#bi!reggie peters
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iamfarfromvibingrightnow · 1 year ago
In honour of bi visibility day/week, look at my favourite semi-canon/soon-to-be-canon bi characters.
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yourfavisalilace · 2 years ago
He’s so biromantic demisexual:
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bisexualreginaldpeters · 1 year ago
this has probably been said already but imagine a recently out and proud bi luke hearing bobby sox by green day for the first time like just picture how hyped he’d get over it
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If I had a nickel for every time I fell in love with a clearly bisexual man but it’s not actually confirmed in the show, then I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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sav-the-bi-queen · 8 months ago
1) Harley Quinn
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2) posion ivy
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3) Britany s pierce
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4) Evan ‘Buck ‘ Buckley
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5) Dean Winchester
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6) Loki
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7) Rosa Diaz
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8) Toni topaz
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9) Magnus Bane
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10) Reggie peters
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melquexnz · 1 year ago
bi reggie. bi REGGIE. BI REGGIE!!!
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(btw the gifs are @miriammaisel’s soooo uhh yeah- sorry for snatching them from you🫶🏻 no but fr lmk if you want me to take this post down)
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Okay, honestly, Willie would not be the only one getting flustered when alex wears a crop top. Imagine alex entering the studio, ready for practice, and luke and reggie are just like 😍😳🫠🤤😍😳🫠🤤
They will forget chords, they will forget lyrics, they will not be able to listen to whatever julie or alex are telling them, because alex is wearing a fucking crop top and he’s fucking hot, and luke and reggie are way too gay to handle it. They’re way too much of raging homosexuals to handle their best friend looking so delectable in a goddamn crop top.
And julie would casually sing “bi bi bi” around reggie, and she would purposely say words that include “pan” in them, because luke has no chill.
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jamie-potters · 3 months ago
marauders as things my friends have said pt. 1
james: im such a picky white girl
sirius: god i cant wait to ride that thing again
mary: dangit my eye wigs fell off again
sirius/reggie: oh no i wonder why cps called
remus: ok your on kid duty now
peter: wow that dog has such good posture
remus: i wear my cardigans with pride
barty: i like balls
marlene: too long, thats what she said!
evan: not that it matters, but i am longer than 2 rulers
marlene: im scientifically proven to be 21 inches
pandora: i hate milk it ruins everything
barty: i’m so hungry i just ate a bowl of raw cheerios
dorcas: he looks like he’s about to be electrocuted
sirius: who knows i could be gay
lily: theyre straightness is rubbing off on me
evan: hips of steel
barty: buns of loaf
mary: nothing hits more than super bass after getting very mad
remus: im allergic to steroids now
dorcas: i wanna star on Rich Baby Daddy now
regulus: just hopped out of the pool, twas mad fun
remus: do you have a schlong or not
pandora: bye bi
lily: ok girl simper
peter: like you proved your point, but you lost a friend while doing it
james: i just lit string cheese on fire
sirius: i just broke my window
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luucypevensie · 2 months ago
*Slides two different JATP OCs over and runs away to hide again*
I was telling @dancingsunflowers-ocs how I was interested in potentially using Kit Connor and Joe Locke as fcs for anything, but was struggling due to their amazing on-screen chemistry in Heartstopper making it hard for me to pair them up with other fcs. Thus, she helped me create my newest babies…
First, we have Frederick “Freddie” Peters
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Reggie’s younger brother who he never met
After Reggie’s death, his parents moved into the same neighborhood as Julie’s parents and had Freddie
He never knew about his older brother because their parents never talked about him
Was still heavily influenced by him through his music taste (their parents never got rid of Reggie’s music collection so they gave it to Freddie), as well as learning to play the drums
Alex becomes his idol once he starts getting to know the band through Julie
Julie and Flynn are his best friends, and whenever things are rough at home, he goes and stays with one of them
He doesn’t learn about Reggie and that he’s apart of Julie’s new band until he found an old picture of him at his house the same day Julie performs with the boys and gets back into the music program
Julie kind of meditates between the two of them since the boys can only be seen by her, but it’s a pretty emotional meeting
Oh, fun fact, in this story, Bobby and Trevor are two separate people (I’m making Trevor Bobby’s older brother because I’ve seen people do that in certain JatP fanfics), so that means Bobby died with Luke, Reggie, and Alex and Reggie and Bobby are bfs because I will die on the Boggie hill
Basically what that means is my bi king Reggie is super proud and supportive when finding out his little brother is gay
