#bg3 dyven
j-l-kepler · 4 months
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hi i can't help myself. if you ask me to help myself, i will cry
my tav + durge + hireling no companion run has welcomed halsin into camp for guidance because someone needs to be a responsible adult around here.
dvyen's got great insight so briar's blossoming crush on halsin was obvious from moment one. unfortunately my guy's got disadvantage when it comes to tact rolls and is as stupid as he is weirdly paternal. withers has a no-return policy on this one. durge is learning he has a sense of humor and a horrific laugh. what an educational weekend for the group!
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j-l-kepler · 3 months
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don't you just hate it when your found family father figure cucks you from getting head smooches from the sexy elf druid
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j-l-kepler · 4 months
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my hireling's first day out went great (rework of this)
listen i know hirelings are supposed to be revived adventurers devoid of their original personalities but i forgot we had the dawnmaster's crest and one thing lead to another, and now i have a horrible cleric corpse shambling around in my no-companion party. his name is dyven, he is a cleric of ilmater, he's the party's deadbeat dad, and i love him. it is not hard to get me attached.
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j-l-kepler · 4 months
Do you have any plans for Durge’s romance on your comic?
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an interesting question! one i've been considering throughout my playthrough...
tl;dr, while i find his romantic situation interesting, i don't think durge has any serious romances nor am i entirely sure if he will before journey's end. i'm sussing that out as i play!
LONG ANSWER. durge's relationship with briar has gone through a lot of changes as they've travelled. durge didn't want to recruit any help from the companions, so he didn't. but by the time he realized briar was STILL following him around from the ship, it was too awkward to ask her to leave. their partnership was mostly one of convenience with pleasantries, but it bloomed into mutual trust within a few days. after the events of Be Like You, he realized his own potential for harm and that he didn't want to hurt briar. hells, did he really want to hurt anybody? he hoped she'd leave for her own safety but also feared her doing so. they'd become friends by then, but in Real Monsters their bond was solidified.
durge's devotion to briar as a friend began budding into an infatuation around the time they attacked Grymforge, but he's only just BARELY begun to realize these feelings. as of the time of writing this, they've saved thaniel and begun the trek to moonrise. but one little visit has made it very difficult to ignore his affections: a visit and a threat from his hellish little butler.
huh. durge seems to have this recurring theme of realizing how much he values the relationships he's built when they're threatened by his urges. just noticed that.
that's not to say his feelings are explicitly romantic; i think while his trust in briar as an ally and friend is legitimate and he finds her very physically attractive, romance is entirely foreign to him. the only inklings of romance he'd had in the past were, well.... unhealthy and underdeveloped, to put it mildly. what "love" means to him is a vague notion at best.
is durge gonna end up single? is he gonna join the briar-halsin polycule? is he gonna get attached to minthara if we find her? i don't know!
i'm excited to see how he matures and develops as he discovers who he was and how who is now differs!
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