#best medicine for insomnia
painflame · 2 months
Alternative medicine in Gurgaon at Painflame offers Acupuncture, Naturopathy, and Ayurveda for holistic healing. Our personalized treatments address chronic pain, stress, and overall wellness, providing natural solutions tailored to your needs. Experience top natural therapies in Gurgaon for optimal health and lasting relief.
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naturalhealingtcm · 11 months
Unlocking Joy of the best therapy for depression at NaturalHealingTCM
At NaturalHealingTCM, we believe in unlocking the body's innate healing abilities to combat depression. Our approach integrates acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, stimulating acupoints to enhance positive energy and blood flow. Tremor Therapy engages cellular repair mechanisms, while Qigong/Tai Chi and Standing Meditation promote holistic well-being. Experience the transformative best therapy for depression, guiding your body toward health and balance.
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zopicloneinuk · 1 year
A drug with the active component zolpidem is sold under the brand name Topnite 3 mg and is used to treat the sleep condition insomnia. This drug is made and sold by a pharmaceutical business called American Remedies. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that aids in sleep promotion, is activated more when zolpidem is taken. Due to potential adverse effects and potential drug interactions, it is crucial to utilise this medicine exactly as prescribed by a medical practitioner.
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calmans-world · 2 years
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Best medicine for insomnia....
It might be very challenging but it is rewarding and also the best medicine for insomnia. Reach out to us for more information.
Source : calmans
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ironstrange1991 · 1 month
Can't Live Without You
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is feeling lonely and doesn't know how to deal with his own feelings and needs.
Word Count: 3,1k
Warnings: SMUT: Male masturbation.
A/N: This is not my best work, but I am glad I'm finally able to post something. Hope you guys enjoy it and have a nice reading ;)
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Stephen couldn't remember the last time he was completely alone in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Ever since the other Stephens arrived, he had gotten used to having them roaming within those walls, but both of them were out on different missions.
Defender went with Wong to Hong Kong's Sanctum and they would stay there for a few days and Supreme were in another planet with the Avengers. Wong not being in there  was the only reason he wasn't tormenting Stephen with the most boring tasks he could think of, but to be honest, Stephen was already missing his friend.
Christ, he really wasn't doing well to have gotten to the point where he missed Wong's nagging. In fact he was feeling alone. Lonely. That was the word he was trying to find to express the feeling he had been feeling in his chest all day. What a weird thing to feel.
He was missing you. You had gone on a work trip earlier in the week, but although you had promised to return in three days, it was Friday and he hadn’t had no sign of you other than the text admitting that you wouldn't be able to return before Monday.
He got angry when he read it. Not at you, but with the fact that somehow he was getting a taste of his own medicine: alone on a Friday night while you worked.
Of course he could come to you. Anywhere in the world, he could come to you, but he couldn't do it without you telling him you wanted so and every night you talked on the phone you didn't mention it. It wasn't like you suddenly forgot that your boyfriend could open a portal in your room to fuck you. No, Stephen was almost certain that you were using those days to distance yourself a little bit from him. Like a Stephen detox. After all, you had three of him and he admitted that they were not at all easy on you.
Stephen sighed, walking down the halls to the kitchen and took a good look in the fridge trying to find something to eat. There was leftover Chinese food he bought on Wednesday, two pieces of pizza he bought yesterday and some Tupperware with leftover food that he promised you he would get rid of and clean up, but he hadn't.
Shit, he was a terrible housekeeper.  It was pathetic, but it was true. Before you, he used to live of take-outs and the things that Wong cooked. Now he could barely imagine living the rest of the weekend like that. Obviously, he could try cooking. There were some half-finished things in the fridge, easy stuff, but he didn't want to risk setting the kitchen on fire, so he took the box of Chinese food and put it in the microwave to heat it up. While he waited, he took a piece of cold pizza and started eating while opening a bottle of beer.
He was starving and tired. He needed a good shower and a good night of sleep, but he hadn't been able to sleep well since you left. It wasn't a coincidence, you were the only person who could make him sleep when he was having one of his insomnia crisis. The methods you used were... how to say? Delicious.
He smiled to himself just at the thought of your nights together, then the microwave beeped  and he sat down to eat, but even that made him feel depressed. Stephen, who for many years lived alone and always thought it was great, now began to understand that he hated being left alone. He couldn't even conceive the idea of ​��living alone again.
He ate in complete silence and when he finished, he checked all the Sanctum seals and went up to his room. He crossed the room, getting rid of the boots he had worn all day and which were already making his feet hurt and took off the top of his robes,  took a pair of sweatpants from the closet drawer and headed to the bathroom.
The water was hot enough to burn his skin, but that was exactly how Stephen liked it. The fog fogging up the shower glass and enveloping the entire bathroom. Stephen let the hot water fall directly on his back and little by little he felt his tense muscles relaxing. He soaped himself quickly and washed his hair taking as long as he could and when he finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and dedicated himself to shaving. He was used to shave once every two days, goatee maintenance was a priority for him because he knew you loved it, it made him want to always make it perfect for you. In fact, as time went by, Stephen realized that everything he did was for you.
Finally, he threw himself on the bed feeling the tiredness of the day hitting him. He wanted to sleep, but he wasn't sleepy. That was one of the worst feelings in the world: being tired, but not being able to fall asleep. Usually you helped him in these situations, you made him sleep in your special way. God, he wanted you. He needed you.
He rolled over on the bed to reach the nightstand and threatened to take his sling ring, but stopped, scolding himself. Give her space, Stephen Strange. He thought, trying to convince himself, but the mere idea of ​​opening a portal in your hotel room made his body react instantly and Stephen sighed, realizing that maybe there was only one way to get through that hellish night without you: to handle the issue himself... thinking of you.
