#big anon i am looking at u directly
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choccy-milky ¡ 8 months ago
Random but when you post something I always get excited thinking it's a new chapter 😭 I'm literally waiting by my phone for it
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BAHAH IM SORRY ANONS ITS COMING SOON I SWEAR!! but im glad ur looking forward to it!! my damn outline ALONE is 21k words (tho im really happy with it and im excited for yall to read it) and although i still have to finish it + the drawing, HERES PART OF THE WIP IN THE MEANTIME🥹💖(also anon, who cares if u think youre terrible at art... DRAW ANYWAY!!!😤& ILY TOO💖 )
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im definitely gonna write them as adults, and have ideas for some side stories i wanna do!!! the one i mentioned in the wattpad comment would be in writing, because i wanna write about seb and clora finally deciding to have their first kid (along with the process😏😏😏😏) and how sebs breeding kink ass will react to doing the devils tango with clora when its ACTUALLY gonna make a baby LMAO. plus how his overprotective ass will act when he finds out clora is LEGIT pregnant while theyre travelling/on the JOB, rather than just a pregnancy scare like last time BAHA. so yes, overly excited seb will defs be a thing in the future LOL. (though there are things i am just gonna keep in comic form, like their kids and stuff, bc i dont rly have ideas for any sort of epilogue with that. so if ppl wanna know about seb and cloras kids, they can just look at my art once i finally draw and post them ^^)
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IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS TOO and the hairclip would defs be different!! i just havent decided what it would be.... (bro's about go buy her something bedazzled from ardene or claire's or some shit 💀💀LMAO) as for the mascots, the snake for seb would defs still apply bc ive decided its their mascot for the school football team. but for clora no, i dont think bird/raven imagery would be a thing......tho maybe the school mascots can be the snakes AND ravens LMFAO. and then i can have seb look directly into the camera and say "well, clora, looks like we really are The Raven and the Snake."
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@4ever2000lover BAHAHA YOULL SEE YOUR NIECE AND NEPHEW SOON I SWEAR!!! i have the sketches but i plan to finish them + post them once im done the last chap of my fic. but they ARE coming, i promise👀👀(and im rly excited for everyone to see their daughter and her name, bc im so proud of it LMAO. i used up my entire big brain quota for the year on it +the reasoning behind it🧠)
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starrysundaez ¡ 2 months ago
The Cafe is Open!! ♡
♡ Blog to post cute emojis, mainly self-indulgent graphics and MOGAI terms! ^^
I am WAYYY 2 lazy to make this look super nice soo..ILL REVAMP THE BLOG LATER!! I JUST WANNA POST !!
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Info about meee:
⟡ Call me Star, Vani, or Sundae please! [No preference]
Fae/Faer please! They/them is fine for anonymity if needed.
♡ I'm a Lesbian and Genderfluid <3
I'm diagnosed with ADHD and I am a MINOR ! ⌟
ok now text flood
Requests are open, for graphics I am willing to use fanart but you most provide artist credit if you link any. And no, from pinterest does not count. For emojis anything sfw is fine!
I have full rights to turn you down whenever I want and for whatever reason, as well as change my mind or take a long time to work on it! Please keep this in mind.
While all my MOGAI terms are f2u by anyone, please DNI entirely and do not use my graphics if you are; A pedophile( even non-contact, cus, you shouldn't contact me!), a Zionist, or extremely anti-good faith (Neutral, or case by case is fine to int! but straight up no tolerance is a big NO. Queerdom is diverse and lovely <3. and since some weirdo anon was in my inbox FUCK NAZIS!! Fuck anti-Semites too. Me personal im neutrual-pos lean when it comes to good faith no i dont support transid or anything like that NAWW
This blog is NOT involved in syscourse. I am a singlet, it is not my place. Any questions involving my syscourse opinions will be ignored!
NOTE ABOUT INSPIRATION: DO WHATEVER YOU WANT !!!! tag me if u want, or don’t, go crazy! if u edit directly do credit that. but inspo?? fuck yes pro go crazy
(however feel free to ask about making edits! Just ask first!!) EMOJI USAGE: Just credit with SS_ or Strry_ in the emoij name!! :D
I currently do not have a discord..if this blog gains traction I’ll make one! :] <- likely will not happen,, uhm,, unless u guys know how to make an account without a phone number verification bc i dont wanna use my personal one
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boiled-ginger-ale ¡ 5 months ago
Hellooooooo!! ✨anon✨ here, though I believe you are very much aware of who I am :]
Wanted to say that you can draw amazingly!!! I love all of your art!!! It’s so good!!!
I actually also really want to draw Hermitcraft g/t but I’m not very good at… well I guess the g and the t part of that…. ….how do you do it? Any advice?
Also I just want to say I’m really really bad at asking to be friends but this is technically my way of doing that :D
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
HIII yes you cannot hide from me mootie lol
and thank youuuu!!! im always so happy to know that my art brightens people's days- it makes me feel all fuzzy; and we can totally be friends! it was kinda blood-pacted when we became mutuals so you cant escape now lol YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME
Ooohhh... advice hm? I guess the most boring but also most true is to just practice pose drawings? like, figure out how people bend and how hands grasp stuff and then... mush the two skills together. for example, I used to go on line-of-action.com and just do 30 second sketches of their pose library until i had a page filled up
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another thing that's really important is ✨ perspective ✨
gotta make the small guys feel Really Small when they're put with the bigguns. if they aren't already directly touching the bigs, you can emphasize the difference with shadows or props or character placement. usually if something is further away it gets smaller, but if the thing is larger even with the perceived distance, it makes them look MASSIVE ex:
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I don't know how much of this is actually helpful and how much is just basic knowledge but maybe??? The most important thing is just that you have fun making it, which is hella cheesy but progress comes in little steps and you shouldn't get discouraged just because you're struggling
thank u for the cookies <3
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according2thelore ¡ 1 year ago
this es/ls thing is so fun!! i’m imagining that LS dean would make so many inside joke/references to things that happened after 2006 just to leave his younger self out. “haha doesn’t she look like jody? you wouldn’t get it.” “obama, am i right, sam?” “wow is this just like that werewolf hunt outside of boston, huh.” LS sam is staring at him like 🫥
HAHAHA you're so right omg
some of it's normal inside jokes/references meant to exclude ES!Dean generally ("wow haha don't be such a garth about this, it's not a big deal. oh sorry, i guess u wouldn't understand" "this case smells like Tupelo, 2011" "dean smith car no punch-backs" "this guy is the kim kardashian of witches. give it two years, squirt, it'll be hilarious.")
and some of it is straight-up petty, meant to openly target ES!Dean ("hey, doesn't that guy look like the new spock in the star trek reboot?" *ES!Dean whips around so hard that the coffee cup he's holding shatters against the wall* "THE FUCKING WHAT??") ("man, we need to refill on our angel-killing bullets" "OUR GODDAMN WHAT") ("this is almost as devastating as the time *turns to look directly at ES!Dean* they made a hybrid chevy impala in 2014")
and LS!Sam is -_- every time, exasperatedly trying to explain every micro-reference dean makes, and turns around to glare only to find dean's shit-eating grin. like this man WILL make sure he is sam's favourite! they've been through so much! this kid could never understand!
GAHHH ahah this is such a fun idea!!! thank you for the ask anon!!!! <3
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splxtduxlies ¡ 8 months ago
I ask for more agent 24 headcanons, those were soo good
no need to ask anon jus demand them of me like a king and ill dance like the court jester i am
agent 3 & 8 use she/they in my hc!
im a sucker for "8 fell first but 3 fell harder"
when 3 and 8 met, obviously they were at eachothers throats, and 3 was very. biased against octolings at the time bc of splat1 and stuff
so in no way was 3 admiring how well This octoling held up in battle, and how much smoother they moved or how much better their aim was or how gripping their eyes were or
8 was fucking fighting for her life, super scared of this random inkling after just watching her take down DJ Octavio and now she's bloodthirsty and aimed directly at 8 holy shit
the fight would ultimately end with a draw obviously (unless u beat inner 3 ofc) and it would be some time before 3 and 8 met again. 8 new immediately that 3 was the inkling who attacked her that night but 3 wouldn't really remember it until after shes freed the sanitizing and *really* looks at 8 again with new eyes
3 may not be as much of a outwardly obvious bleeding heart as 8 but she does care really deeply for them
their love languages are just. kinda different a little bit maybe
for 8 it's doing small acts of service and writing poems and fixing 3's hair and clothes. a lot of caring for 3 directly
whenever 8 feels emotions so strongly she doesnt know what to do with them, she writes poems :*) so a lot of pining and yearning poems were written ,,,
3's love language is more outward directed like. violently threatening any force that can be perceived as dangerous and dares to approach 8
mostly its a lot of 3 watching 8 carefully, looking for signs of stress or sickness or Anything bad so she can fix it
this, of course, to the average person can be perceived as staring, which, of course, is a little weird especially since 3's "focused face" looks very angry
3 would stare a lot at 8 before they were friends, when 3 was wary of octolings and 8 and thought she would turn on them at any moment. so 8 wonders sometimes if thats why 3 stares now and hopes she's not still scared of her :*(
a lot of miscommunication on 3's part when she tries to be affectionate,,, lol
for both of them, appearance at a given time doesn't matter all that much
8 is pretty beat up and covered in scars and grease from her weapons and 3 is pretty dishevled and wears the same 2 outfits and *reads note by marie* "hasn't been within 3 yards of a bathtube in months"
(marie is very dramatic about teenage stink, 3 doesn't smell That bad)
despite looking like they crawled out of hell in terms of exhaustion, 8 is that kind of "effortlessly natural pretty" that absolutely shocks 3 everytime
somehow shes been through sm but 8 still retains her big round doe eyes with no eye bags and no acne. the same cannot be said for 3 rip
this frustrates 3 but definitely not bc shes jealous its more like "how are u this beautiful it's annoying"
agent 3: i am not arguing w/ an octoling who has big brown eyes. like whatever you say beautiful
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dwtdog ¡ 1 year ago
im really really stressed about how it will go,
i dont i just, support system wise i have almost nothing
these guys are kinda it and one person whos neutral
its just the aftermath, i dont know if everything will be okay and i get so stressed about it
my tummy issues been fucking me up man
anon :( i'll do my best to give u some general advice, but if u need anything please don't be afraid to dm me <3
the thing that really helps me through these type of situations is sitting with myself and thinking okay, what's the most likely thing that's going to happen, and how am i going to feel about that.
to start with what i think will be the outcome, the only things we know for certain that are going to happen are caiti's final statement/stream, and george's final statement.
