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Be Thankful For What You Got - William DeVaughn! ❤️ 1974 #WilliamDeVaughn #bethankfulforwhatyougot #soul #funk #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylrecords #vinylcollector #vinylporn #recordcollection #records #recordcollector #70smusic #70s #7inchrecords #7inch #7inchvinyl #45records https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvzX1IJT7J/?igshid=tb5i3tmbi5dg
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7/11(土) ・ 取り急ぎのご案内になりますが💦本日は15:00〜24:00の営業になります。店内は同時に9名様まで(ご予約状況により、変更の場合もございます)のご案内です。入店の際のアルコール消毒、ご協力お願いいたします。本日は18:00で、ひとまず満席になっております。早い時間帯、またはお席空き次第ご案内可能ですので、ご来店前にお電話いただけますと、確実です👍ちなみに、明日はまだまだ空きがあります😅 ・ ナチュラルワイン、クラフトビールのボトル販売、量り売り、ご利用いただけます。 *ナチュラルワインボトル ¥3000〜 *ナチュラルワイン量り売り 100ml ¥600〜 *クラフトビール( @barbaric_works )量り売り 100ml ¥250 グラウラー、瓶などの容器をお持ちいただくか、お持ち帰り用の瓶(1つ¥100)もご用意しております👍 ワインのご購入も泡、白、赤、ロゼ、オレンジ、ご予算、産地などお気軽にご相談ください。 ランチ、アペロ、ディナー、バー使い、お酒やお野菜のお買い物だけでも、お気軽にお立ち寄りくださいませ♪ご予約、お問い合わせは0466-66-6409まで、お待ちしてます♬ ・ ・ ・ #monk #monktsujido #辻堂 #辻堂アペロ #辻堂ディナー #vinnaturel #vinonaturale #naturalwine #craftbeer #finefood #domainesaurigny #txindoki #williamdevaughn #bethankfulforwhatyougot #辻堂イタリアン #辻堂ワインバー #スナック跡地 (MONK Tsujido) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCfcWEBDbXa/?igshid=g2bxdyryur0f
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#monday #mood #summerishere #somethingsmissing #bethankfulforwhatyougot #bethankfulforwhatyoulack https://www.instagram.com/p/CBverWugz80/?igshid=ml08jc75ubu8
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#happythanksgiving #bethankfulforwhatyougot #diamondintheback #sunrooftop #williamdevaughn #thanksgivingwar2019 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5aqqCYlUiL/?igshid=kasn9hazmcwq
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La canzone di oggi fa pressappoco così: “... Diamond in the back, sunroof top Diggin the scene With a gangsta lean, wooh...” e la trovate nelle stories. Ritratto di Gianluca Gorini @gianlucagorini, chef extraoridinaire e frescamente *, per @levonisalumi. #nabbauà #chefslife #chef #portrait #kitchen #michelin #bethankfulforwhatyougot (presso Merano WineFestival) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xUdpECM-i/?igshid=d4rvla68sm4
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Something I've been working on recently is focusing on what I have achieved and been blessed with, rather than what I lack or haven't attained in life. Growth is a process, the journey of life is a quest for contentment. Be thankful for what you have while still striving for better. Leave yourself open to all gifts from the universe 🌌 I feel like that's the only true way to be happy 🌻 #bethankfulforwhatyougot
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Happy Thanksgiving from the PsychoFellas! #psychomusiclyricology #podcast #psychofellas #dopeblackpods #podsincolor #blackpodcast #podcastculture #afrosandaudio #dallastexas #dallas #dfw #texas #happythanksgivng #thanksgiving2019 #williamdevaughn #bethankfulforwhatyougot #tbt #throwbackthursday #throwback #blackpodcasters #rnb #rnbmusic #music #musicdiscussion (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5aeNqZBNkn/?igshid=1p31bnwd7jml5