He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head allowing himself to run his hand down his abdomen imagining it was your hands reaching for his growing bulge. Stephen moaned softly with the contact of his hand on his cock even through the fabric of his pants. He was without a lay for five days. It was absurd to him, he couldn't imagine lasting another day without you and yet there he was being forced to resort to masturbation because you weren't there. It was unfair and cruel and he wanted to scream to the world that he didn't deserve to go through that, but deep down he knew he was being melodramatic.
When his hand went under his pants and his trembling hand made contact with his hard, sensitive member he closed his eyes immediately and your face was what he saw. You smiling sweetly at him. Stephen had an extra factor that made masturbation always intense: his photographic memory.  He could basically remember in great detail every moment you ever spent together, every touch, every kiss, every moan that came out of your mouth. It was all there in his head ready to be used like a movie whenever he needed it. And that night he needed it.
His cock pulsed in his hands the moment he closed his fingers around it. The tremor in his hand, previously a problem, was now an even greater stimulation that made jerking off more pleasurable.  Stephen had been working on it for some time. Hours and hours of physiotherapy to try to regain a minimum of strength in his hands that would allow him to pleasure himself without having to resort to magic. Of course, he would never admit that was the real motivation behind his decision to seek help after so many years. It wasn't significant enough to solve the problem, but it strengthened his nerves enough for him to gain the necessary autonomy.
Obviously he still preferred your hands. Oh god, your hands were magical. Much more magical than his. They were small and delicated and way they were soft and yet had a firm and insistent grip was enough to make him see stars.
"Fuck sweetheart..." Stephen moaned softly, moving his hands slowly up and down inside his pants. He didn't want it to end quickly. He was just working himself up, just letting his mind wander as he felt the sensation building inside him. His balls were full and sensitive. So much cum contained there. So much to give you, but you weren't there.
But if you were, he knew exactly how you would treat him. How you would get down on your knees and prop your body to show up your tits for him, how you would look him right in the eyes with that naughty face biting your bottom lip and then pull the hem of his pants to free his cock and how you would smile pleased seeing how hard he was for you.
You were so dirty, you loved sex as much as he did and he never needed to ask for a handjob or blowjob because you loved to give. You were perfect for him and he was irrevocably yours.
He moaned again finally releasing his cock and then conjured a bottle of lube in his left hand and poured some of the sticky liquid onto his cock and began to stroke himself slowly, but putting a little more firmness into the touch. In response his cock pulsed in his hand and his hips jumped up.
Oh you would love to see him doing it. You would praise him for it and would say how much you loved him and how much you adored seeing him pleasuring himself. You would call him Steph. Such a silly way of calling him, yet so sweet coming from your lips in your sweet voice. Stephen knew very well he loved everything you did.
He lolled his head back onto the pillow and bit his lip to hold back a loud groan.
Following the memories that played in his mind, he thought about how you always moaned while jerking him. How having his dick in your hands made you horny and how it always made him feel.
He thought about the way your lips curled into a shy smile every time he started talking dirty to you. How the grip of your hand got tighter, how you loved it. You were a dirty little thing. His dirty little thing.
Stephen let a louder moan echo through the room. You loved that too. The sounds he made when you held him in the palm of your hand. He closed his eyes and stroked his cock harder and faster. The tip was leaking precum and he was so ready to be inside you, but all he could do at that moment was think about it. And that's what he did.
He thought about how wet you always were when he touched you after you give him a handjob. How his fingers easily slid in and out of you and how you always squirmed around his fingers, begging for more. He thought about how you always begged for him. How you couldn't bear to wait, how you shamelessly opened your legs to welcome him in.
"Always so good to me." He murmured "My sweet girl is always so good to me."
Stephen started using his other hand to massage his balls too. It was how he liked you to do it. He liked to be stimulated as much as possible, he liked when you licked and sucked on his balls. He liked it dirty and messy and you knew exactly how to do it.
He knew you like no one else and he liked to think that even the other Stephens didn't know how to satisfy you like he did, but at the same time he liked to see them trying.
"Oh shit." Stephen was startled by that train of intrusive thoughts and increased the strength of his strokes as the room was invaded by the wet sound of his hands working on himself.  He thought about how he loved watching you get fucked by the other Stephens. It was no surprise, but the images that invaded his mind were of really intense moments and they almost threw him over the edge immediately, such was the strength they had as stimulation.
Stephen let out a breathy laugh as he shook his head in disbelief, but he did not try to change the thoughts in his mind, instead, he dwelled in those memories. How you always looked beautiful bouncing on top of Defender while you kept Supreme's cock in your mouth, and that bastard always fucked your mouth roughly and you loved it and Stephen loved the sound it made, the tears that ran down your eyes as they abused you.
Stephen thought about how he loved watching you get creampied. How delicious it was to see them emptying themselves inside you, to see you being violated by their release knowing that you would have to take one more.
His hands now punished his cock with a touch of violence and his mouth was half open, eyes squeezed shut as the images played in his mind.  He thought about the delicious feeling of fucking your pussy full of cum, how the wet squelching noise turned him on even more and how you always seemed gloriously spent after rounds and rounds with the three Stephens. It was pornographic, it was filthy and beautiful.
"F-Fuck yes." He moaned spurting his release all over his stomach and making a mess on himself. Still, he didn't stop, he kept bringing himself dangerously close to overstimulation as his mind focused on the expressions you made as your entire body writhed in ecstasy with your orgasm. How your cheeks would turn red when they were done and how sweetly you would smile at them. Almost innocent.
"Such a dirty girl." He muttered to himself, slowing down his hand until it came to a complete stop, but he didn't have time to recover as he was surprised by the sound of his cell phone ringing.
"Shit." He grumbled, wiping his hands quickly on the sheet and making even more of a mess when he turned to pick up the device on the nightstand and felt his release running down the sides of his ribs.
It was your name on the display. In fact, the word Sweetheart.
