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wintermischief · 2 years ago
Bucky x Reader Friends To Lovers/Mutual Pining Trope Fic Recs (part one)
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18+ ONLY. Writing may contain mature content. Mostly Bucky Barnes x F! and GN!Reader. Please show support to these amazing writers!!
The Apprentice @chrisevansredbelt
Grilled Cheese And Other Love Languages @bucky-bucket-barnes
B.B Boy @bucky-bucket-barnes
A Half Naked Nurse And Wrong Ideas | Part 2 @urimaginespimp
Do I Even Have A Chance? @noceurous
I Need You To Have Me | As Long As You Have Me @noceurous
One Simple Touch @likeahorribledream
Hearsay @jadedvibes
Listen To Me, Not Just My Words @lilacletter
Water Bottle @cloudybarnes
You @lovelybarnes
Baby @lovelybarnes
Truth @lovelybarnes
Juxtaposition @lovelybarnes
Honey, Dumpling @sparklefics
Silent Girl + The Winter Soldier @kinanabinks
Ponytails @bbyboybucket
Aching @bbyboybucket
Admit It @ghostofskywalker
Dear January @writing-for-marvel
Hush, Baby @noctumbra
Tap @/houseravenclaws
Worth The Wait @littleredwolf
What Took You So Long? @bowersbubbles
Perfect For Me @buckyswintersoldiermask
It’s Always Been You @sunshinebuckybarnes
Always Been Yours @sunshinebuckybarnes
Sugar @sunshinebuckybarnes
Guys Night @/teamcap4bucky
Wrong Number @/teamcap4bucky
Aisle 4 @buckyhoney
How Bucky Falls In Love With You (headcanon) @chennqingg
Massage @namorsinta
Just Maybe @namorsinta
Make A Move @beefybuckrrito
Who Are You? @bxcketbarnes
Five Sweaters To Make Me Want You @sebbytrash
A Shore Thing @buckymorelikefuckme
Cry Baby @buckymorelikefuckme
My Everyday @pellucid-constellations
Starry Starry Night @jobean12-blog
Cosmic Love | Part 2 @jobean12-blog
Been Here All Along @jobean12-blog
Here (In Your Arms) @sleepypanda27
Like I Want You | Part 2 @tmpestuous
Some Other Guy @espinosaurusrexex
Nightmares @ro-is-struggling
Getting Close @rogerswifesblog
Open Your Heart @vibraniumarm06-bucket
To Be Seen @tarithenurse
Make It Reality @buckybarnesandmarvel
Three Hundred @adrinktostopyourthirst
She’s Not Mad @subwaysurf45
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sunflowersbones · 8 months ago
The Hand That Feeds - I
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Warnings: This fic will contain eventual NON-CON, eventual DUB-CON, abuse of power, violence, emotional manipulation, guns, alluded to Mafia!Bucky. My warnings are not exhaustive, proceed at your own risk.
18+ only. This is a dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary : Your best friend’s and yours entire lives have revolved around violence, death, greed and fear. You’ve always had each other and took comfort in the fact that none of this was your doing; you never had a choice. But what happens when time winds its roots around you, such that even when given the opportunity to leave, he neither leaves nor lets you leave. {mafia au}
NOTE: So this is my very first fic on tumblr!. i wanted the first to be a one shot but, oh well. Do feel free to send me your thoughts!. Reblogs are really appreciated, this is tumblr after all. I hope you enjoy!.
DIVIDERS: @firefly-graphics 
You’ve always loved Bucky, since the very beginning and you’ve always known it, he was your best friend after all. It was your responsibility to love him, to protect him, and to take care of him— you’ve always tried your best.
Whenever Steve would take it upon himself to start unnecessary fights with the older boys, Bucky would step in to support him, to save him and both idiots would end up getting their ass’s whooped. You were the smarter one you knew how to pick and choose your fights, you would run to find the nearest teacher and complain about the senior boys and they would take care of the rest.
So you always knew that, when he needed you; you’d be there for him. But you never knew if he felt the same way, or if he even liked you at all, Steve always did seem to be his first priority.
You were badly jealous of the boy, but you never wished ill on him, especially because of how frail he was and how often he’d fall sick. You supposed everyone prioritized him…
Both your father and Steve’s worked for Bucky’s dad. Considering how dangerous it is and how enemies would stoop so low as to hurt the children, Steve’s mother’s paranoia seemed valid.
But you were too young to realize all of that; after all, there’s only so much an 8-year-old can understand. You seemed quite content with your life; little did you know that everything would change soon enough. 
You remember that day very clearly, even now, long after the incident. You’d had a big fight with Bucky, about him leaving you to see Steve because he was sick again! In his defense, he did ask you to come, and you did want to visit Steve. But Sarah was not your biggest fan; she simply tolerated you and was more often than not, not very welcoming of your family. You remember your mother saying something about them being more rich due to old money.
Although you supposed that it was mostly, due to the fact that while other kids were out playing; her son was more than often stuck in bed.
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As you opened the door and entered your house, you hadn’t noticed the stillness in the air. The house was very quiet, but then again, it always was. Your dad was out for work, your mom; busy with the housework, you were quiet the small family.
Just as you enter the kitchen, you’re alarmed as somebody holds you and covers your mouth, and just as you are ready to scream; as much as your trembling voice will allow you to, you stop. Mortified to see your wailing mother screaming and crying to let you go, her hand’s tied; as 3 men stand around her.
You had never seen her so scared before; seeing tears in her face scared you even more; she had always been the brave one, the one you run to, whenever you had a nightmare.
Right next to her was your dad, his forehead bleeding and his lips split. The man questioning him seems to have stopped in your presence; he stared at you and his face seemed to hold a mixture of pity and guilt.
He continues to question your father. It’s all too much; Your mother’s cry, your father’s helplessness, and the tight grip of the man holding you—your mind starts to get hazy.
All of a sudden, the front door crashes open, a ear-bleeding, loud bang resonates through the air, and the person holding you falls on to the floor. By now, a lot of men are in your kitchen, their guns pointing to each other.
You hear none of their conversations; you try your best not to look at the dead man lying beside you; you get a glimpse of the blood splattered on the wall, terrified; you close your eyes for a second and look straight ahead, only to find the man questioning your dad on the floor, his head underneath the sole of Bucky’s dad’s feet.
Somebody helps your mum up, and she runs to your side; she holds you close to her as they escort the two of you outside into a black limousine. Just as you climb up, you hear another gunshot; you no longer wish to know who was shot.
Time seems to be moving in a different pace and before you know it, you’re at the Barnes household. Your parents seem to be discussing something but you couldn’t pay any attention to it.
All you could feel was the ringing sensation in your ear.
Bucky entered the mansion just around that time, his initial reaction to seeing you at his place was surprise; a small smirk forms on his face, but it slowly turns into confusion as he looks around.
He slowly comes up to you, takes your hand in his, and leads you to his room. As you sat on his bed, he prepped his pillows up to make you more comfortable and sat down next to you.
You assumed that he would ask you what was wrong or what happened. Your disheveled state would have made the distress obvious. But he never did; he just sat next to you, staring at you, yet you felt more comfortable sharing this silence, than you did the whole day.
Eventually he left and came back after some time with a glass of water in his hand. He gave it to you as he sat down next to you, even closer this time; and hugged you .
He’d been out for much longer than what would be required to get a glass of water.
So you assumed that he must have pestered around and made his mother spill everything. Mrs. Barnes was a sensitive women and Bucky always had his way with people.
He hugged you a little tighter as he said “It’s OK; you’re safe now. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, ever.”
And in that moment, you realized that he loved you back as well.
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lostgirlmuseum · 1 year ago
🐳Chapter 3
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Mini Series Masterlist ❤️
Summary: Bucky and Miles fight for your attention takes a turn for the worse. You can't put up with this anymore.
Pairing: BestFriend!Bucky x f!Reader
Words: 3.4k
Warnings: Honestly probably pacing problems 😭, Miles being awful and saying disgusting things, less funnies in this one, things get a bit tense
A/N: p.s. the moment in the bathroom and the bonfire is what inspired this entire thing lol. I don't have a taglist, but you can follow updates at @lostgirl-library instead
(Divider credit: @firefly-graphics)
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Bucky was compelled into the kitchen by the smell of bacon. Vision was standing by the stove in a “Kiss the Synthezoid” apron, and Wanda was standing just behind him in a “Kiss the Witch” apron, watching over the cooking process. You were sitting at the barstool cradling a mug in both hands. Bucky took the seat next to you and nudged you good morning. You smiled back at him. It appeared they had just been talking about Wanda and Vision's early night departure tonight to make it back home in time for a friends birthday.
“Good Morning, Bucky,” Vision greeted at the same time Wanda threw a small wave.
“Mornin,” He yawned. 
“Nice to see you up. Bacon?” The red-head asked, gesturing to the pan.
“If you have enough, I wouldn’t mind some, thanks.”
“How is Miles feeling?” Vision asked over his shoulder to you as Wanda started plating the bacon.
“He’s feeling a lot better. He’s just resting right now.” You nodded, bringing the warm drink to your lips.
“That’s good.” 
“Yeah, poor guy,” you continued, wiping your upper lip, “the rain last night wasn’t helping either, but I think he eventually fell asleep around 2 A.M.”
Wanda gave you a sympathetic smile and handed Bucky a plate of bacon.
“Do you think he’ll be feeling well enough to go out to dinner tonight? I was talking to Vis and we were thinking about making reservations at a fancy restaurant for all of us, just a couple miles away.”
“That sounds like fun! I’m sure he’ll be back to normal by then.”
“Seeing as tonight will be our last night here, are we going to have a bonfire and participate in s’mores?” Vision asked.
“Can you believe Vis has never made a s’more before?” Wanda looked at Vision amazed.
“Well, I have no use for food.” He shrugged.
“Fair enough.”
“Bonfire on the beach, what could be better?” You piped, lightly punching Bucky’s arm in excitement.
“Not much.” He conceded.
Bucky could smell the trouble before he saw it. This morning was too peaceful, of course Miles had to ruin it by joining.
“Miles, good morning,” you smiled. 
That’s not your real smile, Bucky thought. Shut up. I’m just reading into things.
After a short chorus of “good mornings” to which Bucky contributed a grunt—what? That’s honestly the best he could do, especially so early in the day—Miles leaned over your shoulder and gave you a chaste kiss. 
“Have you brushed your teeth yet this morning?” You grimaced.
“No,” Miles smirked, leaning in for another kiss.
You dodged it, saying, “Your breath stinks,”
“Babe,” Miles groaned.
Bucky didn’t want to see anymore. He took his plate and silently left the room. He didn’t see you staring after him. 
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The rest of the day was calm. Bucky had spent a good deal of it walking up and down the beach, shuffling his feet in the sand, and inspecting something every so often. Miles had mostly continued to take it easy, you napped and hung out in the hammock on the porch, and Wanda and Vision took a trip to visit the hotel and take advantage of the pools and lazy river. 
Eventually, dinner time rolled around, and the group got dressed and left for their early reservation at “Gilded Reef,” the most recommended restaurant in town, according to Wanda.
It was hard for Bucky not to stare at you in your gorgeous white lace halter dress. He found himself glued to the single pearl that sat on a string across your neck, wondering if it was real.
Wanda also looked beautiful in her teal dress next to Vision who sported a similar teal suit. 
You convinced Bucky to bring a nice outfit in case the occasion arose, and he was glad he listened, unlike Miles. Because while Bucky was looking dashing in his slacks and white dress shirt, Miles looked out of place with his palm tree and flamingo themed Hawaiian shirt. To Miles’ credit, he did put in the effort of gelling his hair back, but it really made him look like more of a douche.
The five of you were placed at a circular table and given menus.
After the drinks arrived, and the food was ordered, there came a lull in the conversation. Miles, of course, took the opportunity to try and embarrass Bucky.
“I saw you walking around the beach by yourself for a long while today. What were you doing?”
“It’s nothing really,” Bucky shrugged, reaching into his front pocket, “I was just looking for one of these.”
Bucky pulled out a small disk and held it out for everyone to see.
“Oh my God, Bucky, you found a sand dollar? And it’s fully intact!” You gasped, grabbing Bucky’s hand and bringing it to you for a closer look.
Wanda made a couple of her own noises of admiration while swirling her wine.
“Cool, right?” Bucky said, trying to contain his smile at your reaction.
“The coolest! Look Miles,” you pointed to Bucky’s hand. 
“Yes, very neat.” He grit. 
“I’ll hold onto it for now, but when we get back we can add it to your collection.” Bucky suggested, sliding it carefully back into his pocket. 
Your jaw dropped. 
“You’re letting me keep it?” 
“Of course,” 
How could I not give it to you? I would give you anything, do anything, just to see you light up again.
Dinner was filled with great food and fun stories, but eventually it got late enough that the group knew they should be getting back. Wanda had tricked everyone into letting her pay the check, Miles told everyone he’d be right back, and Bucky went to wash his hands before leaving.
But as Bucky made his way to the restroom, he noticed a familiar Hawaiian shirt flirting with a waitress.
Bucky didn’t say anything as he ‘accidentally’ bumped into Miles while sliding past him.
He didn’t bother to look back for his reaction, and continued his way to the men’s restroom. 
Bucky had just turned the faucet on when the door opened.
“Hey, bud,” Miles smirked.
Bucky kept quiet, and focused on washing his hands.
“That girl was cute, huh?” 
Miles made his way behind Bucky, and stared at him through the glass.
Bucky grunted.
“You should’ve seen her ass,”
Bucky looked up and glared at Miles through the mirror so hard he felt the start of a headache.
“You know I’m not intimidated by you, right?” Miles snickered.
Bucky grabbed the paper towel and dried his hands. 
“You know what, Miles?” He started, calmly throwing the paper in the trash can. He finally turned to face him, and casually rested on the marble counter of the sink.
“Humor me.” He rolled his eyes.
“You act so smug, thinking you’ve won. You get off on thinking you’ve bested me. Because you got the girl.” Bucky stood up straighter and crossed his arms, speaking with an even tone. “But there’s one thing you just don’t know.”
“And what’s that, Barnes?” Miles asked, and mirrored Bucky’s crossed arms.
“You might be her boyfriend, but she loves me in ways she will never love you.” Bucky let it linger in the air a moment before continuing. 
“She loves me in the only way that matters. Because when she finds a new book she likes, she calls me. She tells me of how it reminds her of me, or summer, or childhood. And when she’s struggling, and she needs someone to pull her out of the darkness, she calls me, not you. I’m the one who talks her down, holds her close, and reminds her of how powerful she is. And when she’s bored out of her mind, even if you’re around, she calls me.”
Bucky took a calculated step forward. Miles took two steps back.
“I’m the one who knows all of her secrets, who held her when she couldn’t breathe, who was there for her, and still is there for her when she needs me. So I promise you, when you inevitably fuck things up with her,” Bucky continued stepping closer, “because trust me, you will fuck up, she’ll call me.” 
Miles bumped into the wall. He had run out of space to back up, and Bucky was now inches away from his face, towering over him, caging him like the animal he was.
“And I’ll be the one comforting her, kissing the tears away, and telling her everything will be alright. Not you.” Bucky took Miles' silence as an invitation to go on. “You’re right, Sweets,” Bucky started, acting as if he was conversing with you, “Miles is an asshole. He’s a fucking idiot for treating you that way, because no sane person would even flirt with the idea of losing you.”
“Shut up,” Miles wobbled, finally gaining an ounce of confidence after Bucky had already turned for the exit. 
Bucky stopped in his tracks and turned back around. 
“They say there is no such thing as perfect,” Bucky shook his head, “but I swear to any and every god listening, she is as fucking close to perfect as there is. That’s why I’m not worried about you, Miles. I’m worried about what you’ll do to her.”
And with that, Bucky left the room.
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The drive home was quick. The sun was only half-way down by the time Wanda got the bonfire started. Five logs were set up around the fire in a circle, all of them taken except one. You were still inside grabbing the s’mores materials. Between Bucky and Miles sat an empty log, your seat, and across from yours was Wanda and Vision. Bucky saw you step off of the back porch and stood up to meet you halfway. 
“Hey—” You started, but squealed when Bucky picked you up, and swung you over his left shoulder. “Bucky, what are you doing?” You laughed, trying not to drop the marshmallows. 
“You’re taking too long,” he joked, and started carrying you over to your seat. He made sure to watch for Miles' reaction. He was satisfied with the tick in Miles’ jaw.
“S’mores time!” You cheered once Bucky put you down on your seat. You started handing out the sticks and marshmallows. Everyone gathered in close and held their sticks over the fire. Except for Vision, he claimed he didn’t trust the marshmallow to not get stuck in a gear, or something.
“Damnit,” you cursed, after you dropped your nearly complete s’more in the sand, chocolate and everything.
“Here,” both Bucky and Miles said at the same time, handing you theirs.
“That’s okay, I can just make another one,”
“I’ll make another one, you can go ahead and have mine,” Bucky offered. 
“No, babe, you can take mine,” Miles insisted, practically shoving it into your hands.
“Oh—okay, thank you,” you stuttered.
Bucky held back a scowl.
“Y/N,” Wanda spoke, pausing to lick off some chocolate that stuck to her lips, “what was that story you were trying to tell me about earlier?”
“Oh yeah!” You glowed. “So when I was a teenager, and I was working at this grocery store, there was this one time I was in charge of cleaning the bathrooms, and that included the mens. While I was cleaning one of the toilets, I saw something move, and I freaked out. It was a freaking lizard in the toilet!”
“Oh yeah, and then you found that it had laid eggs in the urinals,” Miles quickly added, and laughed. 
“I was getting there,” you briefly pouted. 
What kind of game are you playing Miles? You think you know her stories more than me? I know these too.
“Okay, fine, new story.” You took another bite of your s’more. “One time, I was behind the register, and this older woman skipped the line behind the cashier counter and came right up to me wearing this heavy wool sweater with a christmas tree on it. Keep in mind, this is the middle of June. She turns around at the line of people behind her, shushes them when they start complaining, and turns back to me with a worried look on her face. So then this woman tells me that her—”
“That her credit card had been stolen on her way into the store—” Bucky jumped in.
“No,” you shook your head, “it was actually a man who had his card stolen, and this is a different story—” 
“Yeah, the one where the woman told you that she worked for the Illuminati as an undercover banker—” Miles interrupted.
“Wrong, I’m talking about when—”
“When a woman came up to you and challenged you to a thumb war for free groceries,” Bucky said.
“No, I—”
“The one where the woman walked behind the counter and started chanting that pumpkin spice lattes should be all season!” Bucky and Miles chanted in almost perfect synchronization.
“No, that’s a different story. Jeez, can’t a girl tell a story around here?” You awkwardly laughed.
“Sorry, go on.” Bucky apologized. 
“Anyways, so this woman tells me that she’s concerned because she’s noticed that her son—”
Miles jumped up in excitement and interrupted you.
“Because her son goes to the store everyday for hours, and she was concerned he was a part of some druggy group, but it turned out that her son was your manager Pat, and that’s how you confirmed Pat was still living with his mom, and that he lied about being uber-successful and owning his own party boat and mansion!” 
Everyone went silent.
“Way to ruin the story, Miles.” You sighed.
Wanda and Vision shared a look between each other.
“I’m getting drinks, anyone want anything?” You stood and tried to brush the sand off your legs with your dejection.
“We’re okay,” Wanda nodded, referencing herself and Vision.
“No thanks,” Miles said.
Bucky didn’t say anything.
You made your way inside, and Bucky aptly followed.
“I’m sorry Miles is being an ass.” Bucky left the back door cracked and followed you to the refrigerator.
“You kind of are too. What’s up with everyone tonight? I feel like I can’t finish a thought without being interrupted.” You grabbed a beer and shut the fridge door.
