ehontee-archived · 10 years
Whatever else you wanna call it, this is the end for Haeri. She came a long way, round of applause to me for keeping a muse for a year and more without losing it, it was a miracle. But yeah this is the end for Haeri, I’m moving on to new things, new muses, which if you want to find me where I’m at now, just let me know I guess? But this is it, I lost the muse what can I do? I cried, I screamed but she just won’t come back so I’m letting my baby go. It’s life, things come and go, you let them come, you let them go. Or nobody’s happy. You’re definitely free to unfollow, aurevoir!! 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
( ’ god does he have to go and mention every little things that she’s stopped doing because she got used to him? this is the term she’s going to address this as, getting used to him. comfortable around him, like the way she gets so used to a pair of jeans—that it turns out to be her favourite. but let’s not get carried away, that’s like he’s turning out to be a favourite which is not true. he’s losing points so quickly and she pulls a face because even that is not true and that doesn’t sit well with her. okay maybe one or two points down. ) Basically you’re just saying that I just use my words and no actions, okay, fine, next time you get hit just remember your own words.
( ’ she’s saying that and pressing her palm against his chest, shoving him backwards only out of the light upsetting feeling that he’s hit it so right. frustrating, really, she would show it fully so if it isn’t also for the fact that she’s now catching up on what day today is, like he’s saying it and she’s realising it. remembering all the warnings her mother gave her about not forgetting and making it on time today to get ready to head out to his workplace. it sits there in the back of her mind while her eyes widen slightly before she’s blinking. ) well, I am dead, that’s it. Mom’s killing me today. It’s not like everyone has a super memory, and it’s never been important, I mean it’s not like before last week I was even considering even celebrating it—no offense but it’s just y’know, I’m all in it for the chocolate but the other stuff.
( ’ meaning the preparing, the gifts, the gifts—god the gifts. the thing she literally did not sleep to be able to bake for today and that her mother forced her do perfectly. why is she not moving though? she isn’t sure how to tell him that first, yeah, that’s right how to tell him that well, ) See, ( ’ she clears her throat, folding her arms and tapping her foot on the floor before looking up at him sheepish smile on her face. ) I kind of left what I had to wear at home. All of it, ( ‘she then gestures down to her current attire, which consists of this over sized shirt and these totally worn out pair of jeans. all covered in paints. ) This is the only thing I have so we might have to pass home first? ( ’ she’s tilting her head then, teeth sinking in her bottom. ) I also might need to shower? You might also have to entertain mom until I am ready?
"yes, we had a date." || soo & hae
( ‘she never failed to amuse him. even the cheeky grin now present had made it’s way to his lips without much thought on keeping it hidden. truth be told, he hadn’t grown more daring. always wanting to push her boundaries, to get her out of her comfort zone. he had done that from day one. his intentions were to see just how far he could go and how much he could get away with. you could have called him curious at the time or childish for simply wanting to annoy her. definitely not without some scratches and bruises along the way. the girl was a force to be reckoned with. however, it had been weeks since she had laid an ill hand on him. maybe that’s why he had grown comfortable—perhaps a bit—too comfortable. the little things he did were now his way of showing his affection for the female. something she had probably yet to pick up on. because to her he only did things to simply aggravate her. and that kept it interesting for them. this somewhat push and pull between the two of them or a tug of war for power. he would play along for now. )
Is that so? ( ‘he let an amused chuckle leave his lips while he set his attention on her. he knew very well that she was capable of doing so. he had even thought about it when he first entered the room. the chances of him being hit, but he would act as if it didn’t faze him. so with a look of disinterest at the female’s word she continued. ) But you didn’t. ( ‘he shoulders shrugging lightly. ) You always say that, you know? Mentioning how you could have taken me down or that you don’t chase me out. Maybe you should start doing so again? Just a thought. ( ‘one that he hoped she wouldn’t pay much attention to because he wished the words hadn’t left his mouth so easily. ) Knocking really isn’t my thing. And how does one forget the 14th of February so easily when you practically told me in the previous weeks how your mother was practically down your throat about us meeting today. I wouldn’t lie about having a date with you, Haeri. ( ‘he would totally lie about it, but it was best to keep that little secret to himself. ) Get dressed. 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
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( ehontee​ )   FISTS&FURY&SASH.