based on what caiti has said, her final stream is going to be more general, and i assume she's going to discuss the problems with misogyny within the mcyt space, or something similar, along with the future of her content. i do not think she will say anything more directly about the situation, and if she does i don't think it will be new information, except to maybe clear up the story ghostie told
for george's statement, judging by what the rational sides of the internet are calling for and his most recent tweet, i think he is going to give a sincere apology, no matter what form that may come in, along with some sort of private, personal apology to caiti that we may never see. some people will accept what he has to say, and others will continue to call him terrible names that do not fit the situation at all. and from there, we move onward (press w :3)
i can't predict how you're going to react to these events happening, but if a look at myself, i know that i'll probably watch caiti's stream as a vod, so i can give myself time to pause and take breaks. i want to try to watch the stream before seeing others input, so i can form my own opinions without going in feeling overly negative/positive.
worse case scenario- she says something that completely puts me off the space as a whole. i don't know what that would be, maybe just some observations she's made as a female creator in the space that puts a bad taste in my mouth, and i no longer feel comfortable being here at all. in that case, i disengage completely, or let myself sit and think on it for a bit before coming to a final decision
best case scenario (realistically)- caiti does her stream, and she talks about many of the things we already know about as problems with the space, and we take that as closure from the whole thing, and send our love and support.
when george's response comes, rinse and repeat. take the time to read/watch through it without the influence of others, and come to you own conclusion before looking what anyone else has to say. do not look at twitter. if you feel that his response is satisfying to you- however that may be- than assess how active you wish to be in the community going forward, what you want to spend your time doing online. and then we heal together, as a community.
and eventually, things will get better. dream and george might take hiatuses, but i find it very, very unlikely they'll quit entirely. eventually, we'll get titan videos and the plethora of shorts and content that dream has planned, even if a wrench has been thrown into the plans
obviously, we can never predict unexpected elements, but i genuinely believe that if something big were going to drop, it would have already. don't let the behind the scenes bullshit get you down, because it always comes from ccs who either hold grudges or are trying to save their own skin/get views
hope this helps at least a little bit, but please, please reach out if you need anything. no matter the responses caiti and george give, i'll stick around to talk to u guys
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alarmsofmyheart ¡ 6 months ago
Jack and Joker: U Steal My Heart
Ep 1
Okay we are beginning with a (probably) failed ocean 8 except it's all gays.
Why am I reminded of Gone with the wind admsnshhsjajana
Enthusiastic taekwondo puppy on screen.
Why does it feel like lunch at my house lmao.
I DO NOT like this brother guy. He has just breathed for four minutes and don't like him.
Somebody please protect this Grandma.
Learn photoshop y'all (yelling at myself)
That hairstyle never fails in making anyone look younger, but it so well suits Yin Anon Wong.
Dreams curbed.
Guys Girls Theys, I get it, I saw so many posts about yearning in war's eyes. I get it. It's just episode one.
Alright I'm leaving this bar. Bye. Byeeee. Love is in the air. Atleast love interest is in the air. I'm leaving.
Not the wooden stool grab behind the counter and checking if anyone else is checking him 😭😭😭😭 That was so cute but Sir you are six feet tall everything you do is visible??!!!
Okay now we are sitting side by side.
The bling ✨ SFX for Jack/Yin's smile was PERFECT.
Jack!!!!! The shoulder grab!!! Oh God.. I get it why Joke is a goner. Acceptance and affirmation for someone who feels invisible and lonely. Wow. Glad Joke met Jack instead of parasocial relationship like me.
(I literally just paused the episode to type it all out, because it's gonna be good. I have never lived react blogged before on Tumblr, this is fun, this is like a pure unedited essay, no mind to mouth filter haha. Feels unreal to myself too. But here I am, instead of deleting this account, live blogging)
:( -> :) in 7 mins episode running time after face to face meeting. IM FINE. THIS IS FINE.
There's lot of inner healing required to accept the acceptance but also, boi is a theif, the unacceptance is blantant.
Wondering how nice their first meet is, how fucked up things are gonna get.
Wow. That is funny now. Run Forrest, Joker, Run. SFX are so good. Lmao.🤣
Okay that's too much blood. But okay. That was nice.
Girl!! He was not asking you.
Yes boi, go ahead scold him. Now the dark alley is pink alley, sirs stop flirting right now.
Girl, I'm so sorry, I was listening to you, but they werent. I've seen this scene as gif or clip atleast twenty other times but it's funny still.
Hand kerchief to wipe the blood!!!!
No mam. They weren't listening.
Ohmygod 🤣🤣🤣 Joke left, with the Gucci purse.
Ajshsjajjahah Rosè okay
Girl has bodyguards and yet somehow Jack and Joke got all bloody and bothered.
Big as a giant, heart as small as an ant
Well said grandma 🤣🩷
God this puppy is going to get heartbroken a hundred times 💔
The difference between the families UGH. Grandma is sitting by his side, while all the three are looking down on him, that too from staircase. DAMN. The lighting too! It was warm and orangy at Jack's and it's all cold and blue at Joke's.
Their optimism and pessimism of Jack and Joker is directly a result of the so far shown families dynamics but lets see.
Not the heist getting interrupted for coffee order 🤣🤣🤣
Oh the loan person better not be Jack.
Ah it's him. So that's how its gonna get fucked up.
Joke, your heart eyes Sir.
That's definitely no how banks work, but I'll just see.
No. No. No.
Oh no don't return the kerchief dear.
Ahsbsjsjshab He called him P'Joke.
Wow he disappeared again. The windswept SFX. It's gonna be one difficult love story. The bgms are good. I'm reminded of the first two-three episodes of Word Of Honor, not able to guess how and when WKX will show up. But here, it's Joke disappearing, trying to untangle, un-associate, running away.
So, Jack is gonna get arrested. Okay that's how he got arrested.
God War!!! War!! His face! Joke is regretting it all.
Grandma being sure that Jack didn't do it and it's striking opposite of Joke's family.
Wow. Joke bowed on his knees!!!!!!! This is not what I expected that too in ep 1. He is confessing it all. War the actor you are!
Alexa play I robbed a bank by Nerd Connection
Fuck!!! So that's how he got arrested. Okay.
Yin!! the actor you are!!!
What was that ring?
Wait what was that???? Omg?
Okay so that made him confess. And that made him a theif.
What an episode. It took me 1.5 hours to watch it.
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playtimeprincey ¡ 1 year ago
old acct pin, saving in case im about to go under hehe
new pinned !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Hiii it's princey!! 21 subby cuntboy fagthing ^_^ welcome 2 my playhouse!!
he/they!!! genderfuckery afoot but i am a boy!! you can tease me about anything else but pls respect my identity!
minors DNI obviously
#princeyposts <- my forever tag, if u follow this tag you can catch me even when i havta remake!!
♡ heres what princey looks like! ♡
♡ kinks n other palace rules♡
💚 faves!! 💚 ddlb/brocon n all things fauxcest, free use!!, royalty kink, petplay (big dogs and little puppies im pspspsing you directly to my holes), roughhousing, praise kink!!, light degradation (call me dumb!! objectify me!!), cnc, intox, somno, breeding and knotting!!, kidnapping/stockholm syndrome, will add to this later <3
⚠️treading lightly⚠️hard impact/painplay, bloodplay (vampire/monster/fictional slashers alwayysssss get a green tho!), feminization- not detrans, watersports
❌limits lie here❌raceplay, scat/vomit, anything w disordered eating, 99.7% of misgendering or detrans stuff, most birthing content
DNI strictly for raceplay and ED stuff, the others can interact which arent moral judgements but for my own comfort and safety
all else is fair game for now :3
i talk a lot abt cnc and kidnapping and coercion and somno and intox and ddlb and all manners of icky play that play heavy into power dynamics and control , but let me be extremely clear that consent is always, always vital, and boundaries must be explicitly communicated and respected.
lots of talk abt guy's pussies n boycunt and manbreeding etc etc
you are always welcome 2 call me ur son, ur little brother, ur baby, ur puppy ur bunny ur kitty etc etc im not looking for anything serious or offsite but lets get weird n possessive while we hang out ;3
slowly getting more comfy sending/posing lewdy pics but not quite yet explicit nudes!! srry if im slow w dms <3 but anons/ asks r always open and i get to those lots faster!! send prompts and threats and the ickiest thing u can think of or just tell me about your day! ^_^
hot tip: i end my anons with some combination of 👑💙💌 depending on if any of those r already taken
if u made it all the way thru my ramblings im blowing u a kiss and/or kissing u with tongue and/or blowing u. pick ur poison xox
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bunnyboy-juice ¡ 2 years ago
Hey I've been mutuals with you and your butch for a long time, but I'm bigender man + woman, is it okay if I continue following, or would you prefer I softblock? My gender makes seeing "men dni" and "woman dni" blogs really confusing because I never know if its supposed to apply to me, so I figured I would just ask ❤️
this is going to be kind of long answer - this is loaded and i want to give some perspective so I'm putting it under a read more so it doesnt clog up anyone's feed. also recommend reading the tags cause i ended up putting some footnotes in there lmao
so first things first: even tho my butch and i are married i dont speak for her. we hold very similar thoughts and views (bc i would not be with her otherwise) but ultimately I speak for me only. if you want to ask her something, ask her directly please. this isnt @ u anon, this is a general disclaimer bc its actually a very big pet peeve of mine that ppl expect me to talk for her since we are together. we are whole ass individuals and yes we are building a life together but that doesnt mean we have the same brain or the same exact reasoning for things.
as for the "men DNI" part: this, along with all other DNIs of mine, is a boundary that i choose if and when to enforce. my boundaries for followers are all pretty much public somehow. my personal reasoning for using "men dni" in my bio, like many other kinky nsfw dyke blogs on this website, is that i want to discourage as many men as possible from trying to interact with me here in the quickest way possible bc this is my silly little space where i can explore my sexual fantasies and those do not include men and i largely do not feel comfortable with men following me or interacting with these parts of myself (key word here being largely, this will come up later). this is similar to my "[specific kinks] DNI" - these are boundaries that are my responsibility to enforce as i deem fit.
that being said i do check for age/gender/etc in each blog that i notice trying to following me and, in that moment, handle it according to my needs. and sometimes that means that i decide to reject my own boundaries and allow certain ppl into my little space and sometimes enter theirs as well. i take an approach to social media where i tend to watch who interacts with me bc this is my space and, just like I'm not letting anyone into my home, im not just gonna let anyone follow me. i do risk assessments in every part of my life and that includes my online experience.