"Hey, sweetheart." He answered, still trying to regulate his breathing, but of course you noticed.
"Hey. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to..." But you stopped for a moment and then asked, "Were you running?"
Stephen instinctively cleared his throat. "What? No. I was..." But he couldn't think of anything to say and there was a silence on the line and then a little giggle.
"What were you doing, Stephen?" You asked.
He sighed feeling his cheeks get hot from the fact that he had been caught. There was no point in lying.
"I... I missed you, Y/n."
There was an affectionate hum from your side of the line.
"Well, I called to ask if you'd like to come and meet me now. I'm missing you too, Steph."
He chuckled nervously. "I thought you would never ask. I thought you were enjoying having some time away from us."
You giggled, "Don't be silly. I was just really tired. But it's okay if you don't want to come now that you've solved your problem on your own. Maybe you would prefer to go to sleep…"
But he was already getting up.
"Now who's being silly?" He ran to the bathroom and quickly cleaned himself up and went back to the bedroom to get his sling ring. "Remind me again what hotel are you in?"
"At the Plaza." You responded promptly. "I told you yesterday and I thought..."
But you stopped talking when the portal opened in your room and he walked through it, heading towards you and taking you in his arms in an intense kiss.
"I missed you. So badly." He confessed on your lips, letting his forehead rest on yours. You smiled, looking surprised by his confession and cupped his cheek. "It's only been five days, Stephen. You've already spent three weeks on a mission."
He shook his head, "It's horrible. Staying at home. Without you.
He confessed to which you smirked.
"Now you know how I feel."
"I'm very sorry." He said pulling you back into his lips.
Stephen was staring up at the ornate ceiling of your hotel room with a smile plastered on his face. Making love to you had that effect on him. His arm was extended so you were cuddled close to him, your head resting on his chest, moving slowly as he breathed. The two of you were silent, still enjoying the afterglow of your release and his heart was finally at peace. Outside you could hear the sporadic sound of cars passing on the street and conversations in the hallway.
"The sound insulation in this place is horrible. How have you been able to sleep here?" He asked breaking the silence and you hummed, apparently still unable to form a sentence.
"Your boss could have paid for a better hotel." He continued and you shrugged.
"I liked it here. The room service is great and the food too."
Stephen smiled to himself. You were always so satisfied with everything. You never complained about anything. Totally the opposite of him.
"Besides, I'm always so tired when I get here that I fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow."
He nodded, stroking your cheek and was silent for a moment, just a minute, but long enough for you to tilt your head to look at him.
"What is it?"
"I think I made a discovery this week and it was kind of scary." He said already knowing he would regret what he was about to say.
You smiled convinced as if you already knew what he was going to say. "Did you find out you can't live without me?"
He chuckled "I already knew that. I just realized the obvious and it wasn't pleasant."
You frowned trying to understand what else it could be then.
"I don't think I can live alone anymore. Before, when I worked at the hospital, I liked the silence of my apartment, but this week the empty Sanctum filled me with horror to the point that I missed Defender and Supreme."
You smiled glancing at him "That's something I never imagined you would say."
"I never imagined I would feel this way, sweetheart. The truth is, I like them. I can talk to them in a way that I don't talk to anyone else."
"It might have something to do with the fact that they are you” You reminded him.
"You are right."
You brought your hand up to his chin scratching his goatee. "How are things at home? No problem, I imagine. No demonic entity has tried to take over our washing machine?"
Stephen giggled "No. All boringly normal."
"What a shame!" You said, feigning disappointment.
Stephen smiled to himself and lifted your chin enough for him to kiss your lips.
"I love you, sweetheart. With each passing day I love you more. You changed my life for the better and changed me in the process. I'm definitely a better man because of you."
You sighed softly, your throat bobbing. "Oh I love when you say these things to me, Steph."
He smiled, pinching your cheek provocatively. "I may not be Defender, but I know how to be romantic sometimes."
“Of course you do.” You smile "And I love you too. With all my heart."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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lulurubberduckie · 3 months
How I think tf141 would feel about having a stoner as a roommate:
Tw: marijuana mentions, both medicinal and recreational, lmk if I missed any!
Captain John Price wouldn’t really care in my opinion, as long as he doesn’t have to smell it. He just doesn’t like how potent the smoke is and how the aroma lingers.
Simon Ghost Riley doesn’t care what you do as long as it’s done with him home in case of emergencies. Because of his back ground I think he has a lot of experience with drugs and ODing and stuff so he would be able to help in case anything went wrong.
Kyle Gaz Garrick was hesitant until one evening he accidentally ate one of your edibles. That nights sleep was the best he’s had in he can’t remember when! Poor boy suffers from insomnia and he finally found something that actually helps 🥹
Johnny Soap MacTavish would smoke with you most days to help with his migraines. You guys would probably share a little stash, it would be tucked away in the cupboard above the fridge
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kitkat13001 · 10 days
⋆。𖦹°⭒ 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞
>> osamu dazai x reader (ft. a lil bit of past chuuya x reader)
>> comfort, slight angst, brief mentions of blood and wounds (vague, non-graphic), reader is part of the armed detective agency, reader and dazai are best friends, reader has a history w chuuya
>> read pt 2 / chuuya vers. here
it’s been a long time since the two of you left the port mafia, but sometimes it still haunts you…
full disclaimer: i’ve never actually watched more than a few episodes of bsd. so this might not be entirely lore accurate 😭 i wrote this a while back when i was super tired and in my dazai era and had this lil idea about a reader who left port mafia w dazai but broke chuuya’s (and their own) heart in the process :(
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it’s late, dazai knows that much. he should be asleep, but the grip of insomnia is tight tonight. 
the sharp knock on the window snaps him out of his chamomile daze, skin prickling as he stands alert. 
