#best medical training courses in Australia
wesleytraining · 7 months
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lnlightning81 · 14 days
Academic Change
Summary : Everything's changing and the only way you know how to deal with it is by crying. Ollie's there to help though
Pairing/s: Oliver Bearman x Reader
Word Count : 0.8k
Oliver Bearman Masterlist
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A/N : Oh, how I needed an Ollie last night when this exact situation hit me.
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It had reached a new academic year, but this year was different. You've finished high school and are now on your way to university. Ollie was signing with Haas, which meant his life was about to get more difficult. However, the worst part about it all was your best friend was moving away to go to university. 
You’d heard the horror stories about best friends that move away and slowly just lose connection until it was like there was never a friendship there in the first place. With all the change that was happening over the next six months, you could feel the anxiety kicking in. 
Ollie was back home for the break between Monza and Baku and you couldn’t be more grateful because during that break you had to say bye to your best friend and it was worse than Ollie leaving almost every week. 
She understood you in a way that no one else could, there were millions of inside jokes that would be shared between you, inappropriate jokes that would have strangers or other people complaining about but that was your friendship. 
It wasn’t until you were lying in bed blocking out the neighbours party that it really hit you. Noah Kahan’s ‘You’re Gonna Go Far’ playing into your ears as the words suddenly hit more than they ever had before. 
Before you knew it, the tears had started falling down your face as the panic set in that actually she was packing up her car and being wherever she was. You’d tried not to cry for months about her leaving, but suddenly, everything was just far too much. 
Ollie who was lying next to you in bed also blocking out the neighbours party with his own earphones in except this time scrolling on tiktok glanced over at you instantly spotting the tear tracks that had been on your face as you swapped from your normal playlist to your sad playlist needing to just let all your feelings out. 
His arms wrapped around your body, pulling you closer to him as he ran a comforting hand over your back in an attempt to help calm you down however you were too deep into your crying session by now. 
Soon Ollie figured you’d been crying enough and took your phone swapping over to some ‘relaxing sounds’ that in reality just made you want to use the bathroom but you didn’t have the energy to fight him. 
His hand gently pulled your wrist closer to him as he messed about with your smartwatch to start the breathing exercises that were programmed in by whatever company you’d previously bought it from. As you followed the instructions from the watch, you could feel the anxiety of losing your best friend leaving your body and your heart rate dropping back down to normal. 
Ollie sighed, letting you remove your earphones and place your phone on the bedside table before pulling you back into his body 
“I know it’s hard, darling. Trust me, I know, except I was the one leaving everyone behind. I know it from both points of view, and you just need to remember that what you have won’t disappear overnight. You’ll meet new people on your course even if it’s a small course and you’ll never forget about your memories with her. I know your anxiety is through the roof right now, and you don’t deal well with change, but remember I’ll always be here. Even if I’m in Italy or Australia. She’ll always be there whether she’s ten minutes away by bus or half an hour by train” Ollie took a breath, pushing some hair out your face and wiping stray tears from your face 
“Change is hard, and it’ll always be hard for you because that’s just who you are, but I love you for it and remember you’re the first from your family ever to go to university. That’s an achievement. You’re also doing a medical degree technically. I love you” He smiled, and you nodded 
“I love you too. Thank you” Ollie nodded, pressing his lips against yours. 
Everything was changing, and as hard as that was to admit, unfortunately, change was always going to happen in life, and although your facetimes were starting to become irregular, they were still happening. 
No matter what happened in the next few months, at least you always had the memories that you’d created over the past three years at high school. Because you’d left all those friend groups that turned out not to be right, and now you had your best friend. 
It was going to work out, and Ollie knew that after a couple of weeks you’d understand that. 
“Come on time for some ice cream” Ollie hummed, getting out of bed and throwing you over his shoulder, causing you to giggle and cling on for dear life. 
Sitting you down on the counter in the kitchen, Ollie raided the freezer, handing you the carton of ice cream with a spoon as he told Alex to play songs from both your childhoods. After all, much like your best friend, he knew how to make you happy. 
And to quote Lauv “The story never ends”
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wileys-russo · 9 months
stanway x reader where r is basically the back up cdm for england, only really plays that last few minutes of games if any so when keira gets injured at the wc, r freaks out because they have to go on and then play after until keira is back. maybe have georgia trying to comfort and hype up r before and then in one of the games where r plays the full 90, r makes like a big game saving tackle and georgia is super proud and happy for r after (you’re like carrying the woso fics on this app rn so thank you!)
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crucial touch II g.stanway
"babe i'll be lucky to even see the pitch this tournament, i'm the back ups backup and i know that. i knew it when i accepted the call up!" you smiled at your girlfriend who frowned back at you from where she stood at the end of your bed.
"but i'm just sayin maybe if ya just talk to sarina and make your case you could get a start!" georgia pushed, knocking your legs apart and crawling up the bed to sit herself between them looking down at you.
"are you telling me to go behind your best mates back to try and get a start over her? harsh." you whistled teasingly, panic flashing across your girlfriends face as she stammered out that wasn't what she meant.
"gee! baby relax, i'm only teasing." you laughed, sitting up and grabbing her hands to still her.
"i love you and i appreciate you going to bat for me but i promise i am just happy to be here. would minutes under the belt be amazing? of course. but is being in australia, training with the squad and being with some of my best friends and girlfriend every day also amazing? yes!" you squeezed her hands with a smile of assurance, frown still dented into her features.
"but you've had such a great season and moved to the european league baby and-" "no more buts, i'm not going out of my way to plead for minutes with sarina. i trust that she always knows whats best for the team, that was well proven in the euros and i felt so much pride even just watching from the stands." you'd torn your hamstring mid last season which had unfortunately meant you weren't fit for squad selection, but despite how hard it was at times to watch your friends and wish you were in their position you learnt a whole new set of valuable lessons.
"babe i promise i am okay." you continued when once again your girlfriend opened her mouth to argue, finally giving in with a sigh and a nod.
"georgia!" you laughed as she pushed you back down onto the bed and flopped her body on top of you. "m'tired baby, lets cuddle and have a nap." the girl patted your head as her own settled on your stomach and your hands threaded her hair tugging it out of the bun it once was.
"what happened to going to watch the sunset before dinner?" "well, it rises and sets every day doesn't it? i'll take ya tomorrow."
"did she just say its her knee?" you whispered to lotte who was sat beside you, eyes flashing with the same fear you knew was conveyed in your own as she nodded. "shit." you mumbled, biting your lip nervously as the medics rushed on toward keira.
your leg bounced anxiously as they called for a stretcher, your stomach falling as sarina gestured for laura to start warming up as one of the coaching staff hurried over to run her through the plays.
all of you on the bench sent smiles to keira as she was stretchered off and disappeared down the tunnel, the sub made official as laura ran on and everyone tried to shake off what happened.
"they could have given us a small break of time to reset, they're clearly shook up." you mumbled to lotte who hummed in agreement, both of you watching on with limbs locked tight in stress.
thankfully the girls scraped by taking the 1-0 win against denmark and you didn't think you'd ever held your breath as long as until that final whistle blew ending injury time and the game.
you walked in between ella and georgia as you did your lap, thanking the fans, but you could tell that despite the smiles on everyones faces nobody was thinking about the win and rather worrying for how keira was.
and in particular if the team would see yet another victim to that dreaded three letter curse.
despite keira thankfully not having done her acl, she was under forced rest and a careful rehab program, and wouldn't be playing in the next game against china.
knowing that your teammate was okay had eased the mounting tension within the team and after a bonding day at the local zoo everyone was in high spirits.
which was likely what lead to the following 6-1 domination over china a few days later, everyone in even better spirits that night which was filled with karaoke, dancing and cheese boards much to lottes delight.
things took a more serious turn two days later at training when laura took a rather abrupt tackle from millie and headbutted the goal post, winding up with a concussion and with keira still not cleared to play that was how you found yourself sat across from sarina in one of the hotel meeting rooms.
she informed you'd not only be getting your first minutes of the tournament but would be in the starting eleven in tomorrow nights game. you had to ask her how to repeat herself making the dutch woman laugh and congratulate you, making a point to say she'd noticed that despite not playing you had still played a very crucial role within the team lifting morale.
still slightly in disbelief and pinching yourself with a sharp hiss you exited the room, making a beeline right towards your girlfriend who was mid darts game with niamh, ella and lucy.
with a wordless shake of your head you grabbed her hand, ignoring all of her questions and your friends teasing remarks behind you as you dragged her away from the game, staying silent right until the two of you were back in your room.
"baby whats goin on? you're bein very weird has somethin happened?" georgia asked for the tenth time, taking a seat on the edge of your bed as you shook your head and paced back and forth.
"oi, sit down and speak to me love ya gonna wear a hole in the carpet." georgia grabbed your hoodie and pulled you to stand between her legs, hands on the small of your back holding you there.
"i'm starting tomorrow." you blurted out with wide eyes, georgias own bugging nearly out of her head as her grip on you tightened. "you what!" she gasped out as you nodded firmly. "yeah, coombsy's still not cleared and neither is kei." you shook your head in disbelief.
"baby! you're starting in the fuckin world cup!" the breath was stolen from you as your girlfriend lovingly slammed you down onto the bed and jumped on top of you, kissing all over your face and mumbling how proud she was as you couldn't help but grin.
"wait!" you pushed her off and sat bolt upright. "what if i get injured? or i let in a goal? or i cause a penalty? or-" all of the worse case scenarios flew through your head, slamming around and around like a pinball machine.
"hey hey, stop that." georgia frowned, grabbing your face in her hands and forcing you to look at her. "you won't. you are so so brilliant, and hardworking, and passionate. it doesn't matter if this is your first start in a world cup or another match for bayern love, you tackle it the exact same way you enter any game. with your whole heart and ya head screwed on right!" georgia gently squeezed your cheeks and placed a tender kiss against your lips as you exhaled and collapsed into her.
