#best package
fieriframes · 3 months
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[Rockstar, awesome job. Thank you very much. Hunter and I now have to come up with, who sent the best package. There's no cash prizes, it's just bragging rights.]
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sistar19 · 3 months
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NYMPHIA WIND + runway looks 🍌💛👑 RuPaul's Drag Race, Season 16
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ghostbsuter · 6 months
It's not that Danny didn't try to stop them.
It's more like they really don't want to leave him alone.
Clingy they are.
It's been a day since he's been adopted by the famous Brucie Wayne. He'd tried everything to creep the man out, but?? Who knew that those aspects would make him try to speed up the process?
It's only a day, and Ember already urges him to follow Shadow, who's been leading him on a wild goose chase around the Manor.
He can hear the barely there snicker from Johnny, Kitty's muffled giggle and Embers persisting tugs.
Danny curses once he's sure the butler wouldn't hear him, giving up and following the cat.
It leads him to an office room? Shadow disappears behind the bookshelf and Danny follows behind.
He did not expect an elevator, nor how far down it goes.
"That's makes explaining so much easier now."
This also explains the eerily quiet during nighttime, so he takes the chair in front of the batcomputer and sits.
Laughing when johnny falls from the T-Rex statue, overall having a good time with the trio. Hell, he nearly missed the family coming back from how hard he's laughing.
When Batman's looming form overshadows any view on his friends, Danny sobers up quickly, giving a nervous smile.
"Heyyyy, so what if i kinda found this super sketchy place, hypothetical."
"Then, hypothetically of course, you would be given an explanation and choice." Batman's stoic stance and firm voice change, from sagged shoulders and tired sigh.
Hey, that's definitely a step up from vlad.
Ember is wiggling her two fingers behind Batman's head, he stifles his giggles and nearly topples over at Kitty making swooning noises at Barbara Gordon, who is watching from the screen.
He's so screwed.
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mud-muffin · 1 year
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The Best Birthday Present
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btsjk-biased · 23 days
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Jung Kook 🌤️ BTS Summer Packages
[ video source cr. 0613data ]
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mioakem · 3 months
Male character who died at a young age from a disappointing death? Okay okay tell me more. He’s tall and muscular??? Perfect. He’s European and has a thick accent?? Alright bonus but not required. He’s bi but has/had a girlfriend that he loves/loved very much??? Absolutely. He has a male best friend that the majority of the fandom ships him with?? Alright, good but again not required. He has a tough guy persona but is actually a super sweet and kind of goofy and lovable guy??? Well golly gee sign me up
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amongthezinnias · 1 year
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride to the OG pairing since 2009. 🏳️‍🌈
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(part 2 here)
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mikeslawyer · 4 months
established mike and will regularly have the i love you more, no, i love you more argument that doesn’t end until the someone from the party tells them to shut the fuck up after an hour
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flowerakatsuka · 19 days
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help this weird fucking thing showed up in my house, should i kill it??
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dykedvonte · 4 months
Ulysses obsession with the Courier is a special type of sad to me cause the Courier’s part was so important but so unwitting. They had no idea what was in the package they delivered and neither did he. Neither had an idea of what it could’ve done and the Courier was only caring out their job (mind you the Courier could be killed via notes in the express contract if they don’t). To them it was just another regular delivery to the divide and one that they likely thought would help, just like all the ones before.
It’s so tragic for Ulysses to hold so much ire to the Courier when it really was the case of it could’ve been anyone. Anyone could have delivered that package but they did and so he focused the blame on them and it destroys what he is trying to instill in the courier on a fundamental level.
#like yeah the courier delivered the package but in the end that’s a job#any random courier could’ve delivered it especially since we know in the past the factions were farther apart and this travel was a smidge#safer but courier six got it and this Ulysses blamed them#like I don’t care much for Ulysses because I think lonesome road embodies don’t shoot the messenger at it core#and what people focus on doesn’t focus on the fact that in the bigger picture#everything went wrong because two factions were at war and at some point the codes would have been delivered#and the divide destroyed cause with how close it is to NCR territory it would of been found#like there is an inevitable and too many people treat Ulysses as if he knows more or is more aware of the idiosyncrasies of conflict#when he’s like fundamentally flawed just at the standard of being a legion apologist STILL and just how focused he is on one persons#involvement cause yeah choices matter even the small one but I think Veronica’s quest says it best with a line from the courier#you can’t control what they do#like the courier couldn’t and can’t control what they deliver and yet it’s got them in hot water multiple times#like do you think they enjoy being shot or knowing they are indirectly responsible for activating the annihilation of a community#to me it’s hypocrisy to be willing to end the world or one world to prove a point and whatever argument made that only military factions#suffer forget there are innocent civilians suffering that had no part and Ulysses is no better than the Courier#I don’t like devils advocate and a lot of the dlc just feels like that but idk I know people love it but the depth is just not there for mr#ulysses fnv#fallout#fallout new vegas#courier six#the courier#lonesome road#the courier has very little personality outside what we give them but some lines and delivery paint a picture#like uhhhh undertale deltarune rules ig
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pokophobia · 2 months
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close enough, welcome back cooking mama
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inchidentally · 6 months
was dl mclaren's tiktok front to back after they archived their instagram and the feeling it gave me seeing these pics and comments from last Feb followed by the Qatar post wowww
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the p keychain with literal Pinocchio because I had to
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Remember when obi wan’s hair was vacuumed off? I wonder how Cody reacted when he saw him after that
therapist: bald Obi Wan isn't real he can't hurt you
bald Obi Wan:
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yeahyeahyeahme · 6 months
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airanke · 8 months
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