#best travel places november
kkginfo · 2 years
Chavan 2022: Darshan of Viswanadha in Kasi Kshetra in Shravan month is very special.. Full details about this temple for you. | KKG INFO
Chavan 2022: Darshan of Viswanadha in Kasi Kshetra in Shravan month is very special.. Full details about this temple for you. | KKG INFO
During the month of Shravana, the Kashi Vishwanatha Kshetra is crowded with devotees. Let us know in detail the unknown facts about Kashi, which is considered to be the preeminent form of Lord Shiva in the three worlds. Chavan 2022: In orthodox tradition.. Duvadasa Jyotirlinga worship is important. One of the major Jyotirlingams in the country is Kashi Viswanadha. This temple is located in…
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embers-burning-bright · 10 months
me and my partner had some amazing chats with a drag king who performed at a pub last night and FUCK. FUCK I NEED TO GET BACK INTO DRAG I MISS DOING IT SO BAD THIS IS MY SIGN
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makies · 1 year
No Nut November with Honkai Stars Rail Men
How long does :: Jing yuan, Blade, Danheng, Sampo, Gepard, Welt will last NNN
It's May but I'm itching to write No Nut November with honkai star rail men and no one can stop me
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Shortest to longest ::
Sampo — A day
Sampo just couldn't resist you. Seeing you sitting so pretty and so lonely on the couch (He's just using you as an excuse) just awakened something within him.
You could feel someone creeping up your legs under the blanket yet you keep your orbs on the television.
"Sampo, didn't you say you're participating in the NNN and you had a bet with the captain of the Silvermane guards?"
"Mhn." He let out a hum, skillfully removing your underwear before sticking his head out of the blanket.
"He won't know... Just one time baby, kay?"
+ It won't be just one time. He wants to have the best of his life while the captain suffers<3 ↑
+ He'd jerk himself while eating you out, making sure to give you another unforgettable night<3.
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Danheng — A week.
I can see Dan heng knocking in your room at night, all sweaty. "You're having those nightmares again?" you'll ask and letting him in, and the both of you will cuddle while sleeping. It looks like a wholesome situation but is it?
Dan heng wrapped his arm around your small figure, placing his chin above your head—trying to doze off to sleep. You're always his safe place, his comfort zone. You're so nice that he wants to give a small thank you for using his actions<3
The young adult's hand that was placed in your dress unhurriedly travel at the end of your night gown, his hands ending at the back of your thighs, pulling the dress up til your waist—exposing your clothed cunt.
The raven haired latter could only grunt, feeling his pants getting tighter by every passing second. "Hmn." You groaned, shifting yourself a little and without knowing — Dan heng matches with your move, thrusting his hips upwards.
"Shh, go to sleep darling... let me take care of you."
+ You'll probably wake up while he's rutting into you — him trying to calm you down with a kiss. "It's alright it's alright, this is a gift for you."
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Welt — Two weeks and three days
Welt yang could end the whole month if he wanted to. But March joking in front of him; saying that the other men are looking at you while you're out trailblazing at Jarilo VI got his stomach flipping.
"Welt!" You called out, one eye shut, biting your lower lip and opening your neck for welt to have more access. He took that as an acceptance, tossing you on the bed and hovering over you. "What's wrong, love?" You reach out your hand, touching his cheeks whilst the man just furrowed his brows, looking away from you.
"Do you..." He mumbled, making you raise a brow. "Do you also call them like what you call me?" He'll question, making you chuckle. He's so cute, you better show him that he's the only one you call 'love'.
"I love you, darling. Stay with me forever."
+ Welt will definitely join you in your next trailblazing mission or go in your place — gatekeeping you from those people.
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Jing Yuan — The last day
Jing yuan is well known for being a patient man. He can endure the whole month without feeling your insides as long as you stay beside him, giving the physical touch and the quality time he needs.
The whole reason for him joining this 'NNN' is you. He wanted to know how long you can endure without him — he wanted to test his pretty lover<3.
It's the second week of november, Jing Yuan is coming home from work and he was welcomed by his lover in a lingerie, already pressing themselves to him. He could also release a chuckle at the situation, his lovely lover looking up at him with a pout in the mouth.
"Baby what would you do if it wasn't me who came home, hm? Letting them see you like that?" He teased, putting a hand on top of your head and a kiss in your forehead.
"I can't do this anymore, Yuan. You won't give in at all."
He'll deal with this every day, just throwing you in the bed and going straight to sleep with you in his arms so you won't do anything naughty.
On the last day, he'll probably give in because you'll come to his office, about to cry; asking him if he still loves you because he's been refusing you for a month.
He won't say a word at first, already flipping you around the table and pressing himself to you.
"I'm sorry baby, let me make it up to you kay?"
+ Will cum a lot inside you since he's been holding back — he's going to tell you specifically the days that he's so hard for you that he could only sleep to avoid touching because of this goddamn challenge.
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The guys who actually finished it ::
Gepard — Finished the month
Gepard who made a deal with Sampo that whoever finish the month without touching themselves or their partner gets to have their own bets.
(Gepard :: will arrest sampo)
(Sampo :: gepard will stop chasing him)
And he really did it! There are times where you were really in the mood but the poor guy can't read it since he doesn't have any experience:(.
His job as the captain also helped him get distracted. But the amount of times you came to see him to bring him lunch with a beautiful dress hugging your body so damn good — ah, it makes his head spin. He swears to Aeons — he'll arrest sampo after this and fuck you good.
"Captain, your lover is really beautiful!"
"Yeah, the captain's so lucky!"
"Where'd you meet them, captain?"
His guards cheerfully asked their captain, yet their captain just gave them a smile, waving a hand off and entering his office. "I'm going to eat my lunch, please refrain from entering my office if not necessary."
Such a bad captain he is. Locking the door, Gepard immediately dropped the food, hurriedly opening his armor, putting the hem of his long sleeves in his mouth — revealing his perfect body, hands hurriedly going down to free his cock, hitting his stomach as soon as it was out. God, he was so hard yet couldn't touch himself — how is supposed to eat knowing that the food was given by you?
"Fuck [Y/n], what are you doing to me..."
+ The poor guy doesn't know that he already won:(
+ Will fuck you real good till you pass out. He only looks like an innocent guy on the inside<3.
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Blade — Finished the month
Blade isn't the type who can finish the whole month if he's with you so he probably goes out to kafka to give him a task for a whole month and he'll come home at exactly 12 in the midnight at the end of the month, about to enter your door when he heard someone whimpering his name<3.
"Hah, Blade." You moaned your lover's name, a hand placed in your heat, and one in your nipples, toying with it, trying to make yourself cum. You can't. You just can't with your body who's used in the pleasure blade gives you — his long fingers, his long dick fucking you so dumb till you cum several times.
Blade found it amusing when he opened the door yet you still didn't notice him, a smirk display on his face — staring at your whole body intently.
You'll probably change position — turning to your back, face hitting the pillow and fingers in your hole. Sobbing so much when you wouldn't come, then suddenly, a bulge pressed against you — hot breath against your neck whispering;
"Couldn't wait till I get home, hm? Let me help you."
+ Blade would punish you, letting you cum one time and will edge you in the next ones because you didn't wait for him<3.
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[Honkai star tail List]
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tinydeskwriter · 4 months
Lando NorrisxWolff!reader
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words: 2825
requested: no
A/n: This is going to be a multi-chapters, most of the chapters won't be social midia or something. It is going to 'follow' the 2023 F1 season. Reader is Toto's eldest child by a fictitious ex- first wife. I just watched Break Point, with is another sport Netflix docuseries from the same producing company that makes DST, and since then I have this idea of a prodigy tennis player reader.
next part»
GQ 10 things Y/n Wolff can’t live without
“Hi GQ, I am Y/n Wolff and here are my essentials.” The young woman opens her arms looking at the objects displayed on the table, before looking up and smiling to the camera.
# Sugar
“My trainer may not agree. My coaches may not agree. My performance coach may not agree. My parents definitely don’t agree.” She points out, “But I need sugar.” The young woman brings to the centre of the table a small pile of sweets, a tall cup of caffeinated drink and a can of Red Bull, “I live of sugar and… sugary things…”
“My day starts with this lovely peppermint iced mocha sweetened with vanilla sugar… a ton of vanilla sugar.” Y/n laughs taking a sip of her drink “I am weirdly obsessed with mint and chocolate combinations…” She comments looking at the camera, “I drink perhaps two or three of those per day,” The young woman then places her hand over the top of the Red Bull can, most people who follow her already know that she is an athlete sponsored by Red Bull, “sugar-free Red Bull, which ironically is sweeter than the regular one.” She puts her hand on the pile of chocolates, “Milk-chocolate, I am not going to lie and say that I eat the healthy stuff, I don’t, I have the taste buds of a child,” the tennis player smiles mischievously at the camera, “right now I am really into this Finnish chocolate, Geisha and the blue Fazer, daddy always keep those in his offices for me.” She wrinkles her nose a little, giving the camera a lovely—childish—smile.
“Aero Mint bar, Chocolate Orange, Maltesers, Bounty, Kinder, truffles…I'm honestly starting to wonder how we managed to get through customs.” She laughs looking at her entourage behind the cameras. “This is like… a fraction of what I usually travel with, this is more like what I have in my bag for the day.”
Y/n played a little with a golden square object in her hand.
“I travel a lot, I am on the road from January to November playing at tournaments around the world, so I can’t always be surrounded or in touch with the people that I love,” she says in a slightly more serious tone, taking the golden case in her hands and pressing the button to open, showing pile of polaroid photos, “those are mini Polaroids, so I can bring them with me wherever I go, I keep them inside this vintage cigarette case that belonged to my maternal grandmother, she was a absolute rockstar and I miss her very much.”  The camera takes a close-up on the golden case with rope motif and small colourful stones. “As I don’t smoke, I had to find another use for it.”
The first photo she shows is five adults together, smiling around a table, in what appears to be a ski resort.
“I have a very patchwork family, and somehow the adults in my life made it work…which I am very grateful for, not everyone is lucky to have so many amazing parents…so here I have my mum and my two other mothers, Stephanie and Susie, papa and my other father, Phillippe,” the second photo is her with a boy not much younger than her, two teenage girls and a small child in front of a Christmas tree, “my siblings, I have four, I am the eldest whatever way you go, huge flex,” the photo is followed by one of a pyjama party with several girls in matching pyjamas, and another of the tennis player with a blonde in front of the Eiffel Tower, “My gurls! This is my best friend, she is also my PA… so amazing to have someone I trust so much with me all the time…” a golden cocker spaniel with a crystal necklace, silk bows in its ears and a Gucci sweater appears on the screen, “this is Éclair Wolff, my emotional support dog aka my child, she actually goes with me mostly everywhere, but sometimes I leave her with my mum so she won’t be stressed by the long flights.”
She points to the next three photos, the first has the Mercedes drivers in Tommy Hilfinger, posing for the photo. “Lew and Georgie, the adopted older brothers I never asked for, but I love them.” The second photo has three other familiar faces making faces at the camera, “C2, my Ferrari boys, feat Pear, there is something wholesome about good looking men looking so silly, I love those guys and I love this picture, it is very on brand with them.”  The tennis player smiles at the camera. “Sharls, Carlitos and Pear are three of the nicest guys I have ever met, it is truly a blessing be able to call them friends and having them in my life.”
McLaren driver Lando Norris, in his third or fourth season, apparently not even realizing he was having his photo taken, it's a spontaneous photo, the soft sunlight highlighting the driver's profile as he smiles.
“Because of karting, I’ve known Lando since I was a head taller than him, he was my first crush…he was so shy, so adorable, so babygirl coded.” Y/n blushed a little as she shows the photo.
“I think most of the current grid is in here…oh, look, it’s Lance! Friends from life, from tennis…” She quickly changes showing another photo. “I think I easily have about sixty photos here..."
“I don’t have a specific camera I like more than the others, but as a rule, I prefer vintage cameras just for the beauty of the final result, I inherited a few, I bought a few, I usually develop the photos when I'm at home for longer periods of time, edit the videos, digitalize a few…” She points to the cameras in front of her, a Bolex, a Digital Bolex, a very iconic Rolleiflex and a Super 8, “It is a very nostalgic experience to just go through a year worth of memories…” She says resting her face in her hand, “I have a hundred boxes with pictures and film rolls.”
“I love going through old pictures with my mom and Cass, my younger sister, from when we were babies, my parents in the 90’s, my mom when she was young, the wonderful life my grandparents lived, and is such a lovely moment to share with my mom.” Y/n has a soft smile on her lips. “One day, when I have my own kids, I want to have those moments with them, and not just scrolling through a phone or an iPad.”
“I keep journals since I was a child, I get a new one every year,” She holds up the leather hardcover notebook, a deep indigo blue, a little worn around the edges, “after I turned thirteen years old, I started to get it in this specific shade of blue, with my initials in gold,” The girl opens the journal, leafing through it briefly, “I am never going to write an auto-biography, it’s kind of a little bit too egocentric to my taste,” She knocks it closed, but keeps it up, looking at the camera as she speaks , “but if someone ever write about me, fifty years from now… the facts will be straight, at least from my point of view… but even if no one ever writes about me… when I am old and grey and memory starts to fail me, I will be able to come back to the thoughts of twenty years old me…”
There is a moment of silence.
“That was kind of dark.” Y/n laughs to break the tension.
#Art Supplies
“I love to draw and paint, it eases the anxieties of life,” The tennis player shows the large sketchbook, a small aluminium case with the watercolours, and the rolling leather case with pencils and brushes, “I always bring a watercolour travel kit with my sketchbook wherever I go.”
She displays for the internet some of the landscapes she painted during her travels around the world.
