#best read on a computer due to formatting
Please innumerate for us the specialized problems of the library sciences.
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Let me start with the caveat that my information is based on my experiences at the National Archives more than a decade ago, and policy has definitely changed on this front as we can see from this graph of recent digitization - apparently NARA wants to get to 85% digitization by 2026. (Even still, I'd note that the records of the WPA are <0.001% digitized.)
However, back when I was doing the research that would eventually become my first book, I remember being at the National Archives II building in College Park, Maryland (Go Terps!) and getting really frustrated that all the records of the WPA were only available in their original physical form and that all the guides and indexes were also in paper only and were all from the 1970s, and I asked the archivist why the hell the National Archives hadn't been digitized already.
This is what they told me: if it's handled correctly and stored in the right environmental circumstances, paper can last a thousand years. Carbon copies can last even longer, if they don't rip. (Seriously, the bastard things are like onion skins, they'll split if you look at them funny.) Microfilm is slightly more technologically advanced than paper, but it only lasts 500 years in the right conditions.
We've only had computers en masse since the 1980s, and already there's a huge amount of records (especially from the early years) that we don't have any more, because the hard drives got re-formatted due to higher costs of storage space back in the day, or because old computers got thrown out when they were replaced by newer models and the hard drives are all rotting in landfills somewhere, or because backwards compatibility broke down and we just can't read those file types on our modern computers, or because the actual data got corrupted on the disc, or because some legacy company is asserting copyright against a video game museum, or because some political hack and/or president of the United States decided to violate the Presidential Records Act.
While we thought that the internet would cause an explosion of written records from ordinary people on the scale of the advent of mass literacy, there are vast swathes of the early internet that simply do not exist any more because the servers got switched off when Geocities et al. folded in the dot-com bubble burst or when everyone migrated to Web 2.0, and the Internet Archive tries its best (bless its heart, affectionately) but it can't be everywhere and save everything.
As a result, the archivist told me, digitization is a fraught question: what file format do we use? How do we know that file format will still be compatible and backwards-compatible in 50 years? 100? Longer? Do we keep everything locally or store it on the cloud, and how do we ensure that the storage mechanisms won't fail if there's a blackout or a virus or whatever? Do we digitize everything now, or do we wait until optical character recognition improves enough to the point where digitized records can be searched for words and phrases? Etc.
Keep in mind, I am a public policy historian who studies the 20th century U.S - I work primarily with the official records and the central archives of the richest government in the world. From a library sciences perspectives, this is kind of an ideal scenario, and it's still kind of fucked up. (Let me tell you, the rage and grief I felt when I learned that most of the General File of the Public Works Administration was thrown away by the National fucking Archives and Records Administration in the mid-1950s because they were running out of shelf space in the D.C location and didn't think these records were important...)
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Now imagine what it's like at a local historical society or a small liberal arts college, or the national museum of a developing nation for that matter, who do not have the resources for the kind of grand digitization project that NARA started doing five years ago. Think of the sheer scale of historical records that sleep, unseen and untouched perhaps for decades and perhaps for ever, in little cubbyholes all across the world. Among professionals, historical records are measured in linear and cubic feet - think about that for a second, how many pages of paper there are in a foot when you stack them up, and how many hundreds and thousands and millions of feet there are across the face of the world. Think of all the millions of feet of pieces of paper that have been lost to us because of fire or rot or war or time itself.
This is why Peter Turchin is a quack. Historical records are not a standardized little database for social scientists to plug their fucking spreadsheets into; historians don't play that kind of bullshit t-ball, with all our data neatly packaged and handed to us on a silver platter. Our profession is not a social science, it's a goddamn treasure hunt through boxes that were never catalogued or categorized (or that were re-catalogued so many times no one remembers how they were put together in the first place) to find writing that no one has read since the authors died. All of us know that our work, our understanding, will always be partial and limited, because memory is infinitely fragile and the very idea of historical preservation is a mad existential defiance of entropy itself. These records are real, they are fragile - to hell with the Library of Alexandria, remember the National Museum of Brazil? - and they are all that is left to us of the dead.
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writingwarden · 11 days
Hi! May we please see something angsty like Logan returning home and either having been successfully brainwashed or just severely traumatized(again) and he falls in love with reader maybe?
If this isn’t your type of thing to write about that’s absolutely okay! Thank you for reading anyway!
Logan Walker x Best Friend! Nurse!Reader
TW- Brief mention of torture
Word Count- 1.3k
Summary- Recovery isn't always linear but we persevere.
[A/N]- So formatting may be a bit weird, this was written on a computer but had to be posted from a phone. Hopefully this marks the end of this hiatus!!!
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Logan’s rescue had been no small feat. It took months to track down where they were keeping him and another week to prepare for getting him back.
You were there when they rushed him into the hospital near midnight. Hesh had all but demanded that you be one of the nurses to take care of him when he arrived. Nearly getting kicked out of the hospital for fighting with your supervisor, who didn’t want you on the team due to “personal conflicts.” Which was fair, it was a part of the rules set for the hospital staff. But you couldn’t care, you told them you would be there regardless if they scheduled you or not.
So you were on call, watching in horror as they rolled him straight into surgery. He looked so small on the gurney, his ribs defined and there were more darkened bruises and blood clinging to him than there was clear skin. You had stood there stunned with your mind racing a hundred miles an hour. Cataloging every visible injury. Looking up in a haze at the team members that had carried him in. Hesh’s desperate look as he stood there in blood soaked gear snapping you out of it, immediately getting to work.
Logan was in surgery for hours, his heart stopping twice and each time they brought him back sent striking pains of anxiety and despair through you. Eventually you had to leave the operating room but you did not leave the hospital. Sticking yourself to Hesh as he sat in the private waiting room, Riley laying under his chair.
There Hesh made you an offer, move in with them and help him get his baby brother back and that he’d even pay you for it. The only correct answer had been an immediate acceptance.
Logan had been wheelchair bound for the first few months but as he regained his strength, he was able to leave that behind. Graduating to crutches. He wouldn’t leave the house, he had become borderline agoraphobic. Often opting to stick to his brother like glitter or staying in his room, only emerging for meals and the little bit of exercise or therapy that his recovery called for.
You couldn’t lie to yourself, it hurt seeing your best friend barely acknowledge you but in these times you stuck near him at all possible times. Sitting in the living room with the both of them and conversing. Sitting in the chair in his room as you read books to him or watched movies. A routine was established and slowly the variants came. He wanted to sit on the back porch. A walk down the street and back. A quick trip to the store with his brother.
You took what victories you could get and you embraced the setbacks with gentle hands and a soft voice.
Waking him from nightmares, accepting that he will wake up violently. The first time it happened left bruises in the shape of his hands across your throat. And you can’t lie to yourself, it scared you and made you hesitate for a few days. Wondering how much of your best friend was still in there.
Tonight is no different. Well actually that's a lie. Today marked a full year since they brought Logan home. There was no celebration, no party but there were visits from the other men that make up the Ghosts. Merrick and Keegan had visited together. A bottle of bourbon and a few books in their hands. Kick and a few of Logan's old company dropped by to bring him assorted items found around the city.
You watched Logan take everything in stride. Somehow managing to smile and thank them even if it was forced.
Baby steps, right? That’s what matters right now.
Sleep evades you.
Rain pelted the windows with unrelenting force, the storm had rolled in fast. The wind and thunder rumbling so loud that you almost missed the startled cry from the man in the bed across the room from you.
Standing up from your chair and walking over to his bedside. Hands slowly reaching out to wake him as he tosses and turns, stuck in an unknown nightmare. It's routine at this point, having the action of waking Logan down to a science.
Placing both hands on his shoulders and shoving him roughly down into the mattress, then taking a few steps back as he comes up swinging like a mad-man. Technically he is, you silent muse before setting to work.
“Logan, hey it's alright. You're home, it's just a nightmare.” Your voice soft and non-threatening as you keep your hands where he can see them. Palms splayed out so he doesn't think you have a weapon hidden.
His eyes are wild. A scared and wounded animal being cornered by something much bigger than him. His head turns rapidly as he looks around for any possible threat as you reach over to turn the light on.
The dim beside lamp illuminating the room enough to calm him down.
He sighs and looks over at you, the look on his face speaks of volumes of exhaustion that you will likely never experience. Logan's hands begin to move, using sign language to communicate. He was never very vocal before Rourke, but he's completely muted now. Preferring to just sign whatever he needs to say.
“Thank you.” The motion from his chin out sluggish.
Nodding and sitting down at the foot of his bed, “Want to go sit on the back porch again? It's a good storm tonight.”
A tradition you two have taken up since his return. Logan won't tell you why but his dislike of the rain has become and obsession. You suspect Rourke had him somewhere dry…he was severely dehydrated and burnt when he was wheeled into your hospital.
