#best spiritual healer in manhattan new york
holypsychic · 2 years
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healercalling · 7 years
I thought it might be good to make an introduction here as well so HI!! I’m Jinx, I’m 22, this is my first time playing my Queen of Queens Claire Temple ( I made my own version of her here ) and my bio was a bit of a Mess™ due to the fact I haven’t had my computer this week ( i finally got it back!!!!! ) so under the cut is her bio edited!! If you’d like to plot, please like this and I’ll come to you!! 
Growing up in Harlem wasn’t the most fun for young Claire or her mother, Soledad Temple. Usually, it was her and mother trying their hardest not to be scammed by anyone that saw the mother daughter duo as a weakness. Claire grew up fast, gaining street smarts that complimented her academic smarts. Something that was luckily recognized early as she was sent to a special science & math magnet in Midtown Manhattan, where Claire was determined to keep to herself and get through it. In school, Claire always found herself asking questions when the other kids simply took what was given to them as the only answer. It was her inquisitive nature that both infuriated and delighted some of her teachers to have her in class. By the time she went off university Claire had glowing recommendation letters from every single one of them. Claire was convinced then she wanted to be a doctor, that she wanted to adorn the white cape that made ordinary people superheroes every day. She didn’t want it for the glory, she wanted it for the gore, for the opportunity to study and help fix it.
Columbia really couldn’t handle a force like Claire as she went through both undergrad and medical school with top marks and scholarships. She entered her residency, publishing papers and more on Trauma Surgery, learning from the men, women & people in her field above her quickly & swiftly. Claire Temple became a phenomena, a little girl from Spanish Harlem who ‘defied the odds’ becoming one of the most innovative in her field. Soon, she found herself sitting in on meetings with people she’d only read about in her medical books, was earning grants from the same people who she’d once looked up to. Claire was on the fast track to becoming a legend in her field, so much so, she’d forgotten about her life before. Here she was, off hearing about government programs she could potentially help fix or participate in when her goal had been to help people – not just research about how to help them. Claire found herself becoming disconnected from everything that made her the doctor she wanted to be, finding herself becoming a shiny bright new pawn that the Upper East Side Rich & Elite could show off and play with. Her Fellowship may have been with some of the best people in New York but it felt hollow. When Claire looked in the mirror, she didn’t see a person she wanted to become and that scared her most of all.
Like Icarus she found herself too close to flying into the sun, sacrificing her humanity along with it. It was a price she wasn’t willing to pay to be the best when the whole reason she went into medicine was to help people, people who had been like her without access, born with survival coded into their blood. Not to join an elite group of physicians who experimented on people and didn’t actually do the one thing she wanted to do: heal. Claire left her fellowship, finding one of the shittiest she could, putting her efforts there. She wasnt being paid the same money she was making when she was Midtown helping people who ate, drank and sweat money but she was answering part of a calling she’d always had when it came to medicine and that was of a healer.
Her job wasn’t over then, she realized because she had come so close to becoming the doctor she never wanted to be she had unlearn the ableism she’d been taught. Soon, this new hospital became her life and to be a better doctor she found herself on off days and off hours, slipping into nurse scrubs and talking to people’s family’s. Even some patients who had been there for a long time. She asked about how their doctor treated them, how the staff treated them and just listened after she’d taken so much time not doing so. If people asked, she’d reveal herself a doctor but if they didn’t she figured she could use age old assumptions & sexism in her favor. Claire found herself transforming into a person she was proud of once again, the girl who’d dream of actually helping people, did. She felt solid in who she was, it was the foundation that kept her stable when people from other worlds, dimensions, with superpowers started popping up more and more in her neighborhood – a few of them becoming patients. The world had changed for Claire and she was happy that at least she had herself to rely on, her foundation, and was ready with any challenge she faced.