"i'm starting tomorrow." "you're starting tomorrow, and you are gonna smash it baby."
the day of the match itself you were still a nervous wreck. word had spread of your start and in small groups all of the girls came over to congratulate and hype you up.
and as much as you appreciated each and every single one of them all of their hope and praise was just adding onto your existing nerves, which your girlfriend seemed to pick up on as she gently shooed everyone away, tucking you into her side at breakfast and changing the subject.
she made sure to sit beside you on the bus and walked you around the stadium for the pitch check with your fingers interlocked tightly with hers, swinging your hands together and distracting you with kisses when she noticed your mind start to wander.
right before warm ups your phone rang and you lit up seeing it was leah, you'd played with her for years at arsenal before taking the plunge to germany when both frankfurt and bayern came knocking.
so stepping out of the room the blonde gave you a stern talking to about believing in yourself and making the most of the opportunity the situation had presented you no matter how it came about.
and with that in mind you reset your headspace and tuned in, georgia sending leah a quick text thanking her as whatever was said worked as you now seemed your confident self when walking out for the line up.
unlike last match against china the game against nigeria was anything but easy. they were a fast and agile side and came out aggressive, so you did your best as a team to meet them like that but after a brutal 90 minutes it was still deadlocked at 0-0.
mary had been putting in a shift, everyone had, and with lj earning a red card you were down to 10 when they announced there would be extra time as a break was called and everyone huddled together on the sidelines.
sarinas words ringing in your ears you sucked up how much your body ached and readied yourself to go again, vowing to leave absolutely everything on the pitch as if it was the last game you ever played.
your chance came in the 118th minute as you missed a crucial tackle and one of the strikers snuck past you. you knew from watching her throughout the game where she'd likely shoot from so you diverted tactics.
you knew it was a risk but you had to trust your gut like always and sprinting down the length of the field on the opposite side your legs burned and ached but you just used that to spur yourself on.
sure enough it was a risk that paid off as the striker slotted the ball past mary who watched in horror as it slipped beneath her thigh and she crashed to the ground.
but you were there without even a millisecond to spare, the ball clipping the edge of your studs as you slid your body across goal and tapped it out earning them a corner but preventing the winning goal.
you only breathed once the referee signaled for nigeria to take their corner, your head slumping against the ground as you took a moment to reset and marys gloved hands hauled you up off the ground.
"you are a fucking superstar for that one mate." she grabbed your face and kissed your forehead with a loud mwah, brushing the grass off of you as you grinned and everyone set in for the corner which would be the last play of extra time.
your hands falling to lucy's waist you felt millies grab yours from behind, a defensive tactic which was yet to fail you as once again a goal was prevented with mary jumping to tap it over the top of the goal as the whistle blew yet again signalling the game would go to penalties.
you watched with baited breath, squished in between beth and millie as each kick was taken. you winced as your girlfriend missed, watching her face fall but sending her a reassuring nod and mouthing that you loved her.
beth, rach and chloe were next all sinking their kicks as chloes hit the back of the net with record speed and the stadium erupted into cheers, you'd done it and you lived to see another day, you'd won.
you raced right over to your girlfriend amid the celebrations who had the same idea, jumping onto her and wrapping your legs round her waist, both of you forgetting you'd just played over 120 minutes as her legs buckled and the two of you crashed to the ground.
"i am so so so fucking proud of ya!" georgia beamed, pressing her forehead against yours as you lay on the grass tangled up with one another. you were well aware of your surroundings but in her arms and by her side everything else slipped away, the two of you lost in one anothers eyes which shone with pride.
"can i kiss you?"
your girlfriend seemed taken aback by the question and your eyes widening you went to stand but your body locked up in surprise as her hand balled your jersey and tugged your lips to meet hers, neither one of you caring for a single moment what anyone thought.
in that triumphant moment all you had eyes for was each another.
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Mapi x reader where reader gets sent home from the World Cup through an injury and mapi looks after her ?
Ficlet no 1! Thank you for sending me this prompt and I hope you like it! I'm not too sure I like the ending so much but it was good to get back to writing.
Your journey in Australia wasn't meant to end when it did, you were meant to reach the final with the rest of your team but an unfortunate slip from an opposing player in the second half of your 3rd group game meant you were on a flight back home. The England camp had offered to get you help and treatment in Australia so you could stay with the squad but you had decided it was best to head back to your club team and start recovery there. That and you didn't want to do this alone and your love was back in Spain. 
Mapi greeted you at the airport with open arms and a slightly sorry smile. “Let's get you home mi amor.” You didn't say much to that, just nodded your head where you had rested it in the crook of her neck. Mapi took your backpack from you so you could just focus on crutching your way to the car, your suitcases having been taken by your team so you didn't have to worry about them. 
You didn't have to be at the medical facility until tomorrow, the team having seen the x-ray you had done back in Australia and deeming it okay for you to have the day to unwind. You also had the jet lag to get over being as when you pulled up to your shared apartment with Mapi, it was 10am local time but for your body clock it was about 6pm. You prayed that the on and off sleep you got on the plane would be enough for you to be able to stay awake until bedtime here. 
Mapi took your bag upstairs and came back down with your fave old t-shirt of hers and a pair of shorts, the spanish summer being in full force meant that you had to adjust to the climate change too. She helped you into the bathroom and into the walk-in shower where she held you as you cried about the missed tournament and washed your hair when you were ready to get out. 
Mapi had got the next few days off of training so she could be there for you and help you and although you tried to protest at first you were so very grateful for the woman. You couldn't do this on your own, there was too much pain not just physically but mentally. 
Mapi escorted you to every appointment and was the first face you saw when you woke up from surgery, she didn't leave you alone unless you asked her too and she made sure you were as happy and comfortable as you could be. She watched your lionesses in the games that you did and that is something you would never forget. Not after all she had been through surrounding her national team and the tournament. 
When the final was confirmed as England vs Spain you didn't know how to feel. You and Mapi had not spoken yet about her thoughts surrounding the teammates you shared that went back on the letter and were there so this was probably the worst final the two of you could have gotten. 
You had spoken to Leah on the phone the other night when she landed in Australia about your sadness at picking up the injury and not being there and how she must feel too. It was easy to talk to her and get the advice she had for you and you were so happy she got to go watch them in person. Her love for football was contagious. 
On the evening before the final you and Mapi sat down to talk, she had told you she couldn't watch the game but she wanted you too so she was going to go for an extra session in the gym if that was okay with you. Which of course it was you didn't want to put her through the harm of watching a team she should be on. 
You watched your team play their hearts out, you had your Mary Earps shirt on in honour of her fight for Nike to print her shirt and you couldn't be prouder. When the final whistle blew and it confirmed the loss you were heart broken for the girl. You were quick to pull up your group chat and send a message off that you hoped would help them and make them see they did your country proud before you closed the TV off. You couldn't watch the Spanish side pick up the trophy, not today. You were just pulling on your shoes when the front door clicked open and Mapi walked through, take-out bag in hand. 
“I was just about to head out to come find you. I have a 30 minute walk to do today which would have gotten me to the gym.” You explained as you tugged your half on the shoe back off again. 
“As soon as the final whistle blew I made sure I was heading back to you. I'm sorry he won.” You knew what he she was talking about and you knew that Mapi was going to struggle with this for a while. Playing for your country is always such an honour but not when you have to be abused to do it. 
“I’m sorry he won too. Let's not talk about it, it doesn't deserve our time. What have you got here?” You grabbed the bag off the fake blonde and headed for the kitchen, your stomach letting you know how hungry you actually were. 
It might not have been the result either of you had wanted and the injury you picked up was also another reason to want to put this world cup behind you, but what did shine through is the love you and Mapi had for each other. No matter what was thrown your way you would deal with it together.
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horacemann2024 · 5 months
17 Direct Benefits to Study in Ireland for Indian Students
Do you know why a 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is sought after heavily these days?
Many courses, MS in Computer Science, IT, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Management, and Business Analytics rank among the top 10 worldwide.
Most Indian students opt for a Master’s program for the benefits we have enlisted below. Graduating with these above MS degrees in Ireland guarantees high chances of employment in Ireland.
Also, universities in Ireland boast high research outputs, the hallmark of an excellent postgraduate study destination.
Award-winning journalist, John Kennedy, calls Ireland the AI island, highlighting the nation’s advancements in technological research.
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Study in Ireland for Indian students: 17 Benefits
Ireland is the best destination for Indian students due to its top universities, affordable 1-year master’s programmes, and 2-year post-study work visas. These are just a few reasons out of many that Ireland has to offer you. 
Below are the benefits why an MS in Ireland or MBA in Ireland is lucrative and will be life-altering. Notably, as an Indian student, you get several advantages.
Some benefits grace you even before you start your journey!
1. You don’t require a GRE score…
You can still study at Irish universities such as Trinity and UCD. Irish universities, which are in the same league as the US universities, which accept Indian students even without a GRE score.
Isn’t this appealing enough to apply to study in Ireland as an Indian student?
Hence, to get into an Irish university, Indian students require an excellent academic record and scores on one of these tests – IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo.
GRE & GMAT is not required by almost all Irish universities (UCD & TCD may ask for GMAT scores for their MBA degrees).
2. English Language Proficiency Training
All English-speaking countries expect their international students to be well-versed in English, as does Ireland.
But aren’t your English proficiency test scores suitable enough to secure admission?
Not to worry. Irish universities offer Pre-sessional English language programs. These short-term courses are designed to help you gain the skills needed to prepare for exams like IELTS, TOEFL, DET, and PTE.
3. How much study gap is acceptable in Ireland?
The answer is…
Study gaps don’t matter for Irish universities!
As long as you can explain the gap between your last academic year and the time of application, you are as good as any other person without a study gap.
Various reasons, such as employment, vacation, health issues, and business ventures, can be used to explain your study gap. You can provide these reasons in your Statement of Purpose.
Sarem Education will help Indian students with their Statements Of Purpose to study in Ireland.
4. Cost of studying in Ireland is lower for Indian students
Compared to studying in the USA, UK, and Australia, an MS degree in Ireland costs less.
Cost of study in Ireland for Indian students:
Place of study EUROS INR
Universities 12,000 to 36,000 9,97,000 to 28,89,000
Institute of Technology 12,000 to 17,000 9,97,000 to 13,63,000
Colleges 13,000 to 15,000 10,80,000 to 12,00,000
Tuition fee is the most significant cost component, while other expenses like accommodation, student visa, medical insurance, and the like typically cost between €7,000 (5 to 9 lakhs) to €12,000 per year.