       They told me to fight like a                                        G  I  R  L                                                                                                       … ( So I did )
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
She wasn't going to do that. Lie to her boss, she wasn't going to. Because there was only one thing she was willing to lie about and that thing up until now was kept a secret from him. He respected that and for that reason only she'd made herself stop telling him other lies. So if anything that statement, that suggestion rolled off her without any impact. It was not happening. Nor was him hurting her boss happening ever, she didn't care for his status or what other people took him as--or hwy he always seemed and talked as if he was above it all, he wouldn't be above her wrath if it happened.
It just wasn't going to work. Death was not the only way to get a revenge, she'd learned that from experience. She knew a thing or two about getting through people without having to actually use her fists. As unbelievable as it was until they actually faced it and saw it for themselves. Then there he went again, assuming that she wouldn't be able to handle whatever other options were listed on the table and even if a truth could be heard in what he'd said, still it made her roll her eyes. Made her ignore the drop of sweat that were starting to make themselves known against her skin.
She made herself swallow the bile that the thought of the needle had put there in her throat, and thanked the intervention of the knocks because it got him out of the bathroom. Long enough for her to roll down the end of her jogging so that it covered the wound again and to rise from the edge of the tub. She was not going to let him fix it. He'd undone it, but she wouldn't let him fix it. It was a sudden certitude, but it was there. Not just the fear of the needles but also this tingling feeling that she didn't want him to be the one to do it. She kept quiet, no because he'd shushed her but because she was busying herself, gathering her bag from the floor of the room and anything else she'd left all other the place, jacket, coat, boots that were right by the side of the bed. It looked as messy as her mind had been a moment ago.
A contrast to how clear it felt right now, breathing in the words that sunk in the back of her mind, Should have done that hours ago. She agreed, so she took a breath and made her way to the door. Her eyes catching the sight of something rolling, her eyes catching the sound but she was making her way past it without paying much attention to it. She didn't want to. She had a throb in her leg, a wound that was begging her to just be put together, be whole again. and so even if it stung, it would sting while knowing it would be flesh that was bound and not undone. 
Yet, Sash walked right past all of that, clenched her teeth and used the opportunity of the open door to slide out of the room. She managed to and did not turn to look back, "I'll walk to the hospital, see you in hell." although the words were thrown over her shoulders as she made her way down the corridor, wanting to hurry but just merely being able to actually walk on her wounded leg so that the pressure was further put on the good one. A rather crooked walk, but her shoulders were set straight and square despite the unbalance it brought to her shape. 
[ ♔ ——— “So you’ll earn the money when you’re back in the ring. He has a problem with it he can talk to me and we all know how my talks go. So unless you’re looking for new management I suggest you tell him it was an accident.” 
His tone of voice suggest that it could be a joke but this isn’t a manner in which he’s kidding around. If he gets trouble her boss is going to be in a body bag floating down a river. So he let his temper get the worst of him. What’s done is done at this point. If someone kicked up a fuss about it he’d just let them know that it could’ve been worse. He could’ve killed her. He wanted to, but he didn’t want to explain why he was yet again banned from another hotel. He hadn’t even hit twenty-one and the list was starting to get a little long. How much trouble could a nineteen year old kick up before someone caught onto it. In his case it was a lot. He didn’t want to add onto that by turning that a lot into a big ball of suspicion. He was barely hanging on by a thread as it was. His saving grace? His age. No one thought a nineteen year old kid capable of the stunts the famed Lee family enforcer pulled. Jaehwa wanted to keep it that way.
"There are plenty of solutions I could offer but you won’t make it through 90% of them. So either I do this my way or I��m going to leave you in here to die." He’s got no time for fear and where someone else might baby her and talk her through it — Jaehwa is just itching for a cigarette. Though he can’t deny the appeal of setting her skin ablaze in order to cauterize the wound. "Or I can dump you at the nearest hospital. Your choice. You’ve got five seconds." 
He’s distracted momentarily by a knock on the door. For a brief second he’s under the assumption that someone had heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. Jaehwa has since clothed himself, but he’d left his gun on the bed. It’s snatched up and in his hand before he shushes her and makes his way out of the bathroom and over to the door. A peek out and he knows it’s room service but he takes no chances as he puts on one of his faker smiles and props it open a little bit. There’s a brief exchange and then the door is fully opened allowing the cart to roll in.
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
♀♂ !!
