#bestill my heart
owlygem · 1 month
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*yeets fanart*
you can't just drop that comic on us like that and expect us to not be thirsty for the big red giant star man ú_ù (I've seen Scarlet before but those panels had me doing a double take)
Oh my gooooood??? This is absolutely stunning?? Im speechless!! You've drawn him so beautifully, I was just staring for ages before I could reply!!
Hes so handsome and pretty and gentle!! 😭😭😭 i ADORE this, thank you! This really made my night 🥹🧡🧡🧡
Also I know I prolly confused everyone but this big red star isn't Scarlet, he's a different star and basically Sun's dad (or the closest thing to a dad a star can have)
Damn this is so pretty I feel so spoiled
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carrotcakecrumble · 3 months
The gay man / lesbian woman friendship dynamic depicted in a mid-century book?????? Ann bannon i owe you my life
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💚I hope there are willow trees in Heaven🌿
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byfaithmedia · 2 years
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Yes Lord 🙌🏻
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bladeshowers · 2 years
“Because I love you!” Ophiuchus said this semi-exasperatedly, as he pressed the keys on the piano in an anxious manner. “And I am tired of watching you get walked over them because you will not say something about how they treat you. You deserve better, Hemera.” / :>
"I - you - wait what?" Hemera blinked rapidly at Ophiucus as she moved closer to him. She stopped just short, a hand reaching up to touch his shoulder, only to fall limply back to her side. Rapidly, she blinked, orange eyes focusing solely on him. Everything else vanished and she couldn't name one object in it sans the piano.
"Do you mean like, romantic love, or platonic? Because I love you too I just…" She wrung her hands in distress before planting herself down on the bench next to him. "It… hurts my feelings too. When they do it. But what am I to say? Feelings have no importance in the workplace. Not for them." She didn't know what she could do to change things. It had been this way for a long time. The reprieve she got was leaving.
"We're both birds in gilded cages in a way. Then again, I think that's true for our society too." AHH. Why was she getting philosophical now? Why was she being Azem with him of all people? Gods above, she was frustrating even herself.
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femmenerd · 4 months
don’t get me wrong, i am a polin shipper like woah & i WOULD like to see these allegedly cut polin sex montages, but why aren’t more people basking in how amazing s3 part 2 was with regard to the complicated beauty of women’s relationships with one another???? peneloise reconciliation bestill my heart!! the featheringtons! ladies danbury and bridgerton! the queen & lady whistledown! francesca forgetting her own name when confronted with michaela fucking stirling!!
(ok, i know why. this is rhethorical. but i myself am BASKING. and hoping this isn’t the end of cressida’s story.)
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9w1ft · 4 months
Hi, I come bearing gift for your pavement collection. This is from Karlie’s SC from April of 2016
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bestill my heart
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(here’s the masterpost(s) for those unacquainted)
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
can you do laurajadestone as the face claim? i’m not sure if you’re taking requests or not but i figured i’d ask :)
This is long-term gf btw so from 1D days :)
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liked by 1dfan1, 1dfan2 and 36,385 others
1dupdates During a recent interview, Harry confirmed he had a girlfriend named y/n! She works with the boys as their tour manager!
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1dfan1 omg omg no one move 4/5 boys now have girlfriends
1dfan2 me crying like I ever had a chance
1dfan3 wait that's so cute
1dfan4 I was wondering who that was he was spotted walking around with the other day
1dfan5 she's apparently in the This is Us movie so we'll at least get to see her
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 382,923 others
yourinstagram tour life
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1dfan1 she's so pretty
1dfan2 yeah she and harry make a lot of sense let's be honest
1dfan3 can we blame harry for falling for her though?
1dfan4 I heard she and Niall are besties too which just warms my heart so much
harrystyles can I get your number?
↳yourinstagram sorry I'm taken by someone, maybe next time
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liked by 1dfan1, 1dfan2 and 34,124 others
thesun Harry Styles was recently spotted in LA with his long-term girlfriend y/n. It seems like the couple was in happy spirits despite One Direction recently announcing their hiatus.
