#big tall men who like to be and stay in control finding the safety to be vulnerable and put their body in their partner's hands
remyfire · 4 months
Really appreciate how many men on MASH are giants because it's so enriching to think about them bottoming
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
The Undead collab
for @biaswreckingfics the undead collab! such an amazing collab and I am honored to write for Lay.
summary : The world had been destroyed. Zombies. Yes, you heard me right. Zombies took over humanities. They said it was conspiracy, others said it was planned, someone said it’s a bio weapon but you? You said this was fate and this was meant to be. In the middle of the chaos, your last proof as being a human started to disappear. And in times where you wished for safety, you did finally come to find the man who’s been embracing you in your dreams. Your online sugar daddy.
Semi smut (not explained just mentioned), romance, survival story
members : EXO-M
Pairing : lay x reader
WC : 3702
tw : zombies, daddy issues
The world had been destroyed. Zombies. Yes, you heard me right. Zombies took over humanities. They said it was a conspiracy, others said it was planned, someone said it’s a bio weapon but you? You said this was fate and this was meant to be. In the middle of the chaos, your last proof as being a human started to disappear. And in times where you wished for safety, you did finally come to find the man who’s been embracing you in your dreams. Your online sugar daddy.
You’ve lost count of the days. To be honest day and night don’t feel different as you have to stay alert all the time. There’s no time to rest, no time to slack, and no time to worry about what you left behind. It all started as a gas leak in a big biohazardous factory. The company keeps it secret, slowly affecting the workers there who are trying to fix the leak. It’s not a green smoke like what you would see in a Disney villain movie, it’s a nicely colored pink gas that smells sweet but is deadly enough to churn your organs and make you turn into what the society calls “zombie”
The outbreak spreads faster than the plague, with the infected “biting” the human and changin them into zombies. The conspiracy theories maker believe this was planned as how all zombie films look exactly like this. The scientists believed this were an unprepared bioweapon aimed to be released a century from the latest pandemic in 2020. You? You believe this is just fate and that there’s no meaning to hustle about what’s right. You just have three things in your head. Run, Adapt, Survive.
You’re glad you still have your phone, charger, knife, and a radio to contact any bases that have survivors in them. You’ve survived the days by running, hiding, and stealing big cars to help you run over the town. This morning, you got a signal from your radio saying that there’s some group of survivors on a certain latitude and longitude. You quickly take notes of it, and tell them over that you’re going to join them. As you pick your stuffs and put your compass on, you hear your radio static voice.
“How can we ensure you’re human?” one of them with a deep voice asks over the radio and you roll your eyes “Would a zombie be smart enough to find radio signals and communicate?”
You hear a loud laugh on the other end and you note that there’s more than one person there.
“How many of you are there?” you ask suddenly afraid if it’s a too big group and you have to make hard decisions with bigger parties.
There’s a shuffle and a voice comes in “There’s only 6 of us. I am the leader, Kris and you?”
You start your engine, “I’m (y/n). I’ll arrive before the sun sets hopefully.”
“Good luck and stay safe. We hope to see you in one complete piece. Over.”
“Who is it Kris?” The young man with a sweet dimple asks the leader after hearing the short conversation on the radio.
“Oh, from the voice I’m pretty sure she’s a survivor like us.” Kris peeks over the blinds of their hideout and notices how empty the road is.
“Can you reach Suho? I wonder if they survive too.” the same guy asks again.
Kris pats his shoulder “They’ll be okay Lay, don’t worry. I’m sure Suho can take care of the guys. Now, what about we try to find food for tonight?”
Lay sighs “I don’t know. With Luhan being weak today from using too much of his powers, I have to be here to help him heal faster.”
Kris sighs, with the 12 of them divided it was harder to fight the zombies. They are gifted with supernatural powers, but at the moment 6 of them are in another place and its their goal to reunite.
Kris left his radio and went to shower. They call themselves the EXO-M, with 6 members of their own powers.
You stop over an abandoned supermarket, after making sure there’s no one around, you quickly hoard all the canned foods and waters. Picked up fires and some warm blanket for you to sleep tonight.
Your journey to their basecamp was not smooth, with you having to walk over some hoard of zombies. With your eyes shut close you hit the gas and just move forward without thinking.
“Hey, hey can you hear me?” your radio suddenly turns on and your ears perk up when you hear the sound.
There was a sudden pause.
Lay gulps and shakes his head when he hears your voice.
“Sorry, but can you bring us some food supplies?”
You sigh “I already did. You’re lucky but did you know how crazy it would be if I have to go back?”
He groans “You’re a handful aren’t you?”
You were too focused on the road, not filtering your word “I AM. You can say I am a sugar baby at all time, so yeah I am a handful.” you yell that as you strive through some muddy place and you notice there’s a small strong bunker in the middle of the field.
Lay stays silent as he controls his beating heart. Why does something rings a bell in his memory.
He grits his teeth and shake his head “Just come here quick. We have to help our brothers.”
You groan “I am in front of a bunker pretty sure this is where you guys are. How come you can find a place without any infected people?” you ask as you see a man opens the door for you to come in.
“Chen, Tao, Xiumin and Kris go take her foods and keep it safe.”
You yell as the dimpled man grabs your hand into the bunker. You shake it off “Hey, that’s my food supplies!”
“First off my name is Lay.”
“Okay Lay,” you cut him off “Stop robbing my supplies.”
Lay’s eyes turn dark “Hey, you’re the guest here. Don’t you think it’s also dangerous for us to just accept you here?! If it’s not because of Tao’s clumsy hand pressing the radio to give you a signal, Kris won’t bring anyone in.”
You feel offended, “If you don’t want me here you can say that directly. You’re not my master or husband or whatever, i can go if you want that so bad, but let me take all my stuffs with me.”
As Lay was about to spit back words to you, a strong grip separates both of you and you gasp surpsied.
“(y/n) right? Nice to see you come in one piece. I am Kris, sorry if Lay said anything that hurts you. He’s been alert for the last two days trying to heal our exhausted brother. I apologize on his behalf.” Kris, bows at you in a respectable angle and your anger fumes down. He sure is the leader and you’re glad his words didn’t sting.
“Thank you Kris, I like your welcome better. I came here with supplies, I want to share it with all of you but Lay here just robbed my car.” you sneer at the tall man and he just rolls his eyes.
“Lay, would you mind taking (y/n) to the bathroom? She can use some shower and you can check if she needs any medical healing.”
“We’ll take care of dinner. Don’t worry, you’ve had a long day. Good job in arriving here.” Kris sends you off and walks away. You sure like how this Kris manners are
You want to protest for being left with Lay but Lay’s firm grip dragging you into the bathroom left you with no option than to follow him.
“I’m sorry, your voice just reminds me of someone and I was distracted.” he suddenly speak up from the shower stall next to you.
You turn your neck to see him, the shower walls are not that tall for Lay. You can see his head from the side, but it covers your height nicely.
You gulp and continue washing your hair, facing the other way as you always did when you wash your hair. Your back facing the shower so that your eyes are free from the water.
“It’s okay, i am sorry I was just stressed and tired too. I swear I am not a handful.” you blush when you remember the first introduction between both of you.
Lay has a special memory working in his head and he chuckles “You’ll say I am wild but you reminded me of my sugar baby.”
You blushed, feeling a tingle on your naked body “Oh, in what way?”
He turns the shower off and looks at you “I never see my sugar baby, We both don’t know how each other look. We’re just talking and chatting and having fun remaining anonymous.”
Now it’s your turn to gulp and turn the shower off, you grab the towel Lay prepared earlier and wrap yourself in it “Now that’s interesting. Mind to tell me why you suddenly remember her?”
Lay chuckles and looks to the ceiling “We did voice calls sometimes, and when you said “I am a handful” you really sound like her.”
You bashfully stare at your feet. There's a bothersome fact in your head that also says Lay sounds like someone you know.
“Alright, I guess we need to go join the others?” you reappear in front of him with your fresh set of clothes you just took from the supermarket.
Lay nods “Before that, a quick check. We can’t have you bleeding or injured around here.” He twists and turns your body checking and pressing here and there to see if you have any wound or broken bones.
“You’re quiet strong for you to be alone for days. Just wounds but no big injuries! I can heal your internal injuries so the infected at least can’t smell you that strongly.” Lay explains and you just nod.
“How will you do that?” you squeak and he smiles “You’ll discover tonight.” he winks and your heart stops a beat when memories of a voice comes back to your head.
He couldn't be…
Dinner was better than what you have had for the past days. Somehow the EXO-M have their own food supplies here but they are also running out of foods.
"Before we eat, let's thank you our new sister here (y/n)," the man with doe eyes smile at you nicely and make all the rest of the men stare at you.
You shake your head "No problem, I should he the one to thank you for accepting me inside. That's a big trust you have."
The men chuckles and Kris hushes them down "We sure knows because only special people like us can survive this long." He begins to take the foods on the table and the rest of them also joins.
You were sitting next to Xiumin and he helps you to get your foods on your plate.
"We eat from the same pan, so don't worry. We don't plan to kill you or hurt you." He grins "I am the one cooking so please enjoy it."
You chuckle, if this was Lay's cooking maybe you will be careful remembering how your first impression wasn't good. Though something still bothers your mind when you see him take a glance or two at you.
You learn about their abilities, a supernatural power that helps them survive until today. Just like you, the 6 men here have their powers and they have a separated brothers who also own powers. Their goal is to reunite and survive together but as far as you understand their story, they still cannot reach EXO-K and no news know what happened to them.
Kris was able to fly, making him the one to do errands like finding foods and shelters. Xiumin is their frost guardian. Luhan is gifted with telekinesis that's why when there was an attack, he had to work hard blasting the zombies away. You learned that Chen has a beautiful and powerful voice and he is gifted with making thunder. Tao can mess with time but he hasn't master time travel yet and finally lay. Lay has a healing power.
"So the 6 of you are unstoppable." You conclude as you drop your chopstick when you're done with food.
They nod "We're quite powerful now but you see we're getting weaker. And we need to meet the rest of the brothers to become more powerful."
"So what's your power?" Tao, the youngest, blurts out the question and you laugh
"I don't have a power. what are you talking about?"
Tao whines about how you don't need to hide it from them but you really don't know what they're talking about
"I am just a regular human." You snap and that brings an awkward silence to the room. You see kris looking cross at Tao and you can't stand the stares so you excuse yourself to hide in the only place you've been. The bathroom.
You turn the sink on and wash your hands, trying to cool your head down but you cannot focus when you see the small tattoo on your wrist. A tattoo of your family surname. You run your fingers over it. Feeling your tears collect again when you remember how they all died on the first week of the apocalypse. You lost everyone and everything you love. You're forced to run and you're so young to survive because your father reminded you that whatever happen go run for your life and leave your loved ones behind.
You wash your face, trying to hide the tears that fall on your cheeks.
when you hear another footstep coming into the room, you turn the water off. You saw him coming and you expected he'll greet you with a "Stop wasting the water silly" but all you heard was a sweet deep voice you've always heard on your lonely nights. On nights where you feel so lonely and dark thoughts loom around.
"May I little one?" A voice you remember.
You turn your head to face him and shake your head "Are you really who I am thinking?"
Your heart screams "Yes daddy," but that doesn't leave your mouth.
He stops and stares at his feet "Are you someone I am thinking of?"
Both of you don't answer the questions. Instead, Lay sits down on one of the benches there and you lean on the washing table.
"You really remind me of my online sugar baby. I hope she's doing fine. I hope she survived. I cared a lot about her."
You let Lay continue talking.
"She said she likes to shower backway, her face away from the shower head. You did that earlier and I was surprised. But hey coincidence could happen right."
You blush laughing a little "You sound like you really care for her."
He nods "She's my favorite."
You play with your hair "Tell me more. I guess listening to stories like this is better than just getting asked about how my journey here looks like."
Yes you really don't need a reminder on how scary getting chased after a mob of zombies is.
"I don't think I'll ever hear from her again." He suddenly leans back and closes his eyes
"Oh how I wish i ever see her."
You fish your pocket and grab your phone out
"Do you want to borrow my phone and maybe look up her account?" You pass him your phone and he looks interested
"We didn't get the chance to take our phones when we had to evacuate. Silly us right." He brushes his hair back and you caught a glimpse of his abs.
"Will this ring a bell to you?" You clear your throat and calm your heartbeat.
"Sugar sweets here ready for you daddy" you close your eyes ready to feel embarrassed if things didn't go as planned. You can feel your ego crumbling but instead of a laugh or a wtf, you got a reply "Daddy's here sweetie, tell me what you want"
Both of you avoid each other's eyes for a minute. Ears flushing red and stomach filled with butterflies. Both of you suddenly laugh and chuckle
"So, you're my sugar daddy?" You finally ask after realizing how weird this should be but its not that weird.
"And you are my sugar baby!" He smiles "I am glad you are safe and here with me."
You walk to his side and sit next to him "i am sweetcheeks14"
He pinches your cheek "And i am the man behind sinfulwhispers"
The two of you laugh and you exhale a breath to relax
"So. What is it your super power?" You chuckle suddenly feeling stupid for asking that
Lay looks at you seriously "You think we were kidding? I really have a healing power."
Before you can scoff and reply with another power to joke around, he already pulls you to face him and as he concentrates you see his hand sticking out just few centimeters away from the stomach you actually hurt yesterday. Despite your attempt to laugh, you actually feel your stomach ache gone and a warm feeling runs in your body.
"There should be good as new. You're welcome." He clicks his tongue and you still freeze there unable to say anything.
"I- i don't know what to say." You touch your stomach again making sure it is really gone the pain.
He just sits down calmly beside you. Giving you time and space to think what the heck just happened.
“I know it’s confusing, but try to think about this.” he brushes your hair away to see your face. His warm big hand creeps up to reach your chin and holds it there “You’re a wonderful sweetheart and you’ve survived this long by yourself.” he searches your eyes to see if you’re scared of him or not, and when he sees your eyes twinkle, Lay erases the gap between you two.
“You have a super power sweetheart, you just have to embrace it.” he presses his lips on to yours and slowly bites yours.
You give in to his touch, finally tasting the kiss from your sugar daddy and finally just finally you’re not tensed from having to sleep in full alert, not stressed over where to take shelter.
Lay hugs you deep and that’s the time when you realize having someone by your side on hard times like this is the best.
Your tear falls from your eyes and when Lay wants to pull away and wipe it for you, you keep pressing his head to your lips and with one gentle move you flick your tears away only for both of you to jump back in surprise.
“What was that?” he asks suddenly holding your hand that just flick the small tears away and definitely leaves a hole on the toilet door.
You stare at your hands in horror, no way you have a super power.
Lay and you freeze in time, did you have that much power? Is that why you keep on slaying and killin the dead?
“Baby, I have a good feeling.” he picks you up before you can say anything and drags you out into a special room where you see a lot of training equipments.
“Would you mind?” he is already holding a boxing tape and you raise your palm to let him wrap your hands with the tape before he gives you an apple to your hand.
“Okay, now let’s see. We both will throw the apple and see whose will stick to the wall there.” he points to a side and you ask if it’s going to be okay.
Lay chuckles “It’s bulletproof, so let’s see.”
Both of you stand from the same line and throw the apples to the wall, sure enough yours leave a crack mark on the wall but not Lay’s
Suddenly the room echoes with claps and you turn your head to realize that the others are already here.
“We saw you running here with Lay, so we watched the camera.” Kris explained
You blushed, what if both of you were going to fuck, will they still be watching?
“Now, the final check to see if you’re still human is this.” Luhan points to a chair and you look at them confused.
“We’ll take your blood and do a quick lab test, our antibodies will be different if you’re immune to the “zombies” here.” Luhan explained as he already poked a needle into your vein and take a tube to test your blood.
“Go sleep and don’t think or worry about anything. We promise we won’t do anything to you. Take your well needed rest.” Xiumin explains and soon after the brothers discuss, Lay decided to take you into his room.
No one has to know what happens in that four walled space. You’re finally with your virtual sugar daddy and there’s a guarantee that the room is sound proof so both of you didn’t hold anything back.
“I’m glad you found me.” Lay whispers after both of you are done chasing your highs and cuddled nicely under the bed covers.
You yawn “I didn’t expect to finally be in your arms, but I will trade anything in this world to be here. I feel safe. Thank you Lay.”
Lay kisses the top of your head “Love you sweetheart, let’s see the result tomorrow and if you’re totally immune and like us, you’ll stay with us.”
You wonder what if you are not immune, will they throw you out? But before you can ask Lay already hugs you closer and hums a lullaby to your ear.
You settled on not trying to know what will happen if you’re not like them, and choose to sleep trying to think that everything is okay.
After all, you’re glad you find them and that they don’t disown you. Because having one more of the undead in their 12 immortal group is a good thing.
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 4 years
Undertow (VI)
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Word count: 3.5k+
Warnings: Descriptions of physical harm to Shawn 
Listen to the audio here
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5
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“Are you sure that’s the right one?” Merlin asked as he helped Ripley drag Shawn’s unconscious body through the water.
“Yes, I’m sure it’s the right one,” Ripley said, not bothering to spare a glance at the subject he’d been tracking down for the past few days. “You saw him up close yourself. How could you not be sure he’s the right one?”
“I don’t know. They all look the same. Brown hair, oddly specific t-shirts, absolutely jacked even though their jobs don’t require them to be that muscular.”
“Shut up and give him some oxygen, would you?” Ripley grumbled. “Tertis wants him alive when we arrive. A dead body won’t do him any good.”
Merlin tossed a small orb at Shawn’s face, filling the boy’s lungs with oxygen without waking him up. Tertis made it very clear that he wanted the subject alive and then proceeded to explain the consequences that would occur should Shawn be dead in very close detail. It made Merlin shiver just thinking about it.
“We’ll bring him to that cove before we hand him over to Tertis. Maybe we can get him to hand over some information before Tertis beats it out of him.” Ripley made a sharp turn in direction of the cove, jerking Shawn and Merlin along with him.
“But Tertis said to bring the subject directly to him.” Merlin was too scared to act out against the boss, the thought of Tertis’ threats plaguing his mind.
“Tertis can wait,” Ripley muttered, maneuvering around the rocks that guarded the cove Y/N had been stranded in days before.
The two men squeezed Shawn through the small spaces between the rocks and haphazardly threw his body onto the floor of the cove. Scrapes could be seen all over his legs and face from where he’d been dragged and dropped throughout the journey. He took a deep breath, his lungs no longer struggling to conserve oxygen like they did under the water.
“Do we wake him up?” Merlin asked as he dragged himself out of the water.
“Could Tertis have assigned anyone more stupid to this job than you?” Ripley kicked Merlin out of his way and stopped just inches away from Shawn’s body, nudging the boy’s hip with his foot. Nothing happened and Ripley let out an annoyed huff.
“The things I have to do.” He leaned down and smacked Shawn across the face, then proceeding to wipe his hand against the algae-covered wall of the cove
Shawn’s eyes shot open, frantically searching around the room as his breathing picked up. His breath caught in his chest once his eyes landed on Ripley, who towered over him and blocked most of the light that dared enter the cove. Nevertheless, the boy’s chocolate eyes sharpened in a squint, studying the stranger in bewilderment.
“Wh-where...who are you?” Shawn wheezed out, voice hoarse and throat aching from the saltwater. “Where is Y/N? Where are we?” His eyes frantically dashed to absorb the dripping walls of the cavern and the cold rock against his legs. “Why--”
“Quiet,” Ripley demands, grinding his teeth. “I thought you asked too many questions.” He muttered bitterly, sparing a glance towards Merlin.
Shawn attempted to control his panting, which echoed against the thick rock of the cove as Ripley carried on his talking. “I’m gonna say this once, so you and your land-walker brain better think, and think fast.” At the term he had only heard his new aquatic friend use, Shawn sucked in a breath. “I’m sure you can already guess what I’m about to ask you--”
“I don’t know what you’re talking ab--”
“I said quiet!” Ripley barks. Merlin winces beside the man as he raises his arm only to swing it back and administer a harsh strike against Shawn’s cheek. Immediately, Shawn’s hands wriggle in attempts to soothe the sting on the side of his face, but he pauses and elicits a puzzled murmur when his hands remain unmoving. Turning his head, he grunts at the sight of his wrists bound together quite tightly with seaweed.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. And I don’t want any other words out of your mouth except a location we can find Y/N. Otherwise, it’s going to be your head and hers mounted on the king’s wall by dawn. Understood?”
Shawn stays quiet.
“Now, tell me where Y/N is...and I’ll set you free. We can pretend this never happened and you can carry on living your little land-walker life.”
But Shawn found the thought sickening. To revert to his life before his entire wipeout and run-in with an Atlantean was an insane demand and one Shawn would rather die than grant. “Tell me now!” A vicious growl leave’s Ripley’s throat as he continues towering over Shawn.
“Fine...guess we’re gonna get answers from you the hard way.” Bringing his fingers up to his mouth, Ripley manages a shrill whistle, calling outward to the water. “Sandy!”
The boy could not hold back an amused snort at the call. “Oh no, not Sandy! I’m really in for it now,” he chuckles sarcastically. It has Ripley wishing he would have used extra seaweed to gag him. A few light splashes were heard until a noodle-esque figure flopped onto the rock near Shawn’s captors. Menacing laughs come from Ripley, who grips the fish bare-handed complemented by a sinister smile.
“Oh yes, you are…” He inches closer to the tied up boy and Shawn gulps at the sight of the rubber tube of an animal staring back at him with the same flash of evil in his eyes Ripley was currently holding in his own. Its slippery body had Shawn visibly shivering and already imagining the shocking pain he was going to endure from the eel.
“I’ll ask you one more time,” Ripley growled. “Where is the girl?”
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Wesley stared wide-eyed at the retreating shoreline. One minute, it was a regular afternoon on the beach. The next, the ocean looked to be about 15 feet farther back with waves tall enough to swallow a building. His feet were glued to the sand beneath him.
The rushing of his fellow lifeguards snapped him back to reality. He rushed towards the water, doing his best to redirect the people running into the towering waves for their loved ones.
“Ma’am, it’s not safe here. You need to run to shore and get to highland.” He grabbed the crying woman by the shoulders and turned her in the opposite direction.
“My son!” she cried, resisting Wesley’s attempts to divert her.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get him.” The woman didn’t look convinced but Wesley didn’t have time to worry about that, the calling of his name tearing his attention away from her.
“Wesley!” Y/N called as she caught sight of him in the middle of the chaos.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? You need to get back to shore!” Wesley caught hold of her arm once she was close enough, trying to turn her around so he could lead her back to safety.
“Shawn’s been taken. We gotta help him!” she said, referring to the moment she looked back in Shawn’s direction and he wasn’t there. She just knew he didn’t run to safety like she told him to. She took Wesley’s hand off her arm.  
“What do you mean he’s been taken?” He followed her as she jogged ahead.
“No time to explain. Just follow me!” She looked back at him to find pure terror on his face. “Everything’s going to be okay, I promise. You just have to trust me.”
“I can’t just leave! People need saving.” He stopped abruptly, almost running into a teenager running away from the waves.
“You’ll die if you go into that water! You’re going to save a lot more people if you come with me. I can’t do this without you.” They didn’t have much time. If they waited much longer the fate of Shawn and the town would be well out of their hands.
“I know how to stop this but I do know that if you don’t help me, we’re all going to be in serious danger!”
“Fine.” He shook his head clear of the fear plaguing his mind. His chance to be a real hero was finally here. “What do we need to do?”
“Your house. There should be clues there.”
“I’ll tell you once we get there but we need to go, now!” Y/N bolted in the direction of town, Wesley following a second later.
“Wait, Y/N!” he called as she made it to the edge of the parking area. “Get in the car. It’s faster.” Neither of them said anything as Wesley floored it to his house. He didn’t know what he was getting into, but he trusted Y/N enough. If she was that frantic, something in him just knew it was urgent. They flew out and ran to the door the second the car was parked, Wesley fumbling with the keys as he tried to unlock the door.
