#best ointment for piles in benefits
codshopping · 2 months
Best Ointment For Piles in Pakistan
Best Ointment For Piles in Pakistan Best Ointment For Piles in Pakistan. Hemorrhoids commonly known as piles is a medical condition. In this issue veins become swollen in the lowest part of rectum and anus. During this issue walls of blood vessels stretched too thin & causes irritation, discomfort & bleeding. Hemorrhoids is very common these days in both men & women. Millions of men & women of…
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r1999-transcript · 10 months
A Nightmare At Green Lake 12 - Rush of Passion
The young staff of the Foundation are making deductions from the current situation. The city girl and the town girl lie in the sofa, snuggled up against each other, and fiddle with the clutter piled up on the table.
Blonney: Look, they are trying to solve the problem, yet we can do nothing but fiddle around. Maybe I should have worked harder in college, so that I can at least understand a thing or two from the conversation.
Anne: Don’t worry, Jennifer! I don’t understand any of what they said either! You are not alone. I’m here with you.
Blonney: I’m not like you. You literally don’t know anything. I remember when we first met, you asked of everything I had on me. You grew up here, in a small town in the middle of nowhere. It is only normal that you don’t know anything about the outside world. But I’m different. I’ve been to big cities, I’ve gone to college, I’ve read books, I pretended to be well-adapted to this lifestyle. But in fact, I’m still ignorant, knowing nothing but empty pleasures. My hair colour gives away who I am. I’m a silly blondie.
Anne: Don’t speak of yourself like this, Jennifer.
Anne sits up, frowning with anxiety. She raises her voice.
Anne: You’re not silky. You are smart! You make your own movie with a script you wrote by yourself! You’re pretty and kind, and you’re the best person I’ve ever known. Please don’t hate yourself.
Blonney: Fine, I get it, but can you let go of my hand first? You’re hurting me a bit.
Anne: Oh! Sorry! Are you going to be okay? Shall I get you some ointment for these red areas on your hand?
Blonney: Haha! You’re funny. I’m not some glass doll that breaks from being held too tightly. Heh heh. Oh, I can barely breathe. You are great fun!
Anne: You’re smiling. Did I make you happy? This is good.
Blonney: Heh heh. Don’t you find me weird? My attitude changes so rapidly. I’ve been mean to you for a long time. And all of a sudden, I started to follow you around and try to use you to survive from this.
Anne: Weird? What’s so bad about that? Even if you’re weird, it’s a good kind of weird. I like you … staying by my side.
Blonney: Even if I’m a benefit-driven fence-sitter who immediately embrace arcanists after being ditched by my human friends?
Anne: Jason and Michael shouldn’t hate you, if they knew you better.
Blonney: Hah …
The laughter makes her tired. She lets her body fall on the sofa, her head leaning on the shoulder of that small-town girl.
Blonney: You seem to really like me.
Anne: …!
Blonney: You would jump off the car to rescue me, you protect me, praise me. You would even be happy because I was happy.
Anne: Because I’ve never seen anyone as pretty as you are. You’re special. You’re different to the rest of us.
Blonney: Oh, stop. I will not be embarrassed for these nice things you said about me. I’ve heard enough of them throughout my entire life. Listen, I’m very sorry for mistreating you, and I’m grateful that you came to save me. I will reward you with a secret, my secret. Do you wanna hear it?
Anne: Absolutely!
Anne’s green eyes are filled with sincerity, shining like a puppy’s.
Anne: I’d love to!
Blonney: In fact, I don’t hate horror movies.
Tooth Fairy: This is the diary I found in the attic. There were many other things, like a full warehouse.
Blonney: I actually liked them a lot when I was a kid. I spent most of my time here, in Green Lake Campsite, writing my own horror movie scripts on paper.
Tooth Fairy: The handwriting is pretty childish, so the writer might be around 8 to 13 years old. Some of the narratives are straightforward, but the story itself is very creative.
Blonney: But later, we moved to another town. Huh, hah! My parents earned great success in business, and we moved into a high-profile community where only humans are allowed. We were also given privileges that arcanists cannot enjoy. It was then I realised—nobody wants me to be an arcanist.
Tooth Fairy: It was since that day, the diary stopped updating. It might be forgotten or taken away. The story ended there.
Blonney: That’s why I decided to break off my connections with arcanists and stop showing interests in emotive things like horror movies in order to hide the arcanist side of me. Huh! I took out my energy on other things which may ease my mind, like soap operas, new clothes, fashions … People like me this way. They said this is what I’m supposed to do. They believe that I’m a dumb bimbo, believe that I hate books. I led a life they want me to have, till I graduated from high school.
Anne: I don’t like these people. You shouldn’t have been out through this. You are the smartest person I’ve ever known.
Anne reaches out a hand and clenches a fist.
Anne: If one day I run into them, I will pull their noses and mouths off, like this!
Blonney: A wonderful idea. I wish I was as creative as you are.
Blonney: So, in the end, I attacked one of the jerks who didn’t watch his mouth at the prom. I slapped him in the face and smashed four sandwiches and a salad on his head. Then, feeling resentful for what had happened, I applied for a degree in filmmaking, a course which was considered to be “ill-fitted” to me. And next, I started shooting horror movies for an assignment “I have to finish.” Huh! Deep down inside, I think I have never really given them up. I’ve probably never stopped loving them.
Horropedia: Keep on shooting. I will buy you a new camera.
Blonney: Hello! Have you been eavesdropping? Where is your manners?
Vertin: Actually, I heard them all as well.
Tooth Fairy: So did I.
Horropedia: We are in the same room. You can talk, we can hear, and the air helps. That’s it.
Tooth Fairy: Well, we are all here, paying attention to your voices. We heard everything you just said.
Tooth Fairy walks up, gently putting a pink diary on Blonney’s knees.
Tooth Fairy: I think this is yours. Now I should hand it back to you.
Blonney: Where did you find it? I haven’t seen this for a really long time.
A reunion after a long separation. Blonney opens the diary carefully.
Blonney: I used to do some arcanist tricks with it, but I have lost control over my power since I threw it into the la- … lak- … Aaah-choo!
Blonney suddenly gives a shiver, perhaps because she is touched by the diary, or perhaps because of something else. She raises her head and looks around.
Blonney: Aren’t you guys cold? How come it’s so chilly?
A gust of cold wind, along with a bit of rain, swirls into the cabin. Outside the opened door, a wedding ring lies in a puddle, reflecting light ominously.
Blonney: That ring? Wasn’t it on my finger a minute ago?
Vertin: Watch out. Something is approaching.
Blonney: How many more dead men were buried here? I’ve had enough! Can’t we just get rid of that dead woman?
Ghost Bride: Boohoo …
Blonney: She’s approaching! This is a good chance …
Ghost Bride: Aaahhh!
Blonney: Ugh! She smells like a skunk in the sewer!
Sonetto: Blonney! The ghost bride took her down. We need to help her!
Critter Crowd: Chirp …
Sonetto: Not good. The critters are coming around again!
The ghost bride murmurs something and crawls over Blonney, who has fallen to the ground.
Ghost Bride: I do … do … I do … ah …
Horropedia: Hey! Blondie! If you wanna survive, leave that ring alone!
Blonney: Hell, you think I wanted this?! This crazy woman ghost put it on me! Get off! Get lost!
The ghost bride’s oozy body is kicked back several feet.
Ghost Bride: Uuuhh …!
Blonney quickly struggles to her feet and runs toward the back of the cabin.
Ghost Bride: Hmm, boohoo … uuuhh …
Horropedia: Damn! Her whimper can summon more critters. They are going out from the ground!
Tooth Fairy: Shh.
Shaking her head, Tooth Fairy walks to the centre of the monsters. She is surrounded by sparkling powder.
Tooth Fairy: What they need is a song.
Sonetto: This is Ms. Tooth Fairy’s singing! Ms. Tooth Fairy, behind you!
Horropedia: Jeez! What on earth is that!
Blonney: Ahahaha! What is it, do you think? Of course, a good surpriiiiiiiiise! Ha! I didn’t know I was a talented driver! Once we get out of here, I’m gonna get myself a driver’s license!
Horropedia: Within 30 seconds, you crashed over every critter in our sight. I don’t think you are qualified to be a driver. No, no. That’s not the point. Where did you get the car?
Tooth Fairy: Pink lines. This is drawn with an oil paint pen. This is her arcane skill. Your arcane skill restored pretty fast. Seems like you’ve accepted your identity.
Blonney: May be that, or may be because I retrieved this diary. I feel something has changed inside me, making me a bit hyped.
Tooth Fairy: A good try. Please keep up with the feeling.
Blonney: That song you just sang—can I take it as a gift?