i also am aware gender is complicated. i mean i am literally an intersex transmasc femme who takes T on and off, uses "masculine" language often, etc. i get its way more complicated than "man/woman" so thats why if you look at my pinned (which has a short list of things ppl will be blocked for separate from my DNIs) you'll see that gender identity does not come up there aside from the pls dni of MLM bc ive had some gay guys interact and i prefer it not happen but also sometimes it happens 🤷🏽
basically the shortest answer is: if u are bigender and not just following me but we've been mutuals for a long time chances are i checked ur blog and felt comfortable with having an online relationship of some kind with you. if you are uncomfortable following me because I have that in my bio i literally do not care if you soft block me or even full block me. take care of yourself how you need to. breaking mutualship literally has no effect on my day to day life unless we have become genuine friends outside of this space - but i am assuming we haven't considering this question is (1) even being asked and (2) being asked on anon
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fleshrenderturbine ¡ 7 months ago
idk why hes poking at u for being childish and edgy lol. bro has no place to be like "hurrr ur edgy" when he's a stereotypical gore-loving sanrio and gloomy bear edgelord
Big unintentional tangent coming up, i've got nothing to do this hour so I ended up spilling feelings/reminescent thoughts from the day But yeeeeeeeah I mean there's nothing wrong w/liking said things, I AM edgy and proudly cringe to be fair but i tend to flip flop between dark aesthetics and then weird angelic surreal aesthetics because. It's cool. It's what I identify with personally for a variety of reasons. As for the roblox + childish quip, I never got to enjoy dumb games/stuff like roblox as a kid and I think there's smth nice with indulging in little happy stuff as an adult, like yea i have my dumb happy indulgent side but I also am heavily focused on self-improvement outside of this, obviously like everyone else im also flawed but I really like tackling it and im finally doing better in life now after my own escape with abusive family, but it was hell to get out of and I also got lucky. I might complain about my past (it was bad and ofc i have residual problems, its still fresh) but i do acknowledge that besides the problems said past has loaded me with mentally, im doing much better for myself now and almost completely individualized, I drive, work, and am pretty independant despite how childish i may appear, sure. But on this topic again iirc Spencer age regresses and stuff + plays roblox too. A LOT of adults play fortnite, minecraft, roblox ect nowadays they're just stupid fun games, idc. As long as ur not being weird on the platform cus good grief roblox is bad with that.
People will hound and pick apart anything for insults-sake just because they dont like you despite anything ironic about it, and it really shows here. I can dig into him if i wanted to and embarass the fuck out of him w/what I know, but it's old and I dont think reflects his current persona despite him playing down how big it actually was to look better. You can tear just about anyone down if you know how to depending on what material you have to go off of, all I did was change my desc to a link to a song I liked, threw on a pfp, and bam they rip into it.. which despite how tame / relaxed my main is, it just goes to show that I was right to remain anon. Regardless I won't go out of my way to insult like that, just bluff about it (obviously). There's truly nothing constructive in insulting that kind of thing and anyone who has eyes can see the hypocrisy even if they like the guy but won't say it. That itself is embarassing to anyone watching. This is off topic, but while I'm here im still cringing at the "if you wanna talk to him you'll have to go through me ):<" big baddie viktor persona or friend or alter in his account whoever that was attempting to intimidate me. Wow. Now IRONICALLY the problem to me is that if I spoke directly, i'd be chill + almost too chill despite how harsh i've been here. I have a side of myself that is very, very dedicated to helping the right people if they listen and genuinely wish to help themselves. I helped myself escape my situation ofc, helped my partner, I helped 3 people deemed irredeemable elsewhere, (arguably who didnt need help, and I understand why theyd be hated for xyz plus i'd emphazise to them that if they want to change, they have to see what others hate about them and agree its rational. I dont believe in people becoming the worst versions of themsleves and hurting others in the future if it can be stopped) I generally know how to help people look for resources but sometimes it is really hard depending on your personal case. That said as well i can also be rage bent and chase anyone who I think escaping, identifying with the same behavior after knowing better, and choosing to be miserable. I LOATHE people like that and it absoloutely shows. I'll reiterate on this but I used to be similar to him until my 4th and most effective therapist called me out on it. I was pissed initially but then overtime i learned that damn ok, she's actually right. I blame a lot of my own personal growth on her help. Sometimes being 100% gentle isn't going to work but neither is beating someone to death ofc. I also think there's a difference between sugarcoating vs. dead-honest critisism, I like the latter. This is going to sound harsh but generally; I dont want you to prove to me how inhibited you are or how bad you have it to make a point to me and garner sympathy from those around you. There's been enough of that. It's def good to vent but theres a difference here im trying to make clear - after a select few instances, its very obvious for me and others that Spencer has learned how to profit and gain a following from acting pathetic, lying, and playing up what he seems to go through to garner an overprotective circle in a way. Its good to have a support group, always, but this feels different. IM NOT SAYING HE WILL REMAIN THIS WAY. I HOPE HE DOESNT. Im simply calling it out and im sure despite the song and dance on main he knows what i mean.
I want to see motivation to grow instead of choosing to wallow in misery, it might suck for awhile to brave through what you're enduring but you'll thank yourself later for sure. My talk with ybt also showed to me that I dont think these people know what they're doing w/resources, honestly. But again what I want to see self respect and TRUE admittance to ones mistake. People do not know how actively damaging it is to choose to play up their misery to a level thats unrealistic and isnt actually reflecting what they're going through for pity/donations/etc. (disclaimer, I will say a lot of the time you dont even know you're doing it but i have reason to believe he should know) i've been that way myself before, so I do know what it's like. I just got very lucky with my resources last year and someone irl who helped me out. I have a bad habit of also suddenly becoming way too soft when communicating with people like this. Probably bcs due to [insert disorder here] and i'd take on the "oh everything is ok now!" type of tone and regretting it later like i have before bcs I will fail to really hammer in what I need to, thus rendering the conversation ineffective and possibly being taken advantage of. I'd go on but itsssss.. intricate and tedious to get into. I can ramble forever if im given the stage. Whoops.
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat ¡ 11 months ago
not 2 exaggerate or anything but youre my absolute fav writer on tumblr 💥💥💥💥💥 im a big fan of domestic/comfort/simple, warm moments type of genre in fics and your works just rlly scratch that specific itch in my brain. whatever fics u post im like yo.... this is everything im looking for in a fic..... wheres the source from..... r u sucking them out from my brain be honest have u dug a hole already and using me for popularity 🤨🤨🤨 (/J)
might be bc im on my period or wtv but i was gg thru your masterlist ytday night before gg to sleep and i cried while reading "i've alw loved the way you eat," "i dream now of a normal life with you," and "ask me to leave and i'll stay forever." like jfc theres such a specific type of intimacy and soft moments you convey through your words SO WELL i physically feel my heart melting reading them. like UGH esp in "i dream now of a normal life with you" where suguru is just so soft and sappy over reader im just like UGHHHH I WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME LIKE THAT AND FOR ME TO RETURN BACK THE SAME LOVE, IF NOT MORE TOO!!!!!!!!!
u get it, u rlly do - honestly u have the best fanon hcs and characterization of suguru i love that man sm so to see him so accurately represented rlly makes me so happy tq for understanding him....... sometimes i see a mischaracterization so bad in a fic i just have to close the app and touch grass LMFAOOOO but u get it.... u rlly do.... never once posted a wrong hc about suguru.... op ur brain <333 u make me so happy i love u sm thanku for creating such beautiful fics i alw come back to reread a bunch of ur stuff, they never get old, it's literally everything im looking for. idc how "boring" hurt/comfort fics r, like even if there's no drama, sometimes simple is best and u do it so, so well thanku op i lov u muacks ❤️
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anon ……….
you are . the sweetest in the whole wide world. in the universe. u genuinely don’t UNDERSTAND how big my smile was when i saw this…. melted into a tiny little puddle on the floor
I LOVE YOU….. 🥺🥺🥺 i love you forever and ever and i’m so thankful for your support!!!!! i don’t even know where to begin i’m so overwhelmed pbdkdbdj (AFFECTIONATELY)…. YOU CALLING ME YOUR FAV WRITER? IS SO INSANE??? AND SUCH AN HONOUR????? i cried a bit ngl i’m just. very very thankful T_T but anon.. you can’t expose me like that </3 how am i supposed to get my daily dose of clout if you go around telling ppl abt the ideas i steal directly from your brain???? smh /j ily <3
I’M. just. so unbelievably happy that my writing can mean something to you 😭 and make you feel something!!!! when i hear that ppl cried reading one of my fics i always get so . emotional. it just means so much!! i don’t want you to cry but i’ll accept your tears happily :’3 i hope they were sappy tears and not Sad Tears…..
ON THAT NOTE. THE SAPPINESS. THE SOFTNESS. YES. i’m so happy you could feel it bc most of my fics rlly are just intimacy and nothing else and!! i rlly like writing them that way….. m just happy you enjoyed reading them too :’’’3 i dream, now, of a normal life with you is very near n dear to my heart so!!!! i’m overjoyed that you liked that one in particular 🥺🥺🥺 it just makes me feel so happy and appreciated and . i want to explode a bit. soft sappy sugu is best sugu!! i’m sure you’ll find a love like that some day anon <33 we all deserve it!!
ON THE TOPIC OF SUGU. there truly sincerely is nothing i love hearing more than anons who tell me i do sugu justice. IT MEANS SM TO ME…. he’s so complex and multifaceted and knowing that my own take on him can resonate w anyone makes me soooooo happy…. 🥺🥺 and you saying i have the best characterization of him????? just makes my soul want to ascend. sniffle. thank you!! he’s our golden boy and i love him very much…. honestly i’m way more picky abt gojo than sugu when it comes to mischaracterization but i understand you completely anon…. sometimes i see a take that my brain won’t even let me conceptualize bc i disagree with it so much and then i just have to close my eyes and reboot </3
op ur brain <333 u make me so happy i love u sm thanku for creating such beautiful fics i alw come back to reread a bunch of ur stuff, they never get old, it's literally everything im looking for. idc how "boring" hurt/comfort fics r, like even if there's no drama, sometimes simple is best and u do it so, so well thanku op i lov u muacks ❤️
sorry had to copy paste this bc it made me want to CRY. you make ME so happy hello???? you have no idea the pure amount of endorphins this ask gave to me 😭😭😭 I’M HAPPY I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY…. you have my whole heart and soul anon atp let’s just get married i think . my heart is yours to keep!!! i can’t tell you how mushy i get knowing there are people out there who read my fics not once but multiple times….. yeah. i’m just. very grateful for you anon <3333 thank you so much for your support and for sending me this lovely ask. i’m gonna be reading it forever n ever !! :((((
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okaihauexpress ¡ 1 year ago
bahaha I’m the anon from artielotl, for some reason I was almost sure you’d hate reader inserts but I’m glad u don’t! honestly I don’t mind what the fic is or what it’s about, I was just hoping for a Sam x reader ☠️ I love men with long hair like mmmm come here Rapunzel
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hope this is what you were looking for dear nonnie! it's my first time writing reader insert in about 3 years so hopefully it not too bad!
