#betaronpa v3
betaronpav3 · 6 years
Meet the boys!~
Let’s talk again about the characters! It’s time for the boys to shine...or not~
(Note: I don't have colored references for the moment. I'll of course edit this post with their final refs every time I finish one.)
1- Kokichi Ouma - Ultimate Unlucky Student 
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 Kokichi is a little boy who believes he suffers from a terrible curse which brings despair and chaos around him. He really has a low self-esteem and is quite shy/introvert (but still no a crybaby). He is however very honest and always does his best when someone ask him to do something. It's also really easy to manipulate him...being a quiet and “innocent” little boy. Kokichi survives until the end with Kaede and Miu and become the protagonist during the fifth chapter (and only during this chapter). 
2- Kaito Momota - Ultimate Prodigy
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Kaito is an exceptionally gifted guy who doesn't need to study to have really good grades at school. Because of this gift, he became really lazy and prideful. Unlike Kaede who doesn't want to show her talent, Kaito is always bragging about his abilities. It's quite difficult to ask him to do something because of his laziness... well...he actually doesn't do anything, even talking, when he isn't interested. He only is attentive when the discussion is about girls or space (yeah...he is the flirty guy of this killing game...sorry not sorry?). Kaito murdered Tsumugi and got executed during the first chapter. 
3- Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate Strategist 
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Korekiyo is a calm and polite man with his own sense of justice. He is probably the most mature character in the whole group and is also quite a gentleman....but become really dangerous/scary when he looses his composure, so don't make him angry please. He seems to have a rich or noble family since he has his own maid but just slightly laugh when someone ask questions about it. He got killed during the third chapter. 
4- Gonta Gokuhara - Ultimate Hunter
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No precious gentleman this time! Gonta is actually a wolf in a (huge) human body~  He basically lived his whole life in a forest and acts like a wild animal...until he get tamed by Angie. Then, he become a...dog? Nobody taught him how to speak so he tries his best to copy his comrades...which is really hard for him. Oh did I forgot to mention his little bug friend he brings with him everywhere?~ He got killed during the fourth chapter. 
5- Ryoma Hoshi - Ultimate Troublemaker
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In this AU, Ryoma is an annoying little boy who likes to trick people or see them in trouble. Actually, he becomes a pain in the neck because of his deep depression. He wants to forget about it while acting like a meanie and also tries to keep people away for him because he don't want to become close to someone to prevent them to become like him. If someone still tries to get close to him...then Ryoma turn into a huge tsundere. He got killed during the fifth chapter. 
6- Shuichi Saihara - Ultimate Mystery Novelist 
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To everyone surprise, Shuichi is way more confident in this AU. He is quite good with investigations because of his novels and is really proud of it. However, he is unfortunately quite emotive and has violent mood swings that can bring confusion toward his comrades. He is still a big moral support to Kokichi and is the only one who finds out the real reason behind Kokichi's curse. He murdered Ryoma and got executed during the fifth chapter.
7- Rantaro Amami - Ultimate Adventurer / Ultimate Despair
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Rantaro is the "big brother" of the group...but still has his mysterious aura. He is quite protective and can become really harsh when someone targets the "weaker" one of the group. Kaito calls him the “ikemen” and is slightly jealous of him because of his good looks. He kinda has the same personality as his V3 self but with a little bit of V3!Ouma when it comes to manipulation. As you can see, Rantaro took Tsumugi's place by tricking Kaito to kill her. He is now the mastermind. 
8- K1-B0 (Kiibo) - Ultimate Prototype 
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In this AU, Kiibo is the prototype version of his V3 self. He possesses a lot of defectives gadgets and doesn't know anything about humans. So he is really enthusiastic when it comes to learn a lot of things and get really exited when he discovers something new for him. He totally assumes to be a robot and really wants to help everyone despite his differences. Kiibo was supposed to survive with the three others but started to bug after Rantaro's execution... he couldn't bare the bugs any longer and asked his comrades to destroy him. 
Bonus Character Number Two - Dice
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Dice is Kokichi's imaginary friend...and for Shuichi he is the reason behind Kokichi's curse. Kokichi actually believes Dice is a real person and really depends of him because he is more confident than him. Unfortunately, Dice has a really bad influence on Kokichi. He is vainglorious, liar, manipulative and has bad intentions. He probably manipulates Kokichi a lot and that's why a lot of bad things happened around Kokichi. 
