1st-robin · 2 years
To Slade from Dick
[The packages are wrapped with surprising care, though it’s clear they were redone in places - and there’s no way Dick did the bows by himself. The first gift just looks like a wooden cassette tape, but scanning it pulls up a playlist on spotify. 
Link to playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/28dTLoe3QtanJrGwOFftYg?si=c76a86bb695c490d
The second gift is a set of cards that were modified at some point between Dick’s patrols. Each card lists something Dick loves about him. Since there was a lot of downtime, he had plenty of time to think of 52 things. HERE THEY ARE:
1.) You are my best friend. 2.) We can talk all night. 3.) We never run out of things to say. 4.) You can get my attention with just a look. 5.) You are always there for me. 6.) You know how to make me feel better. 7.) You're a good listener. 8.) You look great in photos. ;) 9.) I still love your sword. ;) 10.) You're an amazing cook. 11.) Your LAUGH. 12.) You challenge me. 13.) I can be myself when we're together. 14.) You always turn my bad days around. 15.) Our time together is never wasted. 16.) You make a good pillow. 17.) You let me choose the movies we watch at night, even though you have veto power. 18.) You love our pets (even Stan!) 19.) You take care of me. 20.) You let me take care of you. 21.) The sound of your voice. 22.) You make me feel like I can do anything. 23.) I still think about you constantly. 24.) You don't judge me. 25.) The way you look at me when you think I'm not looking. 26.) You're patient with me. 27.) You're a good problem solver. 28.) You're supportive of my friends and family, even though I know they can be a pain sometimes. 29.) The way you hold my hand. 30.) The green apples. 31.) You know how to calm me down after a nightmare. 32.) You're my rock. 33.) You love me unconditionally. 34.) You keep me safe, even though you know I'll be fine. 35.) You check in on me, even though you know I'll be fine. 36.) Your kiss. 37.) Your cologne (and cigar) scent lingers for days and is comforting when you're away. 38.) My unequivocal trust in you. 39.) Your unequivocal trust in me. 40.) Our future being full of infinite possibilities. 41.) You make it impossible not to smile when I'm around you. 42.) You see me. Completely. 43.) Your decisiveness. 44.) Your reliability. 45.) You make me feel like I'm the most important person in the world. 46.) Your amazing sense of direction. 47.) Your sense of humor. You're a lot funnier than people give you credit for. 48.) Your style. 49.) Your voice changes when you're talking to me. 50.) You believe in me. 52.) You never gave up on us.
A third and somewhat teasing present is a “rock”, something he made while he didn’t have his memories. It started as a way to pass the time before he restarted his training. Obviously it’s better for everyone if he doesn’t pursue a career in fabrics.]
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S, force of habit maybe?,
This past year felt like it threw everything at us. Thank you for staying by my side even when things looked bleak. It means more to me than I can explain. You were patient, reassuring, and everything I needed but didn’t know I needed. 
I’m telling my family about the engagement after we finish unwrapping gifts. You’re my life, or a very large part of my life, and that’s not something I want to hide anymore. 
I love you more than anything. 
Merry Christmas.
Love, Dick
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1st-robin · 2 years
To Jason from Dick
[Carefully wrapped in red paper with a big fluffy gauze bow at the top, and a cinema-themed card with pop out elements of black and white movie stars. Inside are two VIP tickets to the local drive-thru, along with a leaflet announcing the planned films for that year. All of them are classics.
Additionally, there is a glass jar filled with popcorn, drinks, and candy - all are Jason’s favorite snacks, which Dick still remembered from their movie night on his birthday and when they went on the cross country trip.]
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Don’t worry! You can invite anyone you want! I won’t *hinthintnudgenudge* too hard. 
I know this is something you did for me originally, but it was one of the best days of my life. Watching old movies with you on the couch is something I miss all the time. No one else appreciates AMC or Humphrey Bogart. I don’t know what the world’s coming to!
This gift was to show you how much I appreciate the time we spend together, even if it’s quiet and we don’t say a whole lot. Your company has gotten me through some dark times, Jay. Times I would have faced alone if not for you. Thank you for showing me the mistakes I’ve made. Thank you for giving me another chance.
And thank you for what you’ve done for me this year. I won’t ever forget it. I’m here for you, always, and you have my support no matter what.
I love you. 
Merry Christmas, Little Wing.
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1st-robin · 3 years
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Dick Grayson in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Ep. 7
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1st-robin · 3 years
vilf (villain I'd like to fuck)
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1st-robin · 3 years
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1st-robin · 3 years
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↳ Favorite Character: Dick Grayson 
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1st-robin · 3 years
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1st-robin · 3 years
muse blog list.
Roy Harper
Tim Drake
Lois Lane
Stephanie Brown
Barbara Gordon
Logan Howlett
Rose Wilson
Dinah Lance
Mary Jane Watson
Anna Marie
Donna Troy
Wanda Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Duke Thomas
Dawn Granger
Emma Frost
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