and cross the line that marked the end of the driveway and the beginning of the garage. Hearing Yunho make a move to roll out from under the car, evidently after having seen the boots form below and recognising them, you began your own sign of common courtesy and moved to turn and stand from the stool.
“Good time of day, welcome to Outlaw Customs how may I-”
“Rear wheel is busted and the mudguard’s wrecked on the right edge, and the spark plugs need replacing - totally fouling. Can you do that in two hours? I’m on a tight schedule.
You froze, the politeness caught in your throat and fizzling out to be replaced with an astonishment at the crudeness. Raising your head to let yourself inspect the man before you fully, you found that he looked every bit like the arrogance that had oozed from the first words he spoke to you. The flashy black and orange outfit, the glimmering belt buckle, the damn chains… the usual lowlife from a gang who had nothing better to do than to be the pretty boy. Slowly, your hope for the particular bike you had placed mental bets on dissipated, to be replaced by a wish that this hoodlum had a standard no-name, beat up and totally not worth the money ride that you could half-ass and let him disappear.
With a sigh, you heaved yourself forward, approaching the biker with a cold resolve and purposefully taking your time with every movement, seeing as the less you had to speak, the higher were the chances that you were not going to cuss this man out and focus on the work you had set out for you. Knowing the bikers from these parts, either they were too knowledgeable and could diagnose correctly enough, or they were so utterly wrong that you wanted to bash their head in. Time would tell which one of the two this guy was. Before you could get a word in, much to your fortune, Yunho was by your side and wiping his hands to give the black-haired man a firm handshake. You noted that the visitor was shorter than your boss, giving you a slight inner satisfaction for an unknown reason, but you bit any remarks back and remained stone faced, seeing as you were not sure just how hostile this man was going to be towards you.
“Seonghwa, long time no see!” your boss greeted the man who now had a name, very animated, amiable. You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head in a silent question.
“I see you have a new hire. Business doing well?” being addressed in third person was unsettling, but it was better than attempting to hold eye contact with the biker who gave you the urge to forget professionalism and throw a punch at lightning speed. It was hilarious how quickly your instincts returned to you in such circumstances.
“Guess you could say that, thanks to her, mainly.” with a playful smugness Yunho responded, placing a hand on your shoulder. If you did not know better, you would think that he was showing off, but his glance at you, a quick check, and his gestures made you think of your brother. Bittersweet, but still a fond series of chapters.
“Oh?” it was impossible to tell whether Seonghwa was mocking you or just taking the piss of the tenseness that he brought with him, but the bugger dared to pretend to be pleased with your presence, nearly making you scowl. But you were too good at treating people with an unnerving neutrality, so an unperturbed mechanic ready to inspect the ride you remained, much to the biker’s dissatisfaction.
You could tell that he put up a front of sorts, an attention-seeking, egoistic and merciless front, the presentation of the mentality of a murderer on the road, the man who would not hesitate to lead you into a ruin just for laughs. It was always fun to dismantle the nerve cells of such bastards; all you needed was his bike. His eyes found yours quickly enough, confident, unwavering, and your lips curled into a close-mouthed smile as if you were not just pondering the destruction of his ego. A flash of what could only be described as curiosity passed over his irises, and you swore you saw his pupils adjust as if they were a camera lens ready to capture you. His gaze travelled down your body and back up again, studying you, taking you in, settling on the tattoos that adorned your forearms and were revealed by you having pushed up the sleeves of the black turtleneck you were wearing. What was he searching for, you asked yourself before you noticed the solitary, dangling earring on his left ear discovering a single silver feather on its end. Of course he had to be a Blue Bird. Of course he had to be a so-called peace keeper of the city. No wonder he was so full of himself, at least upon first meeting. Now you really wanted to see his bike.
“Motor master, I tell you. Can sort out your beauty in no time.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Seonghwa squinted, earning an eye roll from your boss.
“Got you, yeah. Anyways, meet Y/N,” the man turned to you once again, seeing how your expression remained unchanged, “she’ll be finding common ground with your bike from now on. “Noticing how neither of you spoke nor made a move to greet, Yunho raised his hands and continued while ambling back to the car, “Now, now, don’t talk over one another, you will have plenty of time to chat.”
“So,” you began, not wishing to remain unproductive any longer and wanting to rid yourself of this client as soon as possible, “Seongh-”
“You address me as Mars.” he commanded, crossing his arms, the corner of his lip curling up as you searched for the right response, but quickly falling as you suppressed the desire to sneer and merely adjusted yourself to the pesky, petty demands. You had met worse, much worse than the urban chic version of hierarchy and names. Mars was something you could deal with easily enough, and gave you a lot more insight than Seonghwa could imagine.
“Mars, care to show me your bike?”
“Mm.  Follow me, Y/N.” he emphasised your name, as if the fact that you did not have a title nor a nickname gave him some odd power trip - to be frank, it would not be surprising if this actually was the case.
As you followed him out to the front, you noticed his gait was ever so slightly out of balance, a miniscule limp, likely following an injury. Again, something so common with your customers, but made you soften up the tiniest bit - in some senses Seonghwa reminded you of a wild animal that was pretending to be strong. Frustrating, yes, but he was out there trying his best to survive in the way that he knew and could. Much like everybody else, including yourself. You kept your gaze trained on the man’s back as you walked on until you very quickly found yourself right in front of the beast whose roar you had heard from all that distance away. You broke into a full grin, making Seonghwa’s brows knit together as he became perplexed. As it turned out, your prediction was more than right, and before you was a gorgeous, sleek, though having seen some battles, Suzuki Hayabusa. Customised, adored and kept pristine from what you could see. The damage that the motorised excellence had sustained looked to be new, perhaps even acquired a mere couple of hours ago, but other than that the steed was the closest you had seen to true love in Night City. It was clear that despite Seonghwa offering not the best impression, the bike told a different story, and as you crouched down to briefly inspect it at proximity, you nearly gasped. Each valve, each tiny detail was treated with kindness and affection, as if this man spent every spare moment only caring for it. The paint did made you want to giggle, however. Aside from the signature hanja for peregrine falcon, purposefully highlighted with neat strokes of paint to highlight the engineering finesse and power contained in the supreme machine, the motorcycle was completed in a dual tone, with the majority of the body done in a midnight black, and the detailing and smaller body components being done in a copper orange - stunning complement to the outfit of the rider, a full unit of owner and two-wheeler. One body, one mind. If you could start your first impression here, your thoughts of Seonghwa would be a lot more friendly, you determined. But that was the beauty of being a mechanic, you got to know people a lot closer, in secret, unknown to them. This man had a soul on fire. A soul he was attempting to hide, a soul that manifested itself in one of the fastest production motorcycles. And a soul that most certainly knew what was wrong with its metal body - the diagnoses were pleasantly accurate.
“What are you smiling for?”
“Hm, let’s get this beauty in the garage, yeah?” 
He obliged, but still did not let you touch the vehicle as he pushed it along until you told him where to leave it. Occupying an old armchair right by the platform where you fixed the bike in place, Seonghwa watched your every move, scrutinised you as you started your work on the Busa, impatient. It was customary for the bikers that came to OC to remain here like a spouse waiting for their loved one to come out of surgery, but his predator-like focus was beginning to get unsettling and ruined your concentration. You could not speak to the bike in front of you, you could not gain its trust while its owner was staring you down like you were about to tear everything apart and turn the motorcycle into scraps. Letting a tool fall onto the mat that you had rolled down on the floor, you raised your head an deadpanned to the man, catching him off-guard:
“It’ll be three hours since I expect you want the guard done up all pretty. Get me jjajangmyeon from the place down the street and I might speed it up to your optimistic two.”
Yunho’s guffaw resonated across the shop as he heard your statement and imagined the shocked look on Seonghwa’s face upon receiving the daring request. Indeed, the man was more than taken aback, curious as to how important you deemed yourself to talk to him in such style. But at the same time, it was beyond amusing. The cheek, the attitude behind a cold and monotone sentence was alluring. There was something more to you than what Yunho had proposed, and that was reassuring. Perhaps you did have the right energy to find common ground with his priceless Suzuki. Still, the first word to escape him as he recoiled from the jab was an airy question of:
“What?” quickly countered with:
“They do late night deals. Half price. If you get there within the next half hour that is. Get Yunho and yourself a bowl while you’re at it and I’ll get the job done to fit your busy schedule and be enviable.”
“Boss, are you hungry?” you called out to Yunho, who was still giggling from under the vehicle, making it appear as if the car itself was caught in a comedy.
“Done then, Mars, would you be a dear and do an orbit there and back?” you could not stop yourself from bringing his chosen, given or acquired through a brutal climb name into the mix. The opportunity was just too much of a low hanging fruit to not take it.
You were playing with fire, that much was certain. You could tell that he was contemplating putting you on a hitlist; not something that you were not used to, seeing as you were still in a client-facing role even if a lot of your time was spent with silent steely beauties. But you took a risk with Seonghwa, you ceased to be careful, spurred on by the euphoric prospect of treating the customised, souped up and customised Hayabusa, and took a shot in the dark with your forwardness. As the blood that was pumping in your ears got louder with every passing moment, and you began to doubt whether this was the right call to make to get some along time with the steed, Seonghwa stirred after his ponderings. Rising from the armchair, the chains that adorned his neck glinting under the lights, he stretched more for show than for comfort and exhaled through his nose, suppressing a chuckle.
“Ask for jjamppong on top of that and I will snap your arms in half.”
“You are too kind.”  catching him mid turn, you responded, making him look back, and give you a playful, mischievous glance over his shoulder, almost boyish, as if the two of you were good friends that were used to the banter.
Releasing a breath that you did not realise you had been holding after the man disappeared from view, you returned to the Suzuki that was gracing your vision. Yunho’s laughter had subsided, and once again the buzz of the lights was the only thing that was between you and total silence. Diving into your work, you read the story etched into the curves, the miniscule dents, the scratches that were invisible to the naked eye but still there, hinting at just how much the bike and, evidently, the rider went through. The fixes were going to be complicated, but nothing that you could not do with what you had in the shop. You rested a hand on the engine, thinking of your next move, and of the dark glimmering orbs of the biker whose soul was still right here with you, watching, inspecting, but attempting, bit by bit, to trust that you would do the mechanical masterpiece justice. Of course you would, you were getting a late dinner for it after all. Besides, it was easy to love such a stunning bike, especially when you could see that it was truly loved by its owner. A soft smile on your face, you leaned forward and got back to dismantling a broken detail from the main body, already excited for the inner workings you would see behind it; the closest thing to true light that one could get in the sadistic, somnolent city of neon and night.
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After the first appointment came another, and another, and more after that. The Busa almost became your personal project as what had previously been menial tasks carried out by an amateur mechanic and devilish rider, now fell to you. You knew this motorcycle better than you knew all of your tattoos, that much you were sure of. From the piping to the seating to the turbocharger you had installed, it was clear enough that Seonghwa was more than willing to let you tinker with the bike as much as he wanted you too, which with every unscheduled drop in became longer and longer. At times, Yunho would be there to participate in some idle chatter, other times, it was merely you and him on your own, either in a perfect stillness, with only the bike making the music and talking for you both, or with the occasional question thrown in either direction. 
