sparebutton · 3 months
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Frozen 1, Frozen 2, and Frozen 3
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Another day, another chance to realise just how stupid people were around here. Honestly, he thought he'd have learnt by now, and yet every day something happened that surprised him. Honestly, when would people learn.
Seeing Zekiel he smirked to himself, alright so maybe there was still some fun to be had here. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I still owe you a drink".
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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It was hardly by chance he had found this place. Someone at work had mentioned it, and taking their recommendation might actually make them like him more. It had been early enough when he had first arrived, half reading something, half lost in thought. It took him a while to realise the place had all but emptied and it was dark outside... damn, he really needed to focus. "My apologies, I didn't realise it was so late. You haven't had to stay late have you?"
@daydrcamings for Tiana
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beware the frozen heart part 2 plz plz plz
Hi Hun, I would really love to, and we shall see but I have so many projects and life going on right now. That it's mentally hard on me. But I would love to and I will keep it on my radar, but I can't make any promises.
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As normal, Hadley was the last one to leave the office. It wasn't so much that he had an interest in what properties were on the market, but more that he he an interest in why people were moving. It wasn't like anyone could actually leave this town, why pretend otherwise? From what he could tell, most of the people in here were disgruntled former-royals who just wanted to find somewhere bigger, but didn't really have the funds for it. He'd have to talk his fake-self for that one, it had set him up nicely.
Still, he did actually want to go home. He may be good at being a mirror for people, but if he was truly honest about it, it was exhausting. Hide all elements of himself, and just be what people expected. Power was the key though, with power you were unstoppable.
It was why he almost groaned when he heard the door. Almost being the key word. "Ah my apologies, we were just closing" always start charming, it was easier to start there and adapt later, than try and convince someone of it later. "However, if there was somewhere in particular you wanted to see, I can get the keys?" he added, throwing in an easy smile as he turned.
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timeslostlongagain · 4 months
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So far there was only positives about this place. He wasn't in a prison cell anymore, especially as he hadn't really done anything. Closed a door, that was it, and he was sentenced for it. He couldn't really blame his father for that, he was simply keeping up appearances. Wasn't that all that would ever truly matter? Appearance and reputation, and no one here knew what his had been turned into. Least that's what he believed, until he turned the corner and saw Anna. Oh he did not want or need this, but it was too late, she'd seen him. "Anna? You're here?" a terrible start, but he'd had no preparation time.
@theblvckdog for Anna
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dangerous-realms · 10 months
A woman who used to eat people to gain more mana and power, but now she freezes and shatters souls and eats them them to gain more power and mana.
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mercuriians · 4 months
connect (with you)
synopsis ☆ kuroo’s walls come down after the game with karasuno.
content info — some hurt/comfort with our beloved nekoma captain because he deserves all the love in the world 🙏 SPOILERS for the dumpster battle movie so beware. reader is mentioned to be kenma’s sister a few times.
author’s note — just wanna say hi to the haikyuu fandom :) hope u enjoy this short drabble i wrote, i’ll probably make it look pretty later. lmk if you wanna see more kuroo x kozume!reader in the future.
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your lips are on kuroo’s before the locker room door even has a chance to close. his skin is soft and familiar, his kiss eager yet vulnerable. something compels you to reach up, circling your arms around his neck as you pull him closer, tighter, until you’re sure that his warmth has become your own. the sound of his breathing is the only thing keeping you tethered to the ground as your mouths meet again and again. no words need to be spoken.
after years of being together, and even more years of being friends, you know tetsurou like the back of your hand. as if he’s perpetually been woven into your spirit, etched into your heart since the day he moved into the house next to you and your brother’s.
you know that the cheery grin he shot his teammates, the reverent bow he gave to the crowd, and the meaningful hug he shared with daichi at the end of the match were all borne out of three things—his sworn responsibilities as the captain, his earnest respect for karasuno, and the addictive rush of adrenaline.
the moment he left behind the arena’s blinding lights, though, the high seemed to wear off.
yet an aching feeling stayed with him.
when you pour your heart out on the court and play until your muscles feel like they’re on fire, when you devote hours of your precious time towards practicing—towards smoothening out every crack within your blocks, every blemish within your serves, every falter within your receives—and when you imagine the game countless numbers of times in your head until it feels like a memory, there’s a certain type of pain you feel when it’s all over. it’s a sadness that’s inevitable, and yet one that stings so profoundly and uniquely that it becomes a bittersweet moment you’re bound to remember for the rest of your life.
just one more second, one more chance— you think to yourself in a flurry of desperation. because as foolishly selfish as it sounds, nobody ever truly wants the game to end.
that feeling of wanting to remain frozen in the experience is something you yourself are all too familiar with. volleyball, after all, was what gave birth to the connection you now so deeply share with tetsurou.
you suppose that’s why you’re able to pinpoint the exact moment his shoulders start to shake.
