#besties can yall at least make an effort
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years ago
Your response to that anon makes it pretty clear they're right lol. Katara did support Aang unconditionally, especially with his trauma as she could empathise as someone who is ALSO a survivor of genocide and the last of their people (water bender and air nomad). But Aang also was supportive of her- when she wanted to free the earthbenders, him and sokka helped, he wanted to refuse to continue teaching from Pakku because he wouldn't teach Katara, he helped her with the Painted Lady, and the Southern Raiders comment is not as condescending as you think. Yes, it was shitty, but you really think they would've turned their back on Katara? They shouldn't have said that to her but him and Sokka know if she kills Yon Rha, it will not bring her closure. And as for her doing all the labour, that's blatantly untrue. In Bitter Work the whole argument between Toph and Katara is that Katara is (rightfully) mad that Toph only wants to do her share, arguing that everyone around camp does their part.There’s multiple episodes in which the gaang help pitch the tent and perform campsite duties. There’s a whole episode dedicated to how katara and sokka are both sick, resulting in aang having to run across the world to retrieve them medicine, and he continued trying to get the frogs for his friends even when captured. There’s an entire episode dedicated to how the gaang cannot get anything done without sokka, who usually manages their schedules and itineraries and helps ensure that they’re on track. There’s plenty of moments in which aang and katara are goofing off, and sokka gets mad at them for not sticking to his carefully curated and meticulous schedule and for putting a wedge in their plans to save communities (see: imprisoned and the painted lady). There’s moments when toph assumes responsibility; there’s moments when aang assumes responsibility. and then there’s moments when none of them have any clue on what to do, when they literally act like children navigating a world that’s constantly trying to kill them. Because they are children, which in episode 1 we see Aang telling Katara she is still a kid. Whether you ship it or not, a big part of their relationship is that they are children. They're a team, they all support each other. Saying she shoulders everything and that Aang is just selfish and callous is a blatant lie. They have helped each other throughout the series a lot. There are moments when they both say and do things that aren't good to eachother, but that doesn't make their relationship instantly toxic. Aang kissing Katara w/o consent was wrong, it's why I don't ship it, but saying Katara was reduced Aangs mother figure, especially when he played a large role in her acting like a kid again, and also grew up communally so the concept of a mother isn't something he would even think about. The constant adultification you insist on of Katara is just weird, there's a reason black and brown women hate it so much, especially when katara has stated she dislikes being seen as motherly
wow that is a whole lot of words you're trying to shove into my mouth, huh? don't worry though; unlike you, i know how to make a good argument, so let's go through this flaming pile of garbage you've dumped in my asks to see exactly what that looks like!
i don't know where you got this idea that i think katara does everything for team avatar while the rest of them sit by and twiddle their thumbs; i have never said that, and i never will. my argument isn't about katara's relationship with the gaang (though for all that she says they divide the chores equally in the chase episode, you will notice that much of the time it is always katara you see in the background cooking, training aang, or doing work around camp - make of that what you will), it is about katara's relationship with aang, and the severe imbalance of emotional labour in that relationship.
let's look at how many times katara supports aang in the show when he's in need of it:
S1:E3, The Southern Air Temple: katara pulls aang out of the avatar state when he's grieving over the loss of his people, then holds and comforts him afterwards.
S1:E12, The Storm: katara listens to aang's regrets over running away, assauges his guilt, encourages him, and ultimately inspires him to move on from his past and start anew.
S2:E3, Return to Omashu: katara listens to aang's worries about bumi and tries to reassure him.
S2:E9, Bitter Work: katara coddles aang when he's sad about not being able to master earthbending, motivating him to keep going and trying to convince toph to give him an easier time.
S2:E10, The Library: katara pulls aang out of the avatar state again, this time actually putting herself in danger (the only one to do so, you might notice) by walking into the middle of a sandstorm while aang is in an highly volatile state of extreme power. keep in mind that katara knows exactly what can happen when aang isn't able to control himself, because of that lovely incident back in book 1 where she was burned thanks to his recklessness, and yet the duty of calming aang down falls to her yet again.
S2:E11, The Desert: aang snaps at katara and then leaves her to take care of herself and the rest of the gaang all on her own in a highly dangerous environment. don't worry though, she'll still find the time to sympathize with him and comfort him, though he certainly isn't going to apologize and will, in fact, have this lovely exchange with her instead:
"What's anyone else doing?! [Pointing his staff at Katara.] What are you doing‌?!"
oh nothing aang, just keeping everyone alive and together, and being the entire reason they survive the desert at all. thanks for the support, though!
S2:E12, Journey to Ba Sing Se Part 1: katara reaches out to aang multiple times in this episode, offering her love and support, and ultimately helping him to snap out of his depression over appa's loss (he still hasn't apologized for his behaviour in the previous episode, in case you were wondering).
S3:E1, The Awakening: katara tries to help aang deal with his feelings of guilt over Ba Sing Se, heals him, brings him food, and even stays behind to look after him (funny you don't see either sokka or toph doing that)... all while dealing with her own sadness and anger over her father. aang does notice this, by the way! though naturally, he does nothing about it.
S3:E9, Nightmares and Daydreams: i'll cut this one a little slack, because sokka and toph do try to help out with aang's anxieties too. note, however, that katara checks on aang five separate times in this episode alone - far more than either of the other two by a clear margin.