As an adult, saying you had a "crush" felt embarrassingly childish. You weren't some kid on the playground at recess giggling about the cute boy who'd - GASP! - sat next to you in class, you were an adult with a job, bills, and responsibilities. But it was impossible to describe how you felt about Sam with any other word.
So, despite how it made you cringe, you accepted that you had a crush on Sam. But you also accepted that you weren't going to do anything about it. Back in elementary school you could've played kiss-chase (though in all your years of playing, you'd never actually seen anyone kiss anyone else), but an adult that wasn't exactly an option. At best, it'd produce an awkward laugh - at worst a restraining order and a suspended jail sentence.
You thought you did a good job of keeping it to yourself. You'd talk to Sam in casual conversation - kind of hard not to, given you worked at Nebula and he was the Chief Content Officer - but you didn't feel like you blushed outrageously or stumbled over your words. Conversations and meetings went on without a hitch, no one was any the wiser to the fact that every time you saw him your heart quickened. The scenarios you played over in your mind every night before bed - where Sam was suave and smooth talking and swept you off your feet - weren't known to a single soul.
Even if you'd spent the last few weeks (or was it months?) mentally planning out whether or not you'd take the surname Denby when you eventually married him, Sam approaching you at a work event was unexpected. It was unexpected, and it caught you off guard. If you'd known in advance that he was going to try and talk to you outside the carefully define boundaries of a meeting or an email, you wouldn't have had so much to drink. You hadn't drunk a lot, but enough that you could feel your head spinning as you turned and your lips looser than they should be.
"Hi," you breathed, and immediately you wondered if you'd sounded too in love? Maybe Sam would notice and freak out, maybe he'd report you to HR, maybe he'd--
"Hi," he replied, and you swore he sounded just as nervous as you did. Surely that was impossible though, as much as you'd spent the last few months (or was it weeks?) marinating in your emotions, you couldn't possibly imagine living in a world where he felt the same way about you.
There was a long silence after the greeting, and you analysed everything you'd done that entire evening in the few seconds that passed. Everything you could've done wrong flashed before your eyes, and you eventually took in a sharp breath and stood up as straight as you could.
"Sorry, am I in your way?" You asked, trying to step aside as you spoke.
Big mistake. The alcohol you'd consumed that had made you feel as if your head was spinning really started to hit as you moved, and you felt yourself losing your balance. You put out one hand to steady yourself - falling in front of Sam that second worst thing you could think of happening - only for that to directly result in the worst thing happening.
When you reached out, your hand collided with Sam's chest. In an instant you felt your body heating up with embarrassment. You were nothing short of mortified at the accidental touch and the way that it made you feel, and you prayed to every God you'd ever heard of - from every religion you could conceive - that the ground would open up beneath you and swallow you hole.
It didn't. You were still standing in front of Sam with your hand still on his chest - your humiliation having frozen you in place.
Sam, though, didn't seem to be upset. He wasn't frowning or scowling, there was no look of disgust on his face, there was just... Amusement? He was smiling, that was for certain, and he looked as if he was laughing too. Not laughing at you - Sam would never laugh at you - but then if he wasn't laughing at you, what could he be laughing at?
"You, uh, you seem to have-- Wait, can I start over?" Sam asked. Still in a state of shock you found the courage to nod twice, and Sam's smile widened again.
This time, before he spoke, he raised his hand. His fingers stretched out almost timidly, finding your wrist and slowly - touch almost featherlike - working over your palm. He looked down to where your hands were touching, then to you, as if to asses if this was okay.
You nodded again - just once this time - and he slotted his fingers between your own. Your mind was racing, and it wasn't just the effects of the alcohol you'd consumed. Sam was... He'd... He'd found you - gone out of his way to find you - at a party and now he was holding your hand. This wasn't real. You were going to wake up from a wonderful dream and have to face him at work and pretend you hadn't thought about yet another happily ever after.
"You fell for me," he said, though it almost seemed to be posed like a question.
A second silence lingered between the two of you, but this time you found yourself bursting out laughing. The dreams of a charismatic Sam had warmed you all over and left you feeling loved by this made up version of the man now standing before you, but the real Sam - awkwardly trying to get out a pickup line - was charming and endearing in his own way.
"I did," you laughed, your smile widening until you were beaming from ear to ear. "Whatever website told you to use that is out to get you. You're lucky I have a soft spot for pretty men that can't smooth-talk to save their lives."
"You think I'm pretty?" Sam asked, and your expression softened. His cheeks turned pink at the compliment and his eyes seemed to sparkle under the bright party lights. You'd always thought he was pretty, but the way he looked at you right now - like you'd just said the kindest thing he'd ever heard - made him so much more than just pretty.
"I think you're beautiful," you whispered. Summoning up courage from seemingly thin air you squeezed Sam's hand in your own and pressed your lips together, hoping that you hadn't misread the situation. It would, admittedly, be a case of terribly misguided signals on Sam's part if you had, but that fear never came to pass.
He just squeezed your hand tightly in return, and you knew that you'd work it out together.
0 notes
dirtysvthoughts ¡ 2 years ago
can you write something about gamer wonwoo and sucking his cock? i am down bad for this man 😩
a/n: anon thank u for this request, ily 🤍 gamer wonwoo is my absolute weakness, let’s be down bad for him together~
i got EXTREMELY carried away omfg this was supposed to be short, but here’s a word count and some tags, below:
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word count: 1.3k
tags/warnings: gamer! wonwoo, female! reader, dick sucking, bratty! reader, reader is kinda a tease, dom! wonwoo (but you test his composure), use of nicknames/pet names (daddy, princess, baby girl) very slight mentions of manhandling (really just tossing reader on the bed)
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so let’s say you both had a few days off from work and you were spending your time at his place. bordering on the last days of your break, you were getting extremely horny and craving for wonwoo to touch you in certain places.
but you had a problem. today he had chosen to game, and he had been playing for hours now. you knew it wasn’t intentional, but with his eyes glued to the screen, he wasn’t paying you that much attention, only giving you a few kisses here and there whenever he took a break.
so what could you do? wait for him to get off and fulfill your needs? or take matters into your own hands?
as you sit on wonwoo’s bed, your mind wanders to how he would look on top of you- his broad chest, his strong arms, his sweet smile, and his deep voice telling you how wet you were for him and how his cock was made for you..
you look down at your thin pajama shorts, and boom - a wet spot almost visible, biting your lips you look at your boyfriend, still focused on his game.
“something’s got to be done,” you think to yourself.
you slowly walk over to wonwoo, and when you get to the back of his chair, you massage his shoulders and slowly kiss his neck. he adjusts his headphones so he can talk you properly.
“baby,” he smiles anxiously covering up his mic, “what’re you doing? i’m still playing.”
“nothing,” you say in between kisses, your hands working your way down to his chest. “keep playing your game, wonwoo.”
he gives you a look to let you know that whatever you were trying to do needed to wait until he was done. but were you in the mood to follow directions? not really.
so while he wasn’t paying attention, you crawled underneath his desk and positioned yourself to where his legs were in front of you. your hands roam his thighs as you work your way up to his crotch, palming him over his sweats. you internally moan at how big he is and you hadn’t even gone underneath his pants yet. you were so far gone.
wonwoo begins fidgeting and you know bit by but he would eventually break down and give you what you both needed. you continue palming him when he suddenly grabs your wrist, pushing his chair back so he could see your face. “are you asking for trouble? i’m still playing, can’t you just wait for a few more minutes?”
“mmm, not really,” you smirk at him, pulling down his waistband, revealing his boxers and how hard he already was. you mouth over his boxers, kissing his dick and continuing to palm him. he grunts at the feeling and he moves his hands to play with your hair, completely forgetting that his mic was still on.
“hey, wonwoo, are you good?” one of his friends asks. without hesitation, wonwoo mutes his mic, minimizes the game, and takes your chin in his thumb so you’re looking directly at him.
“you really don’t wanna play fair, huh..”
he tosses his headphones on his desk, still maintaining his eye contact with you. “let’s make a deal, baby. i’m gonna keep playing my game, but i’ll allow you to do what you want. if you can be quiet until i’m done, you’ll get a reward.”
“and if i’m not?” you ask taking his thumb into your mouth, gently biting down on it. he chuckles darkly as he runs his hand through his hair, sighing at how your bratty behavior was turning him on so much.
“then we’ll see what happens won’t we?” wonwoo says he swipes across your lips.
you help him take off his sweats and his boxers and they both pool at his ankles. he puts his headphones back on and you realize that finally, you’re getting what you want.
before you disappear under his desk again, he calls his name to get your attention. “what’s our deal?” he asks.
you sigh, “stay quiet..”
“perfect, baby girl,” he smiles at you, and that’s the last thing you see before his attention goes back to the screen. “hey guys, sorry about that, what’d i miss?”
you rest your hand on his thigh and you take wonwoo into your mouth. you slowly go up and down, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. he felt so perfect in you and you had every intention to let him know how amazing he was.
you moan and the feeling causes wonwoo to shudder and nearly let out another groan. to your surprise, he doesn’t say anything to you - not even a warning. too focused on his game? maybe..
you take this to your advantage and add a little tongue to the mix, licking his tip, enjoying how beads of his cum were forming and they were all for you to taste.
“fuck, wonwoo,” you say loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to be heard through his headphones. “mmm, you taste so good, you feel good too.. i can’t wait to get you inside of me,” now alternating between licking and kissing, not even noticing that his hands were holding your hair, guiding your neck to take him deeper.
“shit,” he sharply says, not sure if that was meant for you or because he had made a mistake while playing.
“are you feeling good baby? cause that’s all i want you to feel.. let me pleasure you, please daddy?” you end on a pleading tone, that daddy sounding like it was covered in sugar. you knew wonwoo was affected at how his dick twitched.
“is someone with you wonwoo?” another friend asks.
“yeah, i can kinda heard someone in the background, do you need a minute?”
“nah, it’s all good,” wonwoo somehow manages to grit through his teeth, knowing that was a complete lie. he knew you were gonna challenge him and test his patience, but not so much so to where he was about to throw his headphones off, clear his desk of everything so that way he could rip your panties off and fuck you like a porn star right then and there. “we’re almost there you guys, so pick up the pace.”
finally wanting to taste all of him, you decide to pick your speed and go faster, your head bobbing and your moans growing louder and higher in pitch. you bring your free hand down to your crotch and finger yourself to get you closer to the edge.
you sucking faster completely throws wonwoo for a loop and he can no longer hold back. he throws his head back against his chair and moans out your name so beautifully that it’s nearly enough to make you cum immediately.