Tooth Fairy: You mean …?
Blonney: Well, you still owe me a song. Please, I wanna song from you.
Tooth Fairy: Sure, take it as a gift. For making progress in life and for your courage to embrace who you truly are.
Blonney: Thanks. This is my handkerchief. Take it. Wipe your face. Ah!
The Hummer woven with pink graffiti horns melts in the rain. Blonney stumbles backward. It’s a misjudgement of her own arcane ability—a mistake commonly made by rookie arcanists.
Horropedia: Did you just get a bit woozy from putting up a big scene to the rescue?
Blonney: I didn’t.
Horropedia: Okay … uh-huh … yeah … uh-hum …
Blonney: What are you doing?
Horropedia: I know the rules of social courtesy. You just saved my life, so I won’t embarrass you by telling others you just overestimated your ability.
Horropedia shakes his head, a grin spreading across his face.
Horropedia: If you are willing to take advice from me, I would say don’t overburden yourself.
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lunimasafetyt · 2 days
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, can be an extremely uncomfortable and painful condition that affects many individuals. If you're experiencing symptoms like itching, discomfort, or bleeding during bowel movements, it's essential to seek professional help. In Ghaziabad, finding an effective solution for piles treatment is easier with specialized clinics. Among the most reputable names in this field is the Piles Fistula Clinic, which offers advanced and personalized care for piles, fistula, and related anorectal conditions.
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What Are Piles?
Piles are swollen veins in the rectal or anal area, which can occur both internally (inside the rectum) and externally (under the skin around the anus). They can cause significant discomfort, including pain, itching, swelling, and in more severe cases, bleeding during bowel movements. Piles are often triggered by factors such as chronic constipation, prolonged sitting, pregnancy, or excessive straining. “piles treatment in Ghaziabad”
Why Choose Piles Fistula Clinic for Piles Treatment in Ghaziabad?
When it comes to piles treatment, Ghaziabad has several clinics, but Piles Fistula Clinic stands out for several reasons:
Specialized Care: As the name suggests, the clinic focuses primarily on treating piles, fistulas, and related anorectal issues. This specialization allows them to provide advanced and expert care.
Experienced Doctors: The clinic boasts a team of highly experienced doctors who have been treating piles and fistulas for many years. Their expertise ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment for their specific condition.
Advanced Technology: Piles Fistula Clinic uses cutting-edge technology and the latest medical practices to ensure effective and minimally invasive treatments. Their techniques, such as laser surgery, have revolutionized the way piles are treated, leading to faster recovery times and minimal discomfort.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Every patient is different, and so is their condition. The clinic offers personalized treatment plans that are tailored to the specific needs and severity of each patient’s condition.
Treatment Options for Piles at Piles Fistula Clinic
At Piles Fistula Clinic, patients can expect a range of treatment options depending on the type and severity of their piles. These treatments include:
Non-Surgical Treatments:
Lifestyle Modifications: Sometimes, simple changes in diet and lifestyle can help alleviate the symptoms of piles. These include increasing fiber intake, drinking more water, and avoiding prolonged sitting.
Medications: Over-the-counter medications and topical ointments can provide temporary relief from pain and itching. However, they are not a permanent solution for severe cases.
Minimally Invasive Procedures:
Laser Treatment: One of the most advanced options available, laser treatment for piles is quick, painless, and offers fast recovery. The laser is used to shrink the piles, causing them to dry up and fall off naturally.
Rubber Band Ligation: This procedure involves placing a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid, cutting off its blood supply. The hemorrhoid then shrinks and falls off within a few days.
Surgical Options:
Hemorrhoidectomy: In cases where other treatments are ineffective, surgical removal of hemorrhoids may be necessary. This is generally a last resort and is performed by experienced surgeons at the clinic.
Benefits of Laser Piles Treatment at Piles Fistula Clinic
One of the most popular treatments offered at Piles Fistula Clinic is laser treatment. Here’s why laser treatment for piles is highly recommended:
Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional surgery, laser treatment does not require large incisions, making it a minimally invasive procedure.
Faster Recovery: Patients who undergo laser treatment can usually resume their normal activities within a few days.
Less Pain: Laser treatment is much less painful compared to conventional surgery.
Reduced Risk of Complications: The precision of the laser reduces the risk of complications such as infections or excessive bleeding.
Why Timely Treatment Matters
Ignoring piles can lead to serious complications, such as the development of chronic pain, fistulas, and infections. It’s crucial to address the condition early on to prevent it from worsening. Piles Fistula Clinic ensures that patients receive timely and effective treatment, helping them regain their comfort and quality of life. “piles treatment in Ghaziabad”
Book an Appointment Today
If you or a loved one is suffering from piles and are looking for a reliable piles treatment clinic in Ghaziabad, Piles Fistula Clinic is the place to go. With their expertise, advanced technology, and commitment to patient care, they are equipped to provide the best treatment options for all stages of piles.
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talasuharshitha · 2 days
Best Piles Treatment At SurgiKure in visakhapatnam and Vijayawada
Piles Treatment - Laser Surgery Procedure & Operation Benefits
one of the most common anorectal medical conditions, yet least talked about is piles. Piles, or hemorrhoids, are swollen tissues and blood vessels found inside the skin in the rectal region. You can get the best treatment for piles at SurgiKure, with top-notch medical technologies and equipment. Book a consultation today with SurgiKure to get rid of piles.
What Are Piles?
Piles is generally not a serious medical condition and can be treated with lifestyle changes and home remedies, like increasing fiber intake, drinking plenty of water, practicing good hygiene, using over-the-counter creams or ointments, and avoiding straining during bowel movements. However, in more severe cases, surgical procedures may be required.
What Are The Types and Grades Of Piles?
Piles can be classified into the following based on their location and characteristics:Internal Piles Internal piles develop inside the rectum above the dentate line. They are not visible from the outside and are categorized into different grades based on their severity and prolapse.
Grade 1: Grade 1 piles are the mildest form of internal piles. They are small and found in the lining of the rectum. They do not protrude out of the anus and usually do not cause any symptoms. Treatment for Grade 1 piles often begins with conservative measures, like lifestyle modifications, sitz baths, topical creams or ointments, etc.
Grade 2: Grade 2 piles are larger than Grade 1 and may protrude during bowel movements. They protrude from the anus but spontaneously retract back into the rectum after the bowel movement. Treatment options for Grade 2 piles may include non-surgical interventions like rubber band ligation, infrared coagulation, and sclerotherapy.
Grade 3: Grade 3 piles also prolapse during bowel movements but do not retract independently. They need to be manually pushed back into the rectum. They may cause significant discomfort, pain, itching, bleeding, and difficulty maintaining proper hygiene. Treatment options for Grade 3 piles may include rubber band ligation, infrared coagulation, and sclerotherapy.
Grade 4: Grade 4 piles are the most severe and advanced stage. They remain prolapsed and cannot be manually repositioned. These piles are large, inflamed, and highly sensitive. Grade 4 piles can cause intense pain, bleeding, and hygiene difficulties. In addition, they may also be associated with complications such as thrombosis (blood clots) or strangulation. Surgical intervention may be necessary for Grade 4 piles, and options may include laser surgery and stapled hemorrhoidectomy.
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yazhhealthcare · 2 months
Piles Treatment Coimbatore | Yazh Healthcare
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Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are a prevalent medical condition that affects many individuals, causing discomfort and pain. If you're looking for effective piles treatment in Coimbatore, you're not alone. Yazh Healthcare in Coimbatore offers advanced treatment options and professional care to help you manage and overcome this condition.
Understanding Piles
Piles are bulging veins in the lower rectum and anus that resemble varicose veins. They can form inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or beneath the skin near the anus (external hemorrhoids). Symptoms may include pain, itching, swelling, and bleeding during bowel movements.
Why Should I Choose Yazh Healthcare for Piles Treatment in Coimbatore?
At Yazh Healthcare, we provide comprehensive piles treatment tailored to each patient's needs. Our experienced medical team ensures that you receive the best care possible, from diagnosis to post-treatment support.
Advanced Piles Treatment Options
1. Medication: Initial treatment for mild piles often includes over-the-counter medications to reduce pain and swelling. Our doctors can recommend the most effective topical ointments and oral medications.
2. Non-Surgical Procedures: For more persistent cases, non-surgical procedures like rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and infrared coagulation are available. These minimally invasive treatments effectively reduce hemorrhoid size and alleviate symptoms.
3. Surgical Options: In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. Our expert surgeons at Yazh Healthcare perform advanced procedures like hemorrhoidectomy and stapled hemorrhoidopexy, ensuring minimal discomfort and quick recovery.
