#bez worships vale like a god
scrollonso · 3 months
Blurb as a follow-up to my tags on this post
I'm really not sure what it is... I had an idea 🤷‍♀️ (like 600 words)
Bez had always idolized Valentino. To him, Vale wasn’t just a mentor or a champion rider, he was a god, a beacon of everything Bez aspired to be. Every time he saw Vale on track, his heart swelled with admiration and longing. He yearned for Vale’s attention, his praise, his mentorship. His devotion was almost canine in its intensity. Loyal, eager, and desperate for any crumb of affection or acknowledgment.
For years, he basked in the glow of Vale's guidance. He worked tirelessly, always hoping to catch that approving glance, the pat on the back that would signify he was on the right path. However, as Pecco began to rise through the ranks of MotoGP with remarkable success, Vale’s focus naturally shifted towards his new star.
Bez watched from the shadows, feeling a cold, creeping emptiness settle in his chest. The camaraderie he once felt with Vale seemed distant, replaced by an aching void. Pecco’s victories were celebrated with enthusiasm and pride, leaving Bez feeling like a forgotten relic, a has-been in the making.
In his desperation, he began seeking validation elsewhere. He needed someone to fill the void left by Vale's waning attention, someone who could make him feel worthy again. It was then that Marc began to take an interest in him. Bez knew the history between Vale and Marc, the legendary on-track battles, the messy breakup that was as much about personal betrayals as professional rivalries. But Marc’s sudden interest was intoxicating, a heady mix of danger and promise.
Marc was cunning, his approach subtle yet manipulative. He saw the cracks in Bez's armor, the vulnerability that Vale’s neglect had created. Marc began to weave a web of psychological and emotional entanglement, playing on his fears and insecurities. He would drop hints, little seeds of doubt about Vale’s loyalty and intentions, making Bez question everything he had once believed.
“Valentino has moved on, Marco,” Marc would say in his smooth, persuasive tone. “He’s focused on Francesco now. You deserve someone who sees your worth, who can bring out the best in you.”
Bez, starved for the validation he had once received from Vale, began to fall under Marc's spell. The rival’s words were a balm to his wounded pride, a lifeline he clung to in his darkest moments. Marc was always there, whispering reassurances, promising to be the mentor Bez needed, the guide who wouldn’t abandon him for the next rising star.
In his heart, he still revered Vale, but the seed of doubt had been planted. He found himself torn between the god he had worshipped for so long and the devil whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Marc's psychosexual tactics were working, slowly but surely pulling Bez into his orbit. The boy’s desire for validation, for someone to believe in him, was leading him down a path he never thought he would tread, away from Valentino and towards the man who had once been his god’s greatest enemy. The serpent of the academy's religon.
Marc’s grip on him tightened, the lines between mentor, rival, and something more sinister blurring with each passing day. Bez could feel himself changing, the desperation transforming into a darker kind of loyalty. He was becoming Marc’s, not by choice, but by a twisted game of manipulation and desire. And as he fell deeper under Marc’s influence, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was what he truly wanted, or if he was just a pawn in a game between two legends, destined to lose no matter which side he chose.
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anitalianfrie · 5 months
marc/bez thing is def gotta be mostly like an after effect of bez’s vale worship and marc just being sooo Hot. vale/bez is full of confused feelings of hero worship and wanting to be like vale/wanting to fuck vale, plus it’s kinda safe bc vale is unattainable! and underneath it all is the real scary thing - actually facing the fact that you are gay for (actually are in love with) your best friend since early childhood. 
this is a month old. anon how does it feel to be completely right and being proved so by mr marco bezzecchi himself in front of the world and god during the spanish gp?
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scrollonso · 2 months
vale's reaction to marcmarc!!! (sage's og post)
-after he was told/shown that marc and marco are dating he gets very accusatory/defensive ("i know what kind of person you are." "i won't let you fuck him over like you do everyone else that gets close to you") [hypocrite]
-when he eventually leaves the room franky and luca aren't far behind
-he's MAD. how could they not tell him? ("what else are you hiding?" "is it that easy to lie to me?" "do you not trust me?" "how do you not see whats wrong with this.")
-he gets bez alone (marc most likely with pecco since they're civil and marc is dating his bestfriend) and tries to knock some sense into him, it doesn't work
-bez is hurt, by now having already cried twice at vale's reaction ("i'm not you, i don't see him how you do." "i'm more mature than you were at my age." "he's not a bad person you're just biased.")
-both vale and bez end up hurting eachothers feelings, bez not talking to him for the rest of the night
-when vale says marc isnt allowed to sleep in the same bed as bez he just walks away and slams his door, not wanting to argue but not wanting to listen
-when vale falls asleep (he's old so probably around 6pm) bez goes downstairs and finds marc on his phone, uncomfortable on the couch (and not liking the idea of sleeping without bez)
-he's quick to curl up besides his boyfriend, the spaniard quick to knit his fingers through bez's hair
-they fall asleep super quick in eachothers arms despite how crowded it is with two grown men on one sofa
-vale is the first to wake up, as per usual, and he walks into the livingroom and sees how marc is holding bez
-it was odd, they were never like that. it was never that soft, that loving, that innocent.
-even when vale and marc first started seeing eachother they were never equals, always god and follower
-with marc and bez it's different, their faces are close, arms wrapped around eachother, marc lightly holding the back of the younger boys head
-there was nothing malicious, nothing mean, marc was no rabid dog. at least not with bez.
-he had no choice but to be okay with it, even if he accepted it in silence, he decided maybe marc wasn't so bad
-having marc around more made bez a lot happier and it showed, vale could tell the reason bez was improving and working harder was because of marc.
-the days marc would come over bez would leave the track every once in a while, whether he was doing great or horrible he always left to talk to marc for a second
-the spaniard would tell him how good he was doing, even if it wasnt true, how proud he was of him improving, and kiss him before he went back out
-vale saw, how could he not? but he knew this marc was different than the marc he knew.
-the marc he knew wasn't tender. wasnt caring, loving, and when he was vale made sure to shut him down.
-vale and marc never loved eachother, marc loved feeling cared for and vale loved being worshipped.
-marc and bez had something different, something innocent (despite the NASTYYY sex, they dont fuck at the ranch.. have some decorum!) and when vale finally realized that he realized he didn't mind the couple
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