“fuck baby, keep going, please..” he moans out, and his friends go into chaos. you hear sounds of disbelief, shock, and even whooping. he exits the game without saying a word and tosses his headphones across the room. he pushes his chair back revealing his full body and takes your hands into his to pull you out from underneath his desk.
he lifts you up and carries you to the bed, tossing you like a ragdoll. “wonwoo..” you call for him, missing his touch. your eyes shift to his body as he pulls his shirt over his head, his toned chest and broad shoulders on full display. you knew by now your panties were completely ruined.
he chuckles darkly as he places himself on top of you, caressing your face into the palm of his hand. “that was a fun game you played princess… i should’ve known you would’ve broken that deal, but i still gave you a chance.”
he gives you a deep kiss and you lean into him. when you separate, your lips are still centimeters away from each other.
“wonwoo, i-” he cuts you off and places his finger on your lips. “good girls don’t get to talk before they get their punishment. so guess what baby? now it’s my turn to play with you.”
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anjelicawrites ¡ 2 years ago
To honor and protect
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x reader x Osferth and all the combinations thereof, I mean there’s three of them, so…
Synopsis: filling this prompt from anon (thank you!!!!) “hiii! so, I'm absolutely LOVING the aemond x reader x osferth fics and had a request of my own that I wanted to share for the pairing. kinda angsty, maybe so smut and good ol fluff too.I was wondering if you could do an aemond x reader x osferth fic where the 3 of them have been super comfortable about their relationship with each other. however, there's always those times in public where others like to ruin their fun. that happens one night while they're out and reader gets upset the most about it. osferth is the one to comfort her first and soon brings in aemond. the two of them tell reader that it doesn't matter what others think, they'll still love each other no matter what. they end up having a love session too. please? thank u”
Warnings: 18+ only please. Body shaming, doxxing, talk of bullying. Smut, lots of it. P in v sex, oral (f receiving), talk of blowjob, rough (ish) sex, overstimulation, dom!Osferth, sub!reader, service top!Aemond.
A/N: I am not sure this is what you wanted? I’ve let the muse roam free and that’s what I got so let me know!!!
A/N 2: it’s >7000 word. I am so sorry. One day I’ll learn how to write less, I promise!
You and your boys have hectic schedules and rarely have the chance to go out together. It doesn't help that you and Aemond are a bit reclusive and would rather spend time home chilling, than being out and about. Osferth is usually the one who has to convince the two of you to go out and you both love him too much to deny him this small happiness. 
Tonight, you all meet directly after work in front of this new, fancy restaurant freshly opened and that's all on Aemond: he wouldn't want to go to one of those pubs you and Osferth love so much, because he is classy like that. For your outings he wants only the best, he wants the pride of knowing that he had managed to book in a reservation in zero time, in a place where it takes weeks to obtain one, because he is Aemond fucking Targaryen, who will do anything for his lovers. You and Osferth would be happy anywhere: the fanciest place in town or a picnic in a small park, as long as Aemond is happy you both are. If flexing his muscles is a way he prefers to express his love for you two, neither you, nor Osferth would stop him, not after all the work he has been doing on himself and his self esteem.
The place is impressive and you feel a little out of place, even with Osferth by your side as you both wait for Aemond. From the outside you see big mirrors, warm lights and a huge amount of metal, the people going in just ooze money, you can smell how rich they are and you feel uncomfortable in your vintage clothing. You have always found Edwige Fenech and Florinda Bolkan, in those ‘70s gialli movies, style icons and started copying theirs and the other amazing actresses's dresses from the moment you had a paycheck to support yourself. You are, most of the time, proud of how you look, but you have to admit the amazing clothing you see on all these stylish people, makes you feel self - conscious and painfully aware that one of the dresses you see on any of these women, is worth your annual earnings. You think you should have made a pit-stop home to change into that Valentino dress Aemond gifted you for your first birthday you celebrated together, that was probably more appropriate than the suit and blouse you are wearing now. Are your boots too old? Is your make up ok?  
Almost on cue Osferth hugs you from behind and kisses your cheek, the smoky scent of his leather jacket is comforting as is his body heat
“You look ravishing, my love - he says - I might just steal you away on my bike and have my wicked way with you”
“You look dapper yourself - and he does, he manages to rock the hot youth pastor style and the leather jacket without effort - and your suggestion is enticing, but I fear Aemond might have killed someone to get us a table here. You can steal me away any other time, though!”
“I count on that”.
You bask into one another’s presence as you people watch the fancy businessmen and models entering the premise. You have always felt a bit out of place in Aemond's world, most of the time you try to approach it with the eyes of an anthropologist, but sometimes you feel like the odd one standing out. Tonight, you feel like your anthropologist goggles are harder to wear and you are not really sure why.
Osferth, on the other hand, has a fuck it attitude. On birth alone, he should have been one of those wealthy people, but his father had never stepped up and he had rather ignored his child out of wedlock. You know it is a complicated matter between the man you have never met and his lawful wedded wife and you are not sure how much his absence had been his own will, and how much his wife’s, the result is the same, though, Osferth suffers from this and his reaction is to double down on being himself and ignore those people's judgemental stares. He had chosen to forego the life his father had decided for him, sheltered and where Alfred didn’t risk meeting him, for a more complicated one, but where Osferth can be himself, with all his contradictions. 
Your reverie is interrupted by Aemond's arrival in his posh car. He gives the keys to the valet and smiles when he sees you and Osferth. Aemond is an extremely private person, the public doesn't know his face, since he has no social media and prefers to leave all the PR to his sister Rhaenyra and her gaggle of children. This permits him to enjoy the perks of being part of Targaryen Corp., minus the harassment from the press. The downside is that he doesn't do PDAs and is always a bit aloof in public, even when in your company. 
He saunters towards you and Osferth; he looks a bit tired around the edges and you muse that he might need this night out, just to break from his routine. When he gets to you, he kisses your hand like the gentleman his mother has raised him to be and hugs Osferth briefly. 
"Shall we go in? - you ask - it's a bit early"
"Drinks on me, raqiarzy, we celebrate" beloved in High Valyrian is one of his favorite pet names for you
"No dead and no injured today?" Osferth knows Aemond has had a big meeting with the stakeholders and was afraid of Rhaenyra's side of the family messing up
"None. Daemon has been his usual unpleasant self, but I haven't canceled to bake a Kek Lapis Sarawak, so I'd say we should celebrate". 
Aemond stress bakes and his whole family stresses him a lot. Usually, according to the amount of stuff he prepares, you can easily understand who has been a problem. When it's his uncle Daemon, he goes with the Kek Lapis Sarawak, which are extremely difficult to prepare and require all of his concentration. You and Osferth both love this kind of cake, but you would rather buy it than eat Aemond's, just because it means that Daemon has been terrible with him. 
You are having drinks while waiting for your table to be ready, sitting in a nestled corner where you can talk without being overly disturbed by the people walking by; you are sitting between your lovers, just chatting about your respective days at work. You are telling your boys about one of your student's outrageous translations of Herodotus, when you feel a sensation between your shoulder blades, as if someone is staring at you with intent; you glance at the big mirror behind the bar, but there's too many people chatting so you decide to ignore the weird feeling, even though it is persistent and it bothers you, forcing you to act more natural than you truly feel. It's between Osferth's recollection of a funny story concerning Uhtred's offspring and Aemond's telling of that one time Helaena scared one aunt with her collection of crawly friends, that you notice the sheer amount of beautiful girls casually bumping into your men, it is almost like the floor around your table is all potholes and those women feel the need to use your men's shoulders to keep their balance. Or are you being paranoid in this environment? 
Aemond's work phone rings and he has to excuse himself for a moment, he has been waiting for some important news from one of the international branches and has to leave you to get this call, it won't be a moment. 
The moment he is not by your side, you start hearing chatting coming from your right side, a little behind you: a group of beautiful women is sitting around a table, staring at you openly with aggression and hate. You hear easily how they are commenting on your body and your clothes; you recognise them as the girls using your boyfriends' shoulders for balance and you try to ignore them, talking a bit louder, hoping that between the general chatting and your voice, Osferth wouldn't hear their words. 
Aemond is still on the phone somewhere when Osferth excuses himself for a moment and you are swamped by these women’s hatred: how your hair is too frizzy, your figure too full, your clothes so out of fashion you must have raided your grandma's wardrobe and why are you with such handsome men? They were surely with you here out of pity, you must have pestered them that they must have felt obliged to be here with you, no wondering why they have already left you alone, they must have already gone home, what a fool you were to be sitting at the table, nursing your drink, waiting for two men far above your station who would never come back. And who has a date with two men? Are you that desperate? Or are you a whore like all ugly women are?
You have been bullied mercilessly from elementary well into high school and you have learnt how to build an armor around yourself to let awful comments slide. Most of the time it works; those are not the first women commenting on why two beautiful men such as Aemond and Osferth are with a normal looking woman like you and you usually laugh in their faces. The ugly truth of trauma, though, is that it might come back whenever you least expect it to be; just when you start believing you have healed the young girl you once were, these jabs seem to hit you where you still have unknown open wounds and you feel tears stinging in your eyes. You want to run to the bathroom when you feel Osferth's voice behind you
“My lovely lady here might not conform to your standards of beauty, but you are the ugliest women I have ever seen in my entire life. You might look beautiful on the outside, but you are hideous on the inside”.
He walks to you, his hands are on your shoulders, big and strong, but his voice is cold. You have never heard him be like this, your Osferth is sunshine, always and now he is a hailstorm, cold and destructive.
One of the women tries to retort but is stopped by Osferth’s words
“You work for a feminist publishing house and you go around belittling another woman. I bet this would make a great publicity stunt for your bosses”.
You see the color drain from her face, you want to say something but Osferth’s hands curl tighter on the meat of your shoulders and you keep silent.
“Mmmh, it is quite stupid to go around freely giving your phone numbers to complete strangers. In this day and age it is too easy to find out every information about someone using only that”.
Aemond appears out of nowhere behind those women, who jump out of their skins. This Aemond is also a stranger to you, cold and cruel as he reads off his phone all the personal information about them: names, addresses, marital status, job position and random information about their families. 
You know he can be ruthless, but you have never seen it happen in front of your eyes; even when he didn’t know you, he was aloof but never this cold, his voice had never dripped venom the way it does now. He is scary and imposing. Even the stare he exchanges with Osferth is foreign to you.
“We should have you on your knees, groveling for our beloved’s forgiveness, but you are undeserving even of that”.
