#bibf part six
waywardnewcomer · 4 years
Built in Best Friends Part Six
A/N: Well you’re getting some Y/N and Tom action, just not the way you want. This and the next chapter are heavily inspired by Love, Rosie. I couldn’t help myself. It’s about to kick off in the next one, prepare yourself.
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Summary:  Y/N goes on a date, Tom reminisces.
Warnings: Slight mention of a panic attack, jealousy
Pairings: Reader x Tom Padalecki, Tom x OC, Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Danneel x Daughter!Reader, Reader x OC
Word Count: 2k
Previous Part Series Masterpost Masterlist
When you returned to school a week later you were very wary of spending too much time with Tom, aware that it makes his girlfriend jealous and that you’re still a bit unsure whether to trust him or not. 
Instead, you spent more time with Penny and her friends, who had finally got out of detention. Her friend Zach was quite clearly a prankster and loved being a class clown; he had no problem making you laugh during your lunch breaks. Lily was calmer, but she was a good listener and gave great advice. And then there was Josh. You and Josh had hit it off straight away, feeling comfortable around one another and already giving hugs and small touches here and there. He always gave you little compliments every day to make you smile. You were completely upfront with them about your anxiety and they were all really supportive. You found you didn’t need Tom to be happy; you were your own person. It took you 17 years to get there, but you were finally gaining some independence and confidence in yourself. That group was a really good influence on you and Tom, and your family could see it.
When Penny invited you and Lily over for a sleepover you jumped at the opportunity, never really having any girlfriends to do that with. You turned up at her door, big bag full of treats in one hand and your pillow and sleeping bag in the other with a big smile on your face making her laugh.
“You excited Y/N?” She teased softly.
“I don’t really get to do these things, Tom’s a boy.” You laughed, and she nodded in understanding and led you upstairs.
“Well, the most important part of a sleepover is having fun!” She gleamed. Lily was already on the floor surrounded by a pillow fort.
“That looks comfy,” You laughed, putting your bags down.
“Go get your PJs on and come join us!” Penny shrieked.
After watching a couple of movies and eating more than your body weight in junk food you had all decided to make some TikToks. 
“Let’s do the one with the beat where you have to call your crush!” Penny laughed, a glint in her eye.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” You mumbled nervously. You could not call Tom: it would be so embarrassing. 
“Come on Y/N it will be fun! It probably won’t even land on you anyway.” Lily smiled at you reassuringly making you relax a little and give in.
As you pointed at each other you made sure to point as quick at you could to Lily so it wouldn’t land on you, face dropping when it did. You breathed out a curse word and pulled out your phone. You called the number and breathed out heavily feeling the anxiety fill your chest. Lily took your hand from beside you as she saw who you were calling. As it rang you felt yourself regretting this more and more. 
“Hello?” A grumbly voice came from your phone almost making you jump.
“Hi, Josh,” You breathed out shakily.
“Y/N what’s up? You okay?” He asked gently, hearing the nerves in your voice.
“I just needed to tell you something.” You giggled softly as you realised what you were going to do.
“You can tell me, go on.” He said patiently.
“I um - uh - likeyou.” You rushed out hoping he had heard you as your cheeks flushed red.
“Bit slower love,” He laughed.
“I like you, Josh,” You mumbled embarrassed, looking into the camera that was still recording and regretting ever agreeing to do this.
“I like you too.” He spoke without hesitation making you breathe out. 
You took the phone off loudspeaker immediately as they shut off the video, not quite believing what just happened.
“Josh it’s okay if you don’t. You don’t have to say it back, I’m a big girl.” You said, not really trusting your words.
“No Y/N I really do, I’ve wanted to ask you out since I set eyes on you, but I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” You could hear his smile down the phone making you relax instantly.
“That’s sweet of you Joshy,” You giggled, making him laugh.
“So, do you want to go out on a date Y/N?” He asked softly, knowing it could scare you away.
“Of course!” You agreed.
“Great, tomorrow? 7pm?” He asked and you mumbled a yes and hung up.
Fuck, you hadn’t had a date in a year, was it still the same? What were you going to wear? What if he didn’t like you? What if you said something wrong?
Penny and Lily’s eyes snapped to you as they heard your breathing quicken, immediately rushing to your side and taking your hand.
“Y/N it’s okay.” You heard Penny whisper as she stroked circles on your back.
“I just haven’t been out with anyone in a while. I’m okay, I swear.” You mumbled giving them a half assed smile that seems to appease them a little.
“Y/N Josh would never hurt you. He’s been talking about asking you out since you met him.” Lily explained laughing slightly. You raised your eyebrows looking at her questioningly.
“You planned this didn’t you?” You giggled when they nodded their heads looking very proud of themselves. You shook your head at them and relaxed, you were going to enjoy yourself for once.
You didn’t think about the date until the next day, when Tom was sat on your bed trying to make plans with you for that night.
“C’mon Y/N the girls had you last night, I don’t get a movie night with my best friend?” Tom pouted slightly making you laugh.
“I can’t, I um have a date,” You rushed out casually. “So, you want some lunch?” You coughed hoping he hadn’t heard you.
