#beth is too talented
lobeliamaximoff · 18 days
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I swear Wanda and Monica are the characters that writers like to torture most.
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restlessmaknae · 2 years
I’ve changed my icon if anyone wonders who this is haha
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russo-woso · 3 months
could you do like leah and r (her gf) instagram posters pls. like r is a vvvv famous singer and. its off season, posts of like the holiday, leah at r’s show, more holidays
i think you’ll do it great! love youuuuuu
Getaway || Leah Williamson
This request will help split into two Instagram posts :)
Summary Leah and singer!reader’s getaway for their anniversary.
<Leahwilliamsonn posted>
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Liked by katie_mccabe11, Stanwaygeorgia, and 95,291 others
Decided it was time to treat my girl ❤️ @Y/N
Y/N love you so much, le, thank you 🤍
alessia have a good holiday, you two!
^ Y/N thanks, lessi
Kierawalsh does this holiday have a purpose 💍
^ leahwilliamsonn yes, to escape you
^ Y/N don’t be mean Leah Williamson!
Y/Nsno1fan I love their relationship
User13 Where are they going?
User 93 What hotel are they staying at?
<Y/N added to their story>
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<Y/N posted>
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Liked by leahwilliamsonn, alessia, and 631,803
Goodbye London, see you next week 👋
Bethmead_ have fun, without me 😢
^ Y/N next time Beth, I promise
^ Jbeattie91 I’m coming too
^ katie_mccabe11 me too
^ Y/N I’ll book a girls holiday now
User16 When’s the new album coming?
Y/n4ev is Taylor on your new album?
User19 How many songs are on the album?
<Leahwilliamsonn just posted>
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Liked by Y/N, Lucy bronze and 104,720 others
The fact this girl can write a song anywhere, bewilders me @Y/N
Y/N I’m just talented 🤷‍♀️
^ Leahwilliamsonn you certainly are, my girl 🤍
User12 can’t wait to listen to the new album!!
User74 did you see the picture of Leah with a small box in her pocket?
^ user15 my favourite couple are getting married!!!
<Y/N just posted>
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Liked by Leahwilliamsonn, alessia, and 628,739 others
Happy fifth anniversary to my one love. Le, I love you so much, baby. Five down, forever to go ❤️
View all 8362 comments
<Y/N just posted>
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Liked by maryearps, lj10, and 1,193,638 others
Turns out this holiday wasn’t just for our anniversary. I love you so much, le. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. This also gives the whole backstory for my new album. Stream lover now 🤍💍
Leahwilliamsonn love you too, baby ❤️
bethmead_ Leah finally got the courage then
^Y/N she still stuttered though
^Leahwilliamsonn don’t out me like that, Mrs Williamson
^Y/N not just yet, Williamson, but good try…
User47 ahhhhh!!!!
User15 I knew it!
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prettyforwoso · 8 months
Help Us Understand.
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Barca x teen reader
Alexia x teen reader
Lionesses x teen reader
word count: 3500
Summary: y/n, a talented 16-year-old footballer, nicknamed "la princesa," battles the harsh realities of adolescence. Burdened by self-harm scars and body image insecurities, she attempts to hide her struggles from the team. The team uncovers her deepening eating disorder, prompting a collective effort to guide her through recovery.
tw: mention of eating disorders and self harm
Being a teenager in this world is hard. Not only are you working with shitty hormones and breakouts on your face, you also have to put up with the nightmare of other teenagers. Most of them are fine, in fact, what seems to be the worst of it, are the people who are no longer teenagers, and think that’s a valid reason to attack those who are younger and more vulnerable than them. Like you.
You are a lioness, 16, debuting at 15, now playing for Barcelona, a along side your England teammates, Lucy and Keira. You are known as “la princesa.” The nickname came around after your first game for Barca, in which, you scored a Hatrick and pulled a neat assist. the fans linking your talent to Alexia, saying how much you play like her. Quick, rough, strong. You have always been that way.
This nickname sparked a close connection between you and Alexia. She took you under her wing the second you got off the plane in Barcelona. She didn’t like the idea of you living alone in a new country, despite your ability to speak perfect Spanish. So, you lived with her “only for the first few weeks” which has turned into months. Alexia acts like she is trying to help you find an apartment, but isn’t, like secretly loves having you around, seeing so much of her younger self in you. She fusses over you, cares for you, feeds you, scolds you, drives you to school, gets emails from your school. She has stepped into your life and has supported you in every way a mother would.
You have a bad history with self-harm. It was Leah Williamson who noticed it first, well maybe just the first person to speak to you about it, but you don’t know that. You were rooming with her for your first England camp. Nervous about the girls seeing your scars, you were always wearing a long sleeve under your training kit, which at times got hard as it was summer.
A few girls would joke to you, “how are you not boiling?” was the consistent one that just made you want to rip the skin off whoever said it. It was some of the older girls who brought it up with each other at a post-match dinner that you managed to get out of. It was Lucy, Leah, Mary, Beth and Lotte who exchanged their concern, how they never seen your arms, how you were always somehow too busy for ice baths, how you shivered when someone would grab your wrists. They all kept a close eye on you, but decided not to come to any conclusions, as in reality, you were known to be the sunshine and smiles of the squad.
But you weren’t, and deep down, they knew that too.
It all came crashing down one afternoon, when Leah found a bloody rag in the bathroom bin, she investigated further and found your blades in the back of your phone case that you had left on your bed.
She called Beth to your room, who then called lucy, they gathered together in your room, talking about the next steps. The three of them sat in an almost silence, saddened by the conformed truth. They made their plan, not wanting to waste any time.
They found you in the games room, laughing with Ella as you and a group of girls played table tennis.
“y/n, sorry I just need to grab you real quick” Leah said, breaking her observant silence. You were pulled into a room, it all happened so fast. Lucy placing you on her lap, wrapping her arms around you and Beth pulling your phone out of her back pocket. Leah speaking, you didn’t hear any of it, your focus being on Beths hands, taking off your phone case and picking up the tiny metal blades. You just cried and cried as they talked to you, you didn’t say a word, not denying anything. You cried into lucy’s arms as they tried to understand you and your reasoning being the scars. It took some gentle tugging and tears of resistance for your top to be pulled over your head, leaving you in just your bra and pants in Lucys lap as Leah ran a gentle finger across the healed and fresh marks along your arms. Beth moved closer to you, taking your face in her hands, clearly holding back tears of her own.
No one was supposed to know. But when they did, it killed you.
The bad thing about talent is the expectation of performance, and when you underperform, you would be attacked online. The hatred and negativity really got you, and ruined a lot of your confidence and the girls knew that. They knew the comments you would get, about your play, your personality, your body.
The comments about your body were some of the worst, and they didn’t get better when you started at Barca, in fact, they got worse. It was almost like it was all you saw. You would make a post about a game and hardly anyone would speak about how well you played or how many goals you scored. All you would see was the comments about how your body has changed, how you look in the kit, your legs, hips, arms, boobs. It got so bad that you stopped posting all together and turned off all your comments. Soon however, they comments came to the Barcelona Instagram page, and the pages of your teammates. You worked harder that ever. Working out was no longer about training your body to perform and be strong, it became about looking different and making changes to your body physically.
You were running lengths each morning and evening as well as staying back at training. You weren’t fat, or thin, nothing abnormal for a teenager with a changing body. You had bigger boobs than you did 3 months ago, wider hips, thicker thighs, yknow, everything normal, but the fans didn’t think so, and that’s what got the best of you.
Alexia noticed your increase in running and working out but at first brushed it off as you wanting to prove yourself to a new team. But it soon became hard to ignore when you were finding excuses to not eat, the snacks she would buy you because she knew you loved them, sat in the kitchen untouched. She tried to pretend she couldn’t hear you coughing up each meal in the bathroom, more for her own comfort.
It became too much to ignore when others noticed.
“Why are you running so much little one?” Mapi asked you, completely innocently after training one day in the change room.  At first you pretended not to hear, until you realised the whole team was awaiting an answer.
“Do you think I’m just naturally the fastest on the team?” you joke back, getting a laugh from her and a few others. Alexia remains stone face, looking as though she could see right through you.
A few of the girls watched you through squinted eyes as you pull your bag over your shoulder, noticing your spine that wasn’t visible last week. They exchange looks amongst themselves as you and Alexia walk towards her car.
“I got a call from your school yesterday” Alexia says, hiding behind her sunglasses as she pulls out of the car park.
“Why” you ask dry as you pull your phone out of your hoodie pocket. Alexias’s silence was inevitable. You turn your head towards her, awaiting a response. She keeps her eyes on the road, rolling her tongue along her top teeth, looking out at the cars ahead in deep thought.
“Why are you hiding from me bebita?” she breaks her silence, with an almost whisper.
“What are you talking about” you snap back in her direction
“You tell me Pequeña, Why do you think your school called, Se honesta conmigo” her eyes didn’t leave the road.
“No sé” you reply, swallowing the truth that lingers on the tip of your tongue, threatening to reveal itself.
“What is going on with you” Sabes que no deberías actuar de esta manera.” She takes a breath, remaining hidden being her bold sunglasses, refusing to look you in the eye, scared of becoming too vulnerable.
The silence was deafening. Pulling up in the driveway, you reach for the car door, your attempt at defusing the situation quickly rejected as Alexia locks the doors, trapping you in a conversation. You refuse to turn from the window, Alexia now being the one begging for eye contact.
“Bebita, look at me” she whispers. Her failed attempt of a resolution resulting in her hand reaching for your long curls, gently moving your head around to see your face. Her breath hitches as she looks at the tears swelling in your eyes, immediately bringing her thumb to wipe them off your soft skin.
“I hate when you yell at me” you begin, chocking on almost every syllable. “Estoy tratando de ser valiente”
“oh cariño ven” she says desperately as she pulls you effortlessly over the centre console and into her lap, wrapping her arms around you. Your tears just get heavier, as you hide your face into her neck, the idea of getting out of the car, now long forgotten.
“Bebita, your school is worried, you are the top student, why are you not doing work? Hay algo que te distraiga? She gently nudges you in her arms as she askes. “I am worried for you, talk to me”.
You just couldn’t bring yourself too. The truth is, you were too distracted for school, for homework, for study. There was so much on your mind right now. The last thing you were worried about was classes that you already knew all the content for. You were hungry, not eating at all, desperate for control over your changing body.
The next dreaded team bonding night came all too soon. Your tried to convince Alexia you were too busy with school but she wasn’t having a bar of it, almost having to drag you out the door and into the car. Nothing you wanted to do more in that moment than curl up in bed with a teddy and your warm blanket Alexia got you for my room in her house. But it was unavoidable. Alexia was correct in the way of you having to be at the dinner, in her perspective it was to show up and be social, for you personally it was about proving the concerned rumours between the girls that you weren’t eating wrong. However, that didn’t exactly go to plan.
Alexia parks in the driveway of Mapi and Ingrid’s home and you follow her inside. You greet all your teammates, receiving a kiss on the cheek and head pat from most of them and they smile down at you.
Since the conversation in Alexia’s car a few weeks ago, she hasn’t let you out of her sight, you didn’t even get into the not eating stuff, but still has watched your every mouthful over the past few weeks. You still had your tricks, not eating when she wasn’t around, running now three times a day on top of training, and all else. You were deteriorating. Dark bags under your eyes and hallowed cheeks.
“Y/n come get some pizza before you sit” Frido pulls you to the kitchen away from the crowd that was the typical team bonding, this felt like a test.
“Oh no, its okay” you scan your surroundings before following up your statement. “Alexia fed me before we came” you smile, attempting to be casual.
“oh, that’s weird, we always have dinner at team bonding” she raised an eyebrow, questioning what felt like your whole existence. She grabs a slice for herself and tries to offer you some anyways, failing as you kindly decline, insisting you will have some later.
People were scattered everywhere around the home, some sitting around the table playing card games, others vacating outside with a drink. You scan the house looking for place to escape to. All you wanted was to leave the overstimulation that was this monthly event.
You head towards the empty bathroom, the room you spend probably the most time in at other people’s houses. You begin to almost run towards it as you hear your name being called. It was too late; Lucy was stood outside yelling your name through the door of the garden.
“Y/n, come talk to us we miss you” she giggles as she enters the room to get you. You begin the walk of shame towards her. Overthinking what is coming next. Stepping out the door onto the porch your gently grabbed by the back of the neck and brought to a group of women standing around. Their faces light up as they see you. The group consists of Mapi, Lucy, Alexia Frido, Jenni and Ona, all sharing a bottle of wine.
“Y/n, you want a drink?” Ona asks, you aren’t sure if she’s joking or not.
“No Ona, she is a child” Jenni interferes and takes the drink Ona is pouring, handing it to Lucy, who puts it down with ease. You crack a smile at the interaction. They think you are so innocent…
“You’re not old enough for a drink yet Bebita, especially on an empty stomach” Alexia jokes with a smile.
“empty stomach?” Frido butts in, tilting her head in confusion at the contradicting information.
You let out a load cough to clear your voice before quickly excusing yourself from the conversation. “I need to pee” you announce before hurrying inside, finding Ingrid at the table, playing cards with a few others.
The group, now abandoned by you stand in a deafening silence.
“She’s not eating is she?” Frido breaks, looking at Alexia with wide eyes.
“Shes not doing good, no” Their captain reply’s looking down at the glass in her hand.