There are also independent colleges in Ireland where Indian students can study for lesser fees.
Provided you have the necessary work experience, colleges such as Dublin Business School, Griffith College Dublin, and National College of Ireland should be a sweet deal!
Consultancies do love adhering to “get rich overnight schemes” by giving Indian students the aforementioned options to study in Ireland. However, we do not do that here.
Here is some honest information. Freshers would find it daunting to land a job after graduation from these places. So, apply here at your own risk.
However, experienced candidates should be able to land a job thanks to their experience.
With a part-time job or a paid internship, you can further reduce your expenses to study at an Irish university. We advise that you search for the right one where you can balance your studies with your part-time work.
Just ensure you don’t do anything you will regret on your academic side.
5. Study in Ireland for Indian students: Scholarships
Here is a list of scholarships available for students looking to study in Ireland.
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme, sponsored by the Higher Education Authority (HEA)
The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
Scholarships by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
About 60 students get this scholarship which pays them 10,000 euros per year. These Ireland scholarships make life extremely easy for Indian students.
6. The 3 benefits of studying 1-year masters in Ireland
Undoubtedly, Indian students are constantly under pressure to settle down quickly. Studying a 1-year Master’s program at an Irish university can help you alleviate this.
You can fast-forward your dreams of graduating with an MS degree and happily settle abroad sooner than your counterparts in other countries!
Let us enlist and explain the benefits below:
Return to the workforce with world-class skills sooner: Sometimes, students take a 1-year leave to finish their degree and resume work with their previous employer. This is possible if you do a Masters in Ireland. Moreover, a 1-year break for education will also be less harsh on your resume. You can also join the workforce sooner and ease off your loans.
Costs Less: Compared to a 2-year course, studying for a 1-year Masters in Ireland is cheaper. A shorter duration means you pay lesser rent, living expenses, etc.
Resume: In any Master’s course in Ireland, you must complete 90 credits within a year. Inevitably, you will be putting in tons of hard work throughout the year. Consequently, this can bode well for your resume.
7. 100% visa approval
Ireland and India faced the brunt and after-effects of British imperialism and colonization in the 1900s.
Now, both countries share cordial relations owing to which there is less than a 5% chance for your visa to get rejected for Indian students to study in Ireland.
Not impressed?
DAVID FLOOD, Director, India, and South Asia, Enterprise Ireland, shares an impressive stat. The Irish visa approval rate for Indian students has grown by over 95% in the last 5 years.
So what happens to Indian students after they come to study in Ireland?
8. Globally Ranking Universities
Did you know securing admission to Irish universities would allow you to study at one of the top-ranked universities globally? Five universities in Ireland rank within the top 500 globally, and three are within the top 1000.
Trinity College, University College Dublin, University College Cork, University of Galway, University of Limerick, Dublin City University, Maynooth University, and Technological University Dublin are the universities on the list.
9. Highly quality education
The International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) found that students pursuing an MS degree in Ireland reported high student satisfaction with their academic experience.
Of course! Why wouldn’t they?
All MS degrees in Ireland are one year in duration. You will be prepared to enter the workforce within one year.
Irish universities and institutions are globally renowned for their programs in Science, Technology, Maths, Teaching, Medicine, Business, and Finance, accredited and recognized worldwide.
Most importantly, the tuition fee is way cheaper to study in Ireland for Indian students than in other top destinations.
Also, Irish universities are ranked among the best in the world regarding gender equality and climate action as per Times Higher Education’s (THE) university impact rankings.
10. Part-time opportunities in Ireland while studying
During their study in Ireland, Indian students can work for up to 20 hours a week.
According to labour statistics, Ireland has more than 400,000 people employed part-time. As regional investment grows and new businesses pop up, part-time jobs shall also grow steadily.
Irish universities also offer teaching assistant positions where students can assist professors with their academic commitments and get paid for them.
Indian students studying in Ireland will be allowed to work 40 hours per week only from June to September & from 15th December to 15th January inclusive. At all other times, students will be allowed to work 20 hours per week while they study.
11. Hub for global corporations
Ireland’s technological ambience is nothing to be scoffed at.
Ireland houses more than 1000 multinational companies, mainly because of Ireland‘s liberal FDI policies and ease of doing business. This opens doors for talent across the world.
Many of these MNCs seek MS degree holders from Irish universities in areas like Artificial Intelligence, ICT, telecom and life sciences.
Several companies – like Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Roche, Abbott, and others – have their European headquarters in Ireland. There are several hundreds of internships for fresher Indian students studying in Ireland.
Down the road, this ups their chances of securing full-time employment.
12. Safe, friendly, party and quality of lifestyle
Consumed by excitement while applying for a Masters, one would leave caution to the wind and fail to read about the destination’s attitude towards international students.
And while Ireland’s windy climate
is often chided for being unfriendly, the locals are super sweet. Indian students in Ireland feel very safe and peaceful, and their study period is a heavenly experience.
Still, undecided to study in Ireland as an Indian student? Contact us so that we can help you connect with alumni.
13. Rich Culture and Heritage
You can earn a 360-degree, fulfilling experience from your education abroad only if you read and imbibe academic papers and the culture around you.
If you are a bookworm, a history buff, or a culture enthusiast, don’t look further into the West than Ireland.
The best part about studying in a European country is that every country is different from the others; in terms of architecture, history, race, music, etc.
Ireland is not just well known for its education but also for reasons like these as well.
Dublin, the capital of the Emerald Isle, is a popular tourist destination filled with parks, museums, and statues paying homage to literary laureates such as Oscar Wilde, Joyce Meyer, etc. Pubs that are about a 1000-year-old grace the ever-alive city centre.
Festivals such as Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day originated in Ireland.
Studying in Ireland for Indian students will be thrilling for those who like to travel to various places and capture the green garlands of nature with their photography skills.
Also, are you familiar with these famous movies- Harry Potter, Star Wars, P.S. I Love You, and Game of Thrones?
All of these films had scenes filmed in Ireland. Ireland’s landscapes breathe life into the dormant desi travel bug in you.
Ireland’s West Coast throngs with breathtaking sceneries, docks, rocky coastlines, and castles. Be sure to check out these places while pursuing your M.S. degree in Ireland.
14. A growing, dynamic Indian community in Ireland
In 2011, The Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, aimed at attracting the 100,000 Indian students moving abroad for their higher studies every year into Ireland’s workforce.
Consequently, between 2013-2017, Ireland saw a 45% increase in international students entering Ireland.
As of 2015, about 26,000 Indians reside in Ireland, of whom about 9,000 are second-generation Indians. They occupy roles in healthcare (doctors and nurses), IT, engineering, and senior management positions.
According to DBEI (Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation), the majority of work permits were obtained by Indian students than any other nationality in various fields such as IT, ICT, Finance, Medical, and Business in 2022.
You can see several local businesses in Dublin with Indian owners and managers, which may get you part-time jobs if you can get their patronage. “Muqqabla” and “Urvashi” are some music tracks that rock the corridors of these local businesses. So there is no need to forget the rice, dal, and curry after you leave India.
15. Employment rates are at an all-time high!
It is undoubtedly heartening for us to announce (with proof) that employment rates are at an all-time high. Employment figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) confidently state that Ireland is fully employed.
Lifeline for graduates in Pharmaceuticals, Finance & IT, Pharma and biotech industry in Ireland picked up after companies took advantage of the government lowering tax rates for corporates.
19 of the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies are in Ireland. They constantly attract graduates with MS degrees from Irish universities. Indian students considering where to go after a UG degree in biotech, pharma, biomedical, and instrumentation can seek Ireland for higher studies.
Accountancy and Finance are lucrative for Indian students who study in Ireland. Due to the demand level and a squeeze in supply, companies are increasing compensation packages for both attraction and retention purposes. [Source: Morgan Mckinley]
Several tech-centred Irish institutions offer MS degrees in information technology, data analytics, cloud computing, and business analytics.
The courses are tailored to tackle real-time challenges in the tech-savvy industries in the IT hub of Europe. This is one supporting point for young and ambitious Indian students to study in Ireland for their Master’s.
16. Ireland’s post-study work visa benefits make you go WOW!
So here is the answer to the much-awaited question, “How to work in Ireland post-graduation”.
The Irish government offers a 2-year post-study work visa for Indian students in Ireland to seek employment after their graduation.
Ireland has two types of work visas – General Work Permit and Critical Skills Employment Permit.
The Critical Skills Employment Permit is acquired by people in the sectors included on the Critical Skills Occupations List, such as ICT professionals, professional engineers, and technologists. This visa targets highly skilled people, encouraging them to reside permanently in Ireland.
In 2022, 63% of the 10,171 critical skill visas issued were grabbed by Indian students studying in Ireland.
A General Employment Permit allows the holder to work in various occupations. Unlike the Critical Skills visa, this permit recognizes that all professions are eligible unless excluded from the Ineligible List of Occupations for Employment Permits.
17. Easy Pathway to PR
Did you know Ireland has one of the most effortless PR processes globally?
A list of countries with the smoothest PR processes would include Ireland in the top five.
A Critical skill visa allows you to apply for a PR in two years, and a General work permit will enable you to apply for a PR in five years.
A 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is flawlessly beneficial.
It is undoubtedly your gateway to finding a job in Ireland and getting a PR soon in Ireland using the 2 years of critical skills work permit.
We can connect you with Indian students in Ireland to enquire about your course and confirm all of the benefits we have mentioned above to studying in Ireland for Indian students.
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university11 · 2 days
The Reasons for Iran's Emergence as a Premier Destination for MBBS Studies
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The Reasons for Iran's Emergence as a Premier Destination for MBBS Studies
Iran has become a top choice for students from all over the globe who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine in recent years. Historically, students seeking to pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS in Iran) have sought out countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Nevertheless, the increasing cost of education in these countries has led to a significant number of students investigating alternative destinations that provide high-quality medical education without the significant cost.
Iran has established itself as a top contender for students who aspire to pursue MBBS due to its robust medical infrastructure, affordable tuition fees, globally recognized degrees, and rich cultural heritage. The benefits, opportunities, and experiences that students can anticipate when pursuing their medical education in this Middle Eastern nation are the primary reasons why Iran is becoming a top destination for MBBS studies. This blog delves into these reasons.