S3:E17, The Ember Island Players: katara is the only one to notice aang is upset after the play, goes to see if he's okay and... well, you know how this one ends.
let's do a little tally and... that clocks in at a whopping 10 times that katara offers aang her love, support and comfort, including almost all of his lowest moments.
now let's look at the number of times aang supports katara when she is in need of it:
S1:E9, The Waterbending Scroll: aang encourages katara to waterbend, pushing her to have faith and be confident in herself, allowing her to waterbend successfully and defeat the pirates.
S1:E18, The Waterbending Master: aang defends katara against pakku and cheers for her during her fight; he does also, however, undercut her very real anger at pakku and tries to dissuade her from fighting at all under the impression that it's for him instead of the injustice that's been done to her so... we'll consider this a wash.
S2:E17, Lake Laogai: aang rests a hand on katara's shoulder in wordless support after jet dies.
S3:E8, The Puppetmaster: aang pulls the hand-on-shoulder move again while katara cries after defeating hama... except this time, sokka's on her other side doing the exact same thing so it can't even be counted as an emotional support moment exclusive to aang, the way all of aang's are to katara.
final calculation: 2, 4 if i'm being generous. four against ten, and even if you combined all of them together, aang still doesn't provide even half the depth of support and care that katara does for him in just a single incident.
see how that might be what we call an imbalanced relationship?
They shouldn't have said that to her but him and Sokka know if she kills Yon Rha, it will not bring her closure
except who brought up killing yon rha? aang. who immediately conflated justice with revenge? aang. who pushed his own culture's values of pacifism onto katara? aang. and who was ultimately wrong about blanket forgiveness and inaction being the path to closure for katara? aang.
you don't need to take my word on it. katara corrects aang herself when he inaccurately assumes she did what he wanted her to: "But i didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him."
if aang had his way, if katara had never confronted yon rha, her rage and grief and resentment would've simply continued to fester inside her. katara made peace with her trauma on her own terms, by finally getting to see yon rha for what he really was: not a nightmarish bogeyman who left her powerless and afraid, but a weak, pathetic, human man who didn't even deserve the mercy of death, and whom she was able to reclaim her power over.
aang doesn't extend to katara even a fraction of the empathy, understanding and faith she always offers him; rather, he instantly jumps to the worst judgements about her intentions, preaches to her about how she should heal from her trauma, and only deepens her stress and anger while she's reliving the worst moment of her life.
that is not support. that is not friendship. that is aang making katara's struggle about himself, just as everything else in their relationship already is.
saying Katara was reduced Aangs mother figure, especially when he played a large role in her acting like a kid again, and also grew up communally so the concept of a mother isn't something he would even think about
buddy, i assure you i'm not the one making katara aang's mother. you can take that up with the writers who made a self-referential joke about katara acting motherly to aang (unless you think "stop rubbing your eye and sit up straight when you talk!" is somehow a romantic thing to say to your future husband), who have katara coddle aang multiple times, who framed katara holding aang's dead body like the virgin mary holding jesus, and who literally had her dress up and pretend to be his mother.
and for your information, katara is a motherly figure - not just to aang, but to every member of team avatar besides zuko (and suki, if you count her). that's not my opinion btw, as you seem to believe. that's canon, confirmed by both sokka and toph in S3:E7, The Runaway:
Sokka: When our mom died, that was the hardest time in my life. Our family was a mess, but Katara? She had so much strength. She stepped up and took on so much responsibility. She helped fill the void that was left by our mom. It really seems like my whole life, Katara's been the one looking out for me. She's always been the one that's there. And now, when I try to remember my mom, Katara's is the only face I can picture. Toph: The truth is sometimes Katara does act motherly, but that's not always a bad thing. She's compassionate and kind, and she actually cares about me. [Wipes away tears from her left eye.] You know, the real me. That's more than my own mom.
so no, anon, i'm not the one "insisting" on katara's adultification. she was adultified the moment her mother died, because she was forced to step into her mother's shoes - and she did it so well that she became a surrogate parent to her own older brother. she is a child who was forced to sacrifice her childhood, and who will never be able to find it again. that is the fundamental tragedy at the heart of katara's character, and an integral part of what makes her who she is.
there's a reason black and brown women hate it so much, especially when katara has stated she dislikes being seen as motherly
really? women of colour hate being pushed into motherly roles, and seeing female characters like themselves being forced to do so? damn, i wonder if there's any way that i, a south asian woman living in southeast asia, would know that?
i don't need you to tell me what brown women think and feel. i understand first-fucking-hand what we go through, because i've seen it in my own female relatives, in my friends, in their families, in every aspect of my society. i've felt the expectations of my culture on my gender since i was a child, and that is just one of the many reasons why i ship zutara: so that at least in a fictional world, some fictional brown girl is able to have an equal relationship with a partner who respects her, admires her, supports her, cares for her, and loves her just as much as she does him.
i'm glad we can both agree that katara hates being seen as motherly. i hate it too, which is why i despise kat.aang, because the last thing that katara needed after losing her childhood being a mother was to lose the rest of her life to it too, stripped of her agency and legacy, forever stuck looking after a man who will always make her do too much labour without once recognizing it, let alone returning it.
now kindly get out of my inbox with your faux progressive concern, and take your subpar media literacy skills with you while you're at it.