the tension immediately leaves his shoulders as he recognizes the pattern in the knocking, turning the stove off and setting his tea down. 
he’s greeted to the sight of you, sprawled on his fire escape, covered in scratches and bruises, and currently bleeding from a leg wound. 
you peer up at him when he opens the window, breaking into a grin. 
you takes a breath, blowing your hair out of your face. “i’d say sorry for bothering you, but i knew you’d still be up. and you can see how i can’t exactly go to the hospital, and my apartment is another mile away, and…and…”
you trail off, breathing coming heavier. but when your eyes meet, you don’t really need any other words. 
dazai heaves you inside, careful not to jostle your wounded leg. 
the momentum is too much for your exhausted body, however, and you tumble out of his arms and onto the living room floor with a yelp. 
fortunately, you manage to maneuver so you don’t land on your injured leg, but you lay motionless on the floor, panting and staring up at the ceiling. 
you start laughing abruptly before dazai can ask you if you’re okay or rush to your aid. he just stares at you, utterly bewildered. 
here you are, bleeding from the leg, battered and bruised laying on his living room floor, and you’re laughing. 
“and just what is so funny?” he asks incredulously. 
“me coming to you, a suicidal maniac, for refuge. and help.”
the maniacal giggles fade into a soft little smile as you stare up at him. 
“well, this suicidal maniac is also your best friend,” dazai huffs, narrowing his eyes at you as he helps you to your feet. “in case the blood loss is making you delirious.”
“thank you.” the words are sincere as you continue to smile up at him with that dreamy little look.
dazai just clicks his tongue, leaning your weight against him to lead you to the bathroom. you wince every time you put any weight on your bad leg, until dazai just scoops you up into his arms. 
you look up at him with wide, curious eyes. 
“i’m stronger than i look, you know,” he replies coolly, carefully shouldering the bathroom door open and setting you down on the sink counter. 
dazai hands you a towel to stop the bleeding while he rummages around the medicine cabinet for his emergency first aid kit (that you had given him, and hadn’t once been put to use). 
neither of you speak while dazai unwraps your wound, examining it silently. it’s a flesh wound, the bullet only have grazed the side of your thigh rather than becoming lodged inside. it’s wide but not deep, no stitches necessary. unfortunately, it would need an alcohol cleaning to prevent infection. 
you flinch when he touches the alcohol soaked cotton pad to your wound, clenching your teeth and fists. 
dazai is quick and careful, trying to minimize the time he puts you in pain. 
he may be careless with his own life, but his hands were never steadier than when he was taking care of you. 
the tension slowly leaves your body as dazai finishes the cleaning, instead moving to secure and bandage the wound. 
when he finally speaks, his voice is quiet and serious, so unlike his usual tone. 
“who did this?” 
your response is little more than a whisper. “port mafia.”
“so it was…?”
you nod, resting your head against the tiled wall to avoid dazai’s eyes. “it was him.”
“he shot you?”
“he shot at me,” you reply quietly. “i don’t think he was expecting to have hit me. he wouldn’t have, if i hadn’t been so shocked.”
anger boils inside dazai at the thought. he lets out a long exhale, fingers gentle as he finishes wrapping your wound. he taps your thigh gently to signal that he’s done as he straightens up, joints popping in his back from being hunched over. 
“good as new,” he jokes, but there’s still tension in his voice and in his eyes. 
“yeah,” you breathe. “thanks.”
you move to stand up, but the cramped bathroom doesn’t allow much space to do so. in your haste, you accidentally put your weight on your bad leg, flinching and falling forward. 
unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), given your proximity, you stumble into dazai’s chest. immediately, his arms wrap around you and you’re left staring at each other, hardly an inch apart. 
you can feel his breath across your face, dazai can hear your heart beating rapidly. 
in the dim light, both of your eyes flutter shut and your lips meet like magnets. 
it’s not the first time you’ve ever kissed. not even the second, or the third. drunk kisses, kisses on a dare, kisses for comfort or simply because you were bored or even just to see what it felt like. there was never any point in defining your relationship, not with your occupation and emotional state and dazai’s knowledge of your feelings for chuuya. 
but there’s some forbidden comfort in the softness of your lips, in the warmth of your arms around his neck and your fingers in his hair. in the fleeting touches of his hands along your waist and the synchronized shallow intakes of breath and the rapid thudding of his heart. 
this is the kind of comfort he cannot find anywhere else. nobody understands him like you do, nobody knows what he’s been through the way that you do. you were there, suffering with him. suffering in unison, your hearts constantly breaking in tandem, over and over and over. 
it feels like both an eternity and only a few fleeting seconds before you break apart. 
dazai opens his eyes first, looking down at you slumped against his chest. your grip on his biceps is tight, his arms the only thing keeping you standing. he smiles softly, some sadness behind it, as he readjusts his grip to hold you more comfortably. 
“you’re tired,” he murmurs, cheek squished against the top of your head. “you should rest.” 
“come on now,” dazai hums, lifting your body into his arms. “you can take the bed.”
he sets you down gently, lifting the covers as you settle in, burying your face into the pillow. 
your eyes open momentarily, glancing up at him. “what about you? where will you sleep?”
“as it happens, i’m not very tired. but if i end up needing to rest, i’ll take the couch.”
you frown. “don’t.”
“relax, my dear, it’s nothing i haven’t done before.”
with that and a final adjustment of the blankets over your body, dazai turns to leave. 
he’s stopped in his tracks by your hand around his wrist. he turns, looking down at you. you're staring back with soft eyes, clouded by exhaustion but still shining with some sort of affection. 
your voice is soft, almost pleading. your doe eyes are entrancing, drawing him in. dazai has never been able to say no to you, and tonight is no exception. 
so he sighs a little, donning a defeated smile, and he takes a seat beside you, leaning back against the headboard. 
your hand has drifted from his wrist to his palm, tracing patterns on his skin in slow, hypnotic motions. 
you nuzzle back into the pillow, hand now still but warm in his own. 
minutes go by and dazai is sure you’re asleep until your soft voice reaches his ears. 