Between the Sokovia Accords and everything else that’s happened, Claire knows there’s a capacity for powered people to do good but just as much as a capacity for them to bad. Just like every person on this earth ( and beyond ). She doesn’t believe they should be hunted unless given a reason to be. If they help or do anything, they should be held accountable for their actions - like anyone else should be. There is a part of all this that Claire wonders where she’d be, science & career wise, if she had stayed with former hospital. An even larger part about it all that intrigues her on that level. But Claire is even more happy that she didn’t trade in her humanity for her career and feels like it all happened strangely, for a reason. Though she used to be religious because her mother and everyone in her neighborhood was, Claire was never a deeply spiritual person until New York started to crumble apart. Though she can come off as a skeptic, ultimately, she lets her faith ( in herself, her emotions ) govern what she does, even when she doesn’t understand it herself. Her personality shines through in almost everything she does, there is not a time where Claire isn’t being Claire. Sarcasm is a shield she uses often, and though she is deeply intelligent, Claire is learning that there is a space between what she knows and doesn’t – a large space she’s trying to not to let scare her but fuel her to do & be better.
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rebuildhq · 7 years
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Rosario Dawson || Claire Temple || 38 || Cis-Female || Harlem, NY || Trauma Surgeon || PLAYED BY JINX
Growing up in Harlem wasn’t the most fun for young Claire or her mother, Soledad Temple. Usually, it was her and mother trying their hardest not to be scammed by anyone that saw the mother daughter duo as a weakness. Claire grew up fast, gaining street smarts that complimented her academic smarts. Something that was luckily recognized early as she was sent to a special science & math magnet in Midtown Manhattan, where Claire was determined to keep to herself and get through it. In school, Claire always found herself asking questions when the other kids simply took what was given to them as the only answer. It was her inquisitive nature that both infuriated and delighted some of her teachers to have her in class. By the time she went off university Claire had glowing recommendation letters from every single one of them. Claire was convinced then she wanted to be a doctor, that she wanted to adorn the white cape that made ordinary people superheroes every day. She didn’t want it for the glory, she wanted it for the gore, and the opportunity to study and help fix it.
Columbia really couldn’t handle a force like Claire as she went through both undergrad and medical school with top marks and scholarships. She entered her residency, publishing papers and more on Trauma Surgery, learning from the men and women in her field above her quickly & swiftly. Claire Temple became a phenomena, a little girl from Spanish Harlem who ‘defied the odds’ becoming one of the most innovative in her field. Soon, she found herself sitting in on meetings with people she’d only read about in her medical books, was earning grants from the same people who she’d once looked up to. Claire was on the fast track to becoming a legend in her field, so much so, she’d forgotten about her life before. Here she was, off hearing about government programs she could potentially help fix or participate in when her goal had been to help people – not just research about how to help them. Claire found herself becoming disconnected from everything that made her the doctor she wanted to be, found herself becoming a shiny bright new pawn that the Upper East Side Rich & Elite could show off and play with. Her Fellowship may have been with some of the best people in New York but it felt hollow. When Claire looked in the mirror, she didn’t see a person she wanted to become and that scared her most of all.
Like Icarus she found herself too close to flying into the sun, sacrificing her humanity along with it. It was a price she wasn’t willing to pay to be the best when the whole reason she went into medicine was to help people, people who had been like her without access, born with survival coded into their blood. Not to join an elite group of physicians who experimented on people and didn’t actually do the one thing she wanted to do: heal. Claire left her fellowship, finding one of the shittiest she could, putting her efforts there. She wasnt being paid the same money she was making when she was Midtown helping people who ate, drank and sweat money but she was answering part of a calling she’d always had when it came to medicine and that was of a healer.
Her job wasn’t over then, she realized because she had come so close to becoming the doctor she never wanted to be she had unlearn so much of the ableism she’d been taught. Soon, this new hospital became her life and to be a better doctor she found herself on off days and off hours, slipping into nurse scrubs and talking to people’s family’s and even some patients who had been there for a long time. She asked about how their doctor treated them, how the staff treated them and just listened after she’d taken so much time not doing so. If people asked, she’d reveal herself a doctor but if they didn’t she figured she could use age old assumptions & sexism in her favor. Claire found herself transforming into the person she was proud of once again, the girl who’d dream of actually helping people, and she felt good in who she was. It was the foundation that kept her stable when people from other worlds, dimensions, with superpowers started popping up more and more in her neighborhood – a few of them becoming patients. The world had changed for Claire and she was happy that at least she had herself to rely on, her foundation, and was ready with any challenge she faced.
