#beth nahrin
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Took me a while to get this posted.
Fuck Turkey for this shit!
They don’t even care about helping Syria’s people! Or getting rid of Assad and his putrid nepotistic regime (at least not without a democratic transition), not without putting a puppet regime in its place.
Their occupation has brought ruin and suffering to Syria. Slaughtering and murdering innocent Syrians, Armenians, Kurds, Assyrians and Yazidis with the help of sellout FSA mercenaries and Islamist groups.
Erdogan is spearheading a genocidal neo-Ottoman imperialist vanity project.
That’s what Turkey’s fuckery in Syria is all about.
#personal stuff#dougie rambles#fuck Erdogan#fuck Assad#syria#rish ayno#ras al rayn#Assyria#north and east Syria#Beth nahrin#political crap#middle east#Levant#everything is in the news today
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Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Rosaries and rifles: Syria Christians take on IS in Raqa [UPDATES]
An ivory-coloured rosary swings from the rearview mirror of Abboud Seryan's pickup truck as he speeds through Syria's Raqa, inspecting the positions of fellow Christian fighters taking on the Islamic State group…
RELATED UPDATE: Seven Days, a Gun, and a Prayer: The Pentagon’s Plan to Pacify Raqqa
RELATED UPDATE: American foreign fighter says he can't cross Iraqi border to come home due to Iranian-backed militias
RELATED UPDATE: Turkey conducts first airstrikes against Efrin in Syria after Russia withdraws troops
RELATED UPDATE: Syriac Military Council plans imminent deployment to defend “our democratic project” in Efrin
RELATED UPDATE: Syriacs celebrate Martyrs' Day in Tirbespiyê
RELATED UPDATE: Syriac Military Council: We are ready to protect our land
RELATED UPDATE: Turkish army and allied mercenaries carried out 91 attacks on Efrin-Shehba in April
RELATED UPDATE: Escalating violations in Syria’s Afrin – 2024 update
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Μεσοποταμία "tierra entre dos ríos"
Mesopotamia (del griego: Μεσοποταμία Mesopotamia ‘tierra entre dos ríos’, árabe بلاد الرافدين bilād al-rāfidayn, traducción del persa antiguo Miyanrudan ‘la tierra entre ríos’, o del siríaco ܒܝܬ ܢܗܪܝܢ beth nahrin ‘entre dos ríos’) es el nombre por el cual se conoce a la zona del Oriente Próximo ubicada entre los ríos Tigris y Éufrates, si bien se extiende a las zonas fértiles contiguas a la franja entre ambos ríos, y que coincide aproximadamente con las áreas no desérticas del actual Irak y la zona limítrofe del norte-este de Siria.
El término alude principalmente a esta zona en la Edad Antigua que se dividía en Asiria (al norte) y Babilonia (al sur). Babilonia (también conocida como Caldea), a su vez, se dividía en Acadia (parte alta) y Sumeria (parte baja). Sus gobernantes eran llamados patesi.
Los nombres de ciudades como Ur o Nippur, de héroes legendarios como Gilgameš, del Código Hammurabi, de los asombrosos edificios conocidos como Zigurat, provienen de la Mesopotamia Antigua. Y episodios mencionados en la Biblia o en la Torá, como los del diluvio o la leyenda de la Torre de Babel, aluden a hechos ocurridos en esta zona.
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Naum Faiq ( Naum Elias Yaqub Palakh, ܢܥܘܡ ܦܐܝܩ, Naˁum Fayëq ) - jeden z ojców założycieli nowoczesnego asyryjskiego nacjonalizmu na początku XX wieku. Przez całe życie był nauczycielem i pisarzem. Syryjski prawosławny chrześcijanin, podkreślił znaczenie jedności Asyryjczyków i zachęcił swoją wspólnotę do odejścia od "plemiennej mentalności". Urodził się w Diyâr-ı Bekr (obecny Diyarbakir) w Imperium Osmańskim i rozpoczął tam swoją edukację w wieku siedmiu lat. Po ukończeniu szkoły podstawowej uczęszczał do miejscowego liceum, które zostało założone przez lokalne "Bractwo Starożytnych Syryjczyków". Spędził 8 lat w szkole, gdzie edukacja odbywała się w klasycznym syryjskim, tureckim i arabskim. Naum uczył się także kilku innych języków, w tym perskiego i podstawowego francuskiego. Po śmierci jego rodziców, po raz pierwszy mieszkał ze swoim starszym bratem Thomasem, a następnie zaczął nauczać w wiosce niedaleko Diyarbakır w 1888 roku. Uczył także w Urfa, Adıyaman i Homs przed powrotem do Diyarbakır. Naum napisał wiele książek dotyczących języka syryjskiego i ludzi. Po rewolucji młodego Turka w 1908 r. i proklamowaniu drugiej konstytucji tureckiej zniesiono ograniczenia wolności słowa. W 1910 r. Naum zaczął wydawać gazetę dla prawosławnych, katolickich i protestanckich społeczności syryjskich, zatytułowaną Kawkab Madnho ("Gwiazda Wschodu"). Choć napisany w całości w alfabecie syryjskim, Gwiazda Wschodu była w rzeczywistości trójjęzyczna z artykułami w języku tureckim osmańskim, klasycznym syryjskim i arabskim. Ta gazeta, wraz z gazetą Ashur Yousif, sygnalizowała pojawienie się asyryjskiego nacjonalizmu w syryjskich społecznościach chrześcijańskich Imperium Osmańskiego. Po tym jak Imperium Osmańskie i Włochy zaczęły walczyć o prowincję Libii w 1911 r., Naum, podobnie jak inni chrześcijanie w regionie, odczuwał gwałtowną reakcję ze strony społeczności muzułmańskiej, a w 1912 r. uciekł do Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie zaczął pisać dla gazety Intibah ܐܢܬܒܗ ( Cirutho ܥܝܪܘܬܐ, w języku angielskim: Awakening), opublikowany przez Gabriela Boyaji z lat 1909-1915. Następnie założył różne gazety asyryjskie, w tym Beth-Nahrin w 1916 r. i stał się szefem redakcji czasopisma Huyodo, które jest nadal publikowane pod tą samą nazwą przez Asyryjską Federację w Szwecji. Śmierć jego żony w 1927 roku bardzo mocno dotknęła Naum. Zmarł w New Jersey w 1930 roku z powodu choroby płuc. Dzień "Naum Faiq" obchodzony jest co roku 5 lutego. Ceremonie odbywają się zwykle w Syrii, w Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz w różnych krajach europejskich.
