#betancourt junior
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carlosgameromorales · 11 months ago
🇪🇦 Making of de la página 41 del cómic El tren de la Bruja 2: La venganza del Saltamontes (2018), aquí muestro el cambio de una pose del personaje en el papel original, muy diferente en el que se usó para la publicación oficial del cómic.
🇬🇧 Making of page 41 of the comic The Witch's Train 2: The Grasshopper's Revenge (2018), here I show the change of a pose of the character on the original paper, very different from the one used for the official publication of the comic.
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evoldir · 2 years ago
Fwd: Other: Call.ESEBJohnMaynardSmithPrize
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Other: Call.ESEBJohnMaynardSmithPrize > Date: 30 December 2022 at 05:41:48 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > *ESEB - John Maynard Smith Prize 2023: Call for Nominations* > > Each year the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) > distinguishes an outstanding young evolutionary biologist with a prize > named after John Maynard Smith (1920 - 2004), eminent scientist, great > mentor, author of many books on evolution, and a former President of ESEB. > > *NOMINATION* *//* > > The prize is open to any field of evolutionary biology. The candidates > for the 2023 prize normally must have begun their PhD study after > January 1, 2016. In addition, nomineesmore than 7 years from the start > of their PhD will be considered if they have had career breakstaken for > family, caring or health reasons; the nature of the reason must be > given. Self-nominations are welcome. > > Documents supporting a nomination should be sent as a single PDF file to > Ute Friedrich at the ESEB office ([email protected]). These should include > a brief justification of the nomination explaining the candidate’s > contributions to the study of evolution, the candidate's CV and list of > publications (indicating three most significant papers), a short > description of current and future research plans from the candidate > (about 1-2 pages), and a letter from the candidate approving the > nomination. A letter of reference from another colleague (or, in case of > self-nomination, two letters) should be sent directly to Ute Friedrich. > > Nominations and letters of support should arrive no later than FRIDAY, > JANUARY 13, 2023. Please take care to limit the size of attachments > (total < 10 MB) in any one email. > > The nomination committee, chaired by the ESEB Vice President Andrea > Betancourt, will evaluate the nominations and inform the winner > approximately by the end of February 2023. > > The prize winner is expected to attend the next ESEB congress in August > 2025 in Barcelona, Spain, where he or she will deliver the 2023 John > Maynard Smith Lecture. The Society will cover registration, > accommodation, and travel expenses (economy fare). The JMS Prize comes > with a monetary prize of 2500 €, the invitation to write a review for > the /Journal of Evolutionary Biology/, and the possibility of a Junior > Fellowship of 6 months at the Institute of Advanced Study in Berlin, > Germany. For more information on the Institute of Advanced Study see > www.wiko-berlin.de/en/. > > Previous winners of the JMS Prize are listed at the ESEB web site > https://eseb.org > > Sincerely, > Andrea Betancourt > ESEB Vice-President > > European Society of Evolutionary Biology > Email: [email protected] > Website: eseb.org > > ESEB Office
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years ago
Episode 329
Comic Reviews:
Batman 118 by Joshua Williamson, Mikel Janin, Jorge Molina, Tomeu Morey
One Star Squadron 1 by Mark Russell, Steve Lieber, Dave Stewart
Superman: Son of Kal-El 2021 Annual by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Steve Pugh, Steve Buccellato
World of Krypton 1 by Robert Venditti, Michael Avon Oeming, Nick Filardi
Amazing 80.BEY by Cody Ziglar, Ivan Fiorelli, Rachelle Rosenberg
Captain America/Iron Man 1 by Derek Landy, Angel Unzueta, Rachelle Rosenberg
Death of Doctor Strange: Blade by Danny Lore, Dylan Burnett, Mike Spicer
Devil's Reign 1 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Marcio Menyz
Giant Size Black Cat Infinity Score by Jed MacKay, Carlos Villa, Brian Reber