4. Laser Treatment: We offer state-of-the-art laser treatment for piles, a highly effective and less invasive option that promotes faster healing and reduces post-operative pain.
Piles Doctor or Hospital Near Me, Coimbatore
Finding the proper specialist is critical for a successful therapy. At Yazh Healthcare, our team of skilled doctors specializes in treating piles and other anorectal disorders. Our hospital is equipped with the latest technology and facilities to provide top-notch care. When you search for piles doctor or hospital near me, Coimbatore, you can be confident that Yazh Healthcare is the best choice for reliable and compassionate medical care.
Benefits of Choosing Yazh Healthcare
- Experienced Specialists: Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced doctors who are experts in treating piles.
- Advanced Technology: We use the latest medical equipment and techniques to ensure effective treatment.
- Comprehensive Care: From diagnosis to treatment and post-operative care, we provide a holistic approach to managing piles.
- Patient-Centered Approach: Our primary focus is on providing personalized care that meets the unique needs of each patient.
Tips for Preventing Piles
In addition to seeking medical treatment, there are several steps you can take to prevent piles:
- Diet: Eat a high-fiber diet to ensure smooth bowel movements and prevent constipation.
- Hydration: Drink enough of water to keep your digestive system running smoothly.
- Exercise: Regular physical activity helps maintain healthy bowel function.
- Healthy Bowel Habits: Avoid straining during bowel movements and go as soon as you feel the urge.
If you or a loved one is struggling with piles, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Yazh Healthcare in Coimbatore offers comprehensive piles treatment options tailored to your specific needs. With our experienced specialists and advanced treatment methods, we are committed to providing the best care possible.
For the best piles treatment in Coimbatore and to find a piles doctor or hospital near me, Coimbatore, contact Yazh Healthcare today. Let us help you achieve a pain-free and comfortable life.
Contact Us:
Website: https://yazhhealthcare.com/
Call Us: +91 7418879188
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Piles Clinic in Mumbai: Comprehensive Care and Treatment Options
Introduction to Piles
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus. They can cause discomfort, itching, and bleeding, significantly affecting quality of life. Thankfully, specialized piles clinic in Mumbai offers a range of treatments tailored to manage and alleviate these symptoms effectively.
Symptoms and Causes of Piles
  Common Symptoms
Pain or Discomfort: Often during bowel movements or prolonged sitting.
Itching and Irritation: Around the anal region.
Swelling: Around the anus, which may be felt as a lump.
Bleeding: Usually painless, bright red blood during or after bowel movements.
Straining During Bowel Movements: Due to constipation.
Chronic Diarrhea or Constipation: Causes repeated strain on anal veins.
Prolonged Sitting: Especially on the toilet.
Pregnancy: Increased pressure in the pelvic region.
Obesity: Extra weight increases pressure on the veins in the anal region.
Choosing the Right Piles Clinic in Mumbai
When selecting the best piles clinic in Mumbai, consider factors like reputation, treatment options, patient reviews, and location. Here are some of the top piles clinics in Mumbai:
Treatment Options for Piles
  Non-Surgical Treatments
Medication: Includes creams, ointments, and suppositories to relieve symptoms.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes: High-fiber diet, adequate hydration, and regular exercise to prevent constipation.
Sclerotherapy: Injection of a solution to shrink hemorrhoids.
  Surgical Treatments
Laser Surgery: Minimally invasive, uses laser energy to remove or shrink hemorrhoids.
Stapler Surgery (Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy): Reduces prolapsed hemorrhoids and is less painful than traditional surgery.
Hemorrhoidectomy: Traditional surgical removal of severe or large hemorrhoids.
Benefits of Laser Treatment for Piles
  Minimally Invasive
Laser treatment involves minimal cutting, reducing pain and bleeding. It targets the affected area precisely, causing less damage to surrounding tissues.
  Quick Recovery
Patients typically experience faster recovery times compared to traditional surgery. Most can resume normal activities within a few days.
  Reduced Risk of Complications
With laser treatment, there is a lower risk of post-operative complications like infections or excessive bleeding. The precision of the laser minimizes tissue damage.
What to Expect During Your Visit
  Initial Consultation
Medical History Review: Discussion of symptoms and any previous treatments.
Physical Examination: May include an anoscopy or digital rectal exam to assess the extent of the hemorrhoids.
Treatment Plan: Based on the diagnosis, the doctor will recommend appropriate treatment options.
  During Treatment
Procedure: For non-surgical treatments, expect outpatient care. For surgical options, procedures may vary from day care to short hospital stays.
Post-Treatment Care: Instructions for diet, activity, and wound care will be provided to ensure smooth recovery.
Check-Ups: Regular follow-ups to monitor recovery and address any complications.
Lifestyle Advice: Guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent recurrence.
Choosing the best piles doctor in Mumbai ensures access to advanced treatments and compassionate care tailored to manage and alleviate the discomfort of hemorrhoids. Whether you opt for non-surgical or surgical treatments, piles doctor in Mumbai offers comprehensive solutions designed for quick recovery and lasting relief. By addressing piles with professional medical support, you can improve your quality of life and avoid further complications.
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laproscopicsuregon · 3 months
Expert Piles specialist in thrissur : Dr. Arun Nair
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels in the anal and rectal area that can cause discomfort and pain. If you’re seeking effective and advanced treatment for piles, look no further than best piles specialist in Thrissur, Dr. Arun S. Nair. With his expertise in surgical gastroenterology, advanced laparoscopy, GI oncology, and robotic surgery, he is renowned Proctologist in Thrissur, where he provides comprehensive care for patients suffering from piles. In this service page, we will provide an overview of piles, discuss the grades of piles, highlight the symptoms and causes, delve into Dr. Arun S. Nair’s treatment approach, outline the benefits of laser surgery, and explain why he is the ideal choice for your piles treatment needs.
What is Piles?
Piles, or hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels located in the anal canal or rectum. They can be internal, occurring inside the rectum, or external, developing under the skin around the anus. Piles can result from increased pressure in the lower rectum, causing the blood vessels to stretch and swell. Common contributing factors include chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements, prolonged sitting, obesity, pregnancy, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Grades of Piles:
Piles are classified into different grades based on their severity and level of prolapse. The grading system helps determine the appropriate treatment approach. The grades of piles include:
Grade 1: Internal hemorrhoids that do not prolapse and remain inside the rectum. They are usually not visible and may cause minimal symptoms.
Grade 2: Internal hemorrhoids that prolapse during bowel movements but retract on their own afterward. They may cause bleeding and discomfort.
Grade 3: Internal hemorrhoids that prolapse during bowel movements and require manual repositioning to return inside the rectum.
Grade 4: Internal hemorrhoids that remain prolapsed outside the rectum and cannot be manually repositioned. They may cause significant pain and discomfort.
Piles Symptoms & Causes:
As per, gastroenterologist in Thrissur, Dr. Arun Nair symptoms of piles  may depend on type and  hardness but commonly include:
Blood in the stool or on toilet paper after wiping.
Itching and irritation in the anal region.
Pain or discomfort during bowel movements.
Swelling or a lump around the anus.
Mucus discharge from the anus.
A feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
The exact cause of piles is not always clear, but several factors can contribute to their development, including:
Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
Straining during bowel movements.
Sitting for extended periods, especially on hard surfaces.
Obesity or excessive weight gain.
Pregnancy and childbirth.
Aging, as tissues supporting the veins weaken.
Hereditary factors.
It’s essential to consult a Dr. Arun .Nair if you experience symptoms of piles to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Dr. Nair is specialized in  providing piles treatment in Thrissur for patients to receive proper care and effective solutions for there condition.
Piles Treatment by Dr. Arun Nair:
Dr. Arun S. Nair provides comprehensive and individualized treatment for piles, tailored to each patient’s specific needs. As an experienced gastrointestinal and robotic surgeon, he offers the latest advancements in surgical techniques to effectively manage piles and he’s  treatment approach may include:
Conservative Management: For mild cases of piles, non-surgical treatments such as dietary modifications, increased fiber intake, adequate hydration, and the use of stool softeners may be recommended. These measures help alleviate symptoms and prevent further aggravation.
Medications: Dr. Arun S. Nair may prescribe medications such as topical creams or ointments to relieve pain, itching, and inflammation associated with piles. Oral medications, including pain relievers and stool softeners, may also be prescribed to provide relief.
Minimally Invasive Procedures: In cases where conservative management is insufficient, Dr. Nair offers minimally invasive procedures to treat piles. 
These procedures include:
Rubber Band Ligation: This procedure involves placing a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. Over time, the hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off.
Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical solution into the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink and eventually disappear.
Infrared Coagulation (IRC): IRC uses infrared light to create scar tissue, which cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink and resolve.