Bucky relented.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“No,” you sighed, and shook your head, “don’t apologize Bucky. I’m sorry I called you an ass, you aren’t. I’m just frustrated.” 
Miles entered the kitchen and shut the door behind him.
“Babe, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” You gave a weak smile, and grabbed the bottle opener.
“Here, I can help you open that.” Miles gestured.
“It’s fine, I got it.” You said.
“No, really, I got this. I’m really good at it,” Miles started reaching for the bottle.
“I can open my own damn beer,” you slammed your fist on the counter.
“Okay, okay.” Miles held his hands up in defense and backed off a little.
“Ugh,” you groaned, dragging your hands across your face, “I’m going to go take a shower.”
Miles perked up.
“Gimme a minute and I’ll join–-”
“Alone. I’m taking a shower alone.” You emphasized. 
You left the beer on the counter and trudged out. Miles turned to see Bucky staring right back at him.
“What are you looking at, dick?” 
“Nothing.” Bucky shrugged. 
“Wipe that smirk off your face or I’ll fucking do it myself.” 
“No you won’t.”
“That’s it, I’ve had enough of you.” Miles put his fists up. “Hit me. C’mon, hit me. I dare you.” 
“You dare me? What are you, twelve?”
“Just hit me.”
“I’m not going to hit you.” Bucky stated calmly.
“Me? Scared of you? Have you seen yourself? You’re as strong as you are good at keeping your girlfriend happy, which in case you haven’t noticed, you’re pretty shit at.”
“You fucking—” Miles started running and very quickly reached Bucky, but Bucky was faster. He dodged out of the way, leaving Miles nearly tripping onto the floor.
“Watch it,” Bucky warned, but Miles was already up again, and headed for him.
Miles swung at him, but Bucky caught the punch and sent Miles stumbling back.
“Miles! Miles, stop! Bucky!” Your voice called, and Bucky swung his head to locate you, giving Miles just enough time to land a hit on Bucky’s left eye.
“What the actual hell!” You screamed, running to stand in between them.
You pushed on Miles' chest to get him to back away from Bucky. Miles was struggling to contain his anger as you pushed him back, his chest heaving with leftover adrenaline. 
“What happened? I heard yelling,” Wanda panted, bursting into the room, Vision trailing behind her.
“Wanda, please stay with Miles to cool off,” you begged, still using your body to keep Miles from attacking again.
Wanda nodded, and took your place. 
“Bucky, outside. Now.” You pointed to the back door.
He knew better than to question you. 
Fuck. She’s really mad.
Bucky obeyed, and closed the door behind him. He followed the wooden porch to the stairs, and sat on the last step, digging his feet into the cool sand. Wanda and Vision had put out the fire, great billowing smoke greeting the starry sky. He liked the quiet out there. The waves softly meeting the shore was a lullaby for him.
The creak of a door alerted him to your presence. You sighed, and sat down right next to him with an ice pack in hand.
Neither of you said a word as you gently brought the pack to just above his left eye. Luckily, Miles was off by enough that Bucky’s eye was safe, just not the area around his eyebrow.
After a couple moments of quiet, you spoke.
“You’re not in the clear either, you know that?” Your voice was soft, despite the words.
Bucky nodded.
“There is no good excuse for him attacking you,” You started, and made sure Bucky was hearing you, “however, I know Miles, and I also know you. And I don't know what you did, or said, but I know you did something to antagonize him.”
He mumbled something. You didn’t bother asking him what it was.
“Look at me,” you begged. 
He did. You carefully removed the ice pack and he winced. 
You looked straight into his eyes, your brows slightly furrowed, your lips slightly down turned. He couldn’t look away, waiting with bated breath for you to say something. Anything.
“Bucky,” was all you said. 
That was all you had to say. He knew what you meant. He knew you were asking him “what happened?” he knew you meant you felt guilty, he knew you wanted to cry.
You looked at him expectantly.
“Doll, I—I’m sorry.”
“What’s going on with you?” You brought the ice back to his rapidly darkening bruise.
Bucky sucked in a breath. He wasn’t sure how to answer. 
Make the wave, Bucky. Make the wave.
“I need to tell you something.” He brought his hand up to yours and made you lower the ice pack.
“Doll, for a very long time I’ve been feeling…” The words died off. He tried again. “You’re my best friend, and I love you.”
“I love you too, Bucky. Always.” 
“I know, but Doll I’m in—”
The crash of a door closing stopped him.
“Babe, will you come talk to me now?” Miles whined, attempting a pout.
“Miles, just give me a minute. What were you saying, Bucky?” Your eyes sparkled, looking intently in his.
Bucky sighed.
“It’s not important right now, I’ll tell you later.”
You looked away and nodded sadly.
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It was 12am, and Bucky couldn’t sleep. He was only thinking about how close he was to telling you the truth. 
Giving up on sleep for the time being, he slid out of bed to get some water. But on his way to the kitchen, he passed the couch, and there you laid. He instantly forgot about the water and kneeled in front of you. Your eyes were shut, but you didn’t look peaceful. Your eyebrows were drawn together, and Bucky fought the instinct to smooth them out.
“Doll,” he whispered, resting his palm on your shoulder. “Doll?”
“Mhuh?” You mumbled, blinking your eyes open. 
“Why are you sleeping on the couch?”
“Is that actually comfortable for you?” He asked, noting the way you curled in on yourself under the small blanket.
“It works.”
“Do you want to come lay in my bed?”
“Okay.” He turned to walk away.
“Fine,” you grumbled, reaching for his hand.
You slowly got up, and sluggishly followed Bucky to his bed. You crawled in and under the blankets, and he filed in behind you.
“G’night,” you mumbled, heavy eyes already falling shut.
“Goodnight, Doll,” he tenderly whispered, blushing at how soft you were.
Bucky laid a small kiss on your forehead. He didn’t miss the faint upturn of your lips.
I love you, Doll.
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A/N: Thank you my loves for reading! ONLY ONE MORE PART TO GO WOOHOO! I appreciate each and every one of you. Now get out there and make the wave!!
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fandoms-writings · 1 year ago
Now or Never
Pairing: Best-Friend!Bucky x Virgin!Reader (fem intended)
Word Count: 6.2K (it was supposed to be a drabble oops)
Summary: Based off the prompts "You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart." for my milestone event, requested by nonnie.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, mentions of a bad date, explicit p in v sex, oral (male receiving), fingering, swearing, bucky talks a lot in bed, weed and alcohol consumption. (if I missed any, please let me know)
A/N: thank you so so much to @bucksangel and @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare for beta reading for me, i love you both so so much.
Masterpost || Bucky Masterlist
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You sat in your car, frustration and disappointment rolling off of you in waves. 
Another bad date, another guy just obsessed with hearing himself talk and not once allowing you to get a word in. That topped with how he called you a prude at the end left the worst taste in your mouth. 
You didn't want to go home to your empty apartment, already sick of the silence filling your car, so you scrolled through your contacts, thinking who would be up for hanging out with so little notice. 
Your lip found its way between your teeth as you passed your best friend's name. You weren't sure if he'd be busy or not, or if he'd be in the mood to hang out, but seeing him would help your mood. Plus. . . you blanched at the image that clouded your mind. Maybe he could help with your little problem - if you had the guts to even ask. 
You pressed the dial button before you could talk yourself out of it, waiting for him to pick up as you chewed on your nail.
Just when you were about to hang up, giving up for the night, the tone clicked and his voice filtered through the speaker. 
"Hey Peach," His voice was gruff and you could feel some of your frustration ebbing away already, "What's going on?" 
"Hey, Buck," You sighed, "Are you busy?" 
"Not currently, why?" 
"Can I come over for a minute?"
"Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" He chuckled. You could hear him shuffling through what you assumed was his kitchen, the opening and closing of cupboards sounding through the little speaker. 
"I was." You didn't give him anymore than that, and he was only silent for a small moment before he hummed. 
"Alright, get your cute butt over here so you can tell me all about it," He ordered and you couldn't help the heat that grew in your skin at the compliment. "Want me to pack a bowl too?" 
You giggled at that before agreeing. "After today, please. I'll pay you back for it." 
"How many times do I gotta tell you not to worry about that?" He laughed, "Now get over here. Drive safe." 
"I will." You hung up the phone with a sigh before starting your car and heading over to his place, but not before stopping and picking up a bottle of wine on the way. 
It wasn't long before you were hiking up the steps to the house he rented. It was small, and not in the best neighborhood, but he didn't have to worry about sharing walls with anyone else and it was bigger than your apartment, so you didn't mind. Plus, you knew he'd never let anything happen to you. 
He pulled open the door before you had a chance to knock, giving you a grin that was equally empathetic as it was smug. He liked to relish in the fact that he always knew guys weren't going to be good enough for you, telling you before every date you went on that it'd be a waste of time. 
But that didn't mean that he was happy you weren't having a good time. 
"Come on," He reached his hand out for you, "Let's get you giggly again." 
You chuckled at that before landing the bottle of wine in his outstretched hand, the raise of his eye brows pulling up the corners of your lips. 
"Super giggly is the goal then." He stepped away from the door, letting you in before closing and locking it behind you. 
"You sure you don't mind me dropping by this late?" 
He scoffed at that, leading the way to his kitchen and pulling out two wine glasses, "You know my door is always open for you, right?"
You shrugged, "I know that, but still, you can always tell me no." 
"Now, Peach, why would I do that? I'm not going to say no to hanging out with my favorite person." Heat spread through your skin again at his words, and the teasing wink he threw your way. 
You didn't mind that he flirted with you, whether flirting was his intention or not, you weren't quite sure. But either way, it made you feel somewhat seen. Liked. 
"I thought Steve was your favorite person," You lifted yourself onto his countertop, hissing at the cold that met your thighs. You cursed the version of yourself that decided shorts were a good idea.  "It'd be a shame if he heard that wasn't true." 
"He knows where he stands with me, don't worry." He handed you a poured glass, clinking his own against it before leaning against the opposite counter. "Now, do you want to tell me what happened now, or do you want to smoke first?" 
You chuckled at that, taking a sip of your wine, "How about I tell you while we smoke, then by the time we're good and high, I don't have to think about it anymore?" 
He gave you one of his little grins, nodding his head. "You got it." 
You followed him outside, getting comfortable in the large papasan chair as he plugged in the string of lights hung over the small porch. He got comfortable in his seat before offering you the bong and a lighter, letting you take the first drag. 
It didn't take long to fill Bucky in on what had transpired on your date. How Mark didn't even try to act interested in anything you had to say. How he'd made you meet him at the restaurant instead of offering to pick you up, which in the end ended up being a silver lining because you didn't have to ask him to drive you home. 
You'd gotten to the part where your date had called you a prude and what you'd told him to cause that comment, and the words caught in your throat. You'd never told Bucky you were a virgin, not that it mattered, you knew he wouldn't judge you for it. It was just something that never came up. 
Maybe it was what happened tonight, the comments and the way your date acted afterwards, that made you not want to tell him. Or maybe it was the pity in his eyes that had grown since you'd started your story. Or. . . or it could've been the rather not small bit of your heart that belonged to him already that stopped you. If others didn't like that you were a virgin in your twenties, and didn't want to be with someone so inexperienced, why would he?
He caught on to your hesitation, setting the bong down as he turned to face you with his brows pulled forward. 
"What happened?" He asked, and you looked to your lap, pulling your feet under you and wrapping your sweater around you. 
You could tell him, you knew he wouldn't judge you, wouldn't tease you for it. You knew that, so why was it so hard to tell him when you told anyone else without a care in the world? You sighed, barely meeting his gaze. 
"Promise me you won't judge me?" You whispered and he leaned forward. 
"I'd never judge you for anything. I promise." 
You nodded, more to yourself in reassurance to let the words out. "The only thing he either heard me say about myself, or that he decided to pay attention to, was the fact that I'm a virgin," You refused to meet Bucky's gaze as he went still, "That seemed to get his attention because then he started assuming I was going home with him after he pretty much ignored me all night. Like I was some prize to be won. A trophy."
You took a breath taking a small glance at Bucky to see his eyes trained on your face, but no emotion peaking through his features other than his fists clenched in his lap, knuckles white. 
"When I told him I was just gonna go home, his attitude shifted again and he proceeded to call me a selfish prude." The words rang in your head again, his mocking tone clear in your ears before you forced yourself to push it out. 
Bucky still hadn't said anything, his red eyes locked on your form, tucked into your chair as you reached for your wine glass. It wasn't until you'd taken a lengthy sip and had the cup nestled in your hands in your lap that he spoke up. 
"You deserve better than that," He started, "And I'm sorry that he treated you like that, Peach." 
Looking over to him, you saw the sincerity in his eyes, the heaviness in them as he refused to look away. You shrugged mumbling that it's fine before looking down to your wine glass again. "I don't really want to dwell on it." 
"Okay," He angled his head to catch your eye, giving you a soft smile. "You just let me know when you want me to kick this guy's ass and consider it done." 
You laughed at that, clutching your glass in your lap so it didn't fall. He smirked at you, seemingly pleased with himself for getting you to laugh as he leaned back in his chair. 
"Can I ask you something?" He asked after a moment. 
Your focus zeroed in on him, his arm thrown over the curved back of his chair, one of his legs folded under the other, his free hand resting on his thigh as he studied you. You swallowed around the dryness in your mouth and nodded. 
"Is there a. . .  specific reason you're still a virgin?" He asked. You could tell he wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, he was genuinely curious. 
"I guess I was scared at first," You started, remembering how you felt in high school when your best friend told you about how she'd lost her virginity. The idea always seemed daunting, like it was something you were supposed to do to 'become an adult.' But it was intimidating. "I didn't want to force it, wanted it to be something natural, I guess." 
"And you haven't had anyone to give you that chance?" 
You stilled for a second, shaking your head. 
He hummed, at your silence, or your answer, you couldn't tell, but he fell quiet after that, staring at the trees in the yard. 
You finished your glass of wine and set it aside, you fingers beginning to slightly numb in the cold before you tucked them into your legs, your mind starting to get fuzzy. You couldn't tell if it was the wine or the weed starting to kick in that made you ask, "Is it a bad thing?" 
He whipped his head towards you, his brows pulled together in confusion. "Being a virgin?" At your tentative nod, his face softened and he shook his head, "Not at all." 
"Then why do people act like the guy tonight whenever they find out?" You muttered and he sighed, shifting so that he was leaning his elbows on his knees. 
"Maybe it's intimidating, being someone's first." 
Your eyes refused to leave his, your nerves starting to warm as you asked, "What about you?" You asked, readjusting in your seat to angle yourself more towards him, "Would you be intimidated?" 
He simply stared at you for a moment before shaking his head, "No." There was something about the way he said it, the roughness of his voice and the confidence in his short answer, that had you trying to subtly clench your thighs together. 
You hated to admit it, but you'd thought about it before. Hell, you thought about it on the way over.  About sleeping with him. About his rough hands on your skin, what it would feel like to have his lips on yours, his fingers in -
"You okay?" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked back to him, heat rising up the back of your neck. You went to tell him you were fine, that you just wanted to get a drink, maybe watch a movie, but a voice in the back of your head grew too loud to ignore. "Peach?" 
The voice told you to ask him for it. To ask him to be your first. You trusted him with your life, you'd trust him with taking your virginity too. You know you would. But you couldn't ask that. What if he said no? What if he was mortified? It wasn't something you could just tell him to pretend you didn't ask for, that's not how that worked. 
He was still staring at you, allowing you to have as long as you needed before you told him whatever it was that was going through your head. 
Now or never, the voice reminded you, and you took a breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable rejection you felt you knew he was going to give you. 
"I'm over it," You muttered, and before he could ask what you were talking about, "I don't want to be a virgin anymore." He watched you, unsure if you were finished speaking yet, but when the words died on your tongue, he nodded. 
"Okay," His voice was rough and hoarse and dangerously quiet as he waited to hear what you wanted to do about what you'd said. 
"I trust you," You whispered, "More than anyone." His eyes widened just a fraction as you stared at him. Your hands gripped your legs as you mustered up just enough courage to get the words out, "Would. . . would you be my first?" 
 The confusion fell from his face, concern taking its place. He cleared his throat and his voice was dangerously low, “Is this the wine talking?” 
Your heart fell, you knew you shouldn’t have asked. You knew. Yet you asked anyway. You let out a shaky breath, moving to stand. “I shouldn’t have asked, forget about it.” You stood, moving to pick up what needed to go inside when his hand grasped yours. 
“That’s not. . .” He started and you turned to him,  he was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide as he stared up at you, “I mean is that something you truly want? It’s not just the wine?”
You took a moment to look at him, to really look. You’ve held his stare so many times before, but you’d never seen the look in his eyes that was there now. Like it was taking everything in him not to jump up and do what you’d asked. 
Like he — like he wanted it just as much as you did. 
You faced him completely, placing yourself between his knees and resting your hands on his shoulders, his hands falling to wrap around the backs of your thighs. 
“I just don’t want you to regret asking me,” he muttered, his fingers drawing patterns across the backs of your legs, “I don’t want you regretting me.” 
Your hands settled at the sides of his neck, the stubble on his chin scraping against your thumbs as you pushed to angle his head up to you again. You leaned down, your nose brushing against his as your breaths mingled between you. 
“Bucky. . . " You started, but he shook his head. 
"Wait," It was a gasp, like he was fighting himself, "You need to know that if you let me have you," he looked up at you and you were finally able to see how his pupils had blown, the blue of his eyes almost completely swallowed, "I don't plan on letting you go. Ever." 
Your body froze in his hold, his fingers tightening on your legs. "What are you saying?" 
His eyes softened on you and a small, nervous smile grew on his lips, "That I've wanted you since we met, but didn't want to scare you off." He tugged on your legs, pulling you into his lap, your knees landing on either side of his hips. His hands moved up to your lower back, his thumbs barely moving under your shirt, but stopping before he went any further. "I've been pining after you for years." 
It was like you were snapped back to reality, the raspiness in his voice and his calloused fingers brushing against your skin bringing you back from your stupor. But there were no words to convey how you felt, at least not any you could form at the moment. The only thing your brain and your heart were telling you, was to press your lips against his. 
So you did.
His fingers tightened against your back, pressing you into his chest as his lips moved in tandem with yours. It was slow at first, the soft nips to your bottom lip and the way his tongue hesitantly slid across your bottom lip. Your lips parted and the second your tongue met his, a groan rumbled through his chest, his hands sliding up your back under your shirt. Your hips ground down of their own accord and he swallowed the whine you let out as your core was met with the growing bulge under his jeans. 
Time seemed to slow, and by the time you pulled back panting, eyes locked on his, you weren't sure how long you'd been there. But by the way your heart was soaring, you knew you didn't want to be anywhere else, ever again. 
"We should go inside," he whispered, bringing up one of his hands to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing against your swollen lips. "I don't want the neighbors hearing you." 
You two didn't last long apart once you pried yourself from his lap. The second you both set everything on the counter inside, his hands found their way to your skin again, pushing up the back of your shirt as he pulled you flush with his chest, his feet guiding you to his bedroom. 
The edge of his bed met the backs of your knees, and he gently pushed you back, crawling up with you as you nudged your way up to his pillows. His lips attached to your neck, gently biting where it met your shoulder, his breath fanning against your skin and sending shivers down your spine. 
"I'll take good care of you," He breathed, pulling back to look at you, "I promise." 
You nodded, reaching around to shove his shirt up his back, "I know, I trust you." He smiled at you before pushing your shirt up, over your head and your arms. and dropping his head and dragging his lips across every inch of skin he could reach. 
 "Arch your back for me?" He asked, only lifting his lips enough to get the words out before they went back to nipping at your skin. You did as he asked, his fingers slipping through the clasp on your bra and undoing it. He helped you out of it, sitting up to pull it up from your arms and throwing it to the side to join your shirt. 
You looked up to find his eyes locked on you and you couldn't help the sudden nervousness rise in your chest as he stared at you. His hands caught your arms trying to move to cover your breasts and he shook his head. 