Osferth? You want to ask, but you stay still, trying to recognise the compassionate man you fell in love with, in the emotionless voice coming from behind you; it’s the voice of someone who knows he can cause damage, both physical and psychological, and would act on this knowledge, if pushed. You never knew he could be like this and you wonder if the people he sometimes have to deal with at work, get to see only this side of him. 
“Go, before we make you” Osferth says matter of factly and the group just scampers away, one of the brunettes in tears.
As soon as the women are outside the big, glass doors, the cold spell enveloping your lovers breaks and you see your Osferth and Aemond revert back to the gentle people you know them to be.
Osferth’s hands leave your shoulders to grab your left hand in a concerned manner, his voice soft as he asks you how you are feeling. Aemond surprises you with a kiss on the crown of your head, him who has issues with expressing his affection in public
“I think I might need to go to the bathroom” you say with a shaky voice
“Raqiarzy…” Aemond starts to say, but you stop him with a hand on his chest
“I need to be alone for a moment, please my love” he lets you go, but his stare is weighted by his concern for you.
In the bathroom, you check that the stalls are free and you lock yourself in one to cry in peace. Those awful women’s words and the reaction from your lovers have rattled you; you know a good cry will help you and so you let the tears run freely down your cheeks until they stop on their own accord and you feel better, even though you know your next session with your psychologist will be a valley of tears, because of tonight.
Once you stop crying, you manage to salvage your makeup with the products you have in your bag and hope for the best. 
You don’t really feel like eating anything but you don’t want the comments of those awful women to taint the rest of your evening; your lovers have different plans though.
“Let’s go home” Aemond says the moment you reach him
“But the dinner?”
“I thought this place was worthy of your presence, I was wrong - he says with contempt - a restaurant like this should vet its clientele, not let anyone book  a table. The lack of manners of half of the patrons is not excusable”.
He has lost you at that. You have always thought that only one’s earnings were considered in a place like this: if you are poor you are out, if you are rich you are in, you never thought that not being an obnoxious asshole has ever factored.
“Let’s go” Osferth takes you hand and starts heading for the door
“Really baby, I am fine” you are not, not completely at least, but you don’t want to rain on your collective parade
“We’ll go somewhere else another day”
“And you are not ruining our night” Aemond whispers in your ear 
“You promise?”
"I swear. I want only the best for you and Osferth. This place is not the best" and with that he helps you with your coat. 
The sudden coldness of the night makes you shiver and huddle yourself closer to Osferth, who happily hugs you tight as you wait for yours and Aemond's car to be bought in by the valets, Aemond stands tall and proud in front of you, almost like a protector, ignoring the cold wind whipping your bodies.
When Aemond's fancy Mercedes arrives, he opens the passenger door for you
"I'm driving you home, raqiarzy. Give Osferth your car keys"
"But I can drive, my love, I am fine"
"I know you can - he lets out a soft mmh - but I want to drive you home". 
Your old jeep is waiting behind Aemond's car and the valets stare at you funnily. You decide to bend your stiff neck and give Osferth your keys. It's when you are already in the Mercedes that you ask, your head hanging out from the window 
"What about your bike?"
"It's light enough to strap on the back of your car, love. I'll see you home" his smile is tight and you know he is still angry; from the way Aemond clutches the steering wheel, he is still fuming himself, but keeping it under wraps for your sake. 
Aemond drives with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh, possessively, the heating is at full blast for you, he usually runs too hot and rarely needs to turn it on. Even if angry, he drives with grace and doesn't get mad at the car cutting right in front of him; at the first red light you scoot closer to him and kiss his cheek
"Thank you. You shouldn't have done it though. They were nobodies, not worth your rage and I really don’t know why I let them hurt me so"
"Those nobodies insulted my dāria, my queen. I don't take that kindly. And you are still suffering, I can see that". 
You can hear the controlled rage in his voice, his stance rigid again; you caress his thigh to relax him
"How did you manage to know all about them?"
"Osferth's useless friends. The wonders Sihtric can do with only a handful of phone numbers and one internet connection". 
You put two and two together easily. Osferth had overheard the chitchat you had tried to drown and went looking for Aemond when he had left you alone. A chirurgical operation, so to say. 
"You shouldn't have done that. Those women could have gone to the police"
"It's their word against mine, and mine weighs far more than theirs". 
The way he says it gives you chills. You know that the Targaryens like to spread around the rumor that they have dragon blood running in their veins, but this is the first time you see that in action. He would have burned those women to a crisp, if he only could, you think, he just settled for the next best thing.
"You and Osferth showed me a life I never thought possible and it's only my duty to protect you two". 
You burrow yourself closer to him as physically possible in the moving vehicle. 
“Not at yours of Osferth’s risk”
“There’s really not much in this world that can be a risk for me. I come from very old money, that still counts in many important circles - he adds with a hint of regret in his voice - I wasn’t there for you when you were hurt, in the past. I know it’s something I can’t change but I can be here for you, now”
“You know I won't accept to be a damsel in distress. Tonight those words cut me deep but it’s not going to be always like that”
“I know. Tonight you needed to be protected, the same way I did when we first met. That’s what we do, we keep one another safe in our time of need”
“Do you really want to make me cry tonight?”
“No - he slows down to look into your eyes - I want you happy, always”.
By the time Osferth arrives home, you and Aemond are on the sofa, all the pets but Santanico are huddled around your forms. You are not completely asleep, more lulled by Aemond’s body warmth into a relaxed state, even though he is not: you can tell by how Vaghar has still not settled for the night. You can hear her enormous form move about. Every once in a while she would let out a huff and change position and the house would slightly vibrate with her. 
Osferth has used the longer drive home, an old dirt road, since he needed time to decompress. Once he locks your jeep, he sees how dirty the car is and makes a mental note to wash it during the weekend.
He opens the back door in the kitchen and walks silently, unsure of whether or not you and Aemond would still be awake
“Osferth?” Aemond’s voice in the darkness makes him jump out of his skin
“Are you two awake?”
“Yeah - you answer, reluctantly leaving your lover’s warmth - how are you feeling?”
Osferth has to dodge the dogs’s attempt at being petted and the cats unwillingness to move from their positions; once he has reached your outstretched hand, he kisses your palm and proceeds to lie on you, thus loading your collective weights on Aemond
“You ok on the bottom?” “I’ll let you know when my legs start to numb Os”
“Are you good, my love?” you ask again, concerned
“I am, ish” he adds, unbuttoning your blouse to kiss your tummy
“Osferth… - you try but your words are cut short by Aemond’s lips on the side of your neck - boys…” you try again and it goes nowhere, their lips and fingers seem able to strain any line of thoughts you have. 
“We really need you” Osferth murmurs against your belly button, before blowing a raspberry on the soft skin there, forcing a laugh out of your mouth
“You can have me, always”
“Now - Aemond says as his nimble fingers go for the zip of your skirt, his voice heavy with despair - please raqiarzy”
The pieces go together in your brain as your lovers undress you with care: they need the comfort of your embrace after tonight’s fiasco, the oblivion only your body can provide them, to know they are safe inside of you and that you feel the same in their arms.
You don’t protest when Osferth removes your boots, skirt and stockings before helping you on your feet, Aemond’s fingers unhook your bra and his hands mold around your breasts as the garment falls on the floor; only your panties remain and Osferth makes a short work of them, after he has kneeled in front of you. 
There’s nothing as erotic as standing naked between your still clothed lovers and they know how much you like this, how many goosebumps bloom on your skin where the elegant material of Aemond’s suit touches you, how much your legs tremble as Osferth kisses over your mons pubis as his fingers splay on the front of your thighs.
You don’t know where to put your hands, all of the sudden, as if this is the first time with them
“Hold on me” Aemond whispers in your ear and your hands go to the nape of his neck, fingers crossing there, leaving you gloriously exposed to your lovers.
“You have the most delectable pussy, my love” Osferth’s hot breath tickles your mound and you know this is going to be a long night, where fight as you might, you won’t have the upper hand, even with Aemond who is usual the subbest of you three
“And the best hips to grab a man could have ever asked for and the softest breasts” Aemond says, his left hand on your hip, the other making his way slowly from you neck to your bosom
“You… you planned this” you manage to say, your voice already broken with need
“Teamwork” Osferth beams, before burying his face in your pussy.
HIs tongue kitten licks your clit and your hips move forward on their own accord, giving him the chance to grab your ass to plaster your cunt against his face. He wants to eat you out slowly, with long licks up your slit, using the flat of his tongue as his nose moves against your clit with each of his moves until you sob, the stimulation not enough to bring you to orgasm and he decides to have pity on you, his tongue licking your bud with broader strokes until his lips curl around it, sucking harshly on the hardened nub without pity and you orgasm for the first time tonight. You are thankful that your lover’s hand are there to support you, because your legs quiver as Osferth doesn’t stop, his long fingers in your pussy entering and moving in and out at a slow pace, meant to prolong your orgasm as Aemond keeps kissing you neck, his fingers spreading you lower lips for Osferth to see how your hole clenches around his fingers. You keen at that, feeling exposed, seen in your desire. A long litany of please fall from your lips as Osferth finds your g-spot and focuses all movements there, wanting to make you come just by his fingers only, as you move your hips desperately, knowing he won’t stop until you finish, but you are not sure if you are capable, not after your first orgasm being so close; he seems to know and his free hand pushes against your lower belly as Aemond’s hands pinch your nipples and he is whispering in High Valyrian in your ear. It is too much, too much pressure, it is too hot to breath, your nipples sending shockwaves of pleasure directly to your clit as pleasure builds and builds and builds until you squirt violently, the pleasure makes you knees bend 
“You are so good, love” Osferth’s praises come from far away
“You did great - Aemond kisses your sweaty temple - do you think you have another one in you?”.
You shake your head while he helps you on the floor and kisses your trembling lips the moment you are both lying there, his tongue softly playing with yours as you try to focus, but you can’t, not with the way his hands roam your torso and lower belly. The moment he helps you spread your legs, you realize Osfeth’s fingers haven’t left your pussy and your hole is still contracting around his digits.
“I believe she does Aemond, she just needs a little push” he says, his fingers curling while his lips attack your clit again.
You try to move your hips but there’s nowhere to go, pinned by Osferth’s arm over your belly and Aemond’s scorching hot body behind you, his lips kissing your neck, his hands keeping your labia open for Osferth’s fingers and lips again. You can only let your head loll on his shoulder as you cry out, your hands instinctively scratching Osferth’s back until another orgasm crushes you and you scream, incapable of understanding how this one is even stronger than the other two before.
