#best solar lead generation companies
gridfreedom · 2 years
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Another great day of saving the sharks. 
Intro (Mer-creaters explained) Chapter 1 <- You are here
There Are Many Benefits To Being A Marine Biologist. One of which you enjoy is studying Mer-creaters at Cove Research Aquariums.
Chapter 1
A Ray of Sunshine~
The Sun is shining in the clear blue sky and the sea is calm and still, it looks like glass as your company speed boat glides across it. Despite the lovely day a sinking feeling sits in your stomach. It's such a sheer contrast to yesterday's awful storm. 
But that wasn't the only part of the problem worrying you. One of the Tagged Mer-creatures in your wildlife research project their location had flagged up. A Celestial Solar hadn't moved from his spot for a few hours. There was no known Lunar in the location either. That was a dangerous situation alone but not just that but there were known to be several underwater cave systems in these locations.
Solars don't do well in the dark. You knew you had to act quickly. It was an all-hands-on-deck situation. You were usually the one to stay at the research Aquarium keeping track of the Mers you already housed, but as a Celestial expert, your expertise was needed. He could be injured or worse. The best case scenario is the location tag had fallen off in the storm and drifted off… that was a risk you weren't willing to take. It would be good to retrieve the location tag to fix up and reuse so if that's all it was it wouldn't be a complete waste of a trip. I mean the expenses to make a journey out here probably outweigh the cost of a tag by a lot. But you could not risk losing a specimen like this, not when their numbers in the wild are dwindling.
The boat comes to a halt. You're right above the locator. You and the crew gear up. Making sure your O2 tanks are full and hooked up properly, then double checking your closed circuit communicators are connected and finally slipping on your full mask. 
You then take the plunge, you flop backwards into the water, bubbles surround each of you. You're a skilled diver, training like this comes with the job and you've dived plenty of times into the tanks to clean them, you may have only had the chance to dive in the wild a handful of times and only once have you had any experience with cave diving and that was with an expert instructor, you really hope you don't have to go into a cave. 
Your team quickly scatters looking around in the sand and among the rocks for a bright red tag. 
You sift through some sand by some of the rocks. You'd never been in this location before but supposedly there were caves here somewhere, you don't see any openings in the rocks. 
“I don't see anything here.” One of your coworkers yells. Their voice echoing through your mask. That was a sensation You'd have to get used to, usually when diving you use a standard rebreather and those have no mics but for a possible rescue mission with the possibility of caves communication was key, hand signals were not going to cut it. 
Your other co-workers all chime in their searched locations before moving to the next. As you inch closer to the rocks you hear something. Whether it was a boat, general ocean obeisance or something else you can't be sure. It leads you closer to the rocks. 
A strangled gargle of a cry strikes a panic. 
“I think I found him!” You hurriedly swim closer to the sound. Your co-workers swarm in your direction. You swim around looking for gaps in the rocks or just something you then spot a pile of rubble by an otherwise seemingly normal rock. The cry sounds again accompanied by scratches and a soft dull thud. On Closer inspection a small hole in the rock can be seen, a small ray of light hitting a bright yellow something. You look through the hole as your team inspects the area. 
All you see is yellow before a bright blue eye shifts looking straight at you through the hole. You jump back in surprise as two claws poke out the gap scratching at the rock. 
“He's in here.” You exclaim. Bringing your team closer again. “These rocks must have trapped him.” As many divers as can fit around the pile of rubble start to carefully move rocks out of the way. You scan over the area.
“I'm going to look for another entry point.” 
Some of your team advises against it.  But another cry sounds through the ocean. You can't sit here and let this wonderful creature suffer. 
“Screw it!” You swim off checking the rocks for other entrances against your team's protests and your own better judgment. 
Finally, you find a you sized hole… well only just, you hope for the best and that it doesn't get narrower inside. You secure a guideline to a nearby rock, in case you have to turn back it should come in handy as long as you don't get tangled that is. You also make sure the light on your mask is working. Now the hole is just a little tight so you have to unclip your O2 tank so the rocks don't scrape and damage it. Holding said tank in front of you,  you squeeze into the gap in the rocks. Thankfully it is indeed more spacious inside. You carefully re-attach your tank to your back and set off, grabbing your extra torch from your belt since it's so dark. You almost forgot to notify your team. Oops.
“I'm in.” You exclaim.
Another round of protests chime through your speaker. Along with very valid concerns about whether or not you know what you're doing or where you're going. You continue anyway, you have to help this Solar. You weave your way through the caves hoping you're going in the right direction. You definitely don't hit a dead end or two for sure. 
You finally see a slight yellow glow in the distance. The scratches and cries get louder as you get closer. You cautiously approach, being careful not to spook the already very stressed mer. 
“I've found him.” You whisper.
You turn your mic and speaker off as confused cheers chime through. 
“Hey…there” you speak as softly as you can. “New friend.”
His head turns abruptly to watch you with a slight hiss. 
“It's ok.” You shine the light towards him in hopes it will give him some comfort. Solars thrive in the light. He leans towards the light, and that's when you notice the rocks crushing his poor tail. With the light on him, you can now identify him as a lemon shark. His smooth yellow skin and distinct shape give it away. His eyes soften, feeling calmer you hope as you inch closer. You need to have a look at that tail. You move a rock or two but It's well and truly stuck in those collapsed rocks, that ruins your plan to guide him to the second exit. You suppose if he wasn't trapped he probably would have found the exit himself, they're definitely smarter than that. 
Perhaps he'd chosen this cave to hide away from the night when the storm hit or maybe the strong waves a tides had swept him away and trapped him here. Whatever the case you needed to get him free quickly. He's definitely going to need to come back to the Aquarium for medical reasons, not only his tail but you'll need to assess his stress levels, Celestials especially Solars are very sensitive to stress. Your team kept digging as you comforted the mer creature. The single ray of light still shining through the rocks was your only signal of hope that there was an outside to this dark cave.
 You did eventually reconnect your communication device. 
“I'm not dead yet in case anyone was wondering.” You chuckle.
“We were beginning to wonder.” 
“We've almost gotten this rubble moved, how is the situation in there?”
“He's well and truly stuck.” You reply, “So be careful with those last rocks.” You hold the light steady pointing it at him still. “Other than that we're doing fine, My O2 is at half and everything else seems good.” 
“Half? Ours have only lost a quarter.” Someone chimes.
You look behind to see a small stream of bubbles seeping from your tank slowly. “Oh…”
“You didn't did you?”
There is nothing you can do about it but wait. At this rate, it would take you longer to navigate back through the cave than it would to run out of air… you hope your team can dig faster than you can swim. 
You feel something brush against your arm. You look over to see the Solar's arm slowly wrap around yours before he full-on hugs your arm. He's scared. You tap his hand with your free one in hopes of reassuring him. You'd spare him some comforting words but he probably wouldn't understand and you can't really afford the air.
