#best psychologist doctor
drsrikanthreddy · 1 year
Best Psychologist and Nasha Mukti Doctor in Indore
Drugs, alcohol, and even tobacco in any form are addictions that are very hard to get rid of. Once addicted and unable to become drug-free can not only ruin that person’s life but his entire family can be ruined. Drug addiction can ruin generations and damage society to the point of no return. The longer one is on drugs, the harder it is to pull him away from it. Here one can imagine how difficult the life and task of the best psychologist doctor working in a nasha mukti kendra, working towards rehabilitating drug addicts who are on drugs for ages. 
There are many drug rehabilitation centres in almost all the big cities in India, but a few of them do their jobs sincerely. Dr Srikanth Reddy in Indore is a well-experienced Psychiatrist who has his clinic in Vijay Nagar Indore, name Dr. Reddy’s Mind Clinic. It is considered one of the best centres in the country to solve problems of patients related to addictions, sex-related or being neuro psychiatric in nature. Dr. Srikanth Reddy is committed to providing the best and most cost-effective treatment to his patients. He ensures that his patients leave his clinic fully satisfied. 
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There are various benefits for a drug addict if he chooses to visit a nasha mukti kendra or a rehabilitating centre. These are: 
They get a stable environment. It is also with a safe atmosphere. This helps in keeping the drug abuser safe and protected from these drugs and their temptations. 
They have to follow a strict daily routine during the process of getting detoxicated. Besides treatments and daily life chores, they get community counselling at fixed timing. They also get one-to-one therapy with alternative therapy and the help of support groups. They get healthy nutrition with everyday physical exercise. 
Counsellors specialists in detoxicating drug abusers are the biggest help in these nasha mukti kendras. They help these addicts to move towards a better and drug-free life. These counsellors are life savers for these drug abusers. 
People work in groups to get rid of their drug addiction habits in these nasha mukti kendras. They go through a similar experience in their lives and fight together to come out of it. It is tremendously beneficial for addicts in these nasha mukti kendras as working together towards deaddiction reinforces their courage to be normal again. 
The details of the patients being treated here are kept absolutely confidential. Many of the patients are keen on maintaining their privacy in their battle against their addiction. Their reputation is protected and every care is taken that they do not return to their habits after they leave the rehabilitation centres and go home. 
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Dr. Srikanth Reddy is the top sexologist, who practices in Vijay Nagar Indore, M.P., He has done MBBS, MD in best psychologist doctor and has helped a number of patients during this period. He has won accolades and has been awarded the Best Therapist by Morphic Minds. Certificate course in sex therapy and counselling from Mumbai. 
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marketcontent · 2 years
The Best Psychologist Doctors in Mumbai
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In order to understand people's behavior, psychologist doctors evaluate and research the behavioral and mental processes of individuals. They can be categorized as social, behavioral, or cognitive specialists depending on their areas of specialization. Clinical psychologists use empirical and deductive methods, as well as symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques as necessary, to assess and treat behavioral issues and mental illnesses.
These professionals assess cognitive and behavioral functions such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, intelligence, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, and personality. Psychologists work as therapists in clinics, counseling facilities, schools, and colleges. Child psychologists are experts at deciphering how a child's mental processes work and providing the best possible care. Marital counseling sessions are available for married couples who are having problems in their relationship. By scrolling up, you can see a list of every psychologist doctor in Mumbai.
Online, Justdial is the best resource for locating a reputable psychologist doctor. The best psychologist doctors in your area can be found by searching for "psychologist doctors" or "psychologist near me." Additionally, you can find out pertinent details about their services, business hours, accepted payment methods, the qualifications of the doctors, etc.
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Look they are anxious golden retriever x mental support black cat coded
P. S. Ignore the amount of different signs, it just that i have different signatures for different art accounts on different platforms, confusing i know, i think ill have to unite them sometime soon.
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
It's done 🏳️‍⚧️
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hauntingblue · 10 months
I forgot how fucking hard it hits when nami just goes back to the town after her berries get stolen and just all cheery says she is going to make them again do not worry. Jesus
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chessentans · 2 years
I like when you have multiple mental illnesses that combine together like horrible Voltron to make one particular thing difficult for you
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maarga12 · 1 year
Contact us for the best Psychiatric Treatments in Bangalore
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Contact Maarga Mindcare for Severe Depression and other mental illnesses. We offer mental health treatments for psychological disorders. Book counselling now Best Psychiatrists in Bangalore
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healthgennie · 14 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Social Media Addiction in Teens?
