#beth rambles about lone star
notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
I’m sorry but “I vow to be the caretaker of your wild heart” is the greatest wedding vow of all time.
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never-blooms · 2 years
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what is sown, what is grown
Carlos/TK (rated M)
He’s tried many times to reconcile who he is with what they are, straddling the fence of I Am and Yo Soy and hating that the divide existed in the first place.
Who put it there, if not Carlos himself?
A Carlos Reyes character study and deep dive into the Reyes family, post s2e8 Bad Call.
part one // part two
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna info-dump again (about Ginger and Stephen this time), so if you don't want to read a huge, rambling thing about my OCs, then don't click on "keep reading". That's the reason I'm putting this under a cut, so people who don't want to see it don't have to.
Gold stars to anyone who gets through this entire chaos post, though! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Also, for anyone who is interested, here is the long info-dump post that includes Nikolai, Beth-Anne and Mishka (although it's mostly Nikolai. Beth-Anne should really have her own).
The quick backstory on Ginger is that she was born in the UK and she's an only child who had almost no relationship with her parents who were (and still are) very wealthy and very busy. Ginger's childhood was defined by a string of governesses, tutors and household staff who took care of her much more than her parents did. She loves her parents and they love her. They were never mean or abusive to her and they always made sure she had the best of everything. They simply didn't spend enough time with her to build up the kind of relationship most other kids have with their parents.
Ginger didn't have friends growing up. She had acquaintances and kids she would hang out with, but Ginger didn't understand friendship because, again, she never saw that behavour modelled in her household. She spent a lot of time lost in her imagination and liked to write stories to entertain herself (usually in which she was the main character).
Her one true passion was skating, which she started at the age of five. It soon became apparent that not only did she love it, but that she had an exceptional talent for it. By the time she was 10 years old and began competing, there was no doubt left in anyone's mind that she would have a bright future in the sport, provided she had the proper coaching and the best resources.
Her coach helped her do some research, and they made inquiries into potential coaches not just in Europe but all around the world. When former Olympic silver medallist Stanislav Kovac agreed to take Ginger as a student, she was thrilled. It didn't take much convincing for her parents to agree to send her to Canada and to pay for everything. Ginger was a few months short of 15 years old when she left home.
She lived with a homestay family during her first year in Canada, but then moved in with Stan and his wife Milena, where she lived until she was 20 and her parents stopped paying for everything. After that, she got a place of her own.
The summer Ginger arrived in Brindleton Bay, 16 year old Nikolai Pavlenko also arrived there, after his family had moved from another province. Nikolai's grandfather had arranged for Stan to be Nikolai's coach as well, and Stan agreed only because he wasn't sure Nikolai was as great a skater as he was led to believe. Stan intended for Ginger to be his main focus.
Nikolai and Ginger, the new kids in town, at the rink and at school, bonded almost instantly. They were both lonely kids, and neither of them ever had a best friend before. They found they had far more in common than skating, and were soon inseparable. Neither of them ever had a crush or any sort of romantic feelings toward each other; they were besties and honorary siblings.
During that first year, Stan gave Ginger her nickname (her real name is Vivienne). She liked it and felt it suited her personality, and started going by it exclusively.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Satoru Fujikawa (also known as Stephen) was also an only child born into a wealthy family. Unlike Ginger, Stephen had an amazing childhood surrounded by cousins and friends and parents who made time in their busy schedules to be with him.
Stephen also showed signs of being a gifted athlete at an early age. Growing up in the Mt. Komorebi valley, he had easy access to the mountain with its year-round snow, and his parents taught him to ski when he was around four years old.
Stephen became a competitive skier and distinguished himself by making it into the Olympics twice (at age 22 and 26). He won an Olympic gold medal when he was 22, but didn't finish in the top three on his second time at the Olympics. He attributed this to massive stress in his life outside of sports.
