jasperlion · 10 months
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@bigbluetiger @devotedrigelianflower
and with our powers combined we can get rid of even more
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nagamas · 2 years
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Greetings @bigbluetiger!
I am your Nagamas secret santa! First of all, apologies for being a bit late. I was confident I would have finished this on time, but I ended up getting sick last week and was only able to resume working on it the past day and a half. As you can see, I ended up choosing the prompt about Gareth at the harvest festival. Having not played the Tellius games yet, I wasn't familiar with him so I had to look him up and from what I saw, he seems like a really cool character. I tried to mix his outfit with the outfit of the vampire character from your prompt. Since the prompt was tagged as comedy and he (presumably) isn't used to wearing capes, I had the idea of his cape getting stuck at a cart's wheel. Either way, I hope you like it and I wish you have an amazing year ahead of you! ~Mapsal"
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cavaliant · 2 years
// Karel would 100% NAIL Unlimited Bladeworks
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I am the bone of my sword The blade is my body and its goal is more blood I have collected over a thousand blades (not really) Unknown to Death, Nor knowing of Sleep Have withstood pain to fight many weapons Yet, those hands will never know resting...
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...So as I slay, Unlimited Blood Works!!!
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radiantxhero · 4 years
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“Have you ever gotten your fangs caught on anything in battle before?”
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fatedsummoner · 4 years
@bigbluetiger​ liked for a Singing Kiran!
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“Once more, you open the door. And your here in my heart and my heart will go on and~ on~”
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regaldisaster · 4 years
allisallies replied to your post: Ok wait… im looking at Gangrel’s lines on heroes...
nobility and royalty are not the same and his mother was a former noble, but wasn’t anymore when living with him apparently, so he grew up away from it i guess
bigbluetiger replied to your post:Ok wait… im looking at Gangrel’s lines on heroes...
What alli said and also, if she married into nobility and then both of his parents died, Gangrel would’ve lost any noble title he would’ve had anyhow.
hmm, yeah point on the ‘nobility and royalty’ thing...and also yeahh, that would fit more to the story idk why but i imagined the mother dying one day and whatever immediate family he had just putting hi to the streets... i guess i just got tripped up by the way it was written...
And also maybe a lil sad that the fire emblem writers just couldn't make a born and raised peasant king
But thank you guys for helping me out =w=
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fangsjustice · 5 years
@bigbluetiger​ (x)
Linus was definitely used to being rough with people in his life.��
It was just in his nature to be very physical, and he really only reined in his strength with certain people. So, it was always nice to know that he could go full power with at least some of the people here in Askr outside of a fight. The Laguz were strong and sturdy, something that Linus both admired and found frustrating -- frustration purely born out of feeling like he had to catch up to what they could so easily do.
So, most others might think better of trying to fist bump someone the size of Mordecai, but Linus didn’t even think twice before going all in on the action. 
It was jarring, and certainly smarted more than it would have if he’d done it to a human, but Linus just laughed at the rough greeting. He flicked his hand back and forth afterwards, trying to dispel some of the sting from the hit, his grin never faltering.
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“Now that’s a way to greet someone in the mornin’!”
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“Jeez, you really gonna eat all that?”
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He knew most of the Laguz in Askr could pack it away like no one’s business -- be it food or drink -- but looking at all the plates Mordecai had, piled high with food, it was still hard to wrap his head around. Maybe hanging around with Reyson so much made it even more of a shock, as the Heron didn’t eat much at all. 
It didn’t completely dissuade Linus from future plans of challenging the Tiger to contests, but it certainly put it into focus just what he’d be putting himself up against.
“Guess it’s a good thing there are healers all over the place here. Wouldn’t wanna bust a gut with no one around to handle the mess.”
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of-invisible-ties · 5 years
"Stef!? STEEEEF!" The giant gasped, running towards the swordsman and jubilantly throwing Stefan into a hug upon sight, his size being the only reminder to not instantly crush his friend in a fit of elation. "It has been so long! What brings you here?" he said, gently putting an undoubtedly bewildered beorc back to solid ground.
Despite how jarring it was to be lifted up like that, Stefan was grinning. His dear friend had made the effort to greet him so warmly, and that certainly counted for something. He is undoubtedly grateful that he wasn’t crushed, though. It would be rather unseemly to have made his way all the way to Gallia, only to be immediately sent home due to injury. 
“It’s been too long, my friend!” he proclaims. “I won’t lie when I say that I was looking forward to seeing you again. As for my business ...”
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“Well, that would make for quite the long discussion. Why don’t we save that for later? I’d love to hear how you’re doing!”