You had found out bit by bit that Seonghwa was, as you had assumed, a member of the Blue Birds - the local crew of vigilantes, from what your boss and your ghost of a boss had told you. Brutal and unforgiving, they had taken it upon themselves to maintain something of an order in the district, though you never asked for the details on how exactly they did it. You had learned over your lifetime to ask less, unless it was about mechanics; that was always a safe bet, and a point that you would always return to if you felt the conversation going into a direction that you did not wish to explore. All other inquiries normally answered themselves from what you noticed - for instance, the limp was now gone, to be replaced by rather grim looking knuckles. But again, no comment from you. It was above your pay grade. Seonghwa, at some point, had also caught onto your avoidance and tendency to cling onto bikes for conversation, but had taken it upon himself to probe further and further through what you considered to be a strong enough barrier, to figure out why exactly was one of your tattoos on the right forearm a mark that he had avoided at all costs when he was still a youngster back in the place he used to go home, many kilometres away, now reachable through highways to hell. He could not ask directly, not when you could clog up his air filters or ruin the braking system right then and there, but curiosity was getting the better of him as the weeks turned into months, and you were doing your regular check up on the Busa.
“What’s your favourite bike, Y/N?”
“Why the sudden question?”
“Why answer a question with a question?”
“Hm… yours is pretty good.” you tried to brush his inquiry away, even though your mind instantly went to the answer, and remained stuck. You could hear the engine resonate in your chest, and could feel the handles in your palms, as you gripped onto them, tighter, tighter and turned. The feeling of a machine coming to life right beneath you, ready to race into the darkness and obey your every instruction. Turn after turn after turn. Somewhere along that race, you lost your soul, and longed for it. Blinking slowly, you hoped that Seonghwa would leave the conversation where it was, but knew that he was going to do everything except that.
“No but really. Every mechanic, every biker has their favourites. Hell, even Yunho has one and he doesn’t really work on them anymore.” leaning forward to rest his head in the palm of his hand as his elbow positioned itself on his right thigh, he focused on your response, down to the body language and each one of your cells could feel it.
“Hard to pick.” Again, vague, but you wanted to get away, hide yourself. The sensation of the brakes, how the loyal companion to your every conquest could glide across the streets and halt just when you wanted it to, make impossible turns and let you caress the ground through thick gloves that have seen the wildest tricks and fastest getaways… it was all far too vivid. Too much for you to bring up while you were trying to work. Swallowing your spit, you shook your head slightly as Seonghwa commented that you were not responding to him.
“What do you want me to say?”
“What you are thinking about.”
“And what am I thinking about?” abandoning the Busa, you gave the body a wipe with towel and dropped it to the floor, raising yourself up you fell onto the spinny stool, and eyed Seonghwa right back, despising the smirk that was threatening to break out on his lips that were far to soft and lush for a damn outlaw.
“The bike. Your bike. You used to ride, didn’t you?”
“I can feel it. No need to pretend.” he had already formed his suspicions. In fact, he had put two and two together a long enough time ago. All he needed was a confirmation, a mention of that same bike that he had heard of, a name to a face that had haunted him for as long as he was leading the Blue Birds.
“Yeah. I did. Not anymore though.” your voice grew colder, dismissive as you turned to look out at the neon lights. A flicker caught your attention - the sign for the Japanese restaurant that opened and closed only when the owner wanted to was caught in a starlike sparkling, the fluctuating light making it seem as though the luminescence was alive. Alive. Curious choice of words.
“What was it?”
“Let’s start with the bike.”
“Is this an interrogation?”
“Just curious, no biggie.”
Afraid of what you could say if you were to dive into elaborating your memories and sentimentality, you stood up and walked to the work bench, retrieving the component that you had brought with you to the city, and kept it with you at all times. Giving it one last look, you strode over to an expectant and enthusiastic Seonghwa, motioning for him to stretch out his hands. As you watched him inspect the item, turning it and checking each nook and cranny, your heart felt heavy. Was it really that long since the brake pedal was attached to the swift stunner? A glorious ink black, with piping of the skeleton completed in a vibrant poisonous green. A nightmare. Your love, your priceless dream.
“A Kawasaki?” he whispered half to himself. So it was how he had indeed attempted to predict.
“Kawasaki Ninja H2R.”
“Two hundred and twenty-eight kilowatts without ram-air?”
“I played around with that.”
“Sure you did. Wow. Really that’s pretty.”
“Mhm.” you took the brake pedal from Seonghwa’s hands, returning it back to the drawer. 
Suddenly, it all felt too real. The last moments raw, the feeling that the motorcycle was still with you, still outside, parked and patiently waiting for you, was too clear in your head that you had attempted to train to believe that that stage in your life was over. Done. Finished. You had crossed the metaphorical finish line and that was all there was to it. But Seonghwa was not letting up, instead choosing to dig into the wound and watch as blood began to trickle.
“Now that explains it.”
“What?” you knew you were going to regret asking, but did so still.
“The tattoo.”
“What tattoo?” your eyes narrowed as you propped yourself against the bench and crossed your arms.
“The one on your arm. The right one.” he pointed as if he just won a game of spot the difference, leaving you irritated.
“What of it? I have many.”
“Not one that belongs to the Black Pirates. I am no fool, Y/N. I’ve seen the mark before and truthfully, I am surprised you are still alive.”
“I am too.” you huffed, finding your boots to be awfully interesting.
“Sacrificed the bike?”
You did not answer. You did not want to answer because it was clear that Seonghwa could answer the question for you. And for that, you loathed him in that given moment, despite overall finding his company to be almost comforting in recent weeks. In reality, the Kawasaki saved you from utter demise. Sliding on its side across the highway at record speed, sparks flying in the air and the screeching penetrating through your helmet to embed itself into your bones, the bike made it seem as though you were truly done for when, as luck would have it, you had gotten away with only a few scratches and a lot of foliage clinging to the torn up leather you had worn. As you had made your leap off the out of control beauty, the hero fighting its last battle it collided with cement to split and crumble into smithereens, the fuel tank pierced and beginning to seep out the fluid. A couple of gunshots later, and the bike was caught aflame, and all you could see from the group below where you had fallen, was the occasional licks, smoke and more sparks, your soul departing the metal body. The brake pedal, by some odd circumstance, had flown off and landed in your direction, nearly crashing into your visor. You had cradled it in your hands, sliding down on your back further and further to the moist earth beneath the highway until you were totally concealed from all viewpoints, hidden by pillars and rusted armature. When you were sure that those who you had called family, called friends, called comrades sped away, confident that you were there splattered on the cement and roasting, thanks to the bag that had been left on the seats serving practically as a dummy, you had begun to weep, never knowing for what, but certain that you were not yourself anymore. You had died.
Unbeknownst to you, as your vision blurred and mist settled to accompany the rising melancholia, Seonghwa had risen from the armchair and cautiously stepped closer and closer to you, until he was barely an arm’s reach away. Gaze drifting, you only took notice of the change when the knuckles came into view. Those bruised, bloodied knuckles, obviously treated by a person who knew nothing about caring for themselves. Silly man. A silly, silly man who wanted to put up a front; a front that might just have been yours, and your family’s ruin.
“Hey, are you-”
“No.” you retorted before he could accentuate what you deemed to be your weakness. Pushing yourself off the bench you were about to make a beeline for somewhere, anywhere, make up and excuse, but felt a gentle hand wrap around your wrist. Shocked, you stilled yourself and attempted to tug, only feeling the grip getting stronger until Seonghwa pulled you towards him, so that you would be face to face.
“I-... I’m sorry. I know how much this hurts and-”
“Do you?” cold, you hissed.
“...I can see it. I am sorry for your loss. And I am sorry for making you relive it.”
A smile, ones that graced those who had little to lose and little to wish for except perhaps a restart as another person, in another body, in another time and life, melted over you as you tested the strength of Seonghwa’s hold another time. Not budging. You did not dare to check his expression, for you knew that it would make you crack. 
“Do you need any-”
“One more word and I will snap your arms in half.” recalling your first meeting, you muttered the empty threat.
“You are too kind.” he echoed, deliberating whether to give himself up to the urge and pull you closer. 
So it was you who he had heard about after all. The demon on the roads, Icarus who had gotten too close to the sun of power, and was violently shoved from the pedestal of grace and familial leadership into the torment, into the abyss, stripped of all you knew and had. He had learned about you through fable-like gossip that his childhood friend, who caught up with the wrong crowd and became a member of the Black Pirates had shared over a couple of drinks when Seonghwa had visited. Same night he had shared that he wanted to leave, but as it had turned out, he was someone not quite lucky to make an escape and someone who Seonghwa was meant to forget. But besides the passing of another, someone who he could not save even though he tried, never did he think that the beast on the Kawasaki would be you. The you that he had come to know. The sensitive, albeit snarky and strong-headed you. The you who was a gifted mechanic, a woman who breathed the craft, the art, the science, the life that was that of a biker. Never before did he see anyone treat the Busa with such respect, nor make such accurate guesses about the fights and chases that it had participated in. Looking back, it should have been obvious that you had a history. You knew more than you ever let on. Perhaps you knew Seonghwa like he knew the streets of Night City, and now, your true past.
“The… yeah the Hayabusa’s done. By the way.” you tried to veer the conversation away, and fortunately this time, Seonghwa agreed. 
“Thank you.”
“Standard rate.”
“Everything is sort-”
“May I-”
You shot him an aggressive, piercing gaze, threatened by the change in tone. Far from his usual upbeat lilt, it was deeper, slower, sticky and sweet like molasses and you did not want to get pulled in. You clambered for air, for any relief away from his man, the man who had so openly shared his soul with you. He stammered and cleared his throat, finally letting go of your wrist. The sharp change in temperature was nearly unwelcome as the ghost of his soft fingers remained, caressing your flesh.
“Would you want to join a patrol now?” the inquiry, hanging in the air, dangling like a treat as the adrenaline rushed across your body. You had to feel guilty, surely, after having mourned the loss of your beloved Kawasaki and just revisited its final minutes, you had no right to be looking forward to another rush. You did not need it. You should not need it nor want it. And yet, you found yourself nodding almost immediately, much to Seonghwa’s delight. A reassuring warm hand on your upper arm, a lean forward letting Seonghwa catch your glossy eyes, him asking when you can close up shop and you mumbling that you were done for the day, or night. It was alway nighttime. The soothing blanket of navy blue, sleepy over the streets that you were about to explore under Seonghwa’s guidance. 
As the dark haired man settle on the bike and appeared to adjust his wristwatch, holding his helmet while you found a spare displayed on one of the shelves - showed marks of wear and tear but good enough for a couple rides more, he felt his heartbeat turn erratic, and what was normally a bearable thrum turn into an erratic, unbelievable pace that only amplified in his skull and quickened once your arms were wrapped around his torso, holding onto him, your body pressed against his. If there was ever a hazard on the road for him, it was this. Your intoxicating closeness that made him want to ride forever more, never stopping if that meant that you could stay exactly where you were. How you were. It was surreal that the rider, the legend that he had grown to respect from the tales, was the woman that he had now grown to love.
As he sped down the streets, the neon had shone down on you in different colours, a bolder, more optimistic palette that made you beam right back. You clutched onto Seonghwa’s leather jacket, seeking more support as the exhilaration began to overwhelm you. It had been far too long since the last time you felt the wind hit you in this way, you felt the engine rushing you on between the trees of the concrete jungle, the windows and doors, the stray passers-by zooming right past you as the bike accelerated. It was not the same, of course, nothing could ever be, but the feeling, that distant feeling and warm memory was enough to remind you that you indeed were alive and you had the future to look to. A future that Seonghwa wanted to help you find. Hugging him tighter, you let yourself be carried away from the shop you closed up, away from the pleasant routine you had aimed to settle into all the way towards a moment of freedom and that familiar rush.