Social media has become an integral part of daily life, especially for teens. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat offer endless entertainment, social interaction, and a sense of belonging. However, the increasing reliance on these platforms has given rise to a significant issue: social media addiction. This addiction can have serious consequences on the mental and physical well-being of teens. As parents, educators, and health professionals, it's crucial to understand this problem and provide the necessary support to help teens navigate these challenges.
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In this article, we will explore the phenomenon of social media addiction in teens, its signs and symptoms, the underlying causes, and effective strategies to address and overcome it. With insights from the Best Health App for students in India and consultations with some of the Best Psychologists in India, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand and combat social media addiction in teens.
Understanding Social Media Addiction in Teens
Social media addiction is a behavioral disorder characterized by an excessive and irrational use of social media platforms. For teens, the constant need to stay connected, gain approval, and avoid missing out can lead to an unhealthy dependence on these platforms. The Best Psychologist in India explains that this addiction is often driven by the dopamine rush that comes from receiving likes, comments, and shares. This continuous cycle of seeking validation can lead to a loss of self-esteem and increased anxiety, especially if the expected social recognition is not achieved.
Signs and Symptoms of Social Media Addiction
Recognizing social media addiction in teens can be challenging, but there are several signs and symptoms to look out for:
1. Excessive Screen Time: Spending an inordinate amount of time on social media, often at the expense of other activities like studying, sports, or spending time with family.
2. Sleep Disruption: Staying up late to scroll through social media feeds, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and fatigue.
3. Neglect of Responsibilities: Ignoring academic responsibilities, household chores, or personal hygiene in favor of social media.
4. Mood Swings: Experiencing irritability, anxiety, or depression when unable to access social media.
5. Isolation: Withdrawing from real-life social interactions to spend more time online.
If you notice these signs in a teen, it may be time to seek professional help. You can find the Best Doctor Near Me for a thorough assessment, or consider an Online Doctor Consultation Plan to discuss these concerns from the comfort of your home.
Causes of Social Media Addiction in Teens              
The root causes of social media addiction are complicated and can vary from one teen to another. Some of the primary factors include:
1. Peer Pressure: Teens often feel the need to conform to their peers' online behavior, leading to excessive use of social media.
2. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): The fear of missing out on trends, events, or social interactions can drive teens to stay constantly connected online.
3. Validation and Self-Worth: Many teens seek validation through likes, comments, and followers, equating their self-worth with their online popularity.
4. Escapism: Social media can offer an escape from real-life problems, providing a temporary distraction from stress or emotional distress.
Understanding these causes can help in developing effective strategies to address and reduce social media addiction.
Impact of Social Media Addiction on Teens
The impact of social media addiction on teens can be profound, affecting both their mental and physical health. A Female Psychologist in Jaipur explains that prolonged exposure to social media can lead to:
1. Mental Health Issues: Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are common among teens addicted to social media. The constant comparison with others can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.
2. Cognitive Impairments: Excessive use of social media can impair cognitive functions such as attention span, memory, and critical thinking skills.
3. Physical Health Problems: Poor posture, eye strain, and sleep deprivation are some of the physical health issues associated with prolonged screen time.
4. Academic Decline: Social media addiction can lead to poor academic performance as teens prioritize online interactions over their studies.
Effective Strategies to Combat Social Media Addiction
Addressing social media addiction requires a multi-faceted approach, involving both preventive and remedial strategies. Here are some effective ways to help teens manage their social media use:
1. Setting Boundaries: Establishing clear rules around screen time can help limit the amount of time teens spend on social media. This includes setting specific times for social media use and ensuring that it does not interfere with other important activities.
2. Promoting Real-Life Interactions: Encouraging teens to engage in offline activities such as sports, hobbies, or spending time with family and friends can help reduce their reliance on social media.
3. Seeking Professional Help: If social media addiction is severely impacting a teen's life, seeking professional help from a Psychologist Near Me for Anxiety and Depression may be necessary. The Best General Physician in Jaipurcan also provide guidance on managing physical health issues related to excessive screen time.
4. Using Technology Mindfully: Teaching teens to use technology mindfully, such as being aware of the time spent on social media and understanding its impact on their mental health, can help them develop healthier online habits.
