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thevoilinauttheory · 7 years ago
Panic Station by Muse
Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes And this chaos, it defies imagination Ooh, 5, 6, 7, 8 minus 9 lives And I know that you will fight for the duration Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes And you know I'm not resisting your temptations Ooh, 5, 6, 7, 8 minus 9 lives You've arrived at panic station
( For @bexyooc / @bexyamalaryssia‘s Bexy Amalaryssia! I hope you enjoy the song~ )
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yasuharu-ffxiv · 8 years ago
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
“Hmm, my mother and father are the two I trust most, and Kesh comes at a close second. Vell and Bexy would be third, though that’s mainly because I haven’t seen them in quite some time. I need to make some more connections, I just realized how small my list of friends is.”
@bexyamalaryssia, @vhellius
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twilight-red-mage · 6 years ago
Pros and Cons of Dating Conrad Murgleys
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This little miqo’te mage is always on the hunt for that special someone! Here’s what you’d have to look forward to if he set his sights on you!
Kind and thoughtful: Once he lets his walls down a little, Conrad will always make sure you know he cares about you. He’ll buy you things he thinks you’d like, he’ll spend time with you when you’re upset, and he’ll do his best to make sure you feel loved.
Pretty: While Conrad’s certainly not a grade-A piece of man meat, that doesn’t mean he’s bad-looking. On the contrary, he has a sort of ethereal beauty about him, what with his soft, brown hair that looks like it’s perpetually shimmering and his dark, soulful eyes.
Loyal: Leaving you to fend for yourself? Out of the question. With Conrad at your side, you’ll have a stalwart protector who will do whatever he can to keep you safe.
Easily flustered: He’s very shy, especially around his crushes. And it’s fucking adorable.
Romantic: With a healthy consumption of romance novels, Conrad’s surprisingly good at making his significant other feel special.
Insecure: Conrad’s anxiety and lack of self-worth can have a heavy impact on his interactions with others, including the people he loves. Whether this means he’s unable to tell you how he really feels, that he’s putting himself in danger for your sake, or that he’s constantly doubting your feelings for him, expect him to need your help seeing the light.
Idealistic: Has a tendency to idealize people he cares about. At the beginning of the relationship, he’ll think you’re the best, which can be quite the pick-me-up. But as time goes on, he’ll inevitably realize that you, like everyone else, aren’t perfect, and you might notice some disappointment from him.
Uncomfortable with physical contact: After being alone for pretty much his whole childhood and growing into someone relatively closed-off and guarded, Conrad is fittingly hesitant to engage in physical contact, and this includes the romantic sort. He might need time - perhaps more than his partner wants to give. And considering that he’s asexual, this goes triple for anything racy. His partner will have to be patient.
High expectations: It’s no exaggeration to say that Conrad has been dreaming of finding a boyfriend for most of his life. As such, sometimes his expectations can be a little... inflated. If you ever find him looking upset, but you have no idea what you’ve done to make him that way, it’s entirely possible he’s unhappy because he wanted something from you that you had no idea about.
Not physically fit: Don’t go into this expecting a hidden six-pack and glorious biceps. They’re not there.
Tagged by: @coeurlfist and @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat! Thanks so much for the tags ^-^
Tagging: @yokasaris @nikolaos-fletcher-ffxiv @khabataaq-buduga @claihn @benes-diction @aethernoise @fhawnmillahn @bexyamalaryssia @nihil242 @chocoboinspectorbalduin @pk-sonica-omega @helliafreygoh @cyrillien @nuveyyy @galespider @lottie-ballad @valourheart-xiv @archmagesarto @actualkomodo @sequoiaofeorzea @nightmaze @bardschmard @peculiarmarsu @garlean-nonsense @ahlis-xiv and YOU!!!!!!!!