Laser Treatment: Dr. Arun S. Nair specializes in laser treatment for piles. Laser energy is used to precisely target and shrink the hemorrhoidal tissue, promoting healing and relief.
Surgical Intervention: In severe cases of piles or when other treatments have been unsuccessful, surgical intervention may be necessary. Dr. Arun S. Nair performs piles surgery in Thrissur with  advanced surgical procedures, including hemorrhoidectomy, which involves the removal of the hemorrhoids. He utilizes minimally invasive techniques to minimize discomfort and promote faster recovery.
Benefits of Laser Surgery:
Dr. Arun S. Nair’s expertise in laser surgery for piles offers several advantages, including:
Precision and Accuracy: Laser technology allows for precise targeting of the hemorrhoidal tissue, ensuring effective treatment while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues.
Minimally Invasive: Laser surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that involves small incisions, resulting in less post-operative pain, minimal scarring, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
Reduced Bleeding: The laser’s coagulation properties help seal blood vessels during the procedure, leading to reduced bleeding and a lower risk of complications.
Minimal Discomfort: Laser treatment is associated with minimal discomfort during and after the procedure, enhancing patient comfort and satisfaction.
Faster Recovery: The minimally invasive nature of laser surgery promotes faster recovery, allowing patients to return to their daily activities sooner.
Overall, laser surgery provides patients with a safer, less invasive, and more efficient option for many medical procedures. At Elixir Clinic, patients suffering from this disease can benefit from laser piles treatment in Thrissur, provided by Dr. Arun S. Nair 
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invigormedkraft · 4 months
Laser vs. Traditional Methods: Which is the Best Option for Piles?
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Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the lower part of the rectum and anus. They can cause significant discomfort, pain, and even bleeding. Traditional treatments for piles have been around for centuries, ranging from home remedies to surgical procedures. However, recent advancements in medical technology have introduced laser treatments as a viable alternative. This blog will explore the differences between traditional methods and laser treatments, with a specific focus on the benefits of using a Diode laser for piles and general laser for piles procedures.
Understanding Traditional Methods for Piles
Traditional treatments for piles can be broadly categorized into non-surgical and Laser methods.
Non-Surgical Methods
Lifestyle Changes: Dietary modifications, increased water intake, and regular exercise can alleviate symptoms by reducing constipation and straining during bowel movements.
Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter creams, ointments, and suppositories can provide temporary relief from pain and itching.
Sclerotherapy: This involves injecting a chemical solution into the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink.
Rubber Band Ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply, causing it to wither and fall off.
Laser Treatment for Piles
Laser treatments have gained popularity due to their minimally invasive nature and effectiveness. A specific type of laser treatment that is widely used is the Diode laser for piles. A Diode laser is a high-intensity beam of light that is used to precisely target and treat hemorrhoidal tissue. The laser energy causes the hemorrhoidal tissue to shrink and eventually disappear. This method is particularly effective for treating internal hemorrhoids.
Advantages of Laser Treatment for Piles
Minimally Invasive: Laser treatment is less invasive compared to traditional surgical methods. It involves minimal cutting and stitching, leading to a faster recovery time.
Precision: The laser can precisely target the hemorrhoidal tissue, reducing the risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Reduced Pain: Patients experience less pain during and after the procedure compared to traditional surgical methods. The laser seals nerve endings, reducing post-operative discomfort.
Lower Risk of Complications: Laser treatment reduces the risk of bleeding, infection, and other complications associated with traditional surgery.
Quick Recovery: Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days. The healing process is faster due to minimal tissue damage.
Outpatient Procedure: Laser treatments are usually performed on an outpatient basis, eliminating the need for a hospital stay.
Comparing Diode Laser Treatment and Traditional Methods
Traditional Methods: While effective, traditional methods can be painful and may require a longer recovery period. Surgical methods like hemorrhoidectomy are highly effective but come with significant post-operative pain and a longer healing time.
Diode Laser for Piles: Laser treatment offers comparable effectiveness with significantly less pain and a quicker recovery. The precision of the laser allows for targeted treatment, which can be especially beneficial for internal hemorrhoids.
Pain and Discomfort
Traditional Methods: Patients often experience considerable pain and discomfort during and after traditional surgical procedures. Recovery from a hemorrhoidectomy can be particularly painful.
Laser for Piles: Laser treatment causes minimal pain both during and after the procedure. The laser seals nerve endings, reducing post-operative discomfort.
Recovery Time
Traditional Methods: Recovery from traditional surgery can take several weeks, during which patients may experience significant pain and discomfort.
Diode Laser for Piles: Recovery from laser treatment is much quicker, with most patients returning to their normal activities within a few days.
Risk of Complications
Traditional Methods: Traditional surgeries carry a higher risk of complications such as bleeding, infection, and incontinence.
Laser for Piles: Laser treatment significantly reduces the risk of complications. The laser cauterizes blood vessels, reducing the risk of bleeding, and the minimally invasive nature of the procedure lowers the risk of infection.
When to Consider Laser Treatment for Piles
Laser treatment is suitable for various stages of hemorrhoids, particularly internal hemorrhoids that are not responding well to traditional non-surgical treatments. It is also an excellent option for patients who wish to avoid the pain and long recovery associated with traditional surgery.
Contact Invigor Medkraft to buy Laser for Piles Treatment
Contact Invigor Medkraft to buy the best Diode laser for piles treatment at an affordable price. Our advanced laser for piles technology ensures effective and minimally invasive treatment, offering patients a quicker recovery with less pain. Medical professionals, including doctors and practitioners, can purchase our high-quality laser equipment to enhance their practice and provide superior care. Invigor Medkraft is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions and exceptional customer service. Choose us for reliable and efficient Diode laser for piles equipment to improve patient outcomes and streamline your treatment procedures.
Both traditional methods and laser treatments have their place in the treatment of piles. However, the Diode laser for piles and other laser for piles treatments offer numerous advantages, including less pain, quicker recovery, and reduced risk of complications. For patients seeking a less invasive and more comfortable option, laser treatment is an excellent choice. If you are considering treatment for piles, consult with a medical professional to determine the best approach for your specific condition. Invigor Medkraft provides state-of-the-art laser treatments and comprehensive training for medical professionals, ensuring you receive the best care possible.
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pileandpain · 7 months
Women's Piles Treatment in Aurangabad: Experienced Female Doctor at Shree Samarth
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Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, can be a sensitive and uncomfortable condition for anyone. However, for women, there might be additional concerns when seeking treatment. At Shree Samarth Pile & Pain Clinic in Aurangabad, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable and at ease when addressing piles. That's why we offer specialized care for women, including consultations and treatment with an experienced female doctor.  Why Choose a Female Doctor for Piles Treatment?
Many women feel more comfortable discussing their health concerns with a female doctor. Here are some reasons why choosing a female doctor for piles treatment at Shree Samarth Pile & Pain Clinic could be the right decision for you:
Gender sensitivity: Our female doctor has a deep understanding of the unique anatomical and physiological factors that can contribute to piles in women.
Improved communication: You might feel more open and comfortable discussing symptoms and concerns with a female doctor.
Compassionate care: Our female doctor prioritizes creating a supportive and understanding environment throughout your treatment journey.
Addressing Piles in Women
Piles can occur due to various factors, including pregnancy, childbirth, constipation, and straining during bowel movements.  Women are particularly susceptible during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and increased pressure on the pelvic area.
At Shree Samarth Pile & Pain Clinic, our female doctor will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your specific situation and medical history. We offer a range of treatment options tailored to your needs and preferences, including:
Lifestyle modifications: Dietary changes, stool softeners, and pelvic floor exercises can help manage constipation and reduce straining.
Medications: Topical creams and ointments can provide relief from pain and inflammation.
Minimally invasive procedures: For more advanced cases, minimally invasive procedures using advanced technology might be recommended. 
Benefits of Choosing Shree Samarth Pile & Pain Clinic
When it comes to women's piles treatment in Aurangabad, Shree Samarth Pile & Pain Clinic offers several advantages:
Experienced female doctor: Our doctor is highly qualified and has extensive experience treating piles in women.
Comprehensive treatment approach: We offer a variety of treatment options to ensure the best possible outcome for you.
Painless and comfortable procedures: We prioritize patient comfort and utilize advanced techniques to minimize discomfort.
Confidentiality and respect: We understand the sensitive nature of piles and maintain complete confidentiality throughout your treatment.
Don't Let Piles Hold You Back
Piles are a treatable condition. If you're experiencing symptoms such as pain, bleeding, or discomfort during bowel movements, don't hesitate to seek help.  Schedule an appointment with our experienced female doctor at Shree Samarth Pile & Pain Clinic in Aurangabad. We're here to help you find relief and get back to living a pain-free life.
