#bf ash
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dailyfigures · 1 year ago
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Ash Lynx ; Banana Fish ☆ Arma Bianca
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pyxilz · 5 months ago
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He doesn’t know 😔
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folkbreeze · 8 months ago
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🗣️lazzaaaa, your man is throwing your child into the ocean again!!!
(befores and afters of the first two pics under the cut bc i'm kinda proud)
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let's not talk about how long i spent DRAWING water like ??? 1- i don't know how to draw, 2- how 3- i really don't care if it looks bad, the mxao line looked worse 😌
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for this one i was big brain bc i just cropped the sea from another screenie and layered it twice on this one (and then made it look like waves, added shadows and lights and called it a day)
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rabbitpilot · 1 month ago
I found the album where I kept my earlier drawings, which reminds me of these bf fanarts I drew.
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animehellscape · 9 months ago
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Pushing the agenda! 🧸
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What the heck... there's banana fish inspired song out there
Halloween (Wish You Were Here) - A Banana Fish Inspired Song
First time hearing it I was like hey this is just like banana fish- then it said aslan I combusted
Pls let me know if there are other banana fish inspired songs I need to listen to them all
I remember one named take me instead I'll try to find it
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turnupswritessometimes · 5 months ago
Bring it on Home to Me - Ash/Eiji Oneshot
A thanks to @holographiccs (who I bullied into reading Banana Fish) for imitating Ash's gang and their New York accents with me and inspiring this fic! <3
A03 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59433925
Eiji heard Bones say it when he was posted outside their apartment. A friend of his had stopped by and asked both him and Kong out for a good time. Loudly. Loud enough for Eiji to hear in the kitchen. "Can't. We're guarding the boss' girlfriend." * Eiji finds out he's known as the boss' girlfriend - and he doesn't hate it. Ash should hate it - but he doesn't, either.
Word Count: 4,156
Bring it on Home to me
Eiji heard Bones say it when he was posted outside their apartment. A friend of his had stopped by and asked both him and Kong out for a good time. Loudly. Loud enough for Eiji to hear in the kitchen.
"Can't. We're guarding the boss' girlfriend."
Eiji’s stomach twisted. He stopped chopping vegetables - realised he was cooking Ash's dinner, like a girlfriend, and his stomach squirmed again – and looked to the door. It was closed; they probably didn't even know he'd heard.
What else had they heard? Had they heard him and Ash? Was that what they really thought about them? It wasn't not true, but it wasn’t true, either. He didn’t know what this thing was between him and Ash. He was already too soft for Ash's world, that had been made clear. The implication that he was his girlfriend didn’t sit right with him.
It hadn't been said with any judgement – not like they hated or looked down on him for it – just as a matter of fact. Not even, Eiji thought, as some kind of joke. He thought that was worse. Definitely worse.
He didn't feel like cooking up a nice, homemade meal anymore. He scooped the chopped vegetables into a bowl, and put them back in the fridge. They'd have a couple of TV dinners, or takeout, instead.
Bones came in, not long later, to catch his show on the ridiculously large TV Ash had brought. He always did, even though they were both meant to stay outside. It was their secret, between Eiji and Bones.
"You ain’t making dinner?" Bones asked, as he clambered over the back of the sofa to collapse into a heap on the too-firm cushions.
"Not tonight," Eiji replied. He picked up the book on the side, as though he'd been reading instead, but Bones wasn't even looking. He was already helping himself to the remote, and flicking through the channels.
Eiji watched him, for a moment. He thumbed through the pages of the book. His voice came out much smaller than he wanted it to: "The boss'...girlfriend?"
"Huh?" Bones craned his neck to look at him. "You heard that?"
Bones' voice carried; Eiji heard most things he said, though it was mostly him and Kong chatting about nothing. "It's just – I'm not – it's not—"
"It ain't about girls or boys," Bones said. "A girlfriend's the one who keeps house for you. Who you come back to after trouble."
Eiji still didn't think that was the right word. But maybe this was some new American slang he didn't understand. "Oh."
"It's a good thing." Bones smiled, showing his sharp canines. "And being Ash's girlfriend? Gives you a hell of a reputation."
Because Ash had a hell of a reputation. Because Ash was a gang leader, and he had the respect of most other gangs around New York. Did they all know him as that? As the Lynx's girlfriend?
"I'm not Ash's," Eiji said, because his stomach hadn't just squirmed, it had somersaulted, at that thought. He did not want to be just the Lynx’s property.
