#big thank you to two of my friends for helping me queue up her floors
cookiecaker · 4 months
(Raised in inferno, employed by the heavens.)
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f1blrcreatorsfest · 1 year
fest credits & acknowledgements;
an author’s note by yours truly, ames ivettel <3
"oh, wow..." was pretty much all i could say as i scrolled through the f1blrcreatorsfest23 tag on the evening of august 1st. i was in a hotel room with some of my best friends in the world, all of us piled on a single bed, my laptop balanced precariously in the air as i passed around tumblr posts like a blunt, and already, i was floored by the initial response to the fest. little did i know that my mind would continue to be blown.
not to ruin the illusion, but going into the month, i was so stressed and scared that things wouldn’t happen—literally, the day the festival launched, we were still doing prep work. fio and i had committed to a morning of Getting Life Shit Done, and while she did more important stuff, i was on after effects finishing up the launch post and rushing through the caption (and bothering her 💀). i hit post and went to touch grass, already kind of having given up on things going smoothly… and i came back to the best chaos i’ve ever seen, along with the feeling that i was completely out of my depth.
honestly, if i’d run this behemoth of an event completely by myself, i’m sure it would have flopped early. not for lack of trying, mind, but simply because running a community festival is a team game at heart; you need input from others if you want to make something big for others!
so, with that said, i’d love to give credit where credit is due. i hope you’ll join me in giving a standing ovation to these stellar individuals!
first and foremost, a massive shoutout to barbi @brawn-gp for kickstarting the idea in the first place: a racing sideblog that prompts community challenges for motorsportblr. the very foundation this fest is laid on is because of you! thank you also for running the queue for most of the month and being so meticulous with the tagging system—our blog would not be here without you!
next, thank you to kyle @princemick and riel @azrphales for your work doing posters and being active members of the exec team! as i tried to chase people down to vote on big decisions, your quick input was a sigh of relief—a sign that others wanted this fest to happen just as badly. your promo work was literally invaluable in getting this to take off and stay strong. thank you both for your work post-launch (additional planning + sideblog modding)! a special thank you to kyle for being so active in the discord server and supporting our participants, also for participating so much in the fest itself <3
another big thank you to garnet @garnetaldebaran! your suggestions were incredibly insightful and thoughtful while trying to create the fest’s schedule and events. you really came through with the organization of our first sprint, which proved so helpful when organizing the second and third. and the creations you made for the fest on top of it all? absolutely gorgeous!
to nico @userscuderia and fio @maranello, thank you for lighting the inspirational fire we needed to get ideas flowing on what we could do in addition to weekly themes! the very concept of our sprint challenges, our silly f1-themed guidelines, and our motivation for most of july are thanks to you!
finally: nami @boyfrombarbados, emma @dannysricciardo, and ginevra @leclerqued, thanks for rolling with the changes to the video editing server / joining the pitwall on the fly! your comments were great and helped us define how we wanted to shape our fest identity.
i set out, initially, to try and change the culture around f1blr—to show noncreators that there is so much talent that exists in the fanbase, and that to keep us going, pretty much all we ask for are reblogs. maybe even a nice comment or two! it’s been made pretty clear, however, that the lack of interaction and interest in supporting creators stretches far, far beyond our reach.
that said, not all hope is lost! if this fest has done anything, i think it’s encouraged people to try new things artistically and really push the boundaries of what it means to make a #f1edit. at the end of the day, isn’t that what this is all about? being on the side of art, encouraging creation, fostering support? if we can continue to push ourselves—and really enjoy the act of creating—doesn’t our spirit count for anything? 
so i’ll sign off on this by saying one last thing: stay passionate about the beauty you give to the world. it matters, regardless of the notes, the likes, and the comments; it matters, and most of all, you matter.
thank you, everyone! a gold star for each of you ⭐️
-xo ames
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angelbaby-fics · 2 years
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I posted 1,389 times in 2022
That's 1,389 more posts than 2021!
582 posts created (42%)
807 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 908 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#c - 332 posts
#♡ - 103 posts
#little!reader - 51 posts
#chloe's fic - 45 posts
#bucky x little!reader - 34 posts
#agere fic - 31 posts
#friends - 31 posts
#stucky x little!reader - 30 posts
#queue 🧸 - 27 posts
#steve x little! reader - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#especially because executive dysfunction sometimes makes it hard to get things done so i imagine steve & bucky helping me ☺️☺️
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hii🥺💗 I had a daddy!stucky request where bucky loses the reader’s favourite stuffie and won’t stop crying until steve gets her a new bucky bear stuffie
Daddy Cat
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Summary: Bucky loses your favorite stuffy while on a mission, but Steve knows just how to fix it.
Word count: 1470
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little!Reader (fem language used)
A/N: Thank you so much for this request, its so cute!! 🥰💕 I changed it up just a little bit to fit an idea I've had since I first saw that cat picture lol. Special thanks to @haleybr for helping me find it!! Also I was feeling kind of artistic today so I made a little moodboard to go with the fic, I hope you guys like it 💕🐈
“Okay, bye bye Bubba, be a good little kitty! I’m gonna miss you so much!!” You kissed the plush grey kitten on its hard plastic nose before shoving it to the bottom of Bucky’s backpack, under the clothes so he could be cushioned on his trip. This was a little tradition of yours: every time one of your daddies had to go on a mission, you’d sneak a stuffy into their bag to keep them company while they’re away from you. You zipped the backpack up and put it back in its place near the door. Just then, Bucky entered the room, and you knew what that meant.
“Oh, pumpkin, you know I hate to leave you.” Bucky said, lifting you up and propping you on his left hip. You nuzzled into his shoulder while he rubbed your back, kissing you on the head before setting you back down.
“I miss you already.” You whispered shyly, looking down at your socks.
“I’m not even out the door yet, doll, you love me that much?” Bucky laughed, tousling your hair.
You smiled and jumped up to your tippy-toes to give Bucky a kiss on the cheek. Steve joined the two of you at the door, taking you in his arms as he knew goodbyes were always hard. With you in his arms, he leaned over to Bucky, the three of you embracing for what felt like too short of a moment before Bucky said his final goodbyes and headed out the door.
“Okay, baby, what are we gonna do today?” Steve asked, turning to you. Your brain still focussed on missing your daddy, you only shrugged your shoulders.
“Well, how about this?” Steve carried you to his room where he picked up a bag before walking you back to the living room, setting both you and the bag on a mat on the floor. “Go ahead, honey.” He motioned towards the bag.
You leaned over, peeking in to reveal a massive set of new Play Doh colors and plastic accessories. You squealed with delight, immediately getting started building a little farm while Steve watched with pride.
Hours passed, Steve reminding you to put your Play Doh away after a while so it wouldn’t dry out. He made you lunch and you curled up on the couch to watch some cartoons as the day went on, until it was evening, and Bucky was calling to say goodnight. He spoke to Steve first, telling him how the mission was going so far, while you eagerly leaned over, trying to hear your daddy’s voice. You caught snippets of the conversation through Steve’s replies, vaguely aware that Bucky was mad about something, but nothing big enough for you to get worried. Finally, it was your turn, and Steve passed the phone to you.
“Hey babydoll!” “DADDY!!” You shouted into the phone
You spoke for a few minutes, telling Bucky all about the Play Doh farm you’d made and the pasta Steve made for lunch before finally asking the question that had been weighing on your mind.
“How’s Bubba?”
Bucky hesitated for a moment before answering.
“Oh he’s good, baby!”
“Can I say goodnight to him?” “Uhh, well he already fell asleep! He was so tired from helping me out today!”
“Okay… Well, give him a kiss for me and make sure he doesn’t have bad dreams!” You said, not wanting to sound too disappointed that your favorite stuffy had fallen asleep without you.
“Of course, babydoll, and you give papa a kiss for me too, okay?” “Okay daddy, I love you.”
“I love you too, angel. I can’t wait to see you when I get home tomorrow!”
You handed the phone back to Steve who said his goodbyes before hanging up the phone and wrapping his arm around you.
“Alright baby, how about a special treat for tonight. Do you wanna order pizza?”
“Yes yes yes!” You jumped off the couch, bouncing and clapping your hands while Steve laughed and started dialing the delivery number.
With the sun fully down and your tummy full of pizza, Steve carried your exhausted self into his and Bucky’s room, knowing you preferred to sleep there when one of them was gone. As soon as you hit the soft mattress, you curled into Bucky’s pillow, inhaling his smell as you felt Steve crawl under the covers behind you and rubbing your back soothingly as you drifted off to sleep.
You jumped up out of bed when you heard Bucky’s key in the lock of the door, nearly knocking him over with your hug as he walked into the home.
“WELCOME HOME DADDY!!! Did you have fun?” You asked, laughing as he picked you up and spun you around.
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772 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
reader being in little space and being so i love with her new toy but bucky just got a fresh hair cut and new Cologne new clothes new everything and reader is so stunned she slowly walks on to him grabs his face and says something like “so pretty dada” like a disney prince and just keep staring at him for the rest of the day/week 🥺💋 (love your work btw)
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Like A Prince
Summary: Bucky gets a haircut and you can't stop staring
Word count: 850
Pairing: Daddy!Bucky x Little!Reader (fem language used)
A/N: I love this request so much! I've included some pictures under the cut of how I imagined his hair looking before and after while I was writing! I"m quite partial to his tfatws look 🥰 This takes place (as all my fics do) in a universe where littles are commonplace & accepted in society! Also, I’ve taken to nicknaming Bucky “buba” when in littlespace… kind of just a baby-fied way of saying his name... Bucky Barnes, get it?? Hopefully you guys like that haha 💕
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793 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Hi! I was wondering if I could send in a request???
Here it is: A very sleepy r. Trouble waking baby up from naps. Especially mornings. Just curls back up and ignores everyone. Half asleep during entire morning routine and nodding off at breakfast with like mouth full or face in the food idk. Definitely not self projecting w this lol. Steve Bucky or both idrc
Thank you if you decide to do it!! This is my first time requesting to you! 💗💗🥰🧸
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Word Count: 750
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little!Reader (fem terms used)
A/N: omg this was almost hard to write because i had SO much coffee today i am bouncing off the walls lol 😝 but steve & bucky are so cozy i wish i could fall asleep with them lol i think i'd have the most relaxed sleep of my life 😌🛌
“Wakey wakey, baby!”
Steve swiped his thumb across your forehead, attempting to gently rouse you from sleep as Bucky threw the curtains open. The morning sunlight hitting your face made you turn out of Steve’s grasp and into the nest of blankets, pillows, and stuffies you’d gathered up during the night. You smiled as you inhaled the lingering scent of the lavender mist that your daddies sprayed over your pillowcases before bed. With the light of the sun now out of your face but the warmth of it filling the room, you began to slowly drift away back into slumber.
Until Steve pulled the blanket off you.
“Come on, honey, rise and shine.” He whispered, still trying to coax you out of sleep as opposed to forcing you.
“Mmmmmnnnnoooooooooo…” You mumbled into the pillow, kicking your legs around, trying to find any warmth you could on the bedsheet.
Bucky came to join Steve at the side of your bed, laying his left hand across your back. The cold touch of the metal made your eyes pop open, and you squinted and blinked a few times before finally turning around with a stretch and a yawn to face your two daddies. “Ooh, big stretch baby!” Bucky said, which made you giggle a little bit.
Steve leaned towards you, the tip of his nose brushing yours which caused you to go crosseyed and giggle some more.
“Are you ready for breakfast babydoll?” He asked.
“Mmmaybe…” You mumbled, your eyelids starting to droop a little again.
“What if I told you it's pancakes with chocolate chips and a cherry on top?” He bargained, perking you up a bit more.
“And whipped cream and chocolate syrup?”
Steve took in a sharp breath. “Ohh, I don’t know about all that. How about if you get dressed by yourself, you can pick one or the other?”
You weighed your options before ultimately shaking your head. You decided the extra toppings simply weren’t worth the effort of getting out of your comfy pajamas. Steve laughed, somewhat surprised at your decision but not wanting to fight it. He knew you had a sweet tooth and besides, he didn’t really want you to have that much sugar first thing in the morning.
“You want me to carry you too?” Steve asked, sensing you were a little smaller in your tired state.
You nodded with a smile, your eyes falling closed again as you felt Steve’s strong arms lifting you out of the comfort of the bed. You latched your limbs around his large frame, soaking up his warmth and his comforting scent. You’d almost fallen back asleep when he let you down on the dining chair. Bucky set a stack of pancakes on the placemat in front of you and kissed your head.
“Here you are, your highness. Daddy’s famous chocolate pancakes!” He said with a grin.
You picked up the plastic fork and began to dig in, a chocolate chip melting on your tongue as you sighed happily.
“I’m gonna go get your clothes out, okay sleepyhead?” Steve asked, and you nodded, not even bothering to look over at him.
The mix of the warm and sweet breakfast, Steve’s kiss to your cheek before he left towards your bedroom, the soft jazz music Bucky had playing over the speakers, and your warm footie pajamas still had you ensnared in sleep, even as you tried to eat your breakfast. Bucky was cleaning up the kitchen when he called out to you.
“How are they, bub? I added some chocolate syrup anyway, don’t tell papa okay?” He asked, but there was no answer.
Bucky turned around to find you with your head resting on the dining table, strands of your hair strewn across the plate, a snore softly escaping your parted lips. Bucky frowned just as Steve walked back into the room.
“Honey, I think somethings wrong. She fell back asleep, I don’t know why!” Bucky said with concern.
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923 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
stucky x little!reader
What if during the night someone breaks into their home…daddies were up anyway in the bedroom with little one that was sleeping in their bed. but when they hear the commotion downstairs, it wakes up little one and she starts tearing up because she’s scared….but one of the daddies goes to call back up while the other one stays behind to calm little one down…
You can do really whatever you want with this story 🤍
Safe Room
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Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Mob!Stucky x Little!Reader
Warning: Slightly darker than my usual fics due to the mob AU! Nothing too scary I hope!!
A/N: Sorry I changed it up a little!! :O if you want something closer to your original request I’d be happy to write it!! This is just what came to me while I was writing so I went with it lol <3 I'm very excited to see The Gray Man soon and it inspired me to try writing some Mob!Stucky, a trope I love but have never written before!! Also the paci is a reference one I just bought from @princeminnow and I highly recommend you guys check out his blog! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!!
You had your own bedroom, painted your favorite color with a big comfy bed and lots of blankets. Shelves lined the walls, filled to the brim with stuffies and toys, as well as your ever expanding collection of little gear. The closet doors almost couldn’t close over the amount of both practical clothing and dress up costumes you had. Despite all this, however, your bedroom was not your favorite room in the house. It’s not that you weren’t thankful or that you didn’t like it - you loved it after all! But if you got to choose, you’d spend every moment you could in Steve and Bucky’s room, engulfed in their scent and aura. 
That's where you found yourself on this particular night, one hand tangled up in Bucky’s fingers, the other around your stuffy. You hadn’t meant to fall asleep there, only meaning to get some evening cuddles while Bucky read his book, but when your eyes started to feel heavy, you didn’t fight it. Your mouth hung open, having fallen asleep without a paci, and Bucky didn’t want to risk waking you by getting up to get you one. Besides, Steve would be home any minute now, and not only could he go retrieve a pacifier for you, but would also get the treat of seeing you curled up with Bucky. He needed it after the day he’d had. 
Bucky heard Steve unlock the door and hoped he’d enter quietly, but when the closing of the door was followed by a harshly whispered curse word, Bucky immediately knew something was wrong. He heard Steve climb the stairs, two or three at a time, as fast as he could towards the bedroom. Steve didn’t even have time to take in the adorable sight in front of him, nor Bucky the time to ask Steve what was wrong. Steve scooped you up as gently as he could, hoping not to wake you. If the change in position didn’t wake you, he feared his rapid heartbeat or the quake in his voice would.
“Someone’s in the house.” He said quietly, hoping to convey the urgency of the situation to Bucky as quickly as possible. “We need to get her to the safe room now.”
Bucky nodded, immediately getting up out of bed and crossing the room to the closet where he kept some weapons. 
“You take her, keep her calm. I’ll take care of this.” Bucky said in his stubborn way.
“No, they already know I’m here, they don’t need to know anyone else is home.” Steve replied, trying to hand you to Bucky.
“I’m not letting you face this alone.”
“We can’t leave her alone!” Steve countered, knowing Bucky couldn’t argue with that.
Bucky took you from Steve’s arms, grateful that you hadn’t woken up in all the commotion yet.
Then a crash came from downstairs. Your face scrunched up as you debated whether the noise was worth waking up over, but another curse word from Steve’s lips made your eyes shoot open. 
“Daddy what?” You muttered, voice heavy with sleep. 
“Shhh angel, everything’s alright,” Steve whispered to you, “just go back to sleep babydoll.” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging onto him as the commotion downstairs continued.
“Daddy what’s goin on?!” You cried, starting to panic.
Bucky and Steve exchanged a glance.
“Take her. I’ve got this.” Bucky said, coldly and quietly so as to express his urgency to Steve without scaring you further. Steve nodded as Bucky got dressed, hiding a gun in his waistband.
“Hey honeybear, we’re gonna go on a little late night adventure, okay? But you gotta stay really quiet and be a good girl for Daddy, alright?”
You knew Steve well enough to know that he was trying his hardest. Even though he protected you from the truth, the big part of your brain knew that your daddies dealt with dangerous people. Even though they kept their business as far from you, their little girl, as they could, you still noticed every time one of them came home with a black eye or blood on their shoe. You learned it was best not to question it. And even though Steve focused every cell in his body to keep you calm, you knew even in your sleepy little state that whatever was going on was very, very bad. 
You stayed quiet, just as Steve commanded, but you couldn’t stop the tears filling your eyes and dripping down your face. You were too scared to even sniffle as Steve ran through the halls of your big house, pressing you into his chest so hard it almost hurt. Steve stopped at a bookshelf, in which room you couldn’t tell as all the lights in the home had been turned off. He checked his surroundings to make sure the two of you hadn’t been followed before tugging on the edge of a book and pulling the hinged bookcase away from the wall. He hurried inside with one arm holding you to him and the other shutting the secret door as quietly as possible. Once he heard it latch, he pressed a code into the number pad on the wall and continued through the snaking hidden hallways of the house. He reached a sturdy locked door, punched in the code for that one as well, and once inside, attempted to set you down. But you weren’t having that. 
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1,029 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Eddie My Love
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Word Count: 680
Pairing: CG!Eddie Munson x Little!Reader
Summary: When everything is too much, Eddie will always be there to help you.
A/N: This is kind of rushed & I'm half asleep but I still really wanted to get some Eddie fluff out there before midnight tonight.... just in case 😭😭 No matter what happens, he's already such a beloved comfort character for me so I was still really happy to write this for him. Even though its pretty short I promise I'll have more Eddie fics in the pretty near future! 😄💕🦇
Your hands gripped tight on the door handle, knuckles bracing against skin as you held on for dear life. Even if you had the courage to complain, the most trained ear wouldn’t be able to hear you over the heavy rock music vibrating through the van. Eddie peeled out of the school parking lot, nearly tipping over as he took the turn towards his trailer. You squeezed your eyes shut; you normally didn’t have a problem with the reckless way Eddie drove, but the smaller you regressed, the scarier everything seemed. 
As the van screeched to a halt at an intersection, Eddie took a moment to admire you, just as he did hundreds of times a day. When he saw your terrified face, his heart sank. He kicked himself mentally for not realizing sooner that you were little, and he immediately slammed a hand down on the stereo button to quiet the music. He should have known you were having a bad day, he should have noticed the signs, but he was riding on the high of a good session at Hellfire and your mood shift just didn’t register to him. In the newfound silence of the car, he could hear your labored breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. No more; that was his job now. His calloused hand reached out to yours. 
“Shh baby, it’s okay. Shhh…” He whispered, leaning over to stroke your hand and relax the muscles that were still holding fast to the door. 
The cold sensation of his rings against your skin was just enough to distract you from your fear. You began to fiddle with one, an angry pig that you thought was more cute than intimidating, twisting it around and around Eddie’s slender finger. 
“Do you wanna wear it?” He asked, and you nodded. He slid it off his finger onto yours and you quickly resumed your stimming. Your breathing slowed. “Hey, yeah, that's it baby. You’re okay now, I promise. I’m gonna drive real careful back home, okay?” And you nodded again. 
The light had long since turned green, but Hawkins was a small enough town that no cars were waiting behind you. True to his word, Eddie slowly pressed the gas pedal and drove you to his trailer, even staying below the speed limit and taking all the turns as carefully as he could. When he pulled into his parking spot, he did it ever so slowly so as not to jerk you around. He put the vehicle in park and unstrapped his seatbelt, hopping out and jogging over to your door. Without needing to be asked, he unbuckled your seatbelt and took you in his arms, helping you onto the ground. He walked you to the door of the trailer, fishing his key out of his jacket pocket and unlocking it with one hand, the other gripping yours nearly as tightly as you’d been clutching the car door.
When you reached his room at the end of the trailer, he let go of your hand, and already you missed his touch. But he was only gone for a moment, having to let you go so he could get the shoebox out from under his bed, the shoebox that contained your little gear. A pacifier, a big thick blanket, and a soft but matted teddy bear. It had been Eddie’s when he was a kid, protecting him from nightmares and bullies, and now he trusted the bear to watch over you too. He handed it to you, then offered the paci which you took, and then wrapped the blanket over your shoulders. Your eyes drooped, already exhausted from your meltdown and the long day leading up to it. Eddie sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. You wasted no time, instantly positioning yourself in that familiar embrace, his scent of hairspray and stale smoke calming every nerve in your body. You knew it in your heart, as long as you had your Eddie, as long as you had your love, everything was okay.
1,041 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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manddor · 3 years
this is inspired by @love-me-a-good-prompt ‘s prompt <3
summary: peter and you were supposed to celebrate your first anniversary
peter maximoff x fem!reader
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Y/n remembered it like it was yesterday the day she met Peter Maximoff.
She was in the backseat of her friend’s car, going back to Xavier's school after having a perfect day at the movie theater watching horror movies. However, they saw a speedster running in front of the car and then an explosion noise. The mansion was destroyed and thanks to that boy the students were saved.
He had silver hair, wore a silver jacket, glasses and he was so tall and pretty. “Hello sweetie” her heart sped up for some reason she didn't understood. “Bad day to meet.”
After the war was over, he decided to stay at Charles' mansion. Y/n was thinking they were going to get along great until he started picking on her. “Have I told you how hideous you look today?” or when Charles put him as her partner “You know I'm better than you, don't you? It is better to give up.”
She responded, but not with words. He never had a reason to call her ugly. Y/n knew she was beautiful and that confidence caught everyone's attention. And she'd been trained by Charles and Raven since she was little, a fresher wouldn't ruin her reputation.
Afterward Jean and Scott started dating. Their group was reduced to just Peter and Y/n. They always tried to avoid each other, but Jean always escaped to the boys’ room, leaving Peter with no choice. "I'm not going to sleep on the floor!" Peter exclaimed when he noticed that you and Jean shared just one bed.
"I'm not going to sleep with you touching me!"
"Why? Are you afraid I'll bite?" the girl's face flushed and she hid it.
"Ugh, shut up and lie down, I'm sleepy" she gave in and when Peter lay down beside her, she could feel his warm skin and thought how comfortable hugging that arm should be.
The night was being a nightmare, she didn't stop moving and neither did he. Until you came face to face. “I never imagined this would happen,” he whispered with his little smirk.
"I bet you wished this day to come, huh?"
"You're right" he said approaching, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Stop being so cocky, Maximoff”
"Then kiss me" Peter said wanting to make Y/n get angry and walk away like she always did, but he didn't expect her to do exactly what he told.
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Now they were celebrating their anniversary. Peter said he was going to take her to a fancy place, so y/n begged for help from Jean who choose a beautiful blue dress.
Peter had become the happiest person in the world. He felt like a big loser, but seeing that the lame jokes he used to make, made her laugh was the moment he discovered he was in love with you.
When it was 7 pm, Peter showed up at her bedroom door and borrowed Scott's motorcycle to take her to the restaurant. The two agreed that they wouldn’t use or talk about their powers.
The restaurant was highly luxurious, with white marble floors and people dressed in their finest clothes. “Oh my god, Pete! This is too much!"
“You deserve it.” He kissed her forehead and took her hand to go to the receptionist.
"Hello, a table for two please" he said trying to look serious and older.
“I'm sorry sir, but the queue is 3 hours” the receptionist said.
Peter looked at you. “I don’t think I can take it, I haven’t eaten all afternoon!” then he looked at the receptionist again. “Are all tables three hours on hold?” she confirmed.
"Thanks!" you said and took his hand to get out of line. “Pete, let me drive now”
You took him to his favorite fast food place. Everyone looked at you both like you were superstars, dressed in your fancy clothes.
“I'm sorry it didn't work out today. I wanted you to have a princess night as you deserve. I saved all my money to get this done!” Peter said after you ordered your meal.
“Pete! You don't need to apologize for anything, unforeseen happens. And I always feel like a princess no matter the place, you make me feel that way” he took your face and kissed you.
“I have the best girlfriend in the world. I don't know what I did to deserve this. Besides, I was crazy to eat here. Thanks, my love”
taglist: @kazscrow @geli2297 @mrs-brekker15 (let me know if you want to me added)
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing ii. | m
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 2, 245
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
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The next time you see Jungkook you’re slower than he is when it comes to avoiding his presence. You were smart but Jungkook was sneaky—a characteristic that allowed him to weasel his way into your heart and your mind.
“Sweets.” He calls, tone smiling and your heart flutters unconsciously to the term of endearment that sounded a lot more taunting than it should be.
“We’re in public.” You hiss, reminding him of what you were—his secret.
He seems pleased with your reaction like he enjoys flustering you till no end that proves his upper hand when it came to your dynamics. You weren’t sure when it happened but one day he decided he wasn’t your younger friend Jungkook but Jungkook who could dampen your panties with just his smile.
“You didn’t seem to mind at the party.” He shrugs.
You glare at him shifting away from his body that leans closer when he joined you in the study booth. You chose this particular place because it was secluded away from the main area of the library, tucked in a corner where no one ever goes because it was deadly silent.
So you have no idea what the hell is Jungkook doing here, especially when you knew he had a game earlier; given he’s still in his jersey and with the musky scent of sweat and his laundry detergent.
“I’m studying.” You clip.
You avoid Jungkook’s gaze because you know one look and you’ll melt. But you needed to toughen up because you weren’t going to fall pliant to his touch anymore, or his smile or his smooth words. You remember who he is and who you were.
“Me too.” Jungkook retorts, purposefully sliding closer with a random book he’s snatched from the shelves.
You purse your lips and straighten your back, focusing purely on the task at hand rather than the fact that Jungkook was trying his best to make as much contact with your shoulder as he possibly could with his own.
Jungkook huffs when he realises that you weren’t budging, fully stuck in a half-study-half-dazed mode whenever he was around. What he didn’t know was that with every press against your stature, was a flutter in response.
“Why aren’t you celebrating?” You mutter.
Jungkook grins when he realises you’re casually flipping through your textbook while you await his response. He leans on his palm while staring straight at your face, eyes set directly on your cheek that it makes you flush harder.
“I am.” He replies smoothly, “With you.”
You roll your eyes at the flirtatious attempt even if it did make your stomach feel funny. Jungkook made you feel things out of your own control but you knew better than to continue falling for the same tricks over and over again.
“I need to study so leave me alone.” You clip.
Jungkook pouts in a mocking manner before leaning back into his chair, wrapping his arm around the back of your chair.
“You’ve been avoiding me, sweets.”
You freeze at the statement, fingers tightly gripping the sheets of paper while you force yourself to keep a neutral expression.
“No, I haven’t.” You say tightly.
Jungkook scoffs, “I’m not stupid, babe. You’ve been avoiding me ever since the night of the party.”
The night of the party was a reminder to yourself that Jungkook was horrible for you because he made you act out of your rationale, willing you to do things that you’d never do. And you made that mistake once and you weren’t going to make it again.
“And if I was?” You retort.
Jungkook tongues the inside his cheek before looking ahead, a light smirk painting his face. It’s an expression you know intimately because it’s a look he only has when he knows you’ve always been pliant for him, ready to please.
“Then I’d be really disappointed.”
“Good. I was serious.” You snap, eyes finally darting to his face in slits and he’s already looking at you.
“But you’re not pushing me away, are you?” Jungkook asks in a low voice, and somehow his palm has splayed itself on your thigh, spreading them wide enough for him to rub tempting circles on your skin.
You don’t, because while his touch is scalding it’s just as addictive.
“Leave me alone, Jungkook.” You say through a shaky breath.
He chuckles darkly and then his nose is nudging your jaw, breath hot on your neck while he hikes his hand higher up your skirt.
“You don’t seem like you want me to leave you alone, hm?” He mumbles onto your neck, causing goosebumps to arise.
Your grip on the desk tightens when he brushes his finger over the fabric of your panties and you’re mortified to realise that it’s already damp. Jungkook realises this too and he chuckles against your jaw, biting into the flesh that has you gasping.
“I-I need to study …” You choke when he presses firmly onto your clit, your hips jumping at the stimulation.
“I heard you, sweets.” He hums, “Think you can multitask?”
You hate how he reduced you to nothing but mush, reasoning and pride out the window when he pushes your panties aside to spread the slickness of your pussy with his index finger.
“J-Jungkook …” You whimper.
His nose is pressed against your cheek when he trails his lips across your jaw, down your chin and eventually your neck. The feeling of his lips is familiar but distant and it only makes your heart clench at the unattainable feeling.
You remember that he wasn’t yours. That he is as much Jennie’s as you were his; and your eyes widen in alarm, hands reaching out to grip at his wrist before he can slip a digit into your leaking hole.
“I said we can’t keep doing this.” You say weakly.
Jungkook frowns at you when you pull away completely, crossing your legs so that he won’t have easy access anymore. Your cheeks are hot and it’s both in arousal and embarrassment because you’ve easily allowed him into your heart via your body yet again, despite your own mind warning against it.
“What gives?” He asks irritatedly like he doesn’t understand why you’re pulling away.
You don’t expect him to, not when he has all the options in the world and the only person that sees you like this is … him.
“I’m busy.” You lie through your teeth. You haven’t been paying attention to your books the moment he’s arrived and you were far too distracted to continue.
Jungkook scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you when you firmly avoid his stare.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. You’ve been acting weird ever since the party and you literally just upped and left when I joined you and Jimin the other day.” He bites, “So I’m asking again: what gives?”
You keep your lips shut because you don’t have the courage to tell him that it’s your heart that’s tired. That you don’t think you can do this anymore because it hurts too much when he pulls away and pretends like nothing happened, only to return when it’s convenient.
“You know I don’t like it when people don’t answer me, baby.” He growls, mouth impossibly close to your ear.
You tighten your grip on the table as you clench your jaw, trying to even out your breathing so you don’t say anything rash.
“You’re really testing my patience here, ______.”
And you’re still floored at how this was the same Jungkook that used to thank you with a wide grin every time you offered help with his homework in high school, or when he’d hold umbrellas for the both of you. This was Jungkook, but older, and a lot meaner.
“I just need to study, Jungkook …” You say softly, hoping he’d take that as his queue to leave.
“And I just want to have fun, sweets.” He whispers, lips close to the shell of your ear.
The word throws you off, and you feel the anger rise.
“Fun? That’s all I am to you? A fun time?” You fume.
Jungkook’s eyes widen at the sudden one-eighty shift of your mood when you snap at him. But like you mentioned, he wasn’t the same, shy Jungkook that used to follow you around everywhere—this was someone different.
“What are you implying?” He furrows his brows at you.
“I’m saying—” You poke into his chest with fierce eyes, “—I don’t want to be just a fun time anymore. I’m done with … whatever this is, Jungkook.”
Jungkook locks his jaw before staring at you with dark and unreadable eyes.
“You say this now but we both know that I’m the only one that can make you scream the way you do.” He whispers.
You shiver but stand your ground.
“I don’t care. What my mind and what my body wants are two different things. And I’m telling you that all of this has to stop.” You gesture to your bodies.
“What is this really about?” He sighs, “Come on. Tell me like a big girl.”
He leans back, brash and with a lazy smirk on his face like he’s half-expecting you to apologise and fall back onto him, mouth on his cock like an apology letter. But you’re so so tired and your heart hurts because you think of Jennie. You think of the same mouth that holds all the words to hurt you on hers, and you prepare for it.