“Did your dad have any secret rooms? Anywhere you and your mom weren’t allowed to go in? He’s gotta have some information lying around here.” Y/N ran her hands along the walls, occasionally pulling books off the shelves that littered the living room.
“I was never allowed in his office.” Wesley closed the door and twisted the lock. “He kept it locked and he always has the key on him. There’s no way we’ll be able to get in.” He led Y/N to the oak door, twisting the handle to show that it was indeed shut tight.
“Leave that to me.” Y/N took a pin out of her hair and shoved it in the lock, maneuvering it until she was able to twist the handle and let herself into the massive room.
“How’d you do that?” Wesley questioned, surprised by her quick actions. “You don’t know basic facts about yourself, like where you came from, but you know how to pick a lock?”
“I wasn’t exactly my father’s favorite. Spent a lot of days locked in my room. A girl’s gotta get out somehow.” She walked in, immediately going to the stacks of books scattered around the office. She glanced back at him to see a concerned look stretching across his face as he opened a drawer from the big desk sitting in the middle of the room. “I mean . . . uh . . .”
“Wait, I think I found something!” Wesley stared down into the open drawer. “I don’t actually know what I’m looking for but I found something.”
Y/N hopped up, nudging him out of the way to get a better look. A cartoonish looking map stared back at them, the words City of Atlantis printed out in scraggly handwriting across the top. “Uhh . . . maybe?”
“It kinda looks like something I would’ve drawn when I was five now that I’m looking at it.”
“Put that to the side for now. Maybe we’ll find something else.”
10 minutes later and they still hadn't found anything. They were running out of time and Y/N was growing more frustrated by the second. All she needed was that stupid map. She slammed her hand on the side of the bookshelf, jumping back when it moved so easily. She pressed her hand on it again, the bookcase sliding over to reveal a black and white painting on the wall.
Wesley turned around when he heard the noise of the bookcase scratching the floor. “What the--”
“This is it!”
Painted on the wall was a black and white painting of the same map they’d seen earlier, with a few extra details. Extra towers and secret dungeons were clearly labeled around the castle Y/N used to call home.
“Got it memorized?” Y/N asked, promptly turning away after burning the image into her mind.
“What? No, I looked at it for 2 seconds! Why do I need it memorized?” He still wasn’t sure what was going on in any capacity and his patience was wearing thin.
“We can’t just take this giant piece of wall with us and you’ll get lost if you don’t know where anything is. The castle is gigantic and Atlantis is even bigger. You’ll need to know where you’re going in case we get separated.” She gestured for him to follow her out of the room.
“Castle? Atlantis?” Wesley crossed his arms and sat on the desk he found the first map in.
“I’m not moving until you tell me exactly what we’re doing, Y/N.”
“We don’t have time for that.” She gestured for him to get moving again but he kept his ground.
“Tell me what we’re doing right now or I’m not coming at all.”
“Fine,” she huffed, stepping back into the room. “Shawn’s been kidnapped. The storm acted as a distraction so they could get him. We have to go save him and humanity in one sweep. There’s your explanation. Let’s go.”
“That’s like a CliffNotes version. I need details so I know what I’m actually getting into.”
“What is a CliffNote?”
“Doesn’t matter. Explain!”
“Alright, you want details, here they are.” She closed the door and brought Wesley close as if she was afraid someone would overhear her secret. “I’m an Atlantean. My dad is the king of Atlantis and he forced me into an arranged marriage for political gain. You know, as dads do.”
“My dad never did that but go on.”
“Yeah, I’ve got some news for you, buddy.”
“Anyways, I ran away not long before the wedding was supposed to happen and my dad was not happy. He’s sending search parties after me and he has spies everywhere. Your dad kidnapped Shawn to get information out of him and lure me back to the castle. Your dad’s an Atlantean, by the way.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You wanted details, you’re getting them. Now shut your clam.” Her face meant business and Wesley decided it was better to do as she said. “They’re either at the cove or taking him to one of those dungeons. They’ll stop at nothing to get me back and I refuse to ever go back to that treacherous life under the sea.”
“Ooh, that’s a song from The Little Mermaid. I love that movie!”
“You land-walkers and your stupid mermaid movies. I am not a mermaid and Atlantis is not all fun and games! I had zero control over my life down there and I am not going back to that!” Tears welled in the corners of her eyes as she thought of going back to her previous life.
“Look, I didn’t mean to upset you. Let’s just go”
“I’m almost done, just let me explain the plan. I’ll call Douglas and he’ll get us to Shawn. If he’s at the cove, great. If not, the plan doesn’t change much. We go to Atlantis and search the dungeons until we find him. Once we do that, I’ll find my father. I’m gonna have to turn myself in while you get Shawn out. The two of you escape with Douglas. Once my dad locks me in the dungeon, Douglas will come back to get me, and hopefully, I’ll make it back here.”
“What if you can’t escape though?”
“It’s a risk we have to take. Getting Shawn back to shore is more important. I can survive down there. Shawn won’t last more than a few days.”
Wesley bit his lip as he took it all in.
“So you’re a mermaid? And my dad’s a mermaid?”
“We are not mermaids!” Y/N shouted. “I don’t have time for this. Are you in or are you going to let humanity suffer at the hands of a power-hungry idiot?”
“I’m in. Just let me get a picture of this map.” He pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of the painting.”
“That map better not leave that magic device there. If anyone else finds out about Atlantis, the whole sea population is in trouble.”
“It won’t, I promise.”
“We’ve wasted enough time. Let’s get going.” Y/N zipped out the door, not bothering to make sure Wesley was following.
He stood up quickly, taking one last look at the room before following the Atlantean out the door and into an adventure he hoped they all made out of alive.
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“The current is too strong, how are we gonna…” Y/N rolled her eyes and brought her pointer fingers up in between her lips. A shrill whistle halted Wesley’s desperate ask and allowed his ears to become very appealing to the palms of his hands. As Y/N continued whistling, the noise wafted along with Hawaii’s breeze and alerted some of her friends from home.
“Douglas! Hey boy, glad you brought some friends.” She ran towards the bottlenose, ignoring Wesley’s gaping expression as her legs threaded through the waves to pet the gray rubber of Douglas’s head. “Alright guys, listen up: I need you to bring me and my friend here to the cove just a little past the current. Douglas can lead the way.” Wesley continues to study Y/N’s flapping lips and the dolphins’ calm expressions as she instructed them. So Douglas is a dolphin...noted.
“How much saltwater did I drink?” he asks, bringing a hand up to his temple.
“Oh, and could you call us some backup? We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
Water spouts up from each of the dolphins’ blowholes and Y/N is greeted with eager chirps which could only send the right message.
Giggling, she says, “I’ll take that as a yes.” She turns back to find Wesley with his toes firmly dug in the sand. “Come on, we don’t have time to waste!”
“O-okay…” he decides, slowly wading his figure into the water. “I still don’t know how we’re getting through that current.”
“Oh, only the fastest transportation known to sea.” She spares a confident chuckle, before gently grasping Douglas’s dorsal fin. “Ever ridden a dolphin?”
“Um...once. When I was six...and it was technically a figurine on a carousel.”
“I don’t know what that is but it sounds close enough to me!” Y/N decides, readying herself as Wesley mimics her stance and takes hold of the bottlenose nearest to him.
“We’re ready when you are!” A series of chirps sound from Douglas.
“Yes, I promise I’ll get you Harry Styles’ autograph,” she groans, before surging off into the water with Wesley’s horrified screams keeping her company along the way.
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“Just tell us already, Shawn. This whole . . . torturing thing is getting kind of old, don’t you think?” The boy was twitching helplessly against the rock, staring up at Ripley and Sandy, whom he was gripping with an unyielding fist. Foam from the previous administrations of the eel to his ribs is spat from his mouth and onto the cold, hard surface of the cove as he maintains his unblinking stare with the knight. Quickly, they flick down to the slick eel controlled by Ripley’s fist.
“I hope you get hooked, canned, and sold,” the boy muttered sharply, trying to control the tremors still sweeping through his body.
Ripley hums at this. “Very well.” The screams Sandy’s electrified body pulled from Shawn echoed around the cove in a haunting manner. Even Ripley found his arms covered with chills, but he refused to acknowledge them.
“You ready to fess up now? I’m sure it’ll only be a few more whips of Sandy’s tail before we leave you for dead.”
“Why--why are you doing this?” Shawn manages through a whisper. “Why does she matter so much to you. You don’t own her.” A strangled cry left Shawn as he maneuvered his body against the rock.
“I could ask you the same thing. What’s a land-walker want so badly from an Atlantean? For all we know, you could be planning to send her away for experiments and expose our whole kind to your world. So, tell me, Shawn, what is your motive for not giving me answers?”
Douglas and tens of other bottlenoses crept slowly towards the cove as soon as Ripley’s booming voice became apparent. Wesley gulped, finding the octave and swing and cadence of the voice all too familiar for his liking. As they neared the edge of the cove, Y/N dismounted from the dorsal fin of her companion and Wesley mimicked the action from his.
“So what is it, Shawn? Hmm?” Ripley started slow footsteps towards Shawn, urging the boy to clench his teeth in preparation for another round of jolts against his body.
Y/N spoke quietly to Douglas and the others, urging them to stay put as she and Wesley heaved themselves up onto the rocky edges of the cove. Both Merlin and Ripley had their backs turned to them and Y/N perceived their slow-moving figures as they cornered a trembling form.
“Tell us! NOW!” The same thundering voice from moments before reintroduced itself. And now with--somewhat--of a visual, each of Wesley’s new-built fears had all come true before his eyes.
“Dad?” The boy whispers meekly.
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Look out for the next part of Undertow coming 3/19/21
Join the taglist to see what happens next! 
Taglist: @fallinallincurls​ @ilumxna​ @lonelyreputation​ @purely-imagines-and-fantasies​ @shawnmxndxs​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @sillyquirkymendessupporter​ @itsalwaysbeen305​ @friendlyneighborhood-mendes​ @marissje​ @princessmia1705​ @rosetoronto​ @itrocksmysocks​ @organicpurplepants​ @truthfulteenager​ @bluebellwoods​
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tallycraven · 4 years
thoughts on a raylla hercules AU?
ohhh? OH. I can see that, but with major changes to mythology to match themes, maybe? if disney did it so can i 
raelle is the daughter of hades and a mortal. not that she knows that.
her mother, hades, had to hide her and leave her in the mortal realm in fear of retaliation from the olympians. they would take her for their own, raise her as an arrogant demigod, charge her with duties of honor and glory-- send her to die on one of their battlefields. hades couldn’t have that. 
so, she snuck her baby away and hid her amongst the bushes, tucked between the safety of two cypress trees, hoping for her a better future than to be bound to the olympians or the darkness of the underworld. hades left her with nothing but a small bone charm, inscribed with her given name and imbued with the same kind of magic as the helm of darkness; something to keep her hidden from olympian view.
she was found near a ravine by a couple of farmers; a wife and husband that had been praying to the gods for a baby for so long that they hardly blinked at the chance of getting to raise the small pale being that’d been abandoned to the wolves.
raelle was raised with love and care despite the meager wealth of her parents, but she always felt like something was missing. 
she’s absurdly strong, for one thing. for another, she’s got a silver tongue and often wins any debate or bet with barely a bat of her lashes. 
this, in combination with her paleness -- fair of skin and hair with eyes close to frost on those rare snowy winter days -- led her to be shunned and feared by other children and villagers.
her adoptive parents, seeing her distress over the feeling of not belonging, shows her the bone charm, tells her of the runes inscribed along the back and the place where they found her. a gift from the gods, they call her.
it still doesn’t explain anything. 
raelle makes the decision to take the charm and climb to a temple of athena in search of answers.
when she makes it there, it’s nothing but a vast hall of stone and offerings. no goddess, no moment of clarity, no answers. 
she’s in the midst of storming off in a rage when an owl lands on a perch and stares at her inquisitively.
it speaks to her. it speaks to raelle in a voice that’s strong and assertive, if not a bit amused. 
“i do not know who you are. but if you are a godling, you must prove yourself before the eyes of gods and men.”
a godling? raelle wants to ask. but talking to an owl seems ludicrous. so she just stares and blinks like an idiot.
the owl just laughs. tells raelle of a place to find a woman in self-imposed isolation. a hermit who will guide her along, wishes her luck before lifting away on magnificent wings and disappearing into the night.
the trek to find this hermit is hard and raelle almost quits and turns around more than once. but where would she go? to a village where everyone fears her? no. the only way forwards is onwards. 
raelle finds the hermit on a secluded island off the mainland. her yard is littered with half-finished marble statues and shooting targets with perfectly placed arrows stuck into them. swords, spears, and shields are lined and stacked in orderly fashion at the bases of trees.
right as raelle is about to knock on the door to the lone homestead, the door swings open to reveal a tall woman with dark skin and a piercing stare.
“you know who i am?”
“so you do think you’re a godling?”
“what? no, i--”
“prove it.”
her name is anacostia. she turns out to be the most no-nonsense taskmaster that raelle’s ever heard of.
she didn’t know she could feel sore, but the first two weeks in, she’s pretty sure her arms are going to pop off of her body. she complains and anacostia only raises an eyebrow before making her take another lap around the island.
it pays off though. her lithe form fills out with lean and hard muscle; her strength adopts accuracy and grace.
months pass and raelle trades her shabby farm clothes for a clean white tunic and armor to match.
anacostia doesn’t speak it, but raelle can see the charmed pride in her eyes when they sit quietly by the fire at the end of raelle’s last day as anacostia’s student.
“where will you go next?” anacostia asks
“back to the temple, i suppose.”
“strength does not make a hero, raelle. tasks and duty do.”
“what does that mean?”
“athena told you to prove yourself before the eyes of gods and men.”
“alright, so, what?” raelle frowns, staring into the fire. “i go slay a monster, save a damsel, rescue someone’s pet dog, and then i get access to olympus?”
it’s one of the few times anacostia has openly laughed and raelle feels weirdly justified by it.
“come with me.” raelle says.
anacostia starts shaking her head, leaning back against the tree behind her. “i can’t.”
“why not? you’re my mentor, i can’t do this without you.”
silence, for a while.
“i have duties i must attend to.”
“you’re alone on an island all day, what duties do you possibly have? counting and sweeping leaves?”
“training a mouthy godling, apparently.”
silence, again. anacostia watches raelle from across the fire. five minutes pass before she gives in with a nod. 
“okay. i’ll come.”
they set out in the morning in the direction of thebes. it’s a long walk along the main road, so they slip off it at one point, going through the woods to cut half a day off travel.
that’s when raelle hears her. 
a melodic voice with lilted accent, clean and crisp and irritated. 
raelle stops in her tracks and drifts towards the noise, much to anacostia’s annoyance. 
“what are you doing, godling? get back here.”
“i think i hear a damsel.” raelle replies half-joking with a quirked eyebrow-- an expression that she definitely lifted from anacostia.
she sticks her head out from behind a tree and spots the source of the voice: a girl in a purple dress adorned in golden jewelry talking to a towering centaur.
raelle’s been through a lot the past few months, but nothing has left her quite as stunned and dazed as this stranger. it takes the conflict between the stranger and the centaur becoming physical to get raelle out of the bushes and into action.
anacostia sighs and steps out of the bushes to watch raelle’s first real fight.
it’s fairly easy to beat the centaur and send him running off into the woods. it’s not as easy to get her brain to properly communicate to the gorgeous stranger, now soaked by stream that the centaur had dropped her in.
“are you alright?” 
“i had that under control.” the stranger grumbles, wringing water out of her clothes and brushing her dark hair back.
“an extra hand never hurt though, he had two extra legs. it was an unfair fight.” raelle counters.
the stranger seems to smile at that, and after squeezing as much water out from her dress as she can, she offers raelle a smile. 
“i’m sorry?”
“that’s my name.”
“oh... oh!” raelle’s eyebrows draw together into a crinkle. “like the monster?”
“my parents had a sense of humor.” scylla drawls, “what about you, hero?”
“uh, i’m.. uh,” so much for a silver tongue. “raelle.”
scylla blinks at her and hums in acknowledgement before turning to glance at anacostia, who’s still watching from the treeline.
“well, rae,” scylla smirks, “it was a pleasure. thank you for the soak. catch you around.”
she turns to go and raelle finds herself rushing two steps forward, “wait! can we escort you? we’re headed to thebes. these woods are dangerous and--”
“i’ll be alright,” scylla laughs, turning as she continues to walk away, “i’m a big girl-- can slay my own centaurs. bye now, hero.”
it’s with pitiful heart eyes that raelle raises her hand to give a weak wave. “bye...”
raelle stays rooted to the ground for at least two minutes before a pat to her back makes her jump in surprise.
anacostia only looks at her with that damned quirked eyebrow and hard gaze. 
“hope you enjoyed that, because you have actual work to do that doesn’t involve making eyes at good-looking strangers.”
“did you see her, ana? gods, she was... wow”
anacostia rolls her eyes and walks away, towards the direction of thebes.
it takes raelle more than a second to follow after, an extra bounce in her step. -------------- x   --------------
scylla sighs as she makes her way through the woods, running a hand through her slowly-drying hair.
the mission was a bust and she’s hungry as fuck. 
she’s weighing the pros and cons of hunting down her own meal when two figures step into her path.
they’re both tall, cloaked in familiar dark blue robes and donning small silver pins in the shape of a bident by their calsps. 
one of them has red hair and a patient smile, hands held in front of herself as she stands in scylla’s way.
the other is less approachable. her hood is pulled up, hiding her dark skin and dismissive frown. 
“ah. great. i was wondering when i was going to get a visit from henchmen one and two.”
“that’s not very nice.” the red-haired one pouts, hands unclutching to move to her hips in an indignant stance.
“tally and i come all the way up here to make sure you accomplish your task only to find you soaked to the core and centaur-less.”
“abigail, there’s no need to berate her yourself.”
that’s when a heavy heat rolls in out of nowhere and scylla feels herself stiffen in response.
the shadows in the trees are looming, coalescing and giving form to a tall and imposing woman with threatening posture and an expression that gives away nothing but a hint of disappointment.
“did i not ask you to bring me nessus? to join the cause?”
scylla sighs, leans up against a tree so that at least she’s protected from behind. “yes, hades, i’m sorry, hades.”
“sorry doesn’t make up for a lost ally.”
“well, i almost had him, but then he got handsy and some hero named raelle stumbled out of nowhere and scared him off!” 
hades freezes, all her composure melted into a singular expression of confusion and awe and surprise.
tally tilts her head and abigail straightens out from her lax lean against her own tree.
“that’s the name she gave,” scylla frowns at the growing tension, already looking for a way out of this conversation and away from these three.
but there is no way out. not with her soul bound and in hades’s possession. not with her closest two soldiers standing right there. scylla grumbles quietly to herself and presses harder against the tree.
then hades says the one thing she hates hearing hades say.
“i have a new job for you.”
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fenheart87 · 4 years
Goats Gone Wild
The rehearsals went perfectly, despite everyone saying that it might fall apart and completely spiral out of control and that would to be expected as it was rehearsal and gave them time to fix it. The flower arrangements were gorgeous, Jagged cried when he saw his official wedding suit and Penny had successfully been conned into taking an actual spa day to relax and have a great time with the ladies in her wedding party. 
Tom and Sabine were of course on cake duty in providing other food and refreshments for the big day. With them in charge no one was concerned that the seasoned caterers would have any trouble. The tables and chairs were tastefully decorated and with just enough 'rock n' roll' vibe for Jagged to not complain too much because Jagged always be Jagged.
Of course, for the power duo of the music world, fate may have approved for them to meet, fall in love and live long enough to plan the wedding but it didn't have to be nice all the time. A small mishap and the power was out most of the night, delaying everything from food to simply getting ready for most of the practical preparations. 
Marinette was running on no sleep, no faith and after the power outage, no coffee. Everyone had their wedding clothes and the weather predicting rain at some point made it seem like a tiny accomplishment. Those who had cars to drive would be fine and most could take extra passengers but it would take some people two trips. She had spoken to her Maman and Papa already, they had put the cake in the deep freeze plus had a gas/solar powered generator to offer a space for others in the wedding party.
She still had no idea who would be escorting her down the aisle to fulfill her Maiden of Honor duty, there wasn't time to meet him now because they were sorely behind schedule. Pushing the thought to the side, Marinette slipped into a chic dress but not the one for the ceremony. That was safely at the venue they had booked just in case they needed a place to relocate. Sending up a quick prayer and a threat that this would be a memorable day, Marinette grabbed her clutch and left her apartment.
Marinette could distantly hear her phone ringing even though it was right besides her. She had yet to exit the safety of her car as she watched the chaos unfold. There was a small zoo of animals running around and Jagged was riding a llama, Fang happily scaring the poor creature. Nimbly she picked up her still ringing phone and answered it.
"Is this Marinette?"
"Yes I'm Ma-ma-Marinette… Who are you?"
"Ah I'm Luka the best man, Jagged and Penny paired us to walk down the aisle together. Things are uh pretty chaotic and I haven't seen you yet so just making sure you're not the one getting cold feet."
"No, I uh just pulled up. Where did the petting zoo come from?"
"Jagged's idea."
"You know, sometimes I forget he's technically a Couffaine then he pulls shit like this. Where is Anarka when I need the courage to slam his famous and insured face?" Her neck gave up trying to support her head and she let it flop forward to blare her horn, startling the llama and delighting Jagged as he fought to stay seated.
"I'll come to you." Luka's voice was actually soothing and calmed Marinette's nerves enough to move her head to the steering wheel. Distant sounds of goats screaming at each other and the loudness that was Jagged seeped into her quiet space within the car. A light knock on the window drew her from her quiet place within her mind, and Marinette emerged from her car instead of just rolling down the window.
Luka was tall and slender, ocean blue eyes matched the tips of his hair and would match the color of her dress for the ceremony perfectly. He radiated a soft aura that drew her into staring for longer than appropriate.
"Well hello there fair Maiden of Honor."
"Ah yes hello mysterious Best Man. Would you happen to know how bad things are?" The designer bravely faced the stream of messages on her phone, some only minutes old and others hours old. Asking for an update methodically from everyone individually, she let Luka guide her into the venue.
"Jagged is currently trying to convince Penny to keep a llama or a goat from the petting zoo, half of the guests are either not coming at all or left because of the chaos you see around you. The wedding party is here and just enough people to provide witnesses and news coverage. One of the photographers had to back out and the fill in is allergic to the flowers, his only allergy actually, nice guy otherwise. The goats have eaten some of the décor and their fearless mountain climbing leader took off with the ring pillow."
"Where the rings are sewed on… So at this point, the cake is the only thing safe. I can work with that, first let's find Penny because I'm sure her blood pressure is through the roof, next we need to remove the flowers that are a problem, if Ivan is here then he has the fake bouquets in his van and we can put those inside and have the photographer that's not allergic take the pictures outside. Jagged will be Jagged but when it's time he will behave and only have eyes for Penny so let him do his thing. We need to find the rings so get as many people looking for them as we can. Once I check on Penny I'll figure out the rest, I'm getting updates and rearranging as we speak."
"You know, this is kind of weird for me…" Sky blue eyes met ocean and time suspended again for a moment, "I know Jagged considers you like his unofficial niece so it makes it weird that you are absolutely beautiful and I feel like he might try to kill me for just being around you."
"N-no it's fine! I mean he chose after all, if he has a problem I'll take a page from the captain's book!" A blush graced her pale cheeks, accenting the light blush she had applied earlier. "Now go be a Best Man and make sure the groom doesn't sign his life away and marry a llama instead."
"Aye aye fair maiden." Luka winked and parted ways, leaving Marinette’s heart racing more than it was before.
"Stupid pretty boy with their stupid smiles… Penny, are you in here?" Marinette knocked on the door, waiting until it opened.
"Hey Mari, I knew what would happen when I said yes to Jagged but please no more animals."
"Don't worry, no more animals. The cake is fine but I need to find your rings which I guess a goat ran off with?" 
"Yeah, Jagged wanted to get a picture and the goat took advantage." Penny laughed and resumed her seat where Jean-Luc was already fixing her make-up.