Bones tilted his head to one side, frowning. "That ain’t bad, either. I'm Ash's. Kong's Ash's. We're all Ash's."
It was as simple as that to him. He followed Ash, so he was Ash's. And Eiji supposed he could try and deny it, but he did the same thing. Stubbornly stuck at Ash's side until he'd stopped telling Eiji to go back to Japan. Didn’t have any plans to leave him, any time soon.
He was Ash's, he realised, through and through.
"Right." His voice was distant, but he didn't think Bones heard anyway; his show had started and that always hypnotised him. Eiji took his book to his bedroom, heart thumping. It was something, he realised, that he'd known for a while. He'd known it, but he'd only just realised it, and it felt overwhelming. Just how much he was Ash’s.
He sat on the end of the bed, and wondered what Ash was doing right now. Gang business. Dangerous business. And Eiji was the one he came home to – who he’d chosen to come home to. They didn’t have to live together, alone, here, but Ash had chosen that, and Eiji hadn’t argued. This was Ash’s safehouse, and that Eiji's job was to be there, when he came home.
His mind didn't settle to read. He flicked on the radio, and shifted restlessly, waiting. Thinking about fights and guns and gangs and realising he didn’t know much about how it worked at all.
Ash called from a payphone, to say he was on his way back. Eiji called for takeout. It arrived minutes before Ash himself, and he had to sacrifice a handful of fries to Bones and Kong when they saw the delivery boy. They clapped Eiji on the back as they said goodbye, then stopped to debrief with Ash in the hall. Eiji couldn't keep up with their conversation; their words were too fast, and their accents too heavy. He leant against the doorframe, and watched Ash's expression; that tense, serious expression he had around the gang. His eyes glinted green, his jaw set.
It relaxed, when he met Eiji at the door. Softened. His hands found Eiji's hips, and he brought him close for a hug. Eiji's arms went around his neck automatically and he pressed closer. Smelt of sweat, cigarettes and smoke. It was unpleasant, but it was Ash's.
He pulled away, ghosting his lips over Eiji's cheek. "Honey, I'm home."
It was a joke. It had started as a joke and because of Ash kissing him in jail. He still teased that they were together, like that. Every time it made Eiji duck his chin, and laugh, cheeks warming. Americans were too free with being intimate.
Ash was too free with being intimate.
He stepped away, not seeming to realise Eiji hadn't responded, and saw the paper bags sat on the table.
Eiji leant his back against the door to close it. "Sorry, I—"
"It's alright." Ash looked back at him. He raised an eyebrow, smirking. "I'm not going to beat you with my belt for not having a roast on the table after my day at the office."
It was another joke, but Eiji didn't laugh. He could see why the boys thought what they did. Ash noticed. Tilted his head to one side; his hair fell with the movement, gold in the artificial light. "Seriously, don't worry."
Eiji bit his lip. He wondered how to tell Ash about what Bones had said – wondered if Ash knew – if Ash called him that, himself. Wondered if he’d see it as another joke, and Eiji didn't know if he wanted it to be. Didn't know how he could even word it.
Ash stepped forward, again. His hand grazed Eiji's arm; brushed his hair behind his ear. It was genuine, and he looked up.
"What's up?"
Eiji tangled his fingers in Ash's. Took a deep breath. "The boss' girlfriend."
Ash frowned. "Huh?"
Eiji looked at their joint fingers. Ash's looked like the colour of ivory, against his. How was it that this boy could spend a summer outside in New York, and not tan at all?
"That's what they call me," he said. "The boss' girlfriend."
"Ah." Ash paused, for half a second. "Right."
"I don't hate it," Eiji continued. His voice came out much smaller than before. "At least, I don't think I do. It's – the food will go cold."
Ash let him get away with that. "Right."
But he didn't drop his hand, as he crossed to the table. Not until Eiji had to step around to the other side, and he absolutely had to. His fingers fell away, slowly. Then he was pouncing on the bags and pulling out the burgers and fries, smiling like a child.
"No weird Japanese dish tonight?"
"Sometimes I think you really are just an uncultured American," Eiji replied, and for a moment, it was just like normal. He unpacked his food. Caught Ash glancing up, smiling at him. A soft smile that made his heart squeeze.
But Ash saw through him. "This is because of what Bones said."
Eiji nodded. He helped himself to fries, chewing slowly. Ash ate like he hadn't in a week; like he was barely tasting any of it. Eiji picked at his own food, steadily.