“I like to be comfortable after a match,” she spreads her arms across the perfectly folded hoodies on the table, “and nothing is more comfortable than a hoodie, feels a little bit like home.”
“I have my collection of hoodies with Adidas, they always provide me with new cool colours to try out and see if I want to add to the next collection,” Y/n opens sage green hoodie, running her hand over her initials and the Adidas logo. “Enchanté by Dani Ric, I have a bunch of those, Daniel is always kind enough to drop them at my house in Monaco, VIP treatment baby.” She points to the white hoodie. “Quadrant hoodies, Lando’s merch, ridiculously comfy, I would really like them in pastel colours or dusty rose… just putting out to the universe…” Y/n smiles and winks at the camera. “Valtteri, MV1… those all came with me for the US Open.”
“This is part of my daily routine.” The girl opens the toiletry bag, taking out the products inside, “I am always in different countries and different hotel rooms, so is nice to have this little sense of routine.”
She lines the pearlescent bottles with opaque round lids on top of the table.
“I launched Muse when I was seventeen years old, it is my skincare brand, and it is very me. I wanted it to be un-complicated and complete,” The young woman explains passionately looking at the camera, “skin is the body’s largest organ, and it is not only your face.” It affects the hair on your face, tucking it behind your ear before going back to the product bottles. “The line goes from body wash to suncream to night-time routine.”  
#Travel Pillow
“If I mess up my neck and shoulder, I am f***ed, my match is over and possibly the tournament.” She holds up a medium-sized pillow to the camera, the pillowcase light pink silk with red buttonholes around the edges and her initials in the corner. “So, this baby goes with me everywhere, it is a memory foam pillow with a silk pillowcase. Best sleep, best hair.”
#Sport Gear
“I generalized here, sport gear, I travel heavy, always,” she points to the array of equipment on the table, “this is my racket, I go to each tournament with around ten of those, just in case I wreak one on the ground,” Y/n passes her hand over the racket, “those are custom Yonex Ezone 98, they made it in Mountbatten pink with some cool pattern and my initials,” she smiles as she pulls the helmet close to her chest, “my helmet, also custom Mountbatten pink, with my initials in rose, I love to try new karting tracks, most people don’t know I used to race karts when I was younger, won a couple of trophies, went as far as F3 before I choose to go pro with tennis, car racing is a huge thing in my family…my dad used to race, my stepmom was a driver, my little brother probably going to be a F1 driver,” she recounts with a smile, “I joked once with my dad that we are at a window that if I have a kid in the next year or two, in twenty years we can have a Wolff’s drivers line-up for Mercedes.” The young woman smirks to the camera. “My dad almost passed out, and now I am not allowed to date until I am thirty.”
“Those are custom made for me, again, they are Mountbatten pink and rose with my logo, super comfortable on the ears, I usually have problems with headphones due to the piercings and earrings, but these didn't give me any problems, they fit well, and I can spend the whole day wearing them." She takes the gadget out of the case, showing the details. “It's not wireless, because I always forget to charge it, so it has a wire, they made this lovely, thick cord that is durable and super resistant,” Y/n wraps the rope around her fingers, “it is noise cancelling and it is always with me before every match as an essential part of my pre-match rituals.”
“The right music kind of puts you in the right mood, I usually go with Eminem in 80% of my matches, I feel like it unleashes my inner fighter, these are matches where I'm not really worried about my opponent, it is just raw and a little bit thoughtless, I just play,” she comments, “when I know that my opponent is going to be hard on the mind games, which is not an uncommon move in tennis, I tend to listen to calmer and more melancholic music, piano, it keeps me in a more peaceful zone, I don’t get pumped up and full of adrenaline, my game tends to be far more calculated…”
“That’s it. Those were my ten essentials,” the young woman smiles, “thank you, GQ, for allowing me to share my essentials, much appreciated, and thank you guys for taking the time to watch it! Much love and see you next time!” The athlete says, blowing a kiss and winking to the camera as the credits shows up.
2,109,963 views   Aug 29, 2022
i was todays yrs old when i found out that tennis superstar Y/n Wolff is the eldest child of THE Toto Wolff
            From what little she talks about her dad here, u just get the vibes that Merce boss Toto is a softie girl dad, he keeps her favourite candy in his offices and forbids her to date until she’s thirty, this is so sweet
a billionaire’s nepo baby, talking about her millionaire friends and her unrelatable lifestyle and things
Y/n’s hair is probably the healthiest hair i ever seen i need her hair routine
I am so obsessed with her career! I want to see her continue to succeed and be one of the biggest tennis players of all times. She deserves it. Such a talented, humble kid.
i loved hearing her talk about her family and friends!!! it is so crazy that she is close friends with a bunch of F1 drivers.
            Not so crazy since she’s literally a f1 nepo baby, her daddy is part owner of Mercedes.
She's like that one super popular chick in school who's actually a total sweetheart.
I totally relate to her being a sweet tooth
I love that she was not talking to the camera. She was actually talking to the people there behind the scenes
i love how a lot of these items are usually a stereotype of being pretentious—a vintage cartier cigarette case, a film camera, a leather bound custom hermes journal, art supplies--but she talks about all of them with such genuine interest and attachment that it doesnt seem pretentious at all
U r the one name dropping the brands she uses…
Her nicknames for Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz Jr and Pierre Gasly… I died dead…
            The fact that she’s gushing about lando and being so sweet about her childhood crush on him oml
            Omg it is so cuuute!!! Like, she had a crush on little Lando and not McLaren glow up Lando Norris
            I used to be so conflicted shipping her with the drivers, because she dates that tennis player, but her insta has a bunch of her and Charles and her and Pierre and her and Lance and it is so cute and kind of gives such soft vibes, those boys look half in love with her in most pictures, also ...the chemistry. but seeing the way she talks about Lando… they r my new diehard ship…
Are we going to ignore that she confessed that Lando Norizz was her first crush???
            They would be so cute together… and they ate both single now… at the same time… we can dream…
            i went ten steps further and in my head, they are already getting married and having cute future Mercedes world drivers’ champions…
 Can we already dream of Lando at Mercedes???
Ok… but didn’t Lando once commented like, very briefly, in a McLaren video, that he used to have a crush on a girl that used to go karting with him??? The girl who wore red ribbons in her hair… do you guys know who uses red ribbons in heir hair since she was an actual baby?? Y/n! There is a pic in her insta of her in a karting track with her dad, and she has red bows in her hair…
            Not gonna lie… It would be kinda of cute if they actually had a mutual childhood crush and then eventually end up together as adults…
next part»
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Christmas Sweater
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Y/N learns to Knit. Daniel loves it (so fucking much)
"Happy November first!" Daniel Ricciardo cheered as he came down to his living room on the morning of November first.
It had been a weird morning already. Danny had woken up alone, something he wasn't used to. And, if he did wake up alone, Y/N was usually in the bathroom. Not this time. His girlfriend was nowhere to be seen.
So, he made his way downstairs. When he heard the television on, things in his head clicked into place. She'd gotten up early and gone downstairs to watch television, of course.
But then Daniel walked into the room and properly looked at what Y/N was doing. She sat on the couch with two thick knitting needles in her hands and yarn on the floor in from of her. Some of the yarn was a lovely dark red, some was white and some was dark green. "What are you doing?"
As far as Daniel was aware, his girlfriend had no idea how to knit. He didn't even know she had knitting needles. But she sat on the couch, knitting away, the two needles clacking together as she went. Her brow was furrowed and her tongue was poking out as she worked. No, Y/N didn't know how to knit.
When she got to a good place to stop, Y/N held up her needles, calling Daniel what she had been working on. "Grandma sent me some supplies so I could make you a Christmas sweater," she answered.
Daniel had a bit of a reputation in the F1 community. A reputation for his Christmas sweaters. The most notorious of the Christmas sweaters? Why, the jingle my bells sweater, of course.
"Baby," he said, drawing out the word as he sat beside her on the sofa. "You don't know how to knit."
She waved him off, dropping one of her needles. It slid out of the yarn, dropping to the floor. "I'm watching Youtube to learn, Danny," she said as she reached down to pick up the needle.
Instead of threading it back through the yarn, Y/N pulled out her other needle, pulled apart her work and started again.
Danny watched her. It was slow work at first, and he soon realised why she started so early on in the year. His eyes focused on her hands as she cast back on and began knitting once again.
Y/N had to stop and start several times before she finally got it right. Daniel sat on the couch with her, arm around her as she worked. Several times she held her knit work against his stomach (taking a moment to touch his abs. But, come on, who could resist?)
It took weeks, near to a month of constant work before Y/N finally finished with Daniel's Christmas jumper. She worked as they travelled, while she was supposed to be watching Daniel race.
It was perfect timing, really. She got it finished just before December began. Wrapping it up, Y/N placed it in a box, wrapped the box and finished it with a bow.
She gave it to Daniel on the first of December, exactly a month after he'd seen her start to make it. It was red with little green stripes and white reindeers that was clearly having sex.
"I love it," he said as soon as he unwrapped it. "You couldn't have done anything more perfect for me."
"Try it on then!" Y/N urged.
So, Daniel did exactly as she asked and tried on the jumper. He didn't take it off for the entire month of December. No matter what country he was in, he stayed in his Christmas jumper. No matter how hot and sweaty he got, he stayed in his Christmas jumper.
The best part of it? Y/N learnt how to knit. She began knitting everything. So, so many hats for winter. Gloves and scarves and blankets and sweaters and tops and bags. Anything Y/N could make, she did.
Daniel wore it all proudly. Where he used to wear his Red Bull and AlphaTauri shirts, he now wore whatever Y/N knitted for him.
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servantofthefates · 1 month
How I Speak to My Ancestors
My elders have taught me this process, because it is the safest and surest. The modern way of simply sitting down and meditating opens itself up to other spirits responding, lying, pretending.
The Time
Whenever I feel the need, I approach. But the most potent occasion for communing with the dead is on the anniversary of their birth or their death, as well as on the last days of October and the first days of November, when the veil between realms is at its thinnest.
The Place
Wherever I am in the world, if I feel the need, I approach. But the most powerful location for meeting the dead is the cemetery where they are buried, or the room where their ashes are kept, and the place where they spent most of their years – their true home.
The Conduit
I hold in both hands a goblet filled with water and three drops of my blood. Water takes the path of least resistance, making it the best vehicle for intent. As for blood, my earliest ancestors do not know my face. I need to show them who I am deep inside.
The Summoning
Alone – in a quiet corner or inside a tent if I am somewhere public – I gaze upon the goblet and say, “In the name of those who made me, I call upon those who came before me.” If it is someone in particular whom I wish to speak to, I say their name.
The Query
The moment I feel the atmosphere change around me – from cold to warm, or the other way around; from light to heavy, or from dark to bright, I recite my query. A question about my past, present or future. Whatever requires my ancestors’ advice or answer.
The Answer
I wait. Sometimes the blood rises up to the surface, forming symbols or letters. Other times the goblet sends vibrations – soothing or frightening, conveying how I will soon be feeling. Other times yet, sound originates from the water and travels up to my ear, delivering names, dates and entire sentences.
The Token
After I have received my answer, I empty the goblet, pouring its contents on the ground or down the drain – whatever my surroundings allow. The moment I reach home, I fill the goblet with wine, and place it among plants or flowers (the garden or an altar) as a token of my gratitude to my ancestors. I dispose of it respectfully a day later.
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comfortember · 9 months
It's that time of the year again...COMFORTEMBER 2023
Hello and welcome to our fourth year of Comfortember!!! 🍂
First and foremost, I want to give a huge thank you to @highly--distractible for hosting this last year, thank you so so much, I appreciate it more than you know. The break was much needed 💜💜💜
Thank you for your patience on this, I know it's a little late. Here are the prompts for 2023:
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For anyone who is seeing this for the first time (first of all, welcome!), Comfortember takes place for the month of November and each day has a comfort-themed prompt for any art medium like writing or fan art. Comfort can mean anything you want it to, from a fun slice-of-life story to the aftermath of an action-packed scene, anything that warms your heart while sipping hot cocoa.
The alternate prompts are there as replacements for if you don't want to do a particular prompt but still want to complete a prompt for the day.
This challenge is open to anyone in any fandom, and the link to this year's collection on AO3 is here!
Please send asks for any questions, I will be online more so you'll get your answers more quickly (well, relatively speaking, I can't answer while I'm at work 😅). Here is a link to the FAQ for reference.
The link to the Comfortember Discord server is here, and please use the #comfortember tag when you post on Tumblr so all posts can be found under a single tag.
I hope you all enjoy these prompts and don't feel pressured about a deadline!! The most important part is having fun, you can complete this when it is best for you 💜 Thank you for participating!!!
*The prompts are written out for easy readability and access under the cut.*
Sweater Weather
Leaves Changing
Comfort Show/Movie
Late Night Phone Calls
Coffee/Tea Break
Loved Ones
The New Normal
Alternative Prompts:
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
My Job is Beach ... - Valtteri Bottas x ItalianOlympicBeachVolleyball! Reader
Plot: You spend time with your boyfriend after the Australian GP doing what you do best, Beach Barbie and Beach Ken
Credit to husbono for the GIF
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Valtteri had an incredible race, him and Lewis both in a fantastic car as fantastic drivers. And you’d luckily been there to celebrate with him.
You loved going to Australia with him, it was so warm at the time of year the race was and it meant you got to go to the beach.
Which of course was one of your favourite things. Growing up in a small coastal town in Italy, meant you were at the beach pretty much all the time. You went there before school, after school, on the weekends. Even during school, your school was right next to a beach which is where you picked up your sport.
At first it was just for fun, like most hobbies start of as.
But after playing in some matches against others schools across Italy, your teacher and parents realised there was something special there.
You didn’t see it or get it, you just loved the beach do anything you did there was fun to you.
