#best place to start an online store
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grocito · 11 months ago
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फ्री में ईकॉमर्स वेबसाइट कैसे बनाएं | जयपुर विक्रेता हमसे संपर्क करे
क्या आप "मुफ़्त वेबसाइट कैसे बनाएं" ढूंढ रहे हैं, आज ही जयपुर में अपने ऑनलाइन स्टोर के लिए "ग्रोसिटो" पर जाएँ।
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apatheticsunday · 9 days ago
Gotham TikTok
AKA "Danny moves to Gotham and records TikToks with absolutely deranged captions. He films Get Ready with Me in Gotham videos, fit checks, and even A Day in the Life of a Ghost in Gotham! Except everybody is freaking the fuck out in the comments" prompt idea!
No, you don't understand, I'm obsessed. Like, what if Danny's idea of "safe" is just... anything that doesn't actively try to kill him? So Metropolitians, Star City, and Central City citizens are literally biting their nails and sweating bullets every time he posts, because what if he gets merc'd by the "Eight Heads in a Duffel Bag" Red Hood?? And that's one of the nicer villains in Gotham. And Danny's just like wow, this place is niiiiiice, I haven't even been murdered yet!
Maybe Jazz took a 12-year-old Danny to Gotham to escape their parents. Gotham's cheap, dirty, and doesn't ask questions: it's the best place to go to disappear because damn near half the city's population are either super villains, hostages, dead, or vigilantes. She gets a job at an understaffed hospital as a clinical psych intern. She enrolls Danny for online schooling because she's scared a public high school would be too easy for their parents to track.
Which leaves Danny alone for hours. He makes a TikTok account called "Danny Phantom" because, c'mon, he's a kid. And, like most kids, he doesn't really comprehend the idea of a digital footprint or that his account is public, accessible by literally anybody.
He's also a little shit. So, the first TikTok he uploads is of a man getting carjacked, but the caption reads: love to see people helping each other. remember it's always okay to ask for help! it's okay, I don't know how to parallel park, either :)
And you just see this guy in a mask shove a businessman away from his car, gesturing with his gun, before getting into the driver's seat. Except the car is parallel parked so the carjacker just slowly inches back and forth between a Prius and a Honda until he can wedge himself out of the parking space. And then gets stuck in stand-still traffic. The TikTok goes viral. It's talked about on the Gotham news and Gothamites are losing their shit, pointing out the exact moment you can see the carjacker start to soundlessly cuss through the car's windshield or the way the businessman is just... standing on the side of the road, watching with a deadpan look.
Danny doesn't know about it being on the news, but he sees all the comments, likes, reposts, and feels something. He wonders if this is what Ember feels every time people listened to her music. So, he keeps posting. Usually, it's short three-second videos of a hilariously unexpected situation with an even more deranged caption. But then he's accidentally caught in the reflection of a store front while recording and doesn't know, posts it like he always does; only for this TikTok to go viral, too. Because "Danny Phantom" is a child??
He doesn't notice the shift in his comments, but the public opinion quickly changes from wow, Gothamites are just like that huh lol to what the FUCK, kid, get inside!!! anytime he posts.
Except Danny never gets hurt. Even in the most dangerous situations, when you'd think this kid is a goner for sure, he's just happily yapping in the background. He's so different from Gothamites because he lacks that dead-eyed, despair-inducing aura of someone who's lived in a hellmouth their whole lives. (A couple people post that Danny kind of reminds them of Golden Boy Brucie Wayne, all air-headed and unrealistically optimistic, and suddenly there's memes of "what happens when you've never gotten shot in Gotham" or "how i act when Commish Gordie accuses me of shoplifting again" with them side-by-side.)
And then Danny's posts go viral again and again. Danny doing a fit check with a blond-haired woman with a checkered outfit, she ruffles his hair and kisses him on the cheek. A picture of him wearing an old jean jacket with a bright red lipstick smear on his cheek is trending for weeks. Spoiler, fully suited up in an all-purple vigilante attire, and him shoving gas station hotdogs in their mouths. He even has videos of him clearly in Killer Croc's lair, with comments of are you in the sewers??? DANNY??? and he responds, no, i'm in mom & dad's basement :) (Waylon Jones is actually sitting behind him in one of the videos, intently watching a TV show on an iPad.)
Everybody adores Danny - Rogues, Gothamites, even the Bats. (There's at least six videos of Nightwing teaching Danny how to do backflips, handstands, and other acrobatic moves. Even the youngest Robin has been caught on camera quietly talking with Danny, a shocking lack of violence that left half the city's population suffering from cuteness aggression for the kids.)
So, yeah, Danny belongs to Gotham.
But the internet is widely accessible and Danny made it so, so easy to find him. Jazz obviously didn't know he was posting videos of himself publicly; she was too tired after back-to-back 12 hour shifts at the hospital that she hadn't even checked social media in months. Otherwise, she would've told him to be careful, to never show his face or post his real name on the internet. Then again, Jazz would never have expected all of Gotham (and Superman himself, totally endeared by the kid after Kon and Jon showed him a couple TikToks) would beat the absolute shit out of anybody going after Danny.
Imagine GIW's surprise when they track down Amity's former residential Ghost only to find an entire city frothing at the mouth to protect their Phantom.
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whirlybirbs · 6 months ago
i am on my hands and knees begging for a shred of keigo takami baby bird kfc angel content from you, if you write hawks i will finally know true peace
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— MEET & GREET ; 1 / 2 ; HAWKS ; 啓悟
summary: you manage to snag two VIP meet & greet tickets for your nephew's birthday. he insists you join him. part one of two. pairing: keigo takami ; hawks / f!reader word count: 3.1k tags: humor, meet-cute, pro hero culture, birbs ignores all relevant timelines yet again, fluff, phone-flirting, hawks is great with kids, t+, relatable pre-hook up hesitation, they will fuck next time a/n: hawks is the chappell roan of the mha universe. stop touching him. this man actually changed my brain chemistry in early 2023 but we don't need to talk about that. anways, this poll was on the ropes all day and i made the executive choice to feed the hawks birblets.
You feel like your face has been set in a semi-permanent cringe all morning. 
In your right hand, you're clutching your half-finished iced coffee for dear life. In your other, you're clinging to your nephew as he drags you through the convention center — one of the bright red wings of his beloved, homemade cosplay has started to go lopsided, and the six-year-old excitedly tugs it back in place as he tries to yank you forward.
"C'mon! We're gonna be late!" 
This really wasn't your scene.
Fan conventions had a way of making your skin itch. The amount of sexy All Mights you've seen this morning alone has to be some sort of milestone indicator for the environment. Whether nature is healing or dying, though, you have no idea. 
If you had it your way, you'd spend the rest of the day mingling through the artist stalls — but, to your nephew Hayami's point, the two of you had somewhere to be.
Your VIP meet-and-greet badge swings as you trip up and laugh. "Okay! Okay, slow down! You're about to yank my arm off!"
It was the best birthday gift imaginable for Hayami. You officially cemented your title as The Coolest Aunt Ever when you managed to snag the two VIP convention meet-and-greet tickets (complete with a professional photo and two signed copies of the convention's annual poster) after a harrowing seven hours in an online Ticketmaster line. There were only a hundred of them sold — and sure, you coulda thrown that pretty hunk of cash into a college fund for Hayami, but he was deeply in his hero phase. 
Originally you expected that Hayami's father, your brother-in-law, would want to go.
But, no, Hayami himself insisted you come with him.
After all, you helped me with my costume, he begged, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!
That you did. Many a hot glue gun burn was suffered at the hands of those damn red feathers. If you squint from far away, the cosplay isn't half bad considering the thrift and dollar-store materials. It wasn't one of those inch-to-inch replicas, but it worked. 
He's like a cute, bouncing mini Hawks. Complete with goggles and wings.
And Hayami is happy. And that's all that matters to you. 
The line is already pretty long, and Hayami runs his gloved hands along the line barriers as he races to his spot, audibly wooshing the whole way — just like Hawks does, probably. His badge jingles, and he hops to a stop as you come up behind him and pat his head. The six-year-old stands up on his tippy-toes, trying to see around the Miss Midnight fan in front of them. 
"Can you see him?" he chatters excitedly, "Ti, can you?"
He's called you Ti ever since he could speak. Auntie was too long, and the shortened version has stuck. 
You hop up onto your tippy-toes, mimicking him — and you swear you catch a glimpse of a crimson feather plumage over the gathered heads of the other meet-and-greet fans. It might be another cosplayer.
"I dunno," you whisper, your eyes darting to your phone's lock screen, "It's supposed to start any minute—"
The telltale roar of fanfare lets you know exactly who has just arrived. 
