#big wheehoo
notbop · 1 year
hate transitioning love being a tranny. such is life
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
hi this is vtuber anon i want to thank you for my entire EXISTENCE with the nanami sugar daddy headcanons im ..... wheehoo i want to massage his temples while he works and i want to kiss the middle of his head where he's parted his hair and cheer for him when he gets big major deals in his company even though he might think me being hype for him is more exciting than a new merger-acquisition etc whatever and i want to get lingerie that matches his suits can ypu imagine getting a new set everytime he goes to get a new suit tailored i...... jfc...... i love him thank you for your service im gonna think of the above in conjunction with your masterpiece i need to 😏😏 lay down now 😏😏😏
looool you’re welcome boo😚 I too shall be thinking of the things you brought up👀 time to live in a fantasy for a little bit👀
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transvavsquad · 7 years
1: The kid on the couch had empty bottles of mountain dew strewn about them and was working on another, one hand with the bottle to their mouth and the other on their laptop. Their blue hair was a mess and they gave off a general air of disinterest, raising the bottle in greeting without looking towards the door before setting it down and settling back down into their laptop.
2: usually i just put on a youtube video in the background and do my best to go but it’s not greeeeeeat bc i get distracted easily
3: UHHH man idk. good things. hurt comfort? hurt? villain. villain fics. i dont know my dude
4: ho boy,,, well there’s always jos, of course, bc jos is like the big bad,,, but like shit dude, i’d die for shade, and miss-ingno and sorc and MY GOOD BUDS RAY AND RYAN and ry ofc and hgngng lots of kids
5: TWO. no maybe like 500-600 on a good day
6: free/wood ofc lad
7: MOTIVATION AND TIME i have plenty of inspo thannks?
8: because it’s like the one thing i’m good at wheehoo
9: i do have an idea for a book or a webcomic but i dont know yet i gotta get like a multi chaptered fic done first tho WHOOPS
10: UHHH EVERYONE!! everyone who sends me things and everyone who draws and there’s so much ghghg
12: gosh either break your back or the sequel to whisper. i desperately want to give villain vav the shit he deserves but break your back was a gift to a friend soooo,,,
13: FUUUUUUUCK i have a whole slew of bookmarks but,, blindfold and partners in crime are Ideal, free fall by sominari, want/need by the fuckin,, person i can’t remember the name of,,, ANYTHING MY RY WRITES,,,,
14: jerem/ichael and jack/eoff bc like. classics, lads.
16: i make it up as i go lmaoooo
17: god fuck no i’m slow as shit
18: age 12 or 13?? probably younger idk
19: because it was a way to escape school and classes hue
20 :‘He jumped out again and grabbed Gavin’s arm, startling him, and pulled him through‒ but not before Gavin let go of his scarf, and they both watched as the golden fabric disappeared into the swirling winds, the glint of color in the darkness dancing away into the whirlwind before it went up, up, and completely vanished.’
‘Am I allowed to love you?
There was a heavy moment that hung in the air between them, and then Gavin took his hand and gently pulled it to his cheek, letting all his breath out as the calloused fingers brushed gently on his face.
‘vav was pure sunshine and the mad king was pitch night and now they might be a lightning storm, somewhere in the middle because it’s just them in the early grey mornings and gavin’s hair is so goddamn soft like all the rest of him, despite the scars or burns or bruises and ryan thinks that this might be some sort of love’
‘“Oh, no,” Ryan grinned against his neck. “I haven’t ruined you quite yet.” “Well then hurry up, my liege,” Gavin purred, and Ryan practically growled. “Anything for you.”’
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