agoobersretreat · 9 months
Top ten preds go
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"Ooooorgh, fuuuuuuuuck. Ten whole peeps? Well, I'm gonna do it my way then! In no particular order and what I like best about them as a character and how I think it would go down!" So confident, suddenly! Well, until she reconsiders to realize how in-depth with this topic she's about to go.
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"Also, uhhhh, gonna put it under a readmore cuz...some of this shit is gonna be super indulgent and niche of this niche even. You have been warned!"
Rai Yamanashi @pudgy-planets
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"Ooooh, Rai! What a sweet lady. She's been really sweet on me ever since we met, when she accidentally sat on top of me while resting on top of a park bench! She's gotta have, like, the widest hips or ass I've ever seen. Like, if she sits down on me, you don't see me anymore!"
"Mmmm, let's see though? I really how she wants to make her own name and merits, even with her family having a reach all over the world! The life of a scion is an interesting and socially complex journey in general, more so when you actually do your best not to use your connections or heritage for gaining an upper hand on purpose!"
"Mmmmph, how she'd most likely go about eating me...? Well, there's always the usual way, but I've also been worried that one day I might catch her in a situation that she might sit on me and I am gone. Just completely engulfed and sent on my way in, full-size and full send. I mean, I'm sure she's worried about that too....right?"
2. Lizzie Bellbottoms @yourgfisaclown
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"Her blog is pretty literal, ehehehehe. My gf is a clown, yeah! Well, one of them, at least~? I'm glad she is, actually, as it keeps everything so interesting! Her level of clowning is so impressive and very surprising! I wouldn't have it any other way~."
"She loves fun and I love fun, so it's a match made in heaven! Or maybe in the fairgrounds? I've been meaning to ask her how a clown family tree looks or is like. Also, yes, she's a real clown. Do with that information what you will, but I swear. It's different than you'd think!"
"Hmmm, well, if I can think it? She can probably do it one way or another? Aside my own size shenanigans, she can do her own and change her body any way she likes! Like, wow! She once gave me an internal obstacle course to go through. I don't mean like, just her innards in general, I mean an actual full course with different levels of difficulty to get through! Mmm, wonder what else she could do, if we both were up to it...~?"
3. Monika [REDACTED] @brownhairedbookworm
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"Oh, right! Monika! She's a really cool person I met while DoorDashing! She was my last order of the day and I was so lost and turned around that she let me stay over for a bit to recuperate. And we've been close friends ever since~."
"Monika's got, like, these all-powerful...uhhh, powers! She can see the universe or something like that? I don't fully understand, but I can see the changes she has made where a lot of others can't! Isn't that so interesting? I mean, sure I can't prove it either? But her all-seeing eyes can see that I'm cute...and that means a lot to me, since I have trouble believing it myself."
"Well, Monika already really likes to gobble me up when I'm smol? I guess the only different ways are how she likes to do it? Her go-to is acting like a big scary monster or some kind of goddess? I mean, she kind of is, so eh. Sometimes she plays the role and sometimes the role plays her~."
4. Lena Xènia Gimenez Medina-Yamamoto @pudgy-planets
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"So, this is Rai's grandmother and the current matriarch of the family. Everything the businesses and connections all do go through her. Sometimes very, very literally. She goes through so many staff members when they can't keep up with her demands..."
"However, as scary as that may make her sound, she's actually really understanding and wants people to do their best and be at their fullest potential! You just gotta make it through her trials, like I did! Also, like I said, she is Rai's grandmother. She vastly out-everything's her granddaughter. Height, width, power and anything else you can think of!"
"Uhhhhh, this one...? Errrr, I worry much of the same I do with Rai, mostly. Definitely something that carried down through this family tree. Something they have for blondes, ehehehe~? Full size wherever she'd wanna take me, mostly."
5. Freia Margaret Hielo @someheartlesslady
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"Wow, my first friend on Tumblr and bestest friend since then too! It's Freia! Whoa...I realize it's been so many years. I'm still so thankful we bumped into each other all that time ago~."
"She's a fun-loving lady who's got a strong case of being undead, but she's also still the life of the party! She loves wholly and as much as she physically and emotionally can. She's also a wonderful singer~."
"Well, this one is kind of an unfair one with how easy and often this happens? She can gobble me up smol or, once in a blue moon and with preparation, full-sized! It's really sort of the big one for her, she likes using her mouth for that kind of fun! Also, I could never ask her any of the others, I'd feel so ashamed of myself...did I also mention that I was a cheesestick the first time she ate me?"
6. Samus Aran @ladarhatorilichozo
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"The greatest bounty hunter this side of the galaxy and then some. And I got to meet her a few times! And then...I think I absolutely fumbled the ball the last time, admitting my preferences when it came to being eaten by strange monsters....and I may have also let it slip I thought the same of her. I feel like such an idiot..."
