#bet buck will be like 'hey so this is tommy... my date' and everyone will be like 'ok cool'
kinnards · 5 months
people making such a big deal out of bucktommy possibly kissing in front of everyone at the wedding as if tim and the cast haven't explicitly said there are no more 'coming out' scenes and that they don't want to make it this big thing, meaning the rest probably will not have much of a reaction other than 'oh that's great ily' and a .5 sec conversation about it. trust the writters! they never disappoint
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Still loving you
Johnny Lawrence x reader
Request: Awesome! If I may submit 2, 1) where reader likes Johnny, and Johnny is going back and forth with Daniel bc of Allie, and reader breaks it off with Johnny and angst then they get back together. (it's hardly anything like the request and I just realized that and I'm so sorry)
Warnings: mild language. Angst. Fluff at the end!
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You Was Seated at a booth with your boyfriend Johnny and his friends at a dinner, listening to them joke around and and just talk about how their karate training went today. You was seated beside Johnny who had a arm wrapped around you, his red cobra Kai jacket on you as you leaned into his side.
"God the waitress is hot, I'm gonna ask her for her number next time she comes around" Bobby, one of Johnny's friends said, causing the rest of the gang to laugh at him.
"she's twice you're age idiot, she's not going to" johnny laughed out, eating a French fry off your plate which makes you swat his hand away playfully.
"oh yeah? 20 bucks says I can?" the boy bets, making you shake your head at him.
"you're honestly betting on it?" you lift a brow at him, shaking your head. Tommy throws 20 dollars on the table causing the rest to do the same.
"if she gives you her number you're not only winning this money, but my respect Bobby" Dutch tells him. You roll your eyes at the boys and finish up your food. After a few minutes the waitress came back to hand you your bill, which Johnny payed for, and you nearly choked on air when Bobby give the older woman a smirk while leaning back in his seat.
"hey babe, I was wondering if maybe I could get you're number?" he said confidently, looking the woman up and down. She scoffs and shows him a ring on her finger.
"I'm married asshole, the only thing you're grabbing is a ride out of here" she growls while stomping away. Everyone at the table burst out laughing, including yourself. Bobby flips you all off and stands up. Causing everyone to follow him out the door.
"you really know how to speak to the ladies Bobby" Tommy laughed, slapping him on the back as you all walked outside into the night air. Johnny still having a arm slung around you pulls you closer. But you can feel him tense up, looking up at him your about to question him what's wrong, but then you see his eyes focused on the new kid larusso and Johnny's ex girlfriend ali.
You couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, you knew he still felt a little something for the girl. He always gave her lingering glances, his eyes lighting up with anger when the larusso boy hangs around her.
It made you feel a little pinge of hurt whenever you would catch him staring at them, especially since you and him has been dating for nearly a week or two now, you feel so in love with the boy, he was so sweet towards you, funny and loving person. And he was so handsome, any woman would kill just to be in your position, having Johnny Lawrence have his arm around them. But you didn't feel as lucky when he looked at ali...
"look at that loser, who the hell does he think he is strutting around here?" johnny seethes while looking at the two, watching how Daniel put his arm around ali. But poor Daniel stops in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights when he sees Johnny and his gang.
"oh no...." Daniel muttered, "maybe we should go..." he looks to ali. But Johnny, pulling his arm away from you stops him from moving by pushing his shoulder, causing Daniel to stumble back some.
"where do you think you're loser?" johnny asks with a smirk, the anger in his blue eye's caused you to give Johnny a confused yet angered look.
"don't be mean to the poor kid Johnny, let's just go" you said trying to get him to leave the boy alone. But he doesn't listen, Johnny's friends watching this go down with snickers and chuckles like it was funny. But for you, it was far from it.
"look man, I don't want any trouble I'm just trying to grab something to eat with my -
"you think I'm gonna let you get away with what you done larusso?" johnny questions while pushing Daniel back again.
"johnny stop being such a jerk and just let us be" ali spoke while standing behind Daniel.
"yeah Johnny let's just go please?" you say but Johnny only scoffs at you.
"and let this loser -
"johnny please?" you whisper, placing a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to calm down. But he doesn't even pay attention to you.
"I don't wanna fight man, but I will if you don't back off" Daniel says in defense, causing Johnny to laugh at him mockingly. You feeling anger bubbling up inside you at how childish your boyfriend was acting.
"did you hear that boys? Larusso thinks he can beat us!" johnny snickers, but Daniel shakes his head.
"just let us go prick"
"who you calling prick loser!" johnny grabs Daniels jacket and ali grabs Daniel while you push Johnny back, his glare falling on you.
"leave him alone Johnny! God you're acting like such a child! Picking on someone so - so innocent!" you say, face flushed with anger. Johnny rolls his eyes and looks away from you.
"so what? You're taking his side now?" he asks, venom dripping from his voice. You scoff, watching how he glares at the ground, jaw tense and fist clenched. "is he taking you to? Stealing you away from me like he did ali?" he questioned with the same harsh tone.
You feel a wave of shock and disappointment wash over you. "why would you even think that? For one thing he never stole ali Johnny, she broke up with you! And another I'd -
"then what the hell do you call that!" he points at ali and Johnny, ali holding Daniel back as he glared at your boyfriend. You feel a wave of fresh anger and glare at Johnny.