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bloodstarved · 6 years ago
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did this for funsies >:3c
template is here!
tagging @huntspeak, @larhaya, @unkemptandtired, @duskspeakers, @glorified-thieves, @tribespeak, @bexyamalaryssia, @crimson-sunrise-ffxiv, & @endswalking
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shroudwayman · 6 years ago
Character Trope - Renaux
[Art by: @uendwen-art! ]
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The Damsel (in Distress)
A character, usually female (but can be anybody), is put into immediate danger in order to put the cast in motion. Their plight unites the cast, causing them to put aside their differences and work together to save them or provide the premise for the quest. But, necessarily, this isn't always the case! (Note the parentheses!) This could also mean you're someone who is capable of bringing people together in times of need. You are often very dependent on others, but not all the time. It's more of when there is an important decision to made and where everyone's opinions need to be heard. You don't like taking charge because you like to go with the flow of things. People describe you as kindhearted and honest. You're also naturally sociable and positive.
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>> Test is Here! <<
Tagged By: @bexyamalaryssia  TY BEXY  Tagging: (Gonna grab some recent notifications, of those it’ll let me.)  @alred-briarthorne @the-hero-of-uldah @fair-fae @syerraffxiv @rokachan @snarkyelf @rhalgr @captain-rez
♥ And whoever else!
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meandering-mind · 6 years ago
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Featuring @bexyamalaryssia ‘s Mist & @locke-rinannis‘ Ruran Vas. 
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umbralsound-xiv · 6 years ago
Hello And Welcome!
Hello, and welcome to my new blog! To all those following me from @bexyamalaryssia or one of my many alts, it’s nice to see you again! And to all of those who have just stumbled upon me by complete accident, it’s nice to meet you too!
I decided to converge all my characters into one place for several reasons! First off, it’s easier to keep one blog updated rather than eight, and provides more visibility to lesser known alts of mine i’d like the world to know about! Not wanting to start completely fresh, i took this oppertunity to reblog a good chunk (Like, 1.5k posts) worth of content to bulk out this blog and have all of their information in one place!
Anything preceeding this post comes from one of my old blogs, and anything after will be fresh, fancy and new for all to see!
I’ll be working on the layout, getting a fancy new header, updating the tag list and catching up on the posts i’ve meant to make whilst undertaking this colossal task, but i hope it will all be worth it in the end! But until then, the bare basics are here, and you don’t need to fret about your dash being filled with endless streams of writing and pictures.
At least, from me, anyway!
Feel free to root through the Tag List (It takes a while to display if i’ve recently updated it!) or send an ask or two! Read through troves of super old writing that i seriously considered deleting but decided to keep because it was important and also shows how much i’ve grown.
I’ll be doing more here soon...!
...Right after i get back from work!
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outoftheshade · 6 years ago
Angst Meme: Kora Arbreaux
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been cheated on | been bullied | told a horrible lie | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | passed out | cheated | bullied | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to a hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life | lost someone | loved someone | gone without food for over three days| gone without sleep for over three days | been tortured | been slapped by a parent or higher up | been abused by someone who should have loved you| had a panic attack | been in a car accident | had sex | had sex with a stranger | been raped | felt raped | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | felt used | used | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been dominant | been submissive | been forced to smile | been misgendered | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying
Tagged by: @bexyamalaryssia
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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home-halone · 6 years ago
specific call out for @poetry-in-exile for that expert roulette I joined with @bexyamalaryssia because nOW every time I run Arboretum HM, all I can think about is that I have to
wash the dirty bois
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subetei-noykin · 6 years ago
Nickname: Verse Gender: Male Star Sign: Leo Height: 5′9  Sexuality: ??? Hogwarts House: Slytherin Favorite Animals: Tibetan Mastiffs, Caracels and Ferrets Average Hours Of Sleep: Some Dogs or Cats: Both Number of Blankets: Several pounds Where I Am From: Ohio, USA Dream Trip: Solo; Outdoor camping trip in Greenland. Family; Tbh just put me and my fiancee in front of wi-fi capable devices in a comfortable bed and a gigantic lego bin for our son and that’s perfect When I Created This Account: 2016 maybe? Not sure. Why I Created This Account: Because despite my protests to the contrary I love sharing my ideas and engaging with roleplayers, and also because I’m contractually obligate to follow and embarrass my fiancee. Followers: 815
Tagged By: @clover-hawthorne @whitemxge @au-ramaleisillegal @thanalansunglow @samurai-from-another-land
Tagging: 20 people?! I get anxious tagging five people holy crap okay
@uendwen @rokachan @bloodsworn-marshal @an-ale-of-a-tale @notsofriendlyfire @shroudwayman @baien-tatakai-ffxiv @lheott @bexyamalaryssia @poetry-in-exile @cahli-tia @east-to-the-sea @tezziebabs @moko-ffxiv @rei-sekiro @sciintiilla @spotofmummery @dex-ffxiv @tiergan-vashir @flamesonhammersmith
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yasuharu-ffxiv · 8 years ago
Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything?