Hayami's excitement is palpable. Without a word, you're hauling him up and perching him on your shoulders. His hands land in your hair, and you can feel his smile from down here. 
"Ti! It's him!"
The line starts moving not long after, and you finish your iced coffee while Hayami stays perched on your shoulders, utterly starstruck. You weave through the barriers, moving up a few feet every minute, until you're only four or five people away from where Hawks sits behind a long table. 
You have to admit, the guy is pretty cute. 
Cuter than the fan-cams make him out to be, even. 
Sandy blonde hair, sharp gold eyes, and big wings. There's no doubt in your mind he's showboating, but as people approach the table, you notice this hesitant twitch ripple through the red feathers every time someone gets a little too close. 
That cringe from earlier washes over your face again as a girl reaches over the table to roughly run her fingers across one of his flight feathers. 
It's Keigo's least favorite part of all this. 
I mean, there's a part of him that gets it. He's the #2 Hero in all of Japan. He's a big deal. He's top of the popularity polls, he's the people's bird, y'know? He's a marketed commodity that sells out each and every time. 
But, that doesn't mean he likes being touched.
Especially the wings. Hands off the wings.
"Hey, Hayami?" you ask, tilting your head up as you both step forward.
You can feel the sudden nervousness creeping up on Hayami as he nods and looks down at you. "Y-Yea?"
"Make sure you ask for permission if you touch his wings, okay?" you say gently, muscling him down from your shoulders and doing a once over on his mini-Hawks cosplay, "And remember to tell him your name!"
Hayami nods, his nerves palpable as he realizes the two of you are next. 
On instinct, his hand shoots out and grips yours for dear life. 
And then, one of the marketers waves the two of you forward.
The first word that comes to Keigo's mind is MILF. You're cute. Real cute. Definitely not the usual sort he meets at conventions, and definitely not the usual sort that buys a ticket to his meet-and-greets. The kid clinging to your arm is arguably even cuter, and Hawks can't hide the blooming grin on his face when the pair of you step forward.
"Woa-ho!" he yaps from behind the patterned table, "Dude! Nice outfit!"
Hayami is panicking. You can tell from his shocked silence as the two of you step forward. You bend at the knees, squatting to your nephew's height, then encourage him to go ahead, go on. His big, brown eyes bob from you to Hawks. 
"Go ahead, Hayami," you encourage softly, "Say hi."
Oh, shit. You're really cute. Is this your kid? Nah, no way. You're way too young to be his mom. Unless—
You've seriously got him weighing the pros and cons of step-fatherhood and he doesn't even know your name. 
He could do stepdad shit at twenty-six. Right?
"Hi, Mr. Hawks," comes the shy voice of the mini Hawks before him; the sandy blonde's chest clenches. 
This is too fuckin' cute.
"Heh, hey kid," he chirps back, leaning forward on the table as his mouth curves into a friendly grin; Hawks' eyes are trained on the kid's growing smile, "What's your name?"
"It's cool t' meetcha, Hayami," Hawks parrots as your own proud smile grows. There's relief flooding your shoulders. Thank god, Hayami didn't choke the clutch moment, "I like your wings, lil' dude!"
Hayami gives a little turn, wiggling his prized, handmade possession. His confidence is building; the compliment lights the kid's cheeks up. 
"My aunt helped me make them!" Hayami chatters, his eyes brightening from behind the flight goggles strapped to his head, "She says I need to ask for your permission to touch your feathers!"
Keigo's gold eyes slip to your face. You give him an apologetic grimace, your eyes flicking to the girl beyond the VIP area still screaming about how she touched him, she touched Hawks, oh my god. You mouth out a silent apology.
Hawks' finds himself a little speechless. Doesn't happen often. 
He's not used to having some say in how he's objectified and consumed.
A sandy brow quirks as he pushes his yellow-tinted visor up, and into his hair. He seems shocked. It's not an expression you've seen on the #2 before — and in the last few weeks, you've seen plenty of Hawks content during Hayami's cosplaying journey. The reference material is pretty expansive.
"That's real considerate, chickadee — I appreciate that," his voice is soft; his smile is a little looser, "C'mere, Hayami, you wanna hold a feather while I sign your poster?"
This is, like, the best day of Hayami's life. 
Hawks brings his visor back down. 
You stand to full height, wringing your purse's strap, watching Hayami hold both hands out as one of the delicate pieces of plumage floats into his hands on command. He cradles it like treasure, his big brown eyes glimmering with new-found amazement. 
You step forward, and place a hand on Hayami's shoulder as he gently ushers his hands toward your face. "Ti, look, isn't this, like, the coolest thing ever — it's one of Hawks' feathers!"
Hawks' eyes flick up to the two of you as his pen darts across the two VIP package posters. There's a smirk on his face as he pays half attention to the task of signing. 
And scribbling his number on the back of one.
"I see that," you chuckle, leaning in to inspect the beautiful, crimson feather, "Make sure you say th—"
Before you finish your sentence, the very feather in question darts up to tickle the tip of your nose. Your immediate reaction is to scrunch your nose and grin. It's not so much ticklish as it is gentle. For good measure, Hawks gives Hayami a little brush on the cheek, too. The boy descends into delighted laughter, allowing the feather to zip back through the air and into its designated place in his wings. 
Hawks is smirking.
"Alright you two," comes the level voice of the marketer; the camera in her hands is bulky, and a signifier that their time meeting #2 is nearly up, "Let's get in nice and close for a photo!"
The table proves to be a bit of a pain, but you bend down to Hayami's height as Hawks leans over the table and gives you both bunny ears. The camera flash burns bright in your eyes as Hayami's hand darts into yours again. 
"Here you two go," Hawks rumbles easily; he's standing now, and you find yourself yet again struck by how handsome he is. He smells like summer air and some expensive cologne you'll probably never know the name of. Definitely one of his sponsors. 
You take both posters, as Hayami's excitement seems to overflow and he's nearly buzzing with excitement to know he has Hawks' autograph. The boy bounces at your heels as he clutches his signed copy of the annual convention poster. His big, brown eyes are wide with pure joy. 
"Thank you!" Hayami chatters, "You're the best, Hawks!"
"Thank you," you smile, taking your own poster as Hayami's hand rockets back into yours.
"Nah, it's nothin', chickadee. Thanks for the manners," he calls after you with a touch of good humor, "You're real sweet."
"No problem!" you stutter out, thrown entirely by the compliment, as one of the other marketers guides you towards the exit with a hand on your back. 
"Oh, hey! One last thing!"
You flick your eyes back over your shoulder as you're shuffled out of the meet-and-greet.
You watch Hawks mouth 'check the poster', and with a hand held up to the side of his face. Then, 'call me'. 
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"You're kidding me."
Hayami is finally asleep — and your sister is closing the door to his darkened bedroom as she hisses the words out. You're leaning against the hallway wall, arms crossed and looking entirely exasperated.
"I can't just call him," you say softly as you kick off the wall and follow her into the kitchen, "This isn't, like, the hot waiter who leaves his number on the receipt—"
"No, it's even better," she chatters, moving towards the unfinished glass of wine that sits on the dinner table, "I swear to god if you don't pick up that phone and call him right now—"
It's your brother-in-law who speaks up from the couch. "What's stopping you?"
"I don't know, being chronically single?" you cry as you throw your hands, "I haven't gotten a wax in months—"
"You seriously think #2 cares?" comes your sister's flat reply.
Your brother-in-law mimics her affectation. He throws a finger in the air. "Real heroes don't care."
The two of them high-five. 
...They're probably right.
You suck your teeth as you cross your arms again and weigh your options.
I mean — it's only eight o'clock. It's early. And it's a Friday. 
It could go two ways — you break your year-long dry spell with the #2 pro-hero in the country, or it's a total bust and he turns out to be a massive weirdo. Both are frankly pretty entertaining. 
You chew your lip.
Then, you decide.
You kick off the wall and move towards your phone in the kitchen. It's sitting beside the poster. 
"Oh my god, are you doing it?" your sister calls from the couch, her hand gripping her husband's arm tightly.
"I'm doing it," you say, ignoring the bite of nervousness in your hands as you type in the cell number that was scrawledhastily on the back of the poster. 
It's ringing.
Suddenly, you have an audience. Your sister and brother-in-law are crowding you, their faces wide and expectant as it continues to ring. You pull your thumb to your mouth, pushing your bottom lip between your teeth. You let it ring, and ring, and just when you settle that you're being sent to voicemail, there's a click and a voice.
Your sister slams her hand into her husband's back, the two of them scrambling in a sudden flash of limbs and excitement. You drag your thumb across your throat — gesturing for them to cut it out. 
"Uh, hi," you fumble, "Is this... Hawks?"
