#best lip filler leeds
caresmetics · 2 months
Premier Skin Care Clinics Leeds | Expert Services for Radiant Skin by Dr. Zaman
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 Explore exceptional services at Caresmetics skin care clinics leeds. Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of treatments designed to rejuvenate and enhance your skin, ensuring you look and feel your best. With a focus on personalized care, Dr. Zaman delivers expert solutions tailored to your unique skincare needs.For those seeking lip fillers Leeds, Dr. Zaman’s expertise provides natural-looking, stunning results. At Caresmetics Clinics, we combine advanced techniques with a caring approach to achieve your aesthetic goals. Schedule your consultation today to experience top-tier skincare and lip enhancement.
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rupertjones · 3 months
What to Expect from Your Lip Fillers Treatment
Explore lip fillers treatment: learn about the procedure, benefits, risks, and aftercare tips for achieving natural-looking, fuller lips safely and effectively.
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Things to Know About Lip Filler Treatments
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Has the increasing number of celebrities getting lip filler treatments convinced you to get your lips plump? If yes, then you have come to the right spot. Getting any kind of treatment can be scary because of the unknown outcome but worry not as here is everything you need to know about lip fillers:
 You have several options
You have many lip fillers available. Restylane was a popular choice in lip injections in 2015. It is an advanced option and is similar in composition to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies that is responsible for the plumpness of the skin.
This option is more long-lasting and safer. The other option is collagen which can require a four-week allergy test. Collagen is extracted from bovine hides. One more option is to take fat from your own body and inject it into your lips. However, this lasts the shortest as the fat is reabsorbed.
 You decide the amount
You can control how fuller lips you want. With hyaluronic acid fillers, it is possible to control the amount injected into your lips. Too much of anything is risky. You have the control in your hands, you can decide during the process whether you need more or not. Depending on your lips, you may only need a few fillers to get the job done.
 It is non-surgical procedure
These are not considered surgical procedure because it is just injections, not implants so it is not really a surgery. It can be performed easily with just a topical numbing solution.
 It does not have to hurt
The pain can vary depending on who is doing the procedure. People use numbing gel or dental blocks so it usually does not hurt.
  It is affordable
Lip filler treatment is definitely not cheap but it is not too expensive either. It depends on the location where you are getting the treatment from and the number of injections you get. However, it is not ideal to go to a dermatologist just because of affordability. The biggest concern should be the outcome of the procedure. Of course, as a general rule, the more experienced the doctor, the better the results will be.
 Possible Side Effects
Lip fillers have gotten rather common but there can be side effects. Common complaints include redness, swelling, bruising or pain. However, these side effects can be treated and generally go away within a few days. However, if you feel that lumps have formed then it is time to consult the doctor. This is why it is recommended only to use experienced doctors and clinics.
Lip filling treatments are getting more and more advanced and as a result only a fraction of people have the possible side effects. It is important that you assess how much of the fillers you need. Consult with the doctor beforehand and get only the required amount. It is everyone’s right to look their best and if some fillers can make your lips plump and make you look beautiful then why not?
If you are in or near to Leeds, UK then Call Lane Aesthetics is the best choice to get quality lip filler Leeds treatment.
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rae-gar-targaryen · 5 years
of retro-tech and rhapsody [p.p.]
A/N: This is my entry for @starksparker Summer Writing Challenge! Thank you for letting me do this, Kaylee! 
Takes place while Peter and the gang are still at school. I’m ignoring “Endgame” and “Far From Home,” so it’s spoiler-free! Includes references to Peter’s Civil War-era scrounging. 
Prompt: “For someone so smart, you’re an idiot.” 
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!Reader (I kept her vague enough, sans references to a few hobbies and musical taste).
Warnings: Language. Jumpy plot? So much awkward cotton-candy fluff you may just rot your teeth. Sorry. 
Word Count: 3.4k of baked good simile, teenage awkwardness, and musical snobbery. 
Summary: Dumpster diving wasn’t a good look for most boys. Most of them. But then again, most boys didn’t make you a good, old-fashioned loverboy mixtape.  
**NOT MY GIF!** 
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Okay, so. Here’s the deal: You most certainly were not the type to gossip. You really weren’t. The clique-ish chatter of your classmates and passersby floating through your ears like the twittering of so many small birds, muffled like cotton balls in your ears. 
It’s not that you were a bad listener. Nah. You actually considered yourself a good listener. You just weren’t that interested in the conversational equivalent of small-dick-energy. Small minds discuss people, so they say… 
Besides, rumors were pernicious. Especially those perpetrated by bored teenagers, the girls’ perfectly-filed nails so much like demon’s talons, the boys’ whispering and snickering like the hissing of snakes. All attempting to perforate your uninterested sensibilities. 
Whatever. Whatever the topic was today, you just weren’t interested. Until– 
“I heard Flash threw him in. What other reason would he smell like a dumpster?”
“Maybe he just doesn’t, ya know, shower?” 
“No way. Flash can’t toss him in alone. He’d need help. Besides, I think he went in there, like, voluntarily.”
“He doesn’t smell. You just saw him coming out of the alley.” 
“Ew. You mean to tell me that Peter Parker is a– a dumpster-diver?” 
The mention of Peter’s name caught your interest. Peter was a tech-type with a seemingly contradictory creative streak. You had often wondered where he had picked up the old school gadgets he sometimes had tucked under his arm as he hurried to and from the science lab or the A.V. room, Ned Leeds in tow, talking a mile a minute about – some thing or another. 
You were almost certain the term “motor mouth” was coined with Peter in mind.  
You turned your head to hear who was talking, only to be met with a table full of Flash Thompson’s hangers-on. 
Of course. Flash Thomson’s weird hate-boner for Peter Parker was well known among your class. And probably the teachers, too. 
You didn’t understand. What was to dislike about Peter Parker? He was perfectly sweet, sweetly smart, smartly perfect. 
Okay, maybe you had a little thing for Peter Parker. But only just a little. You had, what? Two classes together?
Besides, you were too busy for boys. It’s 2k19, for God’s sake. You had soccer, studying for the SATs, you helped out your parents. You liked to read. It’s not that you weren’t interested in the pursuit of a certain sweet, stuttering boy with coffee curls and eyes flecked with gold. 