When Ash finally came up for air, he said, "It’s not your cooking. Just – this food is predictable, you know?"
"You know exactly how it's going to taste, because it's come out the machine that way."
"I don't think it's all made by machines."
"It's – safe." Ash met Eiji's eyes, his were shards of emerald, then away again. Back to his food. But there had been something in that gaze; something vulnerable. It was the same kind of vulnerable he'd seen at Cape Cod; that glimpse of Aslan Jade.
It felt like a peace offering. Ash had offered up that, about himself, because Eiji had mentioned the girlfriend thing. Probably looked vulnerable too.
Ash was weird about food. He'd noticed that. Noticed that sometimes he ‘d eat like he hadn’t in a week, or didn't eat at all, or would only pick at his food. That the other boys would eat three or four hot dogs back to back, and Ash would find a subtle way to toss the rest of his out. Eiji didn't press about it. He’d do his best to push Ash towards eating more healthily.
He continued steadily through his own meal. For once, Ash finished long before him.
"I'll tell them to knock it off," Ash said. "I've half a mind to bash them."
"You...didn't say that, then?"
That there was this thing between them. The same thing as in jail; in that road trip across America; in Ash lying in his lap in the middle of the night. They were joint by this thing. They weren’t just friends; they were something more.
"No, I didn't." Ash's mouth twisted. "They're idiots."
"They aren't," though Eiji's protest was half-hearted.
Ash raised an eyebrow, unbelieving, and Eiji had to look away, biting his cheek in case he started laughing. He liked Bones and Kong, but he understood why they were often stationed outside his safe apartment building, where nothing happened, as opposed to the real work Ash had done today.
The work Ash had done today. The work that left him smelling like gunpowder. When Ash was like this, domestic and teasing, it was hard to equate him with the feared gang leader – whose reputation Eiji had by association.
He gathered the trash from their meals together, and threw them away. At least he didn't have to wash up tonight – and that was another part of playing house, wasn't it?
When he looked back, he saw Ash examining the back of his hand. Even from where Eiji stood, he could see the knuckles were red, starting to turn purple and blue.
"You've been fighting," Eiji said, automatically getting the first aid kit from under the sink. It was replenished nearly weekly.
"It’s nothing," Ash replied. He left his chair untucked, and flopped onto the sofa. He went over the arm, lying lengthways, and Eiji wondered if any of these boys were capable of sitting normally.
He crossed over, with a bag of peas. How many times, he wondered, could you refreeze peas before they were no longer safe to eat?
Eiji tossed them to Ash. He caught them without looking, and pressed them against his hand. Eiji perched on the arm of the sofa. Ash's hair flopped over his face, but he saw him wince at the ice.
"Bones..." Eiji swallowed. "Bones didn't make it sound like a bad thing."
Ash didn't answer, immediately. "That right?"
"He said – a girlfriend – is who you come home to, after a long day at war," Eiji said.
Ash smiled. A slow, unconscious smile that sent a rush of warmth through him. "Yeah?"
Ash sat, properly, his back against the arm of the sofa, his knees drawn up. He nodded to the empty space. Eiji slipped onto it, aware of his elbow knocking against Ash's knee. The touch tingled.
"And Bones didn't say what you did after a long day at war?"
Eiji's cheeks felt hot, at the suggestion. "I don't think he knows about that kind of thing."
Which made Ash chuckle. His knee bumped Eiji again, and he but his lip. It felt mean to laugh at Bones, but it was easier than this thing, and he loved making Ash laugh like that. He chanced a glance at Ash from under his bangs, only to see him watching Eiji closely. It sent that wave of heat down his neck.
"And – do you?" Ash's voice was soft; soft enough Eiji suspected he could pretend not to have heard, if he wanted.
"I..." He traced the gain of the sofa with one finger. "I have an idea, or two."
"Yeah?” Ash sat up further, leaning forward. “Care to share?"
He'd turned to Ash, and he wasn't sure when he had. But now his face was only inches away.
"You mean – demonstrate?"
Ash smiled – smirked – and Eiji's stomach twisted. "Only if you want to."
Eiji wanted to. He wanted to, but then it wouldn’t be a joke, anymore. Things would change. Still, he didn’t wouldn’t back down. Ash had that effect on him; made him want to rise to the glint in his eye.
He leant forward – didn’t let himself hesitate – and pressed their lips together. He felt Ash’s part, like he was surprised Eiji actually did it, before he kissed back. He moved slowly, as if he was savouring it, one hand sliding into Eiji’s hair. The bag of frozen peas fell to the floor with a loud thump.