Your lovers curl around you, their caresses delicate as they help you come down from the high, their body heaths lulling you into relaxation
“Was it too much?” Aemond’s voice is laced with worry, he is still scared, after all this time, of bedding you too hard, of hurting you unintentionally
“I… I’m ok” you slur
“Do you want to be carried to the bedroom?” Osferth knows you can endure so much more, but he is going to give you nothing less of the best care, in between lovemaking sessions
“Yes, please”.
Both men help you on your feet and Osferth carries you bridal style to the bedroom, where he lies your body on the sheets 
“I haven’t kissed you yet”
“Not this set of lips, at least”
“I should rectify that immediately”.
His mouth slants over yours, his tongue already seeking entrance, which you give with a moan and he ravages you, he is still too wired up to be gentle, needing to use you to vent his frustration; if it was just the two of you, you’d already be bound and pinned like a beautiful butterfly  and he’d be listing all the depraved things he’d wanted to do to your body, with your permission.
Your hands tug at his clothes the moment he is on you, you need to feel his skin over yours and you don’t care about the ripping sounds you hear, you want him naked, you want Aemond naked as well, their bodies yours to explore, their cocks ready to be buried inside of you.
You loathe that he has to move backwards, away from you to remove his trousers; you try to follow him with your lips on his and this warrants you a laugh from him and a tiny slap on you cunt, which makes you moan and fall back on the bed, your legs splayed, your core already glistening. 
You notice Aemond at the end of the bed, naked, eye patch off and cock erected, the pupil of his lilac eye swallowed by the black of desire
“Seeing something that you like?” you ask, fingers opening your lower lips, he groans
“Everything” he answers, one hand cupping his balls, his teeth worrying his lower lip. He needs you so much
“You look like you might need a hand with that - you say, trying to go on all fours - let me suck your cock”.
Aemond lets out a strangled hmm as his fingers curl tighter around his balls; you are such an erotic vision he’s not sure for how long he is capable of resisting coming just by seeing you crawling towards him. You would have happily sucked him off but Osferth’s hands wound around your hips, forcing you backwards against his body
“Be good love” he chastises you
“But I really want to suck cock” both men groan at your words, the phantom memory of your lips around their manhoods is a threat to their composure
“Later, if you behave”.
You want to pout, but you don’t have the time to, since Osferth lies on the bed, with you stretched over him and Aemond crawls towards you until he is over you, his cock straining for your pussy
“May I?” he asks
“Yes” you moan.
Slowly he grabs his member and guides it to your slit, moving it up and down to collect your juices to lubricate himself before breaching you. He moans as if this is the first time your pussy welcomes his cock, your warmth intoxicating; in truth it’s the intimacy provided by the position you three are that makes him shiver, the fact that he can kiss the two of you at the same time, your soft moans as his hips move deep and slow inside of you give him the guidance he needs to know he is doing good. Osferth’s praises directly into his ear are heady and the way he cups your breasts to offer them to his hungry mouth, make his control crumble and his hips move faster in your heat. You are a trembling mess, sandwiched as you are between your lovers, your clit continuously stimulated by Aemond’s pubic bone, his thick cock tearing you in two as he pushes and pulls against your G-spot; God you can feel every inch of him searing inside of you, molding your pussy into the perfect sheath for his cock and you hands fly to his buttocks, forcing him to go as deep as he can, to split you in two, to ruin you for anyone else but him and Osferth. The moment his hips pick the faster pace, the only thing you can do is cant your hips and moan, his lips ghosting over yours as broken High Valyrian spills from his mouth, a string of “Kessakessatolīkessakostilus'' yesyesmoreyesplease, against your lips as the friction increases as does the brutality of his peace and the squeeze of your cunt’s muscles until you come, kick starting his own orgasm. You both scream, your body curling around his, never wanting to let him go and he loses all strength, falling inside your embrace, his breath short and Osferth is forced to turn all of you on the side, before you crush him.
You frantically kiss Aemond, your hands still on his hips to prevent him to leave your cunt, needing to feel that connection as both your orgasms subside; you don’t need to ask him if he’s all right, the joyous way he kisses you lets you know he has enjoyed himself
“Avy jorrāelan” he whispers against your lips
“I love you too, and you as well” you say, burrowing against Osferth’s front
“You were both beautiful - Osferth says with a soft smile, even though his cock hurts - perfect”
“Kirimvose issa jorrāelagon” thank you my love, spills from his lips, the pleasure forcing him to revert to High Valyrian, until his brain starts working normally.
You reach backwards into Osferth’s hair to grab the blond strands to press your lips against his; your body is tired but you need him as well, wanting him to find peace in your depths
“Osferth, please”
“Are you well enough to have me, love?” as much as he likes fucking you until you are midless with pleasure, he knows he is walking a thin, fucking line here
“I am. You need this, do whatever you want to me”
Your submission is heady now, as it had been the first time; it sucks the air from his lungs, the knowledge that you are happy to have him, even though you must feel tired and sore, that part of your pleasure derives from him using you to pleasure himself. It’s convoluted and not many people would understand that, sometimes, this is what you two need. He can’t torment you the way he would were Aemond not here, he would have you dangling from your delicate wrist, your feet barely scraping the floor as he prepares to mingle pleasure with pain, but that doesn’t really matter. His other lover's hard limits are a way for Osferth to be creative with his use of you like his personal whore.
He lets you kiss Aemond one last time and then helps you on your knees, he spreads them open and keeps you in this position using his, bearing the weight your legs cannot right now. You let your body against his, safe in the knowledge he will not let you fall, while his right hand travels to your navel, to dip in your pussy to play with it and with the combined comes dripping down your tights, tortured moans escape your mouth. His fingers breach you long enough to collect enough spunk to lube his own cock and then he enters you with a swift movement that makes you scream in pleasure and pain, your walls still reeling from the orgasm Aemond has given you. Osferth’s right hand flies to your neck and curls there, his left grab you hip to make you start to move on his shaft. Every upward movement is met by your hips going downward, each pass forcing a bit more of his cock inside of you as your hands scrabble uselessly at his arms, trying desperately to release his hold on you, but you are not allowed to go anywhere, not until his cock has breached you open completely and you sit on him, his manhood buried completely in your heat. The hand around your throat constricts you airflow and you feel dizzy, torn between moaning and breathing
“I should keep you like this for the rest of the night, warming my cock, would you like me to use you like this?” his hand uncurls to let you speak
“Yes, please, whatever you want” 
“Or shall I fuck my load inside of you, mindless of your pleasure? I made you come with my mouth, haven’t I? You had your fill for the night”
“Yes, I love you” you start feeling your mind unraveling and fight to answer his questions
“I think I shall fuck you like this, see if I can make you come again - your cunt clenches violently at his words, you know he is able to extract orgasm after orgasm from your body, even when you think you don’t have any more to give - Your cunt is far more honest than your mouth, I shall expect that from you, my beloved whore”.
His hands curl on your hips to move your body in tandem with his and your knees give up after the first pushes, the pleasure too great for your body to compute and you let yourself feel, your head lolled back on his shoulder, your lips seeking his. Each and every thrust tears you asunder and knits you back together, never quite pushing against your G-spot, keeping you dancing on the edge as your nerves scream, too overwhelmed to properly carry on the right message. It’s pleasure, it’s pain, he’s killing you and making you feel alive and you start screaming, mindless, animal-like wails as your mind takes off and the mixed signals of your body make you quiver and shake. You don’t really feel Aemond’s forehead against yours, his words don’t register in your ears, but his warmth does and you let yourself grab at him, scratching the delicate skin of his shoulders as he helps Osferth move your spent body. The moment Osferth decides to focus on your G-spot, your body starts thrashing violently, every cell screaming that you can’t come any more, but the heat builds and builds and builds the moment he fingers your abused clit and you scream and beg that you can’t, please and he just continues, his thrust focusing on that spot inside of you; he needs you to come around him for him to sink into oblivion with you. When the knot in your belly snaps violently, your brain blanks and you don’t feel Osferth coming inside of you, his groans of pleasure as his cock spurts ropes and ropes of cum inside your walls, you are just a rag doll in their combined embrace, your body too heavy for you to move and you close your eyes, not even shivering when his cock leaves the embrace of your spent cunt.
You come back to your senses in the bathroom, sitting slouched on the counter, Aemond in front of you, making sure you don’t fall over
“Hey” you croak, trying to smile
“Welcome back, raqiarzy. How are you feeling?”
“Like I have run three marathons at the same time” this elicit a quiet smile in Aemond, who kisses your nose
“Do you think you can sit without my help?”
“I should - your body feels loose, every muscle overused - Why is the water running?”
“Osferth is drawing us a bath”
“Get you a man who can do both: fuck you into unconsciousness and then bathing you.”
“You looked like a goddess - his forehead finds yours - so beautiful. I couldn't stop staring. You, being taken like that… you were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life”
“You look quite dashing yourself when we manage to fuck you into unconsciousness - you smile at the way he blushes still, after all this time - I love you, I’ll love you always”
“Nyke jāhor va moriot jorrāelagon ao” I will love you forever; how are you supposed not to cry?
Osferth joins you in the bathtub after a while, you and Aemond already chilling in the hot water. When you had bought this home, the boys were not part of your life and you still compliment yourself for choosing such a big tub that three adults can fit without a problem.
Osferth stares at you two for a moment, you look so relaxed, eyes closed and hair up (God forbid Aemond gets his hair wet, his ridiculous thirteen step hair care routine would take all night to complete) and his heart swells with love for the two of you. He is not sure what he has done to deserve you both, but he is simply grateful that you are in his life.
Gently he slips into the water and you and Aemond open your eyes lazily. Slowly you lift your arms so that he can hug you and he is mesmerized, as usual, by your breasts: the delicate skin and the darker hue of your nipples make his brain short circuit
“Earth to Osferth? Do you copy?”
“Yes” he burrows his face against your neck as Aemond’s long arms embrace you both.
You stay like this for a while, Osferth needing the closeness after the gift of your submission, after your lips desperately seeking his as he fucked you brutally, as if you needed him to own you in every way. The whole experience gives him a high nothing else can compare to and requires him to be close to you afterwards, his body seeking yours as a safe haven.
“Let me wash your hair, Osferth” you say softly.
You are still so surprised of how much of a softie your Osferth can become, after dominating you. It’s not only his need for close contact, it’s his whole posture, the soft sounds he makes, how sleepy he looks and how thicker his accent becomes. It’s like there’s two men sharing his body: one cruel and domineering in the bedroom, the other delicate like a dandelion; the first one you can’t win against, when he decides to pop up, the second can fold just by the push of your full breasts against his chest.
“Yes, please, I would like that” Osferth says with a mellow voice as he turns in your embrace.