5. Leveraging Health Apps: Utilizing the Best Health App for students in India can provide resources for managing social media addiction, including online consultations, wellness tips, and mental health support.
Role of Parents and Educators
Parents and educators play a crucial role in helping teens manage their social media use. By fostering open communication, providing guidance, and setting a positive example, they can help teens develop a balanced approach to social media. Additionally, tools like Book Diagnostic Tests From Home at Best Price can help monitor and address any physical health concerns related to excessive screen time.
Social media addiction is a growing concern among teens, with significant implications for their mental and physical well-being. By understanding the signs, causes, and impact of this addiction, and by implementing effective strategies to address it, we can help teens regain control over their lives. Whether through setting boundaries, promoting offline interactions, or seeking professional help, it is essential to take proactive steps in combating social media addiction.
Leveraging resources like the Best Health App for students in India and consulting with the Best Psychologist in India can provide valuable support in this endeavor. By working together, we can ensure that teens lead healthier, more balanced lives, free from the grips of social media addiction.
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patna-psychiatry · 20 days
How to Set Goals in Therapy with Your Psychologist
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Setting goals in therapy is a crucial step in the journey toward mental well-being. When working with a psychologist in Patna, it's essential to establish clear and achievable objectives that guide your therapeutic process. In this blog, we will explore the importance of goal-setting in therapy, how to effectively communicate your goals with your psychologist doctor in Patna, and the different types of goals you might consider. Whether you are seeking help from the best psychologist in Patna or a psychotherapist in Patna, understanding how to set goals can significantly enhance your therapeutic experience.
Why Goal-Setting is Important in Therapy
Goal-setting in therapy serves several purposes:
Direction and Focus: Goals provide a roadmap for your therapy sessions. They help both you and your therapist to stay focused on what you want to achieve, making the process more efficient.
Motivation: Having clear goals can motivate you to engage actively in the therapeutic process. When you see progress toward your goals, it can boost your confidence and encourage continued effort.
Measurement of Progress: Goals allow you to measure your progress over time. This can help you and your psychologist in Patna assess the effectiveness of the therapy and make necessary adjustments.
Empowerment: Setting and achieving goals can empower you, giving you a sense of control over your life and circumstances.
Types of Goals in Therapy
When working with a psychotherapist in Patna, you can set various types of goals, including:
1. Short-Term Goals
These are achievable within a few sessions and are often specific and concrete. For example, you might set a goal to practice mindfulness exercises daily or to identify triggers for anxiety. Short-term goals can help build momentum and provide quick wins.
2. Long-Term Goals
Long-term goals are broader and may take several months or even years to achieve. They often relate to significant life changes, such as improving relationships, managing a mental health condition, or developing coping strategies for stress. An example might be working toward a healthier work-life balance.
3. Process Goals
These goals focus on the therapeutic process itself rather than specific outcomes. For instance, you might aim to open up more during sessions or to practice self-reflection regularly. Process goals can enhance your engagement in therapy.
4. Outcome Goals
Outcome goals are specific results you want to achieve, such as reducing symptoms of depression or improving self-esteem. These goals are often measurable and can be evaluated at the end of your therapy journey.
How to Set Goals with Your Psychologist
Setting goals in collaboration with your best counsellor in Patna can enhance the therapeutic experience. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:
1. Self-Reflection
Before your therapy session, take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve. Consider the challenges you're facing and the changes you wish to see in your life. Write down your thoughts to discuss with your best clinical psychologist doctors in Patna.
2. Open Communication
During your session, communicate your thoughts and feelings with your top psychologist in Patna. Be honest about what you want to work on and any concerns you have. This open dialogue is essential for effective goal-setting.
3. Collaborative Goal-Setting
Your psychologist will likely guide you in refining your goals. They may help you to make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). For example, instead of saying, "I want to feel better," you might set a goal like, "I want to reduce my anxiety levels by practicing relaxation techniques three times a week for the next month."
4. Prioritize Your Goals
Sometimes, you may have multiple goals you want to address. Work with your psychologist in Patna to prioritize them. Focus on what feels most urgent or important to you at this moment. This can help prevent feeling overwhelmed.
5. Regular Check-Ins
As you progress through therapy, make it a point to regularly check in on your goals with your psychologist doctor in Patna. Discuss what is working, what isn’t, and whether any adjustments are needed. Flexibility is key in therapy, and goals may evolve as you make progress.