“Hey, you don’t get out of that that easily,” He laughed, looking at you with his head tilted. “Who with?”
“Josh.” You mumbled softly, not even being able to look him in the eye. It felt like cheating, but it wasn’t. You were just friends. You shook your head and focused on Josh.
“That guy?” Tom asked jumping up. “No, nu-uh. Not happening,” He mumbled stepping in front of your closet.
“Tom calm down, he’s sweet. Why can’t I date him?” You folded your arms and looked at him pointedly.
“He’s not good enough for you, and he’s always in detention. You need someone who’s a good influence.” He shrugged, ignoring the fire burning in the pit of his belly. It was a common occurrence whenever you went on a date, but he had always ignored it.
You raised your eyebrow at him and shoved him out of the way, laughing as he fell onto your beanbag chair. You stepped into your closet and took out a few dresses as options for Tom to help you choose from as he sulked on your bed.
“You can’t choose who I date Tom, your girlfriend hates me.” You shrugged laughing as he tried to protest but realised, he had no argument.
“Fine, but you tell me all about it tomorrow, and if you’re in trouble you ring me, and I’ll be there.” He wagged his finger at you, making you laugh and push it away.
“Stop being such a Dad Tom. Now, blue or purple?” You asked him, holding the dresses up to your chest making him shake his head, God you were so adorable in his mind.
You literally had to force Tom back over to his house through his window as Josh pulled up outside. He wanted to go scare the guy a little, but you wouldn’t let him. As soon as he got back through his window he sat down against the wall and pulled his legs into his chest. What was that? Sure, he always felt overprotective and a little jealous before you went on dates, but he hasn’t felt that jealous since… since you went on your first date.
At the ripe age of 12 being asked out on your very first date was nerve wracking, and even more so when you knew you were probably going to get your first kiss. You didn’t know if you were ready for that. So as always you turned to Tom to freak out.
“Y/N calm down, kissing can’t be that hard. Why did you agree to go out with this guy anyway?”
“Because he’s the only one who’s asked.” You mumbled, not meeting Tom’s eyes.
“Peach that should never be the reason you go out with someone, you hear me.” He spoke, lifting your chin so you looked into his eyes. You were close, noses almost touching and both gazing intensely into each other’s eyes. It was almost romantic, until you pulled away harshly at your phone pinging.
“Sorry, it’s him.” You mumbled softly, typing a quick answer to the text and ignoring your heart beating against your chest.
“Look Peach, if you want, we can do a practice kiss, that way you won’t be nervous. I’ve never done it before either so you can’t mess up with me.” Tom shifted in his place, looking at you shyly. His heart was hammering in his chest and he was hoping with every part of him you would say yes and forget about that stupid guy.
“As long as it doesn’t mess up our friendship,” You mumbled, inching closer to him.
“Nothing ever could.” He whispered, pressing his lips to yours. You both felt the same that day, butterflies in the bottom of your stomachs like a pit of fire, sparks between your touch and inching to kiss more and more but you couldn’t. You were best friends, nothing more.
“Thanks Tom, I feel a lot better.” You smiled at him, not noticing the way his face falls softly as your phone pings again. “He’s here, I’ll see you after Tommy.”
As you rushed out the door and he climbed back through his window his heart fell to his stomach, he couldn’t fall in love with his best friend. He promised himself that day he never would.
He shook it off, he was with Sasha. He couldn’t go back down that road, not when there was never a chance of you liking him back. So, he pushed the feelings back down and texted his girlfriend. You were always just going to be friends, best friends.
Josh had treat you like a princess all night, he had set up a picnic on a nearby mountain top in the back of his pickup. He had lots of blankets and an iPad to play some movies on while you cuddled up. It was perfect, and he almost took your mind off Tom.
“Josh, this has been great. Thank you, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.” You smiled at him, eyes sparkling in sincerity.
“I wanted to. I really like you Y/N. I have something to ask you.” He grinned as he sat up in his truck.
“Will you go to the dance with me?” He asked hopefully, you hated to crush his sparkling face and ruin this moment.
“I can’t Josh, I’m sorry. I go with Tom every year. It’s a tradition, you know.” You shrugged sadly, squeezing his hand in apology.
“I get it, I wish it could be different, but I understand. At least save a dance for me?” He asked sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
“Of course, can’t miss up that opportunity.” You smiled and leaned in to give him a quick peck. Although you felt the butterflies at the bottom of your stomach and you really loved kissing him, your mind couldn’t help but to circle back to Tom. It was never the same feeling as Tom, but all you could ever be was best friends. So, you settled for the rougher, less tingly lips of Josh and smiled sadly. You would always have to settle.
Next Part
BIBF Series Tags: @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @colie87 @atlas-of-the-world @duckieburns @biawol @maralisa124 @gabriels-trix @the-winchesters-impala @letmebeyoursforever @rosie-winchester @bellero @dreaminemz @aomi-nabi @babygurl224221 @sebstanismyman @captured-memory @thatbandchick39 @thevelvetseries
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