You try to reach for his shampoo but it’s actually Aemond who passes it to you with a grimace (he just hates the stuff. The ingredients list only gives him a rash and how good can a product be, when it’s shampoo, conditioner and body wash, three in one?), reminding himself that he truly needs to kidnap Osferth for a full day, in order to teach him some skin and hair care routine; but that’s for another day, at the moment he only wants to lie his head back on the rim of the tube and listen to Osferth’s moans of pleasure as your hands massage and caress his scalp. Oh boy does he moan after every single time your hands work the lather in his short hair, your fingertips pushing in the right places, relaxing him even more than he already feels and you keep going for longer than it should be needed to wash someone’s hair, just because he needs this form of closeness as he does need to dominate you and it’s a way for you to show him how much you care about him and how grateful you are for the way he protects the gift of your submission.
The only reason you decide to dry yourselves and go to bed, is the cooling water, making you all shiver, even Aemond who usually gives off ridiculous amounts of body heat. You can stand, even though your legs shake a bit and you thank God tomorrow is Saturday and you don’t have to go to school; kids are way too good at noticing things.
You dry one another with love and care, you and Aemond focusing especially on Osferth, who is still in that headspace where he is soft and needs to feel loved and cared for. 
You let Aemond take your hand to guide you back to bed, Osferth is plastered against your back, his breath hot against your cheek; he’ll need a good chunk of the night to come back from the drop of endorphins he is experiencing right now.
Your lovers still need you, thus you are positioned in the middle, so that they can sleep with their heads on your chest and belly. Their anger is gone, drowned by the depths of your body and now they need your softness to reach their balance again. You are the only person capable of quiet the storm inside of them and they are never letting anyone hurt you. You’ll ask them tomorrow to delete all information they have gathered about those women, they kept you safe when you needed to, their job is done for tonight.
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aemiron-main ¡ 2 years ago
ur right and u should say it
LMAO thank you!! I just don’t understand why people end up taking differing analysis on a character’s sexuality personally?? It’s one thing if someone is directly attacking a person or their headcanon, THAT is a dick move, and so is jumping onto someone’s post and giving your unsolicited criticism. But making your own post about your own analysis even if it differs from others and even if it involves criticism of other interpretations? Sorry I don’t see how that’s invalidating!
Im not saying that mike being anything other than gay is “bad.” Im saying that I don’t believe that he’s anything other than gay. But I also believe that everyone is entitled to their analysis and that this analysis can and SHOULD all coexist and that people are entitled to their headcanons and that those headcanons can and SHOULD coexist! Even if one analysis directly criticized another, than analyses can and SHOULD coexist because that sort of criticism and disagreement is how we learn and develop our analysis skills! The same goes for me! I have so many asks in my als box rn (which I PROMISE I AM GETTING TO THEM IM JUST SLOW) criticizing my gay mike analysis and asking questions! Which is awesome because then I get to respond to those criticisms and refine and rethink my analysis! Because my intention isn’t to “prove that Mike is gay” or “prove my gay mike headcanon.”
I don’t have a Mike sexuality headcanon. I have my analysis that I went into with no real opinion on Mike’s sexuality and then tried to figure out what his sexuality IS based on the evidence in the show and the show’s narrative! And so if an anon brings up something that I feel might change my mind on Mike’s sexuality/pokes a big hole in my analysis, I’m open to changing my mind because at the end of the day, my goal with my analysis of Mike’s sexuality has always been to figure out WHAT his sexuality is! That’s what I mean when I say that I don’t have a headcanon: I have my conclusion that’s based in evidence, but it’s also a conclusion that I’m willing to change if I feel that the evidence indicates something different! And I don’t think it’s morally wrong or inherently invalidating to do that because this is a show that’s meant to be analyzed and again differing analyses can and should coexist! It’s simply that the evidence has lead me to the conclusion that he’s gay.
I don’t avoid other interpretations or evidence that seems to conflict with my interpretation! I embrace it, look into it, and see if it changes my conclusion! Sure, I don’t directly interact with a lot of bi or other sexuality mike posts simply because I want to keep things respectful and stay in my own analysis corner and make my own posts about my thoughts and findings. I WANT people to post about bi Mike! I WANT to see that evidence I WANT to see that analysis! Because it allows me to take it into consideration, analyze it myself, and see if I come to the same conclusion as another person or if my own conclusion stays the same or changes or what! My intentions with criticizing things like bi Mike analysis isn’t to stop that analysis from existing: it’s to learn from it and allow it to influence my own analysis and force me to reconsider my own conclusions.
And people are free to disagree with this and I fully support their right to disagree with it and criticize it! Go ham!
Imo, keeping the peace is not “preventing or stopping differing analysis and criticism from existing.” Imo, keeping the peace is being able to get along regardless of that differing analysis and criticism and not taking everything on such a personal level. Like I said, I love seeing bi Mike posts because it gives me an opportunity to rethink my conclusion and strengthen my analysis. We should be celebrating those differences and celebrating that criticism and celebrating how we can help eachother learn and grow and analyze and learn from different interpretations of evidence, even those that we disagree with- ESPECIALLY those that we disagree with.
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hyperfixation-hideout ¡ 3 years ago
this is embarassing but i want u to know so sorry im anon im just a coward. Im one of the people who said insults about critics and now i think about it ur right, i wasnt address the real problems just hating the group for existing. i went looking after ur post and i see the harasment on both sides now and i thought how dumb itd be to say the fndm is evil bc of some toxic fans and thats what i was doing with rwde. Ill argue the points now on, instead of accuse people of what i assume about them
You're not a coward; this ask proves it. Thank you for telling me, I'm so glad my words reached you. It's big of you to admit, bigger to recognize it as something worth rethinking, and even bigger to seek knowledge and open yourself to a potential change of view. Thank you for that.
I wanna reiterate some things in case I was unclear, because this is a nuanced topic, so please (pretty please) bear with me before passing judgment <3
First, I'm not advocating for ignoring toxicity found in rwde and r/rwbycritics. It DOES exist and it IS a problem. But people tagging me (& others who were supportive/considerate of my pov) in their hate anons to "prove" all critics are evil missed the points I made. Like I've said, I used to think ill of rwby critics as well, and all it takes to solidify a belief is examples that support it. It infuriates me that people would send asks like that, and I'm so sorry to everyone who gets hate. That's not okay.
What I am saying is the existence of hateful people who use a tag doesn't disprove the existence of non-hateful people who use said tag, nor does it make the tag's existence inherently hateful. ("RWDE" was a jokey name made for a place to critique RWBY without being called rude, so people could blacklist the tag.) I could broadcast every hateful person/take I see in the fndm or r/rwby, but it wouldn't prove everyone in the FNDM is like that. It's basic scientific theory.
It's important to be conscious of the toxic behavior in the FNDM as well, but I wasn't trying to say some wishy-washy "there's bad on both sides so it cancels out uwu" or "don't complain about one group's problems if your group has some too" or imply either group is worse than another. Not at all my intention.
Like you said, a lot of the stuff I see in antirwde or in replies to rwde posts isn't about debating opinions on the show, or discussing points they've made to express why they disagree; it's mainly:
A) Unrelated assumptions about the poster's character/beliefs/credibility (i.e. calling someone a n*zi for having an Ironwood profile picture, telling Jewish people who express discomfort with Coco's allusion that they're faking being Jewish just to bash/accuse CRWBY -- ironic to throw around the word n*zi and then tell Jewish fans they're faking discomfort with a character based on a literal n*zi -- telling queer people who wish Bumbleby had been implemented differently that they're "obviously cishet" and shouldn't complain about representation, telling Black people they're secretly white supremacists for saying the way the White Fang was portrayed was harmful, telling disabled people that pointing out ableist messages/rhetoric is ableist, etc., etc., I've seen it all.)
B) Generalizations of the tag and critique as a whole (saying all rwde posters and critics vehemently hate the show, harass CRWBY, are conservatives, homophobes, Trump supporters, fascist bootlickers, etc.) Yes, I've actually seen this. Many times. From people who directly told me they understood it's not all, immediately turning around to post the opposite in the tag.
C) People who are called out for harassment deflecting with "but look at THIS harassment done to ME, that proves I've never sent hate or death threats or doxxed anyone" instead of addressing or reconsidering the hurtful things they've markedly done or said in the past, even when provided with receipts. (I've seen this from both rwde and anti-rwde users, and no I will not name names)
D) People telling critics to shut up and stop watching, not considering that many critics do like the show and that's why they like talking about it, or why certain aspects disappointed them, or why they enjoy coming up with ideas for ways it could've gone they'd have liked to see! People say "we welcome criticism if it's respectful!" and on paper that's great! But in practice I've seen many (not all) of those same people jump to conclusions and insult/mock very respectfully-worded critique. It makes it hard to say anything without being assumed to be part of the htdm.
Even little things like "I wish Ruby's reaction to Yang falling had gotten more focus" get inflammatory comments/asks like "Why do you have to shit on Bumbleby? Actually, don't answer that. I know why. You're a sexist fucking lesbophobe and you probably stan Adam, go die abuse apologist" (that one was mine, despite saying IN THE POST that I liked Blake's reaction and ship Bumbleby)
And when it is addressing a particular qualm someone expressed, it's very, very often just people jumping to impose their headcanons to explain it away and enforcing them as canon, defending CRWBY as though it were an assault (again, not referring to the people who ARE harassing CRWBY, this is about those seeking genuine discussion), and calling OP names/telling them to kill themselves if they "can't see how obvious it is that ___."
To critics, fans, and all who overlap (and tbh just people in general):
If there's a pattern of shittiness in a group, by all means call it out as a prevalent issue! Or vent about your experiences! Try to avoid generalization words like "all" and "every" because they leave little room for change or understanding, and communicate a lack of desire to listen/cooperate, which keeps us from being able to tackle the issue. If there's a point someone makes you'd like to dispute, do so respectfully and engage in open conversation! Even if it's an opinion! It's fun to say "I actually liked ___ because ___" or "interesting, I interpreted it as ___" and spark a conversation. Try to avoid words like "obviously," the intent to prove an opinion "objectively correct," or insulting the person's intelligence (i.e. calling fans braindead/ignorant/simps, calling critics oblivious/bad-faith/bigots), because it shuts down discussion before it can begin.
I've just realized this has gotten really long and tangential, so I'll leave it at that. I don't have a perfect conclusion or an easy summary. It's a complicated topic. To anyone still here, thank you for reading this. I can only hope it doesn't come off too preachy, but I'm bad at conveying tone, so just know I mean it constructively and optimistically <3
[PS: to the person who sent me an anon saying my statement that not all critics have all the same opinions or beliefs is "just like saying 'not all men'" -- I want you to think about that for a minute. Actually, make that an hour. I want an essay on my desk tomorrow explaining why those are not at all the same thing.]
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