“It’s because I’m done with you, Jungkook!” You seethe, “You can’t have two girls at once especially when you’re only halfway in my door and living in her house.”
Jungkook furrows his brows, “Two girls—?”
“I saw the video of you and Jennie.” You whisper, “I don’t know when the fuck that happened. If it was before you pulled that stunt in the bathroom or after—but I don’t want anything to do with that.”
You quickly clear your belongings and stand up to leave, but Jungkook has a tight grip on your wrist so that you can’t walk away.
“Why are you mad about that?” He asks, genuinely confused.
You gape at him, opening and closing your mouth to find the right words to say but they all fall short.
“Why—what? Are you not hearing yourself? Of course, I’m fucking pissed! You finger me like some fucking pornstar and kiss me like I’m yours and the next thing you know it you’re kissing some other girl while pretending like I don’t exist. Like we weren’t friends that grew up together or the fact that you and I were close before you turned into this asshole.”
Jungkook blinks at you.
“We are still friends …” He says slowly.
You want to rip your hair out because having this conversation only tires and hurts you further, but Jungkook is oblivious to the internal dilemma that you were having with your own heart.
“Friends don’t do this shit to each other, Jungkook.” You hiss, “You don’t fuck someone over because you can’t keep your dick in your pants.”
“Why are you acting as if you weren’t as into it as I was?” Jungkook retorts, tone defensive.
“It’s because I was! I was so fucking into it that it blindsided me! I don’t do this shit, Jungkook—not with anyone else and it just had to be you that this happened to me with.”
Jungkook pauses, and his eyes turn impossible dark. His face is terrifying when he inches closer, all evidence of other emotions but blankness and fury painting his features.
“If it wasn’t me then no one would’ve ever touched you.” He spits as your eyes widen at his tone, “I did you a favour by deciding that you were worth it. And maybe you’re not because clearly you got attached and you want shit to be exclusive, right?”
You stare at Jungkook because Jungkook was mean but never like this. Never personal and poking at all your unhealed wounds.
“Shut up,” He sneers, “I strung you around because I felt bad for you. Twenty-five and a virgin? If not me then who else, hm? Jimin wouldn’t touch you and neither would Tae. You’re just an uptight prude with a stick up her ass that can’t do anything but study. And yeah—I kissed Jennie. Right after I fingered you so hard that you cried because at least she won’t just sit there like a starfish and take whatever’s given to her.”
You blink at Jungkook, arms limp by your sides when he spits all the venomous words to your face, unapologetic when his eyes burn with intense disdain for the person he was talking to.
Everything is numb, and you can’t react because you don’t know how to. But you feel a tear slip past your eye because it’s hot—it’s hot compared to the cold atmosphere that crackles in the air.
Every single one of your insecurities was thrown out the window without a single care and Jungkook looked damned sure that he meant every word. And it hurts even more because you remember confiding him in the same things he was weaponising.
You don’t say anything at all, but your body reacts and more tears fall despite your mortification.
“You’re such a fucking asshole, Jungkook.” You say through a choked breath, shoving past him with your belongings tucked tightly against your body.
Jungkook doesn’t even chase after you, frozen into place with his own words that left his mouth.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Johnny smut#4
Hello lovely anon. Thank you so much for this request, again, i’m sorry for the long wait but i didn’t want to write this when i didn’t have much motivation and then have it turn out any less than perfect. I hope it’s worth the wait for you and that you enjoy it.
Also a lil A/N for everyone: To everyone who has requested, i’m gonna get back on it and try and get at least 2 or 3 out per week if possible. I lost motivation for a hot minute but i’m back. I love you all so much. Also, part 7 to only love can hurt like this will be up sometime in the next week or so. I’m still working on it but i already can’t wait for you all to read.
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Johnny Storm x Fem!Reader
Prompt #4: “You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught”
Warning: Smut, explicit content, sexual intercourse, hair pulling, choking, mouth covering and swearing. 18+
Word Count: 5,160
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @mcustarks go check them out❤️
Best Friends Brother
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As your eyes glance around the beautiful garden filled with white chairs either side of the aisle with flower arrangements all the way to the alter. You can’t help but feel utterly enchanted by the scene, it’s stunning. However, you’re in the wrong place right now, Sue specifically asked you to meet her out back to help her get ready but as soon as you turnaround to head there, you bump into Johnny of all people.
To put it simply, Johnny isn’t exactly your favourite person and you’re not his either. Well, that’s a lie. When around others you don’t get along, you don’t hate each other you just don’t really have much to say since he’s always so cocky and you’re his older sisters best friend. But behind closed doors, the sexual chemistry is off the charts and you’ve spent too many nights tangled up in his sheets to count on two hands.
No one knows about your late night rendezvous though, especially Sue. And she can never find out. It would hurt her. You’re her best friend and Johnny is her little brother. So it’s a secret and it will always remain one.
“Wow” his lips curl up into a genuine smile as his eyes take in your figure in the floor length  dark purple bridesmaid dress you have on “you look, great” he says as he tugs on his bottom lip with his teeth, clearly unable to stop those dirty thoughts running wild in his head.
“Just great?” you ask, brow raising slightly before you chuckle and move to walk past him but he grabs your arm just in time to stop you from going anywhere “not just great, but gorgeous. In fact if this wasn’t my sisters wedding then i’d say you were the best looking one here” he turns his head in your direction, his dreamy blue eyes meeting yours, both filled with lust and need. But you can’t do this here. Today is Sue and Reed’s day.
“Johnny” you whisper lazily, the feel of his skin on yours makes you shiver with desire for him to fill you up, kiss you and make you cum around his cock multiple times but that will have to wait. You really need to snap out of this. So you do, you blink and look back up at him before slowly pulling away from “Sue needs me now, i have to go” and just like that he’s behind you, watching as you walk away. Mostly just to watch the way your ass moves in that dress. You can’t say you blame him though, your ass does look good.
The second you step foot indoors you hear Sue moaning about anything and everything to who sounds like Alicia.
“Your saviour is here” you announce and Sue turns around, beaming at you and you can’t help but stare at her. She looks absolutely breathtaking and her dress is the most beautiful you’ve ever seen. She looks just like a princess.  Alicia then leaves to go and check on Ben, leaving you two to it.
“Sue, you look amazing” tears brim in your eyes, drowning out your vision, she spots it immediately, rushing to hand you a tissue “don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup”
You take it from her, dabbing underneath your eyes before taking the eyeliner from her to re do what couldn’t be saved in time “i can’t believe you’re finally getting your big day” you finish zipping up her dress before helping her out with her veil.
“Well i’ve waited long enough” she laughs as you finish up and you turn her round so she can look at herself in the mirror.
“Now, i just need to finish my make-up. Help a girl out?”
You don’t even bother to respond, instead you start helping, picking up her bag of products. Her foundation is done so it’s just her eye makeup and lipstick that’s left to do. You go with a nice subtle smokey eye with a little silver glitter on top. Then to finish it off you apply some nude lip gloss to her lips before leaving her to do her own mascara, you would hate to mess it up after all.
“Oh i forgot to check with you, is Johnny outside?”
Even the mention of his name has an obvious effect on your body and it’s something you’ve never been able to control but instead of letting it show, you put your poker face on, clearing your throat and mumbling a quick “yes” and thank god she doesn’t catch on or say anything. You must have hid it well.
“Right, ladies the guests are arriving now and Reed is helping them all to their seats so are you ready?” Johnny pokes his head into the room and Sue nods, letting out a deep breath.
He glances at you before Sue walks over to him to make their way to the other room in which she’s going to be leaving out of to walk down the aisle, leaving you standing there sighing.
Guess it’s time for you to take your own place too. You follow closely behind them and then you and Alicia wait for your queue to go, she goes first, then you. Flowers in hand, smiling around at all of the guests, every one of them dressed up in bright colours, wedding hats galore. And as you take your place next to Alicia at the side of the alter, you watch your best friend walk down the aisle with pride. She means the world to you and if there’s one person who’s the most deserving of happiness, it’s her.
Reed wipes away tears as she stands next to him and you feel your heart melting, more tears forming. Johnny watches you from across the way, wiping your own tears of joy before his focus shifts to the vows.
Sometimes he gets urges to ask you out on a date but as quickly as those urges form, they fade. There’s not a chance in hell of you saying yes to him and he knows it. He’s just a hookup and he’s no stranger to half platonic relationships. He’s never particularly been one for commitment anyway but something about you changes his mind. Since you’ve been Sue’s best friend for god knows how long now, he’s watched many guys come and go in and out of your life. He’s watched and even listened to the many times Sue has held you whilst you cried and to tell the truth, he’s never been able to fathom why anyone would ever want to hurt you. Why anyone would ever cheat or leave you. He always had the biggest crush on you and it’s never left. 
Hence why one day he made a move, giving you his best cheesy pick up line at a party Sue threw one weekend. But you ignored him, it was only 2 hours into the party and you weren’t drunk enough to be taking him seriously. However, multiple drinks and shots later, he tried his luck again, and he hit the jackpot. You took him up on his offer. Whilst Sue was in the other room trying to clean up after her guests, you were in Johnny’s room, stripping off in-between heated open mouthed kisses.
It’s pretty obvious where that lead and the next day, you were so mad at yourself for letting it get that far. You cursed alcohol and your stupid brain as you quickly re dressed, repulsed at yourself and your actions. That’s when Johnny shot up, trying his best to make you stay, shutting the door as you tried to open it and standing in the way. You made eye contact with the player and he kissed you. You can’t recall anything else other than feeling captivated by him. His lips moved in sync with yours like they were always made to touch and you couldn’t control the way your body yearned for more.
And the rest is history. Since then you’ve been late night texting and meeting up whenever you could to hook up. Johnny eventually got his own apartment too which only lead to more often than not, the pair of you fucking like rabbits.
It hasn’t just been hookups though, as much as you’d love to lie and pretend that it doesn’t mean a thing, it does. You like Johnny, of course you do. He’s actually the only guy that’s ever been able to make you cum. The only guy who isn’t completely selfish in bed. He makes it all about you, every dam time and you feel torn when it comes to him. A huge part of you knows the two of you feel something deeper and more than just sex. You feel something more intimate. It’s definitely not love but it could be, one day.
Before you know it, you’re ripped from your Johnny themed thoughts as everyone starts cheering and clapping. You join in, watching Reed kiss Sue passionately before the two of them walk back up the aisle. You, Alicia, Johnny and Ben all follow behind with the guests joining in.
The reception is just inside and as soon as you all enter, the music begins. The real old school music. You’re The One That I Want from Grease. The DJ really has a way of luring everyone onto the dance floor right away. Usually at weddings, everyone sits down drinking and chilling before the buffet food comes out but not this wedding.
Sue grabs your hand and the two of you re enact the classic Sandy and Danny scene, overly dramatic though of course and unbeknownst to you, Johnny is watching your every move, unable to stop himself grinning like a cheshire cat. It’s very clear you’re having the time of your life and all he wants is to be able to dance with you.
Once the song is over, you walk around the room to look for the table that you’re going to be sitting at until you hear “over here” and you know that voice anywhere. You turn around to find Johnny sat down, a large glass of wine next to his beer. He ordered for you? Why?
“You’re next to me, hope that’s okay” he stands up, helping you into your chair and tucking it in for you before taking his seat again and sliding the glass of wine to you.
“White wine is still your favourite, right?” nerves fill his voice as he keeps his eyes locked on you “yes, it is. You remembered. Thank you” you waste no time in taking a big gulp of it, you can practically feel yourself getting aroused just by sitting next to the man and to think you’re going to have to deal with it the whole day is torture.
You press your thighs together, trying your hardest to stop whatever is happening in its tracks.
“You not going to dance some more?” he asks, sitting back in his chair, one arm draped round the back of yours “maybe in a minute, i’m still recovering from the first one” you giggle nervously, scared of being seen with him. Sure, you were put with him by Sue herself but what if your farce comes apart now, after all, he is being nice to you and the resting bitch face is missing instead a happy expression has taken its place.
Maybe no one will notice since it’s Sue’s big day, that could be the excuse you use if anyone says anything but then again, why should you care to make excuses? If you enjoy his company that shouldn’t be an issue. Maybe Sue won’t care. She’s always wanted Johnny to settle down with someone nice and you’re nice, right? She’s also wanted you to find someone too. But her best friend and brother getting together probably isn’t what she had in mind.
The song Crazy In Love by Beyonce comes on and Sue practically summons you to the dance floor, so you down the rest of your wine before you rush over to join her. Skipping the regular moves, you and Sue both start dancing like it’s just the two of you. No move off limits as you both grind your hips in circles, shaking your asses and laughing your heads off. She is the only person in this world that can make you laugh like that and you feel incredibly lucky to have her and to be here for her big day.
As your moves get more risqué you catch Johnny adjusting his cock in his dress trousers before drinking more of his beer.
The tension is building within you and you’ve never had to fight temptation so much in the whole year that you two have been doing this. You’re usually very good at waiting and making him wait for it but right now, it’s too hard. The next song that comes on is Check On It by Beyonce, again.
The more of the song that you dance to, you notice the lyrics surprisingly match your situation and a wave of confidence drenches you like rain.
If you got it flaunt it, boy I know you want it While I turn around you watch me check up on it Oh you watchin me shake it, I see it in ya face Ya can't take it, it's blazin’, you watch me in amazement
You continue to show off your best assets, making sure you tease and wind him up more before you make any kind of move which is what you usually do. Any time the two of you fool around, you make him wait and earn it, but it’s one of many reasons why he loves hooking up with you, you’re not easy, you know your worth and you’re 100% worth the wait.
The song finishes leaving yourself and Sue breathless almost. Reed stalks closer, handing his bride a drink and you head over to the bar to get another for yourself before sitting back down again. The buffet will be available soon and you’re desperate for something to eat. Peckish isn’t the word.
“Hello again” Johnny beams and you sip some more wine, a rather big sip yet again before you respond “hello. Are you gonna sit here the whole night?” you question with genuine curiosity, he only really danced a little when the Grease song was on but that’s about it and you aren’t oblivious to the other women checking him out.
“No i intend to dance i just need to be drunk enough for it first”
“I see, maybe then one of those lovely ladies will get a chance to dance with you” you say, observing one in particular who has been staring non stop.
“Please, i’d rather dance with you”
Your heart skips a beat and dare you say it, your vagina develops one. He’s such a sweet talker.
“You looked good out there, y’know” he motions towards the dance floor as if you didn’t already clock on to what he meant and you can’t deny the way your cheeks start to heat up as you thank him shyly.
That’s when he leans closer to your ear, his arm round the back of your chair again as he rasps “and that ass of yours in this dress, baby you got me so hard” his breath fans your neck as he returns to his normal sitting position but he doesn’t miss the way your breath hitches at the dirty comment. He knows all too well the effect he has on you and you know the effect you have on him.
In the past all it’s taken for him is for you to bite your lip and stare him down for him to get hard before. You’re his weakness.
Before you can even go to respond to him though, he clears his throat, tapping away on his phone as he stands up “anyway, if you’ll excuse me, nature calls” he slips his phone back into his pocket, walking away towards the toilets which just so happens to be right behind the DJ.
Your phone buzzes and you check to see a message from him ‘You coming?’ the text reads.
And that alone is enough for you to choke on your own saliva. You quickly sip your drink before standing up yourself and making your way over to the mens toilets. Thank God no one saw you.
“Johnny” you whisper yell until one of the cubicle doors opens, the bigger one at the end. He winks at you as he appears in the doorway and you strut over to him, allowing him to pull you in and lock the door. Your body is flush against his as he starts to kiss your collarbone first. If Johnny is anything it’s a man who loves to savour the moment. He hates quickies and loves to take his time with you.
You’re obviously not the first woman to fall victim to his touch but you’re the only one right now and you’re glad that he’s had experience, it’s clearly made him all the more sensational  in the bedroom.
“Oh” you throw your head back on a quiet moan, hoping not to be too loud despite music blasting outside making it impossible for anyone to hear you.
“Every time you dance, you drive me crazy. Shaking that perfect ass of yours in this dress, making me want you so bad” his lips hover over your sweet spot, his breath fanning it just like it did before.
You wrap your arms loosely round his neck as your back arches and his lips attack your neck like a man possessed, everything about this moment should feel wrong and yet it feels so right. The thought crosses your mind that everyone is out there dancing and most likely eating now all while Johnny is playing with your dress, lifting it up to reveal the new panties that you brought for today. Purple lace to match your dress.
“Oh baby” he groans, tugging on his bottom lip at the sight as his fingers wonder down and slip inside. His cold palm cups your sex making you shiver in surprise before he makes you forget all about it by spinning you around so that you’re pressed against the wall. Caged in by his muscular body as he towers over you.
He presses a chaste kiss to the back of your neck and heat starts to rise to your cheeks, you can’t contain the flustered feeling that fills you. He’s always had a way of being so dominant and stealing all control from you in an instant, since you’re so used to the roles being reversed in your life, he was more than into changing that. And to tell the truth, it’s one of the many reasons that you keep coming back. He pushes you out of your comfort zone in more ways than one.
His fingers play with the flimsy material of your new panties, grazing over your clit multiple times until you’re poking your ass out into his hand. “Someones keen, huh?” his low, raspy and taunting chuckle fills your ear sending shivers up and down your spine and causing goosebumps to form all over your hungry body.
“Please, Johnny” you beg pathetically, once again pushing back against his hand in hopes that he’ll get a move on and touch your properly. Which of course he does. You know he can never resist your charm. All the more reason why he’s slipping your panties to the side now so that his fingers can circle your arousal covered hole, almost dipping into your honey pot but holding back.
“Beg for it” he growls, taking your right earlobe between his teeth and biting down lightly “beg like the good girl i know you are” he continues and you gasp before breathing out a quick plea “p-please touch me Johnny, i need it” as your hands find purchase on the wall.
The feel of his knee spreading your legs apart gets you all the more excited for what’s the come and that’s when he gives you all that you’ve been craving, slipping two thick digits inside of you, coating them in your juices as they hit that spongy spot. He’s never had much trouble when it comes to finding your weak spots, he knows your body inside and out at this point and there’s not a time where you don’t cum when you’re with him.
“That good baby? My fingers getting that little cunt ready for my cock”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head in reaction to the pure filth leaving his not so innocent mouth and just as you go to let out a near enough pornographic style moan, throwing your head back too, the restroom door opens making you stop yourself. Footsteps make their way to one of the cubicles that just so happens to be next to the one your in.
Johnny then takes it upon himself to pull his drenched fingers out of you, reaching his hand in front of your face and shoving them into your mouth for you to suck on, using his free hand to undo his belt and now you know that you’re done for. You know exactly what he’s about to do. His cock rests at your entrance, staying there for a second before he slides in. Your walls welcome him in the best way, wrapping around his cock as he splits you open, stretching you beautifully yet again just like he does every time. The all too familiar feeling consumes you.
“You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught” he mutters in hushed tones, switching it up so that his hand is fully covering your mouth, suffocating you as he drags his cock along your warm velvety walls deliciously. Obviously you don’t want to get caught but right now the anticipation of what could happen is enough to make you clamp down around him, earning a hiss.
A noise that obviously catches the attention of whomever is next door to your cubicle since the unsuspecting gentleman speaks up “are you okay in there, man?” shit. It’s Ben. You feel a wave of shame wash over you as Johnny picks his pace up slowly “yeah, everything's fine” he chirps, as if he has all the time in the world to converse when he’s buried balls deep inside of you.
“If you say so” Ben responds before flushing, washing his hands and then leaving the room. Now it’s just the two of you again. Johnny takes full advantage of the alone time by pushing you right up against the wall, your cheek squished against the tiles, his calloused hands splaying across your ass cheeks now and spreading them apart. Only so he can take a good look at the way he disappears into your tight chanel with ease.
“Doing so well baby, taking this cock like a fucking pro” he grunts, wrapping his hand around your neck and pulling your head back with the help of his other hand grabbing a fistful of your hair at the scalp but keeping your whole body pressed into the wall.
Sinful moans escape your mouth and at this point you’re way past the point of caring or trying to be quiet. Unless someone walks in then you’re going to let go and revel in the feel of him. The way his body traps you in makes your clit pulsate, you love being manhandled and you always have but only by him.
Anyone that takes even so much as a look at Johnny, they think ‘player’ and they’d be right but they’d also think he’d never be the type of man to be as filthy as he is in reality. Not only has he got a foul mouth on him but he’s kinky not to mention skilful in more areas than one. Dick and tongue game on point as well as those magical digits of his and the way they dance across your sex both delicately and brutally all at the same time.
You’re certainly not complaining though. 
“Fuck, Johnny” your back arches even more so than it was before as you shakily cry out his name with the kind of want that only he can spur on “what is it baby?”
“Don’t stop, i’m so close” you whimper desperately.
His pace is now rendering on animalistic as he fucks you into the wall with such vigor, wanting nothing more than to feel you come undone all over his cock, something he’ll never grow tired of.
“Come on then baby, give it to me” he eggs you on, keeping one hand wrapped around your neck still, tightening as the seconds tick by whilst his other hand smacks down on your exposed ass cheek, making it wobble a little which earns him a satisfied hum.
The two of you go crazy with you pushing back to meet his thrusts and him spanking your ass, both of you hungry for that release.
All of a sudden though the blaring music coming from outside stops. Making you panic. Johnny on the other hand is so close to reaching his peak and he knows you are too, so he doesn’t bother to stop.
But you hear the faint laughs of the wedding guests before what sounds like the DJ addressing everyone. Fuck. This better not be the speeches. You had one planned and so did Johnny.
He continues to fuck into you, grunting, growling and panting in your ear, driving you closer and closer to that edge. You can feel the coil twisting and turning in your stomach, on the verge of snapping at any second and you don’t think you’ll be able to hold back the noises when it happens.
“Gonna make you cream all over this cock baby and best believe i’ll be filling this sweet cunt up with my cum”
You rest your hand over his around your neck as your whole body starts to shake. You clench around his cock some more and just as you can taste the orgasm, the addition of his fingers pressing down on your clit push you off the edge and your head drops back onto his shoulder. The music starts up again, allowing you to really enjoy this. Your mouth hangs open whilst you scrunch your eyes closed, seeing stars as you fall into a pit of ecstasy. You can feel your legs shaking and threatening to give way but luckily for you Johnny moves his hands to your waist, wrapping around you so he can hold you up whilst he comes close to reaching his own end.
“Fuckkkkk, squeezing me so good baby”
You do it again for good measure and sure enough, he twitches inside of you, his hot cum painting your walls just like he said and a fucked out spent smile forms on your face making him laugh when he sees.
He rides the two of you through your highs before his thrusts come to a halt and he slowly pulls out. He then grabs some tissues, dropping to his knees and pressing yet another chaste kiss to your clit this time before cleaning you up. He can see that you’re struggling to stand so the second he’s done he rises to his feet, pulling you flush against him and then proceeding to push you up against the wall.
The two of you stare deep into each others eyes for a couple seconds, both of your chests rising and falling as you try to normalise your breathing. That was certainly an adventurous, dangerous and thrilling experience, one that you won’t be rushing to partake in again anytime soon. But it was amazing to say the least. The way he’s looking at you right now makes you want to throw caution to the wind and kiss him. So you do. You crash your lips to his, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck and as expected, he kisses back. His grip tightens on your hips, pulling you even closer if that’s even possible.
“What was that for?” he asks as you come up for air and you shrug, not even sure of what it was yourself. But all you know is you like him and this isn’t just some fling to you, some form of messing around until the two of you get bored. There is a genuine connection there, one that you can’t wait to explore some more.
“I don’t even know” you giggle, pecking his lips again.
Silence falls upon the two of you before he finally blurts out “go out with me” as if he’s telling you rather than asking.
“What?” you furrow your brows in confusion.
“Go out with me, on a date”
“I thought Johnny Storm didn’t do dates” you quip back, raising your brows with a smirk to match “i don’t but i’d like to try if it’s with you” and that alone warms your heart. The same heart that’s been crushed and broken so many times before and it’s almost like he’s mending it. Not that you’re complaining.
You take no longer than a second to think before you’re agreeing and kissing him some more. That’s when the music stops and you both look at each other.
He quickly zips up his pants, doing his belt up again and shrugging his jacket back on before turning back to you. With you both now looking decent again, you get him to check your makeup, he wipes the stray bits of mascara that smudged before kissing your forehead.
He lets you leave first whilst he waits an appropriate 2 minutes before he heads out too. No one suspected a thing and now it’s time for the speeches.
This is definitely going to be a wedding to remember...
Me and all my hoe personalities after writing this one: 
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General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferous @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @kaminorogers @yassspose @randomsevans 
Just Chris & His Characters Tags: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina @janeyboo @evansphnx12 @whxre4cevans
LMK if you wanna be added to my tag list...
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
tangled up
request: from nonnie! “love those sharing a bed tropes... not saying you should do it but you should definitely do it”
pairing: fred x fem!gryffindor!reader
word count: 2.3k
A/N: ummmmmm love this request, i'm in suuuucch a fred mood lately
warning(s): brief mention of war, ~implied sexual content~ i suppose
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @cottageoflove @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @keoghans @dreamer821 @wtfweasleyy @62442-am @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hollands-weasley @andromedaa-tonks @bbstrawberry0421 @princessof-theuniverse @cappsikle @mytreec @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyingserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu @annasofiaearlobe @starlightweasley @alwaysasadaesthetic @thisismysketchbook @izzytheninja @imboredandneedalife @hemmoporro | message me to be added loves!
The cool October air had a bit of a bite to it -- it seemed as though Bill and Fleur’s wedding was ages ago. You wrapped a blanket around your shoulders to reduce the chill in your bones.
Suddenly two redheaded figures appeared with a pop! onto the field outside of your home. By what you could see, they’d apparated just before the line of protective enchantments -- a type of advanced magic only a very intelligent wizard could do.
“Bloody hell -- you’re a life saver, you know that?” George exclaimed as he finally reached you, wrapping you in a warm embrace. “I couldn’t be there for one more moment.”
Fred rolled his eyes and explained, “He means at Auntie Muriel’s. Being a bit overdramatic, are we, George?”
The elder twin shot his younger brother a look of amusement as George dropped his bag onto the floor and ran a hand through his hair. “Overdramatic? Tell me, Fred, would you like to go back?”
Fred then draped an arm across your shoulder and peered at his brother. “And reject our best mate’s offer to spend time at her lovely home? That would be so rude.” George swore he saw his twin shudder a bit, no doubt at the thought of returning to their Auntie Muriel’s to endure more yelling and criticism. George shot him a very sardonic look, and laughed lightly.
“Glad you two decided to come -- it’ll be nice having someone else in the house. I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep in months,” you waved your wand to pull three teacups from the kitchen cupboard and started the kettle. You felt a sense of ease at having your two closest friends here. “Should be alright out here, at least for a while.”
Fred glimpsed around your tiny little house. It was small, but exceptionally tidy with a very cozy feeling to it. It looked much different than the Burrow, but still emanated that feeling of home. “Lovely place you’ve got.”
“Thanks, Freddie,” you replied, handing him a steaming cup of tea. He gingerly took it out of your hands. “Just one problem.”
The twins chorused together, “What?”
“I’ve only got one extra bed.”
If the room hadn’t gone so eerily still at your comment, you never would have noticed the small jab to the hip George gave his twin. Fred grunted a bit and stifled a cough. “Oh, no worry -- George already said he’ll take the floor.”
Fred earned himself an eye roll and another jab.
You waved them both off and blew on your tea. “Don’t be silly! I’ll take the floor. You two’ve just got to battle it out for who gets the bigger bed.”
As if on queue, George immediately hoisted his bag back over his shoulder. He began walking away and pointed toward your very tiny spare bedroom off of the kitchen. “This one here, yeah? Thanks again, Y/N, really appreciate you letting us escape the wrath of our aunt -- I’m absolutely knackered, hope you two don’t mind if I turn in!” and with a quick wave to you and Fred, George closed the door and you both almost immediately heard very loud snoring. You and Fred exchanged a laugh.
You made sure everything was in order for Fred before leading him to your room. But you noticed he hadn’t brought his stuff with him -- you saw his belongings near your front door. With a wave of your wand, you brought it forward.
“I’m really okay to sleep on the couch,” he told you, pointing back toward the front.
“I’m not going to have you sleep on the couch,” you replied, shaking your head. “Besides -- you’re not staying out there. I might be a bit dramatic, but the couch is too close to the windows and the front door, and though I’ve been safe here for a while..” you voice trailed off a bit, and you swallowed down the nerves bubbling up inside of you. “Just -- we never know where the Death Eaters are. You take the bed, I’ll take the couch.”
You patted Fred’s shoulder, ready to head back out to your front room, when he took your wrist in his hand and whirled you back around to face him. “If I’m not allowed to take the couch, neither are you.”
You crossed your arms and swallowed. “Fine,” you replied with a grin. “Have got tons of extra pillows and a massive blanket here somewhere -- let me go and fetch it. Go on then, make yourself comfortable.”
“Merlin, you are being thick today,” Fred chuckled, and you noticed traces of the young boy you grew to love. He caressed small circles on the back of your hand. “Would you just sleep in your own bed?”
“But --” your breath caught in your throat. You glanced at your own bed, easily big enough for two, maybe even three, and went against your better judgement before you could overthink it. “Just share with me, then. Nobody takes the floor.”
A hint of nervousness flashed across his features before twisting into a cheeky grin. You continued on when he stayed silent, “What’s the matter, Freddie? You’ve been my best mate for the better half of the last twenty years. I mean, I’ve seen you in your bunny slippers, for Merlin’s sake --” Fred flinched uncomfortably at the memory of you catching him, late one evening in Gryffindor tower, in bunny slippers his mum had knitted for him as a child. You had never let him forget it.
His grin deepened alongside the crimson red colour of his cheeks. “Listen, woman, they are soft and keep me nice and toasty, alright?”
“Whatever you say,” you replied before sliding yourself underneath your warm blanket. You patted the other side of the bed in an accidental sensual way and realized how that must’ve come across. You quickly cleared your throat and turned off the light before you could see his reaction. “Erm -- there are extra pillows on the couch if you need.”
You felt his body slide in next to yours, and you could still make out some of his facial features from the faint light of the lightning strikes outside. He was definitely still grinning. “I’m fine, really.”
You figured out quite quickly that neither of you were able to sleep, especially because it was only eleven p.m. and because of the wild wind and rain that were howling outside of your window. The words were spilling out of you before you could help it. “Fred?”
He turned on his side to face you. “Yeah?”
You were laying on your back, looking up at your ceiling in the darkness. “Are you afraid?”
When he didn’t answer right away, you turned your head to face him too. Each time the lightning struck it was bright and vibrant, and highlighted his features in a more intimate way than ever before. He threaded his brows together and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I am.”
It was weirdly comforting hearing him say that he was afraid. The man who didn’t have a serious bone in his body was actually scared. It was strange and unnerving and brought a sense of solace to you all at once.
You sucked in a breath, worried that your normal evening anxiety would show solely through the look in your eyes. You turned away to glance toward the ceiling again when you felt Fred brush his fingers gently against yours under the covers. Your breath hitched at the contact.
“I think it’ll be okay though.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I suppose I can’t..” it was so weird, hearing him speak like this. He shifted again. “I just think.. we’re more prepared than before. Think there’s more of us this time. Besides, we’ve done our studying, and we’re all brilliant wizards.”
A smile tugged at the edges of your mouth. “You are kind of brilliant.”
“Wow,” he breathed, and it was almost a whisper. You noticed the way the edges of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Can I get that in writing?”
“Care to return the compliment first?”
“Hang on,” he replied, placing his hands behind his head in a bit of a relaxed state. “I need to bask in this for a moment.”
“Oh shove off, you git!”
You playfully swatted him before he retaliated. Soon enough you were both sitting upright, thwacking one another with pillows and laughing into the darkness of the night. Fred fell to the floor with a dull thump, and you stifled lots of giggles and shushed him as he slid back into bed next to you. “You’re going to wake up George!”