Suddenly, there's a bark of laughter on the other line. "The one and only. Who's this?"
A slow smirk tugs at your cheeks. "I checked the back of the poster — a bold move, y'know."
"Convention Cutie!" he practically cheers, "Hold on, hold on — gimme two seconds, lemme just land."
Your lips part and you blink. The mental image is a hell of a thing. You swallow down a bought of amusement. "Sure, sure, take your time."
Keigo was starting to doubt you'd actually call him. The convention wrapped up hours ago, and he already made himself busy by exploring the southern city. It's nice here. A little bit like his hometown. Not too much crime, which has made for a pretty uneventful evening.
Until now.
His boots touch down on the nearby rooftop and he settles into an easy squat. His wings tuck themselves tightly against his back. 
You can hear a bit of wind bristle against his end of the receiver. 
"Alright, alright, sorry," he rumbles out, "Now you've got my full, undivided attention—"
You tug on your bottom lip. Your sister and brother-in-law are entirely hooked on the little bits they're overhearing from their spot across the counter. Your sister takes a long drink of her wine.
"Am I... being a bit of a distraction?" you ask, "If now isn't a good time—"
"You've been a distraction all day," comes the smooooooth reply; even Keigo's proud of himself for that one, "I'm just out for a fly. Nothin' too serious. I am glad you called, though."
Oh, fuck. Your knees feel like jello. You white-knuckle grip the counter as your sister gnashes her teeth and mimics biting her fist in silent mimery.
"Yea?" you pry, fanning yourself as you lean farther against the counter. 
"Yea, definitely," Hawks grins as he tips his head back and checks out the stars, "You busy tomorrow night? I'd love to take you out to dinner."
There's a commotion across the kitchen. The two of them are smacking one another's arms, their genuine excitement is palpable as they try to stay quiet. They're failing.
"I'd love that, Hawks."
This is new for him.
Technically speaking, you're not a fan. Your nephew is. So, this doesn't technically qualify as one of those unspoken hero faux pas. Don't date fans. Then again, what does it matter? He can do whatever he wants. 
And you're cute. And nice. And kind. And maybe he's being a sap, but seeing you with your nephew made something in his heart tighten. He didn't even notice he was making a nest of scrapped trash from the posters around his seat until the afternoon was over. 
God, sometimes the evolutionarily deep, bird DNA thing is weird.
Hawks lets out a tight breath he didn't realize he was holding. 
"Cool. Okay. Uh, you... you chill with, like, 7pm?" he fiddles with his visor, "I'm... I'm free whenever so..."
He sounds nervous. Your grin is so bright it could outburn the sun. 
"That works for me," you say as you fiddle with your lip, "As far as dress code goes... Do I, like, need a flight suit?"
His laugh is warm. 
"No, no, I — I was gonna get us an Uber," his voice lilts into something more mischievous, "Unless..."
"Maybe after dinner," you remark easily, swaying side to side, "You can show me what those wings do?"
Oh, smooth. Real smooth. Keigo's face is warm. His wings in question twitch eagerly at the invitation. 
"You gonna ask before you touch?" he teases back into the receiver, his brow raised.
It's your turn to laugh. "Hey, it's called being polite."
"I appreciate it," he rumbles out, about earlier at the convention, "Seriously. People are grabby — these things are sensitive..."
"Making a mental note of that, and filing it away," you flirt openly as your sister cheers silently, "For after dinner, maybe."
Keigo's brain stutter-steps. His laugh is surprised. He's about to comment on how you might just be the girl of his dreams when suddenly the wail of sirens perks up his attention. It's two blocks over. Three fire engines. The wind is carrying the smell of acrid smoke. 
"Hey, chickadee, I, uh... I gotta go," he says, standing and allowing his attention to drift to the scene playing out in front of him; it's a house fire — must be — on the southern side of town, "I'll text you the spot for tomorrow, is that okay?"
"Of course, don't let me keep you," you hush, "I'll... text you?"
"I'm countin' on it."
"Bye, Hawks."
"See ya, chickadee."
You didn't even realize you were sweating until you put the phone down.
Your sister and her husband are there, eyes wide. "So?"
"So," you croon as you laugh and pridefully sway your hips, "I have plans tomorrow night."
Their screaming wakes up Hayami.
As you help the kid back to sleep, you keep it secret that he's a better wingman than you could have ever anticipated. 
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yourlocalbreadenthusiast · 4 months ago
Kindly take a break from scrolling to read this, it's important.
Take your time to grieve and come to terms with the election results, but once you've done that, it's time to get to work. We have two months. And a lot to do in that time. We have to prepare, to be ready.
Be careful about what you post or say online. Anything potentially incriminating should be avoided. Threatening language, even if clearly a joke, can be used against you.
Know someone who's trans? Someone who's had an abortion? Someone who's LGBTQIA+? Someone who's an immigrant? Someone who attends protests? Someone who's disabled? Someone who might in any way be at risk due to laws being put into place? No you don't.
Move away from social media platforms and browsers that require you to use your real identity or input a large amount of personal information. Now's a good time to find alternate means of communicating online. Tails, Element, Tor, Mastodon, Firefox, and Lemmy are all decent options.
Find a community. Someone you can talk to, either online or in real life, that you'll have reliable contact with. We need to try and create a network, but one that's as anonymous as possible.
Start scrubbing your trail as much as possible. Get rid of old accounts that can still be traced to you but are no longer used, delete personal data off the internet. There are websites out there that will freely remove your data from the internet, but be careful about which one you use, make sure it's safe and legitimate first.
Change any usernames that you can that contain any personal information. Names, birthdays, anything.
Plan B has a four year shelf life. Stock up, but don't take more than you you'll need. We don't want a COVID repeat where everyone buys an excessive amount of things and leaves none for everybody else.
There are doctors that will sterilize you, if that's the way you want to go.
Stop using online period trackers right now. Delete all data from it if possible first, then delete the app itself. If you must, write it down, but in a subtle manner and on something you keep at home. Don't label it, just put the dates. If you're really worried, discard older records and only keep the most recent few, and label the dates as other random events, like "go to mall" or "chicken salad for dinner this night"
Get your vaccines now.
Save money.
Archive. We have to start collecting records, media, data, books, and articles now. On racism, on fascism, on homophobia, on gender, on self-reliance, on survival, on safe travels routes, on equality, on justice, on anything that may be useful and/or censored soon. We can't let them erase it.
Collect those online resources. Bookmark them, copy files into your storage, Screenshot pages. Create a decentralized library where everyone is working to be part of a whole, storing what they can individually and sharing it between one another. Again, be careful about doing this.
Second-hand bookstores are your best friend. Books are usually very cheap in them, and they often have a decent stock. See what you can find.
When buying ANYTHING I have mentioned above, or anything else that maybe put you in danger, try to use cash to reduce your spending trail.
Check your car information online, many newer models can be remotely tracked.
Turn your phone completely off if you may be at risk due to your location and current activities. Turning off your GPS also helps.
Take note of where you are. Who are your friends? Who's a safe person? Where can you go besides your own home that you know you'll be safe? Establish these connections now.
Who around you is not safe? Who and where do you need to avoid? Do you need to move? If you cannot afford moving but need to, there are fundraisers that can help you. If even that is not an option, at least try to make sure your home is secure. Have someone who can help you. Have a fallback safe place.
And finally, I want anyone with resources to put them in the replies. Flood it with useful links, information, tips, anything. We're in this together. Do not panic. Organize.
EDIT: Please be civil in the replies.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year ago
Tech how-to article written like a recipe. Is that anything? Fuck it.
Old-Fashioned Setting Up a Password Manager
For this project you will need:
One computer
One full-featured browser
One pre-made email account, not shared and logged-in
2-5 possible passwords
5-10 accounts to get started with storing passwords.
Before you begin pre-load your computer, logging in to your email account. You can save later prep time by having your primary social media accounts, banking information, email account, and online bills ready to hand.
Go to bitwarden.com and select "create account"; be sure to select "free account" - you can jazz it up later but we're learning the basics now.
Create the account using your primary email address as the login name and one long (but not complicated!) password that you are certain you can remember but is not widely shared online. This is a great way to use information about your favorite movies or songs, not a great place for your kid's or pet's names.
Set up your password hint with a good reminder; be sure to note any punctuation you added, for instance a comma to separate lines of a song or an exclamation point between words of a movie title.
Verify your email account with the password manager, then set up a new password for your email. You may need a phone or access to your extant 2FA tools for this step. Create a login in the password manager, add your email address, and generate a new password, then save the entry. Go to your email account, select "security" and "change password" - enter your old password to confirm then paste your new password manager generated password into the provided text boxes, and save. Log out of your email account, then log back in with your new password. You will need to do this on all of your devices, so make sure you're using a password manager that is accessible across platforms - Bitwarden is recommended for a reason, this is a place where you don't want to skimp when making substitutions!