So of course they ended up getting you a coach. Someone who was willing to privately train you and get you into better teams in Italy.
In 2016 you competed in Brazil. Rio De Janeiro was an incredible place and it’s actually where you met Valtteri.
He and a few of the drivers had ended up coming to watch some of the Olympics and you’d bumped into him on the beach with Lewis.
You’d recognised both of them straight away, and struck up a conversation with them.
“Oh! Your Valtteri Bottas! And Your Felipe Massa!” You’d exclaimed at the men and they’d awkwardly nodded thinking you were a fan wanting a picture or autograph.
“What are you guys here for?” You ask, knowing that the race this year wasn’t until November. They were in summer break right now.
“Oh, we are here for the Olympics. We got invited” Felipe admits and you grin.
“Oh, I’m here for them too!” You grin.
“Oh yeah, you here to watch any sport in particular?” Valtteri asked.
“Watch? No im one of the beach volleyballers! Team Italia” You smile.
And the rest was history after that. You and Valtteri got together and he got a promotion to Mercedes after Nico Rosberg left the sport.
It was early the next day, the Monday after the race and you and Valtteri were still shacked up in Australia. You wanted to spend some more time here travelling to your favourite Aussie beaches.
So you took the 1hour flight from Melbourne to Sydney so that you were on Bondi beach. You guys had rented out a place close to the coast for easy access.
You guys were with a few friends, some of Valtteri and some of yours. Somehow your friendship groups just mixed together well. You were both apprehensive at first but realised after a house party that it was fine, the language barrier at first was a little awkward but English being a common ground for most of the group worked.
“Amore mio, please come join us! Then I promise you we will go on a bike ride!” You say cuddling up to him… you’d just finished unpacking and he was laying on the bed cuddling up to you.
“Im no good. And I just embarrass myself Rakas” he sighs pulling you into him and kissing all over your face affectionately making you giggle.
At first Valtteri was very shy when it came to showing you any level of affection and your overly affectionate side thanks to your large Italian family upbringing was very overwhelming to him at first.
But soon he learnt it was your love language and the more confident he got, the clingier he got.
“It’s meant to be for fun! You don’t have to be good at it” you giggle running your finger through his hair as he looks up at you.
“But all your friends are so good!” He exclaims sitting up.
“Mmmm and now you know how I feel when you take me karting!” You laugh knowing you have the bruises to prove just how bad you were at the sport.
“Okay okay fine. But just because I love you!” He says in that gruff lower voice.
You guys play beach volleyball for the majority of the morning until the suns at full peak.
“Barbecue sulla spiaggia?” One of your friends suggest whose English wasn’t great, especially when she was tired after a long morning of playing volleyball, in the sand and under the hot Australian sun.
“She suggested a Rantagrilli?” You say trying your best to translate for Valtteri and his friends who wouldn’t have understood the Italian.
You weren’t allowed to do this on Bondi but closer to where your beach Villa was, you knew you’d be able to cook on the beach there as it was private to the Villa.
They all nod eagerly and before you know it, you guys are using two barbecue for the amount of people you are cooking for. One that’s on the back garden of the beach villa and then one that was already in the sand.
You guys spent lunch munching on burgers and salad, and chicken and hot dog. It was for sure a chest day for all of you, most of you guys being athletes and being on strict diets.
After you’d spent the afternoon cuddling with Valtteri on the beach letting lunch go down, you both went out for a bike ride. He of course had chosen the longest and steepest route to take, meaning you came back drenched in sweat and cursing at Valtteri for making you endure that.
"I want a Dolce Sorpresa!" you groan your head leaning against him and he looks at you.
"A what?" he asks. You'd learnt a little Finnish for him but he still struggled with some of you little idioms.
"Sweet Treat, I'm craving Boba, I saw a shop on the way back!" you grin, kissing him before taking his hand to drag him to the Boba Tea shop!
"Then, can we go to the beach again?" you ask.
"You just love the beach don't you!" he smiles.
"Mmmmmm, my job is literally beach..." you giggle.
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y/user: Beach, Bike, BBQ and Boba all in Bondi
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valterribottas: nice alliteration hunny!
-> y/user: thank you baby! Thought it was very funny!
fan1: say hello to our resident beach Barbie and beach Ken.
-> fan2: no because the way her job is literally beach and his job is literally car 🥲😅
->fan3: yeah not an f1 driver and Olympic Silver Medalist lmfao 🤣
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johnslittlespoon · 11 days
Buck + Bucky Timeline Info
For fic writers or just curious readers!
Referencing different archives and articles, I've done my best to compile John and Gale's Air Force timeline pre–England, because I feel like a lot of it gets muddied and sometimes we wanna write pre–MOTA canon events lol. Hope it comes in handy!
They meet (on or around) March 29, 1940 and become Flying Cadets at Randolph Field in Texas until August 30, 1940.
Still Flying Cadets, they move to Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas from September 9, 1940 to November 14, 1940.
Both promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Air Corp Reserve on Nov 15, 1940. A bit unsure on the events before their next promotion, because Gale seems to have gone to Barksdale Army Air Field in LA in March of 1941 for advanced flying school, but haven't found anything on whether John went too; I'm assuming he did.
Both promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Air Corp on April 25, 1942. Not clear on whether this took place in LA or back in Texas or elsewhere.
Became instructors for the 29th Bombardment Group at McDill Air Force Field in Tampa, Florida on May 25, 1942.
Promoted to Captain and transferred to Gowan Field, Boise Idaho, but possibly at different times? All I can find is that by October they were both for sure there, but Gale was promoted to Captain on July 28, 1942 and transferred then, and John was promoted to Captain in August of 1942, but it doesn't specify when he transferred.
At Gowan Field in October of 1942, Gale was promoted to Commanding Officer for the 350th Bomb Squadron/100th Bomb Group, and John was promoted to Operations Officer for the 100th Bomb Group.
Transferred to Walla Walla Army Air Field in Washington in November of 1942.
Transferred to Wendover Army Air Field in Utah in December of 1942.
Both promoted to Majors in Sioux City, Iowa in January of 1943.
Transferred to Kearny, Nebraska (assuming to Kearney Air Force Base) in February of 1943. Cue P1 of MOTA!
In May of 1943, John traveled with an advance party to Podington, England to prepare the base for the 100th Bomb Group. On May 27 1943, Gale (with the 100th) left for Bangor, Maine. From there, he flew out across the Atlantic and arrived at Thorpe Abbotts on June 9 1943. And we know what happens from then on. :-)
If any of this is incorrect or you have extra information to add to the timeline, please let me know!! I wouldn't be surprised if I've missed things, but this is how their flight school/pre–England timeline went to the best of my knowledge. Hopefully this is helpful for some other writers too! I can throw together a timeline for their missions/events during MOTA as well if that's something anyone's interested in; it's easy enough to find mission dates in comparison to finding these pre–100th dates, but it might be nice to have them all in one place. x
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kkginfo · 2 years
Travel tips: If you have Rs.30 thousand in your pocket, your wish to go abroad will come true..! | KKG INFO
Travel tips: If you have Rs.30 thousand in your pocket, your wish to go abroad will come true..! | KKG INFO
Travel Tips: Everyone has a desire to travel abroad at some point. But traveling abroad costs a lot of money Travel Tips: Everyone has a desire to travel abroad at some point. But everyone thinks that going abroad is a big expense. But nowadays it is not so difficult to go abroad. Traveling anywhere in India with family costs at least 20 to 30 thousand. You can easily travel abroad at this…
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acesofspadess · 2 months
The Met
summary: you get ready for your first Met Gala that's full of surprises.
notes: fluff, fluff, and more fluff, this was so cute to write and as always reader is a POC.
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“Hi Vogue, I'm y/n and I'm here with Pleasing at the 2024 Met Gala.” You were beyond words with emotion at being at your first Met Gala. The video Vogue had decided to do with you was a small get ready with me that you immediately accepted on the spot. As you walked into the serene hotel room full of your ‘get ready team’. You sat in the chair you were set to get your hair and makeup done in.“It’s unbelievable that i'm actually here in New York getting ready for the Met.” you spoke softly as your make up artist applied the beginning steps of your skincare. 
“You need something darling?” The voice of the one and only spoke from off camera only a sliver of him could be seen from the mirror you faced. You smiled looking at him through the mirror. “A kiss before Ella makes it impossible to do so.” You laughed softly at your own joke as he came over and the camera had a full view of the soft but love filled kiss you shared.
You and Harry had been together for almost a year romantically. You had known Harry since you both starred together in Don't Worry Darling as Jack and Alice. You two had quickly become the best of friends and were someone he confided in all the time. You travelled with him to Venice for the film festival, and came to the rest of his New York residency shows, and his birthday shows before your job pulled you away from him.
Not that you were really with him. His romantic relationship with Olivia was all a stunt. But he and Olivia were friends which he told you made it alot easier to do.
When they broke up in November of 2022 he came to you crying. You had thought it was all fake at first judgement, and he confirmed it was, but that he couldn't any longer spend his time pretending. 
You -better than anyone- knew what it was like to pretend after playing so many different characters. He had spent that night in your arms and you wonder if that's where it all actually started.
You were pulled away once again with months and months of press for your role in Barbie. It wasn't until the end of May that you finally had a decent break before picking up Bridgerton again for your season. You had stayed in touch with Harry for all 6 months and when he knew you were shot of anywork he flew you out to Scotland just in time for his show.
You spent countless time with him and his close friends getting to know them better and personally. You were beyond proud when he sold out Slane a few weeks after you had joined him on tour. Before he went on stage you were sitting with him in his dressing room as you calmed him down.
“Haz, you are the only person I know that could ever do something to this magnitude right now. You did this and I know you can go out there and be the best singer and person I know.” you cupped your hands around his cheeks and closed his releasing a deep breath. “You're amazing Hazza, and I know you know that.” he giggled softly and nodded his head. “Thank you,” the way he whispered your name wasn't like he had before. He looked at you with so much passion and you knew exactly the proximity between you- or lack thereof- and he knew exactly what he was doing when he looked at your lips then your eyes. “Harry-” “Y/N”
“You've got to be on stage in about 10 seconds.”
“I'm aware.”
“So are you gonna kiss me now or-”
That was all it took for you both to let yourselves completely and utterly fall for each other.
In September he introduced you to Niall which made you cry, but not as much as you did when he got down on one knee a few weeks later on October 15.
You wanted to keep the wedding very secluded and in a place both of you called home. Your wedding was small but everyone you could have ever wanted was there (with your own one direction reunion) and it was kept from the public.
The past few months as a married couple were the best months you've ever had, and now you were here, at the Met Gala, being the first to bring his brand into the luxury scene and the both of you couldn't be more proud of each other.
“Okay one more.” he whispered, giving you much more than just one before Ella and Lyric were shoo’ing him off to finally start. “I love you, darling. Thank you for being here with me.” you held his hand as he backed away. “Thank you for believing in my brand and bringing it to life. I love you forever.”
The video resumed as you talked about the details of your hair, make up and dress before you were fully done and ready to step out of the hotel. You wanted to be able to scream that you wearing your husband's line and when Harry kissed you as you walked out and told you, “show them who my wife is’ you knew he was ready and you were more than happy to oblige.
You had just made it to the Met Gala and as you stepped out you waved letting your wedding ring shine. The train to your dress was long -extremely long- and you needed about 5 people to help you lift it. 
As you waited in line, many people shouted your name and you waved to all the fans lined up on the streets sending them kisses in thanks. It was finally your turn to walk the stairs and they had cleared everyone in your path for you to be on full display.
The shutter of thousands of cameras and shouts wanting to gain your attention for a photo were drowned out when you saw someone you didn't think you would. “Harry over here please.” You heard someone shout and you laughed loudly, of course he would. You waited at the second landing of stairs for him and you kissed him as he finally stood next to you. 
“Why didn't you tell me?” you laughed in between poses. “Wanted you to have your moment. I'll see you at the top.” he walked up the rest of the way  stopping at the top just out of the way for the photographer to get you and your entire dress without anyone in the pictures. You and all the people helping you with your dress walked up to the top to take your final photos. You saw Harry in an interview with Emma not too far from LaLa Anthony who you knew you were interviewing with.
“Y/N!! Holy- Girl you look so sexy.” you laughed as you kicked your leg out showing off the slit. “I feel sexy in this dress. It took ages to put together.” you laughed with her. “Yes I was getting ready to ask, who are you wearing?” You couldn't help the smile that plastered on your face. “Oohhh I know that smile.” LaLa laughed and you nodded. “I'm wearing Pleasing. It's their first ever luxury fashion debut and I'm so glad I got to be a part of this experience. I got to help design this with Harry Lambert, and Harry Styles. They wanted to choose a colour that not only matched the theme, but really complimented my skin tone. We wanted to really focus on the ‘time’ part of the theme so each flowers centre has a clock in the middle. It took almost 25,000 hours to make this dress and Im really just so honoured that Harry and Pleasing gave me this opportunity.”
LaLa praised your response, “They chose the right person to debut on let me tell you. The way the colours bounce off the brown of your skin and the slit and the shape. You truly do look wonderful. Now we did see Harry walking up. I want to ask him about some things on your dress.”
You both looked around for him. “He was just here, I swear.” LaLa spotted him and waved him over, his eyes litting up when he saw you.
 “Hello.” he kissed Lalas cheeks before stepping next to you. “Hello, beautiful wife.” he kissed your cheek. “Hi my beautiful husband.” you teased back knowing exactly what he was doing. “Husband? Wife?” Lala gasped and you both smiled as you held up your hand. “Yes, I've finally managed to tie him down.” you all laughed and his arm snaked around your waist. “This is the best news ever, husband and wife, debuting your brand- Harry how do you feel?”