Eiji shifted, so he was securely between Ash’s legs, hands on his knees to steady himself, as he kissed him back. Only pulled away when he felt lightheaded, and not far enough to see Ash clearly.
“That okay?” Ash whispered.
“If that’s – if that’s okay with you?” Eiji replied.
Ash pulled away. Eiji let him, though he was still very aware of how close they were; how he was pressed between Ash’s legs. His lips tingling. Ash raised a hand, brushing Eiji’s bangs from his eyes. His fingers trailed over his cheekbone, green eyes examining him. Eiji stared back, heart pounding. There was everything, and nothing, to say. Ash made a noise, then stopped. Tucked Eiji’s hair behind his ear.
“I like coming home to you,” he murmured.
Eiji felt heat rush through him, like he’d just sunk into a warm bath. His hands had moved, he didn’t know when, to Ash’s shoulders. “I like you coming home.”
Because Ash had been fighting, and he may only have come home with bruised knuckles today, but he could easily come home much worse. Eiji kissed him again, pressing their foreheads together.
“Please come home, Ash.”
Ash took a breath that Eiji felt against him, pressing his hands against the small of his back. Pressed him closer, until they were inches apart. He nodded, his hair falling over his eyes. It hid his expression. He pressed his mouth against Eiji's cheek. Properly, this time, lashes brushing his skin.
Eiji held Ash back. Felt his spine, his shoulder blades, and Ash's mouth moved to his temple. Kissed there, too, and then tugged him down so he could rest his chin on Eiji's head. He let him, falling ungracefully against Ash's chest, their legs tangled on the sofa. It wasn’t quite big enough, for this. They were very close. Closer than ever before, and this time, it was serious.
He didn't want to pull away. Listened to the steady beat of Ash's heart under his ear. His fingers reached up to curl a blonde strand around his finger.
"I'll try my best," Ash murmured.
"I'll hold you to that." And he felt Ash's chuckle as a rumble. He shifted, to look at him, their faces so close that Ash's eyes were a sea of green. "I promise, Ash Lynx."
"Well—" Ash kissed him. Long, slow and savouring and Eiji felt as though he was melting. "Then I can't let you down."
His voice was soft, like a purr. He pressed kisses to the corner of Eiji's mouth, trailing down his jaw. Eiji twisted Ash's hair in his fingers. This was earnest – so earnest and reverent, that it made his chest ache.\
He kissed Ash back. Kissed his temple; his cheekbone; the hollow of his jaw, and felt Ash's breath catch under him. He drew him even tighter against him, so there wasn't even room for that. They lay on the sofa, hearts beating against each other.
His eyes half-closed, and he didn't mind the smell of sweat and gunpowder. It was Ash's smell. This felt right, Eiji thought. Thought perhaps he was Ash's boy, after all, because this felt like where he belonged.
"So, who started it?"
Ash leant against the bar, and did his best glower at Alex. Made sure to sweep said glower over the guys standing around, so they all knew he was bothered by something. Bones ducked behind Kong; maybe he guessed what was up. Eiji, though, was in the thick of it, being taught how to play pool.
Alex smiled, but he looked tense, too. "Started what?"
Ash tilted his head and raised his eyebrow. "Started calling Eiji the boss’ girlfriend?"
Alex's grin stiffened. He swigged from his beer bottle, either buying for time or building up his courage. Ash didn't relent his stare.
"Ain't it right?" Alex eventually asked.
Ash huffed, taking a drink himself. His was an excuse to look over at Eiji. He was concentrating hard, lining up a shot, his brows together. He was biting his lip, and it made Ash's stomach twinge. Adorable.
"I never said that," he said; it came out much too defensive.
Alex shifted. Glanced across at him, and Ash stayed scowling. It was half the job of being the boss – he had to be imposing – had to have his respect and reputation. That was how you survived in New York. That was what Ash loved about New York.
Alex leant across, looking straight ahead, probably watching Eiji too, as he said, "You didn't have to."
Ash's stomach twisted. He watched Eiji as he took the shot. A ball fell into the pocket. The boys cheered him like he'd won the game, clapping his shoulders. Eiji laughed, the low lighting casting a halo on his hair. He looked like he was glowing, from the inside out. Those dark eyes found Ash's.
He looked away. "That obvious, huh?"
Alex half-laughed, like he wasn't sure if he'd get hit, if he did. "Yeah, boss, that obvious."