"of you can't stop being such a asshole then I'm leaving you Johnny! So you can choose right now, either leave them alone or I'm leaving" you state, crossing your arms. You expected Johnny to calm down, to wrap his arms around you as his tough guy facade washes away for a split second to keep you with him. But you was wrong, instead he let's out a un-amused chuckle.
"go then! See if I care! All you do is nag me over stupid shit like this!" he motioned toward the fight, his once blue loving eyes cold and heartless. You feel hot tears filling your eyes as your bottom lip trembles. You only stare at him hoping he would realize what he said and take it back. But he doesn't, he only gives you a glare.
"okay then, I guess that's that..." you muttered, tears falling from your eye's as you push past him and leave him standing there with his friends, Daniel and Ali.
You walked home that night, heart broken into a million peices. You had thought Johnny was different, that he was the sweet heart of a man whenever you both started dating, the sweet things he would say to you, the way he couldn't stand not holding your hand every second. You thought his soft kisses and exclaims of love for you was genuine, that he actually loved holding you close to him, loved you...
But now you know that was all a lie, the Johnny you thought you knew was just a dream you couldn't even have... Once you was home you laid in bed and cried, the pain of knowing that Johnny didn't love you hurt, the feelings you felt for him apparently unrequited.
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The next morning at school was unbearable, seeing him laugh and joke around with his friends as if nothing ever happened, as if he didn't end things with you. But the next few other days was worse, so bad you skipped a day of school, that day being today. You was laid in bed just reading a magazine when your phone rings, ignoring it you continued reading the dumb magazine in hopes of taking your mind of things, but the phones insistent ringing forced you to throw the magazine down and reach over your bed to grab the ringing phone off your bed side table.
"hello?" you grumbled into the phone, but you feel your heart drop, the dark cloud of sadness you've pushed away for the day came right back.
"hey y/n, I know you really don't -
You hung up on Johnny, tears swimming in your eye's. His voice sounded glum, cracking slightly as if he was on the verge of tears. But you knew he wasn't, at least that's what you thought. Because over these past week he seemed happy without you.
Just as you was about to pick the magazine back up the phone rings again, this time you wipe your eyes harshly and pick the phone up.
"look Johnny I -
"it's Bobby, and before you hang up I wanted to let you know that Johnny has been a absolute mess without you... He hasn't been showing up to training at the dojo lately, he's skipping school and he won't even barely talk to us..." he explained, and even though you wanted to forgive Johnny, you knew that it should be in person.
"if he really wants to fix things tell him to meet me at the dinner..." you muttered while playing with the phones curly cord.
"what time?" Bobby sounded relieved and happy. You let a small smile grace your face.
"tomorrow evening at 3pm" you said, hearing Bobby bid you goodnight before hanging up.
You sigh and laid down on your bed, wondering if forgiving would be the right decision. Or if not forgiving him was the wrong....
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The diner was full, friends laughing at one another, family having a great time. And then there was you, waiting at a booth by the window alone. It was nearing 3pm, but Johnny was nowhere to be seen. You sigh and can't help but feel slightly disappointed by his absence, you thought he'd actually missed you, regretted his decision that unfortunate night outside this diner.
Looking down at your watch you see Johnny was already two minutes late, sighing your ready to stand up, deciding Johnny needed some time to gather his thoughts...
But you sat back down when you spot Johnny walk through the doors, blond hair a mess atop his head, black cloth that's usually tied around his head gone. He wore a faded old t-shirt and jeans, his blue eye's holding a glum glow about them as he looks up and spots you, quick to stride over and slip into the empty booth with you. You give him a emotionless expression as he opted for gazing out the window.
"penny for you're thoughts?" you asked harsher then meant to. But Johnny looks at you, big blue eye's holding nothing but regrets.
"I - I'm sorry for what happened that night... I was wrong for saying what I did... For pushing you away -
"being a big jerk?" you added to the list. He nods and looks back out the window with a deep sigh.
"I miss you y/n... Please just - forgive me" he whispers, voice holding a genuine hurt tone to it. You sigh looking over Johnny's face, taking in how miserable his eyes are, showing the misery he truly was in over this past week. Reaching over the table and grabbing ahold of his hand you give him a gentle squeeze, causing him to look up with a hopeful glint.
"as much as I hate how you was doing Daniel that night... I suppose I forgive you" you muttered, his face lighting up as he tries to say something but you cut him off "if we start dating again I expect you to leave Daniel and Ali alone Johnny" you explain, giving him a pleading look, begging for him to at least listen to you, promise you.
"okay, done. But if he starts it I'm not letting the little prick walk all over me y/n" he tells you with a serious look. Which causes you to roll your eyes.
"only if he starts it and throws the first punch" you confirmed with a small little smile. Johnny squeezes your hand that he held in yours atop the table as he gives you a little smile of his own.
"and one last thing to discuss..." you trail off, looking away from his concerned and confused eyes.
"what is it?" he swallowed thickly, worried by the look in your eye, how you looked afraid, hurt and skeptical.