When you arrived at the destination, which turned out to be an abandoned parking lot under an equally barren road, illuminated only by a single streetlight with two bulbs, you noticed that there were a few people already gathered, including some familiar faces who were chatting away while wheeling their rides out of what you would describe as some concealed warehouse into better starting positions. Feeling a wave of shyness, you did not move as Seonghwa stopped the bike and stretched his legs out to balance it. Only after you sense more movement, and approaching footsteps did your arms snake away on their own accord and tug at your helmet. The man seemed to sense this since, as soon as his own helmet was off, he turned to you to whisper a quick “you okay?”. You feebly nodded, and found the ground with your military-style boots. 
Quickly enough, a man approached Seonghwa, and the two exchanged a handshake and a couple of words. You recognised him fast enough - while he had not come to the shop nearly enough to be considered a regular, and judging from how heavily modded his MV Agusta Rush was it was clear that he preferred to do most, if not all repairs himself, Yeosang was a memorable figure. His hair, approaching shoulder length, and the long black and red leather jacket with cutouts that flowed behind him as he hit top speed made him stand out to you, and his endearing disposition and innate warmth as he discussed all matters within your comfort made him something of a friend. He waved to you, excited that you had decided to join the patrol, agreeing with Seonghwa that it was an honour to see you on the urban tracks. You bit your lower lip, wondering just how far word about you had travelled after your supposed passing, and whether this word would travel right back down to the south again after your impulsive appearance right here, among the Blue Birds.
“So you riding with us? Right?” Yeosang finally addressed you, his voice jolting you out of your musings. 
“I suppose so,” after giving Seonghwa one final look and receiving a reassuring smile, you responded.
“Great, then, follow me.” As Yeosang spun on his heel and led you towards the warehouse, you let yourself wonder out loud.
“Were you all waiting for me or something?”
“Well, yes and no. We’ve heard stories, then Mars has really taken to you and well, that comes with a lot of getting to know you, and then Yunho shared a couple things-”
“What in the-”
“Don’t be too surprised. We keep our tabs on everyone. Just in case.” he chuckled and elaborated on the miniature dossier that had accumulated - he was not going to rat out the fact that it was mainly his leader not realising that he was discussing you at longer time periods than was customary for a standard biker and mechanic relationship.
“Guess I’m a bit rusty in that department.” you pondered the networks, the informers that had existed back in your town, and how sometimes you even had to ‘do some less than appealing kinds of convincing’ to get updates, but shook the image away as you entered the dimly lit warehouse.
“Let’s hope you aren’t when it comes to riding.” You stood back, letting Yeosang turn on another lamp, something probably found in a trash pile but still functional enough to be a source of illumination, only to reveal a breath-taking beauty. 
“Now, of course it isn’t the Kawasaki,” Yeosang paused, patting the seat of the black and red motorcycle that you could sense was studying you, checking if you were strong enough to handle it, “but it is still quite impressive. Aprilia RSV4-”
“1100 Factory. Grunty engine, sweet chassis. Good engineering.”
“You can say that again. Here, give it a try.”
You stepped towards the breathing machine. The beast in slumber, awaiting a boost, a nudge awake and it was ready to roar and leave all those in this lot behind. It was a captivating system of mechanisms, all working in unison to create what was going to be a revival for you. A revival on the road. As you sat down on the bike, feeling its energy ooze through you and appreciating its almost youthful vigour, your mind traversed its maze-like avenues back to the Kawasaki. This was far from your precious. Far from who you had been. Far from the soul that you had lost back then. Gorgeous, without a doubt, an astounding piece of work that the streets would be grateful for gracing them, but that was how you had to treat it. As much as a part of you desired a renaissance, that same thrill, it was obviously unachievable. Nothing was the same, nor could be, including you. The place where the tattoo of the Black Pirates still decorated your skin ached with dull throbs as you leaned forward and tested your movements, your fluidity with the motorcycle. This was going to do; this had to do for that one last thrill before you could say goodbye to the dream of re-experience - the final nail in the coffin of a phantom that had you delusionally hoping for that sense of belonging and sense of being undefeatable to return to you. The Aprilia was the Aprilia, and you were you. The need for speed, the desire to rule the roads and exist in discord and chaos had died with the Kawasaki Ninja H2R, and the you now was searching for peace. The peace that you could read in Seonghwa’s eyes. The peace that he was offering in the form of unconditional support, in the form of pieces of his own soul to ignite the one you were patiently cultivating in your hollow chest. To let the blaze warm you, nurture the affection you yearned for, and let you breathe again. You gripped the handles of the bike, and turned on the ignition, casting a permission-seeking side glance to Yeosang, who merely nodded. As it rolled out of position and you flipped the foot that anchored it in balance, and let yourself be regarded by Seonghwa and his fellow bikers, the revelation finally came, that this was the new life that you had hoped for. The life that you had wanted to experience, not a reworking, but a clean slate. A new home that you hoped to discover in Night City.
Once everyone was in position, and Yeosang gave you a helmet that was fitted with a communication system that let the Blue Birds converse while on patrol, you followed Seonghwa out, having been given a designated position and role in the formation. It felt like the old times, but in reverse. Instead of organising havoc, the group was organising peace. Instead of planning heists, the group was hoping to stop crime that happened under the noses of those who purposefully disregarded it, focusing on new age delinquency that manifested itself as banal expression and creativity. The city was different now, it had to be. Suddenly, you were astounded and amazed by it, by the intricacies of every corner, the affection with which the citizens of the sector had decorated their storefronts and windows, even though if a government-arranged bust was to be organised, and the forces, nicknamed the Guardians were to march down these streets, these homes would be the first to be annihilated. Risking their own lives these marvellous people decided to spread joy and share colour. There was hope in Night City, there was hope in this district where the desire to live and thrive could not be put out. 
Blue, purple, magenta, pink, orange, yellow, red, green, purest white and inkiest black, every shade and every saturation was jumping out at you even through the visor. You felt at ease, one with your surroundings as Seonghwa’s soothing voice issued the final command before the group were to split, leaving you, Seonghwa and Yeosang alone and zooming down the central street, empty from the lack of business after a particularly nasty raid. You noted remnants of shattered glass and a charcoal black storefront, one of the downsides of living in an area where law was more questionable than local dealings. But even then, you felt more alive than before. 
“How are you feeling, Red?” a nickname thought of on the spot for ease of callouts thanks to the accents on the Aprilia.
“Good, Mars.”
“Good?” Yeosang echoed, and you could swear you heard an amused giggle from his mic.
“Very good, Greece,” you would never not be amused with the choice of name for your friend, the word ‘sculpture’, to highlight his heavenly visuals, had apparently been deemed too long to work.
Seonghwa could hear the joy in your voice, stronger than he had ever experienced it before, even when you joked around with him or revealed to him a particularly high quality part that Jongho had produced by some unmentionable connections. Previously, there had been barriers that you had accumulated with each season of your new existence, hardened by your trials and tribulations as a person who technically was not supposed to exist. Less talk, more business. Less emotion, more control over your behaviour, your being in the effort of maintaining an image of strength, much like he had done when he had first met you.
When Seonghwa had first laid eyes on you, you seemed to be the closest thing there was to a human version of ice. You appeared to be dismissive and disinterested in him, in what he could bring, and that was vexing. He, as Mars of the Blue Bird gang, had gotten used to have the room freeze as he walked in, only to combust into hot flames an instant after, but definitely not come face to face with someone who was sombre, and with their lack of a reaction made Seonghwa feel as though, in reality, he was not that important. He had made a promise to himself after finding out about the Kawasaki rider of the Black Pirates, that if there was anyone he would listen to and learn from, it would be them. From the technique to the daredevil spirit, that was the kind of rider he had always wanted to be. At the same time, as days turned to weeks turned to months, and the image of you and the rider became one in his mind, Seonghwa came to understand that truly, the rider was an illusion. A fantasy that he had built in his mind that could not compare to the wise woman that had transformed his Hayabusa, and his own heart. He wanted to learn you, and learn anything else with you. And to hear the spark within you, to feel your passion for finding yourself begin to return to you was the final sign that he needed to fully comprehend what he had been searching for. For that smile to never leave your face, for him to bring you food just because, for you to be side by side in this race against harsh reality, fighting the odds and making it through to a land where there was true light, away from the land of neon farce.
As you sped down the neverending roads, checking each turn and alleyway for activity, an odd trepidation crept into your chest, and fluttered like a moth fighting for its spot on a bulb. The same feeling as when you had been out with your so-called crew, checking the outskirts of your hometown that fateful night. Your inner alarm rolled out of a restless sleep, and began to clang against your brain, once, twice more and more until it became unbearable and you cried out for the group to stop. The unexpected call startled the duo, and they barely had time to process the action as the three of you instinctively skid to a halt, leaving hot trailmarks on the road. A hum. An unsettling hum that came before a certain ruin spread across your surroundings, and you took off your helmet to tune into it in an attempt to decipher anything at all. Seonghwa and Yeosang followed suit, perplexed, contemplating you as you darted from one side to the other turning your head and getting a grasp of what could be the source of the thrum. A revving. A sickening revving in the far distance, picked up by you as you whispered to your team.
“You hear that?”
“Hear what?” Yeosang asked back, running a hand through his hair.
“The hum.”
“Where are we right now?”
“Southernmost district, kind of outside of Night City, but still our area.” Seonghwa responded promptly, alerted by your concern.
“We need to leave.”
“But the patrol-” Yeosang tried to argue, but you cut him off.
“Now. We need to leave now.”
The engines became even louder, and if you were not going to move now, you would never move again. 
“Surveillance Point South, Guardians Helmets on, MOVE!” you commanded, disregarding any hint of formality as you shoved the helmet back onto your head and twisted the bike to go back. The men followed suit, and in good time, as in one of your mirrors, you saw the first flash of white appear from around the corner.
Bless technology, bless the engineers who crafted these magnificent motorcycles; you were praying and praising every person who had ever contributed to the creation of these beauties, these roaring urban animals as you accelerated to top speed in seconds and swerved down a random street, one that you had no clue where it led to. Calming yourself to the level where you were able to ask a question, you hurriedly shouted into the mic:
“Turn right at the end, Greece flanks on the left.”
“Gotcha chief.”
“Update on tail?” You continued as the initial wave of automatic movements subsided, and in came the need for fast, adaptive strategy. You were not about to make the same mistakes again. This could not happen. You had to trust yourself, trust Seonghwa and Yeosang. They should not suffer the same way you had done. Ever.
“Five Guardians. Gear - standard. They were not expecting us.” Yeosang communicated back, pressing himself into the motorcycle as the three of you sped down the street only to burst into another and swerve to the appointed direction.
“Well that’s a plus,” you huffed and accelerated more after completing the dangerously sharp turn. The Guardians were quick to repeat the motion, and were aggressively catching up to your trio.
“There’s a highway under construction, we can lose them there.” Seonghwa offered, clearly disturbed by the closeness of the forces, practically breathing down his neck.
“How far?”