Marvel's Voices: Comunidades by Terry Blas, Yehudi Mercado, Alex Segura, Daniel Jose Older, Julio Anta, Juan Ponce, Desiree Proctor, Amparo Ortiz, Claribel Ortega, David Betancourt, Leonardo Romero, Nico Leon, Edgar Delgado, Paco Medina, Adriano Melo, Alitha Martinez, Francisco Herrera, Vanesa Del Rey, Gustavo Duerte, German Peralta, Enid Balam, Julius Ohta, Wilton Santos, Caio Majado, Mauro Fodra, Alba Glez, Sean Parsons, Jose Marzan Jr, Victor Nava, Oren Junior, Felipe Sobreiro, Cris Peter, Erick Arcinega, Bryan Valenza, Dono Sanchez Almara, Federico Blee, Dijjo Lima, Fernando Sifuentes
Star Wars: Crimson Reign 1 by Charles Soule, Steven Cummings, Guru eFX
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 13
Spider-Bot Infinity Comic 2
Dark Horse: 
Daisy 1 by Colin Lorimer, Joana Lafuente, Anita Vu
Lady Mechanika: Monster of the Ministry of Hell 1 by Joe Benitez, Beth Sotelo, Michael Heisler
Holiday Magic Special by J. Torres, Micol Ostow, Michael Northrop, Dan Schoening, Arielle Jovellanos, Gretel Lusky, Matt Herms
Buckhead 1 by Shobo Coker, George Kambadais, Natalia Nesterenko
Buffy: the Last Vampire Slayer 1 by Casey Gilly, Joe Jaro, Joana Lafuente
Crimson Cage 1 by John Lees, Alex Cormack, Ashley Cormack
Lunar Room 1 by Danny Lore, Giorgia Sposito, DJ Chavis
Tales of Mother F Goose by Frank Tieri, Joe Eisma
Memoria GN by Curt Pires, Sunando C, Mark Dale
A Tale as Tall as Jacob OGN by Samantha Edwards
House OGN by Phillip Sevy, Drew Zucker
Additional Reviews: Hawkeye ep4, Retrovirus OGN, Prince and the Dressmaker, Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier, Hunters s1, Pulp OGN, Eat and Love Yourself OGN, Trigger Mortis, Monolith
News: George Perez, more details on Batman/Catwoman JPL tribute issue, Garfield fighting game, new collection format, Eight Billion Genies from Charles Soule and Ryan Browne, Tom Taylor goes DC exclusive, Kieron Gillen writing Immortal X-Men, Captain Carter comic by Jamie McKelvie, Netflix cancels Cowboy Bebop, Naomi s2, House of Usher cast, Surfside Girls optioned by Apple TV, details on next Disney film: Strange World, Supercorp, next Grand Design projects
Trailers: Sonic 2
Comics Countdown:
Crossover 10 by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming, Nick Filardi
What's the Furthest Place From Here 2 by Matthew Rosenberg, Tyler Boss
Good Asian 7 by Pornsak Pichetshote, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge
Mighty Morphin 14 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna
Inferno 3 by Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli, R.B. Silva, Valerio Schiti, Adriano Di Benedetto, David Curiel
Superman: Son of Kal-El 2021 Annual by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Steve Pugh, Steve Buccellato
Swamp Thing 10 by Ram V, Mike Perkins, Mike Spicer
Batman 118 by Joshua Williamson, Mikel Janin, Jorge Molina, Tomeu Morey
Amazing Spider-Man 80.BEY by Cody Ziglar, Ivan Fiorelli, Rachelle Rosenberg
Batman '89 4 by Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones, Leonardo Ito
Check out this episode!
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clubdehistoriap6 · 4 years ago
Este mes es característico debido a que conserva muchas fechas conmemorativas, tanto de la historia de México, como la mundial. En esta ocasión, los invito a conocer la historia de una de las mujeres más importantes de la ciencia y el porqué de sus conmemoraciones anuales de su natalicio: MARIE CURIE.
María Salomea Sklodowska-Curie, nació en Varsovia, Polonia, el 7 de noviembre de 1867; desde muy joven su gusto por la ciencia era considerablemente grande, sin embargo, tenía dos impedimentos para poder estudiar, el primero, que fue solucionado con una beca y arduo trabajo de su parte, era que no contaba con los recursos necesarios; y el segundo, que en su país las mujeres no tenían permitido estudiar la universidad. Pese a las adversidades y con un toque de buena suerte, Marie se trasladó a Paris, para poder estudiar en la Universidad de Sorbona, donde aun pasando hambre y careciendo de dinero, Curie terminó las carreras de Matemáticas y Física en tan sólo 3 años, con las mejores notas de su generación, consiguiendo otra beca para adentrarse en el campo de la investigación y convirtiéndose así, en la primera mujer en obtener su doctorado en dicha Universidad. Es en este momento cuando conoce a quién sería su futuro esposo, Pierre Curie, y el amor por la ciencia los uniría por ir hacia nuevas investigaciones, que tiempo después serían de gran utilidad para la humanidad.
