#bi richie tozier
bugsbenefit · 7 months
genuinely still baffled by the "they don't need to address Mike's sexuality, all that matters is that he's in love with Will" crowd. especially when people say it who claim to care about Mike's character (when you could also just say you don't really care for that part of the show, which would be fine, no one cares about all characters/arcs)
because Surely you realize how him being gay or bi would change his entire character, right. whether he's attracted to girls or not would change the way all his actions up until now are to be interpreted. not even making a statement on his sexuality here, this is generally speaking
if he was actually attracted to El you'd have to address when and why he suddenly stopped loving El since in fiction "it just happened" isn't usually a satisfying answer to breaking a multi season couple up. Why is Will it for him? he's been acting weird for ages so when did he realize? and what made it click he fell out of love with El for good? you'd have to give some explanation for why he was able to proclaim his love for El accidentally in s3 and then fail to do it in the same season while looking uncomfortable with kissing her and so on since his pov was so majorly withheld
if he's not attracted to girls his arc in s5 needs to focus more on comphet and how dating El affected him/why he felt he couldn't break up with her/homophobic attitude in his surrounding slash Hawkins. or the idea of platonic and romantic love in general. there would be no how he got from point A(El) to point B(Will), like what the focus of a bi!Mike s5 arc would have to be on to explain what happened, but a focus on how he ended up at point A in the first place and why he was stuck there/how it affected him
and even core moments of the series would have entirely different meanings depending on if he's attracted to girls. "it's not my fault you don't like girls" being a peak example. if he's gay it's easy to explain it with projection. if he IS attracted to girls though it would read as a much more intentional (even if blurted out) act of homophobia, since it would be him pointing something out that Will genuinely does (not liking being around girls) but he himself can't relate to
and that's all just the surface level differences. Mike being attracted to girls or not being attracted to girls would give his arc an entirely different focus in s5. AS WELL as make his past actions have entirely different meanings. the idea that "it doesn't matter for his character" is so insanely wrong it's wild how many people confidently peddle it
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ollsonline · 2 years
the REAL fruity four
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clericxhood777 · 8 months
These two ships have my heart, always and forever
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I made these especially for them
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no1nuzifan · 3 months
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yapper x listener my fav dynamic (i didn’t wanna try w the hands)
tried to do more poses and do some variety, SO PROUD
the way the quality was MURDERED.
time took: 4 hours!!!
inspired by a song called Talk Too Much it’s so reddie coded it’s unreal there’s a reddie animatic to it on yt go find it
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this has been a saga by me. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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greenpidge101 · 11 months
Why are people fighting about Richie’s sexuality again?!?
Please grow up and realize that people can HC him however they want because news flash in the original book the man is straight…. The biphobia I’ve been seeing is crazy and hate is the last thing we need right now.
Richie can be gay
Richie can be bi
Richie can even be trans or nonbinary
if it brings people joy, why take that away from them???
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reddje · 5 months
reddie x scott pilgrim one shot where richie is scott and eddie is ramona and the losers + bowers gang (vic and henry imo) are eddie’s seven evil exes 😭
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hesquietoday · 1 year
If mike gets confirmed as gay but most people keep treating him as bi I'm going to lose my mind
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
Losers club headcanons:
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Richie Tozier is bisexual and has been in love with Eddie Kaspbrak since they were 5 years old. Both of these things can exist together.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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trashymouthgremlin · 1 year
Once again thinking about how people will block people for headcanoning Richie as bi.
To me, Richie is bi and Eddie is gay.
Richie, who in the book talks very fondly about his ex girlfriend and is sad he couldn't give more to that.
Eddie, who married someone he compares to his mother, and this woman who even literally thinks she wishes she could keep him hidden in a closet and not let him out.
Richie, who flirts with both Bev and Eddie.
Eddie, who absolutely had a childhood crush on Billy and gets so flustered around Richie.
Do these two men still love each other? Yes. Do you have to think either of them is bi? No. But it does often feel like just hating on bi people for no reason, and refusing to include them when there is evidence for it.
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
Ya know I am realizing I have never done this but here are my personal headcannons for the Loser's sexualities, set in my poly Losers universe ofc
Ben: Straight/homoflexible - the only guys he's ever been attracted to are the Losers and sexuality doesn't matter much to him bc it's about who he's in love with over their gender. Probably later on in life considers himself more on the pan scale.