“How fast can you go?”
“Lead.” a quick ‘yes’ in agreement, and Seonghwa issued an order:
“Greece, split on the fork and find Crow. If you get a tail then spiral the shit out of them.”
“Good luck.” With one last wish, serving as a hopefully temporary farewell, Yeosang rolled away his own response blending into static as the connection grew weaker, only to fully break:
“Good lu-”
And just like that, it was you, Seonghwa, and four remaining Guardians, who evidently had decided that Yeosang was not their main target, leaving only one to tail him. You cursed under your breath, and clearly the mic was a lot more sensitive than you had initially expected, because as soon as the utterance left your mouth Seonghwa’s voice reverberated against your eardrums.
“Just a bit more, okay? Trust me we’ll get there-”
A gunshot stops the man mid-sentence, and you blindly followed him as he countersteered to make another sharp turn into a much more narrow street, forcing the group of four to slow down considerably and giving you an extra few valuable seconds. 
“Are guns part of standard gear?” Shocked by the similarity between the gang you had been part of and your present followers, you managed to ask.
“Yes, unfortunately.”
“Well isn’t this a fun time.”
“Glad you are enjoying it. Turn in five then turn left.”
Before you knew it, you were entering the meandering manoeuvre from street to alley to a series of pedestrian passageways, fully expecting Seonghwa to still be by your side, but as you entered another road, zooming ahead, you took note that your partner was nowhere to be seen, along with another two Guardians. The ones behind you, thanks to the maze of stairs and tight spots down the path he had directed you through, the Guardians were trailing behind, the distance having grown to a more secure one, at least until you felt the bike, which you were not totally used to, hit a pothole on the road and start to wobble, forcing you to overreact - counterintuitive to any professional behaviour. Your yelps finally made Seonghwa return through the speakers asking as to what exactly happened. To the best of your ability you choked out the cause of your surprise, while loosening your grip and regaining at least some control by slowly rolling off the throttle.
“I leave you for one second and that happens?”
“Last time I was alone and being chased I-”
“Did not have me, to your left-” As you had balanced yourself out and returned to breaking any speed limit imaginable, you noted the familiar black and orange Hayabusa merge into the lane to your left, followed by one Guardian.
“Where is their friend?”
“Took an arrow to the knee,” out of the corner of your visor’s allowable view, you saw Seonghwa accelerate until he was a little in the front and he waved what could only be a particularly menacing pistol.
“That is one hell of a bow.” You pondered when and where  he could have produced a gun from, and finally realised why most of the time he kept his jacket zipped up unless he was off vigilante duty.
As you approached the winding highways-to-be, you swore you were barely breathing. With only three Guardians remaining on your tail it should be easier, an escape should feel closer, but you could not settle into any form of focus, instead only speeding towards an oblivion. Another one, your final one. The fear that you had been living with, the repetition that you had wrongfully longed for, was it about to happen? You fell quiet as you saw the road curve higher and higher to another level, and followed its flow. Seonghwa let you flow forwards, turning back to return the gunfire that the white-clad spawns of the so-called law restarted, missing one by a few centimetres, but in this way forcing them to enter the same state from which you recovered. Luckily, they did not have as reflexive of a control over the vehicle, and toppled to veer and hit one of the borders, denting it and giving up the chase. Two to go.
Entranced by the openness of the location, you raised your head to find a night sky, clearer than the one you were used to back in Night City. It was similar to the countryside around your hometown, how the stars came around to glint and help you recollect your thoughts by emphasising that everything on this earth, compared to the infinite expanse of the universe, was small enough to brush off. It had always made you feel briefly light, relieved, free. How you wished you could fly-
“Ready to fly?”
“Literally?” you cried out, returning back to the matter at hand.
“I sure hope you remember how to recover from a high jump on a bike because that is our only chance.”
“What the-”
“May the suspension system be ever in our favour,” you muttered, embracing the oncoming drop as you avoided the cones that marked the end of the construction zone and led into a drop onto the highway below.
Your mind cleared, and you focused on the head level balance point in front of you, which just so happened to be the straight line of the horizon. Your body moved back to ease the weight on the front end, and as you saw the drop come into view, raised yourself up on the foot pegs and pushed with all your might, bending your legs into the motion as you felt the suspension respond to you and compress before rising again. Instantaneously, you blipped the throttle, giving the Aprilia that final burst, propelling you and lifting you right when the front wheel hit the jumping point you had marked out. Keeping your head up, you let yourself feel the arc that you made together with the bike, eagerly watched your surroundings blur as you continued your calculated fall, and giggled as you heard Seonghwa let out a loud proclamation of “awesome!” as you landed the jump and remained fully in control of the temperamental steed. 
The Guardians had stopped themselves before the leap, clearly not having the borderline death-seeking move programmed into their ridiculous training schemes, nor into their own obedient, law-abiding cells. With the southernmost district, and as such, the Guardian patrol point long behind you, it was now a matter of finding a place to slow down and figure out a safe way home. You laughed airily as the adrenaline egged you on, making you feel like you could take on the entire world, your gang of traitors and snakes, and the masked tyrants that had been chasing you and all that you considered valuable in your new chapter. You survived. Finally, you survived. 
When the empty highway hinted at an exit on the other side, in unspoken agreement the two of you hopped the inexistent border between lanes and swerved into the turn, re-entering the city from a different angle, fully avoiding the southern district. As neon began to occupy your vision once more, the lines of blue, purple, magenta starting to line the streets of your home, you let out a sigh of relief, coming down from the rush of a good chase. As soon as the two of you ensured that there was no hint of Guardians in your vicinity, Seonghwa signalled for you to slow down and stop in a secluded square that was located between the outstretched segments of an abandoned residential block, the doors taped shut with signs proclaiming ‘demolition’ plastered over fading graffiti. 
Hopping off his bike and leaving the helmet and gloves on the seat, he rushed to help you out, the exhaustion from diving headfirst into something that had not been in your active arsenal for a while. Wobbly legs, dizziness and an urge to listen to gravity for once nearly had you stumbling off the bike and onto the cracked pavement, if not for the strong arms, stabilising you by positioning themselves at your waist, and bringing you flush against Seonghwa’s toned body. Through the haze of a numbing fatigue, you could finally make out the slightest tang of gun smoke, blending with an aroma of a sweet perfume, pronounced as he had burned up from the prolonged pressure and thrill. Smoke and vanilla. And you were alive to take it all in. You raised your arms, searching for him, trying to feel out an anchor in the renaissance, clamber out of the ashes that were still coating you in a weight of a past that you had now shed. Fingers flittering across the black tank top, left exposed as he had unzipped the jacket, travelled around his sides to find his lower back and hook themselves together. You let yourself be consumed by the feeling of safety, the feeling of having overcome yourself and finding someone, the one person who was ready to pick you up again. Your body shook as a sob that you were unknowingly holding back flew from your now light heart and into the omniscient night, but all you could feel was warmth. A reliable embrace that was going nowhere, a man who knew who you were, who you had been, and let you decide for yourself who you wanted to become-
“Mars-” you mumbled, pressing your face into Seonghwa in an attempt to let the fabric swallow your emotion.
“Huh?” you wanted to look at him, at his dark eyes that held the sky, the universe within them, but the soothing circles that he was drawing on your back as he began to rock gently while keeping you in his arms made you remain in the same position, right against him. With him.
“Seonghwa. Hwa. Whatever nickname you think of but… just. Seonghwa, Y/N. Call me Seonghwa.” you chuckled through the tears that started to decorate your cheeks, earning a confused hum from the biker.
“I’ll think about it.”
“At least we are not threatening each other with grievous bodily harm anymore.” you tried to squeeze him in a way to emphasise your joke, but earned a surprised pained yelp from the man, followed by a pursing of the lips as you darted to face him. 
“Seonghwa?” it was obvious that the new address made him soften considerably, but your worry did not subside. “Are you hurt?”
“It’s nothing really, regular st-”
“Where, Seonghwa, where?” you used his own name against him, forgetting your own overwhelmed state and turning your attention to him.
He was entranced by the way your eyes glistened in the darkness, how the tears that stained your cheeks were only adding to your image. Nothing would make him look differently at you. Nothing ever. And if he had to race against time itself to be able to hold onto you like this, he would do it. He would fight all of the Guardians and Black Pirates combined if it meant that you could smile. You needed to smile. He tried to ease the concern, but the wound that he had acquired during the chase was becoming nearly unbearable. Instead of fighting you, he tilted his head to his left and lifted his arm while keeping the other on your waist. Getting the hint, you flipped the bottom of the cropped jacket and gasped as you saw torn material, reddened, irritated skin, and a mixture of coagulated and still-trickling blood concentrated around where what could only be a bullet grazed Seonghwa’s stunning, tanned skin. 
“What the- and you are just here? Standing? You need treatment, stat!” admonishing his self-disregard, you leaned to inspect the wound more closely, only to have Seonghwa attempt to flip the jacket back and dig his fingers into your side.
“I am fine, I swear-”
“Do you know anyone who can fix this?” not quite in the know of any medical terms, you resorted to treating the wound as though it was a damaged component, except a lot more distressing, and obviously causing a lot more lateral harm than any scratch or even piercing tear could to cold metal. 
“...Not really, no,” after a long pause, he responded. Lowering his arm, Seonghwa returned to his previous hold, except this time, moving until his face was only centimetres away from yours.
“Well then, you know me, I have a first aid kit at my cave.” your voice quivered as you at the man before you. You could tell, he was new too, also reborn from the chaos. Neither of you could predict, but it was obvious that now, that light that you had been chasing was within reach.
“So you can fix bikes and people?”
“Bikes, yes. People? Not really. But I would like for you to see another day please.
“It really isn’t that bad.”
“Then why are you in pain?”
“Because I have been staring at your lips for the past minute and still have not kissed you.”
You blinked once, twice as whatever words were in your throat remained there and fell right back down to be set on fire by what you could only describe as the blowing of multiple fuses. You were not quite sure when the two of you managed to lean so impossibly close to one another, but your arms were fully relaxed, having succumbed to the sensation of his hands dancing across your hips testing the waters, and your vision was occupied by Seonghwa, and Seonghwa alone. His gaze, once again, trailed down from your eyes down to your lips, slow, confident alluring. Ignoring whatever pain he was experiencing, dulling it with a different, more tantalising ache. With your breathing growing more shallow by the second, you were not sure what to expect of Seonghwa in this instant; perhaps more accurately, you were terrified of how this would change your new life. He was taking his time as though he was reading a book, trying to decipher what you were feeling, and while he was more than ready to lean in an destroy what was left of the gap between you, your swift hands that wiped what remained of the moisture on your cheeks and a playful smirk on your lips forced him into a childish pout.
“And you won’t, unless you let me patch you up.”
“And I can kiss you after?”
“...Deal.” to hell with it all, you continued soundlessly.
As rapidly as the moment had developed, it ceased to persist, with Seonghwa detangling himself from you and telling you to grab your helmet while pressing a couple of buttons that were concealed on his wristwatch.
“What about the bike?”
“Yeo will sort out the bike. I just pinged him with the coordinates.”
“You have a spy watch?” amazed, you exclaimed.
“Nifty, huh? Blue Bird exclusive.”
“I need to speak to the engineers in your circle, I need to absorb some skills from them.”
“I can see you’ll be speaking to Yeo more and more soon, then. He is quite the techy guy.”