When Stephen was 18, he married J-pop idol Sae (Sarah) Ishida who was two years older than him. He'd known her since they were kids, and they started dating while Sae was actively pursuing her dreams of being a famous music performer and Stephen was still in high school. The reason they married so young was because Sae fell pregnant. She unfortunately miscarried, but fortunately was still able to have children. They had their son Sebastian two years later, when Stephen was 20 and Sae was 22.
Stephen and Sae divorced when Sebastian was six years old. It was a very messy and highly publicized divorce, and in the end, Stephen was given full custody of Sebastian. He retired from competitive skiing at that point so he could focus on his son, and he accepted a position with his father and aunt in the family's sports equipment company. Stephen and Sebastian had little contact with Sae after that point, and little Sebastian grew up without having much of a relationship with his mother.
Determined that his son shouldn't grow up without a sibling, Stephen applied to an adoption organization to adopt an older child. He ended up adopting a little girl only a few months younger than Sebastian. She wanted to have an English-sounding name like her new dad and brother, and they all settled on Sofia. Stephen raised Sebastian and Sofia almost entirely on his own, only engaging a nanny on a part-time basis.
While Sofia turned out not to be sporty at all, Sebastian excelled at sports in general and skating in particular. From a young age, he insisted he wanted to be a figure skater, and of course Stephen indulged him.
Fast-forward to 2014...
Sebastian and Sofia, now 14 years old, are sent to a UK boarding school so they can get an international education and perfect their English.
Meanwhile, back in Brindleton Bay, Nikolai is recovered from the injury that abruptly ended his competitive skating career. He's established as a skating coach after a highly successful period of time as a competitive athlete. Ginger has also decided to pursue coaching as her next step in life, after having retired from competition the previous year.
In the late summer & early autumn of 2013, Ginger had a whirlwind romance with a UK citizen, Liam Harris, who was working temporarily in Canada. They eloped at Christmas, and by early summer of 2014, Liam had convinced Ginger to return to the UK with him, with the promise that he'd help her find work once they got there.
Ginger became an assistant athletic director at a private school; the same private school where Sebastian and Sofia Fujikawa were attending. She quickly discovered that Sebastian was a skater in need of a coach, and since she was already certified as a coach, offered to train him. Sebastian recognized her from watching numerous skating competitions, and was excited to have someone like her coach him.
Ginger met Stephen via video chat soon after. Their first meeting was all business, as they worked out the details of her coaching his son. They met face-to-face for the first time when Stephen came to get his kids at Christmas.
After two years at boarding school in England, both Sebastian and Sofia were tired of living there and asked their father if they could return to Japan to finish high school. Stephen agreed. Sebastian, who'd become incredibly attached to Ginger by this point, begged her to come back to Japan with them and continue being his coach.
Ginger's personal life was in shambles, having recently gotten divorced from Liam. He hadn't turned out to be the Prince Charming she'd thought he was. He was manipulative, and emotionally and psychologically abusive, and Ginger had had enough. Unfortunately, divorcing Liam meant that she'd needed to get a place of her own and essentially start over, but at least she still had her own income and her freedom. Deciding she had absolutely nothing to lose at this point, she agreed to go to Japan.
Stephen helped her get her immigration paperwork in order, and he offered her a place to live as well, which happened to be a small cottage on his own property. The little house used to be servants' quarters back in the day, and Stephen had been using it as a guest house whenever he'd have overnight visitors. Since overnight guests weren't a super frequent occurrence, he felt it'd be better put to use if someone were to live in it full time.
Sebastian was thrilled to have Ginger living across the courtyard. They'd grown close in the two years she'd been coaching him, and he secretly thought of her as his adopted mother. Having a mother figure in his life was something he didn't realize he was missing until Ginger came along.