pulling away from the kiss, you feel your heart plummet into your stomach before you can even see the tears trickling down his face. something you’ve come to learn about tetsurou is that he rarely ever cries, so when he does, it only makes the sight that much more impactful. wordlessly, you pull him into you once more.
the way your arms firmly, comfortingly wrap around his tall figure conveys a simple but invaluable message that resonates throughout the empty room— “i’m not letting you go.”
quietly, he sobs. you let him.
you barely notice your nekoma jacket becoming damp with his tears. when his crying slowly starts to recede, you break the silence, voice soft and tender. “you were amazing out there, tetsurou,” you whisper. “and there’s three things i want to thank you for.”
withdrawing by the tiniest sliver, just enough so he can meet your patient gaze, your boyfriend tilts his head slightly in the way he always does. his fingers subconsciously trace patterns across the small of your back. “what are they, baby?” his voice is quiet and a little hoarse. really, it’s a miracle that you manage to block out your own shadows of sadness.
“one,” you whisper, fingers reaching out to gently wipe away his tears, “thank you for being the best captain this team could ever ask for.”
“two,” you continue, leaning in to kiss away the tears that remain, before a small smile pulls at the corners of your lips, “thank you for helping my brother fall in love with volleyball.”
“and three,” you breathe out, your vulnerable gaze meeting his own, lips inching towards his once more, “thank you for being as strong as you’ve been, and for carrying the world’s burden on your shoulders when none of us could.”
when you finish your heartfelt confession, tetsurou’s hazel eyes glaze over with a fresh wave of tears—this time, however, it’s for an entirely different reason.
and this time, he’s the one that kisses you first.
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hi I'm a really big fan of &team can write
When you lock bathroom door and cry after an argument
Hello! Of course, I can. (BTW, all my inbox asks are deleted. The only ones I still have is this one and another one that was made like 5 hours ago. I don't know what happened. Please ask me again if you have more things for me to write <3)
&Team reaction to you locking yourself up after an argument.
Warnings: angst, fluff, arguments, some cussing
Word Count: 762
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-He understood that you needed space but when he heard the lock on the bathroom, he got worried.
-Didn't want the argument into what it ended up being but lets be honest, you're both stubborn hot-heads. It was bound to happen.
-Feels insanely guilty after he hears soft sobs (even though you tried to hide it)
-Knocks softly on the door and rests his forehead against the wood as his heart breaks inside his chest.
-"I'm so sorry, baby. Please, open up. Please, let me hold you."
-Feels so guilty and just wants this all to end to be honest.
-It wasn't supposed to happen but you were both blind to the others statement so he lifted his voice a little and saw tears appear in your eyes.
-When you locked yourself up, he realized his mistake and closed his eyes as he stood alone in the living room.
-Fights with himself on what to do because on one hand he wants to give you space but at the same time, he wants to hold you close and assure you he loves you.
-Walks towards the door and thinks he's Anna so he knocks and asks you to open the door. When you don't, he sees this as you want to be alone so he leaves.
-Comes back two minutes later because he loves you and knocks again.
-I also see him as a hot-headed person so beware.
-He just desperately wanted to win the argument that he forgot to listen to your side and messed but by creating a bigger problem than necessary.
-The moment he hears the lock, he calms down internally and stares at the door.
-Tries to open the door anyway but realized you actually locked yourself in.
-Apologizes as if his life depended on it because for the first time that evening he understands your point of view.
-Will be so happy and relieved when you unlock the door.
-You had been arguing to the point where neither of you really knew what it was about anymore.
-When he hears a door shut he doesn't think much of it but when you haven't returned after like 10 minutes he panics.
-Goes to the door to hear your soft sobs and panics even more so he tries to open the door but it is locked.
-A sudden fear of you leaving because he went too far washes over him and he feels his heart almost combust from stress.
-Whispers to you from his side of the door about how you two can fix this small problem and how sorry he is.
-Has an existencial crisis but calms down immediately when you let him inside.
-Hothead number #3!
-Absolutely scoffs when you lock yourself inside your bedroom and waits for you to come out but you don't and he frowns.
-He hears your sobs and immediately feels guilty for how harsh he had been during the argument.
-Immediately calls EJ to ask what he's supposed to do because he is clueless.
-EJ scolds him for being an idiot before he gives advice on what to do.
-Yuma knocks softly on the door and apologizes to you for everything before you open the door and he tackles you in a hug.
-Holds you close and kisses your temple while he keeps apologizing.
-Sorry but I cannot imagine a scenario where he would make you cry.
-If anything he would be the one locking himself up and sobbing.
-Harua (I'm sorry I forgot him! SO SORRY!)
-The moment he realized the hurtful words he had said in a fit of anger, he looks down in shame.
-When you lock yourself up, he becomes Anna from Frozen and stands in front of the bathroom door while knocking desperately.