"stop making me feel like I'm only just you're friend... I see how you look at ali, the only reason you hate Daniel so bad is because he - what you claim, stole her away from you..." you struggle to look at him, knowing your insecurities was starting to boil over the top. "I know she's prettier and -
"y/n you're the most beautiful woman I've ever lied eyes on, if you even for a moment think I'd ever leave you for ali your wrong. I love you, more than anything and nothings gonna change that" he interrupted your train on insecure thoughts. You feel your heart skip a beat and melting at his words, the way he gazed at you with love and truth, a genuine smile on his face as he let his eyes roam every detail and feature about you.
"johnny - I love you too..." you stuttered as you felt a wave of emotions hit you. Causing tears of happiness to form in your eye's. Johnny let's a little smile tug at his lips as he leaned closer, halfway across the table to cup your cheek.
"I know ya do babe, and like I said before, I love you more" he gives you a quick peck on the lips before bringing your hand up to his lips placing a lingering kiss to your knuckles. Heart fluttering at his sweet little kisses.
That day in the diner you and Johnny sit and talked for hours, his eyes on you never leaving once. He regretted the night he had hurt you and pushed you away, but he knew that if he kept his promises to you that nothing could ever keep you both apart.
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A/n: here it is! I hope it isn't as bad as I believe it to be lol, it was rushed. I've been incredibly busy with work and have hardly any time to myself lately!, but here's this and then I'll work on the other one!
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
For The First Time Pt.2~
ꕥPosted: 7/25/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Fluff
ꕥPairing: Fem!reader x Jongho
ꕥWord Count: ~1k
ꕥWarnings: None
ꕥA/N: I know this isn’t a popular series which makes me a little sad but I wanted to finish it anyway. If people end up liking it and it actually gets attention I might(?) make a part 3. It’s most likely gonna end here tho. Read part 1 also if you wouldn’t mind! Things will make a lot more sense if you do. You can do that here
ꕥA/N Cont: So even though I provided translations for some words, there is a phrase that I clarified in the middle of the writing bc I didn’t want to spoil anything
ꕥPhrase Guide:
你= You
加油 = You can do it (encouragement)
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Jongho was surprisingly easy to talk to and we got along better than I thought we would. Not that I thought we wouldn’t get along, but I was still surprised.
After we had lunch together we exchanged numbers and began to hang out more, usually every couple days given our busy schedules.
He was so talkative that I found out almost everything about him in no time. He just turned 20, was a music major, and took Chinese because he wanted a challenge. He loved snow but hated the cold. Soccer was his favorite sport but he didn’t play often since he was always either studying or working as a tutor for underclassmen. He was born in Korea but grew up in America. Fluent in Korean but insecure enough about his American accent that he only spoke it with close friends and family. He met Mingi during a soccer camp he went to in middle school and his best friend - the guy with the mullet - was named Hongjoong and apparently much friendlier than he looked.
The more I spent time with Jongho, the more I realized I had feelings for him and the stronger they became. When Marina and I were alone in our dorm, I told her everything I was feeling and the response was exactly what I suspected.
“HA! KNEW IT!” Marina yelled, “I just won myself ten bucks.”
“I’m sorry, YOU WHAT?”
“I may or may not have made a bet with Mingi that you would catch feelings within three months of meeting Jongho. And you’re two days away from three months, girly.” She shrugged but kept the smile on her face.
“Oh my god you did not. Actually speaking of...what’s up with you two? Are you official yet?”
Marina went quiet for a moment then bit her lip, finally speaking up, “Well...not yet, technically, but we’ve seriously considered it. We have another date this weekend. Now all you have to do is get with Jongho and we can go on a double date.”
“Yeah I don’t know about that, M.”
“Y/n he totally likes you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No I know. He’s got a few tells so I know he feels at least a little something. I’m just not sure if I should commit to anything, you know?”
Marina let out a loud laugh before speaking again.
“Pfft no. I dated all throughout high school. If I’m being honest, though, I really think you should give it a chance. People always freak out about possibly ruining a friendship by confessing but honestly if a friendship can’t withstand a little crush then you probably weren’t solid friends in the first place.”
“You know what? You’re right. I’ll tell him tomorrow.”
“Hell yeah girl! Go get him!”
The next day arrived way too quickly. Although I told myself I would confess, I was getting anxious. I walked into Chinese class holding hands with Marina for emotional support. We were the first ones there, as always, so I had a bit of time to rant.
“I’ll be honest, M. I’ve never felt butterflies like this before. I’m actually shaking.” I lifted up my hand to show her my slight tremor.
“Oh sweetheart! It’ll be all good! Promise. Just take a few deep breaths.”
I slowly breathed in and out for the next several seconds.
“You’re right. I can do this.”
The trio walked into class several minutes later. Mingi gave a quick kiss to Marina and Jongho gave me a friendly smile. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at the four of us and walked to his usual seat, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him.
The rest of the class filled in and soon our professor arrived.
The professor loudly clapped her hands, speaking up, “Alright class. Today I’m going to have you pair up in groups of two and work together. I don’t care who it’s with, as long as it’s with somebody. We’ve got an even number of students so we should be fine. I’ve got some games for you to play today.”
I turned to Marina but she was already halfway up the stairs to sit next to Mingi. I looked at Jongho but he motioned at Hongjoong, mouthing that he was sorry.