"Don't hide," He said, "You're fucking gorgeous." 
You giggled, the butterflies in your stomach from his words mixed with the substances in your system making it impossible to fight it off and he smiled down at you. 
"There she is," He whispered, "God, I love your laugh." 
"Heavy with the compliments tonight aren't you?" You breathily asked, the heat in your skin rising as he removed his shirt, his muscled chest seemingly glowing in the warm hue of the lights. 
"I've been waiting to give you some very specific compliments," He leaned over you, "So you better get used to it." 
His lips captured yours again as his hands trailed down your stomach, his fingers gently pushing at the waistband of your shorts. 
"Can I?" He asked, his fingers stopping. 
He chuckled at the eagerness in your voice before he pulled away and helped you out of your shorts, pulling your panties with them. He dragged his fingers down your hips and your thighs as he took you in. You could see his chest rising and falling at an uneven pace before he looked up at you. 
"You're already wet sweetheart," He rasped, "Can I play with you?" 
The fact that you were bare before him and he was still asking for permission sent even more heat to your core and you could feel yourself clench around nothing as your breath hitched in your throat. You nodded sitting up on your elbows to meet his lowering mouth with your own, earning a moan from him as you dragged your teeth along his bottom lip. 
His fingers were sure in their movements as they met your folds, brushing up to circle around your clit before sliding back down to circle around your entrance, your hips bucking into his touch. He pulled his mouth away as he slowly slid a finger in, pressing the palm of his hand down into your clit. 
"Oh I love this," He said, his head dropping down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, lightly dragging his teeth across it before swirling his tongue around it. He pumped his finger a few times before slowly adding a second, and growling into your skin as your fingers threaded through his hair, pulling at the strands, his fingers curling up, like he was searching for something. 
"What?" It came out as a breath, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak any louder as you tried to keep the noises that built in your chest to a minimum. You knew they were normal, but you didn't want to seem as desperate as you really felt. 
"I love that no one else has had the pleasure of seeing you like this, that no one has touched you," He said the words into your skin, his lips brushing against your nipple as he spoke and grinning when his fingers brushed against a certain spot. 
"Shit - Do that again," the request broke through your lips in a whine, but you were too focused on him to notice. He grinned, curling his fingers into that spot again, pulling another wail from your throat. 
 "I love that no one's been inside you, that they don't get to have you," He angled his fingers to brush against that spongy spot over and over as he pumped them in and out, "But I do." 
He kept his fingers pace agonizingly slow, to not drive you over the edge so quickly but you couldn't help the movement of your hips trying to get more friction. His other hand came up to your chest, gently pushing you down so you were comfortable. 
"I'll go slow at first," He started, his fingers slowing even more, if that was possible, "Let you get used to it - to me, before I ruin you," His fingers began to spread, pushing your walls apart as they dragged across them before coming to a halt. "Do you know the traffic light system?" He asked, and at your nod he grinned, "Tell me." 
You swallowed around the breath catching in your throat, "Red is stop, green is go, yellow is slow down." His smile grew. 
"Perfect, I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with, so you use that if you need to, alright?" When you nodded, he went back to pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, noticing you practically biting through your lip to keep quiet and he tsked, his free hand moving to pull it from your teeth, "Let me hear you, Peach." 
The second you let your lip go, a lewd moan filled the air. You went to bite your lip again, to hide the noises that were waiting to get out, and Bucky shook his head as his thumb found its way to your tongue, softly pressing down to keep your mouth open. 
"Don't hide those noises from me," He practically begged, "I need to hear you." It was the tone of desperation that took over his calm confidence that had you nodding, promising not to hide anymore. "Is there anything you want to do?"
"What do you mean?" You breathed, trying to hone your focus on him. 
"Well, it's your first time," He started, pushing his fingers as far as he could and smiling at the moan you let out, "Was there anything you wanted to try?" 
You thought back to the times you shamefully allowed yourself to fantasize about him. How he'd feel on top of you, in you. How his hips would feel driving into yours, the fullness you'd finally experience. How the weight of him would feel against your tongue. 
You felt your skin get hot as you looked up at him, trying not to cover yourself with how self conscious you suddenly felt. But when your eyes met his, all you saw was patience and adoration as he watched you, so you swallowed down your nerves. 
"I want to taste you," You muttered and he groaned, his fingers stilling in you, "and ride you." 
"Shit," He smiled at you, "You're really not that innocent are you?" 
He pulled his fingers free of you before you could answer, and you whined at the now empty feeling in between your legs, a whine that dragged on longer as you watched him lift his fingers to his mouth. His eyes rolled back and he moaned as he tasted you. 
"Fuck," he groaned, "I knew you'd taste good." 
He pulled his body up from yours, ridding himself of the last of his clothes, and you couldn't help but look down, eyeing the length of his cock as it stood at attention. Unable to stop yourself from reaching out, your fingers brushed against the underside and the shiver that clearly ran up Bucky's spine gave you a boost of confidence. 
You crawled across the bed to where he stood at the end, fighting the nerves that were tingling through every part of you as you slid to the floor in front of him. The carpet dug into your knees as you kneeled, looking up at him through your lashes. His hand came down to trace your cheek before cupping it. 
"You don't have to if you don't want to," He said and you smiled. 
"I know, I want to." You eyed him before moving your hand to grip him at the base, holding him still while you dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock before wrapping your lips around the head, the taste of his skin and the precum leaking from the tip flooding your tongue. 
"Oh, fuck," He gasped and his hips stuttered, pushing himself past your lips just a bit before he caught himself and pulled back. "Shit - sorry."
Instead of pulling your mouth off of him, you looked up at him and hummed before taking him further, watching his eyes flutter closed and roll back as your tongue slid along his length. His fingers twitched at his sides like they were reaching for you but he was fighting himself. You reached up with your free hand and pulled his grasping fingers towards the top of your head where they hesitantly laced into your hair. 
He breathed a heavy sigh as he gently tugged on your hair, the whine you let out around him causing his hips to jolt again. 
"Fuck, Peach," He rasped, his voice hoarse as he looked down at you. The sound of his voice and the way he looked at you alone was enough to have you clenching around nothing, but what he said next was what got to your head, sending you into a type of haze you'd never experienced before. "Unless you want me to fuck your pretty face, you gotta stop doing that." 
 Your free hand reached around his thigh, gripping it as you hummed again, the vibrations clearly running through every one of Bucky's nerves as he shuddered. 
"Is that what you want?" He asked, a cocky grin growing on his lips as he looked down at you, your head bobbing, "You want me to fuck your pretty mouth before I fuck that pretty pussy?" 
A high pitched whine rumbled in your throat and his hips bucked forward, his hand in your hair pulling your head forward. He was gentle with it, only pushing himself so far back in your mouth, doing his best not to make you gag, all the while a string of curses and compliments showered you as your eyes watered and a mix of your spit and his precum had started to slide down your chin. 
He pulled your head back, pulling himself from your mouth, the stiffness in your jaw a welcome sensation when accompanied by the heavy look in his eyes. He took your hand in his, helping you move back to the bed and settling in between your legs as he kissed his way down the side of your neck, his hand wrapping around the other side. His teeth grazed your skin, sending chills through your spine as you reached around to grip at his back. 
Pulling his head from your neck, his voice just above a whisper as he asked, "Are you ready?" You nodded, but he shook his head, "I need to hear you say it, baby, you gotta tell me." A bloom of warmth spread through your chest at the care exuding from the furrow in his brows. 
You wrapped your hands around the sides of his head, your thumbs brushing along the lines of his jaw, "Fuck me, Bucky," You whispered, "please." He nodded before capturing your mouth with his once before sitting up a bit and reaching over to his nightstand, his hand coming back with a condom and a small bottle of what you assumed was lube. 
Once he had the condom on, he popped open the cap of the lube, pouring some in his hand and spreading it over himself, then getting a bit more and looking at you. "It's a little cold, but it's gonna help, I promise." 
"Okay," You nodded and braced yourself for the chill that came when his fingers rubbed the lube through your folds, your skin sensitive to his calloused skin. 
"Spread your legs baby," he watched your legs open for him, "that's it. . . wider." Your legs spread as far as you could, "Such a good girl all spread out for me." He smiled before lining the head of his cock up with your dripping entrance, slowly pushing in with a hiss. 
The stretch burned and your hands shot to cling to his arms, your nails leaving crescent shaped indents in his skin. His eyes locked with yours, "Breathe baby, breathe," He strained, "I'm right here." You let loose a tight breath through your nose as you held his gaze. He kept pushing in, taking his time until he was all the way in, a strange type of fullness taking over you - an addicting kind. 
He dragged his fingers across your skin, kneading the muscles in your hips, legs, and arms as he waited for you to adjust, talking you through it with a whole array of compliments. When the burn from the stretch turned into a need for him to move, you shifted your hips and loosed a moan when the head of his cock brushed against that same spot his fingers had expertly found earlier. 
A breathy chuckle fanned your skin as he smiled down at you, "Ready for me to move?" At your quiet confirmation, he began slowly rocking his hips into yours, the drag of his cock against your walls addicting - but you needed more. 
"M-more. . ." you panted and he smirked. 
"More what?" He asked, not stopping the slow drag movements of his hips as if he knew it was driving you mad, which he probably did if you were being honest. 
You swallowed your nerves, "Faster," he brushed that spot again, "fuck - harder." 
He nodded, moving his hands to the back of each of your knees, holding your legs open, "Can I have my way with you? You can ride me later?" You forgot about that, about saying you wanted to ride him. You did, you wanted him under you writhing for you like you were for him now, but you weren't sure you could handle taking over right now so you nodded. You just wanted him to make you feel good and to fucking move already. 
"Yes," You whined, trying to move your hips against his again, but with how he was holding your legs, you couldn't move much. "Just move." You didn't care how desperate you sounded now, you were going to go insane if he didn't do something other than slowly drag himself in and out, stopping just before hitting that perfect spot. 
"Say please." You scowled at him. Sometimes you forgot how cocky he could get, though this was the first time his cockiness made you even more needy for him. 
"Fuck," You muttered, the pressure growing low in your belly, "please Bucky."
"I got you," He pushed you knees closer to your chest as he leaned over you, thrusting into the base, hitting that spot that made you see stars before pulling out just as quick and doing it again. 
It felt like the air had been sucked out of your chest as you held his gaze, his hips unrelenting in his thrusts, the sound of skin slapping filling your ears in between the moans that fell from both of you. 
"God," He panted, "You feel so good around me, I always knew you would." He dropped one of your legs, reaching up to palm your breast and taking the pebbled nipple in between his fingers, "Fuckin' made for me, weren't you?" 
A loud moan tore its way through your throat as you reached for him, your hand finding his neck, nails raking down to the middle of his chest, his hips driving home even harder. You could feel that somewhat familiar crest quickly approaching, knowing the feeling from your nights alone where all you had were your fingers. But you didn't want this to end. You wanted to stay here, his cock filling you up and hitting that one spot over and over. 
Something in your face, or maybe it was the way your breathing became more controlled, told Bucky that you were trying to fight it off as long as you could and he smirked before slowing down just enough to let your knees go and tell you, "Wrap your legs around my waist." 
You quickly followed his instruction as he leaned over you, grabbing the headboard with one hand and circling your clit with the thumb of his other. You couldn't hold back the almost scream that erupted from your chest at the sensation and he smiled. 
"Don't fight it, baby," He coaxed, "Just let it happen." He quickened the pace of both his hips and his thumb, trying to push you over that edge. "C'mon, Peach," he was practically begging now, "Let me have it."
The thread holding you back was fraying quickly, ready to snap and he knew it. 
Your breath hitched and he smirked, still keeping his pace as he muttered, "Give it to me." 
The thread snapped. Pleasure crashed into you, a roaring in your ears as your body tightened under his, your walls clenching around him as he continued his determined thrusts. Your hands grasped at his back, your nails raking down his skin. Your legs locked around him. 
You were sure you screamed. 
"That's it, baby," He panted into your ear, his hips becoming sporadic, "Keep coming - fuck - keep gripping me like that." You weren't sure how exactly to do what he was asking, but in your daze, you did your best, tightening your muscles as much as you could. 
He gasped, gripping your hip tight enough to bruise you were sure. His hips stilled and his head buried into your neck as he shouted. 
He gently rested his weight on you, pushing you into the mattress and trailing small kisses along your neck and shoulder where his head still rested. He waited until you'd caught your breath and your eyes were clear before speaking again. 
"Are. . . are you alright?" He asked, worry replacing the pleasure that had been on his face just moments ago. 
You gave him a dizzy smile, nodding, "I'm perfect." 
A large smile grew on his face as he chuckled, his hand raising to cup your chin, pulling himself forward to gently press his lips to yours. "Good," he muttered against your lips, "You make such a cute face when you cum, did you know that?" 
You felt your skin heat as you tried to shove his now laughing face away from you. "Shut up!"
"What?!" He roared, "It's true!" He grabbed your hands in his, pinning them above you. He was still smiling as he looked down at you, his pupils still blown wide, "I wanna see you make it again." 
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icarusfallingg · 8 months ago
Dropped from a burning plane in the middle of hostile land, running for days with barely any food. Getting captured, dragged through a broken apart city with his brothers in arms. Watching them all be beaten and shot, killed in a flurry of rage and grief by simple german citizens. Getting beaten bloody himself, thrown on a cart with the rest of those he travelled with to be buried in a mass grave. Escaping by a hair, only to be captured again and thrown in a musky cell with scratched out walls. Being interrogated and having to hold himself together at the idea of Gale being dead, and a simple German interrogator withholding the information of his safety from the tortured man.
Eventually being dragged to Stalag |||, already the shell of the man he once was.
Simple words, a simple call. One he would have been so familiar with, especially from that voice. And yet, as he walked through the gates into the stalag he had never felt happier hearing them
“John Egan! Your two o’clock”
Etched on the inside of his eyelids was those words, Bucks expression, the feeling of his warm embrace in the cabin afterwards. In that moment, Bucky couldn’t have; wouldn’t have felt any better.
In moments alone, he would remind Gale of the moment. ‘Best moment of my life’ he would say, even after they had settled into eachothers embrace properly; firmly.
To Bucky, Gale meant the whole world. That day, seeing his friends? Wonderful. But the moment he heard the familiar husk and western drawl; the moment he turned to meet the familiar blue eyes that often haunted his dreams he knew he would never feel better.
He fell after that, but he fell because he knew his Buck was there to catch him, to stifle his fall. The entire time they were pulled apart from each other Bucky had to hold himself together with the fragile memories of fleeting moments spent together in the dead of night. Secrets whispered to each other in their barracks.
Bucky was a shell, held together by tape weaved by the careful hands of Gale W. Cleven, the tape proved fragile when touched by those same hands but to be fixed, and restored sometimes you must break wholly and entirely in order to return to what you once were, even if it’s a mere reflection of it.
There was countless things against the men; laws, war, distance, jobs, a fence put up by senseless Germans, and yet Bucky knew he would push through anything in order to even have a chance to ask if he could hold Gale the way he held countless women
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buckbuckbarnesstuff · 8 months ago
Can feel that heartbreak, but the end made me whole again. This is lovely, thank you!!
11:59 pm, December 31
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moodboard is just for vibes, not what reader looks like
Pairing: bestfriend!bucky x f!reader (any race), College AU
WC: 1.7k
Summary: You've been in love with your best friend Bucky Barnes since fourth grade, but to him, you're just his best friend. It's New Year's Eve, maybe tonight will be different.
Notes: I'm kinda obsessed with this... Also! This is for @buckyjmsbarnes writing challenge :) The prompt I used is “how do you get over someone who never was yours”
Tags: angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, light swearing
my masterlist / please let me know if you'd like to be added to my anything-Bucky taglist!
You sit out on the wooden swing in your backyard and stare up at the sky. It’s a cloudless night, the moon is full, and there are more stars than usual. Normally, the stars are a comfort to you, but tonight all they do is remind you of Bucky.
Bucky, your best friend since fourth grade.
Bucky, the boy who every girl he’s ever met, falls in love with.
Bucky, the boy you’ve been in love with since the day you met him. He’s never seen you like that, though. To him, you’re just his best friend, the person he can go to with all his girl problems. And for a long time, you didn’t mind. You were just happy to be there for him. You’d take him in whatever way he was willing to be there.
But as the years went by, you realized he’d never feel the same way about you. So you accepted your fate and decided that you were perfectly fine being ‘just friends’ with Bucky Barnes. And that’s how it’s been, through high school and now in college, you’ve been his friend through it all.
Now, it’s your final year of college, and you’re sitting in your backyard on New Year’s Eve alone. It’s cold, the snow has seeped into your boots and soaked your socks, but you don’t care. All you can think about is the party you’d run away from 45 minutes ago. You and Bucky had gone together, hung out, and then he just disappeared. Eventually, you found him settled on the couch with some girl you went to high school with in his lap. Her fingers twisted in his hair, and he looked up at her with those bright blue eyes.
You snapped. You couldn’t stand it. Right as you saw him wink at that girl, you turned around and walked away. You walked straight out of the house and back to your parent’s place. It was a 20-minute walk, but the cold winter air helped calm you down. Instead of heading inside, you made your way into the backyard and sat down on the old wooden swing. Your dad had hung it up when you were five, and once Bucky moved next door, it quickly became your favorite hangout spot.
This was where Bucky had hugged you while you cried about Cara Smith telling you that your bow looked stupid. It’s where Bucky had told you about his crush on Samantha Truen in 6th grade, and it’s also where he’d told you his plans to break up with her three weeks later. Freshman year of high school, you cried to Bucky when Eli Henry bailed on you for Homecoming. Bucky told you of countless girlfriends and their inevitable breakups right here on this swing.
So tonight, the night you’ve finally reached your breaking point, you stare up at the stars and wonder why they’ve done this to you. Why did they make that kind, beautiful, blue-eyed boy move in next door all those years ago? Why did they make you fall in love with him? And why did they make him fall in love with everyone else?
The stars blur as tears well in your eyes. How many times have you sat right here in this swing and cried over Bucky Barnes? Far too many times to count. Countless shooting stars, hundreds of wishes made on 11:11, hoping and praying for Bucky to just love you back.
Maybe that’s why tonight, seeing him with that girl who probably never even knew you existed in high school, you cracked. Bucky will never see you the way you see him. You’ll always just be his friend. Nothing more.
But how are you just supposed to forget about your feelings for him? You’ve tried before, but he comes back with that fucking smile, and you’re sucked right back in.
How do you get over someone who never was yours?
How do you mourn a relationship that never even began?
When you look back up at the sky, you feel the constellations mocking you. They are perpetually placed in the heavens with their mates, beautifully paired for the world to see.
Footsteps crunch in the snow, but you don’t turn to look at them; you already know who it is. As he gets closer, you smell his cologne filling the air around you, and it takes everything in you not to glance over at him.
“What’re you doin’ out here,” he asks, rubbing his gloved hands together. His breath fogs in the air as he stands over you, just outside your field of vision.
“Thinking,” you say, voice thick with your tears. Bucky crouches down in front of you and places his hands on your face. His brow is furrowed; you’re easy to read, so he knows you’re upset. You doubt, though, that he knows that he’s the reason why.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about,” he coos, rubbing his thumbs along your cheeks to wipe away your tears. You hate how sweet he’s being. It’s hard to tell your heart that he’s only doing it to be nice. Not because he loves you. A few responses run through your head, you could tell him you’re thinking about him, but you don’t think you’re strong enough to tell him everything right now. Not tonight. Not here.
Your heart has never been too good at listening to your brain, though. “You.” His eyes go wide, and you can practically see him running through everything he’s said and done recently that would have upset you.
“I’m sorry that I’ve upset you; what can I do to make it better?” You scoff. He can’t do anything. Unless he can make you stop loving him, but you’re not even sure if you want him to do that. You don’t want to know life without Bucky in it.