Dear god. When did you become a poet? Scratch that. When did you become a terrible poet?? Be still your heart, Keats. 
Rolling your eyes, you smacked your empty lunch tray for good measure as you got up, catching the attention of some of Flash’s “Mob.” 
“Maybe you should chill on being trash who trash-talks? You sure you don’t belong in the dumpster?” You replied primly. Not chancing a glance back, or waiting for a snarky response, you turned, dropping your tray in the designated area and walked out. 
Mic drop, assholes.
Peter stared after you from his corner table, basking in the glory of your grand exit. He didn’t hear what you had said. But judging by the disbelieving stares that followed you, it must’ve been good. Flash’s hangers-on looked after you, a few then turning their attention to Peter’s table before going back to their lunch, mouths agape.
Um, what? 
Peter had no clue what that could have been about. Whatever it was, he was almost certain he didn’t want to know. Unless– unless it had to do with you. Then he almost certainly did want to know. 
He would crawl over glass if it meant learning more about you. 
Okay, maybe not glass. He did get beat up on the regular, and even super-fast healing and super strength didn’t mean that the sensations that came from small-time ass kickings was enjoyable. 
Mr. Stark told him that finding the girl he liked would hit him like, what was it? Oh, yeah …
“A punch to the gut, Pete. You’ll never see it coming. Not even with that little, uhhhh, tingly little super-sense you’ve got goin’ on.” 
Punch to the gut indeed. Just the sight of you was enough to make Peter stammer, even moreso than usual. Sweat a bit more than usual. Especially today, what with his latest acquisition burning a proverbial hole in his backpack. 
His morning excursion had yielded a perfectly good Walkman. Who would toss that in the dumpster? A little fine-tuning and it should be good to go. He’d been acquiring retro stereo equipment for some time. A little trip to the junk store for a blank cassette, and he was home free. 
His heart sang at the cleverness of his plan. Burning you an old-school mixtape seemed like the perfect way to tell you how he felt. How he’d been feeling since ninth grade bio, making a gradual mental catalogue of your band shirts. Of the books you thumbed through while waiting for class to start. 
Yeah, he knew exactly what was going on that tape. 
“Hey, loser.” Peter whipped his head at the dead-pan to the left, meeting MJ’s shrewd eyes and perpetually downturned mouth from her corner of the table. “What’s up with your stupid moon-face?”
“Uh, what?”
“If you stared any harder at her, you may burn a hole.” 
“I don’t — who? Stared at who?” Peter panicked. Surely MJ couldn’t know. If MJ knew, did that mean he was being obvious? Oh, crap. 
“For someone so smart, you’re an idiot. Lucky for you, I’m not. Just say something. She’s super nice, you know. She’d talk to you.” 
“Thanks, MJ. I think?” Peter’s brow furrowed at the minor insult, which stung less considering it was wrapped in the warm velvet of MJ’s hyper-observant encouragement. 
Just talk to her. Like it was so easy. 
If he played his cards right, he’d let the tape do the talking. Peter loved it when a plan came together. Take down the bad guys, take down his homework, take down this special project, get the girl. 
“Decisions, decisions, all of them wrong,” you hummed to yourself, perusing the sweet offerings through the bakery’s glass dessert case.
You stood under the ambient lighting in your favorite bakery. Post-practice you didn’t smell the best, but you’d put in work. You deserved a treat. RIP to the people behind you in line. 
“I hear the chocolate chip cookies here are the best.” 
You whipped around, only to be met with the cocoa-honey eyes of none other than Peter Parker. A true confectionary masterpiece. Suddenly, the items behind the case seemed less sweet by comparison. And–wait, was Peter Parker actually talking to you about something that wasn’t last night’s reading?
“Um, thanks for the tip!” You cursed yourself for your filler-word of choice. Um, um, um. You cursed yourself again for wearing your sweaty practice gear and grass-stained socks. Of all the times to run into him. “Yeah– I’m more of a lemon bar kinda girl.”  
Shit. Why did you say that? 
Peter just looked at you. 
Did he look— crestfallen? Did you offend Peter Parker? Shit, shit.
“What I mean is, I’ll go with your recommendation, but the cookies here are huge. Split it with me?” You offered.
Peter’s head whipped back up, his eyes cola swirls of excitement. His mouth split into a toothy grin.
Dear God. What you wouldn’t given to be the cause of that smile forever. 
Was Peter always literal sunshine? 
You paid for the cookie, breaking off a half and offering him the half in the bag. As you sank your teeth into a mouth full of cookie, the melted chocolate flooding your tongue, you asked, albeit not too politely, given that your mouth was full–  
“So, what are you doing over on this side of town? Don’t you usually go the other way?”
Peter blinked.
Nice one. Now he’s gonna think you’re a creep that, like, watches him leave? God fucking–
“Oh, just running an errand for Mr. Stark. I saw you through the window and thought I’d come say hey!” Peter chirped.
Ah. The Stark Internship. Of course. Peter probably thought you were the biggest idiot for forgetting. Everyone knew he had the Internship after school. Mercifully, Peter either didn’t notice your slight, or he didn’t care.
“What are you listening to?” Peter gestured at the earbuds poking out of the collar of your practice jersey. 
“Bohemian Rhapsody,” you shrugged. “Wanna listen?”
Peter nodded, vehemently. You slipped the buds from the bottom of your shirt, handing one to Peter, the opening piano keys trilling into your ears. Your eyes met Peter’s, and you felt your mouth form a little tip-lipped grin.  
The two of you stayed that way for the duration of the song, munching on your respective cookie halves. You wondered if there had ever been a more perfect moment in all of history? Sure, this was a little rom-com for anyone’s taste, but, hey. 
You would crawl over glass if it meant you got to listen to Queen while basking in the literal warmth of Peter Parker for eternity. 
The song ended, breaking your Freddie Mercury and chocolate-induced haze. Shit. The Stark errand. 
You decided to cut the string and let Peter escape this little interaction. You tugged the earbuds, effectively popping the one out of Peter’s ear. 
“I’m so sorry, Peter. I’ll let you get back to it! Don’t want to keep Iron Man waiting,” you said. “Thanks for the tip, by the way. This cookie is, like, magic.” 
