#big jiggle panda
jazessimpcave · 8 months
💗Your Domestic Life with Mr. Villain 💗
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🐼a normal day routine involves an alarm waking up the both of you, he makes breakfast and lets you sleep in if he feels you need more rest
🐼he has to go off to work, but says you can call him any time (loves it when you call him to give him a random panda fact of the day)
🐼he doesn't have you do chores at the apartment, mostly because he likes them done a certain way, but doesn't mind if you dust/cook
🐼when grocery shopping, he leaves you a specific list with alternatives, requires you to call him if the alt isn't there either
🐼he appreciates it when you tape nature shows with pandas for him to watch when he gets home
🐼bath time is something he does alone, but he gets a bit flustered when you joke about going in with him
🐼was weird about it at first with cuddling with you, so you wear pjs that resemble a panda pattern so he can think of you as his own personal panda <3
🐼he often tells you that you're an exception to taking over earth and annihilating humanity, he's truly happy being your domestic partner
🐼the first time you kissed him he wouldn't shut up about it for days and even texted you when he was at work asking if it's supposed to feel like it's lingering on his lips all the time
🐼calling him pet names like "mr bad guy" or "big guy" or "evil hubby" amuses him to where he challenges you to come up with more
🐼his pet name for you is "squish" or "jiggle" names that literally is about you being a soft human he likes being around
🐼he does get jealous though, so be sure to introduce everyone in your life to him and state their status with you so he's aware to not try and bite their head off for being familiar with you 🐼he'll take you to work someday, he just has to figure out how to make that work without you dying within the first 5 minutes
🐼shares food with you, feeding each other is something he enjoys
🐼love languages are quality time, and words of affirmation
🐼dislikes PDA, but is okay with holding hands with you
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fluffypandabun · 4 months
hello there panda!! I saw that you wanted some Drabble ideas! If you’re up for it maybe something with Lavi and Ori? Maybe along the lines of Ori getting snuggly with her while she’s trying to watch something or make something? And maybe tickles get involved? Thank you so much and I hope you have a great rest of your day/night too panda! <3
Lavi hummed happily to herself as she watched the screen of her computer in front of her. She sat on her bed with her legs crossed, back leaning against the mountain of pillows behind her. A bowl of popcorn sat off to the side and she munched on it as she watched her favorite movie.
This movie marathon however she had a guest, a guest who had currently draped themselves across her lap like a overgrown kitten.
Ori purred softy, Lavi able to feel the vibration throughout her legs, as they snuggled somehow even closer to the turtle. The Yoki was like a heated weighted blanket, which the turtle was quite happy with as since it was the colder months the lair was starting to get a bit nippy.
After a few more moments Lavis legs started to get a bit pins and needley after sitting down for so long, demanding she stood up and stretched.
She paused the movie and stretched her arms above her head.
“Alright Ori” She chirped, giving the Yoki a few gentle taps on the back “Lemme up for a minute.”
The turtle got nothing but a grumbly growl in response, Oris tail lashing behind them a few times before it settled as they simply made themselves more comfortable.
Lavi couldn’t help but giggle softly, jiggling her legs the best she could with the Yokis weight on them.
“Come onnnnn Ori, I gotta stretch!”
The slightly older teen let out a slight halfhearted hiss at being jostled, which trailed off into a whine.
“Nooooo.” They groaned, flopping their face down dramatically in the sheets “mm’comfy.”
Lavi rolled her eyes at the Yokis dramatics
“Come on Ori you’re acting like Leo.”
Oris only response was to make a big show of snugging themselves down closer against Lavis legs. The turtle let out a little huff, shaking her head fondly.
Normally the Yoki teen was a lot more timid about what they wanted, so it was nice to see them being a bit more firm….even if it was at the expense of Lavis legs.
Lavi continued to look down at the Grey skinned yoki for another moment before an idea popped into her head, she let out a little giggle before she used her fingers to gently spider across the back of Oris exposed neck.
“Ori~ You gotta let me up~”
Immediately Ori scrunched up, purring peppered with giggles started to pour from their lips, squirming slightly though they stayed firmly where they were.
The smile that had been gradually growing on Lavis face grew tenfold as she switched to tracing her fingers along the Yokis pointed ears.
“Well alright then, I guess im gonna have to keep going~”
Oris ears flicked about trying to evade the turtles tickly fingers to no avail. More giggly titters shook Oris frame as their tail happily thumped against the bed behind them.
Lavi saw the furred tail wagging out of the corner of her eye and she couldn’t help but let out a squeal.
“Aweee! Oriiii your tails wagging!” She switched back to spidering down Oris neck all the way to their shoulder blades causing them to squeal softly.
“Maybe instead of watching my movie I should just stay here and keep doing this!” Lavi giggled, laughing harder when Oris titters became more frantic.
“N-Nohohoho! Dohohohohont!”
“Well all you have to do to get me to stop is let me get up~” Lavis grin turned mischievous, moving her hands to wiggle themselves underneath the Yoki to get to their exposed fur covered belly.
Ori jolted; letting out a loud snort laugh curling up and kicking out their legs.
“Ack! NyahahAHAHAHAH!”
Finally they rolled over and off the turtles lap, curling up onto a ball and giggling . Lavi pulled back her hands with a giggle of her own, taking the opportunity to stretched out her legs with a satisfied noise.