“You can’t.” Bucky stands then sits beside you on the wooden swing. He digs his boots into the snow, causing the seat to sway. The branch you’re hanging from creaks.
“What did I do, doll?” He asks quietly. Snow continues to fall, and the world seems to go still with his question. How do you explain this to him? “Is this about Mara? Look, I know you don’t like her, but nothing happened–”
“You’re an idiot,” you say through a sarcastic laugh. Bucky looks at you, clearly confused, and waits for you to explain. “You think this is all about Mara. God, I’ve known you since fourth grade, and you think this is about some girl?” You stand, causing Bucky to swing back.
“How am I supposed to know if you won’t tell me what’s up?” You pace for a moment in the snow, then turn to face the boy you’ve been in love with for years and years.
“I love you, Bucky. I have loved you since the day I saw you, and you have never loved me back. And you know what? That’s fine.” You pause to take a breath and see him open his mouth, and you shake your head. “I can’t make you love me. I can’t change the way you feel. I realize that, and it’s fine. I’ll be fine. It was hard to see you tonight with Mara because we were supposed to hang out.” Ever since you knew what kissing was, you’d wanted Bucky to be your New Year’s kiss. But every year, he had a different girl in mind.
Now, it’s Bucky’s turn to stand. He closes the space between the two of you and puts his hands on your shoulders, and you shiver under his gaze.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he whispers, breath warming your face. You stare back at him and shake your head. “You have no idea.”
“What do you mean?” Any confidence you’d mustered together earlier has dissipated; you feel small all of a sudden.
“You’re standing here telling me that you apparently know how I feel. You don’t. You couldn’t.” How did this get so turned around on you? Bucky has told you every thought in that pretty little head of his since the day he moved in. What could he possibly be keeping from you?
“Bucky,” you say quietly, a plea for him to explain. You’re not sure how much more you can take. He glances at his watch, then takes a step closer. His chin rests against the top of your head, and you try not to take gulping breaths of him.
“Make a wish,” he whispers against your head. You shake your head; it’s not time for wishes.
“It’s past 11:11,” you say, feeling the warmth from his chest against your face.
“Make a wish,” he repeats. So you do, you wish for what you always do, for Bucky to feel the same.
Your neighbors are having a New Year’s party, and you hear them start the countdown to the new year. You stare up at Bucky and wish on those stupid stars in the sky.
And then, he kisses you. Right as your neighbor’s muffled cheer of ‘happy new year’ rings through the air, he presses his soft lips to yours in the kiss you’d been waiting for for years.
It’s all-encompassing, and it warms you all the way down to your toes. He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, enveloping you in his being. It’s everything you’d thought it would be and more. His nose bumps your cheek, and his tongue seeks out the seam of your lips, and when you let him in, he groans lightly into your mouth.
He ends the kiss far too soon for your taste, but it’s worth it to see the way he looks at you.
“I have loved you since day one,” he says against your lips. “I just didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to lose you; I don’t know how to live life without you. I’m an idiot, and I didn’t know you felt the same way.” He lets his words settle, and a tear falls down your cheek. He swipes it away and kisses you again. It’s sweet and apologetic and loving.
“I love you, Bucky,” you say against his lips. A grin tugs at his cheeks, and he dips you back, supporting your weight in his arms.
“I love you more.”
Maybe all this time, you should’ve been making wishes at 11:59.
Tagged: @peaches1958
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wintermischief · 2 years ago
Bucky x Reader Friends To Lovers/Mutual Pining Trope Fic Recs (part two)
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18+ ONLY. Writing may contain mature content. Mostly Bucky Barnes x F! and GN!Reader. Please show support to these amazing writers!!
I’ll Catch You @buckyalpine
A Little Longer @buckyalpine
I Won’t Break @bethdutten
Drunk In Love @bethdutten
Think Of Me @bethdutten
To Let You Win @delaber
Warrior/Worrier @delaber
For You @fandoms-writings
A Little Push @navybrat817
Long Awaited @muchadoaboutbucky
Dating Bucky Barnes (headcanon) @lanadelreyscokewhor3
Can I Kiss You? @lanadelreyscokewhor3
Chicken | Part 2 | Part 3 @delusionalwriterr
Dumb Dumb @nicestgirlonline
Do Not Fall In Love @bucksangel
They Don’t Know You The Way I Do @themorningsunshine
I Like Me Better When I’m With You @themorningsunshine
Loud Thoughts @buckysbabygorl
Makeup @buckysbabygorl
You Up? @buckysbabygorl
Let Me Help You @revengingbarnes
Hot Mess @queenofslytherin71
Too Hot, An Arm Cold @t-lostinworlds
Long Awaited @muchadoaboutbucky
Hands And Knives @winterfrostlovetriangle
Old Fashioned @demxters
Need To Know @kikixreverie
What We’ve Been Missing @buckysho
Wanna Be Yours @sinner-as-saint
Actions Speak Louder Than Words @breakablebarnes
Never The Same @majestyeverlasting
Once More With Feeling @wicked-mind
Best Friends? Nah. @wicked-mind
Sunshine Girl @wicked-mind
The Dock @5-seconds-of-bucky
Your Touch @marvelettesassemblenow
Which Avenger Are You Destined To Date? @marvelettesassemblenow
I Think I Wanna Marry You | I Know I Wanna Marry You @likeahorribledream
Don’t Wait @likeahorribledream
Be My Valentine @povlvr
Not Even A Little @intrepidacious
Almost Believing @intrepidacious
A Million Summers @intrepidacious
Little Lavender Friend @thepsychewrites
Better Day @the-plum-soldier
A Knife And A Pretty Girl @buckylattes
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sunflowersbones · 8 months ago
The Hand That Feeds - II
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Warnings: This fic will contain eventual NON-CON, eventual DUB-CON, abuse of power, violence, emotional manipulation, alluded to Mafia!Bucky. My warnings are not exhaustive, proceed at your own risk.
18+ only. This is a dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary : Your best friend’s and yours entire lives have revolved around violence, death, greed and fear. You’ve always had each other and took comfort in the fact that none of this was your doing; you never had a choice. But what happens when time winds its roots around you, such that even when given the opportunity to leave, he neither leaves nor lets you leave. {mafia au}
"Well, well, don’t you look as handsome as ever?” You say, as you walk into his room.
You arrived a few hours early; before the party began. You’d wanted to spend a few extra hours with him.
You laugh as you see him struggle with his tie, and move over to help him with it. 
“Excited about the party, birthday boy!?” You still couldn’t believe he was turning 18—that you had turned 18 a few months ago. The way time flies truly is a mystery.
“Oh! Come on, doll; all you do is compliment me. All the time. I'm starting to doubt it’s authenticity.”
“Ah! How could you? I would never say anything just to flatter you.” You say this as you fake a mock offense.
“I'm only stating a fact.” You say as you fix his tie, as he gives you a cheeky smile.
His suit was a very royal blue, and it suited him greatly.
“Well, it is a party, and I have you by my side, and I can finally start drinking. So I guess it's exciting enough.”
“Oh, please, like you haven’t already taken a sneak out of every bit of liquor in this house.” You chide.
“Well, I meant I wouldn’t have to hide and drink anymore, doll. Also, you’ve gotten a taste of most of them, so maybe you shouldn’t be complaining.”
“Alright!, Alright!” You say, as you finally fix his tie and pat his suit; Blue really was a beautiful colour on him.
“I’ve got something for you,” he says as he moves over to take the box placed on his vanity.
He stands behind you as he nudges you to stand closer to the mirror. He opens the box, takes out a necklace, and gently places it on your neck. It has a beautiful sapphire on it, covered by even prettier silver embroidery. You slowly touch the sapphire with your hand and feel its cold sense seep through you.
He clasps the back of the necklace and runs his hands through your arm. He rests his face on your shoulder, his pearly whites shining through as he smiles at you.
“Oh Bucky!, I can't accept this; it's your birthday; you shouldn’t be giving me gifts!.”
“Don’t be annoying, doll; it’s your responsibility to keep me happy on my birthday, and I’ll be very happy if you just accept my gifts without complaining about your guilt for once.” He chides.
You wanted to say something, but you didn’t want to drag the conversation on, especially since more people must have arrived.
“Thank you.” You say, earnestly.
“Don’t mention it.” He says, as he kisses you on the cheek.
“Well, I better go down; how’s the party supposed to start without me?” He says, as he makes his way out.
“Y/N.” He turns around and calls you before he leaves.
“I better see that necklace on you the whole night.”
"Fine, fine,” you chuckle back as he leaves. 
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The party has a lot more people than you initially expected; you assume that Bucky’s parents invited a lot of their colleagues as well. The upside is that you don’t have to deal with obnoxiously loud music or blinding neon lights. The downside, however, is having to deal with too many old people, their stares, and whispered conversations, making you feel like they’re all talking about you.
Your paranoia only increases when you see Sharon staring at you, her face contorting into an animosity you can’t place.
You look around in search of Bucky, only to realise that none of the boys are anywhere to be seen. You assume that they’ve all gone to get their hands on whatever new alcohol or drug they’ve gotten.
Relief fills you as you see Natasha’s familiar face coming towards you. You walk towards her, deciding that latching on to her would be the best way to survive.
“Oh wow! Bucky sure does have great taste; that’s a beautiful necklace.”
“I know, right!— Wait, how do you know that Bucky gifted it?”
“Come on, Y/N; everybody knows that Bucky gifted it.”
“Hmm, I guess you're right—not that I could afford something so expensive.”
“Yeah… well, that and the fact that Sharon saw Bucky at Tiffany’s last week—you don’t usually see a guy at a jewelry shop now, do you? Only his credit card.” She says, as she winks at you.
“She’s been seething ever since; she must have guessed that it was for you, and now it’s a known fact.” She says; eyeing your neck.
“I thought she liked Steve.”
“Honey, she likes anybody whose got money and who her parents would approve of.”
“Maybe she just doesn’t want to disappoint them; like Peggy did.”
“Maybe… Come on, let’s go get something to eat; I’m starving,” she says as she drags you along with her.
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The night sky has a conspicuous beauty to it; even with its darkness, you feel comforted by it.
Nat, dancing next to you on the balcony with her third glass of wine, seems as carefree as ever; you sometimes wish you could be more like her.
Then you realise why you can’t; being carefree means not being cautious, and you’ve seen what the price of not being cautious can be.
As you lean on to the railing, you see Steve coming out through the door downstairs; his usually cheerful face seems to be hardened, and he seems a little more frustrated and agitated. Before you could call him out, you see Sam come out along with Tony. You suddenly realise that Bucky’s not with them, and you haven’t seen him the whole night. You don’t understand why they all seem so tense. You decide to go downstairs to talk to them and ask them about Bucky.
As you descend the stairs, you see Sam coming in; he’s back to his charming self.
“Oh, hey there, pretty lady! How you doin’?.” He says as he comes to hug you.
“Fine.” You say as you hug him back.
“Where’s Bucky?”
“Are you guys okay? I saw Steve leave; he seemed angry.”
“Oh, its nothing; just had a slight brawl is all.”
“Good god, can’t you guys not indulge in a fight, for one day? it's Bucky’s birthday.”
“Well, he’s the one who started it, and it's kinda your fault.” You hear Tony say as he walks in, liquor in his hand, same as ever.
“Shut the hell up, man! How’s it her fault?”
You look at him bewildered, confusion taking over you.
“What happened?” you ask.
“Well, you know, Zemo was being the jerk he usually is and said some shit about you, and then before you know it, Bucky’s beating the living shit out of him and giving him death threats.”
“He’s exaggerating; there was a little argument, is all.”
“Uh no, I’m not exaggerating at all. If this blows up and becomes an issue, it’s all on you.” He says, pointing a finger at you.
“Also, I was never here; if my parents find out, I’m dead.”
“It’ll be a great reason for my dad to disown me again, so… what!?” he says as Sam gives him an angry look.
Your mind gets a little hazy as dread settles in, “Where is he?”
“In his room.” Sam replies, as you dash off to go see him.
You throw open the doors to his room as you enter. He’s sitting on his bed as he stares back at you; he doesn’t seem surprised at your intervention, his hair disheveled, his tie gone and the first two buttons of his shirt undone. You stare at each other for a few seconds then you slowly walk up to him.
You gasp as you see his bruised knuckles.
“For gods sake, Bucky,” you cry out, “Who cares about what Zemo has to say?”
“Who told you?”
“Does it matter? You’re hurt; why did you have to start a fight?”
“I didn’t start it; he did; I ended it. He should have kept his mouth shut.” He bites back, the anger in his voice uncontainable.
A part of you is angry, but another is extremely upset; you don’t have it in you to fight. You go to the bathroom in search of the medicinal kit.
“Where are you going?”
You don’t bother answering him as you search for it; when you find it, you bring it with you as you sit next to him.
His eyes are still in a drunken haze; he probably doesn’t even feel any pain. You wash the wound, apply the antiseptic cream to the entire area, and cover it with a bandage.
“You take such good care of me, you know that? You always do.” He whispers, You feel your throat burn as your eyes start tearing up.
 “Hush-hush, now,” he says as he wraps his hand around you.
“It’s ok. I’m ok; I’m not even that hurt Y/N.”
You lean on to him as you cry out, unable to control your feelings.
“It was necessary; neither he nor anyone else can go around thinking they can talk shit about my best friend; he has to learn a lesson.”
“I wasn’t going to let him get away with it, but it's fine now; everything’s fine now,” he says as he pats your head. You lay on his chest as you sob.
A perfectly good day ruined—nothing you’re not used to, though.
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black-cat-2 · 1 year ago
Omg, omg, omg I have this very specific idea for a Bucky x reader fanfic stuck in my brain and I need someone to write that immediately!
Hear me out:
So, in the timeframe between ‘Bucky gets away from HYDRA’ and ‘Steve finds Bucky’ Bucky befriends Reader and later, after Wakanda or something, he comes back in contact with her. But: no one except him knows about their friendship because he finally has something of his own and he won’t let anyone destroy that for him. Anyway, wayyy later (FATWS timeline or something) a rough mission has him drag Sam to Reader’s place for like a night or something. And I’m talking about a confused Sam. “What are we doin’ here, man?” Sam. “This ain’t your place. Why you got a key?” Sam. While Bucky doesn’t even bother to answer, instead opening the door all like “Doll, I’m home”. And like, their vibes are gonna be so domestic and cute and with all the cuddles that it’s practically obvious that they’re more than friends. Bonus points if they cuddle during the sleepover and he grumpily mutters “Fuck, I missed that.” But since they didn’t put a label on what would usually be considered a friends with benefits situation, Reader just awkwardly looks at Bucky and says they’re friends when Sam asks what exactly they are. And once they’re alone (like without Sam around)… damnnnn I need a feral Bucky. “Lemme show you that you’re fucking mine and mine only, babydoll” Bucky.
God, I’m a sucker for friends to lovers and possessive Bucky, I’m so sorry…
Edit: I also love the aspect that Reader could be from just about anywhere in the world since Bucky was practically on a hiding marathon when they met. Plus, the Reader can be just about anyone, with any random job. No need for being a Shield Agent or something :)
Anyway, could anyone write that? 🥹💖
Edit 2.0: It’s been written! If anyone wants to write their own version of this, feel free to do so, I’d love to see y’all’s ideas to this. I’ll just add them here ☺️
My Person by @winterarmyy
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wintermischief · 2 years ago
This was such a good read 🥺 They’re perfect for each other
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cry baby
bucky barnes x fem reader
words: 7.3k
warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, edging, overstimulation, crying during sex, flushed cheeks, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, lapslock.
a/n: this is arguably one of my absolute fave fics i've ever written. she is near and dear to my heart :') i've provided the link for ao3 if you prefer to read it there! it's originally posted in two parts but i've combined them here. any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & appreciated ♡
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“the boys are running late,” natasha informs you when you make your way to the table she’s conquered in the busy cafe. “sam texted a couple minutes ago and said he and bucky got stuck in traffic.”
it’s the second tuesday of the month, which means it’s brunch day. it’s a running tradition that’s stood for the four of you since your college days. the time and place has changed over the years, but everyone does their absolute best to attend every time. these tuesdays are your favorite, naturally.
you plop into an empty chair across from her with a heavy sigh. “good, that means i have time to bitch about how fucking horny i am before they get here.”
she snorts, taking a delicate sip of her latte. “what’s new?” she wonders sarcastically.
“you don’t understand,” you begin, leaning into the table, gripping the edge tightly. “it’s been months, and not like, a few, i mean it’s coming up on a year.”
natasha’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “a year? what about that guy you went on a few dates with a while back? didn’t anything happen with him?”
“no,” you grumble, sitting back in your chair and crossing your arms. you huff. “and even if something had happened, i doubt it would have been satisfying. i can probably count on one hand the amount of times sex has been even kinda pleasurable for me.”
“sounds like you’re picking shitty partners.”
you scowl. “i know that, but it’s not my fault. all these stupid men keep promising they’re gonna fuck me ten ways to sunday and not a single one of them can even get me to wednesday.”
natasha laughs. “you poor thing.”
“you’re really not helping me here,” you whine with a pitiful pout on your lips. “you are getting routine dickings, you have sam! i am not so lucky here.” you notice her attention flicks to somewhere behind you, but you’re not finished with your rant. “nat, i’m serious. all of my sex encounters are the equivalent of asking someone to scratch my back and then they scratch literally anywhere but the spot that itches. i want to be fucked so good that i cry, just—completely reduced to tears. is that too much to ask?”
nat is hiding her smile behind her hand, amusement painted across her sharp features. someone clears their throat behind you and you pinch the bridge of your nose. sam and bucky occupy the empty seats, sam next to natasha and bucky next to you. they’re both sporting wide grins, looking far too pleased about stumbling into this conversation.
sam opens his mouth, no doubt to make a smartass comment, but you cut him off before he can get a good inhale in.
“not a fucking word,” you grouse with a finger pointed in his direction.
he presses a hand to his chest, expression offended. “i would never make a joke about your truly tragic excuse of a sex life.”
bucky snickers quietly, but turns into a cough at your glare.
“i’ll murder you,” you promise.
“leave her alone, boys,” natasha says, rolling her eyes, though she’s visibly biting back her own laughter.
you huff, digging your wallet out of your purse. “i hate all of you,” you announce before getting up and going to stand in line to order.
bucky follows a moment later, coming to stand at your side and throwing an arm around your shoulders.
“that bad, huh?” he asks.
you don’t have to look at his face to know he’s probably smirking right now.
“fuck off,” you retort, not bothering to push his arm away since you know he’d only put it right back.
“aw, come on, don’t be like that,” he jests, “you know we just like to poke a little fun.”
you roll your eyes, throwing him an exasperated look. “yeah, but that was something only nat was supposed to hear. i hate talking about sex with you and sam because you two wouldn’t understand.”
“that’s not true,” bucky insists, which makes you roll your eyes again. “it’s not!”
“first of all, sam’s got natasha, so we both know they’re more than satisfied.” bucky tilts his head in acquiescence. “and you don’t have to worry about if you’re gonna have an orgasm when you hook up with somebody. men have it so easy.”
it’s probably not the best thing to talk about in line of a busy cafe (especially since you haven’t decided between a blueberry muffin or the ham and cheese croissant, and there’s only one person ahead of you now and you’d really rather not be discussing your lack of sex in front of an innocent barista) but it sort of feels good to get this off your chest, even if it’s to bucky.
“okay, definitely not true,” he replies with a frown. “i’m not always guaranteed an orgasm.”
you give him a skeptical glance. “i find that hard to believe.”
this time, it’s bucky who rolls his eyes. “whatever, whether or not i come when i have sex with someone isn’t what i was gonna talk about when i came over here.”
the person in front of you finishes their order and then you’re stepping up for your turn.