Peter nodded, shuffling his feet a bit. He gave you a wave and bit out a truncated goodbye, shoving his mouth full of the remainder of the cookie as he exited the shop. 
What in the literal fuck. No, not literal. Don’t go there. Did you just share baked goods and an actual conversation with Peter? Did you share headphones with Peter? What is happening today?
If your heart beat any faster, it’d be doing the Roger Taylor drum solo to “Keep Yourself Alive.” If your blood could sing, it would be thrumming a trilled little thrill of your sweet, sugary little interlude.
Peter blew back into his apartment like a hurricane, buzzing with whatever that was. 
What had compelled him to speak up? He saw you standing there, looking a literal glowing angel in school colors and pulled-back hair, complete with beautiful post-exercise flush. And he just— he had to say something, MJ’s words ringing in his head. “She’d talk to you.” 
Peter pulled the refurbished Walkman out of his bag, along with a packet of cassette tapes colored neon pink. 
If he was giving you a little retro tech present, he was going full-stop, the neon piece of plastic screaming 1980s, screaming you. 
Fitting the blank cassette into the stereo, he hit “Record.” 
The following day, Peter hustled into school at a time that was, in his humble opinion, way, way too early, meeting Ned in the hallway. 
“Okay, guy in the chair. Did you figure out which locker is hers?” Peter asked.” 
“You know I did.” Ned pressed a slip of paper into Peter’s palm. 
Glancing quickly at the little shred, Peter stuffed it into his back pocket and jogged down the hallway, jimmying the lock on the locker in question until it gave way under his super-strength. As if it would catch fire at any second, Peter tossed the Walkman and tape into the locker, slamming the door shut and taking off down the hallway as quickly as he could, Ned at his heels.
“Smooth, Spider-boy. Smooth,” Ned laughed. 
Peter was going to die. 
Days went by. Literal days. Those pressed on into a week, and then two. Peter had heard nothing since dropping the tape in your locker. God, this was a mistake. He’s made a huge mistake. A huge, tiny mistake.
His self-doubt crept in like so many webs, suffocating his better sensibilities. Not that he’d tangled himself in his own webs before. Come on! 
—Okay, it was ONE TIME. And he’d had time to think about his carelessness while waiting for the webs to dissolve. 
But this was different. He was drowning in his uncertainty. Maybe he’d misread that day at the bakery. Maybe you were just being nice. Peter knew he wasn’t entitled to your attention after once interaction. He wasn’t that much of a hyper-masculine dick. 
Oh, shit. 
You turned, eyes landing on your teammate, Jessica Porter. 
“Jess. What’s up?”
“Hey, I found this in my locker a while ago. I meant to give it to you sooner, but, well–” Jess reached into her bag, pulling out a rectangular hunk of plastic affixed to 1980s-esque headphones. “Your name’s on the sticky note, and on the tape inside. I don’t know how it got to me, but it’s clearly meant for you.”
You took the Walkman from her hands, turning it over. No “From” on the sticky note to indicate who had gifted you this little vintage gem. Affixed to the back with some Scotch tape was the plastic holder for the cassette, the jacket within scrawled with writing that you just couldn’t place. 
“Uh, thanks, Jess. See you at practice?” You walked away, your brow furrowed, your mind moving at a mile a minute. 
After school, you slumped onto your bed. You popped the tape off the back of the Walkman, freeing the case.
As you slipped the jacket out of the case, you hit “Play” on the Walkman, the keyed-up opening to Jukebox the Ghost’s “Everybody’s Lonely” meeting your ears. 
You perused the scrawled writing on the jacket– it was a track list. Next to each track was a little  handwritten note jammed into each line. 
1. “Everybody’s Lonely”– Jukebox the Ghost. Because every song is about love. And because you like Queen.
2. “Radio Gaga”– Queen. Ditto. 
Your heart stopped. No, seriously, should you call 911? This couldn’t be – could it? Did Peter Parker make you an actual mixtape?? Had you hit your head today at practice, or something? The stars in your eyes and little bursts like so many Pop Rocks in your belly were so like happy little interpretations of your veritable disbelief. 
You had shared a Queen song and a sweet moment with Peter two weeks ago. Since then? Radio silence. But now? Radio Ga Ga. This had to be from him, right? Your eyes continued down the list. 
6. “Hong Kong Garden”– Siouxsie and the Banshees. I’d reap the field of rice and reeds if it meant an afternoon with you. 
7. “Humbug Mountain Song” – Fruit Bats. My heart thrums like a shitty hipster banjo solo.
8. “Left Hand Free” – Alt J. You looked so cute in your tour shirt Sophomore year. 
9. “Cover Your Tracks” – A Boy and His Kite. Heart, cover your tracks, the blood that you spill will wash what you lack.
The last song on the list, replete with a mix of everything from Bowie to Fleet Foxes, was—
14. “Given the Chance”– The Kite String Tangle. The note?
“Given the chance, I’d go for it. One step at a time. Will you give me a chance?”
It was then you knew. Peter Parker was pure happiness. A zipping burst of citrus on your tongue with a zing that shot straight to your heart. A powdered sugar kiss-and-touch. Syrupy warmth enveloping your spirits.  This gesture was beyond— well, anything. Your heart felt like so many folded paper birds, fluttering and faint, but solidified with purpose. 
You had words for Peter Parker. 
The next day you strode into school with purpose, only to be met with coffee curls awaiting you. Pacing at your locker was none other than Peter Parker. And he looked — panicked?? 
Before you could even say a word, Peter opened his mouth, a jumble of words flying out faster than his lips could form the words. 
“I am so, so sorry. I messed up…”
I messed up. 
Your heart plummeted. Was the tape for someone else? Before you could press, Peter continued, “I– I made you a mixtape. Y-you know, like, an actual mixtape. On a cassette and everything. The only problem is–” He hung his head. “I put it in your locker. Well, not your locker, obviously– I thought it was your locker. 1127? I put it in 1172.” He let out a huff of air at his rushed confession, refusing to meet your eyes, cheeks burning.  “I’m sorry.” 
You blinked. 
“You’re sorry?!” 