“Mmm ah! That feels so much better!” She looked towards the still tittering Yoki, patting them on the head.
“There! Now was that so hard?”
Ori flopped their face down onto the bed with a groan, ignoring Lavis amused laughter.
They”d get her back for that
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wikipedia-edits · 1 year
important wikipedia edits 5/6/23
Argument about paternity of giant panda baby added to article "Tai Shin (Giant Panda)"; editor believed the ninth child of a similar giant panda named Ying Hua should be listed as Tai Shin's child despite the lack of official evidence because the cub "looked like baby Tai Shin"
Official title of the President of the Philippines changed from "President of the Philippines" to "Mga Noob HAHAHHAA" in eponymous article
"(sucks to be in here :):):):):):):):):):)?):):):):):):):):):):):)" added to page on the Challenger Disaster
Page on KPOP band "Ateez" vandalized to call member Seonghwa "daddy hwa" in infobox
"Mm mm mm scones. now scones are tasty and this stone is for the coronation of england, i feel like some scones and some stones. Also i love King Charles and he's so cool happy coronation yay, and also scones and stones are scones and stoney" added to page "Stone of Scone." Introduction blanked and replaced with a paragraph about "jiggling" in separate edit.
Page on regicide vandalized to talk about "mommy milkers" (come on, it's Charles's coronation, you couldn't do anything more creative than that?)
Page on Anglo-Zanzibar War vandalized, "England" and "Zanzibar" replaced with countries from the Disney movie Frozen
"I bet you are going to do great on your project!" added to page "History of Egypt" :)
"hellllooooooo" added to page on The Hwa Chong Institution, a high school in Singapore
"i will be big ooo see i" added to page "Self-Polination"
Name of the Peruvian city of Cusco changed to Cusco Mc Poopypants
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Hello Malcolm
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Media pistol 2022
Character Malcolm McLaren
Couple Malcolm X Reader
Rating sexy + drug references
Concept the morning after
I woke up with what felt like a fucking woodpecker latched to my temple my brain throbbing in my skull. My ears are still slightly ringing from the party last night. I knew I was hung over with little memory of last night more than the early parts of the evening. I shifted my weight over and turned to my other side on the lumpy old mattress with soft cotton covers the fluff of a fuzzy blanket slightly against my arm. The moment I turned I felt the warmth so I snuggled closer trying to take as much as the warmth as I could wrapping my arms around the body that laid beside me rubbing my cold nose on the nook of their neck to warm it.
After a few minutes the body shifted too slowly sneaking away from me but tucking me into the covers as they left.
I slowly forced open my eyes doing my best to see through my blurry vision.
The sun streaming in thought the two large thin windows with white sheer curtains, black curtains with blue flowers open tied back against the dark plum walls. I could see the sweet shadow moving every so often blocking the light of the sun, her sweet hips and waist giving my eyes seconds of peace. I heard the gentle fizz of a record players spin within a few seconds. The song began as soon as it did her hips moved and bumped gently in time with the music.
I smirked letting my eyes clear as I looked at her, her bare feet against the blue fluffy rug moving thought the fibers like thick grass dancing within a two inch space, her bare smooth legs leading my eyes ever upward, the little blue cotton panties around her with a trim of white lace hugging her legs and stomach her ass slightly hanging out of them causing them to jiggle as she moved, her hips swayed and danced to the music, her sweet body wrapped up in my light blue button down from last night even if half the buttons remained undone, her hair in a mess of backcombed knots and unbrushed hairspray not to mention the tosses and turns of her sleeping body, eyeliner rings surrounded her eyes making her look like a panda, a little red lingered on her lips from her lipstick but I didn't doubt some likely lingered on me too, she hummed along with the song refusing to allow her beauty voice to be heard, taking a cigarette from her little quality street tin on the table taking a match from by her log burner striking it across the tables surface and lighting up her cigarette blowing the smoke across her ceiling, the moment she did I noticed it wasn't tabacco. 
"Good morning" I groaned a little groggy
"Hum?" She mumbled looking over her shoulder to see me "oh. Hello Malcolm" she smiled turning to face me with a playful little wave 
"Hello y/n" I groaned sitting up a little in her bed 
"You want some?" She asks having another drag of her cigarette
"Not this early" I answered rubbing my eyes a little
"You sure?' she giggled stepping closer "it's homemade, home grown, organic, local" shs giggled sitting on the bed with me
"I thought I recognized the smell" I chuckled "this early y/n?"
"Its half twelve" she says pointing to her clock on the wall I glanced up and she was right
"Alright, hit me up" I smirked laying back down and keeping my hand up she happily handed it over so I took a drag and handed it back blowing the smoke out to the ceiling light "fuck. That is strong"
"Ummmm" she humms
"That your home grow?"
"Yep. From Silvia in the bathroom"
"Damn. I thought so last time I had the other lot wasn't half as strong"
"Yeah Derek in the kitchen isn't as strong he's more a of weak steam makes you really smart for like an hour thought" she explained as she snuggled up onto my chest so we could pass it back and forth I lost track of time between our little chats and giggles the record players music fading into a endless hum 
"I want fish and chips" she whines
"Oooh I want chips. And like… a big burger"
"Can we get nuggets too?"