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quinloki · 1 year ago
Omg Quin. I always love throwing you my little brain thoughts bc you always grace me with such wonderful things to think about ily omggggggg
this is definitely going to be in my thoughts for at least the next 24 hours
ugh this kind of falls back into the same kind of idea of that other one with marco/sabo but just ace as a good friend, protective but yall aren't eachothers type really (prolly dated bc you got along really well, and you both thought of the other as cute, but not like that once you got into it). Like your slightly feral bestie. He just gives me those vibes sooo much
QUIN THAT LAST PART THOUGH OH MY GOD I am totally thinking of Sabo normally right now. TOTALLY.
and then ace and sabo live together and you're over staying with sabo and he reminds you to keep quiet bc ace is home and you don't want him to hear you sounding so pathetic do you?? (nvm the fact that ace left awhile ago but sabo thinks it's more fun this way)
byeeeeeee off to have sabo thoughts now <3333
Yeah that Sabo/Marco story has notes in a file and I might just organize them and get an outline going. March might be my poly-story up date spree month or something XD
I love that though.
Ace is 100% supportive, and if his brother wants tease you in ways that aren't going to hurt you, he'll back his play. So of course Ace tells you both to have fun, he's just going to be in his room with headphones on finishing up a project (or a game or whatever), and instead sets off some kind of Ferris Bueller type machine that plays random coughs, snores, causes thumps, etc.
I mean, it's the ASL brothers, Ace is going to go above and beyond.
And Sabo doesn't care if Ace is home or not, honestly, but it's certainly easier to keep his attention on you knowing his brother isn't actually home.
I can picture him getting you to sit on the edge of the bed innocently enough, and working his way closer and closer until his leg is between yours and his hands are on the mattress, and you're one soft tap on the shoulder away from laying down on the bed.
Don't worry about Ace, he's got his "headphones", and even if he didn't his precious brother falls asleep so easily, as long as you're quiet he won't hear anything. Your sounds are only for Sabo anyway, why would he share?
You can tell him to stop, he won't be mad, but isn't the possibility of being caught a thrill? Don't you want to know? Just how much sweeter do you taste when you're desperately trying to keep quiet?
Just how much better will his touch feel as he puts effort into breaking your silence? Fighting the inevitable will only make it feel that much better, certainly you're curious? And what if you can hold out - what a sweet little challenge it will be, right?
If you can stay quiet throughout he'll grant you a wish, and Sabo is ready willing and able to grant all your wishes, but this is a challenge and he's not going to hold back.
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 8 months ago
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Bestie I'll give you the context 😂😭 /nm
First uh yall don't take the post very seriously I literally wrote it while almost asleep and I was joking for most of it
But anyway yay context uh I have OCD and MDD and I dropped out of my last design college where I put four times the effort of the other students but was bullied and the management supported the bullies because uh it was literally everyone else in class who was isolating me. Also I was a science student and was an extreme perfectionist and known for being one of the best students the teachers had seen. I gave up science because the amount of effort I put in destroyed both my health and my love for the subject.
It may have been a light hearted post but for real, putting in the bare minimum of effort is sometimes the best course of action if you're struggling with your mental health, as a lot people are, and it's more sustainable than burning out like two weeks in. At least you created something. Especially if you're a perfectionist.
And sometimes hard work isn't everything. It's not a fair world. It's a sucky place where sometimes staying in the teacher's good books is better than being the best and having to drop out with insane trauma. Sometimes impressing people is what gets you success, depending on what kind of success you want.
Of course, if you can, work hard. But if you can't, if you don't think you can sustain it, please take care of yourself first.
I'm not here to make good art quite yet. I'm here to survive. And that's okay.
I'll write a more coherent post when I'm not about to drop dead after rangling printing presses with extreme fatigue but ily all <3
@bluntnessismynature I got where you're coming from and you're right. But this is where I'm coming from :)
Hard work and effort is such a lie man.
Fourth day of art school. I finished my work ahead of everyone's because I put like 20% of the effort they did and the teacher loved that (they made everyone else redo very original beautiful designs because they looked plagiarised. Mine was so bare minimum it was clear it was mine. Literally just the cupboards in front of me with a random girl. The one original thing i did from my imagination they insisted was plagiarised. It was literally my horrors. Ive learned my lesson about originality.)
I am now lurking on tumblr waiting for the class to catch up. Meanwhile I have spread the fuck it we ball agenda to another classmate. She made a complex drawing and now had to remake it coz we're doing prints and have to draw the composition twice. She was like oh no. I gotta redo this and it doesn't even work when cut.
I was like nah nah nah cmere and whipped out an old photo I had, simplified it so all she'd have to cut out were squiggles and straight lines, and was like voila.
Put 0 effort. That's the key. Fuck it we ball. I spent all last night reading a gay romance novel. I did the homework while she was calling out people one by one to check their homework and it worked better because it looked very rough and bleh and we are supposed to do rough sketches not copied from anywhere.
