interestwatch · 5 months
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aheckinmess · 5 months
All's Well That Friends Well (Dad Nanami)
(Part 2 of Season of Serendipity.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Nanami, Child Yuji, Original Child Character(s), Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Besu Sukuna, Parental Nanami, Dad Sukuna, Soft Sukuna, Protective Sukuna, Canon Divergence - AU, Sukuna Has a Daughter, Yuji is Nanami's Son, I Merged Two of My Series, Because I Thought it Would Be Adorable, Yuji Itadori is a Ray of Sunshine, OC Has Trouble Making Friends, But Yuji Sure Doesn't, Going to Pre-K for the First Time
Word Count: 1,025 words
Summary: Yuji goes to Pre-K for the first time; Nanami worries he'll have trouble adjusting, but Yuji is a little ball of positive energy. Needless to say, he makes friends.
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While Yuji was an extroverted child by nature, Nanami still thought he might need time to adjust to preschool. So when Yuji easily waved goodbye as Nanami dropped him off for his first day at Pre-K, it soothed some of the paternal worry.
“Otouchan, how long is school?” Yuji wrapped his arms around Nanami’s neck and squeezed. “Is it very long?”
“You’ll be here for a few hours, Yuji-kun. But I’ll be back. You’ll be having so much fun you won’t even miss me.” He promised, kissing the young boy’s forehead. “If you need anything, just ask the teacher for help, okay? Remember how we practiced and…?”
“Raise my hand!” Yuji smiled.
“That’s my boy.” Nanami ruffled his hair and stood up. “Have a good day, Yuji-kun. And have some fun.”
. . . . .
Yuji Itadori made having fun his mission. From the moment he stepped foot into the classroom, he curiously trotted around the room asking question…after question…after question.
“What about that? Why do you have that?” He asked Ms. Chotto, pointing at the hundredth object his little eyes had landed on.
“Yuji, honey,” Ms. Chotto laughed. “You’re such a curious little thing, aren’t you? Those are my plants and I keep them on the top shelf so none of my students accidentally eat them. They can hurt your tummy.”
“Then why do you have them?”
“I’m keeping them here for a little bit until I can find a space for them at home.” She explained, turning away to separate two girls from fighting over a doll. “Go find someone else to play with, Yuji, okay? I have to help some of the other children right now.”
Yuji pouted but did as he was told. Pre-K proved to be one of the most fascinating places he’d ever been! He’d already spoken to just about everyone in the classroom, when the door opened to reveal another little girl.
What surprised Yuji wasn’t how tightly she clung to her father, but her hair. Pink! Just like his!
As soon as Ms. Chotto got the pink-haired girl detached from her father, Yuji stood patiently to the side. He watched her hide in Ms. Chotto’s legs until she peeked out at him.
“Hi! I’m Yuji!” He beamed.
Her wide, brown eyes looked up at Ms. Chotto and then back at him.
“I’m Besu.” She whispered. In fact, Yuji barely heard her.
“You sure are quiet.” He said bluntly. When she seemed embarrassed by that, Yuji pointed towards a pile of blocks on the rug up front. “You wanna go play blocks?”
Ms. Chotto muttered something into Besu’s ear. Besu whined back at her, but Ms. Chotto delicately coaxed her in Yuji’s direction. Yuji led the way over to the blocks and Besu sat by him silently.
“I like to build castles. What do you wanna build?” Yuji asked as he got to work. A triangular orange block looked perfect to fit on top of his green stack.
Besu shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed a few square pieces to fit together. Yuji gave her time to give it a specific shape, but when he still couldn’t tell what it was by the third row, he spoke up.
“What is that?”
Once again, Besu shrugged. Yuji huffed, feeling disappointed. He’d expected her to be just like him since she’d looked so similar. But she barely even talked! Sensing this, Besu cleared her throat.
“I just like putting them together. But now I’m making a watermelon.” She explained, picking off a few blue pieces and replacing them when red and green.
“My dad put watermelon in my lunchbox! Wanna see?” Yuji stood before she answered.
“I don’t think we’re sposed to do that.” She glanced at Ms. Chotto and then Yuji’s lunchbox. “You could get in trouble.”
“Nuh-uh. It��s my lunchbox!” Yuji said matter-of-factly.
But when he went to grab it, Ms. Chotto put a hand on his shoulder.
“Yuji-san, it’s not time for lunch yet.”
“Can’t I show Besu my lunch?” Yuji frowned.
“Why don’t you show her when it’s lunchtime? That way you can both show each other what you have.” Ms. Chotto offered.
“Okay!” Yuji agreed, before toddling over to Besu. “Hey, Besu! Let’s wait until lunch and then I can see what you packed, too!”
