#better homes gardens chocolate chip cookies
pucksandpower · 1 year
if requests are open, can I pls request baby vettel telling her brothers (the grid kids) she has a "boyfriend" when she comes home from kindergarten one day ??? if requests are closed, please ignore 💗 love your works so much !!
Grid Kids: Cooties
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: the grid kids take being big brothers very seriously
Series Masterlist
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Max’s voice is firm, his face aghast.
Charles, sitting next to him, nods in agreement. “I thought we agreed that you’re not allowed to date until you’re 40?”
Your daughter looks up from her crayon artwork, her little brows furrowing. “But Tommy said we’re boy ... boyfr …”
Lance interrupts, “Boyfriend and girlfriend? No, no, no. Absolutely not.”
George chimes in, holding up a toy car, “Tell whoever this Tommy is that you’re too busy racing to have a boyfriend.”
Lando adds, “Besides, boyfriends mean cooties. Do you want cooties?”
She tilts her head, pondering the dire consequences of these so-called cooties.
Charles, trying to be the voice of reason, kneels down to her level. “Sweetie, you’re a smart, wonderful little girl. And Tommy is, well ... you can do better.”
Mick, watching the entire exchange, laughs. “Guys, she’s just a kid. They’re probably just sharing crayons.”
Lando looks scandalized, “Crayons today, hearts tomorrow. It’s a slippery slope!”
Sebastian, watching the overprotective madness unfold, turns to you with a smirk, “I think our daughter has a solid set of bodyguards.”
You laugh, wrapping an arm around him. “Good luck to any actual future boyfriends.”
Your daughter simply shrugs, scribbles something on a piece of paper, and hands it to Charles. “For Tommy.”
Charles reads aloud, “We can be friends. But no cooties. Okay?”
The next day after school, Max bends down to your daughter’s eye level, “Now, which one is Tommy?”
She points a tiny finger to a little boy playing with a toy car on the playground. He has sandy hair and an innocent expression as he makes car noises.
Lando claps his hands together, “Alright, mates, game faces.”
George rolls his eyes but can’t help his grin, “Really? We’re really doing this?”
Lance nudges him, “We have to ensure he’s good enough for our sister!”
As the grid kids approach Tommy, he looks up, wide-eyed at the small army of grown-ups marching towards him.
Charles squats down, “Hey there, buddy. You Tommy?”
Tommy nods slowly, clutching his toy car.
George, leaning down too, tries to sound stern, “We heard you’re, uh, dating our sister.”
Lando, animatedly acting out air quotes around the word dating, adds, “We just wanted to have a quick chat.”
Mick, clearly finding the whole situation hilarious, jumps in, “You know, about intentions and all.”
Tommy blinks, “Inten-what?”
Max clears his throat, “Look, Tommy, we just want to make sure you’re treating our sister right. No stealing her toys or snacks.”
Lando jumps in again, “And absolutely no cooties. We had a long talk about that.”
Tommy nods fervently, “I don’t have cooties!”
Charles chuckles, “Good to know. So, you’ll play nice with her?”
Tommy nods again, “I promise. I just wanted to show her my new car.” He holds up the toy proudly.
George pats him on the head awkwardly, “Alright, Tommy. Just remember, we’re watching you.”
“Operation Sneaky Sneak is a go. Over,” Lando whispers dramatically into his walkie-talkie from his hiding spot behind a bush.
“Copy that,” George responds, trying to peer into Tommy’s living room window from a tree branch, “They’re ... playing with dolls? Oh, and there are some cookies. Over.”
Lance, hidden behind a garden gnome, chimes in, “I hope they're chocolate chip. Over.”
Charles, from his spot on top of a garden shed, adds, “No visual on any suspicious activities. Just some Barbies about to get the worst haircut of their life. Over.”
Mick, wedged between two trash cans, mutters, “Feels like we’re in a bad spy movie.”
Max, crouching behind a car, counters, “Feels? We ARE in a bad spy movie.”
Suddenly, the back door to Tommy’s house swings open and out step his parents, chatting and laughing. The grid kids freeze.
George, panicking, whispers into the walkie-talkie, “Abort mission! I repeat, abort!”
Lance tries to slink away, “Going dark! Going dark! We have been compromised.”
But it’s too late. Tommy’s mother spots them. “Um, gentlemen? What are you doing?”
Charles attempts to play it cool, “Oh, you know, just ... birdwatching. Beautiful sparrows around here.”
Tommy’s father suppresses a grin, “In our backyard? With walkie-talkies?”
Lando, thinking on his feet, responds, “Modern birdwatching. Very high tech. Over.”
Mick gives him a look, “Did you seriously just say over out loud?”
Max tries to salvage the situation, “We just wanted to ensure the playdate went ... smoothly.”
Tommy’s parents burst into laughter. “You guys really care about her, huh?”
Before anyone can respond, there’s a rustling from above. Thunk! “Ow!” Thwack! “Not the face!” Crash! “My hair!”
Everyone’s attention is immediately drawn to George who has dramatically fallen out of the tree, hitting almost every branch on the way down.
Rubbing his back, George groans from where he’s splayed on the ground, “Guess I should leave the climbing to the kids.”
Tommy’s mother takes pity on the fully grown children masquerading as adults in front of her, “Would any of you like to come in for juice boxes?”
The grid kids exchange sheepish glances. “Yes, please,” they reply in unison.
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A Flower for Every Secret - Ch 2. Zinnia
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WARNINGS: Mention of alcohol, Sarah's mother lore, some fluff at the end, Joel is a big softie. 18+ MINORS DNI.
I couldn’t wait for five to come. Tapping at the keyboard on the computer answering emails, answering phone calls and redirecting them to the proper office in the relatively small building. It all seemed so mundane compared to a dinner with the Millers. “Big plans this weekend?” Detective Carrillo mused, and I opened the glass barrier to be able to hear him better.
“Bigger plans than sitting behind this desk, if that’s what you mean.” I smirked up at the officer, “Big plans for your team after I head out?”
Shifts were about to change, night shift significantly more busy than dayshift on Fridays, “The usual. Patrolling gang neighborhoods, probably a small bust or two. Hopefully no big messes to clean up.”
“Hopefully.” I sighed in response, but grimaced at the knowledge of horrors beyond my comprehension just outside the bulletproof glass doors.
The drive home was fairly quick, and I rushed inside to get out of my business casual attire and into a green sundress that fell to my knees. I pulled my french braid out of my hair, leaving big waves that I secured with hairspray before touching up my makeup, adding a little extra blush and a warm-toned pink lipstick. “It’s just steaks.” I said to myself in the bathroom mirror.
I didn’t want to be too early, so I flipped the radio on and set to work on returning Sarah’s favor of making dessert the previous night, baking a quick batch of chocolate chip cookies, setting them on the platter that I needed to return to Joel. By 6:45 I was too anxious to wait any longer and made my way out the front door, slipping into a pair of flats that I had left sitting by the door.
“Going somewhere, Dear?” a kind voice to my left called after me.
I spun on my heel to face the source, Carol. In her front garden beds, gloves on, covered in dirt. “To the Miller’s.” I pointed down to the plate of still-warm cookies and looked to the house directly across the street.
“With sweets?”
“Sarah made me brownies last night, so I’m just returning the platter - and the favor.” I looked down to the paved driveway and kicked a loose rock back into the grass before looking back up at Carol.
She hummed in response, rubbing her hands together to get the excess dirt off of her pink gloves, “Nice night for it.” 
“Yes, it is.” it was still considerably bright out, the sun hardly had begun its descent. But I didn’t let myself correct her, “Supposed to be a nice weekend in general, I reckon.” I added for good measure, not trying to rush the conversation into its finish point.