That was bad. Ash finished the bottle, and lined it up on the bar alongside the others. Beer wasn't his drink of choice, but it was what they drunk here, so he did too. At least it filled him up.
"It ain't him," Alex continued. Conversationally. "It's you. The way you look at him."
"Well, shit," Ash said it on reflex, like he'd dropped a glass or missed a shot. Like it was an accident. It was an accident. Being around Eiji was making him soft. He knew that, knew it particularly when they were alone together, but he hadn't realised it seeped through to everywhere.
He glanced up just in time to meet Eiji's eyes again; stood at the side of the table, with his pool-cue held like a staff in front of him. He smiled.
"I gotta smoke," Ash said. Snapped. Headed through the back of the bar. Stalked through, so that Bones leapt back out of his way. The lynx on the warpath.
He tried not to think about how that would seem to Eiji; for him to storm away just after being smiled at. But he needed space. Needed air. Needed to slam the door to the tiny courtyard and fumble for a cigarette in his pocket. He lit it with fumbling fingers, and leant against the brick wall.
Said courtyard was a square of cobblestone, surrounded on all sides by tall buildings, a hodgepodge of brick and stone, fire escapes twisting around them like ivy. Just a patch of sky at the top, and the light pollution of the city meant no stars or moonlight got through. It cast everything yellow.
Ash took a deep drag, and let it out slowly. The smoke drifted into the night air in a gray ribbon. His muscles relaxed, his mind numbed.
Alex pushed open the door. He leant against the frame, and watched Ash. He didn't look away from the patch of night, but held out the cigarette pack. Alex took it, and pulled out his own. Handed it back, and kept his palm out for the lighter.
Ash didn’t give it to him. He stepped forward, holding the lighter up to where Alex held the cigarette between his teeth. It was a challenge; to see if you flinched, at the flame so close to your mouth. If you trusted the person with the lighter.
Alex didn't flinch. His blue eyes held Ash's. The blue of new jeans.
Ash leant back against the wall.
Alex blew out smoke. "You know we don't mind, yeah?"
"It's not you." Ash held the cigarette between his fingers, and focused on the warmth of it. "It's – if you can tell, anyone can."
"Not anyone." Alex leant next to him, just as he did at the bar. There was no shaking him, and Ash thought he loved him for that. "But we can. Because you're different with him. You didn't beat him to a pulp for waking you up – things like that. We knows you, is all."
"And other people know me." Ash tapped the end of his cigarette, sending a miniature meteor shower to the flagstones. "Golzine knows me."
So if Alex and the boys – if Bones – could tell, Dino Golzine definitely could. Every time Ash went out with Eiji, he was parading his Achilles heel. If he was Achilles, he thought, as he took another drag, Eiji was Patroclus.
There was that painting. Achilles Lamenting the Death of Patroclus. An image flashed in his mind of Eiji, that pale – that dead – and his chest ached.
Alex didn't press for those details; respected Ash's privacy when it came to his past with Golzine – even those visits before all this Banana Fish business that were much too recent for his liking. Just why had it taken him so long to get out of there – completely?
Ash's smoke blew out shakily.
"We'll protect him," Alex said. "We won't let anything happen to him."
It already had. Ash had been there, in California, and he'd not been able to do that. Eiji had been taken, right under his nose. If Ash Lynx couldn't protect him, then what hope did anyone else have?
Now everyone knew he had a weak spot.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Yeah." Alex paused. Smoke came out his nose, as he laughed. "'Cos he's your girl."
Ash punched his shoulder. Enough to smart, but not to bruise. He took the final drag of his cigarette, and crushed it under his converse, as he headed back inside. Didn't correct Alex.
Came face to face with Eiji, once he was back inside the bar. Eiji, dithering with a bottle in his hand, and looking concerned.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, when Ash was close enough.
The dim lights made his eyelashes spidery shadows on his cheeks. Caught in his dark eyes, and if Ash looked long enough, he could map galaxies in them. There was something about Eiji Okumura. He was unreasonably kind and thoughtful and if Ash was feeling philosophical about it, he would say something about his innocence – that boy had never seen a gun. But it was that stupid stubbornness Ash felt drawn to, like a moth to a flame.
If they were alone, he’d kiss him. He didn’t think that was possible, even if the boys knew, because he didn’t think Eiji would want that.
Instead, he smiled. Flung his arm around Eiji's shoulders, and steered him towards the bar. Eiji let him. It didn't matter if anyone saw, Ash thought, because all the boys knew anyway. The knew, and they'd protect Eiji.
