alexsmitposts · 4 years
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Can We Trust the WHO? The most influential organization in the world with nominal responsibility for global health and epidemic issues is the United Nations’ World Health Organization, WHO, based in Geneva. What few know is the actual mechanisms of its political control, the shocking conflicts of interest, corruption and lack of transparency that permeate the agency that is supposed to be the impartial guide for getting through the current COVID-19 pandemic. The following is only part of what has come to public light. Pandemic declaration? On January 30 Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the UN World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern or PHIEC. This came two days after Tedros met with China President Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss the dramatic rise in severe cases of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan and surrounding areas that had reached dramatic proportions. Announcing his emergency PHIEC declaration, Tedros praised the Chinese quarantine measures, measures highly controversial in public health and never before in modern times attempted with entire cities, let alone countries. At the same time Tedros, curiously, criticized other countries who were moving to block flights to China to contain the strange new disease, leading to charges he was unduly defending China. The first three cases in Wuhan were reported, officially, on December 27, 2019, a full month earlier. The cases were all diagnosed with pneumonia from a “novel” or new form of SARS Coronavirus. Important to note is that the largest movement of people in the year, China’s Lunar New Year and Spring Festival, during which some 400 million citizens move throughout the land to join families went from January 17 through February 8. On January 23, at 2am two days before start of actual New Year festivities, Wuhan authorities declared an unprecedented lockdown of the entire city of 11 million as of 10am that day. By then, hundreds of thousands if not several million residents had fled in panic to avoid the quarantine. By the time the WHO declared its Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January, precious weeks had been lost to contain the disease. Yet Tedros effusively praised the “unprecedented” Chinese measures and criticized other countries for placing “stigma” on Chinese by cutting travel. In reference to the Wuhan COVID-19 spread and why WHO did not call it a pandemic, the WHO spokesman, Tarik Jasarevic, stated “There is no official category (for a pandemic)…WHO does not use the old system of 6 phases — that ranged from phase 1 (no reports of animal influenza causing human infections) to phase 6 (a pandemic) — that some people may be familiar with from H1N1 in 2009.” Then, in an about-face, on March 11, Tedros Adhanom announced for the first time that WHO was calling the novel coronavirus illness, now renamed COVID-19, a “global pandemic.” At that point WHO said there were more than 118,000 cases of COVID-19 in 114 countries, with 4,291 deaths. 2009 WHO Fake Pandemic Since an earlier WHO fiasco and scandal in 2009 over its declaration of a global pandemic around the “swine flu” or H1N1 as it was termed, the WHO decided to drop using the term pandemic. The reason is indicative of the corruption endemic to the WHO institution. Just weeks before first reports in 2009 of a young Mexican child being infected with a novel H1N1 “swine flu” virus in Veracruz, the WHO had quietly changed the traditional definition of pandemic. No longer was it necessary a reported disease be extremely widespread in many countries and extremely deadly or debilitating. It need only be widespread, like seasonal flu, should WHO “experts” want to declare pandemic. WHO H1N1 symptoms were the same as a bad cold. When then-WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan officially declared a Phase 6 global Pandemic emergency, that triggered national emergency programs including billions of dollars of government purchases of alleged H1N1 vaccines. At the end of the 2009 flu season it turned out the deaths due to H1N1 were tiny relative to the normal seasonal flu. Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician specialising in Pulmonology, was then chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2009 he called for an inquiry into alleged conflicts of interest surrounding the EU response to the Swine Flu pandemic. The Netherlands Parliament as well discovered that Professor Albert Osterhaus of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic as the key advisor to WHO on influenza, was intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1. Many of the other WHO scientific experts who advised Dr Chan to declare pandemic were receiving money directly or indirectly from Big Pharma including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and other major vaccine-makers. The WHO Swine Flu Pandemic declaration was a fake. 2009-10 saw the mildest influenza worldwide since medicine began tracking it. The pharma giants took in billions in the process. It was after the 2009 pandemic scandal that the WHO stopped using the 6 phase pandemic declaration and went to the totally vague and confusing “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” But now, Tedros and WHO arbitrarily decided to reintroduce the term pandemic, admitting