"So this is going to be Plan P?" Marinette teased, taking a moment to change into the other dress.
"You bet! Once the circus is over here we will all meet up at your parents bakery for cake and food." Penny winked carefully, causing the younger woman to giggle.
"Let me go find those rings." Throwing on some flats, Marinette left the room with a wave and headed outside. If the goat was a mountain goat then he was probably hidden with the trees. Hiking up her skirt and trekking through the mud that was somehow everywhere and followed the distant sounds of child-like screaming.
There stood the goat, calming chewing on the ring pillow and staring at her with it's judgmental eyes.
"Okay, you give that back right now."
"MAAAAAA!!!" It bleated loudly before resuming its speedy chewing
"Don't make me do this…" The designer tried to get closer and the goat kept retreating with every step. "Oh come on! You know, what fine!"
"MAAAAAA!!" It screamed again and she took the chance to lunge and tackled the goat into the mud. Trying to get a solid grip on the ring piow was difficult as the goat kept trying to kick here or just rip the pillow in two, she wouldn't mind that much, after all it's the rings she was after.
"Just give me the rings and you can keep the stupid pillow you ugly stupid goat!" Marinette grunted as it became a test of tug of war, the sound of fabric ripping made her panic and kick the goat. It worked to get the goat to let go but it charged her and screamed in her face. The sound covered up the approach of the two men.
"Uh Marinette, why are you wrestling with a goat?"
"Oh you know, thought I would try my hand at it, have you seen these guns from gator chasing," She flexed one arm a couple times, "or how about these legs?" Hiking her skirt up wasn't her best idea ever but it was so worth the blush and cute word vomit from her wedding date.
"I uh well, yeah. I mean- you look hot as IN YOU'LL NEED TO COOL OFF BEFORE THE WEDDING!" Luka groaned and covered his eyes in shame.
"Oi mate, are you ogling my goat?" Dingo slapped his back, nearly causing the musician to topple into the mud with Marinette and the goat who resumed chewing on the ring pillow it had stolen, the rings recovered sneakily.
"Okay, the arch can burn for all I care and maybe fry up some bacon if we're lucky." She accepted Luka's help to get up and onto a less muddy patch of grass. The trio made their way back, Dingo as she learned, was fond of Napoleon and argued the entire way back.
"I'll 'ave you know that pigs are some the best pets!"
"No way, Hamster all the way! You can't even own one in the city unless it's a teacup pig and why would you even want one?"
"Oi! All pigs are cool, you can't just love one kind because that's not true devotion!" 
"Will you two stop-" Luka froze as the smell of smoke wafted closer and squinted thoughtfully. Was that, yup the arch was burning. 
"Great, Plan P is fully in action now!" The maiden of honor groaned, slapping her hands over her mud smeared face.
"Oh god no! Please spare Napoleon! No bacon at this wedding!" Dingo sprinted across the field to where the pigs were kept.
"Well let's find the bride and groom and get the hell outta here." Luka proposed, calmly walking the rest of the way with Marinette keeping pace. There was a firefighter giving directions to everyone to stand far away from the building and the burning arch.
"Well this is not what I expected…" A tall blond muttered to himself, standing apart from the rest of the group.
"Well it is a Couffaine wedding, they are chaos magnets." Marinette joked, attempting to rid herself and dress of the half dried dirt clods.
"Well Jagged has always been… Unique. Good to see you again Marinette."
"I resent that, Jagged is the dumpster fire and Penny is the best and craziest person on earth since she somehow agreed to marry that mess."
"Uh, who are you?"
"Me? Wait, Marinette don't tell me you're mad at me again!"
"Luka what on earth-"
"This is why I told Pa it was better if we didn't show up to his wedding, your anger issues. First you nearly gave poor Nona a scare when you wanted to eat Napoleon, then set the arch on fire and lastly took off after Samuel, a poor defenseless goat."
"Uh how do you know each other?"
"Oh this again?! Lemme tell you, this little spitfire is my wife and she's been pissed at me ever since our arranged marriage was official on paper."
"Luka! That's enough!" The mud on her face hid the blush but the tips of her ears were it began to flake glowed red.
"Baby, you know we're supposed to talk when you're angry with me, that was the agreement."
"Shove it up your ass!"
The wail of sirens startled the three adults but what nearly knocked them over was a blur of neon green, screaming at the top of his lungs.
The station was filled with a workflow hum as the entire wedding party and a few guests waited in the cell block for someone to explain why everyone had been arrested and brought in. Marinette had made use of the sink and cleared off as much dirt from her being as she could. Penny was steadily ignoring Jagged who at this point had been pleading with her and trying to get a straight answer if they would still be tying the knot or not. 
"Couffaine! You're next!" The Sargent growled, shuffling paperwork around. Roger was slowly trying to inch away to not be caught in the crossfire and pulling the rookie away with him.
"Uh which one sir?"
"What do you mean which one?! Just Couffaine!" The Sargent snapped, taking a deep pull of his coffee. When he looked up to see a group of people his face went stone blank.
"Okay so uh, maybe start with the charges and we can help decipher the correct Couffaine?" The petite Chinese woman bite her lip in nerves, echoed by the blond dressed in a matching pink dress. Glancing around he saw a slender woman holding the hand of said blonde in pink, also in a nice party dress. A man with purple hair to match, oh Jagged Stone, was dressed in a suit with a spin. Another woman with purple hair standing next to him and dressed in the more elaborate gown. He easily recognized Anarka by her grey hair and fierce glare, even if she was cleaned up nicely. To the left of the only one brave enough to speak was a young man, a flower in his lapel matching the one on her dress but with light blue tipped hair. Behind him was a kid with a mohawk that nearly grazed the ceiling and a slender brunette who was trying to keep from bouncing around the cell.
"Sorry Sargent…?" The woman tried again, offering a hesitant smile.
"Sargent Le Grand and you are who?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng  uh Couffaine." He blinked twice and looked back through the paperwork.
"Why the hell did no one even specify male or female for the perp?! Or a first name, even an initial would be helpful!"
"Sorry Sarge, I uh just -"
"Forget it rookie, there are a pile of complaints and I can't read them aloud so why don't you tell me what you're in trouble for and I'll find the ticket?"
"Uh that's just it sir… We were all rounded up at the wedding and brought here with no explanation."
"I do not get paid enough for this." He downed the remaining coffee and left the desk, making his way into his office.
"Oi where are you goin'?! You can't keep us cage like a bunch of goats!" The mohawk kid finally escaped the brunette and rattled the jail bars.
"Someone figure out these charges and get them out of my cell!" Sargent le Grand promptly got up and went into his office, slamming the office door shut.
“Roger, why donna ya be a good boy and let me and me crew out of here? You know we have the Boat Fund for when you’re hoititty rules and our love of chaos clash.”
“Anarka, I really do have to charge the tickets before we can discuss payment. uh, “ Roger glanced at the Sargent’s door and saw it still closed. “Okay so we have one charge of setting public property on fire, one count of illegal animal petting zoo, “
“He said he was rock ‘n roll with her permits!”
“One count  of naming your pig Napoleon, haven’t seen that in a while…”
“Oi! I can name my piggy whatever I please!”
“Two counts of animal abuse, one for feeding the goats pillows and one for what’s assumed trying to bury it alive,”
“Oh please, I had to chase it through the woods and mud because it took off with the pillow in the first place!”
“One count for act of terrorism, this one being related to flowers and serious life-threatening allergy,”
“He was a fill in, he signed the disclosure and those charges are bogus.”
“And to wrap it up, one count of illegally sailing in the city.”
“Give me Liberty or give me death!”
“I’m just going to mark all this down and charge the fund. I do apologize for having to crash your wedding Mister Stone and Miss Rolling, I do hope you have plans to finalize your commitment.” Roger opened the cell door and everyone filed out, Dingo sticking his tongue out before being smacked by three different hands.
“Oi nothing fashion hazard!” Marinette snapped, moving to the front of the group. “Here’s what we’re going to do, everyone is going to quietly make their way to my parents bakery which is just a couple blocks away. While we are there, we can take turns cleaning up and then enjoy a nice meal and some delicious cake that Papa has worked so hard to make perfect for today. At this point, if someone is ordained and could marry them while at my parents house that would at least complete my to-do list.”
“I got ya mate! Let’s gooooo!” Dingo whooped and took off running while Brielle shared a look with Luka before following.
“Well definitely a memorable day wouldn’t you say Marinette?” Penny asked as she slipped her arm around the younger’s.
“I’ll say… You aren’t thinking of having spawns with him are you?”
“Hey, rock n roll is the life for me, no worries my favorite rock n roll designer!” Jagged chimed in, pausing his argument with the Captain for a moment.
“Aye, with Juleka and Luka that’s all the extra chaos he needs.”
“Uh I can explain…” Luka hunched over and raised his shoulder’s to hide somewhat.
“Wedding first then you can use the rest of the time to explain.”
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kylorengarbagedump · 4 years
Little Bird: Chapter 35
Read on AO3. Part 34 here. Part 36 here.
Summary: So, like, at least we're all in a graveyard already?
Words: 3400
Warnings: gratuitous violence... again
Characters: Kylo Ren x Handmaid!Reader
A/N: Another early update? Can't help myself--I've been quarantined myself (I'm usually working all THREE of my jobs lmfao), this week, so I've had a little extra time to write. Sometimes I worry how self-indulgent this fic is, but then I remember that it's for fun and who cares.
Y'all's comments seriously make my life better, and I can't thank you enough for your kind words and for letting me know what you think. It's so encouraging to know people are enjoying my indulgence LMFAO. Please stay safe, and I love you so much! <3
If looks could kill, Kylo Ren’s gaze was genocide.
Like lightning itself, he caught you and dove behind one of the tombs, more bullets pinging off the marble. His face was tight, chin quaking while he shoved your back to the grave, staring into your wound as if it were a canyon. Pain still dulled by adrenaline, you watched him, fighting to focus on your breath--you’d started shaking, too, mind hijacked by shock and terror. You didn’t know how much you were bleeding. You didn’t want to look.
Kylo glanced up--his eyes caught something, or someone--and he turned back to you, swallowing as he snagged the bottom of your nightgown and rended it with bare fists. He shredded a thin strip of cloth from your skirt and lifted your arm, wrapping it above your wound. You whimpered, heaving with panic, but he was quick, his makeshift tourniquet halting the frightened ache as it stymied the bloodflow.
“Is it bad?” you asked.
His gaze flicked beyond you again. “Quiet.”
While crouched, his hand snuck into his jacket, clicking the safety of his gun and cocking the hammer. He stilled, tracking his target--you held your breath--before rising and popping off a single shot. Behind you, a cry of pain, and Kylo lunged, jumping the tomb, stalking through the grass. You spun to watch, clutching your arm to your side.
The gunman had fallen to the ground, groaning as Kylo approached, a hunter seeking his spoils. Though he was meters away, collapsed at the edge of the clearing--perhaps that meant, mercifully, he’d missed the desecration of the dead--you could tell he was wearing an Angel’s uniform. Your Commander snatched the intruder by the helmet and tore it off, wrenching him up, and slammed his skull against a headstone, gun at his head.
The man wheezed, wriggling in Kylo’s grip, who whacked his temple on the grave, sneering, his self-control whittling by the nanomoment.
“Two seconds.”
“I’m a scout!” He seethed, trying to twist to meet Kylo’s eyes. “I’m a scout, I’m--please don’t kill me--”
Kylo bashed him with the butt of the pistol. “Who.”
“Enric Pryde!” His hands went up in deference. “It’s a bunch of his men coming. They said you’d be here with a Handmaid.” He gasped, shaking his head. “It’s a coup, they want you dead or alive!”
A pause. Your Commander was still, frozen in rage.
“Please, let me go, I’m only a scout, I was told to find you!” The soldier was still turning, pleading for mercy. “I, I mean, personally, I would never try to hurt you, sir, but I saw th-the Handmaid, and I didn’t think you’d, you’d care, she’s just a Handmaid and we were told to kill her anyway--”
Kylo swiveled the man’s head, drove his teeth against the edge of the grave and snarled, stomping his skull into the stone. A sharp crack as his jaw snapped, brain crushed to the granite, limbs limp and eyes bulging from their sockets. Face blank, Kylo ground his heel into the man’s scalp, splintering the bones and spilling blood onto the dirt before throwing the body to the side like trash.
Your hand clapped your mouth, jaw dropped, and he marched over, a silhouette of death in the storm, lodging your heart in your throat. When he reached you, he squatted, examining your arm, raising it in his hand and eliciting a wince while he monitored your movement. His jaw stiffened, his eyes met yours, so furious that the air fled your lungs, and before you could speak, he gathered you and threw you over his shoulder.
“They’re coming,” he said. “Don’t move.”
Trembling, you nodded. “O-okay.”
His body was solid, and you let yourself hang, at first lifting your head to watch your surroundings, then rejecting the neck strain. If this man wasn’t the same one who had just coddled you in the downpour, the same one who’d whispered angel into your ear when he made you cum, you would’ve been horrified, striving to escape. But as he strode forward, and you watched his parents’ gravesite grow distant, you felt like a child--one who, instead of fearing the monster under her bed, had invited him inside of it and sought safety in his embrace.
An intake of breath, he tensed--pop, pop, pop, pop--you screamed, scratching at his back, and he jostled you in his grip.
“Don’t move,” he growled.
You grimaced. “What was that?”
He said nothing more, changing course, and when he turned, you saw four bodies piled at the bottom of a hill, swallowed by the grown, wet grass. You exhaled, swaying with him while he crossed to what you knew to be the forest. When you entered the understory, damp leaves flooded your nose, the canopy draping you both in clouded darkness. Thankfully, adrenaline was still coursing through your system--the pain at your arm was numbed, though it felt like a lead weight, and your senses were heightened. The world sharpened in your eyes, storm booming in your ears. Kylo was a predator, moving in long, careful steps, creeping through the trees, muscles rolling like stone underneath you.
Your brain spun, trying to process what you’d heard; you remembered the name Enric from the Council meeting, he’d been that silver-haired sycophant who’d mentioned all of his concerns. Though you’d known Kylo to have enemies in Gilead, you hadn’t realized just how many there were--or how serious they seemed about righting his errors (errors, you noted silently, he’d made for the benefit of you).
The squelch of boots in puddles--he stopped, spun toward the perimeter. Yards away, you heard it too: hushed voices, a group of men squeaking through the plot of tall graves adjacent to the forest. Your pulse quickened, you tapped his back.
“We can just leave them,” you whispered. “We don’t have to--”
With a shrug of his shoulder, he rolled you down his arm and plopped you against a tree, not bothering to offer a glance before he trudged forward, hunched, his pistol gripped in both hands. You shifted, free arm assisting as you scooted around the trunk, your Commander skulking through the shadows, a panther electrified with bloodlust. As he approached, you could count four--no, five men, two posted together, peering around a giant slab decorated with three metal crosses, two behind them, each hiding behind big graves, and one at the back, peeking above a short, fat headstone. They were all Angels in military gear, all armed with bayonet-knife rifles, all whispering in panic.
“Split up. Two of us push forward, other three take the clearing--”
Kylo sidled up to a tree trunk, spying beyond it.
“All of Bravo just got killed in the clearing.”
He swooped low, darting behind another tree, his footfalls muffled by the storm.
“We can’t just stand here, we’re sitting ducks! He could be in the forest right now!”
Thunder rumbled, masking him as he emerged from the woods, bearing down from behind his prey.
“I mean, it’s one guy with one gun, how deadly can he really be?”
That was the Angel closest to you--and now, especially, to Kylo, who was only feet away, back against a tall, engraved dedication, neck craning to analyze.
“You don’t know anything about Commander Ren, do you?”
That same Commander Ren stepped from the stone, pistol pointed at the closest man’s head, at the base of where his helmet met his neck.
“No.” Lightning snapped. “Why?”
Thunder cracked, the muzzle flashed--blood spat the air and the soldier fell, forehead smacking the granite as he crumpled to the ground.
The Angels in front of him spun in a string of curses; at Kylo’s left, the man shot from the hip, but Kylo side-stepped, spinning on his heel with his gun raised--pop, pop. That Angel ducked, tackling the ground, while the one to Kylo’s right ran with a roar, bayonet brandished like a spear. Kylo scowled, caught the barrel in his massive hand, and jerked it up, throwing the man from his feet and slamming him into the muck.
The two from the front had vaulted the big grave; Kylo’s head cocked, and he snarled, plugging each of them with a bullet. One wilted, back breaking when he hit the stone behind him, and the other toppled to his knees, clutching his chest, blood spewing from his mouth. Behind your Commander, the two he’d laid to the ground were standing, stumbling toward him. He leapt the corpse and headstone, wrenched a metal cross from the display, and whirled. The two men stalled, raised their weapons, but Kylo dipped, sneering as he drove his pistol into the mouth of one Angel and the cross’s edge into the throat of the other. A pull of a trigger--brain matter burst through the soldier’s helmet, he dropped; the other quaked, gargling fountains of blood, his carotid cleaved in two.
Spattered in scarlet, Kylo twisted the cross in the man’s neck and shoved him to the mud, failing to see the last Angel, still sputtering, struggling to stand. He wobbled, fumbling for his rifle, his hands slipping on the muddy grip. Forgoing that, he floundered and ran, flinging onto your Commander’s back with a howl. You squealed, covering your mouth--every instinct told you to try and help, every reality kept you chained to the tree. Teeth bared, Kylo wavered, thrashing as he wedged the man’s arm from his neck and pitched forward, throwing him over his shoulders and smashing him into a puddle.
He coughed a fat wad of blood onto Kylo’s face--Kylo seethed, pinned the Angel’s neck with his heel and blew his skull open. The body twitched with death, and Kylo exhaled. He wiped his face with the back of his hand and turned to the forest, marching through the thickets, heading to where he’d left you.
Up close, he smelled of iron, red spackling his face and hair and hands. He squatted and examined your arm again, testing its tension, watching your face for pain. It was a way of checking, you knew, that you could still feel it, that you hadn’t drifted into shock.
A muscle under his nose fluttered. “Say your name.”
You blinked--another test--and said it.
Kylo stood and tossed you over his shoulder, clutching you close while he trekked through the woods and into the graveyard. Though you couldn’t see, you’d remembered how you’d arrived--beyond the valley before him was a handful of mausoleums punctuating the long-neglected cemetery grounds. You could only whimper as he tread forth, the dead-see grass trampled to mud under his terrible stride.
Behind you (and in front of him) you heard the screeching of vehicles. Kylo went rigid, dashing right; it was only split seconds before bullets whizzed by you and you screamed, burying your face in his sopping coat. He spanked you--spanked you?--in admonishment, sliding through the sludge at the back of a vine-entombed mausoleum, only to carry you behind a large, marble headstone. You splashed in the warm rain, and sought his gaze; his eyes were glittering with excitement, his chest swelling. He was as you’d seen him in Snoke’s mansion: an animal crazed, thirsty to kill. You shivered.
Kylo offered only silence when he dumped you behind the grave, lightning shattering the sky--you poked your head above the stone, flinching when your arm throbbed with latent pain. As he slunk to the mausoleum, two Angels rushed the right corner; he ended them both with single shots to the head.
Back pressed to the wall, Kylo waited. To his left, two more soldiers breached his sight--he yanked the rifle around the corner and wrestled its owner to the dirt. The man behind him barreled forth, weapon raised; Kylo surged toward him and clobbered him across the face with his pistol. He seethed--your Commander holstered his own gun, yanked the rifle free from the Angel’s hands, and riddled them both with bullets. They toppled, a bloody pile at his feet.
You felt your wound, at this point, pulsing and hot in your flesh--you thanked whatever power above you was keeping your system pumped full of epinephrine, as you had the sneaking suspicion that once it wore off, hot would fail to begin to describe it. More gunshots, you looked up; an Angel on the right was shooting blind, aiming around the corner of the mausoleum. His bullets went wide, missing Kylo by yards, and Kylo swept forward, jerking the man from the corner and jabbing his bayonet into his throat.
He gurgled, a red waterfall pouring down his neck, the knife abandoned inside as he crumbled to the ground. His partner appeared, stabbing past the wall--Kylo dodged, wrenched the rifle forward and wrangled him into the crook of his elbow. The man yelped, flailed under his strength, and Kylo tugged him back, tearing his weapon from his hands. Two more Angels approached from the right; your Commander flipped the rifle into the air and caught it by the grip, mashing the man’s throat in the headlock. He pivoted, stiff arm pointed over his shoulder, and sprayed hail through their heads--they slumped into the other and tumbled, lifeless, to the ground. Hearing them fall, Kylo curled his long fingers around his current victim’s helmet, gripped it, and snapped his spine; the soldier flopped and Kylo released him with a sigh.
To the right and left, you saw two sets of three men approaching, each taking a side of the mausoleum. Perhaps sensing this, Kylo confiscated another rifle, peered around the side; bullets whizzed by, and he cursed, looking between you and the wall at his back. He leered at you--you knew that meant get down--and you did, only catching the start of your Commander snagging a fistful of vines and clambering the wall.
A blink of lightning, rumble of thunder, the slosh of boots in rain. Waiting in silence was near-impossible, given the burgeoning burn in your arm, but the thought of being discovered tempered your pain response. Hoping to keep your heart pumping, you scooted, peeking from the ground, seeing Kylo atop the mausoleum, a frenzied fiend, poised to pounce. The two sets of men turned the corner at once, rifles ready, only to meet each other, halting in confusion.
One of the men whipped his head around. “Where’d he--”
To your unfortunate luck, he spotted you.
“Hey!” He aimed his rifle and spun, losing balance in the muck.
The others noticed you, whirling weapons in your direction. Your heart skipped. You forgot to breathe.
The men aimed, and Kylo Ren launched from the roof, flipping into a pirouette, lightning wings exploding from his shadow. He slammed between you with a thunderclap, unleashing a torrent of death into the line of soldiers, bodies splattering like a gruesome glissando against the mausoleum. They scraped the stone, slouching sacks revealing a rainbow, oozing rusty rivers to the ground.
Your Commander exhaled, kneeling in the storm for several breaths before climbing to his feet, rounding on you, eyes aflame--as he did, a persistent Angel scrambled to stand. Bayonet-first, he barreled toward Kylo.
Kylo pivoted with a growl, grappling his own rifle and charging the soldier; with his superior reach, his bayonet pierced the man’s chest, and he drove him back, howling with fury, until the soldier slammed the wall. Sneering, he ripped the knife free, letting him collapse, leaving behind a bloody blot in the center of the crimson cascade painting the wall.
The wind wailed. Kylo’s shoulders fell, the only physical evidence of his exhaustion, water racing over his frame. After an empty moment, he turned and crossed over to you, face still etched with wrath. Whimpering, you cowered. You knew you’d fucked up.
“Do you listen?” he said through clenched teeth. “I gave you one order.”
You nodded, shame heating your cheeks. Kylo crouched, seized your chin, pinching your jaw in his thick fingers, smearing the scent of copper over your skin.
“Move without my permission again,” he said, “and I’ll make that bullet the last of your worries.”
You gulped. “I understand.”
He released you, glancing at your arm. Something flashed behind his eyes, and he leaned forward, easing you over his shoulder before standing.
“What is it?” you asked. “What’s wrong?”
But he said nothing, choosing instead to push through the rain. The ache at your arm was ballooning into a bubbling pain, streaking through your nerves, stealing your focus. Kylo cleared the final yards of the cemetery, carrying you to the parking lot. When you heard his boots hit clover-crusted pavement, he stopped, tense. He was silent, not even a breath drawn into his lungs. You didn’t speak. Or move.
Kylo lifted you from his shoulder, stepping behind one of the large black vans that had apparently shuttled the squads he’d obliterated, and planted you behind it. You stumbled, slightly dizzy, grabbing the side view mirror for balance. He observed your stability before blazing you with a glare and stalking toward the Audi.
Lightning flared, you saw Kylo circle the hood, head toward the passenger side--and then he snagged something behind the car, wrested it forward. Another Angel appeared, arm screwed in your Commander’s clutches, and with a single rough jerk, his pistol fell from his hand. Kylo caught it, wormed the soldier’s arm behind his back, and slammed him chest-first into the hood of the car. Another flicker of lightning, and his helmet was gone, the gun at his temple.