As you were about to hop onto the bike, you thought once more about the injury, and tapped the already seated Seonghwa on the shoulder. Flipping open his visor, the man moved his chin forward, prompting you to go on.
“Scooch back.”
“But I can-”
“No buts. You are injured, and this is a hazard,” receiving a groan in response, you refused to pause, “besides, I can’t exactly hold on to you now, can I?” 
That seemed to do the trick as the previously proud, arrogant man obeyed your command and slid away from the handlebar, but as soon as you were in position, revealed that potentially, it was not you winning here as he relished in the opportunity to embrace you for the entire trip back to OC, occasionally distracting you by letting his hands roam your torso, leaving you dangerously close to pulling over. But you had enough experience of being stoic, and Seonghwa still had much to learn about you, so you kept a steady speed, and greeted the luminescence of your neighbourhood with a relaxed rumble of the Hayabusa.
As you turned on the lights to your studio apartment and the two of you took off your shoes, you sped away to find the green case of health and all things that you were technically not supposed to have in your possession but did anyways. Funnily enough, Seonghwa’s comment had not been too far from the truth; back when you had been in the Black Pirates, a mechanic was fully expected to patch the customers up, as well as the bike, considering that both were normally against the law and had to remain undercover. Even when in certain districts the gang did bribe their way up to have a hand in decision-making, thus making it possible for the members to receive regular treatment, many had gotten used to the quick and easy drive-by healings, and would always choose to trust the person who gave life to their motorcycles over even the most qualified, certified doctor. Such was the rhythm that you had fallen into, the one that transitioned into the you in Night City through a library of skills and odd habits - like keeping the first aid kit right below the sink, the logic being that one could grab the kit, wash their hands and be ready for war, equipped with antiseptic and a plethora of improvisation techniques made up on the spot. 
With Seonghwa settled on one of the foldable chairs that you kept to the side for when you wanted to sit while eating instead of leaning over the kitchen counter, you took the other, placed it right in front of the tired man and got to work. Carefully guiding his arms out of the leather jacket, you were left with a far too attractive biker, clad in only a black tank top and the ridiculously expensive chains, and the leather trousers that tightened around his legs as he wriggled a little and took a more comfortable position to sit. The earring with the feather right at the end still dangled in his ear, and his hair, ruffled but retaining some shape thanks to what you thought to be humble use of a styling gel. You needed to avoid his eyes at all costs, the burning eyes that were trained on you, and only you. It did not take an expert to guess what Seonghwa was replaying in his mind the entire time that you were around him. As you lifted the tank top and inspected what was now a dried up mass over a graze, you sighed with relief.
“Good news.”
“Good?” Seonghwa asked back, suspiciously out of breath.
“Yeah. Now, I can’t check for internal bleeding, but outwardly, this is easy enough. Seems that you got really lucky. Very. Over the top kind of lucky actually. Can’t say the same for the jacket though, but at least you are not a wine barrel.”
“I’ll just clean the thing and put a big bandage on it so that it won’t get infected. I fear that most of the pain is from these old injuries though…” you absent-mindedly traced some of the hematomas, which, judging by their colouration, were well on their way to dissolving into a smoothness, with your fingertips, making the man tense up. He turned his head towards you, glancing back and forth as you inspected the collage of injuries that he had collected on his body.
“We’re fighters though, aren’t we.”
“Fighters need holidays too.”
“You need to park yourself in a garage and give your engine a nice break…” you joked, more to yourself as you turned to bring the green case to your lap for easier searching, keeping one hand in place to hold the cotton top up, until the finger grew tired, “hey could you be a darling and hold your own shirt for me? Cheers.”
Seonghwa jumped into action, enjoying the soft speech, and replaced your hand with his, the digits ever so slightly brushing against one another as he moved to hold onto the material.
“You are in luck.”
“Is that so? Even more than over the top?” ignoring his interjection, you continued:
“Uh-huh. I have hydrocolloid bandages left. This one’s actually barely noticeable, but works like a charm with weeping wounds so, get your flesh over here and you’ll be patched up in no time.” turning, he repositioned himself to allow you to clean the cut, removing some of the attached fabric that had dried with the first droplets, and leaving the redness exposed to the disinfectants, and to the patch. In no time at all, your work was done. Satisfied, you grabbed a tissue out of the packet that was sitting in the kit and cleaned the ointment and adhesive that stuck to you.
“I’m afraid I can’t help with the clothes though. Not my area of expertise.”
“You did more than enough, Y/N. And all this after racing through and out of Night City from five Guardians on a totally new bike.”
“I am a woman of many talents.”
“That’s true…” that honey-sweet, deep voice, slowing into a sultry beckoning as Seonghwa’s hand moved to rest on your knee. A man on a mission after all. You chuckled and snapped the first aid kit shut, easily sauntering from his approaches and enjoying every minute. 
“You want hot chocolate?” you asked over your shoulder as you stashed the case back under the sink and shut the cupboard. Nothing was stopping you from being a good host to a very good person. Even though it was rather apparent that Seonghwa was eyeing something else on the menu, the sound of a sweet treat was rather appealing. You were right about him faking drinking coffee after all.
“Yes please.”
As you moved about the kitchen, fetching the cylindrical jar of chocolate powder and getting the coffee machine started for your own beverage of choice, Seonghwa moved to reposition the chairs closer to a table that bore the appearance of an ironing board squashed against the wall until he pulled it down and pushed the two legs at the free end out. Patiently, he admired your studio apartment, your corner of the city that was situated right above the shop. The walls were bare, only decorated with old holes from nails and with the odd scratch here and there. Minimal furniture, with the large dresser probably being donated to you by Yunho. The neatly made bed which judging by the headboard and armrests was also a small sofa, located right beside the window that was covered by wooden blinds roughly painted an off-white, was probably the newest addition to the metres of this room. Undoubtedly, the piece of furniture was acquired after you had moved here, after you had made your bosses certain that you were here to stay. And Seonghwa was going to make sure of it. Night City was now to be your new home, and when you tapped the table to alert him of the hot beverage that you had prepared, now ready and billowing steam out of the mug right in front of him, he revered how beautiful you looked, surrounded by the mechanic shop, by the streets of the district, by the city that he had despised for so long but the one that had helped him find you through mysterious serendipity.
"Thank you." he took a cautious sip, sighing in elation.
"No problem. I'll pretend that chocolate helps with internal bruising and call myself a doctor." You commented while settling beside the vigilante, making him smile.
“How’d you guess I would not want coffee?” you glanced over at your companion while taking a tentative sip once the initial temperature shock had subsided.
“You never order it.”
“But I never-”
“I think we have spent enough time together to know the basics, right?” A bolder swig, and you could feel the caffeine begin to hit your system like a nitro boost.
“Well I seem to be discovering more and more things about you every second, Y/N.”
“And how are you finding it?” you took the quietness as a chance to test him. It was barely a test, but nevertheless, too important to dismiss. The small questions, ones said in passing and ones to be forgotten were almost always the ones that were to be the most important.
“I want to learn more and more, since I simply cannot get enough.”
Momentarily bashful, you looked at the floor and thought of the garage beneath your feet. The place where you had initially determined that this same man who was now unbelievably bold in his expression of his feelings for you was to be your sworn enemy. How times changed, for the better. Regardless of the twists and turns, the ups and downs, even in the deepest night there was a light to find, and a light that was meant to be yours. This new life was your light, and Seonghwa wanted to be part of it. You grinned at the thought, and finally met Seonghwa’s smouldering gaze, fuelled by care, by determination, by the vision of a future.
“You know, I think I thought of a nickname for you, Seonghwa.”
“Oh?” he set down his mug, mirroring you.
“Yeah. I think I’ll call you mine.” you stood up, knowingly ambling to the light switch, listening to the biker following suit.
“Watch out, I might just marry you on the spot if you keep that up.”
“Well, I am not your bride but you may kiss me.”
“Y/N, you are too addictive, and will make me lose my mind.”
“Well then, are you mine?”
“In every lifetime I am yours.”
Enveloped in a new night, illuminated only by the colours that seeped through the half open blinds you ceased to think and rationalise, giving yourself up to instinct as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, twisting you from the wall, coaxing you closer to him, towards his warmth, his heart right there for you to take. It was easy to oblige and you pinched the material of his tank top, prompting him to step even closer, sure that he was practically beaming into the kiss as he nudged himself forward, lifting your head up just a little to prolong the contact. It was as though he was certain that if you were to break apart from one another, you would disappear. He wanted more, needed more. Digits tracing abstract shapes on your back, running through your hair, Seonghwa wanted to remember every detail. Just as he had said, he wanted to learn every part of you.
Lost in paradise, the kiss was electric. A hand that found itself toying with his chains, and proceeding to snake up the back of his neck to tug on his hair just enough to make him shakily exhale made Seonghwa switch his gears. A previous tentativeness, a tender exploration turned into an urgency as his tongue flicked against your lower lip begging for entrance, which you were more than eager to give. You sighed into the passionate call for more that left you breathless. And yet, in these seconds turned into an unprecedented timelessness, if you had to give up every life-saving molecule for even a fraction of nearly impossible unity, you would do it in a heartbeat. The sensation was as though you had finally woken up from a deep slumber, dragged from the somnolent abyss, and every vibration in the air was resonating with you, resonating with Seonghwa. 
You felt drunk, dizzy as you guided Seonghwa to the bed, having very quickly memorised the layout of your tiny apartment to the point where you could move around even if there was not a single source of light. In a passionate blur your top was left by the chairs, while your trousers found their place right in front of the bed, together with Seonghwa’s tank top. With every flame that crossed between you, you laid yourself bare to one another, honest and open, and the vulnerability, intimacy you let yourself indulge in marked another beginning. As your nude bodies laid down onto the dark grey sheets, the both of you fervent for more but aware of the importance of honouring every step, Seonghwa suggested, feeling his side remind him of his injury:
“I think you’re going to have to take the lead here, Y/N, I’m a little bruised up.”
“Of course,” you leaned in for another kiss, smiling at the sweetness, “You ready?”
“More than.”
Seonghwa leaned against the pillows and headboard, devoured by lust as you moved further and further down until you reached his exposed member, leaking precum, hard, pleading for you to give it at least some attention. Testing the waters, you languidly rubbed the tip with your thumb in circles coating it in the translucent liquid and making Seonghwa breathe as though there was not enough oxygen. One glance back and you were in awe of the beauty before you. Eyes shut, reddened lips slightly parted, head tilted back as if he was caught in a divine act. The light from the street outside made him look all the more ethereal, and his skin, now an indescribably stunning collage of hues that had crept through the blinds, was a masterpiece that you wanted to honour with your love. As your teasing progressed into a gentle pumping, first of the tip and then with your hand sliding down the entire length, only to stop and give extra care to the base of the member, a low groan reached you - a melody that only encouraged you. Heat pooled to your core as you continued to elicit a string of indecipherable mumbles, a deep moan, and the most magnificent expressions from the man who had never thought you would even cross paths with again. How foolish you had been, masking Seonghwa’s stunning presence, response to your every action, and his eagerness to please you by whispering praises for how good you were making him feel, how amazing you looked and were, and how he was so grateful. Your prior ignorance was almost impossible to even consider now, as you let spit drip down from your mouth onto his dick, adding more lubrication and letting you increase the speed. The wanton sounds of your hand pumping Seonghwa’s throbbing cock, blended with the breaths turning shallow, any moan coming out airy, barely there, were filling you with your own desire, and your free hand quickly moved between your legs, fingers gliding along the folds, finding them to be slick, soaking, needy. You began to run your digits over your now wet clit, rolling over the nub painfully slow in a weak attempt to prevent yourself from cumming too soon, but what used to be a hint of a high only accelerated to a knot at the bottom of your stomach, pulsating and begging for fullness. With how Seonghwa’s hips began to buck up, oblivious to the bruises, the wounds that ghosted and adorned his body, you needed him.
