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larkrivers · 12 hours ago
Bianti likes a good holo as much as the next person, but if there is alien life out there—and she’s not saying there can’t be—but it’s hardly going to be like Star Trek, where everyone’s a carbon based humanoid who can survive in the same atmosphere.
(Yes she knows there was an in-story explanation. Real life is not a story. There are no themes or callbacks of plot twists or dramatic irony—just the instincts that keep you alive and the desire to be more than just those instincts—and the muddy, pit-marked battlefield between them.)
(Bianti made up her mind a long time ago. Everybody dies. While she’s alive, she’s going to be more.)
So. Not an alien.
But even if they were an alien it wouldn’t matter. People are people.
(She has zero reason to assume something her size and shape—generally—that spoke—isn’t a someone.)
“You’re alright, we’re alright…”. She finds their head, their hair—they have hair, cropped short, like hers, but longer (or maybe not longer, but not curly), she smooths it away from their missing face, hoping the gesture is still a comforting one.
They don’t have ears either. Or—not a human kind of ear. They spoke, so they must be able to hear—unless they’re deaf—but—stop.
They’re spliced, obviously. Plenty of animals don’t have an ear with an external shell. Chickens. Lizards. Fish. She doesn’t know why anyone would want that kind of a look… but it’s not her body, it’s not her business. Odds are they have the means to hear her—and they seemed to respond to her voice—so she keeps talking.
“We’re breathing—that’s the important part—we’re in a hospital—of some kind. Someone will be coming soon. It’s alright.”
But they don’t.
Her pop-pop used to say there was a beginning, once, but we’re all born into someone else’s story, and most of us die long before ours can truly be said to have ended…
Gianna Bianti has died three times (because stasio very much is death, just without the commitment—there’s no soul that departs for greener pastures; revival is just a matter of developing the technology to do so) the fourth time she is born, she knows something has gone wrong.
Because coming up from stasio is a much longer, much more painful process than going under. Freezing someone is easy, and once humanity mastered gene splicing, preventing tissue damage was as simple as tweaking woodfrog DNA to be compatible with that of a mammal and grafting it to the to shiver reflex. Frequent flyers will occasionally lose the odd extremity, a finger or toe—rarely an eye, but it does happen—but a run of starfish will fix you right up—
But thawing—
They can’t restart your heart until your circulatory system won’t be pumping slush, but even after, it’s agonizing; the first ten days they have to keep you pumped so full of fentaphine you have to do a mandatory stint in rehab before you can sign up for your next haul.
She should not be in this much pain.
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riverlark · 17 hours ago
oh dagnabbit i have two completely different characters in completely different stories both called Gigi how did i DO that i don’t even LIKE the name Gigi what the fricklefrackle.
i really like the name Gianna more than i like the name Eugene—but Eugene’s name FITS him SO WELL. And i love that Gabby calls him Gigi, that plays so well into their dynamic as the callback to their childhood—and when Gabe calls him Gigi it scares my socks off and i’m the one writing it!
And Bianti goes by Bianti anyway—Gianna was kinda just a placeholder cause she needed a first name… But Bianti’s name is difficult for the Zezzri to say, i was really attached to the idea of Dazzi, with his baby lisp, calling her Zhi-Zhi… i suppose i could have him call her Vivi, if the closest the Zezzri can come is Vianti —it still has the little insectoid hum to it…
i think… Eugene gets to keep Gigi because it’s more plot embedded. i need a new first name for Bianti.
And since her native language is apparently Spanish (or the Martian drift of Spanish) i think i need to go find her a nice Spanish name…
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neopronouns · 1 year ago
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flag id: a flag with 5 vertical stripes, with the third being twice the size of the rest. they are green, golden yellow, white, light purple-pink, and blue. in the center of the flag, not quite as wide as the middle stripe, is a dark green-grey minus sign. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
biantinonapto: a gender defined as being the opposite of both aptobinary and nonbinary; a biantigender of aptobinary and nonbinary; being both antiaptobinary and antinonbinary
[pt: biantinonapto: a gender defined as being the opposite of both aptobinary and nonbinary; a biantigender of aptobinary and nonbinary; being both antiaptobinary and antinonbinary. end pt]
for anon! the flag uses colors from the antienby/antinonbinary and antiaptobinary flags and the term is 'bianti' from 'biantigender', 'non' from 'nonbinary', + 'apto' from 'aptobinary'.