There was surprise on his features the moment the person next to him started mentioning who the other guy really was with vivid explanation that had him more horrifed by the seconds. 
          The horror of it left him mouth wide           open and eyes widening just a tad           bit as well before he started to talk. 
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"Please don’t approach me, just knowing what you did and seeing you has me like imagining all of it and god fucking damn it, it’s disgustingly disgusting, as disgusting as anything that comes out of your asshole can be." And talking about it did not make anything easier so that Miles found himself sputtering a little and shaking his head with the sound he made. So yes, he kind of had an exaggerated imagination, nothing he could do against that. It’d take him a hundred of brainwashing periods for him to actually start looking at the boy without wanting to puke his guts out. Fuck he’d just thought that, he'd just put that in his head, done that to himself. 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
     《― He pursed his lips to her words, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from bursting. He had practiced lying, and it was barely noticeable if he was doing it or not, so how did this person know that he was? Maybe they just thought that he was, and used this kind of method to make sure of it. Strange method, but it worked. By pursing his lips and biting the inside of his cheeks, he had blown his cover and would have to speak for his actions.
"I did not think that it would matter," He said, shrugging his shoulders after. "I honestly thought I would never see you again, and as one lie pops up, more follow along. It was sort of your fault for dragging yourself into all of this," he nodded to himself, agreeing to his own words and hoped that the latter would understand his point of view. Lately he had made people mad by his actions and words, maybe this one would be a little better. "One thing is true though, I do enjoy your presence,"
Her fault for dragging herself into this? All she'd been doing was telling him what he needed in order to get better at what he supposedly told her he wasn't good at. Decomposing computers and their systems was something she really enjoyed doing by herself, she should have put herself in the technology program but there was no way her mother would have allowed it. It was fine though, long as she was not forbidden from doing it at home, she was fine with it.
She'd met the guy all but once and he'd seemed so eager that she told him what she knew, she was always eager to talk about the many ways of hacking through a system without being noticed and beating a record time while doing so too. But then she'd gotten home and figured she had to make sure of who he was, call it a hunch, call it something itching at the back of her mind but Haeri had this sense that she had to and what she'd found out did not please her. Because wherever the law was involved, it never pleased her. It was no coincidence that she found him again, she made this happen. Him sitting here in front of her trying to act as if he was still interested in something that he clearly knew more about than he let her believe the last time so the words were out before she could stop herself and he was telling her she got herself into this?
"Hey now, stop a minute, you clearly asked me to show you these things, I did not offer, you dragged me into this, so you better tell me what it is you're getting out of this. Because you being associated with the law, does not make it easy for you at all." She was upset, yes heavily so, not for being tricked, no, but for the fact that he was acting as if he'd done nothing wrong when he'd taken a part of herself that she rarely let anyone else have. "It matters, don't just take this thing lightly. I don't really give a fuck about you appreciating my presence or not, the fact is you're a liar, you lied to me, and I seriously want everything I genuinely told you out of sheer happiness to share something I love, back right now." She leaned against her chair, arms folded as her chin lifted up when she pulled a face at him, "But since that can't be done, let's just say that you owe me one, one huge one, really huge that you might never be able to pay till the day you die." 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
RULE 1. You can only say GUILTY or INNOCENT. RULE 2. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks! Now, here’s what you’re supposed to do… And please do not spoil the fun. Delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 3-10 of your friends to answer this.
Tagged by: vedrremo, estravaganzae, minzminz Tagging: i am too lazy for this today.