You weren’t sure how long the two of you were swatting at one another. It could’ve been hours, or perhaps days. But then the storm grew more fierce, and you found yourself scooting closer to him in bed. Fred always had a way of making you forget about everything going on around you. It was always surprising to you how you’d be able to drown out the rest of the world, as long as you listened to him talk, or as long as you watched him work on his inventions with gentle hands. Even in lessons, back in school, when he’d teasingly wink at you from across the classroom, you were pretty much rendered completely useless for the rest of the day. When it was just you and him, the rest of the world might as well not even exist.
He must’ve noticed how you zoned out, because he asked, “What’s on your mind?”
You turned on your side to face him fully this time. “Just reminiscing.”
“Yeah? About what?”
“Remember when we bumped into one another in the corridors during our fourth year -- I was sneaking sweets up from the kitchens, and you were attempting to sneak into one of the classrooms to finish working on inventions?” You smiled at the memory. “And then Filch was roaming around, and we nearly got caught?”
Fred laughed. You were happy that he remembered. “Never sprinted back to the common room so quickly in my life. That ruddy cat of his was clawing at my ankles.”
“Between the fact that I’d hardly gotten any sleep that night and the adrenaline rush, I was bloody exhausted.”
Fred snorted. “Yeah, you fell asleep in the armchair next to the fire almost immediately when we returned and began to snore rather loudly, if my memory serves me correct.”
You grinned, not skipping a beat. “Yeah, my snoring is almost as embarrassing as those slippers of yours.”
You expected him to groan and throw another pillow in your direction, but instead he just deepened his smile and reached out and placed his hand next to yours on the edge of his pillow, your fingers almost touching. “I dunno -- I thought it was cute.”
You really hoped the steady drumbeat sound of your heart was drowned out by the sounds of the thunder outside. You weren’t so sure though. “Yeah?”
He wet his lips and nodded. “I remember having to wake you up because it was nearly four a.m. -- fire had died out and you looked so uncomfortable in that armchair -- I just wanted to carry you upstairs. Except..” Yeah, jinxes by the professors at each respective staircase. Boys weren’t allowed in the girls dorms, and vice versa. You knew exactly what he was getting at.
You felt a swift surge of confidence overtake you, so you gently moved your fingers a few centimeters before you slowly intertwined them with his. He didn’t flinch. Your voice was softer than you expected. “What else do you remember about that night?”
It was an opening -- you didn’t want to be so blatantly obvious about it, but Fred could always read you like a book. You hoped he still could, after all these years. Luckily for the both of you, nothing had changed. He took the opening. “I remember wanting to kiss you.”
You bit your lip, hoping to suppress the nerves that were bubbling up inside of you like fizzy champagne.
Fred laughed cheekily. “Never got a chance, though.”
Before you could think more on it, you nudged his leg with your toes and scooted closer to him. You could see the steady rise and fall of his chest, you were so close. “Then kiss me now.”
His mouth parted slightly in surprise, but nevertheless he inched forward and caught your lips with his. They were soft -- softer than you ever could have imagined, and so was the kiss itself. He tasted faintly of mint, and and you found yourself breathing in deeper when he trailed one solitary finger across your jawline and down your neck. The feel of him against you warmed up your entire body in a way that the common room fire never could.
He sighed against your lips before reluctantly pulling away. “Mmm we should’ve been doing this the entire time,”
You laughed softly and brought your fingers to your lips, hoping to still feel that electricity. “Yeah, we probably should have.”
All thoughts of the war seemed to subside as he leant in to kiss you again. Somehow, being with him, your limbs entangled together -- it was enough to make you forget about the war on the horizon, everything that was about to happen. As far as you were concerned, as long as Fred was beside you, tangled in the covers of your bed, everything would be alright.
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. His voice was rough and sensual and soft all at the same time as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Thanks for inviting me to sleep in your bed.”
You grinned and raked your bottom lip through your teeth. “Yeah, well, like you said -- we should’ve been doing this the entire time. Figured I’d get a jump start on what we’ve missed.”
He laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around your hips. Goosebumps sprouted on your skin as he lazily trailed his fingers up and down your spine and told you, “Knew you were my favorite for a reason.”
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Natasha’s Birthday.
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Pairing: Natasha x fem!reader
Words: 2786
Warning: None? I think.
Genre: Just fluffff. I PROMISE!
AU Notes: I suggest you listen to Uptown Girl by Westlife or Billy Joel while reading this💃🏻🕺🏻
Synopsys: Natasha is not happy to celebrate her own birthday party without her love life. Can Y/n make it?
              People starts filling the party area in the compound. Perks of being Tony Stark best friend, he will never miss any of your guy’s birthday. Party is a must! Natasha try to hid her sad and disappoint feeling on her own party but fail when Wanda can easily feel and read mind. 
             Y/n have been send to a week mission yesterday and there is no way she can come home. The team acknowledge that and tried their best to cheer their friend up. Thor arrived and Tony greet him. “Right on time, Point Break. Party about to start.” “I couldn’t miss the party. It’s birthday party, there must be a cake. How’s Natasha? I heard Y/n is on a mission.” The god of thunder asking his fellow Avengers. 
            Clint answer him while Tony ask Pepper to call Natasha and Wanda to come down. “This is a secret okay. Do not, any circumstances, tell Natasha this but Y/n is not on a ‘work’ mission.” Thor confuse “What do you mean?” “He means; Y/n is preparing a big surprise for Natasha. It’s more like a show for her. We all kind of have a part in it. Sorry you didn’t have time to rehearse with us.” Steve explaining to him and Thor just sip his drinks happily. “That’s okay. I like watching a show. We have them on Asgard too, when we celebrating something. Like this.”
             “And, done.” Wanda is doing Natasha’s hair and can’t help to hear her thought. “Maybe Y/n will celebrate it with you when she’s back. I know it past your birthday but I also know she definitely celebrating it.” Natasha just smiling on her chair, looking at Wanda through the mirror in front of them. “You invading my privacy.”
           Wanda just giggle to answer to her mentor. “Well you’re not helping by thinking too loud. We all here for you tonight and I swear I can hear Thor already betting with someone, something about a drink?”
          “Thor’s here huh? He’s been away in space but still can manage to come visit his fellow Avengers birthday party. While Y/n was away in a silly mission.” Natasha fake a smile.
          “I understand if you want to strangle Fury right now but it’s time to go.” Someone knocking on the door and Pepper come in to get them. “Well, I’m here to invite this birthday girl to her own birthday party.” Natasha smile at her. “We are going. Let’s go.” Pepper nodding “Good idea. Because Thor is just a step away to get everybody drunk.”
             They can hear the music blasting when they reach to the floor. “I guess you’re the one who handling the guests invitation?” Natasha asking Pepper. “If I let Tony, he’ll invite the whole Manhattan.” “You know me so well now, Pepper.”
           Tony grabs the mic from the DJ and announce Natasha’s arrival. “Ladies and gentlemen, I announcing the arrival of our birthday girl for tonight, The Double Agent imposter.” The crowds go silent and only Tony and Thor are laughing. “I was just kidding. The lovely Natasha Romanoff!!” Now the crowds cheering loudly.
           The party goes smoothly as planned. Some of the guess already drunk, chatting with their friends, playing at the pool table, throwing darts and here they are, in a group, sitting in a lounge, chatting with the birthday girl. “I see there are 3 piles of presents.” Asked by the birthday girl.
“They are from your rich guests here, your fan clubs and your little fans.” Clint told her.
“That’s sweet.” She said and Steve notice something is not right. “What is it? You not like it?”
“I like it.”
“She’ll kill to be here but no choice.” Steve try to makes his friend feel better at her own birthday.
“I asked Fury for an exchange, me instead, but you know that old man.” Clint assure her.
           “Thank you for trying making me feel better. Well, the God is here. What more can I wish for right?” Natasha smile at Thor. “I apologize, I didn’t bring anything from Asgard. I’m from another course and drop by here but I have this humble drink for you.” Thor hand the drink in an antique and unique bottle to Natasha and she takes it. “Thanks! I could really use it now though.” Tony looks unsatisfied at Thor. “And you didn’t bring one for me?!” Pepper interject him “Thanks to that. You are already drunk even when you’re sober.” “I cannot disagree to that statement.” Sam jokes. Clint, Tony and Steve excuse themselves.
          Wanda immediately stops her from drinking that drink. “Why did you stop me?” She asked and Wanda told her to enjoy the party. “You can drink that later because you might want to enjoy your ‘not so boring’ party first. That drink is probably too strong you know, not made for human.” “Everybody else is probably drunk right now, I don’t see why I can’t.” “I can’t let you because-”
         Right on time the music play and Natasha turn her head so fast to the stage when she hears Y/n voice. “...that.” Wanda finishes her sentences. Turns out it’s not just you. There Steve on the keyboard, Clint on drum, Tony on bass guitar and Maria Hill on electric guitar. All wearing the same old S.H.I.E.L.D old uniform, sleeve rolling up. They all have microphone with them and singing as backup vocals as Y/n go lead.
          Uptown girl,
          She’s been living in her uptown world
          I bet she never had a backstreet guy
          I bet her mama never told her why
          I’m gonna try for an uptown girl  (Uptown girl…)
         She’s been living in her white, bright world (white, bright world…)
         As long as anyone with the hot blood can (hot blood can…)
         And now she’s lookin’ for a downtown man (downtown man…)
         That’s what I am
         Her green eyes sparkles bright enough to light up the room when she sees you on stage singing the classic Uptown Girl. She turns to Wanda and Pepper asking whether it is really Y/n or a hologram. “Is that?” Wanda smiles wide and nods. “Yes, that’s Y/n.” Pepper add “I kill Tony myself if that is screen recording or hologram.”
              And when she knows
              What she wants
              From her time
             And when she wake up
             And make up
             Her mind
            She’ll see I’m not so tough (duet with Steve)
            Just because
            I’m in love with an uptown girl  (uptown girl)
           You know I see her in her uptown world (uptown world)
           She’s getting tired of her high class toys (high class toys)
           And all her presents from her
           Uptown boys  (uptown boys)
          She’s got a choice.
          Oh oh oh oh oh oh
          Oh oh oh oh oh oh
           Fury come out of nowhere “It is so awkward to see The Avengers singing. And dancing. Maybe not for Captain America.” Natasha turns to see Fury. “Nick. Is this part of your plan too?” He smiles “How can I not? She’s been begging me for the last two months to not give any of you a mission specifically on this day. It’s worth it.”
Natasha chuckles, out of words. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” Fury turns over and showing Natasha’s family. Yes, her family. Alexi, Melina and her little sister Yelena.
Wanda whisper at Natasha’s ear “They are real too.” She nods at Natasha “Go.”
           Thor walks towards Wanda and Fury. “I’ve never seen her smiling that big.” Pepper and Wanda looking at her greeting her family. “Me too.”
          “Such a noble thing you did.” Thor said to Fury and he just smiling. Natasha brings her family to introduce to Wanda, Thor and Pepper. They continue watching the show and Wanda pulls Natasha’s hand when Y/n calling them to come up the stage. “Let’s go. All of us. The band need us.” Pepper let Natasha’s family walks first. Wanda presenting Natasha and let Y/n takes her hand. She goes next to Steve, Pepper next to Tony, Thor doing silly dance next to Maria and be silly together while her family enjoying with all of them near Clint.
             Uptown girl
             You know I can’t afford to buy her pearl
             But maybe when my ship comes in
             She’ll understand what kind of guy I’ve been
             And then I win.
Y/n put her hand out for Natasha to take and walking on the stage. Que for her walking. Luckily Natasha play along.
             And when she’s walking
             She’s looking so fine
             And when she’s talking
             She’s say that she’s mine
Y/n pass her to her family and jog towards Tony.
             She’ll say I’m not so tough (duet with Tony)
             Just because
             I’m in love with an uptown girl  (oohhh)
             She’s been living in her white, bread world (oohhh)
             As long as anyone with a hot blood can (ooohhh)
             And now she’s looking for a downtown man (oohhh)
             That’s what I am
             Oh oh oh oh
             Oh oh oh oh
             While the rest of them singing the ‘Oh’ parts, you Y/n whisper to Natasha. “You know the next part. You’ve seen the video.” Natasha shyly looking at her family and friends until Yelena yells “Go! This is one in a lifetime chances.” Natasha looks at Y/n, her smile still plastering at her beautiful face. “Why are you doing this to me?” “Because I love you. Dance with me.” The music continues playing even they stop playing the instruments to gather around just like they practiced. Tony already set the music with Friday and it knows the queue.
             Uptown girl  (uptown girl)
             She’s my uptown girl
             You know I’m in love
             With an uptown girl  (uptown girl)
             My uptown girl
            You know I’m in love
             With a birthday girl  (uptown girl)
            She’s my birthday girl
            You know I’m in love
            With an uptown girl  (uptown girl)
             My uptown girl….
            They let their friend finish that song. Everybody enjoying the moment and each of them have biggest smile on their faces. Even Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D himself. It’s weird but yes, he is smiling. Y/n and Natasha go hugs their friends and family. Y/n stops at Natasha’s family while she’s with Steve and Maria at the other end.
“I know I just met you, but I already like you Y/n.” Melina says to Y/n and Alexi continue. “It’s hard to see her smile like that. Not even when she’s a kid.”
“Take a good care of my sister. I trust you.” Yelena said.
“She doesn’t even trust me! Her father.” Alexi said and Yelena jus rolling her eyes.
            Y/n look at them with hope and grateful in her eyes. “Thank you, for allowing me to marry your daughter, sister. I promise I’ll take care of her.” Yelena sees her sister coming toward them “What are you waiting for? Go put the ring on her finger, in-law.” Y/n smiles big at Yelena’s as she called her sister in-law.
             The crowds getting quiet when Tony put a ‘silent’ sign on the screen above them while the other screen focus on Y/n and Natasha without they even notice. Secretly Tony recording the whole thing since the beginning and make the whole documentary out of it. Y/n surely need to thank him.
             “Happy birthday, Natasha. You, look so, d.. divine. Tonight.” Y/n nervously said to her soon to be fiancé. Hopefully.
              “You sound nervous. You’ve been singing, dancing in front of hundreds people in this room and you’re nervous to praise me?” Natasha cupping your cheek with her right hand. Y/n pull her hand down and Natasha’s sensing something is wrong. “Y/n. What’s wrong?” They didn’t notice that all of The Avengers slowly moves behind Y/n. Even Y/n doesn’t know this part. It was Wanda’s idea. They all get down on their knee when Y/n is on her knee.
              “You’re right. I am nervous, now. I’m speechless. Over the edge, I’m breathless. I understand if… I understand...” Y/n is so nervous and let out a long sigh before looking at Natasha’s family behind her. They all nodding at Y/n. Y/n take a deep breath and pull out a red velvet box that have a diamond engagement ring from her pocket. Y/n get down on her knee.
              To be honest, Natasha is also nervous and shock, mix with happy and overwhelm when she sees not just Y/n who down on one knee but the whole Avengers. Her second family, also bending their knee but she keeps her composure. Y/n turns to see where Natasha’s looking and almost let out tears when she sees them. 
              They both looking eye to eye and Y/n starts talking. “You know how terrible I am with words when I’m nervous. That’s why I’m so bad at espionage. You are the most solid, nothing to solidify. Calm and collected. We avenge together, we mess up together. You know I love you, right? Natasha Romanoff, will you accept my proposal?” Wanda hissing and whisper directly to you from her place “Pssstt… Will you marry me. Will. You. Marry. Me.” Your eyes still lock on Natasha astonishing green eyes. “Sorry. Umm... Will you marry me?”
              “We drive each other mad, but what is love with no pain and suffer.” The whole room is so quiet that they can only listen to their own heart beats. “To you, I’ve never lied. For you, I’d take a life. I swear.” Natasha said eyes still on each other. “Your answer is…….?” Y/n gulp and Natasha smile. “Yes. I’ll marry you, my favorite Avengers.”
              Y/n get up from the floor and hug Natasha a little too strong because why not? She’s over the moon right now. Before Natasha kiss her new fiancé, Y/n turn around and runs to her friends. “SHE SAID YES GUYS! She said the big YES!!”
Pepper stops Y/n. “Y/n, have you kiss her yet?”
“I did hug her.”
They all yell “KISS HER!!” You run towards Natasha and kiss her. “I’m sorry I forget to kiss you. I’m so excited! Can I kiss you now?” Natasha giggles “You’ve never ask my permission before.” Y/n kiss Natasha in front of her family and they awkwardly watch especially Yelena.
“Are you sure she’s an Avenger? Not from any circus camp?” Yelena looking at her sister.
“No.” Natasha let out a small laugh. “No? Are you sure? Yes? No? ” “No…” “Okay if you’re sure, because I want you to be happy.” The sisters hug each other for a while meanwhile Y/n and Wanda hold each other hand jumping up and down like children get what they wish for as Christmas present.  “she said Yes Wanda. I’m getting marry.” “Yes you’re getting marry.”  
“Natasha.” Melina caught her attention. “I’m proud of you. We, all proud of you. You’ve grown to be an incredible woman Natasha.”
“Looooonggg way from Ohio.” Yelena smiles. “I’ll never forget Ohio.” Natasha told he sister.
“She’s a good person, Natasha.” Alexi caught her attention. Seriousness shown on his face, he continues. “She did asked us for our blessing.” “She did what?” Now its her turn to be serious.
“She asked for our blessing. To marry you.”
“Y/n asked for your blessing?”
“Yes. I know! I can’t believe it too until I saw it with my own eyes.”
“Hah! You’re marrying a vintage.” Yelena laugh at her sister. “Mom, almost take her down with sniper.”
Natasha look sternly at Melina “Almost! Okay! Almost. I didn’t because she came unarms. Not even a swish blade.” Melina clearing the situation.
“She came to you guys? When?” Natasha asked her family.
“Yeah. Alone. Last month. Why?” Alexi asks her daughter.
“I thought Fury brought you guys here. I never told her where do you live. Only Fury knows, based on my file details.”
“She did break into Maria Hill’s personal computer just to find your original file. No one ever know that you and Barton had an original file. Somehow, she did. She’s a catch Romanoff.” Fury came behind her.
“Thank you.” Natasha at him.
“I have to go. It broke my heart to see the Avengers jumping like that.” He looks at the Avengers. “Lighten up, Fury. Let her have a moment.” Natasha said. “You better tell your fiancé not to break any S.H.I.E.L.D files or computers ever again. I’m watching.” He nods at her family and walks away. The family joins The Avengers drinking and chatting. Natasha greeted by Y/n and put her arm around Y/n neck.
“Hey you.” Y/n smiles.
“Hey fiancé.” Natasha smirking seductively at Y/n.
“Fiancé. Huh, I’d like that.”
“Wait until I call you my wife.”
“I’ll love that.”
Tony snap their picture and post it on instagram and twiter. The news travel so fast and the whole world are happy for them. Who doesn’t get excited. Two of earth mightiest heroes are engaged to each other. Their phones are blown off with calls, notification, texts, emails from fans, reporters, sponsors, government, agencies this, that. All of those are for congratulate the couple.  
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sachirou-senpai · 4 years
Kageyama, Yaku, Kenma and Hinata as sugar daddies.
request: ELLIE YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH PUTTING THIS IN MY HEAD AND LEAVING ME LIKE THIS AHSHSUSVSHS,,,, can I request some headcannons for Kageyama, Yaku and Kenma as sugar daddies? Or Hinata!!! Even though he's a sugar baby already shsghsbas ;;; Or you can choose whichever you like best between them??? I will be happy with every crumb I can get 🙏
warnings: mentions of s*x and sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships, hoshuimi is a nosy bitch, yaku has the confidence of a god (must be a leo thing) kenma is so cute ahhh, Hinata just wants someone to love and call mommy, i really love this. implied fem!reader for hinata, although i guess you could call a gn person or a male reader mommy. whatever floats your boat.
a/n: this was very fun. ;)
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what the fuck
how did he even get a sugar baby?
great question
it happened because he had a fuckton of money and had no idea what to do with it
and hoshuimi, of course
cause hoshiumi's a nosy lil bitch
saw kageyama checking his bank account app on his phone and was like
it's cause he never spends it
hoshuimi offhandedly tells him he should get a sugar baby
later that night kageyama googles what a sugar baby is
he's shook
doesn't think about it for months
until he gets this ad for a "meet sugar babies" website on a volleyball video he was watching
he thinks oh hell, why not
so he signs up, and meets you
he's so awkward oh my god
but you think it's adorable, and you're glad he's not some old dude
he doesn't know what to do so he asks you a lot of questions about what you like and stuff
the first thing he sends you, i kid you not, was a fucking volleyball
you call and ask him about it and he's like:
"it's the best quality"
you keep it.
eventually he starts sending you stuff you ask for, which works out better for both of you
you help him with the concept of a 'luxury life'
eventually gets a black card and literally just says:
"please use it for me, i don't know how"
and you're like damn okay
the first time you attempt to do something sexual he literally short circuits
you have to explain to him that a sugar baby usually repays their sugar daddy/mommy with sexual favors
he makes the 😮 face
he didn't even think you were sexually interested in him?
he'd be lying if he didn't think you were the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
and he's definitely had some um, not so pure dreams about you
and definitely jacked off to the pictures you've sent him
which he just thought was to show him what you liked
so god if he didn't fucking jump your bones right then and there
it was uh, intense, to say the least
best sex of your life
and the cuddles afterwards? on point.
you two get very attached
he really really likes you
introduces you to the team
which was embarrassing
eventually, you decide you want to become financially independent, and so you tell him you want to cancel the agreement
he fucking cries
he so desperately doesn't want to lose you
cause he's fallen in love with you
he tells you about all of the feelings and how you make him want to do anything for you and he's sobbing while telling you
you're shook, because you've kinda been developing feelings too
so you're like, okay, no sugar daddy stuff, be my boyfriend instead
total 180°
tackles you and holds you, on the floor, for like 3 hours
he still spoils you, it's a habit of his now
but you don't really mind, because you have one hell of a man by your side
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(gimmie a kageyama pls)
knows exactly what he's doing and knows exactly what he wants.
he probably met you at some sort of event, you going because you were the personal manager for some really weird guy there
he knew he wanted you the second he saw you
and he was straight up about it too
we're talking like walking up to you and saying:
"quit your job, let me take care of you."
and you're surprised, because who just says that?
you don't even know what happened, but you said yes
quit your job that night, and left with him
yeah, you fucked on the first night but so what?
he is the best sugar daddy omg
he already knows what you like just by looking at you
(no he doesn't, he's just called Alisa so many times she swears her phone is gonna break)
he's more of a surprising you with what he's gonna buy kind of guy, but he always enjoys when you surprise him
he takes you everywhere with him
he has a game in another country? you're going. guaranteed.
he just always wants to be near you
it's clearly more than a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship from the start
and he likes it that way
he just doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, so he doesn't say anything
you two fuck....a lot
it's clearly not because of the arrangement anymore
you're just naturally drawn to each other
it's intense
and you spend a lot of time together, not only because he literally takes you everywhere
just because you like it
there'll be periods of time where he doesn't buy you anything and you don't buy anything either, but you still stick around and you still have sex
and that's when he knows you actually have feelings for him
you've been in the arrangement for several years
you're practically dating
and so one day he just asks you to marry him and you're like
fuck yes
who wouldn't want to marry yaku morisuke?
cause i sure as hell want to marry him
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i think kenma likes to watch twitch streams in the background while he's playing his games
it's just relaxing
with a fake account, of course, he didn't need all the hype from when he joined their stream
one day, a streamer he was watching ended their steam and raided yours
he first heard your voice and was SHOOK
you had the prettiest voice he'd ever heard
so he looked at his computer screen and nearly died
how could someone have such a pretty voice and a pretty face?
wildly unfair, he thought to himself
at first it was just a low-key thing
he'd watch your streams, whenever you were streaming
it was a miracle you two never streamed at the same time
you were just his go to relaxation method
one day, he heard you mention offhandedly that you were struggling with money
and so you know what he did?
donated 10k
he was already basically in love with you, so why not help you out?
and your reaction was perfect
you started smiling so hard, and thanking him over and over
it put a smile on his face for the next week, kuroo though he was sick
and he did it again, the week after
and again
and again
and so finally you messaged him asking why he kept sending you so much money
and he just sent you his number, with the message "call me"
you were so nervous
but you did
you were such a big fan
and you really didn't know what to do
he was ever so kind, (lmao no) and just said:
"let me take care of you. i don't want you to ever have to stop streaming and go find a job that makes you more money."
you're so surprised you can't even speak
you agree so hesitantly, and he notices
"you deserve it, please don't feel bad. i want to spend my money on you."
and so that's exactly what he does, he'll just send you money every week
and little trinkets too, stuff you've mentioned in your streams or in the calls you'll have
you don't live close at all, but you wanted to meet up
he was sooooo nervous
kuroo, yet again, thought he was sick
and he probably was
but he came to you, and you just walked around a little, you showing him your favorite things about your city
he was just staring at you the whole time
he had come to stay with you for a week
and insisted that you stayed in a hotel with him, even though your house was literally right there
you slept in different beds
until one night you just got really paranoid about the horror game you played earlier
so you walked over and just got into bed with him
he was half asleep, but all he knew was the person of his dreams was laying in a bed next to him and he would hate himself in the morning if he didn't hold you close as physically possible
you woke up in each other's arms
annnnd that's when you both knew you were done for
he asked you to move in the day before he left
you said yes
(now i want a kenma too)
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oh my god what a baby
he just wanted someone to be with, really
atsumu was the one who suggested it
after kenma stopped sponsoring Hinata, he ended up learning how to manage his money and he was really good at it??
he invested well and now had a loooot of money
he was talking about his money like a Grown Man
and atsumu was like,
"do ya spend any of it?"
"yeah, on my investments"
"no, i meant like on yourself"
"well for food and stuff"
"m-my gym membership?"
"oh my fucking god"
so atsumu tells him to get a sugar baby
"a baby? i don't have the time for a child!!!"
queue atsumu literally dying inside
he shows Hinata an app and is like,
"don't worry, they're all grown"
so atsumu helps him fill out the profile for the app
atsumu uwu's inside when he sees Hinata checked the box for 'emotional fulfillment only'
cause like, what a precious baby
anyway, a couple hours later he gets a match
and he's like
"damn, okay hinata, nice kill"
he's so happy to find someone to talk to besides his family and volleyball friends
you two talk
and he sends you the cutest things omg
like a little plushie he saw? in the mail the next day
some MSBY merch? yeah, he's sending that too
little snacks he thinks you'd like? yep, those are going too
he sends you the stereotypical sugar baby stuff too, like pretty dresses and suits and lingerie and jewelry
he was blushing so hard when he tried to put the lingerie in the mail, atsumu had to do it for him
a couple days later, you send him a picture of you wearing it
sure, he knew you were pretty, and was undeniably physically attracted to you
but he'd never felt like that
he took the LONGEST shower
he couldn't even message you till the next morning because he knew he'd have to look at the picture and god he'd never get to bed if he looked at it any more
he was surprised in the morning when he had messages from you saying sorry and that you shouldn't have sent it and that you didn't mean to make him uncomfortable
that you would understand if he wanted to call off the arrangement
he was like WHAT???? NOOOO
so he drives alll the way to where you live and pounds on your door
you're like hinata what?
you're kissing him
he doesn't know what to do
he's desperately trying to process what you're doing, but with your tongue shoved down his throat that's a little hard
so you know what he does?
he fucking whines
and you're like ohhhh shittttt
yeah you fuck
and you get the nickname mommy
which you love
such a sweet relationship
yes, relationship
you got together
he's so happy
looks like he got laid all the time
(which he usually did, but that's beside the point)
he's just giddy
and it's the cutest thing
10/10 relationship, please cherish him forever
(now i want a kageyama, yaku, kenma and a hinata DAMNIT)
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oh my god this was so fun and perfect
@warmbearhugs i'm so glad we talked about with this, and i'm so glad you requested it
taglist: @warmbearhugs wow, i've tagged you 3 times in this post now @beanst0ck @your-local-abyss @oof-she-needs-therapy @tendouthighs @oyasenpai @senkuwu-chan @lovetsuki @kuroos-babie @keijination
send an ask to be added to the taglist!
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ- ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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“The stars sure look beautiful today.”
From that night on you and Seonghwa continuously exchanged shy glances, and even the simplest touch would make you blush, as you both reminisced what had happened that night. You anxiously waited for the day you would finally belong to each other, and as the night approached, the both of you started feeling butterflies all over your body.
You had decided the wedding would be small. Not because you weren't extravagant, but because none of you had friends, so it wouldn't make sense to throw a big party. Although the King, without your knowledge, had ordered the most beautiful wedding dress, and he couldn't wait for you to see it.
One day, you decided to take a peek at the ballroom, where the wedding would be taking place. You could see he tried to minimize the red and black, but it was stronger than him. It did look beautiful though... The gold chandelier lit up the sparkly room, decorated with rose petals cut in the shape of a heart, and several portraits of you and the King beside each other. You wondered when those had been painted, but you were honoured. Your heart was clenching in adoration as you noticed the contrast between the portraits all around the castle compared to those. Every painting of the King you had seen so far was of him with a stone-cold expression, but in all of these you were both smiling, laughing, or looking at each other lovingly. The King make sure to capture his favourite moments in all of these paintings, from the day you met, to the picnic in the garden.
"Thank you, Miss."
You were startled to hear a voice behind you while you peeked through the barely opened door. You jumped slightly and turned around, but calmed down once you saw it was one of the maids. She was looking at you with her big, sparkly frog eyes. At some point, it freaked you out, but after seeing them every day you got used to the frog people.
"You're welcome ma'am, but what might you be thanking me for?" You asked, quite confused.
"You've made our lives infinitely better with your presence. Our King has really changed... He said 'thank you' the other day. I have worked for him for a decade and not once had I heard those words from him. He treats us like people, not like servants. You are a blessing, Miss."
You smiled at the maid, a sad yet sympathetic smile.
"I know it's a lot to ask, but I beg of you, give him another chance. Seonghwa is but a neglected, traumatized child in an adult man's body, and I'm trying to help him become a better person."
"I cannot promise anything Miss, but if he truly shows the people mercy and compensates them for all we've been through, the people might give him another chance."
You gave her a slight nod, and thanked the maid for her honesty.
"Hey!" A voice called from up the stairs.
The maid excused herself, and you looked at the staircase, to find a distressed Seonghwa running down towards you.
"Did you see the room?" He asked arms crossed over his chest.
You stayed quiet for a second and looked away from the man who stood apprehensively in front of you.
"No?" You lied.
"Aw come on! I wanted it to be a surprise! I knew I should've covered that paintings."
The image of a sulking Seonghwa was the most adorable thing you had ever seen. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his chest.
"I'm sorry, but I was too curious..." You paused and looked up at the man "If it serves any consolation, I was very surprised, and I loved it."
"Really?" He happily asked, flashing you his pearly whites.
You hummed in agreement, earning a small kiss from the man.
"Well, the surprises aren't over. There's a couple more, starting with tonight's dinner."
Before you could ask what he meant, Seonghwa grabbed your hand and dragged you towards a small room in the attic. It took a while to go up all of the marble stairs, and you were out of breath once you reached the room, but it was worth it.
The King gripped the golden handle of the red, wooden door, while looking at you with a big grin. Once he pushed it open, the most beautiful sight was prepared for you. The roof of the small room had a beautiful glass skylight, and the stars looked down at you as you stepped inside. There were white rose petals scattered all over the dark wooden floor, and a small table with two chairs sat in the middle. On the wall right in front of you was a lit fireplace, and the table was set for two, with the most beautiful cutlery you had ever seen. You noticed a letter sitting on one of the dishes, that you assumed was directed at you.
"I, uh... I learned to like white roses." Seonghwa said, embarrassed.
You remember the first time you met when he freaked out over the white roses in the garden. He moved to stand behind one of the chairs, and pulled it back.
"Come, sit down."
You obliged and sat down on the chair he held out of you The male sat in front of you and motioned towards the letter.
"Tomorrow we get married, and there are many things I want to tell you, but I can't. So I wrote it down."
You grabbed the letter and opened it. The King's calligraphy was beautiful and easy to read, but it didn't surprise you: everything about him was very neat.