“One chance. Where’s Pryde. How many work for him.”
The man whinged. “I-I swear, I don’t--”
Kylo blew his brains over the Audi, chucked the pistol, and beat the man’s head into the hood. Heaving, he adjusted his grip, and struck it again, and again, and again, snarling as he bludgeoned a crater in the car with the bleeding skull. You watched, heart careening, shuddering with a reel of pain when he cast the body to the side and turned to face you, wracked with dying desperation. The storm had doused him watercolor crimson--a morbid, melting candle dripping red wet wax.
Perhaps it was conditioning, or perhaps it was the amplifying agony, eroding your rationality. Whatever it was, you found yourself utterly breathless at Kylo Ren’s brutality--yet only out of gratitude, out of knowledge that it was borne, bred within the very same hollow where he sheltered and nursed his affection for you.
With an exhale, he searched around the Audi, checking the undercarriage and examining the beneath the hood and trunk--scanning them, you supposed, for tampering. Apparently satisfied, he returned to you, and swung an arm under your knees, supporting your shoulders, cradling you to his powerful frame. You winced, letting your arm dangle, and he hustled you to the car, popping the back door open and stooping to lie you across the seats. Grimacing, you inched back--heat flushed your flesh in memory of the last time you’d been splayed over them. If Kylo remembered too, he didn’t show it; he waited until your feet were clear of the threshold before shutting the door and hopping in the driver’s seat.
“Stay still.”
He cranked the engine, gunned the gas--the car bounced as it flattened the Angel’s body to the asphalt--and peeled out of the parking lot. You groaned, squirming as fire seared your veins. The hurt had grown an angry heartbeat, now evident in the wake of dissipating adrenaline. Shivering, you drew in air through your nose, looping your free arm through the loose seatbelt in an attempt to anchor yourself.
“Where are we going?” Your voice was soft under the churning motor--he was flying down the streets.
Silence filled the car, and you released a slow, scared breath. Kylo glimpsed you for a blink, gaze glinting with fear. His throat bobbed.
You nodded, and allowed your eyes to close.
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chosenkeepersworld · 3 years
The Curses We Inherit - Chapter 10
Original Work
Date Posted: August 28, 2021 (Tumblr)
Word count: 1, 169 words
A/N: Work is unbeta'd but I do hope you'll still enjoy reading it. Comments are always appreciated! And if you can't wait to read what happens next, this story is also up on Wattpad (under the username ChosenKeeper0971) but with way more chapters, I appreciate your support there too!
Thank you so much, I hope everyone is having an awesome day and happy reading :)
Masterlist / Part 9
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Luckily there were no other incidents as they arrived at their next stop.
Danika had little opportunity to give in to childish whims back in the States, but being surrounded by people she considered friends she allowed herself to relax more and unconsciously did things that she always wanted.
One of which happened as they approached the sign welcoming them to a new town, upon seeing the large signboard Danika gasped and pressed her face against the glass, trying to read it before the car passed.
Jac and Krysa glanced at the back seat, saying nothing but sharing a smile.
It was a getting late in the afternoon prompting Krysa to bring up an issue "It'll be late by the time we leave town, we should find a place to sleep and then leave at dawn"
This was met with different responses. An excited exclamation from Danika and a disbelieving 'huh' from Jacqueline. "Find a place to sleep? Why don't we just rough it?"
"Rough it? As in camping and stuff?" Danika asked
"Yup" Jac looked at her
Danika hesitated and Jac sighed in response then looked to Krysa "Have I been away too long that you can no longer go without the comforts of a warm bed and four walls?"
"I am not thinking about me and it's just one night. We'll make up for it in the morning"
Jac silently mulled over Krysa's words "As long as you two are okay with wasting the night then I'll be okay with it too" the brunette grumbled.
The car was silent after that, tension was ever present as they entered town and made their way to the closest rest stop. Lucky as they were the trio were able to find an inn. It wasn't a big place but quaint and cozy looking, the trio parked the car and went to check in. They were able to get two rooms across from each other, Jac and Danika are to stay in one room while Krysa is to stay in the other, the shorter blonde assured Danika that she would be fine staying alone and Jacqueline could only agree with her.
Once Krysanthe left, Jac leaned closer to Danika and whispered "She's terrifying when she's angry and she can kick butt when she puts her mind to it"
Danika nodded then her eyebrows furrowed "Why are we whispering?"
The girl chuckled, the white tips of her mahogany hair swayed as she did so "There can be times when Krysa can hear what people say about her even though she's at a distance where it would be difficult to hear someone say anything"
"But through walls?"
"Anything's possible" the brunette then stood up "Anyway, rest up while you can we'll be going into town to talk to someone that might know where Rhian might be"
"She would at least tell Krysa if she were going to leave right?"
The brunette nodded "She did, Rhian tended to have a lot of out of town meetings for her businesses, she didn't leave often when Krysa was still a kid but when our favorite florist got older Rhian left more frequently more without a word to anyone"
The youngest O'Brien stared at the other woman with a soft, thoughtful look on her face "So Krys must worry a lot about her then?"
"Yeah but Krysa's used to it. Life goes on, kid. You can't stay stuck worrying about people or situations out of your control you have to keep moving forward."
An hour or so later there was very loud and constant knocking on their door. Jacqueline bolted up at the sound and Danika's eyes snapped open, both girls had dozed off and the sudden sound of knocking had snapped them out of it "Get up, get up ladies! We still have work to finish!" Krysanthe called out from behind the door, the two girls heard her footsteps fading as she walked away from their door.
Jac groaned and fell back on the bed, rolling to her back and burying her head into her pillow, Danika turned to the brunette trying to go back to sleep and heaved a sigh.
It took a while for both girls to get their things together then went downstairs to see Krysa sitting in the lobby with a cup of tea on the table, bent over scribbling something down on a notebook.
Danika seated herself next to Krysanthe while Jacqueline sat on the couch across the two blondes "What's that for?"
Krysa lifted her head, her hazel eyes bright with excitement "It's a list of Rhian's contacts and partners, she gave it to me so I could help her make calls in case she was out of town or had another meeting"
The blonde beside her raised an eyebrow "Is that why we're here?"
"I went through the call logs back before we left the shop. The last call Rhian made was to one of her partners here in town and they talked about the auction. We know when the auction is happening and where but not any other details"
"How are you going to get that info?" Jac asked
"I'll handle that don't worry" she waved her off "And in case they ask why you're with me just tell them you're helping bring some things for Rhian"
"Alright" Jac shifted in her seat getting more comfortable in her seat "While I am always up for trickery and deception-"
"That is not what we're doing" Krysa denied
Jac only gave her a look of disbelief in response then continued on "I do have some concerns"
This was surprising to Krysa, she'd know the brunette for years and never, not once, heard Jacqueline say she had concerns. If there was ever something the small blonde could compare her friend to it was wind. She never expected such hesitancy.
Krysa motioned her to continue "If you start to get a bad feeling you get the heck of there, info or no info. Your safety is what matters, so don't get any ideas"
That was fair.
"And one of us has to go with you" she paused for a second thinking it over "Actually no I will be the one coming with you"
"Okay now that is ridiculous. I can handle this!"
Danika stared at the duo while they continued arguing, she then reached into her bag for her phone. The heiress blinked when she couldn't feel the shape of the little gadget surmising that she left it in her luggage bag.
She tapped Jac's shoulder and asked for the key; without stopping the argument the brunette handed the key to their room. Danika made her way, letting out a breath of relief when she reached the stairs.
They eventually left the inn, keeping to Krysa's original plan, nothing happened on their way out but on Danika's way back to her friends there were two housekeeping employees giggling about a pair of guests, she paused when she heard their description of the two and an uneasy feeling settled in her gut. The description of the two men were familiar, too familiar to make Danika comfortable.
If they who the heiress thinks they are, her plans might be in some serious trouble.
Krysa's plan went as well, she charmed Rhian's associate and got what they needed. Of course the short blonde immediately wanted to make more plans but Jac insisted they needed to celebrate their success. The florist wanted to argue but the look on her friend's face made her relent.
One night of fun before they went back on the road wouldn't be so bad.
Jacqueline being the person and traveler that she was, liked to enjoy her nights to the fullest before leaving again at sunrise. Meaning she knew all the good spots to party. But in consideration for her companions she chose a place that was tamer than her usual preferences. Krysa wasn't the type of person to enjoy giant crowds and Danika, well, it was clear the heiress did not have any experience with anything outside of what her father wanted for her.
The pub was close enough to the inn that the trio could just walk over, there were still seats still available when they arrived. Krysa moved to reserve their seats, Jac went over to the bar to order them something and Danika rushed to the comfort room to relieve herself.
It's been a good day, all things considering, Danika mused silently coming out to see more people streaming in, she moved so people could access the door. She paused watching the people enjoy themselves, laughing and drinking unabashed, making a mess and not freaking out about it. It was definitely a site for someone who had only seen stuffy 'gatherings' of high society.
"You saw those two at the bar, right?" Danika heard a giggle from her left, there were two girls whispering to themselves "I have eyes, which means I can also see they mean trouble. Handsome, clearly but definitely trouble"
One of them sighed "I see what you mean. The one with dark hair and blue eyes looks so serious and clearly he has money. And so does his friend especially with that odd tattoo on him"
Danika froze, there is no way that those girls were talking about the same people from the inn. It would make everything so much harder.
Her attention was then caught by some kind of ruckus happening in one area of the pub. Danika moved forward to see what was going on and there they were, the dark haired man with short, cropped hair, tall and grumpy looking. The gray-blue tattoos on his arms standing out on his arms, his eyes glaring at the crowd in warning and beside him, staring down at Krysa, who looked as shocked as Danika did, was a man with long dark hair, half tied up, bright blue eyes with an odd softness to it that Danika, in all the years she'd known him had never seen before, was Faolan, Danika's most beloved cousin.
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNINGS: N/A (unless potential mis-characterization is one)
A rescue team finds the two of you just a couple miles outside of Konoha. Even they acknowledge how little help they turned out to be after you’d made it back all that way on your own but there is a med ninja who sees to your leg immediately and gives you some long awaited relief.
Once you’re able to start trekking back to the village properly again, Konohamaru gently tugs at your sleeve until you step back a little and make space between the two of you and the others.
Immediately you imagine him changing his mind, retracting everything he said about taking you out for a night on the town once you made it back to the village you both call home but instead he just calmly, quietly promises that any information seen or given between the two of you belonged solely to you unless expressly asked for by the Hokage himself. 
It’s a reassurance, an insurance policy maybe? Something...you’re not sure but you don’t want to test it. Why would Naruto ask expressly about the sealing chains? He wouldn’t...so if Kono wasn’t going to tell him, it meant...you could stay in hiding just a little longer maybe. 
It both confuses you and warms your heart at the same time. 
Feeling a little bold you wind your pinky around his and squeeze gently in thanks before rushing ahead to meet up with the other nin. 
You breathe in a deep sigh of satisfaction when you feel the familiarity of Konoha air in your lungs. You’d have never thought it would smell so good, but it does. It feels and smells like home, like a word you’d been promised but now you actually feel it. There’s something that lingers around you when you step inside the village, something like safety, like rest, like not having to watch your own back every single second of every single day. 
“We need to give a report,” you say to Konohamaru, mostly so the other nin will nod and flash away. 
“I can take care of that,” he hedges, but you shake your head.
“No, we’ll go over all the details and let the chips fall where they may,” you promise. “Unless you think there’s something I need to worry about…” 
“No-nope, nothing here…” 
“Alright then, let’s go talk to the Nanadaime. It’s about time I met my cousin….officially.” 
Konohamaru leads the way and you follow silently behind. You try very hard not to give away your nerves but after so long of being in close quarters together, it would be impossible for him not to notice.
You both pause outside the long rounded hallway that you know leads to the Hokage’s office, Konohamaru tugging at your sleeve once again. You turn to him with a questionable look, why is he slowing down? Showing hesitation...it isn’t like him. 
“What’s going on, Konohamaru? Did you not want me to come with you?” you ask, as you start to feel a little hurt, sad maybe. You’re not really sure. None of it makes sense. 
There’s a high blush on his cheeks and he rubs nervously at the back of his neck. 
“I just-I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” he says, and immediately that stone heavy ball of ‘other shoe waiting to drop’ sinks into your gut with a hard slam. 
“And what would the ‘wrong’ idea be exactly?” You ask, because you need to know, even if it hurts. 
He says something that comes out in a blur and before you can stop yourself, your hand is reaching out to nab the scruff of his neck before you slam him back against the wall. “I don’t have time for this Kono, just say whatever it is,” You growl. 
“Naruto might have set this mission up as an um...a-mattch-makking-thing-” 
You blink at him. 
That was not what you’d been expecting. 
“You convinced the...hokage, to put you on a mission with me b-because you thought I was hot-well comfortable…” you say, remembering his preferred word. 
You blink up at him. 
The two of you had nearly died because he wanted some alone time with you? 
He must be trying and failing to chase your mental gymnastics with the way his eyes keep pinging all over the place but in the end all you can do is laugh because breaking down in the hokage building, no matter how fitting, seems well...inappropriate. 
You drag him down the hall quite successfully considering he’s grown fairly tall and you, well you stopped growing taller pretty early on but you get him outside the room where you need to be and you force him through the door with a quiet, “This isn’t over.” 
“Lord Seventh, we’ve come to give report regarding the mission to chart and explore the empty space just beyond the land of fire as for possible expansion,” you say, because that’s exactly what the two of you were supposed to be doing and now, fuck...now it’s- of course you should have seen something coming. Nobody has been expanding since the war really, though you had guessed Konoha and the land of Fire would be first given how much the Allied Nations thought of Naruto. 
“Oh and...should we...expand over that way?” Naruto says, with cheek that is very unbecoming of a Hokage. 
Something like grit settles in your chest as you continue on, Konohamaru deathly silent as if he knows he’s going to say the wrong thing. 
“Well now that the Black Beast Tsunami has been sealed away, I imagine it’s quite safe,” You say, hearing both Naruto and his advisor gasp in surprise. 
“The Black Beast Tsunami? I thought he was a joke!!!” Nartuo said, eyes wide before he looked to Konohamaru as if you weren’t the one just speaking about it. 
“Yes, sealed...with my Adamantine Sealing Chains,” you say, making both men take notice of you once again. 
“Hey I think that’s that’s the same thing mom used on Kuruma, right Shika?” he says, turning to his advisor. 
Shikamaru Nara, the advisor to the Hokage that you’ve only heard about in passing. Rumored to be the smartest nin in Konoha, maybe all the allied nations combined. He turns to Naruto and squeezes the bridge of his nose before he says, “Yeah, something like that...I think she’s trying to tell you something, Naruto.” 
You don’t get another word in edgewise before Naruto is talking to someone-something  else in the room that you genuinely hope no one else can see, and then he’s embracing you in a hug. 
“Yeah, he has that effect on people...it’s a drag but you get used to it,” Shikamaru said, taking a long hit off a cigarette that hangs unlit from his lips. 
“Family! I have family!!” 
“Woah there, nobody said anything about-” You start, but Nartuo just squeezes around you further and honestly you don’t really know how to handle it so you stand there dumbly for a while longer. 
“Did I tell you that you have the best taste or what, Konohamaru?! Eh? Cousin to the Hokage, to your big brother Naruto,” he says, somehow hands everywhere to hold you in place while also rubbing the top of a blushing Konohamaru’s head.
“Lord Seventh! If you would please get yourself under control!” You say, making everyone in the room stop, freeze.  
When it doesn’t seem like they’re ready to speak again, you continue. “I appreciate your….readily acceptance of the truth but that doesn’t change anything. You are Hokage and I am just another citizen of the Konoha and I’d very much like to keep it that way.” 
You watch Naruto sink down just a little and you lie to yourself and say it doesn’t make you feel guilty but it does. In your defense though, it’s been a long trip and you really just want to get home and think over everything that’s happened.
“Sure, sure...but all of the Konoha is my family and that isn’t going to change now.” 
You nod because you don’t want to argue any further. Honestly the last scrap of fight you had left in you escaped halfway through that small little sad sigh that Naruto gave. “Then I will take my leave,” you say, bowing your final respect before slowly standing on shaky legs and moving out of the room, closing the door behind you. 
You get three days, which honestly is about two and a half more than expected. Konohamaru is a bit headstrong that way. It comes to your attention that he’s been busy with a couple other things too, so that’s bought you a little reprieve to do some thinking, and healing. Mostly thinking, though. That med nin was pretty quick on the leg stuff and everything else had all but faded. 
You’ve just gathered your laundry off the line outside your modest, but decent apartment when you hear the clink of a small stone on your window. 
“You break it, you buy it,” you say, but he nervously chuckles and cautiously climbs up the overlapping beams to put himself down right smack dab in front of you.
“I was thinking, we’d spend some time together this evening, if you’d be up for that sort of thing…” 
Bless his clueless little heart.
“Well it certainly seems a lot safer than tackling a mission that will take us a stone’s throw away from one of the most deadly assassins ever mentioned…” you snark, because you honestly can’t help yourself and it’s kinda cute to see him all flustered. 
“Haha, that’s cute. No more fake missions, I swear,” he says, crossing his heart in an adorable, somewhat lame gesture only someone who was still at least a little part child could take so seriously. 
“Oh, no more fake missions...then what exactly will this outing entail?” You ask, just to give him a little bit of a hard time. 
“I was actually thinking of taking you on a picnic, if that would be okay. There’s a place overlooking the city and it can be kinda nice after dark,” he says. 
You hmm a bit. “And I’m just supposed to agree to go out after dark with some random-
“Hey! I’m not random!”
“Random ninja because he shows up at my door looking all handsome and flustered?” Just what type of girl do you take me for, Konohamaru?” 
“One who can take care of herself?” he says, only a hint of growling frustration but it’s enough to make you laugh all the same. 
“Fair enough,” You say, “We’re in agreement then,  If you try anything I’ll kick your ass.” 
“Of course,” he says, as if you’d been the last person to think of it that way and it fills you up to know that he really does admire your strength as much as he’s said he did.
“Okay then, I’ll be ready at seven thirty sharp, and don’t forget you have to feed me. None of that salty broth either Kono, real food!” You say, making your way back inside your apartment where you shut the blinds behind you so he can’t watch the little happy dance your feet give without much advisory from your brain. 
“It’s a date…” you say to yourself, and then grin wide and open where no one can see you. 
Somehow you force yourself through the rest of the day. You have taken a much needed break from missions, not that there’s usually too many to go around these days anyway but now all your energy is focused on you and that’s rarely ever a good thing. 
You deep clean the apartment all the while telling yourself and an imaginary Konohamaru that it doesn’t mean anything, it’s just something that’s needed done for a while and now you have the time. That’s all. 
You’re grown, you are allowed to do things grown people do; even your father had come to respect that rule before he passed but still just thinking of letting out all your carnal frustrations on Konohamaru makes you wanna flee back to your cocoon of blankets on the bed and not finish getting ready.
You really don’t wanna scare him off, not that you think you could per say...oh who are you kidding, of course you could. You scare them all away… but Kono is different, he really is…
Yes, he’s different.
Still, maybe it's better to take things slow sometimes, right? Give them a taste and then have something worth waiting for too maybe? 
You groan in frustration, being inside your own head about this is not helping. 
Unfortunately as you’ve thought many times before, it’s not like you’ve got a whole click of Kunoichi at your beck and call to talk these things out with so you just have to make do with you. 
That’s not appealing in the least. 
There’s still about forty minutes til the ‘date’ is supposed to happen when your doorbell rings. 
You squawk in an undignified manner as you rush to put on some sort of robe after having just stepped out of the shower. 
What is with this guy, does he have some sort of sixth sense for when you’re mostly wet and naked? 
When you peek outside though, your body sags in relief. It’s just a woman, a small dark haired woman with Hyuga eyes...fuck-is did Nartuo send his girlfriend over to ‘help?’ 
“Uh….hi?” You say, because you don’t actually know her name, or your own for a few beats there. 
“Hello, sorry to um, to interrupt but I thought maybe you would like some...help?” 
“You mean Naruto thought I’d like some help,” You say, skeptical that it was all her plan that the two of you ended up here. 
“No, well I mean he mentioned that Konohamaru was um… he said you might like a friend and I may not be-be much but I can be a friend,” she says, and okay, that was cute.
“So because Konohamaru is a mess he was worried about me also being a mess…” You say, but you’re grinning now because Kono being all worked up about a date with you seems positive and you’re not quite as nervous somehow anymore. 
“No you’re not a mess...clearly,” she says, though when her eyes look around the room you feel maybe she can see just far enough into the past to know how much of a lie she just told. 
“Oh sorry, where are my manners?” You say, goofily waving off your state of dress by making somewhat of a proper introduction. 
“You can call me Hinata…” she says, and you feel a vague sense of memory over the name but nothing beyond what you’ve already hammered out. 
“Sorry I just...I’m not usually very good with these things, y’know...with other Kunoichi and like women in general honestly.” You say, “I’ve always been a bit more….rough and tumble I guess.” 
“Oh I don’t think you’d find that would get in the way with some of our female nin but I can understand it’s a bit hard to put yourself out there,” Hinata says, somehow sweeping you into a polite sitting posture without really having done much. 
“I wasn’t very good at it either, at talking to people at all really but I’ve learned a few things from my friends and I’d be more than happy to pass it on, if you’d like of course,” she says, taking a comb out of somewhere as she starts just brushing your hair with it. You glance over at her in these cute little black shorts and some kind of sweater shirt and you’re wondering where the pockets are, but you don’t ask. 
“Uh sure, okay...not like I have much else to be doing right now,” You say nervously, letting her work her comb magic through your usually tangled up mess of hair. 
“I haven’t known Konohamaru all that well for very long but I have watched over Naruto for more years than either of us would like to admit,” she says, chuckling a little which makes you chuckle too. “I see a lot of the same qualities in them; determination, playfulness, and of course that neverending hope.” 
You nod in agreement because as much as you’d love to argue there’s not many differences when it comes to the two you’re talking about, not where it matters anyway. 
“The stories they share in childhood are not kind, not on either boy. Naruto was ignored to the point of abuse and Konohamaru was pampered beyond that same point. Each found their path willingly and guided one another where they needed to go. I truly believe that with everything I have,” Hinata says, doing something that makes one side of your hair a little shorter, tucking it under something, around something? You’re not sure you just want to hear more.
“Naruto gave Konohamaru someone to look up to and Konoahmaru gave Naruto someone to empower, to protect, to champion for even before all the stuff with Sasuke-there was his ‘little brother’ and I think that was just as important,” she says, pulling a mirror out of nowhere and offering it to you. 
“Oh wow...that’s...that actually looks really good how did you do that?” You ask, “Is it forbidden jutsu?” I won’t tell anyone...just show me how.” 
Hinata just shakes her head, giggling at you a little and promises to show you another time before she follows you into your closet like it was your choice and helps you pick out your best outfit. 
“You Kunochi really are something else,” you say, but Hinata just reminds you that you’re one of them too. 
“Not with this stuff though…” You say, finding it a bit hard to realize that you’ve spent almost an hour with another kunoichi and you haven’t wanted to run away. “I’m not good at this stuff.” 
“It’s not a necessity for fighting usually but Ino, Sakura, they’ve taught me it can be a pretty useful skill to have in your bag. I could teach you, they would be happy to teach you some things too if you’d be interested. They are busy kunoichi of course, but they are also women and we like to get together sometimes and just talk and teach one another things,” Hinata says, and then grins wide as she edges her way to the door. “You’re always welcome to join us and not just because of who you’re dating.” 
“Sure,” you find yourself agreeing, and then Hinata is gone and you glance down at your watch and shit, it’s like five minutes til time for Konohamaru to show up. 
You rush to the bathroom only to find everything is as ready as it’s going to be for you to leave. Your hair is done, you’re wearing your best outfit, you actually look somewhat put together and the mess you’d made of your closet has been straightened up quite nicely. 