1. Medical Education of the Highest Quality Many of Iran's medical institutions have been providing high-quality medical education for decades, making them some of the best in the Middle East. Iranian universities maintain rigorous academic standards, providing a curriculum that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical clinical training. The degrees that these universities award are recognized by global medical organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), thereby rendering them valid in numerous countries.
Clinical Training and Comprehensive Curriculum Iranian universities have established MBBS programs that are exhaustive, guaranteeing that students acquire thorough knowledge of medical science and practical experience. The curriculum typically consists of fundamental courses in anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology, followed by more specialized clinical studies and internships, and typically spans six years. The final years of the MBBS program are devoted to hospital-based training, during which students participate in hands-on clinical work under the guidance of seasoned physicians.
Students are able to acquire a comprehensive comprehension of the medical field through the integration of practical clinical work and research. This method guarantees that graduates are equipped to not only practice medicine but also to contribute to medical research and innovation.
Advanced Infrastructure and Experienced Faculty The faculty members of Iranian medical schools are highly qualified and possess a wealth of knowledge in their respective disciplines. These professors contribute a multitude of knowledge and experience to the classroom, thereby assisting students in the development of critical thinking skills and a profound comprehension of medical principles. Iranian medical universities are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, such as research centers, libraries, and sophisticated laboratories, in addition to their esteemed faculty. Additionally, numerous universities have established partnerships with teaching hospitals, which provide students with the opportunity to interact with patients and hone their clinical skills at an early stage in their academic careers.
2. Degree Recognition on a Global Scale The global recognition of Iran's medical degrees is one of the primary factors contributing to its emergence as a premier destination for MBBS studies. Graduates of Iranian medical universities are eligible to take a variety of international licensing examinations, as they are listed in numerous international medical directories, such as the International Medical Education Directory (IMED). With this recognition, Iranian medical graduates are able to pursue professions in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and various regions of Europe and Asia.
Eligibility for International Licensing Examinations Iranian medical school graduates are eligible to apply for critical international medical licensing examinations, including:
USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) for practicing in the United States PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) for practicing in the United Kingdom The Australian Medical Council Exam (AMC) is required for the purpose of practicing medicine in Australia. MCCEE (Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination) for the purpose of practicing in Canada This global recognition provides Iranian medical graduates with a diverse array of career opportunities, enabling them to practice medicine on a global scale.
3. Tuition Fees and Living Costs That Are Reasonable The increasing cost of education, particularly in Western countries, has become a substantial deterrent for international students. Conversely, Iran's tuition fees are among the primary factors contributing to its status as a premier destination for MBBS studies.
Fees for Tuition The tuition fees for MBBS programs in Iran are significantly lower than those in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Depending on the university, international students can anticipate paying an average of $3,000 to $7,000 per year. This cost is a mere fraction of the tuition that students may incur in Western countries, where the annual cost can surpass $50,000.
Iran is an appealing choice for students who are interested in achieving academic excellence while maintaining a high quality of education, despite the reduced cost.
Cost of Living The cost of living in Iran is relatively low in comparison to many other countries, in addition to the affordable tuition fees. On a modest budget, international students can maintain a comfortable lifestyle, with monthly living expenses (which encompass transportation, food, and accommodation) typically falling within the range of $200 to $500. Additionally, numerous universities provide on-campus housing or assistance in locating affordable accommodations in the vicinity.
4. Scholarship Opportunities for International Students Iranian medical universities acknowledge the financial obstacles encountered by international students and provide a variety of scholarships to alleviate the financial burden. The cost of studying in Iran can be substantially reduced by the award of these scholarships, which are based on academic merit, financial need, or both.
Types of Scholarships International students are eligible for a variety of scholarships, such as:
Merit-Based Scholarships: Given to students who exhibit academic excellence, with a particular emphasis on the sciences. Need-Based Scholarships: Available to students from low-income households who require financial support. Government Scholarships: In an effort to foster international education and cultural exchange, the Iranian government, in collaboration with numerous universities, provides scholarships. Methods for Applying for Scholarships Students are typically required to submit their academic transcripts, personal statements, letters of recommendation, and proof of financial need (if applicable) in order to apply for scholarships. It is recommended that applicants submit their applications in advance, as scholarships are frequently scarce and highly competitive.
5. Student Experience and Cultural Enrichment In addition to academics, the study of MBBS in Iran provides a distinctive opportunity to immerse oneself in the country's hospitable environment and rich cultural heritage. Students from around the globe find Iran to be an enriching destination due to its history, architecture, art, and diverse cultural traditions.
A Wide-Range of Students A multicultural and diverse learning environment is fostered by Iranian universities, which attract students from a variety of countries. This diversity promotes cultural exchange, enabling students to establish a global network of professionals and colleagues. The cordial and hospitable nature of Iranian people is a factor that many international students find helpful in adjusting to life in the country.
Investigating Iran's Profound Past From the ancient ruins of Persepolis to the breathtaking mosques and bazaars of Isfahan, Iran is home to some of the world's most impressive historical sites. International students have the chance to immerse themselves in Iran's distinctive blend of traditional and modern culture, which enhances their overall educational experience. Additionally, the cities of Iran are secure and provide a harmonious combination of contemporary amenities and ancient heritage, rendering them an ideal location for both residence and education.
6. Learning Environment that is Safe and Supportive Iran is a secure and safe country for international students, despite the widespread misconceptions. The local community is renowned for its hospitability toward foreigners, and Iranian universities implement measures to guarantee the well-being of their students. The academic and social lives of international students in Iran have been characterized by positive experiences.
International Students' Assistance Services International students are provided with comprehensive support services by numerous Iranian universities, which range from visa applications and admissions to housing and healthcare. These services facilitate a seamless transition for international students to life in Iran, enabling them to concentrate on their academic careers.
7. Prospects for Life After Graduation Another reason why Iran is becoming a top destination for MBBS studies is the abundance of opportunities that are available to graduates. The comprehensive education and training that Iranian medical graduates receive during their studies have resulted in their high demand in both the local and international job markets.
Postgraduate Specializations Upon completion of their MBBS degree, graduates have the option to specialize in a variety of medical disciplines, such as cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, and more. Iranian universities provide residency programs that enable students to pursue their selected specialties. Furthermore, numerous postgraduate programs worldwide acknowledge Iranian medical degrees, which is why numerous graduates elect to pursue their medical education abroad.
Career Opportunities on a Global Scale The legitimacy of Iranian medical degrees on a global scale presents a plethora of opportunities for graduates. Iranian medical graduates are well-prepared to pursue successful careers in healthcare, regardless of whether they choose to practice medicine in Iran, their native country, or elsewhere.
In conclusion, Iran is rapidly becoming a premier destination for MBBS studies due to its high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and global recognition. Students who opt to pursue a medical degree in Iran capitalize on a comprehensive curriculum, practical clinical training, and the chance to immerse themselves in a vibrant cultural environment. It is evident that Iran is becoming a top destination for MBBS studies due to its low cost of living, a diverse array of post-graduation career prospects, and the availability of scholarship opportunities.
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chmasha · 7 days
Exploring Opportunities: Pursuing MBBS in Russia
In recent years, an increasing number of students from around the world have been exploring international destinations to pursue medical education. One of the most popular options among Indian students, as well as students from other countries, is studying MBBS in Russia. Russian medical universities offer high-quality education at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries, making it an attractive destination for aspiring doctors.
If you’re considering pursuing MBBS in Russia, this article will provide you with valuable insights into why it’s a great choice, the admission process, benefits of studying there, and what to expect during your medical journey in the country.
Why Choose MBBS in Russia?
Russia has a long-standing reputation for its strong educational system, particularly in the field of medicine. The country is home to some of the best medical universities, many of which rank highly in global rankings. Here are several reasons why students opt to study MBBS in Russia:
1. High-Quality Education and International Recognition
Russian medical universities are recognized for their rigorous academic programs and modern infrastructure. They follow a curriculum that meets international standards and is accredited by global bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO, and the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India (formerly the Medical Council of India, MCI). Graduating with an MBBS in Russia ensures that your degree is recognized worldwide, allowing you to practice medicine in numerous countries after completing the required licensure exams.
Russian medical schools are also well-equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities, enabling students to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience that is critical for their development as medical professionals.
2. Affordable Tuition Fees and Living Costs
One of the biggest advantages of studying MBBS in Russia is its affordability. Medical education in countries like the U.S., U.K., and Australia can be prohibitively expensive for international students. In contrast, the cost of tuition at Russian medical universities is significantly lower, with fees ranging between $3,000 to $6,000 per year.
Moreover, the cost of living in Russia is much lower compared to other Western countries. Students can comfortably live on a budget of around $150 to $300 per month, covering accommodation, food, and transportation. This affordability makes MBBS in Russia an attractive option for students from middle-income families.
3. No Entrance Examinations
Another compelling reason to study MBBS in Russia is the straightforward admission process. Unlike many other countries that require students to take competitive entrance exams, such as the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) in the U.S., Russian universities do not have entrance exams for international students. Admissions are typically based on a student’s high school performance in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, along with their NEET score in the case of Indian students.
4. English-Medium Programs
Many of the top Russian medical universities offer MBBS programs in English, making it easier for international students to study without worrying about language barriers. However, students are also required to learn Russian as a second language during their course, which helps them communicate with patients during their clinical training and internships at Russian hospitals.
5. Global Exposure and Diverse Student Community
Studying MBBS in Russia provides students with exposure to a global student community. Russian medical universities attract students from more than 50 countries, creating a multicultural learning environment. This exposure to diverse cultures and healthcare practices enhances a student’s perspective and prepares them to work in various international healthcare settings in the future.
Additionally, Russia’s advanced healthcare system and renowned medical professionals offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge from leading experts in the field.
Admission Process for MBBS in Russia
If you’re considering applying for an MBBS in Russia, here’s a step-by-step overview of the admission process:
1. Choose a University
The first step is to research and select a medical university that meets your requirements. Some of the top medical universities in Russia for international students include:
Lomonosov Moscow State University
People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Kazan Federal University
Saint Petersburg State University
Siberian State Medical University
These universities are known for their well-established medical programs and global recognition.