Between the Sokovia Accords and everything else that’s happened, Claire knows there’s a capacity for powered people to do good but just as much as a capacity for them to bad as well. Just like every person on this earth ( and beyond ). She doesn’t believe they should be hunted unless given a reason to be and if they help or do anything, they should be held accountable for their actions - like anyone else should be. There is a part of all this that Claire wonders if she’d be in on the science of it all if she had stayed with former hospital, and there is a part about it all that intrigues her on that level. But Claire is even more happy that she didn’t trade in her humanity for it and feels like it all happened strangely, for a reason. Though she used to be religious because her mother and everyone in her neighborhood was, Claire was never a deeply spiritual person until New York started to crumble apart. Though she can come off as a skeptic, ultimately, she lets her faith ( in herself, her emotions ) govern what she does, even when she doesn’t understand it herself. Her personality shines through in almost everything she does, there is not a time where Claire isn’t being Claire something she’s proud of and fought hard to come back to. Sarcasm is a shield she uses often, and though she is deeply intelligent, Claire is learning that there is a space between what she knows and doesn’t – a large space she’s trying to not to let scare her but fuel her to do & be better.
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babantoroko · 4 years
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nyfacurrent · 7 years
Announcing | NYFA Holiday Gift Guide
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Our second-annual Gift Guide arrives just in time for the holiday shopping season.
NYFA affiliated artists and emerging organizations are busy creating year-round. Help celebrate and support their work this holiday season by purchasing products and experiences that they’ve poured their artistic hearts and minds into. 
Jennifer Egan’s (Fellow in Fiction ’90) Manhattan Beach, her first novel since her Pulitzer Prize-winning A Visit from the Good Squad, steps back in time to World War II-era Brooklyn. With the atmosphere of a noir thriller, the historical novel revolves around Anna, the first female diver at the Brooklyn Naval Yard, as she explores the disappearance of her father. Purchase the book here. 
Deanna Fei’s (Fellow in Fiction ’06) Girl in Glass explores what it means to save a life: from the front lines of a neonatal intensive care unit to the perils of the American healthcare system; from decades of medical innovation to the question of how we care for our most vulnerable; and to the potent force for a child’s will to live. Purchase the book here.
Michael Findlay, a NYFA Board Member and an internationally-respected art dealer, has authored a highly-engaging and empowering book that urges museum goers to unplug from the audio tour, ignore information labels, and really see art with all of their senses. The book, Seeing Slowly: Looking at Modern Art, can be purchased here.
Kathleen Hill’s (Fellow in Fiction ’94) She Read to us in the Late Afternoons: A Life in Novels, is a memoir built around stories of how novels have infused her life, or the difference they have made. The book explores defining moments in her life through the novels she read in Nigeria, France, and at home in New York. Order the book here.
Patricia Horvath’s (Fellow in Nonfiction ’07, Fiction ’15) All the Difference: A Memoir is a captivating account of the author’s transformation from a visibly disabled young woman into someone who could, abruptly, “pass” for able-bodied. Purchase the book here.
Joseph Keckler’s (Fellow in Interdisciplinary Work ’12) signatures are his three-plus-octave operatic voice and the mesmerizing stories he tells. His new book, Dragons at the Edge of a Flat World: Portraits and Revelations, combines original pieces with material from his acclaimed performances. Purchase the book here.
Lisa Ko’s (Fellow in Fiction ’02) The Leavers is a 2017 National Book Award Finalist and winner of the 2016 PEN/Bellweather Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction. The critically-acclaimed book is a moving examination of borders and belonging that follows an undocumented Chinese mother who suddenly disappears and the young American-born son she leaves behind. Buy the book here.
James Sherry’s (Fellow in Poetry ’91) The Oligarch uses the structure of Machiavelli’s The Prince to show how governance has changed over the last 500 years. If Machiavelli focuses on power concentrated in the hands of the republic or principalities, The Oligarch looks at how states and companies today function as oligarchies. Purchase the book here.