For More Info:- shreesamarthpilesclinic.com
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ssw001 · 9 months
Ayurvedic treatment for fissure in Chennai
Heal Fissures Naturally: Ayurvedic Treatment in Chennai"
Struggling with fissures? Embrace the healing touch of Ayurveda for effective relief in Chennai! At Dhanvanthri Clinic, our specialized Ayurvedic treatments offer a holistic approach to alleviate fissure-related discomfort and promote long-term healing.
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Why Choose Ayurvedic Treatment for Fissures in Chennai?
When it comes to fissure treatment, Ayurveda offers time-tested remedies, emphasizing natural healing and long-term wellness. Here's why opting for Ayurvedic solutions in Chennai can be transformative:
Our Ayurvedic approach to treating fissures involves:
Herbal Remedies: Leveraging the power of natural herbs to soothe and heal fissures without harmful side effects.
Dietary Guidance: Customized dietary plans to ease bowel movements and promote digestive health, crucial for fissure healing.
Lifestyle Modifications: Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations to minimize fissure-related discomfort and aid recovery.
External Therapies: Application of specialized Ayurvedic oils and ointments for localized relief and healing.
Yoga and Meditation: Incorporating yoga and meditation techniques to reduce stress, which can exacerbate fissure symptoms.
The Value We Bring
Choosing Dhanvanthri Clinic for Ayurvedic treatment in Chennai offers numerous benefits:
Personalized Care: Tailored treatment plans catering to individual needs for optimal healing.
Natural Healing: Embrace a natural approach without invasive procedures or harsh medications.
Experienced Practitioners: Consult with experienced Ayurvedic practitioners specializing in fissure treatment.
Holistic Wellness: Address not just the symptoms but the root cause of fissures for long-lasting relief.
Experience the healing touch of Ayurveda at Dhanvanthri Clinic in Chennai and bid farewell to fissure discomfort. Our Ayurvedic treatments, rooted in centuries-old wisdom, offer a safe and effective path to recovery. Visit us at Dhanvanthri Clinic to embark on your journey towards holistic wellness today!
Let Ayurveda guide you towards natural healing and lasting relief from fissures in Chennai!
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codshopping · 2 months
Hemorrhoids Cream Price in Pakistan
Hemorrhoids Cream Price in Pakistan Hemorrhoids Cream Price in Pakistan. Today millions of people are suffering from hemorrhoids also known as piles. Internal hemorrhoids & external hemorrhoids are 2 types of hemorrhoids. It is the most painful problem one may face. If you are suffering from this issue, you can understand the pain you have suffered in your life. Piles or hemorrhoids is an easily…
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suwya · 3 years
Till the Stars Had Run Away - Chapter 7
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Summary: Killian Jones was a voyager. Actually, he was many things, or at least he had been - a lieutenant, a brother, a loving boyfriend - until everything had turned upside down and his life had hit an all time low. So, he gave up. Aboard his spaceship he abandoned Arcadia, his planet, navigating the stars and other solar systems in search of... well, he still didn't know what he was searching for, but his rule was "never remain in the same place longer than necessary."
Rating: M
Prologue; Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
A/N: Thank you @thisonesatellite for being the best beta reader I could ever ask for. And thank to all of you who are reading this.
Chapter 7
Everything exists,
everything is true
and the earth is just
a bit of dust beneath our feet.
(W. B. Yeats)
“Help yourself.” David had accompanied Killian to some sort of warehouse with various spare parts of spaceships piled up here and there on shelves. “Sorry, I don't understand much about mechanics.” He apologized.
Killian looked around him, some pieces appeared to be useful, others looked like half-broken remains from which perhaps a couple of bolts could be extracted but nothing more. “It seems more boneyard than storage.”
“Yeah, well, not everybody who landed here was lucky enough to tell the tale..” David sighed.
A look of understanding passed between them. Killian nodded and started to rummage through the pieces. They had just checked the Jolly Roger to assess the damages, passing through a hidden corridor that led directly to the hangar without having to go out into the open. If I had known this passage existed, I would have probably been spared my hospital stay, Killian had thought.
“What is like to grow up on this planet?” He asked nonchalantly, still trying to decipher the man next to him.
“Nobody is from Vernal-Den.”
Killian looked at him suspiciously “Then, how did you land here?”
“Probably, same as you did. We had entered the gravitational field without even realizing it. Sadly, we were less fortunate than you, our spaceship was destroyed. It’s a miracle we survived. And in no time we were trapped here.”
“And you built an underground city.” There was astonishment in his voice.
“It’s not that big, and the tunnels were already part of this planet, we just repurposed them for our convenience.”
“How many of you live here?”
David appeared lost in a faraway thought. “There were more than twenty of us in the original group. Some had already gone away, joining a fleeing ship. Some… well, let’s just say they had tried an escape route that did not turn out to be the best choice. There’s just a few of us left now.”
“Why didn’t you leave?” Killian was curious to know what kept the other man tied to this lost land.
“I contemplated the possibility a couple of times. But at the beginning it was chaos, people needed a leader. Someone who took responsibility for organizing things down here.”
“I was their leader on our home planet.” David answered, and Killian studied the man in front of him, his stance, the way he always looked straight into the eyes of his interlocutor. He exuded confidence and Killian had no trouble imagining him as a charismatic manager or even a king. But when he was about to ask, the other man went on. “When things started to run by themselves, I considered going somewhere else, but well, you can imagine, we don’t receive many visitors.”
“So if the opportunity arises to leave now, you will take it on the fly?”
“I don't know,” David shook his head, “but I would certainly think about it.”
Killian spent some time choosing pieces from the shelves. When he felt satisfied with his choices, he said “I think I have everything I need.”
David nodded and they made their way back to the ship. Killian was eager to get started on the repairs, the other man said he had some tasks to do and would be back to pick him up in a few hours, so Killian found himself alone in the hangar. But that was no problem, he loved devoting sweat and tears to his ship, and fixing it was for him like healing the wounds of a close friend.
Time flew by when he was with his lady, and when David returned, Killian was covered in grease and oil stains. “I’ve just talked to Mary Margaret”, the blonde man stated, “dinner should be ready soon, we better go home.”
A few corridors and passages down, David stopped in front of a double door. He seemed to ponder something, but in the end, he said “Let me show you something.”
Behind that door there was one of the most amazing things Killian had ever seen. A greenhouse. The man remembered when Henry mentioned it. Now he understood why the boy was so enthusiastic about it.
The place was enormous. Plants and trees of all kinds and species grew in full bloom under an artificial source of bright light and the temperature in the room was slightly wet but pleasant. Scents of different flowers filled the air and Killian recognized some fruits that he had only seen in pictures. He was staring with awe. “Well, this is…”
“Outstanding? Extraordinary?” David finished his sentence. “Yeah. Exactly my thoughts when I found it.”
“What do you mean, found it? Was it already here when you arrived?”
David nodded.
“But how could it be? You said that nobody was living here when you landed. Who is in charge of this place?”
“The place runs all by itself.” Under the astonished look of the other man, David added “Many things are strange on this planet, and I don’t have all the answers.” He shook his head. “I wish I had.”
Back home Killian took a quick shower to get rid of all the grease of the engine and when he was redressing with clean clothes, Emma approached him and started to help him with the ointment and fresh bandages for his bruises. They were alone in the upper part of the loft. She was chewing her bottom lip, maybe because she was concentrating on the task, or so he thought, and that’s why he was surprised when she abruptly said “We need to talk.”
He arched a brow. “I’ve found that when a woman says that, I'm rarely in for a pleasant conversation.”
She rolled her eyes. “I want you to know what Sidney Glass told me about New-Tolemac.”
Emma had just finished fixing the last of the gauze, and Killian put a hand on hers stopping her movements. She lifted her gaze, staring into his eyes perplexedly. He nodded, trying to silently tell her that she could trust him with whatever she wanted to reveal.
But the closeness, her hand on his chest, the way she was looking at him, it was too much to bear for Killian. Intense and maybe inappropriate thoughts were forming in his head, and he needed to pay attention to what she was about to say. He took a step back and started to put on a shirt.
Emma sat down at the end of the bed. She was fidgeting, clearly uncomfortable and worried. “The King and Queen of New-Tolemac have joined forces with the Industry.” She blurted.
“Well, that’s a powerful partnership, indeed.” Killian conceded.
“But why? For years they have built and perfected a plan to defeat the Industry, they have been preparing for war. Now they want to be their ally. I don’t understand.” Emma shook her head.
“People often change sides according to their benefits.”