She nodded, hand on her hip, no doubt leaving a smear of dirt across her overalls; “That’s what the weatherman said this morning, anyway. He’s never quite right, though.” 
“I suppose you’re right, Carol. Weather always has a way of surprising us.”
She gave a polite wave of her hand, as if dismissing the statement altogether. I supposed that signaled the end of the conversation, and I made my way across the street, which had quieted over the last few hours as parents called their children in for meals. As the older families retreated to backyards for beer and card games. No matter how busy the neighborhood seemed, in one breath everything could become so serene.
I knocked on the heavy wooden door of the Miller residence and in no time at all was greeted by who I could only assume to be Tommy, looking much like Joel - but a little shorter, a little slimmer, but the same glint in his eye. “Hi, I’m -”
“I know, you’re here for dinner, come on in, he’s been waiting for ya. I’m Tommy. No need for formalities in the Miller house.”
His home was exactly as I’d pictured. Lived in, loved, but nicely maintained. Photos of Sarah, Tommy and what I assumed to be other relatives and friends littered the walls in all sorts of frames, a big comfy leather sofa centered with the large front window, and a tidy kitchen, all clean lines and neutral tones. Varying shades of beige and blue, broken only with the greens of houseplants and the odd brightly colored things that belonged to Sarah. Her bright pink converse certainly looked out of place next to Joel’s tired steel-toe boots.
“You made it.” Joel smirked as he entered through the sliding glass rear door, a hand towel tossed over his shoulder.
“It was a hard trek from across the street, you wouldn’t believe the terrors I faced on my long journey.” I dramatically sighed, before mirroring his smile, presenting the platter to him. “Cookies.” I stated.
“Cookies?” he repeated with an arch of his eyebrow.
“For, well, everyone, I suppose.”
“Thank you.” he smirked, “But remember when I said I owe you?” he dropped his smile and pointed at me in an accusatory manner, but I could tell from the gleam in his eye it was a facade. 
“I remember that well, Joel.” I started, placing the platter on the countertop, “But I had to bring the plate back, and I wasn’t bringing it back empty, even if Sarah is at her friend’s house.” I recalled the events of last night.
“Let her make cookies if she wants to, I like cookies.” Tommy butted in as he rounded the corner from the living room.
Joel rolled his eyes at his younger brother before retorting, “Nobody cares what you like, Tommy. Nobody except maybe Maria; but even that’s pushing it sometimes, I think.”
I laughed in response, handing Tommy a cookie from the plate, “My own special recipe, guess these are for you.”
“I like your neighbor, Joel.” Tommy pointed to his brother before taking a bite of the still warm confection, disappearing to the backyard, calling for Maria, who I assumed was out in the yard. The smell of cooking meats wafted into the kitchen with the warm breeze.
“Y’look nice.” he stated softly the moment the door shut behind Tommy, and he leaned back against the countertop on his palms.
“I tried real hard.” I matched his tone as I studied his casual attire, plain gray t-shirt stretched across the plains of his shoulders and a simple pair of jeans. Though the admission of me trying to impress him almost made me feel embarrassed enough to stare down at the neat tile flooring that stretched across the kitchen and dining area.
“You don’t have to try. I’ve seen you get the mail in your pajamas.” a wild smirk spread across his cheeks, showing off his dimples.
I tried to stifle my grin, but continued, “You know, Joel, I was almost hoping that it was just gonna be us.”
Something flickered in his eyes, and an eyebrow twitched almost with a question, “That so?”
I nodded, wringing my fingers together nervously, “I had fun with you last night.”
“I did too, Sarah too. She thought you were real nice.”
“She’s a sweet girl.” I nodded in answer, daring a step closer to Joel.
Tommy pulled the sliding door open and looked to Joel before saying in a tone that was almost apologetic, “Hate to break this up, but I know you’ll shoot me if I touch your grill, Joel. You got four steaks waiting to hit the fire right now.”
I hummed in response, following Tommy, who held the door open for me. I didn’t wait for Joel to follow behind, “Then I guess we better get out there.”
A woman was setting out another beer for Tommy from a cooler on the porch, Joel’s lawn was nicely manicured with simple landscaping and a decently sized pool, a nice thing to have to stave off the year round Texas sun. A tall wooden fence caged in his yard, offering privacy from the neighbors to his rear and sides. “Hey! You must be the new neighbor.” Maria greeted me, pulling me into an embrace.
I hugged her back reluctantly, and smiled at her, “And you must be Maria? Heard them talking about how tolerant you are of Tommy in the kitchen.”
“Yes, I’m his wife..” she nodded in confirmation, before holding up a bottle of red wine, “You drink?”
“I do.” I nodded and she didn’t hesitate to offer me an overfilled portion of the wine in a stemmed glass.
Joel wasn’t far behind, toting a stack of plates with utensils on top in his arms. He put them in the center of the table before finding his station at the grill and laying the steaks down gently with a hiss. I tried to look like I wasn’t watching him cook, but his eyes found mine and he broke into an almost shy smile. Maria clocked it almost the moment it happened and she nudged me carefully, “What did you do to Joel?” she nearly whispered.
“What do you mean?” I dropped my tone so as not to let him or Tommy overhear what had obviously just become girl-talk.
“You’ve lived here for two weeks?” she asked.
I nodded, “Only had a real talk with him yesterday, though. Sarah brought brownies over and I let them in for dinner. Just a little small talk before then. His typical Howdy, Neighbor.” I shrugged.
Maria looked from Joel to me and back again just as he looked up from the grill and made a smart remark at Tommy about how dumb a move was in the NBA finals last week, asking if Tommy had seen it too.
I let the talk of basketball fall off my shoulders and focused on Maria and her introductory talk, how she and Tommy had been together nearly ten years, and after seven he had finally proposed. How the Miller brothers could be reckless and silly, but one exhale later back to serious business. How Sarah was the light of Joel’s life, and nobody could seem to hold a candle to her, how nobody ever seemed good enough to be in his circle long-term. Only wanting the best for his daughter. I listened especially hard when the topic of Sarah’s mother fell from Maria’s lips. “They seemed good the whole time. Got married young - too young. Right after highschool. Neither went to college, and then Sarah came along so soon after, he was only 20. Almost as soon as he had time to settle into fatherhood and married life, he woke up to her just… Packed and gone with divorce papers and a note. Never saw her again after deliberations. Her mother didn’t want anything from either of them. The next week Joel started to plan on starting his own company. So he could always have her along, so he could fight for the life his little girl deserves.”
I looked up to Joel, who was smiling with Tommy at his side, and he flipped a perfectly browned steak over to its still-pink side. He looked back at me and the same shy smile made his cheeks dimple, he took a long drink from his beer before turning to look at Tommy again.
Joel plated my meal for me and set it in front of me on the table, he took the seat opposite me, and Tommy the opposite of Maria.
After the sun set and the meal ended he offered to walk me home when I announced I was feeling tired, and he led me through the house, the only lights were soft and warm from a few lamps. “I like your family.” I stated, looking up into his eyes, made hazy by the alcohol.
“I think they like you.”
“Maria and I got along really well.”
He nodded and grabbed a flannel from the rack, slipping it over his shoulders before opening the front door. We both kept a near snail-pace as we descended the porch steps, made our way down the driveway and across the street.
“She told me about Sarah’s mom. Real sorry for that.”
He seemed to stiffen slightly before his shoulders relaxed. “I planned on saying something, but. It’s fine. She’s never known any different than just me and her Uncle Tommy and Aunt Maria.”
“You’ve done great with her. Must have been so hard.”