'Dearest Y/N,
I'm sorry you have to read this, instead of hearing me say it, but I know that if I were to tell you how I feel, half of my sentiments would be left unsaid. I have lived a short life that felt very, very long. These years have dragged on relentlessly, but ever since you arrived, time flies. I hate going to sleep and I can't wait to wake up, to be with you, to look at you, to kiss you... I have had many experiences that I thought were love, but the second I laid eyes on you, I knew all of those previous times were wrong, I finally knew what love was. And recently I've come to find that love isn't only one thing, because somehow my love for you grows in many ways every day I spend with you. You may call me crazy, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, and I will keep my promise of changing to be a better King. Even if you stop loving me, even if you leave me, I will hold up my promise as proof of my everlasting love for you. But I must confess, I've imagined us growing old together, and one day, when I pass the crown onto my future child, I hope it is your child as well.
Forever yours,
Tears streamed down your cheeks like two rivers and your bottom lip trembled as you read the letter.
"Ah, those are happy tears! Correct?"
You set down the letter and wiped away said tears with your wrists.
"Yes, yes they are. This was beautiful, Seonghwa, thank you."
"I'm afraid that's as far as the surprises go today, because when it comes to dinner," Seonghwa paused, revealing two sandwiches that would be your meal "I'm afraid it's mediocre. I tried my best but everything I made came out raw or burned, I'm afraid this is as far as my cooking abilities go."
You were surprised and very touched that he had done it all by himself, even if it were just some lousy sandwiches.
"You made dinner by yourself? Well, my good Sir, they must be delicious." You joked as you took one of them.
They weren't good, but they weren't bad either, and you appreciated the effort that had gotten into them. You imagined what kind of King Seonghwa would have been if the previous King had chosen to raise Seonghwa instead of his sister... Surely a kind, caring King that everyone looked up to, one every eligible young woman (and man) would bad their eyelashes at. It was truly a shame... But it wasn't too late for a change, you were hopeful.
You spent that night together, cuddling and telling stories while looking at the starry sky, and you eventually fell asleep on the many pillows Seonghwa had sprawled on the floor.
The next day, you woke up with a smile, remembering that your wedding was in a few hours.
You laid on top of Seonghwa and kissed him.
"Wake up sleepy head."
Seonghwa smiled, wrapped his arms around you and flipped the two of you, so you'd be under him.
"Good morning princess."
You help his face in your hands and smiled.
"After today I'll be a Queen."
"My Queen."
Your sappy moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sir, Miss, I'm afraid we must commence dressing you for the wedding."
The King peeled himself off of you with a groan (but not before kissing you). He helped you get up, and the two of you followed the maid that took you both to your assigned fitting rooms. Seonghwa had picked his own suit, but you had no idea what he had in store for you. The second you opened the door, you were met with the most beautiful dress you had ever even imagined. It was white, with a tight corset that expanded into a glamorous princess-like puffy tulle. The tulle had many layers, and its bottom was decorated with pearls. The corset, while sleeveless and heart-shaped, had lace appliques that covered your chest and arms, and the torso was decorated with many sparky stones. The veil was equally decorated with pearls and had a tiara attached to it.
Attached to the dress there was a letter.
'They say white symbolizes faith. I have faith in you and in our marriage. Much love, Seonghwa.'
The maids helped you dress, very carefully and with care. They truly seemed to like you. One of them even fixed your hair in a pretty bun and attached the veil to it.
They had spent around an hour fixing everything, and when you were almost done, the door opened.
"The King is waiting for Miss Y/N."
And that was your queue to leave the room. You carefully walked down the stairs and made your way to the big ballroom, once the doors opened, with the announcement of your name, your eyes fell on Seonghwa, who was staring at you happily, in his new look. His hair was slicked back, no longer covering his eye, displaying it proudly, no longer ashamed of his past. His suit matched your dress: it was white and fit him neatly, and it only served as proof that Seonghwa looked good in any colour.
You noticed the crowd in the room, but you weren't too surprised. Although you had decided to hold a small wedding and not invite anyone, you two knew the people would want to see who was brave enough to marry their King, so the man opened the castle doors for anyone who wanted to witness the wedding.
To say the people were surprised to see the King smile was an understatement, but the fact was that he was smiling, and the smile grew wider for every step you took towards him.
The ceremony went beautifully. There were tears in your eyes and in Seonghwa's eyes, and as you celebrated and sealed the marriage, everyone clapped (to you and Seonghwa's surprise).
Everything went perfectly, until the toast. Seonghwa suggested a toast in your behalf after the maids handed every citizen a glass, and when you took a sip, your body felt weird, and you started shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinking until you looked like Thumbelina.
"Y-Y/N!?" Seonghwa asked frantically, as he looked at tiny you standing on the table.
"Tweedles, now!" Someone roared from the crowd.
The Tweedles grabbed you and tossed you over to the Hatter, who had been concealed in the crowd this whole time. After hearing about the wedding, the Hatter decided he would use the certain crowd and commotion to blend in and enter the castle. Without anyone noticing, Cheshire sprinkled some of Absolem's shrinking cake into your drink.
The Hatter grabbed you gently and Bayard came running in. He placed you on the dog and reached for his pocket to retrieve some cake as well.
The King, noticing what was happening before his very eyes, panicked. Tears streamed down his eyes and his bottom lip quivered.
"No! Please don't steal her away! Please!" He begged, running towards the group with one hand stretched out, hoping he could get to the dog before they left but to no avail.
The Hatter just laughed and shrunk himself, giving Bayard the signal to leave. The card knights tried to follow the dog but he was too fast, and there was no time to get the horses before losing sight of the dog. You were gone.
The King fell to his knees, and cried, as he stopped seeing you from the distance.
"Please, don't take her away from me..."
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jeon-kookie-dough · 3 years
Caught in the Game - Chapter 01
After growing up in the midst of Toman and a rather wild time in college, you are now working for a popular fashion magazine. You were aware of your boss's gang past - Kokonoi Hajime's name having been well-known during your school time - but after you bumped into an old friend at work the other day, one coincidence follows the next and you find your past catching up to you...
pairings: Koko x reader, Chifuyu x reader genre: angst, gang!au rating: m for violence & slowburn smut word count: 2,536 next>
The subway was much stuffier than usual. Bodies pressed into each other at every curvature, the sweat mingling on the sticky handlebars. And it is only the morning, for fuck’s sake.
The way from my house, which is located kind of in the outskirts of Tokyo, to Chiyoda where my office was located, felt like a lifetime this hot morning. Between trying to avoid creeps in the subway and standing in the longest queue in front of my favorite coffee shop for what seemed like hours, I was trying to supersede immense tiredness.
As of November, of the year prior I was working for one of the bigger fashion magazines in the country and the deadline for my latest article was already scratching at the front door. More like clawing, actually.
Up until starting up this job, I was used to living a half-assed life. School came easy to me, despite having been caught up in some…situations. College was a blur of alcohol and parties and I just barely graduated. After college I held myself above water with various part-time jobs, having been kicked out from home at barely 18 and landed my current job by chance. This upcoming article was more than important to me, thus stressing myself, and crying my fucking eyes raw from frustration, since it was the first time having my work printed in an actual magazine instead of just publishing online.
The second I stepped foot into Marunouchi Park Building, I sighed of relief and thanked who ever invented ACs. I entered the elevator, pushed the button for the 23rd floor and leaned back against the cool metal wall of the cabin. Just as the doors were about to close, somebody sprinted into the otherwise empty cabin. The person was male and of average height, balancing a couple garment bags and shoe boxes in his arms. I wasn’t really surprised that he was going to exit on the same floor, as the other offices in this building were mostly financial firms.
Not minding the other person, I let him leave the elevator before me, clocked in and greeted my colleagues with a friendly nod. I took a while, but in the past eight months, people seemed to have accepted that I was far from a morning person, so they learned to appreciate my curt nods. Only because I bring coffee. At least that’s my hypothesis.
“Good morning, sunshine!”
My eyeballs immediately rolled to the back. Hearing my boss’ voice in the morning was like nails on a chalkboard. I rolled back with my chair, peaking around my cubical. The bright sunlight illuminated the office through the glass front, reflecting in the angled door to the chief editor’s single office. His figure leaned in the door, arms crossed and hand holding out expectantly.
“S’up, Koko?” I mumble. I knew exactly what he had his hand stuck out for, but I wouldn’t give him the gratification he wanted. That rich fuck, I thought. Bet he snorts his coke with 10k yen bills but can’t even get his own fucking coffee.
“Think my hand is missing an iced Americano this morning. Care to explain?” His slender frame circled around the cubicle wall, now towering above my sitting person. My office was usually occupied by five people in total. Inui always being late and the other three on vacation left me as the only victim. I rolled my eyes at him. “Dunno”, I retorted, opting for my most innocent look. “Think I might have dropped it. You can have a sip of my Cappuccino, but I’m afraid I spat in it.”
Kokonoi Hajime was a peculiar person. He stood at 5’9” and his black locks braided away from the left side of his face was his signature look. He cared a lot about his staff being dressed well, as he himself only own designer suits from Italy. Despite enjoying the power he had over his staff, he also was very liberal in the way we communicated with another at the office. I had never met him before taking the job, but I had certainly heard of Kokonoi way before.
Koko was only a year or two older than I was and back in middle and high school he had a reputation. He lived one school district away from me, but the stories about him were also told at my school. Stories of a financial prodigy that hid behind his wannabe gangster friends that, most of the time, resorted to violence.
“You have a foul mouth”, he snickered, grabbing my cup and taking a sip anyway. “Somebody ever told you that?” I hummed in response, counting my coffee lost, and turned on my laptop. “I have a meeting in five minutes, so please take my calls, will you? Inui is useless, as always.” I nod silently, still grieving the loss of my coffee. Koko’s gaze rested on Inui’s empty desk, then on me. “How’s that big article of yours coming along?”
I knew he meant no harm with that question, but my elevated stress levels along with the acid, that always seems to wing in his voice, made me snap. “Fuck off, alright? I’m working on it.”
The chief editor raised his hands in defense and backed away from my desk, a smile playing about his lips. “The meeting’s until noon. Tell Inui to take my phone when his drags his lazy ass here.”
Inui arrived at 10:30, offering a coffee and a doughnut as a peace offering. I told him to screw off and, finally, concentrated on my article. It was almost done, but I needed it to be perfect before handing it to Kokonoi for proof-reading. I couldn’t afford messing this up if I ever intended of becoming a regular in the print.
I was so emersed in my work that I never saw the visitor arrive or leave. At lunch, all that occupied my mind was my hunger. I didn’t really have a lot of money left, thanks to the fucking chief for having me dress in expensive clothes so he quote unquote didn’t have to claw his eyes out at the sight of me, so a snack from the vending machine it was.
With food just in sight, my feet may have become a little too eager and I stumbled a crashed face first into someone walking by, having them fall onto the marble floor with me. I cussed under my breath and tried to get onto my feet, when there was already a hand outstretched to help me.
“You okay?” I averted my eyes immediately, embarrassment written on my face. “Uh, yeah, I’m alright, I guess. Er, I think you dropped something.” I dove right back down, picking up the visitor laminate. It read ‘Visitor for KOKONOI Hajime. Name-‘
My gaze darted up immediately, meeting a pair of silver eyes staring right back at me. “Mitsuya fucking Takashi?” I whispered in sheer disbelief. My opposite grinned, squeezing his eyes shut doing so. “It’s been a long time, huh, (Y/N)?”
I found myself accompanying Mitsuya to a Korean restaurant down the street for lunch. His treat, he said. The sun was merciless, and he scolded me for not carrying an umbrella with me. “It’s bad for your skin, you know?” I grunted, looking up at him. “Like I care.”
My high school graduation ceremony had been the last time I had seen Mitsuya. Up until then, we had almost been inseparable, having lived in the same shitty apartment complex, visiting the same middle school and him only being one year older. Back then, a lot of things happened. We never really had a fall out, at one point things just changed.
At the restaurant, we slid into a booth and a young waitress came to our table to take our order. Her eyes revealed that she found my companion attractive, but as per usual, he was oblivious. A couple minutes passed, and we were handed our drinks.
“Alcohol at this hour?” His eyebrow shot up in worry, vanishing behind his silver hair. He changed it up a bit since then, leaving his shaved sides in his natural black hair color, his top hair raked with black strands in the otherwise light hair. “Thought you had given up on that.”
I stirred my vodka soda with the glass straw, the ice chinking against the glass. “Yeah, I had.”
Mitsuya didn’t dig any further and leaned back into the cushioned bench instead. “So, a fashion magazine, huh? I thought you always wanted to become a sugar baby, what happened?” At his question I emptied half my drink in one gulp, disregarding the straw completely. “Turns out I’m not really cut for sucking wrinkly dick.” To that, Mitsuya busted out laughing. “You achieved just what you always dreamed of. How does that feel?” I asked quietly.
He stayed silent for a while and I watched him gnawing at the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking about how to choose his next words. “A lot of time has passed, you know?” His voice was dull as he finally spoke. “And a lot happened in between. I guess it was either getting my life under control or…” His voice trailed off, but I knew exactly what he left hanging in the air. Prison. Or even worse, death. “For my sisters’ sake, I chose to get my life together.”
I nodded, fumbling with the glass straw, one burning question on the tip of my tongue. How are the others? Is everyone still alive? I was too afraid of the answer, so I pushed the thought way back.
“Tell me about you, though”, Mitsuya smiled and leaned forward, folding his hands and propping his chin on them. “Working for Koko now, huh? How’s that been?” I groaned quietly and let my head hang. “He’s a fucking pain in the ass. Making me buy all this expensive shit so I’ve got nothing left in the bank. If I knew beforehand who the chief editor was, I would have never taken that job.” Mitsuya chuckled and flicked my forehead. Just like he always used to.
“I know what you mean” he mused. “I never thought I’d see his face again after-“ My eyes shot up at the tone in his voice. I never knew they had met before. Back then, I would have feared for his life. Everyone was young and stupid back then; delinquents with nothing but fist fights on their minds. But the folks Koko had surrounded himself with were more on the actual criminal side.
“What? Mitsuya, you never told me!” Even I was surprised at the pure horror in my voice. “Why didn’t you say something?” Mitsuya shrugged. “Nothing bad ever happened. It was just a surprise to see him in a position like this, that’s all.”
After lunch, which was fucking delicious, dare I add, Mitsuya and I exchanged numbers before going our separate ways.
The rest of the day I couldn’t concentrate on anything anymore. Before I headed home, I met Kokonoi’s gaze through his glass door and it gave me the shivers. Like he was watching me. Like he knew something. Creep. This weird feeling followed me all the way home and I caught myself looking back at every turn, at every red light. For some reason the conversation I have had with my old friend had me nervous. Nervous for him, for me, for everyone. What if Koko’s the same old thug, but with a lot more money and influence?
At home I opened a bottle of white wine, dunked the cap in the bin and sat at my desk, ready to catch up on the time I wasted at the office being worried. With a little liquid confidence, of course. Cheers!
I had approximately gotten about three hours of sleep. My body felt like it had gotten run over by a truck, my brain felt like soup. The only silver lining was, that I had, hallelujah!, finished my article – and my favorite co-worker Natsuki returning from her vacation. She had been working at the magazine already when I had started and showed me around.
Only a few days after I had started working, Atsushi Sendo had been transferred from another internal office to ours. There had been a lot of rumors occurring around his transfer, sexual harassment among them, but in the end, he had only royally fucked up his latest pitch and, as a punishment, had been put under Koko’s supervision, since he’s known to be the meanest editor. He ended up liking to work with us so much that he just stayed. The three of us ended up becoming the bane of Koko’s existence.
I stepped one foot into the office, yawning and pulling an Inui, I can’t believe that I arrived even after him, before I heard Natsuki already picking a fight with the chief editor. I silently put her coffee next to her cup of tea, handed another one to Inui and sat down at my own desk.
“With all due respect, Kokonoi, but you can’t expect me to not freak out when I come back after three weeks and find myarticle published under your name!” I leaned back into my chair, eyes closed, and head thrown back, and listened to the bickering in the chief editor’s office. A few minutes later, Natsuki threw the door into the lock behind her, the heel of her shoes dangerously echoing in the otherwise silent room.
It only took a moment before my sleepy body jumped awake when it got hit by a paper ball. My eyes ripped open just to find her eyes lingering over the wall between our cubicles. “Thanks for the coffee”, she said, raising the cup in a silent toast. I did the same, somewhat straightening up my spine in the seat. “Glad you’re back”, I yawned. “Old scrooge was unbearable.”
“Was?”, Natsuki barked under her breath. “He’s the spawn of hell! Remind me to never take anything from him again. He’s the kind of person to always expect something in return and I don’t even want to think about what he would expect.” I grunted in my chair and sipped on my black coffee, leaving a red lip print on the paper.
“Money” Kokonoi, who unbeknownst to any of us had left his office, answered Natsuki whilst keeping his sly eyes on my. “I don’t take anything but cash. (Y/L/N), where’s your article. Deadline’s today.” Natsuki’s and my eyes met over the screen. Our boss rarely called us by our names, much less our family names - he prefers shit like darling or sweetheart. Why the fuck am I still working here?! – so we knew something was up. And maybe I have a hint.
“Check your mails. I submitted it at, like, 3.” “A.m.?” Natsuki mouthed in disbelief, but I kept my eyes fixed on Kokonoi. He beckoned me with a finger to follow me. “Come in my office for a minute, would you, sweetheart.” There he was again. The egotistical, chauvinistic asshole. The chair hit the screen behind me as I rolled back a little more forceful than intended, but I followed him, anyway.
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Soulmates: Chapter Six
Summary: Soulmates are connected on a deeper level emotionally and physically. They can feel what the other needs and wants. As hints, the universe grants tattoos on your skin to help you find your soulmate when you’re about to meet them. When Bucky’s soulmate tattoo appears out of the blue, he knows that she is about to come into his life, but the way she does is not what he was expecting.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Swearing, as usual. Drinking. Nightmares mention violence.
Note: Figured we needed a slightly fluffy chapter before we meet Gemini (;
Bold for Natasha. Italic and Underline for Y/N.
All Writings Masterlist
*gifs not mine
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After Y/N and Bucky finished their shower together and got dressed, they walked out into the kitchen where Sam and Natasha were sitting. Sam had a scowl on his face towards Bucky, “Man, my room is right next to yours. And the shower echoes.” He hissed out.
Y/N laughs a little and rolls her eyes before Bucky could speak, “Hey, I was ready to go in the med-bay. At least we made it to the shower so everybody didn’t get a show.” She snapped back with a smile as Natasha started dying in laughter.
Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle, sneaking his arm around Y/N’s waist and pulling her closer as he kissed her temple softly. Now, Y/N was his and he wasn’t going to let her go. Their bodies were like one, each other could feel everything the other felt physically and mentally. Bucky got what he always wanted, a deeper connection with someone and nobody was more perfect for him than Y/N. For once he found himself thanking the world and all the things it had done to him just to lead him to Y/N.
Chapter six -
It had been weeks since Y/N had finally given into her soulmate bond with Bucky. There had been no new information on Gemini so they had just been enjoying their time together. They were inseparable. Bucky seemed to constantly be orbiting Y/N like he was her sun, which in a way she was. They would train together, eat together, even moved into one of the apartment suites instead of just Bucky’s bedroom due to Sam complaining about how noisy they were. Anytime Bucky wasn’t around her and he found her, he would push her up against a wall or a counter and kiss her like he hadn’t seen her in years.
Y/N released a part of Bucky that nobody had seen before, not even Steve. Sure, he had known Bucky to be a ladies man in the forties as well as a confident, cocky flirt. But it was like a switch had flipped in Bucky due to having Y/N as a soulmate. He was more social to the other team members, came around more which Steve appreciated. Though, there were other things that had Steve concerned. Y/N had brought out a wild side in Bucky. She had him wrapped around her finger and that concerned Steve. Natasha had spent so much time telling him that Y/N was not to be trusted, but that was before the two had made up and it still made Steve feel uneasy. The last thing he wanted to happen was for Bucky to somehow end up hurt or change who he was to match Y/N. He felt the need to talk to Y/N, try to figure out what was her plans. He hadn’t talked to her very much as she was always either sleeping during the day or keeping Bucky all to herself.
Steve managed to find her one night alone by some miracle. Bucky was usually always following her around so Steve would take this opportunity to talk to Y/N and feel out her intentions. She was sitting outside in a chair at one of the patio tables, her legs resting on the tabletop. Steve took a seat in the chair next to her, folding his arms across his chest.
Y/N looked over towards him, raising an eyebrow at his posture, “Can I help you?” She asks him. There was no rudeness in her voice but there also wasn’t anything positive hidden in her tone.
Steve sighs a little, “We haven’t really met or talked yet. I’m Steve Rogers.” He said told her, watching her carefully. He could see all the things Natasha had told him- Y/N did seem like she lacked emotions at times but it also seemed like she was constantly challenging those around her with the way she talked and looked at others.
“Oh I know, I’ve heard all about you. Mr. Captain America. Mr. Stars and Stripes. And also Bucky’s best friend.” Y/N said, her lips twitching into a small smile towards him, “So, what can I do for you, Cap?”
“I wanted to know more about you, Y/N.” Steve said honestly, “Nat said some things before you two made up. Bucky is my best friend and I want to know your intentions with him.”
Y/N swung her legs off the table and sat up straight in her chair, tapping her fingers against the arms of the chair gently, “Hasn’t anybody ever told you that a bitter woman can be a real bitch?” She asks with a tilt of her head, “I don’t have any intentions. We are enjoying each other.”
Steve nodded slowly at her words, watching her closely to try and tell if there was any hint of lying in her voice but he couldn’t detect any. Either she was a really good liar or she was telling him the truth, “Bucky’s waited his whole life for his soulmate. He’s gone through more trauma than anybody I know. If you’re planning on hurting him in anyway or just using him for fun or a means to an end with your brother, you should reconsider what you’re doing. You can destroy him, Y/N.”
Y/N rolled her shoulders at his words, her nose twitching slightly in anger, “You want to know a secret, Mr. Stars and Stripes?” She asks, watching as he nodded before continuing, “I’ve met him before. In 2014. I got a gold care to take out Alexander Pierce. I was outside of his house one night all set up ready to snipe him through the window. I watched him shoot his maid. And Bucky was there, sitting at the table. He looked right at me down the scope of my gun and the way he stared was like there were no emotions in his body. He came after me immediately, got really close to getting me too, but I was able to slip away. I was disguised with a mask so nobody could figure out who I was afterwards. I laid low for years, running in fear that the Winter Soldier was going to come after me and also because my buyers were pissed I wasn’t able to deal with Pierce.”
Steve furrowed his brow at her words, confused, “If you were that close to him, why didn’t either of you get your soulmate tattoos until recently?” He asks.
“Because he wasn’t Bucky Barnes. He was the Winter Soldier.” Y/N replied, licking her lips before continuing, “You see, Steve, I could be set on revenge for having to be on the run for a few years because of him. And I am really good at revenge. I know I could ruin him, destroy him as you say. But that is not what I want to do. He is himself again, no longer the man that looked at me with cold, dead eyes. I like him this way and he is my soulmate. If I had any ill will or intentions, he would sense it in an instant.” She stood up, looking down at Steve as he stayed seated, “But if you ever question my intentions with my soulmate again, you and I are going to have a big problem and I have a feeling that’d piss Bucky off more than anything I could do to him.”
As if on queue, Bucky came out of the sliding door to look between Y/N and Steve who seemed to be staring each other down. His brow pulled together in confusion and concern, walking over and placing a hand on Y/N’s waist, “What’s going on? Everything okay?” He asks, looking to Y/N then to Steve. He could feel the anger Y/N felt at this moment directed at Steve and wanted to know why she would be feeling that anger.
Y/N kept her eyes on Steve, “Don’t worry about it, Bucky. We were just having a chat. Just remember what I said about a bitter woman, Steve.” She said before tearing her eyes away from Steve’s and heading back inside to go up to their apartment suite.
Bucky frowned watching her go before looking to Steve, “What happened? Why’s she so mad?” He asks as he sits in the chair Y/N did before.
Steve sighs, running his hand through his blonde hair, “I wanted to figure out more about her. What Natasha said about her concerned me. I’m worried of her intentions with you, Buck.” He said honestly. He never lied to Bucky or kept anything from him. They were best friends after all.
Bucky shook his head at Steve, “I trust her, Steve. I can feel everything she does and I know I can trust her.” He said before letting out a sigh, “You don’t have to trust Y/N. But I do and I know you trust me.”
“Did she tell you that she has met you before?” Steve asks curiously, wondering how much Y/N had told Bucky.
Bucky looked at Steve confused, “That’s impossible. I would’ve remembered her and my tattoo didn’t show up until a few days before I met her.”
Steve looked at Bucky, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his lap, “She says it’s because you weren’t you. It was in 2014, she wore a mask so nobody could identify her. She had a kill order for Pierce.”
Bucky sat back in his chair, processing the information silently. He had managed to piece things together things he had done as the Winter Soldier and he could remember the night he went to Pierce’s house. He had asked if he wanted any milk and it confused him at the time because he was made for orders, not questions. He remembered feeling someone watching him and then he saw the glimmer of a scope rested in the trees. He immediately went into action, chasing the unknown masked person down under Pierce’s orders to kill them but the mystery person had managed to slip away. Bucky gripped the arms of the chair tightly, flinching at the thought of what could’ve happened if she hadn’t been able to get away from him. He would’ve killed her without a second thought and he would’ve never found his soulmate. Silently, Bucky stood up and walked back into the facility. He made his way to the elevator and clicked the top floor where the apartment suites were. When Bucky made it back to their shared room, he found Y/N leaning against the counter of the kitchen, drinking a bottle of beer. He walks over to her immediately, taking the glass out of her hand and placing it on the counter behind her before trapping her, placing his hands on the edge of the counter on either side of her, “Why didn’t you tell me you knew me?” He asks, harsher than he intended for it to sound.
Y/N tilts her head at his question, staring into his eyes. She licks her top lip slowly, his breath hitting her face made her shiver, “Because you weren’t you, Bucky. You were the Winter Soldier. And even though my tattoo has all the markings of your past as the Winter Soldier, he isn’t my soulmate. You are.”
Bucky’s eyes flickered over her face at her words, feeling as though his heart slightly dropped at her words. She didn’t hold anything against him from when he was sent to kill her because it wasn’t him. It made him feel relief, as if the universe was telling him that he wasn’t the Winter Soldier anymore. Bucky leans his forehead onto her shoulder, moving his hands to her hips, “Thank you… for not holding it against me.”
Y/N brought one hand up to run through Bucky’s hair, a small smile coming onto her lips, “Like I said, he wasn’t you. Plus I managed to evade the Winter Soldier which I’m pretty proud of.” She says softly to him, “Now take me to bed, Bucky.”
Bucky didn’t need to be asked twice, he picked her up by her waist until her legs wrapped around his and carried her into their shared bedroom, laying her on the bed as he trailed kisses and his hands all over her body.
A scream awoke Y/N from her sleep. She looked around her room slowly, slipping out of her bed. She gripped onto her purple stuffed bunny, walking out of her room and tip-toeing to her parent’s room. She dropped her stuffed animal at the sight, running over and nudging her mother’s arm as if trying to wake her up but it was too late. Then she heard the screams that she knew was her little brother followed by her older sister. Y/N scrambled under the bed, pressing her hand to her mouth as to not make a sound. Tears rolled down her cheeks slowly as she heard whistling and footsteps approach her deceased parent’s room. Her eyes widened as she saw the door open, watching the black shoes cross the floor and around the bed behind her. Then she screamed as she felt hands wrapped around her ankles, pulling her out from under the bed.
“Hello, sister.” His smile was made of pure evil even for only being thirteen years old.
Y/N gazed up to him in complete fear before kicking his knee and scrambling to her feet, running for the stairs to get outside and away from her twin brother. He caught up to quickly though, tripping her down the stairs and watching her land below on her back with a groan. She opened her eyes to look up at him, “Please…”
Her brother smirked down at her, bending his kneels to squat next to her. He pulled out the hunting knife that had been stashed in a sheath connected to his belt, pointing it at her, “It’s nothing personal. It’s just when a family decides you’re nothing to them… Well there’s no point in a family.” He said with a shrug and a smirk before stabbing the knife into Y/N’s stomach making her scream, “Nothing personal though. You’ve always been my favorite but I’m just the twin nobody wanted.” He pulled out the knife, admiring the blood on it for a moment before walking out the front door, leaving it open.
Y/N watched her twin go and when he was out of sight, she pressed her hands to the stab wound on her hip with as much strength as she could manage. Her eyes focused on the window that showed the night sky.
“I’ll see you soon, sis.”
“Wake up, sweetheart, c’mon… Wake up!” Bucky said, laying next to Y/N. He had seen her nightmare in his own dreams and could feel an emotion he hadn’t felt from her before. It was the slightest ounce of fear. He sat up, placing his hands on both of her shoulders and pulling her up against his chest.
Y/N awoke at the movement of her body being pulled to sit against Bucky’s bare chest, looking at him for a moment, “I’m fine, I’m alright.” She said, pulling herself out of the bed and out of his arms. She ran a hand through her hair before pulling on one of Bucky’s t-shirts over her naked body, “I just need some water.” Y/N said looking over to him as he still sat in the bed with the blankets covering his lap. She turned and left the bedroom, walking to the kitchen and grabbing out a glass before filling it with some water and walking out onto the balcony to allow the fresh air and small breeze to calm her down.
Bucky watched her leave the room before letting out a deep breath. He had felt fear from her caused by the nightmare. He had never felt an ounce of fear in her before and it worried him that it seemed like she was closing off from him again because of it. He pulled the blankets off his body and stood up, pulling some new boxers onto his body. He walked out of the bedroom and to the balcony, placing a hand gently on her back, “Please don’t shut me out, Y/N.” He said gently.
Y/N looked over to Bucky, “I’m sorry. Force of habit.” She said and offered a small apologetic smile before leaning her elbows on the bars of the balcony and fixating on the view in front of her. The sun was threatening to peak into the sky, “Did you see it?”
“I did…” Bucky said softly, watching her face intently as he kept his hand on her back, stroking small circles with his finger tips, “I felt your fear. What scared you?”
Y/N let out a deep breath before bringing the glass of water to her lips and taking a small sip of it, “You saw what happened. It was exactly like that night. Except he never said that he’ll see me soon.” She looks over to stare into his eyes, “That was him. Now him. Telling me he’s coming for me.”
Bucky’s brow pulled together at her words. Must’ve been some sort of weird twin telepathy thing for Gemini to be able to get in her head like that, “You’re safe, doll. I won’t let anything happen to you. Your evil twin isn’t going to take you away from me, I just got you.” He said with a small smile, moving his hand on her back lower to her waist. He stepped up behind her, pressing his body against her’s and kissing down the side of her neck until he reached the hem of the shirt, “Now why don’t you go back to bed? I know you hate the sunrise and we didn’t get much sleep.” He said, grinning crookedly, “After I’m done training with Steve, I’ll come find you, alright?”
Y/N smiles at his touch, biting her lip softly and nodding, “Bed sounds nice.” She said, twisting herself in his grasp to face him and tilts her head, “One day maybe we will get on the same sleep schedules.” She chuckles out before placing her palm on his cheek and giving him a kiss then walking past him back to the bedroom. Y/N was still very much a night owl, sleeping late into the afternoon. Luckily, Bucky had figured out she hated the morning due to the fact that after her twin stabbed her, she had to watch the sunrise through the windows while she waited to be found and made sure to shut all the curtains so she didn’t get disturbed.
Y/N woke up sooner than she usually did but still in the afternoon. She showered and got dressed in some jean shorts with a black tank top and one of Bucky’s dark blue flannels. By the time she was done getting ready it was about four in the afternoon. She figured Bucky was off staying occupied while letting her sleep which she appreciated. A soft knock at the door interrupted her. She opened the door to the apartment suite to find Natasha standing there, “What’s up, Nat?”
Natasha smiled, “Bucky may have mentioned you had a rough time.” She said before holding up two bottles of alcohol, “Figured I’d come cheer you up.”
Y/N smiles and opens the door to let her in, “I feel like he knows me so well - sending my person up with alcohol. What do we have?” She asks, following Natasha to sit on the couch.
“We have vodka for me and tequila for you.” Natasha said, sitting next to Y/N and passing her the bottle of tequila, “I figured it was more of a tequila moment than a whiskey moment.”
“I may have a soulmate but you know me better than anyone.” Y/N said, looking at the bottle, “What did he say?”
Natasha sits back in the couch, looking at Y/N, “He said you had the nightmare about your brother. I didn’t know you still had those.”
