waitformysignal · 2 years
To Cass from Duke
[The gift is wrapped meticulously and with a basket to support it. The first gift is a pot and carnation seeds, with instructions on how to grow them. An insert explains that it’s Cass’ birth month plant. A second gift is just a candle based off what Duke knows to be her favorite kind of tea.]
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Still not convinced tea is better than coffee, but maybe I’ll give it another go. Haven’t tried Assam yet.
Merry Christmas! 
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oracleloggedon · 2 years
To Damian from Babs
[Packaged painfully neatly, with each corner perfectly in line with the paper. There is also a yarn design across the brown paper, which looks like a cat’s paw. Inside is a large box. Inside the box are two stuffed animals from Cuddle Clones, made to look like Ace and Titus. Since Babs sent in upward of 50+ photos, they’re alike down to the tiniest freckle.]
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I sent them dozens of photos, so let me know if they don’t match perfectly.
Now they’ll be with you always. I hope you like them.
Merry Christmas!
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ispoiledit · 2 years
To Slade from Steph
[One gift is packaged with bright orange paper. It’s heavier and needs careful handling, while the other is light and an obvious item of clothing.]
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Mr. Slade sir,
If you wear this to town while we’re here (6 hours MINIMUM) I’ll toss in a second bottle of whiskey. 
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timber-doodle · 2 years
From Tim to Alfred
[Alfred’s gift is odd at first. The first unwrapping yields what looks like a crossword puzzle, with hints, and a note at the bottom that the second gift can’t be unwrapped until Alfred solves the puzzle.]
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Here is the link to solve the crossword puzzle.
[Now that it’s solved, the second present is revealed to be a framed picture of the crossword puzzle, complete with all the members of the “family.”]
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Dear Alfred,
There were a lot of things I wanted to get you. You’re the kind of person who deserves everything and more, especially after everything you’ve done for us, but I know things like that don’t matter to you. I know how much this holiday means to you. Having us all together under one roof (and now on page!) is something I know you’ve always wanted. I’m sorry it took us this long to make it happen. I know we’ll do better going forward.
Please know how much we appreciate you and care about you. I’m not as good with words as Dick, but I meant everything I said. 
Merry Christmas, Alfred.
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igotanarrowforthat · 2 years
To Jason from Roy
[This time Roy’s gift is packed seriously, even though the first item inside is anything BUT serious. It’s a set of throw rugs with various phrases from the taco bell packets that he had custom made. The pack of reindeer beer is a throwback to their last Christmas. The two remaining gifts are ones Roy actually made himself, which was rare, and the sentimentality in both are clear. The first just says “Our First House”, with no key impression, date, or address, which is clearly meant to be completed once they move together. The last gift is something they can hang on the wall and fill with things like movie stubs, old plane tickets, brochures, or whatever else.]
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Figured we could use a box to keep track of all the shit we’re gonna do. I don’t know about you, but I have plenty of ideas. ;)
It took me weeks to make that ornament, so there’s no backing out now. Just so you know.
I love you, asshole.
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1st-robin · 2 years
To Slade from Dick
[The packages are wrapped with surprising care, though it’s clear they were redone in places - and there’s no way Dick did the bows by himself. The first gift just looks like a wooden cassette tape, but scanning it pulls up a playlist on spotify. 