Idk why I'm typing this I'm 80% asleep after staying up reading the gay but it's great life advice yall be lazy do the bare minimum etc
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pandasized-crevice · 3 years ago
Kims detective era ft. snooping through his dads stuff
PAUSE: kinn looks mighty fine in the red suit
UNPAUSE: korn intimidates greatly i gotta say & he barely does anything
THE WAY kinn and his dad have different mindsets over what a boss is?? wild since you'd think kinn would think more like his dad
i see now why korn is the head boss cuz that man ruthless
OHHO tankhun knows i wonder if he helps kim?or at least encourages kims shit??
if you had to punish porsche WHY USE THE BITCHES WHO HATE HIM MOST FUCK THIS
pete my love thank you for trying to comfort him
the way i don't want porsche in kinns presence at all right now
this is so cute fr so happy to see porsche smile HE NEEDS ALL THE HAPPINESS
"i don't see why not" IM FINE LOLOLOLOLO(she was not fine she is in fact a whore for bible)
they.are.so.fine i can't cope
the way if you didn't know the context and just saw that clip of them you'd think vegas & porsche are the couple jc
"at least they haven't hurt me"(they have porsche....) "are you accusing me of hurting you" YES I AM
we at the studio bby!!!!YES WE LOVE SNACKS
aw chays so excited you can tell
OH NAME REVEAL(like we didn't already know)
idk if this is related but both porsche & chay wear sliver necklaces?
smooth save kim....you idiot
chay love his brother:(
chay you trust too much!!!! its the idol blur...
peep the shower ad YOU CAN'T DISTRACT ME WITH A WET HALF NAKED PORSCHE(but good effort)
oh we love to see bestie pete!!!!!
ig kinn & porsche are butt-faced bros
kinn you whore he's not your bodyguard rn YOU'RE AT HIS HOUSE
CRAPPY BOSS STOP JOM these whore friends
kinn you make me SICK SICK I SAY,kinns struggling out here fr
what super senses does porsche have to know other poeple were there
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starlight-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
SO HEAR ME OUT an nsfw alphabet for draco
hey bestie - im literally so excited to do this (: i have a guilty pleasure of reading nsfw alphabets so u really hit the nail on the head with this request . n e ways , enjoy !
AYO LOOK AT THESE ! : smut (duh but still) , hair pulling , breeding k!nk , unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it) , masturbation , choking , light bondage , praise kink , general adult themes and content so please only read if ur okay with that .
reblogs are always appreciated ! <3 ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
draco is the literal definition of a fluff fic after sex - hes so soft and loving and affectionate . if the sex was on the rougher side , draco goes out of his way to kiss any bruises , cuts , or red marks he may have left on you, soothing the sinfully painful spots with soft touches of his suddenly gentle fingertips.  
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
draco is built like a greek mf god , and he knows it . he’s all lean , toned muscles and his alabaster pale skin only makes him look more ethereal . draco is quite proud of his body and isn’t afraid to show off if needed.
draco literally loves everything about you , and you’ve tried over and over to get him to pick his most favorite - he never does it because he’s a stubborn little shit and refuses to let you think that he values one part of you over any other . finally , you wore him down to coming up with a top 3 : your hands , your hair , and your chest .
 your hands as they fit perfectly in his , they brush his hair out of his eyes with a gentleness that melts him every time (and the way you dig your nails into his back or his arms iykyk) . 
draco loves your hair mostly because its the exact opposite of his own ; long , thick , and chocolate brown . he’s constantly playing with your hair , whether that's running his hands through it or gently tugging on it to get your attention . he would kill you if you ever told anyone , but draco taught himself how to braid your hair so he would have something repetitive to do to calm his anxiety .
 draco loves your chest : he's such a boob guy . he is such a boob guy . even in a non-sexual context , draco loves having his hands up your shirt just feeling how soft your breasts are , the way that he can feel your heartbeat if you’re still enough . when things are getting *frisky* draco loves your tits - in his hands , using his mouth on them , titty-fucking you , literally everything . 
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
draco has a huge breeding kink , but is simultaneously terrified of getting you pregnant. he knows that he wants to be a dad eventually , but draco malfoy is the king of daddy issues™ and can’t fathom having a child right now .
that doesn’t stop him from filling you up with his cum every time you guys fuck - draco loves watching your face as you take his entire load , begging him not to pull out . 
once he does , though , draco’s head is immediately between your legs watching his manhood drip out of you , fingering it out of you while you whimper at the way he seems to hit all the right spots . 
he’s extremely thankful for the tiny , yellow birth control pills that you’re on , and he reminds you every day to take them .
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
draco had never , ever said i love you to someone during or after sex until the two of you had your first time . now , its a normal occurrence for draco to tell you how much he loves you as he thrusts into your pretty , fucked out body . he lets his forehead fall to yours , moaning the words in between heavy breaths as he finishes inside you .
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
draco had a couple of hookups , and a complicated friends with benefits situation before the two of you got together , so he was somewhat experienced by the time you guys finally got down to it . he made sure you felt so good the entire time , using every trick in his book to make you cum around him over and over until he reached completion as well . 