Y/N looks over at Natasha while twisting the cap off of the tequila, “I don’t.” She told her, “This one was different. It’s like he was using evil twin telepathy or something. He told me he would see me soon.”
“Creepy.” Natasha replied, standing up and going to the kitchen to grab two glasses before returning to sit on the couch and filling up one glass with a shot of vodka, “You should be safe here. We deciphered the gold card you got from Blake, he was hired by Gemini which we already knew but it didn’t have any other information on where to find him.”
Y/N rolls her eyes in annoyance, “Of course it didn’t.” She muttered out, pouring some of the tequila into the glass, “He could be anywhere, waiting for his opportunity. I can’t just sit here locked in the tower like a damsel in distress.”
Natasha nods slowly, “I know. You’ve never been one to just hide, you’ve always faced your problems.” She said, then holds her glass up, “But right now, tonight, we are going to forget about all your problems with your evil twin and talk about other things.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, picking up her glass of tequila and clinking glasses with Natasha before taking a sip, “I see why you brought the tequila now.” She chuckles. Y/N may love whiskey, but tequila was her go to when she wanted to let go and feel happy.
After a few drinks, Y/N and Natasha were sitting on either side of the coffee table on the floor staring intently at each other, having some sort of competition about things that had happened in their lives.
“My soulmate went to space.”
“My soulmate was sent to kill me.”
“Your soulmate shot me and almost killed me.”
“I have an evil twin that is set on kidnapping me after he attempted to murder me.”
“I haven’t had sex in years.”
“…. Yeah, okay, you win."
Just when Y/N opened her mouth to continue, they were interrupted by Bucky walking inside with eyes flickering between the two before landing on the bottle of tequila, “Oh no, not the tequila.” He groaned out. Y/N with whiskey was fine but Y/N with tequila was a whole different challenge all together.
Nat shrugs and stood up, “That’s my cue to leave.” She said, snatching the bottle of vodka and leaving the apartment suite promptly but not before saying over her shoulder, “Have fun with the tequila monster!”
Y/N looks up at Bucky and raises an eyebrow, “Tequila monster?” She questions, picking up the tequila and pouring herself another shot.
Bucky walks over and tries to grab the glass but Y/N held it away, “You get a little crazy with tequila.” He said, “And a third of the bottle is gone which means you’re going to be extra crazy.”
Y/N quickly drinks the shot of tequila and passed him the empty glass before standing up and grabbing the bottle of tequila by the neck of the bottle and running into the kitchen on the opposite side of the counter with a mischievous grin on her lips. She brings the open bottle of tequila up to her lips, watching Bucky who stood in the living room teasingly.
Bucky chuckles and shakes his head at her, “Don’t do it, doll.” He said, starting a slow pace towards her. Y/N loved to test Bucky when she drank tequila which is part of the reason the term ‘tequila monster’ came to light. When he saw her press the bottle to her lips and take a few swallows he quickened his pace over to her, “Oh, you’re in so much trouble now, sweetheart.”
Y/N watched him approach, moving around the opposite side of the kitchen island while teasingly taking a few small sips between laughs. Bucky was giving her that dark eyed look and she was thriving off of it.
Bucky caught her eventually, taking the bottle from her hands and placing it on the counter while his arm secured her to his body. He backed her up until her back hit the fridge, staring down at her with a cocky grin, “You are trouble.”
Y/N smiles up at him, jumping up into his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist, “I know. I’m the best kind of trouble though.” She purred out to him, her fingers stroking through his hair slowly.
Bucky kept that grin on his face, his hands immediately going to hold her up by her thighs when she jumped up onto him. Everything about her drove him wild. He never expected he would have to chase his drunk soulmate around their shared kitchen or that she would bring out a wild side in him, yet here he was with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his arms with her back against the fridge, “You’re the perfect kind of trouble, sweetheart.” He purred out to her before connecting his lips with her’s. He forced his tongue between her lips, groaning as it danced with hers. Bucky takes a step forward, pinning her body against the fridge more roughly so he could feel all of her body against his. He pulls away reluctantly when he heard her whimper, pressing his forehead to her’s, “I love you, Y/N.”
< previous part | next part >
Taglist: @vibraniumqueen @thatoneperson5000 @dude-whatawave @buckypops @tanyaherondale @robunny127
If I missed anybody on the taglist or you would like to be added, please let me know (: Thank you for the support!
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yeojaa · 4 years
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He's never met you but you know how he sounds when he wakes up from a nap and his greatest fears.  You know the way he sings after a shower and that he could be mistaken for a dying seal when he's laughing too hard.  The best part?  You don't judge him for any of it - including the fact he's a filthy Widow main.  He might just love you.
alt summary.  Jeon Jungkook has a big fat crush on a girl he's never met.
pairing.  jeon jungkook
genre + rating.  fluffy crack. general, for now.
warning / tags.  long-distance relationship, crushes, canon compliant (ish),  eventual happy ending, gaming, gamer!jungkook, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, overwatch.  tags are hard.  :( 
reading.   n/a.  a three part one-shot.
word count.  ~3400
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part i.
JUNGKOOK’S ROOM Sunday, 10 November, 2019.  2:13 AM.
It’s 2:13 AM when Jeon Jungkook finally finds a match, the familiar in-game sound dragging his attention away from the illuminated screen of his iPhone to the monitor before him.  He studies the SR - 3779 and 3761, respectively - and skims burning eyes across the members on each team.  Four rocks, including himself, and two Masters.
One of them has a strange name - BIGMELON - that he stares at until he's zoning out, trying to make sense of it.  Was his teammate a pervert or just hilarious?
"Good luck and have fun, everyone!"  
Your cheer filters through his headphones crystal clear but he's somehow still surprised, head tilting curiously to the side.  He hadn't expected a girl to be playing Overwatch at quarter past two in the morning.
When there's no response - he notices no one else is in the voice chat, an oddity for such a high ranking game - he takes it upon himself to keep you company.  His username lights up as his finger glides across the ALT key, sleep-worn words breaking the silence.
"Thanks, you too."
Nothing follows until BIGMELON appears once again in the upper left-hand corner of his screen.  You have a nice voice, he thinks.  "Are you sticking with Widow?"
Jungkook takes in the team comp:  Sigma, Hog, Genji, and Lucio.  A little unconventional but not wholly un-doable.  They're on King's Row, too, which is one of his favourite maps.  Balanced enough that people aren't too salty when they get headshot but with enough coverage that he can get clear picks.  
"Should I?"
"If you want."  A pause and your hero slot is filled with Mercy's portrait.  "I can damage boost."
He thinks he can hear the teasing.  It's soft and sweet and a little rough - like you'd just woken up.  
"Who says I need it?"  Comes his immediate response, question chased out of his mouth by a laugh he can't help.  It echoes, filling the quiet of his bedroom.  He hopes you don't take it the wrong way.
"O—kay, Widow main.  We'll see if you get anything from me."
It's an empty threat because you're giggling along with him.  It's distracting in the strangest way.  The sound bounces around in his ears and he can't help but focus on it, realizing belatedly that he's still sitting in spawn as the timer runs down for setting up defence.  
"Are you going to join us?"  You quip, emoting right beside his stationary sniper.  "I didn't queue just to have someone go AFK."  
Mischief colours your words and he laughs again, snorting as he finally presses W.  Two sets of footsteps echo in game and he presses SHIFT once he's hit point - and with just a few seconds left to spare - launching Widowmaker's body onto the balcony overwatching it.  Mercy follows, Guardian Angel carrying her into the air to alight behind the blue-skinned hero.  
As the timer hits 0:01, Jungkook right-clicks, scoping in on the second-floor spawn door.
The kill feed reads DDEOKKOOKI x STRIKER007.
"I guess you didn't need the damage boost."  
He can't help the sound he makes - a marriage between a witch's shriek and a pig's snort.  It leaps out of his mouth, louder than he intends, and he feels equally bad for you and his hyungs.  He's definitely going to get an earful in the morning - or any minute now, when one of them bursts into his room to berate him for being so loud.  "I told you."
"Yeah, yeah."  The way you speak has him grinning from ear to ear, nose scrunching in amusement.  Mercy is flying across the map, healing stream trained on Genji as the cyborg ninja just narrowly misses an errant Hanzo arrow and dashes back to point.  "I'm gonna take care of the rest of our team.  Let me know if you need anything, O' Headshot God."
You're clowning him hard but he knows it's all in good fun.  Still, he likes the nickname and decides to keep it, effectively picking off the attacking team's stealthily half-hidden Junkrat and Ana right after. 
Then he's dinked in the head - health dropping to 30 from the partially-charged shot.  He needs heals like yesterday.
Unfortunately, Lucio is up at choke with the tanks, skating circles around the base of the statue as they hold point.  Jungkook doesn't see you immediately - he’s scanning his screen for your witch skin (of course) - only realizing you've appeared at his side when his health bar begins to climb.  "Try to stay alive, yeah?"
"My bad,"  he drawls, scoping in the same instant the kill feed announces two more enemy deaths. 
There are only a critical Reinhardt and protected Zarya left.  The former falls the moment he drops shield and her bubble doesn't reset in time;  the Russian tank dies in the next instant, his charged shot firing the moment it hits 100%.  
"Thanks for the damage boost."
"Any time."
Then you're gone, off to support the rest of your team again while he grapples onto a different ledge and continues his oppressive gameplay.  He feels a little bad when the opposing team goes double shield tank and swaps their Junkrat for a Pharah.  He feels less so when he's slept out of nowhere. Four seconds feels like an eternity when he’s out in the open - vulnerable as a baby lamb in a den of lions.
"Looks like you're really making them mad."  You'd been relatively quiet when not tending to him - likely because it was only the two of you in voice chat - and he startles when your comment breaks the quiet lofi he has going in the background. 
"I don't know why.  I'm just having fun."  He's lying.  You're laughing.  
"Too much fun, I think."  
"Maybe they should be better."  Jungkook says this like he's commenting on the weather or the colour of the sky - offhand and nonchalant.  It makes your giggles come harder.  He can hear the scratch of your mic as if you've doubled over and it's now pressed into cotton clothing.  He can't help but pat himself on the back.
"Please don't tell me you're going to 'gg ez' them when we're done."
Now he's feigned offense, gasping at the mere thought.  "Of course not.  I'm not that rude!"
"Well, you never know."  You're right.  People could be the worst when it came to online gaming, spewing vitriol and hurling insults the moment their egos were bruised (or inflated). 
"I promise I'm not an asshole."  He's not really sure why he feels the need to make this abundantly clear.  After all, he'd probably never play with you again.  Korea's density of players was just too great - you were just one in hundreds, thousands, millions. 
Still, he smiles when you reassure him you don't think he is.  "I'm just teasing.  You seem nice."
"I am nice."  Spoken in the same instance he lands two consecutive headshots - one on the bouncing, wall-riding enemy Lucio and the other on the momentarily grounded Pharah.  You must see that, because you're mocking him in that dulcet tone of yours, caramel coating words and turning them soft like toffee. 
"Not according to them."  And not that you mind, it seems, because you're damage boosting him as he catches their out-of-position Rein in his sight.  He whoops in triumph, eliciting another bemused sound from you. 
"You know they're going to do everything to counter you when we go on attack."  Which was in sub-one minute, the timer counting down the last thirty seconds of your team's defense. 
"Who says I'm going Widow again?"  
You're scandalized.  "You mean you're not just a filthy Widow main?"
For a moment, Jungkook wonders if this is how his older members feel when he (and Jimin and Taehyung) mercilessly rib them.  He thinks it must be and oh, how the tables have turned.  He decides he doesn't really mind, though.  It's all innocent fun and it's keeping him awake, aided by the cold brew he'd chugged at midnight. 
"Woah - says the Mercy player?"
"Mercy is a respectable support, okay!"
"Sure, e-girl."  
"Take that back!"  How the words explode out of his headphones makes him momentarily worry he might've overstepped but by the way your laughter chases it forward, he knows he hasn't.  You can take it just as well as you can dish it.  
"Okay, okay.  You're a not bad healer."  Because he hasn't died yet and last he checked, neither had your tanks.  Genji had once or twice - to be expected, given his playstyle - and you had, but that was still pretty respectable.
He can practically hear you rolling your eyes.  "Oh, thanks."  
"Any time, BigMelon."  
"That's ‘daebak’ to you, pal."  Had he heard you wrong?
"What'd you say?"  
There's a long pause - he's not sure whether it's for comedic purpose or something else.  You sound muffled on the other end, as if you're repressing sound.  "Because watermelon?  Su-bak?  So big melon is dae-bak?"  Whatever you had stifled earlier disappears, torn away by the pride that shines bright yellow and boisterous in your peals of laughter.
It's such a bad joke that Jungkook feels like he's about to have an aneurysm.  Were you Jin moonlighting as a Master support player? 
"You're kidding me."  He wonders if you hear him above your own glee, giggles making it hard for him to hear himself think.  "What're you - a dad?"
You scoff now, parroting his words back to him.  "What're you - the pun police?"  
Another one?
He briefly considers ALT + F4-ing his way out of this match and away from your corniness.  Considers it but ultimately decides against it, instead remaining stoically silent and choosing McCree when the hero selection screen slides into place.  His silence will surely speak volumes.  
"You know that was funny!"  By the way he can practically hear your pout - it's endearing, much to his chagrin - he thinks you know where he stands.  
"Not the word I'd use."
"You just have bad taste, McCree."  You say it scathingly yet full of mirth, a sniff punctuating the end of your rebuttal. 
"Do not!"  He returns, just as quickly.  
"Prove it.  Laugh at my joke!"  You're shameless, confident, reassured - it makes him chuckle.  
You take it as his surrender though, your own laughter blending seamlessly with his.  It goes on for longer than is strictly speaking necessary, crowding like cotton balls in his ears as you leave sprays of your hero - Ana this time - across the spawn walls.  He wrecks every one of yours with his own, BAMF displayed in 1440p. 
"Hey - stop that!"  It doesn't matter that the round is about to start - you're spamming your melee button into him.  He immediately does it back, toggling between that and his voice line. 
The rest of your team is probably wondering what the hell you're both doing.  
"Stop distracting me!"  He barks into his mic, deep dimples on full display, nose scrunched adorably.  He doesn't really mind - it's clear by his hyena cackles that follow - and he likes when your chorus of shut up's pitch and leap with your giggling. 
As he navigates McCree out behind your tanks, he can't help but wish - maybe a little selfishly - that they'll lose this round and go into a best of three.  When the opposing team's healers both die - one to Ashe's dynamite and the other to Zarya's high-charged beam - he knows that's not going to happen.  Your team's going to cap point and then you're going to be gone - off to the next game and never to be matched with again.
"We did it, McCree."  You sound deeply pleased as the last of the defenders fall, leaving point uncontested.  The Lucio on your team lingers by the choke, ready to boop any last minute hoodlums;  Echo hovers just above the enemy’s spawn, dealing damage the moment any hero comes in view.  One of your tanks is already emoting.
VICTORY flashes across his screen.  
"We sure did, BigMelon."
The cards come next - they're all for your team, though he isn't surprised.  You'd gotten 37 defensive assists whereas he had 27% Infra-Sight uptime.  He's sure you both vote for each other, the remaining four going to your other support's Sound Barrier casts.  
"Thanks for the carry."  He doesn't mean it facetiously.  This is some of the most fun he's had in-game in ages.
"You're welcome,"  you chirp.  He thinks you'll leave right after.
Instead, you both sit in voice chat in silence, watching the timer in the upper right-hand corner. 
"Do you want to duo?"  You ask in the same instance he does, breaking the both of you into a fit of laughter.  It's more distracting than he realizes, the FINDING MATCH countdown replacing the end game statistics while you’re both still cackling.
Luckily, you invite him to a group right as he removes himself from queue.
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JUNGKOOK’S ROOM Tuesday, 24 December, 2019.  11 PM.
It’s six weeks and a good three dozen games later - a feat for him, considering how much of his time is eaten up by literally every other obligation he has - when he asks for your name, not realizing the consequences of his action.  
“Most people call me Jinny.”  He thinks it fits you, bright and pretty and punchy.  “What’s your name?”
Jungkook's unprepared for the question, though he shouldn’t be.  Of course you’d want to know.  Anyone would, if they’d already given their own answer.
He's silent for the longest time, quiet stretching on and on over group voice chat.  He applauds you for your patience, how you don't press him on it when the hesitation has descended from appropriate to downright awkward.
"Uh."  The word drops like a weight, crashing through the tentative friendship you've built over the past weeks.  
"You don't have to tell me,"  you supply as softly as he's ever heard you.  It's the first time you've seemed uncertain - and it bothers him that he's the reason.  "I get that we haven't known each other that long."  
As if that's actually the issue.  He would've told you the night you spent four hours together, taking wins left and right, filling the time in between matches with silly banter that had his jaw aching from laughter.  He would’ve told you on that random Thursday, when you’d listened to him talk about his busy day, effortlessly keeping him occupied - and amused - while your SR nearly descended below 3500.  He would’ve even told you yesterday, when you’d said you were going to bed, only to be roped into another six games by Jungkook’s eagerness.
It has absolutely nothing to do with time - or the lack thereof.
But he can't say that - can't tell you who he really is - so he improvises as best he can.  "My friends call me Jay."
"Jay, huh?"  You turn the sound over on your tongue, like you're tasting it for the first time, trying to decide whether you love it or hate it.  He hopes you don’t hate it.  "Then I guess we're the best J-duo to ever exist."
"Woah, we?"  He's only doing it to rile you up, finding it cute when you huff and puff and threaten to let him die in-game.  You never make good on the threat anyway;  you just like to see him sweat, watching as his health bar drops to measly single digits.  "I don't think I agreed to that."  
It's your turn to mock him, that same edge turning your words into sour candy.  "Fine.  You can find yourself a new healer.  We'll see how your SR likes that, Bronzie boy!"  
Neither of you really take the game that seriously but he gasps like he's been shot.  
"No!  Don't leave me with them!"  The way he howls the plea is enough to return you both to your rightful place - one filled with boisterous laughter and things he never thought would see the light of day.
Because somehow, he's found somewhere he feels safe - a place he feels like himself, with no pretenses or expectations.  It’s where he can rant and rave, bouncing from topic to topic like an energizer bunny with no end in sight.  It’s, oddly enough, with you.  
Connected through voice chat and built by an endless stream of communication - sometimes productive, other times not - the space you’ve carved out together has come to feel like a third home.  It isn’t quite what he has with his family or his members but it’s just as nice.
Different, but nice.
"Fine.  You're forgiven."  You sniff in that peculiar way of yours and he snickers loudly.  "How was your day?"
And this is why it is - because it's ordinary.  It’s where Jungkook can rest his head and drift for a while without worry of what’s over the horizon, ready to swallow him whole the moment he takes his eyes off the calm blue sea.  He's not raised on a pedestal with you, all the weight of his choices resting on his shoulders.  He's just a normal guy playing games.  
It might not make up for all the years of normalcy he's missed out on - the movies after school, the street markets on weekends, the holiday parties with classmates - but it's enough.  
He eats it up like he's been starved of it.
"Busy.  Really busy.  I had dance practice all afternoon and forgot to eat so I'm dying now."  There'd been a time - about three weeks in - when he'd chosen his words more carefully.  He'd been worried he might let something slip but he's found what feels like the sweet spot now, where he can tell you about his day without thinking he’ll suddenly shatter the image you have of him.
It's not always easy - he has to remember to never mention names or intimate details - but it's better than nothing.  He can finally tell someone about his day like he wants - all of the good and the bad, too.
"You should make something to eat!"
He's used to your reprimands but he still laughs, crossing his long legs beneath him as he readjusts in his computer chair.  "But we're in queue."
"Jay!"  It comes out devoid of static, clear as the waning sunshine that filters through his blinds and reflects particles of dust that drift lazily through his bedroom.
"I'll make something after we win."  He knows what you're thinking - that he's gone and jinxed your whole night.  You’re weirdly superstitious, something he's learned only recently.
As if right on cue:  "Shut up!"  
Your words sweep his expression up with glee and giddiness, like a kid on Christmas morning;  lines dig themselves into the bridge of his nose and the delicate skin beneath his eyes.  Jungkook tells himself it’s the usual pre-game jitters but he knows it’s more than that.  
It’s you and that infectious giggle that careens through his headphones, making him see everything in a pretty haze of warmth.
He’s not sure when you’d started having this particular effect on him - maybe since the beginning? - but he feels it now, clearer than ever.  Every tinkling laugh makes his heart speed up, thump around his chest like a baseball missing its mark.  The sight of you logging in elicits the biggest, possibly dorkiest smile, all slightly too-big front teeth and deep dimples.  You have him rushing through his post-practice showers and devouring dinner in half the time he usually would just to get online a minute more quickly.  
There's just something about you. 
And sure - a part of him wonders whether it's all in his head (as if it could be anywhere else).  Wonders if he's seeing you through rose-tinted glasses, doing to you what so many do to him.  Was he in over his head, praying to a deity that didn't even know he existed?  
Sometimes it felt that way - a little out of reach, like childhood crushes and summer love and wishing upon a star.  Certainly far too much for a blossoming friendship of just a month and a half.  
But then you laugh and it's Pop Rocks fizzling in his stomach and he knows that no - it's there and it's real.
Jeon Jungkook has a big fat crush on a girl he's never met. 
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notes.  i love overwatch and i love jeon jeongguk.  what more can i say?  :)
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Ch7: Old Habits Die Hard
Part 1
Co-Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: The Losers head to Mexico for Pooch’s wedding but there’s something wrong with Stella…
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson
Warnings: Bad language and a whole heap of angst.
A/N: So this chapter is a LONG one- so it’s split into a number of parts, to be posted over the next week or so. A LOT going down, and we really hope you enjoy it as it’s our favourite one to date for these pair of dumbasses.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. We do not own any characters in this series bar Stella Stevenson and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
TLAYLI Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 6
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 April 2008
Clay, Roque, Cougar and Jake arrived in Mexico on a glorious Thursday morning, two days before Pooch's wedding and wasted no time in settling into their hotel and kicking back with a few drinks, soaking up the sun and taking the chance to relax. Cougar was in his element, being in his native country and an area which he knew particularly well. That evening he took them away from the resort of Cozumel to a little village fifteen miles or so inland where they visited a few back alley bars he knew, meeting up with a couple of his friends. The Losers then found themselves roped into several games of poker, all of them losing a fairly substantial amount of money until Clay, rather sensibly, called time on the gambling to avoid Future Mrs Pooch going thermonuclear at them for gambling away any future Mini Pooches’ inheritance money. They somehow made it back to the hotel and managed to deliver Pooch safely to his intended. The man could hardly stand by the time they got back thanks to the copious amount of Tequila he had consumed, something Clay, Roque and Jensen were quick to blame on Cougar when an irate Jolene opened the door to their suite, a furious look on her face.
As it stood, the hangovers they were all suffering on Friday morning were clearly their penance for leading Pooch astray. Jake had woken up with a mouth like he had been eating sand, and had stood in a cold shower for fifteen minutes solid trying to find it in him to function like a normal human being. He headed down for breakfast ten minutes before the hotel was due to stop serving and spotted Clay, Cougar and Roque sat at a table on the outside balcony, all sporting sunglasses and looking as bad as he felt. Jensen helped himself to as much as his plate could handle from the buffet and tucked in. He was beyond thankful that the food went someway to actually settling his churning stomach as opposed to making it worse. As he downed his fourth orange juice of the morning, he felt his mobile buzzing in his pocket and he pulled it out, his lips quirking into a smile as he read the message.
"It's Stel." He announced to the table. "She says ETA about forty minutes."
"How come she isn't here already?" Roque asked and Jensen rolled his eyes.
"Agent Shit-name was working, apparently. Meant they could only fly out early this morning." He swallowed the bite of toast he had rather viciously taken at the thought of Stel’s asshat boyfriend.
"Touchy subject." Clay looked at Roque. "Pooch is still low-key pissed she missed his Batchelor party."
Roque said nothing, simply raised his eyebrows as Jensen leaned back in his chair, massaging his now full stomach. "The guy is a dick." He spat venomously.
"Yes, but there's gonna be no trouble." Cougar turned to him, tipping his hat up slightly so he could see him.
"I'm a lover, not a fighter, Cougs." Jensen grinned and Cougar gave a snort, shaking his head.
They finished breakfast and after several more coffees were eventually ushered out of the restaurant by a very harassed looking waiter. As they wandered back through the hotel lobby, Clay stopped and waved, causing Jensen to turn and look, a smile spreading across his face as he saw Stella walking through the door pulling her suitcase. He frowned at the fact asshole wasn’t carrying it for her, but as Stella approached them he realised that Evan was nowhere to be found.
“Where’s agent Shit-Name?” He blurted out by way of greeting, and Stella responded with a filthy glare, otherwise ignoring him completely. She turned instead to greet Roque and Cougar before she gave Clay a huge hug.
“Good flight, Arty?” Roque asked and she smiled at him, popping a shoulder.
“As good as it gets. But they didn’t have tomato juice. Would you believe it?”
Clay gave a huge laugh. “Since when have you drunk that stuff?”
“It’s not that bad, plus if you drink alcohol on a plane you get severe dehydration.” She replied.
“You’re making that up.” Jake looked at her and she turned her attention to him, giving him an appraising look.
“I read it in Science.” She quipped back. Jake blinked, before he burst out laughing and she grinned and shook her head. “I’m just joking. I had several gin and tonics and glass of wine. I’m good.”
Roque looked at Clay. “What just happened?”
“They do this.” Clay answered. “Have you not noticed yet?”
Roque rolled his eyes and then Cougar asked the question that all of them had been dying to know the answer to. “Where’s Evan?”
Well, all bar Jake that is as he couldn’t have cared less.
Stella shifted a little, rubbing her neck, Jake instantly spotting her discomfort. “He errr, he couldn’t make it.”
“He bailed on you?” Roque frowned at the same time Clay blurted out.
“What do you mean he couldn’t make it?”
Stella licked her lips and at that point Jensen jumped in. He could see her flustered and despite his dislike of her boyfriend, he hated seeing her like that so he offered her a way out. “Work?”
She nodded, shooting him a thankful look. “Yeah, something came up.”
“Of course it came up.” Clay grumbled loudly. Whether he had meant for Stella to hear or not, hear she did. And what was more, it was apparent he didn’t believe Evan’s excuse any more than she did. Stella swallowed, she had always trusted Clay’s judgement and it was unnerving a little to realise exactly what he thought.
She took a deep breath. “I’m gonna go check in.” As she reached for her bag, a hand softly batted hers away as Jensen grabbed the handle.
“I got it.”
As soon as the two of them were out of earshot, Cougar turned to Clay as Roque shook his head
“Bastard.” Clay spat. “He’s not come and left her to pick up the flack and explain to Pooch.”
Cougs mumbled a swear word in Spanish as Clay’s eyes flicked to Stella and Jake before he pulled out his phone.
“’m gonna make some calls. Meet you at the pool bar in a while.”
As they stood in the queue for the reception desk, a bunch of people all having descended to check in at once, Jake turned to Stella and took a deep breath. “Wanna tell me what’s really going on?”
“Nothing is going on, Jake.” Stella’s tone was level but firm, an indication she didn’t want to discuss the topic.
But Jensen never had been one to take heed of warnings. “I don’t believe you.”
“Well, you should.” She turned to face him, raising her brow a little. “Tell me, any Mexican chick fallen at your feet yet?”
He sighed, throwing his head back and giving a low groan. “C’mon, Stel, I thought we were past this?”
“Past what?” Her tone was innocent but Jake could tell she didn’t dare look him in the eye. Instead, she concentrated on searching for something in her purse.
“Holding out on one another.” He answered, looking at her. “You’re still my best friend.”
“Well, forgive me if I sometimes forget.” She rolled her eyes as she produced her credit card.
“Okay okay, you don’t wanna tell me then fine.” Jensen rubbed at his eye before pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Whatever.”
Stella looked at him before she gave a little sigh, and hung her head slightly. “Ev’s busy, okay? Something last minute came up and he...”
“Let me guess.” Jake rolled his eyes. “He asked you not to come without him and when you told him to fuck off you had an argument.”
“No, actually.” Stella fixed him with a glare, narrowing her eyes “He told me to come. It’s nothing like that at all.”
“Jake, just drop it okay!” Her voice grew louder. “You couldn’t be further away from the truth if you tried.”
Jensen raised his hands in surrender, knowing it was time to drop the subject. “All right, all right. I really don’t wanna know.”
Before she could shoot back a response, she was called forward to the desk. Jake moved off to the side with her bag, watching her as she spoke to the guy behind the counter.
His hands dropped to his slim hips as he studied her, wracking his brains. Despite her protestations there was obviously something more going on, he knew her too well. The only thing he could think of was that for some reason they’d had an argument, a big enough one for Agent Shit-Name to leave her to come on her own. And, considering Jake knew he had told Stella to stay away from him, it must have been pretty serious for him to say he wasn’t coming.
As Jake watched Stella signing her name on the paper the guy behind the desk slid over to her, he saw her give a little smile before she tucked her hair behind her ear. He took a deep breath, shaking himself out of his thoughts and decided that he was going to make her forget about Asshole for a couple of days and enjoy herself. Being the Stel he’d always known and adored.
She nodded and said something to the receptionist before she turned towards Jake, heading over to him and he smiled. “All sorted?”
“Yeah I’m on the 4th floor
“Hey, cool! Same as me and Cougs.”
“Are you guys sharing?” She asked and he shook his head, giving a snort.
“Hell no. The Cougar is on the prowl, apparently. He’s a couple of rooms down.”
“Well I’m in 415.”
“422, Sweetheart.”
“Good to know in case I’m attacked by a spider in the middle of the night.” She grinned and Jake chuckled.
“Well, if you want I’ll do a sweep before you go in.” He looked at her seriously. “I am a highly trained killing machine after all.”
“So am I.”
“Yeah but I ain’t afraid of spiders... well, okay, not the little ones that is.”
Stella laughed. “Course not. But, that aside, I could use your help with my suitcase.”
“You don’t need to ask.” He said gently, picking it up. “I was already gonna bring it.”
She smiled and they made their way to the elevator which by some twist of luck was already on their floor. The door opens and they stepped inside, Stella turning to select their floor.
“Alright, I gotta ask.” Jake spoke and Stella turned to him as he gestured to the large case now by his feet. “You’re here for what, three nights? You bring your whole wardrobe, Stelly?”
She scoffed “I need all three nights’ outfits and daytime clothes as well. Toiletries, make up, underwear...bikinis.” At the last word she shot him a wink and Jake’s head dropped forward, his hands on his hips.
“Stop it.” He groaned playfully and she laughed.
“You don’t wanna hit the pool then, Jakey?”
“Is this a trick question?”
“Why would it be?”
“Well this feels like the part where I’m supposed to make some rude comment only I’m not sure if you’ll laugh or slap me.”
“You’d never know if you don’t say it.”
Jake looked at her, he was utterly confused now and hadn’t got a clue what was going on. He licked his lips, swallowed before he sighed and rubbed his beard. Thankfully, he was saved from responding at all as the elevator stopped, the doors sliding open as they’d reached their floor.
Once the slightly awkward but friendly first time introductions to the rest of the guests that the boys had met the day before, Stell felt herself really beginning to relax. She had been on edge since arriving if truth be told, not least because her friends had hit the nail on the head, there was something going on with Evan. But, she didn't want to think about it. Not now. Instead, she settled herself on a sun-lounger, peeling off her little sun-dress to reveal a yellow bikini and Jake flopped onto the one besides her, whipping off his white wife-beater. They talked and laughed and joked. It felt good, just kicking back, not a care in the world. Soft, holiday themed music was playing, the atmosphere was happy, and Stella had a constant supply of cocktails thanks to the team persistently plying her with them.
She must have fallen asleep at one point, as when she turned Jake wasn't there, but it didn't take her long to find him, his distinctive laugh ringing out over the pool area. Stella led back in the sun, glasses covering her face, no one able to see her eyes as she watched him sat on the edge of the pool, one of the bridesmaids next to him, their legs dangling in the water. His broad shoulders and back muscles twitched as he talked with his hands, as usual, emphasising whatever it was he was saying, one large arm reaching up to brush through his short hair. The girl laughed and tipped her head back and Jake grinned before he said something else and stood up. Stella shifted a little as he headed towards her.