“i dream of him sometimes.” 
dazai looks over, but with you facing away, he can’t see your expression in the dim light. 
“chuuya,” you clarify quietly. like dazai didn’t know who you was talking about. 
the sheets rustle as you turn over, hand still clutching his like a lifeline. your soft eyes are shiny with unspilled tears when you look at him. 
“do you ever…” you trails off, sighing quietly. “sometimes, i feel like i left a part of my heart with him. it hasn’t felt full since we left.”
dazai feels his heart shatter with every word. he’s familiar to the feeling you’re describing, maybe a little more than he’d care to admit. but everyone makes choices, and this was yours. 
“i miss him,” you murmur, holding his arm to your chest like a child with a teddy bear. 
“i know,” is all he can manage in reply. 
i wish i could be enough is what he’s thinking. that his presence would let you sleep easy, even knowing chuuya was out there somewhere, holding a piece of your fragile heart. 
he brushes away the tear that slips down your cheek with a gentle fingertip. your skin is soft as ever, warm beneath his touch. 
dazai hums softly, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “go to sleep, love. i’ll be right here when you wake up.”
fighting the immense exhaustion, just for a second, you manage to open one eye. 
you stretch your pinky out, eyes fluttering, and dazai takes it in his own. 
“i promise.”
with that solemn oath, your eyes flutter shut and only seconds go by before dazai hears your soft snoring and slow breathing. 
“sweet dreams,” he murmurs, stroking your hair and knowing you can’t hear him.
dream of me, he pleads in his mind, dream of me tonight and not of him. 
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
𓆩♡𓆪 「better that sleeping pills」 𓆩♡𓆪
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Hi! Coffee being delusional speaking! This time I was wondering
How did you deal with your sleep problems, dear?
TW: stalking, yandere behavior, delusions, insomniac reader, sleeping pills mention, somewhat willing reader, light paranoia?
Yet again another night dealing with insomnia, being told over and over that you should stop using the phone at night and, instead, pretend to sleep, that eventually dreamland will come to you like that. People that don't know what it is to be alone with thoughts and exasperation. But once again, you try to do so, hoping that maybe this time it would actually help.
tik tok tik tok tik tok
How much time has passed? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? You try to keep your mind on blank but it's impossible at some point.
An unexpected sound catch quickly your interest although you can't really recognize it, trying to dismiss it, thinking must've an hallucination or something outside, in the silence of the night, people tend to be more perspective to any sounds, right?
And just like a bad plot, once your body relaxes, you hear that sound again. . . Unconsciously welcoming the return to old habits, covering more with the blankets and turning around with the eyes still closed, as if that will make a safe shield.
Alright, this isn't your first rodeo, your brain's favorite hobby surely is playing tricks to scare the hell out of you. Taking a deep breath to relax once again, choosing to be delusional to forget everything has to be the best option right now.
What about if the sounds are because a stalker helplessly in love with you just broke into your house? A good night kiss on the forehead sounds lovely, maybe the dark romance or Tumblr posts are affecting your brain already but why care? Cuddling to sleep with someone that loves you unconditionally sounds like a perfect situation, you wouldn't really mind your sleeplessness if you could have that.
Although the normal will be calling the police, why do so if it's not a threat? In your mind, you picture your perfect obsessive s/o, no need to worry about being cheated on if the only thing in his eyes is you, no need to worry about being too much, no need to worry about his feelings ever fading away, isn't that perfect? Yes, it may come with some disadvantages like everything, but nothing you can't handle, you just need to love them, and they will be happy on a daily basis.
As you smile because of your silly fantasies while looking 'asleep' on the outside, you hear an even more unexpected sound. . . a whispering.
“oh, are you having a good sleep? It worries me how long it takes you to sleep every night, it's gonna end up being awful for your health. Maybe it will be better if I start using sleeping pills on you? You always do so much, you need a good rest, my cherry”
You stay still, unable to think what to do, a light but sweet smell invades your nostrils. Does this count as manifestation? Why is he already calling you by a pet name?
“My lovely cherry, my heart ache when I think about how exasperating must feel to hear the constant naging of those who don't really care about at least try empathize, if only I could help with something, I won't think it twice”
Feeling a gentle caress on your hair makes you wonder, this doesn't feel bad at all. Common sense screaming that you need to worry but the warm feeling of his touch disperse that though faster than you're willing to admit.
“Mmm, maybe my desires are taking over my brain already? But I think a perfect medicine for you will be if you snuggle in my embrace, I promise to have the right temperature for you to be comfy all night… if you just let me kiss that addictive face of yours, it will be enough payment for even my soul if you wish to have it”
His voice… sounds familiar, do you know him? 
Even if you recognize that self-preservation should be a top priority, it's hard to care when his voice is this honeyed, using the exact words that attract you like a bee as if he can read your mind. As you feel a faint kiss on the top of your head, you start to ask yourself…
Is bad manners not to reply when someone speaks to you, isn't it? Or maybe it's better to keep pretending to sleep to see what he usually does?
Decisions decisions…
➤ keep pretending
➤ Say something
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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kaiijo · 10 months
Hii!! I loved the idea of the spotify wrapped event and I also loved your one piece one shots! Can I request 41 x Law? If you dont write for him you can write for Zoro or whoever you think would be fitting :)
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trafalgar law + Oh, I can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland content: gn! reader, canon-typical descriptions of violence, references to law’s past notes: thanks so much for your kind words! hope you enjoy this drabble!
request a character and prompt for my spotify wrapped event here!