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
draco is a sucker for regular old missionary . he likes being able to watch your face as you take every inch of him , watching your facial expressions change and morph under the influence of his pleasure . if he’s eager to feel you - all of you - draco will hook one of your legs over his shoulders , giving him better access to your sex . this is the one instance where draco wont keep eye contact with you : he can't resist watching himself slide in and out of you , coated in your cum .
he's an absolute sucker for you riding him , too . he loves to let you take control and chase your pleasure - plus the visual of you bouncing up and down on his cock , eyes rolling back into your head as you hit all the right spots is enough to send him over the edge . if you get tired while on top , draco will gladly hold your hips in place , fucking up into you until you practically collapse into him , entirely taken over by the force of your orgasm. 
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
intimacy is something that didn’t come easy for you and draco; he’d never been with someone that he actually loved before you . there was a deep intensity to the emotions shared between you two during sex , and draco viewed that time between the both of you as something almost sacred . foreplay , or just general teasing can be silly with you two , but making love is more serious . 
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
draco keeps himself trimmed , but not entirely clean shaven , and the hair down there is darker than his signature white-blond locs .
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
(refer back to g but i could talk about this for days) draco is incredibly romantic when it comes to sex . your first time was like something out of a movie - draco had lit candles everywhere , filling the room with soft , flickering light , as well as changing the sheets on your bed to a soft , white cotton . he’d taken his time making you comfortable ; you and draco had talked through all your fears for hours before he laid a hand on you . once you were ready , draco’s touches had been soft and slow and tender all over your body - he’d made you feel like the angel you were . quickly , you learned that draco wasn’t like that just because it had been your first time ; draco made an effort to make sex just as special every time. 
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
draco was raised thinking that masturbation was a shameful act , something dirty and below him (you literally can not tell me that this isn't true i'll fight it until the day i die . as much as i love narcissa the malfoy family fkn sucks and they damaged draco so bad . anyways) so it’s very rare that he’ll get himself off. when he does , its somewhere where he can quickly get rid of the evidence , such as the shower . 
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
while draco makes sex between you two meaningful and special , that doesn’t mean that he’s afraid to be rough (after yall have had a long talk about it before where you gave him enthusiastic consent ofc . ) 
draco loves to pull your hair or wrap a hand around your throat while he’s hitting it from the back , so much so that he’ll bring your back up to his chest . 
he really enjoys a bit of light choking here and there - just enough to watch your pretty face flush with blood , making your moans the slightest bit weaker . 
draco loves to tie your hands up above your head while he’s eating you out as well ; it makes you take all the pleasure he’s willing to give , and he lives for the way your body writhes and bucks under his skillful tongue. 
you literally can not tell me that draco doesn’t have a praise kink - both giving and receiving . draco loves to tell you how good of a job your doing whether you're sucking him off or taking all of him inside you , and he’s constantly reassuring you that you’re doing such a good job.
he fucking loves when you praise him as well (my theory as to why is so fkn sad so we wont go over that here) but that boy lives for you telling him how good he’s making you feel , and when you encourage him nodding and whining for him to go faster . its the one thing that undoes him almost immediately , and he flushes furiously every time you tell him just how fantastic he’s doing .  
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
you and draco rarely get it on outside of your bedrooms at hogwarts , or your childhood rooms when you’re home for the summer - but there’s an exception to every rule. draco has absolutely ruined you in the quidditch changing rooms after a rather brutal loss , and he’s the king of shower sex , too.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
praise !! draco loves you telling him how good his dick feels , or his tongue , or his hands . he also appreciates when you’re rather direct with him - telling draco exactly where you want him , what you want him to do - it drives him absolutely insane . hearing such dirty words come from your sweet , innocent mouth kills him , and it makes draco that much more excited.
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
there's nothing draco wouldn’t try at least once , but he’s rather uncomfortable with voyeurism. he hates the idea of anyone else seeing your body , watching how you wriggle and whine underneath him as he makes you cum . while the two of you have done it in some questionable locations , draco had made sure that no one could see . 
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
while draco loves your mouth wrapped around him , that boy could spend all day between your legs . he's nothing short of obsessed with eating you out , and its one of his favorite things to do for you . he cant help the way it makes him feel - hearing you whimper and moan while you pull on his hair , your back arching off the bed when his tongue flicks in just the right way . he gets a sort of high from it , and absolutely prides himself on making you cum with just his tongue . 
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it really depends on the day . draco loves fucking you slow , watching his manhood slide in and out of your pretty body coated in your arousal , but he cant resist fucking you so hard he leaves bruises , either . if its just a regular day , the two of you fall somewhere in between , a perfect mix of rough and sweet . 
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
draco loves a good quickie every once in a while ! sometimes he needs a release , and your body is his favorite vessel . usually quickies are where the two of you get a little more risky - he’ll grab your arm , pulling you into an empty classroom or the shower and take you then and there . 
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes and no . draco would try anything and everything , especially if you asked him to , but there are some things that are a one-and-done for him . the two of you are good at talking about that stuff - if something made one of you uncomfortable , the other would understand 100% . its all about the balance of boundaries and still being adventurous. 
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
draco would fuck you all day if you would let him . he can make you cum many , many times before he’ll allow himself to even get close , and even then his stamina is through the roof . he can go at least 3 rounds if not more , and switch positions as many times as you’d like . 