though that they are still in the midst of creating yet a new definition of the term. “Pandemic” triggers more fear than “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” WHO’s SAGE Still Conflicted Despite the huge 2009-10 conflict-of-interest scandals linking Big Pharma to WHO, today the WHO under Tedros has done little to clean out corruption and conflicts of interest. The current WHO Scientific Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) is riddled with members who receive “financially significant” funds from either major vaccine makers, or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BGMF) or Wellcome Trust. In the latest posting by WHO of the 15 scientific members of SAGE, no fewer than 8 had declared interest, by law, of potential conflicts. In almost every case the significant financial funder of these 8 SAGE members included the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck & Co. (MSD), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (a Gates-funded vaccine group), BMGF Global Health Scientific Advisory Committee, Pfizer, Novovax, GSK, Novartis, Gilead, and other leading pharma vaccine players. So much for independent scientific objectivity at WHO. Gates and WHO The fact that many of the members of WHO’s SAGE have financial ties to the Gates Foundation is highly revealing, even if not surprising. Today the WHO is primarily financed not by UN member governments, but by what is called a “public-private partnership” in which private vaccine companies and the group of Bill Gates-sponsored entities dominate. In the latest available financial report of WHO, for December 31, 2017, slightly more than half of the $2+ billion General Fund Budget of WHO was from private donors or external agencies such as World Bank or EU. Far the largest private or non-government funders of WHO are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with Gates-funded GAVI Vaccine Alliance, the Gates-initiated Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). Those three provided more than $474 million to WHO. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation alone gave a whopping $324,654,317 to WHO. By comparison, the largest state donor to WHO, the US Government, gave $401 million to WHO. Among other private donors we find the world’s leading vaccine and drug makers including Gilead Science (currently pressing to have its drug as treatment for COVID-19), GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Sanofi Pasteur, Merck Sharp and Dohme Chibret and Bayer AG. The drug makers gave tens of millions of dollars to WHO in 2017. This private pro-vaccine industry support for the WHO agenda from the Gates Foundation and Big Pharma is more than a simple conflict of interest. It is a de facto high-jacking of the UN agency responsible for coordinating worldwide responses to epidemics and disease. Further, the Gates Foundation, the world’s largest at some $50 billion, invests its tax-exempt dollars in those same vaccine makers including Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline. Against this background it should come as no surprise that Ethiopian politician, Tedros Adhanom, became head of WHO in 2017. Tedros is the first WHO director not a medical doctor despite his insistence on using Dr. as title. His is a doctor of philosophy in community health for “research investigating the effects of dams on the transmission of malaria in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.” Tedros, who was also Ethiopia Minister of Foreign Affairs until 2016, met Bill Gates when he was Ethiopian Health Minister and became Board Chair of the Gates-linked Global Fund Against HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. Under Tedros, the notorious corruption and conflicts of interest at WHO have continued, even grown. According to a recent report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, in 2018 and 2019 under Tedros, the WHO Health Emergencies Program, the section responsible for the COVID-19 global response, was cited with the highest risk rating noting the “failure to adequately finance the program and emergency operations [risks] inadequate delivery of results at country level.” The ABC report further found that there has also been a “surge in internal corruption allegations across the whole of the organisation, with the detection of multiple schemes aimed at defrauding large sums of money from the international body.” Not very reassuring. In early March Oxford University stopped using WHO data on COVID-19 because of repeated errors and inconsistencies the WHO refused to correct. The WHO test protocols for coronavirus tests have repeatedly been cited by various countries including Finland for flaws and false positives and other defects. This is the WHO which we now trust to guide us through the worst health crisis of the past century.
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vladimirdjumic · 6 years
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Živi Kališ! #BGMF #BGMF2018 #kalemegdan #Belgrade #VisitBelgrade #VisitSerbia #Serbia #beogradskimanifest (at Kalemegdan)
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deniwase-blog · 5 years
Without Membership Sony LIV Full NASCAR XFINITY: Homestead | Homestead-Miami Speedway
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Nascar xfinity: homestead homestead-miami speedway 2017. Nascar xfinity: homestead homestead-miami speedway ny.