"I mean, what do you have to say about Samus and her escapades? And besides, I think she's a way more interesting person to chat with when it's not about those. Like what burgers she likes and some of her favorite creatures she's come across in her travels."
"Uhhh, pretty much just...yeah...I'd let her eat me or want her to, but that's clearly a ship I sailed too soon. Definitely wasn't looked at like a monster by her, but definitely could tell it was no mutual feeling. At least it wasn't disgust, just more...like 'People think like that? Interesting?' Yeah. She also didn't know I could get smol, so that too probably."
7. Sana Sunomiya @pudgy-planets
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"Ooh, Sana! She's a pretty fun lady, too! Very blunt and wears her mind on her sleeve. She's sort of no-nonsense, but that's not exactly true either? It's more...she believes the best in people and those people usually just...don't understand? She's quite intimidating to those who don't know her well, but she's got a good heart and protects those who can't protect themselves well."
"If anything, I love that she sees me for myself and not something I shouldn't or couldn't be? She can really figure out people well, even if someone outside-looking-in wouldn't see it right away. Also, she's extremely well-endowed. In multiple senses, even."
"Mmmm, probably would just gobble me right up after making absolutely sure that's what I want. Maybe even to protect me from others, too? And she'd still respect me even if I was tucked away in her tummy at my full-size. Mmmmhmhmhm~."
8. Aerith Gainsborough @squishysquenix
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"Oh, hey! It's the fun-loving flower lady. I mean, I wonder when the last time I saw her with flowers was, but that doesn't really matter for this here? She's Aerith Gainsborough and she's really mischievous for a flowergirl. You wouldn't know that until you get into some antics with her or so!"
"Well, what else can I say? She's a girl who loves to have fun and party hearty! If anything, it's surprising how much fun is packed into one small lady with a huge butt!"
"Uhhh, let's see...? I imagine it would be some sort of shenanigans. Probably very much on purpose, too. Might either play the role of a scary monster or pretend not to notice me while smol, maybe? Or also knowing her, might just feed me to someone else too...?"
9. Bethany Allicia Fox @bethanytheescort
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"Oh, it's time for Beth! Mmm, she's so awesome! She's one of the other good friends I've made on here and have stayed in touch with for a few years now~. She's an awesome lady and runs an awesome business and takes care of those who show as much compassion for the world as she does!"
"Mmmm, let's see? I love how she loves so much! Like, she has so much to give to others and takes in love in kindness in turn as much as anyone, if not more! There's also her rockin' bod! But, umm, very respectfully! Of course, ya know? I mean, she even managed to get me to love myself a bit more too. That's a very good thing about her~."
"If it were to happen, it would be with consent and safe words and making sure everything is comfortable for the both of us and we take it at a pace we're both okay with! Of course, I'd be smol for both of us to have a very personal experience together. I'd also probably ask some time if I could then visit her 'private room', but that's...yeah. I don't wanna do anything she wouldn't agree to either, ya know?"
10. Super Pochaco @bigcurvesbigheart
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"Oh, Pochaco...one of the shortest ladies on this list, I believe? She's also a really cool gravure modeling lady...and that is unfortunately how I picked her out of a crowd when I bumped into her by complete accident. That was so embarrassing, but she didn't seem to mind...or acknowledge it, really. We became quick friends after some lunch and chatting. We still text pretty regularly...when I remember to, at least."
"So, Super Pochaco (The model) is so cool and shows her body off proudly and really shines with whatever photoshoot she's working for. Pochaco (the lady) is a sweet little lady who loves her pork buns and making friends. She also has a bunch of other odd jobs that really cool, but I can't seem to remember them at the moment?"
"Oh, if that ever happened? Absolutely a complete accident when I'm smol...which she still doesn't know I can do that! It'll probably be her accidentally grabbing me instead of her food or if i fell in and she scarfed it all down and didn't realize. That's the only way, I imagine."
Honorable Mentions:
Edea Lee @squishysquenix
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"Mmmm, Miss Edea Lee. Only met her once on a day where I kept getting lost in towns and worlds everywhere I turned. She was kind enough to take me in for the short time I was in her land and she helped send me on my with a nice rest and some good food! I should go back there, sometime. I remember leaving on good terms, at least?"
"She's an awesome lady, juggling so much on her plate at once. She leads her people, has lots of friends in high and low places and absolutely knows how to decimate a dining hall. She's, like, the whole package~! She's really got a good sense of humor, too."
"Mmmm, given the short time I was there? Probably if I took any of her food from her plate instead of my own? Like...I saw how she was glaring daggers and probably at least considering it as an option? Maybe even while I was full-sized, too? Or maybe I was thinking silly again? I do know any food going past her chambers got her immediate attention during our talks."