"That sounds nice you ring it in I'll put some pants on" 
"Okay" she giggled getting up and going to flip the record I smirked and climbed out the bed wrapping my arms around her and peppering her skin with kisses "ummm hello Malcolm"
"Hello, I missed you"
"I missed you too" she giggled "you should get home" she smirked turning to wrap her arms around my neck "Vivienne will be ever so grumpy"
"She's always grumpy. Besides I go back now she'll have kittens"
"Because I'm high and I smell like your place" I laughed
"You've had half a joint Malcolm your not high"
"I feel it. Your stuff fucks me up."
"Because your not use to it"
"Maybe I should visit more often then"
"You should"
"I'll stay with you today, I go back now she'll kick me out anyway so I might as well just stay all snug with you"
"Okay Malcolm if your sure" she smiled "shall we get Chinese food?"
"That sounds nice, but I still want a burger"
"Both is good"
"To the phone!"
"Wait - what If when they deliver it they see us in our underwear?"
"Eh that's how I got pizza for free last week" she giggled going to the phone
"On that note where are my pants?"
"On the kettle Malcolm"
"I don't know I was high, you were drunk we were both horny I have no concept what happened last night nevermind why it happened" she smiled 
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two-ton-toons · 2 months
txt - Meet you outside when lunch begins then <3
Retsuko sent the reply back quite quickly, settling herself back in her extra large chair to resume some of her work, belly rumbling and grumbling. Eyes looked back to the time, waiting for the lunch period to start.
After a few 'issues', they had been given longer lunch breaks. Not that Retsuko minded that. It gave her more time to load up on tasty tasty food. Carbs be damned~
Finally, it would hit 12 and with speed that seemed almost comical, she got up, grabbed her purse and waddled out of the office to meet Fenneko outside the building so they could head to the steakhouse.
Once she felt the phone vibrate against her chest, making her flabby breasts jiggle, the fennec fox picked her phone up and saw the text.
txt - Bet
She sighed, sitting back in her seat. Thank god the lunch breaks were longer now. Big gals like her and Retsuko needed time to get somewhere and actually eat. Once noon came around, Fenneko began her waddle for the entrance of the office building so she could meet up with her red panda companion, her belly groaning and sloshing the whole way.
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With out panda as I want your lardy ass all over me.. Oh I can handle it mama.
Mei Mei:You heard them Mom
Ming:hehe get ready cause you won’t receive fresh air for awhile
*Ming waddles towards with her big fat ass jiggling*
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nameless-stick · 5 years
My Atheistics
🧡🧡Mini's Body🧡🧡
He's been such an inspiration to my to keep pushing myself in weightlifting, to keep going forward even when I'm the weakest one in my class-just to keep pushing through the tough times.
💜💜Wildcats Rage💜💜
Wildcats rage brings me back to the good old days of gta and G-Mod, it takes me back from the days before everything started to fall apart.
💙💙Delirirouss laughter💙💙
Deliriouses laughter tell new it's okay to laugh out loud and not be ashamed of your laughter, it what makes you-well you.
💚💚Noglas doggoes💚💚
Nogla's dogs, I had to get rid of mines due to family issues and seeing someone I love so much show off their dogs that makes them happy makes me remember the times with my dogs.
R.I.P Marley, you time was soon.(one of my old dogs)
❤️❤️Vanosses pride❤️❤️
Vanosses pride and leadership has started to give my courage to start being more out there instead of hiding.
🖤🖤Ohms voice🖤🖤
Ohms voice has taught me that it's okay to be loud and that your voice helps to make you and it's what defines you.
❤️❤️CaRtOoNzs beard❤️❤️
CaRtOoNzs beard-self explanatory, it's just so glorious.
💚💚Moos jokes💚💚
Moos jokes always bring a smile to my face no matter who anticlimactic they are or how cheesy, his jokes have taught me it's okay to joke around.
💛💛Jiggles smile💛💛
Jiggles smile is just one of the best thing in the world, seeing his face light up is just one of the best feelings in the world.
💙💙407 laugh💙💙
407 laugh is just way to pure and precious to forget about, my heart starts to melt when I hear him laugh.
❤️❤️Terrorisers comebacks❤️❤️
Terrorisers comebacks are just some of the best things in the world, "Yeah it's the person holding the controller" and the shot like is just so funny and awesome.
💙💙Basically rage💙💙
His rage is just way to funny to forget and his attempt at words when he speaks is just so funny.
❤️❤️Luis voice❤️❤️
Luis voice is something so special to him, it defines him just like all the others have something to defines them, makes it so that way you can be like 'hey that belongs to this person!'
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reaping-raven · 5 years
Okay I was just watching Vanossgaming and the one titled 'Fortnight creative mode - raging in a COD map! (Funny moments and fails) is so funny and cute, with vanoss saying "soarry" almost all the time that he kills someone is so cute and him with his little hamster back bling just argh. My heart ❤️❤️
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channeln0 · 3 years
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Po attempting stealth.
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jeawrites · 5 years
Impulsive and rushed hence why i forgot to put the refs in it but heres a relationship chart for the Rd au
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My handwriting is trash but this is basically the relationships thus far. All canon to the au and i will be taking only lil bits of criticism if any for the choosings thnx.