-"Y/N?" He would call out to you and knock a couple more times. When you refuse to open the door, he turns his back against it and slides down until he sits on the ground.
-Tortures himself by listening to your sobs and soft cries from inside.
-Is ready to pick all the stars out of the nightsky to give them to you because he just desperately wants to apologize.
-Absolutely the one to blame himself and scold himself for hurting you to the point of you locking yourself up.
-Will leave you alone for a while and wait for you to open the door before apologizing continuesly for being stubborn.
-Won't leave you alone afterwards and has his arms around you the whole time.
-Continues to apologize every few minutes just to make sure if you're still mad or not.
-Kisses your temple and cheek like twenty times. I love him.
-Has a hard time understanding why you'd lock yourself up because he genuinly thought the argument was just brief.
-Realizes he might've raised his voice unknowingly and now feels bad about the whole argument. (I swear he wouldn't raise his voice on purpose)
-Knows when you need space and leaves you alone for a while before knocking on your door and talking to you softly.
-Apologizes for the whole fight and asks if he can at least hold you.
-When you open the door, he is so gentle and sweet with you. <3
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D23: Frozen content breakdown | Breakdown/ Analysis
What a day it was yesterday! So much content we were flooded with and especially for us with the Frozen 3 and 4 update! I'm sure you all know the latest deets but I would like it to break it all down and guess what it could all mean. So be prepared to read a lot! ❄️
[long post alert]
Frozen III logo
A couple of hours before the Frozen panel had begun, we were given a first look of the logo for Frozen 3:
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It features the four elements symbols and two snowflakes too for Elsa and Anna as the fifth spirit. The III had a purple - pink gradient to it and the background had a spring scenery south blossom/ sakura trees and mountains far behind. Some of us predicted before that Frozen 3 would be set in Spring given Frozen being in winter/ summer and Frozen 3 in Autumn.
However, some people didn't believe this logo was real. But after the panel, Josh Gad put it on his stories and as a post on Instagram, the announcements and reveals made at the panel.
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This must mean that it's real. But a more accurate, rendered logo was also revealed at the Panel and that Gad had also shared in his post.
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So my conclusion is that the first one is a working title, a concept of what it would be like when it's promoted. The second one is a mix of the first Frozen logo and the second movie's logo combined being more 3D but still with a frozen effect. This logo is the official used rendered one whilst the first one is just a concept based on the implied spring theme of the movie. Both are real.
Frozen questions left unanswered
When the Panel began we were given a flood of questions on the board that were the questions the fans had after Frozen 2, aka the questions that were left unanswered. Here they are:
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Who gave Elsa her powers?
Why doesn't Anna have powers?
Was there a fifth spirit before?
What kind of Queen will Anna be?
Will Kristoff be a King?
Do they [Anna & Kristoff] want kids?
Where are Kristoff's parents?
How did Kristoff meet Sven?
How can Sven be so old and still so virile?
Why is Olaf alive?
What about Marshmallow and the snowgies?
Is it “Hoo Hoo” or “You Hoo”?
What are Elsa's powers still growing?
Why are their castle ruins throughout Ahotohallan?
Where do the nature spirits come from?
Do we still need to beware of the Frozen Heart?
Who is the Frozen Heart?
What happened to Hans?
These questions will most likely be answered in Frozen 3 and 4, as they are confirmed to be a two part film. These are actually really good and interesting questions we have that we do need to have answered. I actually want to try and analyse (and answer them for fun!) them because some people might feel some have already answered so why the need to answer them again?
Who gave Elsa her powers?
We already know that Ahotohallan is where her powers come from. That's the source along with the other four spirits. But they probably felt like they didn't make it clear enough. Some people before Frozen 2 had theorized that there was a Snow Queen who gave Iduna something that caused Elsa to have powers. Maybe there's more to Ahotohallan than we know.
Why doesn't Anna have powers?
This isn't addressed in the movie other than the fact that Elsa and Anna are both the fifth spirit and the bridge which has two sides. But why doesn't Anna, I believe that's because the fifth spirit's role is to create balance between the powerful and the powerless (in a literal magical form). The fifth spirit was never just one being I don't think. It was always two to have one with powers and one without and have the two form a deep unbreakable bond so that humans and magical entities would look at them and see that though different, they can get along and have peace amongst each other, and live in harmony. If both were magical it would defeat the objective of creating peace between the two different types of beings
Was there a fifth spirit before?
I think yes because in the Myth VR on Disney plus, it was revealed that there was a fifth spirit before Elsa and Anna but after it created harmony with the other spirits and humans, it disappeared creating disharmony in the forest and caused the spirits to rage. Then the other four spirits managed to calm down until they were raged again by King Runeard's war between Arendelle and Northuldra. Even if this isn't canon I still believe there was one. I think it's important to know because it could be important with the journey Elsa and Anna next go on.
What kind of Queen will Anna be?