Link to playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/28dTLoe3QtanJrGwOFftYg?si=c76a86bb695c490d
The second gift is a set of cards that were modified at some point between Dick’s patrols. Each card lists something Dick loves about him. Since there was a lot of downtime, he had plenty of time to think of 52 things. HERE THEY ARE:
1.) You are my best friend. 2.) We can talk all night. 3.) We never run out of things to say. 4.) You can get my attention with just a look. 5.) You are always there for me. 6.) You know how to make me feel better. 7.) You're a good listener. 8.) You look great in photos. ;) 9.) I still love your sword. ;) 10.) You're an amazing cook. 11.) Your LAUGH. 12.) You challenge me. 13.) I can be myself when we're together. 14.) You always turn my bad days around. 15.) Our time together is never wasted. 16.) You make a good pillow. 17.) You let me choose the movies we watch at night, even though you have veto power. 18.) You love our pets (even Stan!) 19.) You take care of me. 20.) You let me take care of you. 21.) The sound of your voice. 22.) You make me feel like I can do anything. 23.) I still think about you constantly. 24.) You don't judge me. 25.) The way you look at me when you think I'm not looking. 26.) You're patient with me. 27.) You're a good problem solver. 28.) You're supportive of my friends and family, even though I know they can be a pain sometimes. 29.) The way you hold my hand. 30.) The green apples. 31.) You know how to calm me down after a nightmare. 32.) You're my rock. 33.) You love me unconditionally. 34.) You keep me safe, even though you know I'll be fine. 35.) You check in on me, even though you know I'll be fine. 36.) Your kiss. 37.) Your cologne (and cigar) scent lingers for days and is comforting when you're away. 38.) My unequivocal trust in you. 39.) Your unequivocal trust in me. 40.) Our future being full of infinite possibilities. 41.) You make it impossible not to smile when I'm around you. 42.) You see me. Completely. 43.) Your decisiveness. 44.) Your reliability. 45.) You make me feel like I'm the most important person in the world. 46.) Your amazing sense of direction. 47.) Your sense of humor. You're a lot funnier than people give you credit for. 48.) Your style. 49.) Your voice changes when you're talking to me. 50.) You believe in me. 52.) You never gave up on us.
A third and somewhat teasing present is a “rock”, something he made while he didn’t have his memories. It started as a way to pass the time before he restarted his training. Obviously it’s better for everyone if he doesn’t pursue a career in fabrics.]
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S, force of habit maybe?,
This past year felt like it threw everything at us. Thank you for staying by my side even when things looked bleak. It means more to me than I can explain. You were patient, reassuring, and everything I needed but didn’t know I needed. 
I’m telling my family about the engagement after we finish unwrapping gifts. You’re my life, or a very large part of my life, and that’s not something I want to hide anymore. 
I love you more than anything. 
Merry Christmas.
Love, Dick
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bibibluebird · 2 years
[a large white bag covered in gold foil Christmas trees and stuffed with every color tissue paper. It’s fairly heavy, and inside is a black and yellow Bluetooth boombox. The tag reads:]
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To: Duke ( @waitformysignal​ )
Saw this and thought of you, but I added my own special touch. You’ll see when you turn on a song.
Happy Xmas
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cassxcainxwayne · 2 years
[a purple bag with multi-color snowflakes all over it, stuffed with glittery white tissue paper. Inside are two tickets to a Joan Jett and the Blackhearts concert. The tag has a a heart and music notes drawn on it and it reads:]
To: steph ( @ispoiledit ) 
let’s go! dance party! 
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sonofbats · 2 years
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[Inside a very heavy, large box wrapped in red paper is a metal reproduction of the Blessed Qiraji Acolyte Staff from World of Warcraft. The attached card, which has a red cardinal sitting on a snow-covered fence, reads:]
Timothy Drake,
You lazily left your computer open a number of weeks ago and I happened to walk by. The game looked unappealing, but that never seems to stop you from doing things. I believe this is an adequate reproduction of the staff your cartoon person held.
It is intended to be used, but I suppose it could be ornamental instead. 
-Damian Wayne 
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theterminatorisin · 2 years
[a heavy box wrapped in butcher’s paper and tied with twine. the attached tag reads:]
Seems like something that’ll keep you busy for five minutes. Good luck getting to it. Don’t hurt yourself.
[beneath the paper is a box that has been nailed closed with a small toolset attached to the top. once the box has finally been opened, there’s another package wrapped in red paper. inside is a Useless Machine Kit.] 
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redhooddeadhood · 2 years
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[two boxes, one fairly large and stuffed with packing paper, both wrapped in gold wrapping paper. The card attached has Lucy from Peanuts, sitting at her Psychiatric Help for 5 cents booth in the snow]
To: Babs ( @oracleloggedon ) 
Nobody else would appreciate this. If you don’t recognize it, it’s from the oldest library in the world. A copy, obviously. I love you, but even I’m not stealing from a library. 