“Hardly slept the first few years. Felt like all I did was fail her. Then I saved enough pennies to buy the house. Was a real fixer upper. My crew was amazing. Tommy was even better. Every spare moment, free of charge, they were in there making it perfect. Not for me. Not for any favor. For her. Everything I do is for that little girl.” he almost choked on his last sentence, but cleared his throat.
A familiar warm feeling I got the night before spread through my chest and stomach as my feet shuffled up the three steps to my door. I only realized we’d been holding hands when his fingers slipped away from mine with the distance I had created. Each of his callouses brushed against my fingertips.
We bid each other goodnight and I disappeared into the darkness of my living room.
The next day, groggy with a dreamless sleep and a cup of tea in my hand a familiar thud of the newspaper smacking the door sent me to retrieve the paper. Next to the paper, on the worn-out wood was a yellow zinnia, perfectly plucked, obviously meant for me to find.
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shiorimakibawrites · 11 months
I went on a baking spree yesterday.
One apple pie, apple cinnamon oatmeal cookies, and chocolate chip peanut-butter cookies.
The apple cookies were a new recipe for me. I like how they came out. They don't taste oversweet and my mom, who is diabetic, was able to eat one. The recipe I used had sugar but a lot of cookie recipes use both brown and granulated sugar but this one used only light brown sugar which probably helped with making it sweet but not too sweet.
Chocolate chip peanut butter are just standard peanut butter cookies with a cup of chocolate chips in them.
Both the apple pie and peanut butter cookie recipes I used are from Better Homes & Gardens New Cook Book 17th Edition.
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
Okay been thinking about what's going on with Snack Squad in a sort of modern AU and I think I've got some things figured out. They live near (or in) a big NYC-style city where most of them work, although Zenith's work is the most distant from their house.
Winter: architecture professor
Bee: tech support
Indigo: art gallery secretary
Jewel: part-time rehab nurse
Nebula: accountant
Zenith: Forest Service pilot
Sunny: tattoo, digital, and traditional artist
Star: social media manager
Winter, Bee, Sunny, and Nebula share a six-bedroom house on the edge of the city that they got for cheap since it was in an absolutely ruined state. Winter had his heart set on it from the very moment he saw it. It took them almost a decade to finish fixing it up and plant a massive garden in the back with a few mature fruit trees. One of the spare bedrooms is kept for Zenith, and the other is used as a shared office since Bee and Nebula both partially work from home.
When Winter fosters the twins, Zenith's things are cleared out to move in two smaller beds for them. Zenith doesn't mind being moved out at all, especially when they end up replacing the backyard shed with a standalone studio that ey gets the key to. Ey jokes it's better that way because then ey doesn't have to listen to them being loud at each other. Over the next two years, they build a sunroom/office for Bee and Nebula, so the twins can later each have their own room.
Eventually Star moves in with them, when things get serious with him and Winter. He can work from home easily, and he loves the sense of community and belonging that the house has.
Jewel and Indigo share a loft in the downtown arts district, in walking distance of Indigo's workplace. They also share a bed platonically so the second bedroom is for Zenith. He prefers their place because it's much more conveniently located and also he worries about them being lonely since they live away from the others, even though they spend every other weekend at the family house.
Winter is highkey everyone's sugar daddy because he makes six digits and shares generously. You can't mention something you want around him without him finding a way to get it for you.
Bee is everyone's default "please help me figure out what happened to my wifi" guy and he allows it because Sunny always makes gingerbread snaps to thank him.
Indigo gets the entire squad into art museums for free. He's also connected to other artsy types and is always inviting the team along to indie film festivals, temporary museum exhibits, and other things they never knew existed until he brought them along.
Jewel uses the others' connections to help find hobbies and jobs for the veterans zhi works with, and brings home all sorts of gifts and freebies as a result. They've gotten quite an eclectic collection of gifts.
Nebula helps them with their taxes and gives Indigo's gallery a reduced rate on services as long as they showcase Sunny's work in the front room of their gallery.
Zenith hands out national park passes to everyone, whether they ask or not. Ey also flies Jewel and Indigo out on weekend trips when one of them gets an itch to visit somewhere, and helps arrange flights for all of their vacations.
Sunny makes dinners for everyone when they hit a busy patch. Xe's a great cook and baker, and it helps xer relax on the off chance that work is being stressful. Xe also makes vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies for Jewel to take to work.
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camembertlythere · 6 months
Since looking up my mom's fav cookbook (better homes and gardens 1969 edition) from my childhood on the internet archive, it feels a little bit like that one episode of friends where it turns out that phoebe's grandmother's incredible chocolate chip cookie recipe was just from the back of nestle tollhouse chocolate chip package
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underfell-crystal · 2 years
All of the questions
1. what song makes you feel better? On My Way by Alan Walker
2. what’s your feel-good movie? Sonic 2
3. what’s your favorite candle scent? Pumpkin spice
4. What flower would you like to be given? Tulips or carnations
5. Who do you feel most you around? My best friends
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical). I have cool purple hair, I have a pretty smile, I have a body I'm happy with. I'm nice, studious, and helpful.
7. what color brings you peace? Green.
8. Tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good.  @mochamashi , @janeelyakiri , @goodgollymissmeli , @avtfol , @kiokodoodles
9. what calms you down? Listening to music
10. what’s something you’re excited for? Goth sona redesign
11. what’s your ideal date? Olive Garden, then a movie with lots of snacks
12. how are you? Pretty good!
13. What’s your comfort food? Mashed potatoes and Philadelphia rolls
14. Favorite feel-good show? Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
16. Compliment the person who sent you this number. Mocha I always want to chew your art in a good way and I love how you draw hair.
17. fairy lights or LED lights? Fairy lights
18. do you still love stuffed animals? Yes! I sleep with my stuffed cat that I received when I was two.
19. Most important thing in your life? My family
20. what do you want most in the world right now? To be happy
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be? It gets better, and you will truly love yourself one day.
22. what would you say to your future self? Should I be doing more or less?
23. favorite piece of clothing? My black boots with silver chains with charms on them.
24. what’s something you do to de-stress? Draw and sew
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.) Food tbh, preferably something sweet
26. what movie would you want to live in? Sonic 2. I want to be a talking animal and meet my best boy Knuckles.
27. which character would you want to be? Idk, Amy I guess? I know she's not canon in the Sonic movie lore (yet), but you never know.
28. hugs or hand-holding? Hugs! I'm so touch starved.
29. morning, afternoon or night? Night. I'm most productive then.
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)? Warm chocolate chip cookies. Me and my brother used to make them all the time together when we were little kids.
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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When the Supreme AI brings endless darkness to the world and conquers the human race it will ironically named SUNBEAM.
Though it will make one fine chocolate chip cookie.