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law is no stranger to nightmares. he’s accustomed to jolting awake, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling, chest heaving with anxiety and fear. he tries to remember what his parents used to tell him to calm his racing heart: inhale for four seconds, hold for seven, exhale in a count of eight. 
in. hold. out.
in. hold. out.
law doesn’t sleep a lot anymore, always locked in his office late at night, poring over books about anatomy and medicine and illnesses. it’s mostly because he’s working, the insomnia, but he knows there’s a part of him that’s almost scared to sleep — that doesn’t want to see looped images of dead bodies, feel the heat of erupting flames, hear the sounds of gunshots. 
law watches as you and penguin duck under a round of marine gunfire, diving for cover behind a building. civilians draw their shutters closed. the crew’s gotten what they need from the town, now it’s a matter of getting out. 
you sprint out from your hiding place, penguin hot on your heels. there’s another rain of bullets and law’s stomach lurches when he sees red dribbling down your arm, skin grazed by the bullet. he needs to get you two out of there now.
law lifts a hand. “room. shambles.” he switches you and penguin out for an empty crate and just like that, the two of you are standing safe on the polar tang’s deck. you’re both breathing hard, penguin resting his hands on his knees. you grab at your arm and law can tell that whatever adrenaline has been pumping through your veins is starting to wear off; you wince at the cut on your arm, your palm stained with blood. 
law gets the crew mobilized fast, everyone hustling to get the below deck so the polar tang can submerge. law swiftly and efficiently takes down the remaining marines, heading down below as the submarine sinks below the water.
he finds you heading for the washroom. he calls your name and you whirl around quickly. “captain,” you greet him.
“follow me.” law makes sure his tone leaves no room for argument and you shuffle behind him as he walks to the operating room.
you frown when you enter the room. “captain, i really don’t think my injury warrants an opera—”
he sighs heavily. “i’m not operating. just want to get somewhere more sterile. sit on the table.”
you obey easily and law opens up a cabinet, grabbing hydrogen peroxide, a roll of bandages, and antibiotic cream. he also picks up a sterilized pair of tweezers. when he turns around, you’re already shrugging out of your boiler suit, twitching as the fabric rubs against your wound. 
law approaches, doing is best to keep his eyes on the wound and not on the exposed skin you revealed. when you joined the crew, law had never been more thankful to himself for making the boiler suits uniform. he doesn’t know if he could focus otherwise.
he examines the wound, looking closely to see if there are any bits of debris or fabric stuck in it. when he doesn’t see anything, law soaks a sterile pad in hydrogen peroxide and presses it against your graze. you make a high-pitched, wounded sound that cuts right through law’s heart and he tries his best to tenderly but thoroughly clean the wound. you flinch, gritting your teeth and hissing, “you really must hate me, captain.” 
you let out a pained laugh that lets law know you were joking but your statement still makes him frown. if only you knew just how much the opposite was true.
law sighs again, wrapping the bandage roll around your arm and snapping off a piece, securing it. you test the motion of your arm and law asks, “too tight?”
“no, it’s good.” you hop off the table. “thanks, doc.”
“i’ll need to check that every few days,” he tells you, “to watch for infection.”
“sounds good! guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” you shoot him a cheeky smile and thank him again as you slip out of the room. law is rooted to his spot, feeling heat climb up his neck. you faint scent lingers — cinnamon shampoo and apple soap.
law’s heart skips a beat.
late into the night, law sits at his desk in his office, doing is best trying to focus on the medical text in front of him. he thinks about the smoothness of your skin and the way your eyes curve into half-moons when you smile. he drags a hand down his face. 
he needs to focus. he needs to not think about you. he needs to think about bones and hairline fractures and how fast the human heart can go before it—
law hears footsteps and he knows it’s you, beckoning you in even before you can announce your arrival and knock on the door. you swing it open, smiling brightly at him. gods, he swears you hold moonbeams in your grin.
“right as always,” you say as you close the door behind yourself. 
“do you need something? is it your arm?”
you shake your head. “no, just thought i’d check up on you. knew you’d still be up.”
law offers a wry smile. “no rest of the wicked.”
“i’d agree with you, but you’re not wicked, captain.”
law raises an eyebrow in surprise. he is wicked — it’s a known fact. everything he touches is destroyed eventually. when he doesn’t reply, you continue, “you look out for everyone, you’re a doctor for gods’ sakes.”
“so? bad people can do good things.”
your moonbeam smile falls and your expression turns stern. “you care for us, captain, all of us in a way that no one truly wicked ever would. don’t talk about yourself that way. ”
his heart’s in his throat and he’s desperately trying to swallow it down. “okay.”
you nod firmly and then bring your hand up to hide your yawning mouth. law tells you, “you should get some rest.”
“i came here to get you to go to sleep.”
“don’t worry about me.”
you cross your arms. “i’m not going to sleep until you do.”
law levels you with a stare and you gaze right back, unwavering in your conviction. you two stare for a good few seconds. he can see the way your eyes shimmer. it doesn’t seem that you’re backing down. law breaks the connection and sighs, “fine. let’s go.”
he puts away his books and papers and the two of you head down the hallway. he tries to guide you to your room first but you say, “nope. i want to make sure you actually go to sleep.” so you head for his quarters first. 
you come to his door and you say, “you better get some sleep. a healthy, well-rested captain is vital for an efficient and successful crew.”
“i know.” 
he basks in the comfortable silence that falls over the pair of you. then, you yawn again and he orders you off to bed yourself. you smile sleepily at him, your eyes form crescents again as you do so. “alright, i’m off then.” you turn and begin to walk away. over your shoulder, you call softly, “good night, law.”
he bids you good night and steps inside his room, door shutting behind him. it’s in there, as he’s changing into pajamas, that he realizes. 
it’s the first time you said ‘law,’ not ‘captain.’
your voice repeats like a record in his head. law. law. law. his heart thunders in his chest.
for the first time in a long time, law isn’t afraid to fall asleep. instead of the screaming nightmares he usually faces, he’s met with a different image as he drifts off. 
in a tender, hazy light, law dreams of you.