1. Asked someone to marry you? Guilty. 2. Kissed one of your friends? Innocent. 3. Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent. 5. Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? Innocent. 6. Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent. 7. Kissed a picture? Guilty. 8. Slept in until 5 PM? Guilty. 9. Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty. 10. Held a snake? Innocent. 11. Been suspended from school? Innocent. 12. Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? Innocent. 13. Stolen something? Guilty. 14. Been fired from a job? Innocent. 15. Done something you regret? Innocent. 16. Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose?Innocent. 17. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Guilty. 18. Kissed in the rain? Innocent. 19. Sat on a roof top? Guilty. 20. Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Innocent. 21. Sang in the shower? Guilty. 22. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Innocent. 23. Shaved your head? Innocent. 24. Slept naked? Guilty. 25. Had a boxing membership? Guilty. 26. Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Innocent. 27. Been in a band? Innocent. 28. Shot a gun? Guilty. 29. Donated blood? Guilty. 30. Eaten alligator meat? Innocent. 31. Eaten cheesecake? Guilty. 32. Still love someone you shouldn’t? Innocent. 33. Have/had a tattoo? Guilty. 34. Liked someone, but will never tell who? Innocent. 35. Been too honest? Guilty. 36. Ruined a surprise? Guilty. 37. Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can’t walk afterwards?Guilty. 38. Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty. 39. Dressed in a woman’s clothes (if you’re a guy) or man’s clothes (if you’re a girl)? Guilty. 40. Joined a pageant? Guilty. 41. Been told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? Guilty. 42. Still have communication w/ your ex? Innocent. 43. Cheated on someone? Innocent. 44. Get totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning? Innocent. 45. A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? Innocent. 46. Get totally angry that you cried so hard? Guilty. 47. Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? Guilty. 48. Thought about suicide? Innocent. 49. Thought about murder? Guilty. 50. How about Mass Murder? Guilty. 51. Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? Guilty. 52. Stalked someone? Guilty. 53. Had a girlfriend/boyfriend? Guilty. 54. Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? Innocent.
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
It was odd, but what about her wasn't odd? Would be her mother's choice of words if she ever had spoken the words out loud. It made her feel as if the woman was standing right next to her and gazing down at the spoon Haeri was now keeping in her mouth instead of pulling it out to take another spoonful of ice cream. She was treating herself to a cold treat outside, in the dark of a chilly winter. 
Yes she was, because she'd felt like it. If she felt like it, she had to do it, a principle she went by ever since she was a little and she was not about to get rid of just because winter was here and her craving for ice cream had to be stopped because winter was here. Winter could suck it, Lee Haeri wanted to have her ice cream during its time. But she was then interrupted from taking her second spoon, a voice, or a question, it had her turning around--spoon held up in the air and blinking at the man. He looked quite out of his element, but then again he was telling her that he was getting away from people and it was understandable then--as to why he did not look to be in a right mood. Whatever a right mood was, she'll assume it was a mood that did not put her on edge or made her want to grind her teeth the way she almost did now.
"Right, but you're explaining later after I help you or you better be sure that I'll get you caught without even knowing who you are. Because see, dude, you're interrupting my treat time." She was holding the cup of ice cream but also letting out a sigh as she shut slid the spoon inside and shut the lid, "Alright, kid," So she said, not because she assumed that he was younger than her or anything, just out of habit and then she was walking away from where he was standing, assuming that he'd follow her seeing as she'd titled her head before doing so. "So just follow me, I got a ride waiting for me at the end of this road, I'm pretty sure Mr. Kim can help you." 
                                     Silence. Utter and dark silence washed over the male who was leaning with his back against the wall of an old rundown building. Closing his eyes to calm himself down, he remained hidden for several minutes. He wasn’t sure if he had been able to get rid of him, or if he had just run into his own doomed fate of being caught.
"Damn assholes,"his hoarsely voice cracked from exhaustion, as he gathered his strength to turn around and walk down the now empty street,away from his hiding spot. Junmyeon had hoped he’d never have to ask for help again, especially not when it came to reporters but apparently, got some kind of sick from following him to the Cemetery and taking pictures. And now he was finding himself in a similar situation as many weeks, months, years ago. Upon spotting a person, one he literally didn’t know and frankly, didn’t want to get to know either he figured that this could be his chance to get away from all the shit that was literally following him.
"Excuse me Miss    " he started, clearing his throat awkwardly. "I don’t have any time for an explanation right now but please help me out. There are some people following me and I need to get away.”
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
[ O ] REC. 'FEB - 01 - 15
   — b e e p.
Threads were tangled around her feet, threads that were her laptop's chargers, or that belonged to her earphones that she'd flung across the room once she remembered she had to do today's memo. Today's memo had to be done, it was a sort of urgency that had her wanting to rip what was making it almost impossible to get to her phone so she could record it. But then it was safe and sound in her arms, fingers sliding across the screen to the page that held the files where her thoughts went, where her voice went. A password quickly entered and then she was able to pull up a new recording set. 