Her own kind of Queen. She will continue to bring peace and joy to Arendelle while also supporting the Northuldra tribe as her statues unveiling had suggested. She won't try to be Elsa. She's not Elsa. She's Anna. She may be the fifth spirit But whether or not she realises that she'll help maintain peace between magic and humans will Elsa's support too.
Will Kristoff be a King?
If Anna does abdicate from the throne then yes. To be exact he would be a king Consort. At the end of Frozen 2 we saw Anna greet the public as Queen and unveil the statue of her parents and kids. That wasn't the coronation which is confirmed and this confirms it too as it asks will he be king? and not is he king? I loved Elsa as Queen but she probably felt that she couldn't take care of Arendelle as she had to restore and look after Northuldra/ the enchanted forest and felt Anna deserved it after she had scared her and Arendelle twice without a doubt.
Do they [Anna & Kristoff] want kids?
That's a question that none of us thought of? Do they want kids? I think they do but will find it hard to do if there's threats and danger around. Anna definitely would be a lovely mother and Kristoff and lovable dad. But I don't think we'll see them have kids so soon, at least not in the beginning of the movie, like we won't immediately be introduced to them I don't think.
Where are Kristoff's parents?
A question we've been asking since the first movie. All we know is that he grew up as an ice harvester. He seems to have grown up independently with Sven. I can't even guess the answer because I'll probably be wrong anyway.
How did Kristoff meet Sven?
Another question regarding Kristoff's backstory we've been longing to see. It's nice to see they're including Kristoff's backstory now. The first two movies were about the sisters backstory and development arcs (and 3 and 4 continue that) but now we can finally learn about Kristoff!
How can Sven be so old and still so virile?
No clue! I never noticed that actually. I never thought of why. I don't know much about reindeer so I didn't know that Sven was so old yet so virile. Perhaps when he was young he was injured and the trolls may have healed him giving him a longer youthful life. I'm certain the trolls have a role in this if it's magic related.
Why is Olaf alive?
Why not how!! Another really interesting question that I can answer. We all know how he is alive because we saw Elsa bring him back to life but why was he brought back? He's still an important part of the sister bond and individually he has much more in him than we have seen. Plus he's Olaf and we love Olaf!
What about Marshmallow and the snowgies?
I believe they all too, along with the ice castle and all other permanent creations of Elsa, got restored either automatically after Elsa's return or by hand when Elsa got the chance. They too are as iconic as Olaf is. I hope they return in Frozen 3. They're so lovable and cute - it would be a fun addition to the movie.
Is it “Hoo Hoo” or “You Hoo”?
I always thought it was... “Yoo Hoo” because that's what people say. Hoo Hoo is an owl's line lol and one says that.
What are Elsa's powers still growing?
Just as we grow individually sometimes in height, in character, in what we feel, powers are no different. They grow as we grow inside. And Jen Lee has previously said that her powers will reach a new height in Frozen 3.
Why are their castle ruins throughout Ahotohallan?
I think they are referring to Ahotohallan as a castle and inside and out it looks ruined. During Show Yourself Elsa has to lift things up and add things to get across to the place where the memories are held. I theorize that the previous fifth spirit may have done something to Ahotohallan or to its power and caused chaos that caused Ahotohallan to have ruins in it. Ahotohallan probably was the previous fifth spirit's castle and when it went rouge Ahotohallan may have been left abandoned and ruined.
Where do the nature spirits come from?
Ahotohallan is where their powers are from. But perhaps it's more complicated than that and it needs to be addressed for lore reasons. There's more to Ahotohallan than we know.
Do we still need to beware of the Frozen Heart?
Oooooh!! My favourite question along with the next two. Do we? We must be if it's even a question at this point?
Who is the Frozen Heart?
Who? Frozen Heart is a person?! It was literally Anna in Frozen but metaphorically it was Elsa. Maybe someone else will be the Frozen Heart. Hans? Kristoff? A new character/ being?
What happened to Hans?
A question we've needed answering since Frozen and one that Hans fans have been trying to answer. His backstory based on official and unofficial media is that he has 12 brothers but they all or at least most of them treat him poorly along with his dad because he's the last child and last in line to the throne. That means, they think Hans as unworthy and unless of anything. So why did the Queen and King have another child? Probably as an accident child or just because. I'm sure the Queen is loving. He was sent back at the end of Frozen to his home, the Southern Isles so they can deal with him themselves and they did. As punishment they made him do chores like sweep up horse poop as seen towards the end of Frozen Fever before Elsa's giant snowball accidentally yet subconsciously hit him causing his major injuries. The southern Isles didn't immediately know where the snowball came from. But what happened to him after that? In a poster in the new Frozen Park in Hong Kong, it is revealed that Elsa and Anna invited the Southern Isles among other kingdoms to celebrate a year since Anna sacrificed herself to the Elsa and the Kingdom.