You watched as he spoke and swore you fell more in love with him at every moment. “But my beautiful wife put the idea of wearing Pleasing to the Met, and giving the vogue club members a pleasing room. This all goes to her, all we did was make the dress.”
You scoffed at his humbleness. “Yeah, like that was a walk in the park.” He shook his head at you blushing. “I'll say this final thing. Harry has done an amazing job at getting pleasing to where it's at and this dress and his outfit are his and Pleasings and I just can't wait for you all to see what he brings in the future.”
LaLa hugged you both before you walked away with Harry holding your dress for you. “Thank you so much for wearing this. You have been apart of Pleasing since the beginning and I couldn't imagine anyone else wearing this. You have truly made me the happiest person alive. I love you so much. ” He whispered to you as you walked inside. “I have loved you in many ways since we first read together. I am honoured to have been by your side through Pleasings beginnings, and i simply cannot wait to see what you do next.”
He kissed you softly again and again and again, and you simply could not wait to be back in the hotel room in his arms. 
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qqueenofhades · 6 months
I completely understand if you don’t feel comfortable answering this, but my mind is spiraling out of control and you’re the only person I know with the level of knowledge to where I can feel comfortable asking this without getting some form of “bla bla we live in a safe state don’t worry.”
I’m sincerely wondering if I need to be making plans to leave the country in the event of November bringing the most horrible of outcomes despite our best efforts (and yes I’m planning to vote blue in everything I can); as a AFAB in CA?
I know about project 2025. I’m terrified. Forgive my pop culture reference, but I feel like a version of Princess Zelda staring down a barrel of possible doom while everyone around me is like “nah that future you literally had a nightmare about where they made it illegal for a woman to have a bank account without a guy co-signing it and took the money from everyone who didn’t comply by a certain date isn’t even a possibility!”
I’m just confused about my life and am trying to take it day by day, and exercising every right while I still have it to prevent this outcome, but it feels weird making plans and retirement accounts and just general Setting Up Adult Life And Future Things™️……while wondering if I even have a future in this place at all and I’m just making it harder to escape if need be.
I’m sorry I’m rambling, and I guess I don’t know what I’m asking since no one has a crystal ball.
But I guess, it’s stuff like how much can the feds effect state’s policies? Is it possible for them to immediately block international travel for all women practically upon inauguration? How much time would I even have to gtfo if the worst begins?
Bc honestly this whole thing feels like the lead in to a very nasty chapter of a history book, and even though I have hope we’ll have another blue tsunami, it can be hard to try and figure things out when it feels like there’s barely any historical precedent for any of it.
Welp. Okay. First of all, I am giving you a comforting hug, I am walking with you to your favorite coffee shop, I am paying for your favorite beverage and also a baked goodie of your choice, and we are sitting down in a corner where we can talk honestly. So that's where I want you to imagine us having this conversation.
To start with, yes, I completely understand this feeling of utter, paralyzing doom, where I am trying to go about my daily life and make plans for my career and carry out daily tasks and Be Responsible while there's still just this total void beyond the end of the year, the utter impossibility of knowing if we will have dodged an absolutely massive bullet and finally be safe (since if Trump loses again he is 100% going to jail in the next four years) or, well. You know. That is a very hard way to live, when you're wondering if anything is going to matter and you can't see beyond that black cloud of fear on the horizon. It sucks you down and tells you that nothing is worth doing now in case it just gets so much worse. I am not going to tell you not to feel that. We all do. We are all scared. That in and of itself is a perfectly normal way to feel.
However, there are things you can do both now and if (I repeat, if) God absolutely forbid, the worst was to happen (again). First of all, we have already lived through a Trump presidency once. It was terrible and scary and awful and demoralizing as fuck, but we can do it again if we absolutely Goddamn fucking have to (once, again, God forbid). Second, you are currently about as safe as you could be in California. Newsom has proven himself to be smart, tough, able to run rings around Republicans, and unwilling to comply with their stupid performative-cruelty directives. He's not a saint or a magician, but you don't need that; you need a shrewd politician able to fight back, and he has proven himself willing and capable of doing that. So as long as he is governor, you're going to be more safe than not, and I'd also like to ask all the shrieking Online Leftists if, should the shit go down, they would rather live in a state with a Democratic governor who will fight Trump 2.0 every step of the way, or a Republican governor who will just roll over and obey. (But that would destroy their BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME talking point, so you know.)
Next of all, even if the Republicans are doing their best impression, America in 2024 isn't Germany in 1934. There are different tools, different ways to fight back, and different awarenesses/social media/visibility factors. I also need everyone to remember that just as Biden can't just sign an executive order and fix everything everywhere, Trump can't just sign an executive order and fuck everything everywhere, just like that with no more discussion ever. He tried that last time, it generally didn't work, and trust me, at least this time nobody is sleeping on the danger he poses. His candidacy in 2016 was dismissed as a long-shot joke that nobody took seriously until it was too late, and for better or worse, people aren't doing that this time. He will be sued instantly, incredibly, and repeatedly with everything his band of wannabe fascists try, and since we have had four years of Biden fixing the courts from where Trump trashed them, that does mean something. There is no scenario where even if he does issue some outrageous order against women, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, etc (which to be clear, I'm sure he would try) it would just be carried out completely, immediately, and with no feasible way to stop it. Evil is evil, but it is also stupid, clueless, determined to hurt people just for the hell of it without any regard for what is possible or which will be allowed, and there's a lot more grey area in there than just "Trump says something terrible and it's instantly done, the end."
Once again, I'm not going to say that the worst-case scenario is not possible, but I don't think it's likely, and even if that does happen, there are ways for us to survive and fight back (again). Nobody wants it and it should not have to be asked of us due to the utter collapse of the social, civic, political, and intellectual fabric of this country thanks to the TrumpCult, but once again... these people are so loud and dangerous and cruel and stupid because they are in the minority. Etc. etc. polls are garbage, but we did just have an interesting piece of empirical data from the Iowa caucuses. Trump -- in one of the whitest, most rural, most conservative, most religious, most Trump-loving states in the country -- struggled to break 50%. Almost half of a rabid Republican fully-Trumpized electorate, among the diehards sufficiently motivated to get out and caucus in extreme freezing weather, voted for someone else (Haley and DeSantis took about 20% apiece). Now, no, we don't know how that will translate to the general election, and if registered Republicans will flock back to the nominee even if it's Trump, but as almost half of Haley voters said they would vote for Biden if it was a Biden-Trump matchup in the general, there is some sense that Trump is an aberration to their otherwise ironclad party loyalty. Now, Republicans are the fucking worst and nobody should be relying on them to save us; we still need to get out and vote for Democrats with all our might. But Trump is no longer barn-burningly popular even in core Trump heartland, and it'll be interesting to see how things go in future primaries.
My point is: I know the feeling that evil is awful and unstoppable and all-powerful, and will crush our lives and our futures no matter what we do to resist it. I really, really do. But Trump is a terrible candidate, he's running literally only to keep himself out of a long, long prison sentence, and if he had crushed the Iowa caucuses regardless, we might be having a different conversation. However, we need to remember that it is possible, again (God forbid) in the worst scenario, to resist, to live, and to win. Everyone who is motivated to work for a better world will still be here. Everyone who can help you and all of us will still be here. And there are more of us than there are of them. Yes, I do understand the feeling that we need to have contingency plans in place, I do absolutely know that it could get very bad, and all that (as you say, nobody has a crystal ball). But for now, I want you to take a deep breath, try to take this day by day, and remember that this is not a crushing and inevitable future that will sweep over you and destroy you without you (or any other person of good will) having a say in the matter. You still have agency, you still have the ability to protect yourself, and you still have others who will protect you in turn. You're not alone. The bad guys want you to think that, because when you're isolated and terrorized, you're easier to pick off and/or recruit into their cult. But you're not.
In conclusion: "What are we holding onto, Sam?"
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lovrsm · 6 months
ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ᴛʀᴇᴇ ꜰᴀʀᴍ
sum: Christmas is near the corner, remembering how in this time of the year, everything is magic with the man you love.
word count: 2.5k
pairing: charles leclerc x childhoodbsf!reader
warning: angst, overthinking and FLUFF!!
disclaimers: we’re going to pretend that in Monaco it snows, FOR THE SAKE OF THIS SILLY WRITING. Alright? I investigated what winter is like there, and it’s not even close to snowing🤕. Also, kinda wrote this like a fairy tale, I’m so in love with it wtf😭♥️
Merry Christmas to you all🫶 love you and enjoy!
Spotify - Apple Music
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
“Just being in your arms takes me back to that little farm”
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Christmas was around the corner.
Or maybe in a few couple days.
In reality, it was more than a month away.
November, 1st of November, and everything turned a mix of red, white and green. The colors of your favorite time of the year.
Your hands were covered in bags, and the bags filled with presents for all of your loved ones. It was barely afternoon, but you had woken up since 6am to be at stores as quick as you could.
Every single present was planned, even if it’s one time they mentioned they wanted it, or something they’ve been dying for since forever. Your presents were always the best, and everyone knew that.
After you buyed some great amount of gift wrapping, you finally headed home.
You knew you’d take a long time to get home, holiday shopping traffic was surely starting now.
Just a day after halloween and you knew you had to make everything green and white, and hella lot of red.
The rest of the day was for yourself, your family, and for making everything festive. Changing your bedsheets from black to red. Having christmas decorations over the entrance of your house.
The only thing that was missing, was the Christmas tree.
The very thing you waited for all year long.
You weren’t sure if it was the smell, or the shape. But the journey to find the tree, that was all you needed for Christmas.
You closed your eyes, and that silly little Christmas tree farm was the only thing you pictured.
“Sweetie, it’s time to go, they’re here!” My mom screamed from downstairs.
I finished drying my hair, since I had just showered. Quickly, I grabbed all the extra clothes I needed for the cold weather outside.
I rushed downstairs, grabbing a beanie I had by the door in the way.
I could see at the corner of my eye the whole place covered in a blanket of snow.
“Oh, we are ready to go now!” I heard my dad shout as I was locking the door soon a lot of footsteps.
“Took you long enough” I heads a calm voice behind me.
I turned around to see the face I’ve been missing so much. I quickly jumped into his arms. “I’ve missed you too, asshole.” I whispered in his ear. He chuckled, making my whole body shiver with excitement.
“Missed you too, you have no idea.”
I let him go, taking a good look at him. His dimples showing up, and his white pearled teeth shining at me.
I couldn’t hide my smile, he was finally here.
A honk interrupted my thinking. “Come on you two, we want to get early this year!” I heard Lorenzo screaming from his car.
We both rushed to it, my dad, mom and Pascale left in the other car. While the Leclerc’s, my brother and I traveled in this car.
“Hey y/n!” Lorenzo smiled at me through the car mirror “Sup!” Arthur gave me a wave from the co-pilot seat.
“Hi!” I responded as I settled into my seat, putting on my seat belt. Lorenzo wasn't the best driver around.
“So, how was everything both of you? Did you miss us?” My brother started a conversation.
“It’s been crazy! All I could ever imagine, it literally felt like a dream”
“Yeah, all the behind the scenes is absolutely crazy, definitely learned a lot from the team, I think white looks good on us” Arthur completed.
“But, do you know what will look even better?”
“Red!” We all said in union and laughed.
Charles had won the new Ferarri seat for the 2019 season, and we were all so proud of him.
“We all saw you at your races, y/n was the first one to wake up and put on the tv, always.” My brother, Matthias tried to tease me.
Charles turned to look at me with a grin plastered in his face.
“Okeyy, I’m a morning person, alright? What is wrong with that?” I answered normally.
Yeah, I am a morning person, but I would normally go walking on my mornings or maybe do some exercise, not stay home watching tv.
But if Charles was on it, there was no way I would miss it.
“If you say sooo” I leaned out of my seat to look at Matt, since he was on the other side of the car. Charles was in the middle.
“okay.” He quietly answered to my glare.
“Anyway, so what is the first thing you want to do when we get there?” Lorenzo asked from the pilot seat, concentrated on not crashing.
“The sleighs”
“The horses!”
“Maybe we should get the trees first” Charles said calmly, looking at the road ahead.
“Yeah, you know how quickly they buy them, we should get the best two around.” I smiled at them, and everyone nodded in agreement.
Charles was right, the biggest, greenest and beautiful trees were obviously taken as soon as possible.
Last winter we were left with not the best tree because we all got distracted doing something else.
“So, we all know the drill, right?” Arthur asked, turning to look at the three of us in the back.
I smirked, this was going to be fun.
“Maman, papa are with Pascale, I texted them. They are going to wait for you, Enzo”
And with that, we arrived to the parking lot, and thank god we found a good place to park in, I did not want to walk too much after the whole day.
We always end up exhausted.
“Everyone get their phones at maximum volume, if someone calls answer immediately!” We all agreed.
“Go go go gooo!”
I opened the door as fast as I could, and waited for Charles to get out, but in a blink of an eye he already grabbed my hand and started to run to the barns direction.
I was slowly catching to his pace.
Shit he was faster than last year.
He finally stopped at the start of the trees. “Well, we have a lot of options”
Charles was concentrated on watching every single tree in front of us, scrunching his nose in a very cute way.
“Yeah… we better go looking”
Half an hour. A whole 30 minutes we were looking for the damn trees.
All of us took this very seriously.
“Too short”
“Too tall”
“Ew, that’s ugly.”
“Never liked the ones with fake snow.”
“Not fluffy enough”
“Oh come on, there is no way an ornament will look good in that.”
Every time there was an excuse. That was until Arthur and Matthias called us saying they found the 1st one.
Then my maman and papa called right after just to say they finally found another one, the most ‘perfect’ in the place.