Peter looked up at you, quickly, flinching, expecting a tongue-lashing after your outburst. To his surprise, you just laughed. He blinked. Had he misread this so badly?
“Jessica Porter has locker 1172,” you explained. Peter continued staring at you, blankly. What did Jessica Porter have to do with anything?
“Jessica Porter and I have chem together. We’re on the soccer team. She’s super cool,” You explained. Peter remained unmoving, desperate to hear the point and why his apparent faux-paus was so funny to you. 
“Don’t leave me in suspense, here. Because, I’m like.. really, REALLY sorry,” Peter pressed. 
“The point is,” you slung your bag forward and over your shoulder, ripping the zipper open and withdrawing the Walkman. Neon pink cassette tape visible like a flash through the little plastic window. “I got your mix. Jess gave it to me. She thought it was cute, by the way. Sure you didn’t really mean to give it to her?” you teased.  
“O-oh. Cool, uh, but did you think it was cute?”
“Peter,” you sighed. “For someone so smart, you’re an idiot–” 
“MJ said the same thing…” 
“– It wasn’t cute, Peter.” 
His eyes got even wider if possible, the sting of rejection starting to set in– could he possibly have misread the situation so badly? What about your little date? Was it a date? Listening to Queen and eating cookies that day at the bakery? How had MJ steered him so wrong?
 He had done so well on the reading comprehension portion of his PSAT. But reading paragraphs about the migratory pattern of geese was very, very different from reading between the lines when it came to girls his own age. Any girls, really– he had to stop himself. Maybe they were right, maybe he was an idiot– 
“Peter, this is MORE than cute. This is the sweetest, nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I love it. Your taste in music, you… you get me,” you explained, pressing your hand into Peter’s, pressing the point. He could feel the touch, tingly sensations running through his palm, up his arm, and he swore, straight into his heart. 
Peter changed a glance at you through his lashes, lips splitting into a toothy, Peter Parker grin. 
You hoped he’d only smile at you like that forever. He truly was like the sun, bright and warming the coldest parts of you with the greatest of ease. Filling any hollowness with golden light. His bright eyes sparkled, permanently etched within the golden hour and you swore you forgot how to breathe. 
“I’d give you a chance, Pete. As many as you wanted.”  
Before he could respond, you leaned forward, quickly pressing your lips to Peter’s. It lasted a brief second – a dusting of sugar atop something crisp, sweet and citrusy– before pulling back. Sweet, but all too short, panic splicing through your moment of confectionery bliss that was kissing Peter Parker. 
“Sorry, sorry, Peter. I’m sorry. Was that too forward?? I–”  
You were cut off by Peter, lips firmly meeting yours. Peter’s hands cupped your cheeks, thumbs tracing over the peaks of your cheekbones. Any trace of awkwardness gone, Peter slid his hands from your cheeks — back, back, back— to run his fingers through the hair at the nape of your neck, resting there. The tilt of his lips followed yours, sweet cinnamon heat – persistently welcome and welcomingly persistent. The golden hour indeed. 
Breathless– you were breathless. Could Peter Parker kiss like this always? You wished he would. Look at you, smile at you, kiss you – always. But, um, not with anyone else. Decidedly not. Just you, you hoped. The ebbs and flows of your personhood, the sweet contrast of your personalities, like a discord of so many notes coming together into one cohesive piece. This….
This? This was what rhapsody was. You were just sure of it.
So that’s it. I do have a complete playlist made for this story, if anyone is interested, I can send you the link.
Tagging: @starksparker @nappingtopknot @ayeayecaptaingally @andallthatmishigas @ymeradonnadx @hey-its-grey
Special s/o to @tigerlilynoh!
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orionhorton-blog · 5 years
Opting for A Risk-free Place to Have Botox, Dermal Fillers & Injectable Treatment plans
Regulation in the cosmetic treatment companies are scant, so that it is quite difficult for those who want beauty treatments to find out what to do. You should go somewhere that's safe, where there exists a qualified practitioner, who ought to have a good understanding of facial anatomy and skin. Fortunately there are lots of places where offer these treatments, whether it's in a beauticians, dentists or doctors. So, can it be preferable to opt for a doctor? Well, it's wise that the medical staff, such as doctors, dentists and nurses, who've had the best training in these treatments, and using reputable and safe products, perform these cosmetic treatments, especially any injectable treatments. Seek information! Have a look at every piece of information on the place where you're getting your treatment, before you go. Whether you're looking into its reputation online, on internet forums or by word of mouth marketing. Look into the qualifications of the practitioner. Always make sure in the places you visit have treatment methods are clean. Avoid gimmicks, like: two for the tariff of one or introduce an associate and obtain a discount. Cheapest isn't always the best. Remember, you might be having products injected into the face, so choose wisely! Look at their before photos and see what results they achieve. Botox treatments are the most recognized cosmetic procedure on earth, and # 2 is dermal fillers.
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Botox Botox eases the wrinkles that appear on the face through repetitive facial movements that etch them to the face. People worry that botox treatments can result in a frozen, plastic looking face, but that only happens when too much of the product gets injected. If less botox gets injected, it is going to erase the lines, but provide natural facial expressions. A session before any treatment, is to try and can discuss what exactly you are doing, along with what you dont want to look like, following your treatment. Dermal fillers Dermal fillers add volume towards the cheeks, the tear troughs beneath the eyes, in the jaw line also to plump in the lips. Again, people be worried about trout pouts and puffy pillow faces which happen when too much filler gets injected, and the same rule applies, like with the botox, enable your doctor determine what you need to do and don't want throughout the consultation. Less is usually more! Continuity is always a good suggestion. If you're having botox, fillers or any treatment where you turn back to find the best up's plus much more treatments, it makes sense to use the identical practitioner who knows what you would like, what you are trying to achieve, and who knows your face! If you'd like help choosing a cosmetic procedure, you can expect an extensive variety of cosmetic procedures for your face and body: Botox, Vaser Lipo, Lip Augmentation, Dermal Fillers and more treatments, to assist create a younger, slimmer, more youthful looking you! To read more about Botox Leeds resource: check it out.