Marie se interesó en los estudios que anteriormente había hecho Henri Becquerel sobre las sales de uranio y la luz que se emitía de ellas, por lo que comenzó su investigación en este campo. Dentro de sus experimentos con ciertos minerales, Curie se dio cuenta de que podrían existir elementos más radioactivos que el Uranio descubierto por Henri, así que siguió indagando profundamente hasta descubrir dos elementos químicos radioactivos nuevos, el Polonio, llamado así en conmemoración al país natal de Marie, y el radio; no obstante, estos elementos eran una total fantasía hasta aquella época, ya que sólo se conocían espectros de ellos, debido a los rayos de luz que emitían. Es esta la razón por la cual Marie se adentra mayormente en la investigación y junto con su esposo, Pierre Curie, se propone la difícil tarea de conseguir aislarlos puramente del mineral que los contenía, llamado pechblenda, especialmente para saber en qué consistía esa luz que emitía el objeto de estudio; finalmente, en 1903, Marie presenta su tesis doctoral en donde presenta este nuevo fenómeno descubierto, al que bautiza como radioactividad, lo que la lleva a ganarse, junto con su esposo y Bequerel, el premio Nobel de física, convirtiéndose así, en la primer mujer en conseguir un premio Nobel, hecho que le ayudó en gran medida, ya que se le concedió un trabajo fijo y su economía era ya estable. Tiempo después, en 1911, Marie recibe su segundo premio Nobel, pero en esta ocasión en Química, debido a su descubrimiento del Polonio y del Radio, convirtiéndose en la primera persona en el mundo en obtener 2 premios Nobel. Unos años después, Curie comienza investigaciones de tratamientos contra el cáncer y funda laboratorios para su estudio. Cuando inicio la Primera Guerra Mundial, trató de ayudar a todos los soldados de la nación por medio de terapias de rayos X, a través de la creación de ambulancias radiológicas llamadas “Petites Curies”, con las que salvó la vida de muchas personas durante la guerra; siendo aún más solidaria y empática propuso vender todas sus medallas y premios con el fin de ayudar a su nación, ya que no les encontraba otro uso productivo si no era
para el beneficio humano. Finalmente, debido a la constante exposición a radiación,
muere de una anemia aplásica el 4 de Julio de 1934.
Marie Curie es sin duda una de las mujeres más inteligentes de todos los tiempos, no únicamente en el ámbito científico, sino también en el social, ya que sus aportes son numerosos y no sólo recaen en los anteriormente mencionados. Cabe mencionar que, aunque se dice que al principio el premio Nobel de Física sólo se
quería que fuera otorgado a los hombres involucrados, finalmente si se le fue concedido a Curie; de la misma manera, independientemente de todo su trabajo e investigaciones a favor de la humanidad, Marie Curie era discriminada por ser mujer,
puesto que vivía en una época sumamente machista.
-Club de Historia
Delgado, D. (2020). Marie Curie, pionera de las mujeres en la ciencia. Muy interesante. Recuperado de https://www.muyinteresante.es/ciencia/especiales/biografia-de-marie-curie-pionera-de-las-mujeres-en-la-ciencia
Gavaldà, J. (2020). Marie curie, la madre de la física moderna. Historia National Geographic. Recuperado de https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/marie-curie-madre-fisica-moderna_14453/1
Muñoz, A. (2013). Marie Sklodowska–Curie and Radioactivity. Scielo. Recuperado de http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0187-893X2013000200007#nota
Betancourt, W. (2019). Mujeres que inspiran: Marie Curie, la madre de la Física moderna. Instituto Nacional de La mujer. Recuperado de http://www.inamujer.gob.ve/?news=mujeres-que-inspiran-marie-curie-la-madre-de-la-fisica-moderna
Castanyer, F. (2017). Marie Curie, la mujer de los dos Nobel. La vanguardia. Recuperado de https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/junior-report/20171013/432018419549/marie-curie-dos-premios-nobel.html
#clubdehistoriap6 #mariecurie #coyohistoria
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yateshq · 4 years ago
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Congratulations! You have been accepted at Yates University. Your academic journey begins here. All accepted students can be found below. Please send your blog into the main using the ask feature within 24 HOURS.  Message us if you would like the link to the OOC Discord.