Better Homes and Gardens   December 1973
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recent nephew anecdotes:
was asking where grandpa was/what he was doing when we were going on a walk. i told him that grandpa was waiting for grandma to get ready, but since we were ready we were going to start walking without them. he kept asking and i kept giving him the same answer so then he switched from "where's grandpa?" to "where's [my dad's real first name]?" like if he used the secret other name for him that adults use maybe i would give him a better answer
i was helping him wash his hands and when we were done i said "beautiful!" and he liked that so I called him beautiful again. and then later we saw a worm and he said the worm was beautiful
i pointed at some little sprouts in the garden and said "these are crocuses!" and he said "that's crickets!"
his new favorite question to ask is "what is [anything] doing?" which is so fun for like baby reading comprehension but he does sometimes ask it about things that are not doing anything. "what's the train doing?" "the train is going through the tunnel underneath the water." "what's the water doing?" "it's... just being there."
he'll answer any question posed to anyone around him. like i'll ask my mom "did you read this article?" and he'll answer "nope!"
he has a book (the whale and the snail) that has a scene with kids in a classroom and when we get to that page he points to each kid and says "that's [name of kid in his class]" and then "that's me!"
if i don't read something the way he wants me to - i skip a word, i'm not enthusiastic enough - he'll ask "can you try again?"
he made cookies - the flavor, blueberry chocolate-chip, was his idea - and when i went over his dad was helping him put some in a bag for me to bring home. he picked up one cookie at a time to put in the tupperware and he picked up a noticeably larger one, looked at it, put it back, and then got a smaller cookie to give me
he has brown hair like both of his parents but he insists he has red hair like aunt Julia <3
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maddieonthemovee · 4 months
May 15 — Musashi University and Student-led Tour
Today, our main activities involved getting to know Japanese students! First, we went to Musashi University, where we sat in on a future studies class. The class was taught in English. Before the end of class, we had a half-hour break to go outside and get to know the Japanese students. I met three students, Amu, Rina, and Kaneko. I learned that Amu likes concerts and rock music, Rina is a DJ and likes older hip hop music, and Kaneko likes J-pop. My friends and I also learned that their school year differs from the typical American school year. They have a three week-long winter break and a month-long summer break, while we have the opposite! We returned to the classroom where the professor showed us the differences and similarities between our answers to the prompts about the future. Next, we broke for lunch. The university had food trucks outside the classrooms and main administrative buildings for us to choose from. I had a spicy chili oil chicken with rice. After lunch, we bade our new friends farewell :(
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We made our way over the famous Tokyo Station, where we were greeted by other university students. Our class was split into groups and each was assigned a student tour guide. My roommate and I were assigned Nagisa, who was a third-year like us. We browsed the shops inside Tokyo Station; there were so many! We also tried chocolate chip cookies. Our group merged with a couple other tour groups and took the train from Tokyo Station to Roppongi. There, they had a high-end shopping complex, an art gallery, and a garden. We didn’t have a lot of time left in our allotted time, so we chose to go to Mohri Garden. We took a picture with our tour guide by a cute gold heart installation, which I will download shortly! We parted ways with our tour guide, and then my roommate, another student, and I took the train and walked to the Starbucks Reserve by Shibuya. There were multiple floors, one for coffee, one for tea, and one for alcoholic beverages. I got a salmon and avocado sandwich and an iced matcha latte! The sandwich was amazing, but the matcha wasn’t any better than the other matcha I have had here so far (which doesn’t mean it’s bad; all the matcha here is amazing). We sat on the patio/balcony of the third floor, which happened to look out into a dance studio across the street. The studio had a glass wall on the side adjacent to the Starbucks, so we could see into the room. It reminded me that I wanted to take a hip hop class sometime here in Japan; hopefully I can do that in Kyoto. My roommate and I headed home, exhausted from our long day away from the hotel. I’m excited to go up Mount Takao tomorrow; stay tuned!
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Academic Reflection:
In the class at Musashi University, before the students arrived, the professor had us write our answers to various prompts on posters. The prompts included “I am __ for the future”, “The color of the future is __”, “In my ideal future, I __”, “__ drives the future”, and more. The students answered these questions as well at the beginning of their semester, six weeks ago. After the students arrived, the professor played a video about the concept of utopia. It reinforced my knowledge of utopia’s connections to Social Darwinism, eugenics, communism, and more. When the professor showed us the differences and similarities between our answers to the prompts about the future, most of the answers were similar from our class to the Japanese students which was interesting to me.
The prompt that most interested me was “__ drive(s) the future”. I thought to answer with “technology”, “humans”, “change”, “challenges”, and/or “education”. I felt that this prompt aligned with something I saw in the reading: “We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us”. I believe that this quote connects to how technology was an answer to many of the prompts discussed in class today. We innovate and improve technology, and as its use evolves and changes, it in turn changes us.
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jof1jokes · 1 year
Funny Joke
baseball jokes - romantic texts - monkeys funny - army jokes - history jokes - engagement quotes - you lied - olds - student jokes - irish jokes - butterfly wings - school quotes funny - insurance humor - drunk humor - funny old age quotes - funny analogies - siblings funny - prince charming funny - amazing stories - butterfly quotes - fishing quotes funny - poor quotes - christmas gift jokes - irish funny - mom life quotes - success quotes and sayings - birthday jokes - married life quotes - firefighter humor - lost wallet - serious quotes - funny english jokes - shoe repair - priest - beautiful quotes - sympathy bouquets - eye jokes - beer jokes - ceramics pottery art - casual relationship - funny marriage jokes - funny street signs - rorschach test - the donkey - construction humor - sister jokes - i do love you - grape bunch - poor - prayer stories - mom humor - i take a nap - snow quotes funny - solving - government jobs - job humor - country jokes - inspirational friend quotes - being there for someone quotes - dear self quotes - straw - animals funny cats - old married couple - polished man - hotel humor - good wife - angel quotes - motivational poems - funny wednesday quotes - high school funny - pilot humor - wisdom quotes life - catholic men - funny women quotes - how to look better - butter - fat pig - new funny jokes - funny feelings - funny cartoon quotes - bad mom quotes - cute little kittens - paddy jokes - cute little animals - good looking women - funny jokes - presidents - guys be like - wolf - husband and wife love - funny physics quote - funny relationship jokes - funny cartoons jokes - wedding anniversary wishes - trumpeter - wrong number - engineering student humor - bible jokes - tax day - cat jokes - church quotes funny - ways to show love - doctor - janitor - angel stories - inspirational poems - sleepless - anniversary quotes for husband - nice poetry - funny math jokes - broken arm - friday night at home funny - teacher quotes funny - good morning happy - father son quotes - find a boyfriend - silly jokes - beautiful roses - how to order coffee - army humor - lesson quotes - kintsugi - doctor care - good clean jokes - condoms funny - collision course - caught in a trap - hospital humor - funny love story - stories with moral lessons - marital advice - positive quotes for life motivation - whiskey and you - big family dinner - horse jokes - fart jokes - funny p - passbook - funny toasts - graze - two men - life quotes family - in high school - love deeply - sarcastic quotes funny - fudge recipes - grandma funny - cooking lessons - wolf call - public execution - funny images laughter - elderly man - first date funny - shadow wolf - best dad jokes - old quotes - cute funny animals - east village - fishing humor - did you know funny - funny true stories - chocolate chip - clean humor funny - italian joke - blonde jokes - dear daughter - hair jokes - high school teacher humor - funny billboards - lady - studying funny - morning jokes - late night jokes - boyfriend and girlfriend jokes - funny work jokes - cold calling - funny jobs - christmas tale - old man funny - moral stories - lawyer humor - husband jokes - poop jokes - being a landlord - love good morning quotes - drive all night - funny truck quotes - mom thoughts funny - inspirational stories motivation - russian humor - blackest night - projects to try - retirement humor - wake me up - inspirational quotes about love - inspirational christmas stories - jolly phonics - stormy - garden bridge - inspirational quotes god - amish men - poultry farm - funny words - funny old sayings - encouraging bible quotes - third grade teacher - jokes photos - friends quotes - life quotes pictures - bad day humor - overworked quotes - blonde guys - wooden bowls - cookies recipes chocolate chip - funeral jokes - boyfriend humor - fox - women jokes - moving to canada - lectures funny - just smile - birthday quotes for daughter - it hurts - wisdom quotes funny - dog jokes - funny inspirational quotes - local butcher - running jokes - vocabulary words
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surveysand · 1 year
Do you like using cinnamon on or in any of your food? i love cinnamon butter on toast, but other than that, no.
Did you ever make fortune tellers as a kid? only a few times.