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
A/N: Alright alright alright! Now that’s a big-brained prompt right there! I kept it shorter this time and with less characters because doing the usually lineup was taking way too long
Warning: NSFW. Also this is written for Fat/Plus-Sized! Readers. It was intentionally specific in that way. Please no Fatphobia, if you don’t resonate with that then this might not be for you. Reader is also Gender-Neutral.
- So scrawny yet has the most confidence out of anybody.
- Sees having a heavier S/O as a testament of his own prowess.
- “You’re not too heavy, I can handle it. Just trust me, beautiful.”
- Always pushing the limits when it comes to throwing you around and picking you up. You’re always scared he’s going to drop you but he never does.
- Exclusively prefers chubby partners. They just feel right for him, feel softer, feel better, especially during sex.
- Speaking of sex, Louis always has to top, please don’t try to persuade him otherwise. It’s really important to him to prove to you that he’s capable of fucking you out good and proper despite being on the skinner side.
- Please be loud and tell him what a good job he’s doing, it strokes his ego so much.
- He’s actually not picky about what body type his partner has. Legoshi usually falls for personality first and will love any body that that personality comes in.
- Or at least that’s what he likes to think, until he gets a taste of life of the fluffier side.
- Has a hard time keeping his hands off you, your body just turns him on so much. He even feels pretty guilty about it because the last thing he wants to do is annoy you but one look at your thighs and he’s on you in an instant.
- He’s very gentle with you. You’re just so soft and so delicate, he couldn’t stand if he hurt you. Fucks you nice and slow, making sure you’re well adjusted to his size before he picks up the pace.
- Could go down on you for hours and has. Can’t get enough of your taste, it’s almost hypnotizing to him. Makes you cum with his mouth again and again until you’re literally begging him for a break.
- Legoshi is also a hopeless romantic. Very common for him to go off on poetic tangents about how much he loves your body. Incorporates body worship often during sex but also outside the bedroom as well.
- Gouhin is a panda so chubby, bigger bodies are the norm for his kind. Despite him being a muscular outlier, he’s still almost exclusively attracted animals with more fat.
- Likes his partners HEAVY, says he just can’t feel anything with a skinny partner. Very open and proud about his preference.
- Craves how warm you are and is constantly sticking his hands up your shirt, down your pants, in between your thighs, etc. to warm them up. Just likes to always be touching you somehow.
- Also loves for you to sit on his lap, even for mundane things. As far as he’s concerned, his lap is your permanent seat and even has you sit on his lap in public. If at a gathering with friends, they know better than to offer you your own seat because they already know Gouhin’s not having that.
- Since he’s so muscular, he’s not afraid to do all the work in bed. He actually perfers it that way, really makes him feel like an Alpha male. He will still let you on top (he has an absolute weakness for you riding him), but his strong arms are going to be wrapped around your waist/hips helping guide you while he’s thrusting up into you. Finds it adorable when you get tired and he has to take over.
- “You did so good baby but now it’s time to let Daddy do the work.”
- Aftercare with him is so sensual. He loves to kiss every inch of you afterwards, especially your tummy. He actually has quite the fixation on your tummy, loves the roundness of it. Usually showers it with kisses and then starts going lower which inevitably leads to a Round 2.
- Again, like Gouhin, he’s a bear and bears just prefer animals with more meat on their bones. He sees it as a given and thinks everybody knows about this preference bears have so he’s genuinely shocked when people don’t know this.
- However, unlike Gouhin, he’s a little less... refined in his attraction. Riz unintentionally seems like he has a fetish for plus-sized animals by how horny curvy body types make him, but that’s just his hyper-sexual nature.
- Which is why he nearly worships the ground you walk on. He finally found an animal that’s able to keep up with high sex drive, who’s also able to handle his rough nature without him being worried he’s going to break them in half.
- Sees larger partners as more sturdy, so he feels like he doesn’t have to hold back with you. Manhandles the absolute hell out of you just because he can. Also, he’s always habitually squeezing your sides/rolls, he’s completely obsessed with how solid you are.
- Always picking you up and carrying you. If you’re in another room but he feels like cuddling, he’ll find you, throw you over his shoulder and bring you to the couch/bed/etc. just to curl up with you. Thinks your weak attempts at saying “Put me down, I’m too heavy.” are HILARIOUS.
- “Do you know how strong I am, baby? This is nothing to me,”
- Riz is still very much aware of how huge his dick is so he wouldn’t ever purposely hurt you but he is an intense lover. Mating Press is his go-to position, followed by regular missionary. He loves when his huge body is covering you and you literally have no other option but to lay there and take his fat cock.
- Also loves any position where he picks you up and fucks your soft body into a wall. Thinks it’s cute when your chubby hands slap his shoulder when your orgasm is approaching. Speaking of chubby hands, he likes to put two of your fingers in his mouth and suck them while he’s pounding into you (it’s a really weird kink of his but it keeps him rock hard during sex so you let it slide.)
- Like Legoshi, he didn’t really know about his underlying attraction to plus-sized animals until he met you. He’s always been an ass man, preferring the big, round kinds the would jiggle in the palm of his hands. But when he saw your body, he was completely mesmerized.
- He’s still very much an ass man, and takes any and every opportunity to smack yours then squeezing it. You know that thing guys do when they grab your ass so hard they spread the cheeks a little. Well, Collot is the King of that.