6. Celebrate Achievements
Recognizing and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, is vital. When you reach a goal, take the time to acknowledge your efforts and the progress you've made. This can reinforce your motivation and commitment to the therapeutic process.
Overcoming Challenges in Goal-Setting
While goal-setting can be a powerful tool in therapy, you may encounter challenges along the way. Here are some common obstacles and how to address them:
1. Fear of Change
Change can be intimidating. If you find yourself resisting goals because of fear, discuss this with your best psychologist in Patna. They can help you explore these feelings and develop strategies to cope with the discomfort that change may bring.
2. Unrealistic Expectations
It's essential to set realistic and achievable goals. If you set goals that are too ambitious, you may feel discouraged if you don’t meet them. Work with your psychotherapist in Patna to ensure your goals are attainable and aligned with your current circumstances.
3. Lack of Motivation
If you find it challenging to stay motivated, revisit your goals. Are they meaningful to you? If not, consider adjusting them to better reflect what you genuinely want to achieve. Your best counsellor in Patna can provide support and encouragement to keep you on track.
Setting goals in therapy is a collaborative process that can significantly enhance your therapeutic experience. By working closely with a psychologist in Patna, you can establish clear, achievable objectives that guide your journey toward mental well-being. Remember that goal-setting is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that may require adjustments along the way. Embrace the journey, celebrate your achievements, and allow yourself to grow through the therapeutic process. Whether you are working with the best clinical psychologist doctors in Patna or the top psychologist in Patna, the power of goal-setting can help you pave the way toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.
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maargamindcare1 · 22 days
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towardshealing · 5 months
Choosing the Right Psychologist: A Guide for Gurgaon Residents
Choosing the right psychologist is a crucial step in addressing your mental health concerns and embarking on a journey towards healing and well-being. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. If you're a resident of Gurgaon seeking professional support, this guide will help you navigate the process of finding the right psychologist for your needs.
Determine Your Needs and Preferences
Before beginning your search for a psychologist, take some time to reflect on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as:
The type of therapy or treatment approach you prefer (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, etc.).
Any specific issues or concerns you want to address (e.g., anxiety, depression, trauma, etc.).
Your comfort level with the psychologist's gender, age, cultural background, or communication style.
Having a clear understanding of what you're looking for will help narrow down your options and ensure a better match with a psychologist who meets your needs.
Research Potential Psychologists
Once you've identified your needs and preferences, it's time to research potential psychologists in Gurgaon. You can start by:
Asking for recommendations from friends, family, or healthcare providers.
Searching online directories or professional associations for licensed psychologists in your area.
Reading reviews or testimonials from previous clients to get an idea of their experiences.
Make a list of potential psychologists and gather information about their credentials, experience, treatment approach, and specialties.
Check Credentials and Experience
When evaluating potential psychologists, it's essential to check their credentials and experience. Look for psychologists who are licensed to practice in Gurgaon and have completed advanced training in clinical psychology or a related field. Additionally, consider factors such as:
Their years of experience working with clients with similar issues or concerns.
Any specialized training or certifications they may have in specific treatment modalities or areas of expertise.
Their reputation within the mental health community and any professional affiliations or memberships.
Choosing a psychologist with the right credentials and experience will ensure you receive quality care and effective treatment.
Consider Compatibility and Comfort Level
The therapeutic relationship between you and your psychologist is essential for the success of your treatment. Take the time to meet with potential psychologists for an initial consultation or interview to assess compatibility and comfort level. During this meeting, consider:
How comfortable you feel discussing your concerns with the psychologist.
Whether you feel heard, understood, and respected by the psychologist.
Whether the psychologist's treatment approach aligns with your preferences and goals for therapy.
Trust your instincts and choose a psychologist with whom you feel a strong rapport and sense of trust.
Evaluate Accessibility and Logistics
Finally, consider practical factors such as accessibility and logistics when choosing a psychologist. Factors to consider include:
The psychologist's office location and hours of operation.
Whether they accept your insurance plan or offer sliding-scale fees for self-pay clients.
Their availability for appointments and scheduling flexibility.
Choosing a psychologist whose office is conveniently located and whose schedule aligns with yours will make it easier to attend regular therapy sessions and prioritize your mental health.