Repeat the process of resetting passwords to taste; you don't need to do everything all at once, but it's best to start with a serving of 5-8 to get used to the process.
Time: 30min to 2hr DOE Expense: Literally Free Value: Priceless i never have to remember a fucking password again and now neither do you.
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vanillyanmocattio · 3 months ago
Agere sensories - visuals! (things I see!)
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fairy lights, night lamps, aquarium lamps, lava lamps, LED strips, christmas lights
online you can search up toy commercials, toy unboxing, pinterest, or the website that you're on right now, Tumblr! however make sure your blocked tags and phrases are secured before going through social media, especially as a little
if you're feeling confident, visit toy stores, libraries' kids sections, playgrounds! they're very stimulating, but remember to stay respectful on your visits :)
There's more to artsy life than coloring books! Bead bracelets, clay, stickers, collecting various things, journaling, baby books, finger painting, glitter!
To my fem leaning regressors, hairclips, jewelry, bright make-up (I do not recommend kids make-up as it doesn't have regulations, use adult make up in a childish way), animal headbands! To my neutral/masc regressors, pins, patches, funky shoelaces, sticker tattoos, keychains! Decorate yourself to stimulate yourself on gloomy days!
get food for kids! More colorful, maybe with a cute animal or a smile or dinos, the pretty juice bottles with cartoons? don't get me started. You can also get shape cutters for your veggies/sandwiches
stimboards, gifs!
customize your devices! Wallpapers, keyboards, AOD, widgets! You can even use gifs!
decorate your room and gear too! Coloring pages or other craft you're proud of, showing your favorite toys (if you're safe) colorful rugs! Make custom pacis, add stickers to your bottles, add cute labels!
stim toys, glow in the dark toys! Water toys, squishy balls with colors in them, orbeez, snowglobes, slime!
Have nap times! They don't have to be a nap time, but you can make an hour to yourself, covering the windows and turning off the lights
There are settings on modern devices specifically targeted for visuals. Lower the brightness, get yourself a dark mode, have eye safety on
Get yourself fuzzy nighttime blindfolds, cute sunglasses, hats or hoodies that will limit your eye view (be careful to be protected, but functional if you're outside)
this is universal for any sensory suppression, but items for babies are your best friends if you're looking for less eye straining gear. (Especially with the beige mom trend being more popular, ha ha)
if you still want to watch baby shows, check low-stimulation lists. Also, usually shows directed at younger age range are slower. I also find vintage cartoons less overwhelming (but they're not guaranteed to be always slow and not stimulating)
You can order online instead of throwing yourself out to the chaotic, overwhelming stores
limit your screentime! Short-form content is easily overwhelming, and staring into a bright screen for x hours doesn't do your eyes a favor. It's okay to need breaks and not always be up to date with everything
if possible, pick safe times to do your errands where there's not a lot of people, like weekend mornings.
have a list of safe cartoons, safe colors, safe places, or other "safe" sensories. It's sometimes better to know what you're comfortable with!
remember, if it gets too much, it is always okay to back out. This is YOUR coping mechanism and nobody else's, it's up to YOU what you're okay and not okay with
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wileys-russo · 3 months ago
are requests open? if so could you do a comfort blurb the prompt “i could really use a hug right now” with alessia? thanks!
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need a hug II a.russo
"oh for fuck sakes!" you swore as you knocked over a pot plant, dirt and rocks spilling out everywhere, groaning as you flicked off the vacuum.
the house falling you silent you gingerly moved the vacuum out of the way, sighing as you hunted around in the cupboard beneath the sink to try and find the dustpan and broom.
"where has she put it?" you huffed, your girlfriend having an infuriating habit of using something and never placing it back where she found it, eventually fishing it out from the bottom of the pantry.
squatting down you began to sweep up the mess, only you'd barely begun before the brush promply snapped in half. "are you joking?" you had to laugh in disbelief, now only holding the handle.
"how does that even happen?" you grunted, grabbing the jagged brush and trying to sweep up as best you could, dropping it into the garbage and vacuuming up the rest before trying to repot the poor plant as best you could and setting it aside.
you were interrupted by a few short sharp knocks at the door, grateful you hadn't started the vacuum yet and hurrying over, well aware you currently looked an absolute state.
thankfully it was only the post man and with a smile you collected the few packages addressed to your girlfriend, closing the front door and leaving them on the corner of the bed for her to deal with once she got home.
you knew alessia had been stressed lately, she was so close to finally finishing her studies but juggling that, the podcast, brand deals, appearances and football, she did well to hide it but you knew her well enough to see how thin she was wearing.
the blonde was already gone before you'd woke up, having a photo shoot and interview before training and you knew she had a rather large assignment looming over her which she'd spend hours doing once she got home.
so you'd elected to work from home today which consisted of two meetings you'd moved to the morning and an hour of admin, and freed up your entire afternoon to try and make the house as lovely and tidy as possible.
your girlfriend proudly half italian had taught you how to make pasta many times only you'd never attempted it by yourself, but you'd ducked out to the grocery store to make some for the pair of you for dinner, determined for her not to lift a single finger tonight.
only your grand plan of this large self care evening in which you'd oh so keenly do whatever your girlfriend needed to unwind was being apprehended by one thing, the fact that someone, somewhere, with some unknown grudge against you seemed to have cursed you the most rotten luck in which nothing was going to plan at all.
the tipped over plant wasn't even the start of it, accidentally near blinding yourself with a bottle of toilet bleach as you'd wrestled to get the cap off and slipped on your freshly mopped floor, almost tipping it all over your face as you'd just capped it.
then there was your coffee, a slight lapse in your concentration meaning you'd burnt your milk and then had no more left to remake it, struggling through a very unwelcome long black instead.
thankfully the next hour passed incident free, a satsified click of your tongue as you arranged the lilies you'd gotten for your favourite blonde in the crystal vase which was a present from her mum on your first christmas with the russo's.
but now perhaps the biggest mission of all, dinner.
a brief glance at your phone and you smiled seeing a few messages from your girlfriend, fingers flying as you shot back a reply and tucked your phone into your pocket.
for some extra support you'd found a video online to run you through making the dough, which you knew would be the hardest part of it all as you'd watched even your semi pro pasta making girlfriend mess it up before.
your first attempt, was an absolute dud and the only thing it would be feeding was the garbage bin.
you were beginning to get the hang of kneading while also being acutely aware that any minute now alessia would be home, and you wanted as much of this done as possible because you knew your girlfriend well enough that her first instinct would be to takeover.
sure enough not even a moment later you heard the keys in the door, almost done with putting the dough through the pasta roller and withholding a laugh as you heard a thump and a curse ring out.
"welcome home clumsy!" you called out, the blonde appearing with a playful glare and blowing you a kiss, holding up her gym bag which you knew no doubt was full of dirty laundry she'd want to put on soon as possible.
it all seemed to be going well, dough rolled and ready to be shaped, but alas, your rotten luck struck again.
you rounded the counter to grab something, but having just washed your hands and not drying them they'd clearly dripped onto the floor and before you could even blink you'd slipped and your back hit the floor.
but no, of course that wasn't it, your hand collecting the half full bag of flour and sending it toppling down on top of you, a squeal leaving your lips and footsteps thundering toward you as your girlfriend skidded into the kitchen, concern clearly plastered all over her face.
"what happened?" alessia breathed out, eyes wide at the sight before her and you buried beneath a small mountain of flour, hand smacking over her mouth as you exhaled sending a puff of white up into the air.
"i could really use a hug right now." you mumbled, grateful somewhat for the flour smeared across your cheeks covering how red they'd flushed with embarassment.
"oh baby." alessia bit her lip clearly trying to conceal a grin, gingerly treading her way across the kitchen toward you. "c'mere." the striker stood over you and offered her hands, taking yours within them and very carefully pulling you up to your feet.
you exhaled tiredly into her chest as without a second thought the taller girl wrapped you in a hug, holding tightly as her hand rubbed up and down your back soothingly.
"i was just about to say everything is so clean." the blondes body vibrated with laughter against yours as you let out a pitiful whine. "i was trying to give you a lovely clean home and hot dinner to come home to." you sighed, words a little muffled against her jumper which was now covered in flour. "hey." you looked up as hands cupped your cheeks.
"i'm coming home to you, and that's always more than enough." your girlfriend spoke firmly, bright blue eyes locked with your own as you could only nod. "i love you." you leaned up to kiss her, frowning when the blonde craned her chin away.