You hear the scraping and digging from behind the rubble. No light is yet to peek through the wall it's more than a little worrying. Your tank is already down to a quarter left and it's draining fast. You just hope your team can hurry it up. 
“We're almost there I swear.” 
And other assurances come through the speaker but you barely hear them over the sinking feeling and your pounding heart. You have to just believe in them. You watch as the gauge slowly empties like it's a timer. Your slight panic causes it to run out faster. Maybe this was a bad idea and you should have listened to your team.
 You look over to the sea monster beside you. No this was a good choice, anything to save him.
He's going to need a name you look around thinking. No Cave, Rock and Torch are definitely bad names… you think some more. The glistening of light spilling from the gap in the rock above sparks inspiration. Ray, you'll call him Ray, a Ray of sunshine. You smile, it's perfect. 
Finally, you spot some light through the wall of rubble. Your tank is getting low… you check just as the gauge hits 0. There's nothing left to breathe and all you can do is hold your breath. You're not sure you're going to make it back to the surface at this rate. 
A shovel and several hands shift the last few rocks and before you can make a move and attempt to reach some air, something wraps around you and almost at super speed you're lifted to the surface and suddenly air hits your face as your mask is flung aside. You take a big gasp of air as the grip around you is loosened. You can't help but smile. A mer creature no Ray just saved your life. You sigh as you turn to see him. 
“How did you even know that's what I needed?” You shake your head in disbelief. 
His only reply is a tilt of his head. 
“We should get you checked out. I'm sorry about this.” You sigh as a small whistle sounds through the water. 
Protocol dictates all injured Mer-creatures be tranquillized and taken back for observation. It's a shame but it's the safest way and the best for them. Your teammates help you haul his scaly butt onto the boat and into the very small tank, it's basically Bathtub sized and barely fits him but it will do. His tail pokes out and that's just perfect because you're going to need to treat it anyway. 
You start with a splash of methylene blue to disinfect and protect against bacteria. You wish you could bandage the wound but it's pretty hard to keep a bandage on a fish. All you can do is wait until you can get him to the nursing tank. 
Once back a coworker had thankfully gotten the tank ready for a saltwater shark, setting the temperatures and balancing the pH, salt levels and everything just right. They had though left the medications for you to sort. This wasn't your first rodeo so you get to work. You add in an unholy amount of stress coat + and some tonic salts to keep those stress levels as low as possible, the methylene blue on his tail should be a sufficient amount. Now to wait until he wakes up.
You're extremely worried about the fact he has no Luna, all Celestials come in pairs of Solars and Lunas for a reason, it keeps them safe in the wild and reduces stress in captivity. You've already looked on the Aquarium equivalent of eBay and no one has a Luna to spare. You look over to Ray just sleeping there in his medicated tank. You let out a sigh just as your supervisor enters the room. 
“Something worrying you.” 
“Sorry Kai, just worried about Ray.” You gesture to the tank in front of you. 
“You've already named him?”
“Yeah… there was a ray of light in the cave and I mean we always name our Celestials after something Sun or moon related so yeah.  He's a Ray of sunshine…” A slightly nervous giggle escapes you.
“Good to know…” he hums. “We do need to talk though.” He looks over to the Celestial in the tank, a hint of worry in his eyes. “Mind joining me in my office.” 
“Sure.” You stand from your seat at the aqua clinic's desk. 
You follow him to his office, it's as immaculate as always only a few pieces of paperwork litter his desk and his marine trinkets are neatly arranged on his bookcase. 
You take a seat and so does he. You're starting to get a little nervous as you look across his desk at him. 
“I'm starting to get worried about your recklessness.” He sighs.
“Don't worry I am too.” You scratch the back of your head. 
“Do you know why we don't get close to the Mer-creatures?” 
You nod. “Yes sir, because of the incident several years ago, where a girl got too close to the Mer she was handling, they were teaching said Luna to speak and evaluate his intelligence when another coworker upset her the next day he was found floating in the Mer tank. This story is drilled into us during our MERine biology training sir.” You recite. 
“Well.” He sighs yet again. “We're worried this Solar has imprinted on you and is a danger to all of us.” 
You try to swallow a lump in your throat… as the expert, you should have seen this coming.
“What are you going to do?”
“Well they're endangered so we can't get rid of him which no one here would want anyway.” 
A small sigh of relief escapes you. 
“So I had a call with the Aquatic Mer-creature research council… and they have agreed and suggested you become this Mer-creatures sole caretaker. I know it sounds crazy but they're certain it would be less of a danger to you than it would be to all the other staff.” 
You nod not entirely sure what to say. 
He continues. “This has also opened up an opportunity if you'll take the risks seriously they have agreed to let you test the subject more closely and personally and if you'd like you may even attempt to communicate with the sea monster…” he says hesitantly.
You gasp. “What? Really?”
He nods. “The council deems this a good opportunity to further these studies. They believe Fazbear Zoos and Aquariums Inc. were a sketchy business at best and think Cove Research Aquariums could better provide this research safely. They're eager to see your results if you're up for the task.”
It's a lot to take in. They'll let you research mer intelligence and communications. 
“That's… amazing.” You chime.
He shakes his head. “I knew you'd say something like that.” 
“We would just like you to sign this contract saying that we're not liable for any injuries during your research. It just means Cove Aquariums won't lose their research license if something were to go wrong.”
You nod as you read over the paper he hands you. 
All checks out it's just as he said, it makes sure the company doesn't get in legal trouble if you were to get hurt but it also states that if any other employees were to be injured or worse you and the company wouldn't be liable for any damages and the company insurance would still cover minor work-related injuries it quite the deal. Seems almost too good to be true. Oh, there is a section stating this research has to be kept top secret so other companies don't get the same idea… 
You nod as you finish reading through there's a lot on here for one page. 
Kai then offers you a pen. “You know you don't have to if you don't want to.” 
You nod. “But I kinda do want to.” You shoot him a smile as you accept the pen. “Can you imagine the research we could accomplish this way? Truly learn how the brain of a Solar works.” You sign your signature where directed. 
Not to mention how you could be friends with a Mer-creature! The closest thing to a mermaid yet to be discovered? Your childhood self would be so proud and your inner child is filled with glee. 
“No more questions?” 
“When can I start?” You smile.
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good-chimes · 2 years
The Locked Tomb is not mcyt (I'm sorry to both asker and OP) but this can be fixed with
Second House: the might of the Imperial Cohort is represented by necromancer Impulse and his long-time best friend and cavalier Skizz, who arrive at the lyctor trials determined to make the best of things. Skizz has only a few days to encourage the gathered company with Teamwork! and Positive Thinking! before he is murdered very early on by Bdubs, who claims he was possessed, and Scott, who didn’t bother with an excuse.