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1dfan1 I don't need any hiatus reminders please and thank you
1dfan2 okay but do you guys think they'll actually get back together? I'm starting to have doubts
↳1dfan3 of course they will are you kidding me?
1dfan4 I have a friend in the music world that there is talks of harry signing a contract to release solo albums so I don't know about all of that
↳harryfan1 unpopular opinion but I don't really care if 1d gets back together I just want harry and y/n to stay together
↳harryfan2 if he tours alone she'll def still work for him
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 46,294 others
hsdaily "She's been my rock for years now. We met at the peak of the band and she's been with me through so many highs of my life and so many lows. If anyone knows me inside and out it's y/n and I'm so lucky she's stuck around during such a transitional period of my life. This whole album is for her and I can't wait to see what else is to come in both my career and with her. I'm also really excited cause she's going to continue to be my tour manager and getting to work with her makes my days just so much better." Harry talking about his girlfriend y/n during the BTA
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harryfan1 they're so cute are you fucking kidding me
harryfan2 they've been together for so long and she's been through so much with him and I can't wait to see what comes of their relationship
harryfan3 the way he talks about her especially when he was talking about how hard it was being away from her while he was in jamaica recording ugh bestill my heart
harryfan4 "continues to be my tour manager" HE'S GOING ON TOUR I'M NOT READY
↳harryfan5 it's gonna be weird seeing him perform alone...
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,395 others
harrynews Harry and y/n were spotted in London today!
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harryfan1 texting and driving sir?
harryfan2 They were seen leaving a meeting omg what if we get tour dates soon
↳harryfan3 I'm not mentally, emotionally or financially ready yet he needs to give me like 3 months
harryfan4 my fav couple omg I need them to get engaged already they've been together for so long
harryfan5 so happy harry got y/n in the 1d divorce
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liked by annetwist, yourinstagram and 3,293,234 others
harrystyles / / SEE.YOU.SOON / /
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harryfan2 I feel like he'll do a bigger tour right after cause this isn't a lot of dates right?
harryfan3 so excited but also could throw up from the nerves of having to buy tickets
yourinstagram excited to get back into the game and turn my manager brain back on
↳harrystyles it never turned off, you boss me around daily
↳yourinstagram shhh what no I don't.....
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 349,203 others
yourinstagram so excited to get back on the road in a few days! Live on Tour here we come
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harryfan1 blue is 100000% your color omg
harryfan2 I'm so excited! I still can't believe he's touring as a solo artist though
↳yourinstagram I know it's crazy!!
niallhoran drinks before you guys leave?
↳yourinstagram you paying?
harryfan3 any hints on what the tour is going to be like?
↳yourinstagram there might be some covers involved...
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 5,283,293 others
yourinstagram Getting to see you grow so much as a musician and as a person has been the biggest blessing and I can't wait to continue watching you grow till we're old and gray, so it's a yes.
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harryfan2 I've been waiting for this day for years omg omg omg
annetwist can't wait to celebrate the happy couple in a few days!
harrystyles thanks for saying yes, makes working together a whole lot less awkward.
harryfan3 I've gone back to this post for like an hour still in shock
harryfan4 It feels like they've been together for years yet I'm still shocked they're engaged
niallhoran happiest life to you guys! I could see this coming from miles away
↳yourinstagram our #1 supporter for years
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 895,328 others
harrystyles C.H.A.S.M
by: yourinstagram
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harryfan1 chasm is such a cute band name
harryfan2 icons in one picture
harryfan3 I hope we get a band pic after each show that would be so cute
harryfan4 Can we talk about the first concert him being on stage alone was so different but so good
harryfan5 the album artwork curtain that drops is such a nice touch I love getting to see his silhouette
yourinstagram all my favorite humans in one picture
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,299 others
harryupdates y/n via instagram stories! We're loving the backstage sneak peaks on her insta stories
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harryfan1 the day we see mitch smile will be the day the world explode
harryfan2 It's literally sarah's band and harry is just apart of it not the other way around
harryfan3 I love y/n for all the backstage stuff it always looks like they have the best time
harryfan4 We need more harry pics though like what does that man do backstage play ping-pong and hide?
