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philosopherofabetterkind · 1 year ago
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Little reminder, also in view of the upcoming Easter celebrations, for all those who like to write/wrote Bible fan fiction of the 'Jesus in the Gaza Strip 2023/2024' (1) variety. Or try to back up their anti-Semitic pro Palestinian arguments with biblical facts. :
I know many of you think that, but the Bible is not the same or ever comparable in its nature and meaning to the Grimm's collection of fairy tales!
The Grimm's collection of fairy tales contains different, self-contained stories, many of which originate from the French and some of which have been passed down orally. The Brothers Grimm are not their authors! They merely collected them and polished them up for German domestic use, i.e. no foreign words and less sex and violence, but more Christianity and anti-Semitism. Each fairy tale stands on its own and has its own message and meaning. To understand the events in “Aschenputtel”, you don't need to know “Der treue Johannes” or “Das Mädchen ohne Hände”. Although the motif of the “wicked stepmother” plays a significant role, it speaks for itself and does not require an understanding of the fact that it also appears in the fairy tale “Die wahre Braut”. The story of the poor girl who has to endure many trials only to be rewarded for her steadfastness and kindness of heart by marrying the prince also loses none of its meaning. If, as in the French version “Cendrillon ou La petite pantoufle de verre”, the doves and the hazel branch are omitted.
The Bible, on the other hand, is a religious text whose purpose is to convey and pass on a doctrine of faith. It does not serve as entertainment literature for adults so that they can pass the boredom in the late evening hours. It consists of various religious scriptures. The various books and writings were created over thousand of years and were written in different languages — Hebrew, Aramaic and ancient Greek. The oldest books of the Bible originate from the Holy Scriptures of the Jews, including the Torah, while the most recent books were penned by members of the early Christian church.
The Bible is made up of two parts — the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament bears witness to the Old Covenant between God and the Israelites, while the New Testament bears witness to the New Covenant between God, the Jews, and the Gentiles.
The core of the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus' death and resurrection created a new covenant between God and mankind, replacing the old covenant between God and the Israelites.
Jesus Christ is the saviour and bringer of salvation promised to the Israelites by God. He came from and appeared to the Israelite Jews, who, as God's chosen people, naturally had the privilege of hearing his message first. It was only after his ministry, death, and resurrection that God also turned to the Gentiles and offered them the new covenant.
In the years that followed, the early Christian church increasingly separated itself from Judaism by placing the message of the Christian resurrection at the centre of their faith. The Jews, who did not confess Jesus as their Messiah, continued to hold on to the old covenant. (2) The Acts of the Apostles, which describes the process of separation, ends with the Church and Judaism facing each other as two different entities. Long story short — the faith message of the New Testament does not work without that of the Old Testament. Both are interrelated, refer to each other and are mutually dependent. It is not possible to take one part of the Bible without recognising the other. Because one cannot exist without the other!
And for all those who are not mentally capable of understanding the above explanations, here is a quick run-through:
→ Without the Old Covenant between God and Israel, no Messiah and Redeemer promised to the Israelites.
→ Without the Messiah and Saviour promised to the Israelites, no need for Jesus' mission as Messiah for the people.
→ Without the necessity of Jesus' mission as Messiah to the people, no birth of Jesus as Son of Man (in Bethlehem).
→ Without the birth of Jesus as the Son of Man (in Bethlehem), no ministry of Jesus, death and resurrection.
→ Without the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus, no emergence of a new covenant between God, Jews, and Gentiles.
→ Without the emergence of a new covenant between God, Jews and Gentiles, no emergence of the early Christian church.
→ Without the emergence of the early Christian church, no (religious) biblical testimonies (3) about the life and work of Jesus as the Messiah promised to the Israelites, who replaced the old covenant between God and Israel.
→ Without the Old Covenant between God and Israel, no Messiah and Saviour promised to the Israelites.