In the pictures they sent to us, they looked so cute and wonderful. Surely there was no complaining at all.
So the Christmas tree hunt was over. And now we could peacefully walk around the place.
Charles and I walked silently to our favorite place here, it was somewhere close to the icy and blue ice rink.
Some small open cabins were there, just so people could get somewhere to get warm, and to lit up a bonfire.
The temperatures here were no joke.
Charles and I were basically freezing, even if we had the mittens that his mom made for us last year.
I snuggled into my sweater as I waited for charles to set the bonfire.
“You cold?”
“Mhm” he laughed at my state, I always get easily cold, but that doesn’t mean I hate winter.
It’s actually the exact opposite.
“Your nose is red as a tomato.” He pinched my nose.
“Hey!” He shrugged and smiled while he gave me his white scarf. “Thanks…”
I was now hypnotized by the dancing fire, and Charles came closer, having his arm touching mine.
“I wish you could’ve come with me” He whispered.
“To your races?”
“Everywhere, I needed you there.” He sweetly smiled at me. But I hit him in his arm “ow? What was that for?” He laughed at me.
“For all the times you were reckless and almost gave me a heart attack!… but, I would’ve loved being there with you too, you know that”
He chuckled, since we were little, when he was karting I would always be there for him when he crashed or just had a bump on the way.
But now we were talking about F1, something people should not play with. Cars that go at a speed I can’t even think.
So, yeah, I obviously had my nearly death experiences while watching the tv and having Charles crashing out of nowhere.
But here he was, next to me and I could now feel his warmth.
charles pov.
Missing her is just an understatement, he needed her. Every day it passed without her was absolutely devastating.
Yeah, they texted and called often, but there was nothing like having her by his side.
At this point she’s the air he need to breathe, it was like the sun finally appearing after long rainy days.
She was the first person he called when he got into Ferrari, she was the one who he texted in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep.
Charles didn’t even know how much he needed her till she wasn’t by his side anymore.
How do I even tell her?
She’s at my side, peacefully watching the bonfire while I am dying inside to tell her how much se makes me feel.
“Hey…” I started, I don’t even know what Im fucking going to say.
She turned her head to look at me, and tilted her head while shining her big gorgeous eyes at me.
I gulped. She stopped the world completely by just looking at me.
“Are you ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she laughed, and the ends of my lips turned upwards.
“Here, let’s go take some hot cocoa, maybe it’ll help you relax”
She stood up and offered me her hand, and I took it hesitatingly, if I don't do it now when will I do it? I can’t just not tell her.
“Oh god, you’re even paler now.” She looked a bit worried.
“Come on big boy, you will be fine, follow me”
I grunted, but she didn’t stop moving. The cold air hitting us as soon as we left the warmth of the bonfire.
“Here, with marshmallows, just how you like it Charlie.” She showed her teeth at me handing a warm cup of hot chocolate.
“Feeling better?” She placed a falling piece of her hair behind her her ear after taking a sip from her own cup.
“More than ever” I replied.
She looked directly into my eyes, god I could melt right now.
“What was it that you were saying?”
I almost choked.
“Ugh, nothing important”
“Must be, you can always count on me Charlie.” She placed her delicate hand on top of mine.
Charlie, she has called me that since we were little. My parents and hers were friends since forever, and I guess we just followed.
“I just, was thinking about when I was away. Uh, I was just thinking about this… girl.”
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴠ
I felt a sting on my chest
But that is does the mean anything, right?
“Oh” i just managed to say, I looked at my feet just so I couldn’t meet his angelic eyes.
who am I even fooling at this point?
“It’s just, I really, really want her to be more to me than she is now. I just don’t know how to tell her.”
Cool cool cool cool cool… cool.
“I mean, I don’t know, what is she like?” I looked everywhere just to not look at him.
But I’m pretty sure he must be distracted thinking about this girl.
why am I feeling like this?
“Well” he chuckled. “She’s like, the best woman I’ve ever met. She gets me, and she’s so creative and funny and everything great in this world...”
My heart was slowly breaking by each compliment he gave her.
“…I just want her by my side.”
“Just tell her, if you feel all… this, maybe you should just tell her”
It’s the first time I’ve heard him talk about a girl like this, heck, he even called her a woman.
I finally looked up at him, just to find out he was already looking at me.
His eyes shined with that sparkling light he had. I could resist the smile creeping up my cheeks already.
“Really? I’m just afraid I’ll screw everything up.” He concluded.
“Any girl would be nuts to say no to you.”
His cheeks turned a slightly darker red. I could feel my cheeks burning already.
But I had to stop myself, this isn’t you who he is talking about.
I turned around, I need to take a breath.
“y/n…” he grabbed me by the wrist to turn me around. I met, once again, with her dreamy eyes.
“Yes?” I quietly replied.
“You know who I’m talking about, right?” He raised an eyebrow at me, and gave me a look I couldn’t quite figure out was trying to say.
I shook my head side slowly. I felt my eyes watering.
I looked around just so that he couldn’t catch my glossy eyes.
But I met with a mistletoe just over a head. I opened my mouth in awe.
I felt a shift in the ambiance, I looked back at Charles and saw him smiling showing his dimples.
He was looking at the mistletoe above us.
“I can’t, I just can’t anymore y/n.”
He met my gaze and took both of my hands, I could feel them over my mittens.
“Since we were kids, there was something about you, the is something about you that has always made my heart skip a beat.”
This isn’t happening.
I could feel my mouth slowly forming a smile.
“And I’ve always thought it was normal for me to feel like this with you. But god, being away from you has been hell. I need you, I can’t conform with just texting and calling.”
“Maybe this might sound selfish, but I don’t even want to picture you with someone else who is not me. I thought it was a little crush, but heck, you make me feel this way every single time and I never get tired of it.”
I was completely speechless.
This is happening.
“It’s ok if you don’t feel the same way, but it physically hurts to not tell you how much you actually mean to me. I’d be a fool not to tell you how special you are.”
At this point I started crying.
I cupped his face in my hands.
“What i’m trying to say is… I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
I was left with words, I’ve never been good at telling my feelings.
But I am good at showing them.
I slowly looked up at the mistletoe, and he followed my eyes.
I bit my lip. And furrowed my eyebrows asking him with signs, not words.
“Please” he quietly begged. I didn’t even had to think it twice.
I crashed my lips into his, expressing every single ounce of love I had for him. He followed.
It was the most magical night of the year.
Under the sparkling lights, bundled up in their mittens and coats, sweet dreams of holly and ribbons…
The couple finally found their way together, and their souls finally united and all their wishes came true.
Their love was blooming, and it all started in that little Christmas tree farm.
@delicatepeanutsublime @leclercera16 @ironspdy @architect-2015 @buendiabebeta @zlut1r
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shotoh · 2 years
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nnn is over! how did these boys fare last month?
characters: bakugou katsuki, kaminari denki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou
genre: smut
warnings: fem!reader, minors dni, everyone is 22+, bakugou (teasing), kaminari (quirk play, sub!kaminari), midoriya (masturbation), todoroki (somnophilia, cunnilingus), shinsou (catches you maturbating, quirk play), kirishima (breeding, mentions of cunnilingus), pet names (angel, love, babe, kitten, princess)
author’s note: enjoy this treat while i hole myself up in blue lock brainrot-
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when the boys were discussing the challenge in the group chat, of course they had to rope bakugou to play along with them. and to no one’s surprise, he thought the whole ordeal was completely dumb and more trouble than it was worth. yet they somehow got him to partake through relentless provocation, poking at his nerves until his pride no longer allowed him to remain silent and his thumbs vehemently typed a message back, stating in all caps—BRING IT ON YOU MORONS.
what he failed to consider was how little it actually takes to get him riled up. especially when it comes to you.
on the very first day of the challenge, he freezes in his tracks, arriving home from work to find you standing at the doorway. one of his dynamight t-shirts is draped over your pretty figure, a sweet smile adorning your lips. a simple yet effective recipe to get him on edge.
bakugou has to swallow the thick lump in his throat, fists clenched at his sides, attempting to muster some willpower to resist you. the challenge looming over his head somehow makes his instincts want to act up even more, slowly feeling something stir in his pants.
it’s only the first day, dammit, calm down!
are some of the few thoughts running rampant in his deprived mind. and all from just you in his shirt? it’s fine, if he can resist you now, then he’ll surely make it through the whole month without a hitch. right?
you tilt your head naively, unaware of what has him hesitating to greet you back. holding your arms out, you try ushering him into a “welcome home” embrace. the fabric of the shirt raises ever-so-slightly, but it’s just enough to see the chiffon fabric of your black panties above your supple thighs. that’s when his nonexistent resolve breaks and he gives into you, suddenly dashing from the doorway and carrying you in his arms.
his lips quickly overwhelm you, voice reduced to a whimper in the presence of his tongue seeking yours. “those dumbasses made me agree to some challenge,” he mutters between kisses against your skin, “knew it was fuckin’ stupid to begin with. be a fool to give this up for a whole ass month.”
you can’t seem to follow every word, engulfed in the hot sensation that travels between your thighs. your simple response is to pull him deeper, fingers wrinkling the fabric of bakugou’s shirt as he hoists your body up by the large palms groping your bottoms, transporting you both to the sanctuary of your bedroom.
later that night, bakugou messages the group chat about his quick defeat as your warm body nestles next to him.
the chat erupts in a fit of uproarious texts, a mixture of confusion and hysteria throughout. however, bakugou swallows his loss, knowing that the rest of them will have to suffer for the next twenty-nine days without being able to blow their loads.
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being a man in touch with trends, kaminari is the one who issued the challenge to everyone in the first place. which was a surprise, given that he sounded like the last person to have the self-control to stop himself from touching you for a month.
this isn’t very far from the truth, but hey, you have to give him some credit at least. he really did try his best, but unfortunately that resolve lasts only until the end of the first week before he finds himself frantic to be in between your legs again.
his initial strategy for success was simple. he goes about avoiding you in any way he can—leaving early for work and coming home much later after a day holed up at his agency, keeping himself immersed to ward off the aching desire to have your walls hugging his cock. though it saddens you that you have to limit your interactions with him, all for the sake of his standing in some challenge, you still support him. you also figure this could help him exercise some restraint for the future.
however, his thirty-day journey stops short one night while tucked beside you in bed.
when he settles his body under the covers, you rouse slightly from your sleep. “denki?” you murmur languidly and kaminari already feels a twinge in his gut at the sweet, sleepy sound of his name from your lips.
“y-yeah, babe, i’m here,” he assures, his shaky tone eluding your ears as you absentmindedly reach out for him. denki’s breath hitches in response to your arms wrapping around his midsection.
“mm, miss you…” from behind, you pull yourself snug against him. kaminari almost goes numb at the contact. he was already walking on a tightrope throughout the entire week, even a simple glance at you could’ve been enough to make him unravel. now with your soft, pliant body squeezing into him, he was about to be too far gone. your sweet fragrance was making him delirious, his mind going blank visualizing the outline of your tits on his back. god, he can’t take it anymore. he needs you to know exactly what you’re doing to him.
shifting you both around, he has free range to touch you in any way he wants, and the first thing he needs is to feel those pretty tits in his hands. he sneaks under your shirt and overhears your breathy whimpers at the sensation.
“d-denki..!” you gasp, feeling fully awake when his fingertips find your nipples and give them a playful sting of electricity. you arch your back into his hold, pressing your ass against his clothed erection that has him hissing between his teeth.
“fuck, sorry, babe. i couldn’t take it anymore.” his whines are high-pitched and needy as he grinds into you, granting himself some of that sweet friction he missed so much. his hands travel south in pursuit of your panties. he groans at the slick sticking to your folds. “need to be in you. c’mon, please please give it to me, i’ll be good...”
the pleas falling from his lips are so pretty and desperate. it’d be a shame to let him suffer by himself. to help him out, you sit up with the intention of getting on top of him. “okay, but don’t forget that you were the one who suggested this,” you warn with half-lidded eyes looking down at the deep blush painting his face, tugging at the waistband of his sleep shorts.
“yes, ma’am…”
well, at least he can say he lasted longer than bakugou.
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despite being somewhat confident in his ability to resist you, midoriya was already set to fail the moment he agreed to participate.
this month his hero agency is working on a collaboration with a clothing designer and retailer for an upcoming deku christmas collection, set to debut at the beginning of december. too caught up in his pro hero work and constantly keeping himself in check around you, the collab completely flies over his head. he forgets that a package full of the draft apparel for the collection was supposed to be delivered at his residence today.
he gets notice of the delivery from your text later that day while at his agency.
guess what came? you question in your message, following with an image of a large opened box with clothes sprawled all around. it must have been some time since you last texted him because as he continues scrolling through the chat, he finds streams of pictures you sent of yourself modeling in all the clothes, wrapped up in scarves, sweaters, and other winter apparel in his signature colors. he’s glad he’s in the privacy of his office, otherwise his sidekicks might notice him smiling like a lovesick fool at his phone, seeing his cute girlfriend all dolled up.
when he reaches the end of your message thread though, the smile on his lips slowly disappears. his eyes grow beady at the brightly-lit screen. the last picture you sent is of you laying across the soft sheets of your bed, camera pointing down at your figure with a knitted sweater pulled up above your chest, revealing an enticing set of green lingerie hugging your curves.
midoriya swallows thickly at the sight, eyes roaming over every detail he can see that makes the weight in his pants heavy and stiff. fuck, no one ever said anything about a deku lingerie set. how is he going to go on patrol again like this—hot and bothered while his girlfriend was at home, sitting all pretty with her feet giddily kicking in the air, sinfully aware of what she was doing to him.
there was no way he could ignore the dull ache between his legs anymore. him dialing your number over facetime is the final nail in the coffin. as the phone rings, he situates himself behind his desk, palming his bulge over his costume. when the call goes through, your face comes into view. you feign an innocent expression in front of him.