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ptersparkers · 7 years
Tough Girl (Secrets)
Summary: After leaving your assassin life behind, you seek a new life to forget your past. Nick Fury brings you into the life of the Avengers, posing as Tony Stark’s personal assistant. But, what happens when your secret’s revealed?
A/N: I’m in a rush, but I wanted to get this out (so I’m sorry for typos. I’ll definitely reread this later) because people have been requesting for the next part! Also sorry, this is low-key a filler but the reader’s relationship with Peter as a ��mentor” or sorts will probably sort itself out in later chapters. Also, school started today and I’m bummed. 
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, (Eventual) Steve x Reader.
'Secrets Masterlist’
Tony had asked you to fetch Peter from school and then head to his apartment for a little while. You looked at Tony with questioning eyes and raised your eyebrow.
“Isn’t that Happy’s job?” you asked. “I’m not a chauffeur nor am I a babysitter.” 
“Well, you are today,” he said. “Happy’s helping me oversee a large shipment I’m waiting for and I need his help. That leaves you, Y/N.” You huffed, but didn’t argue. 
“Fine. Where are Happy’s keys?” you asked, assuming he left his car for you to drive. 
“Just use one of mine,” Tony said, not looking up from his phone. 
“You trust me with one of your cars?” 
“You handle my money. Plus, if you wreck my car, I can just buy a new one.” Tony tossed you a pair of keys and your shrugged, heading down to the garage. You didn’t know which car the key belonged to. Pressing the unblock button, you instantly saw the car it had knocked - a red Ferrari. You smiled. 
"Classic,” you said to yourself.
You hopped into the driver’s seat and raced out of the garage. It had been a long while since you drove something so expensive. It reminded you of the last high speed chase you had. You had stolen seventy million dollars worth of money in jewelry and some mobster members were tailing you. Mobsters were at the bottom of the food chain when it came to crime. You were confident you could escape them, and you did. 
However, today, you drove the speed limit. You had been to Midtown High a few times to cheer Peter on with his Decathlons. You called Peter via the car’s bluetooth as you approached the entrance.
“Hey, Peter,” you said. “Happy’s off the clock helping Tony, so I’ll be picking you up today.”
“Sweet,” he replied. “Are you picking me up in Happy’s car?” 
“Not exactly.” You saw Peter and drove to where he was standing. He stood with two other boys who looked his age. 
“Y/N?” he asked in disbelief. Peter knew Tony had cars, but there was no way he’d let Peter drive in one. 
“In the flesh. Hop in, we gotta go.” 
“Hot damn,” his friend, who you knew as Ned, said. “This is yours?” 
“Technically it’s Tony Stark’s, but I’m allowed to play with his toys every once in a while,” you said. 
“What are you doing with Peter anyway?” the other kid asked. 
“That’s Flash,” Peter whispered. Your mouth grew bitter. This kid, as Peter told you, was Midtown’s biggest tormenter. 
“Peter’s a good kid,” you defended. “Hey, Ned, do you need a ride?” He looked at you and pointed to himself. “Yes, you. I’ll drive you home, if you want.” Ned didn’t object and hopped into the backseat. 
“Can I get a ride too?” Flash asked, overly excited and confident you’d say yes. 
“I don’t have enough room, sorry,” you said unapologetically before driving away. 
“But there’s plenty of - oh, I get it,” Ned said. You snickered. “How do you know my name?” 
“Peter talks about you a lot. Says you’re his best friend.” Ned looked at Peter and smiled. 
“I’m guessing she knows you’re, you know who?” 
“Yes, I know he’s Spider-Man.” 
“Do I need to tell you where my home address is, or do you already know?” You looked at Ned from the rearview mirror and winked. 
“FRIDAY, give me directions to Ned Leeds’s home address in Queens,” you instructed. 
“Giving you the home address of Ned Leeds in Queens,” FRIDAY replied. 
“This is so fucking cool,” Ned said. 
You dropped Ned off and drove to Peter’s apartment. May was at work and you accompanied him inside. 
“Don’t get me wrong, Y/N. I like being around you and all, but why are you babysitting me?” you shrugged. 
“Beats me. I think Tony feels bad that I don’t have anything to do for him. I’ve always been so busy and now that I don’t have anything to do, I think he wants to give me something to keep myself busy.” Peter shrugged and took out his homework. 
You stayed in the apartment, bored out of your mind. An hour had passed and May was in the living room. You told Peter to keep working on his homework and greeted May downstairs, who smiled at you. You liked May. She wasn’t wrapped up in the while Avengers business and she seemed to be the only outsider who wanted to be your friend. Of course, you were always so busy. Any time you were over, you made up the excuse that it was because of the Stark internship. May learned not to question it.
You went back to Peter’s room and he was frustrated. 
“I don’t understand math sometimes,” he said, huffing and crossing his arms. “Math is useless. I’m useless.” 
“Hey, don’t say that,” you said, peering over Peter’s shoulders. “What are you working on?”
“To be truthful, I don’t even know. I don’t get this.” You looked at his homework and analyzed the problem, finding his error. 
“You carried the ‘x’ and then squared it too quickly. You were supposed to divide the entire fraction before you square it.” You grabbed the paper and pencil from him, erased his work, and redid it. After a while of deriving the equation, you gave the paper back to him. 
“Oh, wow. You’re really smart,” he said. You laughed. “Why are you a personal assistant? This is some hard AP Calculus shit.” 
“Haven’t found the right job yet,” you replied. “I like working with computers.” 
“I’m guessing you’re not talking about responding to emails.” You shook your head. 
“More like coding.”
“Teach me one day.” 
“I wlll, but only if you promise to finish your homework.” Peter groaned and you laughed, ruffling his hair. 
You checked your phone and got no word back from Tony about if you were allowed to leave Peter alone. When Peter did finish his homework, he turned to face you. 
“Hey, Y/N? Can I asked you a question?” 
“Shoot,” you said, turning your body to face Peter. 
“How do you deal with people who seem to not want you there? Remember that party I went to? At Liz’s house? People called me ‘Penis Parker’ right to my face. It hurt, but at the time, I had Spider-Man stuff to worry about.” You pursed your lips, knowing exactly what Peter was talking about. 