“Yeah. Mr. Glass said they have a common goal. But he didn’t know what that was. Or he didn’t want to reveal it to me.” Emma had been staring at her feet so far. But she frowned and raised her gaze to find his. “I don’t know what to think.”
Killian sat down next to her and covered her hand with his. “What is exactly troubling you?”
“If New-Tolemac doesn’t fear a possible attack of the Industry, maybe they won’t be needing Henry as their heir anymore. So I should be relieved. But if they still need Henry for their future business, they are more powerful now, and finding my son wouldn’t be much of a problem for them.” She shivered. “I’m terrified.” She admitted.
Killian looked sympathetically at her, then he opened his arms and she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. “We will protect Henry. Nothing bad will happen to the boy.” He tried to reassure her, and she mentally thanked him for his choice to use the word we.
When Emma and Killian went downstairs Henry was immersed in a story. Mary Margaret was putting some things in place on her shelves, which in Killian’s opinion was not at all necessary, as they already seemed in order; he noticed that the boy glanced confused towards the brunette woman but didn't give it too much weight.
David was in the kitchen, browning some vegetables. "You absolutely have to try these," he told his audience, "they don't have all the intense flavor they had on our planet, but, given that they are from a greenhouse, they are not bad at all."
“What was your home planet?” Killian inquired.
“One of the NTH-Confederates.” It was Mary Margaret who answered.
“No way!” Henry had stopped giving attention to his tablet.
“Yes, why? Do you know them?” Was David’s question, while his wife simultaneously asked: "Have you been there?"
“Everybody in the multiverse knows them.” Killian stated. “I traveled a lot, but I never went that far away. Those planets are surrounded by legends and myths.”
“Well, it’s a very tangible and existing myth.” The brunette said with a nostalgic look in her eyes.
“It’s so cool! It has to be a wondrous place.” Henry was as enthusiastic as usual.
“Yeah. Well… I’d like it to be as cool as it used to be.” There was a hint of sadness in David’s voice. Then he shook his head as if he didn't want to indulge in melancholic thoughts. “But, they still have the best fillglow team of the multiverse!”
“What are you talking about?” Killian rhetorically asked.
“Why, The Buttercups, of course!”
“No, no, no.” Killian accentuated it by swinging one finger. “I mean, they are some fine fellows, I won’t argue with that. But The Black Clippers? That’s a team as it ought to be!”
“Oh, come on! The Buttercups have won four major leagues. What did your team win?”
“It’s easy to have the most requested players on the market when you are loaded. My boys, they cut their teeth on the field, they fought to reach where they are. They were not a guaranteed winning team, and look at them now, top end of the MFC table this year. Plus, they play fair.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” David was staring back at the other man, chin raised, one hand on his hip. He might even have looked threatening, were it not for the fact that in his other hand he was brandishing a wooden spoon and wearing an apron that read "the most charming chef in the world".
“Easy guys.” His wife tried to make peace. “Dinner is almost ready, would you like to help set the table?”
They all ate quietly, the boys still talking about sports, but with Mary Margaret's gentle interjection now and then, and some glances at her husband, they didn’t argue much. Emma, instead, was delighted, looking at Killian talking about his favorite team as if he was defending his honor.
When they finished eating, the brunette stood up and said to her husband “David, you should go and do your patrol, while I check at the hospital if they need anything.” Something that Killian had already listened to the previous day, as well just after dinner.
Henry looked at the woman frowning. “Why do you always repeat the same actions, day after day?” He was perplexed.
Killian hummed as if he had the clues to the boy’s puzzle “This is a stuck-track planet, my lad.” he explained to a confused Henry. “I’ve been on some of them when I was young.”
“You say it as if you were an old fellow.” Emma snorted. “What are you, a million years old?”
“It’s more like two hundred.” Was his reply.
And to her surprise, she didn’t detect any hint of a lie. “Are you kidding me?”
Killian was about to reply, but Henry interrupted their banter “What’s a stuck-track planet?”
“It means that time runs differently here.” The man explained. “The days or even weeks we spend on this planet are probably just a couple of minutes back home.”
The boy seemed fascinated by the idea. “Wow! Now I understand why my watch gives almost the same hour, it's not broken, it just moves really slow!”
“Exactly. And it affects people, too.” Killian went on. “They don’t age, or at least not in the way you do on Althea-Seals.” Then he drew near Emma, whispering so that only she could hear him “Stuck-track planets may have given me experience, but as you can see I’ve retained my youthful glow.” He winked at her, who just rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile.
“This is why the days all look the same here.” Henry deduced, who was giving further thought to the subject.
“This is why we follow routines so strictly.” Mary Margaret chimed in. “It helps count the passing of time.”
“Does that mean that you and David aren’t the age you appear, either?” Emma questioned.
The other woman thought about it. “Add twenty years, give or take. But it’s hard to say exactly.”
The married couple excused themselves while heading out of the loft to carry out their duties. Killian and Emma started to put away the remains of the dinner. Henry was probably still eager to know as much as possible about this strange planet and its slow time, but when he stood up with his dirt plate in his hands he couldn’t suppress a yawn. His mother insisted on him going to bed.
“Where do those flying rocks around the planet come from?” Killian asked David after he had come back from his patrol.
Henry was already sleeping upstairs, and the three of them were sitting around the table.
“Ahm, it’s not so easy to explain.” The blond man answered.
“Give it a try.” Killian wanted to understand how Vernal-Den worked.
David shook his head. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, more than I don’t actually know about it.” He made a pause trying to find better words to explain his point of view. “I would say it’s remotely directed.”
“From where?” Emma asked curiously.
“We don’t know.” This time was Mary Margaret’s turn to answer, who had just entered the loft, back from the hospital, and joined the other adults at the table.
“But I assure you, there’s none else on this planet, apart from the people we know about. And I trust all of them.” David had the urge to defend his friends.
“A couple of people we knew had tried to go outside to search for other forms of life, enemies, whatever... to understand who or what supervises this planet’s activities.” Mary Margaret sighed. “Let’s just say it didn’t end well.”
“But there should be someone else on this planet, defending it.” Killian didn’t comprehend.
“There’s nobody else living here, apart from the people we already know.”
“How can you be so sure?” Emma asked.
“Nobody else uses the greenhouse and its products.” David explained. “Nobody else wastes the energy generated by the planet. It’s just us.”
“But it’s clear that someone really wants to protect this planet from intruders, therefore the rocks. For what purpose?” Killian’s attempt to solve this puzzle only created more questions and doubts.
“Well, the greenhouse could supply oxygen and food for an entire population. I think that someone is interested in keeping this planet as a possible lifeline.”
“A lifeline.” The dark man wondered about it. “Who’s behind this?”
“My theory is just as good as yours.” The blond man shook his head again.
“But you do have a theory.”
“Who’s playing with planets as pawns for his own benefits?” David grimaced.
“You think the Industry is behind this?” Emma almost whispered, as if she was worried that the Industry itself could hear her. She shivered, and Killian put his hand on hers resting on her knee under the table. He was willing to tell her that everything was going to be ok, but he didn’t want to generate indiscreet questions from his hosts.
David shrugged. “Any other ideas?”
“I don’t know. We haven't lived here for a long time. You tell me.” Killian teased.
David looked straight at his guests. “We did some research, with the limited resources we have here, but I assure you it’s nothing we had seen before. What generates all the power needed to maintain the greenhouse and the system that propels the rocks outside the atmosphere … it’s not material, if you understand what I mean.”
Killian passed his bionic hand over his stubble thoughtfully. “Not material.” He repeated. “Antiparticles? But that’s preposterous! A fantasy! You can’t create energy from nothing.”
“Yeah. You would say so. But there’s no other explanation. It’s a power so strong that can create an entirely new world…” David made a pause, and then: “or destroy one.”
“Antiparticles,” Killian repeated, while all his theories were starting to fit in. “So that’s how that vile crocodile annihilates the planets he doesn't need anymore.”
The blond man nodded. “After looting everything the planet has to offer, the Industry injects some of those antiparticles underground. And they disintegrate every last molecular bond and electric impulse until the planet itself implodes.”
“Is that what happened to your planet?” Emma asked Killian even if she didn’t need an actual answer, and then she turned to the couple “Yours as well?”
“We’re not sure about that,” David answered. “From the sources we have, it appears that the NTH-Confederates planets are still alive and kicking, all of them. I think Mr. Gold has other intentions, some obscure interest in them. But I don’t know what it is.”
“Do you miss it? Your home.” Emma inquired. She didn’t miss hers. Life on New-Tolemac when she was a child had not been that bad, she couldn’t complain. But the lack of freedom and the memories of the last events there had left a sour taste and no desire of going back ever.