“Black magic,” you whisper when you think of Hinata’s help but you still can’t help but smile. 
It’s a really nice feeling. 
You answer the door, one arm carefully tucked behind you. 
Konohamaru looks fucking adorable in a pair of chinos and some sort of half dressed up half dressed down style you weren’t really expecting. 
You’re starting to think maybe you weren’t the only one who had kunoichi intrude through your afternoon. 
“You look beautiful-” 
“My don’t you look handsome-” 
You both chuckle a bit at one another. 
“Thank you,” you say, trying to keep the steady blush out of your cheeks. 
“You too,” he says, artfully rearranging the picnic basket he’s holding so that the arm closest to you is free to offer. 
“Just let me lock up,” you say, hiding your cheeks when you turn away to do just that.
You immediately take his arm when you turn back around, fighting off the hints of embarrassment you feel. It might not have been the best idea, the matchmaking aspects of the mission at least, but being cooped up with one another did make friendly touching come a bit easier you think. 
“So what made you think of a picnic?” you ask, not wanting to lag in conversation output. 
“Well I did want to try to impress you and somehow I don’t think sparring would have gone that well for me,” he answers, with a chuckle. “Not without breaking a real sweat at least.” 
“Oh I don’t know, I kinda like you all sweaty and spent,” you say and then wince and laugh at how it comes out. “Sorry that was probably a little too far eh?” 
“Don’t worry about those things,’ he says, waving his hand around a bit. “I’m sure you’ve noticed this about me but I’m not great at knowing the right times to say and more importantly, not say certain things. I’d rather you just be you without trying to filter everything in or out and I’ll try my best to just be me.”
“Alright then, I think I can live with that,” you say, chuckling a bit as he guides you up toward the hill that leads to the top of Hokage Mountain. 
You keep up light conversation, nothing too much too heavy and you only tease him slightly about the misguided mission attempt. He takes it all in good fun as it’s intended and eventually puts a blanket down beside you before making a half-hearted attempt to ‘help’ you down. 
It’s precious and adorable, and completely unnecessary but you let him anyway.
He opens the basket and your belly rumbles happily at the smell of barbeque. 
“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself,” you say, eyeing the selection of meats and veggies that you can see. He brought enough for three, maybe even four people unless one of those happen to be an Akimichi, and you can’t help but chuckle at how proud he is of himself. 
“I uh, I went around asking about your favorites and this was by far your most chosen meal that you eat out in town at least,” he says, like it’s not the most adorable thing that he’s done...recon for your date.
You nod because it is your favorite in town. “I like the way they season the meat. It reminds me a bit more of food from, well Takigakure, than most places here at home.” 
“I see you do that a lot, backtrack. You know, I want you to feel welcome here in Konoha but it’s okay if you feel like you have homes in other places too,” he says, and it’s so sweet and honest and such a Kono thing to say. 
“I used to correct it a lot because people assumed I mean Konoha when I said home, and for the most part I didn’t in the past,” you say, chewing at your lip a little. “But this time, I-I wanted to emphasize what I actually meant when I said home, was here in the village.” 
He hands you over a full box of barbeque and watches as you happily shovel some into your mouth. It’s a little embarrassing but nothing he hasn’t seen before so you try not to let it get to you. 
Eventually he starts to eat too and you watch him stuff himself silly and sigh in relief of that warmth when both of your bellies are full. 
“Kono...can I ask you something?” you say, rubbing your fingers through his hair a bit as he’s stretched out beside you. 
“Sure, anything.” 
“Why did you really want to spend time with me, I mean...sure I can see there aren’t tons of women around who look like me, if that’s your thing, which I’m still not really convinced it is…” you start, “I just I can’t imagine what gets you from...she’s kinda cute to let's spend a week off charting nature so I can get closer to her? Y’know?”
“Okay,” he says, “I can see how you might look at it that way but have you ever tried to talk to you? Cause I’m not trying to be mean here...but you’re intimidating as hell,” he says and well...that’s probably fair. 
“I tried, you know, a couple different times. To say hello, ask after you, but you are a very ‘all business’ type of person until you see a reason to let someone in, or at least that’s been my experience.” 
“Okay I can agree with that, I’m not very sociable….but then why the interest at all? You’re the opposite of that, everyone loves you and from what I’ve seen you make friends easily enough, so why-”
“Because you’re worth it!” he says, this time an eerie sincerity settling over his features as he continues. “Because you were worth getting to know, you were worth the barriers and the boundaries and the effort. I knew you would be, and I was right!” 
That shuts you up, just a little. It shuts up that nagging in your brain asking you why this perfect little cinnamon roll has gone through so much just to get a chance to be with you. It lets you take a breath and just savor and enjoy the feeling that he thought you were worth it, still thinks that by the way, and you are helpless to just fall into him like a puppet whose strings have been cut. 
He wraps his big strong arms around you and for once in your life you just let someone hold you, just let him be there and strong and dependable.
“Thank you,” you say, “for making the effort.” 
“You have always been, will always be worth it…” 
“Wow that’s deep,” you say, teasing while also wiping at the corner of your eye. 
“Well I wasn’t sure when a good time to tell you was but, I might have fallen a little bit in love with you like a long time ago so...y’know, whenever you wanna catch up that could be nice.” 
“You-you-” you sputter, how dare he catch you off guard like this, but your fumbling just makes him laugh louder and harder than before. 
You ignore your embarrassment and roughly push at his shoulders until he’s forcefully down on the ground, blanket beneath him, stars shining in his eyes and that’s when it hits you that maybe you’re not so far behind after all. Your breath rushes out as you take in his smile, his brightness, and everything goes a bit sideways in a good way, in an exciting way. 
“Kono-” you start, but you can’t quite finish.
“Kiss me, if you want,” he says, and suddenly you’ve never wanted anything more. 
It’s a bit of a difficult angle but you manage, just a soft peck of lips at first but when you start to pull away you feel his encouraging hand on the back of your neck and you gasp a little in surprise. 
You lay there for a bit longer, his arms wrapped around you, kissing you for all you’re worth until you finally pull away. 
“You know, I’m not usually this easy,” you say, straightening yourself up a bit as you clear your throat. 
“Maybe, but I think I’ll take that as a compliment to my expressive love confession rather than you exhibiting some sort of loose moral code suddenly,” he grins and you want to hit him in his cute smug face but you’re still ringing a bit from the kisses. 
“Yeah yeah, Romeo… just keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the night,” you say, and then immediately ignore how much it bothers you now that you’ve said it. 
“I will do my best,” he says earnestly but there’s a devilish look in his eye and you kinda hope it means what you think it means. 
It means exactly what you think it does and he manages to get you both in a little more trouble throughout the night but it’s still quite innocent as he packs up to walk you home. 
You hold hands as you stroll through the village streets and even though a few stop to speak to him, they mostly leave you in peace and it’s kind of nice, more than kind of actually, it’s really nice. It’s one of the best nights of your entire life, and you hate the idea of letting it go even for just a little while. 
When you make it back to your door, you linger there. He’s not expecting an invitation in, you know this and you’re not going to give one either, but you do feel some sort of need to make sure he understands how much everything he has done for you has meant. 
‘I might not be there, not quite yet…” you say, though it might be more lie than truth at this point. “But I promise, Sarutobi Konohamaru, that I will give you absolutely everything I can until I catch up, okay?” 
“That’s more than enough for me,” he says, whispering your name before bringing your lips to his one last time. “I only ever needed the chance.”
“Next time we’re sparring,” you say with a wide, evil grin as you shut the door behind you. You can hear the groan outside your door but you know he’s smiling all the same. 
“That’s all I need too, just the chance…”
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strawberrysoup · 5 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 17
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-consensual&dark sexual situations, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, dark sexual situations VERY SERIOUS REMINDER:  we’re getting into perilous content. heed the tags, this story features NON-CONSENSUAL SEXUAL SITUATIONS, power imbalances, and really, really fucked up characters with really horrible and fucked up motives. YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO READ THIS STORY. put yourself first, if this story is going to trigger or upset you, do not continue.
"You know, with the right training she could be—" 
"Don't. Don't say it, Clint." Bucky still had an ice pack pressed against his head, laid in one of the beds in Bruce's med lab with Tony in a similar situation to his left. Penny was medically sedated and laying across Bucky's chest, looking far too peaceful for having attempted two whole murders not an hour ago. 
Natasha smiled at the way her blond friend pouted, crossing his muscled arms over his chest and muttering something about "I was just saying…". She'd come home just in time to witness the chaos that followed Penny's admittedly brutal attack (she would never tell the soldiers, but she was at least 75% sure that given the right combination of timing and surprise Penny could absolutely kill at least one of them) and hadn't stopped smiling since. 
Seeing Penny Parker on a television screen, filmed by a shitty old laptop webcam, was entirely different than seeing her in person. She was just as cute, made the same little irritated faces and noises but she could see what Steve had seen so early on now, that there was something more. Even after she’d literally just taken a makeshift baseball bat to his skull, Bucky’s hands were running up and down her back, chin brushing the top of her head. They’d mentioned something about not wanting her to have to see a needle mark after being sedated, Steve had changed her into a long sleeve shirt and a pair of pink shorts, but not before making everyone but Tony and Bucky leave the room. 
There was something about her that made the people in her vicinity want to do things for her. She made people want to make her happy. It was some kind of compulsion, found most deeply in the three men currently resting closest to her— she’d tried to literally break his ribs, but even Tony had an arm stretched over the gap between beds to hold her hand. 
The man in question was actually the main reason she’d headed to the medical floor upon returning to the tower. There were times when Tony became strangely unapproachable and it had taken a good 30 minutes of him reclining back on a hospital bed for him to regain his usual nonchalance and easiness. As soon as he recognized her lurking near the back of the room he’d motioned her over but was quick to ask her to wait until Penny had been under for a sufficient amount of time before asking for a debrief. 
“She’s gonna lose it when she wakes up,” Steve was talking mostly to Bucky, both hands on his lovers, “we’ll need to at least prove that Peter’s alright, immediately.” 
“She can’t see him for a bit,” Bucky’s tone was tighter than Natasha would’ve expected, his hands running up under the back of Penny’s shirt, “no offense Tony, but Penny was trying so hard and he just—” 
“No offense taken, Buckaroo,” Tony was tapping away at his tablet with his free hand, “Peter is in very big trouble.” 
“Penny is too,” Steve sighed heavily, elbows sinking into the mattress of Bucky and Penny’s bed slightly harder, “I just don’t know… She obviously has to be punished, what she did could’ve caused a lot more damage if she’d taken half a second longer to think it through, but at the same time—”
“At the same time we know she’s going to do whatever she thinks she has to in order to protect him.” Bucky removed one hand from Penny’s back to grasp his boyfriend’s. “We should’ve been ready for it. She doesn’t have impulse control when it comes to Peter, she needed us to keep her steady and we didn’t.” 
“If you are going to begin infantilizing her, you would best do it now.” There was a sharp delight in Loki’s tone as the man spoke, a wicked smirk on his face while he stood with his arms crossed over his chest near the wall. “Otherwise, keep in mind that she is an adult and is capable of rational thought.” 
“Sometimes she may not be, brother.” Thor sent the slender man a quick look of derision. “A rage is not something we can all dig our way out of and you know that just as well as I. Penny will trade herself and her own safety for Peter’s every time, in any case.” 
“I would say we’d take her for another lesson with Rumlow, but…” Steve very deliberately turned his gaze to her and Natasha forced herself not to preen under the eyes of one of her best friends, who knew she wouldn’t have returned unless she’d been successful in her task. 
“I’m afraid he’s going to be coming with me, after a debrief,” she inclined her head towards Tony, eyes darting just momentarily to Penny in question. 
“She’s been out long enough at this point she shouldn’t be able to still hear anything and if she does her brain won’t be able to make sense of it,” Bruce stated from his desk in the corner, having heard the woman’s hesitation. 
“Go ahead, Nat,” Tony added when the redhead still hesitated. 
“I found good matches for Penny and Peter,” she stated, producing photographs from her back pocket, “they’re not perfect, I’d need a bit more time, but they’ll be good enough. We’ll just need to mutilate the bodies more than usual, people won’t ask questions when they fit the situation so well. I’m going to burn the bodies in the woods, make it look like Rumlow got lost trying to find his way back to his car and died in the wilderness.” 
Tony hummed, brushing his fingers over the figures in the photographs. They’d been beaten in the process of their abduction but their general size, shape, and ages were correct. The kid wasn’t anything close to his baby boy, nothing in comparison to Peter, but he would likely fit the bill of tall, skinny, 17 almost 18-year-old boy who potentially didn’t get proper nutrition. The woman who’d been taken in place of Penny was slightly closer, if only because the skin was nearly the right shade (which wouldn’t matter once the body was burned, anyway). 
“How are the police doing?” 
“They’re pretty sure Penny was the target,” Clint butted in, having assisted with infiltrating the law enforcement presence surrounding the situation, “Peter was an unfortunate casualty. They have two or three leads but obviously nothing accurate, although her friend did come forward and tell the police Penny had been attacked in a club all those months ago.” 
Tony swung his legs over the side of the hospital bed but carefully waited for a go head nod from Bruce before getting to his feet. “I’m going to run some security tests, make sure nothing’s going to come back to us. Natasha, feel free to take a break before you run off with Rumlow.” 
“Hold on, Tony, I’m gonna come with you.” Steve leaned over and kissed Bucky gently, running his lips over the back of Penny’s head. “We’re obviously gonna need some advice going forward with Penny and I don’t know a better person to talk it over with.”
“Right on Cap, let’s go,” Tony turned and bent over to kiss Penny’s visible cheek, “take care of her, Bucky Bear.” 
“She won’t stay under long after I remove the anesthesia, we should do a blood test while she’s out,” Bruce interjected as he walked to one of the medical cabinets near his desk, “give her the vaccinations she’s missing—”
“Can you get that thing out of her arm?” Steve stopped just short of the doorway, Tony nearly running into his back. “There’s no way she’ll let us do it while she’s awake unless we restrain her.” 
“The birth control implant?” Bruce nodded, “Yeah, it’s just a quick incision.” 
Bucky hummed quietly, one hand coming up to tangle in her hair. “Is there anything else she needs that you can do while she’s asleep?” 
“I don’t think so,” Banner shook his head while he continued to ready his equipment, “I’m gonna take enough blood to run all of the tests we need, she might be a little woozy for a bit once she wakes up. Just make sure she eats and drinks plenty.” 
“She’ll wake up scared but after that she’ll settle pretty fast,” Steve crossed his arms over his chest. “She knows she’s gonna get a punishment, she’ll be good ‘cause she’s scared to make it worse.” 
Bucky heaved a sigh, feeling Penny shift on his chest in the process. Thor and Loki remained in the room while Bruce puttered around, despite Natasha and Clint following at a respectful distance behind Steve and Tony. They hadn’t actually been near Penny since her arrival and he could tell the brothers were curious—obviously, the stories had been running rampant. She was certainly a curiosity. 
“She really is quite precious,” Thor’s voice was a rumble as he came to sit in the chair Steve had vacated, “the things she has gone through would have ruined some people.” 
Loki scoffed from his corner but Bucky didn’t take it personally; Thor and Loki had been through things that would cripple a normal person. Their childhoods had been full of the kind of suffering most people had nightmares about, literal torture. But in all fairness, Thor and Loki had been ruined by what they’d gone through.
“Bucky, lift her arm up and put her hand behind her head, I need to get to her tricep to get the implant out,” Bruce had rolled a little metal tray over to the bedside, “it’s a small incision, I’ll press the implant out and bandage it up.” 
“How soon will it lose effect?” 
The look the doctor leveled him was derisive, “Immediately, Buck. She’s gonna be fertile very quickly, you’ll need to make sure she has what she needs for when she starts to menstruate again.” 
It took real, actual willpower to keep himself from popping a boner. The word fertile was weird and held certain connotations, but the idea that if he came inside her she could get pregnant was almost mind-blowing. He and Steve wanted a big family, they always had, even when it had just been the two of them. They’d never thought anything would come of it, especially in the ‘40s but even after they’d found themselves hurled 70 years into the future. Two men adopting children was still persistently frowned upon. That wouldn’t be a problem anymore though, they had Penny, they had their babydoll. They were gonna have babies. 
Bruce proceeded to cut the implant out and bandage her up, take so many vials of blood from her arm that Bucky started getting concerned, and inject several vaccinations into each of her arms. He warned that she’d likely be sore, to keep her in long sleeves so she couldn’t irritate or see the injection sites. 
“Everything should be set to rights in your apartment,” Loki stated when Bucky finally came to stand up, Penny carefully cradled in his arms, “anything broken was replicated and replaced, the cats are with the little witch. I do suggest keeping her away from any object that can be wielded like a bat, her swing would likely give Thor a run for his money.” 
“She is a little warrior,” Thor stood up nodding, coming around the bed to stand next to his brother, “I hope that soon she will feel safe enough to know she does not have to be.” 
“Steve and Tony will come up with something.” If there was one thing Buck had no doubts about it was that if the pair of them put their heads together over a problem, it would inevitably be solved rather quickly. “We’ve just gotta keep her safe in the meantime. I’m gonna get her up to bed. How long on those sedatives, Bruce?”
“Not long, probably half an hour, an hour max. She’s going to be drowsy for a bit once she comes out of it too, so keep an eye on her.” 
Bucky slipped through the necessary pleasantries and found himself walking just slightly faster than usual towards the elevator. For some reason the ride took forever, all he wanted was Penny back in their bed, wrapped in blankets that smelled like them. 
Well, actually, that might’ve been a small white lie. In all honesty, he was very much preoccupied with the idea of Penny sleeping while filled to the brim with his cum. He wouldn't fuck her while she was unconscious, not for their first time anyway, but he wanted his cum on her, in her, somehow ASAP and his cock completely agreed. He knew that Steve would likely disagree with him, the blond had been pressing him for patience for weeks but he couldn't hold back completely— not while an image of the tiny Penny standing with a hugely pregnant belly (twins, he told himself, she was so big because she had two babies in there) watched him demurely through dark lashes in his mind's eye. 
He barely registered walking into the apartment, kicking off his shoes or shutting their bedroom door. The kittens were with Wanda, their friend not wanting to leave the poor things alone for too long, and he found the absence of the squeaky meows a small relief; that had been a part of what set Penny off before. 
They'd been doing that a lot— tiptoeing around Penny. She was delicate, in a very complicated situation, but they had been walking on eggshells with her since day one. They'd been so determined to make her happy they'd forgotten that breaking Penny needed to be a priority. She was strong-willed and he loved that, but her determination and stubbornness needed to be directed constructively. They should've been more stern with her from the beginning, more exacting. 
Bucky had decided on behalf of both him and Steve that it would be changing immediately upon her waking. Once he'd set her on the bed rested up against the headboard and several pillows, he immediately pulled off her little pink shorts and smiled at the sight below; Penny was small but she had a particularly sweet bubble butt and the panties they had for her didn't really fit because of it. The fabric was consistently caught between the cheeks of her ass, pulled tight in the crotch with dusky pussy lips almost peaking out on either side, especially when he splayed her legs wide to either side. 
His cock came out of his joggers and slapped against his lower stomach just as soon as he lowered the waistband far enough. Fully erect he was incredibly impressive, a combination of a botched super-soldier serum and genetics. He had always had a healthy sex drive, even when he and Stevie had been half-starving in their late teens he could remember railing the blond's ass in whatever speck of privacy he could achieve nearly every day. Stevie had whined even back then, even before the enhancements that Bucky had too much cum, that he felt like Bucky dumped buckets up his asshole every time they fucked. 'It's like gettin' an enema at the doctor, Buck,' the skinny blond would whine, holding himself around the gut as they walked down the street, 'I need'a bathroom.' Bucky would tell him that he better keep his asshole clenched to keep it all in, otherwise it'd look pretty bad while they walked. 'You want people to think you shit yourself with the wet spot you'd make punk? You better hold that cum until we get home— if you start to spill before that I might have to pull you into an alley and fill you back up.' 
It was a thing, he supposed, his very slight obsession with his cum filling and covering his lovers. Bucky climbed up onto the bed, hovering over Penny's waist while he jerked his cock. He'd imagined Penny walking around with belly fulls of cum constantly and figured daily blowjobs would be a good way to curb her stubbornness. Precum dripped from the tip of his cock and he arched his back to rub the head over her just slightly parted lips. It had been days since he and Steve had gotten a chance to go at it and he felt his balls draw up at the sensation of her breath on his oversensitive skin. 
"That's good babydoll," he murmured, slipping his thumb between her lips and gently coaxing her mouth open wider, "lemme cum right on that sweet tongue baby. Give you plenty to drink, just like Bruce said."
He slipped his cock just between her lips, groaning at the sensation while continuing to work himself. He could come buckets if he tried but was careful to bring on just a small orgasm, just enough to take the edge off.
"My good girl, you would take my whole cock down your throat, wouldn't you," his voice was gritty and low, "gonna swallow a whole load.. but for now…"
He moaned her name when he came, thick ropes covering her tongue quickly. He tilted her head back and rubbed her throat gently, coaxing her to swallow before he grasped the base of his dick almost painfully and shifted down her body. As much as he liked seeing her pretty lips covered in his drying cum, there was another spot he wanted to mark just as thoroughly.
Pulling the crotch of her underwear to the side was easy with the way he'd spread her legs and he was quick to work his hand down his cock, shooting the rest of his load into her panties. His breathing was faster than normal during an orgasm and as he pressed her panties back in place, slipping his fingers under the waistband and pulling them high, high, high on her hips to work his cum all over her little pussy, he realized he hadn't had such a satisfying orgasm since the first time he'd seen her on that shitty webcam footage. 
He heaved a sigh, carefully rearranging Penny to lay comfortably in the bed and gently pulling her silk shorts back up her legs. They’d likely be the only pair of pants she wore for the next week; her punishment would begin in the morning, a 25 count spanking every day for 5 days—1 for Tony’s bruised ribs, 2 for the grade of concussion Bucky had from the hit, 1 for Steve’s broken nose, and 1 for not following the rules. Their poor baby definitely wouldn’t be sitting on the bruises for a while. 
Bucky’s eyes flickered up when the bedroom door opened, only to nearly get yet another erection upon seeing Steve’s shirtless form illuminated from behind. The blond had a tendency to undress while walking from room to room in the apartment, leaving behind trails of clothes in his wake. His shirt was still in hand this time, likely a new habit in development after the few days he’d experienced Penny’s disgruntled looks every time she found a rogue shirt flung haphazardly across the apartment. 
“Is that cum on her lips, Buck?” His voice was gravelly and Bucky let a slow smirk cross his face. 
“In all fairness, I hadn’t come yet,” Bucky’s hand trailed down between her tights, swirling his fingers in the mess in her panties and showing it to the other man in the light, “not until this.” 
“Is that right, jerk? You telling me you didn’t cum in her mouth? I don’t believe that for a second,” Steve slipped around the side of the bed, tugging Bucky back towards the edge and pressing his thumb past the brunet’s lips to stroke against his tongue. “Penny’ll be asleep for a little longer, why don’t you come take a shower with me?” 
Bucky took the time to lean over Penny’s sleeping form and press his lips against her cheek before letting Steve pull him to his feet and into the bathroom. He made sure to leave the door propped open, just in case Penny started to wake up while they were still in the shower. 
In all honesty, they probably let things get away from them; the anesthesia mixed with the vaccinations and the blood loss wreaked quick havoc on Penny’s consciousness as she dragged herself awake; there was a sense of panic and despair caught in her chest but she didn’t know why? She didn’t know where she was, where was Peter, where was Aunt May—
The slowly increasing despair suddenly flooded through her, eyes blurring until Aunt May took shape in the shadows and contours of the bed beside her. God, she looked so pretty, so young, but her usual smile was missing. Instead, there were tears on her cheeks and a tremble shook her form. 
“May?” Penny’s voice felt hoarse, several octaves lower than usual, “Aunt May, why’re you crying?” 