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For five years the HSBN (Haylawotho d'Sutoro d'Neshe d'Beth Nahrin) have existed as the first all-female combat unit of Christian women in northeast Syria. On Sunday the Women's Protection Forces, which call themselves after Beth Nahrin, the Aramaic word for "Mesopotamia", which lies between the Euphrates... via Peywendi
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Kesnizani - Irak'ın FETÖ'sü
Kesnizani – Irak’ın FETÖ’sü Ahmet Dinç Kripto Basım Yayın
-FETÖ’nün Irak’taki ikizi Kesnizani örgütü/tarikatı CIA-MOSSAD tarafından ne zaman, nasıl kuruldu?
-Kesnizaniler, tıpkı FETÖ’nün Türkiye’de yaptığı gibi Irak’ta polis, askeriye, istihbarat ve diğer bütün devlet birimlerini nasıl ele geçirdi?
-Saddam’ın eşi, oğlu ve kardeşi dahil tüm çevresi nasıl Kesnizani müridi yapıldı?
– Saddam, dünyanın en güçlü ordularından birine hükmettiğini sanırken, gerçekte tek bir askeri bile olmadığını neden hiç anlamadı?
-Amerika Irak’ı işgal ederken, tek kurşun atmadan Bağdat’a nasıl girdi? Kesnizani Şeyhi, Irak’ın tüm ordusunu bir gecede nasıl “terhis etti”, bütün ordu komutanlarını bir emirle nasıl emekli edip evlerine gönderdi?
-İsrail ve ABD, bir Kürt tarikatı olan Kesnizanilik üzerinden Kürtleri nasıl kontrol ediyor?
-Irak’ta oluşturulan Kürt otonom bölgesi nasıl “İkinci İsrail” haline dönüştürülüyor? Orada maaşları kim ödüyor?
-PKK’nın sahneden çekilme olasılığına karşı, Batılı istihbarat servislerince Süryanilere kurdurulan Beth-Nahrin Ulusal Kurtuluş Ordusu, Türkiye’den hangi toprakları istiyor?
-Herkes bir tek yerde yaşandı sanıyor ama o gün gerçekte Irak’ın beş ayrı yerinde ABD askerleri baskın yapıp Türk askerlerinin başına çuval geçirdi ama…
-Türkmen şairler yıllar boyunca Irak diktatörlerine nasıl direndi, halkın Türklük bilincini nasıl diri tuttu?
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devamı burada => https://is.gd/LN3Tge
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Just leaving a few more articles here.
Feel free to reblog.
#dougie rambles#political crap#news#syria#syrian civil war#turkey#protests#north and east syria#rojava#assyria#kurdistan#beth nahrin#united nations#war crimes#terrorism#fuck Erdogan#leftism#anti fascism#anti imperialism#syrian democratic council#reblog this#reblog the shit out of this
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Just leaving this here.
It’s a week or two late, admittedly.
Feel free to reblog the shit out of this.
#dougie rambles#political crap#everything is in the news today#Syria#rojava#north and east Syria#Beth nahrin#middle east#Levant#environment#environmentalism#sustainability#reblog this#reblog the shit out of this
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From what I recall this protest is in response to unwanted encroachment by the Iraqi (and Kurdish) governments into Assyrian land and illegal seizures of Assyrian property and new election laws which disadvantage the Assyrian population.
(All I do know is that Iraqi electoral politics has an unjust sectarian quota system)
Well I say that the parties are just right to hold this protest.