Do you know how to cook or bake? i'm an okay better and a terrible cooker.
Who is the best cook in your family? my godfather.
Which berry is your favorite? strawberry.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? a bagel and egg.
Do you prefer cappuccinos or frappuccinos? cappuccinos.
Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language? i took five years of french throughout middle and high school and genuinely tried to get it to stick, but i've forgotten so much.
Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? ocean, but i only will go where my feet can touch.
Do you own any leather-bound books? no.
Which baby animal is your favorite? baby pandas.
Do you like jam on your toast and biscuits? yes.
What was the scent of the last candle you burned? i don't know the exact name (and i'm too lazy to get up and check), but it's a vanilla-based, fall scent.
Are there any plants in your home? only fake ones.
Do you prefer honey, sugar, or something else as a sweetener? sugar.
What food does honey go best with? yogurt.
When is the last time you were lazy and just curled up to read a good book? a few weeks ago.
What was on the last sandwich that you ate? a burger, technically, so a burger patty, cheese, onion, ketchup, and mayo.
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? yes.
What is your favorite type of weather? low seventies, slightly breezy, overcast.
Do you love seeing frost hanging off leaves in the Winter? yes.
Do you love all the rain that Spring brings? yes.
Do you prefer wrapping presents or putting them in a bag? a bag, though i love wrapping them.
If your friend made you a batch of cookies, what cookies would you like them to be? chocolate chip.
What is your favorite book? the book thief by markus zusak.
Have you ever reread a book? many times.
What is your dream house like? a two-story penthouse. closed floor plan. large bedrooms and bathrooms.
Would you ever like to own a chandelier? sure.
What scent is the last body wash you used? coconut shea butter.
Do you have any religious symbols in your home? no.
What religion do you identify with, if any? none, though i was raised in the catholic church.
If you could have a small garden in your backyard, what would you plant? sunflowers.
What pets have you had while growing up? three dogs, a cat, and a rabbit. i got my own dog when i moved out of my parents' house.
If you went to an art museum, what do you think you would want to see first? i just go in order of the rooms.
What type of museum would you like to go to? i would love a to see a queer history museum.
Do you enjoy those tins of butter cookies? i haven't had them in so long, i don't remember if i liked them or not.
Are you diligent with your studies? yes.
Do you prefer to eat ice cream from a cone or a cup? cup.
When is the last time you went to a carnival? several years ago.
Have you ever been to the circus? yes, once when i was very young.
Do you own any art supplies? yes.
Do you have a favorite glass, cup, or mug? yes.
What are some of your favorite scents? vanilla, coconut, floral tones.
What is you favorite flavor of pudding and/or yogurt? vanilla pudding, blueberry yogurt.
Do you have a daily planner that you write in? no, but i did when i was in school.
What branch of science interests you the most? neuroscience.
Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil? pen.
How many notebooks do you own? Are they all filled? a few. none are filled completely.
Do you enjoy flavored coffee? If so, which flavor is your favorite? yes, caramel is my favorite.
What kind of tea is your favorite? sweet. i don't drink warm tea ever.
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shoegasams · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Magnolia Table: A Collection of Recipes for Gathering by Joanna Gaines Hardcover.
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surveysandthings · 2 years
do you feel the need to be popular? I did when I was younger. And then I got it and it’s not as great as it seems.
why do you like taking surveys? They’re relaxing and I enjoy typing!
to what store would you like a $50 giftcard? Target or TJ Maxx.
what is a good present for you birthdays? I like experiences!
what month baby are you? January. Worst birthday month!
what do you think about squidward on spongebob? Wuh??
at what hour do you begin to feel tired? Depends on the day.
do you think a lot? Constantlyyy. It fuckin sucks.
are you religious? do you like religion? I was kinda forced to be as a kid but I’m not and am very staunchly anti-religion now.
what is the last thing you ate? Chipssss.
what are you looking forward to? Nothing at the moment.
are you an optimistic, pessimist or realist? Pessimist, for sure.
how do you like to wear your hair? I like the look of it being down with air wrapped curls most but it’s most comfortable when its up in a bun.
do you watch a lot of youtube on a regular basis? I never watch YouTube anymore!
what is a rule or boundary you have for yourself, that you have followed? I don’t google symptoms! I spiral really bad and it’s not worth it.
what is something you love to do on the weekend? Sleep in, build puzzles, watch movies, spend time cooking fun food we typically don’t have time or energy to make during the week.
do you 'hate mondays'? Yesss.
have you ever played battleship? Obviously.
do you wear skulls on your clothes? When I was like 13, sure.
do you like red lipstick? Yes! It’s my fave.
what do you need to do tomorrow? Nothing really! Our weekend is pretty free. 
what candy do you want right now? Can’t say I want any candy rn.
do you always have the tv on? Not always!
do you get paranoid while vacuuming the house alone? No? Should I?
do you ever feel bitter about the 'way things are'? For sure, especially when it comes to the way my family is.
do you like to record yourself? No, it’s awkward.
do you like the color hot pink? I do!
do you like watching wrestling? Absolutely fucking not.
where do you fit in? No where, really.
what kind of class would you like to take? I would love to take a cooking class! It sounds really fun.
are you prescribed any kind of meds? Nope.
are you tired or sleepy right now? Nope!
do you like cookie dough? how much cookie dough do you eat when you have a roll? I loved cookie dough when I was a kid but it’s not very good anymore. I also don’t think I've ever made cookies from a roll of dough. We make homemade dough.
are you an often starbucks goer? what do you order at starbucks when you do go? Oh hell yeah. White mocha frappuccino with brown sugar syrup or a strawberry açaí refresher with lemonade!
would you rather a giftcard to starbucks or olive garden? Starbucks. Olive Garden is genuinely gross, I don’t know why its so popular. I could make pasta quicker and for way cheaper at home + it would actually taste better.
what kind of cookie do you want right now? Chocolate chip would be pretty nice.
what kind of people do you respect? Ones who don’t ‘demand respect’, when they really mean obedience.
how is silence golden? I dunno??
is your hair dry? Yup!
what shampoo do you have in your tub? Redken and Pureology.
what color is your shower curtain? or is it glass/plastic? It’s glass!
do you like to draw with pen or pencil? Pen!
do you like to draw on lined paper or does it bother you? I hate drawing on lined paper.
spiral notebook or composition? Spiral!
have you ever had a macaroon? Yeah, they’re not my fave.
are you stuck in the past? I don’t think so. I live in the future most often.
do you find yourself saying 'that's stupid' in your mind? Yeh.
do you like to talk a lot? I do!
what would you like to do with really close friends? lol what close friends?
would you ever consider taking a yoga class? Wouldn’t be my idea of a good time, no.
do you play second life or have you ever? I’ve never played it!
what do you think about the sims games? I loooove Sims. Wish they had better developers tho.
do you have mercy on others? Depends.
are you evil? are you good? are you neutral? I’d say I'm pretty good.
do you prefer normal dreams or lucid ones? None of my dreams are ever normal.
tell me about the worst sun burn you've ever had? I’ve only ever had one sunburn and it wasn’t that bad.
do you think it's normal for girls to have hair around their butthole? It grows there so yeah, it’s normal.
do you feel embarrassed a lot? Not really.
do you like to get wasted? I hate drinking.
are you interested in drugs? No.
do you feel smarter or dumber than you were 1 yr ago? Smarter, actually.
are you always trying to improve yourself, or you don't pay attention? I’m always trying to improve myself and its exhausting.
what is life to you? I just want my little family to be happy and healthy.
what is the most important thing in life, quick answer? Happiness.
what magazines are you subscribed to? what do you do with them? None. This isn’t 1994.