“Father made me stew.”
“Oh, boy! Will you share?”
“...well, okay.”
. . . . .
While Nanami waited outside the classroom as kids shuffled inside, a man with wild pink hair waited with him. He couldn’t help but stare. Just like Yuji’s, and that’s not common. I wonder if he’s of any relation.
“You waiting on your brat, too?” Sukuna quirked a brow and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“I’m waiting for my son, yes.” Nanami answered. “It was his first day.”
“Mine too. You have any trouble dropping him off?”
“I thought I might, but he didn’t seem upset. He’s more outgoing, though, so I wasn’t too surprised.”
“I had to pry my daughter from me.” Sukuna scoffed, shaking his head with a smile.
“Ah, she must be a daddy’s girl, then. Does she have you wrapped around her finger yet?” Nanami normally wasn’t one for small talk, but the conversation helped him remain patient as he watched through the window while the teacher struggled to wrangle a boy into his bookbag.
“Absolutely not!” Sukuna huffed, but he turned his head away. “That is…I don’t give her everything she wants.”
Nanami couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Don’t worry. I’m the same with my son. He’s my first.”
“My daughter is my first, too.”
And then the floodgates unleashed. More parents began filing down the sidewalk towards the portable classroom, but Yuji and Besu were the first at the door. Both of them raced and planted themselves directly into their father’s arms.
“Otouchan! You won’t believe it! That girl looks like me!” Yuji turned to Besu to see her the most animated she’d been all day, jabbering on to her father with bright brown eyes. “She’s real quiet though…like Fushi-kun.”
“I see. Did you have fun, then?”
“Yeah! I made a best friend!”
And Nanami smiled when Yuji turned to Besu, waving goodbye as Sukuna carried her away.
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Continue Reading -> Chapter 3
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myososheep · 1 year
i realized i do not bug post as much as i should, so-
bugs be upon ye~
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julystruck · 10 months
enamored with the new scott pilgrim series being like "this is the world if scott was out of the picture"
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kazumahashimoto · 3 months
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wulfbytez · 5 months
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Keru & Besu Perler Bead Patterns
Commissions | Membership | Shop | Redbubble | Donate
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thekavseklabs · 1 year
Dash wildin. Hello I am ace ace people are free to rp here thank you
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xyoungxgeezerx · 9 months
Hey I’m Jared and I make beats sometimes. This shit is out wherever you enjoy listening to music!
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graygauze · 2 years
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Puppet Boy is neat.
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
I can't believe marvel's civil war seriously tried to tell it's audience that a team of (mostly) Americans with superpowers should be able to act like an international military police force with zero legal oversight because 'Gubmint Bad' and I guess 12 people having no legal oversight to their actions as an international force is fine?? That has got to be some of the most fucked up copaganda I've ever watched, and frankly I was shocked at how many people I spoke to fully bought into it too.
Like really, you actually think a small group of people almost entirely from one country should be able to act as an international military intervention team with zero legal obligations? If you think about that for more than 5 seconds it should be obvious as to why that's a bad idea and why America specifically would think that's a good idea.
#winters ramblings#this movies thesis is literally so fucked up??? it straight up says cops shouldnt have oversight#and yall believed it hook line and sinker because you Really Like the guy dressed as an American flag#the other Real Fucked Up thing goes to tony starks line about privatizing world peace#i CANNOT think of a more fucked up thibg then that W H Y#besus that the movie had to work SO FUCKING HARD to make the accords sound like a bad idea#and when you need to write the accords SO BAD that they all go to jail with no trials as if ANY world leader#let alone MOST OF THE WORLD'S COUNTRIES would ever agree to that then you KNOW youre playing stupid#if your shit has to be THAT bad to seem like oversight isnt good then youre purposefully manipulating shit#in a way thats not useful and says nothing politically except that youre uninterested in nuance or accountability#but marvel is copaganda so of course it has to say Cops Are The Best They Dont Need Limits- see look the government is WORSE#because the Whole World just wants to yeam up on america for no reason whatsoever they dont have a history of invading#literally ANYONE they hate to fuck their ekections and install rught wing terriristsas leaders bc better than communists!!#no no thats not why anyone with a brain would support the accords lets make it SO DELIBERATELY BAD no one would support it#but we wint even MENTION any of that in the movie no no we dont need to do that in the movie all about#this fucking piece if legislation why would we do good proper storytelling with ACTUAL reaaons for why the accords suck#reminds me of the joker movie with how much had to be pulled to make the avengers sypmathetic there#if you have to pull your narrative that hard then your story fucking sucks and so do your politics
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aheckinmess · 10 days
Quiet Strength
(Part 6 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, Ryomen Sukuna, Ryoumen Sukuna, OC Child, Satoru Gojo, Child Satoru Gojo, Protective Sukuna, Sukuna is Bad at Feelings, No One is Surprised There, Angst, Fluff, Mostly Fluff/Comfort Because I Needed It, Tiger Spirit, Baekho, We Love Her, Headcanon of My Own Fic, That She Attached Her Spirit to Besu Because Their Levels of Sass Mesh So Well Together, Sukuna is Not Impressed, But He'll Get Over It, Gojo Still Has Yet to Learn Proper Self-Preservation Skills
Word Count: 1,640 words
Summary: While Besu and Gojo battle a brush with death, Sukuna finds himself having a dilemma about what to do regarding his daughter's growing compassionate ideals. So, when she comes rushing in asking for his help with Gojo, he determines there's only one decision he can make to show her where he stands on the matter.