2. Check Eligibility Criteria
The basic eligibility criteria for international students to pursue MBBS in Russia are:
Completion of high school with Biology, Chemistry, and Physics as core subjects.
A minimum score of 50% in 10+2 or equivalent.
For Indian students, qualifying NEET is mandatory to apply for MBBS in Russia.
3. Application Submission
Once you’ve selected a university, you will need to submit an application along with the following documents:
A duly filled application form (available on the university’s website).
Scanned copies of your academic transcripts and certificates.
A copy of your passport.
Passport-sized photographs.
NEET scorecard (for Indian students).
An invitation letter (once you’ve been accepted by the university).
4. Receive an Invitation Letter
After reviewing your application, the university will issue an official invitation letter if you meet the eligibility criteria. This letter is crucial, as it is required for obtaining a student visa to Russia.
5. Apply for a Student Visa
With the invitation letter in hand, you can proceed to apply for a Russian student visa. You will need to submit your visa application along with the following documents:
The university’s invitation letter.
Your valid passport.
Recent passport-sized photographs.
A medical fitness certificate.
Proof of financial capability.
6. Arrive in Russia and Start Your Course
Once you’ve received your student visa, you can arrange your travel to Russia and prepare for your studies. Universities often provide accommodation for international students, so it’s a good idea to secure housing before you leave.
Curriculum and Structure of MBBS in Russia
The MBBS in Russia program is typically a six-year course that includes both theoretical and practical training. The curriculum is divided into two phases:
1. Pre-Clinical Phase (First Three Years)
The initial three years of the MBBS program focus on basic medical sciences. Subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Microbiology are taught during this phase. The emphasis is on building a strong foundation in medical theory, and students are introduced to the fundamental principles of medicine.
2. Clinical Phase (Final Three Years)
In the second half of the course, students transition into the clinical phase, where they apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world healthcare settings. Students participate in clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals, gaining hands-on experience in various specialties, such as Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology, and more. This practical exposure helps students develop clinical skills and prepare for their future medical practice.
Advantages of Studying MBBS in Russia
Choosing to study MBBS in Russia comes with several advantages beyond just the affordability and quality of education. Here are some additional benefits that make Russia an appealing destination for medical studies:
1. Internationally Recognized Degrees
Russian medical universities are listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDMS), ensuring that graduates from Russian institutions are eligible to apply for licensing exams like the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination), PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) in the UK, and FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) in India. This global recognition provides students with numerous opportunities to pursue medical careers abroad.
2. Advanced Research Opportunities
Russia is known for its advancements in medical research and technology. Students studying MBBS in Russia have access to cutting-edge research facilities and can participate in ongoing medical research projects. This enhances their understanding of emerging medical technologies and innovations, allowing them to stay at the forefront of the healthcare industry.
3. Wide Range of Specializations
After completing their MBBS in Russia, students can pursue postgraduate specializations in fields like Cardiology, Oncology, Neurology, Surgery, Pediatrics, and more. Russian universities offer numerous postgraduate courses that are recognized globally, giving students the option to further enhance their medical expertise.
4. Cultural and Social Experience
Studying in Russia offers more than just academic growth; it provides an enriching cultural experience. Russia is known for its rich history, vibrant cities, and diverse culture. Students who choose to study MBBS in Russia get the chance to explore a new way of life, learn a new language, and make connections with peers from around the world.
Pursuing MBBS in Russia is an excellent option for students seeking affordable, high-quality medical education. With internationally recognized degrees, modern infrastructure, and a straightforward admission process, Russian medical universities have become a top destination for aspiring doctors. The multicultural environment, practical training opportunities, and low living costs further enhance the appeal of studying MBBS in Russia.
By choosing to study MBBS in Russia, students are investing in their future as medical professionals while gaining a global perspective on healthcare.
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milo-labshop · 10 days
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) in Thailand: A Complete Guide
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has emerged as a significant solution for men experiencing low testosterone levels, which can lead to fatigue, reduced libido, and overall decreased well-being. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Thailand For those seeking cost-effective, high-quality treatment options, Thailand has become a popular destination for TRT, offering both affordability and top-tier medical care.
Why Consider TRT in Thailand?
Thailand’s medical tourism industry is renowned for providing world-class treatments at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries. Many international patients choose Thailand for procedures like Testosterone Replacement Therapy due to the following reasons:
Highly Qualified Doctors: Thailand boasts some of the best-trained endocrinologists and specialists in the field of hormone therapy.
State-of-the-art Facilities: Clinics and hospitals in Thailand are equipped with modern technologies, ensuring that patients receive the latest in medical advancements.
Affordability: Compared to countries like the United States or Australia, TRT in Thailand is significantly cheaper without compromising the quality of care.
Who Needs Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Testosterone levels naturally decrease with age, but some men experience a more drastic reduction, leading to various symptoms such as:
Low energy levels
Reduced muscle mass
Increased body fat
Decreased sexual performance
Mood changes, such as depression or irritability
For men experiencing these symptoms, TRT can help restore hormonal balance, improving quality of life.
What Does TRT Involve?
Testosterone Replacement Therapy involves replenishing the body’s testosterone levels through various methods, including:
Each treatment is tailored to the individual, and a consultation with a medical professional will determine the best course of action.
Where to Get TRT in Thailand?
If you are considering TRT in Thailand, Milo Clinic offers top-notch services. Located in Bangkok, Milo Clinic specializes in hormone therapy and provides personalized treatment plans for each patient. With experienced doctors and cutting-edge medical technology, Milo Clinic ensures that patients receive the highest level of care during their therapy.
Is TRT Safe?
Like any medical treatment, TRT comes with potential risks. It’s essential to undergo a thorough consultation with a specialist to ensure that the treatment is appropriate for you. Common side effects may include acne, sleep apnea, or fluid retention. However, under professional supervision, these risks can be minimized.
Final Thoughts
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a viable option for men suffering from low testosterone levels, and Thailand offers both high-quality care and affordability for those considering this treatment. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Thailand If you're seeking reliable and professional TRT services in Thailand, be sure to visit Milo Clinic to explore your options and start your journey towards better health.
By choosing Thailand for your TRT, you're not just investing in a treatment but in your overall well-being, supported by some of the best medical professionals in the field.
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gponthemoveyt · 10 days
1 full year of Telehealth = 400% increase in complaints!
1 full year of Telehealth = 400% increase in complaints! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib8regCgIj0 Check out the sponsor of this video! https://www.youtube.com/@WELLROOM-hq3qk In this video, we explore why face-to-face doctor appointments often surpass telehealth consultations. From the nuances of in-person diagnosis and the ability to conduct thorough physical exams to the personal connection and reassurance patients feel, we break down the advantages that make traditional visits indispensable. Learn how direct interactions can lead to better healthcare outcomes, the importance of hands-on procedures, and why sometimes, seeing your doctor in person makes all the difference. Join us as we dive into the vital benefits of face-to-face medical care. 3 Reasons GPs Love Australia - https://youtu.be/YfiZZtZnHXg Common Presenting Complaints in GP - https://youtu.be/QS2CSh9Mxd8 How to Manage a Complaint in General Practice - https://youtu.be/87ZhYYPnfeU How to use Autofills in Best Practice #shortcuts - https://youtu.be/2oQFMAek9bc WHO AM I: I’m Mike, a General Practitioner in working in Perth, Western Australia and my YouTube channel is all about medicine, productivity and creating efficiency in GP land. I am the author of both the "How to Use Emis as a Clinician Course" - The ULTIMATE 50+ lesson course about the clinical system EMIS WEB for General Practice and "GP on the Move - The Medical Audiobook with Clinical Guidelines". 💌 Sign up to my monthly email newsletter - https://bit.ly/GPOTMNews 🌍 My website - https://www.gponthemove.com​ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/gponthemoveX​ 📸 Instagram - https://ift.tt/lqpUvY1 👋 Start Here! My TOP 5 Best Videos: 👨🏾‍⚕️ A Day In The Life of a Doctor | GP (General Practitioner) Working from Home | Pyjama Clinic - https://youtu.be/gTxvKhQC2Kg ⚡️ Productivity Desk Setup for Remote Working for General Practice and Beyond in 2021 - https://youtu.be/a7BFwAR45eg 🌍 Green Inhaler Prescribing | Environmental Impact of Inhalers | Switching Inhaler | Eco Inhalers - https://youtu.be/FJ2MT2cjTS8 💰 DO LOCUM GPs REALLY MAKE MORE MONEY THAN SALARIED GPs? | Locum Vs Salaried Money - https://youtu.be/Fd-Q3QvvSCk 📮 Complete Emis Web Tutorial in 5 Mins! | Emis Training For Beginners | Emis Web - https://youtu.be/LL1MTT3OzGU via GP ON THE MOVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8E-LmYYjiisRcPvh3aBaQ September 11, 2024 at 10:00AM
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itheaaus · 24 days
The Growing Demand for Aged Care Professionals in Melbourne
As Australia's population continues to age, the demand for skilled aged care professionals in Melbourne is on the rise. For those interested in pursuing a career in this rewarding field, obtaining a Certificate III in Aged Care is a crucial first step. This qualification equips students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to provide high-quality care to elderly individuals across various settings, including residential facilities, community care, and home care.
What is Certificate III in Aged Care?
The Certificate III in Aged Care, also known as CHC33015 - Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing), is a nationally recognized qualification in Australia. This course lays the foundation for a career in the aged care sector by covering essential topics such as personal care, support services, and the legal and ethical responsibilities of aged care workers.
Who Should Consider This Qualification?
This course is ideal for individuals passionate about helping others and making a positive impact on the lives of elderly people. Whether you are starting a new career in aged care or already working in the industry and wish to formalize your skills, the Certificate III in Aged Care is an excellent choice.
Key Skills and Knowledge Acquired
Throughout the course, students will gain both practical skills and theoretical knowledge essential for providing effective care to elderly individuals. Key areas covered include:
Personal Care: Understanding and assisting with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming.
Support Services: Providing emotional and psychological support, helping elderly individuals maintain their independence and dignity.
Communication Skills: Developing effective communication skills for interacting with elderly individuals, their families, and healthcare professionals.
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: Understanding legal and ethical considerations in aged care, including confidentiality and respecting the rights of elderly individuals.