↳yourinstagram he sleeps until like an hour before the show...
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 35,849 others
hsdaily harry and y/n and the rest of the band were spotted at an art gallery today during their day off
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harryfan1 the yellow corduroys are going to do it for me every time
harryfan2 one thing about harry, he's gonna spot a camera every dan time
↳harryfan3 I swear he has a sixth sense when it comes to it
harryfan4 I love that the band goes on little field trips together
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 538,393 others
yourinstagram lil art date
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harryfan1 I love getting little insights into their relationship
harryfan2 they go on so many art dates I can only imagine the artwork they have in their house
harryfan3 okay but I'm totally bringing this picture to my hairstylists like the cut and color are everything!!!
harryfan4 you guys are everything and I can't wait for the wedding like I just know it'll be the wedding of the century
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liked by harrystyles, emiozmen, and 583,394 others
yourinstagram A fan wanted a photo with Spike and Silver
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harryfan1 omg they're so cute spike's outfit are you kidding me?
harryfan2 I can't wait until harry and y/n have kids of their own
harryfan3 he looks like such a dad in this pic :(
harryfan4 I've been waiting for Silver and Spike to get on tour for this moment right here
↳yourinstagram they're a blast to have backstage, you'd think harry was their age with how he acts with them
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 294,595 others
pillowpersonpp Finally got my bestie away from work and onto a coffee date
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harryfan1 she's so pretty
harryfan2 y/n and Sarah being besties makes my world go round ngl
harrystyles damn, she told me this was a work meeting that's why she canceled our breakfast plans.
↳pillowpersonpp yeah sorry no work is being discussed just girl chat
↳yourinstagram we can reschedule harry, couldn't bail on Sarah oops
harryfan3 they're all so funny and I can only imagine what backstage is like
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liked by annetwist, niallhoran and 239,403 others
yourinstagram being on tour is my favorite thing in the world if you haven't noticed
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harryfan1 Mexico suit supremacy
harryfan2 the third picture are you kidding me?
harryfan3 yeah gonna need a backstory as to why harry is naked playing ping-pong ball stat
↳yourinstagram his suit ripped and so it was getting fixed and apparently the only way to pass the time was to play ping-pong?
↳harryfan4 yeah sounds a lot like harry
harryfan5 I just wanna know if harry wins every game
↳yourinstagram he would never admit it but I've bet him plenty of times
↳harrystyles you're being a liar right now to my own fans
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 56,395 others
hsdaily harry and y/n backstage via helenpambrun
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harryfan1 this outfit was so good are you kidding me?
harryfan2 literally my parents
harryfan3 I'm mitch in the background
harryfan4 green will always be harry's color
harryfan5 her being the first person he approaches after coming off stage... I need 35 minutes to contemplate
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liked by yourinstagram, spaceykacey and 3,389,283 others
harrystyles Kissy. Thank you for coming out to see us, it has been a pleasure playing for all of you. I'm off to write some music and I hope I'll be seeing you again very soon. Thank you to my band, the crew, and all of you for making this tour so wonderful. Treat people with kindness. Goodbye for now. I love you all. H
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harryfan1 KISSY????
harryfan2 oh this man is too cute for words
yourinstagram so very proud of you and I'm so honored to have been able to watch you grow from 1D to a solo artist and I can tell you big things are in your future superstar
annetwist so proud of my baby
harryfan3 seeing all of harry's family at the show last night was so cute
harryfan4 "I'm off to write some new music" and I'm not prepared to hear it
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 1,483,394 others
yourinstagram we're back...
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harryfan1 no fucking way
harryfan2 any non-american dates?
↳yourinstagram announcing very very soon
harrystyles I won't be attending if you're not going
↳yourinstagram wouldn't miss it for the world
harryfan3 I can't believe harry is doing his second tour as a solo artist are you kidding me?
omg that took forever so I hope you like it! I'm thinking of doing like a part two that focuses on 2021 LOT and then 2022 LOT but have so much else planned we'll eventually get around to it :) happy lights up anniversary <3
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
Bestill My Foolish Heart by Chubbypeachhh on ao3 for challenge monday - Even kudos -- 60 kudos at time or reccing!