Third House: Bdubs, the scion of the third house, arrives at the trials with renowned cavalier Etho the Third. On landing, Bdubs pronounces the heirs, the cavaliers, and the assembled skeletons GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL and immediately gets into three romantic entanglements simultaneously (not with the skeletons). Etho, another of Bdubs’ romantic entanglements, spends his time beating everyone else in duels and adding to the relationship drama so quietly it takes everyone else several weeks to work out that’s what he’s doing.
Fourth House: Anyone who knew shock troop necromancer Joel and battle cavalier Jimmy the Fourth would have put their life expectance ‘somewhere around the mid-teens’ due to Joel’s lust for murder, Jimmy’s self-proclaimed curse, and both of them radiating a disaster field larger than your average space station, but to everyone’s surprise they’re still here. “Jimmy keeps turning up late to every battle airdrop, is what it is,” Joel claims, to which Jimmy’s reply is recorded as “It’s tactical. I’m doing tactics.” Either way they seem in equal amounts of danger boiling an egg as rappelling into the bowels of Canaan House, so it’s anyone’s guess how long they’ll last.
Fifth House: Gregarious cavalier Ren and upbeat necromancer Tango lead a House who are the cheerful curators of the Nine Planets’ most important cultural heritage, which in Tango-and-Ren’s joint opinion is a set of fragments from an ancient text called Throne of Games(?) and a glass case of preserved tabletop manuals. Tango uses the contraptions in the basement of Canaan House to set up a LARP dungeon and Ren declares himself king of it. General agreement among the gathered pairs that they’re probably going to die but everyone will be sad about it.
Sixth House: Necromancer Pearl and BigB the Sixth turn up already deep in each other’s pockets and in everyone else’s business. They’re both writing theses on ‘interpersonal relationships among elite House Society’, which they claim is not just an excuse to eavesdrop on the extended Bdubs polycule drama. To their credit they solve at least one murder. This might be ethically cancelled out by Pearl’s later murder spree; but at least they tried.
Seventh House: The long tradition of the Heir to the Seventh House winsomely fading away at the brink of death was spoiled when their heir Cleo actually died and then—this part was the problem—sat up thirty minutes later and asked for breakfast. As useful as the stability of an undead heir is, nobody can quite figure out how she did it, so the House eventually shipped her off to the lyctor trials with some relief. This also caused a problem for the seventh house artists who take their aesthetic motto (Joy of the Emperor, the Rose Unblown) very seriously; suddenly deprived of their picturesquely dying muse, they were forced to paint sexy pictures of Cleo doing aerobics for a while before her cavalier Scott volunteered to model for sexy rose-draped pictures instead. Cleo and Scott are at the lyctor trials to succeed or to die, but since Cleo probably can’t die, they’ll take some juicy drama instead if you’re offering.
Eighth House: I’ve run out of people so I guess Martyn and Lizzie are elbows deep in the soul-siphoning business. Good luck Martyn, I do deeply believe you would consent to having half your soul sucked out of you purely out of commitment to the bit.
Ninth House: The solar system’s resident weirdos are powerful but unfocused necromancer Scar—Reverend Son of the House, Keeper of the Locked Tomb Key, he definitely still knows where that key is, he just put it down somewhere, it will turn up any day now—and the perpetually thwarted and outraged Grian the Ninth who has grown up never allowed to stab anyone due to weak excuses like ‘we have a population problem anyway, Grian’ and ‘why can’t you practice on the skeletons’. Throughout the lyctor trials their deep co-dependent spiral into devoted madness is distracted only by Grian’s ongoing dreams—the immaculate corpse locked deep in the bowels of the House, the sum of beauty in the eternal embrace of death, all of space and time’s exquisite patterns frozen in the curve of the one most perfect essence of humanity…
Why do you keep tracing a mustache on the mirror? Scar asks at one point. Oh, Grian says, ecstatic with the mysteries of the universe. No reason.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
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Excerpt from this New York Times story:
When President Biden signed the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, it was expected to set off a boom in renewable energy, with hefty tax breaks that would make solar and wind power cheaper than fossil fuels.
So far, however, that dream has only come partly true. Solar panel installations are indeed soaring to record highs in the United States, as are batteries that can store energy for later. But wind power has struggled, both on land and in the ocean.
The country is now adding less wind capacity each year than before the law was passed.
Some factors behind the wind industry’s recent slowdown may be temporary, such as snarled supply chains. But wind power is also more vulnerable than solar power to many of the biggest logistical hurdles that hinder energy projects today: a lack of transmission lines, a lengthy permitting process and a growing backlash against new projects in many communities.
If wind power continues to stagnate, that could make the fight against global warming much harder, experts say. Many plans for quickly shifting the country away from fossil fuels envision a large expansion of both solar and wind, because the two sources generate electricity at different hours and can complement each other. A boom in solar power alone, which runs only in daytime, isn’t enough.
Some of the early predictions that the Inflation Reduction Act would help slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions roughly 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 depended on a rapid acceleration of both solar and wind power this decade.
Wind and solar power are often lumped together, but they have important differences that partly explain why one is slowing and the other is thriving right now.
For one, wind power is much more sensitive to location. Wind turbines in a gusty area can generate eight times as much electricity as turbines in an area with just half the breeze. For solar power, the difference between sunny spots and less sunny spots is considerably smaller. That means developers can’t just build wind farms anywhere.
In the United States, the best places for wind tend to be in the blustery Midwest and Great Plains. But many areas are now crowded with turbines and existing electric grids are clogged, making it difficult to add more projects. Energy companies want to expand the grid’s capacity to transport even more wind power to population centers, but getting permits for transmission lines and building them has become a brutal slog that can take more than a decade.
“Getting wind projects built is getting a lot harder,” said Sandhya Ganapathy, chief executive of EDP Renewables North America, a leading wind and solar developer. “The low-hanging fruit, the easier access places are gone.”
The wind industry has also been hampered by soaring equipment costs after the pandemic wrecked supply chains and inflation spiked. While those factors initially hurt solar, too, the solar industry has adjusted much faster, with China nearly doubling its manufacturing capacity for panels over the last two years. Wind supply chains, which are dominated by a few manufacturers in China, Europe and the United States, have yet to fully recover.
The cost increases have been devastating for offshore wind projects in the Northeast, where developers have canceled more than half the projects they planned to build this decade.
Wind isn’t languishing only in the United States. While a record 117 gigawatts of new wind capacity came online last year globally, virtually all of that growth was in China. In the rest of the world, developers weren’t installing wind turbines any faster than they were in 2020.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Chapter 4. Environment
The only way to save the planet
When it comes to protecting the environment, nearly any social system would be better than the one we have now. Capitalism is the first social arrangement in human history to endanger the survival of our species and life on earth in general. Capitalism provides incentives to exploit and destroy nature, and creates an atomized society that is incapable of protecting the environment. Under capitalism, ecocide is literally a right. Environmental protections are “trade barriers”; preventing a corporation from clear-cutting land it has purchased is a violation of private property and free enterprise. Companies are allowed to make millions of tons of plastic, most of it for throwaway packaging, despite the fact that they have no plan for disposing of it and not even any idea what will happen with it all; plastic does not decompose, so plastic trash is filling up the ocean and appearing in the bodies of marine creatures, and it may last millions of years. To save endangered rhinoceros from poachers, game wardens have started sawing off their valuable horns; but the poachers are killing them anyway because once they are extinct, the value of the few remaining bits of rhinoceros ivory will go through the roof.