- Also loves to spank you. Not always as a punishment either, sometimes he’ll just come home, see you looking irresistible, and will sit down, patting his thighs. “C’mon, you know the drill.”
- Spanks you and marvels at the way your thick thighs and ass tremble before him. Always rewards you by sinking two long fingers into your plush heat. Doesn’t stop fingerfucking you until you’ve made a mess all over his lap.
- He’s definitely handsy in almost every aspect of your relationship. Pinches your cheeks when he’s teasing you, blows raspberries on your tummy just to get your attention, caresses your thighs when he feeling frisky. He also really likes how pudgy your arms are. Likes to nuzzle his face into the soft flabby part of your upper arms (you know the part). It’s really warm and smells nice because it smells like your scent (perfume/cologne/etc.) and he just can’t get enough of it.
- Has a little bit of an oral fixation when it comes to you. Loves to watch you eat, talk, anything that involves your mouth really. And when you’re not doing anything with it, he’s fighting the urge to stuff your face with his cock and see your pretty lips work their way around that. Seeing your chubby cheeks bulge from taking his girth into your mouth sends him over the edge every time.
- He’s extremely possessive over you. Knows exactly how gorgeous you are and how anyone would leap at a chance with your soft, full figure. The thought of sharing you is enough to have him foaming at the mouth.
- “You’re mine, do you understand? Nobody’s coming between you and me.”
- That’s something he says often, usually after sex when his fingers are trailing up and down your spent form. Despite him saying it softly, you know he means every word.
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playersluv · 3 years
could I please get some general sfw and nsfw headcanons for the main three bnha boys? <3
relationship/nsfw hcs.
characters. aged up!izuku midoriya, aged up!katsuki bakugou, aged up!shoto todoroki + f!reader
warnings. begging + praise + degradation + breeding mention + fingering + oral mention
i wrote this completely high so my mind said “yes. this is real. absolutely canon.” so enjoy <3
very protective!! he’s polite- always will be- but he’s much more assertive than usual. when he’s jealous, he won’t laugh it off or back down from a fight- ONLY if it comes to you. he will always stick up for you, as well!
loves leaving tiny kisses all around you! cheek kisses and forehead kisses are his favorites! he thinks they’re so innocent and the purest kind of love!
cuddles a panda plushie you got him one year while you’re away. he thinks it’s better than sleeping alone because when you got him the panda you said “there’s a piece of my heart with it! don’t forget that, izu!” and he just wants you next to him again.
you’re his first. he’s no stranger to the teenage hormones he has to control, pumping his cock with his fist, trying to desperately to get off, so he has endurance. but nothing could have compared to how good you felt when he first entered you, how warm and tight and soft you felt immediately overwhelmed him, causing him to cum prematurely. he’s super embarrassed and you tell him that it’s okay, that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. he quickly calms down and just does his best while fucking you (and best he did, he made you cum three times in under an hour).
ya know how i said he’s more assertive with things that involve you? yeah, i meant you in general. izuku /when not in sub mode/ is a brat tamer at heart. he puts a few rules in place and he expects you to follow them to the t. isn’t afraid to punish you. but when he’s subbing he makes the prettiest whines. a begging mess, so desperate for you to make him come.
loves being praised! tell him how good he’s doing, how much you love him, how hot he looks doing you till you’re fucked out. i feel like izuku needs the ego boost sometimes, the slight reassurance, ya know? either way, he’ll crumble easily if you even TALK to him during sex- he finds your voice so pleasuring to his ears, makes him wanna hear it moan his name.
he’s secretly a sucker for mushy petnames! he’s calling you “my love, sweetheart, pumpkin” but never in front of other people! he feels like they could see how vulnerable he is around you (everyone can already tell), so he tries to act tough by sticking to “babe, angel, and baby” like a 90s bad boy.
favorite cuddling position is him laying down, you halfway draped over him, legs tangled- as your chests press together/you head rests in the junction of his shoulder and neck. he sleeps sporadically so the semi starfish position works well for him.
he definitely has/will buy you a puppy. not like the mini pomeranian he always gets compared to, but a german shepard or golden retriever. he wants the dogs to grow big and strong to protect you when he can’t. definitely cuddles them and takes them everywhere, anytime that he can. he deemed them your babies.
his favorite position is- i think this is obvious- but doggy style. loves seeing your ass jiggle as he thrusts up into you, the squelching of your cunt as he fucks his seed into you and breeds you like the dumb bitch he owns.
yea, he also degrades the fuck outta you. he can’t help it! needs to let his little toy that he’s always above him. he loves pinning you to the wall, a hand wrapped around your throat and another holding your wrists above your head so you cant squirm away. he also can get off on the fear you get in your eyes. so maybe katsuki is a bit of a sadist, but who isn’t at this point?
but his softer side? the side that experiences soft morning sex, cuddly cockwarming, sensual kisses? that’s one of his most vulnerable. he lets his guard down, he truly does, and he’ll praise the hell out of you. he can’t help it- you look so beautiful as the orange glows of the sunlight beams cast over your skin, basking you in an ethereal glow. needs to show you how beautiful he thinks you are. slow thrusts and low groans of “my pretty angel, so perfect for me, so good, my love” as he hits the deepest parts of you slowly and lovingly
very reluctant to hold your hand, scared his quirk might act up and hurt you somehow. you eventually work past that fear of his and now every opportunity he has, he’s grasping for your hand, clinging to you. in another light, this small gesture shows you how much he trusts you.