Choosing the right psychologist is a significant decision that can have a profound impact on your mental health and well-being. By following these steps and taking the time to research, evaluate, and connect with potential psychologists in Gurgaon, you can find a trusted professional who can help you navigate life's challenges and achieve your therapy goals. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and finding the right psychologist is the first step towards a healthier, happier you.
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abhayyadav01 · 7 months
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drsrikanthreddy · 11 months
Are you tired of carrying the heavy burden of depression? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, it's impossible to escape its grasp? Well, look no further! In this blog post, we will take you on a journey to the best psychologist in Indore – a city that holds the key to discovering effective treatment for your depression. Get ready to break free from the weight holding you down and embark on a life-changing path towards healing and happiness.
What is Depression?
Depression is a serious medical condition that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work or home. Depression is not a weakness, nor is it something that you can simply "snap out" of. It is a real illness that requires understanding and medical care.
There are different types of depression, each with its own set of symptoms. Major depressive disorder, or MDD, is the most common type of depression. People with MDD experience severe symptoms that interfere with their ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy activities they once found pleasurable. Other types of depression include dysthymia (a less severe but chronic form of depression), seasonal affective disorder (SAD), postpartum depression (PPD), and bipolar disorder (BD).
While the cause of depression is unknown, it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Treatment for depression typically includes medication, therapy, or a combination of the two. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. If you are experiencing any symptoms of depression, please see your depression doctor for an evaluation.
Causes of Depression
Depression is a complex mental health disorder with a variety of potential causes. While there is no single cause of depression, there are several risk factors that can contribute to its development. These include genetic vulnerabilities, early childhood trauma or abuse, certain medical conditions, and substance abuse.
In many cases, it is a combination of these factors that leads to the onset of depression. For example, someone who has a family history of depression may be more likely to experience the condition themselves if they are also dealing with chronic stressors or trauma.
Identifying the specific causes of depression can be difficult, but it is important to seek professional help if you are struggling with this condition. Treatment for depression can be very effective, but it is important to find a provider who specializes in this area to get the most benefit from therapy.
Symptoms of Depression
Depression is a serious mental health condition that can have a profound effect on every aspect of a person’s life. It is important to be aware of the symptoms of depression so that you can seek treatment as soon as possible.
The most common symptoms of depression include:
• Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness
• Loss of interest in once enjoyable activities
• Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions
• Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping)
• Appetite changes and weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
• Decreased energy levels and fatigue
• Feeling restless or irritable all the time
How to Find the Right Psychiatrist in Indore
When you are struggling with depression, it can feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. The good news is that there are treatment options available that can help you overcome your depression and get back to living a happy and fulfilling life.
One of the most important things to do when seeking treatment for depression is to find the right psychiatrist. This can be a difficult task, as there are many different best psychologists, and it can be hard to know which one will be the best fit for you.
Here are some tips to help you find the right psychiatrist in Indore:
1. Do your research. When you are looking for a psychiatrist, it is important to do your research and make sure that you find someone who is experienced and qualified to treat your specific case of depression.
2. Ask for recommendations. If you have friends or family members who have seen a psychiatrist in Indore, ask them for recommendations. This can help you narrow your search and find someone with experience treating patients with similar conditions to yours.
3. Check with your insurance company. Some insurance companies will only cover certain types of psychiatric treatment, so it is important to check with your insurer before making an appointment with a psychiatrist. This way, you can be sure that your treatment will be covered by your insurance policy.
4. Make an appointment for a consultation. Once you have narrowed down your list of potential psychiatrists, make.
Tips to Manage Depression
1. Identify your symptoms: Depression can manifest in many different ways. It is important to be aware of your own symptoms so that you can identify when you may be experiencing a depressive episode.
2. Seek professional help: If you are feeling persistently depressed, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can provide you with tools and resources to help you manage your depression.
3. Make lifestyle changes: Many lifestyle changes can help reduce the symptoms of depression. Exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep are all important for managing depression.
4. Use coping mechanisms: When you are experiencing a depressive episode, it is important to have coping mechanisms in place to help you get through it. Identify activities that make you feel good and make sure to do them regularly.
Depression is a difficult and complex condition to manage, but with the right treatment and support, it can be manageable. We hope this article has helped you learn more about how to seek out effective treatment for depression doctors in Indore. With the proper evaluation from an experienced mental health professional, you can begin to take steps towards overcoming your depression and reclaiming your life. Remember that help is available if you need it - don't hesitate to reach out!