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Hans couldn't come because he was injured. But his return is almost certain in Frozen 3 with his rise in unofficial/ canon media. Will he return as a villain or a redeemed hero is to be determined. I don't think he should return as a villain. If he did he would have taken his revenge out during Frozen 2, as he would have been recovered by then. Seeing the concept art of Frozen 3, which I'm about to go onto, it looks like we'll see mythical beings and a world bigger than Ahotohallan. Hans wouldn't fit as a villain in the expanded world of magic because he doesn't seem to be interested in magic in that greed sense. I think he'll be redeemed and help them in their new quest. Perhaps he does have tied with magic in his ancestry as we know nothing about his family.
All these questions are ones that the team feel like they need to answer in the next two movies and I think that's good. Along with showing something new, we get answers from questions we've long waited for too. And I think it's a good strategy for them to tell us the questions we've been asking so that they can answer it in the movies. They're letting us know that they can hear us and want to fulfil our wishes while telling a new story. It's good communication in my opinion.
Frozen 3 concept art and new release date
Jennifer Lee also revealed the concept art of Frozen 3. I'm sure there must've been dozens of art but this one may have been the direction they're headed in.
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We have a beautiful calm colour palette that reminds me of dawn/ dusk of spring. Trees are on either side, golden light beams from behind a mystical palace in the left centre. Flowers and leaves present hinting at a Spring setting. Anna's on a horse with Olaf and Elsa on the Nokk on the river both heading to the palace-like place. The scene is set at night as the aurora borealis/ northern lights can be seen arising from the castle. Perhaps this castle has some connection to the northern lights. In the Lego Northern lights series, the trolls crystals are the ones to cause the northern lights or have a connection to them. I don't think the Lego series is canon but I do wonder if the trolls will have a role in this too.
Elsa and Anna are in their Frozen 2 attires, Anna in her travel one and Elsa in her fifth spirit one but with boots (for practical reasons). That doesn't mean that's their final look. Frozen 2's early concept art had Elsa and Anna in their Frozen looks. Olaf looks worried as he points to something off scene.
Just below the direction in which he points, in the river, lies a shadowy creature. It could be that that's the shadow of the creature Olaf points to. The creature appears to have horns and hold a staff/ spear with a sharp end.
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Just below the palace-like place is a land. I was going to say Ahtohallan but the silhouettes are different.
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So it seems like this place is unknown. If they went North in Frozen 2, perhaps Thai time they're going south, which is why Hans could appear. But that's just a guess.
During the panel it is also revealed that the release date is November 2027 having it moved back by a year from its original 2026 release date. 2027 seems quite far away just when we felt we were getting closer to Frozen 3 but we'll just have to be patient and hope we get some other Frozen content released meanwhile.
Frozen: Winter Festival short form series?
That's everything that was revealed regarding Frozen 3, but no word on the series that was revealed by dolls and their descriptions. I believe since the movie got delayed by a year, probably to spend more time developing the two part movies (which is a good thing so we avoid the mistakes caused by rush in production for Frozen 2), the short form series will be delayed by a year. That would mean the announcement could be closer to time in next year's D23. That or they wanted to announce the series later. The dolls are to be released in September and the series is said to be released this fall. That is of course unless they have delayed it by a year but we'll have to wait and see if anything gets said before September otherwise consider it delayed by a year (😭).
And that's all the information given to us for now. Frozen 3 looks so good and promising - the vibe of spring with a deeper fantasy element is making me extremely excited! New places, new seasons, new characters, expanded lore, possible character returns, new looks and more!! Can't wait!! And yeah though my patience is sad that Frozen 3 had been delayed by a year, I'm glad because it means they can spend more time on the movie, to develop it properly and not repeat the same mistake they made with Frozen 2 with no good planning and a rushed development to the run up of the movie.
And the Frozen: Winter Festival I'm also excited for. I think Frozen needs a canon series in its franchise.
The future looks big and bright for the franchise! ❄️
Any new info or details I have not mentioned please let me know! Any questions for me please feel free to drop them in the "Ask" box
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bowandbrush · 8 months
You mentioned your doing prompts? I got an idea(sorta based on Indy 3: Last Crusade), so here it goes: There’s something that the turtles need to get, but it’s stuck in an alternate universe that’s completely overrun by Kraang, so Donnie makes portal tech to get there, and they’re overlooking this place covered in red and Splinter says, “Beware, my sons, for we are pilgrims in an unholy land,” as everyone has varying “oh crap” expressions. Hope this is alright?
you are. A genius
I’m going feral with story ideas. I’m just going to pack in a lot of details of what I could possible jam in there.
also I couldn’t fit splints sorry about that
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I can imagine they would have to suit up a bit more and wear/bring more fabric just in case. Raph and Leo wear their ponchos for air cleansing and Donnie and Mikey wear masks (Mikey’s mask being his scrapped “Dr. Rude” design from the unaired ep.)