“hi, what can i get you today?” the young barista asks with a smile.
“a large mocha iced coffee with sweet cream and a blueberry muffin, please.” you pause, contemplating, then add, “and a ham and cheese croissant.”
if you can’t get fucked within an inch of your life then food will become your lover, you reason.
“just a black coffee for me, please,” bucky tells the girl, taking his wallet out of his back pocket and handing over his card to pay before you can stop him.
“i could’ve paid for mine,” you mumble.
“you also could just say thank you,” he replies with a short laugh as he ushers you to the side to wait for your order.
you pinch his hip, pouting. “thank you.”
“why does your gratitude come with violence?” he asks, rubbing the sore spot.
“you know how i am when people do nice things for me.”
“you should be used to it by now,” he points out.
“well, i’m not,” you huff. “anyway, what did you come over here to talk about then?”
bucky reaches up to scratch the back of his neck, uncharacteristically shy all the sudden. “uh, well. i dunno, i just thought… you know, since you’re not—i mean, not that you couldn’t be, just—you haven’t been, so maybe… fuck.”
“spit it out,” you say with a giggle, wondering what in the world’s got him so tongue-tied.
“why don’t you let me?” he blurts, averting his gaze immediately after.
you tilt your head in confusion. “let you what?”
he sighs heavily, working his jaw in frustration. “you know…” he begins, digging his thumbnail into a knick on the countertop in front of you. “let me fuck you until you cry.”
just then, your order is called. bucky quickly grabs it and turns to make his way back to the table, but you grab his arm to stop him.
“i don’t think so, you come back here right now and explain yourself,” you demand.
his eyes lift heavenward. “it’s just an idea, okay?”
“bucky, you’re talking about crossing a huge line. you can’t just throw that out all willy nilly!”
“i know,” he replies earnestly. “and it’s not—“ he grimaces at the phrasing, “willy nilly. you’re one of my best friends. i wouldn’t jeopardize that for anything, and i wouldn’t offer this if i thought that it could. this is something that’s obviously affecting you negatively in your life and i’m willing to help. i trust you, and i’m pretty sure you trust me, yeah?”
“of course i trust you,” you say, frowning.
he shrugs. “so, then it’s just… a friend helping another friend.”
“you make it sound so simple,” you muse in wonder.
“think about it?” he implores.
you swallow roughly, biting the inside of your cheek. “fine. i’ll think about it.”
he nods and walks back over to the table where sam and natasha are waiting. you hesitate for only a split second before following.
needless to say, you’re distracted for the rest of brunch.
you: what even makes you think you could fuck me until i cry anyway?
it’s been nearly a week, and as much as you hate to admit it, you’re actually considering taking bucky’s offer. it’s all you can think about since he brought it up. you can’t lie, you’ve always thought bucky was attractive, but ever since you were gently but firmly placed in the friend category back in university, you never allowed yourself to think of there ever being more between the two of you. he’s a wonderful friend to have and you’d have been an idiot to pass it up. bucky is kind and generous and just enough of an asshole to keep things interesting without it being a problem.
but this… this has left you reeling. why would he make such an offer after only ever keeping things strictly friendly and platonic in your relationship? and more importantly, where does he get the confidence to think he could follow through?
bucky: experience?
you make a face at your phone, furiously typing your reply.
you: ew. do you realize how douchey that sounds?
bucky: well, it’s not douchey if it’s true.
you: says you
bucky: and a few other people :)
bucky: you’d know it too if you’d let me fuck you
you exhale harshly through your nose, tapping your foot on the floor anxiously, carefully thinking of what you should say next.
you: it’s apparently a tall request, and thus far, nobody’s been able to deliver. you can understand my skepticism…
bucky: if i don’t leave you shivering and twitching with aftershocks of pleasure, in a mess of sweat and come, and tears stained on your cheeks, then i will have failed you.
your thighs squeeze together at the mental image that brings you. jesus christ, if he’s half as good at fucking as he is dirty talking then he just might do as he’s promising.
bucky: so? what do you say? wanna give it a try?
biting your lip, you give yourself a moment to weigh the pros and cons in your mind one last time.
it doesn’t take you very long to make your decision.
you: okay. we’ll try.
it’s a slightly overcast sunday when bucky comes over with the direct intention to fuck you. it should be weird, but strangely, all you feel is anticipation. maybe it’s because you know him so well and know that, no matter what, he’d take care of you.
(or, maybe it’s because those repressed college-aged feelings are doing their best to resurface, even though you steadfastly continue to ignore them.)
you’d taken a thorough shower earlier to ease the little bit of nerves you had when you’d woken up. cleaning up the small mess your apartment gathered over the last couple weeks helped, as well, and soon you found yourself standing in front of your lingerie drawer with your lips pursed.
you weren’t sure if you should even bother with it, but it felt you wouldn’t be putting in any effort into this encounter if you didn’t at least pick out nice underwear. so, with a pleased nod, you settle on some simple black lace panties and a matching bralette. not too much, but enough to satisfy yourself, and hopefully bucky. you pick out a simple sundress to put on over it, since you won’t be wearing much of anything once bucky gets here. that thought has you flushing, but you ignore it to put on some makeup, just to freshen up your face.
by the time he knocks on your door, you’ve already finished a glass of wine and are pouring yourself a second.
he smiles when open the door, a bit boyishly, greeting you with a quiet, “hi.”
“hi,” you return, just as soft. you open the door wider. “come in.”
he walks passed you, stopping to toe his shoes off and hang his jacket on one of the hooks.
“do you want a glass of wine?” you ask as you head to the kitchen to retrieve your own from the counter.
bucky follows, stopping in the entryway with his hands in his pockets. “no, thank you.”
you nod, taking a sip from your glass, trying to figure out what to say. the air feels a little awkward and you’re not sure how to fix it.
“nervous?” he wonders curiously.
you shake your head. “not really.”
he quirks a brow. “then what’s wrong?”
“i don’t know,” you murmur. “i guess i’m just worried we’re making a mistake.”
he hums. you take a larger sip of your wine.
with cautious steps, he comes closer to you. “what if i promise that things won’t be weird after?”
“you can’t really promise that, though.”
“sure i can,” he says, smiling. “it’s me and you. we’ve been friends for so long. plenty of people have sex and stay friends after.”
you’re not just ‘people’ to me, you think.
you sigh, frustrated with yourself. you can’t deny how badly you want this. it’s all you’ve been able to think about since that day in the cafe. but the thought of losing bucky is heartbreaking, and you don’t want your stupid horniness to be the reason that you ruin a friendship, even if he was the one to offer sex.
“why don’t we go make out on the couch for a little while first?” he suggests after a moment’s pause.
you snort, in spite of your thoughts. “like a couple of teenagers?”
his eyes crinkle on the sides when he grins. “yeah. we’ll just see how we feel about that, and if it leads to more, then…” he trails off, shrugging.
“that’s not a bad idea,” you concede.
“great! finish your wine.”
you laugh and do as you’re told, downing the little remaining wine in one go, sitting the glass down on the counter resolutely as you swallow.
“let’s do this,” you say, determined.
bucky huffs a laugh, grabbing your wrist and tugging you behind him as he makes his way to the couch. he settles slightly facing you as you tuck your legs under you beside him.
“do you wanna talk, or do you want to jump straight into it?”
“if we talk anymore i’m gonna change my mind. just kiss me already, bucky.”
“yes ma’am,” he sasses before doing exactly that.
he cups your cheek with one hand as the other is placed on your knee. he guides your face to his and kisses you chastely. you’re not sure where to put your hands at first, but you tell yourself to quit being a goober about it and place them on either side of his neck, your thumbs brushing under his jaw.
it’s an okay kiss, you have to admit, but it’s not really doing anything for you yet. he has soft lips, softer than you thought they’d be. you’re beginning to wonder if maybe this confirms you shouldn’t go any further when he tilts his head, and… hm.
he parts his lips, taking your bottom one between his, kissing it, then nipping it. you wouldn’t say the sound you make is a gasp, necessarily, but it’s close. his tongue lightly caresses the seam of your mouth and you don’t even think before you open up for him, letting his tongue sweep in, flicking against yours. you hum, scooting a tiny bit closer to him, chasing the feeling. his kisses turn insistent then, teeth biting at your bottom lip and tugging, soothing the ache with his tongue. he kisses you like a man quenching his thirst, like you’re the best goddamn thing he’s ever tasted, and it’s leaving you dizzy. you sway more into his space and he pulls away from your mouth.
“c’mere,” he whispers, gripping behind one of your knees to drag it over his hips so you’re straddling him. “much better.”
you don’t have a chance to process anything about the moment, his mouth back on yours in a blink. your fingers wind themselves into his hair, getting a good grip on it as you lick into his mouth. he lets out a soft noise at that and you try your damnedest to pry it out of him again, pressing your chest to his so there’s not even a sliver of space left between you.
his hands travel, down the sides of your torso to your thighs, back up to your hips where he holds on tight. it doesn’t take long after that before you find yourself grinding into him. you both moan at the same time, breaking the kiss to pant for breath.
you swallow roughly. “okay,” you murmur, “i think it’s safe to say this could work.”
bucky laughs quietly. “yeah? wanna move to your bed then?”
your squeeze your thighs around him, shifting minutely on his lap and feeling the beginnings of his erection beneath you. “yes,” you breathe.
quickly, you rise from your position and step back, allowing bucky to stand, then grab his hand and lead him to your bedroom. once you’re standing beside your bed, you turn to face him. he meets your halfway, pulling you into another, filthier kiss. you reach for his belt buckle, unfastening it and sliding it through the loops, tossing it to your floor. next are the button and zip of his jeans, shoved down his legs until he steps out of them and kicks them and his socks aside. he obediently lifts his arms when you slide your hands under his shirt and begin pushing it up, breaking the kiss to nearly yank it off, making bucky huff in amusement. once it’s tossed with the rest of his clothes, bucky grabs fistfuls of your dress and pulls you into him.
“my turn,” he says against your lips.
carefully, bucky helps you out of your dress, eyes raking over every bit of new skin shown to him. he bites his lip when he sees your lacy underthings.
“you got all dolled up for me?” he asks.
shifting under his stare, you nod. “wanted to look nice,” you admit.
he hums. “beautiful.”
he kisses you again, a little softer than before, but no less passionate. the urgency returns as he backs you up until your thighs hit the mattress. gently, he guides you onto your back, never breaking the kiss as he follows you down and settles over you.
you soon find yourself in need of air and pull away with a gasp. bucky is undeterred and instead presses his kisses down your jaw, to your neck where he decides to bite and suck until he’s left a mark you’ll have to reprimand him for later. he licks his way up to your ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth, drawing a whine out of you.
“bucky,” you whisper, hands gripping his sides as you squirm below him.
you close your eyes tightly when he makes his way back down to your collarbones.
“please,” you whimper.
“please what, sweetheart?” he asks, pushing himself up to look you in the eye.
“t-touch me,” you beg, cheeks flushing.
his lips quirk into a smile. “i am touching you.”
“bucky,” you whine.
“where do you want me to touch you, hm?” he wonders. one of his hands trails across your shoulder and down the center of your chest. “here? or… here?”
when his fingers glide, barely there, over your pebbled nipples, you push into the touch eagerly.
“or…” he continues, his feather light touch making a path down your stomach. your breath quickens in anticipation. “here?” he murmurs as his fingertips stop on your pantyline.
“yes, there, anywhere,” you agree hastily, “just —please. please, bucky, don’t tease me.”
he kisses you again, deep, full of promise. “you beg so prettily for me.”
he rearranges your positions until he’s between your spread thighs, sweeping his hands across the inside of them. he nods to your panties.
“may i?”
“yes, please,” you reply, lifting your hips to help him take them off.
he doesn’t give you a chance to close your legs in shyness, firmly grasping your knees in each of his hands and spreading them once again. the way he’s looking at you makes you feel unbelievably desirable, has excitement crawling up your spine.
“don’t forget,” you remind him, making his eyes flick up to yours in question, “you better make me cry.”
a slow, dangerous smile graces his lips. your stomach swoops eagerly.
a whine, high pitched and drawn out, escapes your lips. after you unwittingly challenged him, bucky took it upon himself to torture you—with sex. so far, he’s only used his fingers on you, in you, thrusting them steadily but never enough to bring you to climax. he’s taking his time and being a smug prick about it. you go to complain, again, hoping if you beg enough he’ll let you come, but before you can do more than open your mouth he’s quickening his pace.
“oh!” you gasp, clutching the sheets in your hands.
bucky slides his hand down your thigh, bringing his thumb inward to swipe around where his other fingers are buried inside you to gather your wetness and using it to rub circles on your clit. your back arches, head thrown back against your pillows as you feel your orgasm build. it’s not tears, but damn, it feels good enough.
just as you start to clench around his fingers, legs spasming, he stops.
your eyes open in a hurry, brows furrowing in confusion. “no, please, don’t stop,” you plead.
bucky smiles. “i gotta get the right build up.”
you groan in frustration. he laughs quietly and lets the inferno burning within you simmer down to embers, then starts inching his way down until he’s lying on his stomach, mouth poised above your pussy. the feel of his warm breath makes you shiver, and with no warning whatsoever, he leans in and sucks your clit into his mouth.
“fuckin’—oh my— bucky!”
you’re pretty sure you black out for the next several minutes, the only thing you’re aware of is the thudding of your heartbeat in your ears and the feel of bucky’s mouth on you. you’re lost in a mindless haze of pleasure, unable to think or feel anything else. you feel your orgasm cresting for the second time, and just as before, bucky pulls away before you can succumb to it.
“why,” you hiccup on a moan, wanting nothing more than to just come already, but he’s not letting you.
he shushes you, softly kisses your knee. sitting up to take his underwear off, bucky keeps his eyes on you, expression hungry.
“gonna take care of you, sweetheart,” he promises. “just a bit more. you’re being so good for me, yeah?”
“please,” you whimper, feeling completely pathetic.
he makes quick work of putting a condom on and then settles between your thighs. you sigh in relief when he wastes no time and pushes in, being careful not to go too fast. once he’s fully inside you, he pauses, wanting to give you time to adjust, but you’re back to whining.
“bucky, please, please just—fuck me,” you beg, squirming beneath him.
he takes mercy on you, finally, and sets a hard pace. your hands fly up to push against the headboard, moaning and gasping from his harsh thrusts, loving the stretch of him inside you. his thumb is back on your clit and you cry out, clenching hard around him, but his thrusts don’t falter. all too soon, you can feel yourself getting close. you hear your own voice chanting please, please, please, mixed in with bucky’s grunts and the sound of him fucking you.
you whimper, eyes squeezed shut as your climax hits the point of no return, crashing over you in waves. you think you might scream, but it’s hard to pay attention to anything other than the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. part of you thinks this’ll be it, bucky will come now and then you’ll have had one of the best orgasms of your life and he’ll be on his merry way home. but no, that’s not what happens.
instead, bucky keeps thrusting relentlessly into you, dragging out your pleasure to the point of oversensitivity.
“s’too much,” you breathe, gasping for air.
bucky shakes his head, face contorted in concentration. “one more,” he tells you, voice gruff and deep.
unbelievably, you feel tears beginning to gather in the corners of your eyes. bucky’s still rubbing your clit, still keeping a steady rhythm of his hips, and fuck, he’s so beautiful. you watch him fucking you, wondering how the fuck you got to this moment, how you got lucky enough to bear witness to the sight of bucky fucking, let alone be the one he fucks. his body is ridiculous, looking like it’s carved from marble. you know how much strength it holds, as well, know that if he really wanted to, he could probably fuck you against a wall.
it’s with that thought, with the added bonus of the way bucky touches you, looks at you, like you’re something treasured and gorgeous, giving you such intense pleasure, that the tears threatening to spill over finally fall from your lashes.
bucky notices, because of course he does, and he thrusts into you just a little faster, a little harder, and your body seizes up and then you’re falling into another orgasm. it spreads through your veins, slow like honey, making sure this one settles deep into your bones. bucky groans as he, too, reaches climax, hips twitching into you in aftershocks until he stops moving altogether.
you both pant for breath, sweat gathered in every crevice on your bodies. you think you won’t be able to move for the rest of the weekend.
“need to pull out,” bucky says softly, breaking the moment.
you nod and he carefully pulls his hips back, grunting. you poorly suppress a whimper and close your legs, already hating the empty feeling.
“well,” he starts, plopping himself on his back next to you, “i think i deserve some kind of reward.”
when you turn to face him with an exasperated look, he’s got his arms crossed behind his head, a smug smile across his lips.
“how about i don’t kick you in the balls? how’s that for a reward?”
“i literally just did the impossible.”
“what, made me come twice? i can do that all on my own. you’re not special,” you retort with a huff.
he scoffs. “i fucked you so good you cried.”
“you can’t prove it,” you say to the ceiling.
“keep up this attitude and i won’t do it again,” he threatens, poking you in your side.
you wiggle away from the ticklish touch while trying to tamp down on the hope bubbling in your chest.
“oh, we’re doing this again, are we?” you say as casually as possible.
he rolls his eyes. “of course we are. now,” he sits up in your bed, stretching his arms as he stands and picks up his underwear, “i’m starving. wanna order takeout?”
well, you guess if you’d been worried about any kind of awkwardness before, you shouldn’t have. this is bucky, your best friend. he’d never let things change between you.
except, things kinda change between the two of you.
it’s not very noticeable at first, changes so subtle you miss them, until one day he showed up at your apartment and greeted you with a kiss. you stood frozen in your doorway as he rambled about how stressful his day had been as he kicked his shoes off. it was only when you heard him calling out from the kitchen that he was gonna eat your leftovers that you snapped out of it, yelling back that you’d kick his ass if he even touched your dumplings.
another day, he facetimes you and asks if you want to go to see that new movie you’ve been talking about.
“oh,” you’d said. “are nat and sam coming, too?”
he’d given you a funny look, replied, “no, i thought it would just be us two.”
“oh,” you said again. “okay.”
so you’d gone to the movies, let him buy you buttery popcorn and peanut m&m’s and a soda bigger than your head. he shared with you, despite your protests, and halfway through the film you felt his hand settle on your thigh. you blinked and stared at it for a beat, turning to him in question. he only smiled at you briefly before focusing back on the movie.
in between all of this, you continued calling him over for sex. honestly, how could you not? as much as you didn’t want to admit it to him, he was the best you’ve ever had. and if he’s so willing, why shouldn’t you take advantage while you can?
a week ago, though, you’d texted him and asked him to come over, replying to his question of what time and then started getting ready. you’d purchased a new piece of lingerie, a periwinkle babydoll nightie, that left very little to the imagination. it had a matching pair of panties and felt soft and luxurious on your skin. you’d taken extra time to do your hair and makeup, wanting to look like sex on legs, and you’re pretty sure you succeeded.
but when he got there and you answered the door in your sexy outfit, he didn’t see it right away. in one hand he held his phone, typing something on it, and in the other hand he held a grocery bag that you eyed curiously.
“i brought stuff to make spaghetti—“
when he did finally look up, his eyes widened and traveled the length of your body several times. you bit your lip, trying and failing to hold back your smile.
“how about we skip dinner?” you’d said, fisting his nice button-up shirt and dragging him inside your apartment. you grabbed the grocery bag from his hand and sat it on the floor, absently noting he was wearing his date jeans.
whoops, you’d thought, hope i didn’t pull him away from someone important.
you hadn’t let yourself dwell on it, standing up on your tippy toes and kissing him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. he’d returned the kiss, licking into your mouth, drawing your tongue out so he could suck on it and made you moan embarrassingly loud.
“wait,” he’d murmured, “we should eat first.”
“or, you could eat me,” you’d retorted with a giggle.
he groaned like it pained him to say no, gripped your hips hard and put a tiny bit of distance between you. the look in his eyes had made you want to find the nearest flat surface and bend over.