I think you know why I gave you the other thing. Might need to borrow one sometime. 
Merry Christmas,
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alfredtcpennyworth · 2 years
[A sleek blue box tied immaculately with two layers of white and blue ribbon. A sprig of evergreen and a card with a snowflake on the front is are tucked beneath the ribbon. 
Inside the box is a long velvet jewelry box, which contains three sets of cufflinks. side-by-side. The first set is round and engraved with a golden ‘W’ at the center, the middle set is square, mostly black, with a thin pearl-colored border, and the third set is pictured below.]
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To: Richard ( @1st-robin​ )
Dearest Richard,
Inside this package, you will find three sets of cufflinks. The first belonged to Bruce’s father, Thomas. It is a shame you were never able to meet someone who unwittingly had so much influence over your life. He was not a perfect man, but he loved fiercely - a quality the two of you share. Had he known you, he would have loved you as he did his own son. I shall speak for him in this and say he’d be pleased to see these be passed on to you. 
The second set belonged to Bruce. They were a gift from me many years ago, given before he attended his first public event following the passing of Martha and Thomas. It is only fitting that they belong to you now, and it is my honor to see it. There are many things that Bruce left unsaid, but know that he was proud of you beyond words, as am I. I will miss him for all the years I have left, but there’s comfort in knowing that the family is in the best of hands with you at its helm now. 
The third set is yours. I had them made to suit you, I hope. Wear them if you find an occasion to do so, or simply keep them in this box with the others. Things inside this Manor did not always come together the way that I hoped. Bruce’s nature and his continuing grief kept it from being so, at times, yet I have never seen a change so profound as the one you brought into this home and to him. This family is only a family because you stepped into it. I will always remember that first Christmas with you here. It was as if life had been breathed into something dormant and nearly gone. I hope you have some idea of how deeply you have been loved all these years, even if it did not always shine through in the manner it should have.
I look forward to many more holidays.
Merry Christmas,
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igotanarrowforthat · 2 years
To Harper from Roy
[Roy’s gift is wrapped in one huge, gangly ball, which takes a million years to unwrap. There are several things inside that he seemingly picked up over the course of time. One is a brightly colored unicorn shirt, another is a mug with a circuit board, and - finally - a puzzle he knows Harper would like and be good at.]
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Hey Kiddo,
Stay in school. Engineering students get the best action. Honest.
Merry Christmas!
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1st-robin · 2 years
To Jason from Dick
[Carefully wrapped in red paper with a big fluffy gauze bow at the top, and a cinema-themed card with pop out elements of black and white movie stars. Inside are two VIP tickets to the local drive-thru, along with a leaflet announcing the planned films for that year. All of them are classics.
Additionally, there is a glass jar filled with popcorn, drinks, and candy - all are Jason’s favorite snacks, which Dick still remembered from their movie night on his birthday and when they went on the cross country trip.]
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Don’t worry! You can invite anyone you want! I won’t *hinthintnudgenudge* too hard. 
I know this is something you did for me originally, but it was one of the best days of my life. Watching old movies with you on the couch is something I miss all the time. No one else appreciates AMC or Humphrey Bogart. I don’t know what the world’s coming to!
This gift was to show you how much I appreciate the time we spend together, even if it’s quiet and we don’t say a whole lot. Your company has gotten me through some dark times, Jay. Times I would have faced alone if not for you. Thank you for showing me the mistakes I’ve made. Thank you for giving me another chance.
And thank you for what you’ve done for me this year. I won’t ever forget it. I’m here for you, always, and you have my support no matter what.
I love you. 
Merry Christmas, Little Wing.
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redhooddeadhood · 2 years
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[a long red envelope with Roy’s name and a silver bow stuck on the corner. Inside are two tickets leaving from the Gotham City airport and landing in Rome, along with two Eurail Global Passes. They’re tucked into the card pictured]  
To: Roy ( @igotanarrowforthat )
My turn to plan it this time. Want to run away with me? Better say yes. 
I’m not writing an awkward Christmas card to give you in front of other people, but thank you for everything. I mean everything. 
Love you bitch,
P.S. already handled your expired passport 
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