→ Without the Messiah and Saviour promised to the Israelites, no …
You see, the snake is biting its own tail. And anyone who still hasn't realised it by now has either voluntarily surrendered their brain and left themselves to the incompetent thinking of others. Or they are deliberately ignorant, hoping that if they just shout their lies loud enough, the truth will change. (Spoiler, it doesn't.)
What does that mean in concrete terms?
Well, I'll explain it to you using the example of anti-Semitic propaganda from the year 2023, in December, especially around the Christmas holidays (24/25 and 26 December):
“Jesus, who is suddenly of any descent, just not Jewish, would have been bombed to death if he had been born in Bethlehem in 2023, because all Jews are evil and something to do with genocide.”
(All statements summarised and “slightly” paraphrased, of course.)
Apart from all the nonsensical morally degenerate genocidal ramblings, this kind of “reasoning” is nothing but pure hypocrisy and double standards and disqualifies you from any factual argumentation from the outset. You cannot cite a biblical fact to lend legitimacy to your despicable human argumentation just because it benefits your self-imposed mission, since Bethlehem is on Palestinian territory. While at the same time denying the identity of the man without whom the source from which you cite this fact would not exist!
The only source that cites the fact “Jesus was born in Bethlehem” is the New Testament of the Bible itself. There is not a single proven and verified historically correct independent third source that confirms this fact! Historians and biblical scholars assume that the historical Jesus was probably born in Nazareth, and the evangelists added Bethlehem in reference to the birthplace of King David in order to substantiate Jesus' descent from Abraham and King David.
And for all those who are confused again:
You cannot cite the biblical fact of Bethlehem as Jesus' birthplace to fuel your point of view of your genocidal fantasies, but at the same time ignorantly deny all self and other statements about Jesus'! Be it his self-definition and understanding or his social recognition as an Israelite Jew who actively practised the Jewish faith in the four gospels, by declaring that he was anything but that!
Therefore, as long as you do not recognise the biblical Jesus' as an Israelite Jew, hands off any biblical evidence! Otherwise, you will expose yourselves in the simplest possible way as what you are, hypocrites and double-moralists!
(And before we misunderstand each other here, unbelieving Thomas' who can not see the miracle of Jesus' resurrection are not my problem. Only people who have the understanding of morality, empathy, and sense of justice of a rotting corpse and feel the urgent need to justify their lies, distortions of facts and hypocrisies with biblical arguments. Or anti-Semites for short).
(1) Of course, this also applies to the coming years 2025, 2026, 2027 and beyond.
(2) Expressed in a very simplified way so that this text, which is already very long, doesn't explode even more.
(3) (New Testament + addition to the Jewish holy scriptures (Old Testament) = Bible)
Edit: How angry was I when I wrote that? Very! Could I put it more diplomatically? Yes. Is that what I want? No, just come to terms with the fact that I have no patience (any more) for people with the morals of a rotting corpse.
The mentioned Bible passages:
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, […]
(Matthäus 2,1)
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.
(Lukas 2,4-5)
Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them,“ Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.”
(Johannes, 20,24-25)
If you want to look up these Bible passages but don't have the English Standard Version (ESV) or a similar edition to hand, you can find the online edition here: https://www.esv.org/
As a source for the explanations and descriptions of the composition of the Bible (Old and New Testament) as well as the distinction between Jewish and Christian beliefs, I refer without further ado to my Bible lit. As a German Roman Catholic, I use the German-language “Einheitsübersetzung”, which is supplemented with biblical, historical and theological notes and has already been used in my religious education lessons, first communion preparation and confirmation preparation, among other things.
(If anyone would like to have the individual proof of this, please contact me. I will do my best to scan and translate the relevant passages. Otherwise, the search engine of your choice is still your best friend.)