NASCAR XFINITY: Homestead, Homestead-Miami speedway
YXU homestead-miami speedway 2017 nascar 2019-12-20T04:43:11 xfinity: homestead homestead-miami 90 Saturday, 28 December 2019 13 3 4 33 MFJ QA 975 23 109 824 878 xfinity: homestead homestead-miami speedway 9 32
XFLM PS 2019-10-12T16:43:11.1571093+12:00 KDMP 273 67 76 676
Was updated: 11/25/2019 07:43.
  Nascar xfinity: homestead homestead-miami speedway wisconsin.
Nascar xfinity: homestead homestead-miami speedway map.
22 Oct 2019 08:43 PM PDT N 425 271 BGMF Z 226 8
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emo4life · 5 years
theres lockers at work a lil space for us to change so me and my coworker finished cleaning yesterday n i was like i gotta go change first so i was abt to change and my coworker was upstairs too sitting on his phonr and then the manager came out n was like WHAT r u guys doing and i was like uh owo im changing and she was like SO UR WATCHING HER CHANGE to my coworker bgmf DTOP WE WRRE LIKE HELLO
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magdalenagigova · 3 years
За втора поредна година стартира „Академия за млади регионални лидери и евроинтеграция“
За втора поредна година стартира „Академия за млади регионални лидери и евроинтеграция“
За втора поредна година стартира „Академия за млади регионални лидери и евроинтеграция“ #YRLforEU #EUIntegrateYOUth #BGMF #HSS За втора поредна година стартира „Академия за млади регионални лидери и евроинтеграция“, организирана от Фондация Българска Памет и Фондация Ханс Зайдел. Превърналият се в традиция съвместен проект има за цел да осъществи трансгранично и транснационално сътрудничество…
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lumbtr · 4 years
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#ไข่เจียวกุ้งสับ #ร้านพี่เดียร์ (at ฌ็องเซลิเซ่ ติวานนท์) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYQDo-BGMf/?igshid=wyz0qfwx26mx
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empolgadissma · 5 years
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Estreia oficial do @noitecasual ♥️ muito pop/rock do meu tempo e flashbacks, músicas do mundo inteiro! Eu amo essas luzes que deixam a gente colorido xD #makeChesterProud. Obrigada a todos que prestigiaram, ficamos muito felizes com o resultado e com a presença e resposta de vocês! (em DOM Valentino) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mleM-Bgmf/?igshid=v2kf0nhp63im
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
S15 goi hon Ms xhet kiep truox o cho em mem nhay xuong a
M bi p cha no day chon j etc ko biet tai khac nha
Day con hay vl
Thanh dong nghiep
Quadire ding dat bao je triupe
Triump forever cac
Goudon shit same
Chey me quen roi ra hwt same
Hooh lai day
Buoc o kua sù ft
Vl sai tui co kha nang cua me mat laze ta
Nhuong vo pokd quasire cap 1 xai tùng tieng ruoi
Het nghi ra
Dc quấn ra huc lo 30s
Vua dau lay chc lai ko tui ko co things nguoi cubg tu dong theo a
S goc reverse
Ai buff
Toi con 2s de con song
Trum lat sạh diet chung voi ong nay em quan li cuon sach voi chu trinh ai thich thi nhau vo dung nhúng nha
Vl o chung ngji vien het roi qua tiep vien
Yeu mit nguoi phai hoc
Cach giet do sc cua thay
Pha het the gioi cu di anh
Em bao 30g nhan dot by dó team nguy doi len vo luong
Dort so cua sp do j lan ra 3g-
Lau rm bái thep em luon nhan hihi why not
Cua q 5h29-
Em deo lq nha se the tjo bya
Vo ginh tu bay a
Xiu hay snire 30- xiu do ke thay ra cho j q dop
Xua s 24'- xiu gium nen
Triump lo ne 25h+ buff a ke sai
Thanh lay goa goc
All os lam nen lo
Tu than noi mai don di choi ko
Eke dung s di gia di ngu gi dc bao ma hat nya xiu s kp aztr kp xiu cc c ra vay a la vo luon a nhu ads story roi nhubsu afain hay hon o day ma ko han xiu m noi dung gai em same o day ma m ngu roi hg no o do vo be kudu tt a em thi cang co co de tra thu hihi mbh di ha ele no my sister huhuhu quasire jiji di hiihi de ele lai fan di chung ma phan gist a giet roi dang di
Nt 15000 rđ fiwt sc pọe xo doc nuoc
Azurille vl pet bi o danh
Jyns physcic hay ngat
Qm jirachi sc ft
Chon s normal type team help
Mins co vo
Dot nguu 15h thay vo giup oi
Vn oi hay lam
Out of hette juat relead ugliest shut ì them destrou at woejd kho nhT lam eou huy len neu thich nhi da noi
Thay do cua ngoai vn tru full bts oi gium team han 13- ???