Okay. That’s fine. I thought. I’ll find someone else. Looking up I saw the unfamiliar young man standing in front of me. He blanked for a moment when I looked up at him.
“Hey! Uh...would you maybe want to be partners?”
“Are you sure? With the both of us together we’ll probably beat the whole class by a landslide.”
He laughed and sat down next to me, visibly more confident.
“I’m sure they can manage. I’m Tommy, by the way. You’re y/n, right?”
I nodded and smiled at him as we shook hands. I looked Tommy in the eyes and saw a slight blush on his cheeks. What I didn’t see; however, was the death stare Jongho was giving him.
The professor looked up and let out a laugh, pointing at Tommy and I.
“Yeah no way in hell am I letting that happen. You two are my best students and - no offense everyone - but no one would stand a chance against you two.”
“Ouch.” I heard Mingi say.
Jongho quickly stood up and raised his hand, “I’ll partner up with her!”
“Very good. Get on with it then.”
Tommy looked upset, making me feel bad for leaving him.
“Hey that’s okay, Tommy. Maybe next time?” I gave him a smile that he soon returned.
I walked up to Jongho, sitting next to him as Hongjoong sat down next to Tommy.
Jongho leaned in and whispered, “I’ll be honest, y/n. I’m really glad the teacher separated you two.”
“Yeah, I bet everyone is. We are the best in the class, no offense,” I laughed.
“Actually no I meant-“
“Alright class. I have talked in English for an unusually long time but in my defense, I was up basically all night grading essays so I’m running on two hours of sleep and a cappuccino. Nevertheless, I’ll now switch to Chinese. 加油.”
The first game was simple enough. The teacher wrote beginner to intermediate level phrases for us to translate. If we got it right, we got a point.
My team eventually won, beating Tommy and Hongjoong by a single point. Jongho really surprised me, getting almost as many questions right as I did.
Mingi and Marina ended up last because neither of them were paying attention, instead flirting with each other.
The second and final game was a little more complicated. We had to translate the sentence, as well as pronounce all the characters correctly. Tommy’s team was tied with mine until Jongho answered the last question correctly. I smiled at him and bounced in my seat.
“We won, Jongho!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. He froze at first, but then put his arms around me and pulled me closer.
The professor spoke up once more, “We’re out of time for class today but remember you have a test next week. I expect you all to be studying!”
Our classmates soon left the room along with our teacher. Hongjoong quickly ran out to meet his new boyfriend - Seonghwa I think he said? - and Mingi and Marina were already gone. I assumed they left class sometime during the second game.
“Hey,” Jongho said to me as I was slipping on my backpack, “I was wondering if you could help me out with my writing in Chinese? Sometimes I mess up the stroke order and I could use the practice.”
“Sure! When do you want to study?”
“How about now?”
Jongho grabbed my arm and led me down to the whiteboard at the front of the class. I looked around at the empty classroom and nodded. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. He picked up a marker and began to write.
“I’ll write and you tell me if I make a mistake, okay?”
I laughed, “Sure, Jongho.”
As he started writing I didn’t see any mistakes. When he finished writing, I gasped.
[I like you. Who you you like?]
I smiled and took the marker from his hands, placing it back on the podium. I looked him in the eyes and cupped his face. “你” I said as I kissed him. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. He smiled and kissed me again, this time wrapping his arms around my waist.
We pulled back for air and I whispered, “You know, I was actually planning on telling you today, too. Marina encouraged me to tell you, but I guess I didn’t have to after all.”
“I mean you can still tell me, if you want.”
I gently kissed his cheek, “You already know how I feel.”
“Hmm. Actually I’m not quite sure. Could you clarify for me?” Jongho laughed when I playfully hit his arm.
“You know,” he continued, “when I said I was glad the teacher separated you earlier, I meant that I was glad you were away from Tommy. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and I really didn’t like it. I got so nervous because even though I tease, this is the first time I’ve felt like this. So I guess the question is...will you let me take you on a date?”
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imaginesblvd · 5 years
Title: Be My Baby
Steve Harrington x Reader
The request was for Steve x reader, a fake date cliche or something with Steve saying stuff off the fluffy prompts list like “could you hold my hand” or “you can’t leave without hugging me” or “don’t pull away yet”. I hope everyone that reads enjoys! Requests are open!
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You hear the annoying smacking sound of gum and already know who’s coming your way. Carol leans against the locker beside you, you glance at her out of the corner of your eye. She’s blowing a bubble with the pink strawberry flavoured gum. You wonder what brought her to you, what gossip does she have to share with you, that she didn’t share in class. The gum pops and you turn to her brows raised
“Billy’s going to ask you out” She lowers her voice as a group of girls pass by “and if I were you, I’d think up a lie to tell him because you don’t want to go on a date with him, trust me”
“Okay, let’s pretend for a second that what you say is true, why don’t I want to go on a date with him?”
“Just trust me, okay?”
She squeezes your shoulder before leaving you standing alone at your locker. You’re not even friends with her, and yet she’s warning you about Billy. She's not the first person to warn you about him, in fact the first person was Steve. Carol’s warning though is different, she’s pleading you not to go with Billy as where Steve doesn’t want you anywhere near the problematic teen.