Well I think I'm done for now! I hope you like them~ If you have any questions for them...or me... feel free to ask!  (and sorry again for my bad English ;; ) Have a nice day <3  
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caramelcoconuts · 3 years
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#174: Beta Kirumi Tojo because we were hella robbed
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chiem · 5 years
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You gay, me gay, we all gay Happy pride month
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betagundam · 6 years
big love @ betaronpa today 😤😤😤
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ultimate-aesthetics · 7 years
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Aesthetic for lonely beta Kokichi Ouma in pastel pink and blue, requested by @mobianflame!
I hope you like it! The art is by @ouma--kokichis.
-Mod Chiaki
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error-line404 · 7 years
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My fav bois, beta edition. Also redhead Beta!Kiyo is based on a random headcanon. And Betamaeda will always be my canonmaeda lololol
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cenistar · 7 years
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Beta Maki
Beta Kaede
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selagilou · 7 years
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these two have such cute beta designs
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pixielation · 7 years
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saihara and beta!saiharaaa
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
Meet the girls!~
Now that the rules are set, let's talk about the characters! Here are some descriptions but of course their personalities are a bit more...complex than that.
We first go with the girls~
(Note: I don't have colored references for the moment. I'll of course edit this post with their final refs every time I finish one.)
1- Kaede Akamatsu - Ultimate Jazz Musician
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Kaede is the protagonist of this killing game. She is an optimistic and friendly girl (quite a social butterfly if you want my opinion). Really attentive and helpful, it seems she has a really good earing but tends to hide this quality, being afraid she could bore someone if she talks about this too often (same go with her music talents)...This bad habit of her make people thinks she is too modest. Even if she doesn't want to brag about her talent and music in general...she sometimes does some wordplay about music. Despite that, Kaede probably is the only character in the killing game who still stay strong and keep hoping during the whole story...bringing positive emotions to her friends, preventing them to fall into despair... 
2- Miu Iruma - Ultimate Mechanics 
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Miu is some kind of comic relief in the whole killing game...and also a "moral support". Actually, Miu is really smart and full of knowledge... but she pretends to be dumb because of a bad story of her past (she's afraid that people would hate her if she's "superior"). She has exaggerated reactions to everything and is pretty loud during the whole story...except when she's with Kaede, the only person who knows the true her. She also most of the time has a lollipop or a chewing gum in her mouth. Miu is one of the three survivors of this killing game and become Kaede's "partner" because of her loyalty toward her. 
3- Tsumugi Shirogane - Ultimate Mangaka
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Tsumugi, like Kokichi, is quite shy. She isn't good with group conversations and  seems to be afraid of crowds. It's difficult for her to talk without stuttering and hyperventilates when she is embarrassed. The only way to make her talk on and on is to ask questions about her talent or about mangas in general...but when she realizes she was talking to much she apologizes until no end and runs away. Tsumugi was supposed to be the mastermind but she got killed during the first chapter...leaving her place to someone else. 
4- Himiko Yumeno - Ultimate Oneirologist 
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In this AU, Himiko studies dreams... that's quite ironic because she has sleep problems! Anyway... this time Himiko isn't a mage but a magical girl! She tends to proclaim she has powers which allow her to protect people from their nightmares and hidden traumas. The others consider her as the class mascot because of her "cute" behaviors and her bubbly personality...even if she has the bad habit to fall asleep anywhere because of her problems... She got killed during the second chapter.
5- Tenko Chabashira - Ultimate Shinobi 
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Tenko is a tomboy girl with a energetic personality. If you want some comparaison... I'll say she is somewhere between Ibuki and Akane?  Tenko, in this AU, doesn't have any problems with boys and actually prefers their company. She seems to absolutely distrust women and doesn't like to be associate to them (that's why she's using "shinobi" instead of "kunoichi", the female word for "ninjas"). She tends to say "de gozaru" in the end of her sentences (a lot of ninjas characters use this so why not her? lol). She murdered (by accident) Himiko and got executed during the second chapter. 