The biblical explanation about Bethlehem can be found here: https://www.bibelwissenschaft.de/ressourcen/wibilex/altes-testament/bethlehem And the information about Grimm's Fairy Tales here: https://www.maerchenatlas.de/category/deutsche-maerchen/grimms-marchen/
(The two links are only in German, however, as I don't feel like looking for an English-language source at the moment. It's late and I have to get up early tomorrow morning. Either use the translation tool you trust (I like to recommend DeepL, because of its accuracy) or simply search yourself for “Bethlehem Jesus Birthplace”, "Grimm's Fairy Tales" or similar word combinations.
If you don't want to believe my "slightly" paraphrased example of anti-Semitic propaganda, just enter "Christmas 2023 Gaza" in the Tumblr search bar and you'll find plenty of material.
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theformulaforsuccess · 2 months ago
Join Douglas Vandergraph as he delves into the timeless story of David and Goliath, uncovering profound lessons on faith, courage, and overcoming life's challenges. Discover how David's unwavering trust in God and unique approach led to his victory over Goliath, and learn how to apply these principles to conquer your own "giants."
🔗 Visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC40z-bq0r6Jm8YcQ9CZCL9Q
#DavidAndGoliath #BibleLessons #OvercomingChallenges #FaithAndCourage #BiblicalStories #DouglasVandergraph #PersonalDevelopment #SpiritualGrowth #FacingGiants #InspirationalStories
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gossipwithjesus · 5 months ago
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bernardo1969 · 1 year ago
The Psalm 34 is a hymn of sapiential characteristics that seeks to bring man closer to the most perfect and divine science, the wisdom, and to achieve this the Psalm speaks of the importance of the gift of fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion) and the righteousness, which are the necessary gifts for achieve the knowledge of the truth. The Psalm 34 is also considered by most Bible scholars to be a prayer of thanksgiving; that is why the song begins by praising the perfection of the Lord, only to God corresponds the gift of glory, whose eternal providence sustains and makes the universe progress. With these wise words, the psalm begins: "I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together" Psalm 34:1-3. Then the Psalm continues and teaches that the true good of man is the gift of fear of God, because everything that is good and profitable is built on it, and whoever lives this gift can lack nothing; on the other hand, those who cultivate arrogance and contempt for others are sooner or later humiliated, in this way the Psalm continues: "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The rich grow poor and go hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing" Psalm 34:8-10. The Psalm continually invites man to reflect, and finally, the Psalm ends by remembering the teaching of Psalm 1, the Psalm of Two Ways, there are blessings for the righteous and punishments for sinners: "Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD will rescue his servants; on one who takes refuge in him will be condemned" Psalm 34:21-22.
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ewakx · 5 years ago
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#iaOp #Godspromise Do not be afraid. Trust in #God #Bible #word_speak #Bibleverse #Biblestudy #faith #fearnot #believer #strength #scripture #understanding #Bibleknowledge #stayprotected #staysafe #anchoronGod https://www.instagram.com/p/B-RWn6eFRtK/?igshid=x0aki6vg3vmn
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thekingdomtv · 7 years ago
The WORD BANK GAME SHOW will test your knowledge of the bible... in a fun-way. Stay tuned. #wordbankgameshow #biblequiz #biblegames #bibleknowledge @judster7129 #thekingdomtv #fun #bible #gospel #capetown
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pilgrimoflove90 · 7 years ago
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📿 "Corinthians 13:8" #Love #never #fails #corinthians #bible #verses #inspiration #motivation #marketing #digitalmarketing #digitalrevolution #Jesuschrist #is #Lord #blessed #bibleknowledge #learning #socialmediamarketing #lifelove