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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yonatannugroho31 · 1 year ago
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Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono adalah seorang politikus asal Indonesia. Ia maju sebagai calon legislatif dari Partai Gerindra untuk daerah pemilihan Kalimantan Timur.
Kelahiran: 25 September 1981 (usia 41 tahun), Jakarta
Partai: Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya
Orang tua: Sudrajad Djiwandono ( Gubernur Bank Indonesia ) dan Bianti Djiwandono (kakak sulung Prabowo Subianto )
Paman: J. Soedjati Djiwandono dan Prabowo Subianto
Jabatan saat ini: Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia sejak 2017.
Perjalanan Karir :
- Nusantara Energy (Wakil Ditektur Utama)
- Kertas Nusantara (Wakil Direktur Utama)
- Nusantara Pandu Energi (Direktur Utama)
- Kurnia Tidar Abadi (Direktur Utama)
- Satrio Putra Tidar (Komisaris)
- Komisi IV DPR RI Anggota (2017-2019) Wakil Ketua (2019-sekarang)
- Badan Kerjasama Antar Parlemen Anggota (2018)
- Legislasi Undang-undang – Pansus RUU Kewirausahaan Nasional : Kapoksi (2018-2019)
- Badan Musyawarah DPR RI – Anggota (2019-sekarang)
- Fraksi Gerindra DPR RI – Wakil Sekretaris (2019-sekarang)
Riwayat Pendidikan: 
-SD        : Santa Theresia
-SMP     : Sekolah Pelita Harapan
-SMA     : Berkshire School, USA
-S1          : Government & International Relation, Clark University, USA
Aspirasi Masyarakat
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Guna menyerap aspirasi di wilayah Daerah pemilihan (Dapil) provinsi Kalimantan timur, Anggota DPR RI G Budisatrio Djiwandono gencar mengadakan kunjungan ke berbagai pelosok Kabupaten dan Kota yang ada di Kaltim. Dalam sasaran awal kunjungan reses pertamanya yakni Desa Bukuan. Kegiatan yang dihadiri kurang lebih 200 peserta tersebut berlangsung di Kantor Desa Bukuan, Kecamatan Palaran, Kota Samarinda.
Anggota DPR RI G Budisatrio Djiwandono (tengah) foto bersama para petani dan nelayan di Kelurahan Manggar tepatnya di Kampung Pelangi Teluk Seribu Balikpapan Timur.
Guna menyerap aspirasi di wilayah Daerah pemilihan (Dapil) provinsi Kalimantan timur, Anggota DPR RI G Budisatrio Djiwandono gencar mengadakan kunjungan ke berbagai pelosok Kabupaten dan Kota yang ada di Kaltim. Dalam sasaran awal kunjungan reses pertamanya yakni Desa Bukuan. Kegiatan yang dihadiri kurang lebih 200 peserta tersebut berlangsung di Kantor Desa Bukuan, Kecamatan Palaran, Kota Samarinda, Rabu (19/7).
Adapun kegiatan diskusi diawalin dengan pertanyaan dari Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Desa Bukuan, Suliah, menyampaikan permohonan dukungan kepada Anggota DPR RI Fraksi Gerindra tersebut terkait program Pekarangan Pangan Lestari (P2L) sehingga dapat mandiri secara pangan di wilayahnya. "Saya rasa program P2L ini sangat tepat di adakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan keluarga dengan memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah dengan menanam aneka tanaman sayur kebutuhan," ucapnya.