He tries to help Freddie with his longtime crush with disastrous results, which brings me now to…
Samuel “Sam” Anderson
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A fellow lacrosse player with Nick, as well as a good friend
CANNOT understand why he is dating Carrie as she is not the nicest person (he also beginning to suspect that she might prefer girls over boys given the amount of times he’s seen her staring at Flynn when no one’s looking)
Adores Julie, but thinks she can do better than Nick (he loves his friend, but Nick is not what Julie needs in his opinion)
Is not musically inclined, but is an extremely talented photographer
Flynn asks him to help her with Julie and the Phantoms’ social media and he agrees
He does it because it’s good practice and he loves the band, but the main reason he does it is so he can get closer to Freddie
Boy has had a HUGE crush on him since forever
He is also a bi king like Reggie
Freddie’s Pinterest: https://pin.it/1NaPV96ZM
Sam’s Pinterest: https://pin.it/5Ygr0ighD
Their Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WkgUNzEiWam2GNhDJY0jY?si=ZAQei6O6RymR5xqe7GEOgQ&pi=u-vfzHDVAMRUqj
The Spotify Playlist @ginger-grimm made for them (thanks again Anna!): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/57jU1gTs2enqowC11lUjD9?si=_vka2FRERgWuhX7-bSTiZw&pi=u-bxoic068TbyB
Tagging the moots: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginger-grimm, @rose-of-oz, @ginevrastilinski, @thetenthdoctorscompanion, @nikosasaki, @gabbysdawsons, @aliverse
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 2 years ago
i think it's criminal how we didn't got the chance of more Reggie Peters. He's one of the most interesting characters for me, the little of information i get abt him everytime makes me want him back even more. It goes for his flirting attempts, his sudden bi panic, his inner cowboy, the way he justs likes being around Ray and Carlos just as he likes Julie, he's a family boy, a lover boy. he makes out w meatball subs bc he loves it. but other canon info about him (mostly from the books and jatp content om yt) is that he likes Dungeon and Dragons, plays the keyboard along w bass and he's a canonical thrift guy.
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sunfl0w3rmoon · 4 months ago
Intro / Masterlist <3
hi I’m tess/t/sunflowermoon/whatever you want to call me :) I’m a bi/demi infj that writes sometimes. I usually describe myself as a remus/james crossover (remu’s head and jamie’s heart) but I definitely have reggie and lily tendencies as well.
I listen to a lot of indie/alt/pop but my current faves are girl in red, aurora, alex warren, gavn!, myles smith, cat burns, paris paloma, dylan, maisie peters, benson boone, sadie jean, matt hansen, hozier, and taylor swift.
primary fandoms include marauders, doctor who, dead poets society, merlin, and grishaverse but I only read/write fic for marauders.
feel free to ask me questions or say hello!!!
fics | microfics | playlists
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solibrie · 1 year ago
sorry i'm being self indulgent gimme a sec . jatp as rapture (a bff discord server i'm in) quotes
julie: lord the white people you put on this planet are poisoning themselves luke: julie you're such a talented singer you can literally make me like any song reggie: yeah i didn't even know the mona lisa song was by brendon urine. yuri? alex: help. reggie: brenan. what's his name. panic at the disco
flynn: those words don't please my spirit willie: well your spirit can take a hike, pal
reggie: wait wait wait. everyone. i lost my pants. i could've sworn they were on my body julie: ??? reggie: where did my pants go luke: how high are you right now alex: you LOST them? reggie: SOBER. I'M ON DAY 4 NO WEED. THIS IS JUST #ME
willie: you have to experience the lows alex: i'm not already doing that ?
luke: [shakes a magic 8ball] should i lie to my bandmates? 8ball: without a doubt
julie: chris brown's been found murdered in a costco after alex did his little dancey dance
reggie: gonna ask if they're looking for a third but at this point the line's so long i'd be lucky to be a fifth
luke: in some alternate world, "stand tall" brought world peace
flynn: @/everyone if you had to think of an animal that screams socially progressive and fiscally conservative what animal would it be? reggie: girl wait flynn: HUH? reggie: my answer isn't girl
alex: the gang goes to ital y willie: ital luke: y reggie: ital julie: y alex: thanks guys reggie: new call and response just dropped julie: when i say ital you say y
reggie: i haven't seen the matrix either flynn: hand over the bi flag mr peters
willie: we should be able to put actors in gender studies classes against their wills
flynn: what if i gathered a bunch of twigs and sticks and made a giant bird's nest and then tied you to the nest a la looney tunes and then summoned a flock of ravens to peck at you until the mother bird imprints on you and sees you as a surrogate child and then raises you with them until its time for them to kicked out and then she throws you out of the nest but you can't fly because you're a human and so you fall and die julie: flynn you're insane flynn: HOW AM I INSANE
luke: you can't spell wednesday without "he" julie: yes you can? luke: wait fuck
reggie: who are you calling gay alex: yes
reggie: [shaking a magic 8ball] do you like my songs 8ball: very doubtful
willie: i think all straight people should be allowed to cheat in a gay way
luke: i'm giggling can you tell i'm swinging my feet in the air giggling alex: i can tell can you tell i'm exploding you?