“So we were right” Mapi says through squinted eyes as she tightened her grip on the stem of her wine glass.
Most of the team has been talking for a few weeks now. Lucy briefly filled them in about your history with Self harm and how you were managing it now. But the not showing up to meal times and doing overtime in the gym was something she couldn’t explain. However, they soon linked it to the bullying from people online about your body. It became to much for them all when Alexia broke down in front of them, claiming her worry for you. It was clear there was a bigger picture to what you were letting them see, seeing as their usually stone faced, strong captain had tears in her eyes over you.
Your rapid weight loss didn’t go unnoticed, even coaching staff beginning to threaten benching you if you didn’t gain some weight, claiming you were too weak to continue at full trainings and games. You always just told them you were sick, claiming it as an excuse for the weight loss and loss of appetite.
At first, everyone, including team members believed you, until they noticed you weren’t getting better, like you would if you were really sick with a catchable illness.
“So what are we going to do? because we cant loose her, shes our best” Lucy asks, getting more frantic as the sentence rolls out her mouth.
“I’ve tried talking to her, she just lies, tells me shes fine, ella me ignorará” Alexia says, finally looking up from her half full glass, meeting the eyes of her teammates.
“I know she needs me, but she won’t talk to me, she is sneaking into my bed each night for comfort, I wrap my arms around her when she falls alseep, ella tiene miedo de estar sola, shes been clinging to us, as if she is desprate for help, but doesn’t know how to ask. She won’t leave my side, unless there is food involved. luego ella desaparece” Alexia blurted out, speaking slow and clear, explaining herself.
“Maybe if we all try” Ona breaks her personal silence, earning a raised brow from a few listeners, the nodding heads soon followed.
“Bebita, can I come in” You hear Alexias voice beam through the small gap in the doorframe.
“A few of us are here too see you” you tilt your head in confusion at her followup statement, why are people here to see you, so late in the evening. You thought everyone would have returned home after team bonding, as did you and Alexia, why was there people outside your bedroom door?
You sit up in your bed, still tucked under the covers in your hoodie (that may of may not be Alexias) and shorts, clinging to your Stitch teddy. You close your laptop playing your movie and move it down the bed, finally giving Alexia a response.
“ehh, yeah come in” you say, unsure on what you are agreeing too.
You remain put under the safety of your covers, as if they would protect you from danger as the group of women enter your once personal space, finding refusge in spots around your room, most of them making themselves at home on your bed, espechailly Alexia, who comes up close to you and wraps and arm around your shoulders. Lucy, Ingrid, Mapi, Frido and Ona looked at you, as if they were waiting for you to break the artifical silence.
“Querida estamos aquí para hablar contigo” Ingrid is the first to speak up, beofre Mapi adds to her girlfrinds statement.
“I think you know what about” she fidgests with her rings. “we are just trying to understand”
“so help us do that, please sweetheart” Frido interupts.
You shake your head and close your eyes, as if you could open them and it would all go away. “I don’t know what your talking about”
“I have lectured you enough about your lying bebita” Alexia says in a stern voice.
The silence isn’t going away. You were in full control of it, and you knew that. You knew that they were waiting for you to talk, no one was going to make it easy for you.
”Desearía poder hacer que todo desaparezca” you shut your eyes once again as the tears start to spill out the creases. “I just want to be able to control what is changing”
The girls don’t speak, they are waiting for more, and they won’t break untill they are statified.
“I don’t know how to ask for help, or how to be okay” The tears get heavier as you push out the words, Alexia runs her free hand along your face, nudging you to keep going. You put in your best efforts to regain your breathing as your lip quivers in Alexia’s hand. Still no one was talking.
“I never meant for it to get this bad, I just wanted to get some control, I feel like there is so much online about me, rumors, hate, negitivity, all things I cant just reach out and get my hands on, to be able to toy with it and mold it to the way I want it. There is so little I can control, but my body, I can. No queria llegar tan lejos. Im so scared of losing myself, I want to hold onto the me that I am forever but I know I can’t, but I wanted to try, and that is why I yearn for whatever control I can get. So many ideas are put into my head about what my body should look like, how tall I should be, how much I should weigh, how tan I should be, how I should hold myself. I realised I am so calm and content when I play football, and that is because I am perfect at it, no one finds flaws in the way I play, but I second I step off the pitch I loose that warm feeling, because I have flaws again. When football is out of the picture, I am covered in them. I just wanted living to feel the same as playing, perfect and flawless.
The amont of tears in the room should safe a deadly drought.
“nuestra niña hermosa, estamos aquí” Ingrid climbs onto the bed coming closer to you, followed by the remaining womens in the room, all finding a spot, as close to you as they could get. So many arms are wrapped around you, so many hands holding your face, wiping your cold tears away.
“Let us help you darling” Lucy and Ona say in an unmost unison.
You slowly allow yourself to nod.
The following weeks were slow and painful, but what isn’t in recovery? The girls put it upon themselves to keep you in check, taking turns taking you out on small adventures, like going for walks or getting icecream to get you out of the house as you were ruled out of training and playing for a few weeks by your phycologist, that Alexia and Lucy insisted that you saw, they drove you to each appointment and picked you up, no questions asked. Meal time in the house became a big thing, Alexia discarding the idea of sitting around the table and eating, instead opting for sitting wherever, weather that was outside, or in, watching a movie, or just chatting. This change of environment around meals made eating less of a chore, as you got better, teammates would come over for dinner and it became more a social event, a more relaxing endeavor. You slowly made your way back to training as you got your fitness back, earning pats on the back from your team who you had made, very proud.
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pelova4president · 6 months
Grace Clinton x Reader
Summary~ You thought you could trust Beth with your secret crush… you thought wrong.
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“No Beth, i don’t like her!” you groaned. Why did they always do this to you. Everyone had their suspicions about your crush on the young Spurs talent but they didn’t have to out you like that, in front of the girl herself. You looked away from Grace with red cheeks and gave Beth a warning look.
Beth’s been a sort of mom to you. You stayed at her house when you started playing for the blue and white club. You were just sixteen and your parent lived at least four hours away. Traveling to training every day just wasn’t realistic like that so Beth took you in.
It’s been three years since then and you’ve finally moved out. Beth still had a room ready for you when you wanted to stay over but you both knew it would be better for you if you got your own apartment.
Your captain’s always been noisy. When you lived with the player she was asking for all your latest school and relationship drama. Most times you gave in and told her the gossip but you held some information to yourself, like some of your crushes. But now that you don’t share an apartment anymore she got even more noisy, she felt like she didn’t get all the details of your life so she was digging deep for your secrets.
Beth had invited you over for dinner one evening in the hopes to get an update on your seemingly dead love life. As soon as she opened the door she was asking you the most out of pocket questions.
“So you’ve got a crush hm?” she grinned. Ofcourse she knew you had a crush on someone but you had to deny. “Don’t know what you’re talking about old lady.” you shrugged her off, walking into the living room. Beth rolled her eyes at your nickname but didn’t give up.
“I know you’ve got one, come on tell me. I’m basically your mom by now. You’ve got to tell me kid.” she argued. Beth was pulling the ‘i raised you card’ and you had to give in to her. “Whatever, yeah so what? You’ve had crushes too.” you drowned in her couch cushions.
“I knew it! Oh my god is it someone from the team?” you blushed at that, how did she fucking know. “No way! It is! Is it Celin? Wait no no, is it Lenna? Oh my god is it Clinton..” you looked down. Beth’s mouth fell open, “No fucking way.. your crush is Grace Clinton.” she gasped.
“Don’t fucking tell anyone Bethany England. You may act like my mom but you’re not mom enough to go around and tell everyone and their gran my secrets.” you sighed. Why did you even come over in the first place.
“You know me, i wouldn’t tell a soul!” she said, her hand moving to her heart offended. You looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Yeah, right..”
And just like you expected she just couldn’t keep your secret to herself. In no time Martha knew and told Rebecca who told Rosella and she basically told the whole team. And now you had to deal with their teasing too.
After winning a big North London derby a few of the girls went out to celebrate, including the smiling girl you’ve had your eyes on. And just like always, after a few shots and drinks Celin demanded everyone had to play a game.
“Everyone! Truuuuuuth or dare now.” she yelled across the room. It was hard to not participate or to get out of it since Celin and Grace would literally force you to sit down and play along.
Most of your older teammates had already gone home to their partners, boring. So you sat down in between Charlie and Lenna who had joined you earlier. Grace and Celin sat across from you, together like always.
Sometimes that made you a little jealous but you knew Celin had a boyfriend and Grace probably didn’t like her like that. And Lenna told you Grace saw Celin as her bestfriend, they were like sisters.
When Celin had everyone sitting in a circle the fun could begin. She dared Rosella to down two shot at the same time.
Lenna got asked who she wouldn’t let her kid date and after a bit of poking for an answer she said Celin. Charlie had to tell everyone her worst sex story, and surely no one could top that.
When it was Beth’s turn to ask someone she chose you. She was out to get you and you knew it. “Hmm truth or dare, pipsqueak?” she asked. She knew you absolutely hated that name, she was just trying to embarrass you.
It didn’t matter what you would chose, none of the options would be in your favour. “I hate you, dare.” you murmured under your breath. “Sorry, didn’t hear you there. Speak up.” she grinned from ear to ear.
“I said dare” you repeated. You didn’t think her smile could get any bigger but it was taking up her whole face now. What was she gonna say…
“Hmmm.. what should i say…” your captain pretended to think. “I dare you to… play seven minutes in heaven with…” she was teasing you, you knew it. This fucking hag. Beth was really playing out a whole theatre performance. She was looking around the room, pointing with her fingers until her pointer stopped. Grace.
“I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Clinton.” she finished. You looked at your older teammate like she had just murdered your cat.
“You’ve already rejected your last truth so you can’t back out of this one.” your new Australian teammate reminded you.
You looked at Grace with pink cheeks. Grace gave you a shy smile and nodded, signalling she’d participate.
As you walked towards the nearest door you heard your football mom shout. “Have fun! But not too much!” did she really have to embarrass you so much in front of your crush..
Grace opened the door for you like a real gentlewoman. When she closed the door you looked at each other for a bit. You didn’t know what to say so you became red, your ears felt like they were on fire.
“Look, if you don’t want to do anything we can just talk for the next few minutes. All good.” the blonde spoke up. You looked up at Grace and knew that this was probably the best chance you would ever get. That and Beth would probably murder you if you didn’t make a move.
“I do not not want to kiss you.” you whispered softly but loud enough to reach the ears of the English girl. “Hmm, what’d you say. Didn’t really hear you?” she grinned.
Looking at her face you could see she had heard exactly what you had said. But how could you resist such a pretty face with those beautiful eyes and cute freckles. “We can kiss.” you spoke, this time louder.
Grace took that as her chance to take your face into her hands. Her thumb was tracing your bottom lip until you looked her in the eyes. “That’s all i needed to hear pretty girl.” she breathed.
Her pink lips finally touched yours. She was sweet just like you had imagined. She deepened the kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth. Grace was rough this time, biting your lip and exploring your body with her hands.
And when the two of your broke the kiss, completely out of breath she spoke again. “Fuck, how much i’ve been wanting to do that. Seeing you staring at me in training gets me so worked up and you just didn’t seem to make a fucking move. Had to do it all myself hmm.” she laughed.
“Beth’s done half the work. You’ve got such a big ego Clinton, give the granny some credit.” you rolled your eyes.
Still, you’d never admit that Beth has actually helped you with all her secret spilling.
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liked by alessia and 109.728 others
had to do everything myself to get this girl
y/n_y/l/n you’ve got such a big ego 😒
↳ graceclinton_x you love it tho 🫶
↳ y/n_y/l/n no, i don’t.
↳ graceclinton_x no need to lie love, i know you do
lennagw finally!!!!!! done with this shit
↳ charli_grant me too couldn’t see that shit show for an extra day
↳ y/n_y/l/n grace wasn’t that bad..
↳ charli_grant … wasn’t talking about grace
celinbizet she’s stolen my bestie
↳ graceclinton_x don’t worry, you can be the third wheel :)
↳ celinbizet fuck you grace clinton
bethanyengland4 all thanks to me, yet again
↳ graceclinton_x i’ve done all the hard work, i’ll give you 50% creds max
A/N made the fic different than i wanted but yeah didn’t have much inspiration
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alltimefail · 23 days
Hi @netflix and @warnerbrostv! I'd like to talk about the show Supernatural and how its history and legacy can provide some insight on why you should reconsider your decision to end Dead Boy Detectives after one singular season.
Supernatural is undoubtedly one of the most successful television fantasy franchises, but many don't know that it was nearly cancelled after season 2. Thankfully (and luckily) for the network they didn't go through with cancelling the show and by season 4 it was regularly breaking viewership records. A show that was nearly cut short in its prime - much like Dead Boy Detectives - became one of the largest and most recognizable fandoms across social media platforms between the years of 2010 and 2014. The show was so wildly popular that a confession scene between two of its leading characters (Dean and Cas) is STILL used today in a meme format to circulate everything from fandom news to world politics and current events. You can't go to a single comic-con without running into something relating to Supernatural, and ever since its conclusion there has been an opening in the market for a show to take its place.