Bev: Bi - one third of the Loser's bi squad. In college she hooked up with a few women and had a gf (Kay) for a while. Swears in another life she ended up married to a woman instead of six guys.
Eddie: Gay - I say he's gay but I've seen people headcannon him as Bi and that's cool too but he's always been gay in my mind. Like Ben with the guys, Bev is kind of the exception for him. Sexuality s a spectrum. I don't think he gets physically intimate with Bev in a one on one setting but they're very close on an emotional scale.
Mike: Pan/Demisexual - He has never cared about the 'gender' of the person he's in love with. He's the one who suggests to Ben he may also be pan. And for Mike he has to fall in love with someone before sexual attraction even sets in. He's a big teddy bear let's be honest.
Bill: Bi/Unlabeled - I've talked about this before but it never occurs to Bill to 'label' himself. He is just is who he is and he just loves who he loves. Never cared to put a label on it but if pushed came to shove he'd consider himself bi.
Richie: Bi - He's a slut. He loves women and men and loves to have sex with them. Probably is one of the most sex positive people you'll meet. Very open and outward with his sexuailty. Also challenges the bi 'stereotype' that just bc he's bi and sex positive, doesn't mean he can't have a meaningful relationship and be faithful.
Stan: Pan-ish/Demisexual - I go back in forth with him. I feel like he is very much gay bc often I can't imagine him in a relationship with a woman or feminine presenting person but I think Bev and Patty are the exceptions which land in him more on the Pan side of the spectrum. Like he is sexually attracted to them but that's only after he's established a bond with them- hence also being demi.
Also ofc they're all Poly. And theses are just my personal headcannons.
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liv45no · 2 years
Richie: You know what? Men are difficult because we’re all secretly monsters.
Richie: But now that I know you’re bi that changes everything. I know so many great women.
Beverly: I’m sorry, I just don’t think this is something you’re good at.
Richie: wHaT? The only thing I’m not good at is modesty.
Richie: because I’m gREAt at it
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sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
i guess you could call this a richie tozier character analysis.
ok ok ok. the scene at the arcade. here's my thoughts.
richie uses humor as a defense mechanism. it's a coping mechanism and it's a method of deflection. it's something that he uses to cover up his insecurities, just like his whole hyper-masculinity misogynistic bullshit.
so here we have this character and he uses humor to cover up his insecurities. what's he most insecure about? being queer. (bisexual imo.) and then we have this kid who has bullied him for years and this other kid who he kinda might've liked if he'd known him better and both of them are pointing out his biggest insecurity.
now, wouldn't it make sense for him to use humor to cover up this insecurity? why didn't he make some kind of comment to henry, "why, you want a bite of some of this?" or some shit like that? it seems in character, doesn't it?
does it make sense that he would only use humor to cover up his insecurities in other situations where he technically shouldn't be that insecure, but not in this scene which literally told the GA that he was queer by preying on his insecurities? yes, i get that internalized homophobia is a whole thing, but his toxic masculinity mask shit is what he uses to deal with the brunt of that.
so what's going on here? why is he acting so scared, when we know his typical coping mechanisms for fear?
i have one answer for you, folks. RSD.
you might be wondering what the hell RSD is. well, i've got an answer for you!
RSD stands for rejection sensitive dysphoria. if you have ADHD, you're a lot more likely to experience severe RSD, it's connected to the way that the ADHD brain is formed and how it regulates chemicals and shit. this basically means that (for people with RSD) if you get told you've done something wrong or if you get rejected or insulted, your brain blows it majorly out of proportion, because it has difficulty regulating the chemicals that are released in certain situations. a lot of emotions, especially negative emotions, that people with ADHD and RSD experience are very intense, very amplified.
what does this have to do with richie, you're asking? (i'm surprised you haven't figured it out, you're really very smart.)
richie tozier is a very ADHD child, as you'll all certainly agree with me. his entire being screams neurodivergent. so why does richie almost seem ooc in this scene? because of RSD.
bowers' cousin's initial rejection of richie's offer to play another game, tacked on with the preying on of richie's greatest fear really fucks with richie's head. he's so fucking freaked out because his brain fucking hates him and he's already reeling from this kid that he likes hanging out with pushing him away for a reason that shouldn't have been evident, since richie has been repressing that shit. and of course this is all because of a guy who has been torturing richie for years and beats him and his friends up all the time. all of these things combined in a neurotypical brain spells trouble (but if rich was nt, it's not enough of an excuse for him to be ooc), and then of course richie's ADHD RSD brain has made them so much bigger and worse, of course he was acting weird.