May didn’t answer, her hand came down to rest on Penny’s shoulder but she couldn’t feel it. She couldn’t feel the familiar weight, the comforting heat. Something wasn’t right, her head swam. Why was she so messed up? The last time—
“What did you do, Pen?” Aunt May’s voice warbled, tapering off at the end. 
“Do?” She wasn’t sure if the word actually came out, had she actually spoken? 
“What did you do, Penny?” Names echoed in Penny’s head, Penny, Penina, Penelope, Pen, different voices saying different things, “All I asked was for you to take care of Peter…”
Crushing, violent pain rocketed through her heart, echoing in her muscles, vibrating from her pores. Aunt May had made her make so many promises before she passed, take care of Peter, give him a chance, be there for him. She’d asked for so much and Penny hadn’t been able to conform to every promise; she couldn’t take care of Peter and herself, couldn’t give him a chance and stay in school, couldn’t be there for him and also provide for him. There were trade-offs, she did what she had to. 
But the look of disappointment on May’s face was overwhelming, “you’re going to die, he’ll be alone, here, in this… place.” 
This place. Penny rolled to the edge of the bed opposite to where Aunt May sat, the contents of her stomach splattering against the hardwood floor. She shivered violently, almost falling off the edge of the bed. Her brain told her Aunt May had moved, the way the bed jolted made it feel like she was right behind her. 
“I’m so sorry,” she breathed, eyes wide and filling with tears, “I tried to hard—”
“I know, I know,” Aunt May’s voice sounded weird, her hands were so much bigger than Penny remembered, “you tried so hard, I’m sorry it wasn’t enough. But there won’t be a next time and it’s over now.” 
It was never enough. Penny tried so hard over and over only to fail, to fall short of the finish line. It didn’t matter if it was providing for her family, protecting Peter— nothing. It was too much, too overwhelming, every time she paid a bill there was another overdue, she could work every day of her life and never catch up to her debt, Peter was so sad every time she couldn’t make it to a competition or science fair but she couldn’t take time off, not when his school cost so much… 
“Oh Penny,” the voice was so far away and she found it hard to listen, her brain reorganizing the words, “why did you let this happen? Why didn’t you do better? Why don’t you ever get it right?” 
It didn’t matter that the words were actually meant to be comforting, Bucky and Steve having come running out of the shower upon hearing her vomit. “Its okay baby doll, I’m sorry we let this happen to you. We should have done better, I swear we’ll get it right.” 
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Earth Girl(Rey x Reader) Four
Summary: After leaving Takodana the First Order is chasing you forcing you and Rey to try some drastic solutions.
Words: 1, 663
A/N: As I said before this is a very small series, just three more chapters to go now so hope you enjoy it.
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“It’s him” Rey murmured.
“Who?” you asked a bit confused but you were more worried about the big intimidating ship in the distance.
“No time, we have to leave the system.” she said sitting and taking control of the ship.
You keep staring at the starship carefully, wondering who was she talking about. The Falcon was nothing compared with this new ship, you’ve never seen something as big or that looked as dangerous as it looked But there was a ship coming from the planet you just have left behind.
“Rey.” you called but she was busy pushing buttons on the ship’s console. “Rey!” you said louder finally getting her attention.
“Shit!” she murmured and turned the rudder sending the Falcon flying fast in the opposite direction of the both ships.
Something hitted the Falcon from behind and then you saw red lights flying around the ship, some kind of weapon, you supposed. Rey tried her best to dodge all of those red lights but she seemed distracted, she wasn’t totally focused on flying this big thing and one of that lights caught the Falcon and it suddenly stopped.
“No!” Rey yelled. “They shot down our engines, they’re not damaged but I need to go to turn it on manually.” she explained you as she searched for some tools around the cockpit.
“I’ll go with you” you said.
“No.” she snapped “I need you here, when I turn it on I won’t be able to run and fly the ship, you’ll have to do it, Y/N.” she said.
“Me!?” you shouted “I don’t know how to…”
There was new shot in the side of the Falcon that made the ship tremble and reminded you the closeness of the enemy.
“Fine, what do I do?”
“Just try not to crash it” she told you “And pull this lever, I’ll try to get back as soon as possible. You can do this, Y/N.”
She left without saying another word, rushing to the back part of the ship to fix the problem while you stayed in your seat holding the wheel and the lever as your mind tried to process all that was going on.
“Okay” you sighed “This is like a game, yes, a video game.” you said trying to encourage yourself. “It’s like a game.” you repeated. The shots sounded closer and closer, making your heart pound fast inside your chest.
For a moment you really wished this all would be just a dream and you would be in your bed just waiting for the alarm to wake you up and start a new unexcited day in Earth, but you had established this wasn’t a dream a time ago, so there was no going back now, you had to do anything to survive in a galaxy whose name you didn’t even know.
Then the whole ship started to vibrate underneath your feet, moments later it moved fast. Rey made it. Now the difficult part for you came.
You held the rudder with strength trying to keep it stable and at first it worked nice but as the ship slipped through space the First Order’s ships and the traffickers came closer and closer, obstructing the way. You moved the rudder forward to avoid them and the Falcon raced down way faster than you expected.
“This is nothing like a game!” you shouted feeling the same sensation in your stomach a roller coaster would give. You looked at the lever from the corner of your eyes and carefully stretched your arm to pull it. The distance was too long, so you stretched a little bit more, accidentally pulling the rudder with you so the ship suddenly turned towards that direction.
“Y/N!”you heard Rey’s voice “Keep it stable!”
Turning the wheel towards the opposite direction you managed to keep the old starship flying straight again and tried to pull the lever again, this time you were more careful not to move the rudder. With a fast move you actioned the lightspeed, just in time before the enemies caught you.
“I’m back” Rey told you.
“Thank goodness.” you said relieved as she sat down on her seat. You leaned on your own seat catching your breath as your pulse started slowly getting back to normal. “Please, don’t let me do that never again.” you chuckled, your body still filled with every kind of emotions, fear, excitement, all inside you.
“It wasn’t that bad.” Rey told you “To be your first time piloting, you did pretty good.” she said with a smile.
“I feel like my heart's gonna explode any moment now” you joked with your hand on your chest feeling how fast it was beating.
“Hope not.” she laughed. Then she moved some lever and you got off lightspeed, revealing a new planet. “I talked with General Leia while you were flying. She said we should hide. I asked her if there was a way they would be tracking you through the translator, she said no.” she told you.
“One less thing to worry about.” you said a bit relieved those men couldn’t follow you with that metal piece on your neck. “What about the other ship?”
“It was the First Order.” Rey say now in a rather serious tone.
“And who is he?” you asked unsure.
“Their leader. Can we not talk about this right now?” she said and you nodded.
Both stayed quiet the rest of the short way to the ground, Rey landed gracefully the ship in swampy planet.
It took you a second to know you hated this planet, it was not as nice and pretty as Takodana but you did understand why she picked this one. It was covered with tall and old trees perfect to hide the big spaceship, you looked at them and wondered how old this trees taller than buildings were, probably older than anything you knew. The bad thing about this place was the ground, muddy and almost covered completely with water made it a pain in the ass to walk. The only places that were a bit better where some smalls rocky hills.
“Y/N, come on.” she told you later that day as she gestured for you to follow her up to the small hill near the Falcon.
“What are we doing now, Rey?” you asked with a grin. You finally reached the top.
“You know what this is?” she said as she showed you something very similar to a gun.
“Yeah” you told her, she pointed the weapon towards a rock and shot a powerful red light leaving a small hole in the middle of the rock. “Wow”
“Simple, you aim it, remove the safety lock and pull the trigger. You think you could do that?”
“I think so” you said, she handed you the weapon. “Surprisingly lighter than I thought” you added.
“Try it.”
You held the blaster in your hand for a moment before you aimed to the same rock and pulled the trigger. The blaster barely got closer to the rock, instead it hitted a tree making some very strange creatures fly away.
“Okay, you need some help.” she chuckled. Then she came closer to you, she positioned herself behind you and looked at for your hand, then she guide your arm up. “You have to be sure when you pull the trigger, no time for doubts in battle, hold it steady” she said, you could feel her warm breath on the back of your neck as she explained. “Now” she said and you shot the blaster.
“I did it!” you said excited when you realized the blaster had at least hit the rock creating a new hole in it.
“Do it again” she told you with a smile, her hand leaving your arm as she backed off a little, but she stayed close. You moved your arm and pointed at a new rock remembering her words you shot when your arm was holding the gun steady, hitting the target.
“Did you see that!?” you beamed turning to face her, she greeted you with a bright smile.
"Yeah, you learn pretty fast." She said "now you will survive if for some reason we split up. "
"Hope never happens" you chuckled. You felt Rey's eyes focused on you, a mix of feelings on them. "What is it?" You asked and she smiled.
"I'm really going to miss your laugh." She told you with such affection "and your face, I think I'm never going to forget your face" she said, you felt her soft fingers brushing delicately the side of your face, you placed your own hand over hers to keep it in place.
You knew what she was talking about, you still had to go back to Earth were you belonged.
Rey leaned her face closer to you, doubting at first she closed the distance between your lips in a brief kiss. With a smile you pulled her into a new and more passionate kiss, enjoying every minute her soft lips were on yours. You saw a bright smile curving her lips and a soft pink blush on her cheeks as she broke the kiss.
"And now I'm certainly going to miss that too." She said before planted a new but short kiss on your lips. "We should go back to the Falcon, weather's very chill here". She said You chuckled.
"Okay, let's get back" you told her and followed down the little hill. Looking at her in front of you, you chuckled to yourself, never thought this would ever happen to you, the whole being in space thing, not even in your wildest dreams you thought you would be flying a ship trying to survive and never expected to find this wild love growing in for this girl. People back in Earth used to said usually people find love in the least expected places but this unexpected love was very, very far from what probably all those people meant.
Tagging: @1-800-depressedlesbian , @xgaygremlinx
(In case you want to be tagged for specific things or everything I write, just let me know)
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one day, you walk down the street. on your way, you nudge a stone a centimetre to the right. This somehow causes a chain reaction, leading to total nuclear war on Earth.
It started with a stone. The nudge had moved it, but little did the humans know, it was the last relic of the temple of a forgotten god, it had stayed in the same place for centuries, but now it had moved. The God was angry. They wanted revenge.
"Mr president, you have a visitor"
Barry looked up from the papers he was supposed to read. He had just come back from his walk, and aching all over. He decided that being the president was not as fun as it had once seemed. But a promise was a promise.
"hello" a young man, about 18 years old had entered. His arms blazed with colour, and on his palm, a single snake twisted its way up his wrist.
"what brings you here?" This was not the type of person who normally came to visit.
"I come with news" the deep voice was rough to the ears, and the words were said with a hint of amusement. "Did you know of the city built here? Centuries ago? Did you hear of the gods?"
The doors slammed shut. The guards didn't move. In fact, nothing had moved, except Barry and the strange tall man, his fair skin almost glowing in the sunlight.
"I don't have time for your silly questions. I-"
"we have all the time in the world" came the reply. "Now listen up, and listen well. There are people you are going to meet, and forms you will need to sign. You will do this without question. Am I understood?" A change had come over the teenager, who had once seemed so young, now appeared as old as time. "And that gun won't do anything, I am but a messenger. There are many more who will continue after I fall."
"what do I get in return?"
"your son's safety. He will live. I give you my word, but only if you do everything we ask."
"you have a deal"
Suddenly, the world turned back to normal, but the man was gone. "Did the visitor give you his name?" Barry asked the escort who had let him in.
"sir, you have not had anyone in for weeks, the last person you saw was the British prime minister"
Days passed. As promised, Barry had more visitors. He did everything they asked, and they appeared to have never been in the White House at all. That day was no different.
"sir, what are your plans for-"
"sir, please, sign this"
"Mr president, what are your thoughts on-"
Barry waved the journalists away, thinking nothing of their questions. But there was one who stayed. Who had the same tattoo. But he was being pushed away by security.
"stop. Let me speak to that man-"
"I'm sorry Mr president, he is a criminal, we will get you to safety" he tried to fight the hold of his security team, but it was too much.
Back in the White house, he went into the control room to try and find footage of the tattooed men, but still, there was nothing. He sighed. It had been 2 years until he had promised his sister that he would take over after her, and it turned out that it was the worst promise he could have made. The tattooed men managed to get in without alerting any guards, and they left notes for him. Notes on the breakfast table, notes on the desks, and now, a note on the nuclear launch button for an almost finished model. He had ended wars, he had funded the teachers, he had changed the gun laws, but he couldn't get rid of nuclear weapons. They were the shadow on his otherwise successful career. The more read:
"we will tell you when the time is right. We have set coordinates. All you need to do is push the big red button, Barry"
His hands shook. That button controlled so many weapons, it could mean the end of the world. He had to resist. But even if he pushed it, about 100000 would still survive. And if he did, his son would be one of them.
Barry paced the floor, thinking about what to do. Could he really push that button. Was his sons like more important than billions of others.
"dad, I have something to tell you-" his pride an joy. Morgan. Happy, healthy and handsome and smart. He was everything Barry had hoped for and more. He was the reason Barry was still alive.
"son, I'm busy now but can you shorten it?"
"well, dad, I was thinking, I want to change my name"
"you know I support you, but we can discuss this later" he picked up another one of the notes. It said: 'tomorrow. 10am'
He had to make his choice.
The next day was nothing special, at least, not to anyone else. But Barry could not stop fidgeting, his palms ran with sweat, and he was always on the verge of throwing up. It was the day where everything would change.
He was walking to the bathroom when he saw the first man. His tattoo seemed to be mocking him with it's snake eyes. He ran blindly down the corridor, away from the mess. It was almost time, and he wanted to be gone. He didn't know where he was going, only that it was away. He found a doorknob and ran in, shutting the door behind him. He thought he was safe, until he heard the beeps. It was the control room.
The tattooed man easily pushed the door open, Morgan behind him, at gunpoint.
"everyone else, leave" the others filed out of the room, looking confused. When the last person left, the door slammed behind them and a click was heard. The lock.
"press it." The gun was shoved deeper into Morgan's head. "Press it now, or your precious baby dies"
"I can't" Barry felt the floor shake. Red hot tears flowed like a river, and he was almost blinded by them"
"just one movement, and your child will live. You know how important it is to us that we are both happy."
"Barry edged his way to the button, until he was right beside it. His finger hovered.
"good, now just one push and-"
"dad, you don't understand! Don't do it! I'm a-"
Barry could hear Morgan crying. He couldn't bear to see his only child hurt. He had to push it. But he also could not. It was too hard.
"do it. You have 5 seconds"
"I can't! Many innocent people will die!"
Barry trembled like a leaf. He was going to either kill the world, or kill his son.
"please! No! I'll give you anything you want! Money? Power? Anything!!!"
" oh I already have everything I want. All the power, and money won't matter soon, will it? 2"
"fine" Barry slammed his hand on the button and started to sob. He had killed billions. He had destroyed the world.
He looked up.
"do you know my name? It's Hunter. Which fits me perfectly, don't you think?"
"please. Leave me alone."
"oh, but I'm not done here." Hunter pushed Morgan towards his dad. "Kiddo, why don't you tell dear old dad your secret?"
Morgan wiped his tears with a bloody hand. He had tried to fight, and failed. "Dad, when I told you I wanted to change my name, do you know what I wanted to change it to?"
"what is it Morgan? Why is this important?"
"I wanted to change it to Morgana."
With that, Hunter pulled the trigger. Morgana fell into Barry's lap, for the last time.
"I promised to keep your son alive, not your daughter. And remember, all of this is your fault. Every single death. Goodbye Barry."
And with that, Hunter vanished, leaving a father in agony, and his daughter in the afterlife.
Somewhere, away from America, away from the world, a god smiled. The humans have finally paid the price of forgetting her.
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Sometimes my asks are weird and they don’t send for some reason so I’ll send mine again if you don’t mind just to be safe😊 CONGRATS ON 300💕💕 can I suggest some detailed nsfw headcannons for Sebastian/Meyrin in both cannon and modern au? Thank you so much! And again well done of 300 followers! You deserve it!💕
It’s all good. I know sometimes my dumblr glitches in funny ways, too. So thank you for submitting this second ask. It actually worked out for how I answered, lol. And thank you for your support! I appreciate it so much! I hope you enjoy! <3
So, for the modern AU headcanons:
Mey-Rin owns a small studio where she mainly teaches self-defense, but will also help coach local wrestling teams as well. Though it’s a modest establishment, she has made a name for herself in her community and surrounding area and is often the first one people come to for speaking and performing demonstrations at events on the topic. This is how she came to meet Sebastian. She had given a demonstration at a local university when the tall, handsome man approached her. Sebastian works as part of the security detail for a prominent local politician and millionaire, Vincent Phantomhive, and acts as bodyguard to Vincent’s son, Ciel. Given that Ciel was a year away from graduating high school, Vincent wanted his son to be taught self-defense so he could protect himself if need be, given the young man’s slender build and quiet nature makes him a fairly easy target. He would have had one of his own staff see to the training, but given that most of his security detail included men like Wolfram and Baldroy, he wanted someone to teach his son who had a similarly sized build. Sebastian was the closest one who could fit that requirement, but given Ciel still stood a good foot shorter than the man, he was ruled out as well. And for Vincent Phantomhive only the best would do. So he sent Sebastian to make Mey-Rin an offer to become Ciel’s private instructor for his Senior year. She was hesitant at first, afraid to leave her business for that long, but she ultimately decided to accept, the paycheck too tempting, and left her business in the capable hands of her friend, Agni.
Living at the Phantomhive estate took quite a bit of adjusting for Mey-Rin. She has only ever seen houses this huge in movies. Her bathroom alone was almost as big as the entirety of her studio apartment. And the shifts took some getting used to as well. Any of the household staff that wasn’t part of the estate’s security was to stay out of sight, using the servant hallways and stairs in the restored Victorian mansion. She knew from the tour of the mansion Sebastian had given her that there were fifty members of staff who worked on the grounds, including security, but due to their different shifts, the only ones Mey-Rin interacted with on a regular basis was Sebastian, Bard (because he was the head of security), Wolfram (because he was Mr. Phantomhive’s personal bodyguard who had a habit for frequenting the kitchen), and Lau (he was the household chef and Sebastian said Lau was the true eyes and ears of the mansion). So her first few weeks felt rather lonely, given she was used to being surrounded by a sea of people whether she was teaching a class or walking down to the grocery. But in time, she grew used to the quiet, finding comfort in her self-made routine, and finally settled into her new, temporary life. 
Mey-Rin had been taken with Sebastian since he had approached her in the crowded school auditorium. He was hot, like, mouthwateringly hot. And when she had gone home that night, she had wished for the first time in a while that she had more female friends whom she could talk to. Her closest girl friends were Nina, who hadn’t the slightest interest in men, or Grelle, though she didn’t know if she had the energy to field the other redhead’s barrage of questions that would follow and discussion of the bodyguard. But she did her best to reign in her desire. This was a professional arrangement and she should strive to keep it as such, no matter how damn sexy Sebastian looked while he worked out-shirtless- in the mornings before starting his shift. She would just have to keep any wandering thoughts to herself and her fantasies. After all, she only had to stick it out for a year. It had been longer than that since she had seriously dated anyone, so surely she could accomplish not shagging the bodyguard of one of the most influential families of the region. Right? 
Sebastian’s interest in Mey-Rin took longer to develop. Sure, he thought she was attractive. She had a nice rack, too. But his job allowed him to come in contact with a number of attractive women (and men) and their interactions had never ventured beyond the professional. His training had prepared him for such self-denial. His employer’s safety would always supersede his desires. However, the more time he spent around the trainer, talking with her, watching her while she trained Ciel, the more he found that conviction wavering. Especially after the time when he came into the gym they had on the grounds to find her stretching after her morning workout. The image of her flushed cheeks, stray hairs clinging to her sweaty face, the way the visible swell of her breasts glistened with sweat, and her leggings hugged her shapely legs and ass as she easily bent herself in half one he visited often in his fantasies when he had the rare spare moment to masturbate. Her name was soon the one that would fall from his lips as, with a last, well timed stroke he would come, his release splattering the shower wall. 
Their first time was a result of a sparring workout. Mey-Rin had asked Sebastian if he would spar with her so her fighting skills wouldn’t become rusty. Things had been going well until during one session, he pinned her to the ground, quickly growing hard as she struggled against his iron grip. Mey-Rin stopped as soon as she knew what was happening and stared up at him breathlessly, waiting for what he would do. Though, given how wet she was becoming simply by having his erection pressing against her, she knew what she wanted him to do. Sebastian had the same thoughts going through his mind until he finally mustered a “Do you want to?” which was answered by a hurried “Yes”. At that, he drug her into the gym shower, turning the water up full blast in an attempt to drown out the sounds they would be making. Less than a minute later, they were both naked, Mey-Rin pressed up against the wall, legs wrapped around Sebastian’s waist, while he was already balls deep inside her. She was dizzy, the air thick and heavy. It was hard to breathe. Though whether it was from the steam that had filled the tiled room or how he stole her breath as every thrust hit her g-spot, she wasn’t sure. It was quick, messy, and was only a temporary sating of their lust at best. But when their eyes met after Sebasitan pulled out just in time to release on her stomach, they both knew this was only the beginning.
Sebastian soon finds he enjoys taking her against things-the wall, the kitchen counter, the back of the manor, anywhere. He loves how she is completely at his mercy in those moments, reliant on his strength alone. He is also a total dom when they have the rare moment to take their activities to the bedroom. His life is mainly dictated by the whims and needs of his employers, so he has no qualms with being a bit controlling when it comes to sex. Nothing against the trainer’s will, but he gets off on the times when he’s permitted to tie her to the bed, blindfolded, completely at his mercy whilst he does what he desires to her body. He also enjoys worshiping her body and exploring all of it with his tongue. He was pleasantly surprised to find that she enjoys anal stimulation, including rimming, and often employs it when he’s eating her out.
Given both of their professions rely heavily on self control, this follows them into the bedroom. Both of them enjoy orgasm control and denial, watching their partner as they struggle to remain in control while they get pushed to the edge over and over is almost as rewarding as their final release. But out of the two, Mey-Rin enjoys it the most. She enjoys toys as well, and has left Sebastian with a vibrating butt plug inserted inside him on more than one occasion, with the promise that if he makes it to the end of the day without coming, she will let him do whatever he wants to do with her, even if she would normally object. Conversely, if he doesn’t make it all day, he can only pleasure her that night. To Sebastian’s frustration, he’s not won once. She also enjoys pain play as well, though, because her job has given her a rather high pain tolerance, it takes more extreme forms of BDSM to properly stimulate her, paddles and nipple clamps often being used, though Sebastian is more than happy to oblige. Though Mey-Rin hasn’t been the only one to benefit from her vast toy collection. Sebastian groaned with need when she showed him the strap on she owned and practically begged her to peg him. Because, while he’s cool and collected and typically the dom, he is the most submissive bottom when he allows Mey-Rin to top him.
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thefightingbull · 4 years
It’s Started Out With A Kiss
@elloryia ColdWave adopts Jason continuation
“The Flash kissed me,” Leonard Snart said casually. When Mick Rory’s face turned red he added quickly, “On the cheek.”
Lisa Snart and Jason Rory wisely stayed silent as they continued eating their meal. Jason in particular shoved a large floret of broccoli in his mouth just in case he was asked a question.
“He was having a hard time; it was back when he killed the meta thing.” Leonard shrugged before taking a bite of his dinner.
Mick set down his silverware and started to rise.
“Hey!” Jason called before Mick could storm off. “You haven’t finished your broccoli.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t have to. I’ve already grown!” Mick shouted as he left the kitchen and headed straight for their bedroom.
“That’s bullshit!” Leonard and his son snapped at the exact same time.
His pup ducked his head when Leonard turned and scowled. 
“Sorry, Daddy,” Jason said with a sheepish smile. Another second of glaring had the boy rolling his eyes and then reciting with a huff: “Only grownups can talk like that.”
Lisa grinned at Leonard from the table. “I got it, Lenny. Go see if you can console your ornery mate.”