Sedangkan, Kelompok Tani Bukuan, Edizilah mengungkapkan permintaan bantuan kebutuhan untuk kelompok tani berupa hand tractor atau dryer. Tidak sampai disitu, pihaknya juga mengajukan pengadaan sumur bor atau hal semacam nya dalam penyediaan air bersih. Selain itu, menurutnya permasalahan kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi apakah adakah jalan keluarnya. Karena biaya pupuk non subsidi hingga sampai hari mencapai harga kisaran Rp 400 ribu per karungnya. Sungguh memberatkan kami sebagai petani. "Saya harap ada solusi dari Pak Budisatrio selaku pejabat perwakilan Kaltim untuk pusat," pintanya.
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henyresiyanti · 1 year ago
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Mengenal Politikus Muda
(Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono)
Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono yang lahir di Jakarta, 25 September 1981 adalah seorang politikus asal Indonesia. Ia maju sebagai calon legislatif dari Partai Gerindra untuk daerah pemilihan Kalimantan Timur. Ia adalah anak dari pasangan Bianti Djiwandono, kakak sulung Prabowo Subianto dan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Sudrajad Djiwandono, serta merupakan adik dari Thomas Djiwandono.
Riwayat Pendidikan
Sebelum menjadi anggota DPR-RI periode 2019–2024, Budi adalah anggota PAW DPR-RI sisa masa jabatan 2014–2019 menggantikan Luther Kombong yang telah meninggal dunia pada Juni 2017. Ia dilantik menjadi anggota DPR-RI pertama kali pada 24 Agustus 2017.
Nusantara Energy (Wakil Ditektur Utama)
Kertas Nusantara (Wakil Direktur Utama)
Nusantara Pandu Energi (Direktur Utama)
Kurnia Tidar Abadi (Direktur Utama)
Satrio Putra Tidar (Komisaris)
Komisi IV DPR RI  Anggota (2017-2019) Wakil Ketua (2019-sekarang)
Badan Kerjasama Antar Parlemen  Anggota (2018)
Legislasi Undang-undang – Pansus RUU Kewirausahaan Nasional : Kapoksi (2018-2019)
Badan Musyawarah DPR RI  – Anggota (2019-sekarang)
Fraksi Gerindra DPR RI – Wakil Sekretaris (2019-sekarang)
Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono juga memiliki beberapa pengalaman organisasi, sebagai berikut :
Tunas Indonesia Raya (TIDAR)
Wakil Ketua Umum (2008 -2016)
Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya
Ketua Bidang Investasi dan Pasar Modal (2012)
Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Utara (2015-2018)
Pengurus Pusat Peratuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia (PERBASI)
Bendahara Umum (2015-2016)
Sekretaris Jenderal (2016-2019)
Ketua Umum Pemuda Tani Indonesia (2021-2025)
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turisiancom · 7 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Musik jazz dan seni rupa berbaur indah dalam gelaran More Than Jazz Art: Java Tour 2024  yang dihelat di DeBraga by ARTOTEL, Kota Bandung, Sabtu, 8 Juni 2024. Pertunjukan musik jazz berkonsep unik ini memperluas sayapnya dengan menyambangi kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Semua ini, berawal dari kesuksesan acara di tahun 2023. More Than Jazz Art menjadi ajang networking komunitas jazz lokal dan memperkaya pengalaman seni bagi para penikmatnya. Setelah sukses menggelar tiga acara di Yogyakarta pada tahun 2023 dengan konsep berbeda. Kali ini More Than Jazz Art hadir di Semarang, Bandung, Surabaya, dan akan berpuncak di Yogyakarta pada akhir Juni. BACA JUGA: Konser Musik All-4-One Bakal Bikin Heboh Jakarta, Ini Harga Tiketnya Konsep yang dihadirkan seperti Splash Painting, Abstract Live Painting, hingga Sendratari Ramayana diiringi musik jazz Jadwal Java Tour: Semarang: 7 Juni 2024 di ARTOTEL Gajahmada Semarang Bandung: 8 Juni 2024 di de Braga by ARTOTEL Surabaya: 14 Juni 2024 di ARTOTEL TS Suites Surabaya Yogyakarta: 28 Juni 2024 di ARTOTEL Suites Bianti Yogyakarta BACA JUGA: Mimpi Sang Menteri untuk Festival Musik Jazz, Yuk Simak Ceritanya Program reward