"Don't you go judging me now." First words that left her the moment the button was pressed. It was always odd at first, hearing it then seeing the red light that went on blinking until she'd press stop, "I had to choose, see? It's like this thing where you sign a life contract with the devil one way or another your soul's gonna go to him, and you're never going back again. The association wouldn't just let me go, I've got things on them and let's be honest I was one of the bests for the short amount I was there." An arch of her eyebrows, talking to herself had never been a hardship for her, so talking to the screen of her phone almost felt the same if not better because she'd be able to repeat it later on if she started to forget why she wanted to do this. It tended to happen. 
"So it was either I go back to killing," A nervous tick, fingers quickly pushing away a strand of hair behind her ear, tongue swiping across her bottom lip, "Or I do something else but stay bound to them so I chose something else. I can't kill, I cant do it anymore not when he's not with me because it's just not the same but also because I promised! I'd be good, I promised, but it doesn't mean I can't cheat a little. Besides my skills were going to deteriorate if I didn't have a place where to put them to good use, this is a win win, it's not something I didn't do before, I started there." She started picking at the sheets of her bed before then clicking her tongue, a smile on her full lips before her front teeth sunk in them. Releasing them the next minute so she could talk again, "And that is the big change of this month! Tune in for another Haeri's stupid or fucked up thoughts episode whenever it happens." 
                                                                                                                                         — b e e p.
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
She could do appointments without having to show up, but he had to be damn old fashioned—questioning her abilities to keep their transactions anonymous which was offending to the core—but it was also attributed to the fact that the man could never be too safe. It felt like it at least, he literally reserved the entire restaurant for this appointment—it looked to unnaturally empty, she was sure that if she’d changed her hairstyle or anything on her the guards would not have let her in with how security was tight when it came to him.
It was a good thing for them this was not her real color, but she kept to it. Because she did not want to ever go back to the real her, it did not exist. It wore no name no shapes, just memories that were slowly fading, too slowly for her taste but she’d do with it until all of it vanished. As it was though, she walked in the restaurants, hands in her pockets. Her attire did not bother her, so what if she looked as if she’d just come from training and sweating, she’d come from doing exactly that there was no need to sugarcoat it. But she felt a sigh before she dropped in the seat facing his.
She parted her lips to speak, but before doing so took his words to heart and went on to do just that, make herself at home, a small grin settling to tugging the corner her mouth as she did so. Coat was off and put to the side, beanie was taken down and put down where the coat was laid, so that she looked less nonchalant underneath. Sure thing she’d come from training, but she’d also taken a shower,  and thrown on a pair of clean clothes. “I ‘unno how you always do this, talk like you care or ya wanna care, but I don’t.”
          Her head was tilted as           she gave away that answer.
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"I am sittin’ here, life’s still good, you’re sittin’ here and it tells me your life’s damn well, let’s get to why we’re here." Was she allowed to speak to him in such manners? Most likely than not, more than most likely than no. But it was out and she leaned against her seat, fingers coming up to drum lightly on the table in between them, her lips pursing around a small smile. But she felt great doing this.
food for thought. it was a phrase best taken both figuratively & literally, which was why countless people inclined to conduct businesses during meals, and he was no exception, considering how it had practically become a ritual over the years and especially the fact he even owned a restaurant. 
the person he was scheduled to meet tonight had yet to come, and in the meanwhile, he was checking through their contract one last time. the document was handwritten, as was his custom, rather than typed and printed with an encrypted back-up file stored on a protected computer system. call him old-fashioned ( and perhaps overcautious, too ), but he didn’t trust technology, and cyberspace in particular, where everything was exposed to the risk of being discovered & traced & obtained. in addition, there was the chance of the attack coming from inside the organization, with classified information slowly leaked little by little until nobody was capable of counteracting the damage when the treachery was detected — whereas keeping manuscripts granted him the advantage of strictly controlling who was permitted to know what details. certainly he could afford some highly skilled hackers to secure his network ; then again, no matter how good his employees were, better & determined enthusiasts would always exist, waiting to be put to good use by his resourceful rivals.
needless to say, the same reason lay behind his preference for arranging face-to-face meetings, not to mention they also allowed him to learn more of his partners and thus decide whether or not to maintain connections with them.
silence filled the place as it had been completely cleared out two hours prior and put under heavy guard due to the illegal nature of the discussion, the only sounds audible was generated by the pages turning, the ticking of his watch, the steady heaving of his chest and the faint chatting of his subordinates in the background. a few moments passed by, the arrival of the female and the echoes of her footsteps finally interrupted the stillness of the environment.