There's a second of hesitation from the youngest Walker brother before he nods his head, his left hand making a knocking motion in the air.
Standing up and reaching out your hand to help him up from the messy bed. “Let's go then, I think David's asleep so we don't have to worry about his mother-henning.” Truly, Hesh has been trying his best and has definitely earned the right to be overbearing. But it's nice to have a moment or so where it's just you and Logan.
Slipping out the bedroom and through the house to the backdoor, lightning occasionally flashing through the windows. Immediately after opening the door and stepping onto the porch are you both assaulted with cold rain.
But you've already committed to the bit and with the way Logan tightens his grip on your hand to lead you into the storm, you don't exactly have a chance to retreat. You go to protest but the sleepy and happy look on his face stops you, that's a genuine smile.
Oh holy shit, he's smiling and you don't have a camera! That doesn't matter, as you are pulled into a spiral. Logan is spinning you in circles and a stutter in your heart you haven't allowed yourself to feel in a long time makes a return.
You laugh and follow the man, dancing in the rain like a couple of fools. It's dangerous, a night time thunder storm with heavy lightning? Neither of you can be bothered to care about the potential of a lightning strike.
Lost in the way that your hands touch and the look in his eyes, if the price of seeing him smile is ruined pajamas then so be it.
There's a moment where he stops, letting you two catch your breath as the sky flashes above. A split second where his eyes meet yours and he extends his hand towards you.
He's reaching out for comfort. And the swiftness that you accept his offer is laughable. Pulling him close into a hug that he doesn't reject. Instead he holds onto you like you might disappear if he lets go.
His lips are on yours and he dips you to punctuate the dance, like something from a romance movie lightning flashes to light up this moment.
Maybe everything will be alright.
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shabdforwriting · 7 days
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Seven Reasons why People still Prefer Paperback Books
Here are more detailed explanations for each of the seven reasons people still prefer paperback books:
1- Tangible Experience:
Reading a paperback engages multiple senses. Turning the pages, feeling the texture, and hearing the slight rustle as you flip through create a personal connection with the book. Many readers find this tactile experience enhances their immersion in the story, making reading feel more intimate and real.
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Paperbacks can serve as more than just reading material; they become personal treasures and tokens of accomplishment. Whether it’s a well-worn favorite or a pristine new release, paperbacks allow readers to build and display collections that reflect their interests and passions. A filled bookshelf can also act as a statement piece in a home, adding warmth and character to a room.
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Reading on a digital screen for prolonged periods can lead to digital eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep due to blue light exposure. Paperbacks provide a refreshing break from screen time, offering a more natural and comfortable way to read, especially for those who already spend long hours in front of computers or smartphones.
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7- Distraction-Free Reading:
When reading on electronic devices, it’s easy to get distracted by notifications, apps, or the internet. Paperbacks provide a focused reading experience without interruptions, helping readers dive deeply into a story without the temptation of multitasking or being pulled away by external stimuli.
Each of these reasons highlights the simple, enriching experience that paperback books continue to offer in the digital age.
Source -
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mothymusings · 1 year
Second Entry
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“In the end, a simple happiness is better than a complex disillusion.”
― Janelle Monáe, The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer
Memory Librarian and Other Stories is an anthology inspired by Monae’s album Dirty Computer. Each story is set in the near future, where a new government called New Dawn controls everything a person does down to their memories. Within each short story is a message of Queer, POC, and Female resistance against the rigid conformity New Dawn tries to impose.
There are five stories within the anthology, every single one could be read independently of the other, however there are references interspersed each novella. The titular story, Memory Librarian, follows Seshet as one of the high ranking officials in New Dawns order. Her job focuses on categorizing as well as monitoring the memories of her city until strange circumstances cause her to question her loyalties and even her own memories.
Nevermind follows the residents of the Pynk Hotel, a resistant group of queer women who have run away from New Dawn, dubbed Dirty Computers. However things are not as harmonious as they assume, as tensions between those who try to restrict what it means to be Pynk threaten to destroy the safe haven forever.
Timebox centers around two women who have found out that their closet has time altering powers, and the arguments on how best to use such a valuable resource as time for the benefit of the whole, or the individual.
Save Changes also deals with time, as Sisters Amber and Larry deal with being outcasts due to their mothers status as a reformed resistance leader. Gifted with a stone that their late father claims to rewind time, Larry tries to save her sister and mother from fates worse than death.
Timebox Altar(ed), the final story, is about a young child named Bug, who with their friends find and create art in a clearing with the help of Mx. Tangee, a strange woman who almost seems to have magical powers.
First Impressions
Wow! Memory Librarian blew me away with the descriptive prose and inventive stories of rebellion and love in an oppressive society. I enjoyed each story and the messages they imparted. I think my favorites were Nevermind and Save Changes, especially Save Changes with how well it mixed technology and magic together. I think for me it was definitely a fun read all the way through
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The Good, The Bad, and The Fuzzy
The good has to go to the inventive worldbuilding of the setting Memory Librarian is in! Details are kept vague in terms of how New Dawn gained power, how memories are able to be used as a resource as well as what being a Torch entails. But I think that vagueness is in its favor from a narrative standpoint as the characters we meet already know all these things (Save for Bug and their friends), as well as for the reader to keep drawing you back in. It’s a nice blend of sci-fi contemporary without being set in such a heavily futuristic setting, there’s technology everywhere but it doesn’t feel like it’s the main focus or detracts from it.
The bad, I will admit I had trouble reading through some of the prose, especially in the Memory Librarian novella. I had to go back and reread many large paragraphs to try to figure out what exactly was going on. I think other than that I couldn’t really find anything else I had a problem with?
The fuzzy is more to deal with plots being abruptly cliffhangers, however I don’t find it as a fault due to the formatting but I still had moments where I would go “And then what??!!” before turning the page to be met with a new story.
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Memory Librarian and Other Stories from Dirty Computer is an amazing anthology that talks about being different in a society that tries its hardest to stamp it out through the lenses of black queer women. Its sci-fi setting is friendly enough to those who aren’t familiar with the genre while also providing an interesting spin on the genre. I think this is a perfect read for those that enjoy evocative short stories within the same world as well as fans of Monae’s music. Listening to Dirty Computer while reading definitely helped immerse me in the world of New Dawn.
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A nice 8.9/10 lamps!
Next entry in this blog will be Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir!
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stoopidpoopid · 3 months
Who would you say is your favorite lady from pathologic?
Oooo!! Eva, 100%. But closely followed by Clara.
They are all really interesting characters in their own rights, and even the ones I’m not actively crazy over or don’t get much focus from the narrative have something cool going on. Putting this under a cut since it’s kinda long but here’s a few reasons why I love every Patho lady :) (Mostly based off the Classic versions of the characters, with some elements from 2 thrown in for flavor) I’m also on my phone with no access to a computer atm, so I apologize for any spelling/formatting errors. Ideally I’d source dialogue from the github as well, but the mobile verson is a pain to navigate.
Eva: I love Eva for her kindness and willingness to try and help even though she is pretty powerless in the narrative (her trying to get Daniil to help the runaway butchers), and her eventual sacrifice is tragic. Every time I visit the Stillwater after day 7 there is something missing. I think her conversations with Daniil are also really sweet (I personally read it as a little romantic though I know many people don’t). I also tend to sleep in the Stillwater as Artemy and Clara because I find it the most homey + I find the presence of Eva to genuinely be pretty comforting in an extremely stressfull game.
Clara: Why I like Clara is a little harder to define tbh. Her ending is my favorite though and her character concept is inherently cool to me. She wants to do good and help people, but what is good can be hard to do, especially when you are either treated as a saint or a demon with practically no middle ground. Her plea for the player to “please define me” strikes a chord with me as someone currently trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.
Maria: My lovely lady. I find her pretty striking. Many characters hold her up to be almost a goddess (like Nina), but she feels very human when you talk to her. She’s charming, flirtatious, and sometimes even a little awkward and unsure. Her grief over Nina is touching (I think at one point she says she’s going to go to sleep and dream of Nina, and calls her mommy) and a very humanizing element. Her conversation on day 11 with Daniil in Nina’s tomb is such an interesting exploration of her philosophy.
Anna: First of all, I just find clowns and a circus aesthetic pretty fun. Anna is also genuinely pretty funny (“I’m going to bribe my haters away!”) and I always love going to chat with her. I think the key to me sympathizing more with her as a character was finding out that she’s still pretty young (the wiki puts her at 18 based on the character concepts, which makes a lot of her behavior make a certain amount of sense even when not accounting for the caravan trauma).