Sementara itu Yulia Maria, Director of Marketing Communications Artotel Group, mengungkapkan bahwa kegiatan ini adalah bagian dari pilar PLAY dari Artotel Group. Dimana,  tidak hanya menawarkan kamar untuk menginap. Tetapi juga pengalaman gaya hidup seperti konser musik dan kegiatan seni lainnya. "Kami berkomitmen memberikan pengalaman gaya hidup kepada tamu kami melalui aplikasi digital Artotel Wanderlust," kata Yulia, kemarin. Aplikasi ini, diluncurkan sejak 2022, menjadi program reward bagi pelanggan setia Artotel Group. BACA JUGA: Tiket Konser Kim Bum Sudah Mulai Dijual Hari Ini, Ini Harganya Sedangkan, Imant Setiawan, founder More Than Jazz Art, menjelaskan bahwa acara ini tidak sekadar menampilkan musik jazz. Namun juga menggabungkannya dengan seni rupa. "Esensi dari perpaduan musik jazz dan aktivitas berseni menjadi nilai tambah yang selalu kami kedepankan," ujarnya. "Harapannya, jazz tidak lagi menjadi musik yang segmented, tetapi bisa dinikmati oleh semua usia," sambung Imant. Ditempat yang sama, Rendy Rahardian Jonathan, Project Leader More Than Jazz Art Java Tour 2024, berharap tur ini memberi kesan mendalam dan memajukan musik tanah air. "Kami ingin More Than Jazz Art menjadi platform bagi komunitas jazz, di mana musisi senior dan junior bisa tampil bersama," katanya. BACA JUGA: Cupumanik Band Kembali dengan Tembang Penuh Kenangan,Tampil Bersama Keindahan Alam Pengalaman Spesial Sebagaimana diketahui, acara ini menghadirkan musisi jazz terkenal. Seperti Seteru Sunyi, Caravan Quintet, 23 Kuartet, Flow Etnocussion, Arumtala. Lalu, 5 Petani, Dames Nababan, Fjazz featuring Andi Bayou, Livy Laurens, Sweet Swingnoff, dan lainnya. Pengunjung juga diajak berpartisipasi dalam splash painting dengan menggunakan cat acrylic pada kanvas raksasa. Tiket dan Keuntungan: Harga tiket masuk sebesar Rp. 100.000,- (termasuk first drink charge). Tiket dapat dibeli melalui aplikasi Artotel Wanderlust.' BACA JUGA: Usai Konser, Ini Janji Yesung Kepada Penggemarnya di Indonesia Tentu saja, dengan memberikan berbagai keuntungan seperti diskon pemesanan kamar, F&B. Serta, rewards untuk pelanggan setia. Buat kalian yang ingin menyaksikan gelaran musik jazz ini, bisa unduh aplikasi Artotel Wanderlust di Google Play. Atau App Store, daftar sebagai member gratis, dan nikmati berbagai keuntungan mulai dari diskon menginap, Birthday Reward, hingga VIP treatment. Dengan menghadirkan kombinasi unik antara musik jazz dan seni rupa, "More Than Jazz Art: Java Tour 2024" menjanjikan pengalaman yang memukau dan tak terlupakan bagi para pengunjungnya. ***
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conandaily2022 · 1 year ago
Reina Hispanoamericana 2023 predictions: Cinthya Moura, Bianty Gomperts, Michelle Arceo
Reina Hispanoamericana 2023 will be crowned in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia on January 28, 2024. It is the 32nd edition of the international beauty pageant celebrating Hispanic heritage, language and culture. On March 25, 2023, Arlette Rujel of Peru was crowned Reina Hispanoamericana 2022 in Santa Cruz while Adriana Pérez of Venezuela was Virreina Hispanoamericana 2022. The respective first,…
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turisindo · 1 year ago
Checking in: Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta
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latribune · 1 year ago
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mawarsari · 1 year ago
Budi satrio
Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono (lahir 25 September 1981) adalah seorang politikus asal Indonesia. Ia maju sebagai calon legislatif dari Partai Gerindra untuk daerah pemilihan Kalimantan Timur. Ia adalah anak dari pasangan Bianti Djiwandono, kakak sulung Prabowo Subianto dan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Sudrajad Djiwandono, serta merupakan adik dari Thomas Djiwandono.