"hey! kiss me." you scowled, a grin curling into her lips which again dodged yours. "you are covered in flour." alessia laughed as you rolled your eyes. "so you don't love me, noted." you sighed dramatically, pulling away from her.
"oh no no no, don't you be like that." your girlfriend was quick to capture you back in her arms, spinning you around so your back was pressed against the counter.
"kiss me then." you challenged with a sly smile, the footballer sighing dramatically as if you'd just asked her to build you a house, a scoff leaving your lips before they were promptly pressed against her own.
"i love you too pretty girl."
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danyasblogsblog · 2 months ago
warnings : suggestive
- i love the gaz one i wrote for this hes so underrated and cute, i need to start writing for him
tomorrow my birthday!! very happy
- includes task force 141 (kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, johnny ‘soap’ mactavish, simon ���ghost’ riley, john price), könig and keegan p. russ
gaz would be obsessed with subway surfers. 2am, you hear him raging beside you in bed. ‘kyle, baby, what happened??’ ‘i was so close to beating my highscore!!’ it becomes a full on addiction. its unhealthy. its truly frightening to see your kind boyfriend become a man possessed when he looses. but its all worth it when you see the glint in his eye when he says ‘i beat my high score, y/n, look’ and showing you his phone all proud awww hes so cute im crying omgomg
soap would most likely be obsessed with some random popstar. im thinking ariana grande. he would constantly tell you facts about them, ��did you know that ____ used this inspiration for this album cover?’ and, for his birthday, you’d HAVE take him to one of their concerts. im just imagining his face when he sees the online tickets, his jaw dropping and him kissing you all over saying ‘thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou’
keegan is such a dog person. he loves dogs. whenever he sees one, he always gives it a treat and plays with it. especially after working with an animal as reliable and loving as riley, he wants to have a dog with you. sometimes, when you guys are out shopping, you’ll go see the pet store with him and play with the animals there. while you’re talking to the fishes, he’s with the dogs. while you’re separating two kittens from play fighting, hes with the dogs. speaking of kittens, i feel like he loves black cats aswell. hes so totally black cat bf omg
könig loves minecraft. will always play it- usually in creative mode so he can make a universe for you and him where you guys have lots of farm animals and cats. he most definitely is on the verge of tears when one of his wolves die, and you have confront him and tell him to take a break from playing for a minute. has beat the game hundreds of times but will never ever get bored of it. sometimes you play with him and you pick flowers for him while he actually focuses on killing the ender dragon.
ghost is SO SO good at bowling. he’ll recommend going on bowling dates so he can impress you. if you dont know how to bowl, youre in good hands. he’ll angle himself behind you and help you get the best shot. you’ve never seen him not get anything other than a strike, he’s too good!! defo will say ‘if i get a strike, i get lucky tonight with the missus’ knowing theres no way in hell he wont miss a single pin.
price is really good at pool. whenever you guys go to shitty bars, he’ll lighten the whole place up with his incredible pool skills. lowk starts gambling with the other players when they start betting. whenever he wins, he shows you off to everyone, pulling you close and saying ‘this is my good luck charm, everyone’ and kissing you on the cheek.
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jiniretracha · 5 months ago
ꕤ 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 '𝟐𝟒 - 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟖 ꕤ
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Cha Eun Woo x fem!reader: lingerie use
summary: Nayeon, your best friend, had insisted you on buying a lingerie set for your boyfriend.
warnings: smut, lingerie, insecurities (?), unprotected sex, i just want a bf like him is that too much to ask?
word count: 1.5k
kinktober masterlist // masterlist // ko-fi
The shopping mall wasn’t something you frequented that much. You were more into online shopping and when you did actually go, you always went to the same shops. Plus, crowds weren’t really your thing. It annoyed you that people didn’t really know how to walk through aisles without bumping into you. 
But there you were.
Nayeon, your best friend, had insisted you on going to the mall, blabbering about wanting to buy a new set of lingerie for her. She kept skipping through the different stores until she reached one of her liking. 
“Tell me, isn’t this cute?” she asked, grabbing a creme baby doll dress and holding her up over her chest. 
You smiled and nodded. “Yeah”
She huffed and left the baby doll back in its place. “You’ve said that about every single piece of clothing that I’ve shown you, Y/N” she pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest with a frown.
You chuckled. “I’m sorry, Na. I’m just a little bit tired” you sighed. “But I promise I like it, I think it’ll look amazing on you” 
Nayeon then gasped and covered her mouth. “Holy shit, I know! We’ll have to get you one of these!” she squealed, clapping her hands together. 
Your eyes widened. “Oh God, Nayeon. Please…”
“Oh come on! Don’t you wanna show Eunwoo how good you’d look in one of these? Because I’m telling you, that man is whipped as fuck for you. Would you imagine if he saw you in one of these?” Nayeon kept on insisting.
You grimaced and arched your eyebrows. “You’re sure these will look good on me?” you asked her.
Nayeon practically snorted at your insinuation. “Look good on you? Fuck no, you’ll look stellar, perfect, flawless in them” she smirked.
You let out a sigh and gave up. “Okay, help me choose one?”
── .✦
Nayeon left you at home with the baby doll set you purchased, in hopes that your boyfriend would like you in it.
You had already tried it on back at the store, but you felt like trying it on again.
You stared at yourself in the mirror dressed up in a light mint green coloured lace lingerie set, the bra cups pushed up your tits on your chest, practically spilling out. The panties were thin as freaking lines and they barely made an effort to cover up your crotch. 
You chewed on your lip as your eyes danced all over your figure.
Your heart started slamming inside your ribcage when you heard the front door opening and a familiar sigh.
“Baby, I’m home” Your boyfriend called out from the living room. “Are you in the bedroom?” Eunwoo asked.
You snatched your robe from the closet and quickly threw it on, tying the knot quickly over your waist. “Y-yeah, I’m here!” you called back.
His comforting and very much needed presence filled the room. He instantly smiled at you and walked over to you, framing your face and kissing your lips. “I missed you” he whispered against your lips and you giggled.
“I missed you too” you whispered back. 
“You just came out of the shower, hon?” he asked you, noticing that you were wearing a robe.
You looked down at what you were wearing and felt your cheeks reddening. “Uh- I- no. I just came back from the mall with Nayeon” you stammered. 
“Oh, everything alright?” Eunwoo asked, his eyebrows furrowing in worry, noticing your discomfort in both your face and tone 
God, you loved him so much. “Yeah, everything’s fine… I just- um…” you cleared your throat.
His eyes searched your face. “What?”
“I bought a lingerie set” you said. “For you…”
Eunwoo smiled. “Okay? Show me!” he said excitedly.
You bit your lip. “I’m just- I don’t know- I’m not sure if you’ll like it. It- I think it makes me look weird” you said, feeling the insecurities start to creep up on you.
He frowned. “How in the hell would you, the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth, look bad or weird in a lingerie set, are you kidding me?” he asked, kind of offended you’d even insinuate that, even if he hadn’t seen you yet in it. 
You chuckled with a cute blush painted on your cheeks. “Okay…” you said and your fingers went to untie your robe.
“Is it under this?” Eunwoo asked, and you almost laughed at how cute he looked with his eyes blown wide. 
You nodded and quickly took the robe off, letting it fall to your feet.
He let out all the breath he was holding in a rush. “Fuck… baby. Do you even know how perfect you look right now?” he asked. And before you could reply, he grabbed your waist. “Turn around” Eunwoo said, and you clenched around nothing at how demanding he sounded. 
You obeyed and turned around, biting your lip as his eyes wandered around your behind.
You yelped and jumped up when you felt a sharp sting on your ass, meaning your boyfriend had just spanked you. “Shit, babe, I’m hard as fuck” he said, and turned you around by your waist. “You feel it?” he asked you, grabbing your hand and placing it on his crotch.
You bit your lip as you felt his erection through his jeans.
“Do you even know how it makes me feel that this is the first thing I see after coming home from work?” he asked you, pulling you against his chest, your pelvis hitting with the hardness on his pants. 
Eunwoo didn’t even let you answer, instead his lips silenced you in a kiss, inserting his tongue inside your mouth quickly, licking and sucking at your tongue. 
You moaned against his lips and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer towards you.
He backed you against the closet door, your back hitting the wood. His hands went up to your chest, pawing at your breasts, gripping them and pushing them together. 
Eunwoo bit your lip and tugged on it. His fingers toyed with the clasp that sat on your chest, and opened it slowly, leaving your nude torso on display for him. 
He threw his shirt on the floor, feeling hot himself and his mouth immediately attached to your nipples, sucking on your skin, making you throw your head back in pleasure.
“Eunwoo…” you sighed, carding your fingers through his black hair and tugging on it. 