Anna is also a sort of changeling herself due to her being used in the caravan for their kidnapping plots, and changing her appearence (though I do regcognize the anti-Romani steryotyping present here). There’s also a lot of mystery present in her character even with the explaination given and I think that could be a cool jumping off point for theories and fanworks.
Ultimately I find Anna interesting as an exploration of trauma, mental illness, the cycle of abuse, and guilt. She never really had a chance in life to be a better person due to the caravan. I do think she wants to be a better person (“helping” Lara, her ultimate sacrifice), but is held back by her trauma, selfishness, phobias, and need for validation, leading her to harm others even more vulnerable than herself (Willow). I think I remember her saying that she’s illiterate in P2. I don’t have a point in bringing that up really besides to emphasise that she doesn’t even have many practical skills. I think she might be another favorite actually.
Lara: I like Lara much for the same reason I like Eva, in that they are both kind and generous ladies who have been made a bit helpless by the narrative and ultimately decide the best way to help is self sacrifice. I just want to protect her (her crying after her beads are found in the cathedral?! Girl come here). I think Lara and Eva share a lot of things in common (including being depressed) but present very differently. Something I think goes overlooked in discussions of Lara is her link with the Olgimskys— Big Vlad built her house and is able to extort her (wanting to use it as the isolation ward, Vlad Jr getting her involved in the medicine tests, the day 6 blood tests) despite all the Olgimskys claiming to be fond of her. Part of her stated motivation for why she helps people is to help restore the Ravel name. So, something fishy is going on there I think.
My theory is that her father wasn’t a great person (probably worked for the Olgimskys in some way before leaving for war), but he did love Lara and perhaps Lara didn’t find out about any fishy business until she grew up. I think it would be interesting if her character had to struggle between a genuine love for her father (culminating in her attempted vengence), while knowing his potential crimes and attempting to make up for it (would also explain why she is part of Clara’s bound of criminals besides the whole trying to shoot Block thing, and Aspity’s dislike of her). Of course, that’s just my speculation though.
Aspity: Another lady with many wonderful funny conversations. I find her insistance that she’s the shabnak or the plague made manifest fascinating. While she isn’t either of those, she is some sort of steppe spirit, being a “reminder” of the first outbreak. My theory is she is a manifestation or memory of the people that died in the first outbreak (many of whom were poor, many of which were likely Kin). I think this would explain Isidor’s distaste for her (perhaps guilt-driven), her devotion to Artemy despite not being his bound, and her being Clara’s bound (these people dying so that the rest may live).
Her being the executor of Artemy’s inheritence, and hiding part of it from him out of fear for what the inheritence would entail also has really cool implications for her character and it’s a shame that was cut from P2.
Yulia: The founder of the Humble ideology herself. I wish she had some more screentime. Ultimately I don’t have as much to say about her besides some base observations, but I do like her and find her interesting!! Her fatalistic experiments are part of some of the most interesting quests in the game imo (in terms of dialogue). Her appeals to rationality despite her being pretty mystical. Lesbianism win. Thinking about it, she actually has a Lot of parallels with Daniil. I think I’ll write some more about her once I have my computer back and can source dialogue/give myself a refresher on her character.
Katerina: Katerina is such a tragic figure. I can only imagine what it was like for her to come to the town young and full of life, meeting Nina and Victoria, to try and desperately meet the expectations of the Saburov family and their long history, trying to be Nina, trying to be Victoria… Katerina spent so much time trying to be other people that she never really got to be herself. So many people dismiss her and treat her solely as a morphine addict or a witch, and that has to be hard. The way she oscilates between being loving and cruel to Clara. Her back was broken on the wheel of fortune.
Aglaya: There is so so so much to say about her and I think she deserves a full character analysis. But to keep it short, god what a character. The ambiguity of how much her hatred of the Polyhedron is related to her hatred of the Kains (I think Victor even says that she was “always a mean little girl” at one point). Her brutality. Her humanism. Her genuinely sweet love for Artemy. Her relationship with the Powers that Be (both on the base narrative level and the twist level). Breaking character to taunt her?! She’s so contradictory and yet it makes sense.
I only did the adult women here, but there’s still so much to say about the Termite girls (esp Capella!). Hopefully this wasn’t too rambley, but I had a lot of fun writing this and would love to hear about everyone’s favorite Patho lady! There are so many things I didn’t get to say in this that I would love to write more about in the future.
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sonofshin · 4 months
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RP blog for a little baby dragon. Guest OC muses appear every now and then, and they all care very much for the little lad.
Soapie’s general rules
I really trust people will behave themselves so I hope most of these rules are old news.
-Don’t godmod. Don’t take control of my character or dictate what should happen next, thank you.
-Shipping is done via chemistry only. Hayase is baby.
-Please respect me, as a mun. I am a human being behind a computer. If I don’t want to rp with you or do certain plots, please respect that.
-If you have beef with me, please let me know so we can talk it out. DM’s, asks, anons, anything goes. I’d like to know if I fucked up or made someone uncomfortable. I’m not a mind reader so communication is always key. I make mistakes and I’d like to set things right if I hurt someone. I’d rather be hurt with a reason, than to be hurt without one.
-The above statement also goes for general annoyances. Sometimes I forget specific rules or interpret them differently. I’ll never be mad if you let me know. I’m never trying to upset anyone.
-Anon hate will only be accepted in the form of haiku’s that end in ‘it’s snowing on Mount Fuji’, or when written in surfer slang.
-NSFW is accepted in gore, violence, and sex. I also draw smut every now and then and my tag for such things is ‘sinflowers’. So block that if you don’t want to see the occasional butt. Suggestive things are usually tagged as ’nsft’. Sometimes I forget or sometimes I do not think something is suggestive enough to warrant that tag. If things slip by and bother you, please hit me up. Anonymously is also totally accepted. I just need to know so I can pay closer attention to it.
-Following is an iffy thing for me. I am shy, very shy, and often don’t follow back when people follow me. Due to recent events I am also very much inclined to only follow friends. You may, however, still interact with me.
-On the subject of tagging: I don’t. Meaning, that I don’t tag every single thing on my blog. I tag the most obvious triggers if it comes to pass. I don’t do any ‘tw: trigger’. It’s literally just the word(s). Like blood, gore, etc. IF YOU NEED SOMETHING TAGGED THEN PLEASE MESSAGE ME! EVEN IF IT IS ANONYMOUSLY! I CAN NOT CHANGE THINGS IF I AM NOT AWARE OF A PROBLEM!
- On formatting: I don’t format and don’t mind if you do. However, overly spaced text gives me a headache so I might ask you to unspace if we RP together. My brain is tiny, please forgive me
-You have permission to hurt my muse as long as you are willing to deal with the consequences. No one likes to be in pain and my muses will probably retaliate. Giving me a heads up is appreciated though not required. As long as you don’t KILL my muse, things will be gucci. No, you don’t need to ask permission first.
- If you tell me that I, the mun, hate your muse just because my muse is angry at them, I will come to your house and dehydrate all your plants. This will never, EVER be the case and I will absolutely take great offence. Mun does not equal muse. EVER!
- I, the mun, am 25+, go by Soapie, and have English as a second language. I obviously will not RP smut with minors and if I find out you are doing such things you will get a message from me to quit that shit. If you continue, you will get blocked. I am a rather aloof person. I have a resting bitch face, even in text. I am also autistic. Please know I have the best intentions when typing. I simply have room temperature IQ. I’m sorry
If you have read these rules, send me a mango
P.S. Having fun is mandatory >:)
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btstwtarchive · 2 years
Welcome to the Archive!
This blog is dedicated to archiving and perserving bts_twt and bts_bighit. Here you will find a comprehensive log of BTS' twitter history. Posts are loaded into the queue to avoid overcrowding the dashboards of users who choose to follow the archive.
~Keep an eye on this space for updates~ 22-11-23: Began adding to the archive. 22-11-28: BTS_bighit has been fully backed-up. -Began adding direct links to tweets. 23-02-05: bts_bighit, june, and 2cool4skool directory links activated. 23-04-07: July link activated. 23-07-06: August Link activated. 23-07-06: The ask box has been opened. Please see information regarding the ask box at the bottom of this post. 23-08-13: ORUL82? directory link activated. 23-8-25: Layout changes, September & November directory links activated. First time with the archive? Please expand this post.
While the archive has a soft goal to gather as many translations as possible for the tweets, it's primary purpose is make BTS' history easy to access for as many ARMYs as possible; so you will find many untranslated tweets.
This archive is very image heavy, for the best experience it's recommended that you view it's contents through a larger screen (perferrably a computer).
In a browser the archive's directory can be found by tapping the navigation button. If you're viewing on the app/ default tumblr interface you can find the directory by clicking here.