"Stel, you want another drink?"
She pulled her glasses down, and peered over them as she smiled up at him. "No, I'm fine JJ thanks."
"Cool, just, you know, ask me if you need anything."
"I’ll be fine Jake." She insisted. "Just enjoy yourself or... whatever."
He gave her a little smile before he turned and walked away. Stella watched him go, and it didn't escape her just how many heads turned in his direction. She took a deep breath then suddenly a shadow blocked her sun. She looked up to see Cougar stood beside her, hands on his hips, bright blue swim shorts and a plain grey tank covering his toned upper body.
"Enjoying the views, Arty?"
She rolled her eyes, then smirked at him as she spotted his ever present headwear. "Even round the pool you’re wearing the hat?" She sat up slightly, nodding towards it.
"Well it keeps the top of my head cool and shelters my eyes from the sun." He shrugged. "And helps maintain my youthful complexion."
"You gonna be wearing it for the wedding?" She grinned as he perched on the lounger next to her, before he led back over the top of Jake's towel, swinging his legs up to recline a little.
"Of course I am." He looked at her like she'd asked a dumbass question. "I’m making a fashion statement, Honey!"
At that she laughed. "Well, I look forward to seeing that!"
"I'll save you a front row seat!"
As the two of them continued to chat, over at a table a little further round the pool, Roque and Clay were sat deep in conversation. Pooch made his way over, flopping down heavily into a seat, shades covering his eyes.
“All right, so someone wanna tell me what happened to Shit-Name?” There was no disguising the bitterness in his tone. He was still pissed over the whole stag-do incident as Stella hadn’t gone, and the blame for that lay firmly at Evan’s feet.  “Not that I care, in fact I’m glad not having to see him around but-“ he nodded to Stella “-well I don’t like her being upset.”
Clay took a deep breath and blew it out harshly. “So, I made some calls. Pulled some strings and…”
“What?” Roque took a pull from his beer and turned towards the Colonel. Clay simply shook his head and Roque rolled his eyes. “Spit it out, Clay.”
“The guy is not on duty this whole week.” Clay looked at him, and then to Pooch who pulled a face.
“The whole week? I thought she was flying in today because he had some work to finish before taking a couple of days off?”
“So did I.” Clay shrugged.
“So what? He’s been lying to stop her coming for more than absolutely necessary?” Roque frowned. “That is fucked up, Clay.”
“I don’t get it though.” Pooch shook his head, a puzzled expression on his face. “Why is he not here? If he’s so hell bent on keeping her away from us, well, specifically Jensen, why the fuck has he let her come on her own?”
“I don’t know.” Clay looked over at Stella before turning back. “But I don’t like it.”
“Don’t like what?”
The three of them turned to see Jensen stood by their table, pushing his shades up his nose a little.
“Your swimming trunks.” Roque was quick to quip. “Pink? Really?”
Jensen grinned “Gracie got me these! Special present for being her coolest Uncle.”
“Yeah, you see she’s six, Jensen.” Clay grinned, taking a drink of his beer. “Her taste is debatable.”
At that Pooch snorted. “And besides, man, you’re her only Uncle! Not like she has anyone else to compare you to.”
“Oh yeah?” Jensen shot Pooch a look. “Fine, watch this.” He cleared his throat and looked over the pool area towards Stella. “Yo, Stel!” She glanced at him from where she was sat with Cougar and gestured with her head for him to continue speaking. “What you think of my shorts?” He gave a grin, twirling on the spot with his hands out to his side.
Stella arched a brow as she pulled down her glasses and looked over the top of them at him. “I’ve seen you in worse.” She called before she turned back to Cougar, a slight smile on her face.
Jake grinned and looked back at the men round the table, pointing in her direction. “See, that’s a compliment.”
“Yeah, by worse she means naked.” Pooch snorted. Roque and Clay both burst out laughing and the three of them clinked their beer bottles together.  
“You can all laugh but let’s face it, none of you could pull off this colour.” Jake sniffed.
“Who says you’re pulling it off, Jensen?” Clay arched his eyebrow.
“Well, he’s gonna need to as no one else is gonna pull em off for him.” Roque sniggered.
“Well, actually, Jolene’s cousins have already asked if he was free.” Pooch raised an eyebrow.
“They blind?” Roque shot back as Jensen grinned, ignoring him.
“Really? Which ones?”
“You were sitting with one of them earlier.” Pooch informed him.
“Oh, the red headed chick?” Jensen glanced around, and his eyes once more fell on Stella who was now sat up, turned towards Cougar as they talked about something. He took a deep breath. “Yeah, she’s not really my type. In a bit fellas.” With that he slapped Pooch on the head and wandered over to join Cougar and Stella.
“We cannot tell him about Evan.” Roque stated as Jensen sat down on the sun lounger next to Stella, leaning back a little on his hands.
“Nope." Clay agreed.
“Absolutely not.” Pooch affirmed with a serious nod.
Stella was in her room’s bathroom, leaning over the counter to check her mascara hadn’t left any unwelcome blotch around her eyelashes when there was a loud knock on the door followed by the two softer ones that, ever since they met all those years ago, announced Jake Jensen’s presence. She gave a last glance at her appearance on the mirror, adjusting the thin straps of her pale pink dress to her shoulders, before she went to open the door for him.
“Damn, Stel. You look amazing.”
It was all Jake could express when he recovered from the shock of seeing Stella all dolled up for the first time since what seemed like forever. Maybe the last time being when Jane and Rob got married and they were still together and waiting for their military training to be over. She looked stunning in that outfit and he couldn’t fail but to observe it was Stelly all over. Her pale pink dress was covered in delicate lace flowers and flowed down her curves, the deep v neckline doing nothing but highlighting her gorgeous breasts which Jake so damned well knew and had cherished once upon a time.
Fuck, his mouth was dry…
“Thanks JJ.” Stella chimed, making Jake blink and shake his head. “I need a quick minute…”
As she turned to go finish getting ready he followed her in, closing the door behind him.
“Hey, you’re not gonna say anything about my slacks and this fancy waistcoat I’m wearing.” He asked opening his arms for her to take in his appearance which she did when she turned, looking him up and down. She took in his dark blue plaid tweed waistcoat, matching trousers, along with his pale blue and white striped dress shirt and matching tie and she grinned.
“No jacket?”
“Fuck that shit, Stel its too hot out!” He snorted. “I’m gonna boil to death enough tomorrow in my suit.”
Stella laughed, looking him up and down again before she took a deep breath. “You could almost pass as a grown up, Jake.”
He pouted though he was slightly amused at the comment as it clearly meant her brain had also taken her to the last time they both had worn such elegant outfits, as they had been basically babies then.
“Rude, Stel. You used to like this look on me when we were.... ummm.... did you change your perfume?” Jake suddenly asked in an attempt to change topic after almost sliding dangerously down memory lane.
“No it’s the same it’s been for years.” Stella rolled her eyes at him and turned to rummage in her make up bag.
“Yes. Right….” Jensen replied somewhat awkwardly but relieved she was busy with something else. “So Cougs is coming down with us, he’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” She said as she finished putting her lip-gloss on before grabbing her sandals and sitting on her bed. “So like, is there a huge group of us tonight then?”
Jake stood there, his brain having a hard registering Stella’s question, his hands on his trouser pockets as he bounced on the balls of his feet and blushed furiously because, from where he was stood,  as Stella was bent over doing her sandals up, he could see right down her dress and the line of her breasts. But when he finally did realise she’d spoken, he swallowed hard and tried to play it as cool as possible.
“I guess pretty much everyone invited who’s here already, it is a rehearsal dinner after all. Hey, did you know Clay’s chick is landing tomorrow morning?”
“Tomorrow morning? Stella frowned. “Cutting it a bit fine, isn’t it?” She asked standing up and readjusting her dress.
“Well, better late than never.” Jake muttered, more to himself than anything but Stella had clearly heard it as she was glaring at him.
“Don’t start.”
“Sorry, my bad.” Jensen raised the palms of his hands in surrender. But before he could continue apologizing there was another knock on the door. “That will be Cougs.” Jake took a hasty retreat as he went to open the door to Cougar who raised an eyebrow on seeing his friend’s flustered expression.
“Don’t look at me like that, Cougar.”
“What the fuck’s wrong with you, Jensen?” Cougar whispered but then his eyes landed on Stella who was coming towards them and looked at Jensen again as he mouthed. “Wow.”
On an impulse Jake dug him in the ribs with his elbow which made Cougar shove him hard on the shoulder in turn just before Stella stopped by their side and looked at them. “What the fuck are you two doing?”
“Playing tag.” Jensen blurted out.
Stella narrowed her eyes at him just as Cougar looked at him wondering what the fuck Jensen was dragging him into. Jensen gave him a look and Cougar rolled his eyes.
“I told him he’s buying the first round tonight and the jerk said he wouldn’t.” He turned to Stella, trying not to sound too eager or false.
Stella shrugged. “What else is new?”
“Hey, I’m not paying ‘cause it’s a free bar. All the rounds are on Pooch and future Mrs Pooch.” Jensen nodded lightly at Coug, rolling with it.
Stella grinned as they step out of the room and she shut the door. “Well boys, ” she linked her arms into theirs as they were at either side of her, “in that case let’s see how drunk we can go get for free.”
Jakey and Cougar both cheered loudly at the idea and she laughed heartily.
“And you’re walking into the party escorted by two of the most eligible bachelors in this resort, Sweetheart.” Jensen added cheekily.
“Yeah?” She asked as she called the lift and Jensen saw her eyes shine with mischief before speaking again. “You taking me to meet them? Are they downstairs?”
Cougar snorted but Jake wasn’t gonna let it die there. That was the playful Stella he so adored, his Stelly. They could go on at this type of banter for hours if they were in the mood.
“Face facts, I am desirable as Pooch told me before. Bridesmaids already asking for my number. How many asked for your number, Cougs?”
Cougar just smirked and tip the brim of his hat. “They only need my room number, you loser.”
At that Stella let out a huge laugh and the elevator arrived so she stepped in followed by Cougar, Jake behind them.
“Okay, yeah. I’ll give you that one.” Jensen admitted as the elevator doors closed and they headed down.
When they got to the big room where the rehearsal party was taking place, the bride and groom were already there greeting all their guests and Stella was immediately introduced to everyone in Jolene’s extended family who hadn’t been at the pool earlier that day. The drinks and conversations were flowing when the wedding planner, a woman with a thick Mexican accent, announced dinner was being served in a few minutes and politely asked them all to find their seats.
The Losers were set to share a table with Pooch’s brother and his girlfriend and a couple of Jolene’s bridesmaids who happened to be her cousins too. The food was delicious and by the time dessert had been served, Stel could swear her dress had shrunk in size but she was damned if she was going to say no to those sinful Tamales. The chocolate on her taste buds, together with all the tequila and cocktails they had consumed during the meal had her in good spirits. She could honestly say she was having a great time and was enjoying herself, only one thing casting a shadow over her jolly mood.
Jolene’s cousin Shanice, secretly renamed by Stella as Corpse Bridesmaid, who was sitting at Jake’s other side, insisted on flirting shamelessly with him, to the point it was embarrassing. So, when her piercing laughter at some of Jake’s shitty quips got everyone at their table startled, Stella shared a glance with Cougar who was sat at her other side and excused herself. Instead of going to the ladies restroom, she went outside, deciding some fresh air would do her good. She wandered out onto the beach a little and sat down breathing in deeply,  taking in the peacefulness of the sea in front of her.
Her head was swimming but not just from alcohol. She wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but it was jealousy. She was jealous of Jake and Corpse Bridesmaid when she wasn’t supposed to be. Right? She wasn’t supposed to be and she didn’t like the feeling either.
And then there was Evan. She knew he was lying about having to work. He’d just used that as an excuse not to come to cover up the real core of the issue. Although he still insisted he was stuck at the office she knew he didn’t have to be there, and that evening, when they had talked on the phone, he had been cold and curt, their conversation mainly made of void questions and monosyllabic answers. Stella breathed in shakily at the memory of that conversation and pulled her phone out for the umpteenth time that night. No messages, no missed calls. Nothing. She sighed and chucked it back on her purse hastily.
“A watched phone never rings, Arty”
She hadn’t heard him approach, absorbed as she was in her own thoughts, but she made no effort to turn around as Cougar was already sitting on the sand next to her.
“Any luck with the blonde bridesmaid, Cougs?” She asked with a soft smile. “Maybe she’s the type that calls.”
“I told you before, I don’t need her to call, just knock.” He joked before turning his head to look at her, studying her features. “What’s going on Arty?”
“Nothing Cougs, just getting a little lightheaded in there.” Stella explained as she nodded her head towards the muffled voices of the party inside.
Cougar nodded. “And I’m assuming it’s not only because of the drinks.”
Stella didn’t reply, she simply looked away not trusting herself to say anything without her voice breaking.
“You know I won’t tell anyone, right? Especially not Jensen.”
Stella sighed and lowered her head as her hands fiddled with the flowers of her dress.  “I don’t believe Ev is working. I think he was making excuses not to come.” She finally spoke, before lifting her eyes to meet Cougar’s.
“And why would he be making excuses not to come with you?” Cougar frowned. “I thought he always wanted to spend time with you. That’s why you haven’t been hanging out with us so much anymore, huh?”
Stella raised her eyebrows. “He does. We kinda had an argument about it, well, not really an argument just a discussion about him crowding me and stuff, how he acts about Jake and you guys... and he admitted he was a little full on but said it was because he loved me.”
“Oh, so he threw the big L word there. That’s good, right?” Cougar asked, looking at her confused and a bit concerned as she had looked somehow embarrassed to admit Evan had said he loved her.
Stella looked at him. “Not really Cougs, because when he said it I was paralyzed and then realized I couldn’t say it back.”
“Oh.” He grimaced. “That’s not so good.” He paused for a moment before he continued. “You don’t love him?”
Stella shrugged, feeling calmer now, almost relieved she had finally got it off her chest and shared it with someone. “I thought I was sorta getting there you know, told myself it would happen in time but we’re almost six months in now. And each week I can’t see beyond the next, there’s no long term view there for me, Cougs and…”
“That’s a hard no disguised as a not yet, Arty.” He observed when he noticed Stella was trailing off. And she didn’t reply but looked at the sand instead as there wasn’t really a suitable response to that, least of all because he was right, she knew that much.
“Come here.” Cougar sighed, waving his hand for her to get closer before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and placing a kiss on the top of her head. “What you gonna do about it?”
“Finish it I suppose. That’s the right thing to do isn’t it?” She answered as she laid her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess it’s certainly the most sensible thing to do, anyway.”
“Well I’m a very sensible person.” Stella chuckled causing Cougar to snort.
“You spent years dating Jensen, I beg to differ.”
“Not my most sensible time.” She quipped.
Cougar laughed, shaking his head in agreement, and when he looked down to watch her he saw she was looking at the sand again, only this time she was smiling as she was clearly remembering something about the time he spent with Jake.
“He still loves you, you know? Jensen I mean.”
Stella’s eyes darted up at him and she scoffed. “You’re insane, Coug? You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Oh I know exactly what I’m saying. And more so you know it’s true.” Cougar stated as he tipped the brim of his hat and winked at her.
“Fuck, no, no more!” Jensen waved his hand as Roque grinned widely and held his hands up cheering loudly as Jensen grimaced. Both men had spent the last thirty five minutes doing shots while being cheered, as could not be otherwise, by Corpse Bridesmaid.
“All right, all right, you win Roque. I’m out.” Jensen admitted defeat as he turned around, scanning the dance floor. He frowned when he realized he couldn’t spot Stella, granted he was a bit drunk but he really couldn’t see her anywhere in the room. So he stood up from his seat and blinked twice as everything was a little hazy.
“Hey Clay, you seen Stel?” He asked when he finally steadied himself, brushing his hand through his hair before he pushed his glasses back up his nose. They’d gotten a little too close to falling off whilst he’d been doing those damned shots.
“Nope, it’s been a while since I last saw her.” Clay replied, glancing up at him from where he was sat on his spot at their table talking to Pooch’s brother.
“She went outside a while back. Didn’t say goodbye so I assumed she was coming back but…” Jolene, who had come searching for her cousin, offered but then someone Jensen couldn’t quite place tapped her shoulder so she turned round to talk to them and they left together a few seconds later, leaving him a little puzzled, without answers.
“Okay, I’ll go find her myself. You guys are useless.” He sniffed as he loosened his tie and turned to leave.
Clay rolled his eyes and looked at Roque who shook his head and snorted. “Whatever Jensen, just keep an eye on that tie. Too loose and you’ll lose it.”
“Don’t do anything stupid, Jensen.” Clay warned him, earning a frown from Pooch’s brother and causing Jensen to stop in his tracks.
“What’s that’s supposed to mean?” He asked, turning to look at Clay.
“It means you’ve drunk a lot with Roque and she’s got a boyfriend who is clearly making her upset.”
“I’m fine I…” Jensen began to protest but he immediately paused as Clay’s words registered. “Hang on, what do you mean Shit-Name is making her upset?” He frowned as Clay groaned, realizing he had said too much “Do you know something?”
“Well he’s not here, isn’t he? That should be enough.” Clay tried to brush it off.
Jensen looked at him for a moment before he turned and left the room, contemplating what Clay had just said. Despite the colonel’s attempt to brush it off as an innocent comment, he had once more raised the point that Shit-Name wasn’t here, and none of them really knew why. There was also the fact that Stella had been uncharacteristically flirty with Jake that day, more than their usual good natured quips…was it possible they had split up? But, if they had, surely she would have told him right? But then again, maybe she wouldn’t have told him, not wanting to cloud Pooch’s big weekend with her issues?
The thought was enough to make Jake grin, but the grin disappeared as fast as it had come and he couldn’t help but groan at this train of thought. Nothing would make him happier than that dick to be gone for good but he also didn’t want Stella to be upset and heartbroken. That was part of the reason that, despite his vow on New Years’ Eve to Clay in his parent’s dining room about fighting for her, he’d really tried to behave. He’d watched as her and Evan had gone from, what appeared to be, strength to strength, and, if he had to be honest, he was just grateful they were on good terms and wouldn’t want to jinx his recently fixed friendship with his Stelly for all the gold in the world. Plus, he just wanted her to be happy, she deserved that at least.  And, until now, he thought that Agent Shit-Name was making her so…
All those noisy thoughts were clouding his alcohol intoxicated head when he finally made it outside after a quick stop at the restroom. As soon as Jensen’s feet landed on the soft beach sand, he spotted Stella in the distance but she wasn’t alone as Cougar was sitting next to her on the sand with his arm round her.
“What the fuck, Cougs?” He whispered to himself, his jaw twitching a little. “Seriously, you’re going there?”
Both figures wheeled round and looked at him as he drew closer, his constant groans about tripping over on the sand alerting them to his presence. And when they did turn, Jake could see Stella had been crying.
“Stel, what’s going on?” He asked her softly.
Stella hastily wiped her tears and sniffed before speaking. “Nothing, I’m fine. It’s just….” She trailed off as she looked at Cougar with pleading eyes.
“I was telling her stories of my childhood here in Mexico.”  Cougar looked at Jake.
“Yeah…” Stella nodded eagerly. “… and it just got me thinking a bit of dad and stuff.”
Jensen glared at Cougar as he squatted beside them both, not for a minute believing the bullshit he had come up with, but then Cougar shot him a look and shook his head gently. Jensen’s frown deepened a little, before he looked at Stella who was now watching the ocean again. He knew she was lying, she had been lying about Evan and about them being fine since she had landed in Mexico that morning, but he also knew now, from Cougs, it wasn’t what his tequila mushed brain had thought some minutes earlier.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed all that to the back of his mind and fixed a smile on his face.
“Well, Stelly, I think the only thing to do here is come dance your sorrows away.” He tried to lighten the mood up a bit as he knew his Stelly had always loved dancing.
She looked at him like he was a moron before she burst out laughing and he shot her a cheeky grin.
“Yasss, come on, Sweetheart.” He pressed as he stood up, helping her up in the process and once they both were standing on their feet Jensen turned around and bent a little. “Jump up! We’re going dancing.”
“You’re not carrying me, moron!” She shook her head as he turned to look at her. “And it’s just one. I had an early morning and I need some rest.” She bent slightly, brushing the sand off her dress, giving Jensen another front row view of her cleavage line and without even looking at him, he nudged Cougar to stop him staring, sending the man sprawling over onto the sand, a string of Mexican expletives escaping his mouth.
“That’s my Stelly.” Jake grinned and she took his hand as she put her sandals back on before Jensen dipped and slung her over his shoulder.
“JJ put me down you ass!” Stella squealed.
“No can do Stel, don’t trust you not to run.” He said amidst laughter.
“Don’t mind me…” Cougar quipped as he remained sprawled on the sand.
“We won’t.” Jensen shot back as he strode up the beach to the bar with Stella over his shoulder, laughing as she slapped his back.
“Jake my boobs are gonna fall out of my dress!” She shouted, slapping his back harder once they were almost reaching the sliding doors that led to the room where the party after the dinner was now in full swing.
“I see no issue with that.”
“God, you’re a dick!” Stella scoffed and Jensen chuckled, eventually putting her down on the bar and looking at her chest. “Hey, my face is up here.”
“I was just… erm…” Jensen gave a goofy smile as he made a grabbing hand gesture in front of her boobs “…checking the twins are still in place and you’re good.”
Stella rolled her eyes at him as she rearranged her dress. “Pervert.”
All in all, and as Jensen had expected, Stella stayed for a little more than one song as she was letting herself go and forget everything. The pair of them just enjoyed themselves, and it was almost as if no time at all had passed, and they were still at some sort of crummy, homecoming or end of year dance at their school’s over decorated sports hall.
Just as they were winding down a rather energetic dance to some form of Nineties dance song, the name of which, Jensen had no idea, Pooch cut the music and stepped up to thank everyone for coming, before he started talking rather drunken and lovingly about Jolene. As Roque and Clay began to heckle, telling him to save the mushy ‘I love yous’ for tomorrow, Stella zoned out a little, thinking about what Cougar had said earlier at the beach. If she was honest, whilst she’d been able to push it away for large chunks of time as she’d been dancing, it had been in the back of her mind all night. Because Cougar had hit the nail on the head, she didn’t love Evan, she didn’t think she ever would, and she couldn’t keep fooling herself. She needed to finish it.
Almost as if he had read her mind, she felt Jake gently take her hand and give it a squeeze and that was it. It all became too much to handle again, and she turned to him giving him a shy smile.
“I’m gonna go Jake, I really am tired.”
Just as she had anticipated, he tried to get her to stay but she refused, declining his offer to walk her back up to her room. She kissed his cheek softly, gave him a smile, and headed off to say goodnight to everyone.
***** Jensen watched her go before dropping his head in defeat. He took a deep sigh, hands on his hips, before Cougar appeared at his side, thrusting a beer he hadn’t even asked for into his hand.
“Thanks.” Jensen whispered, taking a large swig as he studied Cougar. “So what really happened at the beach?”
Cougar hesitated, looking for the best way to give his friend a comforting answer without betraying Stella’s confidence, and it was proving a really difficult task. “She… umm, she told me Evan had said he loved her.” He answered a second or two later, hesitantly.
“What?” Jensen asked, swallowing hard. His beer suddenly felt a bit sandy.
“She didn’t say much more but I’ll let you draw your own conclusions how the whole thing went from how she’s been and the fact he isn’t here.” Cougar shrugged.
Jensen glared at him before taking another sip of his drink. He couldn’t think clearly, it wasn’t time for mind riddles and someone had definitely added that fucking sticky beach sand to his beer, plus, now he was pissed and his mind started spiralling.
Fucking Shit-Name dropping the fucking L word!
But then again, how could he not love her? It was impossible once you knew Stella, and he should know, he had tried it.
And what the fuck? Why hadn’t she told him when he had asked, instead of avoiding the topic all day long and then telling Cougar instead?
And yeah, Cougar could fuck off as well. With a final glare at him, he thrust his beer bottle back into Cougar’s hand and left without as much as a goodbye word.
What might seem common, rational sense to everyone else was never that common or sensible in Jake Jensen’s fucked up mind, least of all when it came down to Stella Stevenson. So, as he headed back to his room and passed hers on his way he stopped and turned back, making her way to her door. He stepped forward, ready to knock, but he dropped his knuckle when it was still mid-air and with a shake of his head and a heavy sigh he carried on.
And now he was also pissed at himself. Great.
Chapter 7 Part 2
109 notes · View notes
btsmosphere · 4 years
Blessing and a Curse | PJM
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~summary: You are the unlukiest person you know. Park Jimin seems to be the exception to the rule. But when strange dreams start haunting you, Jimin begins to piece together the events that have followed you your whole life...
~word count: 12.7k (anyone know if this is too long for a oneshot haha)
~college!au, magic!au, fluff, angst
~Warnings: nightmares, house fire, knife injury and blood, mentioned homophobia/biphobia, swearing
~a/n: happy (almost) halloween! welcome to my new oneshot, I really hope you enjoy it! -if you’re worried about the warnings, all except the nightmares happen near the end and are probably skippable, but if you might be triggered then please be on the safe side and save this for later 💜this story isn’t primarily about those things, it’s about jimin and yn being cute hehe
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In the darkness of the room, only one face is visible. A woman with age-worn skin is looking at you.
She is talking.
She is: you can see it in the way her mouth moves, but she is articulating without sound.
Your ears are plugged with water, you can hear it in the way it rumbles. Maybe that same water is what is drowning out everything else, blurring the edges of this scene. Yes, the room is dark, but surely something is in the shadows.
Why would she be here alone?
There is a fire: of that you are sure. Nothing else would light the lady’s face in a scarlet glow, deepening her wrinkles until they seem carved of wood. Only her continued movement shatters this illusion.
In the glimmering light, her eyebrows sink in the middle, fixing you with a stare.
She is approaching.
Her eyes are all you can see, a flame visible within them and they rush to you. The heat of fire is no longer merely imagined. No, you feel it crawling over you as you watch her mouth move without sound.
It can’t be water around you, because you can’t move. Fire can’t survive in water. But here it is, pinning you down, smothering you.
Maybe you are dying.
She is talking.
The woman with age-worn skin is looking at you. Only one face is visible in the darkness of the room.
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The room was still dark. Something was different, you thought vaguely as you blinked.
And then suddenly, everything was different.
No face is visible.
You can hear: you cough, and the sound of it reaching your ears startles you. No water, then.
More evidence of this is the fact you can see, even in the dark, the glow that fights its way around your curtain from the street lamp outside illuminating your bedroom. You can move.
You certainly aren’t dying.
That’s a relief.
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Morning comes, the streetlamp has turned off and you pay no mind to the dream hovering just out of your memory’s reach. Plenty like that have come before, and plenty will follow.
Anyway, it’s just a dream.
Now, you are more preoccupied with checking and double checking your bag. Your laptop, notebooks and folders are in there. First aid kit, check. Pencil case, check. Five memory sticks, check.
On your way to campus, you dodged a ladder leaning against a house and walked right into the path of a van splashing muddy water up your jeans. Sighing, you pulled out some tissues to dry it off as best you could, backing into a wall to get out of the splash zone again.
Of course, you backed into a pile of dog poo.
Scowling, you scraped the bottom of your shoe furiously against the pavement and hurried on.
Today was one of the rare occasions when Yoongi had arrived before you. On any normal Monday morning, he would slink in after about half an hour into class, but there he sat in the entrance hall, looking blearily round at you and licking his lips as he set his coffee down.
However, your attention was drawn away by the boy sitting with him.
Park Jimin.
As you slid into the third seat at the table, you widened your eyes at Yoongi, hoping to convey your panic.
“Hey, I was just going to grab a coffee, would you like one?” Jimin smiled at you, standing.
You swallowed, quickly turning back to him.
“Oh-um, er, no, I- it’s okay. Thank you.”
“Okay,” he smiled sweetly again and walked across to the little bar across the space.
“God, just let him buy you a coffee,” Yoongi groaned, “or do you really expect anything to happen if you never say yes?”
“They always give me shit coffee here,” you sighed, glancing back at Jimin waiting in the queue.
“You say that about everywhere,” Yoongi said. He let his head fall into his hand so it covered half his face.
“That’s because it’s true!” you protested, but he had heard it before. “What are you doing here anyway? You look half asleep.”
“Jimin dragged me,” he mumbled into his palm.
“Woe is you,” you laughed, slumping back on your seat and swinging your feet. You had given up tipping your chair long ago.
When Jimin came back, it was only to scoop up his bag before heading off to his class. That was the most you ever seemed to talk to him, as much as you would like to get to know him more. Being flatmates with your closest friend in your department saw him at plenty of the same parties, but you were too scared to approach him.
Something would go wrong.
With you, it always did. Yoongi said you were just a pessimist, which held a lot of weight coming from him.
Class went smoothly. A pen had leaked in your pencil case, and promptly ran out of ink when you tried to use it, but other than that, you came out unscathed.
It wasn’t until that afternoon that the wind picked up.
After a long day of classes, you parted ways with Yoongi to go to the library, while he left for basketball practise. Tugging your scarf tighter around you, you fought against the weather on the short walk between buildings.
On reaching your refuge, you tiptoed through the rows of books to the study area. Luckily, one last spot was left by the window, where you could see the grey clouds rolling by, the odd leaf whisking past and the branches tugged by the wind.
Smile spreading over your face, you marched towards it, setting your things down. But the moment you sat, the chair’s back leg buckled, a snap resounding through the silent space and drawing glares from the other students.
Mentally cursing, you pulled yourself up and settled for the most hidden table you could find. Sure, you could handle the dust and the flickering light in this corner.
To be fair, you did get a good amount of studying done, satisfied by the time you pulled on your scarf again and set off home.
The few trees dotted around campus creaked in the gale when you passed them. Head down against the wind, you pressed on, not looking up until you heard a familiar voice. What they were saying wasn’t quite audible, but you would recognise it anywhere. Maybe your little crush was getting a little out of hand.
Looking around, you saw Jimin with a couple of friends coming out of the gym across the courtyard.
Okay, he hadn’t seen you yet. Maybe he wasn’t coming this way?
No such luck.
Their voices drew closer, so you picked up the pace, digging your face deeper into the wool around your neck. Park Jimin was behind you, no big deal. Just don’t embarrass yourself.
But the moment you took a deep breath, a scraping sound came from above you. Frowning, you looked up distractedly. There it came again, a gravelly noise somewhere overhead. This time, though, it didn’t stop, only growing louder, and there-!
A shape, sliding off the roof, right over your head. In the blink of an eye, you scrambled to move, but your feet were caught and you tripped, inelegantly face-planting the ground as a smashing sound deafened you.
A stinging pain flared in your calf.
“Oh my god! Y/N?”
From your front-seat view of the floor, you groaned, taking a moment to close your eyes. This couldn’t be happening. Inhaling, you finally pushed yourself up to sit just as Jimin rushed up to you, his two friends close behind. Forcing a grimace, you tried to ignore your burning face as he knelt down, discarding his bag.
There, right beside your leg, lay a cracked roof tile.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, bending your leg to get a closer look. The source of the pain showed itself; your jeans were torn, a deep graze on your skin underneath where the tile must have caught you.
Beside you, Jimin’s hands hovered, twitching as he debated what to do. He watched as you twisted your ankle experimentally and winced.
“You should go to the doctor,” he told you. He was right, too. At least there was one on campus that you could hopefully reach on an injured leg-
“I’ll take you, come on,” he pushed his bag into his friend’s arms and threw yours over his own shoulder. Before you could utter a word, his shoulder was under your arm, helping you stand.
“Thank you,” you spluttered, “I-I think it should be fine though-“
Right on cue, you stood on you bad foot, which instantly gave way as you choked back a cry.
“It’s just twisted!” you exclaimed, though your full weight was pretty much weighing down on Jimin.
“Best to get it checked,” one of his friends chimed in, clapping you on the shoulder as he set off walking in the direction of the health centre.
Sighing, you gave in and allowed Jimin to help as you hobbled next to him.
“That’s Hoseok,” he said, smiling again, “and that’s Tae.”
Holding up a hand, Tae bobbed his head at you with a grin.
“Hi,” you panted.
It was likely that your attempt to return a smile failed, with the bugging pain in your ankle. Either way, Tae had turned back around now, walking beside Hoseok just ahead of you two. Before long, you had resorted to hopping. It wasn’t efficient.