Riwayat Pendidikan
TUNAS INDONESIA RAYA (TIDAR) , Sebagai: WAKIL KETUM. Tahun: 2008 - 2016
(PERBASI), Sebagai: . Tahun: -
budi Satrio sangat welcome karna merangkul semua kalangan seperti gen Z dimana budi Satrio mengajak gen Z gunakan hak politik di pemilu 2024 yg di adakan di Samarinda
Aspirasi masyarakat
Dalam kunjungan ini dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk menyampaikan sejumlah aspirasinya, di antaranya yakni meminta bantuan peralatan pertanian dan perikanan. Usai kegiatan, Budisatrio Djiwandono menjelaskan, kedatangannya kali ini dalam rangka kunjungan perorangan dari anggota DPR-RI untuk bersilaturahmi dan mendengarkan suara, harapan serta aspirasi masyarakat.
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modaonlinemagazalari · 4 years ago
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larkrivers · 9 days ago
Personal Blog riverlark
In an effort to get organized I’m going to be putting my writing here and clean up my tagging system.
Current Projects
(stories will be added as snippets are written)
By Lark Rivers
Genre: Space Opera, Scifi, Adventure
Rating: T
Summary: Gianna Bianti wakes up from stasis to find herself very lost in both space and time. Determined to track down the wreckage of her ship in the hopes of finding any other survivors, she sets out on a grand adventure in which she makes friends, family, and foes alike, accidentally unravels a ten thousand year old conspiracy, and may or may not trigger Ragnarok/Armageddon (depending on how religious you like your imagery).
By Lark Rivers
Genre: psychological horror, mystery, farming
Rating: T/M (T for action/violence and occasional language, M for discussion of… well, the kind of things you discuss in therapy)
Summary: Eugene Vanya checked out his first psychology textbook when he was eleven years old—just after the first time his brother tried to kill him. Or the first time he realized his brother was trying to kill him. Or—god—he hopes his brother was trying to kill him… Fifteen years later he has a degree in criminal psychology, a therapist of his own, a growing collection of thirty-day sobriety chips, and a panic attack over getting his girlfriend pregnant, but not much in the way of answers. But! This is the year that changes!
(Oh and the zombie apocalypse happens. But that’s—that’s less important.)
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riverlark · 1 month ago
UUUUUUGH this makes me want to dust off Startossed SO BAAAAAAAD
(on that note i think I need to lean into the Zezzri’s telempathic abilities and have Bianti initially waking up on Vex’s ship; bonding with the cocooned Dazzi via very confusing dreams before she actually wakes up and meets Rezza/through the initial language learning process)
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arco-pluris · 5 years ago
Bibians are biantiful
Tribians are biantriful
Pluribians are pleauriful
Multibians are meaultiful
Panbians are piantiful
Omnibians are biomniful
Polybians? Polynomenal
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bigslobike · 2 years ago
Best Solder For Led Strips (December 2022)
If you really need to locate an Best Solder For Led Strips in this December, our site is the one you can confidence source. Below you will find an array of the top 15 products from the top brands, including Zarivy, DAYBETTER, C-able, C- able, JACKYLED, GooChan, AWSOM, Biantie La, WENHSIN, QIJIE right below. Join us as we explore Best Solder For Led Strips in the process of learning more about the product here!
Source: https://bigslobike.com/best-solder-for-led-strips/
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conandaily2022 · 2 years ago
Miss Universe Curacao predictions: Kimberly Becker, Bianty Gomperts, Thiany Braafhart
The Miss Curaçao 2023 (Miss Universe Curaçao 2023) coronation night will take place at the World Trade Center Curacao in Willemstad, Curaçao on May 28, 2023. It is the 57th edition of the national beauty pageant that selects Curaçao’s Miss Universe candidate. Currently, Curaçao has eight Miss Universe placements including the first runner-up finish of Annemarie Braafheid in 1968. In the…
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