I can say with absolute certainty that, given the proper time to flourish, Dead Boy Detectives would be the show to fill the spot Supernatural has left behind. It has loads of charm alongside a sensational balance of action, whimsy, heartwrenching character development, and horror. Furthermore it is objectively better with representation than Supernatural was, which is always something embraced in fandom spaces (which are diverse and filled to the brim with queer, neurodivergent, and/or a wide range of people of color).
I also think it's fair to remind you that one of your most popular "Nerd" shows, Stranger Things, is coming to an end after a 10-year-run, leaving behind yet another gap to fill, but this time on your very own platform.
It isn't too late to reconsider the cancellation of Dead Boy Detectives. The fanbase is dedicated and hungry for more, and we know you are currently sitting on finished season 2 scripts, making it impossible for the writers to take this story anywhere else for quite some time. The scripts are there, the cast, crew, and writers love what they do and want to make more... there's simply no reason to not give Dead Boy Detectives the chance it deserves - this time with an entire fandom that wants nothing more than to consume this show, market the hell out of it, and buy merch relating to it (another win for you).
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(Source x)
Oh and did I mention that Steve Yockey was a co-producer on Supernatural as well? You know, that wildly popular show I just told you about that lasted 15 seasons. You are sitting on a golden goose; Steve Yockey and Beth Schwartz, among the other talented writers, cast, and crew, know what they're doing.
Give this show its time and market it well and you will have a hit on your hands. Frankly just based on the steady, continual fandom growth since Dead Boy Detectives' release in April and the vocal outrage over its cancellation just in the last 24 hours, I'd argue you already have a hit on your hands that rivals several shows you currently have on your platform.
Dead Boy Detectives has one of the most active fandoms of the year - do the right thing by them and bring Dead Boy Detectives back. It isn't too late!
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adascore · 5 months
Hello! Not sure if you’re taking requests but would you consider doing an addition to TSS where young!arsenal reader was starting before Beth and Viv came back and has been benched majority of the time since (Kyra core☹️). Maybe during like the west ham game was one of the subs thrown on halfway through and after the loss made a snarky comment about “being thrown on to unfuck everything” type of thing to another teammate and Viv/beth overhear and think she’s talking about them (maybe they’re already a little insecure about losing such an “easy” game, self doubt post ACL) and things are super frosty and weird at home until one of them snaps and makes a comment about how they still wouldn’t have won even if R started. Hurt/comfort angst but with a happy ending!! Not sure if any of that strikes your fancy but I had the thought and you’re so talented:) no worries if not!!!
To Jump The Gun(ners)
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pairings: arsenal x teen!reader / meadema x teen!reader / kyra cooney-cross x arsenal!reader
warnings: the west-ham match. swearing. angst. awkwardness.
author’s note: OMG LOVE THIS IDEA ! like this was right up my alley I felt like 😭 thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the story!
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February 4, 2024 - Essex, England
It had become a routine, seeing her name and number on the bench. She took a glance at Kyra, a knowing look in her eyes.
The young Arsenal homegrown wondered where it all had gotten wrong. Well, she knew the answer, but it wasn't exactly something she could say out loud to anyone.
She was transported back to the 2022/23 season, where she would warm the bench until either Vivianne or Beth were too tired or they needed to be rested for the next match.
Their injuries had changed everything.
Y/N not only became a regular starter, but became a vital part of their game. Her absence would be noticed.
She scored the goals that got them to the semifinals of the Champions League, keeping them level with 2x champions Wolfsburg.
However, Beth and Vivianne were back now. Alessia's arrival also didn't help much, the former Manchester United player having cemented herself into the starting line-up.
It also didn't help that Jonas was not a fan of rotating. Only in specific Conti Cup matches or against what he deemed 'weaker' teams in the league would he make changes to the usual starting XI.
In other words, she was back to step 1.
That's why it was hard to watch her teammates falling 2-1 behind against West Ham, with no one seeming to find an answer or any will to turn the game around. It was a painful spectacle.
In the 63rd minute, Jonas decided to throw herself, Kyra and Cloé in the match, and take out Vivianne, Victoria and Beth. It was a desperate attempt, and the three Gunners found themselves on the pitch, tasked with the challenging mission of trying to fix everything that had gone wrong so far.
Y/N and Cloé quickly created some chances but the West Ham defense or the swift reflexes of Mackenzie Arnold saw them go in vain.
The teenager could see the expressions of her teammates on the bench, visibly frustrated with how the match had unfolded since Alessia's successful header.
Vivianne couldn't hide the discontent in her eyes as she sat with a subtle shake of her head. Her partner, sitting beside her, noticed and Beth patted her thigh, offering silent support as they continued to watch their team scramble for a late equalizer.
As the final whistle blew, the disappointment within the team was high. Y/N did her usual post-match routine, and congratulated all the West Ham players on their win, while giving and receiving solace from her own teammates.
The teen found Kyra again, someone who she had found a friendship in over the months the Australian had joined the Gunners.
''You alright?'' The midfielder asked her, a dejected tone in her voice.
Y/N nodded. ''Yeah, you?''
''Not too great, but there are worse things in life.'' Kyra responded, trying to put the loss in perspective.
''True,'' the striker agreed, ''I can't believe he keeps putting us in these positions.''
Kyra nodded. ''You think he would learn after Tottenham.'' She sighed.
''Apparently, we're not good enough to start, but when he needs us to unfuck everything that happened, then he knows who we are.'' Y/N said, her frustration evident. The unfair treatment of some players during the season lingered in the air, leaving a bitter taste after the defeat.
As the youngsters continued their conversation on their way to the locker room, Vivianne and Beth, unintentionally overhearing their discussion, exchanged puzzled glances.
''Did you hear that? 'Unfuck everything'?'' Beth repeated her housemate's words to her partner.
Vivianne's brow furrowed as she processed what was said. ''Yeah,'' the Dutchwoman breathed out, ''not very nice.'' A hint of sadness lingered in her voice. It stung that their efforts were being discussed in such terms, especially by the young girl they were living with.
They didn't say much else to one another as they strolled through the corridor.
The atmosphere in the locker room was subdued, void of any banter and entertaining chats. Most of the players were already there as the couple walked in.
Beth took a glimpse at Y/N and Kyra who still seemed in a discussion with one another, although they were whispering now.
''Girls, we're a lot better than this.'' Kim broke the ice, a neutral expression on her face.
Everyone nodded at the captain, the collective disappointment from the match was visible. ''Well, it's done, we can't change anything about it. So, everyone just do a reset, try to get some sleep or distract yourselves on the bus, and I expect everyone with fresh minds and legs at training.''
The team nodded and weakly applauded Kim's small speech.
As the team began to disperse, Y/N caught Beth's eye, offering a faint smile in greeting. However, the winger's response was noticeably strained, her usually warm demeanor replaced by a subtle tension.
"Everything okay?" The younger one ventured, her concern evident.
Beth's smile faltered slightly, her gaze flickering away before returning to meet Y/N's. "Yeah, everything's fine." She replied, though her words sounded hollow even to her own ears.
The striker's brow furrowed further, a flicker of uncertainty clouding her features. "Are you sure?" She pressed gently, not used to this awkwardness from her teammate.
"I... yeah, I'm sure." She retorted, her voice tinged with irritation.
"Okay..." Y/N trailed off, unsure of how to proceed. Sensing the dismissiveness between them, she offered a hesitant smile before turning back to where she had been talking with Lia.
As her housemate walked away, Beth's expression hardened, a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience. She knew she shouldn't act like this towards her, but her words had really struck a nerve for some reason and it was hard to pretend it didn't.
The drive home on the bus wasn't that different, though the atmosphere was more subdued due to the loss. Y/N and Kyra were seated next to each other, Katie and Caitlin sitting on the other side of them.
''You alright, Y/N?'' Caitlin asked, noticing the youngster's quietness.
Y/N looked up, glancing away from her nails to the older Australian player. She hesitated answering, not knowing if it was appropriate to say anything about her interaction with Beth.
She sat up straight and motioned for the three of them to huddle together over the small table. They got her message and did just that.
''Did anything happen on the bench or something? Cause I had this weird exchange with Meado, and it's just stuck in my head.'' She explained, her voice hushed.
They all frowned at her words. ''No, she was just frustrated about the game, but so was everyone else.'' Caitlin responded.
''What happened?'' Katie chimed in, curious to know about this exchange.
''I don't know. She was looking at me in the locker room, and I smiled at her, but she, I don't know, just looked weird at me. I asked her if she was alright, but she was kinda distant with me? She responded a little irritated so I left her alone, but it was weird.'' Y/N gave a small summary of the interaction.
"That is strange." Kyra mused, breaking the silence that had settled over their huddle.
They nodded at her words, agreeing with the young Australian.
''I didn't notice anything.'' Caitlin said with a pout, feeling sorry she couldn't help her younger teammate out. ''Me neither, kiddo.'' Katie added, a similar expression on her face.
Y/N smiled sadly, disappointed she wasn't any wiser on Beth. Katie rubbed her arm once she noticed her dejected expression. ''Hey, I wouldn't worry about it. It's a tough loss.''
The youngster nodded at the Irishwoman's words. ''Yeah, you're right.''
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Katie was not right.
As soon as she got in the car with the beloved couple it was clear that something had gone down for them to act in such a sour mood. Vivianne's knuckles were white against the steering wheel, while Beth stared out of the window, her expression unreadable.
Sensing the palpable tension, Y/N shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The youngster wanted to break the silence, but the words wouldn't come out. It felt like they were stuck in her throat.
The drive home felt like forever. Every minute made the atmosphere worse. Y/N tried to catch Vivianne or Beth's eye, hoping for some sign that things would get better, but there was nothing.
Car rides after losses were never filled with much conversation, but it had never been like this.
A wave of relief went through her as the car was parked in front of their apartment complex, longing for the comfort of her room where she could hide from whatever the situation was.
Y/N couldn't even come up with a guess on what had transpired. Did they have a fight? Did she do something? Did someone else do something?
She had absolutely no clue.
However, the tension seemed to follow them into their shared home. The silence had become even more deafening with each step they took.
Beth disappeared into her room without a word, while Vivianne headed straight for the kitchen, her movements stiff and mechanical. Y/N stood in the hallway, feeling like an outsider in her own home.
Their behaviors made her feel anxious, feeling that knot inside her stomach. What had happened during the game? What had caused them to retreat into themselves like this?
Unable to handle any of it longer, Y/N tentatively approached the Dutchwoman in the kitchen. "Um, Viv?" She began, her voice small.
Vivianne glanced up, her expression guarded. "Yeah?” She replied, accent heavy.
The younger girl hesitated, unsure of how to broach the subject. "I, uh, did, uh, something happen at the game?" She stammered, her words stumbling over each other in her haste to get everything out.
The striker's eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?” She asked, her face neutral.
Her response only added to the youngest one's confusion. It seemed as though they were both dancing around a subject neither wanted to address.
"I-I just... noticed things were a bit off between everyone after the match," Y/N explained, her voice barely above a whisper, "and, well, the car ride home was... a bit weird, you know.”
Vivianne's expression softened slightly, though her guard remained up. ''Don't worry about it. Just… frustration from the game.''
But Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just frustration. She wanted to press further, but the fear of causing further conflict held her back.
Instead, she offered a hesitant nod. ''Okay, good.'' She murmured to the floor, retreating back to her room with a heavy heart.
The Arsenal homegrown player pulled her phone out of her pocket, searching up Kyra's contact. It only took a few rings for the Australian to pick up, she was probably already on her phone as she was called.
''Hey.'' Her accent momentarily bringing a smile to Y/N's face.
''Hey, you're home?''
''Yeah, just arrived. What's up?''
There was a brief pause before Y/N continued. ''Things have gotten a bit weirder since, uh, on the bus.''
''Shit. What happened?'' She asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.
''It's just... the tension at home is almost suffocating," she explained, ''it was completely silent the entire time we were driving home, and when we got home, Beth immediately went to her room. I tried to ask Viv about, but she told me it was just frustrations, but it clearly is not just that.''
There was a moment of silence as Kyra processed Y/N's words. "That doesn't sound good," she finally replied, ''you really have no idea what might have happened? Maybe they had a fight or something?''
Y/N shook her head, even though her teammate couldn't see it. "No, that's the thing. I'm completely lost." She admitted, frustration lacing her words.
''Same. I wish I knew what to say to help.'' Kyra said softly.
''It's alright, Ky. Thanks for letting me ramble.'' Y/N chuckled, appreciating the opportunity to unload her worries onto her friend.
''It's fine, honestly. It must not be fun to be in this situation,'' the Matilda replied, feeling for her friend, ''if anything else happens you can always let me know, okay? I'm gonna have some dinner now.''
Y/N smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Ky. I really appreciate it.”
''Anytime. Take care, I'll see you at training.''
''You too. Bye, bye.'' They bid each other goodbye before hanging up the phone.
Y/N prepared to leave her room again, wanting to check if Vivianne had started dinner yet or not.
Just as she stepped into the hallway, she nearly collided with Beth, who was coming out of her room with a tight-lipped expression. The sudden encounter caught them both off guard.
''Shit, sorry.'' The younger one apologized first, giving her housemate an awkward glance.
''It's alright,'' Beth brushed off, ''uh, were you on the phone just now?" She asked, her brow furrowing slightly.
Y/N nodded. ''Uh, yeah, with Kyra.''
