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Trust your own feelings. Own your own strength. Rely on your inner wisdom. No one should be treating you better or with more love, kindness or respect than yourself!!! #trustyourintuition #wisdomcomesfromwithin #strongerthanyouknow #riseabove #iknowwhatisbestforme #trustyourself #innerwisdom #bewarefalseprophets #narcissistssuck #respectmyboundaries (at Oceanside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8P6-QtHGg4/?igshid=mtxqz24owf0m
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Keep your eyes open.. #bewarefalsegods #beware #matt715 #sheepinwolfsclothing #godspeed #wolf #sheep #bewarefalseprophets #religion #falsephrophets #jesusisthetruth #💯 https://www.godspeedts.com (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnQXt9lvoF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=61z2anio7l2f
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Don't know how some folks can claim to do or heal others, when they can't even control themselves! Do not feed the drama queens who claim to sit in wisdom, but can't seem to get out of their own way! If THEIR life is a mess--full of 'traitors', and 'haters', there is a reason. They are drawing negativity to themselves. Keep your distance. #trustyourintuition #itsallenergy #wisdomcomesfromwithin #bewarefalseprophets #empowerment #bewarenegativepeople #trustyourself #youattractwhatyouare #nonegativity #seektoknowyourself #wiseones #witchesheal #controlyourselfwitch (at Oceanside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqntgtMH_ec/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11io1pintdf3x
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