                                                   ” long time no see, sash. take your seat,                                                       and      make     yourself      at     home. "
thin lips stretched into friendly smile as to greet the new presence, and he put the folder down onto the empty chair next to him, gesturing for a waitress to fill their glasses with liquor and to gradually serve the dishes. despite her young age, the girl was guaranteed of efficiency & innovation, hence she had quickly made it into his list of favorite assassins, and he didn’t have many to begin with. 
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                                       ” so, how’s life going ? “
( dining etiquette 101 : start with the small talk. )
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
"A gray cloud is all I look like? I failed then." She let the words roll off her tongue with her nose scrunching up, it was just a jest, nothing firm or solemn in the way she spoke now. There was a pink high on her cheeks, not out of embarrassment but only because whenever she swallowed a bit of alcohol at times the heat would rise up under her collar and warm up her skin then fade away until it was ready to flare up again. She felt herself humming, tongue wetting her bottom lip before she took the offered drink, took it and then just looked at it for a few seconds.
Were they celebrating? She wasn’t fond of the liquor, she had to be honest. It brought in her a side that spoke too loud, spoke too much, felt too much and at times made her feel like she was twelve again, running in the snow with her brother hot at her tail. Falling face first in the shiver of the cold and having a weight on top of hers, Haerim joining in at the last minute when she was down. Always when she was down and yet she never really held it against him.  She’d play as if she did and he’d pout and go tell their mother that she was being mean. Apologizing wasn’t hard then because it didn’t matter that she had to say sorry because she wasn’t sorry, it was a purposeful banter and her mother knew it. She had this smile that she’d loved as a child, the one that did not  scold but simply adored.
Sash took a sip when the image settled in the back of her mind, she thought of it as heavy but it was light on her shoulders when she cleared her throat, “It’s not stress, it’s distaste, they’re different.” Distaste because this holiday was something her family adored, they probably still adored it. It was the only time of the year where they would all be there even the one that had been forbidden from ever coming home again. On his choice or their parents’ choice, it had never been decided. He’d always drop by on Christmas and everyone would act as if he’d always never been home, like he hadn’t left for years now and they hadn’t had any news for years on and on.
"Stress sits on your  shoulders and doesn’t let ya do anythin’, makes ya sweat until your throat is tight for water. Distaste just leaves ya light as a feather, but bitter as the first sip of coffee." Like the laughter that left her when she was done talking, making sense or not she did not care for it at the moment. It was a moment of rejoice and both a moment of longing, but she felt none of them. She just felt as if she’d swam in a river where the entire world’s caffeine had been dumped in, there was no buzz just the aftermath of having indulged in the treat—if it could be named as such. She let out a sigh once her laughter died in the back of her throat, no choking followed just this sigh that had her bumping her head on the back of the couch before holding up the bottle to Sungkyung.
Perhaps it’s a little amusing to have the other stand in front of her with that type of attitude being displayed in front of her. Hence is why she’s stifling a laugh with lips tightly forced together. Two simple words and somehow that was enough to recall how she’s been feeling the entire day. There wasn’t anyone who tugged her down to her worse of moods but with everything going on it ends up being overwhelming and she had to open the door numerous times to retract gifts without any advance information that someone was arriving for a quick minute or two.
❝Look at ya’, a damn gray cloud is hanging on the top of you. I’m surprised you haven’t smacked a bitch on your way here.❞ Sungkyung points out. Trying to figure out what happened to Sash before she arrived at the comforts of her home, nonetheless whether she was willing to inform her or not; she asked. Never really caring too much if there was going to be an answer in return. Lithe fingers carelessly brushed against her hair without caring too much of it falling at random areas.
It’s not her ideal situation of celebrating the Holidays, normally used to closer company besides her or isolating herself for another day or two to avoid anyone she knows because there was no particular reason to celebrate it when she didn’t thoroughly enjoyed it genuinely. Maybe as a child, it was the only time where she was actually willing to spend time around people who she loved and it wasn’t too much of the thought of being spoiled of presents. Times changed and she’s barely asking for anything from people. Presents were given at random from what they know about her and that’s all it was.
Lips drifting an inch away from one another, wanting to speak out loud but she resulted into nothing but absolute silence. Complying by following close behind the other woman and her behind was resting on the cushion of the couch. Nails scratched against the nape of her neck, breathing deeply through her nose and her fingers coiled around against the bottle. Guiding it to her lap in order to twist the cap, removing it without much difficulty on her part. A tiny pop retaliates in return due to her actions and surprisingly despite her wanting to have a good taste of the liquor dripping down against her mouth and down her throat. Sungkyung offers it to the latter.