“Fuck, and you thought I wasn’t gonna like this on you?” He said and then tugged your panties to the side, brushing his fingers over your wetness. “You’re so fucking soaked” he chuckled.
“Do something about it, please” you moaned.
“Oh, I will” 
He knelt down on the ground and grabbed your leg, draping it over your shoulder. His fingers pushed the thong to the side and licked over your hole. Your head hit the wooden door as Eunwoo started playing with your clit with his tongue, flicking it. 
“Shit, I’m gonna need you to sit on my cock” he groaned, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to the bed. 
Eunwoo was quick to throw his pants and underwear off his legs, his cock standing up and leaking over his stomach.
He grabbed your hips and made you sit down on his thighs. He pushed the thong to the side and grabbed the open lapels of your baby doll set to inch your chest closer to him. 
You grabbed his dick and probed it on your entrance. The moment you sat down, you both moaned in unison, feeling his mushroom tip hit the spot as soon as he was buried to the hilt inside of you. 
Eunwoo hooked his hands under your thighs and slammed you down on his cock, earning a high pitched whimper from you.
Your nails clawed at his back as he kept on slamming you down, keeping his bounces rhythmic. 
“You like that, baby?” he asked you, his mouth coming to bite at your chest, licking and sucking at your nipples. 
“Y-yeah” you nodded. “Shit, Eunwoo, don’t stop” you whined.
His mouth was busy so he could only groan and nod against your chest. He made a movement with his hips, thrusting even deeper inside of you that made you fall against his face. 
Eunwoo moved so his nose was pressed against the crook of your neck, taking full advantage of the way you were fully slumped on him. 
He rubbed at your clit, trying to get you to orgasm. “Are you close, honey?” he asked you.
You could only nod dumbly as only whimpers were only coming out of your mouth due to your brain that had turned into mush.
He felt your orgasm wash over his dick and he slammed once filled you up, feeling your body almost boneless on top of him.
He let himself drop on the bed on his back, with you on top of him.
“Babe, you okay?” he asked, his hand brushing down your back.
You nodded against his chest. “Better… than ever” you sighed.
He chuckled against your hairline and one of his hands came to scratch your scalp. “Do you believe me now that I find you insanely attractive with these shit on?” Oh you sure as fuck did now.
── .✦
taglist: @annhearttihaehe // @frequentlykit // @alexisfeliz // @jeonginsleftcheek // @yaorzu-blog // @jisunglyricist // @leeknowinggg // @ka0ila // @minghaosimp // @lixies-favorite-cookie // @yn-x-them // @chrizrizz // @madkati // @starzystay // @pancake-freckle // @velvetmoonlght //
i apologize if i can't tag u :(
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inmyheaddd · 7 months ago
half asleep - grayson hawthorne x reader
a/n: someone lmk how to acquire a sleepy grayson to cuddle with for myself pls wc: 368 masterlist
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you were wide awake, your leg strewn across grayson’s torso and his arms wrapped around you. he was out like a light, and you should’ve been too. 
you blame the 2 extra coffees you had in the morning. in your defense, you were a walking zombie by 1pm, desperate for a boost of energy.
now, you had been laying there silently awake for an hour; it was impossible to go back to sleep.
you thought you were hilarious, so you slowly got out of his grip, propping yourself up on one elbow. 
“grayson, i need you to buy germany for me.” you whispered as you patted his shoulder.
you were spewing absolute nonsense, playing a prank on your boyfriend that you had seen other people do online.
“what?” he muttered. his slight pout, and the way his brows were furrowed with his eyes still closed made possibly the most adorable sight you’d ever seen.
you tried your hardest to not laugh, “you need to buy germany from the store. i asked you last week.”
“okay, okay, ill do it. just…” he patted his arm around looking for you, “come back to sleep, sweetheart.” he mumbled as he blindly reached for your waist again to pull you in closer, but you stayed put.
“wait but, what about the purple frogs in italy?”
“i’ll get them.” he said with a sleepy groan, “tomorrow.” he pulled you in closer successfully this time, and he grabbed the back of your knee, pulling it over his lower half as he wrapped his other arm around your shoulder.
you were shaking with laughter, biting your bottom lip trying not to wake him up.
his breaths were starting to steady and then you saw his brows furrow again. after a beat of silence, he blinked one open eye at you. 
“sweetheart, germany? as in the whole country?” 
you met his gaze sheepishly, holding back a laugh. “purple frogs in italy? are you alright?” he continued. it was impossible not to laugh now.
“i was just messing with you,” you said in between giggles, “i’m sorry,” you placed a hand on his cheek, and he smiled sleepily at the sound of your laughter, closing his eyes again momentarily. 
“i’ll try and get germany for you. no garauntees, my love, but i’ll do my best.” he mumbled sleepily as he brought your head to his chest, kissing the top of it. 
“what about the purple frogs in italy?” you muttered into his chest with a smile.
he let out a sleepy chuckle, “absolutely not.”
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taglist: @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary @whatsamongus
@sweetlikeanangel @littlemissmentallyunstable @sheisntyou @emelia07
@anintellectualintellectual @tornqdowarnings @maybxlle
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charlie-ver · 1 month ago
Hey, you, the trans man reading this - I love you. I know there's posts like this, but I got down a bad rabbit hole last night and I think there's not enough nice posts towards trans men (:
I don't care if you've finished you transition, on won't be ever able to reach the changes you would like. I don't care if you've been on T for years, or just started, or won't be for some years, or can't or don't want to be. I do not care how you dress. I don't care if you want to be pregnant and have children one day. I don't care if you want hysterectomy and don't even want to freeze your eggs (Hell knows I am not freezing anything). I do not care if you want bottom surgery or if you love what you were born with. Because it doesn't matter and doesn't take away from your identity.
Gay trans men? You aren't just confused straight girls. You are valid in your gender AND sexuality. Straight trans men? You aren't a betrayal the moment you are no longer misgendered. You're still welcome in lgbtqia+ spaces. Because you're a part of our community. One does not lose their place the moment they are perceived and cis or cishet.
Cis men have heard it before, but they won't admit it. All this "if you like x you must be a girl" really just feels like repackaged "if you like x you must be gay". Wanna hear a secret?
I like botanical gardens. I love plants. I like looking at clothing, room decor, fabric stores sometimes catch my eye. Because I am am artist, and I take inspiration from these and many more things. Plant care and gardening is not a "red flag" for a trans man in my humble and trans opinion, but it's a sign that you have love to give. And that's beautiful. Just like liking these things does not indicate that a man is gay, it does not mean that your internal identity is any different.
Do not let the world put rails on your patch to your own masculinity. And if you have to hide, that's okay. If you can only be yourself online, that's okay. Trans people will always be here. Trans men will always be here. The best thing you can do is to live as safely as you can. I know this can come off as condescending from a European who has nothing to fear personally, except violence for one month in the year, because my way of being trans isn't "obvious", but I try to take it that my safety means I can try to reassure the rest of you, while you can just focus on your own misery and don't have to be strong for anyone but yourself.
If you need a safe place to went, come to my asks. If you don't want me to post them and just read them, that's ok. You can be angry, you can vent, you can cry, do whatever you need, but, obviously, no transphobia or anything (: Special love goes out to trans men who are of the aroace spectrum, because honestly, the aroace discourse never seems to die, it's just dismissed. Reminds me of something. Hm (: I wonder.
Anyhow. Come to me to cry, for a virtual hug, for a distraction, if you'd like. Feel free to ask for art. Want me to draw your trans characters with flags? I can do that, for free, for you. Ask or dm is enough (: Art and listening is the best I can do, but I'll do my best to do it well.
I love you. You deserve to live, you deserve to be happy, and you also are wholly entitled to cry, to complain, to be sad, angry, loud, afraid. You are a human being with emotions, you deserve to feel them. Nobody can tell you what your internal identity, what your gender is. Because nobody else can know that. Only you can.
So let me repeat: It does not matter how you dress, whether you are on T, whether you want surgeries or love your body as is, whether you are skinny, fat, or muscular, what accessories and clothes you wear, how your voice sounds, how you act, how you carry yourself and what you like. The only thing that matters is how you feel. And while we're at it, yes, you may change your mind, but it still doesn't invalidate your identity in the moment. There was a time where I thought I was biromantic, but I dropped that because I wasn't, and nobody gave me shit for it. Because nobody should. Whatever you feel right now? Valid. Do you identify at a trans man but don't use he/him? Valid. Do you identify with more genders? Are you maybe a man only sometimes? Or are you more at the same time? All of that is valid, if you feel like a man in some aspect or on some part, you are one, if that's a label you want. If your gender makes more sense as a man, then yeah, you are one. Nothing else but how you feel matters.
I love you, and again, I'm here for you if you need that. I can only listen and draw a little something for you, but maybe that's enough for some. If it can help a bit, I can do it for you.