“hey, ‘zuku, what’s up?” you greet, voice a tad chirpier than usual, “did you like the little slideshow i gave you?” you revel in how flush his expression is, a tint of red swathing over the skin under his freckles.
“yeah, angel i loved it so much… c-can you show me the last set again, please?” he asks quietly, the question morphing into a desperate plea as he adds more pressure against his erection.
“hm, you mean this one?” on cue, you pan your phone so the camera can capture every inch of your body still clad in the fancy seasonal lingerie. from your end, you hear a quiet string of curses and the scratchy sound of a zipper.
“izuku, are you touching yourself to me?”
he shamelessly fists his cock under the desk. “yes, you’re gonna make me lose that bet, angel…”
“is a stupid challenge really more important than me though?” you pout, squeezing your tits together. izuku furiously shakes his head, his pace along his cock quickening desperately. you hum, “come home from patrol and prove it to me then. you might just get your christmas present early.”
needless to say, the crime rate in that area was reduced to zero by the end of the day.
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todoroki is another participant who initially sees the bet as more bothersome than beneficial. he couldn’t imagine a whole month without touching you. why should he have to control his natural urges around you when taking care of your needs, along with his own, was second nature for him? and all for what—bragging rights? it just doesn’t make any sense.
to convince him, the boys use the logic that edging himself will make the experience all the more mind-blowing at the end of the month. despite the new developments, his routine remains largely unchanged. he doesn’t see the need to actively ignore you, possessing the self-control to leave you with just a kiss on the forehead before bed and ending it at that. must be thanks to all the meditation he worked on while training to be a pro.
he will admit that he narrowly dodged a bullet during the first couple of nights. albeit just barely. unaware of the bet he placed amongst his group of friends, you tried initiating intimacy with him. you sat comfortable between his legs on the couch, a movie showing in front of you. it seemed tonight was going to be a normal occurrence—just a night dedicated to you both catching up on your favorite films—that is until he felt an extra weight against his crotch.  
a low grunt almost escapes the depths of his throat when you lift your body to scoot your pretty-self snug on his lap, shifting around with intention where shouto can already sense the point of no return. feeling the first throb of his cock, he has to hold you down by your waist to keep you steady. you face him with a mischievous glint in your eye, waiting for the mood to escalate further. todoroki barely had the heart to tell you he couldn’t go through with things tonight, explaining the bet, and watching your features adjust to the disappointing realization of no sex with him for a whole month.
for his sake, you still kept your spirits high to cheer him on. todoroki was grateful, kissing the tip of your nose as he muses sweet nothings in your ear. “i promise it will be worth it.”
it hurts him to leave you all flustered and worked up, but through the patience of a saint, he manages to get to the third week. most of the time he found extra relief from blasting villains with staggering amounts of ice and flames. things were going well for him, and once he was notified of the others’ losses, he seemed like a strong candidate to survive all thirty days.
that sentiment is smothered when he arrives home one night, crossing into the living room to find your sleeping body sprawled on the couch. his first instinct is to scoop you into your arms and take you to bed, but before he could cradle you against him, your lips part.
“shouto…” a tantalizing moan calls for him, the sound immediately coaxing his cock to attention, and making all the cells in his body go numb. eyes lidded, your voice continues to sweetly muse in your slumber, “need you, miss you so much…”
fuck, the innate desire to take care of you after realizing how much he’s been neglecting your needs overwhelms his reasoning. the bet is far behind him as he’s kneeling in front of the wetness coating your pretty cunt, your shorts and panties half-hazardly pulled down your legs.
the first taste of you in what seems like forever is delicious on his tongue, intoxicating his senses as your thighs squeeze his head, at odds with your collapsing slumber. with his mouth mercilessly fluttering around your sensitive bud, you soon wake up to an earth-shattering orgasm, rubbing your eyes to the two-toned man knelt in the middle of your spread legs.
“i’m sorry, love. i just want to make sure you’re taken care of, and you looked so gorgeous in your sleep, i couldn’t resist anymore.” he grabs your hand, leading it to the tight bulge on his crotch, his balls excruciatingly heavy and seeking relief.
“you’re going to take care of me too, right?”
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ever the competitive one, shinsou couldn’t pass up the opportunity to one-up all these horn dogs. though that isn’t to say he’s immune to your charms. there are plenty of moments where his resolve runs dangerously thin. every time you walk around the apartment in the skimpiest shorts or let out a particularly long whine while stretching, shinsou has half the mind to come and bend you over the nearest flat surface. but he collects himself, catching his breaths before handling his problems with a long cold shower.
what keeps his streak going is the fact that your schedules don’t align. being an underground pro meant he was stationed to patrol during the weeknights. by the time he was allowed to sleep, the sun would be peeking above the horizon, and you’d be waking up to start your day. thanks to this mundane routine, shinsou is looking to be in the running to complete the challenge.
on a particularly calm night, he’s overlooking the bright cityscape atop a building. his eyes are scanning the areas below, searching for any signs of criminal activity before his attention averts to the vibration in his pocket. he gives the caller id a glance and picks it up without a thought when he sees your name across the screen.
“kitten?” he answers in a hushed tone befitting of his surroundings.
“‘t-toshi, where are you?” your words quiver, seemingly on edge, which has the hero fixing his posture.
“i’m on patrol right now. why? did something happen? are you in danger?” his senses are heightened at the prospect of your safety being compromised, standing on high alert.
“n-no, it’s not that… i–” the short string of silence has shinsou biting his lip, “i just need you to come home.”
at that, shinsou drops everything in a heartbeat, alerting his sidekicks about his absence and letting them clean things up for the night. he swings across mazes of buildings to make his way to your apartment complex, landing at your front door. the entrance is pushed aside, the abrupt slam of the door echoing amidst his steps hastening toward your room.
“kitten are you–?! oh.”
well if this isn’t a sight to behold. when he crosses the threshold of your room, he’s shocked to be welcomed by your naked form spread lewdly on your bed. that feeling of shock quickly morphs into lust, lavender eyes darkening at your hand between your legs, watching your fingers part your folds.
“‘toshi, just need you here with me, can’t come without you.” your fingers work in tandem with your delicious whimpers, trying to massage that spot inside that made you writhe, but to no avail. it pales in comparison to shinsou’s thick digits which always knew where to touch and prod to reduce you to a babbling mess.
the man approaches the bed at his leisure, taking in your debauched state. the bed starts to dip at his extra weight. your skin scorches at how close he is. it’s been far too long.
“naughty, naughty. and to think you were doing so well for me this month, ” shinsou clicks his tongue. he scoots onto his stomach, fingers digging into your thighs to get a better view of your sobbing cunt. all those moments of restraint and freezing showers catch up to him, and his cock starts to ache in his pants. “what do you have to say for yourself, kitten?”
“i’m sor–” the words are hindered by the thick fog quickly blanketing your mind. when your eyes take on a listless hue, shinsou knows his quirk has taken effect.
“it’s too late for an apology now, i need to distribute your punishment.” he cups your chin in his hand, tilting you in his direction. “and only after i make you come on your own fingers will i let you ride my cock.”
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this whole month has been a true test of kirishima’s wits. for days upon days, it felt like a higher being was testing him, throwing every single obstacle they could think of to get him to crack and succumb to the sweet temptation that is you and your salacious ways. whether intentional or not, you never made it easy for him. kirishima couldn’t count the number of times his layer of self-control almost shattered right next to you, like when you would bend down and show off your gorgeous ass, or doll yourself up in the prettiest, body-hugging dresses for a night out with your friends.  
the thought of ripping whatever flimsy fabric you were wearing and folding you in half right then and there nearly overtook him. he just had to grit his teeth and feign indifference, when in reality his cock was growing heavier, throbbing with every passing day. he almost wanted to cry.
he simply swallowed his desires down and waited out the thirty days. the boys already thought he’d be one of the first to lose anyways so he was extra poised to prove them wrong. as his friends fell one by one to their urges, he was slowly gaining the conviction he needed to endure the next hellish weeks. after reaching the home stretch, he was practically counting down the hours—minutes even—until he was free from the shackles of the bet and could finally have you all to himself.
on the last night of the month, he’s already under the covers with you, who was sound asleep next to him. however, the redhead is wide awake, turned on his side to stare at the gleaming numbers on the digital clock resting on the nightstand. when the clock finally strikes twelve, every cell in his body rejoices. he shoots up from bed, jolting you from your sleep.
“babe, look! i made it! i survived no nut november!” he yells and whoops at his triumph as you’re adjusting to being violently rattled awake.
“that’s great, eiji, congrats–” you don’t even get your praises across before he’s on top of you, lips fervently coaxing yours apart. his hands palm at every inch of your soft body, pushing and pulling clothing away while you whimper below him. his large, toned body towers over you, licking his lips at his prey. “that means i don’t have to hold back anymore.” his guttural tone foreshadows the long night ahead for you both.
you don’t have any idea how many times you’ve lost yourself, too fucked out by the time kirishima was inserting his cock in you and pistoning your insides. prior to that, he was adamant to get you to come at least thrice on his tongue and fingers, ensuring you were prepared for his thick girth after a whole month empty and probably weeping for his cock. now your legs are being pried apart, calloused fingers bruising your flesh as he concentrates on breeding his babydoll.
“fuck, i missed this so much, you were made for me baby, just perfect,” he grunts, too pent up to even think of slowing down despite spilling load after load in your little cunt. you think you couldn’t get any fuller than this, but kirishima proves you wrong, pushing his seed back into you with every hard thrust. “don’t get tired on me now, princess. still got plenty more for you.”
being the sole winner of no nut november he asks the boys to pool together to buy him a new sturdy bed frame as his prize after yours broke the night before.
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copyright 2022 shotoh, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated elsewhere so please do not repost this or share my content on tiktok.
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atinystraynstay · 7 months
Sincerity Is Scary - Kim Mingyu
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Synopsis: Everyone on campus knew Mingyu. He was the guy who all the girls wanted to get one night with, the guy all the guys wanted to be, and everything you wanted. Mingyu and you became friends after a class assignment. It's safe to say though, you have fallen for him when he seems to be interested in other girls. Or at least you think that. "What about you? What are you afraid of?" "Loving you."
Pairing: Frat boy! Kim Mingyu x fem reader
Genre: Angst! A little bit of fluff at the end. Non-idol, friends to lovers. College crush! Mingyu for sure
Warnings: PG-13 - Slight swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual activity mentioned
Word Count: 6.1k
It was a crisp late November evening. Campus was alive again after students had traveled home for the holidays. Now, it was crunch time on final assignments, final exams, and trying to keep sane at the end of the term.
You were patiently waiting for your study partner to arrive. You had gotten an iced Americano, gearing up to deep dive into your psychology assignment. It was a final project analyzing fear - how it affects people, what exactly it is, and how it could be conquered. Your pink backpack was resting on the chair across from you. A signal to everyone that you were expecting someone, and that the chair was taken. Campus always got overcrowded when people realized they needed to get their shit together.
You tapped on your phone screen to look at the time. 2:33pm. Where was he?
You glanced at the door to find any signal of your partner. Somehow, you guys have worked together at least on one project every term since sophomore year. While he wasn't always the most motivated academically, working with him was a joy on your end. But that might be because of the view of the guy - Kim Mingyu.
Mingyu was the guy that all the girls desired. It helped that he was well-known on campus as his fraternity always threw the best parties. He was someone who was also willing to help out those around you. For instance, he always made sure all the girls at his parties got home safely by either having a pledge walk them or ordering an Uber for them personally. He also cleaned up any mess he spotted or even just offered a gentle smile to someone who crossed his path. They see an attractive guy and then get to know the guy with a heart of gold who wants the best for himself and his friends. They got to know my friend.
Now, I wouldn't say Mingyu and I were best friends. We did have our own separate social circles with very drastically different ideas of a fun Friday night. However, he was someone I could trust. Not just when it comes to making sure an assignment gets done, but he is someone I can turn to when I need a place to vent. He was a safe space from judgment or ridicule.
The doorbell rang, indicating someone was making their presence known in the coffee shop. You peeked up to see Mingyu. His eyes were scanning the cafe, looking for you. He was wearing a grey hoodie, black sweatpants, and a navy blue beanie on his head. It wasn't too cold in November when you didn't want to be outside, but it was cold enough that you could feel the air nipping at any exposed skin. One strap of his black backpack hung over his shoulder. He looked like a model for Abercrombie & Fitch.
His eyes soon found yours and you watch his smile grow. Did I mention that this man has the personality of a golden retriever?
Eyes from other patrons followed as he maneuvered through the sea of tables and chairs. His eyes never leaving yours though. He was determined to get to you one way or another.
"Y/n!" "Mingyu! How was Thanksgiving dinner with Hansol and Joshua?"
He plopped himself in the seat across from you. He let out a puff of air, probably now feeling the contrast of the heat from inside the cafe compared to the crisp air outside. His backpack made a soft thud, landing assumedly by his feet. His right hand reached up to take down the beanie, shoving it into the front pouch of his hoodie.
"It was actually pretty good. Wonwoo made sure Hansol stayed out of the kitchen, so Joshua and I could cook." He let out an infectious laughter that made me weak in the knees. Fuck, I'm down bad for him. "Wish you could have made it though!"
And try not to drool over you in front of all your friends? Pretend I don't have feelings for you? Yeah, no thanks.