Reference URL on Overcoming the Weight of Depression: Discovering Effective Treatment in Indore
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criminalamnesia · 7 months
the 141 x reader fic that you did was so yummy!!! pls make them suffer the wrath of reader and make 141 realise how much they need them when they leave,
your work is so amazing btw and your way with words is simply ✨chef’s kiss✨ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
thank you!! here’s part 3 :)
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angry didn’t even begin to describe how you felt as you slammed the door to price’s office behind you.
you were tense, muscles taut and poised to fight. your fists clenched at your sides, blunt nails digging into your palms hard enough to hurt. your jaw was clenched, teeth grinding together as you resisted the urge to march back in there and unleash your fury.
no. not like this. not when you weren’t a hundred percent. not when they would still look at you like you were a wounded doe, stumbling around on broken legs.
in the back of your mind, you can hear that psychologist saying ‘this anger will eat you alive if you let it. you need to let it out somehow.’
you inhaled, unclenched your fists, and made up your mind. you pulled the iv from your arm, wincing at the pinch of the needle.
you left the iv pole standing there as you made your way to the gym.
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the gym was empty when you arrived, which made sense for this time of day. many would be occupied by drills or in the mess hall. others would be sleeping off long nights. you had the place to yourself, and you were grateful for the absence of watchful eyes and sweetened tongues.
you were tired of those who knew nothing acting like they knew something. of those who apologized or asked if you were okay. word spread like wildfire around base, and the subject of your ‘betrayal’ had been front-page news since the start of the witch hunt.
the gym door clicked shut behind you, and you surveyed the room. you knew your doctor would have a fit once you returned to the infirmary, and that she probably wouldn’t let you out alone again, but you didn’t really care.
you needed to let off some steam, and the best way you knew how was with your fists. either you start swinging at a bag or at a certain someone’s face. the bag won’t be condescending, and that makes your choice easy.
you approach one of the bright red punching bags in the corner. it’s scratched and taped from where someone had busted it open. scars that didn’t go away, that wouldn’t— just like yours.
you huffed. it didn’t do any good to start feeling sorry for yourself. you hadn’t done anything wrong. your team had.
you stretch your arms out in front of you, fingers interlocking to pop your knuckles. you catch sight of your severed finger, still healing. they’d recovered what had been chopped off, but hadn’t been able to save it.
just another permanent reminder, something to make sure you didn’t dare forget. you didn’t think you ever would regardless.
you shook out your hands and rolled your shoulders back. fists raised, you angled yourself towards the bag. feet spread, shoulders squared, thumb tucked under your fingers instead of inside. a stance that was second nature after years of sparring and hand-to-hand drills.
the bag was firm when your fist connected with it. you would have been lying if you said it didn’t hurt. you punched with the other hand— same results. the time you’d spent confined to an infirmary bed had done a number on you. muscles had atrophied, bones had weakened. the leg you’d suffered a bone-deep cut to shook under your weight.
you didn’t care. you kept punching, your breathing picking up as your emotions guided you. sweat dripped into your eyes and rolled down your back. you felt weak, physically and mentally. you hated feeling this way, and so you punched harder.
“slow down,” a voice grumbled from behind you.
you ignored him, continuing to punch the bag. you hadn’t heard the door open, nor heard the sound of him approaching, but you would have been surprised if you did.
simon always had a penchant for sneaking up on people, intentionally or not.
“gonna pass out if y’don’t stop,” he said after a minute. you could feel his eyes on you. you ignored him again.
you didn’t need to turn around to know he was standing there with his arms crossed, eyes full of something unreadable.
“stop,” he says firmly, and you sense his movement as he surges forward. his hand lands heavily on your shoulder, pulling you back from the punching bag. you heave in a breath before spinning around and punching him in the nose.
simon stumbles back a step, eyes widened slightly. for someone who prided himself on being so observant, he clearly didn’t see that coming. it made you feel the tiniest bit smug that you’d caught him off guard for once.
you dropped your hands to your knees then, squeezing your eyes shut as a wave of nausea washed over you. damn the bastard, he had been right. you shouldn’t have even been in here in the first place, let alone exerted yourself as much as you had.
your hands were shaking as you tried to pull yourself together. you opened your eyes to see drops of blood on the gym floor, by your feet. you had split your knuckles open.
there were also drops of blood at simon’s feet. you looked up then, slowly straightening your posture. he’d removed his mask, his face bare as he stared at you. blood dripped from his nose.