loves your thighs! he thinks they’re the best thing to exist, besides your whole being of course. but he loves how plush they are and how soft they are and how much of a good pillow they are! plus, they make thigh highs look amazing!
silently gives you his hoodie/jacket at random times in the day. he knows how much you’ve always adore them, he sees the way you eye his closet when you’re over, and so he just makes it a habit to bring them to you, loves seeing you face light up.
despite his caution to use his hands on you, he LOVES fingering you till you cry out his name. his fingers are slender with a slight thickness to them, well kept and clean. perfect to stuff all in your cute cunt that’s already drooling for him, practically weeping to be touched!
when the sex seshes aren’t fast, they’re more sensual (though the fast ones are still filled with compassion). shoto gives you slow, deep thrusts, and tells you how much he wants to fill you up, to decorate your cute cunt with spurts of his warm cum. he’s close to your ear, nose nudging against your hair as he groans out softly, “mine.. wanna make you cum for me like my pretty baby deserves.”
loves oral, too! he likes receiving and giving, he can get off on both to be honest. and he has! obviously with your skilled mouth, you can have his soul sucked out of him in a matter of minutes. but when you’re on the receiving end? he’s being pleased just as much as you are. all he needs to hear is you broken whines, the slurps of your cunt. needs to taste you, grip your hips. needs to ground himself as he grinds up into the comforter/mattress, eyes rolling back as you tug on his hair.
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Ⓒ all work posted belongs to /playersluv/. do not repost or modify.
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Freaky Monday? How about Loki trying to make sure he fucks the reader in every room in the compound?
I changed it to Lokiki owning a big ass house boo, I just don't want him to traumatize the others lmao enjoy xx
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Loki will purposely buy a big ass mansion just for the two of you so that he can have you in any room. That mofo will even go one step further and decide how and in which spot of the room he’ll have.
Dining room? You’re spread out on the large table, legs far apart with his head moving in between them, making sure that no drop of your wetness is wasted.
Kitchen? On the counter, your big legs wrapped around his slim waist while you’re holding onto his broad shoulders for dear life.
Living room? Doggy style on the couch, you’re whimpering and withering away in intense pleasure while he’s plowing away from behind, loving to see your butt jiggle with every harsh thrust and his throbbing cock disappearing inside of you.
Your shared office? On the large desk of course, your legs propped up on his shoulders and your breasts moving in sync with his slow and deep thrusts. That fucker will make you look down at his pelvic to remind you how good he’s fucking you.
Bedroom? Up against the window, not caring if one of the neighbors could see your bare ass. Shit, it’s a sight for sore eyes and he doesn’t mind that someone could get a glimpse of what belongs to him.
Bathroom? In the damn bathtub, you ride him and don’t care about the overflowing water creating a small ocean on the floor, Loki’s cock feels way too good to stop and acknowledge your surroundings
Drawing room? Loki will shapeshift into the female version of himself and will 69 you right there on the floor before she’ll let you ride her face until you’re shivering and choking on air.
Long story short, it’s never boring sharing a mansion with your boo Lokiki because he’ll make sure that you’ll have an orgasm in any room of the house.
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-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
I have arrived a day ahead of blade and lo’s schedule to ask for more squishy baby crumbs 🥺 Like,,, Blade lo and squishy girl just staying at home and chilling probably baking and playing video games. Everything that comes with domestic bliss please 😭
Aww...Blade, Lo, and the Squishy girl! I love these three, and they're just so laid back when they're at home too! Blade found him one that is a bit of a nerd herself.
Saturday Afternoon Naps
Summary:  Saturday’s with your family
Pairings:  Blade/Lo X Fable
Rating:  fluff
Warnings: talking Squish, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Squish holds tightly to her dad as he walks into the kitchen for breakfast.  Her mouth opens up wide and she releases a long yawn.  Her head shakes around causing the cutest jiggles to her cheeks.  Her lips smack together and she gives you a swollen eyed smile.  “You went back to bed with daddy, and you’re waking up even sleepier?”
“Nu-uh,” she giggles and lays her head on Blade’s shoulder.  “Pancakes and chic-choc,” Blade turns and looks at his sleepy daughter, and presses his lips against her nose, “Eww, no kissy,” her feet try to propel herself off of him, and he goes to set her down.  Those chubby little legs running into the living room to pull out some toys.
“You gonna make the chocolate milk?  I’ll make the pancakes,” you tell your big tatted man, standing on your tippy toes to give him a kiss.  Moving around the kitchen to get what you need for breakfast.
“Add some chocolate chips to hers.  Mine, too, if you want,” the two of you listen and watch over at your little girl trying to wake herself up, and it ends up being a lot of pushing the buttons on her musical toys.  
She’ll randomly stand up and rub at her eyes, “Fabby?” you yell into the living room and she looks up at you, “Daddy’s too comfortable and you sleep too good huh?”
“Yep,” her nose sticks up in the air, and she sniffs like a dog; waddling into the kitchen.  Her nose sniffing up your leg and causing you to giggle, before she moves over to Blade, “Smells good.”
