themercyofislam · 4 years
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Allah (ﷻ) Supported him with miracles and evidence for people of reason and understanding, the greatest of which was the Holy Qur’an. It was the greatest sign and Blessing, which contains in its pages miracles of both style and content. All of mankind cannot match or imitate, even if they gather together for that purpose. This is clear from the statements of the most eloquent of the Arabs, who were completely unable to match it. The Qur’an was – and centuries later still is, praise be to Allah – an eternal miracle as is evident in its brilliant style, its information about the Unseen, its fulfilment of the promises of Allah, the superiority of its laws, and the fact that its rulings are appropriate for every time and place – in addition to the fact that it has such a moving impact on people’s hearts. The Qur'an refers to the signs and proofs surrounding the person of the Prophet (ﷺ) which testify to his truthfulness. For example, he was free of sin and trivial spitefulness; he grew up illiterate in the Arabian Peninsula, and did not receive any religious knowledge from beyond its borders, nor did he spend time acquiring any religious knowledge. When he reached the age of forty, he brought divine knowledge that none of the earlier or later generations could produce. He also received special protection and Care from Allah, which kept him safe at times of crisis; if it were not for this protection he would most certainly have been doomed to destruction. None of this could have happened except to one who was truly sent from Allah Aza Wajal. #Islam #Muhammad #BestServantOfAllah #Bestofhumankind #BestFather #BestLeader #BestHusband #BestTeacher #BestSpeaker #BestHeart #BestExample #Muhammadﷺ #Muslim #Muslimah #Muslimrevert #JannahAlFirdous #Ameen #InShaaAllah #Tawakkul #Taqwah #RuntoAllah #Haq #Truth #AllahLovesYou #OneUmmah #Humanity #Allah #Dailyreminder https://www.instagram.com/p/CCN9-CdB4x0/?igshid=v7u86y8156zp
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themercyofislam · 5 years
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PLEASE READ: Islamic New year is better than the Gregorian New year. But for new things to remember to add to for the year, remember to fast better and harder this year. More than the last or any year. It's the one deed Allah (ﷻ) says it's truly for Him. Did you know that Allah Aza Wajal never truly told us the rewards for fasting? He simply Said that its for Him..Subhanallah. Please, do much of it. Do it for the Love of Allah (ﷻ). Al-Qurtubi said: explained what was meant saying good deeds may become known to people, and they will be rewarded between ten and seven hundred fold... and as much as Allaah wants, except fasting, for Allaah will reward it without measure.So your new years resolutions should be about the better 'you'. And fasting fisabilillah is for sure the best way. In Shaa Allah, discuss, share and PLAN with others doing this deed together. After all, what better way to attain Allah's Love and Mercy than to do the deed He (ﷻ) Said was for Him! May Allah (ﷻ) Bless you and your family. And Grant you all that you ask for. And may the door to jannah Ar-Rayan be open to you always. Ameen 🤲💙 * Al-Bukhaari (1761) and Muslim (1946) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) said: “Allaah said: ‘Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting; it is for Me and I shall reward for it…’” Al-Qurtubi said: Because showing off may enter into all good deeds, but no one can see when a person is fasting except Allaah, so Allaah connected it to Himself. Hence He said in the hadeeth, “He gives up his desire for My sake.” * That what is meant by the words, “I shall reward for it” is: I am the only One Who knows the extent of his reward and how much his hasanaat (good deeds) will be multiplied. * Ibn al-Jawzi said: All acts of worship can be seen when done, and they may be contaminated with some element of showing off, unlike fasting. #newyear #newyearsresolution #truth #BestServantOfAllah #AllahLovesYou #Fasting #MercyofAllah #Islam #Muslim #Muslimah #Muslimrevert #Quran #Jannah #Allah #Deen #Surah #Ayah #Hadith #Akhirah #Muhammad #PBUH #Islamic #Subhanallah #Alhamdulillah #Lailahaillallah #Allahuakbar 🌀🌲 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vMxQ8Blka/?igshid=7phfnui2i46l
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themercyofislam · 5 years
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Aameen 🤲❤️😔 #Islam #Gratefulness #Makeduaforothers #BeThankful #Pain #Suffering #OneUmmah #Thereisalwaysworse #AllahLovesYou #Alhamdulillah #FindAllah #FindWisdom #Patience #Sabr #TheTestIsTheReaction #MakeDua #MakeTawbah #MakeothersLifeBetter #BestServantOfAllah #AkhirahoverDunya #PleasureofAllah #MostMerciful #Allah #Muslim #Muslimah #Muslimrevert #JannahAlFirdous #Ameen #Dailyreminder https://www.instagram.com/p/B56d2eDh9wy/?igshid=1vf0da4mny518
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