Beth's expression shifted, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her features. "Oh, Kyra." She murmured, her voice tight.
The younger girl simply stared at the winger, not knowing what to say to her words. "Is everything okay?" Y/N ventured, her voice hesitant as she searched Beth's face for any sign of what might be bothering her.
Beth's lips pressed into a thin line, and for a moment, she seemed lost in thought. When she finally spoke, her words were tinged with a hint of irritation. ''Everything's alright.''
Y/N offered a small, uneasy smile and nodded. "Oh, okay." She said, though her words felt hollow even to her own ears.
With a nod of acknowledgment, Beth turned to walk away. As she watched Beth disappear around the corner, she wondered if it had been something she had done. However, she couldn't recall saying or doing anything that day that would have provoked this kind of demeanor from the couple.
The young striker walked into the living room, noticing Vivianne bustling about in the kitchen. But what caught Y/N's attention was the hushed whispers exchanged between the couple, Beth and Vivianne not being subtle about their gossiping.
A sense of discomfort washed over the youngster as she hesitated in the doorway, unsure whether to interrupt or retreat unnoticed. But before she could make a decision, the Dutchwoman glanced up and caught her eye, her expression inscrutable.
''Hey, dinner is almost ready. Just some leftover pasta from yesterday.'' She informed Y/N, her tone somewhat forced as she attempted to maintain a facade of normalcy.
Y/N forced a smile. ''Nice, thanks, Viv.'' She answered, trying to ignore the awkwardness that hung in the air.
She retreated to the couch, feeling as if she wasn't welcome in the small space. Something was off, and she couldn't help but feel like she was on the outside looking in.
She scrolled on her phone for a few minutes before Vivianne called her to the table as the food was ready. As they gathered around the dinner table, the atmosphere remained strained, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
Vivianne served up the leftover pasta, her movements brisk as she avoided making eye contact with anyone. Beth sat across from Y/N, her expression unreadable as she picked at her food.
Y/N tried to focus on her food, but the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach made it difficult to swallow.
For a few moments, the only sound was the clinking of forks against plates, the silence punctuated only by the occasional awkward cough or clearing of throat.
Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, Y/N opened her mouth. "So, um, what did you guys think about the match?'' She asked the pair, her voice coming out more high than she had intended.
As if on cue, Vivianne and Beth glanced up from their plates at the same time.
''It was tough, but it shouldn't have been tough. We lacked a clear tactic.'' The experienced striker answered, filling up the silence.
Y/N nodded, relieved at least one of them responded to her attempt at conversation. She took a peek at Beth, who did not seem amused in the slightest to talk about the surprising defeat earlier that day.
''It was just another match of us fucking everything up, and you kids having to unfuck it all.'' Beth said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
The youngest's eyes widened slightly at the cutting remark, not expecting those words to come out of the Brit's mouth.
Vivianne shifted uncomfortably in her seat, casting a quick glance at Y/N before fixing her gaze on her partner. "Beth, that's enough.'' Her voice was stern, warning Beth that this was not the way to go about this.
But Beth ignored her girlfriend, her eyes fixed on Y/N with an intensity that made her squirm. ''No, she needs to learn to not talk about teammates that way, especially the ones that have just gotten back from serious injuries, and need time to reintegrate into the group.''
Y/N felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck, she cast a desperate look at Vivianne, silently pleading for her to intervene and diffuse the situation before it escalated any further.
''Beth, I wasn't-''
''You weren't what? You weren't talking shit to Kyra about us right after the match? You weren't talking shit about us to Kyra on the phone just now?'' The oldest continued in an accusing tone.
Vivianne let out a sigh, her frustration evident as she attempted to defuse the situation. ''Beth.'' She said firmly, her gaze shifting between the two other people at the table.
''I wasn't talking shit about you guys. I would never do that.'' Y/N managed to let out, offended at the mere idea of her not appreciating the two women who'd let her move in with them a 1,5 years ago.
''Y/N, we heard you. On the pitch after the match, with Kyra.'' Beth responded bluntly.
Y/N swallowed hard, slightly ashamed of being caught. ''We were just... we were just frustrated, okay? That comment wasn't directed at any of you guys, it was more at Jonas, to be fair.''
The couple grew silent at the admission, realizing they had greatly misunderstood the two young girls' conversation. ''About Jonas?'' Vivianne repeated, her voice carrying a note of embarrassment.
The young striker nodded. ''Yeah, me and Kyra have just been a bit upset with our game time, that's all. It felt like a repeat of the Tottenham game.''
Beth and Vivianne exchanged a glance, coming to a silent understanding. ''We're sorry for jumping the gun on that one, darling. We really thought we needed to teach you some manners.'' The Brit nervously apologized with a chuckle.
''It's alright, we probably should've been a bit more discreet.'' Y/N brushed her apology off with a hand gesture.
''No, you two are in your full right to complain.'' Vivianne retorted, agreeing on the playing time matter.
The teenager waited a few moments before elaborating. ''I don't mind sitting on the bench, it's great to get rest, you know? But it almost feels like he doesn't trust me to get the game starting or something. I like to think I did great last season, so this kind of sucks.'' She opened up, not having voiced these thoughts to anyone but Kyra.
''You did amazing last season, you stepped up when we needed someone and the team will never forget that.'' Beth smiled, squeezing the youngster' s hand.
''It seems that Jonas forgot.'' Y/N muttered bitterly, looking down at her empty plate.
The couple silenced themselves at her mumbled words, not knowing what the appropriate response would be to cheer her up about the situation. They were indirectly responsible for the young girl to not get as much game time anymore, so whatever they would tell her, she would most likely not feel much better afterwards.
''Just focus on what you're doing right now. Show up to training, recover well, maximize everything in the minutes you do get. Show him that he should trust you to start, and that you deserve to have that spot in the line-up.'' Vivianne chimed in, her voice soft but resolute.
Y/N nodded at the older woman's words, though her demeanor still seemed dejected. ''Yeah, I'll continue to do that.'' It came out somewhat passive aggressive.
''I know it doesn't fix the situation, but you're my personal star girl, regardless whether you play or not.'' Beth softly smiled at her.
The teen managed to crack a small smile back, appreciating the sentiment. ''Thanks, Beth.''
''You're mine too.'' Vivianne added.
''Hey, that's my compliment for her! Find another one if you want to be cute!'' Beth scolded her partner, dramatically feigning annoyance.
The Dutchwoman frowned. ''Everyone calls her ‘star girl'! You're not original either!'' She pouted back.
Y/N couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the banter between the couple, happily accepting the momentary distraction from her frustrations.
Beth playfully rolled her eyes. ''At least I'm complimenting her!''
''Sorry that I was just giving useful advice, Bethany.'' Vivianne retorted.
''Useful.'' The Brit repeated, her voice heavily tinged with sarcasm.
Vivianne's mouth gaped, pretending to be offended. ''It was useful! That's what I would have wanted to hear at 19 year-old.'' She defended herself.
''19 year-old's want to hear praise, Viv. They want to be called star girls, not receive a lecture.'' Beth quickly replied, with a smirk.
''Y/N, it was useful, right?'' The older striker turned towards the teenager.
''Yeah, Y/N, tell Miss Miedema how useful her advice was.'' Beth chorused her words, grinning from ear-to-ear.
The youngster simply glanced between the two of them, before picking up her empty plate and standing up from her seat. ''I'm taking this as my sign to leave.''
She ignored their pleas with a satisfied grin, making her way to the kitchen to dump her plate, and walking back to her room.
The couple watched her depart, sharing a knowing look, a hint of amusement dancing in their eyes. ''She's gonna call Kyra, isn't she?'' Vivianne chuckled.
''She so is.'' Beth agreed with a laugh.
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requests are always welcome!
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thesilverdoll · 1 month
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This is the chance of ten lifetimes.
Every five years, twenty breakthrough actors compete over ten weeks for the name of TVs newest obsession, the silver doll. The winner, decided by the global audience, is historically known to make it big. You auditioned on a whim alongside your best friend, and somehow the both of you have made it to the final round of auditions!
Now, all you have to do is make the final cut, get along with your celebrity mentor, remember your lines and... win—all with a camera (or ten) in your face. Don't get discouraged, you made it this far for a reason.
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› Customise yourself! Groom yourself into TVs next biggest thing—pick your style, your approach to scenes, your public image, your strengths and weaknesses as an actor. As well as your appearance, personality, gender and your plan b... if you have one.
› Establish relationships with your peers! Befriend your competitors or betray them... engage in a behind-the-scenes rendezvous or two, try and gain a more intimate look into your celebrity mentors life, try and befriend everyone on stage, or keep to yourself and focus on winning.
› Compete! Participate in different challenges throughout the show. Put your best dance shoes on for theatre week, practice your screams for horror week, hope you don't get paired with someone waspish in romance week... decide how you approach each performance, and see how your choices impact your results!
› Furthermore... interact with your fans! Viewership is your best friend in The Silver Doll, so make sure you're on top of your social media game... or you can try to play the mysterious cards and keep away from public eye as much as possible, if you think that'll work out for you. Just... be careful how much you share, there's a gossip blog following the shows BTS that seems to know a little too much.
*full character profiles coming soon.
- Beck Taylor; he/him or she/her, 21.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Your childhood best friend that convinced you to audition beside them. Computer science student turned dropout to pursue a life on the big screen, Beck may not have years of acting under their belt, but they do have a natural talent for the dramatics. Plus, with you by their side and their on-and-off girlfriend, Sarika, at home cheering them on, they can do anything.
Beck is tall at 6'6, black, with dark braided hair and brown eyes.
- Stirling 'Sekani' Stokes, he/him, 24.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Sekani, as he wants to be known as, is the textbook example of a nepo baby. Born to two of TVs most recognisable faces, he's grown up in the spotlight. Sekani is here to prove to the world that he has the talent to grace the big screen, despite his family name... and also to prove to himself that acting is something he actually likes doing in the first place. Yeah… he’s a bit of a mess.
Sekani is 5'10, white, with messy black hair and pale green eyes.
- Troy Allard-Rose, she/her, 23.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎An aspiring actress since she was making her barbies perform dramatic monologues at six, Troy is here to win, and she’ll be damned if she lets some amateurs stop that from happening. Acting is all Troy knows, she’s been in performing arts schools and film camps alike— this is her dream. She won’t let anyone tell her she’s not worthy of achieving it.
Troy is 5’5, white, with platinum blonde hair and dark brown eyes.
Esra Ihimaera, they/them, 27.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Esra is a member of the production crew, and your very own cameraperson. They’re in charge of doing the closed interviews, and also take care of a lot of the day-to-day filming. A little less extroverted than the celebrities surrounding them, but their sweet heart and eye for detail makes them a whole lot more interesting in other aspects.
Esra is 5’11, Māori, with short bleached hair and dark brown eyes.
Bethany Tian, she/they, 28.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎One of the best stylists on the show, Beth is in charge of your hair, makeup and wardrobe for the next ten weeks. Talkative and energetic beyond belief, Beth is hard to get rest around, but she’s good to keep morale up. She’s styled celebrities for red carpets and space-exploration scenes alike. From SFX makeup to high glamour looks, there’s nothing you can’t pull off when Beth is the one styling you.
Bethany is 5’2, Chinese, with long pink hair and black eyes.
*both mentors are romanceable
- Rome Alivia, he/him, 26.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ A successful child-actor turned even more successful actor into his adulthood, Rome is a family name. Though he’s scrutinising and hard to wrench out of his working mindset, Rome hasn’t let the fame get to his head. He’s dedicated to improving his mentee’s abilities as actors rather than having a focus on winning.
Rome is 6’2, white, with brown hair and brown eyes.
- Shaan Jha, they/them, 30.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎The last Silver Doll, Shaan is happy to return to the set that kickstarted their fame and fortunes five years prior. Eager to mould their best mentee into a winner, Shaan is optimistic in the best of times and downright delusional in the worst. They've proven their talents, though, and are positive it will be one of their mentees that win.
Shaan is 5'8, Indian, with long brown and blonde hair and brown eyes.
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The Silver Doll is rated 18+ for depictions of drug and alcohol consumption, strong language, infidelity, and optional sexual scenes.
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taylorswiftstyle · 8 months
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The Tortured Poets Department | April 19, 2024
Saint Laurent 'Silk Tank Top' - $650.00 The Row ‘Ausra Brief’ - $790.00
Our first look at a new era. 
With so little to go off of, there’s still much to parse here. Between the bedsheets, the pose, and (of course) the clothes - a pair of briefs and a slinky tank falling off the shoulder - to me evokes a combination of both intimacy and guardedness. Soft and vulnerable, but a little careworn and protective. This is the balancing act I think Taylor’s been playing with her whole life (an open heart revealed through deliberate acts) but feels painted in a more (pun intended) black and white way on this album cover. Even the sheerness of the top that plays with transparency, but only how much she permits, strikes me. 
And, it turns out, Taylor wearing The Row (and toting a few new YSL bags too) so much over the last few months was no coincidence (is there ever one with Taylor, really?). Her cozy selects appear to be (as confirmed by her stylist) to be this sheer tank and ribbed brief by YSL and The Row. 