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actionplatformer · 8 months
CDs are great don’t get me wrong, use them, collect them, it’s all good. I say this as someone who has collected 100s of CDs. They are my favourite mass-produced format. But they are not necessary for archival purposes, and they’re certainly not necessary for stopping The Man taking your tunes off you. Locally stored digital music libraries do the trick just the same. It would take an immense audio library to not fit on a single modern hard drive, and archives on redundant hard drives may take your drive count up to maybe 3. If you have files free of DRM, a couple of well maintained redundant backups like this would be a safer future-proof solution than a burnt CD, which will eventually succumb to damage, and is fundamentally less sturdy than a mass produced one due to the techniques used to store the data (I.e.: data stamped onto metallic foil vs. data stored by exposing an ink layer to a burning laser). With pure digital storage, libraries and their backups can be created and duplicated with very little effort, even just with a few clicks. All CDs take more effort to replace than the duplication of a healthy hard drive, and if you have a DRM free file on that drive no company can take it off you without physically coming to your home and taking the drive out of your hands or compelling you with the law for some reason. That is the same protection afforded to physically bound media.
A downside to CDs is that if you already have a high quality audio file, one that is PCM encoded at greater than 44.1kHz sampling rate and greater than 16-bit, the audio CD standard requires a sacrifice in quality (yes there are other standards, but they demand equipment other than your typical living room Hi-Fi, car CD player or computer disc drive). By the same token, if you have an inferior file like a 128kbps MP3, and you intend to burn it in a format that all CD players can read, that required conversion to PCM just adds bloat to the files for no good reason. The data lost from the initial MP3 conversion never comes back. If you have MP3s only, you can make an MP3-CD but they aren’t always compatible with every player, and if your player has a USB port, there are no immediate quality or ease of use benefits over a cheap USB stick. The best time to use a CD is when you’ve bought one mass manufactured, and when the audio is already 44.1k/16-bit, no greater, no less.
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glassmarcus · 8 months
Konami gave me an excuse to write about the trajectory of Bomberman campaigns
*Played in November 2023, Written in December 2023
For those who know me, it’s apparent that I’m one of those deviants who plays Bomberman games FOR the story mode. We’ve all played multiplayer Bomberman games, and we all had a blast doing so (Pun intended, the pun will always be intended). Multiplayer Bomberman just works and as long as you don’t fuck it up, it guarantees a Bomberman game is at least a 7/10 if you staple it to the side of any of them. It is pure distilled chaos in its most enjoyable form. But it’s also kind of perfected at this point. Yea, you can add a few more mechanics and characters to play at once, but nothing you can do really changes the feelings that multiplayer elicits. That’s why Single Player modes have always been more intriguing to me. There’s so much potential there, and every few games there’s a new take on the gameplay that could be pushed a little bit further.
Bomberman started out as a Single Player home computer game. The goal was to erradicate the enemies on the screen and then proceed to the next level. This became the default Bomberman Single Player format and didn’t die out until Bomberman Portable on the PSP. In fact it was basically the only gameplay type for a decade. I refer to this style of gameplay as “Genocide” as the goal is to completely clear out the map with no exception. It is the most plentiful Single Player mode and has honestly run its course. Having the goal be to kill every enemy really pins down what the level design and objectives have to be and just ends up dragging out the content. It was probably done the best in Super Bomberman 4 and by then the other gameplay types it created were inherently more interesting, so it was weird that they kept making them for a decade afterwards. There are many more types of Bomberman Single Player modes, and I’m about to break em down and bestow a title corresponding to whatever crime can best describe them.
After Multiplayer modes started getting added to Bomberman games, they pretty much took over the franchise and became the focus going forward. Some games decided to take the Multiplayer and pass it as a Single Player experience by pitting you against AI opponents. This gameplay type I refer to as “Homicide” as it focuses on killing players who have the same abilities as you. The first one to do this was Bomberman Gameboy, also known as Wario Blast in North America. Why is it called Wario Blast? Because they added Wario as a playable character and opponent. Why did they do that? I...I don’t have any answers for that. It still puzzles me to this day.
Homicide is far and away the worst Gameplay type for Single Player Bomberman games. Single Player Bomberman is fun because it’s for the most part Asymmetric. Multiplayer is fun because everyone is on the same level and has to navigate through the same chaos. These games take the worst of both worlds. The inherent equality is stripped from you as you’re forced to play with at least one AI opponent who will dodge every one of your bombs flawlessly, yet will accidentally kill themselves 80% of the time. Defeating them is not satisfying because it always feels like there’s no behavior or strategy you had to learn in order to win, you got lucky because the AI decided not to read your inputs or blow themselves up. And this is all in exchange of potentially great level layouts, varied enemy design, and a genuine feeling of progression. I don’t say this a lot, because I try to appreciate the hands I'm dealt with in life, but I’d truly rather have nothing.
Around the same time as the Homicide gameplay type was created, Bomberman 94 for the Turbo Grafx 16 blessed the world with a new style as well. Instead of the goal being to kill every enemy on the screen, it was to destroy certain enemy structures to open the exit of the level. Due to the goal being shifted to destruction of objects rather than enemies, I title this style as “Property Damage”. I’m a big fan of Property Damage. It gives you more options for how to handle the level now that you don’t have to kill every single thing on the map. Having certain points that the player must travel to allows for more creative map design as well.
It’s a better version of the Genocide gameplay style in every way. Super Bomberman 4 is a dynamite game on in a vacuum, but was ultimately disappointing because Super Bomberman 3 was a Property Damage Game. I would say the gameplay in Super Bomberman 4 is a step up from 3, but its inferior structure drags it down. Property Damage is the best gameplay style that I don’t have a desire to see again. I earnestly believe the formula was perfected in Saturn Bomberman, Aka The Best Bomberman Game. After playing it I was truly satisfied. They don’t need to go back to this well again, just re-release it on modern hardware. It’s the definitive Classic Bomberman Experience.
Not all styles can be as fully realized as Property Damage though. I think the most known gameplay style that fans clamor to make a comeback for is what I’ve come to refer to as “Loitering”. This is the gameplay style created by the N64 Bomberman Games. There is no specific requirement to unlock the exit, you only have to figure out how to get to it while goofing off on the way there. Adventure is the main focus and while all these games have had their problems, they were all solvable problems. A truly amazing Bomberman title is waiting to be made under the Loitering frame work.
Bomberman 64 has some undeniably gilded level design and is an impressive first attempt at a 3D Bomberman game. It frustrates the hell out me when I play it because of the camera and how stupid punishing it is, but that can all be fixed in a follow up or remake. I can say the same for every game of this style. Bomberman Hero would be amazing if it had a slight double jump action to spruce up movement. Bomberman 64: The Second Attack might become one of the best Bomberman Games if it explained and utilized its mechanics with a hint of sanity. Bomberman Generation has the least problems out of any 3D Bomberman game, but feels a bit sterile and safe compared to its predecessors. I’d love to see a version of the game with more open and creative levels. Bomberman Jetters...is a lost cause, but 80% of them are still bursting with potential. I’d prefer they return to this style, but due to it being the most resource intensive option, I doubt that will happen.
Over the years, Konami/Hudsoft has occasionally opted to lean towards somewhat of a fusion of the Property Damage and Genocide archetypes. Games where instead of the objective being to destroy an amount of enemies or objects, the objective differs in every level. This assures variety in level structure and gameplay and it’s basically what I expect Bomberman story modes to be at a bare minimum now. When Super Bomberman R came out and had this gameplay type in place, It felt as if that was the story mode that won out in the end after years of evolution. It’s not my favorite style, but “Crime Spree” felt like the future to me and I fully expected Super Bomberman R 2 to follow suit. The frame work had to be similar to classic Bomberman due to being a sequel to R, so the Loitering games I pined for were assuredly not going to return. The most I could hope for was a Bomberman Blast Story mode scenario where it’s still top down gameplay but with linear levels. Of course there are more options for the series to return to, but I deem those as even less likely. But that won’t stop me from writing about them though.
I will never not be salty about the fate of the Top Down Bomberman Adventure games. This series is at it’s best and most interesting when it’s shamelessly emulating The Legend of Zelda and I wholehearted wish they leaned in harder. Bomberman Quest is a wonderful game buried by a mountain of embarrassing technical issues. The bombs are literally transparency.jpgs and it’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. This game is barely held together, but traversing the world at your leisure and finding new abilities to use just feels right for the series. Its Gameboy Advance follow up, Bomberman Tournament is hands down one of the best games in the franchise because it cribs even more from Zelda including the tendency for Zelda games to perform decently. Tournament is the best Zelda game on the GBA, hands down. And this sub series peaks here, as its only follow up was Bomberman Story DS, which is a bad game I don’t want to talk about because it makes me VERY angry.