Anyone derailing this post will be blocked. I have no patience for derailers.
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grocito · 11 months ago
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How to move your business online | Convert Offline Dukaan in ₹149
How to move your business online | Convert Offline Dukaan in ₹149
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revelboo · 2 months ago
[holds the scavengers very gently in my hands] they are my beloveds. i love them.
They’re trying their best
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A Lifeless Ordinary Pt 13
Scavengers x Reader
• Straddling Spinister’s neck, his head is propped up enough for Krok to work on fixing the dent and you can lean your upper body against Spin’s mask. Currently sprawled against his mask, palm splayed on him as you whisper at him to wake up. Very aware of Krok’s disapproving stare since he’d made it plenty clear that Spin’s going to come online confused. Well, more confused than normal, but he’d caved when you’d demanded to stay with him. Making you realize that the defacto leader has trouble telling you no, a fact you store away for later. “Do you guys have a home? Besides the ship?”
• Hands stilling, he glances at you. The way you’re sprawled against Spinister, cheek laying on his mask as you look up at him. “I don’t know,” he admits. “Cybertron’s home, but we haven’t returned since our side lost the war.” It’s not like the Decepticons were the only ones committing atrocities, but history tends to favor the victors. Almost positive the narrative has painted them as monsters, glossing over the reasons for the war. All of it for nothing. But out here? They’re free, no senate manipulating them. Telling them what they have to be. “When I left, it was nothing more than a ruined husk. We did that.”
• There’s an exhausted horror in his voice that makes you wish you weren’t so small. That you could hug him. Because you don’t know the words to help. Groaning softly, Spinister distracts you from how inadequate you are. Servos lifting to touch your spine as his mask retracts. “You’re awake,” you gasp out, voice hitching as his lips brush over you. Optics brightening as he stares at you. “Spin,” you protest as his mouth moves distractingly against you. Yeah, Krok was right. Such a bad place to lay down, arching you push at him, but his servos aren’t budging.
• Venting against you, Spinister glances up with a growl when Krok touches his helm. “You hit me,” he accuses. Feels your little hands on his face, trying to push away from him while he pins you with his servos. Not ready to part with your warmth and the scent of you. The softness that’s his. Mass shifting under you, he hears your startled scream and he grabs at you to keep you from falling off as Krok swears. Sitting up, he catches your hips and now you’re swearing as your head and shoulders hit the medical berth between his thighs, your legs over his shoulders. “Hi, tiny.” He growls down at you.
• Mouth hanging open as Krok smacks his tools down with a clatter. “Spinister.” There’s an edge of warning in Krok’s voice as Spin just rests his chin on you, staring down at you. And it apparently can get worse, his chin resting against the apex of your spread thighs. Mortified, you stare helplessly at Krok. Begging for help with your eyes, because the big guy likely has no idea how wrong the way he’s holding you is. “Let the human go, Spin,” Krok says, earning him a confused ‘why?’ Covering your face with your hands when Misfire comes in to check on all of you and starts laughing. Again.
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whenanafallsinlove · 8 months ago
BNHA CHARACTERS X GN! READER; - how they would act with a foreign s/o headcanons﹗
﹗warnings: none, pure fluff! :D
a/n: not proof read! Sorry if it's a little repetitive! Requests are open if you want pt 2 with other characters or fandoms :D
includes: Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari
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Katsuki Bakugou:
definitely learns how to cook typical foods from your country
calls you dumbass if you mess up a sentence in japanese
likes to correct your pronunciation and grammar
if you typically eat a lot of spicy foods in your country, you two will challenge each other on who eats the most spice
he likes when you speak in your language
he told you he wanted to learn your language with the excuse that it would make him a better hero
but he wants to learn it because he is just nosy
specially after hearing you saying his name during a call with your family, and not understanding what you told them about him
you told him that if he wanted to know, he would have to learn your language
he obviously takes that as a challenge and learns a lot very quickly (and he's unsurprisingly good too)
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Shoto Todoroki:
would be eager to help you learn japanese
he would surprise you by learning your language too
asks you to cook your favorite typical meals for him to try
if you were feeling homesick, he would search online and buy you a bunch of your country’s typical candy
gets embarassed when you catch him listening to podcasts to learn your language
he's like super proud of having a foreign s/o
he will bring the fact that you're from another country every chance he gets
when he brings you to meet his family, he's mortified when his father asks something stupid/stereotypical about your country
when you started dating, one of the first things he asked you was the cultural differences when dating in your country
just to make sure you were on the same page, and also to take into account important gestures that would be meaningful for you
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Sero Hanta:
he would compliment you and use pet names in your language
he watched a tik tok of “trying typical candy from my s/o’s country!” and immediately asked you to do it
starts to listen to music in your language!
often asks you to teach him some phrases in your language, but gets frustrated when he just can’t get a grasp on the pronunciation
duolingo is secretly his best friend
admires you for knowing more than one language
would buy anything related to your country and gift it to you,
he sees a postcard at the store with a photo from your country? he buys it; he sees a fridge magnet from your contry? he gets it; he sees a turism magazine with 'top 10 places to visit this year' and your country's name on it, he's already checking out with it
he just wants to make you feel at home with him too
constantly checks on you to make sure you're not homesick
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Denki Kaminari:
asks you A LOT about your country, specially the differences between where you are from and where you live now
he’s like a kid, always grabbing random stuff and asking “how do call… in your country?”
begs you to teach him how to curse in you language
probably tries to learn how to dance to music from your country
when you facetime your family he likes to greet them with the three words you have taught him
celebrates your important national festivities with you
he starts to follow and watch entertainment content in your language, claiming he starts to understand it (he does not)
everytime you cook something from your country, he asks you to make some for him too
claims that your voice and personality change when you speak in your language
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namsgyu · 13 days ago
gift giving hcs with namgyu <3
a/n: this takes place outside the games!! (≧∀≦) not proofread!! just a silly idea that popped up in my head, pls enjoy! <3
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You —> Namgyu
you like to give namgyu things that remind you of your relationship with him
matching couple sweaters, keychains of characters from shows you watch together, even simple jewelry he swears looks stupid, but yet you find him slipping it on before you two go out
he scolds you for “wasting money” on him, but when you’re not around he looks at the items you’ve gifted him with such sweetness in his eyes
when he gets promoted at club pentagon, you gift him a watch that he’s been eyeing but deemed too expensive to buy
to celebrate namgyu’s promotion you make a reservation at a nice restaurant, planning to surprise him during dinner
when you pull the velvet box out and present him with it, he chuckles “is this another set of matching bracelets?”
however, his eyes go wide as he opens the box, the watch staring back at him
at first he doesn’t know how to respond, looking back at you like you’ve pulled the world’s cruelest joke on him or something
when you confirm the watch is the real deal, his expression softens and you’re greeted with a warm smile. “i have nothing else to say but thank you” he grabs your hand, rubbing his thumb against it “this is the nicest thing i’ve ever received” he says genuinely, his eyes meeting yours
definitely subtlety flexes his new gift LOL
purposely chooses to show up to work with his sleeves rolled up, watch shining under the club lights
when asked about it, oh boy. his chest swells with pride “yeah y/n got it for me” he’ll say with a shit eating grin on his face
Namgyu —> You
namgyu’s gifts to you are well thought out
he thinks about it for weeks before buying it, secretly wondering if it’s stupid or not. it’s never stupid
that phone case you’ve been eyeing? he has it saved and in his online shopping cart. the perfume you always stroll by when window shopping together? he has a photo of it on his phone, ready to buy when needed. the stupid-faced plushie that you think is soooo cute? he knows exactly which stores he can buy it at
being said, when your birthday rolls around, namgyu goes all out
weeks before your birthday, he’s ordering your gifts online, secretly hiding them in places you won’t see
days before, he tells you he’s going out with thanos to help him work on his music. instead, both of them are at namgyu’s place trying to wrap everything as nice as they can
when you tear into the presents namgyu watches you intently, trying to read what you’re thinking
as you gasp and whip your head towards him questioning “how did you know i wanted this?!” he’ll shrug and reply with “just a hunch”
if you try to tease him about keeping tabs on the things you’ll like he will absolutely deny it. starts trying to defend himself saying “you only looked at it a million times”
when he sees you using the gifts he gave you, namgyu feels a sense of accomplishment. he’s happy seeing you happy, it’s as simple as that!
if he’s within earshot of you telling one of your friends about something that namgyu gave you, he makes sure to bring it up later. “aren’t i just the best?”
thanks for tuning in!! feedback is always read and appreciated!! <3
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ajortga · 9 months ago
comfort person
pairing: sam carpenter x female reader
summary: sammy spends time with you after a long day, giving you all the love money can't buy.
word count: 1.7k+
a/n: first sam fic, just had this idea and plan on writing more of her later on. more jenna fics will be out soon:). thank you for 600 followers<3
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Sam is greeted with the sight of your figure waddling to her after school, her hands making way to her helmet that protects her head. As she takes it off and feels the cool breeze flow through her hair, she her heart strings tug when your smile widens and you walk faster to her.