(alisha boe, cis female) have you seen selene sofie betancourt? selene is in her junior year. the mathematics major is 21 years old & is a capricorn. people say she is selfless, observant, aloof, and reserved. rumors say she’s a member of hastings. i heard from the gossip blog that she watched her mother kill her sick father.
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abusa1978 · 5 years ago
Brandon Figueroa vs. Javier Nicolas Chacon - Boxing, August 24, 2019, on FS1
Main Event: Brandon Figueroa vs. Javier Nicolas Chacon, interim World Boxing Association World Super Bantamweight Title, Scheduled 12RDS Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 8:00pm ET, on Fox Sports 1 Venue: Bert Ogden Arena, Edinburg, Texas, USA. Co-feature: Jaime Arboleda vs. Victor Betancourt, junior lightweights, 10 rounds, Stephen Fulton Jr. vs. Isaac Avelar, junior featherweights, 12 rounds, Darwin Price vs. Aaron Herrera, junior welterweights, 10 rounds, Angel Alejandro vs. Eric Martinez, featherweights, 6 rounds, Arnold Alejandro vs. Kevin Hoskins, lightweights, 8 rounds, Dimas De leon vs. Roberto Pucheta, bantamweights, 6 rounds, Nelson Hampton vs. Jesus Arevalo, junior lightweights, 6 rounds, Damien Vazquez vs. Josue Morales, bantamweights, 6 rounds.
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brosanddragons · 7 years ago
Bros and Dragons Episode 40: The Return of the Queen, Part One
After a long time bouncing between what to do next, the team decides to return to Demathios.  They have found an invisible demon in Krondo attacking the Orcs there, and doing so in name of Martin Wildstorm.  So much seems to be happening, secret groups are revealing themselves and the world seems to be stuck in 5th gear running hard to the end of everything.  What else could possibly happen to our heroes? Find out here!
Big shout out to Amy More from the Dumbgeons and Dragons Podcast who graciously voices Queen Rebecca.
Bros and Dragons is a podcast adventure using the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition rules, attempting to play an adventure, but also teach and inspire others to be creative and to live out their dreams. Our adventuring team consists of: Dungeon Master: Daniel "Doc" Gentry (@IamDMDoc) Players: Tom Bensen (@brosoldguy), Keith Ross (@ElmoTheUsurper), Kylie (@CritiKylie), and Jon Cejka (@choowoo13)  Be sure to follow us on Twitter, join our Fan Page and Group Page on Facebook, Subscribe to the Bros and Dragons Podcast YouTube channel, and subscribe to the Podcast to not miss out on any upcoming Live Events, Contests, or Content. To become a "Guest Player" on the show send us an e-mail at [email protected] with your experience (though none is needed) and the reason you would like to make a guest appearance.  If you have created any D&D 5e Homebrew such as background, equipment, weapons, armor, race, or even class, and would like us to use your items, send your descriptions to the e-mail above. We are also on Tumblr, Instagram, SnapChat, Imgur, and Soundcloud as BrosandDragons
Executive Producer: Daniel "Doc" Gentry
Producer: Adam Farber
Junior Producer: The Dumbgeons and Dragons Podcast
  Sounds and Songs for this episode include:
Empowered Lightening Bolt Spell - Marc Cholette
Walking on Dirt in Clothes - Jonathon Pitcher
Heavenly Plane - Divine Beauty - Score Music - Maarten Bonder
Walking on Stone in Platemail - Fast - Olivier Girardot
Cure Serious Wounds Spell - Pablo Betancourt
  Independent Artists:
  Atlantis by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
  All other sounds and effects provided by Syrinscape, download Syrinscape and enhance your tabletop adventures today!