#personal stuff#dougie rambles#political crap#middle east#everything is in the news today#assyria#assyrian#assyrians#assyrian people#bethnahrin national council#Beth Nahrin#dawronoye#leftism#protest#protests
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Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Turkish attacks put the lives of Assyrians and Syriacs in danger [UPDATES]
SDF, MFS and HSNB denounced ongoing attacks by the Turkish army and mercenaries that pose a danger to the lives of peoples from various communities and faith groups in northeast Syria…
RELATED UPDATE: WATCH [Women’s Voices] Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces – HSNB
RELATED UPDATE: WATCH [Women’s Voices] International day for the elimination of violence against women in the former capital of the Islamic State
RELATED UPDATE: Syriac Women Protection Forces complete military training
RELATED UPDATE: Sharmin Habibi, one of the plaintiff's families in Saqqez, was arrested
RELATED UPDATE: Turkish attacks destroying the future of a generation of young women
RELATED UPDATE: [Part 2] Turkish attacks destroying the future of a generation of young women
RELATED UPDATE: Turkish UCAV attacks claim the lives of three Syriac Military Council fighters in Derik
RELATED UPDATE: Book pays tribute to internationalist martyrs of Rojava
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Kakistocracy #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Meet the Christian Soldiers Fighting for Their Lives Against ISIS [UPDATES]
With little of no military experience, Syrians from the oldest Christian community in the world are taking up arms against ISIS — with training from a former club owner in Switzerland…
RELATED UPDATE: #Sutoro women securing the area of a culture event in #Hsija #Hassake #syria @CENTCOM
RELATED UPDATE: WATCH For northern Syrians who endured ISIS, U.S. withdrawal means a new struggle to survive
RELATED UPDATE: In conjunction with the 5th anniversary of Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces - HSNB, press release in Arabic.
RELATED UPDATE: Five years of Bethnahrin Women's Protection Forces
RELATED UPDATE: Leader Zenobia Athro: Establishing YPJ is a message to enemies
RELATED UPDATE: Women of Beth Nahrin Women’s Protection Force of North and East Syria: “Our people are in danger, so we joined the HSNB in order to strengthen ourselves and defend our children and homeland”
RELATED UPDATE: Lebanon: Armed Forces Summarily Deporting Syrians
#Kakistocracy#CorpMedia#Idiocracy#Oligarchs#MegaBanks vs#Union#Occupy#NoDAPL#BLM#SDF#DACA#MeToo#Humanity#DemExit#FeelTheBern#JinJiyanAzadi#BijiRojava
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#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Syriac Christian women take up Kalashnikovs to fight Islamic State [UPDATES]
Newly formed battalion of 50 women sees first major action fighting with coalition of forces to overtake strategic town of Hol...
RELATED UPDATE: ‘Female Protection Forces of the Land Between Two Rivers’: All-female Syrian Christian fighters take on Isis
RELATED UPDATE: 'Man, She's Pretty': Behind Syrian Rebels' Gruesome Murder of a Female Kurdish Fighter
RELATED UPDATE: Martyrs never die - “Do not stand at my grave and cry; While Rojava lives, I did not die.”
RELATED UPDATE: Meet The Fighting Bethnahrin Women of Syria
RELATED UPDATE: Meet the women with guns who fought Isil in Syria - and are now battling its patriarchy
RELATED UPDATE: [Women’s Voices] Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces – HSNB
RELATED UPDATE: Syriac Women Protection Forces complete military training
RELATED UPDATE: All-female Syriac Christian fighting force in Syria celebrates 5th anniversary
#CorpMedia#Idiocracy#Oligarchs#MegaBanks vs#Union#Occupy#NoDAPL#BLM#SDF#DACA#MeToo#Humanity#DemExit#FeelTheBern#JinJiyanAzadi#BijiRojava
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Also leaving this here.
Feel free to reblog. Please do so actually.
#dougie rambles#political crap#everything is in the news today#bethnahrin national council#bethnahrin#Assyria#Assyrian#assyrians#assyrian people#assyrian history#simele massacre#forgotten history#remembrance#assyrian genocide#genocide#leftism#anti fascist#anti fascism#anti imperialism#decolonization#dawronoye#iraq#middle east#reblog this#please reblog this#somebody reblog this#signal boost#Beth nahrin
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Just leaving this here.
#personal stuff#dougie rambles#everything is in the news today#political crap#treaty of lausanne#bethnahrin national council#assyria#assyrians#assyrian people#assyrian#leftism#dawronoye
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Just leaving this here for any Assyrians.
#personal stuff#dougie rambles#political crap#everything is in the news today#assyrian people#assyrians#assyrian#Assyria#bethnahrin#bethnahrin national council#dawronoye#leftism#antifascism#anti fascist
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Also leaving this one here too for good measure:
Almost forgot about it.
Feel free to reblog.
#dougie rambles#political crap#assyria#assyrians#assyrian#assyrian people#assyrian history#sayfo#1915#assyrian genocide#commemoration#remembrance#anti denialism#bethnahrin patriotic union#bethnahrin#dawronoye#leftism#somebody reblog this#reblog this#feel free to reblog#signal boost#signal b00st#signal boooooost
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