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
while draco doesn’t mind you using toys on yourself , they do make him slightly jealous . you gently tease him about this sometimes , how he works himself into a sulk over an inanimate object - however, that usually leads to your hands tied to his headboard , draco holding a vibrator on your clit until you can’t take anymore orgasms. 
you two have expirimented with using your vibrator during sex , but draco much prefers playing with your clit over using an outside source , and seretly , you do too . he’s amazing with his hands , and rubs tight , fast circles onto your sensitive nub while his hips snap against yours only intensifying the sensation .
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
draco loves to tease you - he likes to watch the way you come undone under the slightest touches of his hands . very rarely does he tease you for long - he can’t resist giving you what you want , what you’re begging him for in that high , breathy voice .
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s a loud motherfucker all the time , and the bedroom is no exception . draco’s moans are music to your ears , and they turn you on more than anything . his already rough voice only gets raspier , and deeper , too . he loves to talk dirty to you , but as he approaches his orgasm , he can barely form full sentences . his cocky pillow talk turns to almost desperate moans and whimpers as his thrusts get sloppier and quicker , his hips snapping against yours hard . his groans as he cums are heavenly , especially since he’s usually buried his head in your neck or dropped his forehead to yours by then . 
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
we all know that draco have a superiority / god complex (as he should 😌) , and this manifests in the bedroom - you would’ve never known , though , if it weren’t for a complete accident . you and draco had been studying together , and he’d asked one of the yes or no questions written on a flashcard .  not thinking about your actions , you’d answered the question with “no, sir” - then physically felt draco’s entire body stiffen underneath you . you’d picked up on it immediately , blood flooding your face as you’d asked him if he liked it .
yes , he did .
he loves when you call him sir as he’s fucking the life out of you - like , he has to stop himself from cumming on the spot . 
when you want to fuck with him for whatever reason , you’ll jokingly call him ‘sir’ in front of your friends
you’ll pay for it later , though
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
mans is built in every sense of the word . draco is quite well endowed , which was something that took you a bit to get used to . he was never one to measure - it just seemed wrong to him , like he was doing something dirty - but by your estimations , draco is about 7 inches . he’s thicker than most , too , which only adds to your pleasure . 
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
draco lives in a constant state of horny™ . he can’t help it - something about you brings out his most primal instincts . he’s so in love with you and your body that he can rarely keep his hands off of it , but he knows how to control himself . he tries to match your sex drive ; when yours is high , his is too , but he doesn’t mind waiting on you to give him the green light if you’re libido has been lower . 
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
its safe to say that the both of you are extremley tired after sex - its quite the workout . draco is so soft once he’s finished , and he would live in that post-sex haze forever if he could ; he’s all sweet kisses and skin-to-skin contact , but he’ll usually wait until you fall asleep on him before he can drift off . something about making sure that you’re comfortable enough to sleep on him fills draco with a sense of immense pride . once you’ve fallen asleep, depending on how vigorous everything was , draco will usually fade pretty soon after ; on the off chance that he still has some energy , draco stays up and watches you . he looks at you as if you were a piece of art , usually following the soft lines and curves of your face with a gentle finger ; admiring you like the angel you are .
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nitr0dus · 3 years ago
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sticky keyboards, discarded candy wrappers, crumpled up receipts, black on black, empty coffee cups and energy drinks, screened calls, empty vape cartridges. those are a few things that remind me of ethan seon, the 22 year old freelancer. every time i see them, they are snappy on a bad day but can be easygoing most of the time. whenever i hear dying in a hot tub by palaye royale, i just know they’re nearby. (thuy, 21+, pst, she/her)
* yeah ik the avatar is unserious asf but i’m holding onto it i love it sm
born in seoul and technically raised in honolulu
as a first gen immigrant with parents who lowkey hate it there (mom does at least, but nobody likes having to live so close with the inlaws) ethan spends about every summer from grade to middle school bouncing back to seoul 
which was fun at first till all of childhood besties find other besties n lol he hates it here
nevertheless, as the youngest in a family of four - he’s pretty spoiled! (how can you not spoil him)
not the most studious kid growing up but he got decent grades (due to parental pressure lol)
eventually moved to nyc for college, majored in computer engineering (whew yes i know he dont look like the type)
decidedly stayed in the city post graduation, told his parents he wanted to look at job options here (but hasn’t actually after the first few interviews)
essentially ethan abhors the whole asskissing thing and power dynamics in companies so he’s currently working as a freelancer creating/designing websites for people (while also freeloading at his college buddy’s place)
easygoing as hell, ethan more so often prefers the easy way out rather than dealing with anything too difficult/taxing on his mentality (so if it’ll shut u the hell up he’ll just Agree with it)
which makes for him to be a great friend but not so much on the boyfriend standpoint 
hes a total slob lol literally the stereotypical tech guy who makes $$$ per job but owns like 0 furniture and the same 7 clean monochrome hoodies
loves food but doesn’t know how to cook (though he does get inspired by tiktok vids and goes out of his way to buy ingredients just to Not... make them)
slick talker ngl (why do you think hes living at @spygl4ss​‘s paying 0 rent rn) 
college bros? cmon the best years of yalls lives spent together and now its time to face the real world and maybe you’re getting there but ethans just Not...
currently not looking for a rls bc they’re sm effort lol but he is on the market for chill fwb types so hmu 
exes! i love exes lets go 
i got 0 ideas rn but im down for anything hmU!!!!