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WILLIAM DEVAUGHN / BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU GOT : DEMON (LP) The 1974 masterpiece album by the soul singer William DeVaughn of Washington DC is regularly reprinted! The title tune which also covered Massive Attack is especially popular! ワシントンDCのソウル・シンガーWilliam DeVaughnによる1974年の名作アルバムが正規復刻!Massive Attackもカ��ァーしたタイトル・チューンが特に人気!録音は伝説のSigma Sound Studio、Norman HarrisやVince Montanaも参加したメロウ・ソウル~レア・グルーヴ傑作アルバムです!180グラム重量盤仕様! http://www.stradarecords.com/shop/item/22162/index.php #williamdevaughn #bethankfulforwhatyougot #demon #70s #massiveattack #sigmasoundstudio #normanharris #vincemontana #mellowsoul #raregroovsoul #重量盤 #lp #kobe #motomachi #recordshop #vinyl #vinyljunkies #dj #stradarecords (Strada Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/By1bTkIAkSN/?igshid=it9dwbhgbhc
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LORD ECHOツアー会場限定物販の7inch 2タイトル買えた☆ . 今回の大阪公演は都合がつかず諦めてたけど、@voxmusic_osaka さんでゲット出来ました~ . ちなみに『アイ・ラブ・ミュージック』のジャケットは2015の大阪公演で撮らせて頂いた写真で、こうして今でも使って下さってとても嬉しい限りです。 @w_n_p さん、@lordecho77 さん、ありがとうございますm(_ _)m . #wonderfulnoiseproductions #wonderfulnoise #lordecho #vinyl #limitedvinyl #7inch #45s #ilovemusic #bethankful #bethankfulforwhatyougot #日本盤 #会場限定盤
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#Wednesday Because I'm thankful for what I've got.. Just chillin out, listening to some ol popcorn 45's. Not the cleanest copy but with the popcorn it's nostalgic.. At least to me.. #williamdevaughn #bethankfulforwhatyougot Have a great day y'all! #djmarlonb #djmarlonbizzy #djlife #trueyorker #45s #vinyl #ilovevinyl #alwayshadem #inthestash
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Props to this Pastor #bethankfulforwhatyougot #happythanksgiving #williamdevaughn #curtismayfield #nyc #iosglitches #lol (at New York, New York)
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#LetsGetItStarted ..."The way we start, is the way we finish!" ~Rita J. Ziegler (Collins), my Mother (Thanks, for the #CrockPot) #ShesAWinner #EnergyOfLove #MrsDash #ALoveThatsReal #IllAlwaysLoveMyMomma #BeThankfulForWhatYouGot #PreparationIsKey #GetItGotItGood #ImmaBe #WorkingOnTheDash #MmmMmmGood #WCW
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🌏"New Balance, New Normal - 990 v4 2021 / 新平衡, 新常態 貳零貳壹年"🌝👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 keep it untied & homy! 待在家裏穿著最舒服的鞋子不綁鞋帶放鬆的過~ p.s: "...Though you may not drive a great big Cadillac Gangsta whitewalls. TV antennas in the back. You may not have a car at all. But remember brothers and sisters. You can still stand tall. Just be thankful for what you got..." {Be Thankful for What You Got} by William DeVaughn (1974) #NewBalance #NewNormal #2021 #2dogg #WilliamDeVaughn #BeThankfulForWhatYouGot
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#Thanksgiving 88#TheLastThanksgiving #Iloveyouall#BeThankfulforwhatyougot
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Happy Thanksgiving from the PsychoFellas! #psychomusiclyricology #podcast #psychofellas #dopeblackpods #podsincolor #blackpodcast #podcastculture #afrosandaudio #dallastexas #dallas #dfw #texas #happythanksgivng #thanksgiving2019 #williamdevaughn #bethankfulforwhatyougot #tbt #throwbackthursday #throwback #blackpodcasters #rnb #rnbmusic #music #musicdiscussion (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5aeNqZBNkn/?igshid=1p31bnwd7jml5
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