“why don’t you be a good girl for me, hm? let me cook dinner for us and after we eat i’ll fuck you however you want me to. okay, sweetheart?”
you whined, but ultimately agreed, knowing he’d make it worth it.
and then there’s tonight, where he came over unannounced, armed with groceries again and promising to cook you the best meal you’ve ever had. to say you were confused would be an understatement, but you also didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth.
it’s just… well, bucky’s not really acting like a friend with benefits. sure, you hung out alone with him all the time before, but he never once cooked you dinner, and he certainly never helped wash dishes after. you guess the hello kisses could be explained away as part of the new aspect of your relationship, but something about that didn’t sit quite right with you.
after a truly delicious dinner, you find yourself on the couch with bucky as he scrolls through netflix to find a movie to put on.
“what do you want to watch?” he asks.
“mm,” you mumble, shifting closer to start kissing his neck, “don’t care.”
as he narrows down his decision and finally picks one, you make your way up to his jaw, sucking a small mark into the skin there.
“baby,” he protests softly, “let’s just watch the movie, yeah?”
you pull back, confused. first at the pet name, then at his words. he’s never denied you before, which isn’t to say that he can’t, it’s just that he’s always seemed on board. and, you know, you thought that was kind of the whole point of this thing.
“okay,” you reply after a moment.
he gives you a smile and a sweet kiss, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his side to cuddle. you can’t help but frown, feeling like you’re missing something, but not knowing what it could be.
it doesn’t take long for drowsiness to creep up on you. before he showed up, you had planned on probably ordering out for dinner and going to bed early since you’d had a pretty rough day. in fact, you remember texting bucky about it just that afternoon. your eyelids get heavier and heavier, finding it harder to keep them open as the seconds pass. your head droops and in the next blink, you’ve fallen asleep.
you’re not sure how much time has passed when bucky wakes you, but you groan, pouting and burrowing into his shoulder more.
he huffs a laugh. “c’mon, sweetheart, let’s get you to bed.”
“don’ wanna move,” you mumble tiredly.
“i’ll carry you,” he offers. “up you go, baby.”
you half heartedly argue about being jostled, but let him carry you to your bed where he carefully places you, helping you out of your sweatpants and pulling your blankets up around you. you sigh in content, feeling yourself already drifting back into sleep. you hear bucky shuffling, but think nothing of it until the bed dips beside you, then feel his warm body slide in underneath the covers and press in close.
“goodnight, darlin’,” he murmurs.
you’d ask him what in the word he’s doing, but sleep is just far too enticing to ignore. you fall into slumber with bucky’s warmth along your back, his arm draped over you.
the next morning, you wake to the feeling of his fingers playing with the tiny bow on the front of your panties and his lips placing gentle kisses on your shoulder. you hum, eyes still closed, in the back of your mind thinking this is a nice way to wake up. at the sound of you, his touches get firmer, more insistent.
“good morning,” he rasps, breath tickling your ear.
you don’t really get a chance to reply. he dips his fingers into your panties, making you inhale sharply, moaning as you buck into his hand. he fingers you for a while, kissing along the column of your throat, biting and sucking marks into the skin there. when you’re begging him for more, he relents, eases your panties off and lifts your leg to slide in from behind. the angle is so nice it has you gasping.
you clutch the sheets weakly, burying your face in your pillow and muffle your whines and moans. bucky keeps a slow, lazy rhythm, acting as if he’s got all the time in the world to draw this out. it’s good, so good, and you can’t hold back your whimper when he kicks up the pace a little, tells you to touch yourself. you come seconds before he does, shuddering through it and humming happily.
as you both lie there and catch your breath, awareness trickles into your mind. you swallow roughly, staring blankly at the wall as you realize your feelings have grown far too much for this to be only casual anymore.
bucky kisses your shoulder again. “i’m gonna go make breakfast, okay? i’ll call you when it’s ready.”
“okay,” you whisper, blinking rapidly to keep tears from forming.
hearing bucky bustle around your kitchen makes your heart clench with want; want for something you can’t have.
bucky: dinner tonight?
you bite the inside of your cheek as you stare at the text. you know you need to cut things off with him before you get anymore hurt than you already are. it’s not fair to either of you if you continue with this arrangement when you’ve caught real feelings for him. you have to tell him, and soon. with that thought in mind, you type out a reply.
you: sure. what time?
bucky: reservations are at 8pm, i’ll pick you up by 7:45.
reservations? where was he taking you? you get another text before you can ask.
bucky: dress nice ;)
with a sigh, you text back an affirmative and try to start mentally preparing yourself for the conversation you dreaded having. you could only hope and pray that he agrees to still be your friend after.
by the time there’s a knock on your door that night, you’ve worked yourself up into an anxious mess. you open the door to see bucky standing there with a single peach colored rose and a bashful grin.
“hi,” he greets, leaning in to kiss you on your cheek. “this is for you.”
he hands you the rose and you feel your heart crack in your chest. you muster a small smile.
“thank you. let me go put this in a vase and we can head out.”
he nods and waits patiently at the door. as you fill a vase with a little water, you take a deep breath, giving yourself a mental pep talk.
this was going to suck.
the drive to the restaurant doesn’t take too long, and when you see where he’s taken you, your eyebrows shoot up. this is one of the nicer places in the city, definitely not on the affordable side. he helps you out of the car, leading you inside with his hand on the small of your back. you’re led to a small booth in a far corner with overhead lighting that feels too intimate. maybe you’d have to wait until you left to tell him…
conversation is light, a bit surface level, and you get the feeling that bucky is a little nervous. you wonder if maybe he’s gonna let you down gently first, hoping that he doesn’t, because you’d rather not cry in such a fancy restaurant.
after the waiter takes your drink orders, bucky sighs.
“okay, let me just… get this off my chest.”
oh fuck, here it goes.
“i know i’ve never really come across at the most romantic guy, especially since i’ve never felt the need to be.” he runs a nervous hand through his hair. “you’ve always been so important to me, and this last month has been so, so wonderful.”
“bucky…” you trail off, attempting to somehow stop him, but he powers through.
“i just—i never thought i’d find somebody, you know?” he says, earnest, gaze locked on yours. another crack in your heart. “especially not somebody who was my friend first, that i already had a solid foundation with. the attraction had always been there, but the friendship meant more to me, and finally allowing that to blossom into this amazing, new, fun relationship has got to be the best decision i’ve ever made.”
did he start dating someone and not tell you? oh god, has he been sleeping with someone else? at the same time? your stomach turns, eyes burning, hating yourself more and more as he speaks.
“so, i guess what i’m trying to say is,” he says, rolling his eyes at himself and smiling, “happy one month anniversary, sweetheart.”
you blink, feeling a tear slip down your cheek. “what?” you croak, beyond confused.
bucky, however, looks concerned. “baby, why are you crying?”
“i…” you blink some more, eyes flitting around the room as if you’ll get some kind of clarity that way to the situation currently happening. “what?” you repeat.
“did i come on too strong?” he asks, looking embarrassed now. “i wasn’t sure if you’d even want to celebrate, but i’ve just been so happy with you—i’m sorry, baby, i should’ve asked.”
“bucky, what are you talking about?” you finally manage, unable to keep the bewilderment out of your tone. “anniversary?”
bucky frowns. “i didn’t get the date wrong, did i?”
“no, i—this isn’t—i’m not talking about—ugh, i mean, when did we even start having an anniversary to celebrate?”
bucky’s face goes blank, sitting back in his chair. your heart is pounding wildly in your chest, so fucking confused, so fucking hopeful.
“we… we’re dating,” he says, slow, unsure. “aren’t we?”
“since when?” you ask probably too loudly, cheeks flushing.
he opens and closes his mouth a couple times. “when i asked you out?”
“bucky, oh my god, you’re gonna have to be more specific before i lose my goddamn mind. when did you ask me out?”
he huffs, his own cheeks flushing. “at the cafe! a month ago, at brunch with natasha and sam.”
your eyes widen in disbelief. “when you asked if you could fuck me until i cried?” you hiss, ignoring the scandalized look on the waiter’s face as he brings your drinks over.
smiling apologetically, you thank him and wait until he’s gone before sending a glare bucky’s way.
“that’s not how you ask a person out,” you seethe.
“i asked if you wanted to give this a try and you said yes!” he replies desperately. “i’ve taken you on dates!”
you pinch the bridge of your nose, thinking of all the times you thought he was being too romantic, more-than-friends type of behavior. you’re a fucking idiot, but god, so was he.
“at no point did you say anything even remotely close about us starting a relationship. i thought we were just fucking, bucky, i didn’t realize it was more than that!”
“you don’t—“ he starts, then stops, looking down at the plate in front of him. “you don’t want to be with me?”
“i didn’t know it was an option,” you say carefully.
“well, it is.” he meets your gaze, cautious. “i just spilled my guts to you. you know how i feel now. how do you feel? about me?”
you lick your lips. “bucky, i… i was planning to end things with you tonight.” his expression drops, even though he tries to mask it, so you’re quick to explain. “not because i don’t like you, but because i do like you and i thought you wouldn’t want anything more than just sex with me.”
“it’s never been and never could have been just sex with you,” he replies, quiet and relieved. he reaches across the table to take your hand in his. “i meant it when i said you’re the best decision i’ve ever made. i want this—the sex, the dinners, dates, all the gross and sappy shit i never wanted before… i want it all with you, if you’ll have me.”
you can’t fight the smile spreading across your lips. “of course i’ll have you, bucky.”
he smiles in return, a laugh bubbling out of him, which makes you giggle, until you’re both laughing so hard and loud that patrons from other tables are sending dirty looks your way, which only makes you laugh more.
“do you wanna get out of here?” you ask, laughter dying down. “there’s pizza and sex calling our names, i think.”
bucky moans dramatically. “i knew i liked you for a reason.”
he leaves money on the table and then the two of you quickly make your way through the restaurant, giggling and holding hands the whole way, even in the car.
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lostgirlmuseum · 1 year ago
🐚Chapter 1
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Mini Series Masterlist ❤️
Summary: You invite both your best friend and your boyfriend to a three-day weekend getaway at a beach resort. This trip was meant to be relaxing, but tensions and jealousies rise as both Miles and Bucky fight for your attention. 
Pairing: BestFriend!Bucky x f!Reader
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: Nothing that bad I don't think? Language. Miles being a dick. Please let me know if I've missed something!
A/N: I really hope you like it! I don't have a taglist, but you can follow updates at @lostgirl-library instead
(Divider credit: @firefly-graphics)
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Reader’s POV
“Welcome to FM 98.2, I’m Nash Reeves, and you’re listening to The Grooves. Now if you’ve been following us on our social media, you already know what’s up. If you haven’t then I’ll catch you up to speed. Today is the last day to win ‘The Groovy Giveaway!’ The prize? Win up to five tickets to an all expense paid visit to the SunHaven Sea Resort’s special beach houses! Now callers, you can find our phone number on our website, but—”
“You have the right number, right?” You interrupted the radio host and turned to Wanda. You were both sitting on the soft rug of your room, crowded around the small silver radio, waiting impatiently with your phone in hand.
“I’m not an amateur, of course I have the right phone number!” 
You’d both dialed separately, in hopes of doubling your chances of winning.
“We’re about to play ‘Guess That Sound.’ Callers, have the number ready, and dial in when you think you know. Best of luck to all of you out there! Here we go. In three…two…one.”
“whHScHRRRR-whHRiRI—” The most obnoxious sound attacked your ears, but neither of you jumped. You were Avengers. You knew how to act when the stakes were high.
“I DID!”
“We already have calls pouring in! But who called first? Let’s see…hello? Caller?”
“NOOOOOO!” You yelled, falling back onto the floor when both of your phones continued ringing.
“Stay calm, they might get it wrong! We still have a chance.”
“Hi Nash!” A cheery and nearly mouse pitched voice crackled.
“Hello! What is your name?”
“Fuck you Sunny!” You abruptly sat up, pointing at the radio, “I bet that’s not ever her real name!”
“Welcome to the show Sunny! What is your guess for the sound?”
“Is it a car starting?” She said with confidence.
“No, unfortunately it is not a car starting. If that’s how your car sounds when you start it, I recommend you see a mechanic ASAP. I think you’re having major car problems Sunny.”
“Does this mean I lost?”
“Alright, next caller!” He completely ignored her and hung up.
Wanda’s phone stopped ringing.
“Hello, what is your name?” The voice had a strange delay.
“OH MY GOD, IT’S US!” Wanda squealed, quickly covering her mouth.
“Answer him!” You quickly turned down the radio and forced her to put the call on speaker.
“Hi! This is Wanda.”
“Hello Wanda! Do you have a guess for ‘Guess That Sound?’”
“Yes,” Wanda leaned in closer to the speaker, “is it a blender?” 
“Sound the alarm everyone, Wanda guessed the sound!”
“YES!” You both jumped up and started bouncing around each other.
“Congratulations, you’ve won yourself one ticket. But can you guess what specifically is in the blender for four more tickets?” 
“Um…” Wanda stopped jumping and looked at you, then the phone, concerned. “Can you play it again?”
“I’ll play it one more time.”
The annoying sound blared again and you felt your heart stop. Holy shit.
“I KNOW WHAT IT IS!” You screamed, yanking the phone away from Wanda. “Frozen strawberries, non-fat yogurt, half a banana, ice, oh… and um…” you closed your eyes, thinking hard, “Oh! And milk!”
You waited for the response. Were you wrong? Was it actually a full banana?
“THAT IS CORRECT!” Nash cheered.
“HOLY SHIT, HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” Wanda grabbed your shoulders, shaking you with elation and disbelief. “I KNOW MY FUCKING SMOOTHIES!” You pound your fists in the air.
“We’re going to the beach!”
“Hell yes we are!”
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With five tickets, you mostly already knew who you were going to bring. Wanda wanted to take her boyfriend, Vision, you desperately wanted to take Bucky, and you discussed bringing one of Wanda’s friends as your fifth. You had one problem. By taking Bucky, you’d be leaving behind your boyfriend, Miles, and you knew he loved the beach. And besides, you wanted to see if this could be the next step in your relationship.
You and Miles had been together for three months. Neither of you had said I love you yet, which you were secretly relieved about. You knew you felt something for him, you just weren’t quite sure if it was love yet. You had met at the bar spontaneously when he offered to buy you a drink. On any other night, you probably would’ve turned him down, but that night you went to ignore your confusing feelings for your best friend. You had been battling these strange emotions for months, wondering why you felt so uniquely about him. Do you love Bucky? Of course you do, he’s your best friend! But do you love Bucky? No. Right? Because that would make things complicated. And he would never love you back. But what did it matter if you didn’t even like Bucky like that? And anyways, how could you have feelings for Bucky if you were with someone else? That sort of logic led you to where you were now, dating Miles Proctor, a brown eyed, sandy blonde, relatively charming (when he wants to be), beach loving man.
You told Wanda your predicament, and she told you to bring both Bucky and Miles. Apparently, her friend had a work conference already scheduled, and wouldn’t be available for the trip. You felt bad that Wanda’s plan fell through, and you promised her she and Vision could take the master suite. 
“Miles!” You called, once you spotted his red cap coming through the airport doors. He heard you, gave you a short wave, and made his way to you, immediately wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. He failed to acknowledge Bucky, who was standing right next to you.
“Miles, you know Bucky,” you gestured, giving a radiant smile. You were ecstatic to have them there together.
“Bucky,” Miles slowly nodded, a lilt in his voice, “right.”
You felt your heart squeeze when Bucky lifted his left arm to initiate a handshake.
He’s going above and beyond! I thought he’d only nod his head!
You missed the way Bucky slightly pulled up his sleeve to reveal more of the metal. You also missed the way he squeezed with just a little bit too much pressure, causing Miles to wince.
“Miles.” Bucky stated like an observation. 
“We met at the…” Miles held the last word, prompting Bucky to respond.
“The gala.” His voice sounded bored. 
“Right.” Miles nodded, acting as if he still wasn’t sure.
“C’mon Miles, stop joking around, I talk about Bucky all the time.”
“All the time.” Miles gave Bucky a synthetic smile.
“Funny, she doesn’t talk about you that much,” 
“Yes I do,” you defended, and looked at your watch. “We’re running low on time, we need to start moving.”
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You successfully got Bucky passed security with his arm, boarded and exited the plane, and the only step left was to get a rental car and drive for an hour. Bucky offered to drive, you took shotgun, which left Miles in the back seat. Bucky remained silent the entire ride, but Miles made up for it.
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“It’s beautiful!” You cried as Bucky drove the rental car into the driveway.
“So your friends are already here?” Miles asked, unbuckling his seat.
“Yeah, Wanda and Vision flew earlier today.” 
“Why didn’t they take the same flight as us?” 
“No, I mean they flew here. Vision can fly, remember?” You stepped out of the car and went to grab your bags from the trunk.
“Oh, yeah. Weird.” Miles mumbled.
“I’d argue that anyone that works with the Avengers has got to be at least a little bit weird.” 
Bucky had beat you to the trunk, and had already grabbed your things for you.
“Some are weirder than the others,” Miles said, grabbing his own bags.
You ignored his comment, missing the way he glanced at Bucky when he said it. 
“You don’t need to carry my bags, Buck,” you smiled and shook your head at your best friend.
“It’s not a problem.” His voice was a bit gravelly.
Seeing as Bucky only brought a single small suitcase for himself, he literally had super strength, and the walk to the door was less than fifteen feet, you acquiesced with a thank you.
You followed the steps up the porch and didn’t even have time to knock before the door was opening.
“Welcome to paradise!” Wanda squealed, bringing you in for a quick hug.
“Happy to be here!” 
“Come on in!” She stepped out of the way and gestured to the living space.
Bright white walls surrounded you in sunlight, and teal accents covered the space. The area felt fresh and untouched, and smelled lightly of sea salt. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with Vis and I taking the master bedroom?” 
“Of course, Wan, it’s all yours.” You smiled, and slowly turned, taking in the area. “Where’s Vision?”
“I sent him to go pick up some groceries. He should be back soon. In the meantime, you guys should get settled.”
Wanda pointed you to the bedroom with the queen bed, which happened to be to the left of the foyer. You opened the door, and appreciated the cute pineapple theme of the room. You and Miles quietly got to work unpacking your things, and it stayed quiet until you started plugging your charger into the base of the pineapple lamp on the side table.
“So,” Miles cleared his voice, “Wanda and Vision get the master bedroom?” 
“Yeah,” you mindlessly answered, looking up the weekend weather for the fourth time.
“What’s wrong?” You glanced up from your phone. He was putting his swim trunks away.
“Okay.” You looked back to your phone.
87℉ right now, but it’ll start cooling down around six…I should probably put on some sunscreen—
“It’s just, why do they get it? Weren’t you the one who won the game?” He made eye contact with you and quickly added, “It doesn’t bother me, I’m just curious.” 
“Yeah, but the whole thing was Wanda’s idea. She just let me do it with her. And besides, she seemed to want the master bedroom more than me.” You tilted your head, “You don’t mind, do you?”
“It kinda seems like you mind.”
“I mean, their bed is probably bigger.” He said matter-of-factly.
“This is a queen size bed, it’s plenty big for us.”
“It’s fine.” His voice was high. “Does Vision even sleep though? I mean, if it’s one big bed for one person, that seems a little weird, right?”
You sighed. 
“I’m going to go see if Bucky’s unpacked yet.” You politely smiled and left the room.
The walk to his room was short, seeing as it was just across from yours.
“Hey Buck,” you gently knocked on his door and it creaked open.
“Hey.” He replied, sitting on the side of the bed. 
His room seemed to follow a deep sea theme, his walls a deep blue with kelp and coral decals crawling up the walls.
“All unpacked?” You asked.
“Didn’t bring much.”
You nodded, and pursed your lips. He stayed silent.
“Are you okay? You were pretty quiet this whole trip.” You cracked the door behind you and sat beside him.