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shuakkinda-blog · 8 years ago
Soonyoung crushing on you !! // scenario
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A bullet-point scenario highlighting our bright star, Soonyoung/Hoshi !!
Send requests for scenarios and reactions on my page if you wish :)
- special shout out to our hosh rn bc this poor boy is sick and he could use all the healing time he can get (stay healthy and rest, love <333)
- this sweetie is honestly one of the most hard working people e v e r
- he pushes himself so much
- and we know that he’s tough on the members when practicing but I’m sure that’s only because:
- 1. he knows the potential of his friends
- 2. he cares about the future of svt
- Soonyoung is just so caring to the point that it hurts him sometimes???
- I’m glad he’s resting because we all know he needs it, as do the rest of the members (especially with this crazy tour schedule they’re in the middle of)
- so really, I honor Soonyoung for everything he does, and he deserves only the best out of his career ;u;
- and with this I’m sure he’d only want to be the best version of himself for the girl he likes as well
- his determination in furthering his career would be the same when it comes to pursuing his crush
- with that said, let’s get right into the scenario !!!
- as an intern at pledis entertainment, you find yourself becoming close friends to 3 specific members of a particular svt unit:
- Channie, Savhao, and Junnie ! 
- you get to know these three performance unit boys individually, but you never get to hang out with them altogether
- so one day, your little friends tell you that it’s about time all four of you meet up once and for all
- but because of your crazy schedules, there’s really no other time to do this besides the performance team practice time
- at first you think, “hey it’d be kind of cool to see them choreographing n practicing n whatnot!”
- thing is
- there’s one member you haven’t exactly bonded with/talked to like you did with the rest of the performance team:
- Kwon Soonyoung
- thinking it would be awkward for the team leader to see you hanging out with his team, you often pushed off the idea of visiting their practices
- no matter how many times the three boys begged you to come
- you just couldn’t say yes
- you’d feel bad but you’d try to convince them that it’s for the best
- and besides, the practice is meant for them to practice, not to chat around with some intern (not like they would mind tho lol)
- imagine pouty chanhaojun @ you bc iSN’T IT JUST THE MOST ADORABLE THING???
- ANYWAYS, after much thinking, the three guys figure that there’s really no way they’d be able to hang out with you as a group unless they invite you over to practice
- so they get s n e a k y
- kind of
- okay not really
- during one of your shifts, Chan texts you:
- “y/n!! are you free right now?”
- “yeah, what’s up?”
- “can you come down to the practice room rn?”
- “you guys aren’t having practice right now, right?”
- “*suspicious eyes emojis*”
- “Chan, how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to intrUDE??” “I’m sorry, but I won’t go if you guys are busy.”
- “WAIT LISTEN LISTEN” “we actually need someone to give their opinion on this part of the choreography we’re coming up with... and we were wondering if you could take a look?”
- “uhhhhh... don’t yall have a creatives director... and an assistant choreographer LMAO”
- “yes yes but we want to know what girls like you would think of it you know :(”
- “sigh”
- “come on, just do us a favor” “and doing us this favor means you’re technically not intruding :3″
- “... fine.”
- so you head to the practice room, and as soon as you walk in:
- “Y/N-IE~” the boys greet you in excitement
- well except Soonyoung but
- he gives you a smile and a curt bow at least
- you give him a bow and a formal greeting as well, but that’s just about as much interaction you’ll have with him
- at first :3
- your three friends honestly just wanted you to be with them, and they finally found an excuse to bring you over to practice
- but you proved to be more helpful during their practice than they had all expected
- you gave pretty good constructive criticism on some of the dance moves and even gave a few suggestions for formations
- and your little trio LOVED IT
- but you know who appreciated your help the most?
- it was very nice to have another person give their opinion on the team’s choreography
- and it’s not just another professional choreographer or director doing it either
- it’s a normal person (I mean this in a good way :)
- and he thinks you’ve got a good eye for things that even the pros couldn’t catch themselves
- Soonyoung also realized how much nicer/less stressed he was when you were there helping out
- so all in all, he was really glad you came
- in fact:
- “hey, Jun, Minghao, Chan,” Soonyoung calls the rest of the team as they convene for practice the day after your visit
- the three boys turn to him
- “do you guys think... we could have y/n down here again? You know, just to help out again?” the leader looks down and paces shyly back and forth, but his face is blank
- “WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Jun says as his eyes widen in disbelief
- “yeah, of course,” Soonyoung is trying to keep his cool composure
- so they call you up to invite you once again, and since your three friends had expressed their gratitude for your help after practice yesterday, you agree to go
- you arrive at the practice room and are greeted warmly not only by your little trio
- but also by Soonyoung, who flashes a wider smile than the day before
- and it goes like this for almost every performance team practice you can attend from then on
- over time, Soonyoung would start to notice that you’re not the average, serious intern who’s just doing her job (and a little extra for their team)
- there’s a reason why his fellow team members have become so close to you
- they’re all so fond of your positive nature, understanding, honesty, and ofc your fun personality
- and these things are what draw Soonyoung to you
- if he’s being honest, he’d say he’s been attracted to you since he first saw you walking around the company building
- but your whole personality confirmed how much he was beginning to really like you
- he’s honestly not like the rest of the members when it comes to crushing
- he’s kind of a mix of flirty and shy but you won’t be able to tell when he’s gonna be which???