  Keep it Nerdy, and Live Your Dreams! - Doc
Check out this episode!
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soccerstl · 7 years ago
Roosevelt Roughriders Are PHL Champions
Roosevelt Roughriders Are PHL Champions
The Roosevelt Roughriders are the PHL Champions for 2017. Their 9-3 win over Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience (CSMB) last Friday along with an earlier OT win over Soldan, send them to their first soccer title since… As the athletic director notes, it is the 13th overall soccer title for the program. https://twitter.com/1Roughriders/status/916103380443058177 PHOTO GALLERY – Roosevelt v…
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elarea · 4 years ago
Efemérides 25 de octubre
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Portada de la publicación austríaca Allgemeinen Sport Zeitung.
Un día como hoy, de 1891, en Austria se comenzaba a hablar de fútbol en los medios, se unificaba el fútbol uruguayo, Racing goleaba a San Lorenzo en Argentina, nacían cracks, se retiraban otros y mucho más.
Recuerden que también pueden escuchar esta Efemérides en el canal Ivoox de “Planeta Fútbol”, de El AreA.
Pasen y vean.
1891- Viena, Austria. La publicación Allgemeinen Sport Zeitung informó sobre la realización de un partido de fútbol. Fue la primera noticia de esta actividad en Austria; se llevó a cabo  en el Obergymnasium, del suburbio de Baden bein Wien.
1925- Se unifica el fútbol uruguayo a través de la gestión del propio presidente uruguayo, ingeniero José Serrato, que puso fin a un largo conflicto de casi tres años.
1931- Máxima goleada en el historial profesional argentino entre Racing sobre San Lorenzo. Fue 5-0.
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Equipo de Racing del año 1931.
1949- La FIFA expulsa a la Dimayor, Liga Profesional de Fútbol de Colombia, que pasa a transformarse en una entidad "pirata" que contrata a jugadores sin el correspondiente pase. Muchos argentinos aprovecharon esta situación y abandonaron a sus clubes para incorporarse al fútbol colombiano. Una situación similar se vivía en México.
1951- Se firma el "Pacto de Lima" y Colombia se reincorpora a la FIFA y la Confederación Sudamericana luego del conflicto de 1949. Establece que los jugadores extranjeros que fueron contratados desde 1949, deberán volver a sus clubes de origen antes del 15 de octubre de 1954.
1975- Los uruguayos del Tenerife, Montero Castillo y Pedro Kraus, son nacionalizados españoles.
1982- El presidente colombiano Belisario Betancourt anuncia que su país no está en condiciones económicas para organizar el Campeonato Mundial de Fútbol 1986.
1984- Argentinos Juniors inicia un juicio contra el Barcelona por una suma cercana a los 300.000 dólares. La suma es la que el club argentino calcula que perdió al no disputar un total de 7 partidos que el club español tenía que haber preparado por Europa en una gira para los argentinos.
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Maradona en su último partido oficial (Fuente I El Espectador). 1997- Se despidió del fútbol profesional, Diego Armando Maradona. Su último partido oficial fue en El Monumental, ni más ni menos que en un Superclásico, donde Boca venció a River por 2 a 1. El "Diez" jugó un solo tiempo, ya que en el descanso fue reemplazado por Juan Román Riquelme. Habían pasado 692 partidos, 352 goles y 11 títulos. Berti había adelantado al "Millonario"; desnivelaron Toresani y Palermo.
Nacimientos / Muertes
1969- Nace en Leningrado Oleg Anatólievich Salenko, exfutbolista ucraniano y ruso, máximo goleador del Mundial 1994 junto a Hristo Stoitchkov, con 6 goles. En dicha competición logró el récord de goles en un partido de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol, al haber marcado cinco tantos en el encuentro ante Camerún. Jugó en 16 equipos de la extinta URSS, Ucrania, España, Escocia, Turquía y Polonia.
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Salenko en su irrepetible tarde ante Camerún (Fuente I TUDN).
Amateurismo 1914
Nacional 3 X 0 Reformers Central 2 X 0 Independencia
Ese año el campeón fue: River Plate.