Cursing lowly as you remember Steve is waiting for you outside. You gather the rest of your books in your bag before slamming the locker shut and racing towards the double doors. When you step out you see Steve sitting in his car, his fingers drumming the steering wheel. Seeing him makes a smile spread across your face, and all thought of Billy and Carol leaves your mind.
“Hey” Billy’s unexpected arrival causes you to step back in surprise “I was thinking, maybe me and you go on a date tonight” so Carol was telling the truth
“I actually can’t” Your eyes flash towards Steve, an idea popping into your head “I already have plans with Steve tonight”
“Harrington?” He laughs as he pulls a smoke from the worn pack in his hands “That’s a shame, where’s he taking you?”
Steve meets your eyes, and you smile over at him. He looks as if he wants to get out of the car but you hope he doesn’t because the lies your spewing out to Billy right now probably won’t sit well with him. He’s getting out of the car and now you have to act fast, and get Billy moving or he’s going to say something to Steve and this might all come crashing down.
“We’re going to the arcade, and maybe catch a movie, we don’t have a solid plan yet”
“Let’s make it a double, I’ll see you at the arcade”
Billy leaves with a wink. Cursing under your breath as you race over to Steve. He wraps an arm around you, and his other hand cups your cheek looking you deeply in the eyes. The anger behind his eyes forms a pit in your stomach, as he rushes you into the car. He’s acting as if Billy had hurt you and begins to rant about how Billy needs to stay away from you.
You can’t tell him. You don’t want to tell him, he’s already so worked up as it is. Not only that, but what if he says no? Or worse, what if he says yes? And then it all leads to some big fight. Steve isn’t much of a fighter, you’ve seen what he looks like after a fight. He gets all banged up and you have to clean him up and worry about if anything’s broken. You don’t think you’d be able to handle actually seeing it.
“What did he want anyways?”
. . . . . . .
Steve pulls at the collar of his shirt, he doesn’t remember it being this tight before. His jelly like legs carry him up to your door. He clears his throat and realizes he forgot something in the car. He races back and picks up the flowers from the passenger seat. He smells them and turns to see you standing at the door. He curses under his breath.
“Hey! I got these for you” Steve races back up the walk away as he hears a chuckle come from you
“They’re beautiful, thank you” You take the flowers from his outstretched hand and smell them
Steve had waited outside while you ran the flowers inside. When you come back out he walks at your side, and gets the car door for you. He sees the faint smile you try to hide grow on your face and feels warmth spread throughout his body. He races to the opposite side and climbs in. He wants to make a comment about Billy, but decides against it. He sees your nervous and doesn’t want to make it worse.
Steve plays the music low, low enough to have a conversation over but neither of you say anything. He hates that Billy put you in this position, but at the same time he wants to thank him. Steve’s been trying to figure out ways to ask you out and he knows this isn’t the best way to do it, after all you put a lot of emphasis on how this won’t mean anything. He gets to have you as a fake girlfriend for one night.
“I could always beat him up, you know?” Steve jokingly says as he pulls into the arcade parking lot
“I hate when you fight, you always get so banged up and who has to clean you up after?” You pause but don’t give him time to answer “me, and it hurts my heart seeing you like that”
Steve nods, a soft smile forms on his lips. He gets out of the car and races over to the other side to let you out. He bites his lip, as he turns to look into the window of the building. Billy’s already inside with his date. He goes to make a joke but when his eyes land on your nervous form he can’t make it.
“Could you hold my hand?” He softly asks instead
He chuckles softly when your hand quickly intertwines with his. He pulls you into him and wraps his free arm around you, he kisses the top of your head and whispers encouraging words to you. He feels you relax a little in his arms, and starts to gently pull you along with him into the arcade.
. . . . . . . .
Billy and Steve are at each other’s necks. They keep trying to one up each other no matter the game. His date looks bored, she keeps looking at the clock like that’ll speed time up. Honestly, you wish time would speed up. It wasn’t that you were bored, it’s just it’s getting hard to pretend.
“Babe! Did you see that!?” Steve’s grin makes you smile as you nod
He’s so sweet and loving. You can’t take it anymore, because when you look over at Billy and his date you remember why you're here. You remember that after tonight things will go back to normal and you don’t want that. You’re happy with Steve, more happy than you’ve ever been. You want more than just a night with him.
“What’s wrong?” Steve’s voice catches you off guard
“Nothing” you smile “I just- uh- I have to go to the bathroom”
“You can’t leave without hugging me” he teasingly whispers into your ear, and you shiver slightly at the feel of his breath on you
You wrap your arms around him and after a moment he pulls away. He presses a lingering kiss to your cheek. Warmth spreads across your cheeks as your heart hammers in your chest. Before you walk into the bathroom you turn to look at him, and he’s already looking at you. You blow a kiss to him in a joking manner and he laughs.
After doing your business, your standing at the sink washing your hands. You hear the familiar smacking sound of gum and see Carol standing in the mirror behind you. You press your lips together tightly as you turn, a brow raises in question.
“It’s good you’re not here with Billy”
“Billy bet Tommy 50 bucks that he could get you to sleep with him on the first date, that’s why I warned you earlier, I didn’t want to see you get hurt over something so stupid”
“Thank you, Carol”
. . . . . . .