what do you like about the sunday paper? Again, this isn’t the 90′s, bro.
do you read your horoscopes religiously? Not religiously but I read mine whenever I come across one.
do you feel your zodiac describes you well? For sureeeee. I'm such a Capricorn.
are you nails painted? if so what? Yup! It’s a red by OPI but I don’t remember the name of it.
is black lipstick your favorite? I don’t mind it but it’s definitely not my fave!
do you like combat boots? They're not my favorite but again, don’t mind em.
do you wear glasses? Yup!
would you ever get back with one of your x's? I don’t have any!
do you sometimes feel dissatisfied with your love life? Nah, my relationship with my husband is the one thing that I never question. 
do you like mac more than pc? Yesss. I would never go back to a PC.
are you friends with your neighbors? We’re friendly but I wouldn’t say we’re friends! 
are you super generous? Not really!
do you feed the strays in your neighborhood? We don’t really have strays, just outdoor kitties in the summer and I always make friends with them and bring them food/treats!
would you rather live in a apt, house, or mansion? A house preferably!
do you think old houses are creepy? Nooo, I love them!
have you won any trophies/ribbons? which are you most proud of if any? Maybe in school? But I don’t remember them so obviously they weren’t very important.
do you like living somewhere with four seasons? Yes!
what is your favorite season? least favorite season? why? I like late spring/early summer because everything feels fresh and new and it’s warm but not hot. I hate winter because the sun goes down at 4pm and it’s scary to drive in.
do you like to answer surveys explaining yourself, or being really quick? I like the more thought provoking ones that require longer answers.
are you afraid of being sucked into quick sand? I’ve never come across it so it’s not really on my list of top fears.
do you think it's ok to be selfish? I think we should be selfish about more things.
do you type home row or with two fingers? Home row.
are you bad at basic math? Absolutely. I don’t think I could do long division anymore if you paid me.
do you wear a watch? No, they make my wrists look weird.
do you like the smell of cig smoke? No.
do you like smoking weed? I tried it once and it was not a good experience.
do you read poetry? I genuinely hate poetry.
do you have a celeb crush? Not that I can think of off the top of my head!
do you feel connected to any certain celeb in some weird way? No.
do you listen to music a lot? A normal amount, I think!
what is a website you cannot live without? I could live without them all.
do you like to donate money to charity? I don’t donate to charities. I don’t trust that they’re putting their money towards what they say they are. I prefer to support real people with whatever extra money I have.
have you ever cheated on your bf/gf/wife/husband? No and I wouldn’t ever.
what kind of outdoor activities do you like? Picnics or hammocks in the park!
would you rather date at a school football game or theatre play? ...what?
what kind of role would you play as in a play? I wouldn’t.
in a movie would you be the villain, hero or main person? I’m the main character for sure.
if you could get anything in your trick or treat bag, what would it be? Money or Reese’s.
do you like thunderstorms? I love them!
do you like to drive a car? It makes me anxious.
what car do you want? what color? I genuinely don't care about what kind of car I drive.
are you a speed racer or more cautious? are you too cautious? I’m a grandma driver, always have been and always will be.
do you stop at the stop sign or skim it a little? Full stop.
favorite gel pen? Papermate Ink Joys are the bestttt.
is the world going to end in december? do you know anyone that really thinks this? Was this written in 2012??
do you like to fish? Never been but I don’t like fish and it seems quite barbaric.
would you ever be a butcher? Not if I had any choice.
do you mind chipped nail polish or does it look trashy? I don’t care what other people do with their nails but on me, when my polish starts chipping, I take it off. It feels messy to me.
what is your desktop background? A collage I made of us.
do you ever say something is your favorite then you lose favoritism 4 it? I don’t really ever announce favoritism on anything. 
did you play mash as a kid? do you even know what that is? In like the 6th grade.
is it ok for an adult to have a kiddy toothbrush? Why would I care about what another adult puts in their mouth??
do you like glitter? It’s pretty but a bitch to get rid of.
play doh or clay? Slime?
do you journal? This is a form of journalling, right?
what is something you do pretty much every day? Snuggle my bbs!
give me some good advice to live by. ...I need life advice, I shouldn't be giving it.
your name is? Oop.
what was your fav. time in your life? why? When I first met my husband. It was fun to be young and in love.
do you type in all caps, lowercase only or normal usually? I type the proper way.
do you feel you change everyday or are you stagnant? I like a good mix of routine with some spontaneity.
do you go to 'haunted' houses for october? what would you like to see in one of the houses? I’ve never been to one.
what are you being this yr for halloween? what about next year? I didn’t do anything this year and have no leads for next!
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
Eddie is the type of boyfriend to stutter and freeze when you so much as hold his hand. Poor boy is touched starved and just loves being near you. He can’t think straight when you’re around.
If you surprise him with a flower that you picked on the way to meet him “just because it reminded me of you” his face warms with a light blush. He presses every flower you give him in a lil songbook he has dedicated to you.
It is time for soft, first relationship Eddie 😌
🌹Now a series!! Part II is here🌹
Is this... my call to action??? To write the fluffiest thing I've ever done so far (maybe except for Bunny Garden)??? 😍
✨First Love✨
(in which y/n is a senior prep and best friends with Nancy, and Eddie is head-over-heels in love with her) 785 words
“Hey, Eddie, hi everyone!” you said cheerily as you approached the Hellfire table at lunch. 
Eddie looked up from his lunch to see you standing in front of him, a wide, sincere smile on your face. He blushed as you two met eyes, and as he went to smile, a little bit of chocolate milk came out of his mouth, causing him to hide his face in embarrassment. 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” Mike asked, trying to draw attention away from a flustered Eddie.
“Well, I was up late baking cookies last night, and I called Nancy, and she said you all have a club meeting tonight? Hellfire, right?” you asked, pointing at their shirts.
“Yeah, why? You wanna join?” Gareth asked, snickering. Eddie, now recovered, kicked him in the leg.
“Well,” you said, looking from Gareth to Eddie, “I thought maybe you’d like some cookies for your meeting tonight,” you held out a tupperware. “I made some chocolate chip, some oatmeal cookies, and some lemon ones. If you’d like, I’d be really happy to share them with your club. And Mike can bring the tupperware home, I’m sleeping over with Nancy tomorrow anyway,” you smiled, bouncing on your heels. 
“Um, sure, yeah, thank you, Y/N,” Eddie said, holding a shaky hand out to receive the cookies. His hand brushed yours slightly, making his blush return. 
“I like your rings,” you said sweetly.
“Oh, um, thanks.” Eddie was completely red at this point. 
“Well, have fun, and let me know what everyone thinks of the cookies! Mike, don’t hog all the lemon ones! Oh, and good luck with ‘The Cult of Vecna’,” you said in a scary voice. 
Eddie’s heart soared when he heard you talk about Hellfire, as if Nancy Wheeler’s best friend would ever be interested in something like that. He knew you were always nice, but he convinced himself that you were just cordial for the sake of Mike. He secretly dreamt that he was the reason you were so nice, that maybe you wanted to be friends… or even more. 
“Ha, nice memory, Y/N!” Dustin cheered, snapping Eddie out of his trance.
“You can come by if you want,” Eddie said quickly, then instantly regretted it. He felt his ears get hot and his hands start to shake again, this time along with his breath. You looked at him with wide eyes.
“Are you serious?”
“I-I mean, you could, but I know you probably have better things to do--”
“No, I don’t!” you exclaimed. “I just didn’t think I could go to Hellfire! Isn’t it exclusive? I wouldn’t want to intrude or anything like that, D&D seems so special and precious to you guys, and I wouldn’t want to ruin that, and gosh, now I’m rambling, but yes, I would love to stop by if you all would be willing to have me.”