At first, when she wasn't working with Sebastian or going to language school to learn Japanese so she could integrate into the community and take on other students, she kept mostly to herself, and Sebastian would come to hang out with her in her cottage. But soon, he was practically begging her to come over to the main house to spend time with him and his father and sister. It didn't take long for her to feel at ease in the main house, and before too long, she was spending more time there than she was in her cottage. As time passed, she started doing things around the house like cooking for the family, ironing Stephen's clothes (a task he hated) and helping Sofia with her various personal projects. The whole family spoke Japanese to her so she could learn faster, and in the generally happy and relaxed environment of the Fujikawa home, she thrived.
Stephen was highly impressed. He'd never asked Ginger to do anything apart from coaching Sebastian, and he certainly never expect anything from her beyond that. It seemed to him that Ginger was doing those things because she wanted to, because she cared about his whole family and wanted to help them.
Ginger had been there for about a year when Stephen began to realize he was falling in love with her. The problem was, he didn't know how to tell her, or even if it'd be appropriate to tell her. Plus, he didn't think he could be successful in a romantic relationship. He'd certainly messed up the first one, and he was scared to try again. Also, a western woman like Ginger, from a wealthy and prestigious family, would never be interested in somebody like him, would she? To Stephen, she seemed unattainable.
Years went by, in which Stephen and Ginger got to know each other very well. Stephen thought of Ginger as part of the family. He invited her as his "plus one" to numerous social and business events, made a big deal of her birthday every year and brought her along on all the family's vacations.
For her part, Ginger settled into her role as a member of the family and soon found that she had feelings for Stephen too, but there was always that thought at the back of her mind that Stephen was, for all intents and purposes, her employer and a relationship with him might not be appropriate. Also, not unlike him, she's always felt that she's not the most skillful person when it comes to relationships.
Being a natural actor, she never had much difficulty in not letting her feelings for Stephen show, and she did her best not to pay too much attention to his awkward hinting.
At one point, while Nikolai was in Japan with Eden and Eden's brother Charlie, Ginger and Nikolai experimented with a relationship beyond friendship, but it ultimately didn't work out because they could never get past thinking of each other as siblings. They love each other deeply, but not in any sort of romantic way. Mishka is Nikolai's true love, and both he and Ginger realized it within a few months of starting their experiment.
Stephen, however, was not at all happy about what he perceived as a romantic relationship between Ginger and Nikolai. He doesn't know Nikolai very well, but that didn't stop him from feeling jealous about the situation. He was only too glad to see Nikolai leave Japan.
Sebastian and Sofia figured out long ago that their dad has it bad for Ginger, and at least Sofia has figured out that the sentiment is mutual. The siblings wish their dad would just get on with it and tell Ginger his true feelings for her, so that their unofficial stepmom can become their official stepmom.
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Stars, pt. 5
Sorry this took so long, life happened. anyways, hope yall enjoy this!
TW: abuse implied
Eliza could do this. After all, it was just a phone call. She had been working up the courage all day to actually call Eliza, and was finally dialing the number, fingers shaking as she pressed the call button. She held the phone to her ear, her heart beating faster with every tone.
“Hello?” Maria's voice came through the phone, and Eliza held back a sigh of relief.
“Hi Maria!” Eliza said into the phone, hearing giggling from the doorway.
“Hey, how's it going, Liza?” Maria asked, voice smooth and silky, lower than Eliza’s but just as beautiful.
“Eliza’s got a giiirlfriieend,” Peggy giggled, walking into the room. Eliza rolled her eyes and continued to talk to Maria.
“I'm great! Um, I was actually wondering if you wanted to come with me to go skating, Angelica’s taking me. Or if you don't want to do that we could always go for a walk in the park, or a movie, or-”
“Hey, I really wish I could, but I actually have a date tonight, sorry.” Eliza was glad someone had stopped her rambling, but her heart dropped at what Maria had said.
“You, you have a date?” Eliza cursed at how stupid she sounded. Of course she was dating someone! She was the prettiest girl in school!
The pause on the other line felt like an eternity. “..... Yeah, I've got a boyfriend, James.”
“Oh, okay. Well I guess maybe next time. Talk to you later I guess,” Eliza sighed.
“Okay, by Liz.”