And despite all this, universities have the audacity to indoctrinate students to believe that a communal society would be incapable of protecting the environment because of the so-called tragedy of the commons. This myth is often explained thus: imagine a society of sheepherders owns the grazing land in common. They benefit collectively if each grazes a smaller number of sheep, because the pasture stays fertile, but any one of them benefits individually if he overgrazes, because he will receive a greater share of the product — thus collective ownership supposedly leads to depletion of resources. The historical examples intended to corroborate this theory are generally drawn from colonial and postcolonial situations in which oppressed people, whose traditional forms of organization and stewardship have been undermined, are crowded onto marginal land, with predictable results. The sheepherding scenario assumes a situation that is extremely rare in human history: a collective comprised of atomized, competitive individuals who value personal wealth over social bonds and ecological health, and lack social arrangements or traditions that can guarantee sustainable, shared use.
Capitalism has already caused the biggest wave of extinctions to hit the planet since an asteroid collision killed off the dinosaurs. To prevent global climate change from bringing about total ecological collapse, and stop pollution and overpopulation from killing off most of the planet’s mammals, birds, amphibians, and marine life, we have to abolish capitalism, hopefully within the next few decades. Human-caused extinctions have been apparent for at least a hundred years now. The greenhouse effect has been widely acknowledged for nearly two decades. The best that the reputed ingenuity of free enterprise has come up with is carbon trading, a ridiculous farce. Likewise, we cannot trust some world government to save the planet. A government’s first concern is always its own power, and it builds the base of this power upon economic relationships. The governing elite must maintain a privileged position, and that privilege depends on the exploitation of other people and of the environment.
Localized, egalitarian societies linked by global communication and awareness are the best chance for saving the environment. Self-sufficient, self-contained economies leave almost no carbon footprint. They don’t need petroleum to ship goods in and waste out, or huge amounts of electricity to power industrial complexes to produce goods for export. They must produce most of their energy themselves via solar, wind, biofuel, and similar technologies, and rely more on what can be done manually than on electrical appliances. Such societies pollute less because they have fewer incentives to mass production and lack the means to dump their byproducts on others’ land. In place of busy airports, traffic-clogged highways, and long commutes to work, we can imagine bicycles, buses, interregional trains, and sailboats. Likewise, populations will not spiral out of control, because women will be empowered to manage their fertility and the localized economy will make apparent the limited availability of resources.
An ecologically sustainable world would have to be anti-authoritarian, so no society could encroach on its neighbors to expand its resource base; and cooperative, so societies could band together in self-defense against a group developing imperialist tendencies. Most importantly, it would demand a common ecological ethos, so people would respect the environment rather than regarding it simply as raw material to exploit. We can begin building such a world now, by learning from ecologically sustainable indigenous societies, sabotaging and shaming polluters, spreading a love for nature and an awareness of our bioregions, and establishing projects that allow us to meet our needs for food, water, and energy locally.
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nightguide · 5 days
Pandora's box: the resurrection
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the guy Ned brought back to life was a cheap coincidence since he was actually the dead man done recently since the show went into a 'dream-like' state of storytelling had a functional resort in living, so the viewer (believer of the arts): much akin to the Watch TV show Resurrection (2014) actually experienced a dead man come back to life with the same energy (dead people then had a heart hence why all operations went privatised: govt values in restoring hope in medicinal welfare which they tried to relieve the odds of modern maternal issues making people think for themselves, like there is no antidote to stress except company) as the man himself played along with the improv notion of the camera verging him to move the very next day if not known for the world's greatest reason.
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Chuck does not live with the pseudo-rationality of the ways of the 2020's TV metaphor turned physical, like he had no chance (that was exactly the energy being put right there right now) but still to this day, she does not lie about the same ignorant boyfriend experience that haunts her people reason (mother committed adultery irl) and it was not tacky to leave the horrifying thought of emerging into damned notioning (actually hyper-advanced kids now are just babies looking for a reason to be loved *missing fathers*) hence why Chuck now Harlem Lima (the astrologer with a heart bending tale in the arts that tried to kill her who has no reason to live except the world fell apart transcendently for her to see no reason or lie at all to eat away the faults in her stars (oriental Taoism) so she shares the same concept at Doctor Strange (Marvel) but is actually the first one ever to overthrow the political party of the wasted kind (general public demonises a baby to live since not even perfection itself is formidable against optimism) you'll meet Solar Biology: Ace in another post, but a lot about Harlem Lima is that she does not care about reformations of agonised developmental algorithms (hate trains) too deeply that the character that Chuck oversaw was River Song's life (best friend) that almost killed her (affiliations with the Doctor that had her dead before Rogue brought her back to life)
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Harlem Lima knows everything about River's grief, like she does not go on that early that even Kingston's River (7th incarnation) knows that the world had a geriatric age bend (Jodie Whittaker's Doctor under Chris Chibnall's pen) never would have went inside the eye to manage it since all rights of River's future access being married to an actor never gave any leeway to sincere penmanship of her own retelling since coming-of-age fairytales requires a great heartbreak of her own (Riaz's River) could never tell, so Kingston's River will lead to the Hadron Collider that will end all but reset consequences of a future now which will continue River's (Riaz) life as normal hence the Glee cast being thrown underneath Mindhunter (Jonathan's role as Holden Ford)
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okay, so in Doctor Who, the Piemaker (Ned) is the only one who can actually remain true to his roles while everybody else in the show has an alter-ego, so in natural reality, the Piemaker was convinced the shy eye (the eternal child omnipotent to hate) is his actual wife since all energies in the 00's were contained to truly emerging as himself, hence why Harlem Lima (Anna Friel) did not emotionally take it anymore since her privacy rights (she was not married) was solely protected by her family if anything (so she maintained her status quo by crying in every scene after it was done to relieve it by honour clarity (appreciation index) so she maintained herself like she was going to die til the Cryo-mass happened (Rachel Berry with Jesse St. James if done right) so the social breakdown happens with the cast of Pushing Daisies now, so here are their aliases.