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Chapter 6: Quiet Strength
Sukuna felt a shift in the atmosphere, no doubt from Besu’s cursed energy. When he felt Satoru Gojo’s added onto it, he waved it off as the two sparring. Normally, he might feel more concern for his only daughter, except that he was having a dilemma on her behalf.
He paced across the luxurious den with his eternal scowl in place, disfiguring his tattoos as Besu once again had his damn emotions in a twist. The more she grew, the more Sukuna was forced to acknowledge that she was growing into a woman with her own ideals. Ideals that didn’t fit with his destructive mold. Ideals that he’d originally hoped would be in line with an heir befitting the terror of his name. Instead, Besu clung to her compassion as viciously as Sukuna devoted himself to his destruction. 
If he weren’t so focused on what he should do, he might have detected the second wave of desperation coming from Besu’s cursed energy only a few blocks away.
Instead, when Besu’s shouts echoed through their vast mansion, he huffed from the top of the stairs, irritated at being torn from his musings.
“What do you–Besu?” The reasons for her childish screaming through the halls immediately became clear when he saw a bloodied corpse in her arms. Sukuna’s mind worked just as quick as his body as he rushed over to her. “What the hell happened?!”
Possibilities played through his mind. Had his daughter finally fulfilled her purpose as his wanton successor of savagery? Or was it something as simple as the boy doing something reckless and stupid to cause her to look so afraid and adamant as she presented Gojo to him?
When Toji’s name fell from Besu’s lips, Sukuna could only gape at her. Revenge boiled in his veins but lowered to a simmer when she handed over Gojo. Suddenly, Sukuna could only see her as she’d been at seven, terrified and begging her father for help.
His heir. His daughter. His world. 
Her maroon eyes pierced his chest more precisely than any dagger ever could.
“Dad…please don’t let Satoru die.” 
Sukuna shouldn’t have been so torn by the decision as his daughter swayed forward and he caught her with his second pair of arms. He wanted to heal her and ignore the bothersome Gojo brat, but Besu remained a weak spot in Sukuna’s armored psyche and it was clear her injuries were not as life-threatening.
Plus, he’d been the one to suggest she find friends in the first place because he’d promised it would be beneficial to her to have allies. And he’d be damned if he ate his own words. 
“You little shits.” Sukuna growled, before turning to Gojo, who barely clung to life.
“You would speak so callously of Toji’s slayers?” Baekho’s form drifted into the mansion - or had she always been sitting there behind Besu? - seeming duller than usual. “I will care for the cub. You take care of young Satoru.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Sukuna hissed, lashing out as fear gripped him by the throat. “Remember your place, beast.”
“You’d do well to remember yours, young Ryomen.”
“Young? Tch. I’m over a thousand years old.” He snarled, using reverse cursed technique and watching the boy’s injuries fade as blood still stained his skin.
“And my spirit was here at the beginning of time to watch the birth of this world. You are all young to me. Now, shut up and heal the boy.” Baekho snarled, touching her nose to Besu’s forehead as her stripes glowed and Besu’s injuries disappeared. “Besu will need ample rest. She will not be waking for some time.”
“Why not? Was this your doing?” Sukuna hadn’t felt so feral since he’d executed his month-long war for the takeover of Japan. Few matched him in terms of strength, but hearing that his daughter might not wake up brought out a different sort of unhinged rage within him. 
“No. Her power has expanded and evolved.” Baekho replied calmly, nudging her muzzle under Besu until she could heft her onto her back. “My own rage allows me an increase in power, turning my spirit and energy red. However, it would appear that the culmination of young Besu’s rage and my own amplify that power even more between the two of us. Coupled with your technique that you’ve taught her, your cub is a force even Toji was unable to match.”
“You mean my technique that Besu has yet to execute properly?” Sukuna sneered.
“I mean your technique that Besu used to deal the killing blow.”
. . . . .