Safety Procedures: Ensuring a safe environment for elderly individuals, including the correct use of mobility aids and assisting with medication administration.
Course Structure and Delivery
The Certificate III in Aged Care is typically delivered through a mix of classroom-based learning and practical placements. The course is designed with flexibility in mind, offering full-time, part-time, or online study options. Generally, it takes between 6 months to 1 year to complete, depending on the mode of study.
Practical placements are a vital part of the course, providing students with hands-on experience in real-world aged care settings. During these placements, students work under the supervision of experienced aged care professionals, applying the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom.
Career Opportunities and Pathways
Upon completing the Certificate III in Aged Care, graduates can pursue various career opportunities in the aged care sector, including:
Aged Care Worker: Providing direct care and support to elderly individuals in residential facilities, community care, or home care settings.
Personal Care Assistant: Assisting elderly individuals with daily personal care needs, such as bathing, dressing, and feeding.
Community Support Worker: Offering support services to elderly individuals in the community, helping them maintain their independence.
Home Care Assistant: Providing care and support to elderly individuals in their own homes.
Additionally, this qualification serves as a pathway to further education and career advancement, such as Certificate IV in Ageing Support or a Diploma of Nursing, which can lead to even more career opportunities in healthcare.
Why Choose to Study in Melbourne?
Melbourne is a vibrant, multicultural city offering a wide range of educational opportunities. Studying Certificate III in Aged Care in Melbourne provides access to some of the best training facilities and educators in the country. The city’s strong healthcare sector and the growing demand for aged care professionals make Melbourne an ideal location to start a career in this field. Graduates of the program are well-positioned to secure employment in Melbourne's thriving aged care industry.
Obtaining a Certificate III in Aged Care in Melbourne is a significant step towards a rewarding career in the aged care sector. This qualification not only equips students with essential skills and knowledge but also opens doors to various career opportunities and further education pathways. Whether you're starting a new career or formalizing your skills, this course is a valuable investment in your future.
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sagarargroup · 29 days
Why Studying MBBS in Russia is a Top Choice for Aspiring Doctors
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Are you dreaming of becoming a doctor? Pursuing an MBBS in Russia can be your pathway to a successful medical career. Russia is known for its world-class medical universities, offering high-quality education at an affordable cost. For students from all around the globe, studying in Russia is an attractive option due to its diverse culture, advanced medical training, and globally recognized degrees. Top institutions like Pirogov Russian National Medical University, Samara State Medical University, Voronezh State Medical University Russia, and Chuvash State Medical University Russia are some of the best choices for your medical studies.
Why Choose MBBS in Russia?
Studying MBBS in Russia comes with several benefits that make it a preferred destination for many students:
Affordable Education: One of the biggest advantages of pursuing MBBS in Russia is the affordability. The tuition fees at Russian medical universities are much lower than those in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia. This allows students to receive a top-notch education without the financial strain.
Globally Recognized Degrees: Russian medical degrees, including those from Pirogov Russian National Medical University, Samara State Medical University, Voronezh State Medical University Russia, and Chuvash State Medical University Russia, are recognized by major international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). Graduates from these universities are eligible to practice medicine in many countries after passing the required licensing exams.
English-Medium Programs: Many Russian universities offer MBBS programs in English, which is a huge advantage for international students. Universities such as Pirogov Russian National Medical University and Voronezh State Medical University Russia provide courses in English, ensuring that students can focus on their studies without worrying about language barriers.
High-Quality Education: Russian medical universities are known for their rigorous academic standards and comprehensive curricula. With modern facilities, experienced faculty, and a strong emphasis on practical training, students are well-prepared for their medical careers. Universities like Samara State Medical University and Chuvash State Medical University Russia provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the medical field.
Cultural Diversity: Russia is home to a diverse population, and students from various countries come to study here. This creates a rich cultural environment where students can learn from each other and gain a global perspective, which is essential in today’s interconnected world.
Why Choose Pirogov Russian National Medical University?
Pirogov Russian National Medical University is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical universities in Russia. It has a long history of producing highly skilled doctors who are recognized worldwide.
Experienced Faculty: The university has a team of highly experienced professors who are experts in their fields. They are dedicated to providing students with a deep understanding of medical science and practical skills.
Comprehensive Training: Pirogov Russian National Medical University emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and practical training. Students get hands-on experience in hospitals and clinics, which is essential for developing the skills needed to succeed in the medical profession.
Research Opportunities: The university encourages students to participate in research projects, allowing them to contribute to the advancement of medical science and deepen their understanding of their chosen field.
Why Choose Samara State Medical University?
Samara State Medical University is known for its strong academic programs and commitment to student success. It offers a well-rounded medical education that prepares students for their future careers.
Modern Facilities: The university is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including modern laboratories and clinical centers. These resources provide students with the tools they need to excel in their studies and gain practical experience.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Samara State Medical University offers a rigorous MBBS program that covers all aspects of medical education. The curriculum is designed to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Student Support Services: The university provides a range of support services to help students succeed academically and personally. From counseling services to extracurricular activities, Samara State Medical University is committed to ensuring that students have a positive and enriching experience.
Why Choose Voronezh State Medical University Russia?
Voronezh State Medical University Russia is another top choice for students pursuing MBBS in Russia. The university is known for its high academic standards and commitment to producing skilled medical professionals.
High-Quality Education: Voronezh State Medical University Russia offers a rigorous MBBS program that combines theoretical knowledge with practical training. The university’s focus on quality education ensures that students are well-prepared for their future careers.
Experienced Faculty: The university’s faculty comprises experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best education to their students. They use modern teaching methods to ensure that students grasp complex medical concepts effectively.
International Collaboration: Voronezh State Medical University Russia has partnerships with several medical institutions worldwide. These collaborations provide students with opportunities for international exposure, including exchange programs and research projects.
Why Choose Chuvash State Medical University Russia?
Chuvash State Medical University Russia is known for its commitment to providing high-quality medical education at an affordable cost. The university offers a supportive learning environment and a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for successful medical careers.
Affordable Tuition Fees: One of the key advantages of studying at Chuvash State Medical University Russia is its affordable tuition fees. This makes it an attractive option for students who want to pursue their medical studies without financial strain.
Practical Training: The university places a strong emphasis on practical training, ensuring that students gain hands-on experience in hospitals and clinics. This practical exposure is crucial for developing the skills needed to excel in the medical field.
Supportive Learning Environment: Chuvash State Medical University Russia provides a supportive learning environment with various student services aimed at helping students succeed academically and personally.
Choosing to study MBBS in Russia at Pirogov Russian National Medical University, Samara State Medical University, Voronezh State Medical University Russia, or Chuvash State Medical University Russia is a smart decision for any student aspiring to become a doctor. These universities offer affordable, high-quality education, globally recognized degrees, and a culturally enriching experience. With the right mix of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and international exposure, you will be well-equipped to achieve your dream of becoming a successful doctor.
Take the first step towards a fulfilling medical career by considering MBBS in Russia as your gateway to success.
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studyabroad3289 · 1 month
Tyumen State Medical University: Your Guide to MBBS Abroad
Tyumen State Medical University (TSMU), located in the heart of Tyumen, Russia, stands as a premier institution offering high-quality medical education for students from around the world. Founded in 1963, the university has evolved into one of the top medical schools in Russia, known for its modern approach to medical education, highly qualified faculty, and international collaborations. If you are considering studying MBBS abroad, TSMU is one of the most favorable destinations due to its affordable fee structure, state-of-the-art facilities, and its renowned global reputation. In this article, we will explore various aspects of the university including its fee structure, world ranking, hostel facilities, and more.
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Overview of Tyumen State Medical University
Tyumen State Medical University is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical institutions in Russia. Over the years, the university has earned a reputation for providing excellent education, advanced medical research, and top-notch healthcare services. It offers various programs, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. courses in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and other related fields.
TSMU emphasizes a hands-on approach to medical education, with students having access to cutting-edge laboratories, modern simulation centers, and clinical rotations in some of the best hospitals in Russia. With a commitment to research and innovation, the university also actively participates in international research projects and maintains partnerships with numerous medical institutions globally.
Tyumen State Medical University in Russia
Located in the city of Tyumen, often referred to as the gateway to Siberia, Tyumen State Medical University Russia offers an enriching experience for international students. The city of Tyumen is one of the oldest settlements in Russia, offering a blend of historical charm and modern infrastructure. With well-developed public transportation and a vibrant student community, Tyumen offers a safe and affordable environment for foreign students.
Russia, as a country, offers some of the most affordable medical programs in the world without compromising on quality. TSMU benefits from being part of this highly regarded education system, providing a unique opportunity for students who seek a global perspective in their medical careers.
Fee Structure at Tyumen State Medical University
One of the most attractive aspects of studying at Tyumen State Medical University Fee Structure. The cost of studying medicine in Russia is significantly lower compared to Western countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia, making it a popular choice for international students, especially those from developing nations.
Tuition Fees
The annual tuition fee for the MBBS program at TSMU generally ranges from $3,500 to $5,000 USD, depending on the student's nationality and the specific program chosen. The total duration of the MBBS program is six years, including a year of internship or practical training in affiliated hospitals.
Hostel Fees
Accommodation in the university’s hostel is also budget-friendly. The average annual hostel fee is approximately $300 to $500 USD. The hostels are well-equipped with modern amenities, including Wi-Fi, 24/7 security, laundry facilities, and common recreational areas. Rooms are typically shared between two to four students, creating a close-knit and supportive living environment.
Miscellaneous Expenses
In addition to tuition and hostel fees, students should also account for living expenses such as food, transportation, textbooks, and personal needs. On average, students should budget around $200 to $300 USD per month** for these costs.
MBBS Abroad: Why Choose Tyumen State Medical University?
Tyumen State Medical University has become a sought-after destination for MBBS ABROAD for several reasons. The university not only offers an affordable education but also provides a quality of training that meets international standards. Some key factors to consider include:
Quality of Education
TSMU is recognized by major medical bodies around the world, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Medical Commission (NMC). The university’s curriculum is designed to integrate modern medical knowledge with hands-on practical experience, preparing students for successful careers in various countries.
Global Recognition
Degrees from Tyumen State Medical University are globally recognized, and graduates are eligible to sit for licensing exams such as the USMLE, PLAB, AMC, and others. This opens up a world of opportunities for students looking to practice medicine not only in Russia but across the globe.
Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction at TSMU for international students is English, making it easier for students from non-Russian-speaking countries to pursue their medical studies without a language barrier.
Cultural Exchange
With a large international student body, TSMU offers a multicultural environment that encourages the exchange of ideas and cultural perspectives. Students from different parts of the world come together to learn and grow, both academically and personally.
Tyumen State Medical University Ranking
TSMU is considered one of the leading medical universities in Russia and has steadily improved its position in both national and international rankings. It is known for its high academic standards, innovative research, and commitment to producing competent healthcare professionals.
National Ranking
Within Russia, TSMU is consistently ranked among the top medical universities. It holds a prominent position for its medical education and research output, often being included in the top 50 universities across the country.
World Ranking
Globally, Tyumen State Medical University is ranked among the top 5000 medical universities in the world. It continues to rise in various international rankings, thanks to its continuous improvements in infrastructure, research contributions, and the quality of education it provides. With its global recognition, the university has made a name for itself as a competitive option for students seeking to study medicine abroad.
Hostel Facilities at Tyumen State Medical University
TSMU takes great care in providing a safe and comfortable environment for its students. The university offers a range of hostel options that cater to the needs of both local and international students.
The hostels are located close to the university campus, making it convenient for students to attend their classes without worrying about long commutes. Each room in the hostel is furnished with basic amenities such as beds, study tables, and wardrobes. The buildings are equipped with communal kitchens, where students can prepare their own meals if they prefer.
Safety and Security
TSMU’s hostels are monitored by security personnel 24/7, ensuring a safe living environment for students. In addition, there are strict rules and regulations in place to maintain order and discipline within the hostels.
Student Life
Living in a university hostel is not just about accommodation; it’s also about the overall experience. TSMU’s hostels provide an environment where students from different backgrounds can interact, form friendships, and learn from each other. The university organizes various extracurricular activities and cultural events, which help students build a well-rounded experience outside of academics.
Tyumen State Medical University: A World-Class Medical Institution
In summary, Tyumen State Medical University offers an excellent opportunity for students looking to pursue MBBS abroad. With its affordable fee structure, quality education, and globally recognized degree, TSMU stands out as one of the best options for international medical students. The university’s modern facilities, emphasis on practical training, and diverse student body make it a top choice for those seeking a fulfilling and successful medical career.
The overall package that TSMU provides – including its low tuition fees, affordable accommodation, world-class education, and supportive environment – ensures that students are well-equipped for the challenges of the medical profession. Whether you are looking to work in Russia or abroad, a degree from Tyumen State Medical University opens the doors to a myriad of opportunities in the field of healthcare.
Tyumen State Medical University is more than just an educational institution; it is a gateway to global medical practice. By choosing TSMU, students gain access to an affordable, quality education that is recognized worldwide, and the opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich cultural experience. For those seeking to study medicine abroad, Tyumen State Medical University offers the perfect combination of academic excellence, affordability, and global opportunities.
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globalnextgenpro · 1 month
OET Coaching in Chandigarh: Your Gateway to Success in Healthcare English
If you’re a healthcare professional aiming to work abroad, passing the Occupational English Test (OET) is a crucial step in your journey. In Chandigarh, OET coaching can be the key to unlocking your success. Let’s explore how specialized coaching can enhance your test preparation and pave the way for your global career.
Understanding the OET
The Occupational English Test (OET) is designed to assess the English language skills of healthcare professionals. It focuses on the specific language and communication skills required in a healthcare setting, which makes it different from general English tests. The OET is recognized by various regulatory bodies and employers in English-speaking countries such as Australia, the UK, and New Zealand.
The test comprises four sub-tests: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each section is tailored to evaluate your ability to communicate effectively in a healthcare environment. Whether you’re a nurse, doctor, pharmacist, or any other healthcare professional, the OET ensures that your language proficiency meets the standards required for clinical practice.
Why Choose OET Coaching in Chandigarh?
1. Personalized Learning Experience
One of the biggest advantages of opting for OET coaching in Chandigarh is the personalized approach offered by local coaching centers. Unlike online courses or generic English classes, dedicated OET coaching provides tailored guidance based on your specific needs. Experienced instructors assess your strengths and weaknesses, creating a customized study plan to help you focus on areas that need improvement.
2. Expert Guidance from Experienced Trainers
Chandigarh is home to several coaching institutes with experienced trainers who have a deep understanding of the OET format and requirements. These trainers are often former OET examiners or professionals with extensive experience in the healthcare sector. Their expertise ensures that you receive accurate, relevant advice and insights, helping you navigate the test with confidence.
3. Mock Tests and Practice Sessions
To excel in the OET, practice is essential. Coaching centers in Chandigarh offer regular mock tests and practice sessions that simulate the actual exam environment. This practice helps you familiarize yourself with the test format, manage your time effectively, and build the confidence needed to perform well on test day. Detailed feedback on your performance helps you refine your skills and strategies.
4. Focus on Healthcare-Specific Communication
The OET emphasizes communication in a healthcare context, which means you need to be comfortable with medical terminology and scenarios. Local coaching centers in Chandigarh provide focused training on healthcare-related topics, ensuring you can effectively handle patient interactions, medical reports, and case notes. This specialized approach helps you develop the language skills required to excel in the OET and in your professional role.
5. Supportive Learning Environment
Studying in a supportive and motivating environment can significantly impact your preparation. Coaching institutes in Chandigarh offer a conducive learning atmosphere with small class sizes and one-on-one attention. This personalized support helps you stay motivated, address your concerns, and make steady progress towards your goals.
6. Flexible Scheduling and Location
With various coaching centers spread across Chandigarh, you can find a schedule and location that suits your needs. Many institutes offer flexible timings, including weekend and evening classes, to accommodate working professionals. This flexibility ensures that you can balance your OET preparation with other commitments, making the learning process more manageable.
Finding the Right OET Coaching Center in Chandigarh
When searching for the best OET coaching center in Chandigarh, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Reviews: Look for institutes with positive reviews and a strong reputation for success. Personal recommendations from fellow professionals can also be valuable.
Experienced Faculty: Choose a center with experienced trainers who have a proven track record of helping students achieve their desired scores.
Course Structure: Ensure that the coaching program covers all aspects of the OET and includes ample practice materials and mock tests.
Facilities and Resources: Check if the institute provides up-to-date study materials, access to practice tests, and a comfortable learning environment.
Embarking on your OET journey with the right coaching can make all the difference in achieving your goals. In Chandigarh, you’ll find a range of options for OET coaching that offer personalized, expert-led instruction tailored to the unique requirements of the test. With dedicated preparation and the support of experienced coaches, you can confidently step towards a successful international healthcare career. Embrace the opportunity, invest in your future, and take the first step towards a rewarding global career with OET coaching in Chandigarh.
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komal7676 · 2 months
Why Choose MBBS in Kazakhstan? A Guide for Aspiring Medical Students
Choosing the right destination for pursuing an MBBS degree can be challenging. If you're considering studying medicine abroad, MBBS in Kazakhstan is an excellent option. Kazakhstan offers a unique blend of high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and a culturally rich experience. This article will explore the benefits of studying MBBS in Kazakhstan, with a focus on top universities like Kazakh National Medical University and Astana Medical University Kazakhstan. Let's dive in and discover why Kazakhstan might be the perfect place for your medical education journey!
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Quality Education at Affordable Costs
Kazakhstan is known for its high standard of medical education, making it a popular choice among international students. The country offers well-structured MBBS programs that follow international standards. The curriculum includes a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical training, preparing students for real-world medical challenges. The best part? The tuition fees are much lower compared to countries like the USA, UK, and Australia. This affordability makes MBBS in Kazakhstan accessible to students from various financial backgrounds.
English-Medium Programs
One of the significant advantages of studying MBBS in Kazakhstan is the availability of English-medium programs. Most medical universities in Kazakhstan offer courses in English, making it easier for international students to understand and communicate. This language flexibility ensures that students can focus on their studies without the added stress of learning a new language.
Top Medical Universities in Kazakhstan
Kazakh National Medical University
Kazakh National Medical University is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in Kazakhstan. Established in 1930, the university has a long history of providing top-notch medical education. It offers a wide range of medical programs, including MBBS, dentistry, and pharmacy. The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and a strong focus on research and innovation. Students at Kazakh National Medical University benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of medicine, from basic sciences to clinical practice.
Astana Medical University Kazakhstan
Another prominent institution is Astana Medical University Kazakhstan, located in the capital city of Nur-Sultan. Known for its modern infrastructure and advanced teaching methods, the university provides a conducive environment for learning. The MBBS program at Astana Medical University Kazakhstan includes extensive clinical training, allowing students to gain hands-on experience in hospitals and clinics. The university also offers various extracurricular activities, helping students develop a well-rounded personality.
Easy Admission Process
The admission process for MBBS in Kazakhstan is straightforward and hassle-free. Most universities require students to have completed their higher secondary education with a background in science subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Additionally, students need to have a good command of English. Some universities may also require students to pass an entrance exam. Once these requirements are met, students can apply online or through authorized representatives.
Cultural Experience and Student Life
Studying MBBS in Kazakhstan is not just about academics; it's also an opportunity to experience a new culture. Kazakhstan is a diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. From traditional Kazakh cuisine to vibrant festivals, students can immerse themselves in a unique cultural experience. The country is also known for its warm and welcoming people, making it easier for international students to feel at home.
Career Opportunities
A degree in MBBS in Kazakhstan opens up numerous career opportunities. The degree is recognized by major global organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). This recognition allows graduates to practice medicine in various countries, including India, after passing the necessary licensing exams. Graduates can also choose to pursue further studies or specialize in a particular field of medicine.
Choosing to study MBBS in Kazakhstan is a smart and rewarding decision. With top universities like Kazakh National Medical University and Astana Medical University Kazakhstan, students receive quality education at an affordable cost. The country's welcoming environment and cultural richness add to the overall experience, making it an ideal destination for aspiring doctors. So, if you're looking for a place that offers excellent education, cultural diversity, and a bright future in medicine, Kazakhstan is the place to be. Start your journey towards a fulfilling medical career today!