“Yes. We do.” There was sadness in David’s voice. “Most of the time. But we know that returning there doesn’t necessarily mean that we could go back to our lives. Many things have changed. And I’m not sure I’d like to see how our planet has become.”
“We had to make some difficult decisions before leaving our home. But it was for the best of all.” Mary Margaret sobbed. “It was a long time ago, but it still hurts like the first day.” David put his hand on hers, smiling faintly, trying to give her courage.
“What happened? If it’s not too much to ask.” Killian softly asked.
“We were under attack,” David explained. “We tried to defend ourselves, but the Industry’s power is difficult to overcome. We realized that the only way for us to survive was to abandon our land…”
Mary Margaret stepped in, “We believed that it was the end, that we wouldn’t be able to escape alive.” She sighed loudly “I had just had a baby, and we knew that taking her with us was too risky, it would have been her death sentence.”
“So we contacted a woman who promised us that our daughter would be taken care of, she knew that the King and Queen of a faraway planet were searching for an heir.” David went on telling the story, but his voice wasn’t as steady as he tried to make it. He was still affected by the sad memory as well as his wife. “We wrapped her in a white blanket with a purple ribbon and we gave her the best chance to be the princess she could have never been with us.”
“So you decided to sell her!” Emma shouted.
“What?” - “No!” David and Mary Margaret reacted simultaneously, shaking their heads in bewilderment.
“We never said anything about money.” David pointed out.
“We could have never done anything like that to our child.” Mary Margaret seemed shocked by her guest’s assumption and even a bit outraged.
Emma looked at them with an open mouth, but no sound came out. Then she abruptly stood up and rushed out of the house.
The married couple exchanged a questioning look. “Did I say something wrong?” Mary Margaret asked worriedly.
Killian shook his head. “I should apologize for her behavior. This is a sensitive matter for her. If you would excuse me.” He said standing up and heading to the door.
“Are you alright, love?” Killian found Emma sitting on the corridor floor, with her arms around her legs and her face buried in her knees.
He waited for a reply, but it didn’t come. So he sat down next to her. She was crying, her back shuddering.
“Swan…” he tried, but then... “Emma, talk to me.”
She raised her face to look straight at him. Tears rolling down her cheeks. “I have a white blanket with a purple ribbon from when I was a baby! I always had it!” And there was pain in her eyes, but also anger.
It was his time to keep silent. He didn’t know how to react to this new piece of information.
“It’s them!” She exclaimed between sobs. “Those people inside the house are my parents! How am I supposed to look at their faces?”
An immeasurable feeling of protection spread within Killian, but he had to swallow his urge to hug her as if their lives depended on it, because it wasn’t the right time. She was struggling against enough demons, he could not burden her with further emotional matters. “Well, love, if it were me finally finding my parents, I would be very pleased to spend as much time as possible with them, to get the chance to know them and understand who they really are.”
“They sold me! They didn’t want me!” Emma looked at him as if he were an alien. How he could not understand her point of view was beyond her comprehension.
But Killian did understand her, given that he had been sold as a child as well, he knew the feeling, he just didn’t think this was the same case he had lived through. “That’s not what they said in there. They were trying to protect their baby, to give her her best chance to live a life they couldn’t afford for her. And they didn’t seem happy about that decision. I saw regret and what-ifs in their eyes.”
He knew she too noticed the pain in David and Mary Margaret's strangled voices, but he also knew she wasn't ready to admit it. “They are lying.” She hissed.
“Are you sure about that? Henry once told me you have this superpower, that you can detect a lie when you hear it. I had the impression they were being honest while telling their story.”
“But I saw the contract!” She was grasping at straws.
Killian had to take her to a more practical level, something tangible that she could hold on to if she wanted to. “Aye, you saw it. And who exactly signed it?”
“I…” Emma tried to recall a ten-year-old memory, but it wasn’t easy. After all, she had been in shock when she had discovered she wasn't the real daughter of the King and Queen of New-Tolemac. “I don’t know… I mean, I’m pretty sure there were my adoptive parents’ names in the paper, but…”
And that was when Killian realized that he had bought her some time, at least. “So you are not completely sure that they are your parents.”
He saw how her shoulders hunched as she was looking at him with watering pleading eyes and he understood that part of her was yelling to run away from pain and old scars, but another part was whispering that maybe she could finally find that love that only parents can give and that she had never felt in her life.
“You know what? We’re going to go back, and we’re going to spend a few more days with those people. We could even ask them if they would like to come with us on our journey back.”
“But..” She started.
Killian stopped her with the raise of one finger. “If it turns out that they really are your parents, well, you’ll have more time to understand why they decided to abandon you when you were just a baby. And only after that, we’ll choose if we hate them or not. Sounds fair?”
She didn’t move for a few minutes, dwelling on his words, but then she put a hand on his bionic one, and even if she knew he couldn’t feel it, she squeezed it with gratitude. Thank you for bearing this weight with me. She would have liked to say the words, but they didn’t come. She didn’t have the strength to analyze why he was doing this for her. Too many feelings for one night, to face new and unfamiliar ones. “Okay.” was what she finally said.
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pilospray · 2 years
Piles & Fissure Treatment | PiloSpray®
PiloSpray® has a fast relief spray for piles and fissure pain. Know piles and fissure treatment, specifications, benefits, and other information only on PiloSpray®.
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PiloKit is recommended to patients who need additional treatment for advanced stages of Piles, external and internal Piles, bleeding Piles, and acute Fissure. It is also recommended to those patients who have been suffering from Piles and Fissure for a long time.
PiloKit Piles & Fissure Home Treatment Kit :
PiloKit is a 3X faster complete Piles and Fissure treatment kit with the power of 3 medicines. It consists of a Piles and Fissure spray, a tablet for Piles and Fissure, and a laxative tablet for Constipation. It is a combination of Ayurvedic medicines for Piles. This combination of medicines in PiloKit have proven to be effective home remedies for Piles and Fissure treatment.
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PiloSpray provides instant relief from the symptoms of Piles and Fissure like pain, pricking, burning, itching, as it gets absorbed faster when compared to Piles cream/ Piles ointment/ Piles gel. It reduces bleeding, swelling and inflammation and promotes the wound healing process.
PiloSpray Piles spray is a scientifically developed and clinically proven medicine for the Ayurvedic treatment of Piles and Fissure. PiloSpray is a 100% safe and natural herbal/ Ayurvedic medicine for Piles and Fissure.
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PiloTab is an Ayurvedic Piles tablet comprising of well-researched herbs with proven action. It promotes internal healing of the affected area in the anal region, in Piles and Fissure
PiloTab acts best in combination with PiloSpray and ConstiTab for Piles and Fissure treatment. PiloTab is a constituent of the PiloKit Complete Piles and Fissure Treatment Kit.
PiloKit treatment course is for 15 days, it can be repeated up to 6 times or for 3 months depending on the severity of the symptoms of Piles or Fissure.
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ketonow-ca · 2 years
Amarose Boosting Moisturizer : Reviews, Benefits, Side Effects, Price & How To Buy?
What Is The Amarose Boosting Moisturizer?
 Amarose Boosting Moisturizer Amarose Boosting Moisturizer has truly been made with an epitomized Retinol, a broad extent of Vitamins, Skin Boosters, and moreover Caffeine. The result is recognizably more unbelievable, smoother, similarly as more vivacious looking skin.Contrasting our looks with people around us simply mixes the issue by making the idea of normal quality and insufficiency.
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laproscopicsuregon · 5 months
Best piles specialist in Thrissur
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels in the anal and rectal area that can cause discomfort and pain. If you’re seeking effective and advanced treatment for piles, look no further than best piles specialist in Thrissur, Dr. Arun S. Nair. With his expertise in surgical gastroenterology, advanced laparoscopy, GI oncology, and robotic surgery, he is renowned Proctologist in Thrissur, where he provides comprehensive care for patients suffering from piles. In this service page, we will provide an overview of piles, discuss the grades of piles, highlight the symptoms and causes, delve into Dr. Arun S. Nair’s treatment approach, outline the benefits of laser surgery, and explain why he is the ideal choice for your piles treatment needs.
What is Piles?
Piles, or hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels located in the anal canal or rectum. They can be internal, occurring inside the rectum, or external, developing under the skin around the anus. Piles can result from increased pressure in the lower rectum, causing the blood vessels to stretch and swell. Common contributing factors include chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements, prolonged sitting, obesity, pregnancy, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Grades of Piles:
Piles are classified into different grades based on their severity and level of prolapse. The grading system helps determine the appropriate treatment approach. The grades of piles include:
Grade 1: Internal hemorrhoids that do not prolapse and remain inside the rectum. They are usually not visible and may cause minimal symptoms.