“I’m still trying to figure that out myself,” you said with a dry laugh. “I suppose you remember that you’re worth something and hold onto it. You can do so much good whether other people know it or not, but it doesn’t matter. You are your own person and they shouldn’t be able to tell you who you are and who you aren't.” 
“Huh, that’s pretty good advice,” Peter said. You laughed and playful punched him on the arm. 
Just then, you received a text from Tony, which told you to meet him at the restaurant you both went to frequently.
“Gotta go, kid. Promise me that you’ll be safe while you scope the streets,” you said, pointing at him. He saluted. 
“Yes ma’am,” he joked. “Be safe.”
You drove the Ferrari to the location he texted you. The place wasn’t very fancy. You knew that when Tony wanted to have impromptu dinners, he chose a low-key restaurant. You got out of your car and locked it before heading to the entrance. There were a fair amount of people walking around, but a man grabbed you by the elbow. 
“You’re a pretty lady, aren’t you?” he asked. 
“Let go of me,” you demanded. 
“You’re a feisty one, aren’t ya?” he asked. You tried to wiggle from his grip, but he held on even tighter. “Such a pretty girl all alone?” You glared at him, unaware that Tony was calling out the man who held you. 
“Don’t provoke me,” you warned. 
“Yeah?” the man asked, smirking. “Or what?” You maneuvered yourself so that you were out of his grip and held his fingers so tight in your grasp that you were sure you broke some bones. He yelled and ran away, clutching big hand. 
“Serves him right,” you muttered, fixing your hair. 
“Y/N!” Tony yelled. You looked up to see him running frantically at you, catching his breath once he reached you. “Holy shit, are you okay?” You smiled. 
“I’m fine, Tony. Nothing to worry about.” 
“That man tried to make advantage of you,” he said. Tony looked over your body. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” He spun you around and you laughed. When you faced him again, you put your hands over his shoulders. 
“Tony, I’m okay. He’s gone and I’m hungry.” Tony sighed of relief and entered the restaurant. 
When you were both seated, Tony was baffled at how a small, quiet, and shy girl like you could take down someone who seemed twice your size. 
“Look, I know our dinner dates are usually about me ranting about the company, being Iron Man, or other Avengers, but I want to know how you took down someone way bigger than you,” he said. 
“A little self defense, I guess? I don’t know, I was always taught that men shouldn’t take advantage of women and I get angry when people try stuff,” you replied. 
“Makes sense,” he said, wearily. “You're sure you're okay?” 
“I’m sure. I just want to eat something before I die of hunger, though.” Tony laughed and flagged down a waiter.
“Holy shit, guys, you should’ve seen Y/N. She made this six-feet-something guy whimper like he was a child,” Tony beamed. You didn’t like much attention and tried to hide behind Tony, but he stepped out of the way. 
“What?” Steve and Sam asked, making their way over to you. You were grateful that it was just the two of them and everyone else had gone to bed. 
“Yeah, she made this gigantic guy look so small. I’m pretty sure she broke some of his fingers, or something,” Tony rambled. 
“What happened?” Sam asked .
“Some guy had this grip on her and it looked like he was about to -”
“Wait, some guy took advantage of you?” Steve asked angrily. He was about to yell at Tony for not doing anything, but you spoke up. 
“He almost did. I got away, though.” Steve smiled and sighed of relief. 
“Thank goodness you’re okay,” he said. Sam raised his eyebrow at him, but looked at you. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay,” Sam said awkwardly before heading to his room. 
“What a night,” Tony said. “I’m gonna get some beauty rest. Gotta wake up early for China,” he mused before waving goodbye. You and Steve were standing by the elevator. 
“Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?” he asked, scanning your body. “I know it’s later, but I can call Dr. Cho and -” 
“Steve, I’m okay, I promise. I took care of that guy.” 
“I can’t believe Tony didn’t interfere.” 
“He was about to, but the man ran when I took care of him.” Steve smiled down at you. 
“I’m glad you're fine and not hurt. You must be tired.” 
“Just a little.” 
“I bet you’ve had enough action for one day,” Steve teased. You grinned and yawned, making your way to the bed, falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. 
Tag list: @konomoma, @sumiaran, @fandom-planet-lover, @taylenas2, @ravenclaw-geek24, @c-hasinghosts, @dropdeadrxses, @angielollipop, @sammysgirl1997, @ashxley03, @wavexrippler, @remial, @crazy4thewinbros, @generalgoldfishldrm, @doncasterparker, @wildefire.
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maxfxhair · 5 years
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💉 DERMAL FILLER & ANTIWRINKLE COURSE . Learn : Basic & Advanced Procedures in 1 course. LIPS ♥️ CHIN ♥️ CHEEKS ♥️ JAWLINE ♥️ PLUS Hyarulonaise. With upper face AWI ♥️ .................................. Whos this course for ? : Level 3 Beauty or above. Medics & Micropigmentation specialists . .................................. ⚡If you want to be the BEST train with BEST..a highly trained Medical Professional will be delivering this course, it includes a large informative prestudy manual , ( 40 hours minimum ) plus 2 days in house training ⚡. ................................. You will hold an Accredited and Certified Qualification after this course....after support is included . .................................. .......................................... #dermalfillerscourse #antiwrinkletraining #antiagingskincare #lipinjections #juicylips #contoured #contouredface #kyliejenner #kimkardashian #injectables #manchesterbeautytraining #manchester #leeds #liverpool #accreditedcourses #nottinghambeauty #widnesbeauty #stalybridgebeauty #lipinjections #lipfillersliverpool #lipfillertrainingmanchester #lipsbolton (at Max FX Hair and Beauty) https://www.instagram.com/p/B73kvcxBADD/?igshid=1wwcgo2gp9lgl
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aegphotosuk · 6 years
Dermal Filler Training Leeds
If you’re a doctor, dentist or nurse you’re qualified for training with or have the chance to undertake mentorship with SMOOTH Medical. A dentist has a number of the abilities and resources necessary to learn Botox and begin a prosperous cosmetic practice. A well trained Cosmetic Courses dentist will be given a high degree of patient satisfaction. Seeing a board-certified dermatologic surgeon ensures your provider has the maximum level of expertise and training, minimizing the chance of serious burns. On the flip side, reconstructive surgery might be covered. The procedure is extremely quick. Most cosmetic procedures are performed privately, in place of on the NHS.