"Everything's fine," Ash said. Aware that he stunk of cigarettes, but Eiji didn't pull away. If anything, he leant into him slightly. "Just peachy."
He didn't think Eiji believed him. He didn't quite believe himself. He felt itchy, ready for an attack, like a guard dog. Eiji was in danger, because of him. Because it was obvious how Ash felt about him.
But the gang would protect him. Ash would protect him.
Eiji was his.
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choujinx · 2 months ago
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kittyvanillooo · 13 days ago
Happy (definitely not late) Valentine's Day^^🎉
(All of them, but Pearl x Shelly were requests on discord)
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And the ones from last year,which I made requests on twitter
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Only mortis,Willow and gromash were requested
I think there was a Lou one too,but I have no idea where it is.Same goes for an R-T with Tick one
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dailyfigures · 1 year ago
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Okumura Eiji & Ash Lynx ; Banana Fish ☆ Orange Rouge
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diam1nd · 6 days ago
my toxic trait is sending in memes and always wanting to continue them, then drowning in bad decisions aka drafts. rip to my rp partners :))) <333
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143-iloveu · 10 months ago
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Credit goes to the owner, @slave_girl_1004 I do not own this photo!
MDNI - Not all of my works are NSFW, but I do not want minors interacting with my blog just to be safe. All NSFW content will carry a Mature Community Label. Ageless and empty blogs will promptly be blocked.
Idol!Chan X Idol!Reader
Tooth-rotting Fluff
Content Warnings - Teeny tiny make-out session, Chan calls reader princess (otherwise GN!Reader), reader stares at Chan's shirtless torso (can you blame them?)
Word Count - 2,040
Synopsis: You never imagined going on tour with your boyfriend and his bandmates would lead to this. Although, you wouldn't change it for the world.
A/N: This will be part of an 'Idol X Idol AU' series. Once I post the next part, I will create a master list with each part in the order they should be read. You can absolutely read this as a stand-alone though.
©️ Please don't repost or translate my works on other platforms.
Your recent collaboration with Stray Kids dropped nearly six months after you and their leader, Bang Chan (Chris to you), officially announced you were in a relationship. Chris had originally written the song as his gift to you for your fourth anniversary. He wanted to write a song that would help you feel closer to each other whenever the two of you are touring opposite sides of the globe. That same night, the two of you (and JYPE) released statements confirming your relationship. After four years together, you both felt that it was time to tell the world.
Chris begged you incessantly for weeks to sing it as a duet with him. He desperately wanted to hear your beautiful voice singing his lyrics.
“Hearing you bring the song to life could get me through my darkest days! Besides, only you and I will ever hear it.”
He didn’t realize it then, but that was a lie. Well… not a lie, exactly. He just changed his mind once he finished mixing it. When he let you hear the final cut, you knew immediately that you had to share this masterpiece with the world. You couldn’t even try to convince yourself to be so selfish.
“This should be on the next album!” you both said simultaneously.
“Only if you will sing it with me, though,” he adds, “No one else’s voice is acceptable!”
Fast forward six months, and your duet with Chris is the most popular song on the new Stray Kids album. Fans are giving rave reviews. Some are even saying that they love how much you and Chris love each other, labeling your relationship as ‘#GOALS.’ JYPE took notice, begging you to join Stray Kids on their next tour. They offered you the opportunity to ‘open’ for them in the way many Western artists do, performing some of your songs before the boys took the stage each night. In return, you were asked to perform your duet with him near the end of each show.
Tonight, you and the boys are performing in Sydney for the second night in a row. They gave the boys a few days off before the shows to visit with his and Felix’s families, but they still came to tonight’s show to support them. The pressure you put on yourself for this performance is nearly crushing. You get along with his family very well, but something about knowing they will be watching you perform with their son causes your anxiety to spike.
“Five minutes, Y/N!” the stage manager shouts.
You are nothing more than a pacing ball of nerves at this point. You’ve never been so nervous for a concert… not even in your early debut days.
“Two minutes!”
Just as they shout the warning, all eight men come running down from the stage. Chris quickly scans the room, searching for you. He smiles when his eyes land on you. You meet his gaze just before he’s yanking his shirt over his head, changing into the last outfit of the show. You can’t resist the urge to admire your boyfriend’s toned torso, the way his muscles contract with every movement momentarily relieves your anxieties. Mere seconds later, he’s pulling another shirt on and adjusting his mic, snapping you back to reality.