Yuri (DDLC) @plumpnpurple
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"Woof, Yuri. She's so pretty and smart and I love when we sit and cuddle and read books together. We both read kind of fast, so it's really nice that we both found someone who can keep up with each other! Also, she's recently started forging and that sounds so cool? I'd love to see her at work like that~."
"Yuri is very quiet and soft and very understanding of special needs when I'm around, like needing it a little quiet and a little cuddly while we read together. We gel really well together, honestly. Mmmm, I should text her about meeting up again, sometime."
"Mmmm, I can only imagine it would happen when I'm smol. I mean, that sounds easier for both parties involved, right? Not sure what else she might do with a teeny me if she felt that way about me...hmmm~?"
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"And that should about do it. Hrrrmph, hope that answers some questions...you might have...hrrrmgle~." The goober is getting a little fidgety now.
"Gotta go hide myself now while I have the time to before they see this or make comments about it...or wosre, afjshdjkfjs...." And off she slinks to her impenetrable fortress (her bed) to hide away from prying eyes. Might just wait this one out, especially once some of them catch wind of this post.
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someheartlesslady · 8 months
Freia - she hot - metaphorically, not literally. she's the opposite in that regard.
"Physically very cold, but I do know how to warm up your heart~ And maybe genitals. Hehehehe~"
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agooberscanons · 8 months
Flustered Yuri, hobbles to the kitchen table where the beverages await, along with three glass trays with arranged colored marshmallows. One the normal white, another...oh that had to be chocolate, and....wait, are those the rare blueberry marshmallows?!
Sayori is sat down and she immediately locks onto the last tray, her jaw dropping visibly. "What? No way, are those-? Yuri, how'd you manage this kind? They're sooooooo seasonal or in small shops that are hard to find~!" She immediately swipes for one, just to chew on it excitedly to make sure she's not dreaming. "Mmmmnnnrrrrh~." One more, to be sure. "Mmmph, Yuri, you spoil meeeeee~."
This is fine, probably. Definitely allows the fluster to ebb away enough to talk again, right?
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raunchyremnant · 2 years
Continued from Here
Nora grinned. “Hehe, you bet~ You’ve got a great butt, but I wanna compare~” Nora casually slipped off her bottoms., though she made sure to take some money out of the pockets. “Oh, but I can pay, obviously.”
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"Simple style, perfect for hiding my naughty products as well~"
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"H-hey, I never bought anything that saucy..."
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agooberscast · 1 year
"Pro" - for Maruko
A pro for dating Maruko: Her undying loyalty.
Once you have her attention, romantically, you are going to have a friend and partner for life.
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"I mean.....I wouldnt be against it..." he shyly admits, his soft pale skin getting darker. "I guess I'll take you up on that offer miss...?"
resumed from here
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somechubbynerd · 2 years
No corn, only pop
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doughyduo · 1 year
So definitely not fat enough.
So a regular sunday then
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N-None of this is helping....
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cynthiaandsamus · 2 years
@bethanytheescort​ submitted a naughty pic:
"Welcome home, Samus~! Would you care for some dinner, a bath?...or perhaps....~"
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“You, definitely you, fuck dinner or bath, we’re going till morning and can bathe and have breakfast then.”
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"This that a nut you're hiding in your pants or are you happy to see me~?"
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agoobersretreat · 1 year
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"Oh no no no! Miq, stay away from her. If you get near she'll...!"
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"...snatch you up..."
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"Oh, Shantae? What do you me-?" Miq is yoinked before she can even react to it. There she goes! Once again, Miq is fooled by a cute and pink face!
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someheartlesslady · 1 year
"I'm sensing some hot energy from you~" Beth smirked, bumping her hip into Linda's rear.
"Hot energy, huh?" Linda returns the bump, and grabs a hold of Beth's buns. "Please, tell me more~"
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agooberscanons · 8 months
"Should there be a reason for me to love on my ninja~?" Mwah!
"But....I guess, seeing you gulp down those materia, it did make me a little....horngry~" She cooed, hugging Yuffie close and giving her a bump with her belly.
"Hehehe, I guess not~?" She wiggles happily at that smooch there. And hums curiously back at Lizzie's claim and bumpin'! "Ahhh, did it now~?" She tries to bump her bottom and back right back into Lizzie's belly.
"Mmmm, so whatcha gonna do about that~?" She shimmies her hips playfully as she tries to egg on the horngry~! Bump, bump~.
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bigcurvesbigheart · 2 years
Big Boobs, Big Heart!
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"Love is stored in the titties."
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@bethanytheescort​ All my products are guaranteed "95 % Saucy"~
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“...But they’re just green... And comfy...”
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