Len took his sister’s suggestion and found his mate more than ready for him. The moment the door was shut again, Mick shouted, “That fucking alpha speedster is dead, Len! Dead! I don’t care how pretty you think he is! I don’t care if he’s Jason’s favorite! He’s dead! I ain’t afraid of him!”
Len hid a smile behind his hand as he watched Mick pace and posture. Especially as his lover kept puffing out his chest.
When it wasn’t in public, Leonard could admit he found it somewhat adorable: seeing an alpha spin himself out of control and work himself up with thoughts of anger and revenge. Well, to be honest, he didn’t like seeing any alpha do that except Mick. It was what drew Leonard to his mate in the first place. The man’s anger and rage on his behalf anytime Len showed up with a black eye or a busted lip…
It touched his ice-cold heart in a way few things ever did.
The alpha turned and stared as Leonard approached and offered a hand, the inside of his right wrist. 
“Look at me, Mick.”
Mick turned his face into the offered wrist, still angry, but settling down as he nuzzled him. “I can’t… I can’t share you with another alpha, I don’t care if he is funny or we like flirting with him. You know me. I’m too much, even for the softest alphas.”
Leonard grinned as he stepped forward and into his alpha’s personal bubble. He enjoyed the scent Mick gave off when angry. It was like fire wood and always warmed him. “I would never betray you, Mick. You know that.”
“That kid is younger, more powerful, he’s…” Mick growled.
“He’s not the one that sat with me in the hospital,” Leonard whispered.
He hated talking about that night. Hated thinking about it. But he would, for his mate, Len would endure awful memories.
“Barry wasn’t there to hold my hand,” he continued, and tried to hide the emotion sneaking into his voice. “Barry didn’t hear what the doctors said to me, Mick. You did.”
Mick’s rumbling voice cracked, causing Len’s own heart to flutter with worry at the sound. “No, Lenny, you don’t have to go back there. Not for me, Babe.”
Leonard closed his eyes. More than anything, he wanted to turn back the clock. He wanted to do something, anything, to prevent his sire from laying that beating down. From nearly killing him. From taking away any chance Len would ever have to provide his alpha with pups.
He held tight to Mick, letting the alpha provide him with strength, security, and safety. If Mick had been older, if he’d been given the opportunity, Leonard knew that Lewis Snart would have died then. As it was, Lewis still didn’t have the courage to show his face anywhere near himself or his sister.
“We have a pup, Omega. You found him. You.” Mick didn’t let him go as he continued to speak. “If it had been me, I probably woulda left him behind.”
Leonard looked up into his eyes. “Maybe, but Jason would have followed after you like a lost puppy.”
Mick chuckled and the sound filled him with an emotion much stronger than admiration. “We should get back on topic while you’ve still got me in a good mood.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at his alpha’s words. “Right.” Leonard took a deep breath. “Barry Allen isn’t a threat to you, alpha.”
“Our little Flash has been keeping a big secret.” Leonard nuzzled into Mick’s neck, nipping and kissing as he wrapped his arms around Mick’s waist.
“Kid can’t keep secrets; he sucks at them,” Mick chuckled.
Leonard grinned as he looked Mick in his hazel green eyes. “I know, which is why I figured out that our Scarlet isn’t an alpha.”  
“No way! I’ve smelled the speedster. You’ve smelled him!”
It was impossible not to keep his smile as Leonard continued to stare into his mate’s eyes. “When he kissed me, I noticed an artificial scent. You know the one,”
Mick’s eyes widened in shock. “The one you used to wear to hide your status from Lewis!”
He nodded. “I recognized that scent and knew it at once. Did a little casing and found out the kid’s an omega.”
Leonard bit his lip to keep from making some silly omega noise at the sight of his alpha’s pupils blowing wide. He didn’t resist devouring Mick’s mouth as they kissed long and hard. Nothing turned Mick on more than seeing Leonard working over another omega, but after a few tries, they’d always struggled to find the right one.
Either Mick wasn’t attracted to the other omega, or Leonard got jealous. There was still a lot to do. To test, to plan and to enact, but Leonard was a professional thief. Planning was usually just as fun as the doing in his line of work, and getting to know and courting Barry Allen could be just as fun as making a score.
What they really needed to know before they pursued the speedster was whether or not Barry was any good with Jason…
 Barry’s heart raced as he searched his entire lab. Why the hell had Len and Mick dropped little Jason Rory off with him? Well, he knew what they said the reason was, but he didn’t trust the shifty look in Leonard’s eyes. It felt like he was being tested, like he was being watched. And normally, Barry didn’t mind.
Except that right then? He was failing!
Failing with McKenzie Rory and Leonard Snart’s pup!
He ran down the steps. “Anyone seen a kid? He’s ten years old, this tall” — he held out his hand to a little above his hip — “black curly hair, bright bluish or greenish eyes? Anyone?”
A couple of uniforms smirked, but no one had an answer. Oh, man. He was so dead. If people found out that Jason was Mick and Len’s pup, he’d be fired. Even if they didn’t have proof or enough evidence to arrest the thieves, they could still cut Barry loose.
Barry couldn’t believe his morning!
But then, Mick had honestly scared the hell out of him. The big pyromaniac had just shown up, handed the little boy over and said, “Here, Scarlet, since you seem so hell-bent on joining my pack, you get to watch the pup for the day.”
And then he left!
Barry rounded a corner, hunting desperately for Jason, and ran straight into Joe. Oh no. This was not good. He didn’t want to run into Joe. It was Saturday! Shouldn’t he be at home? Was he working this weekend? Crap! Why hadn’t he just told Mick no!
Oh wait, he remembered. Because Mick had said “joining my pack” and it had actually sounded kind of… Whoa! Now was not the time! 
“He-hey, Joe, what’s, what up?” He asked, swallowing down all the stress and fear of the day.
Joe stared as if Barry had grown a second head. Did he know? Of course Joe knew, right? He was a detective. Thankfully, Joe appeared to shake it off. 
“Hey, Barry, do you know why there’s a kid in the holding cells?”
Barry’s eyes widened in terror. “He’s where?”
Nearly slamming into several officers, Barry and Joe ran down to the cells. What would Barry do if Jason was hurt? It wasn’t like Captain Cold and Heatwave didn’t have competitors out there? What would they do for a chance at hurting the kid? Barry’s stomach rolled at the thought, but he had to keep it together. 
As soon as he made it down the steps, Barry stared in horror.  Somehow, Jason had managed to get himself inside the cell with four other criminals, a gang of thieves who failed to rob a bank earlier that morning. But that wasn’t the strange part.
Jason was laughing on one side while the thieves were all on the opposite side.
“Wanna see something funny, Uncle Barry?”
“Uncle?” Joe glared. “Who is this pup?”
Jason waited until Barry’s eyes were on him before he ran to where the thieves were all seated. Immediately, the four grown men jumped or scooted to the other side of the cell, with Jason giggling at his incredible power over them.
“Hey, whoa, now.” Joe stepped up after calling for a uniform to bring the keys over. “Why are you guys ducking this kid like that?”
“Are you crazy? That’s Captain Cold and Heatwave’s pup,” the supposed leader scoffed. “We don’t want our scents on that kid when they get him back!”
Jason laughed even more hysterically, but all Barry could focus on was Joe’s wide, dark brown eyes and the “you are so dead” glare on his adoptive father’s face.
“Did they just say this kid belongs to Snart and Rory?”
Barry grimaced at Joe as Jason came out of the cell at the behest of the uniform. As soon as he was out, the little boy stood by Barry’s side and tugged on his hand.
“When my Daddy looks at me like that I usually just go to my room and get it over with,” Jason informed him.
Yeah, Barry was in so much trouble.
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7deadlycinderellas · 4 years
if the summer of our lives could just come again, ch34
ao3 link
The North
They have been fighting in the north near on a moon when Danaerys recognizes Jamie for who he is.
It’s surreal. Her mind, her memories and her old, ghost memories are all at odds. Kingslayer one says, father killer, another. Viserys’s words echo in her history. The voice in present just says, “keep working, keep clearing the north, get these things off this face of existence, send them back to the earth.”
So they do.
It’s a game of hunt and peck. The huge armies are gone, but small packs of the dead still roam. They have no goal, no command, and they are easy enough to exterminate with dragonfire, but the process seems endless.
And the process is not without its horrors.
The worst of the fighting had occurred where the Ironborn disembarked outside White Harbour. Because of its proximity to Winterfell, many of the dead that had managed to breach the barriers had made their way to the sea.
She hasn’t been able to get word from Theon or Yara and she fears the worst.
Danaerys can’t bear to think of why they were heading towards the water. Even when she’d seen from Rhaegal’s back that they had begun to cross the streams and rivers, she couldn’t imagine them crossing the ocean. Essos would have been completely unprepared.
Danaerys is exhausted, drained. She can’t imagine that there will still be more to come after this.
She approaches Jamie on Rhaegal’s back, and calls out.
“Cerwyn and Torrhen’s Square have both been cleared,” Jamie tells her, “But we still need to sweep east and west.”
“I’ll take the Northwest,” she tells Jamie, “The forests and mountains will be too much for your men on horseback. Get with the survivors of Winterfell and go through the eastern keeps. “
“Be wary of the mountain clans, they do not always take kindly to outsiders and I doubt even the Stark’s could compel them to evacuate,” Jamie warns her, “Bear Island’s there too, and several men from Winterfell have claimed that many refugees were sent there.”
Danaerys winces. Of course, with whatever foresight the north could have had, they would have tried to get their peoples to safety, and she doubts the south would have paid them any mind. Much like she nearly didn’t. She wonders how many of her men who she brought over from Essos, nearly entirely unprepared for this, have perished.
Soaring over the thick forests, hills and valleys of the North, Danaerys wonders how she could have never heard stories as vivid as seeing this land from the air like this.
Jamie presses east, trying to make contact with the scouting parties from Winterfell. His men are as lost in the north as Danaerys is, and they don’t have the advantage of dragons on their side. Drogon and Viserys are keeping closer to Danaerys and can’t be too much help to him.
The east of the north is flatter, and the sunshine makes the fighting easier, but this doesn’t change the fact that little swaths of the dead keep finding their way through the trees.
Fewer and fewer. He can’t wait until they aren’t anymore.
And it’s the same for his men, Jamie has met very few of the army he led north, these are men of the Reach, southerners through and through. As the dead fall, so do they.
They clear the keeps one by one. White Harbour is a graveyard, littered with the fallen of the Iron born and Unsullied. They bury those they can, and take up the survivors. Jamie muses that they must be the most mismatched, hacked together army that history has ever produced.
Oldcastle, Ramsgate, Widow’s Watch. Inland towards Hornwood, and north, to the Dreadfort.
He vaguely remembers something about Ned Stark executing the traitorous Boltons years ago, but he has no idea what had been done about their empty holdings.
They meet up with a group that has come from Winterfell, northmen and wildlings alike. At the front, Jamie spies Robb Stark, riding tall with an axe in his remaining hand. Jamie feels his own ache, in a phantom pain.
“We ride north,” he calls out, “The Last Hearth and Karhold still remain.”
When they reach Karhold, there’s a small horde that emerges from the woods and attacks. Jamie steels himself but finds he moves far slower than the rider by his side.
The other rider dispatches the approaching dead with ease, as though they have done it have done it a thousand times. They may have.
Jamie’s hand is still on his sword when he turns to acknowledge the rider. The memories buried in the back of his mind roar to life when his eyes connect with pale blue.
Promises that should have been made, vows he tried his best to follow through, all of them rush through him. His stomach starts turning somersaults, and he finds he can’t control the expression playing out on his face.
Brienne’s mouth opens, and Jamie can’t even imagine what she would say to him, wonders in fact if she would even recognize him, after all not everyone saw the same things, wonders if-
She shouts, “Duck!” but it’s too late. The Other’s arrow of ice comes at him too fast, and pierces him through the eye.
The Neck
Meera sits cross-legged on the edge of the crannog, staring off into the swamp air. The fog has returned, heavy in the morning, and she feels like this has meaning.
Her daughter sits on her lap, her husband having taken a dip into the clear waters around the crannog.
Arra babbles, and sucks on her fingers. She had slept through the night for the first time a few nights prior, frightening her parents when they’d woken before she did. Jyana had smiled and commented that she would start sitting up on her own and maybe even crawling soon.
It makes Meera’s chest tighten, to think that they’d been hiding so long.
“It’s not much,” she whispers over Arra’s head, “And sometimes you have to look deep for the beauty, but it’s home.”
There’s a splash as Bran emerges up through the water and takes a deep breath, before paddling over to where they’re sitting.
Every single day that it had been warm enough Bran had gone in the water. Even on the days when he couldn’t stay in more than five minutes without his lips turning blue. He claimed that with the water cushioning his muscles and joints, he felt more free than he had since before his accident, either of them.
When he’d told her this, she had felt the need to remind him that his pain and disability were never a burden to her.
“Are you ever getting out of there?” Meera teases.
“Nope,” he says, “I’m going to grow gills and fins, and you’ll have to come in here too if you ever want to see me.”
Arra babbles, and Bran laughs in response, before pulling himself out, slowly, onto the crannog. He leans over and pulls Arra into his own lap.
“Maybe I’ll wait until this one can swim in with me.”
Meera turns her face up towards the fog. There’s something different about this morning. It’s something in the way the air feels on her skin, in the way it smells.
Inside the keep, Jojen smells it too, and he knows.
“It’s going to start raining soon,” he tells Shireen, who’s sitting at the table writing.
She raises an eyebrow.
“Is that a vision?’
Jojen chuckles.
“No, just experience.”
His voice quiets, and becomes more serious.
“I did have a vision a few nights ago. It was different though. It didn’t hurt, and I don’t know why.”
Shireen frowns.
“Do you think...maybe it had to do with the big ones all of us had?”
Jojen’s silent. He doesn’t know. They sit in silence until the raindrops begin to drop rhythmically on the metal outside the keep.
“After this is done,” Shireen starts, “I’m going to go back to Winterfell, collect everything I can. The fights, the names of the dead. I’m going to take it all to the Citadel. History deserves to be told by the people who lived it.”
She pauses a bit.
“Come with me,” she says, with uncharacteristic certainty, “Come to the Citadel with me.”
Jojen freezes, and doesn’t respond.
Shireen continues, reaching out to touch his hand, “I know you must have thought about it. I know I have, being able to be in the place in Westeros that so reveres knowledge and learning...”
Shireen drops her hand, and her eyes drop to the wood of the table.
“Though even if I bring things for them to add to their collections, I can’t even know that they’ll give me the time of day.”
Jojen doesn’t respond to her words, but he reaches back up to take her hand again, squeezing. Just when it looks like he might say something, Bran and Meera enter from the side of the keep, soaked in rain, Bran clutching baby Arra.
Shireen raises an eyebrow.
‘Looks like it’s coming down out there.”
Meera nods, squeezing the rain water out of her curls and finding a flannel to dry off the baby and wrap her. At the sound, Sansa emerges from where she had been in their sleeping chamber and joins Jojen and Shireen at the table.
Jojen stares out one of the windows before Meera moves to check and make sure the netting is pinned down so the wind can’t blow it open.
“I feel like the rain is important,” Jojen comments to the others. “There was rain in my dream last night.”
“What did the rain do? Bran asks. He’s seated and rubbing his leg. Sometimes changes in the weather make the bone that was broken so long ago ache.
Jojen shakes his head.
“I don’t really remember. But I think- I think it might be all over.”
That gets everyone’s attention, but no one dares speak.
Finally, it’s Bran who breaks the silence.
“I’ll send Una north, and try to warg the others again. We’ll see.”
It’s been strange trying to keep track of the birds from here. With their wings, they can avoid the dead with ease, and bird eyes are good enough to know when they can land. Bran sometimes wonders, if they hadn’t been able to stem the tide, if the Night King had prevailed, would the birds have kept on. Some birds could eat the dead, and others could see in the night.
With Bran’s mind wandering, he’s suddenly terribly glad they stopped the Night King from getting his hands on Viserion this time.
At least it means they managed to make something easier.
Some nights, the pain from Ned’s wound is enough that he can barely leave the Great Hall. Thankfully, it’s not like his chambers are in any condition to be slept in.
“There’s a wall down on the east side of the Great Keep,” Arya tells him one morning. On the days he can barely move, she’s been keeping him up to date on the state of the repairs.
“How bad?” Ned wants to know. The morning that the first scouting party had gone out, Arya had taken one look at her injured father and known she had to stay at Winterfell. She couldn’t leave him alone.
“Pretty bad, but it’s our first priority. To give shelter to who we still can. We’re using what stone we can salvage, there’s a few masons among us, but it’s not like we can get in any new material shipments yet.”
This is how most of the conversations have gone, as Arya has kept him up to date of the outbuildings that need rebuilding and the fire damage. This is a patch job, and will be until the north can return and begin functioning normally. If it ever does. They’ve done all they can to clear debris, but there seems to be endlessly more, and too much that they have nowhere to dispose.
“Is your husband still here, or did he go out with this scouting mission?”
Arya nods. The first scouting, Gendry had accompanied, leaving her behind to continue with the rebuilding. Upon the party’s return, he had decided his skills were better used here. After complaining quite a lot about the constant riding of course.
“He’s still here. The party’s due back later today, so I can send Robb and Jon to see you too.”
“You should let them rest,” Ned tries to insist, but he knows it won’t work. None of the siblings have spoken about their father’s condition, but it seems they all somehow know.
Arya leaves the Great Hall into the courtyard, and takes in what she can handle to see of her childhood home.
Robb and Jon can barely bring themselves to look too deeply either. Arya offers to take them both to see Ned, but Jon has the dubious honor of getting Jamie Lannister to Maester Luwin.
“Shows up, and the next thing you know, he’s got an arrow sticking from his eye. Mostly the remaining wights aren’t using weapons, he just had spectacularly unlucky timing.”
“Seems poetic honestly,” Arya muses, “He lost his arm before, wonder if maybe he sees this as an upgrade. I’ve been blind before, I think I could adjust.”
Regardless, Jon has to get him among the injured so they can see what to do about his eye.
Jon thought it was good to give Robb time alone with Ned. Functionally, Robb was now Lord of Winterfell, even missing his arm. He led their men through the north to extinguish the threat of the dead, Back at Winterfell, him and Val were leading the rebuilding and many of the men looked to Robb first, before Ned.
Ned hadn’t gotten yet to tell him how proud of him he had become.
“We’ve managed to clear most of the east. The dragon queen is still trying what she can in the west, but the mountains are making it hard,and we have to decide if it’s safe to retrieve the refugees from Bear Island yet.”
Ned took his son’s arm.
“There will be time enough for plans. Rest my son, tomorrow is another day.”
Off on the other end of the Great Hall, Jon deposits Jamie Lannister onto a mat for Maester Luwin to examine. It’s made easier because when Jon and Brienne had helped him from his horse, he had since passed out from the pain.
“The bleeding seems to have stopped, but he’s been in awful pain since.”
Luwin nods.
“Best I can do is give him milk of the poppy for the pain,” his voice thins, “we don’t have much left. Other than that, it’s just hoping that it heals without corruption. There should be someone with him when he wakes up, or he could hurt himself.”
Jon feels a step land behind him. He hadn’t realized Brienne had continued with them past the courtyard.
“I shall stay with him Maester.”
Jon meets her eye, and sees a spark, and a shimmer. He nods to her, clapping her on the shoulder.
“If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the Godswood.”
Somehow, even with all the damage, the Godswood has remained pristine. Stepping over the rubble at the entrance, Jon feels in his soul why Ned had always considered it his place, where he could think and be with his own mind.
He finds Rowan seated at the base of the heart tree, with Ygritte by her side.
“How’s your arm?” he asks, setting down Dark Sister and sitting upon the grass.
“Still getting used to it,” Ygritte tells him
Jon turns his attention to Rowan.
“Is there anything else the weirwoods are speaking of the land?”
Rowan smiles softly.
“They speak of change, but I don’t yet know what that means, whether it is something just for them, for the land, or for us all.”
She stands, and brushes off her limbs. The snow is beginning to melt, but some powder still remains.
“Perhaps more useful images will come to me in my sleep.”
Rowan has begun to rest in the hollow formed underneath the oldest tree in the wood. It bore much resemblance, in a way to the cave far north where they had first met.
Once she had gone, Ygritte asks Jon.
“What is it like out there?”
Jon sighs deeply.
“The dead seem to finally be staying down without stragglers. We’re waiting for Danaerys’s word that the land is safe before we begin recalling the refugees. We may have even to go scouting again, and so much has been destroyed. It will be years, maybe decades even, until the North is more than a shadow of its former self.”
Ygritte nods.
“Some of the Free Folk are talking about helping rebuild, but others want to return to their homes over the wall.”
Jon chews his lip in thought.
“That would be something to bring up with Robb. After his marriage to Val, all the north should be considered one in the same, but somehow I doubt it will go that smoothly. Even if there are only a few of my former brothers still alive among us.“
Will the Night’s Watch even need to still exist? Jon suddenly ponders. There will be no more white walkers, at least as far as the stories go, and if the Wildlings are considered northerners...
“Will there be any more pretty crows in the wild who need to be kept warm?” Ygritte wonders, wrapping her fingertip into one of Jon’s curls. He retaliates by pulling her into his lap.
“I hope not, don’t want you getting any ideas about trading up.”
Though much of the snow has melted, the ground is still frozen underneath Jon’s backside and the air nips at their skin where it is exposed by moving their clothing aside. His cloak spread on the ground eases some of the cold, as does Ygritte’s warm, soft flesh, in his hands, surrounding him and moving above him.
Jon does his best not to linger on the symbolism of the two of them like this, coupling in front of a heart tree, on top of his cloak. But his mind cannot shake the image of the heat from their bodies, being pulled into the earth, softening the winter freeze.
King’s Landing
Winter storms had come to King’s Landing. Rain and sleet and hail poured down at a rate the capital didn’t see any other season. It made life very difficult for many of the smallfolk, some even who might have welcomed a nice, quiet snowfall.
And when that wasn’t enough, there was Tywin Lannister.
While many denizens of Westeros had been wandering since the visions in a state of confusion, or despair, or occasionally elation, Tywin had been consumed with only one emotion. That emotion was rage.
He was hardly the only man in the capital who had seen his own death, but he was the only one that was actively fuming over it, nearly every hour of every day.
The servants felt his wrath the most. The small council members almost as much. And he could only imagine what he would have inflicted on his own grandson if it weren’t for the unfortunate incident that had ended his life prematurely. Again as it would seem.
Because now, Tywin was hand to an infant king, a grieving widow queen, and father of three incredibly difficult and infuriating children. He had some hope that the confusion and grief of the situation might allow him to retain some influence over the Queen Regent. He had no doubt that the rest of the Tyrells would be eager to extend their influence on the crown and the realm, and he must not allow them to gain a foothold.
And one day, during a torrential downpour, reports came to his ears of a dragon flying south.
What a ridiculous story. But still, he tells the guards to be vigilant.
Not that there was anything they could do.
The three beasts enter the skyline of King’s Landing during another downpour, that while it threatened flooding, almost kept down the city’s infamous smell.
What was a hill to a dragon? What were walls? The three bodies skimmed over the Blackwater Rush with nary a thing in their way. The guard’s gathered in the courtyard can do little more than fire arrows that bounce off their scales. Behind the guards, Queen Margaery has ushered the servants and ladies of the court into the bowels of the keep, and has quietly joined the men in the courtyard.
Tywin has dealt with Targaryens before, but he’s not quite sure what to expect when the dragon’s rider dismounts.
It’s not a woman, bedragged by the rain, staring him straight in the eye. The others flank her, one carrying a bundle in it’s claws. She stays under the protective cover of the dragon’s jaws, it’s tongue wiping the raindrops from it’s muzzle. Tywin could order his men to attack, but he knows better.
She looks Tywin up and down.
“The city appears in one piece. That’s more than I can say for the rest of your kingdom. I can see from your garb you are a Lannister, given your age and position, I imagine you must be Tywin.”
“Speak your peace,” Tywin responds, his voice sounding for what may be the first time in his life, uneasy.