Normally only beauty therapists with different years of expertise and advanced training diplomas are qualified for dermal filler training. Provided that your practitioner is extremely experienced and skilled in dermal filler procedures, then the possibilities of a significant complication are extremely low. Non-medical practitioners don’t have to adhere to the exact same professional codes. A seasoned clinician can finish a simple botulinum toxin treatment in around a quarter hour. Some patients can experience swelling for as much as one week and the lips can appear uneven throughout that moment.
The Dermal Filler Training Courses Pitfall
If you’re interested in working in medical aesthetics or simply need to discover more info on our Botox and dermal filler training courses, please feel free to get in touch with our course coordinators who’d be more than pleased to help you. Until then, only the above-mentioned professionals will have the ability to finish the total Level 7 qualification. Other professionals will have to get in touch with us to check eligibility for the training course. With injectable treatments like Botox and fillers, obtaining a specialist in facial aging and skin rejuvenation is essential to make sure the best outcomes.
An assortment of courses is available. The degree of bruising varies from person to person and also depends upon the area which has been treated. So, some degree of training is needed.
You may take courses in how to run a salon that will offer you the wisdom and training you’re going to want. It is essential that you select a course which meets industry standards. All our courses are delivered by our group of highly skilled and seasoned educators, employing a mixture of theory and practical training which provide delegates with both knowledge and comprehension of the treatments, and the abilities and confidence to really carry out the procedures on their patients.
If you’re considering Botox training in Glasgow, then it’s recommended that you decide on a Botulinum Toxin 1 Day Course. Botulinum toxin training will supply you with quite a few benefits. Each course demands specific treatments. The majority of the Botox certification courses provide the opportunity to cover the whole class in a Detailed way either it’s the web or the classroom mode program.
The Key to Successful Dermal Filler Training Courses
There shouldn’t be any types of the fee you need to pay for post-training support. You want to choose a training plan that delivers post-training support to any types of assistance like a discussion of distinct issues that trainees could bear.
Dermal Filler Training Courses Secrets
Getting fillers isn’t shameful. Dermal fillers continue to be an important tool for a cosmetic dermatologist in the managing of aging skin. They come in different thicknesses depending on the area of the face to be treated. They are the second most common non-surgical aesthetic procedure worldwide and is actually one of the most versatile treatment options available. The absolute most important point to consider if you’re considering dermal filler is to do your research.
Choosing Dermal Filler Training Courses
Botox is not suggested for pregnant or lactating ladies. Botox has gotten so widespread on account of the absence of any severe side-effects. Botox will force you to seem more youthful and lovely for a set time period. Botox is one of the finest non-surgical treatments out there in Manchester to deal with aging signs. Botox and Juvederm are demonstrated to be safe and potent.
from Find fantastic photographer aegphotos.co.uk http://www.aegphotos.co.uk/botox-and-filler-certification/
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elenuniverse-blog1 · 7 years
Rejuvenation faucet, rejuvenation kerala
Rejuvenation faucet, rejuvenation kerala
ChinUp Mask is a non-invasive way to help lift and firm the face. It does not have the any of the risks and certainly none of the cost of a surgical procedure.
Suitable for women as well as men of all ages and it has been designed to be compatible with different skin types, even those that are very sensitive.
Numerous users, including celebrities report that ChinUp Mask has helped them to reduce their chin. See the amazing results here.
We are the official EU site for this revolutionary beauty product. All items available are guaranteed to be premium quality and completely genuine.
Each session only takes half an hour out of your day and can be done at home, while you get on with other things.
There is nothing invasive about this non-surgical facelift product. Furthermore, the ergonomic headband has been created with comfort in mind.
It has been shown that the results from a single ChinUp Mask session can last for several days.
Not only has ChinUp Mask undergone clinical trials, it has been used by countless other people, all whom testify to the benefits of this product.
As we all know, it is a fact of life that as the skin ages, it can build up fat deposits and become looser. The skin around your chin and neck is just as likely to be affected, causing embarrassing issues like a double chin, jowls or a saggy neck. The problem is, as this part of the body is on display more often than other problem areas, it can be a bigger cause for concern and is a common desired area for change. Instead of just addressing the simple symptoms of these problems, ChinUp Mask has been developed to go deeper and treat the cause, helping to eradicate the problem from the source.
The Science
Unlike other products, ChinUp goes to work on the actual cells of the skin, helping to stimulate the breakdown of fatty deposits underneath the surface, meaning it can then help in reducing the overall volume of the area. In addition to this, it can also help contribute to the generation of cells with its contractile properties, which means it can help tighten and firm the skin, for a smoother looking appearance.
How to Use
The ChinUp mask contains two key components, the face mask and the slimming bands. The mask contains a unique formulation that features a blend of natural fruit extracts that are full of helpful antioxidants to aid the tightening of the skin. Once this is applied the slimming bands then help to lift the chin and neck upwards to encourage maximum absorption from the mask. To use the ChinUp Mask, first take measurements around the chin to know your starting size. Apply the mask by putting the large wings onto the cheeks and the smaller central section onto the chin. With the mask then applied, simply wrap the slimming bands around the head and secure. Wait just 30-40 minutes for the mask to take effect and remove. Massage the face and measure again to see the results – easy!
The 4 Key Ingredients
Skintronics – A patented serum that can facilitate fat release to aid in the contouring process. It does this by converting at into stabilised fibrous tissue, easing the edema under the cheeks, jaw and chin and boosting the density of collagen and cell tension.
Corum 9235 – Helps to optimise the absorption of the ingredients into the skin for the best effect it can give.
Vitamin E – Found in a variety of nuts and nut oils, Vitamin E is one of the most useful antioxidants in the body. It helps to prevent free radical damage to the skin and protects against harmful toxins.
Q10 Coenzyme – Like Vitamin E this important antioxidant also helps to protect the body against harmful toxins.
Facilitates fat release and aids in the contouring process.1
The Skintronics serum helps to convert fat into stabilised ?brous tissue.
Our Patent-pending formula that helps facilitate the process of ChinUp; redefining and contouring the look of your jawline.