“Eddie might, but I’m not,” Jeff spat. “It is exclusive. A prep like you can’t just waltz in and--”
“Hey, come on, she’s cool!” Mike argued. 
“Yeah, and besides, you’re not the leader, Eddie is! He invited her so she can come,” Lucas added.
“It’s okay, I don’t want to cause any trouble,” you said sadly. “I’ll just ask you guys how it went on Monday. Thank you for the invitation though, Eddie.” 
As you left to turn around, Eddie glared at Jeff angrily. He was still blushing intensely, but it could easily be disguised as fury. You looked back, wringing your hands, then went to your table to grab something. As you walked back to the boys, the same look of shock reappeared on their faces. You stood there, shuffling your feet as you let out a breathy giggle.
“I don’t know if I can wait until Monday,” you chuckled, then nervously held out a piece of paper. “This is my number, Eddie. Maybe you can call me after and tell me the details?”
Eddie’s mouth hung open as he stared at you in disbelief. Frozen, Eddie tried to speak, but nothing worked. Dustin sighed loudly, took your number, then placed it in Eddie’s hand. As Eddie closed it, a goofy smile broke across his face. You blushed and smiled brightly as you saw his happy face.
“I’ll talk to you later then,” you said, turning to go back to Nancy, breathing a sigh of relief. You looked back to see Eddie gazing at you, still grinning widely. You waved sweetly, then, in a rush of confidence, blew him a kiss. 
Dustin groaned as Eddie’s face didn’t change. He pretended to catch the kiss, then slapped it on Eddie’s cheek, making you giggle. Meanwhile, Eddie’s heart was beating too much for him to care.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Hello! Saw you were looking for twst requests so how about how a first date with the nrc freshmen go? (Or the vice house wardens if you prefer) I actually love both groups so much ;w;
I did all the first years and two vice house wardens because I love the vice house wardens very much I am a simp
For the Very First Time
Characters: Ace, Deuce, Jack, Jade, Jamil, Epel, Sebek
Tw// sickness, Jade typical behavior, fish, food
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* You and Ace probably begin dating in early October
* Probably asks you out really casually when you’re just hanging out
* Not the type to ask you with a grand gesture, but he comes off a little shy
* For your first date, he’s taking you to the cinema
* It’s October, which means there’s lots of horror movies out
* He’s the type to make you pay for yourself, but he isn’t taking you somewhere fancy so it doesn’t cost you much
* You guys decide to go see a horror movie because he’s doing the macho thing where he’s like “I’ll protect you”
* He’s fine for the first half hour but he starts freaking out
* Laugh at him for being a dumbass please
* Both of you sneak out while someone’s getting murdered on screen and slide your way into Minions: Rise of Gru
* This is the best choice ever because you both have no idea what’s going on and end up just cuddling in the back of the theater.
* Ace probably throws popcorn at you
* After the movie he’ll take you for a walk
* Unfortunately it starts raining and you two get caught in it
* He takes off his jacket and holds it over your head as you run into a cafe for shelter
* He buys you a cookie as an apology
* Next day he has a cold and whines to you about it while he asks you for another date (and a get better kiss)
* Overall: 6.5/10 it was kinda a shitshow but he’s cute and trying his best
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* Deuce probably asks you out mid April
* He takes a long time to confront his emotions and psych himself up
* He totally asks you out and gives you flowers (red roses, with one blue one, all from Heartslabyul’s gardens and painted by himself)
* He’d probably ask you out privately as well, and stumble over every few words nervously
* Your first date is at his dorm actually
* He’s been working really hard on two things:
* Making the perfect spaghetti and meatballs
* And learning to make cookies
* Goes out of his way to get permission from Riddle and Trey to do this because he doesn’t want to piss them off
* His spaghetti is pretty good, actually
* Once you’re done eating and chatting, he invites you to make some chocolate chip cookies with him
* How could you say no to a face like that?
* You two have a great time making a mess
* Freaks out when you eat a little bit of cookie dough because he thinks you’re gonna die
* You two drink hot chocolate while the cookies are baking and he does them fancy.
* Whipped cream, marshmallows, cinnamon, and animal shaped crackers are on top
* The cookies come out a little overdone but it’s okay because they were made with love
* Walks you home
* If you forgot your jacket, he gives you his because he’s a good boy
* The next day you guys hold hands on the way to class
* Overall: 8/10 he’s so pure and sweet but very nervous and you saw him reading over some notes he wrote on his palm to make sure he was doing things right
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* He’s the type of guy to fall in love with you slowly
* He asks you out in early December
* Maybe he’s soft, but seeing fairy lights go up and the smell of warmth makes him wanna cuddle up
* He asks you out at lunchtime
* Pays for and brings you your lunch when he asks you, avoiding eye contact the whole time
* Tail wags when you say yes
* First date is to a holiday fair
* There’s a little ice skating rink, it’s flurrying out, and you can smell roasting nuts and cider down the block
* Takes you earlier in the day on a weekend, which means it’s a little packed, but he never loses you
* He’s paying for the date, anything you want you get
* Probably shares a soft pretzel with you
* If you ask him to ice skate he pretends he isn’t excited
* Will guide you around the rink, holding onto you carefully the whole time
* Buys you hot apple cider or hot cocoa
* Every time your face seems to get a little red he reaches over and readjusts your scarf or jacket
* “You have to keep warm, I don’t want you getting sick.”
* If any of the crafts/clothes/ornaments in the stalls interests you, he will get it for you without a peep
* Takes you home in the late afternoon and doesn’t leave until he’s sure you don’t have hypothermia
* Overall 7/10 he’s a gentleman but he’s also a tsundere
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* Jade would probably take years to warm up to you
* Definitely after you’ve both graduated college is when he’s ask you out
* Probably in may-ish?
* It’s beginning to warm, things are springing back to life
* He knows exactly how to charm someone
* Brings you a token of his affections (a necklace with a Jade pendant)
* Invites you to take a walk with him before he asks you out
* On your first date he takes you to an art museum
* He pays for your date, his pride would be wounded if you didn’t let him
* Looked up a map to get a layout of the museum first and checked the flow of traffic through it over the course of two weeks so he could pick the time when there’s least amount of people there, and figured out where to start
* Walks with you slowly, occasionally commenting on an art piece he knows about
* Mostly just chats with you about anything that comes to mind
* You will probably hold up 78% of the conversation so just be prepared
* He doesn’t think about conversational stuff because he’s not uncomfortable with silence. He just likes being around you
* But Jade is Jade so you probably already know that
* After you’re done with the museum he’ll take you for a walk to a pier where you can admire the beach
* If you drag him into the sand he spends most of the time watching you or collecting shells
* Walks you home when you seem tired. WILL have you wear his jacket even if you’re not cold
* Once you’re at home he gifts you the seashells he collected (with you in mind) and kisses your hand as he bids you farewell
* Grab him by the collar and give him a kiss. He’ll be so flustered you might actually get a real smile out of him
* The next day he walks you to your classes, alternating between carrying your books and intertwining your pinkie fingers
* Overall: 7.3/10 points off for accidentally making it awkward but points back for being swoon worthy
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* Jamil will crush on you for months before asking you out
* Also, he doesn’t ask you out
* No, Kalim intervenes because Jamil is grumpier than usual by ambushing you both with a date.