“gonna have to hit harder than that if y’want to break it,” he says, and you narrow your eyes at him.
“did you follow me in here?”
“no.” he says, and you’re giving a mirthless laugh.
“oh, please. im sure price sent you, yeah? you’ve always been his little lap dog. he says ‘jump’ and you say ‘how high,’ isn’t that right, lieutenant?”
your tone is tense, angry. you throw his title in his face, seeing as he’d been so quick to remind you of yours back in price’s office.
simon watches you, and you want to tackle him. he had always been quiet, always stoic. you’d been with him for years, but you still didn’t think you’d broken down all of his walls.
he was so good at masking his thoughts, his feelings. you weren’t. soap had always called you an open book. whenever you were mad or upset, everyone knew it.
no one knew anything about simon unless he wanted them to. it drove you mad then, and it was sure as hell driving you mad now.
“you need to get back to the infirmary,” he tells you. he wipes the back of his hand under his nose, smearing red across his skin. for a moment, you want to chastise him, reach up and wipe the remnants from his face.
you quickly shake that thought from your head. what is it they say— old habits die hard?
these habits would die if you had to strangle each one with your bare hands. anything you harbored for the four men on your team, for the one you’d called yours, was dead and gone.
“fuck off,” you tell him.
“why are you so damn stubborn?” he says then, and it’s the first time you’ve seen him start to crack since everything had happened. emotions are beginning to leak through his stony exterior, whether he means them to or not.
“you don’t get to tell me what to do anymore. none of you do,” you say, and you take a step forward then, eyes blazing as you stare up at him. “not after what you did.”
he doesn’t speak for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. his eyes never leave yours.
“it shouldn’t have happened like that.” he tells you. you scoff.
“like that? you mean the four of you torturing me? tying me up and mutilating me like I was just another fucking target?” your voice was rising as you took another step forward, shoving a finger into his chest.
“if I’d treated you like another target,” he said, tone even. “you would’ve been dead.”
“so you showed me mercy, is that it?” you bared your teeth, a hollow laugh escaping your throat. “oh, thank you simon. I really felt that fucking mercy when you cut off my finger, and when you cut through layers of skin to get to bone.”
you inhaled before continuing. “I should be grateful then, right? is that what you want from me? for me to recognize your fucking ‘mercy’ and take you back? take you all back?”
he just stands there. you can see his jaw clench, but he makes no move to speak. you find it funny that he hasn’t even tried to apologize. john, your ever prideful captain, had swallowed his failure and pleaded for your forgiveness.
johnny and kyle would surely have done the same if they’d had the chance to speak to you, even if they only had a minute.
but simon? simon doesn’t. he doesn’t outwardly admit his wrongs. he doesn’t apologize. doesn’t seem sorry, even. you don’t know what’s going on inside his head, but you find yourself not really caring to know.
the fact that he can’t bring himself to admit, in blunt words, that he had astronomically fucked up and that he felt even the slightest bit of remorse, told you everything you needed to know.
cold, stoic ghost. you hadn’t been afraid of him when you’d first joined the squad, and you weren’t afraid of him now.
but back then, you’d wanted to break down those stone walls of his. you’d wanted to be someone he felt safe around, someone who knew him inside and out.
now, you’re packing your time with him into a box in your mind and dumping it into the trash. simon riley means nothing to you now.
“take your mercy and shove it up your ass,” you tell him. you step back and drop your hand, your eyes still locked on his.
“and by the way,” you say as you start towards the door. he doesn’t turn around, doesn’t move an inch. it’s as if he’s rooted to the spot.
“you should’ve just killed me.”
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author’s note:
not really sure how I feel about this one tbh. I have plans for a part four, but I’m not quite sure how long I’ll be making this series.
and as for simon— I want to write an extra part about his thoughts/feelings about everything. let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in!
anyways, let me know your thoughts please :) (I honestly may end up deleting this and rewriting it when I’m not tired lol)
taglist: @preeyansha @igotmajordaddyissues @nanatheoaktree @aesthetic0cherryblossom @oceanicexolorer @soph121212 @liv2post @cupid-eclipse @angels-despair18 @k4marina
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