Primera Complemento de la 3F 2R de 1936
Bella Vista 0 X 1 Wanderers Defensor 1 X 0 Rampla Juniors Racing 1 X 4 Nacional
Ese año el campeón fue: Peñarol.
Segunda 7F 2R 1964
Colón 1 X 0 Bella Vista Misiones 1 X 1 Liverpool Progreso 3 X 1 River Plate La Luz 0 X 2 Central Canillitas 2 X 3 Mar de Fondo
Ese año el campeón fue: Colón. Descendió: Canillitas.
Tercera Fecha 6 Apertura 2006
Mar de Fondo 1 X 0 Huracán F. C. Parque del Plata 1 X 1 Albion Alto Perú 1 X 0 Boston River
Ese año el campeón fue: Boston River
Fuentes I Archivos Propios, CIHF y CIHEFE
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evoldir · 2 years ago
Fwd: Other: Call.ESEBJohnMaynardSmithPrize
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Other: Call.ESEBJohnMaynardSmithPrize > Date: 30 December 2022 at 05:41:47 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > *ESEB - John Maynard Smith Prize 2023: Call for Nominations* > > Each year the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) > distinguishes an outstanding young evolutionary biologist with a prize > named after John Maynard Smith (1920 - 2004), eminent scientist, great > mentor, author of many books on evolution, and a former President of ESEB. > > *NOMINATION* *//* > > The prize is open to any field of evolutionary biology. The candidates > for the 2023 prize normally must have begun their PhD study after > January 1, 2016. In addition, nomineesmore than 7 years from the start > of their PhD will be considered if they have had career breakstaken for > family, caring or health reasons; the nature of the reason must be > given. Self-nominations are welcome. > > Documents supporting a nomination should be sent as a single PDF file to > Ute Friedrich at the ESEB office ([email protected]). These should include > a brief justification of the nomination explaining the candidate’s > contributions to the study of evolution, the candidate's CV and list of > publications (indicating three most significant papers), a short > description of current and future research plans from the candidate > (about 1-2 pages), and a letter from the candidate approving the > nomination. A letter of reference from another colleague (or, in case of > self-nomination, two letters) should be sent directly to Ute Friedrich. > > Nominations and letters of support should arrive no later than FRIDAY, > JANUARY 13, 2023. Please take care to limit the size of attachments > (total < 10 MB) in any one email. > > The nomination committee, chaired by the ESEB Vice President Andrea > Betancourt, will evaluate the nominations and inform the winner > approximately by the end of February 2023. > > The prize winner is expected to attend the next ESEB congress in August > 2025 in Barcelona, Spain, where he or she will deliver the 2023 John > Maynard Smith Lecture. The Society will cover registration, > accommodation, and travel expenses (economy fare). The JMS Prize comes > with a monetary prize of 2500 €, the invitation to write a review for > the /Journal of Evolutionary Biology/, and the possibility of a Junior > Fellowship of 6 months at the Institute of Advanced Study in Berlin, > Germany. For more information on the Institute of Advanced Study see > www.wiko-berlin.de/en/. > > Previous winners of the JMS Prize are listed at the ESEB web site > https://eseb.org > > Sincerely, > Andrea Betancourt > ESEB Vice-President > > European Society of Evolutionary Biology > Email: [email protected] > Website: eseb.org > > ESEB Office
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prideguy · 6 years ago
TCNJ Talks Series hosts first event Students, experts promote mental health awareness – The Signal
TCNJ Talks Series hosts first event Students, experts promote mental health awareness – The Signal
By Megan Kelly
Staff Writer
The Office of Leadership held the first ever lecture in the TCNJ Talks Series, titled “Making the Impossible Possible” at 6 p.m. on May 1 in the Brower Student Center Room 100.
Harris discusses the challenges from her childhood.
