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beverlybachoo Β· 4 years ago
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Love thyself. #eatwell #doyoga #playfulspirit #beverlybachooyoga (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGI0tH1jAyI/?igshid=1u6cnwtpavybq
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beverlybachoo Β· 4 years ago
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Hey everyone! Can you do me a favor and repost? This is an important annual event that I have been a part of for years. I know the benefits of being a part of this community, and I welcome you and your loved ones to be a part of this event too. As a survivor, companion, and/or caregiver, your part makes a difference in the lives of others who need help now. Let's feel better together and do the work of coming together. Join me at 230pm Sunday ($25 donation for my class and an all day virtual pass). Check the link, and please share it. And, of course, join me! #doyoga #withlove ❀ #beverlybachooyoga #cancercarepoint #bethechange #supportagoodcause #ihatecancer Join me to support a worthy cause; spend time to #doyoga between 🏈 games or whatever else, and #makeadifference in your smoky-filled week to #bethechange and #buildcommunity #withlove and #compassion. $25 for a whole day of classes. I am teaching at 230pm via zoom. For those of you who would like to also connect as a neighborly downtown dweller, send me a message. I would love to connect more. Details on social media: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10164023527385721&id=890140720&sfnsn=mo&extid=wp3Nc1zMoPtyElNm Register directly: https://www.cancercarepoint.org/pose4apurpose/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAnR-PDETC/?igshid=h4dy8smv11ev
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Go and take a nap. Your bed is steps away. πŸ’›πŸ˜΄ Your body and brain need it. Don't forget to set a NICE alarm. βœŒπŸ½πŸ€— #pandemictip: Brush your hair before you lie down, spread it around to frame your face, and be sure to lie flat to create the perfect setting for your social media, but cool #paparazzimom to take headshots of you. If Mom, Dad, partner, child, or roommate is unable or shockingly unwilling to help, then set the timer and take that selfie yourself! πŸ“ΈπŸ€³πŸ‘πŸΎ #pandemichair #signofthetimes #goldenboy #BabyBachoo #naptime #weallneedthis #heatwave #hydrate #rest #imwithyou #alonetogether #DTSJ #playfulspirityoga #playfulspirit #beverlybachooyoga playfulspirit.com (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqb8XmJ57A/?igshid=1ca4mefmsxshl
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Hmm... #BabyBachoo #gonecrackers #firstworldproblems #abuddingartist at least to his mom #dreamscometrue #ieatplaytimecrackers #dontjudgeme #survivingandthriving #restorativeyogacomingsoon #weallneedthis #imwithyou #doyoga #playfulspirit #playfulspirityoga #beverlybachooyoga πŸ™πŸ½βœŒπŸ½β€ (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_vQRRUjqb_/?igshid=15ggsbuhpjn12
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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I know it can be rough right now. Remember to breathe. You are not alone. We are #alonetogether. ❀ #doyoga #takeabreath #exhale #dance #letthemusicmoveyou #shazam #playfulspirit #playfulspirityoga #beverlybachooyoga #love #imwithyou (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NeSNTps-0/?igshid=1w9saox8gkcej
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Springtime is the right time to #grow: 1) veggies 2) flowers 3) herbs 4) healthy habits 5) strong 6) _________. Hint: There is more than one right answer. #doyoga #playfulspirityoga #playfulspirit #beverlybachooyoga #startsomewhere #imwithyou #heartforward #soulstrong #urbanag #gardening #naturestherapy #allnatural #groworganic #lmv #weallneedthis (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xV12ZjBRK/?igshid=jaibpsyhimb5
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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I'm carving out some new work space. How do you like it? #playfulspirityoga #playfulspirit #beverlybachooyoga #zoomzoomzoom (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-s3tQwDaHk/?igshid=4sm88pzvqq3e
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Coming to terms with "time at home" is taking masterful living to a whole new level. #livewell #playfulspirityoga #playfulspirit #dowhatyoucan #daddyshome #takeitslow #startsomewhere #laugh #familytime #beverlybachooyoga βœŒπŸ½πŸ’—πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ˜† (at Downtown San Jose) https://www.instagram.com/p/B97rZ4AJGUh/?igshid=2o1t018vuqkq
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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🧑 San Jose has a #ShelterInPlace notice going into effect tonight. Since we all still need a degree of transition from work brain to home brain, it can be helpful to engage a short sequence of postures to shed a little stress and freshen up to your evening. If you are new to practicing yoga and/or #breathwork at home, it's a good idea to go slow. Do a little self study, dm your yoga teacher if you're looking for online classes, avoid complicated poses (for now), be gentle especially with the breath, and enjoy the investigative quality of your practice. πŸ”₯ I will be posting tips and how-to clips soon so we can remain connected. I've been getting a lot of great tips from the great teachers at #breathetogetheryoga on how to share online content. 🀞🏽You can check out my alreaduly published articles at #breathetogetheronline alongside the many offerings of the #BTY teachers. #moretocome #viniyoga #playfulspirit #playfulspirityoga #beverlybachooyoga #restorativeyoga #restorative #pranayam (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B90Hn8-AuaX/?igshid=ed1mx77nk23s
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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I guess I'll be catching up on laundry! #adulting #whatamess #doyoga #playfulspirit #beverlybachooyoga #fun (at San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sVjT4gKlB/?igshid=12my9t0c0ii4i
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Time change happens next Sunday! 630pm weekly Sundays #Candlelight #RestorativeYoga help us reset, rest, and restore. Join me. πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ #weallneedthis #beverlybachooyoga #rest (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9P8WwVAfmL/?igshid=1d4qigpmfnm2k
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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630pm Sundays is your chance to rest your body and ready your mind for the week ahead. #Candlelight #RestorativeYoga #playfulspirit #playfulspirityoga #beverlybachooyoga #breathetogether #weallneedthis (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Ns2hJAOrF/?igshid=w43dnots0tsd
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Today is the day I settle into my own quiet space to finalize the details for tomorrow's workshop. I'm honored to offer these amazing and unique experiences each season @breathetogetheryoga πŸŽΆπŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ’œ. Register early for the next one in June: https://breathetogetheryoga.com/events/cocoon-meditation-summer-savasana/ #cocoonmeditation #weallneedthis #FlyingLotusAerialYoga #aerial #savasana #beverlybachooyoga #playfulspirit #playfulspirityoga #breathetogetheryoga www.Playfulspirit.com https://breathetogetheryoga.com/events/ (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KCULDAjP0/?igshid=qght9819bxzw
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Take an afternoon break and join me Fridays 215pm for #FlyingLotusAerialYoga #beverlybachooyoga #aerialyoga #dosomethingdifferent #workitout #inspireyourself #embracespace @breathetogetheryoga (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8R13VmARHC/?igshid=16eyysr7y69yj
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Take an afternoon break and join me Fridays 215pm for #FlyingLotusAerialYoga #beverlybachooyoga #aerialyoga #dosomethingdifferent #workitout #inspireyourself #embracespace @breathetogetheryoga (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8R13VmARHC/?igshid=agmeyt3z2lkl
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beverlybachoo Β· 5 years ago
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Go get some healthy options for lunch and meet me for class this afternoon! πŸ˜‰ 215pm-330pm #FlyingLotusAerialYoga #fridayfun #playfulspirit #playfulspirityoga #beverlybachooyoga #weallneedthis #breathetogetheryoga (at Breathe Together Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_t-gIAlAn/?igshid=39i0nfo9wyuo
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