Steve had caught you by the waist, he had never seen you look so angry before. He managed to get you as far away from Billy as possible. He sits you down outside on the curb and starts pacing in front of you. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t even know where to start. First you say he can’t fight Billy, but you give yourself a green light to try and whack him across the face!? He crouches down in front of you. He takes your hands in his.
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he watches you lick your lips before shaking your head “Y/n” his tone is stern but you still shake your head
He hangs his head. He wonders if it’s the fake date that got to you. You wouldn’t whack someone for that would you? He knows that’s not you, you couldn’t hurt a fly. His grip tightens on your hands, causing you to look up at him. The frown you wear causes a pit to form in his stomach, he hates seeing you like this.
“I can’t fix it if you don’t tell what’s wrong?”
“He made a bet with Tommy, that he could sleep with me on the first date”
Steve’s blood beings to boil. He lets go of your hands and stands. He sees Billy standing next to Tommy, he could beat up both of them with the rage he’s feeling. Tommy first, he’s been wanting to beat Tommy up for a long time, then Billy and he’ll get Billy real good. No one should be talking about you like that, he thinks.
“I’m going to kill them” Steve snaps and starts for the door but you grab hold of his sleeve, he stumbles back
“No, can we just go?” You plead
Steve looks from the guys and back to you. The dip in your brow, and the frown on your lips makes his stomach sink. You need him more than they do. He nods, he pulls you up and guides you to the car. He opens the door for you before getting inside. He starts the car up and takes your hand in his.
“Steve you don’t have to, it’s over” you say as you begin to pull away
“Don’t pull away yet” Steve pleads, he doesn’t want to have to let go yet.
Steve pulls into your driveway. His hand is clammy, but he’s not pulling away. You’re not pulling away either so he takes that as a good sign. He lets out a shaky breath as he turned the music down. He wonders if this might be bad timing, but he doesn’t want to hold off any longer.
Tonight proved to him that what he feels, what he’s been feeling for you is real. He didn’t have to play pretend, everything felt real even if he wasn’t meant to feel anything. He just hopes you didn’t pretend, that you felt something real with him tonight. He licks his lips nervously and turns to you, your eyes already on him. He clears his throat before asking
“Do you want to go on a date with me?”
“We were just on one”
“No, y/n, a real one, just you and me”
“I’d love to”
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 10 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 10
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Check out my Patreon for more!
Nikki arrived home a smile on his face and a spring in his step. He by passed the party and made his way to his room to find Tommy making out on it with a chick.
“DUDE! Out! Use your own room!” NIkki yelled.
"Oh hey man. I didn’t think you'd be home from your date yet." Tommy shrugged. "This is Christy."
“Don’t care! Get out!” Nikki growled.  Mick came in with a tray of white powder.
“You ok man?” Mick said. “You look stressed, you haven’t had a bump in a while. You doing ok?”
“I… I really like this girl Mick and… she’s a virgin,” Nikki breathed.
“So? It means she’s pure man,” Mick shrugged. “That’s rare and it can mean something to you right?”
“I guess,” Nikki looked at Mick. “So what do I do? I can’t bring her here,” he motioned to the party going on outside. “And I’m sure her dorm is out… what do I do?”
"Hotel?" Mick suggested. "Maybe she won’t care where her first time is."
“Not going to have her first time be in the back of my crappy car Mick,” NIkki tossed himself back and groaned. “How the hell did I find the perfect girl at the shittiest part of my life? We haven’t even had a hit album yet! We’re still playing clubs!”
“Maybe there’s something wrong with her?” Mick shrugged. “She seems like a nice girl with her head on her shoulders. And she knows what she wants to do in life.” Mick leaned forward. “How much do you like her Nik?”
“Everytime I think about her my heart starts racing, and my palms get sweaty and I just…” Nikki sighed. “She makes me feel whole, I don’t have to work hard to impress her, she’s already impressed by me,” he sighed softly.
“Then maybe she’s the one?” Mick shrugged. “Treasure her.”
“I can try… but I feel like I’m going to screw up… or something is going to mess us up.” Nikki looked at the tray in front of him and sighed.
“Just don’t let Tommy near her.” Mick laughed, even though he knew.
Nikki looked to Mick wondering if he should take the hit that night. But something told him not to, to wait it out and to stay clean for just a bit longer.
“Want some or not?” Mick asked, showing him the tray. “Or do you want left alone for awhile?”
“Yeah,” Nikki grabbed the roll and placed his nose to it and snorted. “Holy shit! Mick… just keep the girls away from me tonight…”
“Wow, you really are serious about her.” Mick laughed. “We gotta figure out last song for the album if we get picked up.”
“Ten seconds to love,” Nikki said. “We can put it together tomorrow before our gig and send the tracklist to the label.”  
“Sounds like a plan.” Mick slowly got up. “You sure you don’t want me to bring a girl in for you?”
“If you can bring me (Y/n) then yes,” Nikki sighed. “Other than that… just bring me some blow every now and then. Fucking label is getting on my nerves.”
“You and me both Nik.” Mick told him. “And hey, you could call her and I’ll go pick her up for you if you want. But I bet she’s got school or you’d still be out with her.”
“I could always just use my hand and think of her,” Nikki sighed. “Let me get another bump.”