in conclusion, richie tozier has ADHD and also i love him
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soreddieforme · 1 year
bisexual richie tozier
so we all know about the discourse between gay richie and bisexual richie and i think is obvious where i stand here, but it's been bothering me too much lately, so I'm gonna put my thoughts out there even if no one asked me to
so first the first argument on why a part of the fandom says is bad is; "richie was canonically gay on the it chapter two movie"
and well they could try and tell me that all they want, but I'm still not gonna change my mind because is still subjective, in the movie it was never said richie was gay, neither was it explicitly stated
and you're gonna say to me, "but it was coded"
and all i'm gona say is ("oh like the book bi coded richie that you all ignore and underestimate" but that would just be petty of me so I'm not gonna) actually i didn't get that richie was gay from that, i just thought "oh he likes a guy, not sure who, but he likes one" so just making the assumption seems kind of a stereotypical and something that straight people would do, just because a man likes another man that doesn't make him gay and assume that is wrong
but andy moscarrietty and bill harder confirmed he was gay
the same bill harder that didn't read the book and just went with the script (look i don't have anything against bill, i actually liked his performance, it was really good, but again he didn't read the book) and the same andy moscarrietty that doesn't respect characters arc's and switched them how most convenient seemed for him and if they need the actor and director to confirmed it in interviews and such, they didn't do a good job portraying the so call gay representation, sorry to break it
"y'all can't let gay men have representation without trying to steal it"
i could say the same, people reading richie as bi existed before it chapter two, even before it chapter one, this character was seen as bisexual and andy instead of using his bi coding decide to joint his coding with eddie's gay coding, he literally admitted he used eddie coding on him because richie wasn't angsty enough (what does that even mean, a character doesn't have to suffer to be a good character), actually it was half hearted representation, just because he saw the potential to profit out of the reddie fanbase wich was huge and didn't want to let go the opportunity. he was going make it more subtle, so if that doesn't tells them how much he doesn't cares about representation, i don't know what to tell y'all
"representation is still important and they gave it to us, stop whining" (something i literally read)
look gay richie wouldn't exist if there wasn't previously a fandom that shipped reddie so hard and that same fandom was played dirty, not only by andy but the people that joined after it chapter two too, all those fic writers, edit, gif and art creators were bullied just by saying they didn't agree and still saw richie as bi, people were receiving death treats, being call homophobic and were drove off of the fandom, just by stating their opinions as if the 2019 movie was the only canon, wich it isn't
"who cares they aren't real, this are just characters"
well yeah, but the experiences that richie and eddie had are real to bisexual and gay people respectively and those aren't interchangeable (and the people being bullied were real too so), andy not respecting that is homophobic and biphobic, but also denotes then again that he doesn't care about representation, but if y'all still want to make richie gay bc andy said so, then go off you capitalistic baby, even so they have to respect the people that won't settle for his half hearted portrayal of a lgbt character, i want representation and i want it to be good and fair, i want eddie kaspbrak canonically being the gay character that he always was and i don't want andy stealing his coding to give it to richie, i want justice for this characters and the people that identify with them
"people still should respect other people's headcanons"
and i agree, gay men identifying with richie were never the problem, it is valid if you respect bi richie, identifying with gay richie doesn't make you a bad person, the thing is the majority of the fandom that saw richie as bi, me included, initially didn't care if people saw richie as gay, we were just disappointed and sad, but i used to read any fanfic and reblog any fanart even if gay richie wasn't what i hc the character as, but at least to me, it left a bad taste on my mouth thinking about gay richie, because i saw all the biphobia happening and excusing it with wokeness saying:
" yeah in the book richie may be bi coding, but it is a bad book because it has that orgy scene and book richie was racist"
even if they prefer the movies because of that, they have to be realistic, the movies were based on the book, andy moscarrietty isn't their grand savoir, the rights are still king's and he profit out of the movies, he is in it chapter two, be serious please (he was also high on drugs, which isn't a excuse, but it explains a lot), andy read the book (supposedly bc his treatment of the losers says otherwise), he's a fan, stop trying to be on the higher moral ground when you aren't, also the part of the fandom that likes the book better, condemned that scene too, just because we like the book, doesn't mean we don't have critical thinking about its problematics themes