Art + Art Books
Browse NYFA’s Artspace page for curated works by NYFA affiliated artists. Find photographs, prints, paintings, works on paper, and more and stay tuned for a fresh group of works for sale by NYFA affiliated artists from the Hudson Valley in the coming weeks!
Fran Antmann’s (Sponsored Project) Maya Healers: A Thousand Dreams is a stunning book of photographs and writing that explores the power and mystery of ancient indigenous healing practices among the Maya people of Guatemala. Purchase the book here.
Debi Cornwall’s (Sponsored Project) Welcome to Camp America offers a vivid and disorienting glimpse into the U.S. Naval Station in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, (known as “Gitmo”) and its growing diaspora, through photographs, once-classified government documents, and first-person accounts. Buy the book here.
Johanna Goodman (Fellow in Printmaking/Drawing/Book Arts ’17) is having a pre-holiday sale featuring 13″x19″ art prints. There are dozens of colorful collage works to choose from, and you can view them here.
Andres Serrano’s (Sponsored Project and Fellow in Photography ’87) Salvation: the Holy Land shows Serrano’s approach to the subject of religious faith through stunning photographs. Using a Mamiya RB67, he captured the landscape, people, and everyday lives and celebrations in Israel, visiting sacred sites in Bethlehem, Ramallah, Galilee, and the Dead. Buy the book here.
Alex Webb (Fellow in Photography ’86) and Rebecca Norris Webb’s Slant Rhymes is a photographic conversation between the two renowned authors and artists. The book features selected 80 paired photographs taken during the Webbs’ nearly 30-year relationship, creating an affectionate play of visual rhymes. Buy the book here.
Films, Etc.
Spike Lee (Fellow in Film ’85) and Lynn Nottage (Fellow in Playwriting/Screenwriting ’94, ’00) team up for She’s Gotta Have It, a Netflix Original that returns to the story and character of the very first Spike Lee “joint.” Streaming on Netflix starting November 23.
Li Lu’s (Sponsored Project) There is a New World Somewhere follows the story of Sylvia, a woman who returns to her Texas hometown for a friend’s wedding. There, she meets Esteban, an electrifying stranger who dares her to join him on a road trip through the Deep South. Stream it on Amazon Prime.
Jodi Savitz’s (Sponsored Project) Girl on Girl is a feature-length documentary that follows the stories of feminine lesbians who, even after coming out, feel invisible and stigmatized. Read our August 2017 interview with Savitz here and rent or purchase the film here.
Sarah Hennies (Fellow in Music/Sound ’16, Shelley Pinz Grant Recipient ’17) is a composer and percussionist whose work utilizes an often grueling, endurance-based performance practice. One of her latest recordings, Gather & Release, is available for sale as a limited-edition CD in a hand-sewn sleeve. Buy it here.
Eunbi Kim (IAP ’16, ’17) is a virtuosic pianist with wide-ranging artistic sensibilities. In her recording debut, A House of Many Rooms, Kim performs genre-fluid concert music by exploratory artist and 10-time Grammy nominee Fred Hersch. Purchase it here.
Lisa Kron’s (Fellow in Playwriting/Screenwriting ’94) Tony Award-wining musical FUN HOME is a gripping portrayal of a daughter’s determination to understand and connect with her volatile, brilliant enigmatic father that’s based on Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir. Get the original cast recording here.
Qasim Ali Naqvi’s (Fellow in Music/Sound ’16, Shelley Pinz Grant Recipient ’17) Film is a body of analog electronic music created for the feature film Tripoli Cancelled and the three-channel video installation Two Meetings and a Funeral. Both film/video works were created by Naeem Mohaiemen and were commissioned by Documenta 14. Film is an homage to the Moog instrument legacy and is available for purchase here.
Pianist/composer Deanna Witkowski’s (Sponsored Project) Makes the Heart to Sing: Jazz Hymns is a lyrical trio session that interprets a spiritually-charged body of music rarely investigated by jazz artists. Buy the digital album here.