“You ready, princess?” he calls as he motions for you to join him.
You nod and step onto the rising platform. Chris is quick to intertwine his fingers with yours, squeezing lightly. Your worries melt away as he holds your gaze.
“I love you,” he says as the stage manager yells a ten-second warning.
“I love you, too.”
The platform rises, and the stage lights flood your vision. The crowd cheers as your silhouettes come into view, and the music begins to play as the two of you step into the spotlight. You look over to Chris, trying to keep your anxiety in check. He looks breathtaking under these lights. His beauty captivates you, just as it has for the entirety of this tour (and your relationship), drawing a smile on your face.
As Chris begins singing, you feel goosebumps rising on your skin. No matter how many times you hear or perform this song, it will always affect you. There is so much emotion in his voice. He’s looking at the crowd far less than usual, keeping his eyes fixed on you. It’s as if the whole world is standing still around you.
As you finish the song, he finally addresses the crowd.
“What did everyone think of the show tonight? Did you have a good time?”
Everyone cheers.
“You guys were absolutely amazing! The energy was intense!”
“I agree, Chan. They were phenomenal!” you chime in.
“Stay, what did you think of Y/S/N’s performance?”
The crowd erupts in cheers yet again. Stays have been so accepting of you and your relationship with their Bang Chan. Sure, some people didn’t take the news well, but most Stays have welcomed you with open arms.
“Me too, me too…” he begins, “It has been such a blessing and honor to share our stage with her. Thank you all for welcoming her so positively. It warms my heart to see your love for her.”
“Yes, thank you, Stay. Your love and support mean the world to me. I had so much fun with you all tonight. Good-”
“Actually, before we say goodnight…” Chris interrupts, cheeks red as a tomato, “I have one more thing I want to say.”
The crowd cheers for a moment before he gently asks them to quiet down.
Your eyes go wide. He never uses your real name on stage, not a single slip-up. He’s a professional through and through.
“The last four and a half years with you have been a dream. No one has ever understood or accepted me the way that you do. Having my members and Stay made my heart feel full, but then you came into my life, making it feel so full that it may burst.”
He steps closer to you as he continues.
“Christ, I’m rambling… Sorry, I’m nervous,” he says with a shy giggle, mostly to the crowd.
You catch the other members making their way back onto the stage. They are grouped, standing at the rear of center stage. The crowd cheers until they each make a shushing gesture.
Once the crowd quiets again, he continues.
“What I am trying to say is that you are the most amazing and important person in my life. You are my best friend, my rock, and my home. You make me happier than I ever thought possible. You are irreplaceable, and I want to spend eternity with you. So, in front of my family, my members, and Stay…”
He bends down on his left knee, holding your hands in his. Felix jogs over, handing him a small blue box. When that box comes into view, your heart begins to race. Is this man proposing to you in front of all these people? He sure knows how to make a grand gesture!
The entire stadium erupts into a chorus of gasps before he holds the mic up to his lips again.
“Y/F/N, will you marry me?”
Your tears are flowing freely before he’s even finished his speech. He opens the box, revealing a stunning ring. It’s a modest princess-plus cut diamond nestled between two opals (his birthstone) and two of your birthstones. It’s beautiful! You are sobbing at this point. He clearly understands that you prefer to leave the flashy jewelry for the stage.
The crowd is screaming now, the floor vibrating from the intensity.
“Say yes, say yes!” they chant.
The boys are shushing them. The crowd takes a moment to respond, eventually quieting to just above a murmur.
You nod your head a few times. Suddenly, Seungmin’s voice comes over the speakers.
“What was that, Y/N?”
You lift your microphone, your hand shaking like a leaf.
“Yes,” your voice trembles, “of course I’ll marry you!”
His eyes light up before his toothy grin smushes them into the cutest little half-moons. Once he slides the ring onto your finger, he jumps to his feet and pulls you into a hug, spinning you around in excitement. You laugh at his cute antics. He places you back on the floor before pressing his lips to yours, kissing you deeply in front of 20,000+ people. Your heart is beating erratically, and you’re overjoyed. The boys are each screaming their congratulations and well wishes into their mics, clearly happy for their leader-hyung.
You were the first to pull away. If you hadn’t broken the kiss, there is a good chance that Chris would have stood there kissing you all night.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Christopher.”
The crowd is going wild. They’ve been screaming for nearly a full minute. The boys let them have a moment before attempting to reign in the energy. Once the crowd settles enough for the boys to be heard, the intro to #LoveSTAY begins playing. You know this is their encore, so you make your way off the stage.