This fic made me laugh and was so cute!!
Bestill My Foolish Heart by Chubbypeachhh
Rating: Teen and Up
8,008 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning:
Tags: Fluff, First Kiss, Enemies to Lovers, but like are they enemies though, Soulmates, Alternate Canon, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Queer Eddie Munson, cosmic twins stobin at it again, Good Uncle Wayne Munson, Supernatural Elements, Argyle as Cupid, Chrissy as Aphrodite
Sometimes in order to realize you love someone, you have to get shot in the ass with it. Literally. A Valentine's Day rom-com featuring gay shenanigans, a milkshake date, and none other than Cupid himself.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was fics with an even number of kudos.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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Hey so I was going through your stuff and saw your post about birds :)
And I realized that I needed to work on drawing wings and I knew about your boys sooooo
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The boys! (Find it kinda funny how I accidentally switched the color hues between red and sans)
screaming crying throwing up this is the greatest thing I have ever seen
It combines my two favourite things in the fucking world: the Aggre Sans', and birds
Vulture Skull.... you are a genius... bestill my beating heart
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ramlightly · 21 hours
i love all your characters but i have to say… honor and bellatrix… bestill my butch heart. one day i hope to get a giant beautiful woman out of a bubble myself, but until then im rooting for their happiness
There is some giant beautiful spirit woman in a bubble out there for you, I believe in you!
But yes, I've been thinking a lot about Honor and Bellatrix! I have a couple of sketches with them that I want to finish soon.
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randik-86 · 3 months
Bestill the hard beating of my heart,
Whenever I'm around you,
I know that you are going to end up breaking me,
Falling apart as you whisper in my ear,
Trying so hard not to slip,
And let you disgrace this love that you have stolen from me,
But it's impossible to stay away...
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shaynetopps · 9 months
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decided to watch just the intro and shayne’s in it too! bestill my shrevor heart…
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h4t08 · 11 months
Me: Ada and the Reverend are so cute!! 😍😍 The way he touched her fingers and gave her flowers… bestill my heart!
Reverend Forte asks Ada to marry him: 🚩🚩🚩
Me whispering into the void: Please don’t be a serial killer or momma’s boy seeking a mommy replacement or dying of cancer or an asshole.
Julian Fellows (probably): 🧐😏🤭
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LIKED : character specific starter call / @foxtaeil
featuring: negan smith and mellie grant
               ❝   well   ho-ly   shit!      bestill   my   beating   heart,   it   is   the   goddamn   president!   ❞      well…      used   to   be   president.      don’t   know   if   one   could   really   consider   her   to   be   that   anymore.      there   were   no   more   politics,   no   governments,   it   was   all   just   pure   chaos   now.      survival   of   the   fittest,   that’s   about   it.      as   far   as   negan   was   concerned,   the   saviors   were   the   most   motherfucking   fit   of   them   all!      now   just   imagine   it,   having   the   former   president   as   a   savior!      not   to   be   crass   but   that   image   was   hot   as   shit!      he’d   always   thought   she   was   smoking,   even   before   all   of   this.      maybe   now   he   had   a   chance.      the   idea   of   being   able   to   say   he’d   banged   a   president?      well   now   that   was   a   high   honor!
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               he’s   getting   ahead   of   himself   though,   letting   his   imagination   run   wild.      ❝   now   i’ve   gotta   say   ma’am,   the   fact   that   you   are   alone   has   got   me   kinda   pissed!      i   mean,   what   kind   of   secret   service   did   we   have?      clearly   a   fucking   bad   one!   ❞
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soulreapin · 7 months
i recently just went through and read all your fics (im kinda obsessed like that) and i absolutely loved them!! the one where lance worked at the bookstore with hunk totally made my day. i love myself a magical soulmate au anyday, but there’s something so charming about a realistic college au that BESTILLS my heart.
AH!!! AH!!!! my heart
im glad u love bad taste it will always be my child
this is probably a good time to tell yall that the margaritaville au will 100% release tonight…so!
thank u thank u i really appreciate it
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