Becky Starobin’s (Sponsored Project) Bridge Records is perhaps best known for its recordings of 20th and 21st-Century classical repertoire. The Sunday Times (London) called the company “one of modern music’s most fortunate assets.” New releases include Leonard Bernstein: Complete Solo Works for Piano and Alma Espanola featuring Isabel Leonard and Sharon Isbin. See all new releases here.
See award-winning David Henry Hwang (Playwriting/Screenwriting ’85) and Julie Taymor’s (Fellow in Performance Art/Emergent Forms ’89) Broadway revival of the modern classic M. Butterfly starring Clive Owen. The production tells a remarkable love story of international espionage and personal betrayal. Original music by Elliot Goldenthal (Fellow in Music Composition ’89). Purchase tickets here.
Buy tickets to see Tony Kushner’s (Fellow in Playwriting/Screenwriting ’87) Pulitzer Prize-winning Angels in America on Broadway. The new production of the landmark play will star Nathan Lane and Andrew Garfield after selling out its London run. Buy tickets here.
See work by New York City Ballet Resident Choreographer Justin Peck (Fellow in Choreography ’13) this winter. He’ll present a piece as part of NYCB’s “21st Century Choreographers” program in late January/early February, and another as part of the “Here/Now” program in late February/early March, both featuring music by Sufjan Stevens. More info and tickets here and here.
Dael Orlandersmith’s (Fellow in Fiction ’96) Until the Flood will enjoy its New York Premiere this January at Rattlestick Playwrights Theater. The one-person show was written in response to Michael Brown’s death; Orlandersmith plays the many faces and voices of life in St. Louis without advancing any one viewpoint above others. Purchase tickets here.
Hear Eva Salina (Fellow in Folk/Traditional Arts ’15) perform at globalFEST, a world music platform that will bring 12 of the world’s most interesting artists to three stages in New York City on January 14, 2018. Salina, a groundbreaking interpreter of Balkan Romani songs, will perform with her partner Peter “Perica” Stan, a Serbian Romani accordionist. Purchase tickets here.
Map out your desires using Patricia Smith’s (Fellow in Poetry ’09, Printmaking/Drawing/Artists’ Book ’14) Pocket of Desire Map, which lays out an internal geography of personal desires against a drawing in Smith’s signature style. Record a day, a week, or a month on the same map and at the end of the chosen time period you’ll have an accurate picture of what you want. Purchase the map here.
Though tickets aren’t yet available for purchase, we couldn’t help but include Obie Award-winning Young Jean Lee’s (Fellow in Playwriting/Screenwriting ’10) Straight White Men, which opens this March on Broadway (and is set on Christmas Eve!). The story is a hilariously ruthless look at the classic American father-son drama. View show details here. 
More Ways to Give
With friends like you, we can continue to fulfill our mission to empower artists in all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives. Consider making a donation to NYFA to help us continue our vital services.
Another way to support NYFA? Start shopping with AmazonSmile. Every time you shop, Amazon will make a donation to NYFA. 
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more news and events from NYFA affiliated artists. Also, don’t forget to like us on Facebook to see what current fiscally sponsored projects are up to! To receive more artist news updates, sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter, NYFA News.
Image: Jill Levine (Fellow in Sculpture '05); Untitled; 2014; gouache, pencil on paper; available via NYFA’s Artspace page.
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panditnavdeep-blog · 7 years
Best & famous Indian astrologer in USA, Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and Washington:
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Pandit Navdeep is the Best Indian astrologer in USA, with his respective effective astrological remedies and apt predictions is extremely easy to follow.
His vast knowledge in astrology field has helped to acquire the attribution of best Indian astrologer in USA, Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and Washington.
There is lot of great demand for Indian astrologers in USA, Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and Washington not only to the non-residential Indians over there but also to the other communities who are living there.
Pandit Navdeep is happens to be one of most looked up Indian astrologers in USA. If you are suffering from Professional struggle or Personal Turmoil, Pandit Navdeep has the best suited solutions for your all issues.
What you need to do is, just contact this famous Indian astrologer in USA, Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and Washington and tell about your problems.