Eliza flopped onto her bed, groaning in frustration. “Angie! You didn't tell me she had a boyfriend!”
“What?” Angie peaked in from behind the door, reading glasses still on.
“Maria. You didn't tell me she was dating someone!”
“Oh, yeah, I sort of forgot, sorry Liz. Yeah, she's dating that creepy kid James.” Angie took off the glasses, walking in and sitting on Eliza’s bed.
“What am I s’posed to do? I still like her!” Eliza sighed. Angie just giggled at her sister.
“It's okay, Beth. Listen, I doubt they'll even stay together that long, James is a total dick. And even if they do, I'm sure you'll find another crush to obsess over. Just hang in there, okay?” Angie patted her sister's head, ignoring the sound of Peggy walking into the room.
“And I could always beat James up, then you could take the girl,” Peggy shrugged as if she wasn't talking about fighting a high school boy, “he's no match for the mighty Pegs!”
“Please don't fight anyone, Peggy,” Angie sighed, kissing Eiza on the forehead before standing, “I have to finish some homework now, but good luck, Liz. See you in the morning.”
Eliza groaned before burying her face in her pillow, regretting her life choices.
John, of course, was dealing with his own phone call. He watched as his phone buzzed to life for the third time, the same number popping up. He had ignored Alex the first two times, but if Alex was anything, he was determined. John figured it was shut him up to answer, so reluctantly he picked up the phone.
“Alex what do you need?”
“Oh good you answered me! I know you told me not to call you because the whole you hating me thing, but I figured that was void now because we talked the other day. I wanted to talk about this thing-”
“Alex, stop rambling. You have two minutes.” John rolled his eyes, hoping this would be less painful than he expected.
“Fine, fine. So, I was wondering if maybe we could go out again sometime? It wouldn't even have to be any commitment, just one date, please.”
John held back an exasperated sigh. “Alex, why do you even want me? There are a million other kids that you haven't cheated on that would be more than happy to go out with you. Just leave me alone.”
“Because I want to date you! John please just listen-”
John expected to feel relieved when he hung up the phone, but the feeling in the pit of his stomach seemed a little more like regret. Why should he care anyways? Alex had cheated on him, turned the rest of the school against him, then expected another chance? He shouldn't care. He shouldn't feel a thing when he gets a bit of revenge. He shouldn't find the offer of a date so tempting. He stared at his phone, debating calling back and apologizing, but before he could Maria's number appeared on the screen.
“Hey Mar, what's up?”
“Hey, John?” Maria sniffled, “Um, so I just got done with my date at James’ house, and I need you to makeup before I go home. Please? I know it's late, it's just my parents and school tomorrow and-”
“Hey, hey, it's fine. Meet me at the window. I can do your makeup then you can go home”
“I swear I owe you my life.” Maria managed a laugh through the phone, which somehow sounded sadder than her sniffles.
“Hey, what are friends for?”
Maria walked into John’s backyard, chocolate bars from a gas station down the street in one hand, ice pack pressed to her right eye in the other. She figured if she was going to bother John this late, she should bring some sort of gift.she knocked on the side of the house, taking the ice off her eye.
John opened the window, dropping a backpack to the ground before climbing out himself. “Hey, rough night?”
The tears she had tried so hard to keep at bay came back to her eyes as she nodded, hugging him as he opened his arms. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re here now, you’re safe.”
She sniffled before pulling away slowly and nodding. “I know, I’m fine, I just need this covered up before i go home so my parents don’t see.” She pointed to the bright purple bruise over her eye.
“Did he do this?” John plopped onto the grass, opening the backpack and unpacking its contents aggressively. “You know you could just leave him. You could find a new beard, or you could just say he was a jerk and leave it at that. I worry about you, a lot.”
Maria shook her head, the tears only coming down harder, she couldn’t leave him, not yet. It was the only cover she had to stay in the closet. Everyone already hated her, she didn’t need to give them another reason. It was easier this way, get pushed around a bit but have her identity protected.”You know I can’t do that. Someone will find out. I just can’t.”