Emerson Cod - the watchmaker (prevalent in the 19th Doctor's (Brenton Thwaites) timeline as the man who resets the clock before the actual doomsday clock reactivates for the minds republic going insane: literally Plankton from Spongebob the movie when he was brainwashing everyone for King Neptune's crown)
Cod's alias to River Song: agent of H.O.A.X (doomsday clock antigen to Selene (Underworld)
okay, just Chuck and Cod get torn by time to save River Song. the characters from the show remain the same prevalent to Olive Snook's life now, it's her play now since Broadway never went her way (never actually taken the Cryo-mass but to observe)
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this is the undying revelation of how Chuck met her best friend through Ned (River Song), Ned knew how to keep himself intact to human touch but did not mind it (trustworthy to him) so the Piemaker has a sexually transcendent meaning to heartbreak in response to the true Queen of Atlas, so he is deigned to be in River's hands but for the meantime, she was him, so she knows how to keep her home touch intact (Rhode Island) compared to everybody but herself, so all of River's dreams were contained with the similar life of on set of the Piemaker who took his craft too seriously to be on the show as if he is and he never was so everything the Piemaker did was actually him than the conformation of character as the alien body
and how is that kid going to recover (Resurrection)
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no daisies but someone actually pushed them way too hard (heart)
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andiatas · 7 months
H.R.H. The Crown Princess' speech at Green Transition Summit
Honoruable Lieutenant Governor, Honoruable Mayor, Minister, Nobel laureates, Ladies and gentlemen,
My husband and I are delighted to once again visit the San Francisco Bay Area. During our days here we – and the entire Swedish delegation – have received a very warm Californian welcome.
This is our last day before heading back home to a wintery Sweden. And we are very happy to be able to spend the final hours of this official visit highlighting one very important and urgent topic: the green transition.
Some may wonder if meeting in a room like this is the best idea to accelerate change. Personally, I am convinced it is more important than ever. We live in a world with wars and conflicts on the rise. We live in a world with polarising messages. In challenging times like this we must meet eye to eye. Because let’s not forget that we all share the responsibility for the future. This is a mission that unites us all, wherever we are.
Working together to accelerate the green transition and move towards a sustainable and secure future is not only important – it is of the utmost necessity. It is the greatest challenge of our time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
During our days here we have once again seen firsthand that the United States and Sweden are world-leading innovators, and it is by embracing the opportunities we’re given that we will secure our future global competitiveness.
One topic that has been vividly discussed in different forums here during our visit, is artificial intelligence and how it affects the world and us.
AI has been dreamed about, researched, and worked upon by pioneers since the 50’s and it has been used in narrow fields and for specific tasks for a long time.
But what many find so fascinating about the era we are in right now is that - just like our biological intelligence - artificial intelligence is becoming more and more general.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen AI models start to understand and pass math exams and diagnose cancer. We’ve seen them generate text, write code, render images and speech. They are truly becoming more and more general, and the pace of progress only seems to increase.
We’ve seen AI solve some of science's most long-standing challenges – like predicting how proteins fold. It used to take a PhD student many years just to crystallize and figure out how a single protein would fold. This problem is now basically solved and can be done for any protein in seconds.
Similarly, another AI model has gone through millions of potential materials to predict hundreds of thousands of new stable materials that do not exist yet, saving an estimated 800 years of research for the same materials to be discovered in the normal way. These materials may result in humanity finding super conductors, more efficient batteries, solar cells etcetera hundreds of years earlier than we otherwise would have. This might help us greatly in our fight to save the planet.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Only 10 years ago, not even the most optimistic scientists could dream about this development.
Handled correctly, the new technology may bring us to a greater future in wide ranging areas.
At the same time, many are worried about AI’s fast development. And yes, there are difficult questions related to AI that we need to address.
Nonetheless, it has been very interesting to listen to the many reflections on AI during the last couple of days. What I take with me is that – used right and not handled carelessly – artificial intelligence may be of help in advancing the green transition.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Many of you represent companies and organisations that are leading the way in new technology development. Some of you are also leaders in areas that will be key for a sustainable transformation - such as power, transport, industrial production, and tech. Your role in the green shift is more important than ever.
Having listened to many of you during the last days, my impression is that companies are not primarily concerned about the green transition going too fast, but rather about it going too slow.
From a Swedish perspective there are many reasons to be proud. The extensive green industrialisation currently taking place in northern Sweden holds enormous potential in areas such as fossil-free steel and battery technologies. This rapid transformation is also happening in many other sectors.
I am also proud to see that we have many of our leading Swedish companies on stage and in the audience today. You represent sectors ranging from sustainable transport solutions, ICT, energy efficient industry, the power sector, and others. I know many of your companies have been instrumental in pushing the green transformation in Sweden and in the EU. I am convinced that you will also be great partners to California and the US in the green transformation here.
The challenges of climate change are global and require cooperation across borders. The discussions that are taking place today pave the way for an even deeper collaboration between US and Swedish companies.
I am pleased that Sweden and the United States, and Sweden and the State of California, continue to strengthen our partnerships. It is essential that our governments in close collaboration with business stakeholders, academia and civil society continue to promote green solutions.
I am certain that the new Swedish Consulate-General in San Francisco, that I had the honour to inaugurate earlier this week, will help facilitate the important partnership between our countries.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Finally, I want to thank you all for coming here today. I hope you will have fruitful discussions and exchange ideas on how we can accelerate the green transition and meet the challenges of today and tomorrow – together, for a greener future.
Thank you.
Speech held by H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria in Palo Alto, USA, on Feb. 22, 2024.
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manishaasinfratecho · 4 months
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Unlocking Savings and Sustainability: How Solar Panels Can Benefit Your Business in Delhi ? 🌞
In today's competitive business landscape, Delhi companies are constantly seeking ways to reduce operating costs and gain a competitive edge. One powerful solution is harnessing the clean and abundant power of the sun through solar panel installation.
Sustainable Savings:
Soaring electricity bills can significantly impact your bottom line. Solar panels offer a long-term solution by generating clean electricity on-site. This reduces your reliance on the grid, leading to substantial savings on your monthly electricity bills. Delhi, with its ample sunshine hours, is a prime location for maximizing the benefits of solar power.
Environmental Responsibility:
Consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a company's environmental practices. By installing solar panels for home or business, you demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and contribute to a cleaner Delhi. This not only reduces your company's carbon footprint but also enhances your brand image, attracting environmentally conscious customers and investors.
Government Incentives:
The Indian government actively promotes solar energy adoption by offering attractive incentives. This includes subsidies on solar panel installation in Delhi, accelerated depreciation benefits, and net metering programs. Net metering allows you to sell excess electricity generated by your solar panels back to the grid, further increasing your financial gains.
Increased Property Value:
Investing in solar panels adds value to your commercial property. Studies show buildings with solar systems tend to sell faster and at a higher price point compared to those without. This is because potential buyers recognize the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits associated with solar power.
Low Maintenance and Long Lifespan:
Modern solar panels are incredibly durable and require minimal maintenance. Routine cleaning and occasional inspections are all that's typically needed. Moreover, with a lifespan of 25 years or more, solar panels offer a reliable and long-term source of clean energy for your business.