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nadiatorrescollections · 4 years ago
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Do you know the answer? How about the Scripture reference? #bibletrivia #bibleknowledge #bibletriviafun #biblequestions #christians #christianity https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7CpFLg4ux/?igshid=5g2sw67hdqba
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ashokkumar58 · 5 years ago
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#पवित्र_बाइबल के अनुसार #परमात्मा साकार हैं सभी धर्म के धर्मगुरुओं ने आज तक यही बताया है कि परमात्मा/रब/गॉड/अल्लाह/खुदा निराकार है, उसका केवल प्रकाश देखा जा सकता है। लेकिन सर्वप्रथम #कबीर जी ने इसका खंडन करते हुए बताया कि परमात्मा/अल्लाह/गॉड साकार है, नराकार है। जबकि 👇 पवित्र बाईबल (उत्पत्ति ग्रन्थ पृष्ठ नं. 2 पर, अ. 1ः20 - 2ः5 पर)- परमेश्वर ने कहा कि हम मनुष्य को अपने स्वरुप के अनुसार अपनी समानता में बनाऐं। 1:27. तब परमेश्वर ने मनुष्य को अपने स्वरूप के अनुसार उत्पन्न किया, नर और नारी करके मनुष्यों की सृष्टी की। इसलिए भगवान ने इंसानों को बनाया, जिससे वे खुद की तरह बने। उन्होंने उन्हें पुरुष और महिला बनाया, पवित्र बाइबल की ये आयतें साबित करती हैं कि परमेश्वर निराकार नहीं है। अधिक जानकारी हेतु देखें साधना टीवी रोज रात्रि 7:30 बजे से। #spiritualbiblemaster #bibleknowledge #Christianknowledge #Christianityworldlover #Christianbiblestudy #bibleword #biblefacts #Christianscience #biblevisuals #jesusknows #biblequotes #jesusloves #christianitypost #bibleinspiration @sachinmahaw_r @borisichevaalina @sarlinarudi @germangarmendia (at Panji Goa, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCcsUwEJzfM/?igshid=tq2h0am7wwmm
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theformulaforsuccess · 2 months ago
Join Douglas Vandergraph as he delves into an in-depth review of Ephesians Chapter 1 from the New Testament. Discover the profound spiritual blessings and insights that Paul shares in this pivotal chapter, and learn how they apply to your life today.
For a deeper dive into biblical truths, visit Douglas Vandergraph's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DouglasVandergraph and subscribe for inspiring content.
#Ephesians1 #BibleStudy #NewTestament #ApostlePaul #SpiritualBlessings #InChrist #Predestination #Adoption #Redemption #Forgiveness #HolySpirit #BiblicalTeaching #ChristianFaith #ScriptureAnalysis #DouglasVandergraph
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brojohnsrinu · 5 years ago
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𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐍𝐨:𝟓 βìҍӀҽ įղƒօɾʍąէìօղ | 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 | Bᵢbₗₑ ₛₜᵤdy బైబిల్ జ్ఞానము | బైబిల్ విషయాలు | బైబిల్ స్టడీ by BroJohnSrinu /abhishekaswaram #abhishekaswaram #BibleFacts #bibletruth #bibleresources #motivation #quoteoftheday #BibleInfo #jesusword #dailymotivation #godsword #BibleHistory #quotesaboutlife #BibleFacts #dailybibleverse #verseoftheday #unknownfacts #biblestudy #telugubibleverse #bibleknowledge #johnwesley #biblearcheology #samuelkarmoji #biblestudynotes #bibleteaching #biblestudymoments #hosannaguntur #abrahamhosanna #pjstephenpaul #enosh @joycreati_ns @johnweslyministries @subhavaarthatv @biblical_motivation05 @thewayoftruthandlife_india @the_words_of_jesus_ @tcmp7777 @telugu_christian_updates @masters_precious @johnweslyb @calvarytempleindia @telugu_bible_verses_ @nmichaelpaul @samisymphonypaul @samuelkarmoji @hanajoycenissy @telugu_christian_updates @ap_christian_events @nissypaulb @loveofjesuschr @jessypauln @drjayapaul @pjstephenpaul @pastor_jyothiraju @mohanclazarus @hosannaministries_kurnool @hosanna_ministries_vijayawada @edwardkuntam @hosannaministries_kurnool @hosanna_ministries_ @teluguchurchusa @teluguchristian_songs_updates @teluguchristianwomencommunity @bibleversestelugu @pastor_vijay_kumar_shekinah @pastorsamuelpatta @pauldhinakaranofficial @telugu_indian_christians @thewayoftruthandlife_india @broanilkumar @ourdailybreadindia @bro_sudheer_kumar For more Follow : https://www.facebook.com/abhishekaswaram/ (at All India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBmga88ngKS/?igshid=1dllngonolpxp