“Not me,” he tells her.  “That’s your mom’s food,” he takes a glance over to the stove as you start turning everything off, and plating up everybody’s food.  He carries her over to her chair, and places her in it so sweetly.  “Here ya go,” Blade hands her the “chic-choc” almond milk, and she greedily drinks it.  Having to stop herself to come up for air.  
Your little family of three eat the pancake breakfast, Fable bouncing around and humming some Disney song, and when she’s finished she rubs on her belly, and then pats it with both hands.  “Big bewwy, wook it,” she giggles at her belly, looking between the two of you.  “Get dwessed?” Blade jumps up to grab her, taking her into her big girl room to pick out her clothes.  Giving her two options of each item.  
Finishing up in the kitchen before you, already been dressed go into her bathroom, and he has her sitting on the sink looking at herself, “Piggy’s or bunnies?”
Squish furrows her brows as she thinks about her biggest decision of the day.  Her hands run through her wettened hair before answering, “Bunnies wike Awweigh.”
You’re not sure how he did it, but he picked up well on dressing a little girl.  Her outfits a bit modern, but comfy.  Opting for bloomer shorts, and a shirt, with her long tube socks.  Sitting her on the ground, she’s finally waking up.  Running into her room, she grabs out some toys, while you and Blade have a short little kissing moment.  “I like that kid,” he tells you.  “I like that kid a lot.  If we can have another one just like her, I’ll give it to you right now.”
“You couldn’t right now, our daughter is in the next room.”
“Get your spoon,” you tell Fable, and she grabs up her panda spoon, licking her lips at the confetti cake batter.  “Uh-uh, it’s gotta be mixed.  Raw eggs are bad.”
Fable starts mixing, and randomly tries to stick her finger in the batter, “Raw eggs are bad.”
“No eggs,” she tells you looking around the batter for these eggs you keep talking about.  “See, no eggs.”
“Because you’re mixing them in.”
“Lo, sweetheart, we eat raw eggs, and we’re okay.  Just let her have just a little taste,” while Blade has his back to Squish, she lifts up that spoon to her mouth.  Sticking her tongue out she licks all the way up, and puts the spoon back in.  “Just one taste won’t hurt her.  She just licked the spoon, didn’t she?” you nod your head, and he turns to face her.  Her cheeks sticky with the batter and she smiles up at him.  “Did you lick the spoon?”
“What’s that on your face?” 
“So if I lick your face, I’m licking snot,” Squish retches at Blade, shaking her head.  “You didn’t lick the spoon already?”
“Nope.  No wick,” her little finger goes closer to the batter needing another taste.
“Fable, you have blue sprinkle on your nose.”
“Bwue snot.  Can I wick da spoon now?”
“No,” you giggle at them taking the bowl from her.  “We gotta put these in the cups, and then you can lick the bowl, even if there’s raw eggs.  And don’t say there’s no eggs.  You did a good job of mixing,” Fable’s practically drooling watching you fill up the cupcake liners.  Her eyes constantly looking into the bowl to see how much she’s going to get to eat.  “What color frosting?”
“Like her snot,” Blade adds in.  You slide the empty bowl over to her and Blade, while you stick the cupcakes into the oven.  Stealing a bit of the batter from Fable who looks at you like you stole something from her. 
“Not youws.  Dis has waw eggs.  No eat.”
“Moana!” Fable bounces up and down when the movie starts.  She walks closer to the tv to see the baby Moana play with the water.  Her hands clap, and she tries to repeat every word.  You let out a yawn and go to lay over Blade.  It was time for your Saturday afternoon nap.  You don’t remember when you and Blade became the old couple that took naps on Saturday while a Disney movie played, but you didn’t care.  It was a nice and comfortable.
Fable turns to look at you, and quickly turns back to the movie, and then back to you and Blade.  Blade gives her a little giggle as she tries to figure out what she wants to do.  “I way wif you?”
Snuggling in deeper to Blade, he doesn’t say a word, just holds out his hand.  Squish climbs up onto the couch in front of him.  Grabbing at your hand while Blade wraps his around her.  “Wuv you.”
“Love you too Squishy girl,” Blade mumbles, giving her a kiss on her head.
“Mommy loves you, too baby.”
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oooh requests are open!! <3 i looove your writing so much! can you do headcanons for aizawa, fat gum, & hawks with a chubby/plus size/thiccc reader? like how the relationship would look & how they would reassure their partner when they were being insecure about their weight/looks! -🍃 (tysm btw!! i love reading everything you write!!)
Aizawa, Fat Gum, and Hawks w/ plus size!reader...