“Take all the bumps you need man, but what if we do a cover? I mean we can look at some songs.” Mick said as Nikki snorted a second line.
“Helter Skelter,” Nikki smiled. “We can do Helter Skelter on our next album. We can drop Shout at the Devil first… it’s got a good rhythm and beat to it.”
“Helter Skelter? That could work.” Mick waved to him as he walked out of the room. Nikki looked over at his phone. He debated on calling (Y/n) and truth be told he wanted to talk to her while he rubbed one out. His phone rang then. He almost didn’t get it, but something told him to.
“Hello?” Nikki asked.
“Hey Nikki.” (Y/n) whispered. “I couldn’t sleep. Vanessa’s out like a light though.” She laughed.
“Ahh, hence the whispering,” he whispered as he closed the door to his room and locked it placing a chair to jimmy the knob just in case. “You sound very sexy by the way.”  
“Do I?” (Y/n) asked. “You know, I was almost half tempted to stay with you tonight. To go somewhere else so we could be alone.”
“Yeah?” Nikki smiled as he undid his pants and lay on his bed. “What would you do to me Sweet girl?”
“I’d give you the first ever blow job I’ve ever given.” (Y/n) blushed. She didn’t know what had come over her. She wasn’t like this. Athena and Tommy would call her a prude, but something with Nikki brought out something in her.
“Now that is a treat to corrupt you that way,” Nikki chuckled. “I’m turning the angel into a devil. Anything else you would do to me sweet girl?” He knew she was nervous, he could hear it in her voice. She wasn’t sure what to say.
“I could put on a show for you. Like those girls at the clubs in the strip.” (Y/n) breathed.
“That’s a show I would love to see,” Nikki breathed. “I would love to caress that soft skin of yours babe. Just let my fingers dance along your breasts and play with your nipples.” NIkki decided to take control. He smiled at the thought of what he just said. “What do you think (Y/n)? Would you let me kiss every inch of your body?”
“Y-yes.” (Y/n) moaned. She had pulled down her pajama pants and started rubbing small circles on her clit.
“Are you playing with yourself sweet girl,” he smirked as he stroked himself. “Can you tell me what you’re doing? I can tell you my cock is rock hard just thinking about you. Thinking about how my mouth will devour your pussy. My tongue just licking and sucking on your clit as my fingers gently tease you.”  
“Oh!” (Y/n) gasped softly. “That feels so good.”
“Tell me sweet girl,” he moaned. “Tell me what you’re doing to yourself.” Nikki could just imagine this innocent girl hiding in her dorm.
“I, I’m rubbing myself.” She whispered. “I feel like I’m missing...you...your…” She let out a little bit louder moan, making Nikki close his eyes.
“Fuck,” he rasped as he stroked himself. “ how many fingers you got babe, I’ll help you relax and let go.” he stroked himself faster as he could just imagine her slender fingers playing with herself.
“I’m gonna try one.” She whispered to him. A moment later, he heard a low, needy moan in his ear. “Oh god…”
“How does it feel?” he closed his eyes and threw his head back. “What do you feel (Y/n)?”
“T-tight.” She moaned. “You won’t fit in there.” She heard Nikki moan this time. “You like that I’m tight?”
“Oh yeah,” Nikki breathed. “I can’t wait till you let me feel it. And don’t worry…” he smiled, “I’ll fit.” Nikki let out another moan as he stroked himself.
“Oh!” (Y/n) gasped. “S-second one in.” She bucked her hips a little.
“I can prep you so good babe,” Nikki’s breath was becoming erratic. “I can use my tongue to lick that nice little pussy before I stick one finger in there making you wet and slick. I can curl my finger just finding your g-spot making you squirm before I add my second one.” he breathed.
“O-o-oh! Nikki...I feel…” She was panting and moaning. “N-Nikki…”
“I’m close too (Y/n) just let go, don’t hold back. Cum for me sweet girl.” he groaned as he felt his own release bubbling up.  
“Y-yes!” (Y/n) threw her head back and moaned, squeezing around her fingers.
“Shit (Y/n),” NIkki grunted as ropes of cum coated his stomach. Breathing heavily he fell back with a smile. “You ok sweet girl?”
“Y-yeah.” She told him. “That’s the first time I’ve done something like that before…” She admitted to him.
“Felt good huh?” Nikki smirked. “Might have to do this a few more times,” he chuckled.
“Most definitely.” She yawned. “I’m honestly excited for the real thing. Nervous, but excited.”
“I’ll take care of you (Y/n) no rushing, just me and you and the universe at our side.” he sighed as he grabbed a dirty t-shirt to clean himself with.
“That sounds amazing.” She smiled. “I’m tired now.” She laughed a little.
“Yup that’ll do it,” Nikki laughed. “It’s a great way to fall asleep.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow night Nikki.” (Y/n) yawned. “Goodnight.”
“Night sweet girl,” Nikki yawned. “I’ll be dreaming of you.”
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk
Motley Crue Tags:  @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @flamencodiva @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @livingdeadharley @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish
Nikki Sixx Tags:  @daisystuffsstuff
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags:  @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12
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nerdsies · 5 years
All In Good Fun
not req but i was bored
Ship: romeo x reader
Era: unspecified
Warnings: language, i n n u e n d o s
Word Count: 987
“Place your bets!” Race called out. “Romeo against (y/n) in a...what’s the word, Davey?”