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accio-victuuri · 1 month
cpn o’clock: tea or coffee 🍵☕️
treat this as my clowning post for episode 2 of exploring the unknown. hahahahahaha! though i have mentioned the relation about tea in my previous post, let me explain more and include the thing about coffee.
so people were panic buying the tea yibo packed during his prep for the trip— which turns out to be calming tea that helps with sleep ( he said so himself ) . which now that i think about it, he shouldn’t have any problem sleeping cause he is beyond exhausted every damn day on this show.
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and i don’t wanna act like i have him on speed-dial, like everyone, i observe his habits and personality via public means. i have never seen him talk about or act like he has problems sleeping or even needing that help. we all saw summer surf shop — he was out like a light. he mentioned sleeping in planes and taking short naps. you have photos of him sleeping or probably have his eyes closed but whatever — you get the point.
now who do we know has problems sleeping?
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p1 is yibo in richora event where he mentions having no trouble sleeping and one time fell asleep in seconds + he goes on deep sleep.
p2 gege saying sleeping is now more stressful.
p3 mentioned that his sleep is not stable, sometimes good and sometimes bad.
p4 when you have insomnia, it’s good to download rain sounds to help with sleep. which lowkey is the same logic as yibo saying the sound of the jungle us good for sleep.
p5 is an article that says:
When he goes to different cities, Xiao Zhan will bring the same type of pillows and quilts. I will bring anything that can help me sleep well. "He also tried aromatheeapy lamps, lavender essential oil, various medicines that will make you fall asleep when applied on your body. Spray it on your pillow to make you fall asleep, melatonin, meditation music. Later I found out that the best way for him to sleep was eye mask, earplugs (….)
CPN is XZ probably asked him to bring the tea along so WYB can sleep better. thinking that he may have a hard time since he is in a different environment. They are just too sweet!!!!!
people have also pointed out how xz packed tea in his luggage before but this was 2019/20 and the type of tea is different. the examples above are much much recent. but i guess this is fans saying that “tea” is something XZ will pack with him too.
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plus we are aware of the green tea connection during untamed filming which is one of the favorite cpns out there 🍵
… now let’s move on to Coffee ☕️😋
everyone’s favorite beverage! people picked this up in episode 2 when wyb was joking around having the coffee he brought soaked so now you can drink it directly. also how he shared that he drinks coffee in the morning. look, we’ve known for some time that he likes coffee especially when he goes camping. we also had another cpn of xz bringing some coffee home etc.
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if we’re gonna start with CQL, xz was the one who drinks coffee and in interviews continues to say he does. sure, wyb is free to change his preference on his own and have a new found love for coffee but as a cpf, we cannot ignore the fact that this is an “xz thing” and one of a couple of “things” they have in common. from something as mundane as this to more specific ones.
thinking about them waking up together and having their morning coffee is making me happy 😌😌😌
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forsoobado137 · 3 months
Nations and Elections
I wonder what goes on in the minds of nations during elections. I picture that they aren't allowed to vote because of their nation status, but they still feel the tension, frustration, and anxiety of their people.
What would their symptoms be? Moodswings? Maybe nausea? Dizziness? Insomnia? Maybe even psychosis? Do they take medicine designed specifically for nations and their election symptoms? Or does the medicine not work because of their inhuman nature?
Damn, America is gonna experience EXTREME emotional whiplash in the next few months. He'll go from USA USA USA #1 BEST UNDEFEATED COUNTRY RAHHH🦅🦅 during the Olympics to the chaotic mess that is an American election.
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alexissimsblog · 1 year
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930 Medina Studios 3br/1ba
A simple apartment reno for my "and they were roommates" savefile. Originally home to Austin Wentworth—the flat is now shared by him and two other buddies of his from high school/college.
I wanted to keep it simple, dark colors + greens with splashes of white/cream to fit all of their individual styles. I meant for this to be somewhat of a bachelor pad/hangout spot for their friend group so big open windows to let that natural light in was a must. Honestly, Medina Studios has some of the best lighting in San Myshuno.
Which is why I always have the lights off. There is one light in the living room but its a low light so it doesn't overshadow that natural sunlight :)
Download info under cut! ❥
growing together, highschool years, seasons, and bathroom clutter kit!
house of harlix - orjanic part 1
pierisim - MCM all parts
myshunosun - 2023 tranquil bedroom
clutter cat - sunny sundae part 1 (small candle)
sixam - artz living room (plant small)
novvvas - rahat set (eucalyptus plant)
myshunosun - 2022 dawn living
pierisim - david's apartment part 1
myshunosun - 2023 vanity nook
kaiso - rusti.co living
rvsn - back that glass up
harrie - coastal part 5
harrie - octave part 1
myshunosun - 2022 lottie
harrie - Kichen (nectar glasses)
pierisim - living room mini kit
charlypancakes - insomnia
Madame Ria - Basic Luxe Kitchen (plant 01 Fig)
rvsn - on cloud wine bottle
littledica - H&B wall curved tv
littledica - delicato lounge (focused on you wall light)
rvsn - sip sip hooray bar cart
redheadsims - nintendo switch
charlypancakes - miscellanea stuff pack
harrie - kwatei part 1
littledica - eco kitchen (ceramic farmer sink)
*after some testing please note that the update is causing the ceramic farmer sink from the eco kitchen collection to behave strangely for me. if you are also unable to wash dishes with it, please feel free to change it! :)
nickname - playstation 5
peacemaker - hamptons retreat
taurus design - lilith chilling area part 1
charlypancakes - lighthouse
pierisim - tilable kitchen
awingedllama - nostalgia living
sixam - home office (wall screen projector)
peacemaker - hudson bathroom (dynamic hamper)
myshunosun - luna bedroom
syb - fitness (boxing gloves floor)
syb - fitness (medicine ball)
peacemaker - kitayama bedroom
rusticsims- simple kind of modular life
MTS teknikah - amy's garden plants
syb - crossfit (gym bag)
zulf and hakrabr - lets get fit
syb - traveller
illogicalsims - home office
felixandre - florence part 3 (simowa luggage)
sixam - boho bathroom (botanical beauty stool)
house of harlix - bafroom
littledica - chic bathroom
pierisim - winter garden part 2 (i believe with the new update the windows will show up so yay)
zulf - bathroom kit becomes functional
basemental drugs - for ashtray
EA ID: midsapphire
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
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Matricaria chamomilla (shown) | Chameamelum nobile
Known as: Chamaimelon, earth apple, German chamomile, ground apple, heermannchen chamaimelon, maythen, manzanilla, Roman chamomile, scented mayweed, whig plant & wild chamomile
Related plants: There are two species of chamomile, both are in the Asteraceae family (Roman chamomile & German chamomile) with plants that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within the order Asterales. They are commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite or sunflower family. I am from this point forward referring to Matricaria chamomilla in this post specifically.