There’s a quality to Bomberman that lends itself to collection and exploration more than other franchises. I think it’s due to the work you put in to collecting and clearing out an area. Most adventure games have you travel to a place, do a quest, and then you have what you need for your quest. In Bomberman though, you have to do those same things...without accidentally killing yourself. It feels a bit more earned and exciting that way. Blasting the land and fracking resources fills me with glee, and that glee is all the better when those power ups and rewards are permanent. This is why I call this gameplay type “Looting”. The tools you acquire have lasting impact on your journey and a lot of the fun is indulging in the grind.
Now there are tons of other gameplay types that I don’t expect to return in any way because they are very unconventional for Bomberman gameplay and are essentially spin offs. I say essentially and not definitely in this case because I don’t know how to split a franchise as unfocused as this one into mainline and spin off categories. Basically, when the gameplay strongly diverges from the norm is when I don’t expect any return. So all those Bomberman Racing games that came out are irrelevant, as well as the Bomberman Land party games. But there is one spin off that I feel doesn’t stray from the norm too much and I still have some hope it can return in a future game. In the past we’ve had Genocide and Homicide, but neither of these crimes comes close to one of my favorite Gameplay Styles: “Regicide”.
Bomberman Wars is a goddamned gem of a strategy game that doesn’t deserve to be stuck on the Japanese PSX catalog. Many games back in the day didn’t get localized because they were too hard or didn’t have a tone that appealed to target demographics enough. This one I’m pretty sure was held back because they thought Americans simply weren’t smart enough. My brain was forced to expand when I played this game. If you don’t think 4 steps ahead at least, you can lose it all in a mere instant. Understanding each unit on the map and their function is key to victory and when you execute your assassination plan of the opposing team’s king, it's euphoric. The thing is, it’s still Bomberman gameplay. Only now it’s turn based. Bomberman games being on a grid makes it convert into a strategy game seamlessly. It’s not a strategy game with a Bomberman coat of paint; It’s a Bomberman game that is slowed down so you can plan for all the chaos that a 5 v 5 Bomberman match might entail. It might never come to the forefront of the franchise, but I believe that if the balance of Bomberman Wars is ironed out, we will have created Chess 2. I regret to inform you that these last two paragraphs are irrelevant to the main point of this write up and my motive was to gush about Bomberman Wars.
So with all this knowledge of Bomberman gameplay, I came into the newly released Super Bomberman R 2 fully expecting a Crime Spree game. There was no reason for it to not be that. But to my surprise...Konami cooked up something entirely different. To be fair the original Super Bomberman series shook things up a bit too between games. Sure, Super Bomberman 2 is pretty much the same as the first, but 3 shook things up by being a Property Damage game, 4 added mechanics that added value to the genocide gameplay style, and Super Bomberman 5 set itself apart by being a completely impenetrable cluster fuck. So there is precedent set in the series they are attempting to reboot, but not to this extent. When you boot up Super Bomberman R 2, you are not greeted with a mission to complete. You are not tasked with an object to destroy. You aren’t even given a hit list on who to kill. Because Super Bomberman R2 is a Looting game.
Now, it’s not a Looter the same way the previous 3 games are. You don’t get any unique abilities or bombs along the way which is a huge bummer. But by following the description I gave earlier, this clearly fits. The whole game is centered around collecting. You bomb softblocks and enemies to gain experience points which grant you basic power ups that last for the entire world. It’s not much, but it is an RPG mechanic and I’ll take all I can get. Exploration is at the forefront of story mode, as your objective is to comb the area and search for alien creatures called Ellons. Ellons look similar to Chao and have the same surface level appeal. They even have a discount Chao Garden on each planet you visit. But mechanically they work much more like Maiamais from The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds. Each planet is gerrymandered into districts that have a certain amount of Ellons. Ellons are hidden all over the place and their locations can be sussed out by listening to their squeaks in the distance. When a district has all of it’s Ellons collected, it will be indicated on the map, and each Planet has 100 total. These are functionally Maiamais and again I must praise Bomberman for shameless cribbing off Zelda. This aspect of the gameplay loop shoots this game up to being one of my favorite Bomberman Campaigns.
Find a bunch of collectibles in an open world with no direction? I sleep. Find a moderate amount of collectibles in a series of divided areas? You have my undivided attention. Completing each section one by one hits that anxious spot in my brain real nice because once I’ve completed a section, I don’t have to worry about it again. More games need to do this and I’m glad Bomberman caught on. It also helps that searching for them in soft blocks isn’t the only way to obtain Ellons. There are also small puzzles and mini challenges you find throughout the level that award you with multiple Ellons at a time. Bomberman Story DS had puzzles like this too, but I’m pretty sure they were all awful. I can’t be sure, I prefer to not remember that game. The puzzles add a lot to the gameplay loop so it never feels stale. It would get tiring if the entire game was blasting soft blocks to find Chao and level up stats. What’s interesting about this stat element is that it’s not simply the standard fire, speed, and bomb amounts that increase. After a while, your gimmick maximum increases too, which is a stat that doesn’t appear to be relevant to the story mode at all.
As it turns out, this Story Mode is only half of a Looting game. The other half is comprised of a new gameplay type. One of the main selling points of Super Bomberman R2 was a new multiplayer mode that involved some sort of tower defense. The way it works is that there are two teams, one defending their treasures and another attempting to steal them. When time runs out and the defending team still has treasures left, they win. If the invading team successfully captures all the treasures before the time runs out, they win. This game mode in implemented into the Single Player campaign using AI opponents with some twist. Now, based on my feelings on Homicide style Bomberman games, this seems like something I’d hate. It’s a chaotic multiplayer mode being slapped onto the Single Player. But there are a few things about this implementation that make it not only work, but be a really fun experience.
My main issues with the Homicide Bomberman games was how there was no asymmetry and the AI were a little too slick at times. This is not a problem here. For one, the AI opponents are kinda dumb compared to previous titles, which I’m not sure was the intention, but I appreciate it at points. There is also no issue with symmetry, as this game mode is inherently asymmetrical. When you are on defense, you have the entire map working in your favor as you can adjust the fortress design to funnel enemies into traps(gimmicks) that push them away from the objective or kill them. You can also achieve special abilities such as a sword that kills enemies directly or a shield that takes a certain amount of hits. When you are on the invading side, you don’t have a lot going for you aside from numbers. Sure you’re likelier to die, but there are far more invaders than defenders. Because you don’t need to be stronger than the opposing side to win, you only need to be sneaky and clever with how you move around the fortress. While Looting also wouldn’t be a bad term for this gameplay type, due to both defense and offense being required, I think “Home Invasion” fits better.
For Home Invasion’s first outing it doesn’t do too shabby. The gimmicks and gimmick limits you obtain and increase throughout story mode allow you to bolster your defenses whenever enemies attempt to raid you. It’s hilarious to build your own fortress and watch the opposing forces fail to navigate your house of horrors. A lot of the time I felt like I was just blocking enemy paths with bombs though, so maybe the AI could have stood to be a little smarter. On the invading side of things where you have to take the enemy’s treasure, many elements don’t transfer over perfectly. You are on a team of 8, but they aren’t really your team. There is a single treasure to steal when you play in story mode and if you aren’t the one who steals it, you lose. White Bomberman has to be the main character. I think the idea was to assure the player character didn’t stand still and wait for the AI to maybe take care of the problem. Instead of an 8 v 3 it ends up being a 1 v 10, which isn’t even a challenge anyway. Most matches last 30 seconds if you know where the treasure actually is. The raiding side of things feels half baked and it’s really disappointing how you have to compete with your siblings instead of work with them.
One big change Super Bomberman R made was reestablish lore and make all the Bombermen be siblings with distinct personalities and I’m still not sure I’m a fan of this decision. While it’s great they are distinct, they can also get very annoying. There’s not a ton of story in this game, so they are all fighting for screen time due to 8 characters being an absurdly high number for a main cast. I think the story of this game integrates the individual characters better into the plot, but a lot of the time they do often come off as White Bomberman’s wacky side kicks. On the first invasion I did, I was kinda hyped to see all the Bomberman siblings together about to wreak havoc. They actually felt like a team. For a split second. Then you realize they are only getting in your way. I couldn’t help but imagine how cool it would be if these characters had their own little gameplay segments or maybe individual campaigns. Maybe then they could be cured of the annoying sidekick syndrome they’ve been bedridden with for 2 games. I desperately want to be endeared to these characters, but this game isn’t built for that. For as ambitious as it is, it’s only ambitious compared to the past few story modes.