"I'm sorry! My folks said I needed to come home, trying to savor every family get-together before applying for jobs and being big scary adults." "Yeah, I get what you mean. The guys have become like family to me. Who really knows where all 13 of us are going to end up once we all graduate." "No plans to keep the fraternity life going after graduation?" I teased. He laughed at my joke, quickly shaking his head. "No, I plan to step back completely after I graduate. Think it would be too sad if I was one of the graduated guys who just stuck around the fraternity house. Or the one that has to keep drinking and constantly talking about 'the good old days.' No, I think I'm ready to be taken a bit more seriously." I couldn't help but smile wider at the thought of the man Mingyu was going to be. Of course, he was already a stellar guy. He was the guy I wanted so desperately to take home to my parents, to present him as my one and only. College was just the beginning for him. Kim Mingyu was destined for amazing things, to do amazing things for this world. I just hoped I could become a part of it.
"So, you ready to get started on this project?" I asked. "Why can't we just sit here and chat? Why is it that we have to get started on the project? It's not due for another three weeks." "Because, I know how you are, Mingyu. You'll throw ragers the next couple of weeks as a final hooray before everyone leaves for a month and then you'll forget about the project until the very last minute which makes us both stressed! If we at least brainstorm and decide what we are going to do, it means less work in the long-run." "And more time for you to come by one of my parties?" I sighed in defeat. Mingyu knew I wasn't the type of person who liked to go out to parties. I liked going to the dive bars with my friends. There was nothing appealing to me about sweaty bodies pushed up against one another in a basement. You couldn't even hear people with how loud the bass was! However, Mingyu has been trying to get me to go to a party since we met. And he's been using that this being our senior year as a perfect way to guilt trip me into going. "And I'll come by one of your parties," I promised. "What about the one tonight?" "Already having one tonight?" "What! It's a great way to welcome everyone back," he laughed. "Seriously. If we are able to decide how we are going to do the project, then you have to come by tonight." "Ok, ok. I'll come by tonight if we both do the work." "Deal!"
After an hour of intensive research, you and Mingyu decided on an approach for your project. You were going to interview people on campus to see if there was a common fear among college students. You had some guesses, but you were hoping to find a way to bust those fears that plague most college students.
"I think this might be our best project yet, y/n! I don't know what you think of these types of things. You're so creative."
Don't blush, y/n. Don't give yourself away.
I smiled politely in return, a laugh bubbling out of my throat. "I just like creating work for you to do. You know I'm the type to take allllll the credit for every assignment," I teased.
"Oh right. Because you know the moment I do things a certain way then you'll just jump in and try to do the project all by yourself." "Hey! That was sophomore year y/n! I think I've gotten a lot better since then when it comes to group projects," I pouted. "You have. Trust me, darling. There's a reason why I always come back to you," he winked.
Oh, there he goes again. Mingyu the Flirt. I was going to slip one of these days, let him and all of campus probably know my secret if he keeps it up. And the worst part was that it wasn't just an act. His was just naturally flirty.
Both of us were beginning to pack up our backpacks. Our laptops had slid into our backpacks before they zipped up in unison. It was getting close to 5pm, and if I was expected to be at Mingyu's tonight, I had to get home and get ready. Not that I was banking one tonight being the night things finally work out for us, but I didn't want to seem like a slob.
"So, you coming tonight, Ms. Anti-Fraternity?"
I sighed and nodded. "Yes, Mr. President, I will be there."
He smiled wide before swinging an arm around me. Oh god dammit. The universe was testing me. "That's the spirit, angel!" He began leading the two of us out of the cafe, side by side and pulled into his side. I was trying my best not to look like a deer caught in headlights by his gesture. I'm surprised my legs haven't given out at all from the series of events that are unfolding right now. Sure, Mingyu and I were close, but he's never been this bold with me. What is he up to?
I could feel eyes on us as we made our way out of the coffee shop. Some girls were whispering to one another, glancing towards us. Other guys looked at Mingyu with shock. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole to prevent me from embarrassing not only me, but also him. Keeping his arm around me, he used his free hand to push the glass door open.
"You're too kind," I said playfully. I offered a gentle smile as I detached myself from Mingyu so I could step over the threshold. I glanced behind me to see if Mingyu was following but froze when I saw he didn't. He was still standing by the door, leaving it open. Instead of just holding it open from someone coming in, I caught him at the start of a conversation. He was talking to Jennie.
Now, Jennie and I didn't have any beef. She was in our psychology class, so we ran into her often. She never joined our study sessions, thank goodness, because she often preferred to study with her sorority sisters. However, she knew Mingyu outside of class as she was always trying to set up mixers and pre-games for football season with his fraternity. Jennie had sensed that Mingyu and I were close, so oftentimes, she would approach me asking if he was still single. She was trying to gather her intel before making a move.
"Excited for the party tonight, Mingyu! Want me to come over early to help set up?" She took a step closer to him. Her hip brushed against his which caused his eyes to widen. His grip slipped from the door as he was holding the edge, closing the door on me. "Oh, I didn't really think of that. I was just going to get Seungkwan and Dino to help me, maybe some of the pledges." That was the last thing I heard before the door fully closed. I was now on the outside looking in. Time froze as I watched her take another step forward. She blocked his view of me. Her hand gently reached up to rest on his bicep, squeezing it. She wore a playful smile while Mingyu smiled, or at least tried to. I would like to think that I knew him well enough to tell his genuine smile apart from his fake one. All I could see was him nodding before she began leaning in.
Okay, that's my cue. I quickly spun on my heels to walk in the direction of my apartment.
"Are you sure the dress isn't too short?" I mumbled.
I was walking to the frat with my roommate. She insisted that I shouldn't go alone. Not sure if it was because of my retelling of the events that transpired outside of the coffee shop or the fact she wanted a good laugh at me attending my first frat party.
After seeing Jennie with Mingyu, I ranted to my roommate about everything. I was frustrated with the circumstances where the two of us would never work out. We are two separate people who make awesome friends. I didn't want to jeopardize that. It was also partially due to the fact I could not bring myself forward to confess to Mingyu how I was feeling.
Her solution was simple - dress to kill. "If you can't say how you feel about him, make him realize what he's missing out on. You gotta go out there and steal his attention."
The look that could kill was a rather short red dress. It was a sparkly red which would be able to be noticed even in the dimmest of spots in the hell I was about to enter. A frat basement was somewhere I thought I'd never end up, but here we are. It hugged my curves perfectly and had sleeves that were cuffed at the elbow by an elastic band. I wore a pair of beat-up sneakers, so I could be comfortable for the evening. This wasn't a formal event. This was about making Mingyu notice me.
"To be honest, I think it could be shorter. But you're not trying to sleep with him, just get him to notice you, right? It's enough to let his imagination run wild," she smirked.
I rolled my eyes at her antics yet kept a light smile on my lips. It was a good idea. I just felt so out of my element, so I was trying my hardest to warm up to the idea before stepping foot into the party. I wanted to come across as confident as ever, to catch his attention, and to make him realize that maybe I have a chance compared to the other girls he's been with or at least seen around campus with.
After 10 minutes walking, we arrived at the frat house. There were a few people loitering around outside. Most girls were wearing ripped jeans or very short black skirts. There were a few fraternity brothers gathered up at the front, a few I recognized - Joshua, Wonwoo, and Seungcheol. They were looking across the groups gathered outside of their residence, probably trying to see how they could minimize the appearance to avoid cops showing up. Yet, Wonwoo was looking directly at me with a smug girl. He was probably the closest with Mingyu so I knew him the best.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" He called out to us. Some people on the sidewalk and the two guys beside him looked our way. I groaned internally at Wonwoo's commotion before approaching the entrance of the party.
"How the hell did Mingyu convince you to come, doll?" "I lost a bet to the devil." "Well, you can go ahead inside. I'm sure Mingyu is keeping an eye out for you." "Oh come on, he probably sensed her already out here. He was basically buzzing off the walls when he was telling me we would be graced with y/n's presence tonight," Seungcheol laughed. "Be careful, y/n. I heard he likes to bite," Joshua teased.
I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from blushing hard. It's not like I haven't fantasized about him like that before.
The three guys grinned at me, stepping out of the way to let me and my roommate through. Instantly, we were greeted by groups of people all drinking, mingling, and dancing. You could hear the bass from downstairs through the floor, as we were on the main floor.
My roommate pushed me through towards the kitchen. I looked at her puzzled, thinking the initial plan was to find Mingyu. "You need a drink to loosen up first, babes. Trust me. You look terrified right now, not sexy." I just nodded as we were found ourself in a somewhat crowded kitchen. Yet, there was a pathway to the collection of alcohol on display - tequila, gin, vodka, rum with a plethora of mixers. Definitely Mingyu's idea to have more mixers than alcohol, so everyone could drink to their comfort level.
We were by the kitchen island, almost in our own little world. The groups around us were quickly grabbing their refills before either moving away to a different part of the house or to the main event in the basement. Before I could even process anything, a shot glass was placed in front of me, seeing my roommate looked at me with a wicked grin. "Choose your poison, y/n."
My eyes scanned the liquor before reaching towards the tequila. My hands were about to grasp the handle but I took a quick surveillance. Where could it be? "Looking for these, princess?"
I glanced over my shoulder to see the man of the hour, Mingyu. In one hand, he was holding a container or salt, and in his other hand was a lime. Speak of the devil. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants. A gold chain was around his neck. I would love to just grab that chain and tug his lips close to mine. Okay, I do need a drink. ASAP.
"How did you know?" "Feel like I know you pretty well, but still wasn't sure if you were going to show up tonight. I figured I would still prep just in case. Welcome to my kingdom," he teased.
He crossed the room to be where were. For a moment, I could have sworn his eyes traveled my body. First at the dress before looking up and down my torso and legs. I had spun to face him more directly. It was then I could have sworn his eyes were on my chest before he made eye contact with me. He set the salt and lime to my right, in between my roommate and I. His other hand rested on the countertop to my other side, somewhat caging me.
"You're just full of surprises. First, disappearing on me at the coffee shop, but now actually showing up to my party? And now wanting to do tequila shots?" "Just scratching the surface," I smirked.
My roommate shared glances between Mingyu and I. But before I could introduce her to him, she stepped back completely. My eyes widened slightly but she wore that same smirk from before. "I think I'm gonna let you two catch up. I'm going to go talk to that one guy outside," she announced. I couldn't even argue with her to stay before she headed out of the kitchen.
"And then there were two," Mingyu announced. Seeing as my roommate had wondered off for her own adventure, Mingyu placed his hand fully beside the salt and tequila. I was fully in the lion's den now.
I mustered up the courage to look him in the eyes. It was then I noticed that the entire kitchen had cleared out. When did that happen? Did people just leave seeing Mingyu walk in? The thought of him having that type of authority made me weak in the knees.
"Wonwoo wasn't lying when he said you looked absolutely breathtaking tonight, baby," he murmured.
His hand to my right moved to rest on my side. His fingers slowly trailing up and down my side, teasing the waters. His touch was light, almost not there. It was enough though for electricity to shoot through my body, making me hyperaware this was reality and not some fantasy.
"You talking about me to others now?"
He leaned forward, enough so he just had to bow his head down to be at my ear. "You're all I talk about. You don't even know," he whispered. His lips brushed against the shell of my ear, enough to cause goosebumps to form and shivers to run down my spin. If it wasn't for the countertop pressing into my back gently, my knees would have given out.
"Come on, I have something better than just doing shots all night," Mingyu said. He reached down to grab onto my head, lacing his fingers with mine. His touch was warm and soft, sending shockwaves through my nervous system. I didn't get a chance to question him where we were going before he led me out of the kitchen. He just turned back towards me and gave me a wink. Oh god.
We made our journey through the frat house towards the split staircase. One that went down to the basement and another that went upstairs, assumedly where the guys slept. People who saw Mingyu turned to try to strike up a conversation but stopped when they saw me by his side. Some girls were throwing daggers in my directions with their harsh gaze. Jennie being one of them before she turned her back to talk to her sorority sisters. How the tables have turned. I expected that Mingyu was going to take me to the basement, but was met with surprise when we started ascending up the staircase. A few of Mingyu's brothers started whistling and howling at the sight of Mingyu with someone.
From in front of me, I heard Mingyu sigh and watched as he shook his head. "I'm sorry about them. Just ignore them. They wished they were getting some action tonight, but I think we both know the only date they'll have is with the toilet when they drink too much."
I laughed at Mingyu's joke. "No worries about it. I guess they are just showing support for their friend?" "Yeah, I guess so. I just don't want you to lump me in with them."
What was that supposed to mean? I never viewed Mingyu at the typical frat guy. I didn't hear stories about him just sleeping after a party and dumping a girl the next day. Sure, he has been linked with a few people, but he didn't seem like the type to do one-night stands. He wasn't the guy who made jungle juice with unknown liquors that could get you fucked up fast. He was meticulous in what was distributed to his party, often hoping people bring their own alcohol so they know what they re consuming. Or at least that's what he told me.
Mingyu soon led me to his bedroom. He walked in through the doorway, but I found myself froze. Was my perception of Mingyu wrong this whole time? Were we just going to fuck? Did I mean that little to him that he was willing to throw our friendship away.
He must've felt the slight tug of his hand due to me stopping my movement. He turned his head back, trying to assess what was wrong. I stood by the doorway, trying to pull my head gently out of his grip.
"Gyu, I don't think this is a good idea. We're friends. Us sleeping together-" "You think I brought you up here to just have sex? Doll, I'm hurt," he gasped. I watched as he playfully placed his hand over his heart. "You think I'm that much of a horny bastard?"
I quickly shook my head before rushing into his room, stopping short of where he stood. "Gyu, please. That's not what I meant at all. I just didn't know why else you'd bring me up here when the party is downstairs? Isn't that why frat guys bring girls upstairs? To fuck?"
He smirked seeing how flustered I got. My cover was slowly unraveling, my motive of having him chase after me being flipped where I was starting to chase after him. "Y/n, you've seen too many movies," he laughed. "Besides, I'd never do anything to jeopardize losing you."