Grade 2: Internal hemorrhoids that prolapse during bowel movements but retract on their own afterward. They may cause bleeding and discomfort.
Grade 3: Internal hemorrhoids that prolapse during bowel movements and require manual repositioning to return inside the rectum.
Grade 4: Internal hemorrhoids that remain prolapsed outside the rectum and cannot be manually repositioned. They may cause significant pain and discomfort.
Piles Symptoms & Causes:
As per, gastroenterologist in Thrissur, Dr. Arun Nair symptoms of piles  may depend on type and  hardness but commonly include:
Blood in the stool or on toilet paper after wiping.
Itching and irritation in the anal region.
Pain or discomfort during bowel movements.
Swelling or a lump around the anus.
Mucus discharge from the anus.
A feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
The exact cause of piles is not always clear, but several factors can contribute to their development, including:
Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
Straining during bowel movements.
Sitting for extended periods, especially on hard surfaces.
Obesity or excessive weight gain.
Pregnancy and childbirth.
Aging, as tissues supporting the veins weaken.
Hereditary factors.
It’s essential to consult a Dr. Arun .Nair if you experience symptoms of piles to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Dr. Nair is specialized in  providing piles treatment in Thrissur for patients to receive proper care and effective solutions for there condition.
Piles Treatment by Dr. Arun Nair:
Dr. Arun S. Nair provides comprehensive and individualized treatment for piles, tailored to each patient’s specific needs. As an experienced gastrointestinal and robotic surgeon, he offers the latest advancements in surgical techniques to effectively manage piles and he’s  treatment approach may include:
Conservative Management: For mild cases of piles, non-surgical treatments such as dietary modifications, increased fiber intake, adequate hydration, and the use of stool softeners may be recommended. These measures help alleviate symptoms and prevent further aggravation.
Medications: Dr. Arun S. Nair may prescribe medications such as topical creams or ointments to relieve pain, itching, and inflammation associated with piles. Oral medications, including pain relievers and stool softeners, may also be prescribed to provide relief.
Minimally Invasive Procedures: In cases where conservative management is insufficient, Dr. Nair offers minimally invasive procedures to treat piles. 
These procedures include:
Rubber Band Ligation: This procedure involves placing a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. Over time, the hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off.
Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical solution into the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink and eventually disappear.
Infrared Coagulation (IRC): IRC uses infrared light to create scar tissue, which cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink and resolve.
Laser Treatment: Dr. Arun S. Nair specializes in laser treatment for piles. Laser energy is used to precisely target and shrink the hemorrhoidal tissue, promoting healing and relief.
Surgical Intervention: In severe cases of piles or when other treatments have been unsuccessful, surgical intervention may be necessary. Dr. Arun S. Nair performs piles surgery in Thrissur with  advanced surgical procedures, including hemorrhoidectomy, which involves the removal of the hemorrhoids. He utilizes minimally invasive techniques to minimize discomfort and promote faster recovery.
Benefits of Laser Surgery:
Dr. Arun S. Nair’s expertise in laser surgery for piles offers several advantages, including:
Precision and Accuracy: Laser technology allows for precise targeting of the hemorrhoidal tissue, ensuring effective treatment while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues.
Minimally Invasive: Laser surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that involves small incisions, resulting in less post-operative pain, minimal scarring, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
Reduced Bleeding: The laser’s coagulation properties help seal blood vessels during the procedure, leading to reduced bleeding and a lower risk of complications.
Minimal Discomfort: Laser treatment is associated with minimal discomfort during and after the procedure, enhancing patient comfort and satisfaction.
Faster Recovery: The minimally invasive nature of laser surgery promotes faster recovery, allowing patients to return to their daily activities sooner.
Overall, laser surgery provides patients with a safer, less invasive, and more efficient option for many medical procedures. At Elixir Clinic, patients suffering from this disease can benefit from laser piles treatment in Thrissur, provided by Dr. Arun S. Nair 
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weekendwarriorblog · 3 years
Review: DEATH ON THE NILE Does Better Justice to Agatha Christie than ORIENT EXPRESS
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I’ve been a Kenneth Branagh stan for quite some time, but I wasn’t really a fan of his Murder on the Orient Express. I couldn’t even tell you why since I saw it so long ago, I barely remember it. A period murder mystery should definitely be my kind of thing, and that definitely wasn’t, though I love the genre that has brought us Clue, and The Last of Sheila, and of course, most recently, Knives Out. They’re all great in their own respect, but it all leads back to author Agatha Christie and her character, Hercule Poirot
Branagh is back as Poirot for his second movie as the private detective, but first, we get a prologue, a flashback to Poirot’s time fighting in the French trenches during World War I, which essentially acts as an origin for the inspector’s famed moustache. (I wondered if Branagh was able to use Matthew Vaughn’s WWI trenches from The King’s Man when that movie was done.)
Decades later, Poirot is in a London nightclub listening to the dulcet tones of blues singer Salome Otterbourne (Sophie Okonedo) when he witnesses a meeting between besties Jacqueline de Bellefort (Emma Mackey) and billionaire heiress Linnet Ridgeway (Gal Gadot), the latter who graciously accepts an offer to dance by Jackie’s fiancé Simon Doyle (Armie Hammer), which ends up being a lot more risqué than Jackie expected. A few weeks later, Simon and Linnet are engaged to be married and having their wedding in Egypt, though the spurned Jackie still holds a grudge. Poirot himself is in Egypt, where he reconnects with his friend Bouc (Tom Bateman, the only other returnee from Orient Express), who is there with his mother (Annette Bening) for the big wedding.
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All the aforementioned end up on the riverboat Karnac, which Linnet has rented out for her lavish party for friends and other wedding guests, which not only brings together the key players but also a wide cadre of hanger-ons from Linet’s business manager cousin Katchadourian (Ali Fazal) and her doctor (Russell Brand), but all sorts of others who have every reason to want the money inherited by Doyle through his marriage to Linnet.
It’s a good hour before the first “death” as promised in the title, and after that, bodies start piling up, as Poirot tries to find the killer or killers. For some reason, the investigation portion of the film works better than it did in Orient Express, so that the languid pacing of the first hour starts to pay off. Granted, much of those pacing issues are due to the number of characters being introduced, but Branagh seems to have a better handle on Christie and her beloved character than he did first time around.
Although the cast for Orient Express was impressive, Branagh has the benefits of a skilled casting director to get great actors into all the key roles, including Gadot, who has already been attached to play Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. When you see her in Death on the Nile you’ll immediately know why. She’s quite good, but this, once again, is very much an ensemble piece with each of the actors getting enough screen time for you to determine whether you like them or not. I thought Sophie Okonedo was quite good, playing a bit more of a character than we’ve seen from her, and she’s well-paired with Letitia Wright as her niece/manager, Rosalie. I wasn’t familiar with Emma Mackey’s work, but she has a great role as the fly in the ointment of the Doyle wedding going off without a hitch. We even get to see Annete Bening in a rare ensemble role, playing Bouc’s clinging mother, and I actually liked Bateman quite a bit both in his scenes with her and with Branagh.
To address the Armie Hammer in the room, the disgraced actor’s role as the sleazy snake Simon Doyle seems to suit him, amongst a cast where all of them have some sort of issue or imperfection. In fact, even Gadot’s Linnet acts like a bit of a bitch at times. Probably the best bit of casting is reuniting comedy legends Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders (best known simply as French and Saunders), but they’re playing very different non-comedic roles here. Still, it’s wonderful to see them in a major movie together.
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More than anything else, Death on the Nile looks amazing, whether it’s the recreation of many Egyptian landmarks, the way Haris Zambarloukos’s camera bobs and weaves through the halls and stairwells of the Karnak, or just the many shots of the riverboat travelling down the Nile. It all just looks so beautiful thanks to a combination of production design, visual effects, and cinematography, although the latter’s camera calisthenics settle down for the movie’s second half, as Poirot goes into his interrogations, probably the enjoyable aspect of the film. After the big reveal of the killer, Branagh throws on an epilogue that’s probably as needless as the film’s prologue, though it does wrap things up in a nice bow.
What will be interesting to see is if the good karma Branagh has achieved with his autobiographical Belfast will carry over to the much bigger-budgeted Poirot mystery, especially since he was able to bring over many of his craft collaborators. I don’t see that happening, as Nile has the onus of being a sequel to a movie that received mixed reviews that was targeting an older demographic than the current critical pool.
Despite some pacing issues, Death on the Nile looks glorious, offers a great ensemble cast, and a final act that Agatha Christie fans should greatly admire. It’s good enough that I look forward with hopes that Branagh can play the role at least once more.
Rating: 7/10
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