“So what? Maria, no one cared that I was gay. Literally no one will care.” John found the bottle of color corrector and began dabbing it on the bruise, making Maria wince. “This really can’t keep happening! He’s hurting you!”
“But he loves me! He said he does! He cares about me, and he’s trying to help me. He doesn’t want me to be outed. Either way, I don’t have a choice. I have to stay, there’s nothing else I can do.”
“If he does this again I’m breaking you two up myself. This can’t keep happening. I don’t care what I have to do, fight him, get a guidance counselor to listen, anything that has to happen. I can’t let you keep getting hurt like this.”
Maria sighed and started to argue, but sighed and nodded her head. She would just have to be more careful, not upset James. She let John finish her makeup before getting up and dusting herself off. She threw John one of the chocolate bars. “Here, I figured I’d better give you something to repay you, thanks. I’ve gotta go before curfew, but I’ll see you monday.”
“Bye Mar, love you.”
Maria thought about Alexander on the walk home. She had seen him as her escape from James. Just sleep with him once, and the entire school would think she was straight. So she made out with him, one night in some sophomore’s bedroom that she thought would be the solution to all her problems. She was drunk and lonely and depressed and damn she just wanted a way out. Then James found out. He told her it would never work, that it would never convince them. One wrong move, and everyone would know. So she stayed with him. Now here she was, bruises and all, completely helpless. She couldn’t just walk away, could she? There wer to many things resting on her, too many traps around her. She was paralyzed and she couldn’t do anything about it.
But what if she could just walk away? What if no one really cared. She could ask Eliza out, she could stop hiding, she could be herself! No. that could never happen. The world was stacked against her, and happiness wasn’t a possibility. She didn’t deserve hap she would never reach it.
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
Did y’all see that kiss?
They definitely ‘celebrated’, but I don’t think it was a leaving-the-house type celebration.
More likely an on-the-dining-table-with-no-pants-on kind of thing.
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notwithout-mymuse · 2 years
This is giving firehouse 126 vibes:
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notwithout-mymuse · 2 years
It’s the way TK refused to even consider letting anyone else administer the narcan for me.
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
I think this is the first time we’ve been told that Carlos’ family are aware of TK’s addiction, right?
I always assumed they probably did know, but I don’t think we’ve ever had it confirmed before?
Now I’m wondering how that conversation went. I like that they don’t seem to have made it a big issue, but I’m curious about how the conversation came about.
Did Carlos tell them on the quiet? Did TK tell them himself around the time their families met - they were drinking margaritas in 2x11 so it could have come up then? Or did Gabriel find out about the sobriety chip during the kidnapping case? Did they figure it out during the whole Sadie situation?
And yes please do take these as writing prompts because all of these scenarios intrigue me.
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
Me at work rn with a Lone Star hangover, surviving on 3 hours sleep and caffeine:
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
I just know that poor Carlos has been on the receiving end of 126 shenanigans like this.
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
TK in every episode of season 5:
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notwithout-mymuse · 2 years
Wait I’ve just realised that Iris saying ‘so tell me about this boy’ is a parallel to Michelle saying the same thing in S1.
@ talented gif makers, I’m going to need that parallel gif set stat please!
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
Dreamy Officer Reyes' nincompoop sidekick is the role Ronen Rubinstein was born to play.
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notwithout-mymuse · 2 years
In the next instalment of Lone Star parallels that make me cry:
Owen’s reaction in the pilot to TK’s planned engagement to Alex.
Owen in 4x06 showing up at the Tarloft with Chinese food to gossip about wedding plans.
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notwithout-mymuse · 2 years
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
The planned wedding is going to get wrecked by the train crash (either everyone rushes off to help at the accident, or it will literally wreck the venue).
Cue impromptu ceremony somewhere odd (my money is on the firehouse), with Paul officiating.
Calling it now.
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