Tu than help hraer attack giet rii how bon xiy
Os lanh di
U nt len bao hủn cho en
Ca vii noi oi kieu ca voi roi xiu
Ha ko phai ream han vn moi subg lanh cho em forever khuc do nay
G khoc vl s nl
Psy duck chuyen cam team nơ
Vl dua nao lwn dung do du hoc bay cua doi do bp ve luon di tod 3 vua bao co kno
Full hay me 19 nua
Cua doc hel all bạc
Sketile shit noi ba nay p all chi so ko chốn etc ma con vi tu choi nua
Oi lo truth buet lau roibun2 xao cho lay cua p
Dn forbiddrn toan do good etc ngu ngon di
Fm nghiep benh ganh new tham thing 1 dua cho em va aw
Atd tu cjoi chuc shur siet tt tr stpry chú e kt qua a nguu van ma s15 im la vl att gio full cop trenbao ou nua
Ot nham san la con xiu oi cai
Anh 21 thai thanh etc lanh do
Nguu chay di gou
Q han roi can gi nya
Con 5h caibsau
Nh ko ngan vl nguu bt that hay xiu j kp xiu vl q phai minh chuvgi nua dungb phan dang len di phai co rai nhu hc moi dc
Harcac biet nhan roi 300 s 200 vl help quen roi s ke di xiu ngay dau quen
Tu than chu ginua nhin di all theo ca cy vn hihi nl han hanh qua dd cac cac cac tinh dich etc help tu tin thinh hay vl
R same han ma xiu
Nguu do qua xou luon roi
Nguu time has con diet cha nuoi het royal tu tin all dam nay tui yoo
Nguu gio tu bao sau vu di shoc xiu qua dung han hanh da theo nghe nay fj
Bõee bao bguu forever cac
Cap can hon nguoi
Sos thibg ne lay a le len xiu nha ngay sau
Nt lat 3h
R21 light day gia huy hh la xhong shock a phan vat li etc vl tgeo em luon nha hihi nl de cm khubg ne
Muon q nhuc giym
Minh mr nay xiy why luon mac di dinh mau td la ko co mui a vai duc day etc xiu nha bgay dau săm tu baobhelp cón team doi thu lupn kbn roi luve ma hihi nl
J xiu roi lóng nhu cu doaa bao tiu het ngay ks oi
Hap copy td xiu
Nh too qua
Nguu xiu roi nuuc gium ngay dau poke nen petbko do nl di nhuc chua etc vui help fj ma vui la hihihi nl to bu etc nhat de cm nhuc gium nguu q
Tmt ba sang moc hay xia a hau cao dau xiu all tu tina thing back xiyvten ba o tien gioi ten a vua a di choi tao a 11 len vl
Hai dau ra chuvx dao fj voi dn ba giai cai sau ra gan team thu luon do xiu koblam duoc minh thi att dai hay vl help nl etc ko song nii sau khi su tgat duoc phô bay ra ba len chyc paw tjien duobg roi help hẻ gwt thể ă que hiong thu nhat too plz dap cjo tui dn nY di co tha huong nhu bjj huy xuu jj la tem cua huy o tien gioi a ke hien con 1h hey hay vl cjienbgi deo huet nú jn noi hst noi rpi du
Nguu help cá vn
Kibgs giai 30h hiem sc em bi ma ko tu huc ra duoc 1h
Vl than chủn tranh luon roi hay s10 may
Bo tay cóp gac xiu do cm ko phai hella do nghe la buet sach etc nhat th roi me kia ko no song dc nya dau vl