I could feel my cheeks becoming hotter. I hoped at least that was being concealed under the darkness of his bedroom. He stepped back and headed towards his bedroom window. "Do you trust me?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly, trying not to come across as too eager. Any sort of dignity that I could preserve at the moment is of upmost importance.
"Good." Mingyu flipped the lock at the top of his window. He pushed it open all the way until there was a soft thud of the window hitting the top of the window sill. He stepped out onto the roof with ease. He then turned back towards me, a hand reached out to me.
"The things I do for you, Gyu, I swear," I huffed. I took his hand, my other hand trying the best to keep my dress from flying up.
"Watch your head, gorgeous," he called out. This time, his tone was gentle and soft. It was a stark contrast being outside where you could barely hear the music from inside the house. I stepped over the window sill carefully, one foot down before the other following. I was somewhat hunched over to avoid hitting my head. Mingyu took it upon himself to use his free hand to hover over my head in case I did end up standing up too soon.
Once I was over the window and onto the roof, I stood up straight. My eyes widened from the view. "Oh wow," I breathed out. You could see all of campus from up here! You could see the tall oak trees that lined up around campus. You could see the various academic buildings and the college town beside us.
What really took my attention was noticing that there was a blanket sprawled out on the rooftop. Luckily, the rooftop was leveled and next to the fire escape, so there was no worry of slipping or anything. The blanket was added for comfort. I also noticed that there was a bottle of my favorite white wine Moscato chilling in a bucket. There were also string lights that decorated the ledge of the rooftop. It was it's on oasis.
"Come on, angel." He squeezed my hand gently before guiding me towards the blanket. I followed him gently to the blanket where I took my seat, my legs tucking underneath me. Mingyu joined me on the right side, sitting rather close. "Wait, hold on."
He popped up from the spot on the rooftop before heading towards inside. I frowned a bit when he left me alone, but turned my attention to the scenery outside. The warmth from inside the house still radiated throughout my body, so the crisp air of the November evening didn't bother me as much. My eyes ran along with the stars, trying to see what constellations I could make out. It was peaceful out here.
I jumped a bit when I felt something brush against my legs. I looked down to see a leather jacket, but relaxed when I noticed it was Mingyu dropping his jacket over me. I tilted my head back to see him looking down at me, a fond smile on my lips. Yet, there was something in his eyes. Maybe it was the glow of the lights outside making them sparkle more than usual or something on his mind? Either way, he was breathtaking. "Quite the gentleman, Gyu," I teased. "Thank you though." "You know I'd do anything for you. That's also why I set this up for you, for us, really. I know large crowds like the one happening inside aren't your thing, so I wanted to make sure you were comfortable being here." "So you don't do this for every girl?"
Mingyu snorted a bit, chuckling lightly under his breath. He pulled out two red solo cups, handing one to me while keeping the other by him. "No, y/n. Only the best reserved for you."
Carefully, Mingyu twisted off the cap of the wine bottle. He first poured the wine into my red solo cup. I couldn't help but giggle at the notion of drinking wine out of a red solo cup, something that typically holds cheap beer or mixed drinks.
"So that's why I'm getting a red solo cup? To really get the experience of being at a frat party?" "Hey, it's the best I could do," I laughed. "You really trust me with anything breakable?" "No, you're right. If it was a wine glass, you would've dropped it by now," I laughed, taking a sip of the wine. "I told you I'd do anything for you."
I kept my wide smile hidden once from Mingyu when I took a sip of the wine. He was quite the charmer. I placed the Moscato down behind me, by the corner of the blanket to avoid spilling. Mingyu did the same as we both seemed to gaze out at the world around us. It's crazy to think that in a short few months, we'll be saying goodbye to this place. This place has become my favorite place filled with my favorite people.
"So, y/n. What happened early? Why did you just leave the coffee shop?" Mingyu asked suddenly.
My eyes widened at the question. "Oh, you noticed?" I asked softly. My head dropped to look at my lap. "I thought you were busy talking to Jennie. I didn't want to interrupt."
"If anything, she interrupted us," he sighed. He then reached for his cup and took another sip. "Is that what you're afraid of? Being rude?"
I shook my head, picking my head up slightly. No, if only you knew what I was afraid of.
"I'll tell you what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of being alone. I love my life as it is right now, but I'm afraid of the uncertainty that comes with the next chapter," he confessed. He was leaning back on his hands now. His gaze shifting from the view of campus below to me. "I'm comfortable knowing I get to see my friends, get to see you. What am I supposed to do next?"
I frowned hearing his concern. "Gyu, whatever you do next, you're going to do great. I know it's scary about moving away from what you are familiar with. What I can say though is that knowing you, seeing you grow over the past two years, has been remarkable." My hand reached over to rest on his knee comfortingly, giving it a light squeeze. I looked at him directly in the eyes, hoping he could sense my sincerity in my words. "You're a great guy, Gyu. Don't doubt your capabilities. You can do anything you put your mind to."
His gazed looked down towards where my hand was on his. I followed suit. Oh no, did I make him uncomfortable? I was about to retreat my hand from him, but he quickly grasped it gently. "Thank you," he whispered. He lifted my hand to kiss the back of it before letting it rest in his lap. His grip on my hand was loose, in case I wanted to slip my hand away. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
"What about you? What are you afraid of?"
I took a deep breath. Mingyu just poured his heart out to me. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't say something, especially when I told him to put his brave face on and be determined to get what he wants. I deserve to at least try, right? Or I could end up regretting it for the rest of my life? That's at least what people warn about.
His gaze on me was soft. He was patient as he waited for me to muster up my truth.
"Loving you," I confessed. "Loving me? You're afraid of that? Why?" "Gyu, let's look at what you did for me tonight alone. You went through the trouble of setting up basically a separate event just for me. This is the shit they write about in romance novels. It just doesn't happen to girls like me!" "Wait, let's back up first. Do you like me, y/n?"
Oh god, oh god. Why did I open my mouth and say something? Maybe I could spin it off that I'm afraid of commitment in general? What if I spun it that I was trying to get over an ex and I was shocked by Mingyu's kind gesture? That he already treats me better than any ex? I mean, there is some truth to that. Mingyu was better than any ex I've had.
My mind was trying to wrap around some sort of lie I could tell to save myself. Before I could finalize my lie, I felt a hand on my face. Very slowly and gently, I realized Mingyu put his hand on my face. He was turning it towards me. I also noticed that he had moved closer to me now. He was sitting up tall, his face hovering over mine. He tilted my head up so I had to look at him in the eyes.
"Y/n, do you like me?" "I might have the smallest, tiniest crush on you," I whispered. "How do you think that we could conquer that fear?"
I raised an eyebrow, about to pull back from here. He was really thinking about our final assignment right now? "Because you took the first step in confessing your feelings for me. And you said you were afraid of loving me. It seems seeing if I have the same feelings for you is the best way to conquer that fear." "Well? Do you?" "Baby girl, I've had feelings since our first group project together."
His forehead gently rested against mine. He could probably hear my rapid heartbeat at this point. "Why do you think I've always picked you as my group partner?" "Because I'm smart and can get stuff done?" I laughed, trying to ease my nerves. He chuckled at that joke. "Well, yes, because you are smart. You're also very kind, insightful, determined, and gorgeous. You are the girl that I've been trying to get to come to my party so I could finally make a move in the element I feel most comfortable in. If anything, I'm afraid of you." "Afraid of me? Mingyu, you're 6'2." How can you be afraid of someone who is barely 5'5"?" "Because you are too perfect to me. I know what people think of me. They see the frat president who sleeps with people. When they see you, they see the girl who is going to move mountains when she graduates. They will wonder why you settled for a guy like me?"
That's it. I was not going to allow him to slander himself. Feeling bold enough, I moved Mingyu's jacket off of my legs. I set it beside me before gently climbing into his lap. One hand rested on his shoulder to stabilize me as I got comfortable. My other hand moved to rest on his cheek, now being the one turning his attention towards me.
Mingyu wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me in close, tightening his arms so I wouldn't fall backwards by mistake. My heart picked up as I felt my breathing become a bit shaky. Was this actually happening? "If you saw what I see, you would see that you are everything that I want. That's why I'm afraid of loving you because you seem too good to be real," I confessed. "Well let me help you overcome your fear by proving to you this is reality."
Mingyu leaned in slightly. He stopped himself short, where his lips were brushing against mine. He looked up into my eyes to see if I felt comfortable. My heart melted at the simple act of checking for consent. See. He was one in a million.
Taking it upon myself, my lips pressed against his fully. I could feel his smile against my lips as he tilted his head ever so slightly. Just enough for our lips to be pressed together perfectly, causing the kiss to move smoothly as our lips were catching one another's. His lips were just as smooth. He tasted like wine mixed with a bit of mint chapstick. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. This was actually happening. My one hand slid from his shoulder to rest on the back of his head.
He was the one who slowly broke the kiss. I pouted playfully, as it ended far too soon for my liking. He chuckled lightly before pecking my lips.
"Don't worry, darling. There will be more kisses." "That wasn't so scary after all," I confessed. "I'll help you conquer any fear of yours if you let me."
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usedpidemo · 2 months
Update - 3rd year anniversary! (and some future plans, a reflection, etc.)
Hi everyone! π here.
By the time this post is up, it'll be the 13th of May. Three years since I began my writing journey and this Tumblr blog. Three years. Time flies by so fast. I was close to graduating senior high after it was delayed because pandemic, had my graduation in an empty room basically, now I'm hitting my third year of college. Crazy stuff.
With that said, here are the stats + timetable of the blog so far:
First work: Sandwich (Wendy) (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m)
Highest note count: Tell your friends (Yujin x Wonyoung) (published 01/14/23, 1274 notes)
Number of works published: 91 fics (1 fic every 12.03 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days)
1000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days)
2000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days)
3000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days)
4000 followers: May 22, 2023 (740 days)
5000 followers: December 18, 2023 (950 days)
Current follower count: 5615 (1 new follower every 5.12 days)
It's been a hectic final month of college, so I apologize for the lack of activity in recent times :< But summer is coming up very soon, so hopefully I'll have all the time in the world to write more till then! I will say, a new fic is on the near horizon, so please be on the lookout!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank every single of you, whether reader, lurker, or a fellow writer for your support! Especially during these lull times, your unwavering support has kept me afloat and has been a motivation in continuing to write. Love you guys as always. Here's to another fruitful year <3
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From this point, this part will be an overall reflection and life summary of the previous year, my thoughts on some personal matters, and some ideas I've been contemplating. If you don't wanna read this, you can stop here.
I miss 2023 quite a bit, not gonna lie. I know nostalgia can quickly grow warm and fuzzy, seeing the past through rose tinted lens, but I'll admit that 2024 hasn't been off to the start I envisioned it to be. That year was mostly peak for me, and I could even argue it's my favorite year to live out based on all my experiences. Traveling to new places, finally attending live events, interacting with my K-pop biases, and so on—it really felt like the best was yet to come with how 2023 flowed and transitioned into the new year.
Five months in, and I am struggling. Horribly. Most plans, dreams, and ideas have gone up in smoke, and it's just one devastating gut punch after another. I have a shitty professor in one major that basically made me check out of that class, and I don't know my family will react when I tell them I have to repeat said class because that professor was a dick. My family's been infighting on a daily basis, and I'm mostly collateral damage to them. Not one week can go by without some serious confrontation between them. There was a brief health scare with my mother, but that seems to be a nothing matter; thank God she'll be okay.
All this just makes life so deflating, in all honesty. I get that no life is without struggle, but I genuinely don't know when we'll be in the clear. Not anytime soon, I reckon. In these tough times, there's very little comfort except the past, when everything was pretty all right for the most part. It's been demotivating to write when mom comes forward with another grievance with my sister. It's hard to write when you have a professor who likes to power trip their students into submission. It's hard when you don't know how to admit to your mother that he failed his one class because of said power tripping professor.
But that doesn't mean I will let it eat me alive. I know we've been through some utter lows in the past. And we always get back up. If no one has us, then God does.
Summer break is fast approaching and I want to fix things. Even in my own little way. I know none of what I'm saying has anything to do with writing degenerate stories about hot K-pop idols, but real life circumstances have definitely affected me more than I can brush off. I should be calm, unfazed, undeterred.
After all, some stories are meant to be finished. They just take a more unconventional route. Ask Cody.
With all that being said, I will finish these commissions over the next two months. I'm really sorry to everyone who requested and paid for their stories months and months ago; I genuinely feel bad for not getting these out on time, but I am very mindful of quality control, and I have no one to blame but myself for being a slacker and lazy worker. Despite my feelings, I should remain professional—that's what being a worker means.
A lifestyle overhaul is definitely in my list of things to improve over the summer too. Figuring out how to get writing done, finding ways to alleviate my PokeRogue addiction (GOTY), whilst having a healthy work/life balance and not losing my sanity over it. Or worse, burning out.
And I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends—peach, caps, majorblinks, chunk, frisky, raf, c.o, levi, sins, iz, ken, v1n, ddeun, notions, kevin, eros, brandon, kaede, svn, frisky, cray, rpg, prael—for putting up with my shit for another year. This life is tough, but you guys make it tolerable. Thank you for letting me air out my grievances even when it wasn't the best time to. I pray that when everything passes, I'm able to repay you all in some shape or form generously.
And to you, dear reader, for making it this far, thank you. Whether you've been with me since day one, or day 1094, as a commenter, reposter, liking, or just passing by/lurking, thank you for giving me a chance. Without you, all of this would have been for nothing. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't take that chance, that leap of faith back in 2021, and it's because of you I am able to keep doing this for the love of the game.
With grace,
Peter / π
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