“Immensely anticipated.”
“Fuck you and your big words,” Race muttered. “Romeo against (y/n) in an immensely anticipated flirting contest!”
“I can’t believe I agreed to this,” I muttered.
“I can’t believe you’re about to win me five bucks,” says Jack, shaking hands with Elmer.
“C’mon, Elmer.” I cross my arms. “Have a little faith.”
He shook his head. “Sorry, (y/n). I’ll always have Romeo’s back.”
“And that’s gonna cost you money today.” Jack clapped Elmer’s back as he left to wish Romeo good luck.
“This is stupid,” I told Davey.
“I think it’s cute,” he said.
“Of course you do.” I shake my head. “You’re such a romantic.”
“Maybe you two will finally realize you’re meant for each other.” He grinned.
I rolled my eyes. “Not a chance.”
“Players, on your marks!” Race called.
“This doesn’t count as sports,” said Mush.
“Shut up.” Albert pushed him out of the way in order to get a better view.
Romeo winked at me, running a hand through his hair. “Ready to lose, babe?”
My heart raced at the pet name. None of the others knew about my crush on Romeo, especially not him. But his naturally flirtatious personality, and my tendency to play along, has led to some situations that made me wonder if maybe— just maybe—he felt the same way.
“Not nearly as ready as you should be,” I said, not entirely sure the comeback made any sense. “Everyone knows I’m the smoothest.”
“In your dreams,” said Romeo.
“Cut to the chase!” Tommy Boy called.
“Get a room!” Kid Blink added.
Romeo rubbed his hands together. “Alright, (y/n). Let’s start off easy. If you were a booger, I’d pick you first.”
“Eww,” said Les, trying and failing to hide a giggle behind his hands.
I crossed my arms. “Are you a camera? ‘Cause every time I look at you I smile.”
“Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only ten I see.”
“AMP IT UP!” Race yelled, causing the others to cheer.
I smiled. “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
Finch cheered, and Romeo laughed. “I like your pants...but they’d look a lot better on my bedroom floor.”
“Tie your shoelaces. I don’t want you falling for anyone else.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
I tucked my hair behind my ears. “I’d show you my world...but I’m pretty sure you already own a mirror.”
“You like sales right?” Romeo took a few steps towards me, a smirk tugging at his lips. “‘Cause at my place, clothes are 100% off.”
“Can I change my bet?” Sniper asked. I know he bet on me, but I’m not about to let this win get away from me so easily.
“Do you have a band-aid?” I stepped closer, too, even though I could barely think over the thundering of my heartbeat. “I scraped my knee falling for you.”
“Hell yeah!” Jack encouraged.
“Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?” Romeo asked.
I rolled my eyes. “I crawled up from Hell.”
He faltered for only a second, recovering with a suave smile. “No wonder you’re so hot.”
“Oh, shit!” Albert laughed.
“You’ve gotta be exhausted after running through my mind all day.”
“Do you like raisins? How about a date?”
“Can I follow you home? I’ve been told to follow my dreams.”
“Your hand looks heavy...let me hold it for you.”
“You must be a broom, ‘cause you swept me off my feet.”
“Feel my shirt, it’s made of boyfriend material.”
“Bring it home, (y/n)!” Buttons called.
I gave Romeo a smile, trailing my fingers along the collar of his button-up. Pink rose in his cheeks but the expression on his face never wavered. “Anything you say can and will be held against you…so only say my name.”
Romeo laughed. “Alright. I’m out.”
Jack was the first to cheer, proudly taking his winnings from Elmer. The others exchanged wins and losses, leaving Romeo standing awfully close.
“Good game,” said Romeo, holding out his hand.
“You, too.” I shook it. “I thought you had it with that recovery.”
“Oh, please.” Romeo laughed again, and I found myself laughing a little, too. “I knew I was gone with that mirror one.”
I smiled, disappointed that it was over. Back-and-forth flirting with Romeo was one of my favourite hobbies, because I could always pretend that he actually meant what he was saying. But once it’s over, I have to return to reality. I punched Romeo lightly on the arm before turning to walk away.
“Hey, (y/n)?”
I turned around.
“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but...dinosaurs still exist, right?”
I laughed. “Good one, but I’m already the winner.”
“And I’m wrong.” He closed his eyes and waited expectantly.
He couldn’t be serious...could he? There was no way he felt the same, right? Did our joking flirts mean as much to him as they did to me?
“You’re cute,” I said, my feet leading me towards him. I paused in front of him. If he’s kidding around, this is the worst joke ever. I leaned forwards and kissed him quickly on the lips.
He opened his eyes, smiling. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”
“You’re impossible.”
“I think you mean smooth,” he corrected, eyes sparkling. “You’re trying to tell me you don’t feel something here?”
Holy crap. “I thought you were just playing along.”
“I was, at first,” he admitted, “but, uh...I don’t know. It started to mean more, I guess. I just didn’t know if you felt that same.”
“I guess you’re lucky I do, then.”
“Guess I am.”
“So.” I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. “Kiss me if I’m wrong—”
“—you’re wrong,” he interrupted, and kissed me again.
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