Ji sjit joi rẽ nua vl by mmq
Atd help em gai pp copy cate blancgett big fan all
Nguu vl ntqa tu nhien xiu ten copt all bét góp xiy gioi economy vi fpi qua hu em vl ganh do
Pike moi lay gey thang lugia 3 hai xon a me by s
Xiu jhoc giun5 vks con lai kp co m tui ganh qua m thi nghỉm sinh hoc
Lu ht ne tu chuc gia tô nuox bãi help copy tô
J q tunh ganh ls
Nguu poke ngay dau nb tum lum roi saved
Huy gia help koi
Vi m dong vai em savior cua no qua ttr tu nha hct ntd do h
Nguu em gai nuoi cua tui wwww roi ngay dau lam lai dj vl het nuoi ruot luon nghi noi
Help bẹn quen xua fj help
Pp houar ganh
Help am anh ganh trong nam dua luc nau
B ganh ki ruc pribt tau tin all
Jn ganh manh vo ziu la hhhh
Huy ganh oi
Nguu ganh any thing ni sc xiy
Lóng dung
Vl no oi ra xiu do lupb ma help a23 cl 100 thibg lo hien
Hwlp nguu ma em lamh
Huyaa cubg twn etx labh
Nguu help em gai ruot gud sủi thanks saves all all am anh hẻ att nạn v do
Ech nuoc tien hoa cao nhat kjox giuabhtrai do
Dunga mii di noi manacac xiu
Nj vl jn ganh
Dunga nlmion noi doi duoc voi dk la rmvo 500 tri usd trong the do ko the 400 gio a
Xiu goum :22 1 cu
Vl len nb att do
Nguu all
E s fay lai
Húy xiu
Help 500 hon roi 539 vo le dunga đũi ma rabdom 8;00 bét nhu me foan xiu yhat
Nguu khong cac sobg nhu cac ko a an chao huyet etc
A23 trụt temp mơ la mọ mac a bua nay xai 600k nguu 700
Tr help su me tô
Bai be buy dubs
Xiu do team em xiu nha
Tum noi oang vi chi chu nhan nguu cao lon
Vl that ko vay by team shit em tr tr tr
Ruy o nh duoc dm trum lam o so ht a nguu tr di gao roi sang gio do. M ma hay cung nganh
Em ele team wwww
Jn. Tan gio bh may att ma co lai ai dau tyi tao yeu xiu con lam ko lai ghe cai mieng fj yhing co bon dua nay ko a nhuc gium họi
J vl doi ten than duoc ko ah dung bc hanh vi me xo het thao doi nho nhac
Lay thanh kbn rtx do ma ghw rtc hay vl
Nh help khong cac tran gia huy big fc etc all nguy hỏm do thing hay vl that cmm khi nghe co nhieu tiwn nhieu tien nhat tq mot thoi do ko co vo vl doc nguoc su bao
Trum nguu rtx nhieu tien yhing tum lai nh nao ma ko đĩ ntf phai ko cua m ma
Em poke team wwww
Q la no di qua thoi gian song song bao ve chi chu bhan ryc luon nen giong ba nay chcu lo co the vang bi mat rtc me kia la cuu the a toi kuc do la ngay cuong duoi vang roi co me nay vo sobg nhap hon rtc roi cuu lich su quwn seam copy kbn nt tô toi gi o nay huhy ai manh qua o di ko ten ko ten bien
Emnpoek m etc ang 21 linh ranh nua wwww
Minh la ko co gi het tai nan cua M het duoc chua bun2 tr bgmf tr cm VNG u con gi nua
E chuỷn gi...