While there’s so much about this album’s themes and sound that we don’t know - it’s of course fun to guess! The idea of the tortured artist to me sounds like it has the opportunity to explore the self-loathing andthe satire Taylor has previously toyed with on both "Anti-Hero" and "Blank Space". Both the sincere truth of self-analyzing a life of being a tortured poet herself while also poking fun at the muses in her life who have aped at being tortured poets - perhaps delivered with a tongue firmly in cheek accompanied by a smirk and an eyeroll. 
I’m excited to see what awaits us and learn more about this project as well as your Critically Kind thoughts. 
Editorial Note: Original cover image captured by Beth Garrabrant - Taylor’s album photographer since folklore. In place of Beth’s image, for which she retains rights, I’ve commissioned a lovely demonstrative illustration by the talented Amelia Noyes.
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“Hey Bobby, I’m glad you came.  C’mon in.  Yeah, my wood shop is grown over a bit.  I was hoping you would help me bring it back.  Watch your step….  Let me get the door behind you….
“…Well, this is a bit awkward.  I guess I will go ahead.  When I saw you open the door to the stall next to me, I was just as shocked as you were.  I never expected the mouth on the other side of that glory hole that throated my fat dick with expertise to be you. 
“I’ve known you since your mom brought you home from the hospital.  Your dad and I used to go fishing together.  I never would have guessed.
“But then, ever since Beth passed away 9 years ago, I really haven’t done anything with anybody.  You are what 16?...  19 really?  Well, at least you’re not jailbait anymore.  I’ve seen you in town a few times throughout the years, but you have grown into a man….  And you are a damned good cocksucker too.
“Where did you learn to suck dick like that?...  From that glory hole?  Seriously?  That glory hole on the interstate is only a year old.  …Two years? 
“…Wait, you’re the one who put it in?  Well damn boy, where did you get the idea?  …From the internet?  Damn! 
“When I first saw it, I stuck my cock through to see if I would fit.  I did.  It was freshly done, as it still had jagged edges to it.  No one was on the other side.  So instead of just waiting, I went to my truck and got some sandpaper.  I was sitting on the one side for an hour before a mouth finally came in.  My dick slid through that hole so nicely.
“I don’t go there that often.  Most faggots don’t know what to do with a fat cock like mine.  But you do.  I let you go for fifteen or twenty minutes.  It felt good.  Real good.  I haven’t had a talented mouth on it in a long time. 
“When I finished, I waited to see who it was.  I was thinking that if it was local, I wanted to get something going on the side, something kinda convenient with a local fag.  Imagine my surprise when the faggot turned out to be you.
“…That’s not right.  I shouldn’t call you a faggot; it’s not nice….
“…Wait a minute.  But that’s what you are.  Nothing wrong with that in my eyes.  I had a faggot in the city I used to use regularly until he moved out east.  He was a reseller of my woodwork.  I used him every time I made a delivery on Sundays.  I would deliver on Sundays when he was the only one in his warehouse, and he would greet me naked.  All the time I was there, he waited on me.  And whenever I was horny, he was there to take me in his holes.
“How would you like to suck my dick?  I’m horny now.  And your mouth looks inviting.
“Good.  I want you to strip naked.  Don’t worry.  You are the first person in here in five or six years.  Nobody is going to come by.  I assume your parents don’t know.  They probably would have thrown you out if they had. 
“You don’t have to worry about me telling anyone.  I don’t intend on ruining a good thing.
“How often do you go to the glory hole?...  You certainly are a horn dog.  I like that.  I would like my cock to be taken care of just as often. 
“Remember this dick?  It definitely remembers your mouth.
“…Well aren’t you a pretty one.  No need to cover up.  I’m not interested in your pecker at all. 
“Get on your knees, open your mouth, stick out your tongue, and look up at me.  Now that’s the look of a hungry faggot. 
“No. No.  I said I’m not interested in your pecker.  Leave it alone.  You can jerk off when you get home.  When you are here naked in my shop, you have to realize that there is only one cock here that matters, and it sure as hell ain’t yours.  You understand that faggot?
“…Good!  Now suck!  There you go!  There’s that tongue….  Ahhh.  This is why, when I went to your dad’s barber shop for a trim the other day, I told him that I was looking for someone to help me fix this place up.  He suggested you, like I knew he was going to.
“And here you are.  Fuck.  Your fucking mouth is mine.  The best part of not being at the glory hole is that I can hold your head like this.  Take it!  Take it all the way down.  I’m gonna look forward to using this throat every day.
“Yeah, you got the job faggot.  Don’t worry you’ll be paid well, and I’m not just saying in cum.  Everybody will think that Bobby Reynolds is my new apprentice.  But every morning when you walk in that door naked you are my faggot to use, however I want.
“You understand that faggot?  Nod or shake your head.  Atta boy.
“Right to the root.  Try to breathe around it.  Oh fuck! This is better than the glory hole.  I can control the blowjob.  I can feel your throat struggling to throat my dick.  I have a faggot on his knees, bare-assed ready to do whatever I tell him. 
“Speaking of that ass.  Take a moment there to catch your breath while I look at your pussy.  Stand up and come over to the shop table.  You get fucked at the glory hole as well?
“No.  I guess the situation doesn’t lend to it.  When was the last time you had a cock in here?...  Never?  You mean you are still virgin back there?
“Fuck yeah.  Wasn’t expecting to pop a cherry today, but damn, it’s turning out to be a great day.  Hop up on the table.
“No. No.  This IS happening.  I’m going to cunt you.  On the table son.
“Throughout the day, in between you doing actual work, my cock is going inside your holes whenever I want.  Both holes.  I’m not going to even ask you first.  I’ll push you to your knees or bend you over.  This is what I did to the shop owner in the city, and I liked it. 
“On your back.  Let me lower the table…. Legs up!  Rest them on my shoulders.  It’s a good thing you put a lot of throat slime on my dick.  If you relax your hole and push out a little bit there will be less pain.
“Look up at me.  I want to see the pain in your eyes, and your struggle across your face.
“Oh! That’s my head.  Relax your whole body….  I’m halfway in.  Relax.  I’m going to be in here for some time.  I can go for hours if I want to.  Just go with it. 
“There you go!  Surrendering this hole to me is going to be your number one job responsibility around here. 
“Look at me.  You’re doing fine.  It’s going to get more intense.  I need to turn this into a cunt.  I need to get you to the point that your hole can take me at any moment. 
“If you want, you can unbutton my shirt and run your hands over my hairy chest.  Don’t ignore my nipples.  Be gentle with them.
“You ready faggot?  Yesterday you were the son of good neighbors down the road, but after today, you will be my cunt.  You ready to become that?
“Faggot here we go.”
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berzahoes · 10 months
sing a song for you | tom blyth
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summary: reader is on tour with hozier as his opening act and debuts a new song that tom helped write
an: yes this was because i am listening to hozier right now.
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tom had taken some time off from doing interviews to finally attend one of your shows, well your opening act since you were on tour with one of your favorite artists, hozier. thankfully the show was near his brooklyn apartment so he didn’t have to drive far. he messaged you a couple of times but he knew you wouldn’t respond since you were busy preparing for the show.
when it was finally time to leave, tom made sure his apartment was locked and drove to the venue. as he parked his car, he quickly texted the cast group chat that he had arrived since rachel, josh and hunter were also attending. rachel texted back saying they were getting merch and that she had bought him one of your shirts.
before he could put his phone away, you called. “hey, i just arrived. rachel, josh and hunter are getting shirts.” he spoke into the phone.
“i could’ve given them free shirts. remind me to send them stuff later. sorry i didn’t text back. i just had the best conversation with beth about fleabag.” beth was your best friend and also your guitarist.
“you will take any opportunity to talk about fleabag and i love it.” tom smiled as he walked to the venue. he saw multiple people wearing homemade and official merchandise with your lyrics or logo and it made him happy.
“so i actually have a really important question.” you said.
“yes, love?”
“remember the song we made when you were filming billy the kid? i talked with the record label and it’s going on the next album,” you continue. “but i want to sing it tonight and the band said it was okay. and i want to ask you permission if it’s okay for me to sing it.”
“love, it’s your song. you don’t have to ask.” tom chuckled.
“yeah, but this song is half you half me. you’re getting writing credits on album, not just the song, tom. you helped a lot.” you reply.
“so does this mean if you win a grammy for the album, i will too?” he teased. “sing our song, i would be honored to hear you sing our song for the first time.”
“i love you.” you said then hung up.
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“hello all of you lovely people!” you spoke into the microphone. the crowd cheered, tom being one of the many people that yelled the loudest. “you’ve been such a great crowd that i thought it would be a good time to sing a song that has never been heard by anyone other than me and the love of my life. he’s here tonight by the way along with our friends.”
you could feel yourself blush as tom yelled “i love you!”
“i love you more,” you replied. “he and i wrote this song in a day on the set of his show. thank you for being such a great crowd and i hope you all love this song as much as i loved writing it with my husband.” you smiled. you and tom would often call each other husband and wife even though you weren’t legally married. it was just a habit.
“that’s my wife!” tom yelled. rachel had gotten her phone out to record the performance and, of course, tom’s reaction.
watching the video that you sent me. the one where you’re showering with wet hair dripping
tom was amazed at your talent. he looked around the venue and saw how everyone was so focused on you. he then started to mumble the lyrics. he liked how you two were the only ones who knew the lyrics. it was your special moment. rachel had turned the camera from you to tom and noticed how in love tom looked. it was clear that you and tom were soulmates.
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tonyspank · 1 year
black!singer!reader x jenna ortega (they/them pronouns, but there’s mentions of them having a pp, lol)
warnings: fluff and a tiny bit of angst i guess, my poor attempts at humor again, social media w a bit of irl
a/n: i’ve always wanted to do a social media book. so this is just something fun i came up with, i hope you enjoy :) it’s also a way i can put u guys onto my fav songs 🤭
faceclaim: khalil beth
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Is Percy Hynes White Dating Jenna Ortega?
Jenna and Percy have yet to confirm or deny dating rumors, but they have posted many cute cast photos of one another on Instagram. On top of that, Jenna took Percy as her plus one date for the 2023 Golden Globes — and they're set to star in a movie together!
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3 talented artists + jack lani - kehlani jackie - jack tae - matteo
lani Y/N sweetie..
jackie 🙁
tae what'd i miss??
jackie Y/N's fav ex is dating an ugly man 🥺
tae let's hope she leave him too 🤞
tae she'll miss the bbc 🥲
lani omg wdf 😭😭
you ...
jackie now the dots was a lil dramatic
lani JACK 😭😭
you jack stfu before i shave ur beard
tae got his ass
jackie 🤐
tae ok ok but Y/N how are u rn?
lani frr like talk to us
you wdym?
you we broke up why would i be bothered
tae 💀💀
lani i've never met anyone who still likes their exes posts
you it's called being mature
you i am able to support her regardless of what happened
tae it's called being delusional
jackie laughed at "it's called being delusional"
jackie i have an idea
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tae fam what is ur camera roll? 💀
lani what's ur idea jack
jackie i'm gonna ask demi for an invite to the scream 6 premiere
jackie then me and Y/N gon jump percy in front of jenna right
jackie and then jenna gon be like
jackie oh my god not my mans getting his ass beat by my ex & their bsf tf
you please stfu 🙏
jackie bro
jackie i'm tryna help you save ur gf from a guy who looks like the definition of pervert
tae laughed at "i'm tryna help you safe ur gf from a guy who looks like the definition of pervert"
lani 😭😭😭😭
lani i can't breathe
you it's literally just a rumor that they're dating tho
you & i'm not going to the premiere
jackie mhm
y/nhart posted on Instagram.
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Liked by jackharlow, devyn_nekoda, and 7,891,103 others
y/nhart what's your favorite scary movie? 🔪 #ScreamVI @screammovies
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screammovies You, of course. 🔪🩸 > y/nhart can we kiss?
jackharlow what did you say in the group chat? > y/nhart that jack harlow is a flop 🤫
user15 bro doing everything but dropping an album 💀 > user1 ong. right my wrongs ep was amazing but it's been 8 months 😭
mrmatteo where was my invite? > y/nhart drop a song then let's talk > user3 what a hypocrite 💀
user8 bite me
kehlani you could never be ghostface > screammovies Its always someone you know. 👻🔪🩸
user992 i have $1,000 frank will drop before this mf
user90 MORE JENNA AND Y/N CONTENT??? > user78 i missed them :')
            Your eyes were starting to water due to the number of flashes from the cameras that were going off around you. The bright lights made it difficult to keep your eyes open, but you knew that this was just part of being in the spotlight.
  Jack places a hand on your arm, slightly shoving you towards the exit. You ignore the yells of your name and continue to make your way off the carpet.
Your bodyguard, who had been standing nearby, steps in to create a path through the crowd, shielding you and Jack from the relentless paparazzi.
  "Did you talk to Jenna?" Jack asks, leaning close enough for his voice to be heard.
You send the bearded man a glare, shaking your head. "No. I don't even think she's walked the carpet yet."
Jack raises an eyebrow before turning his head to the carpet, which is still filled with celebrities and flashing cameras.
He scans the area, searching for any sign of Jenna among the chaos. He then turns back to you with a smirk on his lips. "I think you're just ducking her."
You roll your eyes at Jack's teasing remark.
"Please, like I have time to play hide and seek with Jenna. I'm just trying to avoid the relentless paparazzi."
You gesture towards the swarm of photographers jostling for the perfect shot.
Jack hums, his smile widening. A thought clicks into his head, causing his smile to drop.