The bottle was lifted up and was hanging in front of the other’s perspective. Barely caring for how considerate she was thinking about the other but if she was going to have Sash around for an entire day. She wanted a more brighter expression, one where she actually enjoys seeing than this — she considers ‘nonsense.’ Which isn’t, Sungkyung just isn’t used to seeing this sight, it’s not even often it was displayed in front of her to begin with. ❝First serve. Since you brought it here and look at ya’, you’re practically stressing as fuck anyways.❞
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
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send me a ♚ and I will make an edit of our muses for: vedrremo
It's the story of a little girl, not grown, who finds solace in wanting freedom. So that she latches onto the powerful mind that it inputs in her. Wanting to fly not high up in the sky, but with her feet on the ground and her head in the clouds. With her voice carrying thousands light words and not letting out the heavy ones that temper her tongue, bruises her lips, sharp as the fangs that are scrapping inside of her ears. 
It's the story of a woman who walks in her life at one point and makes her not think of it. Wise as the story would have to make her be, the little girl shows her a side of the world that thrives on childishness. So that they jump together, they laugh, they look at the sun and they don't worry about the lingering untold bits of their lives.
It's the stories of two women, with flowers and sunshine that guides their steps, it's gifts and discovery, the most beautiful world crafted by their own hands, with ties that they put around their throats, tighten as each days pass. A world where lies untold truths, whereas the truth does not matter until it shatters the perfect picture. Till it brings them down like the pills that she has to swallow to make herself sleep at night, down like the blood that she wants to drink until her thirst is quenched. But within the lies that come from bruised lips, unfold unexpected petals, blooming a flower in a red so deep that it puts to shame what both of their hearts desire.
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
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send me a ♚ and I will make an edit of our muses for: 87427
There's a tug on her mouth, lips moving with a soft humming sound. She's listening to the music, but mostly she's watching because it seems the other woman is immediately engrossed the moment she tries to show Haeri some dancing moves. She doesn't mind much, there's a grace to her and Haeri's been finding it more and more interesting as they do meet. She's not even sure of how she came to know her, popularity and all, but then there's the fact that she attends the university. 
Although the program she's in does not actually help with meeting arts students, which is why she subscribed to an additional art class. Wanting to expand. So one project led to talks, talks led to actually keeping conversations, which is an easy task for Haeri so that she asked her once, can I see you dance? I've seen videos online, you're pretty good and the woman agreed. The dance studio of the university served its purpose very well since they were on a break before heading to their next schedule before Haeri's curiosity had peeked in. 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
[ public announcement that tumblr user zoeire is a miniature. the denial is too strong ] 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
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send me a ♚ and I will make an edit of our muses for: siriuskun
They meet under a disguise, unknown if not for the words that are quickly typed. Information sent from an unknown number so that her identity can be be kept secret so is his--the picture of the target is now in his device. Her mission is successful for that minute and she just has to wait for another thirty minutes before escaping the school. She's sure he'll get it, she's sure that her aim was right, that she got the face as good as she could. Good meaning perfect for her. 
But when the mask falls, when the disguise is no more, he looks at her, thinks he knows her. Have I seen you before? It's the first thing he sends her after a few weeks of bumping into each other. He likes her art it seems or maybe he's just curious for the way she feels as if he knows her, she's happy to provide either way. She doesn't want to dwell on the familiarity. When she meets him again she tells him that everyone always look like you've seen them once or twice, would you like a painting? There's a tilt to her head, a charm to the way she offers. She rarely offers to strangers, but just because she's ignoring the familiarity does not mean she won't act upon it. 
He feels like no stranger, so he barely smiles but agrees and she settles to show him how she does it without any brushes. She's learned that, it's new. Still black and white, but she's improving. She's proud. He sits next to her, asks her questions while she finishes and she tells him she's painting shadows across white sheets, tainting. She doesn't look at him when he hums as if he understands. It's odd but fitting. 
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
Send me a ♚ and I will make an edit of our muses
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ehontee-archived · 10 years
"Happened to be in the way," There came a snort as she rolled her eyes, "Charming, tell that to my boss when he asks me why the fucking hell I can’t fight for the following weeks."