there would be a moment where Leo finds his sword from this dimension. Haha angst go brrr
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Donnie finds a backup drive made of ninpo from his future self, so it couldn’t be destroyed and was safe to be found by only hamatos. Some really heart-achy stuff about future Donnie talking to his past self (not really, just recording) because we all know Don prepares for everything.
another amazing scene could be where they walk through desolate resistance bunkers and see visions and ninpo ghosts/memories (ex: Frozen 2 lol)
idk I kinda want to turn this into a thing now 💀
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puryartist · 3 months
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I wonder why they mentioned the Frozen Heart again cause I thought this concept had already ended since the first movie. And the way those two questions "Do we still need to beware the Frozen Heart?" and "Who is the Frozen Heart?" lead to "What happened to Hans?" is interesting. According to the first movie and A Frozen Heart, we all know Hans is the Real a frozen heart all along. Does it mean he will come back as a villian again? or maybe something leading to his redemption arc? Idk but I can sense this time he will come back as something more than a cameo.
#and it could mean nothing too
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He supposed he could admire his parents cunning. Make it look like they were trying to rehabilitate him, when in reality they had just thrown him into a prison cell and left him there. Now instead he was forced to attend this ball, it was unlikely anyone would noticed that his hands were bound behind his back.
He had at least managed to get away from his family for a few moments, taken a little refuge in the gardens. He supposed it just looked like he was standing with his hands behind his back, not that he was forced to. "You know it's unusual to sneak up behind an unarmed man" he said, becoming aware of footsteps behind him.
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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It was different from being a prince, that much was true. He'd never thought that much about ever needing to have a job, but this he was actually good at. Least for now, until he could find some other plan, some way to get actual power. He was his father's son after all, even his father hadn't ever really liked him that much. He just had to do something to earn his father's love, that was all. Best place to start though, that was playing nice with his co-workers, grabbing coffee orders on his way in. "Good morning Jen, I come bearing coffee".
@lcvenderhcze for Jen
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loggiepj · 1 year
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one day
Summary : Just a short fluff.
The scary thing about falling in love — it had a funny way of sneaking up behind your back when you least expected it. It would claw its way into your heart, build a fort there, take a big portion of space, and probably, either if you're lucky or unlucky, would stay there forever.
At least that's what Wanda felt when she first saw you.
It started when you and your family moved into the house just next to them. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon. Wanda and her twin brother, Pietro, were just fourteen years old. She could tell you were around the same age as well.
You were totally drenched as you helped your parents drag stuff after stuff into your new home.
"Y/n/n, hurry, you're going to be sick!" your mother called out from your doorstep.
Y/n/n. Y/n/n. Wanda could immediately tell your nickname suited you.
You wore a simple white shirt with a colorful rainbow printed on the back, making Wanda wonder about something. You laughed at your mother's scoldings as you carried in your arms a baseball bat, a cassette player and what seemed to be a huge telescope.
What struck Wanda speechless was the way you looked different. And there's something about your smile as you smiled back at your mother that made Wanda's heart skip a beat.
The word beautiful wasn't always in Wanda's vocabulary until that day. It was as if everything else seemed ugly and dull in comparison to you.
You had Y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair tied in a bun. She immediately imagined how it would look like without the hairtie, how it would feel in her hands when she would thread her fingers through it. She wondered if you'd be okay with her brushing or caressing your hair until you fell asleep.
Wanda didn't even realize she was staring until Pietro made a comment about a drool he saw on her lips. He ended up with a small bruise on his arm that day from Wanda's punch.
Later that night, Wanda didn't even expect they'd have visitors as she came running down the stairs for dinner. But when she immediately saw your face, she stopped on her tracks. Frozen.
It turned out their ever kind and hospitable mother invited the new neighbors for a dinner. A sort of welcoming present.
Wanda's eyes went to send daggers towards a snickering Pietro, immediately knowing he was the one who suggested the dinner this time.
When your mother introduced yourselves to each other, Wanda couldn't stop repeating your full name inside her head, swearing she could have said your name out loud.
Wanda acted different that evening, not when she was seated next to you. She could even pass as stupid, when you asked for the bowl of mashed potatoes near hers yet she gave you her own plate instead.
Before she slept that night, Wanda made a comment to her brother about something weird with the food and what it was doing to her stomach.
It took her a moment to realize that the weird thing she felt inside her were butterflies fluttering all along.
Of course, you'd go to the same school she and her brother went to. It was the nearest one in the neighborhood. Wanda and Pietro rode their bicycles to get there every morning.
Wanda tried to avoid interacting with you, not because you were too pretty for her liking, but because she didn't want you to know how she was treated in the school, or at least by the evil classmates that she had, Natasha, Yelena and Maria. From how thick they put their makeups on, they could be mistaken as seniors.
"Oh, it's the witch again," Natasha sneered the moment Wanda entered the classroom. The joke made everyone laugh. Well, everyone except you.