- it can be confusing tbh
- like if you give him a compliment on some solo dance he made for himself, he could either go:
- 1. “oh reAlly??” *smirk* “was it... attractive? ;)”
- 2. “oh... really?” *blushes* “thank you~” *smiles at floor*
- but I’d say he’d be pretty shy 70% of the time at the start, and then he’d slowly get more flirty as you guys become closer friends
- speaking of being close friends, Soonyoung would also put so much effort into becoming your best friend
- because he wants to confess to you knowing that you’re close to him
- so even if you reject him, he knows there’s a chance that you guys can still be friends at least
- the last thing he wants to do is lose you altogether :(
- ALSO, ONE SUPER DUPER BIG THING that Soonyoung would do with his crush is force her to dance with him
- yeaH that’s right, get your dancing shoes on bc this boy will beg and beg until you agree to dance something with him
- even if you can’t dance, he’ll still really want you to do it
- it’s just a way for him to get skinship moments with you tbh slick shit hosh, real slick
- he’ll teach you the basics first and then progress into harder and more partner-based choreos ;);)
- so you’ll be slowly building up a whole dance routine collection with your bestie !! how cute :’)
- when he’s on flirt mode, Soonyoung is a huge tease we all know this
- the cute things he’ll do to get you flustered during your dance routines would either make you laugh or make you super weak omg
- he wouldn’t hesitate to take any opportunity to suddenly pull you close while dancing, and he’ll probably charm you with a smile while he’s at it
- and as he gets used to meeting up with you to dance,
- Soonyoung would want to spend time with you A LOT MORE OFTEN
- but only with you
- so oftentimes, after performance team practice, the other three dancers would hang out for a little bit in the practice room
- but Soonyoung would be itching to hang out with you and work on your dance routine alone in the room
- so he’d be awkwardly standing to the side as the trio plays around before he musters enough courage to say:
- “uh, hey guys,” he’d clear his throat. “I kinda- I mean, y/n and I- we want to... you know...”
- “oH, do whAt?” Jun wiggles his eyebrows. Chan and Minghao laugh along
- “Soonyoung’s making me do a dance with him again,” you’d explain
- “Wtf Soonyoung, you didn’t tell them?” you say
- “hey hey, you didn’t tell them either,” Soonyoung would laugh nervously
- and when the three boys finally get kicked out by Hoshi, the trio would probably tell the rest of the members about this out of saltiness lma0
- a few members would start to interrogate him about his crush, and he’d probably deny it every damn time it’s so obvious you ain’t fooling anyone buddy
- but when Soonyoung starts getting the feeling that you might like him as well, he’ll probably openly admit it to the group one day
- he’d show up pretty late to an svt meeting that Seungcheol is holding in the practice room
- “Soonyoung, why are you always so late nowadays?” Seungcheol would say in an upset tone
- “he was probably just hanging out with y/n again,” Chan would say bitterly
- “yeah, what a best friend stealer,” Jun would pout
- “hey man, y/n is my best friend,” Minghao would hit Jun in the arm
- “okay but who became her firST friend?? Das right, it was mE,” Chan would join in the fight
- “alright alright, that discussion can be held somewhere else at some other time,” Seungcheol would stop them. “Soonyoung, seriously, what’s going on? Is this about y/n?”
- “yeah dude,” Seokmin would say. “If you really like her, just admit it already.”
- “no one’s buying it when you say you don’t,” Wonwoo adds and the rest if the boys nod in agreement
- “and I’m sorry for always being late to these kinds of meetings and practices lately. I just really like her okay?”
- “I’m putting all this effort into hanging out with her because I really don’t want to lose her. 
- “You guys know how I am when I’m serious about pursuing something.”
- the whole group goes silent. Seungcheol thinks it over
- “Normally,” Seungcheol starts. “I wouldn’t let this kind of thing slide with me, but I can tell you really like y/n, so I’ll forgive you.”
- “But let me tell you, if she’s willing to spend that much time with you, she probably likes you too.”
- with this, Soonyoung finally decides that it’s time to confess
- one night, your hangout with Soonyoung extended a little later at night than usual, meaning you’d have to walk home to your apartment alone in the dark
- but ofc Soonyoung, being the caring person he is, would want to accompany you home, just to make sure you get there safely
- and while you guys are walking home, Soonyoung’s heart can’t help but flutter while seeing you smile at your conversation under the street lights at night
- he’d be falling so hard at this point, he’ll have to do something about it
- and as a dancer, he’s not one to tell you how he feels with words
- so when you get to your apartment, you unlock your door
- but before you can twist the door open
- he impulsively takes one of your wrists, pulls you close, and locks his lips with yours in a passionate kiss
- and you, unable to fight back the feelings you have for Soonyoung as well, kiss him back
- breathless, he pulls away from you afterwards and looks deeply into your eyes, your faces just a few inches apart
- having noticed you kissed him back, he asks
- “Is it safe to say that the feeling is mutual?”
- “why else do you think I agreed to dance with you?” you laugh 
- he breaks out into a huge smile before pulling you in for another kiss
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