“Mmh- yes?”
“May I… ride you?” Through phrases broken up by your choice to quicken the pace of your hand, abusing your clit until a trembling sensation spread over your legs in anticipation of an orgasm, you voiced your desire.
“Please- Y/N I- yes-” equally as shattered, Seonghwa was barely able to respond, moaning as you gave him a chance to recover ever so slightly, letting his member spring free, but more desperate than before for stimulation.
“Do you have condoms?”
“Back pocket, trousers, wallet.” he sighed, pointing at the discarded article at the foot of the bed.
“How’d you even get it in this Sector?” you asked, fishing the item out of his wallet, tearing the packaging and crawling back to unroll it.
“Con… tra… band,” he enunciated through your swift actions, biting his lower lip as he felt your heat press against him, your hand guiding the cock between your folds as you rocked back and forth.
“Vigilantes indeed. Protecting in all kinds of ways.”
“Are you kidding me?” Seonghwa groaned at the sorry attempt of a joke, his mind conflicted between the humour and the unbearable closeness of your pussy, lined up against his tip.
“I’m not the one smuggling condoms, though I have nothing to say but thank you, darling.”
Lowering yourself onto the member, bit by bit until he bottomed out inside you, you leaned forward, consumed by the euphoric feeling. Seonghwa took this as a chance to caress the side of your face, draw a line against your jaw and lead you towards him with soft fingers under your chin. Placing one kiss, another on your lips, and peppering your cheeks and nose with loving pecks, he encouraged you. He wanted to ensure that you felt loved, and only loved. When you began to move, hands finding the headboard for better balance and as a security measure so that you would not hurt Seonghwa, his gaze stayed on your face, bearing witness to the single most gorgeous view of his mortality. 
He gave himself up to you, something that he would have never imagined, but something that felt so right that he was terrified of thinking how his life would be had he never met you. Seonghwa let you control the pace, and when your walls tightened around his dick with your climax fast-approaching, did nothing to stop you, deny you of the ecstasy, much to his own fortune, for the cries of his name as you reached your high and rode it out, leading him to his own heavenly demise were now permanently etched into his brain. Never before did anything of his sound so captivating. Never before did he think that he could see a light in this dark city, in his dark path. But there she was, an angel in his arms, falling forwards, a barely noticeable shake still over taking her as she nuzzled into the crook of his neck, your lustful fever accentuated by the coolness of the metal necklaces. Seonghwa kissed your cheek once again, then your forehead and the crown of your head, thanking you, adoring you, and as the minutes ticked past, finding his footing in the post-coital bliss, and nudging for you to clean up with him, so the oasis you had created in your four walls could last longer, and you could drift into the sunniest dreams in each other’s embrace.
As you laid in Seonghwa’s arms, flushed from the shower and changed into an oversized t-shirt, his leg lazily thrown over yours and breath tickling your exposed skin, you felt even more alive. As he pulled you closer to him, and with the hand that was fully on the other side of you reached out to rest his palm on the back of yours, and let your fingers intertwine, you let yourself fall into a serenity that you had never known, and listened to his heartbeat through the tee you had given him, a rhythm that you never wanted to forget, a soul that helped yours truly come back from a place of no return. Seonghwa traced the tattoos on your skin, whispering about their marvel, their story, pointing out his favourites, the details that put every piece together into one flowing design. He repeated, again and again, his adoration for you, kissing your earlobe only to say it once more, accompanied by his favourite sound: the syllables that made up your name. In rare moments like this, everything felt easy, within reach. In this time and space that existed after a revival, a self-discovery and a promise of a new beginning, you were ready to take the scenic route.
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“Hwa, could you pass me the C-spanner?”
“Ah, the mechanic’s scythe, sure thing.” you rolled your eyes and grinned, accepting the tool from Seonghwa’s outstretched hand. You were working on a swanky new Yamaha that had been added to the general Blue Bird collection after a certain Aprilia had been turned into scraps in the name of security. Not that you knew anything though - after all that was not you, and you did not exist at all in the databases of the Guardians, having flown under the radar thanks to some quick camera wipes, and security checks around Night City. Your new beginning was greeting you with open arms.
As you adjusted the pre-load on the rear shock absorbers, Seonghwa noticed something that reminded him of cling film peeking out from under your sleeve and letting his curiosity get the better of him, inched towards you, around the bike and giving you barely a second to register his intentions, poked at the plastic.
“What’s that, love?”
“A little upgrade.” you smiled to yourself and continued to make adjustments to the energetic beast.
“A tattoo?” he inquired, taking the c-spanner from your hand and laying it down on the ground. You spun on your old stool to face him.
“Show me?”
“I don’t know… probably won’t be clear enough through the film and I don’t want to ruin it so…”
“C’mon Y/N, weren’t you gushing about it to me just yesterday? How Seonghwa would adore it and-”
“Don’t sell me out, bossman.” you retorted, faking a glare at Yunho who was in the depths of a discussion about component orders with Jongho and evidently, was getting more and more bored.
“And focus on the papers, Yunho.” the latter rapid-fired after you, making Yunho groan and shift his attention away.
“So?” Seonghwa nudged your foot with his, shoving his hands in his pockets. Clearly, whatever tailor he knew in this city was a magic person, because even months after the turning point in your identity, a switch in time that let you open your eyes to a beautiful new world, the beloved biker pseudo-uniform in black and orange hues was pristine, seamless, bearing no signs of any gunshots, nor of any tears nor grazes.
You stood up, and cautiously rolled up your sleeve to reveal a transparent bandage that covered your fresh ink. Another restart, another call for a new step in the form of a single blue feather, with a stunning gradient and black detailing. As Seonghwa peered at the design, open-mouthed and silent before nearly squeezing the air out of you as he hugged you as tightly as he possibly could and spun you around, you blinked away the last of your doubts that had been stuck to you from before the fateful arrival to Night City. In the most unexpected places, surrounded by the most unexpected people, time was finally on your side, and let you slowly but surely take steps towards the you that you were happy being. The you that was loved and could love. The you that turned a fresh new leaf, and was more alive than ever.
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minkiverse · 4 months
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Kim Hongjoong - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
HWA TIME!! A man who is so earth shatteringly gorgeous of course gets written incredibly by atiny 😩 like this man is just art!! As always, I hope you enjoy and support these authors!!
Dividers by @iluvpooks
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please read all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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New Horizons - @fivestar-outlaw 🔥⛈️💗 Idol AU
this is just the cutest series!! like meeting him through animal crossing is the most adorable meet cute i want to cry 😭😭 we all deserve a lil bit of delusion as a treat asfgdssfgdf
The Way to His Heart - @edenesth ⛈️💗Joseon Period ✧ Arranged Marriage AU
im a big BIG fan of historical au's and i just loved reading hwa falling for the mc and then doing everything he can to destroy the people that hurt her 😩😩 that kind of devotion is just soooooooo attractive😍😍 it kinda reminds me of the anime My Happy Marriage (which i did not finish OTL) but if you enjoyed that i think you will love this~~
Wallflower pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 - @tenelkadjowrites 🔥⛈️💗 Office AU
seonghwa is mc's nerdy coworker but boy can he fuck 😩😩😩 the smut in this is 🤌🤌 but honestly this fic is so much more than that and how the mc changes and grows as a person because of hwa's influence is so enjoyable to read i just love them 🥹🥹
Sans - @songmingisthighs ⛈️💗🍑 SMAU ✧ Childhood Friends AU
this author really knows how to break my heart 😭😭😭 definitely be aware of trigger warnings for some chapters!!! but this fic was also so wholesome?? like i just love the mc and how they grow from the events of the story 🥹🥹 SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO SAN AND WOO!!!!
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sycophant - @ncteez ✨🔥 Business AU
there will always be boss x employee fics BUT this take on it 🤌🤌🤌 hwa is just so attractively straight forward and him teaching the mc on how to dom him is truly just so fucking hot i could scream 😩😩
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
The Thing About Pretty Boys - @wonusite ✨🔥 Friends to Lovers AU
never say seonghwa can't fuck.... or maybe do bcs this man goes fucking feral 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i had like a full body physical reaction to how hwa is written in this fic 😩😩 like this is so filthy in the hottest way possible
Dune - @hongism 🔥 Outlaw AU ✧ Biker AU
Untitled - @orgverse 🔥 Sci-fi AU
Warning Signs EP. 1: The Showman - @mphountitled 🔥Rebellion AU
Everyday at the Bus Stop - @tenelkadjowrites 🔥💗
persistent desire - @bro-atz 🔥 College AU
Untitled - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Red Dress - @wooyoungiewritings ✨🔥⛈️💗 Enemies to Lovers AU
i love a holiday/winter themed fic ok sue me 🫵🫵 its just COZY and this hwa drives me up the wall 😩😩 he's such a charming lil shit and the banter is soooooo good 🫠🫠 i looooooooove this couple!!!!!!!
Scattered bunny!seonghwa thoughts - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
Morning sex with Seonghwa - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Untitled - @sxcret-garden 🔥
realistic sex with seonghwa - @byuntrash101 🔥
VIP Access - @hwashotcheeto 🔥 Idol AU
multiple??? - @lomlhwa 🔥 Hybrid AU
I Can See You - @daemour 🔥⛈️💗 Single Father!Hwa
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
heavy and sticky - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Untitled - @cheollipop 🔥
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥
belong to me - @ateezscupid 🔥⛈️ Idol AU
Untiled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Dragon!Teez ✧ Sugar Mommy AU
Untitled - @bombuni 💗
Honest (But Happy) Accident - @ad0rechuu 💗College AU
amazing grace - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥⛈️💗 Church Boy!Hwa
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Bad Boy!Hwa
paradigm - @yoongiseesawmp3 ✨🔥 Bartender AU
switch!hwa nuff said 🤤🤤🤤 no but how this author does banter is just so good like idk even know how explain it because it feels so natural and charming and the smut is so fucking good like im in love with hwa and the mc ?????
The Heart's Filthy Lesson - @tenelkadjowrites 🔥⛈️ Toxic BFF!Hwa
Untitled - @hee0soo 🔥
Damnation of a Saint - @byuntrash101 🔥 7 Deadly Sins AU
My Little Empress - @holybibly 🔥 Historical AU ✧ Arranged Marriage AU
the lamb and the wolf - @seonghwaddict 🔥💗 Hades!Hwa
Make Me Water - @bangtanintotheroom 🔥 Friends to Lovers AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Cyberpunk AU
mirror mirror on the wall, who's the filthiest of them all - @almightyddeonghwa 🔥 Idol AU
boyfriend texts - @beenbaanbuun 🍑
452 notes · View notes
ja3hwa · 1 year
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐 : 𝐕𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦/𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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Eyes On Me
【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Biker Gang Leader, doesn't like sharing unless it's to do with his best friend.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 :  740
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Suggestive. Angst. Biker/Criminal Au.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Biker!Hongjoong x Aristocrat!Reader
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Mention of criminal activity. Shitty family. Father issues. Possessive tendencies. Lots of teasing. Swearing. Pet names. Ass grabbing. Mention of sex. Mention of masturbation. Dry humping. Slight clit play. Biting. Marking.