richie was born and raised in the 50's, was a kid that didn't really understand what he was saying, he just wanted to make his friends laugh, I'm pretty sure he was imitating the comedians from the time too, this meta by @dear-wormwoods explains it better, but it just seats wrong to me that that's an excuse against bi richie when they don't have a problem using other of his treats like him being a radio host, his nicknames and pet names like eds and eddie my love, make sandy his girlfriend mind you, a lesbian (is that the only way to make his love for eddie more valid or what?) or having him say he wasn't really attracted to her, why is that ok? but bi richie isn't? if all of that is part of the book too? sounds pretty biphobic to me, but not only biphobic, is also racist and performative, (if you only care about his racism when it comes to his bisexuality, but everything else is fine, start questioning your biphobia and racism)
also just because the movies didn't say the nword doesn't mean they aren't racist, the only black character was strip of his arc, made mike hanlon just a side character that doesn't talk in the first movie and don't make me get started on how they portray mike on the second movie and no, I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty for liking the movies, I'm just saying, be more critical and less hypocritical
also, also i have to say attacking people just because they like bi richie with things like "you're racist because you like book richie" or "you're homophobic because you're making a canon gay character like women" are so stupid, be for real guys, you don't even know if were are white or gay, because yeah I've seen black and gay folks being pro bi richie and you're just assuming what we are without knowing for sure and just making us feel bad and even if we were white what's the problem, we just like the book characterization and that's totally valid
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emtozier21 · 2 years
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Why is Richies so similar to Mikes?
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tozierlvr · 1 month
per the last thing i reblogged, i just needed to sit down and write a full response because i'm very used to seeing homophobia and transphobia in this fandom, but never in such a pointed and frankly, aggressive way. so let's get started, may we?
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first, to talk about the eddie thing:
the way people have feminized eddie is criticized because eddie, as a character, is not feminine or flamboyant, he's just small. and on this topic- he's also feminized and headcanoned as "the bottom" as you so kindly put it because of the biker shorts he wears in it chapter one. that has always rubbed me the wrong way, because he's not feminine or "slutty" for that, he's fucking thirteen. the costumer dressed him like a thirteen year old boy. but people sexualize it like crazy.
then, saying that people make eddie the "macho top" to avoid that stereotype is wild. i, for one, have never seen eddie portrayed as "macho" and i have scoured tumblr and ao3 for portrayals like this, and i haven't found anything like this. i also don't know why you had to bring up their sexual positions in this argument. why are you fucking mad about this? sounds like someone doesn't understand gay sex dynamics!
now, i just want to know why you think "the worst possible way" for someone to be feminized is by making them bottom and by hc-ing them as a transgender woman?
this comes off as transphobic and homophobic to be honest, and i just don't understand why you felt the need to say this.
also, i thought the headcanons stemmed from people trying not to feed into the feminine eddie headcanons- so how would they stem from richie crying in it chapter two? you're right that this is the proper response to someone you love dying, but i have never, ever seen somebody cite just this as an example of richie being overly emotional. i've actually never seen somebody say that period. but if we're comparing him to eddie, when you look at like, you know, the BOOK, richie probably is the more emotional one.
but none of this matters anyway, because these headcanons don't stem from either of those things. sometimes, people just like headcanoning a character as a certain thing because they either see coding that way or maybe they just see it for some reason. a lot of people point to the werewolf imagery and plotline as an allegory for richie maybe being transgender. and to me, that makes a lot of sense. but you don't have to think that, and it's okay if you don't. but saying that the headcanon is being forced upon the fandom? that's just weird.
moving on:
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there is not bisexual evidence for richie tozier in the novel, or even really gay coding. :)
i also know that you haven't read the book, so i don't know what source material you're referring to.
the only canon sexuality we have for richie tozier is straight (book) and gay (movies). obviously, you can headcanon him as bi. there's nothing wrong with that. but interpreting the character richie tozier from specifically it chapter two as bisexual IS gay erasure. because he is not bi. he is gay. in that adaptation.
also, you sound so weird saying "ignoring the complexity of his character" in regards to people hc-ing him as gay. being a gay kid raised in the 50s/80s (depending on version) is incredibly fucking complex. i don't know what you're talking about here. this argument is stupid.
i hope you do some more delving into queer identity before you come back to tumblr, dude. maybe a break will do you good.
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