When your eyes met, Wanda wanted to just run away and disappear from shame and everything. But she had to attend the class or she'd fail that year.
"Beware of her, Y/n/n," Yelena added as Wanda made her way to her seat. "She'd put a curse on you when you say something bad about her."
Wanda tried not to listen. She had grown immune to all the teasings about her.
It started when she went as a witch for a Halloween event back in grade school. Every girl that time were either a princess or a fairy. She was the only one who wore differently. And it wasn't even the beautiful sexy kind of witch, but the one with the green face and pointed nose.
Her brother was unscathed. But of course, he was a boy. Of course, he'd be safe. Unlike her, he was popular with kids. If it weren't for Pietro, she'd be bullied physically by her peers and not just with words.
"That's okay. I love witches," you said back with a smile, making Wanda turn her head towards you.
That must have been the first moment she fell in love with you.
You were different as years passed by. You talked to Wanda as if she wasn't weird. You even biked to school together with her and Pietro. You excelled both academically and in sports, making you popular in just a short time. But what made you more popular that Wanda would hear your name whispered in the school's comfort room or even the library was how you only liked girls.
That made Wanda wonder if all your lingering looks at her she swore she saw meant something. The electric touches. The awkward stutterings whenever you two were left alone by Pietro in their house some days you three decided to watch a horror movie together. And mostly, the way you'd come to her rescue like her knight in shining armor whenever the evil three were present and bullying her.
But she knew she wouldn't ask you out. She wouldn't risk losing your friendship. Especially when she revealed to you that she liked girls too after some guy named Vision asked her as dance partner in your junior prom and she declined, making you ask her why.
For years, Wanda stayed on the sidelines as she watched girl after girl threw themselves at you. She had gotten used to it, how you return their advances yet not too far as meeting their suspecting kisses. She thought her feelings were gone until you finally went out with a senior and dated her for a good couple of months. That must have been Wanda's first heartbreak.
Yet she didn't know she could be any happier than what she felt when news of your breakup spread out so fast.
But Wanda still didn't make a move.
Until it was senior prom. Wanda wasn't looking forward to attend it at all.
"But sis, it's our last year," Pietro insisted. "We wouldn't get to do this when we finally head to college."
"Come on, Piet," Wanda replied, turning the page of the book she was reading. "It's not like I'd miss anything special. Besides, I don't even have a dress and prom's two days away."
Pietro sighed. "You know Mom could always make a way for you when you just asked for it."
"Ask for what? What did I miss?" Your voice made itself known, making Wanda tear her glance away from the book to look at you as you entered then sat on the floor beside Wanda's bed.
"Wanda's not attending prom," Pietro confided, making Wanda threw the nearest pillow at him.
"What?" you asked, then you looked at Wanda. "But it's our last year, Wands. You wouldn't want to miss it."
As much as she'd miss hearing you call her name like that, she'd rather stay at home than watch dancers on the dance floor while she'd be left alone on the bleachers.
"That's what I was trying to tell her," Pietro said as he made his way out the door. "Now I have a party to attend to. And you," he pointed at you, "have a lot of convincing to do."
Then you and Wanda were left alone.
"I know what you're going to say," Wanda muttered as she opened back her book. "And my word is final. I'm not going to attend the prom when those cruel stepsisters of Cinderella are present."
You softly chuckled as you stood. Then you made your way to her cassette player where a cassette tape that you made and gave her last Christmas was already inserted inside. You smiled as you hit the play button.
Wanda's favorite song began playing. She had listened to that song on repeat for days now.
You walked towards where she was sitting then held out your hand.
"Can I have this dance, then?" you said with conviction.
You smiled. "Would you do me the honors of being your first prom partner?"
It rendered Wanda speechless.
"C'mon, no evil stepsisters are invited in this room," you added.
She softly giggled as she finally got off the bed and took your hand.
It was the dance of her lifetime, nothing comparable to any prom there was in the world. You and Wanda danced and danced for what must have been an hour.
When a slow song came into the background, Wanda swore the tension thickening when she caught you staring at her lips and almost leaning closer towards her. She could even feel the wonderful warmth exuding from your body as you both pressed against each other.
Wanda swore that could have been her first kiss. But Pietro suddenly entered the room, complaining how the party ended so quick.
When you finally had the courage to ask Wanda out, she felt like she had grown wings and she could fly. It was as if you had finally heard her whispered prayers and opened your eyes to see her — the one who will willingly love you until her dying breath.
In a sea of people, you were the most gentleman and sweetest person she had ever known. You took her to see the movies. Then afterwards, you brought her to your backyard where a candle-lit dinner was prepared. You both watched the stars that night. And Wanda had a chance to see how huge the craters were on the moon through your telescope.
Wanda couldn't forget her first kiss with you.
It happened when you two were baking cookies for the school's charity event. She didn't even know she had chocolate left on the corner of her lips from having to taste test the first batch. All she could remember was how you nonchalantly wiped the thing off her mouth with your thumb after which you sucked it clean.