I really need Konami to make the next Bomberman Story Mode with a budget. Aside from some qualms I have with the raiding side of Home Invasion, all issues with the game stem from a suffocation of new assets. You explore 3 planets in this game, which mean only 3 motifs. That’s on the lower end of Bomberman Games. 5 motifs is the expected minimum. While I never tired of the gameplay, I did tire of the visuals after a while. 3 Planets means only 3 over world themes, and while they do good to provide multiple mixes of those themes, that means there’s only 3 unique melodies for the majority of the campaign. It’s not even half as many as its predecessor. Sadly, I’ll take the soundtrack of the first game over this one any day. Asset diversity is the one thing I feel R1 completely trumps its sequel in.
3 planets also means a limited number of bosses. The Boss fights in this game have the quality and bombast I desire from this series. Well the third one is kinda bad, the rest are pretty great. There are clear patterns the boss goes through and the better you are at reading the boss and knowing what their openings and weak points are, the faster you can finish the fight. But because the story wants to do a cool finale with a multi-phase final boss fight, they decide to throw in a boss rush instead of a what they clearly wanted to do. It’s a bit deflating to have to slog through all these past bosses to get to the new content which there isn’t much of. And it’s shame because I was actually a bit invested in this villain’s motive and the lore they built here.
This Home Invasion Looter hybrid feels like a promising proof of concept for the future of the franchise, but I’m not confident it will be followed through. I don’t think this game is gonna sell as well as Konami wants it to, so it might be a while for an R3 to happen. But even after enjoying what they created, I would still prefer they make a pure Looting or Loitering type story mode next. I’m mainly just happy this team is trying new things. While Home Invasion has potential, it’s not the end of the world if it isn’t followed up on. But this game has really convinced me of something that I’ve always known deep down.
I can’t hide it anymore. I just want Bomberman to become the new Zelda. I’m not kidding. For a decade I have hungered for a new traditional Zelda game and Nintendo seems to have no plans for making them. I’m playing through The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom savoring every morsel of traditional Zelda shavings it leaves behind, but it’s not enough. If you’re ever curious why I’m obsessed with this franchise, it’s because I’m a Zelda fan who is projecting. There has been a lonely rift in gaming for years now and it’s begging to be mended. Bomberman can fill that spot, I promise. Look at the level design in Bomberman 64: The Second Attack. Some of those are straight up Zelda dungeons! Tournament is the second best Bomberman game because it thinks it’s a Zelda game. The potential has always been there and I binged 40 Bomberman games in 2021 to see if there was anything else in the franchise that pushed the concepts those games introduced further. But I found nothing but a pile of mezzanine single player modes, a few gems, and Saturn Bomberman, the Best game I will never play again because Saturn Emulation is a nightmare.
Because Bomberman is such an unfocused franchise and because its multiplayer has subsumed its identity, I know it’s just not gonna happen. But the heart wants what the heart wants. My heart wants a different type of bomb in each dungeon that you use to solve complex puzzles. My heart wants consistent lore and culture between games. My heart wants a sick Rival Boss Fight between Max and Bomberman. My heart wants to use Louies and Tirras as mounts as you roam the overworld. My heart wants to place a bomb on a suspicious wall and find a secret, because that’s what both franchises are really about at the end of the day. Maybe my brain is still fried from the Great Bomber Binge of 2021, but I really do think this makes sense. This franchise has been around for over 40 years, yet feels like it never truly exploded. But it’s not too late Bomberman. The mantle is yours to take. Seek the throne, for it is now empty and calling out to you.
Anyway, here’s a diagram of all the categories I’ve divided the games I’m familiar with into. You’re Welcome.
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tcw-immigration · 1 month
IELTS vs. CELPIP: Which English Test is Best for Your Canadian PR Application?
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When applying for Canadian Permanent Residency (PR), one of the key requirements is proving your proficiency in English. The two main tests accepted by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) are the IELTS and CELPIP . Each test has its own advantages and characteristics, and choosing the right one depends on your personal preferences and strengths.
IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
   - IELTS is a globally recognized test, widely accepted by educational institutions, employers, and immigration authorities worldwide.
   - It offers two versions: Academic (for higher education and professional registration) and General Training (for immigration and work purposes). For Canadian PR, you need to take the General Training version.
2. IELTS Format:
   - Listening: 30 minutes
   - Reading: 60 minutes
   - Writing: 60 minutes
   - Speaking: 11-14 minutes (face-to-face or video call with an examiner)
3. Scoring:
   - Scores range from 1 to 9 for each section. Your final band score is an average of the four sections.
   - IRCC converts IELTS scores to CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) levels.
4. Availability:
   - IELTS is available in over 140 countries with frequent test dates.
   - Paper-based and computer-based formats are available, though the speaking test is conducted face-to-face.
5. Advantages:
   - Widely accepted globally, making it a good option if you’re considering opportunities beyond Canada.
   - Known for its straightforward format, especially in the reading and listening sections.
6. Considerations:
   - The writing section is often perceived as more challenging due to strict marking criteria.
   - Speaking tests can be nerve-wracking for some as it is conducted in person.
CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program)
   - CELPIP is a Canada-specific English language test designed by the University of British Columbia.
   - It’s tailored to reflect Canadian English and scenarios, making it particularly useful for those aiming solely for Canadian PR or citizenship.
2. Format:
   - Listening: 47-55 minutes
   - Reading: 55-60 minutes
   - Writing: 53-60 minutes
   - Speaking: 15-20 minutes (computer-based, recorded responses)
3. Scoring:
   - Scores range from 1 to 12 for each section. These scores directly correspond to CLB levels, making it easier to understand your PR eligibility.
4. Availability:
   - CELPIP is only available in select countries, with limited test centers outside Canada.
   - The test is entirely computer-based, including the speaking section.
5. Advantages:
   - The test is designed for Canadian immigration, so it aligns well with the requirements of the Express Entry system.
   - Speaking test is less intimidating for some, as it’s computer-based, avoiding direct interaction with an examiner.
   - Easier to achieve higher CLB levels, particularly in the listening and speaking sections.
6. Considerations:
   - Limited availability outside Canada might make scheduling a test challenging.
   - The computer-based format might be a disadvantage if you’re not comfortable with typing or using a computer for tests.
Which Test Should You Choose?
1. Choose IELTS if:
   - You’re more comfortable with a paper-based test or prefer interacting with a person during the speaking test.
   - You might use your English test results for other purposes outside of Canadian immigration.
   - You live in a country where CELPIP is not available.
2. Choose CELPIP if:
   - You’re only focused on Canadian immigration and want a test tailored to Canadian English and scenarios.
   - You prefer taking the entire test, including speaking, on a computer.
   - You’re more comfortable with North American English accents and contexts.
Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences, testing style, and comfort level. Both tests are accepted by IRCC, so your choice will not impact your eligibility for Canadian PR, as long as you meet the required CLB levels.
Here are some interesting and lesser-known facts about IELTS and CELPIP that might help you in deciding which test suits you best:
1. Global Footprint: 
- IELTS is one of the most widely taken English language tests in the world, with over 3 million tests conducted annually. Its results are accepted by more than 10,000 organizations globally, including top universities, employers, and immigration authorities.
2. Test Versions: 
- Apart from the General Training version required for immigration, IELTS also offers an Academic version designed for students applying to universities abroad. This versatility makes it a go-to choice for both academic and immigration purposes.
3. Human Touch in Speaking:
- The speaking test in IELTS is conducted by a human examiner, which can be a double-edged sword. Some candidates prefer the personal interaction, which can allow for a more natural conversation, while others find it stressful.
4. Influence of Accents:
- IELTS listening sections often include a variety of accents, such as British, Australian, and North American. This can be challenging for candidates not accustomed to these accents but is a good reflection of real-world English use.
5. Availability of Test Dates:
- IELTS offers multiple test dates each month, making it easier to find a convenient time to take the exam, especially in major cities. 
1. Canadian Focus: 
- CELPIP was developed specifically for Canadian immigration, which means it uses scenarios that are more relevant to everyday life in Canada. This can be an advantage if you're planning to settle in Canada and want a test that reflects real-life situations you might encounter there.
2. Exclusive Canadian English:  
- CELPIP uses Canadian English exclusively, which can be beneficial for those familiar with North American English spelling, pronunciation, and idioms. This focus can also reduce confusion caused by differences between British and American English.
3. Convenience of Test Format:
- Since CELPIP is entirely computer-based, including the speaking section, you can complete the test in one sitting without having to return for a separate speaking appointment. This also means you don’t have to interact with an examiner directly, which some candidates find less intimidating.
4. Listening Section Variety:  
- The listening section of CELPIP includes different types of tasks, such as identifying opinions or details from conversations, which can be more engaging than traditional listening tests that focus only on comprehension.
5. Scoring Advantage: 
- Many test-takers find that CELPIP's scoring system, which aligns directly with the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels, is easier to understand and often perceived as more lenient, especially in the speaking and listening sections. This can potentially lead to higher scores, which are crucial for your Express Entry profile.