“Would it be better…” Jimin said, “I mean, I could- I think I should carry you.”
Managing a weak smile, you slowed beside him. Maybe you didn’t have to go far, but it felt like a marathon at the moment.
Eyes creasing in his own smile, Jimin gently let go of your arm and stepped in front of you, crouching to let you put your arms around his neck. Surely he would be able to feel your heart hammering at your ribs, pressed up against his back like this?
If he did, he didn’t let on.
Sliding his arms behind your knees, he scooped you up and you were off at a much more reasonable speed this time.
“Tae!” he yelled.
When the black-haired boy turned around, Jimin tossed him your bag.
By some miracle, you heart had chilled out by the time you entered the doctor’s reception. Maybe a short trip on someone’s back had healing effects in itself.
You were handed an ice pack and some paperwork and told to wait. Taehyung and Hoseok said they would leave you to it, but Jimin assured you he could stay. And who were you to turn him down? This wasn’t coffee.
The silence was companiable as you sat side by side, Jimin sitting forward, elbows on his thighs while you put your feet up on a chair he had dragged over. He didn’t speak until you had nearly finished writing.
“Maybe you could sue the college,” he joked, gently nudging you with his elbow.
Laughing, you signed off the last box quickly before setting the form down and giving him your full attention.
“Thanks for staying, you didn’t have to,” you squeezed out a smile.
“Don’t worry,” he assured, “I’m just glad you’re not more hurt. It was crazy, what happened.”
“Believe it or not, that’s not the first time that’s happened to me,” you admitted. A small laugh brushed by your lips.
At your words, Jimin turned to you fully, bringing his chin off his hands. For a moment he only stared with his eyebrows raised, smile faltering, unsure if you were kidding.
“You’re being serious?”
You grimaced.
“A roof tile fell on you? More than once?”
“What are the chances, right?” you sighed, “But yeah. I’m definitely the most accident-prone person I know.”
“At least you managed to get out of the way… I thought it was going to hit your head or something,” Jimin looked genuinely terrified. You were sure your heart melted as he said this with his big eyes and such sincerity.
“If by getting out of the way you mean falling on my face,” you smiled softly.
Thankfully, he saw the funny side and laughed along with you, shaking his head and sitting back. You were glad the worry had left his face.
Only one other person sat in the waiting room, a mother holding a small baby, who now turned around to glare at the pair of you, although were only laughing quietly. Either way, you both closed your mouths, noticing her child was asleep.
A screaming baby was not something you wanted to add to this situation.
“So… what do you study?” you muttered after the woman turned back around in her chair.
“Protective magic,” Jimin dazzled you again with his smile, “it’s my second year now.”
“Same,” you replied, “well, as in, I’m in second year too, but I’m not gifted. I’m doing literature.”
“With Yoongi, right?”
“Oh, yeah, of course you knew that,” you laughed, but you were cringing inside. Time to change topic. “But, umm, what’s your favourite part of your course?”
Magic was definitely fascinating to you, even though you weren’t gifted with powers and therefore were unable to study it. Less than half the population had magic, so it was just your luck to be in the boring majority.
“I’m enjoying studying curses,” Jimin was saying, “last year was mainly the basics, warding and stuff like that, so it’s nice to do something more interesting.”
“It sounds really cool,” you agreed, “I’m so jealous, I didn’t get any of my first-choice modules.”
Just as Jimin opened his mouth to respond, a doctor called your name.
“Ah,” Jimin stood, raising his hand to alert the doctor you were there as you struggled to your feet. “Do you want me to come in with you?”
“If that’s okay?”
Gladly accepting his arm for the second time that day, you let Jimin help you over to the doctor and followed her down the hallway to her office. As she checked you over, Jimin sat patiently behind you. Your frequent glances at him were definitely less surreptitious than you intended, but he didn’t seem to mind, smiling reassuringly when you caught his eye.
In the end, she bandaged up the graze and ordered you to avoid using your ankle as much as you could for a couple of days. You had just avoided spraining it, so it would be fine.
“How are you getting home?” she asked you, not looking at you as she typed up her notes.
“Oh, uh-“ you stuttered. You hadn’t thought of that. Walking all the way home would be too far when you could barely make the walk from the waiting room.
“-I’m driving her,” Jimin spoke.
Snapping your mouth shut, you stared round at him.
“Excellent,” the doctor smiled before you could say anything. She spun back to you in her chair, “that should be all. Remember to rest it, I’m sure your friend will help you out.”
Quietly smiling and thanking her, you hobbled out beside Jimin. Outside the door, he lifted you onto his back again for the short walk to the parking lot.
By car, your house was barely ten minutes away, but you chatted some more to Jimin. As he reached your street and you pointed out where he could stop, you were startled by how fast it seemed. You found yourself not wanting him to leave.
Who knew that completely embarrassing yourself in front of your crush could end up to be a good thing?
To your delight, he insisted on piggy-backing you up the stairs as well, somehow not even breaking a sweat, and waited with you at the door as you slid the key in.
“KOOK!” you yelled as you pushed the door open, but to your surprise, he had already left his room and was walking down the hall towards you.
On seeing Jimin next to you, arm around your waist, he stopped abruptly and his eyes widened. But then his eyes travelled down to your leg, bandage poking from the bottom of your jeans, and he relaxed.
“This is Jimin,” you offered, hopping over the threshold as Kook approached again, quick to slide his arm around your other side.
“Hi,” he nodded at Jimin, “thanks.”
Jimin, who let you go as it became clear Kook could take it from here, handed over your bag as well.
“Good to meet you,” he beamed, “see you, Y/N.”
From your position propped up against your roommate, you waved at him. Too soon he was gone, door falling shut behind him.
“is that the Jimin?” Jungkook stage-whispered.
“Yes…” you sighed, hiding your face in his shoulder and ignoring his excited eyes.
“Come on,” you felt the rumble of his laughter through you as he pushed you off him and pulled you down the corridor, “Jin-hyung! Y/N hurt herself again!”
“Kook…” you grumbled in vain.
The moment he dropped you ungracefully onto the sofa, Jin hurried in, already clutching a first aid bag. Seeing his concerned face, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“It’s okay, I already went to the doctor.”
“Aish,” he moaned, “how do you manage to get hurt so much?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you whined, “really.”
You met his eyes as he ditched the medical kit by the sofa. Sighing, he gave you a smile which you returned. You knew he worried too much.
“She was probably distracted,” Jungkook piped up from behind the kitchen counter which divided your space. The warning look you shot him wasn’t enough to quiet him though, you could see the mischievous grin on his face.
“Jeon Jungkook-” you hissed.
“-making doe-eyes at Jim- ow!”
“Y/N!” Jin cried, snatching you and Jungkook’s attention, “give me that.”
Marching across the space, he scooped up the book you had launched at the younger boy and tucked it under his arm. Then a smile slid onto his face, letting the two of you relax. He wasn’t really mad.
“So Jimin?” he grinned.
Shoving a cushion over your face, you groaned, Jin’s laughter loud in your ears.
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Yoongi offered to drive you into college before you had even told him you were injured. Jimin must have told him what happened when he got home.
What you didn’t expect was to see your saviour again this early in the morning. You looked a mess in all honesty, hair messy and most lazy clothes shoved on to accommodate your bandaged leg. Sleep hadn’t been on your side last night, and the dream had come again, but until now you didn’t care.
Now, as Jimin gave up shotgun for you with a radiant smile, you regretted your lie in.
“Are you definitely okay to walk?” he eyed you worriedly as you limped over to them.
After the inevitable teasing last night, Jin and Jungkook had cooked for you and let you pick a film so you could keep you leg up with ice. As a result it did feel much better, and you told him as much.
“I’m glad,” Jimin smiled.
You were too busy smiling back to catch Yoongi rolling his eyes.
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The room was dark… the old woman was looking at you…
As the fire danced and flickered below her, she spoke to you, but you were still deaf to her words.
Come to think of it, she looked like she was shouting.
Had you upset her?
A hand entered your vision, the woman’s hand, gnarled with age and dappled with firelight.
She was reaching out…
She was pointing at you.
“Y/N! Hey!”
Your whole body jolted as a foot hit your leg. It took a moment for the pain to even register as you blinked, head falling off the hand it rested on.
As you looked up, opening your mouth to complain, your eyes met with Yoongi’s. He had a strange expression on his face.
Frowning, you looked around. The lecture was still going on.
“Sorry,” you whispered, “didn’t sleep well.”
Turning away from Yoongi, you found a group of boys behind you quickly tearing their eyes away. Their snickering whispers followed you even when you turned your back on them. But though you hunched over your work, fully intent on achieving tunnel-vision to your notebook, Yoongi didn’t share your intention.
“Hey,” he murmured, digging his knee into your leg until you acknowledged him. You were greeted with the same piercing stare from before. “You okay?”
Shoulders slumping, you sighed.
“You don’t look so good.”
“Thanks Yoongi,” you rolled your eyes at his bluntness, “just tired-“
“You were dreaming,” he informed you.
You blinked.
“You were kind of… twitching,” he grimaced, “that’s why they were laughing at you. Was it a nightmare?”
Blankly staring back at him, you tried to recall your dream. Once you were awake, it always left your mind like sand through a sieve, but when you thought about it…
“It’s just a dream I keep having,” you shook your head, “it’s why I couldn’t get much sleep last night.”
His eyebrows creased, but the sudden commotion that rumbled into life around you told you class was over. And you had missed most of it. Just your luck.
Sluggishly, you packed your things away. Just as you slung your bag over one shoulder, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Slipping it out as you pushed your chair in with your thigh, you saw two messages from Yoongi.
Pictures of his lecture notes.
Fondly smiling, you looked to your friend as he shut his book and slid his own things into his bag.
As usual, Yoongi walked with you after classes were done. Except today, when you parted ways, he made you promise to meet him in time to drive home. Usually you would spend longer in the library, but you could easily check out something to work on at home.
Yoongi’s earlier lecture notes mentioned some extra reading, so you decided to go and find the books to make up for being unconscious during the class itself.
Heading towards the classics section once you were inside, you heard Jimin before you saw him.
A loud thump made you wince, evidently the sound of a fallen book. Unable to help your curiosity, you leaned around the corner to the aisle it came from.
There, Jimin’s blond hair was just visible over a mound of books balanced in his arms, some tucked under his elbows, and a couple more trapped between his hip and the bookshelves.
You were already striding towards him, hurriedly grabbing for the books in the most precarious position.
“Thank you,” a muffled voice reached your ears as Jimin was finally able to step away from the shelf without fear of dropping any more.
“Um… what are you doing?” you asked incredulously as you hastily shoved the books onto a shelf, soon reaching out to start dismantling the pile in his arms.
“I had spare credits,” he spoke as you removed the books that blocked out his face, “so I’ve ended up taking Mythology of Magic. I thought I should do some reading…”
Laughing, you turned over the book in your hand. Woozle the Warlock and other stories.
“And you didn’t want to be any more selective?”
As you tugged the books from under his arm, Jimin looked down at his shuffling feet.
“I’ve never had to read fiction for my course, so I don’t really know where to start.”
“Well, I took that module last year,” you smiled, “trust me, there are a few books Professor Bang really relies on, but other than that there aren’t too many you should know.”
Jimin’s eyes were so hopeful. His smile had returned, and you were happy you could give him a positive answer.
“Would you like me to help you?” you ventured.
His enthusiastic nod made your heart leap.
“Right, well-“ you turned to the shelves to scan for the books you needed, absently pushing a couple more books onto a random shelf. Jimin followed suit, now having his hands free enough to make use of them.
The book you had just laid eyes on was lost as you jumped around, finding one of the librarians at the end of the shelves.
“Joon! Y/N’s gonna help me with Mythology!” Jimin greeted the man enthusiastically, but his eagerness was not returned.
“What’s going on?” the man called Joon asked.
Guiltily glancing at the shelves Jimin had pillaged, it became clear they were nowhere near orderly anymore.
“Jimin, this is going to take me ages, you know I have a date tonight!” Joon was busy complaining.
“Sorry Joon,” Jimin sighed, “do you want me to sort it?”
“Please. I’ll come and check you’re doing it right in a while,” Joon agreed, “Y/N will just have to help you later.”
“Sorry,” you piped up, looking at Jimin, “Yoongi’s giving me a lift home.”
“Then you can come to ours!” Joon startled you by clapping his hands together. He looked thrilled, but you were still confused.
“Ah, sorry Y/N,” Jimin said, “this is Namjoon. He lives with me and Yoongi.”
“Oh! Nice to meet you,” you said.
“You too,” Namjoon smiled, “I best get back to work.”
Before he left, he sent a dimpled smirk over to Jimin.
“Do you want some help?” you asked Jimin, the two of you staring at the mess of books, a couple still lying on the floor.
“No, please go and sit down,” he told you, “the doctor told you to rest.”
He was right, so you gave in.
Later on, you glanced at the clock. You didn’t want to be late for Yoongi when he was being so nice to you. Fifteen minutes were left, luckily, so you turned back to your work.
Next time you checked, fifteen minutes were left.
That was the same as last time!
Now you thought about it, it might have said the same time when you checked it before that too.
Oh no.
Scrambling for your phone, you saw you were already more than five minutes late. As quick as humanly possible, you rammed everything into your bag and fled. You still had to check out Jimin’s books, so you dashed across to the machines to take them out.
Toe tapping on the ground, you waited behind the guy already using the last monitor, praying Yoongi wouldn’t be mad. You decided to send him a quick text.
You: On my way, sorry :)
Yoongi: Be quick
Just then, the man in front of you turned around, setting off briskly away from the station with coffee in hand. There was only one problem. You were in the way.
He crashed into you before you had even looked up, and warm liquid was already seeping through your top.
In your shock, your phone fell from your hand, straight into the puddle of coffee on the floor. Both of you just stood there for a second, mouths agape.
“Oh my gosh, sorry!” you garbled, at the same moment as he pushed past you, muttering something about standing in the way. Perfect.
Looking down at the bundle of books in your arms, it was clear they were ruined. Coffee was dripping off them, the edges of the pages already brown. Taking a breath, you bent down to retrieve your phone, not bothering to check it just yet. You had to get to Yoongi first.
In the end, you checked the books out anyway, knowing you might be able to tell your tragic tale to your new acquaintance Namjoon, thinking perhaps he could get you out of a fine.
Stepping outside, you were soon greeted with Jimin coming around the corner.
“Y/N! Yoongi sent me to go and fetch you- what happened?” he had stopped in his tracks. You didn’t have to be a genius to know your top was ruined, coffee clinging uncomfortably to your skin from the saturated fabric.
“Some guy spilled coffee on me,” you explained, carrying on towards the parking lot, “and my phone, and the books…”
Looking to the side to check he was following, you jumped. Jimin’s head had disappeared into his sweater as he pulled it over his head, shirt riding up as he did so. When he emerged you snapped your head away.
You tried to reject the hoodie as he held it out to you, knowing you would soak it through with coffee as well, but he insisted. It was black after all, it wouldn’t show up, and people were staring at you. Since you usually left campus later, it was busier than you were accustomed to.
Eventually taking the proffered jumper, you basked in its softness, thanking him with a smile.
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Since you went home to study with Jimin, Jungkook and Jin had been insufferable, knowing about your crush. You told them they were lucky you loved them already, or you would kick them out.
Not if they kicked you out first, they said.
You laughed and told them you could just move in with Jimin. Needless to say, that made it worse.
In all fairness, you spent a lot of time with Jimin now. You regretted being too scared to ever talk to him before, since you actually got on really well. Helping him study had been fun, and you had been over more times since then, for studying but also for dinner and movie nights that Namjoon and Yoongi loved to crash.
You discovered all of them wanted to go to the Halloween festival, just like you.
October was halfway done, and that meant the excitement was well and truly underway. Every year on the weekend of Halloween, there was a festival just outside the city with music, haunted houses, campfires and ghost stories. And, of course, plenty of beer. Everyone wanted to go.
That week, you sat down with your own flatmates to put your names in for the festival. Due to its popularity among students, the festival always picked its attendees at random.
Since things were going well with Jimin, you had shed your pessimistic mindset a little. Maybe things didn’t always go wrong when you were around.
But then you didn’t get tickets.
And of course, Jungkook and Jin did.
You were more disappointed than you were when the same thing happened last year. For once, you had actually had your hopes up.
At least they were as sad about it as you. And it meant they went out on a dedicated shopping trip to get you a load of candy; it made both parties feel a bit better about you being left alone at the weekend.
When you had last spoken to Jimin about the festival, you found out he had gone last year. The next time you saw him after the bad news came at the weekend, you walked into uni to find him alone at the table you usually shared with Yoongi.
“Hey,” he smiled, “Yoongi’s just getting coffee.”
“Ah,” you nodded knowingly. You were quite happy to have Jimin to yourself for the moment.
It was only when Yoongi came back with two coffees that you sensed something was up. He never bought coffee for other people. Eyebrows furrowed, you watched as he set one down in front of Jimin.
Eager to take a sip, neither boy noticed you staring at them with something akin to horror until they rose from the rims of their cups.
“What’s going on?” you demanded when you caught Jimin’s eye.
“Sympathy coffee,” Jimin chuckled, “I didn’t get Halloween tickets.”
“Oh no, that sucks,” you sighed, “I didn’t either.”
“Hey, that could be good!” Jimin placed his drink down, “we could do something on Halloween instead?”
“Okay!” you agreed, “movies or something?”
“Great, let’s do it,” Jimin grinned, “beats sitting inside getting jealous of Joon and Yoongi.”
And so it was agreed, and you found yourself walking over to Jimin’s house on Halloween. Any other Saturday night, the city’s streets would be thrumming with life, groups of students holding each other up as they stumbled out, already drunk.
Today, though, it seemed like the entire student population was on the other side of town except you.
Mind wandering to your friends, you wondered how the festival was. Next year was your final chance to go. You hoped you could. They would probably be trekking through the horror maze, before dark so Jin wouldn’t get too scared. Or maybe Jungkook had got out his guitar for the campfire circle. You wondered what kinds of sugary food they would fill themselves with.
It was a nice evening for whatever was going on, being unusually warm for this time of year. You hadn’t even needed a coat to go out.
Jin’s cooking was sorely missed especially; you were something of a disaster on your own given your clumsiness. You swore you did exactly what the recipe said, but every time without fail, something went wrong.
Reaching Jimin’s, you happily let thoughts of what you were missing slide. Your bad luck had afforded you good fortune this time around, and you were determined to make the most of it.
Inside, you emptied all the snacks you had brought out of your bag and stared at the mountain you had collectively built on the coffee table.
“I guess we had better get started,” you laughed.
“We’re never going to eat all that!” Jimin laughed, flopping down on the sofa.
Sitting as well, you picked up your first chocolate and sent him a smirk.
“Challenge accepted.”
As anyone could have predicted, you failed the challenge. Before the first film had even ended, you slumped against Jimin with a groan, stomach threatening to burst. His melodic laugh filled your ears. You only groaned more, staring at the empty wrappers surrounding you before closing your eyes.
What you didn’t expect was for Jimin to reach his arm around you.
Eyes snapping open again, you saw his hands pulling your blanket up, but his arm didn’t move away. Well, perhaps your optimistic eating habits had landed you something good, after all.
The film ended, but you didn’t move away. Nor did he push you off.
“What next?” he looked down at you.
You found yourself a lot closer to his face than you were prepared for when you looked up at him, head pulling away from its place on his shoulder.
“Horror film?” you suggested with a small smile once you had recovered.
He threw his head back and laughed, but he did pick up the remote and start scrolling through the horror films.
“This should be fun,” he smiled, shaking his head slightly.
It was.
Well, maybe not the ghosts and blood and murderers and jumpscares.
But it sure was fun when Jimin clutched you in both of his arms, or when you pressed closer to him to hide your face away in his chest. When he screamed and grabbed at you, hiding his face away in the top of your head, you swore your heart stopped for a moment.
“We are not watching a horror film next time,” Jimin decreed afterwards, “or ever again!”
“Next Halloween?” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes.
Your grin wasn’t because he agreed with you. It was because he thought you would be with each other again next Halloween.
Reluctantly, the two of you untangled yourselves from the blankets. On your way out, you told him to keep the candy, and that you could never look at another one again.
“Sure,” he smirked, “text me when you get home okay.”
“Will do, thanks.”
After a beat, you stepped back through the doorway and gave him a quick hug. Wrapping his arms around you in return, he laughed.
“Don’t have nightmares!”
“No promises!” you laughed, waving at him as you walked away.
By this time it was dark, but your route back was along main roads, so you weren’t worried. However, you had barely reached the end of Jimin’s road before you felt flecks of drizzle dotting your face.
You picked up the pace, but there was still a while to go. You were never going to outrun the rain.
It wasn’t the first time you had been caught out by a storm, but it made it no more enjoyable. Halfway home, the rain was hammering down, stinging your cheeks with the force it fell. The sky above was a solid mass of cloud, regularly disturbed by thunder.
You were most certainly alone on the streets now, everyone having retreated inside. You just had to push on a little longer, and then you could have a hot shower and warm up in your pyjamas with a hot chocolate.
Cursing yourself for not bringing a coat earlier, you hugged yourself as you marched against the rain which was now dripping down your face, hair plastered to your cheeks.
On reaching your apartment, you broke into a run. Stopping outside the door, you fished for your keys in your pocket.
Chest tightening, you quickly pushed your hand into your other pocket. Your phone was still there, but no keys. Quickly, you patted your jeans to no success. Your bag was just as empty. Where were your keys?
Ever since the coffee incident in the library, your phone had never been quite the same, but you nearly cried in relief when you clicked the power button and it flashed on.
Leaning your head over to shield it from the worst of the rain, although you were also dripping onto it, your cold fingers fumbled to your contacts until you reached Jimin. No one else you knew was in the city.
Pressing call, you held the device to your ear, dial tone beeping over the drumming of the rain.
The tone cut off, and you waited to hear Jimin’s voice.
But it didn’t come.
“Hello?” you spoke.
No reply.
On pulling the phone from your ear, you stared at a dark screen. This time, when you pressed the power button, it was unresponsive.
Begrudgingly turning around, you sighed heavily. You fingers were already draining themselves of feeling, every inch of your jumper soaked.
But then, a couple of streets further, you spotted something glittering by the pavement. Your keyring!
Dashing towards it, you didn’t care when your fingers scraped against the cold metal of a drain, grabbing your keys as soon as you could. But when you held them up, you could only stare.
You were definitely the unluckiest person you knew.
The keyring charm itself was intact, but the same could not be said for the mangled metal that hung off it, which had been snapped. No key remained.
Looking back to the ground where you had collected it, you could only see dark tarmac. No key. And below the drain your keyring had been lying on was a torrent of rushing water from the storm.
You were well and truly fucked, only one option left.
Your third journey that night down the roads to Jimin’s was significantly less enjoyable than before. Even your shoes were soaked now and you were shivering from head to toe. It really wasn’t the way you wanted Jimin to see you, looking like a rat that had crawled up from the gutter, but you had nowhere else to go.
Finally reaching Jimin’s road, you were surprised to see his door fly open when you were still halfway down the street, spilling yellow light into the dark. You frowned even more when you saw him step out, wrapped in a raincoat, practically tripping down his own steps before looking around.
Closer now, you were able to catch his attention as you approached. He only stared at you, his adorable face the very picture of shock, before he ran up to you.
“Y/N oh my god! The moment this storm started I got worried, and when I saw a missed call from you I didn’t know what to do! What happened? Are you alright?”
“C-cold,” you said through chattering teeth.
“Shit, yeah, let’s get you back inside,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. If only you could feel where his hand held yours.
Just across the threshold, you held back, knowing you were already soaking the ground.
“Y/N, you’re freezing, please come in,” Jimin pulled you into the living room, not that you could resist when you felt the warmth of his house greet you.
Realising you hadn’t even removed your shoes, you bent to undo your waterlogged laces, but your fingers were uncooperative.
“Here,” Jimin knelt too. You watched as his fingers deftly released your laces, and you let him slide your shoes off. His face was flushed, slightly damp too from his short trip outside.
“You’re soaked,” he murmured, sitting back and reaching for you jumper.
Together, you peeled the garment off you, heavy with water.
“I’ll get you some clothes,” he said firmly, “you’re staying here.”
Beyond the window, the rain had not let up.
Making quick work of the rest of your clothes in the bathroom, you left them in a pile on the shower floor. Jimin had luckily left a towel on the radiator. Wrapped up in the warm fluff, you barely wanted to move, but eventually Jimin’s clothes, folded on the floor, tempted you enough.
Emerging fully dressed in the too-big clothes, you found Jimin stumbling down the stairs. Or rather, a moving pile of blankets.
“Any better?” his eyes peeked over the top, making it impossible for you not to laugh.
“Yeah, thanks.”
Following him into the living room, you stepped over the wet patches you had created as Jimin dropped the blankets onto the sofa.
“So what happened?” he clambered into the makeshift nest, patting the blankets beside him for you to follow suit.
“My keys found their way down a storm drain,” you sighed, “but I didn’t notice until I got home. And then my phone gave up.”
You let out a dry laugh. It really was ridiculous how the world seemed to be against you.
“Would hot chocolate make it better?”
Your eyes and mouth grew simultaneously and Jimin laughed loudly, head flopping back and soft hair falling away from his face. Anyone would have thought he had just given you a bag of lottery winnings by the way you looked at him.
“Yes, I take it?” he giggled.
Maybe the world was against you, but Jimin was the one thing that made everything better. Sitting next to him surrounded by blankets and sipping cocoa could only be made better if you weren’t just sitting next to him.
As if to prove his place as your personal saviour, Jimin soon snuggled closer to you.
After a few minutes of his head on your shoulder, your arm around him, you whispered into his hair.
“Maybe tonight was lucky in the end.”
“Hmm?” he twisted to look at you and your heart softened even more when you saw his eyes were barely open. Smiling giddily, you pulled back to look at him.
“I just always thought bad things happened to me. But it’s not so bad ending up here with you.”
A hand scrubbed over his face in an effort to wake up a little more. Embarrassment already began to encroach as you watched his mouth opening and closing. Had you said too much?
And then he shuffled closer, all those thoughts dissipating like dandelion seeds as his hand brushed your cheek. His lips lay in a peaceful smile, and you couldn’t take your eyes away as he silently shuffled closer.
“Yeah?” he breathed.
“Yeah,” you nodded, sound barely leaving your mouth.
Then his lips met yours.
It wasn’t forceful, quite the opposite. The kind of kiss that made you lean in for more, sweet and lingering, erasing any memory of what existed outside of it. Now his soft touch felt so real, so present and so… Jimin.
Hands ghosted across skin, hungry but tentative.
Time got lost around you as you gave in, indulging in each other until you lay on top of him, breathless as you paused. His eyes were smiling. He was always smiling.
Unable to believe Park Jimin kissed you, wanted you too, you stared at him, trying to soak it all in.
Another laugh passed his lips, joy overflowing. His arms tightened around your waist, squeezing you tightly against his chest, and a kiss was pressed to your forehead.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
You had to look back at his face then, just to check those words had actually passed his lips.
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The room was familiar, even though it was dark. Nothing could be seen but you knew you had been here before.
The woman had not moved. Was she still angry?
For the first time, the fire shows itself as more than just a glimmer lighting the wisened face. No, it is there, bright and dancing.
You can’t look away but it burns your eyes. That is not all it burns.
The woman’s hand reaches out, engulfed in the fire, and suddenly your silence bursts.
The fire is deafening, cracking like a monster walking on bones, roaring in its pain. Maybe the darkness is the smoke. It gets in your eyes, but you still can’t look away, can’t blink, and beyond the red beast, the woman in still there, voice finally loud and strong, surfacing in the brief moments through the blazing fire.
You can’t understand her.
But you understand she is not a friend. You know from the way her hand rises from the fire unscathed. She must be a friend to the fire, but the fire is hurting you.
You can’t move.
You can’t look away.
Smoke is in your lungs, fire clings to your skin.
You can’t scream but you need to, you need to get out of here, but no one knows you’re here, you don’t even know where here is, or how you got here, but it hurts, and she only wants to hurt you more, and-
Someone is shouting but it’s not her this time and it cuts through the fire. Then it stops and you fall back, darkness and blinding fire side by side-
Hands on your shoulder. The room is dark. Where is the smoke? Breath judders in and out of your throat. You cough. The hands draw back. The fire is gone too.
A dim light flicks on and Jimin looks at you. Propped on his elbow, he looks down at you where you lie on the pillow, other hand coming up to stroke down your face. You were used to waking up like this, alone, but now he was there and all you wanted was his warmth.
When you dived towards him, he folded you in his arms, holding you close as you breathed in his safety.
“You okay?” he spoke into the stillness.
At first, you nodded into his chest. Then you thought he might want a bit more detail about why you had woken him in the middle of the night, so you lifted your head. Nose-to-nose on the pillow, you explained.
“It’s this dream I keep having,” you whispered, “I always forget about it after, but it keeps coming back. It was… different, today.”
“What happens in the dream?” a delicate crease formed between Jimin eyebrows.
“I’m in a dark room…” your eyes wandered to the air by his ear as you tried to picture it, “there’s this woman there. And she’s always saying something, but I can never hear. And there’s a fire. Today she made the fire grow, and I could hear her for once, but I still didn’t understand what she was saying.”
“Strange…” he murmured.
“I know,” you sighed, shuffling closer to him under the duvet, “but let’s go back to sleep.”
“Not until I kiss you better,” he smirked, voice still husky with sleep as he rolled you over and planted more perfect kisses to your lips.
Quickly circling your arms and legs around him, you eagerly reciprocated. Your bodies fit together so well, both defying sleep as the kisses continued between your smiling mouths until the dream was well and truly gone from your mind.
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In the morning, your phone seemed to have resurrected itself from where it was charging at the wall, and it decided to announce this loudly to Jimin’s entire apartment. Both stirring at the same time when the ringtone blasted across the room, you extricated yourselves from each other.
Jimin reached across for his own phone, groaning when he saw that it was already eleven and promptly flopping back onto the bed. You, on the other hand, abandoned the comfort of the warm bed in favour of making whoever was calling shut up.
However, just as you reached your phone, it fell silent anyway.
Opening it and scrolling through the notifications, you found it was Jungkook who had phoned. You had used Jimin’s phone to text them in the end yesterday, and they said they would come back from the festival early to let you in, so you supposed he was back.
Taking it off charge, you opened Jungkook’s messages, of which there were several from last night.
Before you could read them, though, Jimin’s ringtone started up. Looking up, you admired his muscular back as he twisted to pick it up.
“It’s Jin,” he frowned, looking to you.
Sitting back on the bed, you just shrugged.
“Hello?” Jimin greeted.
He was leaning back on one arm, but as he listened to whatever Jin was saying, he sat forwards, face growing serious.
“O-okay, yeah,” he said.
Startling you, he pushed the covers aside and pulled his wardrobe open, one hand still occupied with the phone. When he had pulled out a random pair of jeans and a shirt, he turned to you. He crossed the room rapidly, holding out the phone for you to take.
You stared between his face and the phone, then shook yourself and hurriedly took it.
“Y/N, we just got back… I think you should probably come here.”
“Okay, we can come soon, what’s going on?”
“Um, well…” for a moment your heart froze as he paused, fearing what might be wrong. Jungkook could be heard faintly in the background.
“Are you still there? Jin?”
“There was a fire.”
Now it was your turn to be silent. You were aware that your boyfriend was undressing right behind you, but all you could do was sit still.
“What?” you choked.
“Listen, don’t worry, it’s going to be okay-“
“How bad?”
Another pause from Jin, and you knew he didn’t want to say.
“Most of the apartment is fine, it’s just your room…” you heard the soft creak of your sofa as he sat heavily, “just come here, okay? We’ll sort something out.”
“Y-yeah. See you soon.”
Shakily, you stood. Jimin was fully dressed, car keys already in hand.
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It was exactly like Jin had said, but that still didn’t make it any better.
You knocked on the door, greeted with a lingering hug from Jin. He always gave those kind of hugs, like he was trying to hold you together with his own arms. From the outside, your place looked the same, but you could already see black streaks on the wall as you looked down the corridor, where Jungkook nervously licked and bit his lip alternately.