“You don’t need to worry about me.” 
“That’s kind of my thing,” you chuckled. “Seriously, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. You know me, just quiet around new people.” He shrugged.
“But what about the gala?”
“I didn’t talk to him much there.”
“Yeah. Well, I’m hoping this trip will be a great opportunity for you guys to get to know each other. I think you’ll get along.”
“Are you certain about that?” 
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing,” he shook his head. “You’re right, I’m sure we’ll get along.”
“You’re the best.” You wrapped your arm around him into a hug.
“I try.” 
“I want you to have fun this weekend.” You let go of him and made sure he met your gaze. “Will you try to have fun?”
“Yes, I will try to have fun.” 
“Good. Because you deserve a vacation.” You said earnestly.
There came a small rumble.
“Somebody’s hungry, huh?” You nudged his side.
You could tell he was about to laugh until the door opened.
“Babe, let’s go swimming.” Miles stood leaning in the doorway, already in his green swim trunks.
“I think we should probably get some lunch first. I did some research earlier about the restaurants, the hotel has it’s own seafood place. We could walk if we wanted.”
“But I wanted to go swimming. We just got here.” He whined.
“We have all weekend to swim. And anyways, Bucky is hungry, and I’m getting hungry too.”
“Okay.” He changed his demeanor from pouty to cheesy. “Anything for you,” he walked in and kissed you on the head.
Bucky looked away.
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Vision soon returned with the groceries, and the group made their way to lunch. It was around 3 p.m. when you got back to the house, and everyone decided to take advantage of the beach.
Wanda swam for a couple minutes before returning to sunbathe on the sand. Vision sat next to her in one of the provided blue striped beach chairs. You and Miles were splashing around in the water, far enough out that the water was up to your neck, but Bucky had yet to join in. He was sitting on the steps of the back porch, simply watching you.
“Does he seem lonely to you?” You asked Miles once he came back up for air. 
“Bucky? No, he’s fine.” He answered nonchalantly, flipping the hair out of his eyes.
“But he hasn’t even gotten in yet.”
“If he wanted to get in, he’d get in.”
“Yeah…” you agreed. But one more glance back at Bucky’s form had you changing your mind. You started to swim a little closer to the shore and waved vigorously above your head.
“Hey Buck, come on in! Come on!”
After a bit more coaxing, he stood and made his way to the water, eventually meeting you. However, where the water was up to your chest, the water only met him a little past his midriff.
“See, isn’t this fun?” You laughed, giving him a small splash. 
“I think I see the appeal,” he smiled, the first real one you had seen all day.
“Babe, come back out farther,” Miles whined, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you.
You shook your head.
“I feel safer here, we were a little too far out I think. I don’t want to get stuck in a current.”
Miles huffed.
You felt the sand give way to something hard under your foot. You leaned down, while also trying to keep your head out of the water, and grabbed it.
“Oh my gosh, look how pretty!” You held the peach colored shell up into the sun for the boys to see.
“I think that’s a conch,” Bucky noted, bringing his fingers up to the shell and lightly touching the ridges.
“It’s just a shell,” Miles rolled his eyes, “they’re at the beach a lot.”
“Obviously, but isn’t this one pretty?”
“Sure.” He shrugged, clearly disinterested. “I’m going back out.”
“Just be careful, okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He quickly made his way back to the deep, leaving you and Bucky together.
“You’re bringing a bunch of shells back home, aren’t you?” Bucky asked, but it was definitely more of a statement.
“Do you want to find some cool shells with me?” You asked, giddy.
Your enthusiasm was contagious.
“There is nothing I’d rather do.” He smiled, and you could see the crinkle of his eyes from under his sunglasses.  
You spent the next ten minutes swimming around together, showing each other the cool things you’d found, and placing the keepers on the shore before returning to your searches. The waves slowly started to get bigger, eventually to the point where it was nearly knocking you off balance.
“Bucky, I think I found a starfish! Look!” You pointed somewhere in the sand. Bucky waded over to you and patted you on the back in a congratulatory manner.
“Probably should leave the fella’ alone, I don’t think it’s good to pick them up.” He said, removing his hand from your back.
“I know. It’s so cute, I wish—” you started, but were abruptly cut off when the biggest wave yet came crashing over you, pulling you briefly underwater. Within seconds, firm hands grasped onto your arms, and pulled you back above. Instead of letting you go, Bucky moved his grip to your hips, holding you steady as you coughed.
“Are you okay?”
“Yep,” your voice came across nasally, “just wasn’t expecting that. Salt water up the nose hurts like a bitch,”
“Are you ready to get out?” He asked, picking you up as another wave came rolling through, only forcing him to back up a step.
“I think so,” you wheezed. 
Bucky escorted you to the shore, using himself as a shield against the attacking waves.
The moment your feet hit the dry sand, you looked back at the sea. Where was Miles?
“Miles?” You called over the crashing waves. He was nowhere to be seen. “Miles! M–”
“Gotcha!” Miles came up behind you and picked you up in an effort to try to surprise you, but the way his hands stuck to your wet skin only managed to hurt you.
“Ow!” You yelped, turning to face him once he’d put you down. “What the hell! I thought you drowned!”
“Me? Drown? C’mon.” He wiggled his eyebrows but it only pissed you off that he wasn’t taking you seriously.
“You scared me, asshole,”  
“Alright, I’m sorry, jeez.” 
“Whatever,” you sighed. 
You didn’t even realize Bucky had walked off until he reappeared with a bucket full of shells you’d accumulated and a towel over his shoulder.
“I’m going to start washing these off,” he said, and tossed you the towel.
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“I think this one’s a Sunray Venus!” You beamed, holding the shell to the laminated shell guide you'd found on a counter.
You and Bucky had set up shop at the kitchen table, admiring and identifying the treasures you'd found together.
“Doll, I think that one’s a Dosinia.”
“Oh. Yeah, you’re right. Bummer.”
“Bummer? What’s wrong with a Dosinia?” 
“Nothing, but Sunray Venus just sounds so cool. I haven't seen one yet, though.”
“We have a lot of cockles,” Bucky noted, picking another shell out of the yellow bucket and lining it up on the table.
“Oh my gosh, look Bucky! It’s a sand dollar!” 
“Too bad it’s broken,” he commented, holding it gently in his palm.
“What do you think the chances are of us finding the other half?”
“One in ten-trillion.” He looked you dead in the eyes.
“I don’t like those odds.”
“I’ll find you a full sand dollar.” 
“Good luck with that,” you laughed. 
Bucky put down the sand dollar and turned to face you.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
“Wanda scheduled me and her appointments at the spa tomorrow, but besides that, I don’t think anything is on the docket. Is there anything you’d like to do?”
Bucky sat back in his seat a bit.
“Whatever you want to do, Doll.”
Oh Bucky, always the gentleman.
“C’mon, Buck. There’s gotta be something.”
“I’d be happy just reading on the beach with you.” He smiled, his voice gentle.
“Consider it on the schedule,” you nudged him. 
“Looking forward to it.”
You could tell he meant it. 
God, how did I end up with the sweetest best friend? If only—
If only.
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A/N: Thank you so so so much for reading the first chapter! I really hope you like it. I’m pretty nervous bc even though this series is short, I still feel like it won’t ever be as fleshed out as I want it to be, so I’m just kinda forcing myself to be happy with it. I didn’t really know how to end it, but the next chapter is in Bucky’s POV! 
Chapter 2
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gracesworks · 1 year ago
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Hello, my name is Grace and I am a fanfiction writer. I am new to writing and I kind of enjoy it when I have time to do it.
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The Umbrella academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Any season)
Tony Stark’s daughter x Character
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Stucky x you
Rebelde (Translated in English)
Andi Agosti
Rebelde x you
Other Characters I write for
Micheal Bryce (Ryan Reynolds)
Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds)
Adult!Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds)
Courtland Gentry!Six (Ryan Gosling)
Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans)
Steve Kemp (Sebastian Stan)
Jack Sparrow (Johnny depp) (NO SMUT)
Ledger!Joker (Heath Ledger)
AUs I write for (So far)
Secret Relationship!Any character listed
Secret admire!Any character listed
Tattoo Artist!Bucky/Steve
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Rape ; Underage Sex ; Piss ; Scat ; Being used as human bathroom ; Abusive Bucky/Steve/Any Character unless it’s past abuse from someone else; Pedophilia ; Pederast ; Blood Related Incest ; Suicide ; Self Harm ; (More may be added)
My request are open!
Please be 16-18+
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love-my-fictional-men123 · 11 months ago
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10 posts!
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2 notes · View notes
buck-star · 10 months ago
Little perv | Stucky
Co-Written with @lanabuckybarnes
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// Pairing //
Stepbrother!Bucky Barnes x Stepsister!Reader x BestFriend!Steve Rogers
// Summary //
You didn’t mean to walk into Steve but when you do and he tells your stepbrother about it, they will teach you a lesson how to be a good girl.
// Wordcount //
4.956 Words
// Warnings //
18+, Minors DNI, dubcon, stepcest, smut, threesome, both boys are dicks and cute, they are both huge, fingering (fem!receiving), oral (male!receiving), deep throating, choking, crying during sex, degrading, unprotected p in v, anal play, unprotected anal sex, double penetration, spitting, slapping, praises, pet names (sweetheart, babygirl), aftercare
// Authors Note //
This oneshot is co-written with @lanabuckybarnes, I wanna say thank you bbg, for listening to all the ideas, coming up with your own ideas. And especially for helping me to write it while I freaked out. This wouldn’t be as filthy and it wouldn’t even exist with your help, so thanks for writing this together with me.
// Events //
Build-A-Bucky-Bingo | BABB055 | December | Sensory Play | @buckybarnesevents | LGBTQ+ Bingo | G4 | Bisexual Threesome | @lgbtqbingo | Stucky Bingo: Round 5 | 5089 | B2 | Kink: Double Penetration | @stuckybingo
// Masterlist | Stucky Masterlist //
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You groaned as you heard the shower running; your body was aching and you were in dire need of the relaxing feel of the water over your body—low and behold just as you’d grabbed your towels Bucky’s friend Steve had stolen the shower from you.
To say you were irritated was an understatement, you’d been dealing with shit like this ever since your dad’s new girlfriend moved in with her man-child son. Bucky was the quarterback of your college football team, a complete catch for any stupid girl silly enough to believe his charming eyes and wicked tongue, which you found out was quite a lot of girls; almost every weekend he’d hop out to a party and either come home reeking of sex and booze or with a girl clung to his hip, sucking dark marks into his thick neck as his large hands ran over her body— they would barely make it into his bedroom before she was moaning like a pornstar and he was growling like a fucking animal.
You suspected all that fucking booze and constant bashing into other burly men had gotten to his brain because he had a teasing, arrogant, don’t-give-a-fuck attitude that rolled off his body in waves. And by god did he love making you squirm.
The first time it happened you brushed it off, after all, he was probably so used to walking around in only his sweatpants; they hung low, the waistband of his briefs easily visible, accentuating his Adonis belt and soft happy trail that sunk below his pants.
You thought you’d stopped your gawking quick enough but Bucky had caught you—and you were in for it now.
Ever since that day Bucky had been more relaxed in the clothing department when he was around you, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d worn a shirt around you; his corded muscles rippling under his tanned skin, biceps bigger than your head bulging as he brought his water bottle up to his plush lips, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped down the cold liquid. He tried his best to bite back the shit-eating grin threatening to plaster over his face as he shuffled by you, tall frame looming over you, your ass rubbing against the front of his sweats ‘accidentally’. After a quick glance your way the smile broke free, you’d stopped stirring your tea, head dipped to hide your reddened face behind your locks of hair but no amount of effort could wipe the mortification you felt and Bucky was loving it.
And now he’d even roped his friend into this absurdity.
Noting that the shower had finally stopped you gathered your towels and other toiletries in your arms and shuffled down the hall, bare feet slapping against the hardwood as you walked. Bucky’s room door lay adjacent, shooting noises and cursing flowing through the crack as he played whatever goddamn game that had him up at 4am most nights.
You were so distracted by Bucky you neglected to knock on the bathroom door to make sure it was well and truly empty.
“Well, what do we have here?” Steve’s cocky voice broke you from your trance, his hair pushed back and a towel hung low on his hips showing off his washboard-like abs; he wasn’t as wide as Bucky but definitely just as built. His blue eyes watched you from the mirror above the sink.
Your mouth gaped and shut like a fish out of water as you stuttered over your words, your brain shutting down at the worst possible time ‘Stupid fucking brain’.
“Never knew Buck's new step sis was such a fucking perv” he turned, hand gripping the waist of his towel as he stalked forward until you stumbled over your own feet, your items falling as you reached out instinctively to grab at something close to you— unfortunately that happened to be Steve’s towel.
“Wow! Tryna strip me now huh?” He chuckled, thick fingers gripping your wrist, his towel remaining in place thanks to his earlier hold.
“No-I” you tried to speak but his stormy eyes shot you down quickly.
“Sureee” he smirked, tongue poking against the inside of his cheek “We’ll see what Bucky has to say about this” he finished and before you could react he’d dragged your body down the hall and into Bucky’s room.
“I—I don’t think Bucky wants to know anything about it. And I— uhm I’m it was an accident to walk into the bathroom while you are still in here,” you mumbled, every thought washed out of your mind.
Steve chuckled, pushing you away from him causing you to stumble through the room until you were standing in the middle of it, facing Bucky with widened eyes and slightly parted lips.
“Didn’t know your sister is such a perv, Buck. Came into the bathroom and when I asked her about it she wanted to take away the towel around my waist,” the blonde-haired man laughed. He walked closer to you, his hands gripping your waist before he pushed you closer to Bucky who was sitting on the bed.
Bucky’s legs were dangling down off the edge of it, he smirked at you with that shitty knowing and arrogant smirk. You blushed softly when he held his hands out for you to grab, when you didn’t take his hands Steve pushed you closer until Bucky was able to grasp at you and pull you closer to him.
“Are you that much of a needy girl?” Bucky cooed, pulling you down until you were seated on his thigh. His thick muscles were pressing perfectly against your throbbing cunt and you couldn’t help yourself, your hips slowly grinding you on his leg. “Oh, you really are a needy little whore, say it, babygirl, tell us that you’re such a horny little bitch for us.”
You whimpered, his thick thigh pressed against your pussy was too much for you to think straight. Bucky laughed darkly, his hands making their way to your waist and he helped you to grind on him.
“Stevie, look how fucking desperate she is, such a fucking whore for us. Say it, babygirl! Say it!” Bucky said in a stern tone. When you still didn’t answer his demands he stopped your movements. You whined, throwing your head back and hitting Steve’s lower stomach. You didn’t even realize he was so close to you but your head was resting against him now. “Fucking say it, bitch.”
“I—“ you cried out when Steve grasped your throat, his fingers were digging into your soft flesh and your eyes widened immediately. He didn’t let go of your throat, his fingers were digging more into your soft skin and you gasped. “I’m a whore for you.”
Both men chuckled, Steve loosened his grip and you inhaled deeply. Bucky still didn’t let you move on his thigh, he was looking up at Steve, nodding towards him and before you could have asked something you were turned around and tossed onto Bucky’s bed.
“Good girl, now ask daddy to let you suck his cock,” the brunette smirked, he was now standing next to Steve, both admiring you shamelessly. It felt a bit like you were nothing but a piece of meat for them, and maybe you were right now.
You didn’t answer him, your eyes just looking at them while you were placed on your back. “Think she wants to be punished, what do you think, Buck?”
A low groan left Bucky’s lips, he placed his hands on the waistband of his sweatpants, pushing them slowly down. Your eyes wander over his toned chest and abs to his hands which were going to reveal his hardening cock. Steve was making his way around the bed, one of his hands on his cock, palming himself and feeling himself getting harder underneath the towel.
Bucky pushed his sweatpants down eventually, his boxer briefs following and his cock sprung free. The tip was red, leaking with pre-cum and you whimpered once more. Your mind was too dizzy to care what both men were going to do with you, you just needed them, needing them to help the ache in your pussy.
“Open your mouth and suck daddy’s cock like the fucking little whore you are,” Bucky groaned, walking a step closer. He lowered himself slightly, his hand tapped your cheek lightly and you did as you were told. With a grunt he pushed his cock into your mouth, immediately thrusting forward when the warmth of your mouth surrounded his cock. Bucky couldn’t — he didn’t want to hold back his thrusts, he wanted you to take him completely into your sweet little mouth.
Steve who had settled on the bed, spread your legs apart, he’d taken off your pants already, the only fabric between him and your pussy was the thin sopping material of your panties. Steve ran his fingers up and down your inner thigh, inching closer to your soaked pussy. “Fucking soaked, making a mess in her panties.”
You moaned in response, Bucky’s cock moved in and out of your mouth, causing you to gag around his length. He didn’t care how much you sputtered and pushed his cock deeper into you, tears were streaming over your face and you quietly sobbed when he hit the back of your mouth over and over again.
Steve’s fingers were now circling your pussy, the fabric still covering your wetness but the intensity of his movements made you go crazy. He pinched your clit through your panties and you tried to move away from him but he held you in place. Steve then slipped his fingers under your panties, before deciding it wasn’t good enough and ripping the fabric into two pieces and throwing them away.
Any type of protest was muffled by Bucky’s cock, his pre-cum leaking onto your tongue and you hummed your satisfaction. “Yeah, that’s what you like, huh? Fucking desperate slut needs to be punished for your being so needy.”
Bucky guided his cock in and out of your mouth, loving the way your tears fell down your cheeks while he hit your throat with every push of his cock into your mouth. He groaned, his hand making its way around your throat and he squeezed your soft flesh slightly. Your eyes shot open, terror written in the color when he squeezed more and more.
You wiggled, trying to pull away from him but your stepbrother held you in place. He beamed down at you, then he loosened his grip around your throat and removed his cock, giving you a moment to breathe deeply. With a rough laugh he brought his hand to your jaw, and with a bit of pressure he made you open your mouth. Bucky was then spitting into your mouth, looking at the way you involuntarily swallowed his saliva.
“Fuck, you little bitch. You’re so fucking desperate, swallowing my spit like you’re gonna do with my cum,” he groaned, placing his cock back in your mouth, thrusting harshly and fast in and out of you.
Steve worked one of his fingers into your tight cunt, his fingers were moving between your folds for a while, gathering your arousal. But now he just needed to stretch out so he would be able to fit his huge, veiny cock into you. “You’re so fucking tight. Bucky didn’t know your little stepsis felt like a virgin.”
“Oh don’t worry, she might’ve not fucked a boy yet but I know she fucked herself, haven’t you, babygirl?” Bucky cooed. Steve chuckled, removing his finger before he was pressing his finger against your entrance once again. His thick finger entered you and he immediately pushed another finger into you, causing you to moan loudly — or at least as loud as possible with your stepbrother's cock down your throat. “Have heard you moaning my name like a desperate slut, fucking yourself with your small fingers, not even comparable to my cock, babygirl.”
You moaned around his huge length. Steve curled both of his fingers inside of you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again. The attempt to throw your head back was stopped by the bed and you only arched your back, pressing more against the blonde-haired man’s fingers.
“Don’t you dare to cum you fucking whore,” Bucky growled, his hand back around your throat and squeezing once again. Your eyes rolled back, pleasure growing inside of you especially when you felt Bucky’s cock twitch in your mouth, his balls slapping against your face.
You whined when Steve slipped his fingers out of your tight entrance, pushing one of his digits back into you so he felt you clench around him. “So tight, sweetheart. Can’t wait to fill you with my cock.”
Before you could respond in any way Bucky removed his cock, smirking at Steve like he got the best idea he could ever get into his mind. His tongue was poking out, gliding across his lips when he took a step back and grasped your hair, causing you to hiss. Bucky made you sit up, your front to Steve while your back was towards Bucky.