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You were a sunshine. A light in most people's lives and an innocent little ball of happiness. No one could ever except you getting mixed up with the infamous biker gang, Ateez. Especially getting caught up with the ruthless leader. And yet, how come you are sitting sweetly on his couch in his office while he finishes off a phone call he had to answer just moments after your mouth was prettily wrapped around his cock. To say he was annoyed would be an understatement but alas he needed to answer the call or he knew Seonghwa would bark at him for missing yet another important call with a business client all because he was too busy with you...
His little plaything. His secret doll.
You both knew the match was unlikely and that most people, especially your family, would disapprove of the relationship. But neither of you cared. In fact, it thrilled you to know the idea of your father being broken over the fact that his useless waste of space of a daughter was sleeping with the enemy. Loud music suddenly pooled into the quiet office as one of Hongjoong’s men came raring in, wanting his boss's attention.
“Sir, I…” His words caught in his throat when he noticed was not only interrupted his boss on a phone call but there was a very pretty woman in nothing but one of Hongjoong’s shirts, sitting so patiently on the couch in the corner of the room. You gave the young boy a smirk, his face already turning a bright shade of pink.
“What?” Your lover's voice grew rougher, almost possessive as he disapproves of the way the younger male was eye fucking your form. You quickly caught Hongjoong’s eyes, and your mind sparked an idea. You were going to give this other man a show. So you stood up without a second thought, letting the shirt ride up slightly, so he could get a good view of your black lace panties. Your legs were on complete display for both men, hearing a low growl rumble from the big biker boss.
You sidestepped so you could move behind the office desk where your beefy lover boy was standing but instead of walking the short way, you purposely walked in front of the younger male, letting your hips brush passed him gently, almost enough to make him stiffen. “S-Seonghwa is…uh, h-here…” The young one stutters, feeling your body against his growing erection.
You finally make your way to the other side of the desk, bringing your hands to your lover's chest. Hongjoongs hands snaked against your waist the moment he felt your leg step in between his, touching his cock with your thigh. There is a smirk painting your features, making Hongjoong know exactly what game you are playing. So, without a second thought, Joong’s hands grip a handful of your ass, squeezing your cheeks in front of the poor boy. You moaned, not holding back from your little show, and Hongjoong was eating all of it up.
“Tell him to wait outside, unless he wants to witness me fucking my darling princess stupid.” His voice echoed in the room, making your glossed eyes, scan his face with anticipation. You had always wanted Seonghwa to join you or even just watch from afar. The idea of him sitting in the corner of the room pumping his cock while watching Hongjoong rail you on his desk, it sends a chill down your spine.
The young boy ran so quickly out of the room it almost made you laugh, but you didn’t have time for that as Joong pushed you onto the desk, pushing all the papers and important files onto the floor letting your back hit the table with a huff. Hongjoong’s lips latched onto your neck, grinding his hips on yours. His rough jeans felt so delicious against your clit as your choked-up moans catch your throat, then your eyes suddenly catch a tall, beefy glass of walking sin, standing in the door frame with crossed arms and a smirk.
“Look what we have here.” Seonghwa’s voice sent a tingle through your body as your eyes locked on his. Hongjoong’s bites got harsh, making your moans grow loud, and the only thing coming to mind was that tonight was going to be fun.
- ♥︎
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : wooyoung x f!reader
genre : cyberpunk-western, ateez biker gang au, smut, hurt / comfort
word count : 4k
warnings : language, wooyoung gets his bike taken by authorities, a lot of like crying and hints of self doubt (?), wooyoung calls yn a lot of petnames (babe, pretty girl, my pretty y/n)
smut warnings : unprotected sex, sex in a van, slight marking
note : a @cultofdionysusnet collab! this is apart of an eight piece story, so in order to get the full picture, it is recommended to read the other members as well.
check out the fic playlist [ here ]
you and wooyoung have been partners since you both joined the gang. but recently things just haven't been the same especially with the recent mission slowly approaching faster and faster.
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"hey woo, its your turn to go get the food," san says from the back of the van. he moves to where he's closer to the front seats, where you and wooyoung are sitting.
"what? i went last time," wooyoung says, looking at his friend with an almost disgusted face.
"yeah, but that cute girl is working at yeosang's work tonight," san says and you can tell that for whatever reason, he's trying to get wooyoung out of the van.
"hm? what girl?" you ask curious that this is the first time you're hearing about this.
"ah, don't worry about it," he says before shooting san a dirty look. "is there anything you want?" he asks san, a frown painting his lips.
"the usual," san says with a smirk.
"what do you want?" wooyoung ask, turning to you. you can't help but note that coldness in his tone as he talks to you.
"oh, um, the usual," you tell him and nods before grabbing his phone and wallet before getting out of the van. you watch him through the windshield as he walks down the street and around the corner to where the restaurant yeosang had been working at is.
when wooyoung is out of sight, that's when you suddenly turn around and look at san with sharp eyes. your sudden motion seems to take him by surprise as you note the look of said surprise on his face.
"why did you make him go get food? it was my turn?" you asked with a raised eyebrow. you couldn't help but wonder why san wanted your partner out of the van.
"because i wanted to talk to you," he says moving back to his spot before he's patting the seat next to him, beckoning you to join him.
"talk?" you say as you get out of the van and round the back before joining him. you sit yourself on the makeshift bag that had seemingly been both yours and wooyoung's bed for the past few months– well it had been before recently. wooyoung one night suddenly switching to the other side of the van with san. the two of them squished up on san's own makeshift bed. "what do we need to talk about?"
san lets out a sigh before he's looking at you. "the mission we are going on tomorrow, wooyoung doesn't want you coming along. he asked hongjoong to take you off,” he says and you can only look at him in shock.
wooyoung asked hongjoong to take you off the mission? but the two of you always go on missions together, no matter how dangerous they are.
the news definitely didn't help the unsettling storm of moths flying around in your stomach. it was hard not to notice how wooyoung was slowly distancing himself from you. however, there was only so far he could go when you were both trapped in this small van with one other person.
the two of you have been partners since you joined the resistance. wooyoung taking you under his wing basically and always keeping you close to him. any mission you did, wooyoung went along with you and vice versa. wherever wooyoung was, you weren't too far behind. but recently that hasn't been the case. was he getting tired of you? that's the only thing that could explain when he suddenly leaves on his bike at random times. was he just trying to get away from you?
fuck, you think you're going to be sick. was wooyoung really getting tired of you?
“why?” is all you can ask, looking at your other partner who only shrugs his shoulders.
“i think he’s just worried about something going wrong. he doesn’t want you getting caught or hurt,” san explains but it still doesn’t make you any less hurt by it. does he think you can’t handle yourself? "but that's not the only thing i wanted to talk to you about," he says, gaining your attention before you could go too deep into thought.
"what else did you want to talk about?"
"i think you should tell wooyoung how you feel. i'm tired of seeing you both pinning after each other. there's too much tension between the two of you and not enough space for all three of us and it in this van."
"there's no tension san, and besides, you're one to talk about tension and confessions," you say and san can only huff at your words.
"i'm being serious. you guys are basically married with how you act and live. might as well air your feelings out to each other, don't know when you'll get a more perfect chance than this," he tells you and you know he's right.
"obviously not recently," you begin, "wooyoung has barely spoken to me these past few days and he kept going off to who knows where during the day. that's why the fucking authorities took his bike."
the two of you were so close to each other. you were his cardinal, his pretty girl, babe, his y/n. that's why it was so easy to fall in love with him. but it seemed like you and wooyoung weren't ever going to be anything more than partners in trying to take the government and the android guardians down.
"wooyoung is just being–
he is interrupted by the van doors swinging open. promptly startling you both, but you let out a sigh when you see its only wooyoung back with food.
wooyoung's eyes immediately meet yours and you see his relaxed face turn tense when he notices how upset you look. he then turns to san, sending him a glare before asking, "what did you say to her? why is y/n upset?"
it was crazy how despite wooyoung's recent attitude towards you, he can still tell when you're upset. the fact that he even asked or noticed catches you off guard. maybe he can only tell because that's what you get for spending every waking (and sleeping) moment together.
"i told her about the mission," san says, leaving it at that and avoid mentioning the other thing he brought up.
wooyoung looks like a deer in headlights when san's words settle in. and then you watch him look between you and san before his eyes rest on you and your hurt face. he opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but closes it before he looks away from you, ashamed.
"why did you ask hongjoong to take me off the mission? why didn't you talk to me about it?" you ask, the hurt clearly in your voice as you question him.
"y/n... can we talk about it later," wooyoung says, eyes casted downward as to avoid yours. he comes into the van, closing the door behind him as he hands you your food and san his. you honestly don't think you can sit next to him, so you opt to move beside san.
the three of you ate in silence, tension high and noodles shitty as always. you got about five bites in before you lost your appetite and set your noodles aside before climbing out of the back and returning to your seat in the front.
you can hear wooyoung and san whispering to each other, but you honestly don't care about what they have to say. they're probably talking about the mission, which only makes you not care more, but also upsets you more. if wooyoung really did ask hongjoong to take you off the mission the protect you, then why didn't he say anything? why didn't he talk to you about it instead of going behind your back.
"hey y/n," san's voice brings you out of your thoughts as you look up into the rearview mirror, eyes immediately meeting wooyoung's before they move to meet san's. "have you heard from mingi and koa yet?" he asks and you shake your head.
"no," you say, "probably fucking off somewhere," you add with an annoyed sigh as you turn to move your eyes out the window.
you can't help the unsettling feeling in your stomach as you let your mind wander. san mentioning some girl at the restaurant comes back up and you can't help but wonder why san would bring it up to wooyoung. did san want you to confess to wooyoung, so he could let you down. tell you that he was interested in someone else? you can't help the nauseous wave that washes over you at the thought of having to face wooyoung's rejection and still having to work with you.
unless... no. he wouldn't do that would he? does this also have something to do with wooyoung not wanting you on the mission? did wooyoung not want to be partners anymore? did he not want to see you after rejecting you, knowing that you love him? fuck, you think you're going to be sick. you let your head fall in your hands as you try to will the sudden nausea away.
"babe, are you okay?" wooyoung's voice is full of concern as he moves forwards towards where you are sitting. stuff is blocking him from fully reaching you and you are glad for that, not knowing if you could handle wooyoung being any closer.
"i-i need some air," you say, throwing the door open and practically throwing yourself onto the sidewalk. you squat down next to the van and allowing it to hide you from any prying eyes. you hear some movement in the van before wooyoung is stepping out, face full of worry as he rushes over to you.
"y/n, are you okay? what's wrong?" he asks, squatting down next to you.
"i just... i just need a second," you say, taking a deep breath as wooyoung rubs circles into your back. you wish him trying to comfort you was more soothing, but it wasn't. the two of you stay like this for a few moments and you're grateful how wooyoung doesn't speak. despite the things you were previously thinking, you still love wooyoung and the yearning for him near you was still strong.
it was only when you felt cramps in your legs, them slowly beginning to fall asleep is when you stood up. "where's san?" you ask, realizing the boxer was nowhere to be seen.