His unique astrological solutions for various spheres of life have earned a global popularity and happen to have well-knit networks throughout globe as to deliver his astrological consultancy to the global citizen. Pandit Navdeep clients mainly come from the places like Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and Washington. Though he is a famous Indian astrologer in USA, so he treats every client with equal importance.
Astrology Services in by Pandit Navdeep:
Best Astrologer in US, Pandit Navdeep is know for his remarkable and accurate predictions, effective remedies and vast knowledge in the field of Astrology.
Things Pandit Navdeep Ji Does:
As we talking about Indian astrologer in USA Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and Washington, the very first name pops up is Pandit Navdeep.
Pandit Navdeep is a Best and famous Indian astrologer apart from that he is expert in Psychic and Spiritual Healer. He is best Indian astrologer in the USA who holds specialization in gaining the back lost love by reigniting passion between two lovers, and we suggest astrological solutions to complex issues to both Professional and Personal lives.
Best & Famous Indian astrologer, Pandit Navdeep holds the credit in Reuniting innumerable couples; and also includes the High-profile Politicians and Celebrities by the help of vashikaran; who has lost love and passion in their relationships.
Call Us On: +1 9293722553
E-mail us at: [email protected]
Our Location is: 106-14, Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill, New York 11417.
We Provide Astrology Services in:
NEW JERSEY – Jersey City, Trenton, Newark, Atlantic City
MARYLAND – Ocean City, Baltimore, Annapolis
NEWYORK- Brooklyn, Flatbush, Bronx, Queens, Manhattan
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MINNESOTA - Duluth, Minneapolis, Saint Paul
GEORGIA - Augusta, Atlanta, Savannah
PHILADELPHIA – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
WASHINGTON – Austin, Houston, Dallas
ILLINOIS - Peoria, Chicago, Springfield
TEXAS – Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Austin
FLORIDA – Broward, Orange Country, Miami Dade, Palm Beach
CALIFORNIA - San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco
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indastrology5-blog · 7 years
Best Astrology Services in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, New York
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Best & Famous Indian Vedic Astrologer in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, New York
Astrologer jay Dev guruji is trusted Indian astrologer in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Manhattan, New York and is most reputed Spiritual healer and providing top astrology reading services, love psychic reading, spiritual healing, and Black magic removal services. You can contact him at any time regarding any astrological problems like marriage related problems, Business problems, career problems, horoscope. Life cannot be same for all the time and for all of us as well. We should experience ups and downs as well. We find ourselves happy for some time or few months suddenly everything becomes gloomy. It is a common thing but if you fare feeling  something strange happening like your business suffering losses for no reason and a family member constantly falling ill or then what to do? Take the help of astrology.
Best Astrology Services in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, New York
Yes, To solve the problems of people, Astrology is one concept which has been in use since generations. We can solve problems using Vedic astrology, is a study of planets and stars and examine the position of planes. We might get problems due to the disarrangement of planes. May be because of that problems may occur in our life like problems related to personal life and professional life as well. If you want clear out your astrological problems in your life, career, business you can take the help of  astrologer Jay dev Guruji, a very popular Vashikaran expert in Brooklyn, New York, reputed Vedic astrologer in Brooklyn, Bronx, New York USA. He is best psychic reader Brooklyn New York who provides you best solutions for personal problems and business problems in addition to love problems.
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Best Astrology services of Pandith Jay Dev Guru ji are: Black magic removal, Love spells and Vashikaran, Love Psychic reading, Spiritual healing, palm readings, Negative energy removal , Business problems and Get love back in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan and New York and etc.,
Indian Astrology, Psychic Services in New York by Pandith Jay Dev Guruji
Pandith Jay Dev Guruji is the best astrologer; Psychic in Brooklyn New York provides an exhaustive set of top astrology services in Brooklyn, New York covering all aspects of life. He is a successful, palm reading expert spiritual healer in New York, and offers his love psychic, astrology services to resolve problems like Love problems, Money related problems, business losses, career problems and husband and wife problems.