"Oh, yeah! I talked to Melissa, and she is fine as fuck."
You thin out your lips. Jack probably didn't know she was married.
"I'll tell her husband you said that."
"You know what they say. Don't let your husband distract you from finding the love of your life."
You chuckle at his joke.
"May I say you look amazing tonight?" The interviewer states, smiling as they admire your appearance.
You smile, bringing your hands together to calm yourself before responding.
"Thank you so much."
"Are you a big fan of the Scream franchise?" The interviewer asks, moving their microphone closer.
You nod, your eyes lighting up with excitement.
"Absolutely! Ghostface is such an iconic character, and I love the twists that they put in the movie. It just always keeps you on your toes."
The interviewer chuckles, sharing your enthusiasm. "I completely agree! The Scream franchise has definitely left a lasting impact on the horror genre with its clever storytelling and memorable characters. Speaking of memorable characters, whose is your favorite?"
You pause for a moment, looking up at the sky as you bite down on your lip.
"Uhh... It's hard to choose just one, but if I had to pick, I would say Roman Bridger. I didn't suspect him at all, and his reveal as the mastermind behind everything in Scream 3 was a total shock. Plus, Scott Foley's performance was absolutely chilling."
The interviewer nods, appreciating your choice. "I couldn't agree more. He's surely one to remember."
You nod again, smiling. "For sure. I've always wanted to play Ghostface. Taking off the mask and revealing your plan must be so fun."
The interviewer laughs and says, "I'm sure you'd do great."
Before you could respond with a thank you, the interviewer speaks up.
"Jenna! It's so nice to see you." You turn to see Jenna, your heart dropping at the sight of her.
You force a tight-lipped smile at the brunette. "Hey Jenna, long time no see," you say, trying to sound casual.
Deep down, you can't help but wonder if she still thinks about you.
Jenna returns the smile. "Yeah, it's been a while," she replies softly.
Memories of your past together flood your mind, and you can't help but wonder if there's still a chance for reconciliation.
"You guys are so stunning, I can't even!" The interviewer gushes, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Jenna chuckles, her eyes meeting yours briefly before she turns her attention back to the interviewer.
"Jenna, I've gotta ask. Are you a fan of Y/N's music?" Jenna nods her head, glancing at you again before answering.
"I am. They're very talented musically, and I'm waiting for another album."
You try to fight back a smile, but it fails miserably. The interviewer notices your failed attempt to hide your smile and chuckles.
"Seems like there's mutual admiration here," they remark, noticing the subtle connection between you and Jenna.
You tilt your head, shrugging a bit. "I guess you could say that. Jenna's very talented herself, both musically and in acting."
Jenna feels the butterflies in her stomach erupt as you compliment her.
She's missed you, and she wants nothing more than to reconnect with you. She blushes slightly and responds, "Thank you."
You walk over to Jenna, interrupting her conversation with Percy. "Jenna."
Jenna turns towards you, a surprised expression on her face as she pauses mid-sentence.
"Come home with me?"
Jenna's eyes widen as she processes your unexpected request, leaving her momentarily speechless.
After a brief moment of hesitation, she nods slowly, her curiosity piqued. "Sure, why not? Let's go."
Percy furrows his eyebrows, watching you and Jenna walk off together.
When you arrive home, you take off your jacket and help Jenna with hers.
Jenna mumbles a thank you before making herself comfortable on the couch.
She looks around the unfamiliar surroundings, seeing as you've changed a few things since the last time she was there.
Jenna's eyes linger on a Polaroid of you and her, capturing a happy memory from months ago. Of course, Jenna still loved you, but was she ready to take the risk of getting hurt again?
She couldn't bear the fact that things might not work out between you two, causing more heartbreak.
Fame had always been a double-edged sword for Jenna. While it had brought her success and recognition, it also came with constant scrutiny and pressure.
It's what ruined you two. Jenna being constantly busy due to acting and you constantly being busy due to singing made it difficult for you both to find quality time together.
Despite the love that still existed between you, the demands of your respective careers created a growing distance that neither of you knew how to bridge.
You walk into the living room, two glasses of wine in your hand. "Actually," Jenna speaks up, and you raise your eyebrows in anticipation.
She continues, "Could we sit on your balcony?"
You nod, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Of course," you say, leading the way to the balcony.
As you settle into the comfortable chairs, the city lights twinkling below, Jenna takes a deep breath and says, "I miss moments like this, just being together without any distractions."
You take a sip of your wine, pausing to savor the flavor before responding. "Me too," you say, gazing out at the night sky.
"I missed you."
Jenna's eyes soften, and she reaches over to gently touch your lap. "I missed you too," she whispers.
"I hope you know that I'm not dating Percy."
"I know," you reply, a small smile forming on your lips. "I knew you wouldn't downgrade like that."
Jenna chuckles softly, her dimples beginning to show. "That's hilarious."
A silence falls over the two of you.
"I couldn't imagine being with anyone other than you," you snap your head towards her, your heart swelling with love at words.
She always knew the right thing to say.
"You're the only one who truly understands me, Y/N." Jenna's eyes meet yours, her brown pupils glistening in the moonlight.
"I can't find myself being vulnerable or trusting with anyone else." She finishes off, breaking away from your gaze.
You don't say anything, you just place your hand over top of hers, which was resting on your lap.
y/nhart posted on Instagram.
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Liked by jennaortega, jackharlow, kehlani, bnyx, and 13,829,100 others
y/nhart 12...??...23...lost in the fire...earned it...all mine...confident...all mine...oui...greece...get me...kiss land...for free
meltdown...i'd do anything to make you smile...boyfriend,girlfriend...rambo...let em'know
@chancetherapper @djkhaled @kehlani @travisscott @jackharlow @feliciathegoat @theweeknd @bnyx
View all 46,829 comments
user12 OMFG BRUH
user99 AOTY
jackharlow deluxe 🔜
bnyx 👨‍🍳🔥🎶
theweeknd 🫡
user77 couldve had better feats tbh > user880 STFU
djkhaled 🔥🔥🔥 WE'LL NEVER STOP 🛑!!! 
user67 i'm about to cry.
y/nsrealwife posted on Instagram.
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y/nsrealwife i stand by what i said
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user11 unknown? it's jenna😭 > y/nrealwife me when i'm delusional
user45 there's no misses on the album + they ate down in the deluxe > user89 came in my pants when they came on the track w that "t-time, t-time, t-time.."
user66 can we talk abt for free? bro had like 10 viagra pills before pulling up to the studio > user77 💀💀💀
jackharlowsbeard kehlani & jack on the album made me so happy.
y/nhart posted on Instagram.
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Liked by jennaortega, jackharlow, mrmatteo, kehlani, arianagrande, and 17,839,138 others
y/nhart mega christmas dump 🎄@jennaortega @jackharlow @mrmatteo @kehlani
Comments have been limited.
tonyspank had to put it in a collage due to the 10 photo limit 🙁
jennaortega has posted a story.
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russo-woso · 2 months
Slow foxtrot || Leah Williamson
Request | Masterlist | Prompt list
I know nothing about dancing or strictly come dancing so sorry if there’s any mistakes.
Summary Leah’s in awe at your strictly come dancing finale dance
You were waiting to go out and do your performance, you and your dance partner, Bobby Brazier, being the last dance.
After weeks upon weeks of practicing, your hard work has paid off and you were through to the final of strictly come dancing.
After getting 39/40 in the last round, you and Bobby figured that you, and more so Bobby, had the ability to do one of the hardest dances in the final, the slow foxtrot.
The week leading up to the final was the hardest yet.
Non stop training through the hours of the day and night.
But you had your motivation.
Motivation to win it. The hard work of training hours for the past years since you were seven to pay off.
But Leah, your wife, always came to support you whilst you were practicing and seeing her face in the corner of the room always made you try harder.
So when you saw her face in the crowd with a few of her teammates, you felt a surge of motivation run through you.
When you and Bobby were introduced, you made your way to the floor, preparing for yours dance.
Just before lights dimmed, you saw Leah looking at you, sending you a proud smile before mouthing ‘I love you’.
You smiled, before sending a nod to Bobby.
The lights dimmed and the music began.
You and Bobby danced elegantly to the music, the room erupting into applause as the music stopped.
You looked to see Bobby smiling as you enveloped him in a hug.
You and Bobby had done it perfectly.
You first thought was to look up at Leah.
She looked like she was about to cry, tears welling in her eyes.
All the Arsenal girls had their mouths wide open in shock, your dance had impressed them that much.
You walked over to the judges so you could get feedback.
It turned out that it wasn’t just the Arsenal girls that had been shocked.
Somehow, you managed to drop the jaws of the judges too, even Craig.
Once you’d been given feedback, the best of the night, you walked to the middle of the floor as the other two pairs walked down the stairs.
As you stood there patiently, the scores were finally ready to be revealed.
“And the strictly come dancing 2023 champions are… Y/N Williamson and Bobby Brazier!”
Confetti was let off as you hugged Bobby.
Your dream since you were seven had come true.
You had won strictly.
You turned to look at Leah who was hugging her teammates, looking over to you and blew a kiss, you blowing one back.
It was announced that you’d got a perfect 40.
As the celebrations continued, you lifted the trophy with Bobby before making your way backstage to Leah.
Leah engulfed you in a hug, whispering how proud she was.
You the heard loads of footsteps approaching and looked behind Leah to see all her teammates.
“Oh my god, you were incredible.” You heard Beth say.
“How did you do that?” Alessia asked
“Teach me how to dance, please.” Someone else said
“You just had to invite them didn’t you?” You questioned Leah, smiling at her.
“Of course I did, I had to show off my girls talent.”
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mapis-putellas · 12 days
Can you please give me some recommendations of writers or fics that I could read please!
I feel like I read every possible fic on this app and I’m just looking for more.
By the way, you’re one of my favorite writer! You fics are so soft it makes my heart melt!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ keep up the amazing work!
Thank you so much! There are so, so many talented writers on this app that I’m absolutely obsessed with, and here is just a few of them.
@wileys-russo - the first woso account I ever found on here and what got me into reading and writing about the girls. Lowkey (high key) obsessed with their writing.
@mead-iocre is another favourite. Especially the mini Leah series they’ve done.
@girlgenius1111 - again. Amazingly talented. Every single one of their works I adore and have read so many times!
@ceesimz - extremely talented. Like, how are you not a published author!?
@codiemarin -the tour guide mapi one is my favourite 😭
@inuyashaluver - I absolutely adore their writing!
@vamos-meadema - the checkmate series? In love 😭
@vixwritesagain - all of their work? *chefs kiss*
{There’s also:
and so, so many others and if I wrote my thoughts about all of them I’ll be here all day 😭)
If you want to venture away from tumbler, on AO3 there are so many talented authors there too.
My absolute favourite is @newbie9034. They are Beth and viv centric only as far as I know, but I am so obsessed with every single one of there works. I read them all in just one night. My favourite is ‘New years kiss’. I laughed, cried, raged. It was so sad, but so good and I’m sure you’ll love it😭
On AO3 there is also @cleradinsss, @copper_16 (those are the ones I know about but I’m sure there are plenty more)
I hope this helps! <3
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juvenillia · 11 months
~ Death of Peace of Mind ~ 15: teasing
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
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photo credits go to very talented @ave661
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a/n: maybe I got a bit too carried away in this one but yeah, let me know what you think
CW/TW: mentions of loss, violence, jealousy, dubcon, touch/assault, use of petnames, guilt, regret
wordcount: 4.3k
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"So, you're doing it?", the female voice rang through the speaker. "It's a mission, of course I'm doing it.", your voice was determined but still a bit shaky. Maybe you were just too exhausted. The sleepless nights sapping on your energy. "We know it's a special operation, so we at least want you to choose your partner yourself.", Price’s voice was soft but still firm. "I'd recommend Riley." Laswell's words instantly let your stomach take a turn. You couldn't choose him for too many reasons. So many you totally wouldn't share with your literal boss. Still Laswell continued. "He would act on it with the most professional interests." - "But the mask." - "Even better. Nobody knows who he actually looks like and if it's an order he wouldn't even hesitate." You felt like throwing up. Price looked concerned at you but tried to keep his face clear.
"No, no way. I respect his boundaries. I'm going with MacTavish.", you answered bluntly and quick before the discussion could go anymore in a direction you didn't want to. "You sure about that?", Price’s voice was a bit surprised, but the situation was a special occasion. Such operations were never easy and never a thing because the 141 handled such situations differently. They had their own ways to get the insider information that was required. Mostly this way was harsh and bone crushing. But now they had an ace up their sleeve. They had you on the team, a woman. And therefore, a really beautiful one. That opened a new door of possibilities. "Alright. So, Sergeant MacTavish it is. I'll arrange everything." The line went dead, and you looked at Price. "You know how this op will go." - "I'm familiar with that kinda thing. Yeah. Gonna talk with him tomorrow." - "Thank you, Skadi." - "No need to thank me, sir. It's my job." Price knew that those missions were nerve-wracking for everyone included, and he swore to himself, that he would only sent you out on it if you were fine with it. "You know what I mean.", he simply added before following you to the common room to be reunited with the rest of the 141.