6- Kirumi Tojo - Ultimate Seamstress
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Kirumi is a quiet woman with a relaxed nature. At first people thought she was mute but they heard her talking with Korekiyo... She's actually his personal maid (and probably his personal tailor too) and only talk to him...except if it's important (then she talks to the others)... It's not like she's shy no no... She actually has trust issues. She got killed during the third chapter.
7- Maki Harukawa - Ultimate Baker / Ultimate Weapon
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Maki is a sweet, gentle and cute girl...well...a total waifu material in fact. She is the one who makes food for everyone everyday and does her best to help and motivate the whole group...Perfect isn't she? Well... Miu found her quite suspicious and...she was right about it. Maki is actually a bloodthirsty human weapon trained to kill everyone who is in her way. She likes to see dead bodies and seems to have a blood kink. She murdered Korekiyo and Kirumi during the third chapter and of course got executed for it. 
8- Angie Yonaga - Ultimate Painter
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Angie is a quite eccentric girl who seems disconnected to reality. Every time with her head in the clouds she is always searching for inspiration and sometimes does weird things to find it. Music is actually a good way for her to find inspiration because of her synesthesia...so you can see her chasing after Kaede for music. She always has a smile plated on her face...people sometimes wonder if she actually has emotions. She comes from a distant island so her Japanese isn't perfect. She murdered Gonta and got executed during the fourth chapter.
Bonus Character Number One - Kami Harukawa
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In this AU, it's not Kaede who has a twin sister but Maki. Kami is somehow the opposite of her sister. She is a cold and violent woman who hides her gentle and soft personality. More informations will come later if you're interested.
Well I’m done with the girls~ I hope you like them!  If you have any questions to them...or me...feel free to ask! (and sorry for my bad English again ;; )
Have a nice day! <3
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
Kokichi when did Dice first appear in your life?
Kokichi: I think he was with me when I was ten. A-at first he didn’t talk at all… he was just with me…smiling…. i-it was kinda reassuring… I think he started to talk to me when I get bullied! I was….t-twelve I think? 
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
Amami who’s the biggest thorn in your side during this game?
Rantaro: *hums* that’s an interesting question~ The most annoying participants were the survivors of course…especially Kaede. But the biggest thorns were probably Shuichi and Ryoma….How ironic for this small dude~ But…the idea of team up with Shuichi, the one with the incredible deduction and the detective skills, was a excellent idea! …That case was so complicated to solve… That was entertaining and horrible at the same time~
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
Can I pls protect Ouma pls And tnk
Protect them as much as you want… they really need it
Kokichi: Y-you sure you want to protect me?…I…I mean…you might be cursed like me… 
Tenko: Don’t worry Anon-dono! I’ll protect everyone…even women if I have to, de gozaru! 
Kokichi: Hehe… thank you by the way *smiles shyly*
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
Angie sweetheart! You're my favorite! I love you!!
Angie: Nyahaha~ Angie fe’els lov’ed! Than’k chu~ *makes heart shaped confettis and throws them at you* 
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
So Kaede and Miu, who would you say is the best boy and girl?
Miu: Mmh for the boys… I’m tempted to say Kiibo! I found him funny and kinda cute in someway *laughs* plus, he is a robot and I’m a mechanic…we are a good duo!
Kaede: I liked Amami-kun at first but now it’s another story *sighs* so… maybe Ouma or Saihara? …They helped us a lot and they’re good friends of us! 
Miu: Now about the best girl…it’s obviously Kaede!
Kaede: No no it’s you, Miu-chan *smiles*
Miu: *blushes* how can I be the best girl? I’m so dumb…..
(sorry for the late reply…school was killing me ;; )
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betaronpav3 · 6 years
Tenko our of all your classmates who do you feel the most protective over? Like which individual
Tenko: Mmh~ I try my best to protect the boys in general, de gozaru. Especially Ouma-dono since he seems to be quite frail! But some boys don’t need me at all, de gozaru… like Kiibo-dono and his weird gadgets or Shinguji-dono who has his own “bodyguard”. I…don’t think girls actually need me, de gozaru. And I actually don’t want to protect them…except of it’s really needed… but… I don’t know why, but I’m somewhat worried about Yumeno-dono… and it annoys me! …so…heh… I sometimes keep an eye on her in the shadows… even if I don’t want to- 
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