betty-banxs · 4 years
i want her silks, satins and furs
is that too much to ask?
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theprintedcopy · 4 years
Does anyone still use tumblr or are we a dying breed?
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fantasticfemalesand · 4 years
Halle Berry
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thelonecritic · 4 years
Tagged again by @iressails, thanks <3, mil besos 
the rules: tag five or more people that you are thankful for in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
[this will be chaotic and disorganised and most of you will be confused as to why - don’t ask questions]
@alezheia - for a year of the funniest HDM shitposts/crack videos I’ve ever seen. Always makes me laugh and honestly made the wait for S2 bearable.
@obsessedsleepygirl44 - your fics and edits, my lifeline. And being so supportive with Adhuc Maris really meant a lot.
@oceanssapart - adore your gifs and every Blind Assassin quote hits home. 
@iressails - for the greatest convos and bearing with my lengthy and unnecessary replies. Black Sails is still on this holiday, I have not forgotten!
@allaboutwilson - amazing Ruth content, the lovely 30daysofRuth challenge and the fun Jane Eyre re-watch/livetweet.
@bisqueits - can we take a minute to acknowledge your Marisa edits? No Reason At All and Emotions Portrayed by Marisa Coulter - both phenomenal
@mednay - I appreciate your reblogs+tags and you appreciate my reblogs+tags, I think that makes for a symbiotic relationship.
@eleniap - pls confirm you’re not a bot? Can a bot like so consistently?
 @angelxcre - undoubtedly the best maleval fanart to ever grace this website
@mxrisacoulter - for rounding off this year, thanks!
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betty-banxs · 4 years
Happy Birthday Ms. Wilson!
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betty-banxs · 4 years
Missing the Good Witch.
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betty-banxs · 4 years
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betty-banxs · 4 years
Marisa Coulter x Healing Incantation
Inspired by a post by @burningblake
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betty-banxs · 4 years
... moral of the story is ... you’re probably Jolene
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betty-banxs · 4 years
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betty-banxs · 4 years
Loving the Bad Witch.
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betty-banxs · 4 years
She’s the sweetest☺️
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betty-banxs · 4 years
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betty-banxs · 4 years
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betty-banxs · 4 years
Simple appreciation☺️
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thelonecritic · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Tagged by @iressails who keeps giving me reasons to be a bore (thank you!)
1. Really just posted it now so I can brag about it but this Marisa x distant looks edit (and every other Marisa edit I’ve made too!). I don’t know if it’s Ruth Wilson being so pretty or Marisa’s expressions being so complex but these edits are ultimately my most favourite thing to do and this one just encapsulates why. Complex character + pretty face = happy edit!
2. Making Majida Issa edits. It’s honestly a disservice that the characters she’s portrayed aren’t popular here but because their so great and complex (and one which is very pretty and evil and you see a trend here...)
3. Masriel fic which made me realise how much I like writing and probably has condemned me to keep writing masriel fics until I have just closure by the end of S3... whenever that will be. Right now writing this very questionable oneshot-ish Masriel fic that should be finished soon and I’m even scaring myself but oh well.
Around here I realised I don’t make a lot of content and I’m basically free-loading in every fandom and my brain is too tired to think up any other scraps I may like. So I conclude 4-5 is everything else in no particular order and goodnight!
Tag: I now know one more creator @rhaized and open invite to anyone else.
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