Finding the Right Solar Partner:
Choosing the best solar panel company for your business needs is crucial. MITS Construction, a leader in Delhi's construction industry, offers comprehensive solar solutions. Our team of experienced professionals can guide you through the entire process, from initial consultation and system design to high-quality installation and after-sales support.
MITS Construction utilizes only top-tier solar panels from leading manufacturers, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. We provide customized solutions tailored to your specific energy requirements and roof space, maximizing your return on investment.
Benefits Beyond Cost Savings:
The benefits of solar panels extend beyond immediate cost savings. Solar power reduces your reliance on fossil fuels, lessening your company's environmental impact. This fosters a positive work environment and attracts employees who value sustainability. Additionally, solar panels showcase your commitment to innovation and responsible business practices, strengthening your brand image and customer loyalty.
Taking the First Step:
If you're a business owner in Delhi looking to unlock the many advantages of solar power, MITS Construction is here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and explore the potential of solar energy for your business. Let's work together to build a brighter future, powered by the sun!
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dannymayiers2 · 1 year
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itsgerges · 1 year
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Best Greetings
What's The Nature Of The Sun?
I claim– The Sun Rays Is Created By The Planets Motions Energies Total
The sun is Not doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays – instead- the planets motions energies total be used as the source of the sun rays.
 Can This Theory Be A Fact?
 I use the planets data – means- the analysis of the planets data lead to this result  
Here we have 3 problems
 (First problem)
How Is The Planet Data Created? the physics book answers (by random process, initial conditions and historical unknown factors)  
No geometrical reason be found behind the planet data definition- also- No design by which the solar system be created or moving – no map for the distances –
Nothing at all
 We have 9 separated rocks flying in the space and by the sun gravity they revolve around the sun- this is the solar system vision by the book description
 I through a rock into the stagnant water
The planets data is defined by exact equations and can be concluded theoretically
Means- planet diameter, mass, orbital distance, period, velocity …..etc and all data be defined based on exact equations
I have five equations by which the planets data can be concluded theoretically – the book is wrong (the data is defined based on exact equations)
 (Second problem)
Can Particle Own Data Be Changed By Relative Motion?
Lorentz transformation is the poof for this fact – but – the books fight against it
 I don't know how to find the fact –
The particle length is contracted, its mass is increased and its time is dilated as a result for high velocity motion and the empirical proves prove this fact and the books tell these empirical proves are illusion of measurements  
 How can the books know that?
When in physics the empirical proves be disproved by theoretical ideas?
 Suppose I entered a lab and found the machine and not found any one else – what are the results I will have by that? the machine will show the contraction of length, increasing of mass and dilation of time – but – the physicist isn't found to tell us his secret that the empirical proves are illusions of measurement!
 Do you see this situation – I will leave this lab while I believe Lorentz transformation measure facts while it measure illusions (according to the physicist belief)
Someone puts a signboard on the lab door with a question
(why is the physics the science of measurements? How does need empirical proves?)
(Third problem)
When I want to buy one sandwich for lunch– someone told me, you need a back loan!
 I do a simple Job- because – I arrange the planets data and this arrangement shows clearly that the sun data depends directly on the planets data and the sun is created by measurements of the planets data –
Simply I concluded the sun is created based on the planets motions energies
 But- the fighting is around –If A Light Beam Can Be Produced By A Relative Motion
 Here – what proof can I write?
I have the planets data which I can arrange and prove that the sun CAN'T be created far from the planets –on the contrary- the sun all data depends directly on the planets data-now the question is (Can The Data Prove This Fact?)
 The physicist mind is filled by the idea (NO light beam can be created by a relative motion) –So whatsoever data I provide -  nothing works
 By the way
In one discussion they wrote this intelligent idea (Lorentz transformation is wrong because light velocity is a general velocity but particle velocity is a local one and the local can't be used in the same equation with the general)  
 Some intelligent person had written this splendid idea- and simply – kicked of all empirical proves by Lorentz experiments and all theoretical basics for the relativity theory and even Michelson and Morrely experiment results  
 A sentence killed the works of people for years – and removed hundreds of empirical proves – I don't know if there's any chairman for the physics company to whom we may ask about these wonders around.
I want to write the planets data which proves clearly the sun is created by the planets motions –
But – when I write them- the youth of big bang theory will remove all data under the idea (the data is created by random process, initial conditions and historical unknown factors) –I put my five equations to prove that the planets data is created based on exact equations and can be concluded theoretically – but – the big bang youth are disappeared now and will be appeared in another place saying their lies    
 Shortly- I will put one data as example
I hope someone will see the beauty of geometry
4900 million km = 1.392 million km x 3475 km = 10921 km x 449197 km = 12756 km x 384000 km = 12104 km x 406000 km = 2 x 6792 x 363000
4900 million km = Jupiter orbital circumference  
1.392 million km = The Sun Diameter
3475 km = the Earth moon diameter
10921 km = the Earth moon Circumference
449197 km = Jupiter Circumference
12756 km = Earth Diameter
12104 km = Venus Diameter
6792 km = Mars Diameter
406000 km= The Moon Orbital Apogee Radius
384000 km= The Moon Orbital Distance
363000 km= The Moon Orbital Perigee Radius
 Simply the data shows one design is behind all of them and the sun diameter is one player in this design – the solar system in one building created based on one design and the sun is a part geometrically in this building
This result can't be produced by the sun gravity – because the sun own data depends on  the planets own data – NOT means – the planets data is created depending on the sun- on the contrary – the sun data is created Clearly depend on the planets data  
 If we accept particle own data be changed by high velocity motion –  my hypothesis may explain how the sun rays be created by the planets motions energies
The hypothesis – tells –
The creature brain causes the creature to see any velocity =300000 km/s as (Matter) and any velocity = Zero as (light beam)
By that
I make the light and matter 2 faces for the one coin – and the vision depends on the relative motion-
By that the velocity (300000 km/s) is a limit velocity for the creature ability – means- the creature can't realize any higher velocity even if found –
The limit here isn't limit for the universe but the creature abilities – because any velocity (300000 km/s) or higher will be seen as matter by the creature.
That tells the matter data can be changed by motion with a velocity 300000 km/s and that explains Lorentz transformation where the particle own data is changed under motion by speed of light (300000 km/s)
  Thanks a lot for your kind interest and help
Speed Of Light Has An Effect On Matter Creation Process
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty  
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
Curriculum Vitae             https://www.academia.edu/s/b88b0ecb7c
E-mail                            [email protected], [email protected]
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ORCID                           https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1041-7147
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Pocket                                                                     https://getpocket.com/@646g8dZ0p3aX5Ad1bsTr4d9THjA5p6a5b2fX99zd54g221E4bs76eBdtf6aJw5d0?src=navbar
box                                 https://app.box.com/s/47fwd0gshir636xt0i3wpso8lvvl8vnv
Academia                        https://rudn.academia.edu/GergesTawadrous
List of publications          http://vixra.org/author/gerges_francis_tawdrous
Slideshare                             https://www.slideshare.net/Gergesfrancis
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gridfreedom · 2 years
Solar is the Solution for Georgia’s Overcharged Utility Customers
Grid Freedom is a top agency that provides contractors with confirmed appointments with thoroughly-vetted leads. Each homeowner has been evaluated by live agents via personal phone interviews, allowing for a true understanding of their eligibility and interest. Connect with CA’s Best Solar Customers at www.GridFreedom.com
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Hiranandani Industrial Parks' Role in Promoting Sustainable Industrial Development
At Hiranandani Industrial Parks (HIP), sustainability is at the core of our operations. We believe that sustainable industrial development is crucial for the long-term health of the planet and the prosperity of our business. As a leading warehouse company in India, we take our responsibility seriously and strive to create a positive impact through our warehousing and fulfillment services.