reggie: a tank is just like the horse of cars
julie: i don't think i've ever met a clown that spoke? alex: luke speaks.
alex: they hate me for my sparkling water swag flynn: it's not swag.
julie: i think all of sunset curve should go to sleep. except for luke who should stay up and repent
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breakaway71 · 2 years ago
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Title: Double Tap to Like
Fandom: Spider-Man (MCU)/Julie and the Phantoms, Peter Parker & Reggie Peters (background/mentioned Peter/MJ and Reggie/Julie/Luke), ~17,000 words
Rating: PG
Summary: Peter Parker and Reggie Peters each have their own reasons for feeling lonely, so when an Instagram post draws them together, it's easy to fall into an unexpected friendship. Maybe it's a little unconventional, but what other kind of friendship is there when you're a superhero, or a ghost?
Notes: For my darling @tiptoe39 who gave me a prompt over a year ago (about Reggie being in an online relationship where he doesn't worry about being bi, but does eventually have to come out as dead) that immediately went entirely off the rails in my brain. As these things tend to do.
Read on AO3!
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stellarspecter · 1 year ago
hey I recently followed you after I watched npmd as my foray into its fandom and One NPMD Blog To Follow (your fic 10/10 btw, greatly enjoyed it) and was delighted by the aro/ace posts you also reblog ^_^ doesn’t need to be npmd, but do you have any favorite aro or ace headcanons?
omg thank you anon! one thing about me is i will be sooooo aro on main
i was big into jatp for the last few years, so one of my fave aro hcs is reggie peters! that boy is aro bi and you Cannot tell me otherwise. headcanon acquired from this iconic post by amanda @secretly-of-course and like i mean it's just correct. i even made a gifset and a fic about it (the fic does also end up aro-fying the rest of the polycule lmao). other aro jatp hcs include aro carrie, aro luke, and obviously the band as a qpr bc that's basically canon. i do also believe in aro bobby because i loveeee to project onto that boy lmao. you may be noticing some patterns in my headcanons and it is that i am extremely biased towards zapping characters with my arofication beam. well guess what i also transgenderize them
(if i had a nickel for every time i made an ao3 series about a polycule consisting of musically-inclined main characters, then wrote subsquent fics transing their genders and aromanticizing their orientations/queerplatonic-ing their relationships, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice. if you're into be more chill you can check out my meremine series i wrote in high school lol)
other than jatp i haven't really been super active in fandom recently? i did find a very good aro bi steve harrington series on ao3, which i definitely recommend checking out if ur into that sort of thing
honestly my hcs change depending on the day and mood. i haven't spent too much time thinking about npmd hcs but i mean. any character i like ends up getting arospec'd it's only a matter of time
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seriously-just-sirius · 3 months ago
bonjour, motherfuckers
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sirius black
genderfluid and bi as hell
adhd and anxiety <3
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people i know!
MY POOKIE, JAMES: @a-pocket-sized-sun
MY QUEEN, MARY: @m1ss-mary-m4c
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
other people!
one of reggie's friends, evan: @a-rosie-by-any-other-name
my baby brother, reggie!!!: @little-lion-king
reggie's insane bitch, barty: @dishonourableson
another queen, dorcas: @
very sweet and a little scary, pandora: @
rp blog! ask @boba-pearl to join :)
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lichenmaps · 1 year ago
Unsheathed Glory / Fables from Featherwood Forest
Fogweaver / Fogweaver
Ali Farka Touré and Toumani Diabaté / Ali and Toumani
Jess Sah Bi and Peter One / Our Garden Needs its Flowers
Makgona Tsohle Band / Makgona Tsohle Reggi
VA / Return to the Mother's Garden
Talking Heads ///// More Songs about Buildings and Food / Fear of Music / Remain in Light / Speaking in Tongues / Little Creatures
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