She kept her eyes moving, from time to time, watching him move around the place, clean the dirty floor before she’d spoken, but she’d spoken already, fallen into the bit of that habit that she tried her hardest to never let show. Words. Words to cover up for when she felt uncomfortable, words that’d run out of her mouth without any mean to stop them, the moment she’d become Sash, she swore control over that. So far? So far, she’d been so god damn good ,especially with the adderall it was much easier to focus on what she wanted to say and what she did not want to say.
But she was snapped out of it with his words, he was going to stitch it? Put it all back to place? She was both apprehensive of the idea of having to fix this hole and—truth be told she could barely stand needles on her skin. She could push away a lot of things, and she usually would clean up the wounds of others, fixing other’s was not a problem. In fact she enjoyed it, the act of undoing and putting back together was something she enjoyed. As if playing a little God, despite her lack of belief in the being. But Sash had a thing to admit, she hated needles. She just kind of did not want any close to her skin, it was not just about the pain, not at all, it was this irrational fear of something other than a blade piercing through her skin. Something so little that could get lost in her veins and the threads--those were dreadful.
"Is there no other solution, alwas gotta be sitches?" She spoke, knowing very well that it was a stupid question. What happened when Sash wanted to avoid having to look scared once in her life, in front of someone that would definitely take it as a weakness? She talked. "Y’know, something like burning the hole together, putting it back together with fire or hot charcoal, yea, that. Do we gotta use needles? I mean, it’s tiny, it gets lost in the skin, it’s tiny!" She was looking up at him, eyebrows drawn together, quite honestly ready to bolt out the moment he even dared to approach her with a needle. This was why her boss would often sedate her before having someone fix her open wounds. She’d squirm, she’d yell, she’d hesitate and make everything a thousand times more difficult than it actually would be if she’d just stay still. Even if he found out about that fear of hers in the worst way possible, considering it left a scar, a permanent one and that did not help the phobia she had of needles in the slightest bit.
[ ♔ ——— Normally when they got to this point he’d leave. They’d separate for two or three months, get caught up in their lives with other people and become distant memories in each others minds. Then crash into each other again a torrid affair filled with anger and hate and bitterness because that’s how he operated and he had the ability to change the entire atmosphere of relationships he created with people. He and Sash were no different it could be something amicable if he allowed it to be but he set the tone for their interactions most of the time and they were never good unless a bed was involved.
But he can’t trust her not to hold this against him. Not that he wouldn’t deserve that but he deserves a great deal of things that are never properly given to him. He can’t afford to do anything but cover this up which is what keeps him there. He could kill her now and be done with it, but if no one heard the gunshots before they’d confirm them if they sounded again. It’s time like these he should really invest in keeping a silencer around. He doesn’t ask if she’s okay. He knows that she’s not. He knows if he says anything it’s only going to end with her yelling at him and he’d laugh because it’s the only way he’d be able to keep himself from shooting her in her other leg. She wouldn’t think that was funny. She’d probably make attempts to kill him. She might do that anyway.
She doesn’t want him to touch her even though he’s trying to help. He doesn’t fight it. Finding it easier to let her drag herself around. She seems fascinated by the injury which is more than he can say about himself. He’s seen on bullet hole, even the ones that have lined his body, he’s seen them all. So there’s no particular interest in seeing her bleed all over his room. He leaves her to her thoughts in the bathroom and begins to throw towels on the trail that has followed her there. She demands he clean it after he’s already done so but doesn’t reply until each white cloth is a smear of pinks and red.
"Shut up. Or I’m going to shoot you again and this time I’m actually going to aim my gun. You just happened to be in the way before." He doesn’t mean that — yes he does — but he isn’t going to do what he says. It wouldn’t kill him to be nice to her but he doesn’t know the meaning of the word. Instead he orders food. He calls down to the front desk to cover his ask and nose around just in case the neighbors in the rooms next to them heard something funky. He even changes because he’s got blood on his socks, and his boxers. In all the time he’s busying himself he can’t think of a single apology to offer her. He can’t even think up an excuse. She pissed him off so he shot her. That was how the story unfolded. At some point though he sticks his head in the bathroom to make sure she’s not dead.
"Are you going to let me stitch that up so you’ll stop bleeding all over the damn place?" Jaehwa speak for — well it’s exactly what it sounds like.
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