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Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every aspect of our operations. We are dedicated to implementing the best Warehousing Storage Solutions and promoting green practices across our facilities. We understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and conserving natural resources for future generations. That's why we have implemented several initiatives to achieve this goal.
Solar Power Generation: We have installed solar panels across our facilities to generate clean energy. This has helped us reduce our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy and cut down on our carbon emissions.
Rainwater Harvesting: We have implemented a rainwater harvesting system across our facilities. This allows us to collect rainwater and store it for future use, reducing our dependence on groundwater sources.
LED Lighting: We have replaced traditional lighting with energy-efficient LED lights. This has not only helped us reduce our energy consumption but has also improved the working conditions for our employees.
Waste Management: We have implemented an efficient waste management system across our facilities. We segregate waste and recycle as much as possible, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
Our commitment to sustainability has been recognized through various certifications and awards. We have been awarded the prestigious IGBC Gold certification for our warehouses, which is the highest rating for green building design. We are also certified by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and have won several awards for our sustainability initiatives.
At HIP, we offer customised warehouses in India with state-of-the-art facilities. We are committed to promoting sustainable industrial development by creating spaces that inspire innovation and foster inclusive growth. With our extensive experience of 30 years in the construction vertical, we bring a distinct edge by offering Grade A+ infrastructure that exceeds the highest quality standards.
Designing for Agility, Security, and Resilience - Our parks are meticulously designed to be agile, flexible, secure, and resilient, equipped to tackle the challenges of the new age. We leverage our operational knowledge and foster collaborative networking to empower businesses in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
Serving Diverse Sectors - HIP caters to a wide range of sectors, including warehousing, e-commerce, 3PL, FMCG, FMCD, EV manufacturing, and industrial and manufacturing units. We understand the unique requirements of each industry and provide tailored solutions to drive their growth and expansion.
Our vision is to be a trusted long-term growth partner for our clients. We strive to provide best-in-class infrastructure, enabling businesses to thrive in sustainable, secure, and resilient environments. Our warehouses are designed to accommodate industrial expansion and create an optimal environment for business growth.
Our commitment to sustainability has had a positive impact on the environment and our business. By implementing green initiatives across our facilities, we have reduced our carbon footprint and conserved natural resources. We have also improved the working conditions for our employees, resulting in increased productivity and job satisfaction.
At HIP, we believe that sustainable industrial development is the key to a better future. We are committed to promoting green practices across our facilities and offering the best warehousing and fulfillment services in the industry. Our goal is to create a positive impact on the environment and society while maintaining the highest standards of excellence in our operations. Join us in our journey towards a sustainable future.
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eguanasolar · 2 years
Solar Companies In South Australia
Getting a solar power system is a great way to reduce your energy costs. However, choosing the right company can help ensure that your investment is a smart one.
Solar companies in South Australia are offering more incentives than ever, making it a great time to get your own system. The Federal Government and electricity retailers offer a number of rebates to help you start generating your own power. Some of these include a solar feed-in tariff, which pays you for the extra energy you export back to the grid. If you qualify for the Home Battery Scheme, you can receive a $500 subsidy.
A solar power system can save you money and give you a social responsibility. It also has a significant environmental benefit. In fact, South Australia has the lowest per-person greenhouse gas emissions in the nation. By using solar energy at home, you can help reduce the country's carbon footprint.
If you are looking to invest in a solar panel system, there are several companies in Adelaide that will help you choose the best product for your needs. From commercial solar panels to residential panels, there are many companies that offer different options to suit your needs.
The most obvious choice would be a company with a track record in installing quality solar products. This is where companies like Solar Energy Adelaide come in. They offer a range of systems suitable for homes, businesses and rural properties throughout South Australia. These include tailored solar power systems, air conditioning and energy monitoring technology.
Jinko Solar is a leading manufacturer of solar power products. With over 100 countries under its belt, the company is committed to manufacturing solar panels with "Zero defects" in mind. Several of their products boast a "positive power tolerance" that will allow them to deliver massive power output.
Other leading providers in South Australia include DQ Electrical & Solar. The team is based in Adelaide and offers solar panel installation, inverter installation, and solar battery solutions. Besides, they provide ongoing electrical inspections and maintenance.
The SEM Group specializes in providing innovative energy solutions to both the residential and commercial markets. They utilize the technology of JinkoSolar, QCells, and SolarEdge. Also, they offer a wide variety of finance options for solar panel installations and packages.
One of the most important things to consider when buying a solar system is the efficiency of the panels and inverter. Panels that use n-type cell technology will give you better performance in high temperature conditions. Another example is the use of a bifacial design, which allows the top part of the panel to deliver when the bottom part is shaded.
Choosing the most efficient panel is a wise decision. However, it is also a good idea to select a reputable installer to install the system. Your system will operate at full capacity only if it is installed by a professional. Therefore, you need to choose a company that has trained experts to oversee the installation process and ensure your panels are operating at their optimum potential.
At Eguana Solar, we assemble all our solar batteries in Adelaide & have 100% Aussie support! All our solar products are installed by our highly skilled, professional & licensed team directly!
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miqenergy · 1 day
Business Solar Solutions Sydney | miqenergy.com.au
Business solar solutions Sydney are a smart way to protect your operational costs from energy market volatility and showcase your dedication to environmental responsibility. They can also provide a competitive edge by positioning your business as an industry leader.
One customer praised the company for its impeccable professionalism, citing their non-pushy approach and insightful answers. The team has extensive industry experience and holds a variety of accreditations, including an Australian electrical licence and working-at-heights certifications.
ADS Solar
ADS Solar offers a full range of solar energy solutions for homes and businesses, including residential solar panels and commercial solar systems. Their expert consultants can provide you with a customized solution to fit your energy needs. They will assess your property’s solar potential, and recommend the right system size to save you money. Their comprehensive maintenance service ensures that your Solar power systems Sydney system is working at its best.
Using Facebook ads to generate leads is an effective way for a solar company to reach new customers. By collecting contact information, a solar company can follow up with interested prospects and turn them into paying clients.