Yoongi and Namjoon were also there, trying very hard to blend into the wall. They took the first chance they could to join Jimin by the door as you stepped past them all towards your room.
Black seeped around the edges of your door. You felt numb as you pushed against it, swinging it open to reveal an unrecognisable space. Everything was completely ravaged by the fire, curtains hanging from the pole in rags, dark debris covering the floor and furniture stained darker than it was ever meant to be.
Your feet disturbed the dust of what was once yours, carrying you further into the wreckage.
Until a hand landed on your shoulder, you simply stood, paralysed. But then Jimin was next to you and you broke into his arms.
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“The firefighters were here this morning when we got back,” Jin said, “they told us a candle set fire to your curtain and it started from there.”
You nodded.
That’s all you had been doing for a while since the lot of you had camped out in the living room back at Jimin’s. You had been huddled against him ever since as your flatmates made calls to the landlord, insurance, repair services and so on.
It wasn’t too severely damaged.
That’s what the general consensus was, and you could go back to living there after a couple of days unless any complications were found as they cleaned up the house. But for you, it was different. It was your stuff that had burned.
Even the photos in the hallway that burned, the only victims of the flames that had escaped your room, were all of you. For the thousandth time, you questioned if someone out there really hated you so much.
At least your friends didn’t.
They hadn’t expected anything of you, letting you stay silent and sorting everything out. Now that all anyone could do was wait, a lazy day was declared and the blankets made a return appearance.
Jimin invited his friends Tae and Hoseok, who were apparently also friends with his flatmates, and Jin went shopping with Namjoon, insisting on cooking later.
You had to admit, being surrounded by Jimin and your friends did lift your spirits. Taehyung and Jungkook had instantly hit it off, goofing around as crap TV played in the background. All the sweets you had failed to eat the night before came in especially useful for such a big group.
Jin’s food was excellent as always, and you had recovered enough by dinner time to notice something different about your friend.
“Did you see my messages last night?” Jungkook whispered, digging his elbow into you. You squealed, but he shushed you, looking around at the others.
It was getting dark, and you had all piled together for a film (not horror).
When the others’ eyes left you, you glared at your youngest friend.
“I didn’t. What is it?”
Beside you, Jimin’s arm tightened around your waist as he leaned forwards, resting his chin on your shoulder to hear Jungkook too.
“Yeah Kook, what is it?” he chuckled.
“Jin-hyung was on date!” Kook’s big eyes sparkled with excitement as you sat forward with a start, evicting Jimin from his spot on your shoulder.
“What?!” you whisper-shouted.
“I know!”
Spluttering for something to say, you grabbed Kook’s hands as you both bounced up and down on the sofa, Jimin hiding laughter behind his hand at the two of you.
“Who was it? How did you find out? Did he like them? Ohmygod!” you rambled.
Jungkook laughed, but supressed it quickly, smile full to bursting as he leaned forwards, barely containing himself.
“Namjoon-hyung,” he whispered.
Now Jimin’s eyes bulged from his head along with you.
“Oh my god.”
Satisfied with your reactions, Jungkook giggled as you and Jimin exchanged looks.
“Hush, you lot. And I would be careful – Jin and I are not the only ones who seem to have got up to something this weekend.”
Three pairs of wide eyes turned towards Namjoon, who was right beside Jungkook. He simply snorted a laugh, dimples making an appearance as he turned back to the film without another word.
You stayed quiet after that.
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Jimin had to admit, your pessimism seemed to be justified.
From a roof tile falling on you, people spilling coffee on you, your keys vanishing mysteriously on the very night your apartment caught fire, unlucky would be an understatement. Now he sat in the library, mind drifting back to all the time he had known you.
The first time you had come round to study, he remembered staring in surprise at all your memory sticks. You kept so many on you, as well as saving your work onto enough clouds to make a storm, on top of keeping notes on paper.
Perhaps you weren’t just disorganised as you claimed. In fact, you seemed extremely organised, but you insisted your documents went missing all the time.
He placed down another book on the growing pile beside him, pulling the next one out.
When he had taken you back to your room after the fire, he sadly placed a row of charred pot plants in a bin bag. They were all dead anyway, you had said, I can never keep them alive.
Yoongi had come to the library too, under the guise of studying. If studying consisted of forcing Namjoon to let him into the staff room for unlimited coffee, then he was being very productive.
But when Jimin confessed his fears, Yoongi had also told him about you dreaming in class.
Only a few passing paragraphs had struck him as relevant so far in his quest for research, and the sky was already dimming outside. Only a couple more books sat on his left side, the books he hadn’t read yet. Sighing in defeat, he placed yet another book across to the right and pulled the largest tome yet over to him.
This one didn’t look like it had been touched in years, leather binding groaning as he heaved it open, coughing at the dust that spewed from its pages. But finally, he saw something promising in the contents.
Turning the yellowed pages, he reached his destination, instantly knowing from the illustrations that this was it. A full moon, just like the one outside the library window. A wilted plant. A spider-web of swirling black smoke.
Eyes devouring the words on the page, he eventually sat back. For a moment, he looked at the thin air in front of him, swallowing hard.
Then he sprung into action, pulling out his phone and snapping photos of the book. It shut heavily in another cloud of dust, and then it was away on the shelf and Jimin’s thumb was hovering over your contact as he rushed to his flatmates at the desk.
“I’ve found it!”
Namjoon mumbled something that sounded a lot like finally as Yoongi turned away from him towards Jimin. He was already calling you, wanting to meet up to share his findings.
The ringtone stopped, and he opened his mouth to greet you, only for your voicemail to speak first.
Brow creasing, he pulled his phone away and hung up, pressing call again.
“What is it?” Yoongi asked, but Jimin was looking past him. The moon hung so innocently in the sky, but Jimin’s veins were turning to ice.
“We have to go. Now.”
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The week following such an eventful Halloween had been a blur. You were pretty sure tonight was the first time you had been alone since that night.
Jungkook was at home with his family for his brother’s birthday, Jin working late at the restaurant.
Jimin had been working in the library all day with his flatmates too, leaving you at your newly repaired house all by yourself. As per a yearly tradition, Jin had salvaged some pumpkins from his work that were due to be thrown out when pumpkin pie left the menu, but you were the only one around to carve them at the moment.
But you were bored. And there were plenty, too many if you were honest, and you were always terrible, so it wouldn’t hurt to practise before Jimin had to witness your shocking pumpkin art skills.
And this was how you ended up in the middle of a storm of pumpkin innards in your kitchen, wonky face leering from the unfortunate vegetable behind you as you looked around at the mess.
Having already slipped over once on the orange goo, you decided cleaning up took priority over improving your artistry. Setting the knife down, you bent down and scooped up the largest clump, a few seeds falling from your hands as you shuffled over to the bin on your knees.
Pushing your hair behind your ear and leaving a sticky orange clump while you were at it, you leaned across to another patch, right at the base of the counter.
But as you stretched out your fingers, a shape fell down your vision. Before you could even blink, you felt a sharp, stabbing pain in your arm as metal clattered to the tile.
Recoiling, you were met with bright red. The knife that had leapt from the side was the sharpest one in the kitchen, Jin’s pride and joy. Where it had hit your arm, aided by gravity, it had easily sliced into your skin which now spewed blood at an alarming rate as you jumped up, eyes glued to the injury.
Bandages. Clean it. Stop the blood.
Minor first aid had been drilled into your head since you were younger, given all the scrapes and bruises you accumulated. But now, as red spattered onto your kitchen floor, you couldn’t seem to remember the order to do things.
Where were the bandages anyway?
No, clean it. Yes.
Ripping your eyes away, you clutched the edge of the sink as you stuck your arm under running water. It burned like fire into your cut.
Snatching your arm back, you watched the pale red splash up the edges of the sink, now falling onto the counter too. Shit. Clamping your other hand over the injury, you squeezed it and hissed in pain just as the room wobbled around you.
Scratch all this. You needed to lie down.
Eyes set on the sofa, you stepped towards it, but you never made it that far.
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In the brightness of the room, only one face is visible. A woman with age-worn skin is looking at you.
She is talking.
Fire blazes all around her, throwing her face into light, nearly erasing the wrinkles that cling to her.
She is louder than the fire, words you do not recognise spilling from her lips. You’ve heard this kind of thing before, though, and you know she is gifted. Her words carry the distinct sound of the language of magic.
Though you do not understand it, you know she is not a friend.
But her words change.
Within the hostile words, there is one you know. A name.
But it isn’t yours. Why are you here if she wants Eunji? Eunji is your grandmother’s name.
Before you can ask, the fire stops burning. Silence returns.
In the darkness of the room, only one face is visible. She is lit by moonlight.
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“Why are we in such a hurry anyway?” Yoongi eyed his friend in the passenger seat as he chewed his lip, looking back at his phone for the third time in a minute.
“Something bad might have happened.”
Resurfacing from his blank phone screen, Jimin watched the light turn to green, relieved when Yoongi pulled away much too fast.
When they pulled up outside your building, Jimin had already thrown his seatbelt off, jumping out before Yoongi had even turned the car off. Frowning, he followed his friend as he ran to the door, nearly beating it down with the force of his knocks.
No one answered.
He had thought you could be just napping, missing the phone calls. Letting your phone die was a special talent of yours, anyway.
But no one could sleep through the racket Jimin was making.
Joining Jimin at the door, he looked around. Since you had been locked out, Jin had given in and had a spare key made to ‘save you from yourself’. Picking up a pot plant from the doorstep, Yoongi revealed the key, which Jimin instantly dived for.
“Y/N?” Jimin was running up the hallway.
Yoongi heard him gasp before he had reached the corner himself, but it made him speed up.
It was a good thing Jimin had panicked. Because there you were, out cold on the kitchen floor, blood flowing from your arm and a knife stained red lying nearby.
Yoongi already had his phone to his ear as Jimin crashed to his knees next to you, crying out your name and pulling you onto his knees. No response came. Looking wildly around him, he grabbed for a towel, rolling it up and pressing it into your arm where the blood still seeped out.
He barely heard Yoongi talking behind him as he swallowed down the lump in his throat, free hand cupping your face, running his thumb shakily across your cheekbone.
The paramedics didn’t arrive for too long. Then he blinked and they were everywhere, hands pulling him back away from you. You got lost in the water warping his vision.
But you would be okay.
That was what they said, but he could barely believe it when he walked into your hospital room at last, greeted with your eyes, awake and alive. Your sheepish smile, embarrassed at another mishap.
It felt like air had entered his lungs for the first time since it all left him when he had seen you on the floor some hours ago.
“Thank god,” he choked when his face was finally pressed into your hair, arms holding so tight you weren’t sure you would ever escape. Not that you would complain about that.
His lips found yours desperately, telling you how much he cared, how much he worried. Eyes fluttering shut, you returned the embrace, reveling in the feeling.
A cough startled you apart.
“Get a room,” Jin complained. It didn’t quite have the same effect when his smile wouldn’t leave his face.
“In case you hadn’t noticed, we are in a room,” you retorted.
Nonetheless, Jimin stepped back and let Jin hug you. Yoongi followed not far behind with a carrier of coffee for everyone. Jungkook had already called you, just before they all arrived, promising bucketloads of junk food when he came back.
“I thought I banned you from my good knives,” Jin fixed you with a stare as he sat down.
You avoided his gaze.
“The others weren’t strong enough for the pumpkin,” you muttered, aware of how stupid it sounded.
He just sighed.
“I’m just glad Jimin turned up when he did,” Jin squeezed Jimin’s knee, “how did you know to come anyway?”
“Well…” Jimin shuffled in his seat, “I sort of found something out…”
Looking to the other occupants in the room, you found their gazes just as blank as yours.
“What do you mean?”
Tugging his chair a little closer, Jimin reached out for your hand, enclosing it in his.
“I was doing some research. We all know you’re clumsy, unlucky and bad things happen to you a lot-“
“Thanks Jimin,” you said drily, eyebrows climbing your face.
“No, no! I still l- you know what I mean,” he sighed after you burst out laughing at his panic, “no, but seriously Y/N, I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I study curses, and all the signs are there. Dreams, bad luck, unlikely accidents. I found a book, there was this illustration about a particular curse, it matched the scorch marks from the fire at your place exactly. It’s an old curse, elders used it to wish ill fortune on a family line, and it relies on moon magic. And tonight was a full moon, and this happened, so…”
Staring back at your boyfriend, you were glad for the grounding presence of his hand. You hadn’t understood all of what he said, not knowing anything about magic yourself, but it was clear what he thought.
You were cursed.
“But-but my family aren’t cursed,” you spoke quietly, “you said it was a family curse-”
“A family line curse,” he explained, “it only affects one person, but it’s a curse bestowed on someone else in your family. Sometimes people want to hurt a loved one of the one they curse, not the enemy themselves.”
“That’s horrible,” you whispered.
“I know,” Jimin said, “and that’s why we need to break it. I’m sure I’m right about this, it all fits. I can show you the book I found, if you want.”
Nodding, you looked at your lap.
“How do we break it?”
“That’s a little more tricky…” Jimin admitted, pushing a hand through his hair, “we need to find out who cast it in the first place. That way we can unwork exactly what was done, since it’s a highly personal curse.”
“My grandma,” you muttered.
“I think it was my grandma.”
You eyes met Jimin’s. Greeted with his full attention, you took a breath and elaborated.
“I had another dream… or, at least, I think it was a dream. It was while I was passed out. It was the same as before, but, well, it was quite different actually. But the woman, she definitely said my grandma’s name.”
“Then you’re probably right,” Jimin squeezed your hand, “shall we give her a call?”
As the dial tone bleeped in your ear, you looked around at your friends. Although Yoongi had dozed off in his chair, Jin was giving you an encouraging smile. When your eyes met, he gave you a thumbs up. Grinning, you leaned back into Jimin’s arms where he sat on the bed behind you.
“Hello?” your grandpa’s voice finally greeted you.
“Oh, hi, grandpa, it’s me,” you smiled.
“Hello sweetie! How are you?” he asked, “your dad told us you had an accident today.”
“Yes, I’m fine thank you. I was wondering if I could talk to grandma?”
“Ah, sorry love, she’s out at the moment. Bad luck.”
Not funny grandpa. Bad luck was the exact thing you were trying to shake off.
“Okay,” you sighed, “maybe she could phone me when she gets back?”
“Hold on,” your grandpa’s voice grew more distant. In the distance, a door clicked. “I think that’s her now. I’ll get her.”
Suddenly, his yell of ‘EUNJIII!’ made you jump, hurriedly jerking away from your phone.
“Hello dear?” your grandma’s voice crackled across and you deemed it safe to return the device to your ear.
“Hi grandma. I have something I have to ask you.”
“Of course,” you could practically hear her smiling, but you felt yourself growing hot. How were you meant to breach such a subject?
“Um, were you ever, I mean, how-“ a deep breath, “are you cursed?”
Wow. Real tactful, you scolded yourself mentally.
“Oh!” you grandma laughed on the other line, “I see, dear. Any reason you’re asking.”
“Um, just, that, maybe, I might be sort of… cursed, too,” you winced.
“I mean, you are quite unlucky…” she gave an awkward laugh, but offered nothing more.
“Grandma,” you begged, “please tell me.”
She sighed.
“Okay. Yes, I was cursed. I never believed it though, but ever since you came along, I started to see the truth. Your grandpa knows all this too, but I never thought it would be so bad.”
“But we can break it grandma,” you encouraged, “it can be broken if we know why it was cast in the first place.”
“You can really break it?”
“Yes, grandma.”
“I’m so sorry, I never knew anything about all this magic, I just thought… well, I can tell you what happened.
“Y/N, the thing is... I’m bisexual. And when I was your age, I had a girlfriend. When her mother found out, she was very angry. Back then, people weren’t accepting like they are now, and she wouldn’t tolerate us being together. They were from a community of magic and she blamed me for ‘leading her daughter astray’, and tried to curse me, saying I would feel her pain when I had a daughter of my own.”
“Oh,” you breathed. That made sense. Your grandma only had one child, your father. So… “I’m the next daughter in the family.”
“Yes, my dear,” your grandma sighed, “so you see why I never believed her. She was just a hateful old woman, and when your dad was fine, I thought the curse wasn’t real. I’m so sorry Y/N.”
“It’s okay, grandma,” you told her, “I still love you very much. We will break it. Thank you for telling me.”
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Magic in real life was nothing like what you had seen on TV. Well, you were doing a different kind, you supposed.
Jimin had a massive book on the floor in front of him, a row of dried plants beside him. Eyeing them, you took deep breaths. Jimin’s explanation hadn’t really made sense to you, so you just planned to go with whatever the process was.
You had understood one thing, however.
“Homophobic piece of shit curse,” you grumbled, picking aggressively at the floorboards. “This would be so much better if I had to kiss a girl, just to stick it to that woman.”
Smile tugging at his lips, Jimin looked up at you.
“Do you not want to kiss me?”
“Of course I want to kiss you, idiot,” you rolled your eyes, “I’m just saying.”
Chuckling, Jimin bent back over his book.
“Well, I think we’re ready. Then you never have to kiss me again.”
“No, Jimin!” you gasped, “I want to kiss you plenty!”
“Come here then,” he laughed.
Giggling, you walked to him and knelt in front of him, returning to the gorgeous familiarity of his kiss, his hands tantalising on your waist.
“Okay,” he panted, eventually drawing back, “that was a good practise. Time to do it for real. Are you ready?”
Nodding, you climbed off him and sat, mirroring his position cross-legged on the floor. At his reassuring smile, you closed your eyes.
You felt his soft palm rest on your forehead, and he murmured something. Though it was incomprehensible to you, it did stir something in you. Though your eyes were closed, your retinas seemed flooded with golden light, while something churned low in your stomach.
The hand stayed in place as the scent of lavender engulfed you, one of the plants Jimin had prepared. He spoke again.
Suddenly, the light flashed and disappeared, the world sinking into darkness.
One face is visible.
You know her, you have been here before, and she is still talking.
But now the smoke in the room is visible, light grey tendrils rising from burning lavender. There is no fire. The woman’s voice changes then.
The language of magic continues, but Jimin’s voice is sounding through the room, and another smell meets you, a herb you do not know.
You stay there for a while. Although you do not move, you are sure you could if you wanted. You aren’t in danger here anymore.
Her hand raises. She has done that before, but this time there is no threat. You are sure of it. You know it from the way light pools in her palm, warm, innocent, inviting.
You cannot look away.
Maybe you are floating. Something is pulling at you, and suddenly you gasp, tasting the herbs in the air. It feels like something is moving inside you. You clutch your chest, feeling something curling around your heart, fighting, and then it is rising and you are choking on it.
Maybe you are dying.
Gasping and spluttering, you find no air. But something finds you. A kiss like home, sweet against your lips, and when they pull away, air spills in.
A whisper by your ears, so close the breath moves your hair.
“Open your eyes.”
The room is light, and one face is visible. Jimin smiles.
“It worked!”
Tackling your boyfriend to the floor in a hug, you press your face into his chest. You couldn’t believe it. It was really gone!
“How do you feel?” he laughed.
“Great! Amazing! Perfect!” you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face, “I could do anything! I can have plants without killing them now, right! Jin might let me in the kitchen! Oh my god, I’m going to win a video game against Jungkook!”
Ecstatic, you watched Jimin laughing hysterically under you, joy written all over his face. It suited him.
Maybe now the curse was gone, you could do anything, but there was one thing you wanted more than all that.
“I love you,” you whispered, leaning down to kiss him.
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Please please please reblog if you liked it, sharing my work really helps me out! Thank you for reading💜
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Pulling Away - Tendou
This was a commission for @dont-mind-me-imjustpassingby​ with permission to post. I hope you enjoy it! My commissions are open if you would like one too! (3.1k words)
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Since the start of high school, you’ve shared your classes with Tendou - someone you would call a good friend of yours. He was different from some of the other people you’ve met: unfiltered, honest, and so, so bright. You heard around the school of some of the opinions against him, ones you never thought to be true. How could someone so kind, so supporting be a monster?
He was intriguing and you couldn’t help but want to get to know him more, and he seemed to want that too. Your first experience with him was when the teacher asked you to speak to the person next to you about a passage in the class book, and you were fascinated by his thoughts and personality. Over the next few years, you got to work with him more and hang out from time-to-time. There was never a dull moment with him, whether you were out late getting ice cream together or laying on his floor, side by side, talking about your thoughts. You trusted him; you wanted to be a big part of his life, just like he was for you. 
He had grown to have the same love for you. You were one of the first people who listened to him, who spent time with him and learned about his interests. You never seemed scared of him, or disgusted by the way he spoke or acted, or the way he looked, that he was so used to. You always gave him so much care and affection, hugging him or encouraging him during class or practice. Since he met you, he thought of you as the most caring, loving and accepting person he had ever met, and that’s exactly who you were – to everyone. He always thought of you as stray cat rescuer, saving people like him who no one else wanted to be around.  
The two of you were waiting in the long queue at the school cafeteria since Tendou said he’d treat you to a snack. It was only halfway through the day, but you were exhausted already, just wanting to get some food in you.  
“Why is this line so long?” you whined, dragging out your words and leaning your head on his shoulder. He chuckled, a wonderfully warm sound, and loosely wrapped his arm around your back.  
“It’ll go down soon, and then you’ll appreciate your food even more,” he tried to comfort you, but you sent him a glare. You were about to speak when a group of your classmates approached you, asking you a question about your next class. You quickly straightened yourself up, pulling away from Tendou and letting his arm fall back by his side. One of the guys in your class talked about some of the analysis he did as part of his homework, and you stared with wide eyes, praising him for his impressive work. You were too focused on your friends to notice the way his smile faded, and how he pulled himself further away from you. You were always so kind to everyone, friends or not – he’s noticed this over the few years that he’s known you. You never held back from complimenting others or being a friend if they needed someone to speak to or if they were alone.
At the weekend, Tendou had invited you to go shopping with him since he wanted to get some more hoodies. Of course, you quickly accepted, wanting to spend more alone time with him. You trailed through a bunch of stores as he flicked through the racks, making comments about each garment that had you giggling. He picked up some options he liked and left to try them on. A few moments later, he stepped out of the changing room and gave you a twirl.
“Whaddya think?” He asked, looking at you with a nervous smile.
“You look so good! It compliments your hair nicely,” you state with enthusiasm, giving him a thumbs up. Honestly, he wasn’t expecting to hear that from you; his cheeks started burning a little and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. ‘No, don’t get carried away,’ he thought, ‘she’s just being nice. She’s always nice. That’s just Y/N,’. It was hard enough to accept a compliment already, but it overwhelmed him a little at the possibility that people might be lying, people might just be being nice, and he’s not going to make a fool of himself on top of the comments he already gets.  
He gives you a weak smile, and a ‘thanks’, before heading back into the changing room and putting on his regular clothes. As he came out, he saw you lift your head from your phone, your expression changing from a smile to confusion.  
“Are you not trying on the others?” you asked, looking at the other 3 hoodies he brought in with him.  
“Nah, it’s fine. I’ve got plenty already,” he waved your question off, giving you a bright smile like always, then heading off out of the store once he put the clothes away. You two talked to an ice-cream café that was nearby since you knew he loved chocolate ice cream. He didn’t speak too much, less than usual, but you got the chance to watch him as he looked at the sky and surroundings. The warm sun radiated off his skin and hair, making him glow and glisten. His wide eyes looked so bright in the sunlight, and his soft hoodie was so inviting. Without thinking, you reached over a grabbed the edge of his sleeve, feeling the heated fabric between your fingers that brushed against the skin on his arm. This wasn’t the first time you’d done this so Tendou had gotten used to the feeling, but it still shocked him every time. You held onto his sleeve until you walked into the café, then dropped your hand as you looked over the menu board.  
“Let me guess, chocolate ice cream for you? With chocolate sauce and chocolate shavings?” You teased, looking over to him.  
He gasped dramatically, putting a hand over his chest, “how did you know?”. You let out a chuckle at his drama and replied,  
“I just know you well Satori,” you gave him a warm smile, before walking to the till to order. His mind seemed to glitch a little at your words, did you really learn to know him well? No, you came here often, of course you would remember, anyone would after that many times hearing him say his order. He took a deep breath, then moved closer to you.  
“And what can I get for your boyfriend?” The young, perky girl at the till asked, looking between you and Tendou.  
“O-oh he’s- he’s not my boyfriend,” you panicked, stuttering through your words as your cheeks burned hot. Boyfriend? You’d thought of it many times before but hearing it out loud was different. Could Tendou really be your boyfriend? As much as you wanted to play along with the idea that he was, in fact, your boyfriend, your embarrassment stopped you. What if it made him uncomfortable at the idea?  
He watched you as you defended yourself to the cashier, his eyes losing their shine that they had before. He expected you to quickly reject the possibility, but it still hurt. That was what he wanted to be, what he wanted to hear people ask, so that he could wrap you up with a grin and say confidently, ‘yes, I am her boyfriend’ and douse you in his love. He knew it would be bad for your reputation, your image to be associated with the likes of him, and he never expected you to want him in that way either, but witnessing you pull away from him was 100 times worse than his own thoughts he played in his head.
You ate your cold treat together, mostly in silence. You were still recovering from thinking of Tendou as your boyfriend, but you noticed him being oddly quiet and slower than usual, moving his ice cream around with his spoon.  
“Are you ok?” You ask, leaning over to tap his arm and tilting your head. He looked up suddenly, his face first lifeless, his cheeks were pale, and his eyes drooped. After he acknowledged your question, he pushed out a wide smile,
“Hmm? Of course! I’m fine, no need to worry,” he said in his typical joking tone, patting you on the head. He started quickly finishing his ice cream, finding a way to cover his low expression and have an excuse not to speak. You noticed though, you really did know him well, and you knew that he was holding back. It was hard to get through to him, to get him to open up though. He always built a wall around himself that not even you could get through.  
“Would you like to go walk in the park?” You asked as you both stepped out the café. His eyes widened slightly at your question, then looked towards the ground.  
“Actually, I think I’m gonna head back. I’ve gotta help Wakatoshi with some volleyball stuff. Um, see you later,” his voice broke as he talked but he tried hard to be convincing. He gave you a wave and a grin, before heading off in the opposite direction.  
You hadn’t heard from him at all over the rest of the weekend. You had messaged him once to see how things were going, but he hadn’t even read your text. You kept telling yourself that maybe he was just busy, or asleep. Maybe he really was helping the volleyball team sort some things out, but you knew this was unlikely.  
When you got back to school, you thought things would go back to normal and that as soon as you saw each other, you’d be able to talk like normal, but he didn’t even acknowledge you when you walked in. He kept his head down, fiddling with a pen.  
“H-hey Satori,” you sat next to him in your seat, leaning over a little and speaking quietly. He lifted his head towards you briefly, offering you his usual bright smile, a ‘hey’ then tucked his head back down. You were about to ask what was wrong when the teacher entered, sending students scattering to their seats. The whole time in class went without a single interaction between you and Tendou – he even asked the guy in front of him questions about the topic rather than you.  
During your lunch break, he headed off as soon as the bell rang and sat with his teammates. You watched him from across the cafeteria – he seemed like his bubbly self, although that wasn’t usually much to go by since he was a master of covering his emotions. You tried to ignore the possibility that he was avoiding you on purpose, throwing yourself into your conversation with your friends, though you couldn’t help but look over towards him every few minutes.
It continued like this for a few days; you approached him a few times each day, saying hello or asking a question about his day, but he always found some excuse not to talk to you, ending with him running off and you being alone. You just wanted to know what you did wrong, what you did to make him hate you?
If only you know how much he loved you, and how he was doing this to protect you and himself? He thought that if he distanced himself, if he tried to forget how perfect you were to him, then he wouldn’t feel so strongly towards you and mess up your friendship. The worst thing he could think of happening would be for you to reject him after he poured his heart out to you, so he removed himself before you could.  
After a week of this distance and many hours of lying awake wondering what was going on, you gave in and pulled up your phone. It read 10: 38pm; the bright light straining your eyes in the dark as you lay in bed. You pressed call under his name, and anxiously awaited as the phone dialled. You didn’t think he was going to answer, but you heard the accepting click of the line just before it went to voicemail.
“Satori? Hey,” you questioned across the phone as he hadn’t spoken.
“Hey, what’s up? It’s late you know, you should be in bed,” his tone teetered between being caring and forced.  
“I… I just wanted to talk, are you free?” You heard him shuffle around a little as he stayed silent for a few moments,
“Actually, I’m just in the middle of helping Wakatoshi with some chores so-” you cut him off,  
“I know you’re alone. Please just talk to me,” you weren’t opposed to begging at this point for him to speak to you, you just wanted to fix things. He went quiet again for a little while, then let out a sigh that rattled through the receiver.
“Ok,” you barely heard him speak.  
“Ok? Can you meet me somewhere? At the park we used to go to behind the big tree?” You rushed out before he could change his mind. He agreed and hung up, leaving the pit of anxiety in your stomach to churn.  
You quickly got ready and head out, making your way to your meeting spot. He lived closer than you did, and you saw his red hair standing out under the light of the streetlamps nearby. He was wrapped up in layers of hoodies, tucking his legs close to his chest. You sat down quietly next to him, keeping a little distance that felt so unnatural. Neither of you spoke for a little while as you settled in to being close to each other again.  
“What did I do wrong?” You asked suddenly, gazing at the side of his face. He let out a deep breath and looked back at you.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” it almost sounded like a question, as if he had no idea why you were asking.  
“Then why won’t you talk to me? Why are you avoiding me like you hate me? I thought we were friends, and that we could come to each other when we had a problem,” you voice was unsteady as you spoke as your mind rattled through various emotions.  
“Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just been busy,” he hated lying to you, but he didn’t want to get into this – this was exactly what he was trying to avoid.  
“Stop lying to me! Just tell me what I did wrong? Let me fix it. Or at least tell me that we’re not friends anymore so I know,” your eyes filled with tears, shocking Tendou. He didn’t know you cared this much about your friendship, not enough to cry over him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, so he pulled his head down and held it between his palms.  
‘I don’t want to be your friend,” he murmured, loud enough that you still heard. Your eyes grew wide as tears rolled down your cheeks. You were speechless, but he continued.
“I don’t want to just be someone you hang out with because I have no one else, I don’t want to just be someone you try and make happy. I want to be so much more than that,” his voice was muffled in his position, but you heard him clearly.
“What do you mean?” He shook his head at your question, looking up at the dark sky.  
“It doesn’t matter. I’m never going to be enough anyway, not that I blame you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you are more than enough.” He let out a sarcastic chuckle at your words, not believing you at all. You moved from your spot to sit in front of him and held his hands in yours. “I think you’re amazing, Satori. You’re so bright and intelligent, you always make me happy and I love how generous and caring you are. You’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you, Satori, you mean too much to me. I love spending time with you and talking to you. I… God…I love you.” You didn’t really think about what you said, letting your heart take over and spill your thoughts. He stared intensely at you, frozen in his spot. He went to speak but stopped himself and pulled your joined hands close to his face, resting just in front of his lips and closed his eyes.  
“I thought if I distanced myself from you I would stop having feelings for you, because I don’t want to ruin what we have, and I don’t know what I’d do if I told you and you said no. I thought I was making things better for us,” his voice cracked as he spoke quietly, keeping his eyes firmly shut.  
“You-you like me?” you asked hesitantly, watching him for a reaction. He nodded slightly and covered his whole face with your linked hands, but you pulled yours away. Instead, you lunged forward and pulled him into a tight embrace and let out a breath you had been holding. “Oh my god, I thought you hated me. I like you Satori, I really do. I have for a while I just had no idea you liked me.” You could feel him shaking slightly in your grasp, but he didn’t settle into your touch. In fact, he pulled away a little to see your face and spoke.  
“You do? You mean it? Please tell me you really mean it.” His eyes were red, and he spoke so weakly you barely heard him. You placed one hand on his cheek, cupping it and stroking his skin with your thumb.
“I mean it, I promise,” you rested your forehead against his, “I want you in my life, and I want you to be such a big part of it,” you gave him a gentle smile as you looked in his eyes. He smiled back at you, one so genuine that his eyes scrunched up and they seemed to glow. You admired him for a moment, then slowly leaned in, kissing him delicately. Your lips barely brushed against each other’s, but you felt the sparks that tingled their way through your skin. Both of you paused after pulling away, revelling in this state of bliss.  
“I guess I have some making up to do but thank you for being mine.”
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