Astrology services by Best astrologer in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, New York-Pandith Jay Dev Guruji
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Pandith Jay Dev Guruji services are very famous all over the world and he offering his Indian Vedic astrology services in Brooklyn, New York, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Chicago, California, Washington, Georgia, Arizona, Toronto, Calgary, North York, Winnipeg, Edmonton etc to name a few Astrologer Jay Dev Guruji has been successful since so many years. He specializes in astrology services like Vashikaran, Spiritual healing, removing black magic and palm reading. He listens to the problem carefully and analyses them and can easily find out the solution for problem.
Black Magic Removal Services in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, New York
Brief Intro of Astrologer Jay Dev Guruji
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Astrologer Jay Dev Guruji is one of the best Vedic astrologers in addition to being a spiritual healer, Psychic reader in New York. He has been training various aspects of astrology since years. He, thereby, commands excellent knowledge of Vedic astrology. Through he has good experience in astrology; he has been helping people successfully. He also offers his astrology services online in Brooklyn New York USA and so that you can contact him easily Astrologer jay Dev Guruji is genuine astrologer and his services are very true people are getting best results by the guidance of our astrologer Jay Dev Guruji.
If you need a guide to make your life happy and joyful by solving all your problems. Without any doubt contact our Indian astrologer in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Manhattan New York Jay Dev Guru ji. His services are available online
Email at: [email protected] and call at:  +1246-268-3303
For More Information please visit my website:
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babantoroko · 4 years
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Famous and Best Indian Astrologer in New York, USA For Accurate Astrology Services
World famous astrologer Pandith Gowrav Raj Ji best astrologer in New York, USA, Brooklyn, Bronx, New Jersey, Manhattan, Queens, famous for birth chart making, love psychic readings, black magic removal, spiritual healing etc… If you want best astrology services in less price contact our famous astrologer.
Consult today world famous, top and best astrologer in New York, USA, Brooklyn, Bronx, New Jersey, Manhattan, Queens  for instance and easiest astrology solution in affordable price.
Contact world famous astrologer, best Indian astrologer, love psychic, spiritual healer, black magic specialist in New York for famous,top and best astrology services in New York, USA, Brooklyn, Bronx, New Jersey, Manhattan, Queens  to know horoscope, future predictions, birth chart, black magic removal etc.
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indastrology-blog · 7 years
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najaamplee · 8 years
  Editor in chief: Najaam Lee Contributing location writer: Mitchell Acks Photo Credit:  Google
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Proud to be a woman celebrating the month of March of Women’s His-Herstory.
On March 18th, 2017 at the La Maison d’Art in Harlem, New York, the 5th Annual Women Empowerment Event kicked off. Kim Mazzella, the founder of the Life Guidance Center, opened the festivities. She is a Healer, Spiritual Coach and Writer. Welcome and opening remarks by Melimel,  Founder and CEO of Digital Art Design. Author and poet, Audrey Dimola, performed a beautiful spoken-word piece that got the crowd moving.
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All attendees were Women with women-owned businesses. Guest appearance of Gayle Brewer, Manhattan Borough President lent her support and gave a positive statement. We enjoyed some nice appetisers including Mac and Cheese, Small Cuban Sandwiches, Jerk Chicken by Clean Plate and wine at La Maison d’Art Harlem,  plus some sweet cupcakes provided by Counting Cakes. A diverse panel of 3 moderated by Melimel shared their expertise, trials and tribulations plus knowledge about their careers.
Description of each panellist:
Yesi Morillo-Gual, President & Founder, Proud To Be Latina and Executive Director. Besides her busy life, she manages a for-profit organisation with her fourth degree along being a TEDx speaker, author and empowerment expert.
Stacey J. Grossman, an attorney for many years specialise in trademarks and copyrights and her own firm since 2014.  Before forming her own firm, she was VP and Associate General Counsel at New Corporation.
Dr.Rhonda N. Cambridge-Phillip, a Physician and Author. She has been a doctor for 20 years at Kings County. She published Bye, Bye Cancer!, that shows how powerful role that nutritional supplements that can play in the prevention and healing of cancer
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Najaam Lee Art and Healing
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GOSH!ABOUT: 5th Annual Women Empowerment 2017 Editor in chief: Najaam Lee Contributing location writer: Mitchell Acks Photo Credit:  Google *How To Stay Connected???
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