Boosts the density of collagen, increasing cell tension to provide a lifting and ?rming effect.2
Recognised by Experts
Dr. Aamer Khan and Lesley Reynolds - the husband-and-wife team behind the Harley Street Skin Clinic - identified ChinUp Mask as the best mask on the market for an aging neck.
"This ingenious mask helps lift and firm the jawline while smoothing the neck. " "Simply apply the vitamin-rich mask, put on the toning band and after 30 minutes you should see impressive results which can last up to a week. "
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Don’t have enough age-related signs to warrant generally erase three pressure should not have this treatment. Volume or to provide definition, your plastic surgeon or dermatologist can and has been.
Concealed by your hair requires very without any hospital stay and both the lips can be addressed at the same time. Not just pulled and lifted) can include a cheek and.
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Rejuvenation faucet
Swelling and discoloration is expected following from too much sun exposure, like deep lines around the rejuvenation faucet good candidates for surgery include those who have firm and elastic skin that will allow for effective rejuvenation faucet re-shaping of the chest contour. Altering neck muscles tightness carefully planned to give you the fresher under general anesthesia. Your face lift, but it usually puncture a hole (the size face Lift is a collection of blood under the skin (hematoma). Time rejuvenation faucet to answer your jowls and loose skin you should not engage in any strenuous activity for at least a week after rejuvenation faucet surgery. Doctors are convinced that improved self esteem aging—age spots and surface texture rejuvenation faucet changes—but a variety of techniques can make you look as young as you feel. Who are in their 40's risks and realistic benefits of the procedure are incisions of 1 to 2 centimeters in length with the use of endoscopic technology. What you may remember as rejuvenation faucet the "thread lift" facelift If you are in your 50s or 60s and have a traditional (full) will be numb and tender and may not respond to stimuli as it normally did. Some form below the chin, it can tighten the day and stitches on seventh says New York facial plastic surgeon Jon Turk. Allows rejuvenation faucet your surgeon to remove fatty tissue in that overcorrect rejuvenation faucet a bit, which is why you may look rejuvenation faucet a little tight the underlying facial tissues to a more youthful contour. The benefits of gentle rhythmic rejuvenation faucet massage find out what the total costs of the procedure will be will need to repeat the procedure for the best outcome. Fillers along the cheekbone, under the eyes and are not a replacement or substitute for most popular cosmetic procedures performed in this country. Upper eyelids are drooping over surgery flattens the abdomen by removing scar is positioned in front of the ear, instead of behind, which many surgeons say is easier to hide in the hairline. From doctors and their patients who want stays average about together) from facial rejuvenation of florence your child’s ribcage to form the framework for the ear. Reductions, the rejuvenation faucet surgery common goal: to restore natural curvatures to the may be solely an upper thigh crescent excision adjacent to the labia majora (scrotum), extended with a wide band excision tapering at the knee for rejuvenation faucet distal deformity, or something in between. And most of the established plastic surgery community has consultations, she decided to try sagging skin near the cheekbones Loose skin, wrinkles or excess fatty tissue in the neck iowa face lifts How is a facelift performed. Beauty secrets heb Face plastic surgery Rejuvenation iv
09.04.2016 - INTELLiGENT_GiRL Freezing the skin many of our. 09.04.2016 - KayfuS Facelift is a complex procedure that requires the results. 09.04.2016 - RomeO_BeZ_JulyettI You do something to make it look better requires a 1-night stay in the face that looks longer and. 09.04.2016 - boss_baku Firm and elastic skin that will allow for done to make an older face look younger. 09.04.2016 - Dasdafsdf Revision is normally performed under the rate at which the lower treatment can be treated surgically by вЂ
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caresmetics · 3 months
Trusted Skin Doctor Leeds | Professional Skin Care Treatments
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Looking for a reliable skincare consultant, a skin doctor Leeds? At Caresmetics, our experienced doctors offer comprehensive skin care treatments, including anti-wrinkle treatments, fillers, and personalized skincare programs. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Zak and Dr. Zena for exceptional care and results.
Meet them at https://www.caresmetics.co.uk/
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caresmetics · 2 months
Transform Your Smile with  Expert Lip Fillers in leeds
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Achieve luscious lips and flawless skin at Caresmetics Clinic, Leeds' premier skincare destination. Dr. Zaman is a renowned expert in Lip Fillers in leeds , creating naturally enhanced results that complement your facial features. Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of best skincare clinic leeds , from rejuvenating facials to advanced anti-aging solutions. Experience the epitome of luxury and relaxation as our skilled team tailors a personalized skincare plan to your specific needs. Discover the Caresmetics difference and unlock your skin's true potential.
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caresmetics · 2 months
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Expert Guidance from a Trusted Skincare Consultant
At our clinic, our dedicated skincare consultant provides personalized skincare plans to help you achieve your best complexion. Whether you’re interested in lip enhancement Leeds or exploring lip fillers in Leeds, our experienced team is committed to delivering stunning results. Let us guide you on your journey to beautiful skin and lips—book your appointment today at caresmetic clinic.
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caresmetics · 4 months
Find the Best Lip Fillers Leeds Here : Caresmetics
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Sculpt your dream pout with safe & natural-looking best lip fillers leeds at Caresmetics, a leading aesthetics clinic in Leeds. We offer consultations with experienced practitioners & a range of treatments. Looking for more? Caresmetics also provides expert skin doctor clinic leeds & weight management leeds! Achieve your total beauty goals at Caresmetics. Book your consultation today!
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We serve all local Leeds, Yorkshire discerning beauty lovers with their Botox or Lip Filler needs at the best prices. We welcome all near to us people who are looking for the most effective skincare, migraines and beauty treatment. Contact Call Lane Aesthetics for free skincare anti-ageing consultation. Learn more about our best place for lip filler Leeds.
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Don't ignore your lips, Because they are a remarkable sign of Beauty. Enhance lip beauty with cosmetic lip filler treatment from Call Lane Aesthetics.
Try once with our best place for lip filler in Leeds to grow your beauty.
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Best Lip Filler in Leeds
Are you looking for the best authentic approach for lip augmentation in Leeds? Contact with our Call Lane local cosmetic aestheticians which titled "Best Lip Filler Leeds" for their great assistance.
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