That was yesterday, and now you found yourself in the shared office, figuring the best way out to tell Johnny about his luck. Your mind was racing. Once for the situation that you again fell asleep in the common room and got carried back to your room by one of the boys. How Beth explained later it was Simon, again. Only the thought of the situation let your stomach ramble. No, we won't call it butterflies, we just don't. For the second reason it was definitely the whole situation you found yourself in. You didn't mind the operation itself nor the fact that Johnny was to be by your side. It was just the fact that you were never the type to enjoy social gatherings that much, especially such big and fancy ones. You hated it back then, the hand shaking, sweet talking and complimenting just to get approval and support from rich people which thought of themselves way too much. Back then you played already a role, but this time would be different and more difficult. Pretending to be a completely different person with a completely other life plus of course your beloved boyfriend, Johnny had to pretend to be. Invading enemy terrain to get intel in nothing more than a fancy dress which would reveal way too much skin. No gun in your hands, no knives strapped to your body. You would be served to them on a silver plate. Those missions were triggering your anxiety more than infiltrating an enemy base the offensive way.
"Slept well?", a deep teasing voice ripped you out of the haze your thoughts were. You blinked utterly confused at the Lieutenant who just placed a cup in front of you. Hot steam leaving it in dancing movements upwards till they vanished. You could see how his mask moved, and how he had to wear a smile beneath it. A deep blush made its way onto your cheeks. Since when was he so cocky with his comments? What did change in the last days? And worse did you do something embarrassing? Hells bells, did you speak during your sleep?
He let out a nearly inaudible chuckle while taking his place at his desk across from yours. Your reaction was enough answer for him, still he wanted to push it. It was only the two of you in the office by now, so he would take advantage of it. "Will ya keep fallin' asleep 'n me? Just out 'f curiosity." His voice was so cocky, so teasing. You wanted the ground to open and swallow you right now.
After Simon's anger about the intruder vanished, he saw a chance of being just a bit more offensive with you. Only jokingly teasing, only the way like you would do with Johnny or Kyle all the time. It wouldn’t change a thing he believed. He wanted to test the waters but seeing you all flustered and overwhelmed did something to him. And maybe there was a chance that you would call him 'darling', just the way you did with him. He didn't know how he would react; he didn't know what it would take you to grow this comfortable around Simon, but he would try to find out. Maybe it would be his doom, but maybe his elysium.
This was the moment Johnny walked through the door. "Good morning everyo..." - "MacTavish, just the guy I was looking for.", you yelled out and before he could react, you jumped up from your place, took the cup of tea Simon brought you in one hand and the other hand grabbed Johnny's wrist while dragging him outside. Shoving Kyle aside while he tried to enter the office and just looked dumbfounded after you two and then at Simon. The taller Brit just shrugged, usually the situation would kind of bug him, but right now, he was too satisfied with your morning encounter and started on the reports. A victorious smile well hidden behind the mask.
"So, yer gonna be my wifey, eh?", Johnny looked with raised brows at you, wearing a cocky smile. You dragged him into one of the empty briefing rooms where you explained everything to him. "Fiancée. And stop the teasing. Bloody hell.", you rolled your eyes while he nudged your foot with his. He stood in front of you, not too far away but also not really close, leaning against one of the tables. "Fiancée.", he repeated mockingly.
"We should talk about boundaries. Lines we shouldn’t cross, things we're fine with and things we're not.", you stated while crossing your arms in front of your chest. Johnny nodded, and suddenly some thoughts flashed his mind. Thoughts he pushed aside for now. Of course, Johnny knew how important that mission was, but he still was a teasing piece of shit. It took you a few to sort things out and to get him to take this talk serious, without any more teasing and jokes. You were professionals after all.
"That's only the emergency exit. Ya hear me?", you looked serious at him while taking the last few sips out of the cup and ending your talk. You did really go through any possibility that could happen. "Got it. And now we're talking about Lt making you, and only you, tea and why you didn't choose him for the fake dating mission. Eh?", he raised his brows once more at you, this cocky grin back at his lips. You felt the heat back on your cheeks and wished you could just throw the cup after him. Instead, you rolled your eyes and raised your hands in a warning gesture. "Already thinking about divorce now.", you laughed, and Johnny pouted jokingly before each of you went after the preparation for this special operation.
It was around six in the evening as Laswell helped you with your hair and makeup. She told you, that she always had to doll up her wife and you had to admit, she did an amazing job. You were standing in the bathroom of the fancy hotel just some blocks away from the benefits gala. Putting the jewelry and dress on, Kate had prepared for you. The jewelry was made to be your decent communication device for the night. It would keep you in contact with Price and Ghost who were arranged as guards for the gala. So, Johnny and you wouldn't be completely out in the open.
You slipped the dress on and cursed to yourself. It was tight just at the right places and hugged your curves perfect. It hadn't a huge cleavage, but a slit up to your leg, nearly too high for your liking. Somehow you were still glad that this fabric was divided there because otherwise you weren't even able to move properly. The silky fabric moved delightful as you took a turn in front of the mirror. It definitely wasn't something you despised wearing, you felt pretty of course, but you'd preferred your cargo pants and a turtleneck. You could say you felt too much like eye candy, but that was what you were supposed to be today. A decoy to attract the hopefully right persons to spill some intel.
You went with Kate to the room the boys were put to. Kyle was already on the computers to invade the security cameras, that you could be a step ahead. Just in case. Ghost seated next to him, wearing an all-black suit with a pair of unholy tight pants, and a completely black balaclava. Going through the process over and over again. Price was in the same suit, helping Johnny to adjust his bow tie. He wore a casual and elegant suit, that matched the color of your dress. Simon was the one to open the door for you and Kate as soon as she knocked and how happy he was to wear this god damn mask.
His breath hitched as soon as he laid his eyes on your figure. You just walked past him, trying to ignore the burning feeling inside of you. Your work brain needed to take over now. Kyle only whistled, looking astonished in your direction. You rolled your eyes while pushing your hands in your hips. "Zip it, Garrick!", you glared at him, and he only rose his hands in defense. "If yer saying something against my wifey I'm gonna end yer.", Soap said while slipping a hand around your shoulder. Maybe Johnny was already a bit to comfortable in his role.
Simon stood still in place, frozen, mesmerized by your presence. The only thing that brought him back was Johnny's hand on your shoulder. The shoulder that was stained with a fresh scar of your latest meeting with a bullet and guilt came up his chest. His eyes travelled down to your hips, the place where another nasty scar would stay forever now. Scars were part of the job, nothing special but thinking about how your beautiful body was stained with them.
Just then he realized how perfectly fitted the dress was. Literally nothings were left to the imagination, his imagination. His eyes lingered just there, hoping that his brain would be able to remind him of this picture as often as possible. He’d love to change the picture of your blood-stained body into this one. And he made sure to be as close to your side tonight as possible. "Fiancée. Johnny. Fiancée.", you corrected him annoyed. "Why is that even so important?" - "We need a good story with enough personal information to spill. Because only then people will spare theirs. We have to be convincing." Johnny playfully rolled his eyes at your correction. "Alright ladies. We must go!", Laswell clapped in her hands and Price pulled an identical balaclava, like Simon already wore, over his head.
The start of the evening went off smoother than expected. Johnny didn't leave your side, always having an arm around your waist or on your back. It was quite reassuring, and his constant presence made it easier for you to entertain the people. Johnny did most of the talking and you just had to look pretty. That wasn't hard at all. Plus, you always felt save feeling the intense glance of Ghost on you. No matter where you were, you knew he was close. Sometimes you couldn't even see him, like a real ghost hiding in the shadows. You wore an earpiece on the side that was covered by your hair. So that you could at least got some hints from the boys. No matter if it was from Kyle observing the whole place or your two guards. And it was somehow funny that wherever you looked all the waitresses and securities wore those masks. Of course, you were a bit disappointed when you found out that he gonna keep the mask on even now, still you didn't want to cross his boundaries, that’s why you didn’t choose him for the mission and that is the reason you told Johnny. From time to time, you heard Price's or Gaz' voice over the earpiece, commenting on stuff people said. Simon stayed silence most of the time. Johnny had no earpiece, because he simply had nothing that could hide it, so he had to promise to stay close. At least in the sight of Price.
It was in a moment when Soap and you weren't surrounded by anyone, just then you caught him. Simon standing afar, next to a pillar and staring continuously at you. But something in his glance was different. Was it a hint of jealousy? Your eyes met for a second before a genuine smile flashed over your face. Johnny stood close to you, still an arm around you his eyes searching for your next victim, and you couldn't prevent the words to slip over your lips. "Lieutenant.", you said calm averting your gaze to not make it too obvious. Leaning a bit further into your fake fiancé. He hummed in confirmation over the comms. Still staring at you, not daring to look away. Too scared that it would be a dream and the image in front of him would be gone as soon as he blinked. "You’re staring.", you said with the most teasing voice you could and just then you could see from the corner of your eyes that he abruptly looked away. "Just observing.", he cleared his throat. It led to a sweet and satisfied laugh. The game he started could be played by two.
"Says the lass that shamelessly checked his arse in those tight suit pants out.", Johnny's cocky voice was heard, and you instantly buried your face deeper in his shoulder. You hoped that nobody at the other end of the comms could hear him. He started to laugh and patted your back. "Yer secret's save with me. Dinnea yer worry, bonnie.", he smiled while your face was drowning in embarrassment and you just prayed to everything you hold dear, that Johnny would keep his promise.
The evening became a bit harder when you decided to split up, to get as many people to talk to you as possible. It was after an unpleasant talk with a way too drunken man, that you took a little break excusing yourself to the bathroom. He at least gave a few things away that could help you. Still, you felt a disgusting shadow creeping over your skin. Men were easy to manipulate, still you hated it. You just hoped the night would be over soon and that you could wash yourself clean with a cold shower.
As soon as you stepped out of the bathroom you couldn't help but felt another shiver run down your spine. Another guy seemed to have followed you, because just then you felt an unfamiliar hand creeping around your waist. You immediately tensed and needed to fight the urge to throw him over your shoulder. He lowered his head to your ear that wasn’t covered by your hair. "There is someone who wants to meet you, doll." It made your hair stand to an end, but you needed to suppress it. Whoever wanted to see you could be a very helpful informant. You were lucky that he couldn’t see your face that was coated in sheer disgust. He let his hand wander further down, and the feeling to just break his wrist became stronger and stronger.
But you weren't the only one that had this urge, just to the misery of the poor guy. Ghost snatched his shoulder and yanked him with full force away from you. He nearly growled at him before standing in front of you. Shielding you away. "Leave 'e lady alone. She's already expected.", he hissed through gritted teeth and the douchebag ran away as fast as possible.
You looked in disbelief at him as he turned around to face you properly. Making sure nobody else would watch, you glared at him. "What the hell?! He could have led to important information.", you crossed your arms. "That wasn't appropriate. I needed to intervene!", he only hissed, trying to keep his voice as low as possible. He would never raise his voice at you, still he needed to clarify his point. "I was completely okay... that's how those things work. It's the most efficient way.", you paused for a moment. You didn't want to scold him for something that would be the right thing to do, because indeed it wasn't okay how the man treated you. Still, he interrupted a chance of good information.
"You really need to let myself decide if I'm fine or not." Simon clenched his fist. He knew you were right, but watching how that guy touched you without your consent, without your approval that made him furious. Seeing the discomfort in your eyes. He wouldn't let anything like this happen, to no-one, but especially not to you. You could feel how tense he was; he didn't answer to your outburst. You sighed; one more look around before your arms dropped to your side. "You trust me?", your eyes searched for his and he nodded slowly, not averting his glance. "Let's agree on a sign.", you exhaled not braking eye contact either.
You went back in the main hall, still the burning gaze from Ghost on your back, you moved through the groups of people until you caught a word that completely caught your interest. "He changed since the incident." - "Well, Camilo was his brother." You took a place in the circle, greeting everyone with a sweet smile. Camilo had a brother. "He was his twin! You know how twins have this weird connection..." A twin, that made sense why you thought you saw Camilo running around that chem factory. Price and Simon assured you millions of times that Ghost took him out before he caught that bullet.
People started starring at you, so you took a sip out of the glass in your hand. "I heard from the tragic accident.", you chimed with fake sympathy. "Oh, my dear. That wasn't an accident.", an older man touched your shoulder and left his hand there. Squeezing it softly. "He was taking care of.", you looked faked bewildered at him. And another woman joined. "He even moved the plans back, you know, to grief properly. Even gave him a funeral after finding his body. So, he has a heart after all." You nodded in understanding. Just then you heard a static voice over the comms "We got visitors.", Price announced and soon you could sense a different group of armed men entering over the higher up floor. They also wore balaclavas, but they moved differently.
You looked with a worried face around, searching for Johnny. That's when the hand of the older man started rubbing circles on your shoulder. "Don't worry my dear. They're here to protect us. I believe there is an uninvited guest." He looked at you with those lust blown pupils and it made you sick. If he would call you 'my dear' one more time you needed to throw up. "Those uninvited guests are you. Maybe we should leave.", Kyle's voice rang over the earpiece while he tracked every enemy. "Those Italians are always so impudent, but family is their highest good."-"Aren't they Mexicans?" - "Mexicans, Italians, Brazilians, Spanish. Aren't they all the same?!", the old men next to you chimed and all around started to laugh. You forced a laugh out of your throat as you saw another bunch of armed and masked men approaching the lower level. Your eyes searched for Soap. Kyle was right, you had to leave now. "Excuse me. I'm missing my beloved fiancé. Will be back soon.", you stated before moving through the mass of people. Johnny didn't hear anything the boys said due to the missing earpiece. You needed to find him.