“Ah, if you could count my array of flowing gowns and form fitting robes and dresses as a ‘collection’, then yes.”
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crimson-sunrise-ffxiv · 7 years ago
Okay so I know I haven’t really posted much IC in a really long time, but...
Starting tomorrow, I will be away for two weeks! My girlfriend ( @bexyamalaryssia) is flying in, and I’ll be spending time with her! I’ll probably still reblog things every so often, and possibly check messages in the early morning, but that will be about  all of my interaction!
I will  return on the 16th!
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twilight-red-mage · 6 years ago
Conrad’s Pokemon Team!
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A psychic- and fairy-type team consisting of cute, affectionate Pokemon for Conrad to dote on and hug way too much~
Website is right here!
Tagged by: @beastrnaster! Thank you!
Tagging: @claihn @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat @nikolaos-fletcher @yokasaris @valourheart-xiv @benes-diction @pk-sonica-omega @bexyamalaryssia @yehnanhiya-ffxiv @cythis-syrillan @actualkomodo @khabataaq-buduga @nihil242 @bardschmard @huntspeak @scholarlostintime @drdrogon @galespider @fhawnmillahn @mai-takeda @poor-rhyan @dovsebrii and YOU!!!
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bloodstarved · 6 years ago
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for esha!
tagged by @glorified-thieves & @unkemptandtired
tagging @larhaya, @aetherfool, @olkundi, @bexyamalaryssia, @crimson-sunrise-ffxiv, @huntspeak, @tribespeak, @ascarletscribe
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shroudwayman · 6 years ago
Love Language - Renaux
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Art by @uendwen-art
You respond to encouraging words
Kind words, compliments, positive feedback – this is what makes you feel loved. You are very sensitive to the power of words that do good. Tender words about your looks, clothes, human qualities, professional skills… are all highly motivating for you. You feel like you are really living and that your partner appreciates you. 
It’s no surprise that nothing is more hurtful to you that harsh ultimata, sarcasm or cruel words. To you words have the power to elevate, motivate or destroy. You are equally receptive to words of encouragement: those that urge you to go forward with something you were hesitating about, perhaps because you were doubting yourself. Such words proved that your partner believes in you and help you understand that your relationship is based on trust. 
Some advice: If your partner were to change some of their behaviours, it could help further harmonize your couple. Nothing better than for them to read the results of your test! Some people aren’t used to putting their appreciation into words, while others can be stingy with their compliments. It’s all a question of education, some wrongly thing that you can read their thoughts, so no need of saying anything. Encourage your partner to verbalize their thoughts. Teach then to tone down a little: rather than exigent demands or warnings (You didn’t do this… you must do that…) ask them to use a more requesting type language (I’d really like it if you would… it would be a help to me if you could…) 
As you are sensitive to compliments you would particularly appreciate it if your partner praised you, and not just when you two are along… when they get some public praise, you would be touched and flattered if they publicly associated you with their success.
>> Test here << 
Tagged (forever) ago by:  @bexyamalaryssia ​  @syerraffxiv ​ and recently by @kailani-ffxiv ​
Tagging: Whoever hasn’t gotten in on this yet ♥
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thedodolady · 7 years ago
Morality - D’lyhhia Lhuil
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Bold the things your muse has done. Italicize what they would do. Bold and Italicize what they have done, and would do again.
murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement / kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson / trespassing / treason / libel or slander / obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court / public intoxication / conspiracy / accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest  / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination  / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threat / pickpocketing / shoplifting
Tagged by: @bexyamalaryssia Tagging: @theduplicitousdame @lordofcrowns @weepingknight @diskwrite-ffxiv @oyuudatass @grump-qote @hithren @ffxivfisticuffs
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