You let out a small moan, too soft she thought she was only imagining. You had no idea, of course. Completely unaware that two darkened eyes followed the tip of your thumb as you took it off your mouth. Not seeing how Wanda was biting her lower lip from said action, stopping herself from doing anything stupid. You were totally oblivious of the effect you had on her.
And Wanda couldn't control herself anymore as she pressed her lips on yours. It seemed as if time stopped as she pulled away and watched your surprised state. And when apology was already on the tip of her tongue, you pulled her back and kissed her. You kissed her the way she deserved to be kissed.
Wanda learned how soft your lips were that day. And how perfect yours and hers fit against each other as you made out all afternoon. How she learned that tongues had the most amazing muscle in the world.
For which she had concluded later on.
"Y/n/n," Wanda moaned one night with your head between her legs. It was when you and Wanda stayed in a hotel as you headed to visit the University you both were planning to attend. Pietro was just in the other room.
"Please don't stop, please don't stop..." Wanda held your head, grinding herself shamelessly against your face. You had no plan on stopping anyway after you made her come for the nth time that night. At least, Pietro's scoldings the following day about how he wasn't able to sleep well from all the noise were all worth it.
Years later and it was still Pietro's complaints when he and his family decided to spend the holidays with yours. To be completely honest, Wanda expected you and her would be alone when Pietro offered to take your twins to go sledding and not even five minutes after they had left the driveway, you and Wanda were shedding all of your clothes off in haste, hungry mouths drinking each other.
"Hey," Pietro called, snapping his fingers in front of Wanda. "I can see the drool all over your mouth."
Wanda blinked, her hand instinctively went to wipe what wasn't there. When she saw Pietro holding his laugh, her hand curled into a fist as she punched his arm.
"Ow! That hurt!"
"Well, you deserved it!"
Pietro complained as he massaged his arm, "Well, it's also not my fault you're ogling your eyes at our new neighbor."
"Ogling? I wasn't ogling—"
When Wanda attempted to go closer towards her brother, Pietro immediately ran out of her bedroom, screaming for help.
Wanda shut her bedroom door with a loud thud as her eyes went back outside her window. You were still standing, drenched in the rain, as you waited for your father to untie more boxes you'd be carrying inside.
She knew then from that moment on, you'd be important in her life. And she was going to make you hers one day, even when it would probably take her years.
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(  Charlie Vickers  .  Cis Male.  He/Him  . 25 )  Hans  from  Frozen  has found  themselves  trapped in  grimsby.  though here  they  go by  Hadley  Vinter .   they  reside in  Sumner Heights,  and have  been  passing time  working  as a  real estate agent.  according to  the  people around  town,  they're often  seen VISITING  THE LAKE and  they've  also mentioned  that  they're just  as   remorseless & cruel,  but as   intelligent & ambitious as ever.   +  living in the shadows, a dangerous and destructive place, the taste of blood,   . always  seems  to remind  people  of them.  i  wonder how  well  they'll do  around  here.
Before the Curse
The thirteenth son of a king, no one really cared that much about someone so unlikely to ever become king. His older brothers’ behaviour ranged from bullying to pure abuse, all of which was encouraged by his father who didn’t have much time for weakness. In many ways he was grateful for it, it just made him stronger. He had no real love for his family, or really for anything. It just led him to realise that those with power were untouchable and it was something he wanted. If it meant putting up with things to get what he wanted in the end, he’d do it. The ends would always justify the means.
From a young age he learnt to do his research. If he was going to have a chance of a throne, it was going to have to be one that he took for himself. Then when the opportunities came up, he took them, representing his home always looking for a way in. Perhaps it would have all worked, if not for magic. Something he realised he despised. His parents did what was expected, punishing him for the crimes he’d committed. But they also realised that unlike the rest of their children, there was something far darker living in their youngest son. As rumours of the curse started, they opted to hide him away, knowing full well if he saw it as a way to get power, he’d take it.
After the Curse
Then suddenly his mind was full of memories he didn’t remember having, in a town he didn’t remember arriving at. Magic again, something that was truly starting to get irritant. Hadley had also been part of a big family, but they had since all drifted apart. Only here it seemed money equalled power, and he had worked hard to get a good job, as well as living frugally to save it. Maybe not someone Hans ever wanted to be, but it was a far better position than he had been in before. He supposed he could appreciate the irony of it all, he’d been trying to find somewhere he could rule and now he was paid to help others find their homes. Funny though, the things people said when they were house hunting. And he has been noting everything about everyone.
But if there was one thing he had learnt, it is how to mirror people. And right now he couldn’t quite decide what the best option to be was. The heroes really are just a little too preachy for his liking, but as long as he is charming towards them, they seem to like it. For now, he is keeping his cards close to his chest, and really it’s hardly his own fault if the heroes believe that he is on their side.
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