“I have brought you evidence of what has been rampaging over the North of Westeros for near on a year. I imagine you must have heard the stories, though I know you did nothing.”
The dragon to the left sets down the bundle on the ground. It’s wrapped in sackcloth and rope. Margaery feels her stomach turn.
“I will thank your son Jamie, however, for the men he was able to provide to the cause-”
Tywin’s face whitens. And here it was, his children, able to cause him strife in any life he lives.
“And the Queen you serve, who felt the need to go around her King’s back to send them. Though, I understand, no one could have expected to find wights upon the land, not outside of nursery tales.”
The bundle on the ground twitches, and Tywin hears one of the men shout. Danaerys steps forward, and pulls the burlap away from the top of the figure, though she does not untie it.
Even far behind the guards, Margaery feels all her plans and schemes for the future of her life begin to melt away. She files mentally through her skills, dismissing them one at a time.
It was never one her grandmother would approve of, but perhaps this time, the best path will be humility.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Kinktober Day 5 (10/05/2019)
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Kink - Mechanophilia (Sexual arousal caused by machines), Bonus light impregnation kink
"I don't think we should take the contact."
The 10 guys of NCT Chop shop were in a sticky situation. An offical letter from SJ industries offered the boys 1,000 dollars each if they allowed the company to take over their workshop, the one place that they've felt free enough to be themselves and work on their projects.
"Where would we go?" Taeil asked the group, all with unsure grimaces on their faces.
"With 10,000 grand, we should be able to find a cheap enough place that we can work from, possibly in a better neighborhood and that could mean more rich clientele," Jungwoo spoke up, looking the letter over.
"We should at least try to talk them up to two grand a piece," Doyoung took the letter from the younger boy, reading one sentence out loud, "right here, it says 'We will stop by tomorrow,' meaning today, 'to talk about any problems and possible solutions.' We could talk to them then."
"But we still need to come to a consensus, take the money or not?" Taeyong, their democratically appointed leader, looked at the 9 other members, "all for one and one for all, remember?"
A knock at the large door shocked the boys, Yuta going over to open it, 3 tall men and a girl around their age on the other side.
"Hello," a man in a gray suit with the nametag 'Leeteuk' looked the group up and down, "you must be the gentlemen who work here. Is there a manager?"
"I guess that would be me?" Taeyong walked towards him, sticking his hand out, "I'm Taeyong, pleasure to meet you, sir."
"Likewise," Leeteuk shook Taeyong's hand, wiping his hand on his pants as Taeyong gestured the others to come inside, "this is Shindong and Heechul, and my secretary, Y/N."
The group bowed, Y/N keeping her eye on the tall boy whose coveralls were embroidered with "Johnny" in red thread on the left side of his chest.
"Now," Leeteuk threw his suitcase at Y/N, the girl catching and holding it to her side, "I assume you boys are willing to take the offer? I mean, judging on how this place works, you could use the money."
Taeil was cut off by Leeteuk, "Don't tell me you're thinking about not taking the offern? 10,000 for you must be a lot."
"It is," Taeyong hid the disgust on his face for the cocky male, "but this is also our home, we've been here for years, some of us have even stayed here when we had nowhere else to go. One grand a piece isn't enough to make us part with this place."
"How about we talk about this?" Leeteuk threw his hands in a smug manner, "Shindong, Heechul, go with the others while I talk to Mr. Taeyong."
"What do yo-"
"Oh, that's right, Y/N is here too," Leeteuk looked at the group, "Lanky boy, what's your name?"
"I can tell you it's not Lanky Boy," Johnny looked up, displaying his name on his clothes, "I assume you can read, seeing as you are a huge CEO?"
Y/N and Johnny's nine friends started laughing, Leeteuk whipping his head around to give an annoyed stare at his secretary, the girl immediately halting all actions and staring at the floor. Leeteuk threw his hand over the shoulder of Taeyong as the tourgroups began to break off, Johnny and Y/N shaking each other's hands.
"Taeyong my boy, let's go talk," Leeteuk practically dragged Taeyong away from his friends, the leader looking at the other mechanics with a concerned look on his face.
"Is he always like that?" Johnny asked Y/N, the boy picking up a rag and wiping some grease off his face.
"Do you always keep those googles on?" Johnny touched his face at Y/N's comment, playfully rolling his eyes.
"They're stylish, but back to that Lettuce dude."
"It's Leeteuk and You'd be surprised how kind he can actually be when he's not talking about business," Y/N scoffed, looking around the huge area, machines, wood and metal decorating the space.
"Ah," a simple word out of Johnny's mouth as he notices Y/N's interest, "would you like to take a look around? None of the tools are plugged in, so no Final Destination deaths here."
Y/N awkwardly chuckled at the sight of the handsome boy, "umm, yeah, sure."
"We call this Ellie," Johnny pointed to a big machine, picking up a giant tube, "she helps us clean up faster, sucking up all the dust and dirt."
Y/N smiled and nodded along, watching Johnny excitedly go from machine to machine.
"Here we have a wood splitter, nothing fancy, just sort of does what its name says it does," Johnny gestured to a small room inside the workspace, "we call this the tool prison, drills, hammers, nails, screws, you name it, it's in there."
Johnny pulled out a chainsaw, pretending to rev it up as Y/N jumped back, still quiet so she won't interrupt Johnny's excitement.
"I call this Betsy, she's been my tool since day 1," Johnny showed Y/N the carved out name in the side of his chainsaw, "she's a bit old, but still works."
"How did you get into mechanics and tools?" Y/N walked over to a table, a nailgun, a drill and some screws scattered on the top.
"They're sexy," a laugh from Y/N causing Johnny to make fingers gun, "but seriously, Taeyong and Taeil needed someone else to help them with their projects and I was in the same woodshop class with them a few years ago."
Y/N walked around, exploring the shop, "do you want to continue giving me the tour?"
"Sure, why not? This is a table saw, one of my friends actually almost got injured real bad by this one," Johnny started fucking with the machine, spinning the sawblade as Y/N visibly freaked out while Johnny played with the sharp tool, "she was using this tool for a show that her class was putting on, one of the triangles she was cutting had a nail or staple in it and it shut out, narrowly missing her."
"Ohmygod, is she okay?" Y/N cringed at the story, Johnny putting the safety cover back on the machine, smirking at Y/N.
"Yeah, she's fine," Johnny put his arm up, hand hidden in his sleeve, spooking Y/N, "she just has to live with one hand!"
Y/N gently smiled, continuing to look around as Johnny watches her walk around, noticing her skirt keeps raising up, the girl having to pull it down every few steps.
"Why do you work for that Leek Dance dude?" Johnny sat next to the table saw, keeping his eyes on Y/N, "like he's such a douche."
"He's my stepbrother's friend," Y/N walked over to Johnny, "the one with the pinkish hair? Heechul? He's my stepbrother and one of Leeteuk's best friends. Leeteuk offered him a job and said he would only take it if I could have an internship."
Johnny nods, swinging his legs, "an internship? That's it? Do you get paid?"
"Yeah," Y/N shrugs, standing a few feet in front of Johnny, "but it goes to Heechul for the most part. Leeteuk says 'it's for the best until Y/N can learn to control her money,' even though, you know, I'm able to do so."
As Johnny started to speak, Y/N cut him off.
"You asked me a question, I get one."
"Ok, alright. What do you want to know?"
"What's your favorite machine?"
"Does Betsy count," Johnny jumped down from the table, his googles now around his neck, Y/N shaking her head, "alright. I guess it'll have to be the table saw, come here and I'll show you a better view."
Y/N walked over to the table saw, Johnny caging her in as he showed her the unplugged cable.
"Just so no one gets their face mauled, you make sure this is never in the wall unless there is a piece of wood under it," Johnny lays the cord next to the saw, gently grabbing Y/N's hand and placing it on one of the handles and placing the other on a button, "this right here is to move it left and right. Go ahead, push the button and try it."
Y/N pressed the orange button, maneuvering the power tool, Johnny placing his hand on top of hers as he lifted up the safety cover.
"Remember, it's unplugged, so it's not going to hurt you," Johnny repositioned himself in a more comfortable position, his chest flushed to Y/N's back, the secretary feeling her body heating up at the mechanic's proximity.
Johnny watched Y/N's hands roam over the machinery, her nails tracing each curve, Johnny feeling his pants tighten as he imagines her hands on his body, tugging at his hair and pulling on hi-
"Umm," Y/N turned around, looking down at Johnny's bulge that became prominent, Johnny stammering, "I guess you were right about machines being sexy."
Johnny barely opened his mouth, Y/N using his own words against him, the pair moving impossibly close to each other as they begun to heavily make out. Y/N took off her coat, throwing it to the side, and Johnny throwing the googles around his neck along with it.
Johnny helped the girl on the metal table, the table saw right next to her, pulling her shirt above her breasts as he immediately begun to suck on one of her nipples. Y/N's hands found their way to Johnny's hair, running them through his greasy, but soft locks.
Pulling away, Johnny unzipped his coverall, pulling his cock out his boxers, bringing Y/N in for a kiss, teasing her by rubbing his cock up and down along her covered core.
"Would you like prot-"
"I'm on birth control, just fuck me," Y/N shimmied her skirt further up, the fabric looking more like a belt, allowing her to spread her legs more, a wet spot growing in the middle of her underwear.
Johnny leaned down to kiss up Y/N's body before pulling her panties to the side, guiding his cock, pushing into Y/N. His hands immediately went up Y/N's body to play with her nipples, Johnny nuzzling into Y/N's neck.
"I'm gonna fill you up with my cum," Johnny nipped Y/N's neck, thrusting into her as she held a hand over her mouth, not wanting to be caught, "barely know you, but I'm gonna make you mine."
Y/N moved her arm to lean herself up, accidentally knocking a belt sander to the floor.
"Thing was a piece of shit anyway," Johnny helped her, holding her close to his chest, Y/N scratching down his back, "next time I see you, maybe I can eat you out in the tool closet, fuck you up the ass on the wood splitter, would you like that?"
"Yes, Johnny," Y/N moaned out the mechanic's name, her forehead slick against his chest, his pounding into her not stopping, "fuck me all over the place."
"Have you sit on the table while that shitty belt sander vibrates the whole table," Johnny nipped on Y/N's ear, bucking his hips at an angle that made Y/N's high start to creep up, "maybe do it in front of your boss, piss him off."
Y/N whimpered in Johnny's arms, the feeling in her gut twisting as he continued to whisper the dirtiest things she's heard.
Y/N hadn't noticed she came until Johnny pulled her even closer.
"Good girl," Johnny looked at her, his forehead sweaty and his eyes half opened, "now you're gonna be even better and take my cum."
Johnny thrusted a few more times, Y/N sensitive in his arms, his cum seeping out of his sudden lover. He stayed in her, grabbing a cloth from his back pocket and wiping her forehead. A moment passed before Y/N broke the tension, Johnny's hand caressing her back.
"Normally, you're supposed to turn machines on, not the other way around." Johnny laughed, pulling out of Y/N and pulling down her panties, putting them in his pocket as he fixed her skirt.
"You want these back? Make a date with me," Johnny smiled as Y/N nodded, hopping off the table just as the group came back.
"So, we have a deal, Mr. Leeteuk?" Taeyong smiled triumphantly while Leeteuk shook his hand, "2 grand a piece, we keep this area and teach a class every week?"
"Yes," Leeteuk grimaced, staring at Y/N in Johnny's arms, her legs wobbling a bit, "what's wrong with you?"
"She tripped," Johnny held onto Y/N's waist, "she accidentally tripped over the belt sander that Haechan left out."
Haechan looked down at his feet, Leeteuk looking for any sign of something in her eyes. When he couldn't find any, he straightened his suit jacket.
"Ok, it was a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, this is going to be a fine partnership."
Handshakes were had all around, Johnny walking up to Y/N, taking his phone out and handing it to her. Y/N typed in her phone number, texting her number so she could have Johnny's. Leeteuk called after Y/N, the girl walking as poised as she could. After the gate closed, Johnny's phone vibrated, the text bringing a big smile on his face.
That wood splitter idea sounds fun ;)
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Thor-Hercules AU
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I saw this gift and it just gave me Hercules vibe. And I thought, why not? Might be the first part of a Disney’s AU I’m going to do, since I’m working on college on a project for kids about Disney and WELL I CAN’T HELP MYSELF.
Plot:  you didn’t believe in heroes. Those strong, brave men that always wanted to save the day, only to cower away when the real problems began. You didn’t like heroes, who wanted to save the damsel in distress; you could save yourself, thank you very much. You didn’t fall in love with heroes, until a certain blonde one stumbled into your life.
Heroes, you had come to learn, were entirely more trouble than what they were worth.
They went and ran into danger without a moment’s notice, determinated to be noble and brave and never give cleverness a second thought. They did stupid things, always trying to outdo each other. And, in the end, they died.
You should have known, the moment that horrendous big beast roared, someone would come running. Some wanna-be-brave, and trying-to-be-handsome guy. Greece seemed to be absolutely overrun with heroes; if you lifted a rock, there could be at least two. Girls your age drooled over them, and you had met a few that had faked a dangerous situation just so they could see one. You had heard too plenty of stories about how they saved a damsel in distress and let her become the queen of their dreams.  Still, you didn’t like them.
“It’s alright” you assured the creature, hands spread wide and steps careful and slow. The beast roared again, tossing it’s massive – paws? In the air and moving his head around, as if it didn’t really know where you were. It was so wide that it seemed to block out the sky. “It’s okay, I’m not going to-“
Your words got cut off by the scream, and you froze, eyes wide. The beast sensed the intruder as well, its huge, golden eyes narrowing as its wings folded in, tail whipping against the ground.
“Are you alright, milady?” the voice asked again, footfalls accompanying it.
You turned, coming face to face with a man about your age, clad in armour and holding a long bronze sword. Well, not much armour; his sculpted abs were bared, only his shoulders and one arm covered in laughably impractical armour. He had long, blonde hair and deep blue eyes, boring into yours as if you were the only woman he had ever seen. He was tall, taller than any man you had met, and his shoulders were broad.
Regardless of how handsome he might had been, you still had no interest in getting killed.
“Stay back, you idiot” you hissed, and the blonde man froze, his brow furrowing.
“I… you don’t want help?” he asked, to which you shook your head vigorously. “But – aren’t you a damsel in distress?”
You almost wanted to laugh. There was the hero; tall, handsome, strong and with not a single braincell that told him that you didn’t need help. It was as if every one of them had a sixth sense to know when a woman was in distress. Distress meaning anything that wasn’t sleeping or trying new dresses.
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t resist the urge to perch a hand on your hop, fixing him with a withering scowl. You didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed up your entire figure, and suddenly the destiny of ending up between those enormous claws didn’t seem so bad.
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle it” you said, before turning back to the creature, giving it your full attention once more. It roared, wings spread wide once again and faring its razor fangs. If only, the presence of the man made it more nervous and aggressive, and you sighed in annoyance.
Your newfound hero didn’t seem to heed your words, as before you could blink, he was running past you, sword raised. The dress that was then stained and ripped flew past him and you let your mouth hang open, surprised at how stupid a man could be.
The beast roared, taking a step forward and coating the man and you with its disgusting drool. You closed your eyes and scrunched your nose, hearing the metallic clang of his sword against the animal’s side. It echoed through the clearing, only making the creature more agitated, hissing at the man.
“What are you doing?” you demanded, but he continued to fight, to no avail. You wanted to explain that you were the one stepping in the beast territory, and that it could be fixed with a little sweet talk. Your breath caught as he seemed to find a chink in the beast’s skin, the creature roaring in pain. “Hey!”
All thoughts of your own safety thrown to the wind as you rushed over the man, shoving him back from the animal before he could deliver the kill shot. He seemed so stunned by your actions that he stumbled back, sword falling to your side; although, probably, your shove had been like a soft breezed against a stone’s building, looking at his broad torso.
Your hands flew to the beasts neck, who was breathing heavily. It felt warm under your palms.
“It’s alright” you whispered, shushing it. The creature calmed and you swore it almost sighed in relief, the soft touch making it relax. You repeated the words a few times, until it stopped buffing. It’s head lowered and large, golden eyes blinked at her. “You’re safe now, he’s not going to hurt you”
A rumbling noise sounded in its throat, and his eyes slid shut as you tentatively stroked the top of its head, a whistling purr echoing from his nostrils. Once more, the beast’s eyes opened head rising as it spread its wings and leapt into the sky.
You stepped back to allow the creature room to take off, only remembering the ‘hero’ was still there when he spoke again.
“How did you do that, milady?”
“It was just frightened. Didn’t want to hurt anyone, not until you went rushing at him with a sword.”
The man looked down at the sword he had picked a few seconds before, afternoon sunlight gleaming off the bronze blade. The pommel was shaped to look like the handle of a hammer, you realized, rubies glinting on the sides. It looked expensive, and well made. Not something just anyone would happen to acquire. Not that the man was anything normal either; its beauty couldn’t be from Earth.
“Not everything that looks like a monster is one”
You raised your eyebrow at the man, sneaking a glance at his toned chest. He stood there dumbly, blinking at you and sword in hand. As the great winged beast grew smaller and smaller in the sky. Not everything that is a monster looks like one, either.
“I didn’t realize” he said finally. “I’m sorry, eh, milady. Do you – uh, have a name?”
“Y/N” you supplied.
“Y/N, your name calls the beauty in your” he answered, and you tried not to laugh at the poor attempt of a complement. Still, you wondered if you would be lucky enough to hear your name leaving his lips ever again. “I didn’t mean to interfere in something you had under control. Only wanted to help”
“It’s alright” you said with a shrug. “You should head into the city, though, if you’re looking for monsters to fight. Much more plentiful than out here”
He seemed to glow at your words, showing you a bright smile. He changed his weight from one feet to another, and you realised that you didn’t know the name of the handsome stranger that had made a fool of himself. Your smirked, and he took that as an invitation to talk again.
“I was on my way there” he admitted. “I’m Thor”
The name wanted to ring a bell in your head, but you couldn’t remember where you had heard it before. You blinked, trying to remember why it brought a sense of comfort over you, but he didn’t make any intention of explaining himself further.
“Well, I wish a good fortune. I hope you find the fame al glory all you heroes seem to be chasing” you said, with a little wave of farewell. “Thor.”
“I don’t want fame and glory” he replied, a bit of a frown on his face. Surprisingly, the conviction in his voice had you actually believing him. It seemed like he felt insulted for assuming that. “I just want to help people”
“Well, then I hope you can manage to do that. Try not to get yourself killed” you said. Finally, a teasing smile broke into your lips, a real one. Thor seemed to notice, as he laughed; and it was so loud, that your heart jumped from it. It was a beautiful sound, you decided.
“I’ll do my best, Lady Y/N” he said winking at you, before he turned, and he was gone. Leaving with you with blushing cheeks and small smile.
You exhaled, leaning up against a tree, heart still pounding with leftover adrenaline- whether from the beast, from Thor, you weren’t sure.
The calm after the storm didn’t last long, though. Mere moments after Thor disappeared, you could feel the chill creep into the wood, see the sky darken and the air grow heavy. You squeezed your eyes closed, whishing that you didn’t have to do that. Not after the sweet feeling Thor had left in you, and certain not after the happy smile you had on your face.
“Y/N, darling.”
A voice echoed from the trees, its owner emerging from the darkness like a shadow creeping closer. You could see the annoyance on his pallid face, long fingers pressed together as he stepped closer. You wrapped your arms around your chest, past from the point of being scared but still not comfortable with his presence.
“Hades” you said, trying to keep the bitterness out of your voice. It was not good to go and displease the god of the death, especially when he was already in a sour mood.
“What are you exactly doing here?” he asked, fake sweet smile on your face. “You’re supposed to be working. Convincing minor duties over to my side. Remember? Or is that dumb head of yours empty again?”
In a second, his pale face was in front of you. You had never met such a disgusting eyes over the years; dull, filled with darkness and pain, and slightly red at the end because of the constant hate he felt. Towards everything. His rancid breath hit your face and you tried to stay in place.
How could you forget, if it was everything he ever talked about. His grand plan to unseat the universe the gods by freeing the Titans when the planets aligned, giving him control of the universe. It sounded awful to you, and too much work to be worth it. World domination seemed better in theoreticals, you were sure. But you didn’t exactly have a choice. Whatever the god wanted from you, you had to do.
“I’m sorry, my lord” you said, smiling. Hoping Hades couldn’t noticed how different it was from the one you had a moment ago. “I was going to convince the river guardian to join your fight. I ran into the beast the way there”
“Our fight, darling” Hades corrected you. His hand, suspiciously wet and cold, caressed your face for a bit, until he gripped the back of your hair and pulled your closer. From that distance, he spat on your face when he talked. “As long as your soul belongs to me, my cause is yours too. You’re mine”
You squeezed your eyes closed again, letting the silence between you hang heavy. As if you needed any reminders of everything you gave up for a man who walked away from you the moment it was convenient. Hades kept his grip a little while longer, and finally let your hair go. Then, he wiped his hands on his thighs; as if humans were the most disgusting thing he had ever met.
You mumbled a quick apology, and looked to your feet. Stupid bloody heroes. Always chasing the next best thing, and leaving everything else behind them in dust and ruins.
“That’s more like it!” Hades said, his sickening smile too pleased. He remembered something and frowned, scary attitude back. “Back to the reason I was here. I was – you know, chilling between the eternal flames of death. And couldn’t help but noticing you were talking to, a man, was it? Didn’t remember giving you permission to do so.”
“I don’t know” you shrugged, a bit of annoyed that the conversation was focused on him. “Some here who came barging in, like the always do. Almost killed the poor creature”
“Oh, poor thing, um?” Hades blinked at you and put his folded hands under his chin, as if he was really sorry. “I wonder how long will that beast be alive for. Lucky I wasn’t here, or the dogs would have dinner for tonight”
You prickled at the way he called them beasts. You had always thought those creatures were fascinating in their own way. While they could be fierce, they could also be gentle. Some of them, hydras or chimeras, wanted to hurt you, sure; but most of them were just trying to survive.
Sometimes, you thought of yourself like them. You may had been a minion of Hades, been forced to do terrible things, but sometimes you could still believe there was something good left in you.
“It’s still alive, luckily” you spat back, narrowing your eyes at the god of death. “Even if this Thor almost ran him through”
You expected Hades to quip back. Ignore the anecdote and go straight to what he wanted from you. Maybe punish you from the unnecessary interaction with the man, or make you kill the creature for fun.
He didn’t. Instead, the god’s pale face grew more pallid, eyes going wide and mouth falling open. Hades demanded you to repeat yourself, stepping a little bit closer and making you press yourself further into the bark of the tree. His voice held something you had never heard; rage, surprise, hate. Fright. The stench of death and raw meat he always carried only made room to an even more disgusting one, and you scrunched your nose.
“The hero” you said carefully. “He almost ran the creature through.”
“I got that part!” Hades roared, and the temperature increased. He was fuming. “You said Thor”
“Thor” you repeated, unsure. “I did. Why? Who is he?”
There was no answer on his part, just a big bomb of smoke and he was out of sight. The beautiful landscape you had managed to get lost in the first place came back, birds singing and animals running around. You blinked confused, and took a step forward to finally relieve your back from the rough tree. Looking around, you tried to find the God.
You knew he wasn’t gone; Hades did that a lot. Whenever he remembered something or had business to do, he disappeared and came back a few seconds later. For him, it would had been some days of torturing something.
Your suspicious turned out to be right when he appeared on your right once more. That time, he was cleaning his hands with an old rag. It didn’t take a genius to understand what he had been doing; blood coated his left cheek and there were stains on his clothes. He had a murderous look on his eyes, but he was far more calm. And had a smirk that you didn’t like one bit.
You remined silent, not sure what to say not to anger him further. Thor had seemed strong, sure and a bit dumb although brave, but nothing worthy of being the worry of a god; let alone Hades. You had seen bigger and better man.
“I have a new plan” he said, brushing back his silver hair. “I need him dead, for real this time. And I know just the thing”
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