"he left a while ago," he says, guiding you to the back of the van and helping you inside. "i asked him to leave, so we could talk."
you choose to stay silent as you sit down where san had previously been sitting while wooyoung sits across from you.
"that bastard... san wasn't supposed to tell you. i wanted to," he starts off immediately and you can't help but feel nervous at how he jumps right into it.
"why?" its weak and soft, but wooyoung still hears it.
"i... i wanted to make sure you were safe. the whole mission is just... it's just too dangerous. i wanted to know you would be safe," he says but you can't help the little voice in the back of your head wanting to argue with him.
"are you sure it's not because of something else?" the little voice wins.
but wooyoung looks at you confused, "why would there be something else, babe?"
"i don't know. we always go on missions together and suddenly you don't. you go behind my back with it, like you were trying to hide it, hide something from me."
"what are you trying to get at?"
"it just seems like you don't want to be partners anymore. first it's this mission and then soon it'll slowly add up before boom... we aren't partners anymore, and you're carrying on with your life and i'm left behind," you don't look at wooyoung. don't want to see the guilty expression on his face knowing that you probably called him out.
but not looking at him makes you realize the tears that were running down your face and dripping onto your hands that laid in your lap.
"no, y/n... that's, fuck– that's crazy," you hear him say before he's moving closer. his hands come up to cup your cheeks, so you have to look at him. "i will never leave you behind. i promised you when you joined that we would stick together. this mission, i don't know what will happen– hey, stop crying pretty girl – i can get caught, it's happened plenty of times already, but if you got caught... that's something i wouldn't be able to handle. i just want you to be safe because i..."
"because what?" you ask, searching his eyes in hopes of seeing the one emotion you want him to feel towards. the same emotion you feel towards him.
"because i love you, isn't that obvious," he says, wiping your tears away before he kisses you. you couldn't help the surprise that took over you before you realized what was going on and hurriedly kissed wooyoung back.
you ran your fingers through his semi-long hair and you can't help but grip it in order to help ground yourself. this didn't feel real, wooyoung confessing his feelings right before kissing you. it felt like a dream.
you broke the kiss, the both of you breathless and wooyoung rests his forehead against yours. his eyes never looking away from yours and you can't help but feel a little nervous from his stare. you slip one of your hands out his hair, the other one resting on the back of his neck, fiddling with the ends of his hair. you always did like playing with his hair.
"this isn't a dream is it?" you ask him and wooyoung cracks a smile at you.
"no babe, its not a dream," he answers back before pressing another kiss to your lips.
"this feels like a lot is happening right now," you confess, your stomach twisting up in a rather ugly feeling. wooyoung furrows his eyebrows as he pulls away a little bit, but he reaches over to hold your hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.
"i understand, babe, i shouldn't have kept this all from you plus with the mission tomorrow... we don't have a lot of time left to talk," he says and you nod your head. "i wasted a lot of time already by not talking to you sooner."
"what are you going to do now?" you ask, feeling an odd sense of confidence rush through you as you look at wooyoung.
"let me make it up to you with another kiss," he says, face coming extremely close to your own, forehead resting against your own.
"i think i'm gonna need more than just a kiss for the emotional hell you put me through, woo," you say, moving your head away from your partner and gently pushing at his forehead to tease him.
wooyoung lets out a small laugh before he's pulling you closer to him and moving you to sit next to him on your makeshift bed.
wooyoung pushes you gently by the shoulders, having you lay down on your shared makeshift bed. wooyoung moves to hover over you before he's kissing you again, his uses one of his hands to keep himself propped up while his other hand roams your body. his free hand then goes to fiddle with the buttons of your shirt and you're surprised by how effortlessly he's unbuttoning your shirt with one hand.
you can't help the moan that escapes you as wooyoung softly gropes and squeezes your breast over your bralette. you feel him smile in your kiss before he's pulling away to look down at you.
"is this what you had in mind?" he asked as he sits up to straddle your hips before he's unbuttoning his own shirt.
"hmm, actually i thinking more of a massage, but i guess this can work too," you tease, allowing your hands to come up and feel wooyoung's chest. he lets out a sigh, head tilting back as he feels your hands roam his chest.
wooyoung the leans down, lips trailing from your jaw, neck, collarbone, and finally down to your chest. you feel him leave small love bites on your skin before he's either pressing a wet kiss to the spot and licking at your skin. either way he's sending a wave of pleasurable goosebumps over your skin.
"woo..." you moan out softly, pushing at his shirt to reveal his shoulders. wooyoung senses you trying to remove his shirt and helps you by effortlessly removing it and tossing it somewhere beside you both.
"my pretty y/n," he says as he kisses down your stomach, stopping at the waistband of your pants. he hums softly before he's undoing the button and zipper of your pants. it takes a moment to get your pants off, the cramped space of the van not doing either of you any favors. but wooyoung is quickly going back to kissing your body, grabbing your ankle and kissing up your calf and thigh before he reaches your underwear.
wooyoung rubs you through your underwear and you let out a moan due to the friction it causes. you can see the grin that overtakes his features before he's pressing a kiss to your cunt. you can't help but want to roll your eyes at how he's teasing you.
"aren't you supposed to be making this up to me? not teasing me?" you question as you run a hand through his hair. wooyoung nuzzles into your hand before moving back up to hover over you.
"who knew you had no patience when it comes to getting dick," he teases before pressing a deep kiss to your lips. "fine, i won't tease," he says before hooking his finger in your underwear and removing them a lot more easily than your pants. he leans back down to your pussy, "next time i'll make sure to kiss you properly," he whispers and you roll your eyes, letting out a small laugh as well.
wooyoung smiles at you before he's removing his pants and underwear, and you also quickly remove your shirt and bralette. once you both are naked, wooyoung is quick to settle between your legs. you can't help but think how unreal this is, almost like its too good to be true. you've loved wooyoung for as long as you can remember and to have him confess and between your legs in the same night. unreal.
"hey, what's wrong, babe?" he asks, calling you that silly yet endearing nickname he's always called you. wooyoung's hand comes up to your face and wipes away your tears that you didn't even know you had. "do you want to stop?"
"no... no, i'm just... i'm just so happy. i love you, wooyoung," you tell him and he smiles at you, leaning down to kiss you. swallowing the moans that leaves you as he pushes his cock inside you.
you immediately wrap your arms around wooyoung, one hand running through his hair the nth time tonight while the other runs down his back. your legs wrap around his waist as he thrusts into you.
"f-fuck, woo! ah!" you moan out, back arching as he continues to thrust inside of you. his cock stretching you out and continuously getting closer to hitting your sweet spot.
"you're so tight, y/n, fuck– it feels really good," he says as he repositions himself, your legs unwrapping around his waist as he grabs your hips in a tight grip.
you could feel wooyoung's thrust start to pick up and along with his hips moving faster, you noticed the van also slowly start to shake. you help but think about how if anyone walked by, they would immediately know what you and wooyoung were doing. the thought makes you clench around your partner who lets out a moan.
"f-fuck babe! you can't clench around me like that, i might not last much longer if you do," wooyoung tells you and you can't help but smile at your lover.
"what are you? some hormonal teenage boy?" you attempt to tease, but your laugh turns into a startled moan when wooyoung hits your sweet spot. the pleasure shoots a chill down your spine and wooyoung takes a moment to laugh at you.
"s-so cute, babe. you're my pretty y/nnie aren't you? this is all just for me," he says as one of his hands come to intertwine with your own.
at this point you can feel the whole van start to shake as your orgasm draws closer and closer. you let out a string of sounds that are a mixture of moans, curses, and wooyoung's name. but honestly, he isn't any better as his thrust start to become sloppy.
"are you close w-woo? you gonna come inside me?" you ask using your free hand to run up and down his chest. you can't help but admire the thin layer of sweat on his skin, you notice a bead of sweat running down his face as he moves one last time to hover over you.
wooyoung smashes his lips to yours in one last heated kiss before the both of you are coming with a call of each other's names. wooyoung's hips still inside you as you feel him paint your walls with his seed. the feeling of him filling you up leaves you breathless for a moment as you lay there while your partner presses open mouth kisses to your sweaty skin.
"i love you," he whispers as the two of you lay there still connected.
"i love you, too," you say back, holding wooyoung close to you.
"y/n..." he trails off but doesn't finish and so you let out a small 'hmm' to encourage him to talk. "y/n," why is he just calling out your name?
"wooyoung," you say back. "wooyoung?"
"y/n! hey, babe!" your eyes snap open at the sound of wooyoung's voice as you feel him gently shove at your shoulder.
"what?" you ask with a groan as you feel the sleep melt away as you wake up.
wait. wake up? fuck... was that– was that all a dream?
"gosh what kind of dream were you having, babe?" he asks as you turn to look at him with shocked eyes. your eyes drift to the van clock to realize its only 11:43, fuck. "you kept calling my name? are you okay?" wooyoung adds looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "also you got some drool on your chin."
you can't help but feel embarrassed by the fact that not only did you have a wet dream about wooyoung, but you also drooled. you wipe away the quickly drying drool before you turn to see san still sitting in the back of the van, also looking at you with worry.
"yeah, i dreamed that you were a giant chicken that was chasing me," you say in an attempt to wipe the growing smirk off his face.
"tsk, brat," he mumbles, looking away from you and back down at his phone. "you'll be smirking and laughing when you're by yourself tomorrow," he adds and that's when you remember the mission him and san are going on tomorrow.
"come on, woo, i know you'll miss me," you tease, the dream you just had giving you confidence boost and wooyoung turns to you with a raised eyebrow.
"did me as a giant chicken chasing you give you a confidence boost or something?" he asks and you shrug your shoulders.
"something like that," you say as you turn to look at him. you both share a rather heated glance at each other. wooyoung turns to send san a knowing look making the boxer let out a sigh.
"yeah, yeah, i'll see you guys later," he says before making his way out of the van. once the doors close and you are left alone with your partner.
"why don't you tell me more about your dream now?"
you let out a small laugh, "sure."
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yourfatherlucifer · 4 months
All x reader except one
1. Scary? No, Divine. (demon!Jongho)
2. Elastic Heart (ot8 Ateez)
3. Heathens (Psycho Inmate!Hongjoong)
4. Mafia Ateez Bf Moments
5. Gangsters!Woosan
6. Detective!Married!Matz
7. Go To Bed (Butlers!YunHwa)
8. Mirror (Jongho)
9. Good Boys (Subs!Dann/Yeosang)
10. N/A for time being
11. After Coachella (Idol!Jongho)
12. Secret Surprise 👀
13. Teach Me (Nerd!Matz) {not x reader}
14. bite me (Vamp!Hwa/Writer!Joong)
15. New World (Cult!Ateez)
16. n/a for time being
17. Drabble (Dragon!Jongho)
18. Never Too Late (Bf!Yunho)
19. Just A Taste (Incubi!Woosan)
20. Drabble (alien!ateez)
21. My Little Human (Dragon King!Joong)
22. Plunder (Pirate!Hongjoong)
23. biker!yeosang
24. Spoil Me (Sugar Daddy!Hongjoong)
25. Bleeding Out (Ot8! ateez)
26. Party All Night Long (Wooyoung)
27. The Beast Inside (Werewolf!Mingi/Vampire!Yunho)
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