6. Increasing Popularity:  
- Though originally less known, CELPIP is growing in popularity, particularly among Canadian PR applicants. As a result, more preparation resources are becoming available, and test centers are expanding in more countries.
7. One-Time Test:  
- Unlike IELTS, which can sometimes be split over two days (with the speaking test on a different day), CELPIP is designed to be completed in a single session. This can be more convenient for those with tight schedules.
Both IELTS and CELPIP are designed to assess your English proficiency, but each has its unique features that cater to different types of test-takers. Whether you prefer the global recognition and familiarity of IELTS or the Canada-specific focus and convenience of CELPIP, understanding these nuances can help you make an informed decision.
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Duolingo English Test: Interactive Practice Quiz with Answers
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Are you preparing for the Duolingo English Test and looking for an effective way to practice? Look no further! This interactive practice quiz is designed to help you get familiar with the test format, improve your skills, and boost your confidence. With instant feedback and detailed answers, you’ll be well on your way to acing the Duolingo English Test.
Why Take the Duolingo English Test?
The Duolingo English Test is a popular choice for students and professionals worldwide due to its convenience and affordability. It's accepted by numerous universities and institutions, offering a flexible alternative to traditional English proficiency exams like IELTS and TOEFL. The test assesses your abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, providing a comprehensive evaluation of your English skills.
Benefits of Interactive Practice Quizzes
Realistic Test Experience: Interactive quizzes simulate the actual test environment, helping you get comfortable with the format and timing.
Immediate Feedback: Instant answers and explanations help you understand your mistakes and learn from them.
Targeted Practice: Focus on specific areas where you need improvement, ensuring efficient and effective preparation.
Engaging Learning: Interactive elements make studying more enjoyable and motivating.
Duolingo English Test: Interactive Practice Quiz
Ready to test your skills? Try the practice quiz below! Each question is designed to reflect the types of tasks you'll encounter on the Duolingo English Test.
Question 1: Vocabulary
Choose the word that best completes the sentence: "The scientist was awarded a prize for her _____ discovery."
A) Innovation
B) Misunderstanding
C) Criticism
D) Confusion
Answer: A) Innovation
Explanation: "Innovation" fits the context of a positive discovery deserving of a prize.
Question 2: Grammar
Identify the incorrect part of the sentence: "She enjoy to read books, especially during the weekends."
A) enjoy
B) to read
C) especially
D) during the weekends
Answer: A) enjoy
Explanation: The correct form is "enjoys" to match the third-person singular subject "She."
Question 3: Reading Comprehension
Read the passage and answer the question: "Jane Austen’s novels often explore the themes of love and social class. Her characters frequently face challenges related to societal expectations."
What themes are commonly found in Jane Austen’s novels?
A) Adventure and mystery
B) Love and social class
C) Science and technology
D) War and peace
Answer: B) Love and social class
Explanation: The passage states that Jane Austen’s novels explore the themes of love and social class.
Question 4: Listening
[Insert audio clip here]
What is the main idea of the audio clip?
A) The benefits of exercise
B) How to cook pasta
C) The history of computers
D) Traveling tips
Answer: A) The benefits of exercise
Explanation: The audio clip discusses various benefits associated with regular exercise.
Question 5: Writing
Write a short paragraph (50-100 words) on the following topic: "Describe your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it."
Sample Answer: My favorite hobby is painting. I enjoy it because it allows me to express my creativity and relax after a long day. The vibrant colors and the act of creating something beautiful bring me immense joy and satisfaction.
How to Use the Practice Quiz Effectively
Set Aside Time: Dedicate specific time slots for practicing with the quiz to ensure consistent progress.
Review Answers: Carefully review the explanations for each question to understand your mistakes.
Focus on Weak Areas: Identify the sections where you struggle the most and spend extra time practicing those skills.
Repeat Regularly: Regular practice will help reinforce your learning and improve your test performance.
Preparing for the Duolingo English Test can be a rewarding experience with the right tools and strategies. This interactive practice quiz offers a fun and effective way to enhance your skills and build confidence. Remember, consistent practice and reviewing your mistakes are key to success. Good luck with your test preparation!
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sakhshimandal · 2 months
Best Practices for Extract Transform Load Python
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Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes are crucial in the realm of data management, enabling the movement and transformation of data from various sources into a centralized data warehouse or database. Python, with its versatile libraries and powerful features, is a popular choice for implementing ETL pipelines. This article will delve into the best practices for executing efficient ETL processes using Python, focusing on the keyword Extract Transform Load Python.
Why Use Python for ETL?
Python is favored for ETL tasks due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive ecosystem of libraries tailored for data manipulation, transformation, and integration. These features make Python an ideal choice for building ETL pipelines that are both robust and scalable.
Choosing the Right Libraries
Selecting the appropriate libraries is fundamental to the success of an ETL pipeline. Here are some essential Python libraries for each stage of the ETL process:
Pandas: Perfect for data manipulation and transformation, offering powerful data structures like DataFrames for easy data cleaning and transformation.
SQLAlchemy: A SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library, facilitating seamless interaction with databases for data extraction and loading.
Apache Airflow: A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows, ideal for managing complex ETL workflows and dependencies.
Dask: For handling large datasets that don’t fit into memory, providing parallel computing capabilities to scale data processing.
Designing a Scalable ETL Pipeline
A scalable ETL pipeline ensures that your data processes can handle increasing volumes of data without compromising performance. Here are some best practices:
Modular Design: Structure your ETL process into smaller, reusable modules. Each module should perform a specific task, such as extraction, transformation, or loading. This modular approach enhances maintainability and scalability.
Parallel Processing: Utilize parallel processing to expedite data processing tasks. Libraries like Dask and PySpark enable parallel execution, significantly improving the efficiency of data transformations.
Asynchronous Processing: For I/O-bound tasks, such as reading from databases or writing to storage, asynchronous processing can be beneficial. Python's asyncio library facilitates concurrent task execution, reducing overall processing time.
Efficient Data Extraction
Data extraction involves retrieving data from various sources. To optimize this stage:
Batch Extraction: Extract data in batches to avoid overwhelming the source system and to manage memory usage effectively.
Incremental Extraction: Implement incremental extraction to capture only the changes since the last extraction, reducing the volume of data to process and speeding up the pipeline.
Transforming Data Effectively
Data transformation is often the most complex part of the ETL process. Key practices include:
Data Cleaning: Ensure data is clean and consistent before transformation. Handle missing values, remove duplicates, and standardize formats using Pandas.
Normalization and Aggregation: Normalize and aggregate data as needed, which may involve operations such as grouping, summarizing, or flattening nested data structures.
Logging and Monitoring: Implement logging and monitoring to track the transformation process. Tools like Apache Airflow offer built-in monitoring capabilities.
Optimized Data Loading
Loading data into the target system requires careful handling to ensure efficiency and data integrity:
Bulk Loading: Use bulk loading techniques for inserting large volumes of data. Many databases offer utilities optimized for bulk loading, significantly enhancing performance.
Transaction Management: Manage transactions properly to maintain data integrity. Use transactions to group related operations and rollback changes in case of failures.
Data Validation: Validate the loaded data to ensure it meets the expected schema and quality. This includes checking data types, constraints, and completeness.
Monitoring and Maintenance
Ongoing monitoring and maintenance are vital for a reliable ETL pipeline:
Automated Alerts: Set up automated alerts to notify of any failures or performance issues in the ETL pipeline. Apache Airflow can send notifications via email or messaging services.
Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your ETL processes to ensure data accuracy and integrity. This involves comparing source and target data and verifying correct application of transformations.
Performance Tuning: Continuously monitor and tune the performance of your ETL pipeline. Optimize SQL queries, index databases, and adjust batch sizes as needed.
Implementing a robust ETL pipeline using Python involves careful planning and adherence to best practices. By choosing the right libraries, designing scalable processes, and maintaining rigorous monitoring and maintenance routines, you can ensure your ETL pipeline is efficient, reliable, and capable of handling increasing data volumes. Whether working with small datasets or scaling to big data, these best practices will help you build and maintain a high-performance ETL pipeline, making the most of Python's capabilities in Extract, Transform, Load operations.
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technology01tools · 4 months
Understanding JSON View Online: Your Ultimate Guide
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In the world of web development and data interchange, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has emerged as a standard format due to its simplicity and ease of use. As developers and data analysts frequently interact with JSON data, tools that allow easy viewing and editing of JSON files are invaluable. One such tool is the JSON View Online. This blog post delves into what JSON View Online is, its benefits, and how to effectively use it.
What is JSON?
Before diving into JSON View Online, it's essential to understand what JSON is. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that's easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is primarily used to transmit data between a server and a web application as text. JSON is language-independent, making it a universal tool for data representation in various programming languages.