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Aizawa Shouta
ahh Aizawa
the first person i simped  for from MHA
the memories *wipes away tear from eye*
let us commence
a relationship with this man is, in all honesty, quite frustrating
Aizawa is the pure embodiment, or at least almost a pure embodiment, of logic and practicality
so if you’re a person who’s on the more emotional side, there will be clashes every now and then
however, i can somewhat see him with a spontaneous lover --- it’s 3 in the morning, darkness blankets the apartment. The only source of light is the warm golden glow of the city lights that shines ever-so elegantly through the small openings of the window curtains. Aizawa is taking a short nap beside you, laying on his stomach with his arms folded underneath his head. Inky-black locks cascading down the naked muscles of his back, contrasting with the paleness of his skin. 
he’s a masterpiece --- well, err. A masterpiece that runs on the love of cats and unsweetened black coffee
with small kisses, you run a trail of love up from his bicep. With each kiss, you breathe soft positive affirmations into the skin; your honeyed voice and kisses stirring him from his sleep. And as you near closer to his cheek, he can feel a smile tugging at the ends of his lips. With your body so close, he wraps one of his previously folded arms around your waist, his hands squishing your lovely love handles
“Shouta~,” you would sing out in a whisper, ghosting your lips over his eyelids. Humming in acknowledgment, he grunts out a quiet, “What is it now?” 
“Let’s go get some Panda Express,” you can feel his body stiffen. A bashful smile on your lips as his eyes finally open, a full-on glare on display.
“I have work soon,” “Yeah, but we can have Panda Express sooner,” “N-,” “We can feed the strays in front of it,” “...okay.”
now as for when you’re having those moments of insecurity
as I’ve stated before, Aizawa is a man of common sense and logic. So in his head, there’s no reason for you to feel down when there’s nothing wrong with you; however, he will recognize the emotional aspect of it and so he’ll do his best to comfort you
while on one hand he’ll just straight-up bully the love into you with words like, “It makes no sense to doubt yourself. Doubting yourself does nothing but harm you so why the hell would you willingly do that?” or “Stop being stupid, you’re fine just as you are, idiot.”
other times he’ll prove his love to you with actions
sometimes, when he sees that unsure expression painted on your face, he’ll stop whatever it is he’s doing and goes to grab a book. When he comes back, he’ll tell you to scoot over on the sofa before laying himself down in between your legs. Making sure to wrap your legs under his neck, he’ll snuggle himself into the pillows that were your thigh. And as he read, he would place gentle kisses into them.
he won’t talk or anything, he’ll just settle there and read his little book 
idk for some reason, I can see him doing this
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Taishiro Toyomitsu
I love this man so much
can I just have a hug, please?
although, that is one of the things you should expect if you’re in a relationship with this sweetheart
he loves being close to you in whatever way possible. Hugs, cuddles --- he’ll even carry you if that is what you so desire
a relationship with him is filled with so much laughter and joy that it’s almost sickeningly sweet
ngl i canon the sex to be full of laughs and giggles 
Ooo he’s incredibly polite like uhh lol whenever you tell him to do something for you, he’ll say, “Yes ma’am,” like you know what I’m trying to say?
another thing
he completely understands how you’re feeling when societies standards become too overwhelming and you find yourself drowning in self-doubt and self-loathe
he’s gone through it himself
and so, when he finds you standing before your mirror, your hands gripping at your tummy and a frown on your face, that is when he tells you words of truth
also expect lots of food-related pet names
“Now, now buttercup. You know how much it pains me to see you so sad. Makes my heart ache so bad--- I need you to understand that you are beautiful no matter what. There is nothing wrong with how you are and how you look. Now, how about we go and eat some Takoyakis? Heard they’re half the price right now.” 
another thing he does involves you laying on top of him
if he’s laying on the couch and you suddenly are nearby, he’ll stretch his arms and do the little “come here” gesture. Upon arriving, he’ll pull you on top of him, while always making sure that his grip on you is proper and that you’re comfortable
we’re gonna have to admit that with him being a big man no matter what form he is in, he will always be an actual mattress to you
to you, he is your pillow and blanket
and once he has you in his arms, he’s not even gonna let you go until you genuinely have to leave 
ugh he’s just so cute
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before i write anything, I would like to point out that this is how HAWKS is in a relationship
this is not KEIGO TAKAMI
this is his alter-ego and that’s that
being in a relationship with Hawks is an adventure for many, many reasons. Because, not only does he loves to absolutely love to ruffle your feathers, but he’s just so full of energy
he loves to tease you in any way possible. Maybe he’ll say a dirty little thing into your ear or maybe he’ll command one of his feathers so hide stuff from you. Such as that one time where you thought you had dropped that an earring and as you searched for it for a whole literal hour, he watched you. 
but i must admit that he mainly does stuff like this to get a better view of your ass
he’s just so fascinated by its jiggliness
even when you walk he can see it jiggle
also please do buy him chicken related items
ngl he most likely has a drumstick little keychain thing
now then
how would Hawks comfort you?
tbh I don’t see him being of the vocal sort in either side of his personality--- he’s more of an action-based person, or at least that’s how I perceive him to be
whenever you’re feeling down, he sits behind you and pulls in between his legs. Wrapping his arms ever-so-gently around your waist before pulling you closer, his face burying itself into the crook of your neck as he in-take your scent. To him, you smell like home To him, you represent everything good in his life
and then, when he feels the tension in your muscles lighten, he’ll spread his wings as far as they can go before wrapping them around you. Enveloping you in a cocoon of sunset-hued feathers, their touch soft like silk on the skin.
it’s absolutely divine
(A/N): I’m not good at comforting whatsoever so apologies if it’s somewhat shitty, I really did try.
Feel free to request, just read the rules.
Hope you enjoyed!
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nameless-stick · 5 years
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Two day’s on this shit...enjoy...
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