“Hi, baby,” she says, kissing your forehead gently while playing with your hair. Her arms wrap around you as soon as she places her helmet against the seating of her motorcycle.
Immediately you cling onto her, burying your face into her chest because that’s the only place your head can reach. Her scent invades your senses, sweet and slightly musky from her leather jacket.
Sam peppers kisses against your hair, stroking it softly. It warms her heart (that’s meant to be tough) seeing your slightly grumpy façade melt as soon as her protective arms wrap around you. But, could you not say the same for her? Seeing the way your girlfriend’s eyes soften like ice cream on a hot summer day. Sam isn’t the closed off person that your best friends see, not your Sammy.
She’s the sweetest, making you melt into her arms whenever you have a bad day, cuddles and kisses at night, soothing tummy rubs for bad stomach aches. 
“Hi, Sammy.” You look up at her, eyes a little tired with her arms snug around your waist as she brushes a strand away from your face, studying you.
She softly smiles at you, rubbing your cheek. “Tired?” She asks, a little worried.
You nod, “Just a little. Too many tests.”
“That’s not good,” the taller girl says, voice etched with concern. “You were up studying.” She pauses for a moment, before lifting you on the motorcycle seat, behind her. “What about this? I’ll make you feel better, are you willing to go somewhere or do you want to stay home? I have a surprise.”
You murmur incoherently against her chest, a few muffled words before saying, “Mm willing to go somewhere.”
Sam kisses your forehead, “Okay, hold onto me. When we get home I’ll give you all the cuddles in the world, cook you dinner, and turn on your favorite movie. It’s Friday anyway.”
Your girlfriend turns around and places her helmet on your head, making sure that you’re safe and comfortable before taking off, a soft vroom sounding.
You drive through the buildings and city of Woodsboro, people spilling coffee, apartments into view, parties beginning to happen as you cling onto Sam’s waist.
A turn here, brake here, vroom there. Your eyes close, nuzzling into Sam’s back. It’s not long before you two come to a stop when you open your eyes. 
“Build-A-Bear?” you question, looking at your girlfriend who is grinning at you.
“You know I can’t ignore the way you keep checking on my phone if that Pochacco plush is sold out, right? My whole search history is, “Pochacco plush build a bear” or “Is Pochacco still at Build-A-Bear stores?” Don’t even get me started with, “Why is Pochacco build-a-bear stuffed animal so expensive on eBay?” So we’re going to find that stuffed animal.” Sam scrunches her nose, seeing the way you embarrassingly smile.
For some reason, Sam’s internet on her phone works better than yours, so you catch yourself desperate to see if your Build-A-Bear plush you wanted is still out of stock online.
She ties the helmet on your head against the handles of her motorcycle, extending her hand for you to hold.
You take it as you both walk into the store. “I don’t understand how your phone works faster than mine, Sammy. You barely use it!” 
Sam rolls her eyes, “Not my fault that the wifi just favorites me, mi vida. Come on, we’re gonna get you that plushie.”
Your arm clings onto hers as you place your head on her shoulder, a way for you to show your affection. It’s always sweet to Sam, seeing your clinginess whenever you’re with her. You're skipping with her, teeth shown in a toothy, happy smile.
She doesn’t understand how you do it, she’s supposed to be closed-off to everyone except for Tara. Her sister even has to tease her for it because she finds herself buying flowers for you and making a Spotify playlist for you. “It’s cute, Sam.” Tara assures her, pinching her shoulder.
Sam holds the door for you, in which you immediately cling back onto her. Cool breeze surrounded you both from the AC, the comfy atmosphere of stuffed animals and outfits. You drag her to the Sanrio section where Pochaccos were waiting for you.
Before she could even speak, you turned to her, holding an unstuffed Pochacco while wearing puppy eyes. A smile cracks onto her face as she pulls you into her chest, “Is that all you want? Shouldn’t we get him some clothes so he isn’t.. You know, unclothed?”
“Naked,” you correct, looking up when she rolls her eyes and nods. “Yes, naked. Do you have to make me say it?”
You sniff, “Yes, I do actually. Okay, help me choose the clothes, Sammy!”
As you two hold on to each other while looking at the colorful clothing, she gently circles her thumb against your palm. She reluctantly agrees when you ask her to have her speak for the voice box. You didn’t want to sleep without hearing her. But sometimes, she had to work late, and this was a cute option.
Sam goes through the clothes, pulling out a purple bikini, “What about this one?”
You stare at it, before bursting out into a laugh. “Sammy, Pochacco is a boy! He can’t wear a bikini!”
“Oh yeah? Says who, Y/N? This is a free country!” She argues while your head is buried into her chest, the scent of musk from her leather jacket filling your senses.
“Yes it’s a free country! But I was wanting Pochacco to wear something that fit his personality!”
She sighs, relenting as she puts away the bikini. “I thought our Pochacco would look very fashionable wearing a purple bikini. Oh!” She pulls out a flying ace outfit, with pilot goggles and a fluffy brown bomber jacket. “This one?”
Sam knows she made the right choice as you give her a toothy grin. A grin that makes her smile too. “Okay! Yay! That one.” You watch when she helps you carry the outfits and your bags. 
“How about we get him some overalls too? He can’t always go out wearing the same outfit, can he?”
“I guess not,” you sigh dramatically, “Overalls would be very cute.”
You two dig through the outfits before being able to find the jean overalls. “I have another idea for an outfit we should get.” 
Your girlfriend turns to you while grabbing a pair of tiny overalls, “Oh?” She tilts her head, “What would that be, mi vida?”
The tall brunette feels your hands untangle from hers before you run away, coming back 10 seconds later with your nose scrunched, holding a familiar purple bikini. Her eyes gleam, grinning at you. “Told you, fashionable.”
You roll your eyes.
By the time you two are about to checkout, you both are holding a lot of outfits. (Sam insisted as she got your stuffy shoes, hats, scarfs, hell, even a dress.) It made your cheeks burn as you had to look away from her to not let a smile break throughout your face when she was looking for a “I love Sam” or “I love Y/N” shirt. Unfortunately, she had to resort to a “I love you” shirt instead. 
Your forehead is peppered with kisses when you both are in line. You let the sweetness of Sam comfort you as you nuzzle her, burying your body against her.
“Talk about a cute couple,” the two girls say behind you, jealousy and admiration in their tone. 
You two get to a register as Sam pays. Next thing you know, the Pochacco is taken out of your hand to be stuffed. A soft whirring sound buzzes from the stuffing station, fuzz flying in the large container with a bear to decorate on top. You shiver from the AC that is starting to get a little too chilly.
Sam smiles down at you, her fingers threading through your hair. They begin to stuff your Pochacco, his body starting to inflate until it looks like a cute puppy. 
“All done!” The worker says, handing the puppy to you with a sweet smile. 
The cute face stares back at you as you hug him tight, a soft song playing when you squeeze him.
“I’ll get the custom voice box tonight, promise.” Sam says, draping her leather jacket over you, catching the way you begin to feel cold. 
“I love you,” you whisper, letting her kiss you softly. You hold Pochacco up for her to hold, the leather sleeves slightly oversized. You two leave the store and sit against a chair together.
He’s cute, Sam thinks, squishing him gently as you two begin to dress him. You start him with some overalls, black converse, and a heart headband. She notices how you look so happy. It makes her heart squeeze. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you some cinnamon rolls, okay? Then we can cuddle up and watch a movie when we get home.” Your arm links with hers as you both head back to the motorcycle, Sam making sure to stay on the side with the cars on them as you two walk.
The rest of the day, you spend time cuddling in bed with a fluffy blanket wrapped around you two. You don't let your stuffed animal go whatsoever. (Sam doesn't want to admit that you brought an extra chair to make the fluffy creature sit at dinner.)
"An extra meatball for him," You point at Pochacco as she sighs, pouring some spaghetti on a small plate.
Whenever Sam comes home late, she's greeted with the sight of you, hugging the plushie and squeezing the voice box like you'll die if you don't hear her.
"Hi, sweetheart. Just wanted to let you know that I love you and miss you. Hold tight, I'm always thinking about you and will give you so many cuddles when I get home, okay? I love you mi vida."
You sniff, burying your face into the plushie as you keep squeezing the arm, a different lullaby of Sam playing every time.
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