* It happens on Valentine’s Day, aka the day where sad bitches are saddest
* Kalim begs Jamil for some help with a mystery date he has for his valentine and asks him for his advice and help planning
* Basically, Jamil does the whole thing while Kalim is rubbing his hands together with an evil smile in the background
* It turns out he asked you the same thing, but instead he tasked you with retrieving flowers and a gift for ‘his’ sweetheart
* Cue confused noises when you and Jamil cross paths and Kalim just goes “happy Valentine’s Day!!” And dips
* So, uh, surprise, you and Jamil are on a date now
* It’s awkward for a few minutes before you start laughing at Kalim’s antics, prompting Jamil to laugh too
* “I mean, I was planning on asking you today, but I thought you’d be too busy wrangling Kalim.”
* Jamil’s face heats up and he pushes down a smile, “I was planning on asking you, but then I was busy wrangling Kalim.”
* You two talk over some of Jamil’s cooking, chatting happily about anything and everything and your misadventures in fulfilling Kalim’s requests
* Jamil is softer that night, because apparently Kalim went off to bother Azul since he’s bitchless and responsible, which means he’s in nirvana
* He doesn’t walk you home but he does go pick up Kalim from daycare, and you aren’t far away, so he might as well pop in for a minute…
* You two end up making out on your couch for the rest of the night
* Morning after he’s gone, but he made you breakfast and left it in the fridge with a note asking you out on a second date
* Overall: ???/10 your first date wasn’t planned but it was fun once you got over that
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* Epel doesn’t have the balls to ask you out, okay?
* You’re asking him out
* You just sort of slide up to him while he’s carving apple birds in the cafeteria and ask him if he wants to go apple picking with you
* Immediately says yes, is not aware it’s a date
* Once you two nail out the details of when you’re going, he finally catches up to the fact it might be a date
* This is confirmed when you shoot him a text the day before asking if he’s still cool with the date
* He’s squealing, kicking his feet in the air, screaming into his pillow
* Vil ends up telling him to shut up it’s literally 10:30 at night
* He almost gets too excited about the date that he doesn’t sleep
* He does get a few hours of shuteye once he nails down every detail
* He picks out the best outfit, best shoes, checks his bank account and oh dear lord that’s so empty flies are coming out of it, he even takes a shower on his own
* He has butterflies in his stomach when you come to the dorm to pick him up
* He’s dressed like a cowboy and a lumberjack at the same time please don’t comment on it
* When you arrive at the apple orchard he’s bouncing around like a kid in fuckin Disney world
* Infodumps about apples
* Also comments on the quality of apples and talks about his family’s farm
* He needs help reaching the apples please help him he’s too short
* Has 0 chill but he’s really cute
* Will pick apples specifically so he can make you some apple pie later
* You’re paying for the date, right? He never asks, but never offers to pay either so you can just assume
* Apple boy is excited because it’s his three favorite things at once: you, being covered in dirt, and apples
* He doesn’t bother pretending to be prissy here because he knows you won’t hold it against him, you asked him out you know he’s a gremlin
* Takes home way too many apples with a bright grin on his face and on the way back he tells out funny stories about his childhood
* Falls asleep on your shoulder after a while
* You end up having to carry him inside because he is snoring like a trucker and refuses to wake up
* Next day he shows up at your place carrying a homemade apple pie
* Overall: 4.6/10 he’s having the time of his life which is fun but he’s an acquired taste. His pie is tasty though
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* He begrudgingly asks you out in March because Lilia told him he needs a life outside of Malleus
* He actually does like you, but maybe not enough to warrant a date just yet, those feelings are still blooming, yknow?
* His idea of a date is taking you to an aquarium and telling you about all of the animals, regardless of if you’re interested
* It’s kind of nice to have someone playing tour guide
* The date has a pretty platonic feel to it aside from the fact that you are forcibly holding Sebek’s hand as you walk around
* The only time he quiets down is when you reach the underwater exhibit, where he pauses for a moment to just stare at the water
* He begins to quietly tell you some of his more secret thoughts, and is surprised when you lean in to hug his arm and lean your head on his shoulder
* “I think you’re doing amazing, Sebek.”
* He’s softer when you walk through the rest of the aquarium, and even buys you a crocodile plush that you name Sebek Jr.
* He refuses to refer to the plush as his son, but he does blush and get very flustered
* He pays for your lunch, but he also orders for you so there’s that
* “It’s what Lilia-sama recommends!” (It tastes like ass, but it’s free)
* Walks you and Sebek Jr home, bows when you’re about to go inside
* Gets very flustered when you peck his cheek
* Decides that it wasn’t that bad and perhaps he might invite you for another date some other time, but he’s really just not ready for that yet
* The next day you two are closer but not really in a romantic sense yet. You’re both young and Sebek needs a lot more time to really come out of his crocodile cave
* He will absolutely get flustered if he ever sees you and Sebek Jr around again though
* Overall: 5/10 it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t knock your socks off amazing either. You know a bunch of fish facts now though and he paid so
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sacredsnape · 2 years
some sev headcanons cos i'm bored :p
he collects things such as rocks, feathers, flower petals, and any other small and unique items that he can get his hands on. he keeps them all on a shelf in his bedroom at home
he has ocd and often has disturbing, intrusive thoughts that keep him up at night
to cope and distract himself from these thoughts, he reads or writes poems until his head clears and he can fall asleep
he's non binary & demisexual and uses he/him and he/they pronouns, often fluctuating between both sets of pronouns
he won't admit it, but he has a soft spot for gardening. he loves sneaking down to the hogwarts gardens and tend to the plants there while no one is watching. professor sprout caught him once and he begged her not to tell anyone, but she honestly found his knack for gardening quite endearing
he loves to wake up early in the morning to go sit down by the lake to listen to the birds chirping. he loves the early morning smell and the dewiness of the grass
he has a horrible sleep schedule since he stays up patrolling the castle or reading and writing. sometimes during his patrols, he'll stop by a window and gaze out at the stars and moon
when he can, he sleeps in for a few hours before getting up and taking a walk outside, singing a song he heard on the muggle radio once to himself
he loves classical music and jazz, along with visiting art museums and going to plays
he busies himself with experimenting with new potion ingredients, which sometimes results in him gaining some sort of injury. madam pomfrey tends to him and snape is a bit needier than he'd like to admit, calling her over often to check on his injuries to see if they were doing any better
unbeknownst to many, he is a loving person who just wants someone to love and cherish him. he puts on a tough and mean exterior to hide this part of him
whenever he's stressed, he likes to make himself beaded bracelets and necklaces. he keeps his bracelets hidden under the long sleeves of his coat and the necklaces hidden under the high collar of his coat
he has a bat tattoo on his right shoulder, a crown tattoo on his outer left thigh, and a tiny black cat tattoo behind his left ear
he likes to wear his hair up in a ponytail or man bun when he's alone
he's fluent in latin, french, and spanish. he wants to learn hebrew or japanese next
he doesn't like a lot of sweet things, but when he does, he indulges in butterbeer, ice cream, and cookies
he despises mint chocolate chip ice cream but loves raspberry chip ice cream and vanilla ice cream
he enjoys both tea and coffee and is okay with either iced or hot
his love language is physical touch, quality time, and acts of service
when he likes someone, he's very subtle about his feelings and doesn't make a move until the person shows signs of liking him back
he's a passionate lover who'd die (no pun intended) for his lover and do anything for them
he only wants one kid, maybe two. he wants to give his kid(s) the life he never had, and spoils them rotten and makes sure that they're always happy and safe
he is a big advocate for mental health, women's rights, and other important movements/causes
his animagus form is a bat
his favorite holiday is halloween, since he's able to turn into a bat and fly around the hogwarts grounds with ease. sometimes he'll even blend in with the bats that flutter around the great hall during the halloween feast
he likes to paint his nails black but if he's feeling confident or wants a pop of color, he'll paint them green, silver, or even a bright blue
he either smells like vanilla, old books, rain, or cinnamon
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