Besu woke up feeling like she’d been hit by a truck. After blinking a few times in the dim light, she remembered that “truck” was Toji Fushiguro. When she grunted and turned to see her father asleep on a couch across from her bed, it suddenly didn’t matter.
“Daddy?” She whimpered, muscles groaning under every attempt at movement.
“Mmm…? Bechan!” Sukuna jumped to her side in a moment, sheltering her from the harsh danger of the world as he pulled her against his chest in a hug that squished together all of her broken pieces. Every broken part of her felt stitched together and whole again. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”
“Everything feels sore.” She said, closing her eyes and feeling much like she wished she had as a child - protected and prized by her father. But her eyes flashed open as she looked up to him with a frantic question. “Is Satoru okay?”
“The boy is fine.” Sukuna rolled his eyes. “I’m told you fought Toji Fushiguro and came out the victor.”
“Baekho was responsible for our ability to come out victorious. Satoru and I weren’t able to land many hits. It was only when he was hurt that I felt capable of doing any real damage.” Besu sighed, her eyes falling to her deep blue quilt. 
“Baekho herself told me that you used my technique to deal the final blow.” Sukuna said, forcing Besu’s eyes up by lifting her chin with his finger. “You’ve grown so much.”
“I know. I am sorry I have not grown into the daughter you’ve desired I would become.”
“No, you haven’t.” His words choked her, disappointment squeezing the breath out of her. Was that why he was squeezing her so hard? Had he finally overcome his sentiment from her childhood and decided to dispose of her before she could ruin everything? “You’ve grown into something better.”
The world as she knew it crashed around her feet, scattered in an ocean of tears as her father’s words urged her closer to his chest. She knew the moment couldn’t last, that this tender moment didn’t fit the King of Curses and he’d quickly usher her away when he felt too awkward about showing emotion.
“Don’t think this changes anything.” Sukuna’s muscles tensed before relaxing again. “But we’ll talk about it later. For now, you must rest. Baekho says your power has grown and it took a lot out of you.”
“But what about Satoru?” Besu frowned.
“Yeah, what about me?” 
Gojo’s lanky figure reclined against Besu’s door frame and every worry she had disappeared in the glistening blue of his eyes.
“Satoru!” She bolted upright and forced herself to her feet.
Big mistake.
Sukuna caught her when she toppled forward and smirked as he ushered her back into her bed. Besu also didn’t miss that Gojo went from leaning in the doorway to the center of her room by the time she was in bed.
“No need to kill yourself on my part.” Gojo shook his head, keeping a wary eye on Sukuna as he did. Similarly, Besu watched her father eye Gojo speculatively.
“You can stop glaring at each other, you know.” Besu huffed, before the absence of another stole her breath.
Baekho! Where are you?! Are you–
I am here. The tiger chuffed in her mind, relaxing Besu with her familiar rumble. You are not ridding yourself of me that easily.
“I think I have a right to glare at the boy that put my daughter in a situation where she might have been killed.” Sukuna said.
“It wasn’t my fault! Besides, I thought the great and mighty King of Curses would have trained his daughter better.” Gojo snorted.
“Hold your tongue, brat! If it wasn’t for Besu, I’d have let you die! Hell, I’d have dealt the final blow and been done with you!”
Gojo opened his mouth to respond, before Besu sent him a glare that capsized his attitude, rendering him silent.
“I see your brush with death may have humbled your spirit, but you’re still ignorant in the way of self-preservation.” Baekho swirled from Besu and the bed, floating between the group as she stretched her back and claws. 
“Yeah, well…” Gojo shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I figure you all can grant me some patience, seeing as I nearly died.”
“Not as much patience as I’m granting you to stand so far away from me.” Besu finally found her voice, reaching out her arms in an unspoken need.
Gojo smiled, softening instantly before he spared a glance at Sukuna and stepped over to wrap Besu in a hug.
“I’m glad you’re alive too, ya know?” Gojo whispered. “I was terrified I’d find you waiting for me in the afterlife.”
“Oh, please. You’d have been waiting for me, first.”
“No way! Or…well…maybe. But only because I was actually on the offensive! Plus, you had Baekho!”
“I’m just hearing excuses…” Besu laughed.
“Ha! Maybe I should have let you do all the work then!”
And as the two bickered, Sukuna watched, a now-familiar warmth in his chest. Because even though his daughter stood for everything he claimed to be weak, he could doubt it no longer.
His daughter’s strength rivaled even his own.
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g0reoz · 1 year
keru is so silly he sounds like meowth lmao
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entreldolorylanada · 2 years
For science (I love how he speaks Asturian.)
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kazumahashimoto · 1 year
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larranciaa · 7 months
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thabjk you game pass
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hmm not sure how i feel about it
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