The speakers consisted of junior psychology major Ralph Betancourt, College chemistry professor Benny Chan, senior nursing major…
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naturecoaster · 7 years ago
Music, Speakers and Museum News
A night of music at the museum, Infinido, an authentic Latin band based in Tampa's historic Ybor City, led by Cuban bandleader, Pedro Bullaudy will perform Valentine Latin music on February 15, 2018, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Courthouse Heritage Museum, downtown Inverness on the Square. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Included in the $25/per person ticket are heavy appetizers from Little Italy, and a cash bar.  Infinido is truly one of the premier Latin bands in the Tampa Bay area. They have performed at such venues as: Super Bowl - Raymond James Stadium, Disney World, Clearwater Jazz Festival, and Guavaween. The band has backed up recording artists such as: Eddie Santiago, Paquito Guzman, Alex d'Castro, Junior Gonzalez and Justo Betancourt. Come ready to dance to Salsa, Merengue, Latin Jazz, Cumbia, Romanticas and more. Call 352.341.6428 to reserve your seat today. On the third Wednesday of each month guided walking tours of Historic Downtown Inverness are available.  The next entertaining and educational tour will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2018, leaving promptly at 9 a.m. from the Old Courthouse Heritage Museum. Hear stories of early and present-day Inverness are your guide shows you a small town rich with history. Experience the beautiful and quaint, walkable downtown and its historic buildings. Even locals will be amazed by what they learn! Call 352-341-6428 to reserve your space today. All proceeds benefit the exhibition, programs, and operations of the Inverness Cultural Heritage Council at the Old Courthouse Heritage Museum. Next on the calendar is the third Coffee and Conversation Speakers Series program hosted by the Florida Humanities Council and the Citrus County Historical Society. This program is on Thursday, February 22 at 2:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse and Old Courthouse Heritage Museum. The featured program speaker will be maritime archaeologist Brendan Burk from the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum.  Burk will discuss fifty Florida lighthouses which have stood as sentinels along the State’s 1,300 mile coastline. Lastly, the local 11th Annual African American Read-In, modeled after the National African American Read-In, which began in 1990, making this year the 28th Annual National Read-In, will be held this year on Sunday, February 25 from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the College of Central Florida, Citrus Campus.  Come and enjoy listening to classic and contemporary examples of African American writing performed live by your neighbors including many talented actors, writers and speakers, adult and youth. Spirituals and traditional folktales, drama and comedy, picture books, poetry and prayer will all be represented.  Refreshments, donated by local business sponsors, will be provided during an informal social time following the event to add to the festive nature of the gathering. Always check with us on www.cccourthouse.org and click on the top Facebook button to get current information and to like and share activities and events. Read the full article
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abusa1978 · 5 years ago
Brandon Figueroa vs. Javier Nicolas Chacon - Boxing, August 24, 2019, on FS1
Main Event: Brandon Figueroa vs. Javier Nicolas Chacon, interim World Boxing Association World Super Bantamweight Title, Scheduled 12RDS Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 8:00pm ET, on Fox Sports 1 Venue: Bert Ogden Arena, Edinburg, Texas, USA. Co-feature: Jaime Arboleda vs. Victor Betancourt, junior lightweights, 10 rounds, Stephen Fulton Jr. vs. Isaac Avelar, junior featherweights, 12 rounds, Darwin Price vs. Aaron Herrera, junior welterweights, 10 rounds, Angel Alejandro vs. Eric Martinez, featherweights, 6 rounds, Arnold Alejandro vs. Kevin Hoskins, lightweights, 8 rounds, Dimas De leon vs. Roberto Pucheta, bantamweights, 6 rounds, Nelson Hampton vs. Jesus Arevalo, junior lightweights, 6 rounds, Damien Vazquez vs. Josue Morales, bantamweights, 6 rounds.
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juniorsentertainment-blog · 7 years ago
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hottytoddynews · 7 years ago
A University of Mississippi theatre arts professor is giving eight students the opportunity of a lifetime to study modern dance in Cuba.
Malpaso Dance Company, one of the most sought-after Cuban dance companies, partnered with the Department of Theatre Arts and Mississippi: The Dance Company to instruct students in Oxford this month and for two weeks in Havana in December. Their work will culminate with a Jan. 27 performance alongside Malpaso at the university’s Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts.
Jennifer Mizenko had the idea of leading a class to Cuba about a year ago and has worked to put this course together since.
“I’ve always been fascinated by Cuba since it’s been so off-limits for so long,” she said. “Cuban rhythms and dance are complex, sensuous and provocative, so putting all of this together is like bringing a huge dream to life.”
Once the idea materialized, she researched dance companies and found Malpaso, which proved to be a perfect fit for the program.