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argroupofedu5 · 2 months
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan: A Popular Destination for Medical Studies
Kyrgyzstan has become a preferred destination for students wishing to pursue an MBBS degree. With its affordable tuition fees, high-quality education, and globally recognized degrees, Kyrgyzstan offers an attractive option for medical aspirants from around the world.
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Why Choose Kyrgyzstan for MBBS?
Affordable Education: One of the main reasons students choose Kyrgyzstan is the affordability of medical education. Tuition fees and cost of living are significantly lower than countries like the USA, UK, or Australia.
Quality Education: Medical universities in Kyrgyzstan are known for their high standards of education. They follow international curriculum standards and employ experienced faculty members who are experts in their fields.
Globally Recognized Degree: MBBS degrees from Kyrgyzstan are recognized by leading medical councils and organisations including the World Health Organization (WHO), Medical Council of India (MCI), and others. This recognition allows graduates to practise medicine in various countries after passing the respective licensing exams.
English Medium Education: Most medical universities in Kyrgyzstan offer MBBS courses in English, making it easier for international students to follow the curriculum and communicate effectively.
Cultural Diversity: Kyrgyzstan is home to a diverse student population from different parts of the world. This multicultural environment provides students with a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures and build a global network.
Safe and Friendly Environment: Kyrgyzstan is known for its hospitality and safety. The locals are friendly and welcoming, which makes international students feel at home.
Best Medical Universities in Kyrgyzstan
One of the top medical universities in Kyrgyzstan is the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA). Established in 1939, KSMA is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical institutions in the country.
Key Features of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA):
Accreditation and Recognition: KSMA is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools. It is also recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan.
Experienced Faculty: The academy has highly qualified and experienced faculty, many of whom have received their education and training from top medical institutions around the world.
Modern Infrastructure: KSMA is equipped with modern facilities, including state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and hospitals. The university constantly keeps updating its infrastructure to provide the best learning environment for students.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The MBBS program at KSMA is designed to provide comprehensive education in medicine, combining theoretical knowledge with practical training. The curriculum includes basic medical sciences, clinical sciences, and practical training in affiliated hospitals.
Research Opportunities: KSMA encourages students to participate in research activities. The university has several research centres and laboratories where students can engage in scientific research and contribute to advancements in medical science.
Student Support Services: The academy provides various support services to help students adjust to university life. These include accommodation facilities, counselling services, extracurricular activities and student organisations.
Admission Process
The admission process for MBBS in Kyrgyzstan is simple and hassle-free. Here are the general steps:
Eligibility Criteria: Students must have completed their higher secondary education (10+2) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as core subjects. A minimum aggregate score of 50% is usually required.
Entrance Exam: While some universities may conduct entrance exams, many admit students based on their academic performance in higher secondary education.
Application Process: Students must fill out the application form and submit the required documents, which usually include academic transcripts, passport copies and passport-sized photographs.
Visa Process: Once admission is confirmed, students must apply for a student visa. The university usually assists students in obtaining the required visa documents.
Arrival in Kyrgyzstan: After obtaining the visa, students can make travel arrangements and reach Kyrgyzstan. The university often provides airport pick-up and accommodation assistance.
Pursuing MBBS in Kyrgyzstan is an excellent option for students looking for quality medical education at an affordable cost. With reputed universities like the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, a supportive atmosphere, and a diverse student community, Kyrgyzstan provides a favourable environment for aspiring doctors to realise their dreams.
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chmasha · 7 days
Exploring Opportunities: Pursuing MBBS in Russia
In recent years, an increasing number of students from around the world have been exploring international destinations to pursue medical education. One of the most popular options among Indian students, as well as students from other countries, is studying MBBS in Russia. Russian medical universities offer high-quality education at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries, making it an attractive destination for aspiring doctors.
If you’re considering pursuing MBBS in Russia, this article will provide you with valuable insights into why it’s a great choice, the admission process, benefits of studying there, and what to expect during your medical journey in the country.
Why Choose MBBS in Russia?
Russia has a long-standing reputation for its strong educational system, particularly in the field of medicine. The country is home to some of the best medical universities, many of which rank highly in global rankings. Here are several reasons why students opt to study MBBS in Russia:
1. High-Quality Education and International Recognition
Russian medical universities are recognized for their rigorous academic programs and modern infrastructure. They follow a curriculum that meets international standards and is accredited by global bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO, and the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India (formerly the Medical Council of India, MCI). Graduating with an MBBS in Russia ensures that your degree is recognized worldwide, allowing you to practice medicine in numerous countries after completing the required licensure exams.
Russian medical schools are also well-equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities, enabling students to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience that is critical for their development as medical professionals.
2. Affordable Tuition Fees and Living Costs
One of the biggest advantages of studying MBBS in Russia is its affordability. Medical education in countries like the U.S., U.K., and Australia can be prohibitively expensive for international students. In contrast, the cost of tuition at Russian medical universities is significantly lower, with fees ranging between $3,000 to $6,000 per year.
Moreover, the cost of living in Russia is much lower compared to other Western countries. Students can comfortably live on a budget of around $150 to $300 per month, covering accommodation, food, and transportation. This affordability makes MBBS in Russia an attractive option for students from middle-income families.
3. No Entrance Examinations
Another compelling reason to study MBBS in Russia is the straightforward admission process. Unlike many other countries that require students to take competitive entrance exams, such as the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) in the U.S., Russian universities do not have entrance exams for international students. Admissions are typically based on a student’s high school performance in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, along with their NEET score in the case of Indian students.
4. English-Medium Programs
Many of the top Russian medical universities offer MBBS programs in English, making it easier for international students to study without worrying about language barriers. However, students are also required to learn Russian as a second language during their course, which helps them communicate with patients during their clinical training and internships at Russian hospitals.
5. Global Exposure and Diverse Student Community
Studying MBBS in Russia provides students with exposure to a global student community. Russian medical universities attract students from more than 50 countries, creating a multicultural learning environment. This exposure to diverse cultures and healthcare practices enhances a student’s perspective and prepares them to work in various international healthcare settings in the future.
Additionally, Russia’s advanced healthcare system and renowned medical professionals offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge from leading experts in the field.
Admission Process for MBBS in Russia
If you’re considering applying for an MBBS in Russia, here’s a step-by-step overview of the admission process:
1. Choose a University
The first step is to research and select a medical university that meets your requirements. Some of the top medical universities in Russia for international students include:
Lomonosov Moscow State University
People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Kazan Federal University
Saint Petersburg State University
Siberian State Medical University
These universities are known for their well-established medical programs and global recognition.
2. Check Eligibility Criteria
The basic eligibility criteria for international students to pursue MBBS in Russia are:
Completion of high school with Biology, Chemistry, and Physics as core subjects.
A minimum score of 50% in 10+2 or equivalent.
For Indian students, qualifying NEET is mandatory to apply for MBBS in Russia.
3. Application Submission
Once you’ve selected a university, you will need to submit an application along with the following documents:
A duly filled application form (available on the university’s website).
Scanned copies of your academic transcripts and certificates.
A copy of your passport.
Passport-sized photographs.
NEET scorecard (for Indian students).
An invitation letter (once you’ve been accepted by the university).
4. Receive an Invitation Letter
After reviewing your application, the university will issue an official invitation letter if you meet the eligibility criteria. This letter is crucial, as it is required for obtaining a student visa to Russia.
5. Apply for a Student Visa
With the invitation letter in hand, you can proceed to apply for a Russian student visa. You will need to submit your visa application along with the following documents:
The university’s invitation letter.
Your valid passport.
Recent passport-sized photographs.
A medical fitness certificate.
Proof of financial capability.
6. Arrive in Russia and Start Your Course
Once you’ve received your student visa, you can arrange your travel to Russia and prepare for your studies. Universities often provide accommodation for international students, so it’s a good idea to secure housing before you leave.
Curriculum and Structure of MBBS in Russia
The MBBS in Russia program is typically a six-year course that includes both theoretical and practical training. The curriculum is divided into two phases:
1. Pre-Clinical Phase (First Three Years)
The initial three years of the MBBS program focus on basic medical sciences. Subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Microbiology are taught during this phase. The emphasis is on building a strong foundation in medical theory, and students are introduced to the fundamental principles of medicine.
2. Clinical Phase (Final Three Years)
In the second half of the course, students transition into the clinical phase, where they apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world healthcare settings. Students participate in clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals, gaining hands-on experience in various specialties, such as Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology, and more. This practical exposure helps students develop clinical skills and prepare for their future medical practice.
Advantages of Studying MBBS in Russia
Choosing to study MBBS in Russia comes with several advantages beyond just the affordability and quality of education. Here are some additional benefits that make Russia an appealing destination for medical studies:
1. Internationally Recognized Degrees
Russian medical universities are listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDMS), ensuring that graduates from Russian institutions are eligible to apply for licensing exams like the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination), PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) in the UK, and FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) in India. This global recognition provides students with numerous opportunities to pursue medical careers abroad.
2. Advanced Research Opportunities
Russia is known for its advancements in medical research and technology. Students studying MBBS in Russia have access to cutting-edge research facilities and can participate in ongoing medical research projects. This enhances their understanding of emerging medical technologies and innovations, allowing them to stay at the forefront of the healthcare industry.
3. Wide Range of Specializations
After completing their MBBS in Russia, students can pursue postgraduate specializations in fields like Cardiology, Oncology, Neurology, Surgery, Pediatrics, and more. Russian universities offer numerous postgraduate courses that are recognized globally, giving students the option to further enhance their medical expertise.
4. Cultural and Social Experience
Studying in Russia offers more than just academic growth; it provides an enriching cultural experience. Russia is known for its rich history, vibrant cities, and diverse culture. Students who choose to study MBBS in Russia get the chance to explore a new way of life, learn a new language, and make connections with peers from around the world.
Pursuing MBBS in Russia is an excellent option for students seeking affordable, high-quality medical education. With internationally recognized degrees, modern infrastructure, and a straightforward admission process, Russian medical universities have become a top destination for aspiring doctors. The multicultural environment, practical training opportunities, and low living costs further enhance the appeal of studying MBBS in Russia.
By choosing to study MBBS in Russia, students are investing in their future as medical professionals while gaining a global perspective on healthcare.
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