As the world shifts towards sustainability, Sydney residents are embracing renewable energy to protect against rising electricity costs. Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, solar panel installation is an affordable and sustainable alternative to traditional energy. ADS Solar is a leading provider of solar energy solutions in Sydney, helping homeowners and businesses reduce their energy costs.
Fenice Energy
Fenice Energy provides top-notch clean energy solutions that help businesses save money and be more self-sufficient. They offer custom solar systems and easy payment plans. They also provide expert support and top-quality services. Their expertise and dedication to green practices make them the go-to choice for many businesses.
Solar power is a great way to cut electricity costs, decrease reliance on the grid, and protect the environment. It also helps reduce carbon emissions, making it a win-win for everyone. The government is helping to make Solar energy Sydney even more affordable with subsidies and tax breaks.
New technology is making solar power more effective and reliable. Improvements like bifacial panels and perovskite cells are upping efficiency, while better batteries keep the lights on. Fenice Energy keeps up with the latest innovations and offers top-notch, green solutions. They can be of huge benefit to businesses, as well as homeowners looking to get started with solar. Homes with solar systems are worth more, and buyers want them because they save on energy bills and are good for the Earth.
Grid Electrics Group
Grid Electrics Group offers a range of business solutions that can be of benefit to their customers. Whether you’re looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint or improve the reliability of your operation, they have the tools to help you reach your goals. From commercial EV chargers to a wide range of grid management technologies, they have the power to help you succeed in a world that’s increasingly moving to an all-electric future.
Grid Electrical’s leadership team has extensive industryknowledge, gained over more than 40 years. This expertise enables them to deliver the highest quality products and services in Australia and beyond. Count on them for post-sales support, professional services, and expert technical resources to ensure that you get the most out of your investment.
Regardless of what your energy needs are, a solar system can be an efficient and cost-effective option. Aside from reducing your power bills, it will also contribute to the preservation of our environment. However, it’s important to note that not all solar installation companies are created equal. It’s best to get multiple quotes and compare their prices, features, and quality.
This reputable company is committed to providing value-driven services to ensure the long-term success of their customers’ solar investments. They provide expert advice on everything from the multifaceted benefits of solar energy to the intricacies of government rebates.
In addition to their solar energy solutions, SolarPath offers a number of other environmentally-friendly services, including path lighting. The lighting uses a combination of solar panels and batteries to supply power at night. The lights can run on a set program or for the entire night without needing any additional energy from grid sources. Their impeccable professionalism has earned them a high rating among their clients.
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The 10 steps to successful home renovations
If you're considering upgrading a potential property through a home renovation, it can be an exciting process, but it can also present challenges. Instead of buying a move-in-ready property, you have the option of renovating a character-filled, fixer-upper. We have compiled 10 steps to follow to guarantee success throughout a home renovation.
Step one: Find a property and make a renovation plan
With our 10 steps to successful renovations, you can easily lay out a plan and begin your renovation journey. But to begin your renovation adventure, you need to find the right property. Study potential properties and uncover their hidden value.
Make sure to have a survey completed. The most detailed survey you can receive for a property is a level 3 survey, which is the most thorough analysis of the entire property’s building structure and condition. The overall report provides extensive details, including recommendations, estimated costs, and a timeline for any necessary work. This can help you produce a solid plan and give you an idea of where to start.
Step two: Understand your legalities
When you decide to complete renovations on a property, you need to understand the legalities. This will include ensuring you have planning permission in place (if needed). Even though plenty of home alterations don’t need planning permission, it’s always beneficial to check before diving straight in. You can apply for planning permission before you purchase a property.
Once you exchange contracts and have secured your property, it will be your responsibility to have the right insurance in place. Home insurance during renovations can come at a higher expense, but it is worth every penny as it provides you with peace of mind throughout the entire process.
Although a house warranty is not a requirement when renovating your property, it protects you from any flaws in the potential design, materials, or overall build quality, and will also cover any problems that occur for 10 years as a result of these factors.
Step three: Calculate your costs
Correct cost alignment is crucial for delivering a successful renovation project. You're looking to get the best value for money. Being vigilant about potential hidden costs is crucial to staying within the right budget. Always overbudget by 10% to provide yourself with flexibility, and you can utilise any remaining funds for enhancing your home's interior design or landscaping your ideal garden.
Step four: Understand EPC and ways you could improve it
If you’re renovating your home, consider the future and its resale value. Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are now more important than ever in terms of increasing value; the future may create difficulties for homes without a good EPC score, so the quicker you take this into account, the better.
You can enhance your EPC rating by installing insulation in your home and surrounding pipes, replacing light bulbs with energy-efficient ones, upgrading your boiler and heating system, installing solar panels, a smart meter, and installing double or triple-glazed windows.
Step five: Discover a trustworthy contractor
This is a crucial step because this individual will bring your ideas to life. Become your own project manager and oversee the entire project, and if you’re a seasoned pro, get stuck in and knock a few walls down. Shop arounFd, gather ideas from different contractors, and take into account positive references and reviews.
Step six: Organise the removal of materials
A renovation project always leads to plenty of waste, especially if the demolition of walls is part of the plan. By organising a skip hire for the property, you can create less hassle for everyone involved, and the skip hire company will be able to dispose of the materials. You could potentially sell certain elements of the property to generate additional revenue.
Step seven: Protect the property’s original features
The main attraction when you buy a fixer-upper is the original character features. These can easily be rediscovered and highlighted throughout the home renovation, adding a timeless charm to the property. By utilising these original features, you have a chance to save some money on new materials. Particular attention should be paid to certain features such as:
While renovating, remain careful around these areas to avoid potential damage to the original features.
Step eight: Update your plumbing and electrics
Even though rewiring and plumbing are expensive renovations, they're definitely worth it. This allows you to add certain light features or bathroom looks that suit your lifestyle. By completing this, you could also add characteristics that cut down your energy bill and increase your EPC rating, improving the property’s end value.
Step nine: Turn structural problems into upgrades
While the property is stripped back, this gives you the perfect opportunity to fix or improve any structural issues in the home. This allows you to match the home to modern-day living, potentially creating an open-plan living space or inserting large bi-fold doors leading to the garden.
Take a look at the floor plan, external and internal features, and identify the potential characteristics it could offer. Is there conversion potential for the loft, basement, or garage?  Identifying these key potentials can present a substantial increase in your property’s value.
Step ten: Create a snagging list
As you finalise the property by adding all your interior and décor, you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
What is a snagging list?
A snagging list typically indicates that the home renovation is complete. This is an inspection completed at the end of building work to identify any minor defects and meet the standards you expect, potentially achieving perfection.
Examine your completed project and pinpoint any minor issues you wish to address or monitor to allow issues to be flagged up in a timely manner. The contractor can assist in resolving these issues, ensuring a flawless completion of the project.
Ready to start your renovation journey? Contact your local estate agents in Manchester to find your
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