“Take off your shirt, sweetheart. Let me see your pretty tits, poor things, hidden by your clothes,” Steve mumbled, sitting on his knees in front of you. Your hands shook when you brought them to the hem of your shirt, slowly taking it off and revealing your bare body to the men.
Steve’s hands immediately reached out to place them on top of your breast, squeezing the soft flesh. A low moan escaped his lips the moment he saw your lips parting and a quiet moan leaving your perfect, pink lips. He played with your nipples, twirling them between his fingers until you were nothing but a whimpering and moaning mess.
“Get on your knees, sweetheart. Be a good girl, huh?” You moved a bit, getting on your knees and giving Steve better access between your wet folds. Bucky undresses himself as well, getting on the bed behind you, his big hands caressing your smaller frame.
Bucky and Steve were huge compared to you, and you between them made you feel even smaller. Their hands were roaming over your body, arousal was dripping out of your cunt, slowly wetting your inner thighs. You squirmed slightly, you wanted them to touch you properly, you needed them to fuck you.
“Impatient, babygirl? Do you know that bad girls get punished?” Bucky whispered into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe. He kissed down your neck, biting into your flesh before he licked over it and kissed the spot. “Are you going to be good for us?”
You nodded your head, letting it fall back against Bucky’s shoulder. Steve stroked his cock slowly, his thumb brushed over his plush head and he groaned while he smeared his pre-cum all over his tip and shaft. He then got closer to you, his cock placed in between your legs and he pushed his hips forward. Steve was grinding his length through your folds, your pussy clenched around nothing while his rock-hard cock pressed against your clit and he brushed his cock over it with every movement.
“Doing so good, sweetheart. Do you want my cock?” He asked, grinning at you when you nodded. Your head was still resting against Bucky’s shoulder. Just a moment after you nodded Steve’s hand flew across your face. Your eyes widened and tears built up in them, slowly rolling down your cheeks. Steve’s handprint appeared on your cheek, red and burning. “Shhh— I’m sorry, sweetheart. But you need to use your words.”
Steve mumbled before he pressed his soft, plump lips against your burning cheek. You hissed, but Bucky’s broad body behind you held you in place. To make it up to you, Steve grasped his cock and pushed it slowly into you, his cock stretched you out and you whined.
“Too big, Steve. Please, too big,” you mumbled, shutting your eyes tight. Your hands gripped whatever was close to you, his thick shoulders. Your fingers were digging into his flesh when he bottomed out inside you.
“Doing so good for us. Fuck, you’re right, sweetheart. Could immediately come in your pussy, you’re squeezing me so much already,” the blonde-haired man said, smirking when he looked at you.
Steve gave you a moment to adjust to his size, playing with your nipples. He twirled them between his fingers, squeezed your breasts and sucked softly at your sensitive skin. His cock was resting deep in your pussy, walls clenched violently around him and he needed to focus to not come immediately inside of you.
Meanwhile, Bucky was looking for some lube in his drawer, squirting some of the cold liquid on his fingers. He then placed his fingers on your even tighter hole, smearing the lube around before he pushed one of his digits against your tight muscle ring. You shake your head, not sure if you want him to fuck your ass but when Steve slowly moved his cock you melted into their embrace and let Bucky work his finger into your puckered hole.
Whines and moans were all that left your lips, desperate and needy to be fucked like a slut — exactly what both men did, at least when you were prepared for Bucky’s cock in your ass.
Bucky pushed his digit into you, and you welcomed him immediately, sucking him deeper inside you. A low chuckle left his lips and he looked at his best friend. “Fucking slut is sucking my finger into her ass like she is made to be fucked. Like to be fucked by two men, huh?”
You didn’t answer, too deep into the pleasure both of them gave you. Steve’s cock was twitching in your tight pussy, the feeling of him in you, making you still feel like he would rip you apart and Bucky’s finger moving deeper into your ass before he added another didn’t help your fogged mind.
“B—Bucky, please. N—Need you.” You weren't sure what came over you, your pussy was already hurting with Steve’s cock inside but Bucky would ruin your ass. It would hurt a lot more would he push in especially when you’re not stretched out with his fingers, but the pleasure you felt was just too good to wait for him to work you open for his pretty but huge cock.
“He has to stretch your tight ass before he can push into you, sweetheart. We don’t want you to have too much pain when we fuck you, it’s not just about us, it’s also about you,” Steve told you, his hips slowly moving against yours but just so slightly that you could cry out frustrated. The tip of his head was hitting your sweet spot with every movement and you felt the knot in your belly already tightening but he stopped his movements once again.
Bucky worked three of his fingers into your ass, he scissored them, stretching you out for his cock. And then he pulled them out of you, smirking about the frustrated whine that left your lips. “Needy, aren’t we, babygirl?”
You rolled your eyes, feeling the tip of his cock against your entrance. You wiggled your ass, trying to push against him but Steve grabbed your waist and held you in place.
Bucky grasped the lube once again, this time he squirted it onto his hard cock. Without warning he entered your puckered hole. Your eyes widened, your breath hitched and you felt the pain appear in your ass. This wasn’t quite comfortable, especially not with Steve’s cock pressing against the thin wall between his and Bucky’s cock inside of you.
“No— too—“ you got interrupted by another harsh slap but this time on your ass and Bucky was the one who brought his hand down against your skin.
“It will fit, we will make it fit and you will take us like the good fucking whore you are!” His voice was stern and not even Steve’s soft touches against your breasts and cheek didn’t help against the pain in your ass.
You nodded, letting him slide his dick inside of you. Both men were balls deep inside of you, giving you a moment to take a deep breath. It felt at the same time good and bad, you wanted to get off their cocks but at the same time, you needed them to fuck into you and destroy your holes in the most delicious way possible.
Steve was the first one who pulled out of you before he slammed his cock back into you. Bucky and his best friend were groaning just as loud as you moaned when Steve started to fuck you. Bucky followed his movements, and so you were kneeling between those broad men, two cocks inside of you while they slammed into you with such force.
The pain you felt quickly turned into pleasure and the desperate moans that left your lips showed that. Bucky was kissing along your neck, while Steve couldn’t stop himself any longer — his lips were pressing aggressively against yours but instead of pulling away you kissed him back.
The knot in your lower stomach was growing, their thick veiny cocks inside of you, stimulating your sweet spot and themselves made your mind go dizzy. “Please, please.”
“What do you need, babygirl? Do you want us to stop?” Bucky asked sweetly and you shook your head, lips parted when Steve used the moment to fuck even harder inside of you. The only sound that left your lips was a cry and your eyes rolled back. Bucky laughed, his hand sliding to your neck and he held it in a loose grip.
“Guess she wants us to make her come before we fill her up with our pretty babies,” Steve growled. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart. Fucking love that clenching pussy.”
Bucky hummed, agreeing with his best friend. Your walls were clenching around them and both could tell you were just as close as they were. With a harsh thrust from Bucky into your tight ass and a sloppy thrust into your pussy — which was still hitting your sweet spot — you came all over Steve’s cock. You were clenching around them painfully, sucking them even deeper into you while you squeezed them and it caused them to come inside of you.
Bucky’s hot breath hit the sweaty skin of your neck, and his grip around your throat tightens while he pumped his cum into your ass. Steve dug his fingers into your hips, rutting into you, groaning and throwing his head back.
“Fuck, so fucking tight. Take my cum, take my babies,” Steve moaned and you bit your lip when you thought about his words. Your mind was still dizzy and you could feel their heavy breaths on your skin, their sweaty body pressed against yours and their cum slowly dripping out of your holes.
“Taking our cum like a good little slut. Yeah, that’s what you are, our good slut. You look so beautiful when you come,” Bucky grinned and bit your neck slightly. Both were fucking you through your orgasm before they pulled out of you.
They had their hands still on your body, holding you in place while they watched your mixed cum dripping out of you and flowing down. Bucky dipped a finger into the mixture, bringing it to his mouth, and sucking on it before he repeated, only this time he held his finger in front of your mouth.
“Suck it clean, it tastes good. You taste so fucking good baby girl. Especially mixed with our cum,” he chuckled when you let him push his finger into your mouth, you sucked at it, moaning about the salty taste — it was delicious, and sucking Bucky’s finger was just as delicious as the cum.
You were so fucked out; so high on the aura of the room, both boys panting around you, trying to find a sliver of air around the sex-filled space.
“Fuck” Bucky groaned out as he stood from the bed, slightly pushing your form forward until you collapsed onto Steve’s awaiting body.
“There we are sweetheart you did so well, so good for us…took your punishment like a champ baby” Steve cooed, his thick fingers combing through your matted locks, separating the sweaty knots gently.
Bucky watched the pair as they settled against his headboard, smiling softly at just how fucked out you were, a bubbling mess on top of Steve and soaking up his praises like a sponge.
“Mmm Buck” you croaked out, eyes barely cracking open to watch the man as he slid a pair of briefs up over his legs before adjusting himself. His heart clenched at the sound of your raspy voice just barely forming any words, he wanted nothing more than to dive into the bed with you and Steve and snuggle close to you but he was well aware that you needed to be taken care of.
“I’ll be right with you babygirl ok” he squatted down to look at you, a soft smile pulling on his lips and wrinkling the corners of his eyes before he planted a soft kiss along the bridge of your glistening nose and disappeared into the bathroom.
When he returned Steve had pulled you up into his lap, his legs dangling off the bed as he spoke to you about nothing in particular, keeping you awake long enough for them to look after you.
“Come on sweet girl” Steve spoke smiling at the appearance of Bucky “Let’s get you all cleaned up”.
He stood; lifting you like you weighed nothing, a wide palm on your ass while his other cradled your waist making sure you didn’t slip from him, physically and mentally.
The warm sudded water was a welcoming touch, your muscles tensing as your lower body stung lightly but it quickly subsided into a soothing feeling that left your eyelids heavy. A groan sounded from behind you followed by the sloshing of water as someone settled in; his firm arms pulling you close until your back hit his soft chest.
“Still with us babygirl?” Bucky’s breath fanned against your ear as he leaned in close, his plush lips running from behind its shell to the nape of your neck.
You hummed, but the sound wasn’t enough for the boys. Steve leaned over the tub, his index finger curling under your chin and his thumb pulling at your lower lip.
“Come on sweetheart, use those words…you wouldn’t want poor Buck and me to worry all day about hurting you” he murmured, his thumb drifting over the soft pink of your mouth.
“Mm mm, you didn’t hurt me Stevie—just feeling too good and tired” you mustered, your brain still short-circuiting and swirling in that deep subspace.
“That’s ok baby as long as you’re feeling good” He leaned forward, kissing you gently before accepting the bottle of body wash and loofah Bucky held out to him.
“Gonna wash you up, that ok?” The blonde man asked, already squirting a heady amount of the sweet-smelling scent into the sponge.
“Uh huh” You responded meekly, suddenly the thought of Steve touching you all over so intimately had you feeling all shy—something that made Steve’s heart swell as he noticed the soft blush perching over your cheeks.
His hands worked softly, lifting each arm and scrubbing away the sweat and heavy scent of sex from you while Bucky took his time massaging over your hips and thighs, thumbs pushing into the tight knots.
You were almost completely unconscious by the time they’d deemed you clean; the water had gone cold and Steve had scrubbed the same spot on your tummy a thousand times yet none of you wanted to leave the loving coils of the other. Bucky broke first and brought you up with him as he stood, turning you and lifting you out before wrapping you in a huge fluffy towel. He scooped you up again and walked back down the hall to his room, leaving Steve to clean himself and the bathroom up.
“Shit” Bucky cursed, stopping suddenly in the middle of his room. Through all the fussing over you, he’d completely neglected the fact his sheets were covered in your combined juices.
You turned your heavy head to look over your shoulder, a soft chuckle leaving your lips as you realised just what exactly had Bucky grumbling.
“It’s alright we can sleep in my bed” you whispered against his temple, lipsing the spot softly and earning a playful spank in return as he turned on his heel and down to the opposite end of the corridor to your room.
Bucky dried you off quickly, eager to get under the sheets and you in his arms; your soft giggles music to his ears as the fabric ran down your sides and over your breasts.
Finally, Bucky got his wish as he tucked you under your sheets and rounded the bed to the other side, his naked frame curling in beside you, his arm snaking over your waist and pulling your back into his front. Steve joined soon after and slipped into the bed in front of you, his hand running up your arm before cupping your cheek and kissing you softly.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better little girl tonight, can’t wait to do this more” he mumbled against your lips, paying no mind to the fact you’d drifted off to sleep as soon as he’d joined you and Bucky.
“Mhmm” Bucky agreed, blue eyes meeting the stormy colour of his friends “But next time I get her pussy” The growl in Bucky’s voice left no room for argument, but Steve only chuckled.
“Sure man, sure”
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// Taglist //
@kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @felicitylemon @futurequeen2018-blog @flstrawberry @sebastianstanisahotmf @nervouseden @jiyascepter @princesscore-angel @mrs-katelyn-barnes
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wintermischief · 2 years ago
Does anyone know that one fic of Bucky x F!Reader where he’s her roommate/bestfriend and she tries to make a move on him and he’s like no, you won’t be able to get me hard or turn me on and he’s cocky & teasing her like “I know you haven’t gotten some in a while but you’re not my type” but then they have sex and get together
FORGOT TO UPDATE BUT ITS BEEN FOUND: Sugar by @sunshinebuckybarnes :)
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sunflowersbones · 7 months ago
The Hand That Feeds - IV
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Warnings: This fic will contain eventual NON-CON, DUB-CON, abuse of power, violence, emotional manipulation, alluded to Mafia!Bucky. My warnings are not exhaustive, proceed at your own risk.
18+ only. This is a dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary : Your best friend’s and yours entire lives have revolved around violence, death, greed and fear. You’ve always had each other and took comfort in the fact that none of this was your doing; you never had a choice. But what happens when time winds its roots around you, such that even when given the opportunity to leave, he neither leaves nor lets you leave. {mafia au}
You finish emptying your closet, as you get startled by your door bursting open, you’re surprised to see him here; but the anger in his eyes doesn’t surprise you.
“How’d you even get in?”
“Your mom let me in.”
“I thought she was out?”
“I caught her on her way out; she’s probably deciding to prioritise her friends now, considering her daughter decided that she wants to leave everybody,” he grits out. You heave a deep sigh at that.
“Seriously? You’re going to leave, just like that, just because of some guy and his incessant antics?”
“This isn’t because of Zemo.”
“Then why!?”
“Zemo just made me accept something I’ve always known.”
“And what’s that?”
“That death and violence will always be a part of this life, Bucky.”
“You’re scared you’ll end up like your dad.”
“Yes,” you breathe out, “our families are indulging in crime, Bucky; no matter how much they sugarcoat it, that is the truth.”
“Eventually you’ll have to bear the brunt of it; eventually you’ll have blood on your hands.”
“So let's just leave.” Your voice strains in pain, your distress seems evident, yet he says nothing. His eyes bore into you, with a look you can’t describe; his jaw clenched tight. There’s something about the way he’s staring at you that makes you almost uncomfortable.
“And what makes you think that I haven’t?” he says, barely a whisper, but you hear him anyway.
“What makes you think that I don’t know what I’m doing?” He stands up and walks over to you. “What makes you think that I haven’t had blood on my hands yet?”
The entire air around you is still. Silence with Bucky has never made you feel this uncomfortable or unbearable.
“Never mind,” he sighs, breaking the trance.
“No, wait—what did you—when?”
All of a sudden, you feel Bucky’s entire weight on you. As your back hits the wall, one of his hand is on the back of your neck as he kisses you.
You’re unable to move; the firmness of his hands makes you whimper as he deepens the kiss; he bites your lower lip and tugs on to it as he stops to catch his breath; the only reason that your standing still is due to his hold on you.
You feel your breath hitch as he drags his hand down; underneath you skirt, you feel his fingers graze you through your underwear as his thumb toys with your clit. Your finger nails digs into his shoulder as you try to compose yourself. You feel your entire body heat up, is it anger?, frustration?, arousal…? you don’t know.
His mouth latches on to yours again and you feel his tongue glide along with yours and before you know it, he parts your underwear and slides two of his fingers into you.
You feel yourself getting wet as his fingers massage the insides of your wall, your toes curl as you feel the pleasure riling in; now, more annoyed at yourself, you smack his shoulder as you hiss, “Bucky stop it.”
“Marry me.” he whispers as his glazed eyes stare back at you.
This time you actually feel the wind getting knocked out of you. You’re unable to say anything except whimper as he increases his pace.
“I love you and I know you love me. You don’t want to leave, you’re just scared, so lets get married. It’ll put your mind at ease.”
You feel your legs shake as your stomach tightens and your core clenches as you feel your self come undone around his fingers.
You stare at him through your heavy haze and the blues of his eyes don’t seem so beautiful anymore. He leans in to give you a small peck on your lips, he sighs into it as he says “you’re not leaving; ok.”
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You have to leave; you’ve made up your mind; everything that’s happened has made you more determined. Yet you feel despair creeping through you when your taxi gets stopped by a familiar black car on your way to the airport. However, you’re relieved when you see Steve walk up to you and not Bucky.
The ice in your coffee has completely melted, and he’s yet to say anything; the awkward tension hangs high in the air.
“I don’t have much time, Steve.”
“Why are you doing this? Why are you leaving all of us?, especially Bucky. You really think you’ll be happy all alone?”
Your eyes widen at the mention of Bucky. “Does Bucky know?”
“About you leaving today?, no.”
“But he’s been losing his goddamn mind because you refused to answer his calls for the past 3 days; how do you expect him to go on without you?”
“How did you even know?”
“That’s not important; the important question is, why are you sneaking out? Why are you leaving all of a sudden without telling any of your friends?”
“What about Nat, huh? How do you think she’ll feel when she finds out; you ever think about that?.”
“Bucky told me about how you feel, about everything.”
“What!” You whispered alarmed.
“I know that you're scared; you’re allowed to be. But running away isn’t going to solve anything.”
You feel the annoyance bubble up. “Oh yeah! What else did he tell you? Did he tell you that he’s an asshole?Did he tell you that he’s decided that he gets to choose what happens in my life and when it happens? Did he tell you that he hurt me!?”
“I’m sure he didn’t mean to.”
His deprecating tone doesn’t surprise you. You feel your eyes tingle; you knew this would happen—that he wouldn’t understand, wouldn’t even try to. None of them will; Bucky was the only one you had a little hope in; and that got shattered into pieces. This is exactly why you decided to leave without telling anyone.
“You’re always on his side, aren’t you?”
“What no—this isn’t about picking sides.”
“No! It is, and it always will be. The two of you are always a team. I’m the extra; I’m the one outside. Always…”
“God; Y/N, if you look around for once, you’ll see that; that’s not the case at all; we’d never separate you off like that!. Especially Bucky, I don’t know where all of this is coming from.”
“He doesn’t even care for me as a friend!” You cry out.
“Y/N… He cares for you more…, more than anything in this whole world.” He sighs.
His solicitous words almost make you want to believe that he cares, that everything will be fine, and that you can move on with life. Almost… but you know better.
“I’m leaving.” You stand up to walk away when you feel Steve’s hand wrap around your arm. You wince at the strength of his grip.
“I can’t let you leave like this, Y/N. I’m sorry, but— you’ll have to come talk to Bucky at least once. Talk to him; sort it out. Give everybody a proper goodbye and then leave if you want. It’s the least you could do.”
The anger in his voice makes you helpless, and before you can retort back, you find yourself in the backseat of his car.
Steve was always too disciplined for your liking. You always knew that they were a pair and that they’d do anything for each other. You were proud of their loyalty to each other, but now…, you don’t feel that way anymore. A part of you is deeply concerned that even if you told him what had happened, he wouldn’t believe you; he would never choose you over his best friend , and that plunged you to even deeper depths of despair.
@scott-loki-barnes @cjand10
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