It was Price’s voice that helped. "He's at the west entry. Gonna make sure you leave save. Ghost take care of the car." You moved as fast as possible without drawing any suspicion to the place Price described and Johnny was there. Discussing eagerly with no one else then the man from your hallway encounter with Ghost. That wouldn't end good.
"Darling, I'm feeling unwell. You think we can go back to the hotel.", you chimed with a cooing tone while your hands searched his. He looked at you and gladly understood immediately. The man looked surprised at you and insisted of you staying a little while longer. Somehow you made your way to the hallway, the only thing that separated you and the SUV that brought you out of here. Price made sure the way was clear and Ghost sat in the car, engine already rumbling low waiting for you to enter the vehicle.
"He's still following you and it seems like he got friends", Kyle declared over the comms. "Shit.", you hissed out while walking in those fancy heels. "We aroused suspicion, especially with our sudden leave.", Johnny said while trailing close behind. A thousand thoughts were rushing through your mind. There was only thing that might help, you sighed. Your eyes found a little corner, and you turned, taking Johnny's wrist, dragging him with you around.
"Yo, Skadi, wrong direction.", you could hear Kyle over the comms. "Emergency exit.", is all you said before muting the earpiece and Johnny immediately understood. That was the first moment he felt uneasy tonight. You pressed yourself against the wall, wrapped your hands around Johnny's neck while bringing him closer to you. His face just a breath away from yours. You looked in his eyes and he nodded, giving silently permission and you closed the gap between you. Your lips brushing over his, a bit stern but still eager, the intense feeling couldn't be denied. His hands were frozen on your waist, till you took one of them and placed it over your thigh. The leg hooking behind his body drawing him impossible closer. It needed to be a good show for them to buy it. Johnny's grip on your bare skin was tight, as his lips moved over yours. It felt nothing like you remembered a kiss, but that wasn't even one of those lust filled actions. It was your emergency exit.
"Bloody hell.", Kyle breathed out in utterly shock, staring at the screen in front of him. "What's happening?!", Ghost nearly barked through the earpiece while the grip around the steering wheel tightened. "Even when I told you, you wouldn't believe me.", Kyle chuckled not daring to blink. Ghost stayed silent, but his heart was pounding.
The man went around the corner and abruptly stopped as soon as he saw the image in front of him. Every suspicion leaving him, as he felt uneasy to watch. To your luck, he had some respect for the privacy and intimacy you just shared. Well, that's at least what you thought. That was the second time tonight he should feel a misfortune. But you couldn’t care. He left you alone and that was all that mattered.
Johnny and you broke away and he looked weird down at you. Somehow his face was full of concern, and regret and at the same time his cheeks burned, and he smiled oddly.  “Keep it steady.”, you punched his chest while turning the earpiece on again and rolling your eyes at the Scot. "Just bought us some time. Sorry. On the way out now.", you said while walking back where you left your path. "Dinnea believe that this actually worked.", Johnny hissed a bit breathless next to you and you could hear Kyle joining with a "Same, you lucky bastard." You just rolled your eyes once more as you climbed into the back seat of the car next to Johnny while Ghost already navigated it to the hotel. You couldn't look at Johnny, so you simply stared out of the window. Johnny just stared into the distance in front of him. You agreed on it, you both did and still it left you in an awkward state of mind.
Simon's eyes trailed to the driving mirror, observant as always, he immediately noticed the stains of the red shade on Johnny's lips. His grip around the steering wheel tightened, letting his knuckles turn white when he had to force his eyes back onto the road.
"Good work!", Price said once more as he pulled off the mask, but all of you in the car stayed silent.
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181 notes · View notes
mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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Trash Talk 18+
Beth England x Reader
Word count: 2,203
Warning: Smut, Teasing, daddy kink, Unprotected sex, Creampies, blowjob, Throatpie, Anal, Rough sex, squirting, hair pulling, clit teasing, Positions: Doggy, Missionary.
*Y/n's pov*
I was sweating bullets as I wait for a certain phone call. The coach from England came to one of my college games and told her that I had talent and wanted to invite me to the next camp.
After 5 minutes of waiting my phone rings. I click accept and hold my phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hello, may I speak to Y/n please." They ask.
"This is her." I say.
"Hi Y/n this is Sarina the coach from England I was calling you to inform you that you've been selected to join us for camp in 2 weeks. So I have details for camp for you, you and Beth England will be roommates this camp. Beth will pick you up at the airport when you land, Beth and the girls are super excited to meet you." Sarina says.
"I can't wait to meet them either and start this new journey." I say.
"That's all the details I have for you right now. I'll inform you on the rest once you get to camp." Sarina says.
"Thank you coach. See you in 2 weeks." I say.
"See you in two weeks." Sarina says.
She hangs up, I set my phone off to the side and start packing and getting ready for camp so I don't have to worry about packing the night before.
I finish packing, my phone pings letting me know I have a new text message. I grab my phone and see that I have a text message from Beth England.
Beth: Hey Y/n! How everything is going good. Just wanted to reach out and let you know that you and me will be roommates and I'll be picking you up from the airport. Me and the girls can't wait to meet you."
Me: Hey Beth! Thank you for the info, I can't wait to meet you and the girls either and can't wait to be your roommate this camp.
Beth: I'm excited to be your roommate too.
I continue texting back and forth with Beth the rest of the day.
*Next week, Day of camp*
My alarm goes off at 3 am. I turn it off, I get up and start to get ready. I brush my teeth and hair and make sure I have everything packed and ready to go.
I grab my things, I call an Uber and head to the airport. I pay the driver, I grab my things and go into the airport.
I hand the lady my ticket and board the plane. We finish boarding and take off, after a four hour flight the plane lands. I grab my bags and get off the plane.
I get my suit case from baggage claim and go outside to find Beth. Beth was already outside waiting for me. I smile and walk over to her.
"It's nice to finally meet you." Beth says.
"You too." I say and hug her.
Beth helps me load my bags into the trunk. We get in the rental car and start driving to the hotel. we get to the hotel, Beth parks the car and helps me carry my things up to the room.
Beth unlocks the door and opens it. We both go in, Beth closes the door behind us and locks it. I take off my shoes and set my bags off to the side. I plop down onto the bed and sigh dramatically.
Beth giggles. "So dramatic."
"Mhm shut up." I say laughing.
Beth turns on the tv and her Xbox and turns on call of duty modern warfare.
I sigh and look over at her. "Really?"
"Yes really? You play?" I ask.
I nod. "Yeah I play, how good are you?" I ask teasing her.
Beth smirks and looks over at me. "I'm a legend."
I giggle. "Pfft yeah okay."
"Yup, you prepared to loose?" Beth asks.
I smirk, I sit up and take one of the controllers from her. "You're on Beth. Let's see what you got."
I win our first game, We decide to do best of 4. Beth ends up losing the first game, Beth starts to get angry at the game. I laugh at her frustration.
"What's wrong?" I ask teasing her.
"I want a redo you fucking cheated." Beth accuses.
"What? How did I cheat?" I ask.
"You were screen peaking." Beth says.
"No I wasn't, I won fair and square." I say.
Beth gets the second game loaded up and we start the game. Beth pauses the game for a second and looks over at me.
"Let's make a bet." Beth suggests.
I smile. "I'm listening."
My massive dick springs out and fully at attention Beth gasps and looks at my dick. I take off her clothes leaving her completely naked.
I Lean in kissing her. Beth kisses back, it turns into a make out session. I lay Beth on the bed, Beth wraps her legs around me as I continue to make out with her.
My dick pokes her inner thigh as we make out. Beth moans in the kiss, she breaks away and rests her head against mine.
"Please. Please Y/n I need your dick inside me." Beth cutely begs.
"Are you sure? I don't have a condom on me." I say making sure she wants this.
"Yes I'm sure, just cum in me I'm on a pill. Make me your personal cum dumpster." Beth says.
I nod, I rub my dick through Beth’s soaking wet folds. Beth moans in pleasure as I do this, once my dick is wet enough I slowly slide my dick inside her. Beth moans and looks deep into my eyes.
I moan as her walls immediately around my dick. "Shit baby, you're really tight." I moan.
"Stretch me out and fill me with your massive load." Beth moans.
Fuck that may have been the hottest thing I've heard. I slowly thrust in and out of her. Beth wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer to her.
"F-Faster." Beth moans.
I put my arms on the sides of her and pound her pussy faster and faster. Beth moans in pleasure, her eyes roll to the back of her head as I continue to fuck the daylights out of her.
"Fuck....Fuck....Fuck." Beth squeaks out with each thrust.
I continue to pound her g spot. I rub her clit with my thumb Beth screams in pleasure as I do this.
"I'm gonna squirt." Beth screams.
Beth squirts all over my dick, hand and fingers. I pound into her pussy faster than before, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"I'm close." I moan.
"Me too. Don't you dare stop, pump me full of your fucking cum." Beth cries out in pleasure.
I go faster and harder, I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Here it comes baby, get ready for my load." I moan.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Beth Cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Beth ride out her high, I slowly pull out of her. Beth moans and holds her legs up as thick cum oozes out of her and onto the bed.
I move Beth to the middle of the bed and put her in doggy position. I rub my dick through her cum filled folds and slowly slide my dick back deep inside her cum filled pussy.
"So tight and warm." I moan.
"You feel so good inside me stretching me out. Drain your balls in me." Beth moans.
I grab her hair with one hand d, I place my hands on her hip and slowly thrust in and out of her as I pull her hair.
I moan, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room as I go a bit faster. "Mm fuck." I moan.
Beth moans loudly in pleasure and grips the sheets as I pound her pussy from behind faster and faster.
"Fuck yes! Just like that." Beth screams in pleasure.
I moan, I go at an angle and hit her g spot. I pull Beth's hair and tilt her head back. I smash my lips against hers and kiss her deeply. Beth moans in the kiss as I continue to fuck her brains out.
I moan as I feel myself getting closer. "Shit I'm already close to cumming again." I moan.
"Me too, cum in me." Beth moans.
I smirk and continue to pound Beth’s g spot. Beth screams in pleasure and squirts all over my dick and the bed. I moan in pleasure as I feel my balls tighten.
"I'm cumming!" I moan.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Beth cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Beth ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs, I slowly pull out of her. Thick cum pours out of her pussy and glazed her folds and drips down her thighs and onto the bed and bed sheets.
Beth moans as my cum oozes out of her. "Mmm fuck my ass."
Fuck I didn't know Beth was into anal. God she has a fat ass, I smirk and kiss her ass. I squeeze it a bit, Beth moans as I do this.
"Mmm you want me to fuck your ass slut?" I ask, I tease as I squeeze her ass a bit.
"Yes daddy. Please fuck my ass and cum inside me." Beth moans cutely and begs.
I scoop up some of my cum and rub it on her asshole using it as lube. I rip my tip through her folds and slowly slide my dick inside her tight asshole, I moan as her walls immediately clench around my dick.
"Oooh fuck." I moan in pleasure. "Your ass is even tighter baby. I could cum just from being inside you."
"Good, pump my ass full of your cum." Beth begs.
I smirk, I slowly thrust in and out of her ass. Beth moans as I start to thrust in and out of her slowly.
"F-Faster." Beth moans.
I pick up the pace and go faster, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Fuck....Fuck.....Fuck." Beth squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan and continue to fuck her ass from behind. Beth moans loudly in pleasure.
"Fuck daddy you have amazing dick game." Beth moans.
I smirk. "Yup and it's all yours the rest of camp just as you are mine of the rest of camp."
"Yes please daddy. Please fuck me the rest of camp." Beth moans.
I pound her ass harder and faster. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. Fuck her ass felt so good, I don't think I can last much longer. I was gonna bust my load in her ass at any second.
"Beth baby, I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her ass. Beth moans and cums all over my dick. She moans as I fill her up with my load.
"Mmm fuck." Beth moans.
I moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep in her ass and paint her walls white.
Beth switches positions and makes me lay on the bed. She lays between my legs and takes my dick in her mouth. I moan as she slowly bobs her head, my tip hitting the back of her throat.
"F-Fuck Beth just like that." I moan.
Beth hums and bobs her head faster and plays with my balls. I moan and hold her hair up as she continues to give me head and sucks the soul out of my dick.
"Shit baby; you really know how to suck dick." I moan.
I moan in pleasure and throw my head back and close my eyes enjoying the best blowjob I've had. I moan as I feel myself getting close.
"S-Shit, Beth baby I'm close." I moan.
Beth Hums against my dick and continues to suck the soul out of my dick. I moan and grip the sheets as Beth continues to suck the soul out of dick.
"I'm gonn-" I try to warn her but I’m unable to warn her in time.
Throat pie:
I'm unable to warn her in time, I bust my load in her mouth. Beth chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth.
Beth swallows my load and licks up the rest of my cum.
"Fuck that was the best blow job I've gotten so far" I moan.
Beth giggles and kisses me. I moan as I taste myself on her lips. Fuck my cum tastes amazing, Beth Drags me to the bathroom.
"Come on let's shower, you might get Lucky and get another round in." Beth smirks at me.
"Fuck I'm looking forward to the rest of camp." I mutter.
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