Mizenko approached Julia Aubrey, director of the Ford Center, earlier this year about the possibility of sponsoring a performance by the dance company. Aubrey was immediately supportive of the initiative, which directly supports the educational goals of the Ford Center.
“I believe arts collaboration is an important aspect of the mission of the Ford Center,” Aubrey said. “Since this project involved an enhanced cultural experience for the university students and our Ford Center patrons, I accepted her proposal to share resources and contracted with the international company to present Malpaso in January 2018.
“As you see, it has taken a year of planning to make this event a reality. We have opened our doors to the dance students and the Cuban artists for rehearsals and a performance that celebrates the importance of the arts as an international language understood by all peoples.”
Osnel Delgado, Malpaso’s artistic director, one of the company’s founders and professor of dance studies at the National Dance School of Havana, will teach participating students a new and original work during International Education Week, Nov. 13-17. The dance company will rehearse with students throughout the week and also visit other courses to promote international education.
Alexis Boucugnani, a sophomore theatre arts major from Athens, Georgia; Madeleine Bradley, junior exercise science major from Memphis; Maddy Friedman, freshman elementary education major from Madison, Wisconsin; Mary Lacy Lusk, junior general studies major from Troy, Alabama; Rachel McKellar, junior English major from Purvis; Makenzie Menaker, freshman general studies major from Mobile, Alabama; Lydia Myers, junior theatre arts major from Laurel; and Victoria Penegor, sophomore mathematics major from Breckenridge, Colorado, each auditioned for a slot in the two-week course.
Students will live with Cuban families for two weeks, Dec. 9-23, while studying in Havana. They will spend several hours rehearsing each day while also learning about the history of Cuban rhythm, taking a salsa class, visiting museums and touring Old Havana.
“I’ve been a dancer since I was 2, and I have trained in just about every style, but Cuban modern dance is really unique,” Menaker said. “I feel like I’m about to learn a whole new dance style that will add to my repertoire and help me grow as a dancer.”
Though students will study primarily dance technique, they also will be assigned reading while in Cuba and will be asked to reflect on how the movement they are studying reflects the country and its culture.
“I’ve always provided guest artists for my students and I always want to challenge them with new things,” Mizenko said. “I wanted to step up the game and include an element of studying another culture and its customs, social mores, politics and also dance.”
They also will have opportunities to work with Delgado’s parents and Cuban dance icons Esteban Delgado Betancourt and Idania Wambrug Rodriguez. Betancourt was a dancer with Danza Contemporanea Cuba for more than 15 years, and Rodriguez is a teacher at the National Dance School of Havana.
Mizenko hopes the students, who are from all different majors and backgrounds, will develop a greater understanding of professional dance and a choreographer’s vision, as well develop a greater independence and awareness of living and working in a different culture.
Even though travel is open between the United States and Cuba, the process of putting an entire course together remains more difficult than if traveling to other countries. U.S. citizens still need to secure visas through one of 12 reasons to travel to Cuba – in this case, education.
“‘Dance in Cuba’ is the first faculty-directed program to Cuba for the University of Mississippi, and the Study Abroad Office is proud to offer such a unique opportunity to our students,” said Blair McElroy, UM interim senior international officer and director of Study Abroad. “Professor Mizenko’s vision and enthusiasm for the program has been inspiring.”
The Study Abroad Office has worked closely with International Studies Abroad, a study abroad program provider that has assisted in implementing this program.
“ISA has been working on custom programs in Cuba for many years, so we were confident that they would be a strong partner to assist us with the logistics of the program,” McElroy said.
ISA has paired students with host families, assisted with securing travel visas, arranged transportations and planned educational excursions for the group.
By Christina Steube
The post UM Students Headed to Cuba to Study Dance appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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carlosgameromorales · 11 months ago
🇪🇦 En el proceso creativo de este segundo cómic, reutilicé algunas viñetas que originalmente eran de la primera parte para esta segunda entrega, esto ayudó a enriquecer la narrativa y a crear una conexión única entre ambas entregas. Espero que lo disfruten.
🇬🇧 In the creative process of this second comic, I reused some panels that were originally from the first part for this second installment, this helped to enrich the narrative and create a unique connection between both installments. I hope you enjoy.
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