You flop onto the couch in the group dressing area. Your body feels as if it is vibrating with excitement. You stare down at your left hand, the ring on your finger making your heart race all over again. You’ve known that you wanted to marry Chris since before your first anniversary, but you never imagined that he’d propose like this.
After the boys finish their performance, he comes to find you. When he catches sight of you smiling down at the ring on your finger, he feels an immense wave of pride wash over him. He’s the one who made you smile like that, and he is beyond thankful that he’s the one who gets to bring you so much happiness.
He walks up behind you, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
“I can’t wait to wake up to that smile every single morning.”
“Channie!” you squeal happily.
You climb over the back of the couch, nearly jumping into his arms. He smooths your hair before kissing you passionately. You will never tire of the feeling of his soft lips pressed to yours, always leaving you breathless. He places one strong hand at the nape of your neck and the other on your waist, sending shivers down your spine. A moment later, he pokes his tongue out, silently asking for entry. You grant it, tongues in a slow battle for dominance. He easily takes control just as the rest of Stray Kids enter the room.
“Ew!” Hyunjin jokes.
Chris’ hand leaves your neck, raising a middle finger in the general direction of his grown-ass ‘children.’ You pull away before the boys can make any more comments. The pout your now fiancé wears is almost cute enough to draw you back in.
“While I am happy to sleep in my bed finally, I’m sad that the tour is over.” Jeongin sighs.
All of them nod in agreement.
“I had so much fun with you these last few months, Y/N.”
“Me too, Channie. I had a blast with all of you!”
“I never want to go on another tour without you,” he smiles as he pulls you into a hug.
The others groan in mock disgust at his affection toward you. They always act as if your public displays gross them out, but you know they are just being dramatic.
“Get in here, you dorks!” you shout as you wave them over.
You only have to ask once before all seven of them are bounding across the room. They shout happily before they squish you and Chris into the center of a giant, bouncy group hug. Your chest is pressed firmly against his, and he smiles apologetically. The boys have you two trapped in a too-tight embrace, but neither you nor Chris would want it any other way. Wrapped in the muscular arms of all eight members of Stray Kids, you know that you will never be lonely again.
“I love you boys so much!”
“We love you too!” they shout in unison.
A/N: Thank you, Elly, for prompting me to write a mushy Chan proposal with idol!Chan and idol!reader. Without your input, this fic wouldn't exist. Soft, mushy Chan deserves more recognition, and I'm here to ensure he gets it! I hope you love this as much as I do!
And thank you, Elly, for being my number one hype-woman! You are the only reason I was confident enough to start posting in the first place. You mean the world to me!
~Ashe 🦊🐺
©️ Please don't repost or translate my works on other platforms.
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lnkguts · 3 months ago
(tw: suicidal ideation, ՞°·. = tears on page)
Dear Ash,
I'm sitting down with a drink for the last time. Thinking about you of course. I have nothing better to do. My soul doesn't allow it. Waited for you to show up. I'm still waiting. I've waited long enough. It's raining outside. The New York City chill touches my bones. Spring never came. Earlier, the constant ache lodged in my throat loosened. I came to a realization. You ran after me, so I must run after you. You're waiting for me, aren't you? I'm sorry my love. It's taken me this long. I've been sick with longing, I no longer think straight. Today, my mind is clear. I deep cleaned the apartment. I deleted all my photos. It was hard to delete photos of you and buddy. I donated my cameras. I took a bath. I tidied up the bed. What a cold bed it is without your warmth to soothe my skin. The ache under my skin never seized. The pain in my jaw from clenching it too much is unbearable sometimes. My stomach has become an abandoned warehouse. Anything I ate without you tasted rotten. My taste buds often crave you. Two years ago, I was cursed with hand tremors. They became worse with time. I think my hands miss you as much as I do. They're restless. Can you blame them? It became a nuisance to take care of all these parts.՞°·. The Lord denied me mercy and created me with all this flesh and bone. I could've been stardust. I could've been all around you, Ash. It's okay, I'm on my way. I told you, I'll always be on your side.՞°·. I'm running to my rightful place. The sky rages outside, but it is a gentle night. My soul belongs with you. I'll go with the rain.
Until we meet again,
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animehellscape · 9 months ago
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🍌🐟 I need them to be happy together
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queenofcringe · 3 months ago
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The ending of Banana Fish is homophobic
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lucishell · 1 year ago
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art trade :3
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