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phoenicishawkking · 6 years
"Er, Hawk King Ti-ebarn, Mordecai was curious. Is there a way to get me to Phoenicis? Ulki talked to me about it but said Mordecai is too heavy, but I would still like to go, if just once."
To Phoenicis? Tibarn could only imagine the chaos Mordecai’s presence would bring to his capital, with most hawks never having seen a non-bird laguz, let alone a man like Mordecai. Tibarn loved the imagery, quickly making it an issue of High Priority to build infrastructure to accommodate their laguz brethren (and perhaps, the beorc, given time).
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“Could be done. We’d get you a ship, get you as close to Phoenicis as possible. From there, we’d need to get you to the shore. Probably could carry you that far if it were me and two others. Just need to look out for the jagged rocks and treacherous tides that surround our island.” No big deal. “Then you’ll have to do some climbing. You could do it in a few days. But should you reach the top, you would be one of the few groundlings to see our home.” 
“You aren’t afraid of heights, are you?” Tibarn asked, an eyebrow cocked as he inspected Mordecai critically. “No matter how it’s done, it’s going to involve a lot of carrying.” Not that Tibarn minded.
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"Bump before blackout?" he bellows. While also shirtless, the giant decides to chest bump Ike but forgot that he drank a keg of beer earlier, causing his belly to accidentally activate Smite.
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cavaliant · 4 years
@bigbluetiger​ replied to your post:
Mordecai would like to try some... is it sweet?
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“I’d say it’s more sharp and spicy--really got a good kick to it if you ask me. Here, try it for yourself and tell me what you think.”
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maligknights · 7 years
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Moar @nagamas goodness! This one is for @bigbluetiger who had some really cool prompts. But the one that called me the most was “Cowboy Mordecai”
I had a ton of fun with this one, I hope I got him right, I’m not used to drawing rly burly dudes so it was a fun excercise, enjoooy and Happy Holidays!
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regaldisaster · 4 years
bigbluetiger replied to your post: Now on: Things Only I Care 1) i can’t fucking tell...
// 2 is the Prance of Madness™
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fangsjustice · 5 years
*Leaves a barrel of Gallian Schwarzbier, a bag of pemmican, and a smorgasbord of carob-flavored and strawberry-flavored Gallian creme puffs on Linus' desk in his room* If Linus were to read the letter Mordecai had Kiran write for him, it reads: "To my not-as-little beorc friend, Mordecai hopes you enjoy these treats for the Day of Devotion, and that you will have big gains this year. I hope this helps! - Mordecai // PS: I threw in some kettle-bell weights & a ball from the gym to help. - Kiran"
This was starting to get out of hand – not something Linus usually ever thought, but he’d hit a bit of a wall here and he didn’t know how to get by it without it going to hell in some way. He needed to stop going overboard with all this food – not to mention the booze – but it was hard when Mordecai was just…so overly generous with it all. Linus had always been taught not to turn his nose up at gifts from a friend, and not going ham on whatever the Laguz sent his way felt like he was spitting in the guy’s face a bit.
But, man, did he really need to cut back and get his training kicked back into high gear. Double high gear, if he was being perfectly honest with himself. Which felt shitty right now, but it was starting to get near impossible to deny.
He’d lost his edge, and he had to bust his ass to get it back.
Well, the sweets would be easy enough to hand out – there were plenty of kids around the Order that would probably love stuff like this. The beer could also be shared around, though Linus was definitely going to have some of it himself; it was stronger than what they commonly had at hand in Askr, and Linus was a sucker for alcohol that could get him drunk fast. He might keep some of the pemmican, but would not make the mistake of trying to eat all of it as quickly as he did with the last bunch the Tiger had given to him.
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“First thing’s first…,” Linus grumbled to himself, testing the heft of the weights that the Summoner had been so kind to include, “That fucker’s gonna swallow some teeth after I’m through returning these to ‘em.”
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Mordecai sighs and gently picks Linus up by the arms, dragging him off to a bench, then sets off to try and rearrange this mess. "How does a Gallian bar run sound?"
Being bodily moved -- with hardly any effort, he might add -- was such a foreign sensation that Linus forgot to bitch about it while it was happening. As soon as he was released, though, he made sure to blurt out a late but nonetheless emphatic fuck.
Didn’t have the same effect, but he was sure it got his feelings across well enough.
“Was jus’ havin’ some fun! Thought that’s wha’ all these silly, li’l things were all ‘bout!”
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Of course, the suggestion of more booze easily distracted the Mad Dog’s destruction bender.
“What a pal, what a-- what a good ol’ boy,” Linus hiccuped, getting back up on his feet to pat Mordecai on the shoulder -- of course, with how drunk he was, it was less of a shoulder pat and more of a shoulder check. “We’ll drink the lot of ‘em dry!”
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