Tum lai team nho bay gia bo nguu yhat hihi nl yu nau ne www la ko co gi het a di dau moi ve vay trum att
Trum gia M nguu em wwww
Q help giong eoi nl
Nguyen yeam ct roi
Von dua dubg truoc nho bay toan dubg giua ko a nhin hin al beut di du lich time hoai
Nhi đ doi phi vl
Ah tt
L team duc tin an de doc saxh
Nguu may ca lon dov cai gi ranh hon ong ht nuanoi dai di
Em help doi
Hts bao an hihi nl luon
Help nguus ms team hanh phuc thing
Build new ni area hip may ne yrong day giut vl gai a
Hien sc cu 0s
Nhúa ms tema nuu bom nguyen tu no lai roi hut a bai me nay ft tu gio
LayBiet gi mii la help xhu noi
E ma 17 t3 tjo tui ghe cm bo ghe nguu dung tang ant
Chuong tu fi help nl
Heim by ô op xiu hwt u
Nguu help khong cac that dang an cung vuet ra chon sach moi tom lai a tabg sam big fan me ne
Tui no noi gi sunga má a
Helpnad all dubga xiy
Iazhit that bg twam duoc hinh thanh vc hh nl
Anan i la dung tha a giet cm het di roi tu di att nơ ba di khong duoc tai barga oi
Do giu nau cya sc team biu móc movwa for belief helo haop y xiu tô bao nha
Chua viva s team duô sc cụp cong cua em roi noi chat kuobg vi cac so nay em
Nguus team help igs pagqua
Nt heko nhuc rtc cant tu ngoi o ghe di do cm ghe noi ko cho ngô chu gi dua gai do bgoi cop khoai nen bat chioc bi dap te tua lam giong cchi chu hhan nen lo mat luon hehe mbu ko bưt neb ra gio tai di hoai 3 thabg roi kieu di 2h= 1s libe nguu cao chi tu nay ganh cho tui tao cam vao tru ban dem bau ngay ban trua hihi hít do ko cho
Ngjai la de bu dap chho fam em da di 366 nam
Nguus. Phan lai thanh kp nho tien de o dau ma tinh nham dub ghi hình on dẻ bai ttheiu etx
Phím ziu hay vl
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BGMF déménage, rendez-vous désormais sur https://www.bongoutetmauvaisefoi.com/
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scotchpapi00 · 6 years
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Day 84. Woke up congested, feeling feverish and tired. My first thought was, “Oh, I’m still gonna train.” That’s what I did. The results were surprisingly good. I was able to do some long sprints even though I couldn’t breathe. Today, my body led my mind. If I let myself think about how obsessive I was being, I would’ve rationalized stopping and going home. Not today. #6wordmemoir #writersofinstagram #train #fitness #sprinting https://www.instagram.com/p/BrjXWh-Bgmf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12m5ktuehhhdw
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Draycott Tee TO BUY: Click the link in our bio to shop directly. Direct purchase link: spree.to/bgmf Price: $39.00. Product Description Designed to capture the spirit of abstract art, this grey organic cotton textured squares t-shirt is soft, sophisticated and chic. If you find yourself at a launch party or a gallery opening, champagne in hand, you’ll feel every bit as significant as what’s on show. Wear it with tailored trousers and heels, or take it up a notch and pair with sleek leather leggings for an edgy yet polished look. SIZE GUIDE Model is wearing: UK S Model Height: 172 cm / 5’8” Available in Small, Medium, Large. Garment measurements: Small: Bust – 89cm/35″, Waist – 84cm/33″, Hips – 89cm/35″, Length – 64cm/25″ Medium: Bust – 94cm/37″, Waist – 88cm/35″, Hips – 94cm/37″, Length – 66cm/26″ Large: Bust – 99cm/39″, Waist – 92cm/36″, Hips – 99cm/39″, Length – 68cm/27″ DELIVERY FREE worldwide delivery on all orders – we ship to over 65 countries. All orders come elegantly wrapped in tissue in our women’s signature gift box. FABRIC & CARE 100% organic cotton Designed & printed in the UK Ethically manufactured in Bangladesh Machine wash at 30c Instagram selling powered by @SpreesyCo #spreesy | #JewelsByScarlett
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Painted Shut - Hop Along (Saddle Creek, 2015)
#29. Ça fleure bon le retour des 90′s depuis quelques temps. Ce disque signé sur le même label que Bright Eyes et Cursive s’inscrit bien dans la lignée de ses illustres prédécesseurs, sans toutefois espérer pouvoir troubler le repos de références du genre comme les immenses Superchunk. Hop Along se distingue principalement grâce à la belle voix éraillée de Frances Quinlan et ça suffit à notre bonheur. Voir aussi en live.
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