#between him and Młynar. why is it always a man who comes in and overshadows all the women the faction was made up of
I’m not going to go on a whole rant about it here, but even though I expected it to be bullshit, Ulpianus’s kit is even more bullshit than I would’ve imagined.
For a while I used to think that it was really interesting how Skadi was committed so hard to being extremely basic, 1 block hit 1 target and hit them with really big stats, even her skills just make her hit harder, nothing fancy to it. I knew she wasn’t necessarily an amazing character, but in my mind I held her to a standard of simplicity, sure other characters have bullshit, but she hits really hard with really big numbers.
Anyway, Ulpianus his wasaaay harder with higher uptime, an aoe 6 second stun, and a fucking teleport and hits multiple targets while doing so, and that’s all on just one skill.
Granted comparing the two units isn’t really a reasonable thing to do bc they’re different subclasses with different roles, but his numbers are so goddamn big on top of his already enormous base stats for being a crusher that it feels kind of unfair
Skadi gets at the most +170% for 30 seconds
He gets +260% attack for 25 seconds on top of a bunch of other bullshit
I no longer have illusions about Skadi making up what she lacks in over the top 6 star special mechanics with her raw stats
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