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bernardo1969 · 3 years ago
Ezekiel began to develop his prophetic activity just before the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah at the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar, and he is one of those deported to Babylon, thus the prophet accompanies the chosen people during their exile, instilling in them the hope of a better future despite adversity and destruction. Ezekiel is a prophet who receives the title of "son of man", this title refers to the spiritual condition of Ezekiel, the prophet is a manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven, Ezekiel does in himself the perfections of God, as well as a man can be called "son of God", a representation of "God" can be called "son of man". This title will be used later by our Lord Jesus in the gospels, along with the 7 "I am". God entrusts a mission to this "son of man", the people had fallen into idolatry and hardened their hearts towards the Lord, sins that according to the prophet should be redeemed: "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled againts me" Ezekiel 2:3. Ezekiel explains to us that the prophets in the Bible, are first of all, like spiritual sentinels who must give the alert when danger approaches; a prophet must redeem, teach, guide, reveal the hidden of God, and give a constant example of devotion and mercy (compassion, kindness) towards the Lord and the neighbor, this is how the Bible explains Ezekiel's task, for the Lord all Israelites are people consecrated to holiness: "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to the wicked, ´You wicked person, you will surely die,´ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved" Ezekiel 33:7-9.
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ewakx · 5 years ago
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#iaOp #pointofview An older lady recently started trying to be ‘young again,’ doing things younger girls were doing, having found ‘freedom.’ Another, got into a career because her neighbor was in that career. I wish I could tell you it turned out well for them but nah! One got worn down and the other was discontented. 2 Corinthians 10 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” #wisdom #getwisdom #pointofview #Biblespeak #knowledge #Bibleknowledge # https://www.instagram.com/p/B8nyZbYFV5X/?igshid=162gxjxsh30x6
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shijumoni · 5 years ago
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Jeremiah 31 4: Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make merry. இஸ்ரவேல் என்னும் கன்னிகையே, மறுபடியும் உன்ன���க் கட்டுவிப்பேன், நீ கட்டப்படுவாய்; மறுபடியும் நீ மேளவாத்தியத்தோடும் ஆடல்பாடல் செய்கிறவர்களின் களிப்புள்ள கூட்டத்தோடும் புறப்படுவாய். Thank you Jesus 💓 🙏 🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺💮🌺🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮🌴💮 #biblela #bibleknowledge #bibleinjeju #biblejournalingwithsheena #biblejournalingtools #biblejournalingsupplies #biblejournalingnl #bibleinmybackpack #bibleinspirational #bibleinspired #bibleis #bibleisbetter #bibleisgoodforthesoul #bibleislove #bibleleague #bibleillustrations #bibledublin #bibleefanart #BibleEveryday #BibleExposition #biblefamfun #biblefellowship #bibleyou #bibleheroes #bibleman #biblehistory #bibleliving #BIBLELIFEMANUAL #biblehumor #bibleletteringchallenge (at Taramani, Tamil Nadu, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fGxgEApT5/?igshid=1aesyoywd22k9
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sobersavage-blog · 6 years ago
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Reading before sleep! #education #exercisemymind #therichestmanwhoeverlived #stevenkscott #bibleknowledge https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz947WpHbzR32PL2yrKnV2Z56RgHVMwNURnE9c0/?igshid=19d064t11mrwf
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ojbclothing-blog · 6 years ago
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This year is all about GROWTH. https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTq_RLhdKy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v0sxks06kxgt
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