What is JSON View Online?
JSON View Online is a web-based tool designed to help users visualise, edit, and validate JSON data. It transforms raw JSON data into a readable and structured format, allowing developers and data analysts to work more efficiently. This tool is particularly useful when dealing with complex JSON structures, enabling quick debugging and analysis.
Benefits of Using JSON View Online
1. Enhanced Readability
One of the main advantages of JSON View Online is its ability to format JSON data into a readable structure. It indents and organises the data hierarchically, making it easier to understand and navigate through different levels of data.
2. Ease of Editing
With JSON View Online, you can easily edit JSON data directly in the browser. This feature is especially beneficial when you need to make quick changes or updates to your JSON files without downloading or using additional software.
3. Validation and Error Checking
JSON View Online often includes validation features that check the syntax of your JSON data. This helps in identifying and correcting errors, ensuring that the data conforms to the standard JSON format.
4. Accessibility
Being an online tool, JSON View Online is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. You don't need to install any software, making it a convenient option for developers working on different machines or collaborating remotely.
5. Time-Saving
By providing a clear and structured view of JSON data, JSON View Online saves time that would otherwise be spent deciphering raw JSON text. This allows developers to focus on more critical tasks rather than data formatting.
How to Use JSON View Online
Using JSON View Online is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Access the Tool
Open your web browser and navigate to a JSON View Online tool. There are several options available, so choose one that best fits your needs.
Step 2: Input Your JSON Data
You can input your JSON data in two ways:
Copy and Paste: Copy your JSON data and paste it into the provided text area.
Upload a File: Some tools allow you to upload a JSON file directly from your computer.
Step 3: Format and View
Once you've input your data, click the "Format" or "View" button. The tool will then process your JSON and display it in a readable format. You'll see the data organised hierarchically with expandable and collapsible sections for easy navigation.
JSON View Online is an essential tool for anyone working with JSON data. Its ability to format, edit, and validate JSON data makes it a valuable resource for developers and data analysts. By enhancing readability and providing easy editing and error-checking capabilities, JSON View Online tools save time and streamline the workflow. Whether you're debugging a complex JSON structure or making quick updates, these tools are indispensable in the modern data-centric world.
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fontlabs · 4 months
Sniglet Font Free Download
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Sniglet is a friendly display-rounded typeface that is an excellent choice for all child-friendly projects, including posters, headlines, book covers, and much more. So, please download it and enjoy it. This display font offers two styles including Regular and Extra bold. Haley Fiege is known as the primary designer of this child font. The font includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation. Just to make it thick and bold. So, when we look at it in the image, we feel that each letter is filled with a heavy color. This is the true identity of this unique font. All the letters of this stylish font family are in perfect shape with nice finish edges. To get an idea of ​​what your maps look like before using this beautiful typeface, we must look at the pictures of the character map here. Sniglet Font Font Name: Sniglet Font Style: Display, Child, Typeface Font Designer: Haley Fiege File Format: OTF License: Free For Personal Use Files: Sniglet (Opentype) And it also has a bold look that provides a shiny touch to any design. This fancy font is more effective all over the world. Many designers in the field are using it in regular projects. Due to its super cool bold appearance, it is suitable for game titlings, cartoon posters, comic books, kid’s bags, unique emblems, book covers, movie posters, special card printing, as well as many more. The great thing about this singlet font is that it’s free for personal use as well as for commercial purposes. Same as Olegos Font by Zac Freeland, and Matchbook Font by One by Four. With the best information, you can ask us if you would like more information. Otherwise, comment on it in the comments section below. So, you just click on a single button below and get it into your computer. Read the full article
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skyappz-academy · 4 months
"Why SkyAppz Academy is a Top Choice for Software Training"
SkyAppz Academy stands out as a leading institution for software training, offering comprehensive programs designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the dynamic field of technology. With a focus on quality education, practical experience, and industry-relevant curriculum, SkyAppz Academy has earned a reputation for excellence in software training. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why SkyAppz Academy is a top choice for individuals seeking to advance their careers in software development.
1. Industry-Experienced Instructors
SkyAppz Academy boasts a team of industry-experienced instructors who bring real-world expertise and insights to the classroom. With years of experience working in the technology sector, these instructors offer valuable perspectives, practical tips, and hands-on guidance to help students navigate the complexities of software development.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum
The curriculum at SkyAppz Academy is carefully crafted to cover a wide range of topics relevant to today's software development landscape. From programming languages and frameworks to design principles and best practices, students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for success in the industry.
3. Hands-On Projects
SkyAppz Academy emphasizes hands-on learning through practical projects and real-world scenarios. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a supportive environment, working on projects that simulate the challenges and demands of the software development profession.
4. State-of-the-Art Facilities
SkyAppz Academy provides state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest technology and resources. From modern classrooms and computer labs to collaborative workspaces and project rooms, students have access to everything they need to thrive in their learning journey.
5. Career Guidance and Support
SkyAppz Academy goes beyond classroom instruction to provide career guidance and support to its students. From resume building and interview preparation to networking opportunities and job placement assistance, the academy is committed to helping students achieve their career goals in software development.
6. Flexibility and Convenience
SkyAppz Academy offers flexible learning options to accommodate the needs of its diverse student body. Whether through in-person classes, online courses, or hybrid learning models, students can choose the format that best fits their schedule and preferences.
7. Positive Student Feedback and Success Stories
SkyAppz Academy has garnered positive feedback from students and alumni who praise the quality of instruction, the relevance of the curriculum, and the impact of their training on their careers. Success stories abound, with many graduates securing rewarding positions in top tech companies or launching successful entrepreneurial ventures.
SkyAppz Academy stands out as a top choice for software training due to its industry-experienced instructors, comprehensive curriculum, hands-on projects, state-of-the-art facilities, career guidance, flexibility, and positive student feedback. By prioritizing quality education, practical experience, and student success, SkyAppz Academy continues to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the ever-evolving field of software development.
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saudisports · 7 months
The Rise of Mobile and Its Influence on URL Shorteners
Introduction: The widespread adoption of mobile devices has significantly impacted digital marketing strategies, including the use of URL shorteners. As mobile usage continues to rise, businesses are increasingly leveraging shortened links to enhance user experience, track engagement, and optimize content delivery across various mobile platforms. This article explores the influence of mobile technology on URL shorteners and how businesses can capitalize on this trend to improve their marketing efforts.
Mobile-Friendly Link Sharing:
With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, users are more likely to access content on mobile devices than traditional desktop computers.
URL shorteners play a crucial role in optimizing link sharing for mobile users, as shortened links are easier to read, share, and navigate on smaller screens.
SMS and Messaging Apps:
Mobile messaging apps and SMS (Short Message Service) have become primary communication channels for many consumers.
URL shorteners enable businesses to share concise and clickable links via SMS and messaging apps, facilitating seamless communication and driving traffic to desired destinations.
Social Media Optimization:
Social media platforms are predominantly accessed via mobile devices, making mobile optimization essential for effective social media marketing.
Shortened links are ideal for sharing on social media platforms due to their compact format, which conserves character limits and enhances readability on mobile screens.
QR Code Integration:
QR (Quick Response) codes have gained popularity as a mobile-friendly way to share information and drive user engagement.
URL shorteners can generate QR codes linked to shortened URLs, enabling offline-to-online interactions and enhancing mobile marketing campaigns.
Mobile Analytics and Tracking:
Mobile-responsive URL shorteners provide valuable analytics insights into user engagement, click-through rates, and device preferences.
By tracking mobile-specific metrics, businesses can refine their mobile marketing strategies, optimize content for different devices, and improve overall campaign performance.
Deep Linking and App Engagement:
Deep linking allows users to navigate directly to specific content within mobile apps, enhancing user experience and app engagement.
URL shorteners with deep linking capabilities enable businesses to promote app content through shortened links, driving installations, engagement, and conversions.
Cross-Platform Compatibility:
Mobile-optimized URL shorteners ensure cross-platform compatibility, allowing links to function seamlessly across various devices and operating systems.
Businesses can reach a wider audience and maximize their marketing reach by delivering consistent and accessible content experiences across mobile and desktop platforms.
Conclusion: The rise of mobile technology has revolutionized the way consumers access and interact with digital content, presenting both opportunities and challenges for marketers. URL shorteners have emerged as indispensable tools for optimizing mobile engagement, facilitating link sharing, and tracking user behavior across mobile platforms. By embracing mobile-friendly URL shortening solutions and integrating them into their marketing strategies, businesses can enhance their mobile presence, drive user engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives in an increasingly mobile-centric world.
 The Best 10 URL Shorteners in 2024: A Complete Guide for Marketers
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