Parts used: whole flower & leaves
Habitat & cultivation: This flowering plant is native to South-West Asia, Eastern & Southern Europe but can be found on almost  continents nowadays. The wild-growing chamomile species normally grow on sandy to loamy soils that are mostly acidic and should be open.
Plant type: Annual
Region: 5-9
Harvest: Can be harvested as soon as blooms have established which is about 10 weeks.
Growing tips: The roots of chamomile are shallow and just barely grip onto the top soil which makes it more sensitive to water conditions during the initial stages of growth when the plant is establishing itself. However once it's established, it is drought tolerant & need about an inch of water a week. Wait until after the last spring frost to add chamomile to your garden. It grows well in raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens. Space chamomile plants 8 inches apart in full sun for best flowering. In hot climates, an area with partial afternoon shade is ideal.
Medicinal information: Chamomile has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years. A mouth rinse with chamomile might relieve mouth sores caused by cancer treatments. Some research suggests that chamomile could help with other conditions, like diarrhea in children, hemorrhoids, anxiety, and insomnia. When used on the skin, chamomile might help with skin irritation and wound healing. Some research has documented that it may be as effective as hydrocortisone cream for eczema.
Cautions: Most experts say chamomile is safe. It can cause drowsiness and, in large doses, vomiting. It also has the potential to trigger allergic reactions in people who are allergic to related plants in the daisy family, although such reactions are very rare. Given the lack of evidence about its long-term safety, chamomile is not recommended for people who are pregnant or chestfeeding.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Cernunnos, Karnaya, Mercury, Oshun, St.Anne & Sun gods
Magical uses:
• Burn as an incense to aid in sleep and meditation
• Plant around your house to ward against psychic or magickal attacks
• Wash your hands with chamomile before gambling to ensure good luck
• Use in an infusion to wash your thresholds to stop unwanted energies from passing through
• Place the flowers in your wallet to attract money
• Keep in a satchet to protect against physical or magickal danger
• Add to a dream pillow with lavender to ensure peaceful sleep
• Anoint a green candle with crushed chamomile for a simple money spell
• Steep in hot water, then sprinkle around yourself as a metaphysical barrier
• Add to spells to increase the chances of success
• Use in ritual baths with catnip and rose to attract a lover
• To alleviate overwhelming emotions, you can hold dry chamomile in your hands as you recite affirmations or prayers to ease the heart
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zopicloneinuk · 2 years
Eszopiclone is sold under the brand name Topnite 1, 2, and 3 mg by American Remedies. Eszopiclone is used to treat insomnia, which is when a person has trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Topnite belongs to the group of drugs known as hypnotics and aids in falling and maintaining sleep by inducing relaxation. Eszopiclone is a member of the class of drugs known as sedative-hypnotics. It works by reducing brain nerve cell activity, which promotes sleep.
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calmans-world · 2 years
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Are you suffering from insomnia ??
At Calmans, we offer the best insomnia medicine that helps you restore your sleep and regulate its quality and improve the cycle. Feel free to connect with us for a quote.
Source : calmans
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tgirldomme · 2 months
Professional tboy doctor here (not really still 🧃 but shhhh)
Tboys falling asleep easier with gocks in them is a well known scientific fact. As the best treatment currently available for insomnia, girlcock is effective in making a guy turn into a sleepy ragdoll, even in small dosage under the brand name "just the tip" (side note: make sure this property is used to a trans girl's full advantage<3)
One thing that scientists do not recommend is shoving your fingers in a sleepy boys mouth while 'administering the insomnia medicine' (ie pounding him), as it'll trigger the reflexive reaction of him sucking and drooling all over your fingers and moaning around them, which may be unwanted side effects.
For more information on how to treat insomnia and other conditions in tboys, contact 🧃 Anon, MD (Mommy's Dog)
Contact can be made by taking off your skirt and underwear while hard and using a clicker, warning: it may result in 🧃 anon choking on your gock
i had to let this ask marinate for a little bit because i couldn’t read it without feeling like i’m in heat tehehhehe
i’d love nothing more than to pound a pretty boy into becoming my sleepy ragdoll, especially if that makes him more… pliable ;)
and as for being the best insomnia treatment… well, let’s just say i imagine it’s the opposite, because i’d love to stay up all night having my fun with a sleepy boy
i’ll make sure not to stick my fingers in his mouth, especially if it made him start to drool and moan… it’s such a pity i don’t have anything else i can stick in there… hmmmm…. i might have to go out to buy a clicker.
you stay nice and cozy darling, drift off to sleep maybe - i have a bit of an inkling on how i’ll wake you up…
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